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Bush and the Americans

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2004.11.04

I've had a complete change of heart since Bush won his re-election. At first I was dismayed, especially after the build-up to the election, when it looked like the Democrats might fare very well. Then when it was done I thought, "at least he'll be responsible for cleaning up his own mess".

And now, I realize that Americans are just (very) different. Even though I've worked closely with Americans, and have hung around with the odd Yank socially here and there, I've always found their attitudes to be strikingly unlike those of Canadians and the foreigners who come to Canada. And different from the Aussies and those of the European nations I've wandered through. The Americans are just different.

This choice sends the clear signal that the majority are pleased with:

1) the way things are going in their country

and (possibly)

2) the actions of their government abroad (though I realize that that sort of thing doesn't usually register with Americans to the same degree that it does in Canada or even Australia - which I found to be fairly insular while I lived there).

Personally, I'd be looking at that $600 billion dollar budget deficit and be sweating it pretty hard. But I can understand that you might see that sort of spending as worthwhile, if your religious convictions tell you that the cost (maybe any cost) is worth the things that Bush and his ilk have been doing. And while I can't understand religious belief, I can understand having a belief system.

So, congratulations to the Republicans and good luck.

rand()m quote

If anyone tells you all is lost or all is fine, just nod and move on and live in the middle where everything matters.

—Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin, Twitter