kanji study terms
This is an arbitrary collection of English terms for which I have hiragana and kanji definitions in Japanese. The former offers a guide to pronunciation while the latter is for spelling. Click on any kanji to see the readings for that kanji and some more terms that use the kanji.
term | pronunciation | English |
一 | イチ、イツ、ひとー、ひと・つ | one |
一つ | ひとつ | one thing |
一人 | ひとり | one person |
一万円 | いちまんえん | ten thousand yen |
髪 | かみ | hair (on the head) |
万が一 | まんがいち | by some rare chance |
ほぼ一万円 | ほぼいちまんえん | about 10,000 yen |
一日中 | いちにちじゅう | all day long |
もう一つ | もうひとつ | another |
万一 | まんいち | by some chance, if by any chance |
庖丁 | ほうちょう | kitchen knife, carving knife |
七 | なな、しち | seven |
七つ | ななつ | seven things |
万 | まん | ten thousand |
百万人 | ひゃくまんにん | one million people |
万歳 | ばんざい | hurrah, cheers |
三 | さん | three |
三つ | みっつ | three (of something) |
上 | うえ | above, on |
上る | のぼる | to go up |
上げる | あげる | go (come) up; be promoted; to rise |
〜の上 | 〜のうえ | above |
上下 | じょうげ | high and low, up and down |
上達 | じょうたつ | improvement, advance, progress |
上り | のぼり | climb, climbing |
下 | した | under |
下がる | さがる | to go down, to lower |
靴下 | くつした | socks |
〜の下 | 〜のした | below, beneath |
下りる | おりる | to descend (a mountain), to go down (stairs) |
下す | おろす | to lower, to let go down |
下さる | くださる | (hon) to give, to confer |
下り | くだり | down-slope |
下る | くだる | to be less than, to descend |
不 | フ、ブ | un-, not, negation, bad, dis- |
世 | よ、せい、せ | world, generation, age |
世の中 | よのなか | the world; life; the times; the age |
中世 | ちゅうせい | Middle Ages, mediaeval times |
丘 | おか | hill |
両~ | りょう~ | both ~ |
並ぶ | ならぶ | to line up, to stand in a line |
並べる | ならべる | to line up, to set up |
中 | なか | inner, center, between |
途中で | とちゅうで | on the way, en route |
~中 | ~ちゅう | during, while ~ing (suffix) |
途中 | とちゅう | on the way, en route, midway |
中々 | なかなか | very, considerably, quite |
中途 | ちゅうと | in the middle, half-way |
丸 | まる | circle, perfection, purity |
丸い | まるい | round, circular, spherical |
主 | シュ、ぬし、おも | main, master, principle, lead |
主人 | しゅじん | head of household; husband; proprietor |
主もに | ぬしもに | mainly, mostly, principally |
主に | おもに | mainly, primarily |
ご主人 | ごしゅじん | your husband, her husband |
久しぶり | ひさしぶり | it's been a while (since I last saw, mailed, etc) |
乗 | ジョウ、の・る、の・せる | ride, ride in, travel, get on, power (math) |
乗せる | のせる | to give somebody a ride |
乗る | のる | to get on, to ride in, to board |
乗り越し | のりこし | riding past (one's station) |
乗っかる | のっかる | to get on; to climb on |
九 | きゅう | nine |
九つ | ここのつ | nine things |
乾く | かわく | to get dry |
乾かす | かわかす | to dry (clothes, etc.), to desiccate |
事 | こと、ジ、ズ | thing, matter, fact, affair |
万事 | ばんじ | everything |
二 | に | two |
二つ | ふたつ | two things |
二人 | ふたり | two people |
互い | たがい | each other; mutual |
互い違い | たがいちがい | alternatively |
お互い | おたがい | mutual, reciprocal, each other |
五 | ご | five |
五つ | いつつ | five things |
五人 | ごにん | five people |
亡 | ぼう | decease |
亡くす | なくす | lose (something) |
亡くなる | なくなる | to die |
交ざる | まざる | to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with |
交じる | まじる | to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with |
交ぜる | まぜる | to be mixed, to be blended with |
京 | キョウ、けい | capital, metropolis |
上京 | じょうきょう | going to the capital |
人 | ひと | man, person |
〜夫人 | 〜ふじん | Madam~, Mrs. ~ |
~人 | ~にん | counter for people |
~人 | ~じん | ~ person |
人込み | ひとごみ | crowd of people |
一人一人 | ひとりひとり | one by one, each, one at a time |
今 | いま、こん、きん | now |
今でも | いままで | even now; still |
仏 | ほとけ | Buddha, merciful person, Buddhist image |
仕 | つか・える、シ、ジ | serve, do |
仕事 | しごと | work, a job, business, a task, an occupation |
仕える | つかえる | to serve; to be in the service (of); to work for |
仕上がる | しあがる | to be finished; to be completed; to be ready |
他 | た | other (esp. places and things) |
他人 | たにん | another or unrelated person, outsider |
付く | つく | to adjoin, to be attached, to adhere |
付ける | つける | to attach, to join, to add, to append |
代 | か・わる、か・える | substitution, generation, fee |
世代 | せだい | a generation |
代える | かえる | to exchange (a for b) |
お代わり | おかわり | another [a second] helping; a refill; another cup |
代わる | かわる | to take the place of; to replace |
代わりに | かわりに | in exchange (for...); instead (of...); in place of |
代わり | かわり | substitute, alternate |
代る | かわる | to take the place of, to relieve |
以 | い | starting point, by means of |
以上 | いじょう | over, above |
以下 | いか | less than; under; below |
事件 | じけん | event, affair, incident |
任せる | まかせる | to entrust to another, to leave to |
休 | やす・む | to rest, to be absent |
休まる | やすまる | to be rested |
一休み | ひとやすみ | a rest |
休み | やすみ | rest, recess, respite, holiday |
休む | やすむ | to rest, to have a break, to take a day off |
会 | あ・う | to meet, society |
会う | あう | to meet, to see |
~会 | ~かい | ~ meeting |
伝える | つたえる | to tell, to report |
伝わる | つたわる | to be handed down, to be introduced |
伸ばす | のばす | to lengthen, to stretch, to reach out, to grow |
伸びる | のびる | to stretch, to extend, to make progress, to grow |
似てる | にてる | similar; resembling |
似る | にる | to resemble, to be similar |
但し | ただし | but, however, provided that |
~位 | ~い | place/rank |
位 | くらい | grade, rank, about (n-adv,n,suf,vs) |
低下 | ていか | decrease |
低下する | ていかする | to fall, to go down |
低くする | ひくくする | to lower, to reduce, to lower (the volume) |
低い | ひくい | short, low, humble, low (voice) |
住 | す・む、す・まう、ジュウ | live, dwell, reside |
住まい | すまい | a dwelling (house); a residence; a home |
住む | すむ | to live [dwell; to inhabit; to occupy |
体 | からだ | a body |
体付き | からだつき | figure |
何 | なに | what |
何で | なんで | why? what for? |
何でも | なんでも | any; anything; everything |
何ですか | なんですか | what is it? |
何か | なにか | something |
何人 | なんにん | how many people |
何とか | なんとか | somehow, in some way |
何て | なんて | how ..!; what ..! |
何も | なにも | nothing |
何~ | なん~ | what sort of ~ |
作 | つく・る | make, work, produce |
作る | つくる | to make, to create |
使 | つか・う | to use (a thing, method, etc.), to make use of |
使いこな | つかいこなす | to use sth efficiently, to manage (people) |
使う | つかう | to use |
例えば | たとえば | for example, eg. |
例える | たとえる | to compare, to liken, to speak figuratively |
例 | れい | instance, example, case |
便 | びん、たよ・り | mail; transport; flight; opportunity |
不便 | ふべん | inconvenient; not useful |
便り | たより | news; tidings |
不便な | ふべんな | inconvenient |
便箋 | びんせん | writing paper, stationery |
係 | かかり | official, duty, person in charge |
係わる | かかわる | to concern oneself in, to have to do with |
信じる | しんじる | to believe, to place trust in |
信ずる | しんずる | to believe, to believe in, to place trust in |
信頼 | しんらい | reliance, trust, confidence |
信仰 | しんこう | (religious) faith, belief, creed |
~個 | ~こ | counter for small items |
個人 | こじん | individual, private person, personal, private |
個体 | こたい | an individual |
