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farewell, Pemberton

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2002.08.20

My dad and I explored one of the valley roads that leads up from Pemberton in the morning, taking advantage of the Autumn-like weather that's already beginning to take hold in the interior to take some interesting pics.

We then returned to Vancouver via Squamish (ugh) and Horseshoe Bay. We decided on an afternoon side-trip out to Bowen Island, and left the car on the mainland. It cost us $11.50 for two return tickets, and $12 to park the car.

After a hike out to one of the lakes on the island, we returned in time for the ferry only to find that it was running 1/2 late (or 1/2 hour early, I suppose). While we waited, I recognized a woman on the dock who had just come in by kayak. It was Jacqui, one of the guides on the kayaking trip I took in the Haida Gwaii four years ago. She's now got a two-year-old kid.

Once we got back to the mainland, I looked back once at the islands in the gulf, realizing that it would be the last time I'd see them for quite some time.

As we were coming into the city, my dad wondered what he could do with his car, since the west end is so bad for break-ins (my brother recently had a third since acquiring his car three months ago). We discovered that the Sylvia sells parking spots in its parkade for $7 a night!

rand()m quote

A problem well stated is a problem half solved.

—Charles F. Keating