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movie review - The Bourne Ultimatum

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2007.07.24

This is the third of the "Bourne" movies, featuring a former CIA agent who has lost all his memory and despite being hunted by various violent parties is attempting to patch together a new life (and self of identity). This movie has the interesting idea for a sequel of being set at the same time as the previous one. It was a bit disorienting seeing more action and events being inserted at the same time as the considerable events of the second one, but it made a lot of sense: there simply is no reason for this story to play out in a long sequence - the matter of his survival has to be sorted out in the space of days, not say three years.

There are some pretty amazing sequences in this piece and the pace really never lets up. The driver is legitimate conflict, which helps, and the villains are indeed some pretty awful people.


rand()m quote

The skill of accurate perception is called cynicism by those who don't possess it.

—-Alan Millar