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the... horror

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2005.07.21

It was only a matter of time. I was sitting on the john at work today, and I heard a bizarre splashing/streaming sound. Way too much to be coming from a human source.

It was the guy next to me using one of the 'shower' functions on the toilet. It hadn't occurred to me that the Japanese would actually use the things on public toilets, but yes. Shudder.

Yesterday's term was "Ohio Gozaimas" (good morning). Today has had no term, so far, though I'm working on counting from zero (Maru) to five (Go). I've also picked up a couple of the symbols, including 'stop', the Yen symbol, and the aforementioned 'five' (the five coin is the only one in the set that I've seen so far that has no western numeral).


Tonight, upon getting home, I decided that I shouldn't knock the anus-flushing spray in the Japanese toilets until I have tried it. So I tried it. I have to say, I wasn't expecting the water to be heated (which I suppose was a good thing) nor that the spray would quite be so accurately aimed (I suppose asses are fairly standard issue). Overall, though, it was not something I'd want to experience on a regular basis. Or, to put it another way, ever again.

rand()m quote

It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

—Alfred Adler