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mmmmm sushi

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2005.08.10

I was walking home (through Panic crossing, though I remained calm (or as calm as I get, at any rate)) and I thought "where shall I eat dinner"* and thought of the small sushi place near my hotel. Then I thought, "nah, I'm sick of sushi".

That thought brought me to a halt (yes, in the middle of Panic crossing - bad gaijin!). Realizing that there is no such thing as 'sick of sushi', I made a bee-line for the place. And to my delight they were in top form, not only serving up particularly good stuff (their quality is variable, but tonight everything was fresh, and they even had natto!) but trotting out quite a bit of my personal favourite; saba.

I gorged on a quick 11 plates of sushi (including three of saba) and paid less than $CA25.

*I am reminded of the immortal words of one of my all-too-mortal heroes. It was Douglas Adams who went through the progression of feeding one's self. In primitive society, we ask "what can we eat". In agrarian society we ask, "how shall we eat it?" In decadent modern society, we ask "where shall we have dinner?" Well, those weren't his words, but I couldn't find the actual text online. Stupid Inter Nets.

rand()m quote

When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.

—Isaac Asimov