倍 | ばい | twice, double (n,vi,vs,vt) |
借 | か・りる | to borrow; to have a loan; to rent |
借りる | かりる | borrow |
値上げ | ねあげ | price rise |
値 | ね | value, price, cost |
保健 | ほけん | health preservation, hygiene, sanitation |
側仕え | そばづかえ | valet |
〜の側 | 〜のそば | beside |
側 | ~がわ | ~ side |
両側 | りょうがわ | both sides |
傑作 | けっさく | masterpiece, best work, boner, blunder |
傘 | かさ | umbrella |
備える | そなえる | to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install |
予備 | よび | preparation, preliminaries, reserve, spare |
催促 | さいそく | request, demand, claim, urge (action), press for |
催し | もよおし | event, festivities, function |
働 | はたら・く | work, labor, serve |
働く | はたらく | to work, to labor, to serve (at), to operate |
働き | はたらき | work, labor, ability, action, a function |
像 | ぞう | elephant |
僕 | ぼく | (male) I, manservant |
優しい | やさしい | kind |
優れる | すぐれる | to surpass, to outstrip, to excel |
俳優 | はいゆう | actor, actress, player, performer |
元 | もと | origin, originally; ex- |
元々 | もともと | from the outset, all along, by nature |
兄 | あに | elder brother |
お兄さん | おにいさん | an elder brother |
先 | さき、せん | ahead, before, in future |
先ほど | さきほど | a little while ago |
お先に失礼します | おさきにしつれいします | pardon me (for leaving) |
先ず | まず | first (of all), to start with, about, almost |
光 | ひかり | light, a beam, a ray, a flash, (a) sparkle |
光る | ひかる | to shine, to be bright, to be brilliant |
光ファイ | ひかりファイバー | optical fiber |
御免 | ごめん | your pardon, declining (something), dismissal |
入 | はい・る | to enter |
入れる | いれる | to put into |
入ってい | はいってる | contain |
入る | はいる | to enter, to contain, to hold |
押し入れ | おしいれ | closet |
侵入 | しんにゅう | penetration, invasion, raid, aggression, trespass |
全体の | ぜんたいの | whole; entire; general |
全て | すべて | all, the whole, entirely, in general, wholly |
全 | ぜん | all, whole, entire, complete, overall, pan |
全体 | ぜんたい | whole, entirety, whatever (is the matter) |
全く | まったく | really, truly, entirely, completely |
八 | はち | eight |
八つ | やっつ | eight things |
六 | ろく | six |
六つ | むっつ | six things |
公共 | こうきょう | public, community, public service, society |
具体 | ぐたい | concrete, tangible, material |
具える | そなえる | to be furnished with |
兼ねる | かねる | to hold (position), to serve, to be unable |
以内 | いない | within; inside of; less than |
円 | えん、まる・い | circle, yen, round |
円い | まるい | round, circular, spherical |
楕円 | だえん | ellipse |
何冊 | なんさつ | how; in what way? |
~冊 | ~さつ | counter for books |
~冊 | ~さつ | counter for volumes |
再三 | さいさん | again and again, repeatedly |
再び | ふたたび | again, once more, a second time |
写 | うつ・す、うつ・る、シャ | copy, duplicate |
写る | うつる | reflected, projected |
写す | うつす | to copy, to make a copy of, to reproduce |
冠 | かんむり | crown, diadem, first, best |
冬眠 | とうみん | hibernation |
冬 | ふゆ | winter |
冬休み | ふゆやすみ | winter holiday |
冷たい | つめたい | cool |
冷めてい | さめてい | cold |
冷える | ひえる | to grow cold, to get chilly, to cool down |
冷ます | さます | to cool, to dampen, to let cool |
冷める | さめる | to become cool, to wear off, to abate, to subside |
冷やす | ひやす | to cool, to refrigerate |
凍る | こおる | to freeze, to be frozen over, to congeal |
凍える | こごえる | to freeze, to be chilled, to be frozen |
冷凍 | れいとう | freezing, cold storage, refrigeration |
凸凹 | でこぼこ | unevenness, roughness, ruggedness |
凹む | へこむ | to be dented, to be indented, to yield to |
出 | だす、で・る | to leave, to get out |
出かける | でかける | to depart, to go out |
出る | でる | to appear, to leave |
出す | だす | to put out, to send |
出会い | であい | meeting, rendezvous, encounter |
出会う | であう | to meet by chance, to come across |
出入り | でいり | in and out, coming and going, free association |
出掛ける | でかける | to depart, to set out, to start, to be going out |
剃刀 | かみそり | razor |
分 | ふん、ぷ、わ・ける、わ・かる | part, minute, to divide, to understand |
五分の一 | ごぶんのいち | one fifth |
五分のニ | にぶんのに | two fifths |
幾分 | いくぶん | somewhat |
~分 | ~ふん | ~ minutes |
余分 | よぶん | extra, excess, surplus |
分る | わかる | to be understood |
分かれる | わかれる | to branch off, to diverge from, to fork, to split |
分ける | わける | to divide, to separate |
切 | き・る | to cut, to sever, to carve, to slice |
切れ | きれ | cloth, piece, cut, chop |
切れる | きれる | (1) to cut well, to be sharp, (2) to break (off) |
刈る | かる | to cut (hair), to mow (grass), to harvest |
刑事 | けいじ | criminal case, (police) detective |
列 | れつ | line |
初冬 | しょとう | early winter |
初めて | はじめて | for the first time |
判事 | はんじ | judge, judiciary |
別 | わか・れる | separate, another, branch off |
別々に | べつべつに | separately |
別れる | わかれる | to separate |
別に | べつに | (not) particularly, nothing |
別々 | べつべつ | separately, individually |
別れ | わかれ | parting, separation, farewell |
便利 | べんり | convenient |
便利な | べんりな | convenient; useful |
不利 | ふり | disadvantage, handicap, unfavorable, drawback |
制作 | せいさく | work (film, book) |
体制 | たいせい | order, system, structure, set-up, organization |
刷る | する | to print |
券 | けん | ticket, coupon, bond, certificate |
刺さる | ささる | to stick, to be stuck |
刺す | さす | to pierce, to stab, to prick, to thrust |
削る | けずる | to cut down little by little, to take a percentage |
前 | まえ、ぜん | before |
以前 | いぜん | before; ago; (long) since; the past; former time |
割る | わる | break (crack/smash) |
割れる | われる | to break |
割と | わりと | relatively, comparitively |
創作 | そうさく | production, literary creation, work |
劇 | げき | drama, play |
体力 | たいりょく | physical strength |
力 | ちから | strength, energy, force, power, authority |
入力する | にゅうりょくする | to input, to enter, to type, to type in |
全力 | ぜんりょく | all one's power, whole energy |
加える | くわえる | add (put into) |
加わる | くわわる | to join in, to accede to, to increase, |
劣る | おとる | to fall behind, to be inferior to |
互助 | ごじょ | mutual aid |
助けて | たすけて | help! |
助ける | たすける | help (each other) |
助かる | たすかる | to be saved, to be rescued, to survive |
努力 | どりょく | (an) effort, (an) exertion |
努める | つとめる | (1) to serve, to fill a post, to serve under |
労働 | ろうどう | work, (manual) labor |
効力 | こうりょく | effect, efficacy, validity, potency |
勇ましい | いさましい | brave, valiant, gallant, courageous |
勉 | ベン | endeavor |
がり勉 | がりべん | studying hard, grinding, a nerd, a swot |
動作 | どうさ | action |
勘 | かん | perception, intuition, the sixth sense |
公務 | こうむ | official business, public business |
務め | つとめ | (1) service, duty, (2) Buddhist religious service |
務める | つとめる | (1) to serve, to fill a post, to serve under |
勝つ | かつ | to win |
優勝 | ゆうしょう | overall victory, championship |
勢い | いきおい | force, vigor, energy, spirit |
勤める | つとめる | to serve, to work (for) |
出勤 | しゅっきん | going to work, at work |
勤め | つとめ | (1) service, duty, business, responsibility |
勧める | すすめる | to recommend, to advise, to encourage |
包む | つつむ | wrap |
包み | つつみ | bundle, package, parcel, bale |
化 | ばける | change |
化粧 | けしょう | make-up (cosmetic) |
北 | きた | north |
北京 | ぺきん | Beijing, Peking |
区別する | くべつする | to distinguish, to classify, to tell apart |
区分 | くぶん | (a) division, (a) classification, sorting, grouping |
