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movie review - Sexy Beast

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2002.03.16

It was the rave reviews of Ben Kingsley's performance in this one that drew me to see this flick. Kingsley has been one of my favourite actors for a long time, and I thought it would be interesting to see him try his hand at a gangster. It wasn't.

I'm not sure exactly what the intention was with this film, but Kingsley's menacing appearance and pathetic instability didn't quite jibe with the rest of the characters. What's more, there was just too much characterisation stuffed into this thing. And Kingsley's thug was just set among them like a bull in a china shop; just when something's getting set up, it's torn down by his ridiculous antics.

I really didn't get the gist of a couple of the key conversations, and those that I could follow were all stilted to the point of almost cartoonishness. All very strange.

Not recommended.

rand()m quote

Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.

—Samuel Butler