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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2004.11.21

Watched the Grey Cup at a bar on Yonge Street called Elsewhere's tonight. The smoking ban is having a hell of an effect on the turnout at the watering holes these days (coming, as it is, on top of the NHL lockout and the ongoing ageing of the population), but there was a good crowd around for the game. We really enjoyed it: that place has the best burgers in the city, and much to my amazement even carries an obscure vodka that I enjoy.

I was given a bunch of "Bud Light" crapola for having "been there for the whole game". Which I think was terse bartenderese for "You've been drinking steadily for four hours and are making as much noise as anyone in here..." Now I have a badly printed t-shirt and a cap (which, as always, is too tight). But it's all good - the t-shirt can be gym wear someday, and the cap seems to be surprisingly well made and I'll find a home/head for it.

rand()m quote

Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible.

—Frank Herbert