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movie review - Before Sunset

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2004.11.14

I never saw the first part of this story, the early-90's "before sunrise". But I enjoyed this simple (and short, at ~75 minutes) story of a couple that meets in Paris some nine years after a one night stand that occurred in the early twenties. Now older but no wiser, they recount their reactions to that first encounter, and everything that's happened since, and.... Well, you'll have to see it.

It's strange that a movie that's made of essentially four or five long shots could go so quickly, but the conversation that the two characters has bears it well. They're both full of shit, to some extent, but who isn't.


rand()m quote

The problem is not people being uneducated. The problem is that people are educated just enough to believe what they have been taught, and not educated enough to question anything from what they have been taught.

—Richard Feynman