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sleep-walking lens purchase

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2007.11.28

A Japanese friend of mine bought a lens in total stealth mode. Even he seemed unaware that he was doing it; it just turned up in his briefcase with a receipt and a curiously light feeling in his wallet.

I told him that he'd just stepped onto a slippery slope, and that sooner or later he'd wind up ... well, like me with my little collection.

my collection

The Japanese refer to th elens-buying addiction as the "lens swamp". I like the Japanese name!

rand()m quote

It has always seemed strange to me...The things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest, are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second.

—John Steinbeck, Cannery Row