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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2005.06.11

Once again I have a dual boot PC at home. I've now had (from memory) Slackware (twice), MS-DOS (versions 3 -> 6), OS/2 Warp, Windows (versions 95 -> XP), OpenBSD, Red Hat and at least one other Linux distribution on my PC at home.

I wanted the dual boot so that I could better develop this website, and edit my novel in an environment that doesn't crash constantly (even XP has become unstable now that it's chosen to do so - I think SP2 was to blame; that OS purchase was a waste of $400!).

rand()m quote

Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that shit.

—-George Carlin