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it's over

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Melbourne, 2001.04.28

Around 3 AM, I awoke to discover that Sara hadn't returned. Worrying, I checked with reception and learned that neither Sara or Emma had returned to Emma's room, and that there were no messages. I dressed and hit the streets.

Returning to the place I'd left them, I found them gone, of course. Despairing on ever finding them - especially with both Pria and (later) Angela as local guides - I started calling all the cell numbers I had. Eventually I got ahold of Sara, and returned to the hotel. It was 4 AM and I wasn't happy. It turned out that Sara had let the others talk her into going dancing (something she wouldn't do with me, regardless).

In any event, we sorted it out. Funny how things have to get hashed at at 4 AM, sometimes. (edit, 2002/02/19; this was the day I knew Sara and I were in trouble; I told Jo on the return flight that it looked like we were heading for a break-up. Something I sure as hell wasn't going to admit here at the time)

Needless to say, this morning things are moving slow.

I got the shots from the day before developed. Most of the roll (attempts at some tricks with exposure settings, some pictures of the crowds on the street) was ruined by the crap development job, but there were some good pics of the shoppers.

I picked up a red filter and a roll of infrared sensitive black and white film. I took the stuff back to the hotel to load it in the dark of the room's washroom, and took some shots of the city and the girls. I look forward to the results, though I have no idea how it will work. The film doesn't even have an ISO rating!

rand()m quote

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.

—Douglas Adams