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Andrea's 30th

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Halifax, 2003.10.29

Unfortunately, today was Chako's last day. After a *slow* start, we got her off by mid-day, and then spent the afternoon catching up on some rest before heading out to the 30th birthday party of "Kate"'s friend Andrea. We wound up in the same run-of-the-mill steak house on Quimpool (had to insert that name into this journal) that we'd headed to on Saturday night.

After the steaks, we headed downtown to one of the many funky night spots that Halifax has (things stay open 'til 4 AM!) and had a few congratulatory drinks for Andrea. It was an ill-lit, byzantine, and generally quite atmospheric drinking hole. Which was a good thing, because one of our party proved quite intolerant of the tequila (and enough about that!)

rand()m quote

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.

—Matsuo Basho