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Tokyo is hot today

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2007.08.11

今日 とても あつっかた です。 じてんsひゃ で じてんsひゃや にいって フォトァボ に いって ぎんざ に いって うち に かえぃました。 あつい から お水 ボテル ふたつ を のみました。じてんしやの人 と 話しました。彼 は いいました 36C です -- あたらし さいしょう たかい ひ です。

よる 真理 ちやん と はなぶ かいたい 行きました。

Today was ridiculously hot in the city. I had to run a number of errands, mostly to do with getting some of her nephew's shinto "new baby" ceremony photos sent to her family. My day started with a flat tire, though, so I had to pop by the bike shop for a new spare tube after I'd used my spare replacing the flat (figures that I'd have to do so in sweltering heat). The fellow at the bike shop told me that it was 36C (before "humidex") and a new record.

We went to the office -- which was open for the event -- and watched fireworks. I got some pics.

rand()m quote

Nobody belongs anywhere, nobody exists on purpose, everybody's going to die.

—"Morty", of Rick and Morty