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so that wedding wouldn't have flown

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2001.11.30

I was speaking with a head-hunter this morning when an odd thought occurred to me for the first time, and that was this: even if my ex and I hadn't called off our engagement, the wedding would have been a disaster! It was scheduled for the morning of the 15th of September, just four days after the WTC bombing. No one would have been able to fly down to be there (e.g. both of my best men, my father and step-mother, a number of our guests...), and the mood would have been awful. I wonder if the various parties such as the caterers and provider of the tent would have even been up to it!

rand()m quote

...and when you try to get some, it surely can be hard. There's always trouble waiting, when you leave your own back yard.

—Motorhead, Lost Johnny (lyrics by Mick Farren)