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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

C. Ontario, 2003.07.20

Today, on the way back from the cottage, we stopped in Bala on the Trent/Severn canal system. While there, I spotted a family of three all clustered around a waterfall that - while probably part of the original waterway - was now pretty much an adjunct to the lock system.

While I was lining up some shots of the family members, I failed to notice what it was that held their attention. It was a duckling, and it was struggling its way through the falls! It had already spilled over the major falls, and was now thrashing around in the whirlpools and rapids below.

When my mum finally pointed it out to me, I watched it clambor ashore and start to shake itself dry and sort itself out.

The poor thing was isolated from its family, and I doubt that it would survive on its own. It was a few months old, though, and I'm sure the things are due to take off in another six weeks or so, so maybe there is hope for it. Certainly, humans have actually helped its odds by wiping out the Muskies that would otherwise snap it up.

rand()m quote

I feel fortunate that I enjoyed the blandishments of modernity. I had hip replacement and root canal. I was able to travel on airplanes. I was able to take cheap food for granted. I went to the movies. I enjoyed rock 'n' roll. And now I'm ready to move on.

—James Howard Kunstler