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a west end moment

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2001.12.28

Well, I had what my brother laughingly called a 'West End moment' last night. After downloading some South Park episodes, I decided - at about 1:30 AM - to turn in. I spun about in my chair, and saw two naked figures in bed in one of the apartments across the street. They were partially backlit by a bright lamp, in front of half-open blinds. The fellow was on top, looking down at his partner as he rocked back and forth. Blinking in surprise, I realised that his motions were all wrong. I thought, "How could he be...." And it dawned on me. It was two men. Welcome to the neighbourhood! I went to bed.

rand()m quote

In the wake of 9/11, we [in America] have made the decision as a society that we can never again create something in which we can take pride, for fear that someone will destroy it. Moreover, we must suppress any trace of individualism, lest someone have the desire to rise above the bland sameness that protects us. I have, alas, no idea how to recapture our courage.

—Anonymous post to, 2009