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movie review - Prophecy III

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2001.06.18

This is, of course, the third in the Prophecy series starring Christopher Walken. In this chapter, our angel-who-fell-to-earth is keeping an eye on the unfortunate half-man, half-angel that's been sired to lead a revolution against God. It's the weakest of the movies, though Walken is at his leathery best.

Since the VCR I watched it on was a 25-year-old clunker, I think I missed a fair bit of the dialog and visuals to the movie. I intend to watch it again, some day. Maybe.

Not recommended.

rand()m quote

Ambition is the enemy of man. It stunts his ability to simplify the day. It is in simplicity we find peace.

—Allan Watts