区別 | くべつ | (a) distinction, (a) difference |
たんぽ区 | たんぽくしつ | protein |
区切る | くぎる | to punctuate, to cut off, to mark off, to stop |
~区 | ~く | district ~ |
十 | じゅ | ten |
二十 | にじゅう | twenty |
十九 | じゅうきゅう | nineteen |
十一 | じゅういち | eleven |
十七 | じゅうなな | seventeen |
十三 | じゅうさん | thirteen |
十二 | じゅうに | twelve |
十五 | じゅうご | fifteen |
十八 | じゅうはち | eighteen |
十六 | じゅうろく | sixteen |
二十歳 | はたち | 20 years old, 20th year |
十分 | じゅうぶん | enough , sufficient |
千 | せん | thousand |
千円 | せんえん | thousand yen |
五千円 | ごせんえん | 5,000 yen |
三千 | さんぜん | 3,000 |
千切りに | せんぎりにする | to cut into thin strips |
午 | ご | noon |
午前 | ごぜん | morning (before noon) |
半 | はん、なか・ば | half, middle, semi- |
前半 | ぜんはん | first half |
半分 | はんぶん | half |
卑怯 | ひきょう | cowardice, meanness, unfairness |
協会 | きょうかい | a church |
協力 | きょうりょく | cooperation, collaboration |
南 | みなみ | south |
南北 | なんぼく | south and north |
単位 | たんい | unit, denomination, credit (in school) |
単なる | たんなる | mere, simple, sheer |
単に | たんに | simply, merely, only, solely |
占める | しめる | (1) to comprise, to account for, to make up (of) |
印 | しるし | (1) mark, (2) symbol, (3) evidence |
危ない | あぶない | dangerous, risky; uncertain; in danger |
却って | かえって | on the contrary, rather, all the more, instead |
卵 | らん | egg |
卸す | おろす | to sell wholesale, grated (vegetables) |
厄介 | やっかい | trouble, burden, care, bother |
厚い | あつい | thick |
原 | はら | field, plain, prairie, tundra, moor, wilderness |
厳しい | きびしい | strict |
去る | さる | to leave, to go away |
人参 | にんじん | carrot |
参る | まいる | (1) (hum) to go, to come |
参加 | さんか | participation |
又 | また | again, and |
又は | または | or, otherwise |
及ぼす | およぼす | to exert, to cause, to exercise |
友 | ゆう、とも | friend |
友達 | ともだち | a friend |
友人 | ゆうじん | a friend |
反る | かえる | to warp, to be warped, to curve |
収める | おさめる | to obtain, to reap, to pay, to supply, to accept |
取る | とる | to take |
受け取る | うけとる | accent |
受付 | うけつけ | reception desk |
口 | くち | mouth |
入口 | いりぐち | an entrance |
南口 | みなみぐち | the south gate |
北口 | きたぐち | the north gate |
人口 | じんこう | population |
出口 | でぐち | exit |
出入口 | でいりぐち | exit and entrance |
利口 | りこう | clever, shrewd, bright, sharp, wise, intelligent |
古 | ふる・い、こ・う | old, used |
稽古 | けいこ | practice, training, study |
古典 | こてん | old book, classics, classic |
中古 | ちゅうこ | (1) used, second-hand, old |
古い | ふるい | old (not person), aged, ancient, antiquated |
句 | く | phrase |
俳句 | はいく | haiku poetry |
只 | ただ | free of charge, mere, sole, only, usual, common |
叫ぶ | さけぶ | to shout, to cry |
召し上がる | めしあがる | (pol) to eat |
可 | か | passable |
不可 | ふか | wrong, bad, improper, unjustifiable, inadvisable |
一台 | いちだい | one (machine, vehicle) |
寝台 | しんだい | bed, couch |
台 | だい | stand, rack, table, support |
舞台 | ぶたい | stage (theatre) |
右 | みぎ | right |
右下 | みぎした | lower-right hand |
右側 | みぎがわ | the right side |
信号 | しんごう | traffic light |
上司 | じょうし | boss |
司会 | しかい | chairmanship |
各々 | おのおの | each, every, either, respectively, severally |
似合う | にあう | to suit, to match well, to be suitable |
具合 | ぐあい | a condition, a state |
合う | あう | to meet, to come together, to match, to fit |
合わせる | あわせる | to put together, to join |
割合 | わりあい | a rate, a ratio, percentage, proportion |
会合 | かいごう | meeting, assembly |
付き合い | つきあい | association, socializing, fellowship |
付合う | つきあう | to associate with, to keep company with |
出合い | であい | an encounter |
不吉 | ふきつ | bad omen |
同僚 | どうりょう | co-worker |
同一の | どういつの | the same (as), identical (with) |
同じよう | おなじように | in the same way, likewise, similarly |
合同 | ごうどう | (a) combination, (a) union, merger |
同じ | おなじ | ond and the same, the same, identical, alike |
同じ人 | おなじひと | the same person |
共同 | きょうどう | cooperation, association, collaboration, joint |
同一 | どういつ | identity, sameness, similarity |
名 | な | name; reputation |
渾名 | あだな | nickname |
宛名 | あてな | recipient's name and address |
名刺 | めいし | noun |
名前 | なまえ | name |
仮名 | かな | (n) alias, pseudonym, pen name (ok) |
名作 | めいさく | masterpiece |
名人 | めいじん | master, expert |
吐く | はく | (1) to breathe, (2) to tell (lies), (3) to vomit |
向かう | むかう | to face, to go towards |
傾向 | けいこう | tendency, trend, inclination |
向かい | むかい | facing, opposite, across the street |
向う | むかう | to face, to go towards (io) |
向く | むく | to face |
向ける | むける | to turn towards, to point |
向こう | むこう | beyond, over there, opposite direction |
~君 | ~くん | Mr. (used only for young men) (suffix) |
君 | きみ | You (masculine term for female) |
~君 | ~くん | Mr (junior) ~, master ~ |
含む | ふくむ | to hold in the mouth, to bear in mind |
含める | ふくめる | to include, to instruct, to make one understand |
吸いう | すいう | smoke (cigarette) |
吸う | すう | to smoke (tobacco) |
吹く | ふく | (1) to blow (wind, etc), (2) to emit, to spout |
周り | まわり | surroundings, circulation |
不味い | まずい | unpleasant (taste) |
味わう | あじわう | to taste, to relish, to savor, to appreciate |
味をつけ | あじをつける | to season (food), to flavor (food) |
味噌 | みそ | miso, bean paste |
味 | あじ | flavor, taste |
呼び | よび | call; invitation |
呼ぶ | よぶ | call (e.g. the doctor) |
呼吸 | こきゅう | breath, respiration |
呼び掛ける | よびかける | to call out to, to accost, to address (crowd) |
呼び出す | よびだす | to summon, to call (e.g. phone) |
人命 | じんめい | (human) life |
命じる | めいじる | to order, to command, to appoint |
命ずる | めいずる | to command, to appoint (v5z) |
命令 | めいれい | order, command, decree, directive |
和~ | わ~ | Japanese style |
咲く | さく | to bloom |
哀れ | あわれ | helpless, pity, sorrow, grief |
作品 | さくひん | a piece of work |
下品(な) | げひん(な) | vulgar |
化粧品 | けしょうひん | cosmetics |
下品 | かひん | inferior article |
上品な | じょうひんな | elegant, refined, decent |
品 | ひん | thing, article, goods, dignity, article (goods) |
事務員 | じむいん | secretary |
医員 | いいん | a clinic |
会員 | かいいん | a member, a membership |
公務員 | こうむいん | a public servant, a government employee |
全員 | ぜんいん | all (the) members, the entire staff, all hands |
唇 | くちびる | lip |
唯 | ただ | free of charge, mere, sole, only, usual, common |
唯一 | ゆいいつ | only, sole, unique |
商人 | しょうにん | trader, shopkeeper, merchant |
商品 | しょうひん | commodity, article of commerce, goods, stock |
問い | とい | question, query |
問う | とう | to ask, to question |
問い合わ | といあわせ | an inquiry |
善 | ぜん | good, goodness, right, virtue |
喜ぶ | よろこぶ | to be delighted, to be glad |
喜び | よろこび | (a) joy, (a) delight, rapture, pleasure, gratification |
営利 | えいり | money-making |
器具 | きぐ | utensil |
四 | よん | four |
四つ | よっつ | four things |
四分の一 | よんぶんのいち | one quarter |
十四 | じゅうよん | fourteen |
四回 | よんかい | four times |
回る | まわる | to go round |
何回 | なんかい | how often? |
回す | まわす | to turn |
一回 | いっかい | once |
右回り | みぎまわり | clockwise |
~回 | ~かい | counter for occurrences |
回 | かい | counter for occurrences |
今回 | こんかい | now, this time, lately |
回り | まわり | circumference, surroundings, circulation |
原因 | げんいん | cause, origin, source |
因る | よる | to come from |
団体 | だんたい | organization, association |
