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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2005.07.28

Today at lunch I got one of those surprises where it turns out that coworkers have discovered my website. A friend asked me on the way to lunch today if I had a website. I admitted that indeed I did. He then produced a printed copy of one of my short stories and began asking questions. Considering that the story has a trans-gender character and an baby that is being medically kept in an infant state, his questions were quite insightful. I guess word was getting 'round in the office, because when we sat down for lunch another of our party had a copy, as well.

Tonight is the final farewell for Jon at MSI/Citi/JV. The locals have been behaving like last Friday and Monday were merely the momentum-building steps in that Olympic event where they take two big steps and leap across the sand pit. Tonight, I fear, is the leap.

I will not drink too much tonight, because I have plans to head to Yokohama in the morning. Ahem.. I will not drink too much tonight, because I have plans to head to Yokohama in the morning. I will not drink too much tonight, because I have plans to head to Yokohama in the morning.

rand()m quote

What works good is better than what looks good because what works good lasts.

—Ray Eames