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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Sydney, 2000.08.24

This no-coffee thing is about all I can think about. The company is going nuts around me right now, and all I can think of is how the f*ck I'll make it to 5 PM without sweet sweet coffee when everyone else is gulping it down. Especially Judd, another DBA I'm working with, who drinks the stuff the way my brother used to smoke cigarettes - two fisted!

Well, I made it til 5. I don't know how.As I sit here at home, happily drinking a small cup of Coke to fend off the pain in my caffeine-starved head (and thereby blowing a hole in this supposed diet), I note that there's yet another thunder storm passing out to sea just south of the city. This place has pretty - and largely rainless(!?) thunderstorms in winter - don't they realize that the Canadian option of months of sleet, snow, cold, and cloud can be a nice change from perpetual Summer?

rand()m quote

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

—Lao Tzu