困る | こまる | to get into trouble |
困らせる | こまらせる | sandy beach |
図らずも | はからずも | unexpectedly |
図る | はかる | to plan; to plot; to attempt |
図1 | ず1 | figure 1, diagram 1 |
合図 | あいず | a sign, a signal |
図 | ず | figure (e.g. Fig 1), drawing, picture, illustration |
固い | かたい | hard |
国 | くに、こく | country |
出入国 | しゅつにゅうこく | emigration/immigration |
中国 | ちゅうごく | China |
万国 | ばんこく | all the countries (in the world) |
全国 | ぜんこく | country-wide, nation-wide, whole country |
国会 | こっかい | National Diet, parliament, congress |
図園 | ずえん | design |
公園 | こうえん | (public) park |
土 | つち | earth, soil, ground |
土台 | どだい | the foundation(s), the base |
地下 | ちか | under ground |
地区 | ちく | a district, a section, an area, a zone, a quarter |
地図 | ちず | a map |
地味な | じみな | plain (living), simple (tastes), subdued (colors) |
団地 | だんち | multi-unit apartments |
地 | ち | earth |
地位 | ちい | (social) position, status |
地名 | ちめい | place name |
坂 | さか | slope, hill |
均一 | きんいつ | uniformity |
城 | しろ | castle |
区域 | くいき | limits, boundary, domain, zone, sphere, territory |
地域 | ちいき | area, region |
基 | もと | basis |
基づく | もとづく | to be grounded on, to be based on, to be due to |
堀 | ほり | moat, canal |
堂々とし | どうどうとした | dignified (attitude), majestic (appearance) |
公会堂 | こうかいどう | a public [town] hall |
吉報 | きっぽう | welcome news |
報告 | ほうこく | report, information |
予報 | よほう | forecast, prediction |
ゴルフ場 | ゴルフじょう | a golf course, golf links |
場合 | ばあい | a case, an occasion, circumstances |
会場 | かいじょう | a meeting place, an assembly hall |
劇場 | げきじょう | theatre, playhouse |
入場 | にゅうじょう | entrance, admission, entering |
場 | ば | place, field (physics) |
塀 | へい | wall, fence |
塗る | ぬる | to paint, to plaster |
塩っぱい | しょっぱい | salty; hoarse; stingy |
塩 | しお | salt |
境 | さかい | border |
国境 | こっきょう | national or state border |
墓 | はか | grave, tomb |
増える | ふえる | to increase, to multiply |
増加 | ぞうか | increase, addition |
増やす | ふやす | to increase, to add to, to augment |
増す | ます | to increase, to grow |
墨 | すみ | ink |
壁 | かべ | wall |
壊れる | こわれる | break (to break) |
壊す | こわす | to break, to break down |
力士 | りきし | sumo wrestler |
博士 | はかせ | doctorate, PhD |
声 | こえ | a voice, a tone (of voice), a cry, a call, a sound |
名声 | めいせい | fame, (a) reputation |
声をかけ | こえをかける | to call out (to), to hail, to say something |
売る | うる | to sell, to deal in, to betray |
売り場 | うりば | a sales counter |
売り切れ | うりけれる | to sell out, to be sold out, to be out of stock |
商売 | しょうばい | trade, business, commerce, transaction, occupation |
変わる | かわる | to change |
変化 | へんか | change (noun) |
変える | かえる | to change, to alter, to vary |
変 | へん | strange, odd, peculiar |
変更 | へんこう | change, modification, alteration |
夏休み | なつやすみ | summer vacation |
初夏 | しょか | early summer |
夏ばてす | なつばてする | to suffer from the summer heat |
夏 | なつ | summer |
七夕 | たなばた | July 7th holiday |
夕べ | ゆうべ | evening, last night |
今夕 | こんせき | this evening |
夕刊 | ゆうかん | an evening paper |
外 | そと、ほか、がい、げ | outside, other, foreign |
外国 | そとこく | a foreign country |
外人 | がいこく | foreigner |
例外 | れいがい | exception |
外交 | がいこう | diplomacy |
以外に | いがいに | except (for)...; besides...; excluding |
外国人 | がいこくじん | foreigner |
以外 | いがい | with the exception of, excepting (n-adv) |
外出 | がいしゅつ | outing, going out |
外す | はずす | to unfasten, to remove |
外れる | はずれる | to be disconnected, to get out of place |
多 | おお・い、た | many, much |
多分 | たぶん | maybe |
多い | おおい | many |
夜 | よる | (a) night, (an) evening |
夜中 | よなか | midnight |
今夜 | こんや | tonight |
前夜 | ぜんや | last night |
夢 | ゆめ | dream |
夢中 | むちゅう | daze, (in a) trance, ecstasy, delirium |
大 | おお・きい、だい | big, a lot |
大きい | おおきい | big |
大人 | おとな | an adult |
大会 | たいかい | assembly |
大切な | たいせつな | important |
大声 | おおごえ | loud voice |
大体 | だいたい | general; substantially; main point |
大刀 | だいとう | long sword |
大変です | たいへんですね | “that’s too bad” |
大事な | だいじな | important, precious, valuable |
大声を出 | おおこえをだす | to raise one's voice, to shout |
大きな | おおきな | big (na-adj) |
大勢 | おおぜい | great number of people |
偉大 | いだい | greatness |
増大 | ぞうだい | enlargement |
大使 | たいし | ambassador |
大事 | だいじ | important, valuable, serious matter |
大した | たいした | considerable, great, important, significant |
大して | たいして | (not so) much, (not) very |
大切 | たいせつ | important |
大半 | たいはん | majority, mostly, generally |
大分 | だいぶ | considerably, greatly, a lot |
大変 | たいへん | awful, dreadful, terrible, very |
莫大 | ばくだい | enormous, vast |
天 | テン、あまー | sky |
天使 | てんし | an angel |
天下り | あまくだり | descent from heaven |
天国 | てんごく | heaven |
太る | ふとる | to grow fat, to put on weight |
伊太利 | イタリー | Italy |
太い | ふとい | big, thick |
太りすぎ | ふとりすぎ | too fat, overweight |
大丈夫 | だいじょうぶ | OK, safe, all right |
夫 | おっと | one's husband |
‾夫人 | ‾ふじん | Madam~, Mrs. ~ |
夫人 | ふじん | wife, Mrs, madam |
中央 | ちゅうおう | centre, central, center, middle |
奥 | おく | interior, inside; deep, profound |
奥まる | おくまる | extend far back; lie deep within |
奥さん | おくさん | wife; married woman |
内奥 | ないおう | depths; inner part |
女 | おんな、め | woman, female |
女の人 | おんなのひと | a woman |
女優 | じょゆう | actress |
大好き | だいすき | love |
好き | すき | like |
好きな | すきな | nice, liked |
好み | このみ | (a) liking, (a) taste, (a) preference |
好む | このむ | to like, to be fond (of), to have a liking |
好き好き | すきずき | matter of taste |
友好 | ゆうこう | friendship |
妙 | みょう | strange, unusual |
妨げる | さまたげる | to disturb, to prevent |
妹 | いもうと | one's younger sister |
妹さん | いもうとさん | (somebody else's) younger sister |
夫妻 | ふさい | husband and wife |
人妻 | ひとづま | married woman |
妻 | つま | wife (own) |
姉 | あね | one's older sister |
姉妹 | しまい | sisters |
お姉さん | おねえさん | an elder sister |
始める | はじめる | to begin (a thing, to do, doing) |
始まる | はじまる | to begin, to start, to open, to break out |
始まり | はじまり | the beginning, the start, the opening |
始めに | はじめに | first of all, in the beginning |
初め/始め | はじめ | beginning, start (expr) |
~始める | ~はじめる | to start doing ~, the beginning of ~ |
原始 | げんし | origin, primeval |
姓 | せい | surname, family name |
委員 | いいん | committee member |
姿勢 | しせい | attitude, posture |
姿 | すがた | figure, shape, appearance |
夫婦 | ふうふ | a married couple |
主婦 | しゅふ | a housewife, a homemaker |
婦人 | ふじん | woman, female |
嫁 | よめ | bride, daughter-in-law |
嫌 | いや | disagreeable, no |
嫌い | きらい | dislike, hate |
嫌う | きらう | to hate, to dislike, to loathe |
好き嫌い | すききらい | likes and dislikes, taste |
お嬢さん | おじょうさん | (1) (hon) daughter, (2) young lady |
子 | こ | child |
女の子 | おんなのこ | a girl |
子供 | こども | a child |
原子 | げんし | atom |
椅子 | いす | chair |
女子 | じょし | woman, girl |
梯子 | はしご | ladder, stairs |
判子 | はんこ | seal (used for signature) |
双子 | ふたご | twins, a twin |
字 | ジ | character, letter |
十字 | じゅうじ | a cross |
太字 | ふとじ | a bold-faced type, a thick letter |
ローマ字 | ローマじ | "Roman characters", the Latin alphabet |
大字 | おおあざ | larger section (of a village) |
名字 | みょうじ | surname, family name |
