did my friends commit the murder
the journal of Michael Werneburg
twenty-seven years and one million words
So I was watching Law and Order tonight (the episode where Dt. Logan makes his exit by punching a slime-ball city Councillor), and at some point, one of the cops asks someone they're interviewing if they could believe that [character] committed a murder.
I suddenly wondered, if the cops came 'round here and asked me the same about most of my friends and family, I'd have to say, "Yeeeah, I guess." I mean, if they asked if Gord or Ken or Heidi could be a killer, I'd say, "Yup." If they asked about Jon, I'd say, "over a woman, was it?" and even in some cases I could see my mum or friend Charlie doing it. Then I thought of Kamil. With him I'd have to say, "Yes, officer, he's probably your man," without even hearing the details. I mean, look at him!