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a year with an injured shoulder

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2002.02.19

I was just having a look at my journal entries from a year ago, and I've discovered that it's been quite nearly a year since the little incident in the bar that damaged my shoulder. Without having had medical coverage between then and now, I haven't had the damn shoulder looked at, and it still hurts. Ah well, no regrets. At least I wasn't walked all over (not until a few weeks later, in any event).

My journal entries from two years ago remind me that Sara and I had just arrived in Australia, and were living in a furnished apartment while we looked for a more permanent place to live and a couple of jobs. It's incredible how time flies; that brief time seems like yesterday.

rand()m quote

The way you write science fiction is: you sit down at your writing machine and you open your mind to the first thought that comes through. My first thought was always a cigarette.

—-Frederik Pohl