存在 | そんざい | existence, being |
存じる | ぞんじる | (hum) to know |
ご存じ | ごぞんじ | knowing, acquaintance |
保存 | ほぞん | preservation, conservation, storage, maintenance |
冬季 | とうき | winter season |
夏季 | かき | summer, summertime |
四季 | しき | four seasons |
学 | まな・ぶ | school, science, to learn |
学ぶ | まなぶ | to study |
中学 | ちゅうがく | a middle school |
大学 | だいがく | a university |
幾何学 | きかがく | geometry |
光学 | こうがく | optics |
学問 | がくもん | learning, studies, an academic discipline |
入学 | にゅうがく・する | entry to school or university, matriculation |
医学 | いがく | medical science, medicine |
化学 | かがく | chemistry |
在学 | ざいがく | (enrolled) in school |
子孫 | しそん | descendants, posterity, offspring |
孫 | まご | grandchild |
お宅 | おたく | one's house |
住宅 | じゅうたく | housing |
宅 | たく | house, home, husband |
守る | まもる | to protect, to obey, to guard, to abide |
安 | やす・い、あん | restful, feel at easy, cheap |
安すい | やすい | cheap |
安売り | やすうり | a bargain sale |
安全 | あんぜん | safe |
不安 | ふあん | unease |
安い | やすい | cheap, inexpensive, peaceful, quiet |
完了 | かんりょう | perfective |
否定 | ひてい | negative |
予定 | よてい | plans, arrangement, schedule |
安定 | あんてい | stability, equilibrium |
仮定 | かてい | assumption, supposition, hypothesis |
定員 | ていいん | fixed number of regular personnel, capacity |
定価 | ていか | established price |
宜しい | よろしい | (hon) good, OK, all right, fine, very well |
宝 | たから | treasure |
口実 | こうじつ | pretext |
実力 | じつりょく | real ability, capabiliy, action, force |
実に | じつに | indeed, truly, surely |
実は | じつは | as a matter of fact, by the way |
事実 | じじつ | fact, truth, reality |
実 | み | fruit, nut, seed, content, good result |
実る | みのる | to bear fruit, to ripen |
客 | きゃく | a guest, a customer |
乗客 | じょうきゃく | a passenger |
客員 | かくいん | guest member |
宣伝 | せんでん | propaganda, publicity |
室内 | しつない | indoor |
寝室 | しんしつ | a bedroom |
和室 | わしつ | Japanese-style room |
害 | がい | injury, harm, evil influence, damage |
公害 | こうがい | public nuisance, pollution |
利害 | りがい | advantages and disadvantages, interest |
大きな家 | おおきないえ | a large house |
大家 | おおや | landlord |
家 | いえ | a house |
家具 | かぐ | furniture |
家内 | かない | one's wife, a family, one's people |
家事 | かじ | housework |
~家 | ~か | professional ~ |
一家 | いっか | a house, a home, a family, a household |
国家 | こっか | state, country, nation |
作家 | さっか | author, writer, novelist, artist |
家主 | やぬし | landlord |
容器 | ようき | container, vessel |
下宿する | げしゅくする | to room (board, lodge) |
下宿 | げしゅく | boarding, lodging, boarding house |
宿 | やど | inn, lodging |
寂しい | さびしい | lonely, lonesome, solitary; desolate |
寄る | よる | to visit, to drop in |
寄せる | よせる | to collect, to gather, to add, to put aside |
寒い | さむい | cold |
寒がる | さむがる | to be sensitive to the cold |
寒冷地 | かんれいち | a cold (northern) district |
寒さ | さむさ | (the) cold, coldness |
寒がり | さむがり | a person exceedingly sensitive to cold |
丁寧 | ていねい | polite, courteous |
寧ろ | むしろ | rather, better, instead |
審判 | しんぱん | refereeing (v), trial, judgment, umpire, referee |
寮 | りょう | hostel, dormitory |
寺 | てら | a temple |
反対 | ほんたい | against |
対 | たい | pair, couple, set |
対する | たいする | to face, to confront, to oppose (vs-s) |
専制 | せんせい | despotism, autocracy |
射す | さす | to shine, to strike |
尋ねる | たずねる | to ask |
小 | チイ・サイ、こ、お | small |
小さい | ちいさい | small |
小人 | しょうじん/こびと | dwarf |
小刀 | こがたな | pocket knife |
小声 | こごえ | a low voice, a whisper |
小包 | こづつみ | parcel, package |
大小 | だいしょう | size |
少 | すこ・し、すこ・ない | few, a little |
多少 | たしょう | more or less |
少ない | すくない | few, little |
少女 | しょうじょ | a girl |
少々 | しょうしょう | just a minute, small quantity (adv,exp,n-adv,n) |
少し | すこし | (1) small quantity, little, (2) little while |
少しも | すこしも | anything of, not one bit |
就く | つく | to settle in (place), to take (seat, position) |
局 | きょく | court lady, lady in waiting |
居室 | きょしつ | living room |
居る | いる | (hum) to be (animate), to exist |
届ける | とどける | to reach |
便利屋 | べんりや | handyman |
屋上 | おくじょう | a rooftop, a housetop |
パン屋 | パンや | a bakery |
小屋 | こや | a hut, a shed, a shack, a booth, a pen |
家屋 | かおく | house, building |
属する | ぞくする | to belong to, to come under, to be affiliated with |
大層 | たいそう | very much, exaggerated, very fine |
履く | はく | to put on (or wear) lower-body clothing |
山 | やま | mountain |
山下 | やました | Yamashita: a Japanese surname |
山寺 | やまでら | mountain temple |
岩 | いわ | a rock |
岩屋 | いわや | cave |
岩山 | いわやま | rocky mountain |
岬 | みさき | cape (on coast) |
峠 | とうげ | mountain pass, difficult part |
島 | しま | island |
半島 | はんとう | peninsula |
列島 | れっとう | chain of islands |
宮崎 | みやざき | Miyazaki; Japanese prefecture |
大崎 | おおさき | Osaki: neighbourhood in Tokyo |
崎 | さき | cape |
崩す | くずす | to destroy, to pull down, to make change (money) |
崩れる | くずれる | to collapse, to crumble |
川 | かわ | river |
川口 | かわぐち | rivermouth |
ナイル川 | ないるがわ | the Nile River |
川下 | かわしも | downstream |
川上 | かわかみ | upstream |
小川 | おがわ | a brook, a stream |
品川 | しながわ | city in Tokyo metropolis |
品川区 | しながわく | Shinagawa ward (of Tokyo) |
巡る | めぐる | to go around |
巣おじに | すうじによわい | have no head for numbers |
巣 | す | nest, rookery, breeding place, beehive, cobweb |
人工の | じんこうの | artificial, manmade |
工場 | こうじょう | factory |
人工 | じんこう | man-made |
大工 | だいく | a carpenter |
工事 | こうじ | construction work |
工夫 | くふう | device, scheme |
工員 | こういん | factory worker |
左 | ひだり | left |
左側 | ひだりがわ | the left side |
左利き | ひだりきき | left-handed |
左右 | さゆう | left and right |
巨大 | きょだい | huge, gigantic, enormous |
差し上げ | さしあげる | to lift up, to raise, to give |
差別 | さべつ | discrimination |
差す | さす | to raise (stretch out) hands, to raise (eg umbrella) |
差し上げる | さしあげる | (polite) to give, to offer |
交差 | こうさ | cross |
差 | さ | difference, variation |
寝巻 | ねまき | sleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, nightgown |
巻く | まく | to wind, to coil, to roll |
市場 | いちば/しじょう | a market, a marketplace |
市 | し | city |
布 | ぬの | cloth |
布団 | ふとん | bedding (Japanese style), futon |
分布 | ぶんぷ | distribution |
医師 | いし | a doctor, a medical practitioner, a surgeon |
出席 | しゅっせき | attendance; presence |
席 | せき | seat |
地帯 | ちたい | area, zone |
包帯 | ほうたい | bandage, dressing |
帰宅する | きたくする | to go home |
帰る | かえる | to go back, to come back |
帰国する | きこくする | to return to one's country |
帰す | かえす | to let someone go/come back |
家に帰る | いえにかえる | to go home |
帰り | かえり | coming home, the return |
常に | つねに | always, constantly |
帽子 | ぼうし | hat |
幅 | はば | width, breadth |
字幕 | じまく | subtitles, a title, a caption |
幕 | まく | curtain, bunting, act (in play) |
干し | ほし | : dry |
干す | ほす | to air, to dry, to desiccate, to drain (off) |
平均の | へいきんの | average |
公平 | こうへい | fairness, impartial, justice |
平ら | たいら | flatness, level, smooth, calm, plain |
平仮名 | ひらがな | hiragana, 47 syllables, the cursive syllabary |
不平 | ふへい | complaint, discontent, dissatisfaction |
平均 | へいきん | equilibrium, balance, average, mean |
平凡 | へいぼん | common, commonplace, ordinary, mediocre |
