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Toronto quarantined by Ukraine

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2003.06.11

My colleague Yuri from the office - who has been making regular appearances in this journal, recently - discovered today that Ukraine has imposed a quarantine on all people arriving from SARS-afflicted regions. He was planning a trip to last four weeks, but now he'd have to spend 10 days of that time in quarantine, so he's rethinking it.

In related news, my mother - who works at Toronto's Mt. Sinai hospital - is back in gloves, gown, mask and goggles to prevent the spread of the disease in the hospital. What a nightmare to have to work under those conditions for the whole day. Lousy disease!

rand()m quote

I tell you, Satan's gonna have no trouble taking over here 'cause all the women are gonna say: 'What a cute butt.' 'He's Satan!' 'You don't know him like I do.' 'He's the Prince of Darkness!' 'I can change him.'

—Bill Hicks