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the joys of weeks of plumbing

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2002.01.07

They're working on the water pipes in my building. First, they'll be installing valves all over the place to limit connectivity to different vertical slices of the building. Then they'll be installing a bunch of fittings and sandblasting the pipes. Then they dry the pipes with forced air. Next, they blast epoxy into the pipes, creating a new lining. After the epoxy has set, we're supposedly looking at 10 years of renewed life from the pipes.

Today we kicked things off with a visit by the fire department, when a plumber's welding torch dropped some hot metal into a section of wall that had bits of paper lining some fittings. I was standing in the hall talking with the building manager when the plumber came hustling out of the apartment at the far end of the hall, yelling 'fire'.

It all worked out, and in fact he had nothing to do with the pipe relining, but it was an amusing start.

rand()m quote

The way I see life, it's like we're all flying on the Hindenburg, why fight over the window seats?

—Richard Jeni