平和 | へいわ | peace, harmony |
年 | とし、ねん | year, an age |
一年 | いちねん | one year |
二年 | にねん | two years |
三年 | さんねん | three years |
四年 | よねん | four years |
五年 | ごねん | five years |
六年 | ろくねん | six years |
七年 | ななねん | seven years |
年をとる | としをとる | to grow older |
年上 | としうえ | elder |
今年 | ことし | this year |
去年 | きょねん | last year |
中年 | ちゅうねん | middle-aged |
何年 | なんねん | what year |
‾年前 | ‾ねんまえ | ~years before |
半年 | はんとし | half a year |
少年 | しょうねん | boy, youth |
〜年前 | 〜ねんまえ | ~years before |
光年 | こうねん | diplomacy |
今年の夏 | ことしのなつ | this summer |
~年 | ~ねん | ~ years |
年中 | ねんじゅう | whole year, always, everyday |
年代 | ねんだい | age, era, period, date |
幸い | さいわい | happiness, blessedness |
幸せ | しあわせ | happiness, good fortune, luck, blessing |
不幸 | ふこう | unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accidental |
幼い | おさない | very young, childish |
幼児 | ようじ | infant, baby, child |
官庁 | かんちょう | government building |
広い | ひろい | wide, big, spacious |
広さ | ひろさ | width |
広島 | ひろしま | Hiroshima |
広告 | こうこく | an advertisement |
広場 | ひろば | an open space, a square, a plaza |
広がる | ひろがる | to spread (out), to extend, to stretch, to reach |
広まる | ひろまる | to spread, to circulate, to get about |
広げる | ひろげる | to spread, to extend, to expand, to enlarge |
広々 | ひろびろ | extensive, spacious |
広める | ひろめる | to broaden, to propagate |
床屋 | とこや | barber |
床 | ゆか | floor |
奥底 | おくそこ | the depth; the bottom |
底 | そこ | bottom, sole |
店 | みせ、みせ | shop |
売店 | ばいてん | a stand, a stall |
夜店 | よみせ | night stall |
店員 | てんいん | store clerk |
商店 | しょうてん | shop, business firm |
店屋 | みせや | store, shop |
政府 | せいふ | government, administration |
一度 | いちど | once |
今度 | こんど | next time |
仕度 | したく | arrangements; preparations; (an) outfit |
もう一度 | もういちど | once more |
度々 | たびたび | frequently, often, repeatedly |
~度 | ~ど | counter for occurrences |
一度に | いちどに | all at once |
制度 | せいど | system, institution, organization |
度 | たび | counter for occurrences |
年度 | ねんど | year, fiscal year, school year, term |
口座 | こうざ | account |
座る | すわる | to sit |
座席 | ざせき | seat |
座布団 | ざぶとん | cushion (Japanese) |
倉庫 | そうこ | storehouse, warehouse, godown |
庭 | にわ | yard |
家庭 | かてい | (a) home, a family, a household |
健康 | けんこう | health, sound, wholesome |
廊下 | ろうか | corridor |
延ばす | のばす | to lengthen, to stretch, to reach out, to grow |
延びる | のびる | to be prolonged |
建てる | たてる | to build, to construct |
建 | けん | Japanese first name (male) |
建つ | たつ | to build |
建前 | たてまえ | principle, theory |
建て増し | たてまし | extension |
建国 | けんこく | national founding day |
家を建て | いえをたてる | to build a house |
建て | ~だて | two storied, separate housing |
~弁 | ~べん | speech, dialect |
~式 | ~しき | ceremony |
公式 | こうしき | formula, formality, official |
式 | しき | equation, formula, ceremony |
引く | ひく | pull |
万引き | まんびき | shoplifting |
引力 | いんりょく | gravitation |
字引 | じびき | dictionary |
取り引き | とりひき | dealings |
引き出し | ひきだし | drawer |
割引 | わりびき | (a) discount, (a) reduction in price, a rebate |
引っ越す | ひっこうす | to move to a new home |
差し引き | さしひき | deduction, subtraction, balance, ebb and flow |
引受る | ひきうける | to undertake, to take up, to take over |
引出す | ひきだす | to pull out, to take out, to draw out, to withdraw |
引分け | ひきわけ | a draw (in competition), tie game |
引っ掛かる | ひっかかる | to be caught in, to be stuck in, to be cheated |
引越し | ひっこし | moving (dwelling etc.), changing residence |
引っ込む | ひっこむ | to draw back, to sink, to cave in |
兄弟 | きょうだい | brothers, a sibling, siblings |
弟 | おとうと | one's younger brother |
子弟 | してい | sons, children |
兄弟姉妹 | きょうだいしまい | brothers and sisters, siblings |
兄弟げん | きょうだいげんか | a quarrel between siblings |
弟子 | でし | a pupil, a disciple, a follower, an apprentice |
弟さん | おとうとさん | (someone else's) younger brother |
体が弱い | からだがよわい | to have a weak constitution |
弱る | よわる | to grow weak, to weaken |
弱まる | よわまる | to weaken, to abate |
弱い | よわい | weak, frail, delicate, tender, unskilled, weak |
出張 | しゅっちょう | business trip |
引っ張る | ひっぱる | to pull, to draw, to drag, to tug, to stretch |
主張 | しゅちょう | claim, request, insistence, assertion |
張り切る | はりきる | to be in high spirits, to be full of vigor |
張る | はる | to stick, to paste |
勉強 | べんきょう | study, work |
強か | きょうか | strong |
強味 | つよみ | strongpoint |
勉強する | べんきょうする | study |
勉強家 | べんきょうか | a diligent student, a hard worker |
勉強中 | べんきょうちゅう | while studying |
強引な | ごういんな | forcible, aggressive, coercive, pushy |
強い | つよい | strong, powerful |
強化 | きょうか | strengthen, intensify, reinforce, solidify |
強力 | きょうりょく | herculean strength, mountain carrier-guide |
強引 | ごういん | overbearing, coercive, pushy, forcible, high-handed |
強盗 | ごうとう | robbery, burglary |
力強い | ちからづよい | reassuring, emboldened |
弾く | ひく | to play (a piano, a guitar) |
弾 | たま | bullet, shot, shell |
当人 | とうにん | person concerned |
お弁当 | おべんとう | boxed lunch |
妥当 | だとう | valid, proper, right, appropriate |
突き当たり | つきあたり | end (e.g. of street) |
突き当たる | つきあたる | to run into, to collide with |
弁当 | べんとう | box lunch |
円形 | えんけい | circle |
形式 | けいしき | form |
人形 | にんぎょう | doll |
形ずくる | かたちずくる | form |
形 | かたち | shape |
図形 | ずけい | figure |
彫刻 | ちょうこく | carving, engraving, sculpture |
彫る | ほる | to carve, to engrave, to sculpture, to chisel |
役 | やく | use, service, role, position |
役人 | やくにん | government official |
役割 | やくわり | part, assigning (allotment of) parts, role, duties |
彼女 | かのじょ | she |
彼! | あれ! | hey! |
彼 | あれ | him, he |
彼の | あれの | his |
此れ彼 | これかれ | this and that; this person and that person |
彼ら | かれら | they |
半径 | はんけい | radius |
待つ | まつ | to wait |
待合室 | まちあいしつ | a waiting room |
待ち合わせる | まちあわせる | to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time |
後 | のち、うし・ろ、あと、おく・れる | behind, back, rear, afterwards, after |
‾年後 | ‾ねんご | ~years after |
後半 | こうはん | the last half |
午後 | ごご | afternoon (after noon) |
〜年後 | 〜ねんご | ~years after |
事後 | じご | an accident, a breakdown, a failure, an incident |
後ろ | うしろ | behind, rear |
以後 | いご | after this, from now on, hereafter, thereafter |
前後 | ぜんご | around, throughout, front and back |
今後 | こんご | from now on, hereafter |
徐々に | じょじょに | slowly, little by little, gradually, steadily |
従兄弟 | いとこ | a male cousin, a first [full] (male, boy) cousin |
従姉妹 | いとこ | a female cousin |
従う | したがう | to abide (by the rules), to obey, to follow |
回復 | かいふく | recovery (from illness), improvement, rehabilitation |
微妙 | びみょう | delicate, subtle |
安心する | あんしんする | to be relieved |
安心 | あんしん | relief |
中心 | ちゅうしん | core |
心 | こころ | core, heart |
心当たり | こころあたり | having some knowledge of, happening to know |
心得る | こころえる | to be informed, to have thorough knowledge |
必ず | かならず | certainly, necessarily, invariably |
必ずしも | かならずしも | (not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) all |
忘る | わする | forget |
忘れる | わすれる | to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful |
忘れ去る | わすれさる | to forget completely |
