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george's trains

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2003.12.24

I got the mirror frame back today and ran over to "George's Trains" to get some paint and small model-style brushes.

I managed to rescue the bits that had blue paint scratched into them — I think it looks pretty good.

Amazingly, someone called today about the apartment. They want to see it on Saturday.

For Xmas eve - the time that my dad's family traditionally gathered — my girlfriend and I met with my mum and my aunt Laurie and went for Xmas sushi. Yes, sushi.

We went to "Sushi Supreme" on Yonge St. just north of Davisville. It was excellent as always.

After the sushi, my girlfriend and I went back to my mum's place for some wine and chatter. My girlfriend wound up zonking at around midnight.

rand()m quote

I asked my doctor to give me something to stop me from aging, and he gave me a gun.

—Rodney Dangerfield