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nose hill is cold and beautiful in the early morning

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Calgary, 2002.04.13

I went out this morning at 5 AM with Charlie to Nose Hill to take some pics of the city during sunrise. It was amazing up there. Cold and windy, but amazing nonetheless. After that, we went to the bird sanctuary downtown, then eventually to Fish Creek as well. On the return trip we stopped in at Arnon's place (Arnon called while we were in Fish Creek, having just returned from Singapore) and met him and his lovely wife Tara.

Then it was home again for me, to meet my eldest sibling Anthony for the first time. He and his wife tammy came 'round in the mid-afternoon. What a busy day.

Another first; I decided that my short could use another button at the bottom, and sewed and cut my first-ever button-hole. What a chore. took me two hours!

A final first; I helped Dad with transferring some of his wine from one set of jugs to another. The purpose was to filter it by running it through a small pump with some special filters for the job. He and Renate have figured that each glass of their wine (and it's decent stuff) costs around $3.50.

rand()m quote

True friends stab you in the front

—-Winston Churchill