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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Halifax, 2004.06.05

Today I test-drove three cars.

The first was a Honda CR-V. It was a comptetenly made car with some features that frankly surprised me, but I'm not sold on its combination of high ride and sedan driving.

The next was the Hyundai Elantra GT. I liked this car. Immense amount of space with the rear seats folded up out of the way, nice enough handling and exceleration, and a dash + console that I liked. For roughly $22k it had A/C, height-adjustable seats (I'm 6'5"), cruise control, a five year bumper-to-bump warranty and even decent tires.

The third was the Mazda3. This was a startlingly fun car to drive. But if I wanted the height-adjustable seats I needed the package that included the rain- and sunlight-sensors and bunch of other crazy, untested stuff. It really was a spirited drive, but in my opinion unecessarily loaded with stuff. Still, the price was right at roughly $19k.

These were my first-ever test drives. I enjoyed the experience. I hope the Mazda guy learns to pause between words some day (he really loves the cars he sells).

rand()m quote

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

—John F. Kennedy