meaning'ghost, devil'
 kunyomiおに, おに-
おにdemon; ogre
きゅうけつきvampire, bloodsucker
ゆうきghost, revenant, spirit (of the dead), departed soul
じてえば鬼だんじておこなえばきしんもこれをさくWhere there's a will, there's a way
がき, ガキbrat, kids; preta (hungry ghost), ghoul
がきだいしょうboss of the children (in the neighbourhood) (neighborhood), bully
がきどうhungry ghost (preta) realm
鬼ごっこおにごっこgame of tag
きしもじん, きしぼじんHariti (goddess of childbirth and children)
きさいwizard, genius, great talent
ききghastly, dreadful
きもんthe northeastern (unlucky) direction, person or thing to be avoided
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