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my perfect cousin

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2004.11.11

Today I meet with Kate, my cousin (not to be confused with my g/f Kate*). She's on her way to a career as a stage actress, and seems to be very happy with her program. Not just happy with the program, but generally happy and pretty much together. Actually, it sounds like a brutally tough course, but she's a smart kid. Now I know that I have no fewer than three cousins who managed a 90%+ average in school. Rather shames my 80% average in grade 12, which was a fncking miracle at that.

*I took that Kate to meet my friend Chako. Chako thought, when seeing me with young Kate that I had a new girlfriend. When I pointed out that this Kate was 18, she was shocked. It's true, the kid has a mature look.

rand()m quote

A true loyalist isn't someone who is blindly loyal but, rather, someone who is ride or die for as long as you give them that same loyalty.
