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did my friends commit the murder

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2002.06.05

So I was watching Law and Order tonight (the episode where Dt. Logan makes his exit by punching a slime-ball city Councillor), and at some point, one of the cops asks someone they're interviewing if they could believe that [character] committed a murder.

I suddenly wondered, if the cops came 'round here and asked me the same about most of my friends and family, I'd have to say, "Yeeeah, I guess." I mean, if they asked if Gord or Ken or Heidi could be a killer, I'd say, "Yup." If they asked about Jon, I'd say, "over a woman, was it?" and even in some cases I could see my mum or friend Charlie doing it. Then I thought of Kamil. With him I'd have to say, "Yes, officer, he's probably your man," without even hearing the details. I mean, look at him!

All that Slavic brooding business, oh yes. I can only state that it's people like my Dad, my recently re-acquainted friend Arnon, and maybe Jan wouldn't be likely killers. I wonder if I'm imagining it all, or if I'm really surrounded by such people. Cos, I mean even some of my correspondents seem likely candidates, such as Blake.

rand()m quote

There's something kind of horrific about milk. Think about it! Think about what we're doing. Milk is kind of gross.

—Jordan Peele