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a change of pace from this IT life

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Halifax, 2004.04.27

Tonight I saw The Corporation with Sailor Yoon and his lady. It was overly long and included a few oddities like the Nazi/IBM conspiracy segment that detracted from the whole, but there were certainly some interesting bits and pieces, and the sum was worth watching.

I told them, over the pre-movie fish and chips across the street about my new plan. It is to take a business course over the next couple of years and to get out of IT. Why? Maybe it's the ten jobs in ten years (including contracts). Maybe it's the irritating direction that the field is taking (somehow we're sacrificing the pay and creativity at the same time, which is not usually the way that sort of trade-off seems to work). Maybe it's the way I'm seeing the same ol' problems with job after job. Maybe it's just time for a change. One way or another, I want to make a go of it.

Note, left 2020.02.01: But you wouldn't, and sixteen years later you'd still be running into the same ridiculous problems.

rand()m quote

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

—Siddhārtha Gautama (The Buddha)