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Sarstock was a blast

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2003.07.30

I did "Sars-stock". Sarstock. Whatever. The full-day concert for which 430,000 people turned out. I believe the highlight of the day was when the brothers Young of AC/DC joined the 'Stones on stage. That was a beautiful bit of blues.

It took me an hour and a half to get from the concert site to the Sheppard station on the Yonge line. But once there, the station was empty, and I was home in minutes. Not so for others, I've heard. A client of Chako's took 5 whole hours to get home!

rand()m quote

When I look back at life I see that I kept the good scotch to myself. I regret that. Pour the good scotch for your guests.

—Dr. Kenneth M. Johnston (1920 - 1999)