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I guess I'm leaving

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Sydney, 2001.05.10

I paid $30 for my first Zip disk today. Man this city is expensive. I needed one to store all of my .doc, .php, and .jpg. Cos I'm going back to Canada. It hit me, when I was sitting there waiting to see if they could route my flight to Vancouver, that I'm leaving Sara. What a mess.

I found three cockroaches in - get this - our flatbed scanner. Inside the scanner. The fnck?

I wandered across the Harbour bridge after getting the tickets sorted. I wondered if it'd be my last time. So, far, I have:

-cancelled and settled the electricity account

-sent home some of my books

-sent home my papers (including my !$!@# $100 credit from Air Canada)

-told Ayers I'm leaving

-decided which clothes I'm keeping, and which I'm giving to charity

-given quite a few books to the Kirribilli neighbourhood association

-sent home money

-prepared a list of others I've got to contact (tomorrow)

-decided to toss a couple of my CD's

-discovered that I have outstanding 'super' contributions with Colonial!

I even found some receipts I'd misplaced

rand()m quote

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.

—Rita Mae Brown