忙しい | いそがしい | busy, pressed for time, hustling |
一応 | いちおう | once, tentatively, in outline, for the time being |
思い出 | ゆしゅつ | memory |
思い出す | おもいだす | to recollect, remember |
思う | おもう | think |
思い込む | おもいこむ | to be under impression that, to be convinced that |
思い付く | おもいつく | to think of, to hit upon |
思わず | おもわず | unintentional, spontaneous |
怠る | おこたる | to neglect, to be off guard, to be feeling better |
急ぐ | いそぐ | to hurry |
急 | きゅう | (1) urgent, sudden, (2) steep |
女性 | じょせい | lady |
性 | せい | sex, gender |
性別 | せいべつ | distinction by sex, sex, gender |
中性 | ちゅうせい | neuter gender, neutral (chem.), indifference |
恋 | こい | love, tender passion |
恋しい | こいしい | (1) dear, beloved, darling, (2) yearned for |
恋人 | こいびと | lover, sweetheart |
恩 | おん | favour, obligation, debt of gratitude |
息 | いき | breath |
息をする | いきをする | breathe |
息子 | むすこ | (hum) son |
溜息 | ためいき | a sigh |
互恵 | ごけい | reciprocity; mutual benefit |
恩恵 | おんけい | grace, favor, blessing, benefit |
恵まれる | めぐまれる | to be blessed with, to be rich in |
悔しい | くやしい | regrettable, mortifying, vexing |
悔やむ | くやむ | to mourn |
悠々 | ゆうゆう | quiet, calm, leisurely |
悪寒 | おかん | chill |
悪妻 | あくさい | bad wife |
悪名 | あくみょう | bad reputation |
悪い | わるい | bad |
悪口 | わるくち | abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking |
悲しい | かなしい | sad, sorrowful |
悲しむ | かなしむ | to be sad, to mourn for, to regret |
悲劇 | ひげき | tragedy |
友情 | ゆうじょう | friendship |
事情 | じじょう | circumstances, consideration, conditions, situation |
惜しい | おしい | regrettable, disappointing, precious |
思想 | しそう | ideology |
想像 | そうぞう | imagination, guess |
愉快 | ゆかい | pleasant, happy |
好意 | こうい | goodwill |
悪意 | あくい | malice |
同意 | どうい | agreement |
意味 | いみ | (a) meaning, a sense |
意図 | いと | an intent, an intention, a purpose, an aim |
意地をは | いじをはる | to be stubborn, to not give in |
意外 | いがい | unexpected, surprising |
意思 | いし | intention, purpose |
意志 | いし | will, volition |
意地悪 | いじわる | malicious, ill-tempered, unkind |
愛妻 | あいさい | beloved wife |
愛 | あい | love |
愛情 | あいじょう | love, affection |
愛する | あいする | to love (vs-s) |
感情 | かんじょう | emotion; feeling |
感動する | かんどうする | to be moved (by) |
感じ | かんじ | feeling, sense, impression |
実感 | じっかん | feelings (actual, true) |
事態 | じたい | situation, present state of affairs |
態度 | たいど | attitude, manner |
慣れる | なれる | to grow accustomed to |
慶び | よろこび | (n) (a) joy, (a) delight, rapture, pleasure, gratify |
憎い | にくい | hateful, abominable, poor-looking, detestable |
憎む | にくむ | to hate, to detest |
憎らしい | にくらしい | odious, hateful |
憧れる | あこがれる | to long for, to yearn after, to admire |
懸命 | けんめい | eagerness, earnestness, risking one's life |
完成 | かんせい | dry |
作成 | さくせい | frame, draw up, make, producing |
成功 | せいこう | success, hit |
成人 | せいじん | adult |
成分 | せいぶん | ingredient, component, composition |
我慢 | がまん | patience, endurance, perseverance |
怪我 | けが | injury (to animate object), hurt |
我々 | われわれ | we |
休戦 | きゅうせん | truce |
合戦 | がっせん | battle |
戦争 | せんそう | war |
大戦 | たいせん | great war, great battle |
戦い | たたかい | battle, fight, struggle, conflict |
戦う | たたかう | to fight, to battle, to combat |
戸外 | こがい | outdoor |
戸主 | こしゅ | head of household |
戸口 | とぐち | doorway |
戸 | と | door (Japanese style) |
冷房 | れいぼう | cooling, air conditioning |
女房 | にょうぼう | wife |
区役所 | かやくしょ | a ward office |
場所 | ばしょ | place; location; spot; position; |
居所 | いどころ | address |
所以 | ゆえん | reason |
所謂 | いわゆる | so-called |
所員 | しょいん | staff |
便所 | べんじょ | toilet |
住所 | じゅうしょ | mailing address |
事務所 | じむしょ | office |
台所 | だいどころ | a kitchen |
所 | ところ | place |
名所 | めいしょ | famous place |
役所 | やくしょ | government office, public office |
余所 | よそ | another place, somewhere else, strange parts |
扇ぐ | あおぐ | to fan, to flap (v5g) |
扇子 | せんす | folding fan |
手 | て | hand, arm, worker |
右手 | みぎ | the right hand |
上手な | じょうずな | skillful |
下手な | へたな | clumsy |
手伝う | てつだう | to help; to assist |
切手 | きって | a stamp |
元手 | もとで | capital, funds, assets |
手当て | てあて | allowance |
手作りの | てづくりの | handmade, homemade |
手品 | てじな | magic, conjuring tricks, prestidigitation |
お手伝いさん | おてつだいさん | maid |
上手 | じょうず | skill, skillful, dexterity |
助手 | じょしゅ | helper, helpmeet, assistant, tutor |
手入れ | ていれ | repairs, maintenance |
手頃 | てごろ | moderate, handy |
下手 | へた | unskillful, poor, awkward |
天才 | てんさい | genius |
五才 | ごさい | five years old |
右打で | みぎて | right arm/"right hand man" |
打つ | ぶつ | to hit, to strike (v5t) |
批判 | ひはん | criticism, judgement, comment |
了承しま | かしこまりました | “certainly sir/madam” |
投げる | なげる | to throw, to cast away |
反抗 | はんこう | opposition, resistance |
右折 | うせつ | turn right |
折る | おる | to break, to fold, to pick a flower |
折れる | おれる | to break, to be folded, to give in, to turn |
大抵 | たいてい | usually, generally |
抵抗 | ていこう | electrical resistance, resistance, opposition |
担当 | たんとう | (in) charge |
拍 | はく | mora |
拍手 | はくしゅ | clapping hands, applause |
招待する | しょうたいする | to invite |
招待 | しょうたい・する | invitation |
招く | まねく | to invite |
拾う | ひるう | to pick up; to find; to gather |
持つ | もつ | to hold, to own |
持ち主 | もちぬし | the owner, the possessor, the proprietor |
力持ち | ちからもち | a powerful person, a person with great strength |
持参 | じさん | bringing, taking, carrying |
持ち上げる | もちあげる | to raise, to lift up, to flatter |
指 | ゆび | finger |
指先 | ゆびさき | fingertip |
小指 | こゆび | the little finger |
指す | さす | to point, to put up umbrella, to play |
人差指 | ひとさしゆび | index finger |
挙げる | あげる | to raise, to fly |
挟まる | はさまる | to get between, to be caught in |
挟む | はさむ | to interpose, to hold between, to insert |
振り仮名 | ふりがな | , pronunciation key (hiragana over kanji) |
振り向く | ふりむく | to turn one's face, to turn around |
振る | ふる | (1) to wave, to shake, to swing, (2) to sprinkle |
振舞う | ふるまう | to behave, to conduct oneself, to entertain (vt) |
挿す | さす | to insert, to put in, to graft, to wear in belt |
捜す | 捜す | to search |
捨てる | すてる | to throw away; to cast aside; to abandon |
使い捨て | つかいすての | disposable, throwaway, single-use |
四捨五入 | ししゃごにゅう | rounding up (fractions) |
掃く | はく | to sweep, to brush, to gather up |
掘る | ほる | to dig, to excavate |
採る | とる | to adopt (measure, proposal); to pick (fruit) |
探す | さがす | to look for |
探る | さぐる | to search, to look for, to sound out |
接する | せっする | to come in contact with, to connect, to attend |
推定 | すいてい | presumption, assumption, estimation |
提出 | ていしゅつ | presentation, submission, filing |
抑揚 | よくよう | intonation; accent |
揚げる | あげる | to lift, to fry |
交換 | こうかん | exchange |
乗り換え | のりかえる | to change [transfer] (buses, trains) |
乗り換える | のりかえる | to transfer (trains), to change (bus, train) |
換える | かえる | to exchange, to interchange, to substitute |
乗換 | のりかえ | (n) transfer (trains, buses, etc.) (io) |
握手 | あくしゅ | handshake |
握る | にぎる | to grasp, to seize, to mould sushi |
揺れる | ゆれる | to shake, to sway |
損 | そん | loss, disadvantage (adj-na,n,n-suf,vs) |
損害 | そんがい | damage, injury, loss |
