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movie review - Along Came a Spider

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2001.10.15

This is a Morgan Freeman flick, where he plays a cop specialising in serial killers. He's dragged into the case of the kidnapped daughter of a senator by the kidnapper, who knows the cop's work. Freeman does his usual able stuff in this one, and underrated Canuck actor Michael Wincott plays a decent kidnapper. And while there are some worthwhile scenes, and the movie has its inventive points, the whole somehow fails to engage. Throughout much of it, I wanted to hit the fast forward button, hoping against hope that the odd engaging moments wouldn't slide back into the thing's overall awkward pacing.

Long before this thing comes to an end, the 'surprise' ending has been throroughly telegraphed (so I'm not really spoiling it). I was disappointed, but certainly not appalled.

Not recommended.

rand()m quote

A problem well stated is a problem half solved.

—Charles F. Keating