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naked by the light of the...monitor

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2005.03.03

I will start this story by saying that I have an optical computer mouse, which uses a light to determine the mouse's position and how it is being moved. At night, it is possible to see stray red light leak from the mouse.


Last night was a cold one. When my girlfriend said she wanted a second blanket for the bed I hopped up because I knew where the box was where I could find one (everything is still in boxes following the move). I dug up the box, which was in 'the office' (the unused second bedroom).

At this point, I was standing in the dark 'office' in our second floor unit, stark naked. As the box was still sealed, I would need a knife to open it. I could make out a knife next to the box that I'm currently using as a desk for the computer, and went to pick it up.

This brought me next to the computer monitor, and close to the window. I could make out people walking by on the street, despite it being midnight. When I picked up the knife, it bumped something on the 'desk' box, which caused the computer mouse to light up. The mouse had moved and become active.

Standing nakid in front of the monitor, I realized in a flash that if the muouse had moved, it meant that the monitor would shortly turn on. And that I would be illuminated by it while standing in front of the window.

So I ducked and started working on the box with the spare blanket, laughing at myself.

rand()m quote

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

—Henry Ford