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threesome: just kiddin...

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Sydney, 2000.03.31

Sara and I went out with a couple of the guys from work. At the end of the evening, we had just bid Blake and Stephen (the guys from the office) good night when the street performer who'd been pestering us approached us again and this time propositioned us! He quickly backed down with a 'just kidding' that neither of us believed. Guess he saw the surprise on our faces.

Sara and I are working for two different startups; hers in finance, mine in media (how's that for a switch?). The powers that be at my shop are packing forty of us into a space designed for twelve. Apparently, that's not uncommon for Aussie start-ups!

rand()m quote

Death comes quickly to those with a cause.

—Sir Frances Jamieson (fictional, short story 'Catalyst' by Michael Werneburg)