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petitions, yes

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2002.06.18

I signed a political petition today. To adopt a 'mixed' representational electoral process here in B.C. I understand it's an initiative of one of the left-wing parties, and I doubt it'll ever pass, but something has to make more sense than this farcicle system we have now (under which, for instance, 56% of the population voted for the party that wound up winning, and they got 90% or more of the seats...

rand()m quote

In the wake of 9/11, we [in America] have made the decision as a society that we can never again create something in which we can take pride, for fear that someone will destroy it. Moreover, we must suppress any trace of individualism, lest someone have the desire to rise above the bland sameness that protects us. I have, alas, no idea how to recapture our courage.

—Anonymous post to, 2009