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oil slick, adrift

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Halifax, 2004.07.15

Today I saw something amazing. There was an "oil slick" (I'm starting to think that these are really drabs of gasoline, not oil) on the street as I passed through the intersection. But it wasn't a normal stationary slick - this one was riding a few-millimetre film of water down the gentle grade of the road. As it went, its colours roiled and inverted, like an early 90's screen saver. Only with infinite colour and variability and an almost organic set of patterns. It was pretty cool.

rand()m quote

There are two kinds of people in this world: Those that enter a room and turn the television set on, and those that enter a room and turn the television set off.

—-"Raymond Shaw", The Manchurian Candidate