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cycling to work

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2005.05.18

And today I cycled to work for the first time. The weather was perfect, with cool temperatures and blue skies. I headed down to Mt. Pleasant cemetery and from there down Bayview into the Don valley. From there I doubled back to Pottery Road, then down the full Don valley path.

When returning, I followed a slightly different trip that took me up the mud creek ravine (Moore Park). It was hard work, but I made it to Moore Avenue before I had to stop.

In all, it was lots of fun. I can't believe I've gone 2.5 years without a bike!

I have to learn what level of clothing I really need for this. Between the jeans and the t-shirt and windbreaker I'm doing too much sweating.

rand()m quote

The disordered society is full of loyal patriots

— Lao Tsu