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home sweet Toronto

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2005.07.05

I had my first yelling-at while commuting, today. By some ageing boomer jerk in an SUV, of course. I was cycling down Bayview and passing through an extensive turn-off and turn-on lane, the kind where a feed in from one side street creates a new lane that persists until the lane turns off again in the exit lane of a new side street.

In such cases, the cyclist is supposed to remain on the right side of the lane next to the turn-out lane. This prevents the cyclist from crossing traffic. The fellow who decided to holler out his window at me started honking at me while still approaching me from behind. He yelled something like "get your fncking bike out of the lane" as he took the exit, but I didn't catch his words exactly. He might have been yelling something else entirely and could have been yelling at the SUV that happened to be passing me on the other side at the same time. Or maybe both of us.

This is the problem with yelling stuff from your car - you just sound like a pointless jerk no matter what you're saying. In fact, I can't remember ever having heard much yelled from a car that wasn't stupidity or hate. Well, okay, the verbal equivalent of wolf-wistles, they're always fun. ;)

rand()m quote

There are two kinds of people in this world: Those that enter a room and turn the television set on, and those that enter a room and turn the television set off.

—-"Raymond Shaw", The Manchurian Candidate