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finances finally turning around

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2003.04.30

Tonight after work, I did my usual monthly trick of shuffling money around between my line of credit, two bank accounts, and a credit card, but had the pleasure of adding a paycheque to the mix. The tide has turned.

How much so was driven home when I decided to splurge on an $8 cab ride home from the Canadian Tire rather than take the subway and walk the rest of the way. I was carrying a toaster oven, an iron, and an ironing board. And it was beginning to rain. And yet, the $8 would have seemed extravegent just weeks ago (let alone the $45 for a toaster oven!).

rand()m quote

If it doesn't work, it isn't a failure. It's data.

—Dorrie Clark