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going offline for a while

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

n/a, 2005.10.11

My camera stayed in Toronto because I've been getting less and less predictable results from the old manual body - I suspect that the exposure meter is shot. I'll miss the thing, but I won't miss the huge turnaround in getting the shots developed, scanned, and edited for use in this site. And since this site is the only use any of my photos actually get, I figure that I might as well go with a digital and get it over with.

And for that matter, I have recently discovered some problems with the utilities I use to manage this journal. In short, the whole thing needs a re-write. So what I intend to do is to stop updating this journal for a while, and get the new version built. Then I'll bring it back in a photo-augmented fashion. And it will be good.

rand()m quote

When destiny comes to a man from outside, it lays him low, just as an arrow lays a deer low. When destiny comes to a man from within, from his innermost being, it makes him strong, it makes him into a god…

—Hermann Hesse