損得 | そんとく | loss and gain, advantage and disadvantage |
撮る | とる | to take (a photo) |
撮影 | さつえい | photographing |
操作 | そうさ | operation, management, processing |
体操 | たいそう | gymnastics, physical exercises, calisthenics |
擦る | こする | to rub, to chafe, to file, to frost (glass) |
摩擦 | まさつ | friction, rubbing, rubdown, chafe |
支度 | したく・する | preparation |
支える | ささえる | to be blocked, to choke, to be obstructed |
差し支え | さしつかえ | hindrance, impediment |
支出 | ししゅつ | expenditure, expenses |
改めて | あらためて | another time; again; over again |
改善 | かいぜん | betterment, improvement |
専攻 | せんこう | major subject, special study |
攻撃 | こうげき | attack, strike, offensive, criticism, censure |
攻める | せめる | to attack, to assault |
放す | はなす | to separate, to set free |
放れる | はなれる | to leave, to get free, to cut oneself off |
放る | ほうる | to let go |
政党 | せいとう | (member of) political party |
交通事故 | こうつうじこ | a traffic accident |
事故 | じこ | accident |
救う | すくう | to rescue from, to help out of |
失敗 | しっぱい | failure, mistake, blunder |
勝敗 | しょうはい | victory or defeat, issue (of battle) |
教授 | きょうじゅ | professor |
教室 | きょうしつ | a classroom |
教える | おしえる | to teach |
教わる | おそわる | to be taught |
教会 | きょうかい | church |
教師 | きょうし | teacher (classroom) |
散らかす | ちらかす | to scatter around, to leave untidy |
散らかる | ちらかる | to be in disorder, to lie scattered around |
散らす | ちらす | to scatter, to disperse, to distribute |
散る | ちる | to fall, to scatter (e.g. blossoms) |
敬意 | けいい | respect, honour |
尊敬 | そんけい | respect, esteem, reverence, honour |
多数 | たすう | a large number, majority |
数字 | すうじ | a numeral, a figure |
数学 | すうがく | mathematics, arithmetic |
回数 | かいすう | number of times, frequency |
回数券 | かいすうけん | book of tickets |
偶数 | ぐうすう | even number |
小数 | しょうすう | fraction (part of), decimal |
数 | すう | number, figure |
単数 | たんすう | singular (number) |
分数 | ぶんすう | fraction (in math) |
整数 | せいすう | integer |
整備 | せいび | adjustment, completion, consolidation |
敵 | てき | enemy, rival |
座敷 | ざしき | tatami room |
敷地 | しきち | site |
敷く | しく | to spread out, to lay out |
文 | ぶん | a sentence |
文学 | ぶんがく | literature |
作文 | さくぶん | composition |
文字 | もんじ | character |
何文 | なんぶん | what minute |
例文 | れいぶん | example sentence |
文句 | もんく | complaint |
原文 | げんぶん | original text |
文化 | ぶんか | culture, civilization |
文体 | ぶんたい | literary style |
文房具 | ぶんぼうぐ | stationery |
原料 | げんりょう | raw materials |
断る | ことわる | to refuse, to decline, to dismiss |
断定 | だんてい | conclusion, decision |
判断 | はんだん | judgement, decision |
新 | あたら・しい、あら・た、しん | new |
新年 | しんねん | new year |
新式 | しんしき | new style |
新作 | しんさく | a new production, a new work |
新しい | あたらしい | new |
方 | かた | direction |
地方 | ちほう | a locality, a district, a region, an area |
前方 | ぜんぽう | front |
夕方 | ゆうがた | evening |
方式 | ほうしき | formula |
両方とも | りょうほうとも | both |
方向 | ほうこう | direction |
仕方がな | しかがない | it can't be helped (avoided) |
仕方 | しかた | a method; a way; a means |
使い方 | つかいかた | how to use (handle, treat), management |
両方 | りょうほう | both sides, both parties |
方々 | ほうぼう | persons, this and that, here and there, everywhere |
味方 | みかた | friend, ally, supporter |
実施 | じっし | enforcement, enact, put into practice, carry out |
旅 | たび | travel, trip, journey |
家族 | かぞく | a family |
旗 | はた | flag |
既に | すでに | already, too late |
日 | ひ | sun, day |
一日 | ついたち | first day of the month |
二十日 | はつか | twentieth day of the month |
吉日 | きちじつ | lucky day |
二日 | ふつか | second day |
三日 | みっか | the 3rd day, three days |
四日 | よっか | fourth day of the month |
五日 | いつか | the 5th day |
六日 | むいか | the 6th day |
七日 | なのか | the 7th day |
八日 | ようか | the 8th day |
九日 | ここのか | the 9th day |
十日 | とおか | the 10th day |
休日 | きゅうじつ | a holiday |
定休日 | ていきゅうび | a regular store holiday |
夕日 | ゆうひ | setting sun, evening sunlight |
今日 | きょう | today |
半日 | はんにち | half a day |
元日 | がんじつ | New Year's Day |
日光 | にっこう | sunlight, sunshine |
日帰りす | ひがえりする | to go and return in one day, to make a day-trip |
~日 | ~にち | ~ day of the month, for ~ days |
先日 | せんじつ | the other day, a few days ago |
当日 | とうじつ | appointed day, very day |
日常 | にちじょう | ordinary, regular, everyday, usual |
日中 | にっちゅう | daytime, broad daylight |
日当たり | ひあたり | exposure to the sun, sunny place |
日帰り | ひがえり | day trip |
日付 | ひづけ | date, dating |
日日 | ひにち | every day, daily, day after day |
日の入り | ひのいり | sunset |
日の出 | ひので | sunrise |
平日 | へいじつ | weekday, ordinary days |
元旦 | がんたん | New Year's Day |
旧妻 | きゅうさい | ex-wife |
旧友 | きゅうゆう | old friend |
旧式 | きゅうしき | old style |
早い | はやい | early |
早口 | はやくち | fast-talking |
下旬 | げじゅん | month (last third of) |
上旬 | じょうじゅん | first 10 days of month |
初旬 | しょじゅん | first 10 days of the month |
中旬 | ちゅうじゅん | second third of a month |
昇る | のぼる | to arise, to ascend, to go up |
明太子 | めんたいこ | fish roe commonly used in Japanese cuisine |
明るい | あかるい | bright, cheerful |
明らかな | あきらかな | clear, distinct, obvious |
明け方 | あけがた | dawn |
明かり | あかり | a light, a lamp, light |
明ける | あける | to break (to dawn) |
明日 | あした、あす | tomorrow |
不明 | ふめい | unclear |
夜明け | よあけ | dawn, daybreak |
明い | あかるい | bright, cheerful |
明き | あき | room, time to spare, emptiness |
明らか | あきらか | obvious, evident, clear |
明くる~ | あくる~ | next, following |
文明 | ぶんめい | civilization, culture |
明後日 | みょうごにち | day after tomorrow |
易損品 | いそんひん | fragile article |
安易 | あんーい | easy-going |
易しい | やさしい | easy |
容易 | ようい | easy, simple, plain |
昔 | むかし | olden days, former |
星 | ほし | star |
反映 | はんえい | reflection, influence |
春 | はる | spring |
春休み | はるやすみ | spring break/vacation |
一昨日 | おととい | the day before yesterday |
昨日 | きのう | yesterday |
一昨年 | いっさくねん | year before last |
昨 | さく | last (year), yesterday (pref) |
昼 | ひる | noon, midday |
昼休み | ひるやすみ | a lunch break |
昼ね | ひるね | a nap, a siesta |
昼寝 | ひるね | nap (at home), siesta |
時 | とき、じ | time, hour, when |
九時 | くじ | nine o'clock |
四時 | よじ | four o'clock |
三時半 | さんじはん | 3:30 |
同時 | どうじ | same time |
何時 | なんじ、いつ | what time, when |
何時でも | 何時でも | whenever |
時代 | じだい | time; a period; an epoch; an age; an era |
九時台 | くじだい | between nine and ten (o'clock) |
同時に | どうじに | the same time, simultaneously |
~時 | ~とき | at the time of ~ |
時々 | ときどき | sometimes |
一時 | いちじ | moment, time |
時刻 | じこく | instant, time, moment |
当時 | とうじ | at that time, in those days |
日時 | にちじ | date and time |
七晩 | ななばん | seven nights |
晩 | ばん | night |
今晩 | こんばん | tonight |
今晩は | 「こんばんは」 | evening greeting |
普及 | ふきゅう | diffusion |
光景 | こうけい | scene, spectacle |
晴れ | はれ | fine weather |
晴れる | はれる | to clear up |
晴天 | せいてん | fine weather |
快晴 | かいせい | good weather |
暇 | ひま | free time, leisure, leave, spare time |
暑い | あつい | hot, warm |
暖かい | あたたかい | mild, warm, genial (weather) |
暖房 | だんぼう | heating |
暗い | くらい | dark |
暗室 | あんしつ | a dark room |
明暗 | めいあん | light and dark |
暮らし | くらし | living, livelihood, subsistence, circumstances |
暮らす | くらす | to live, to get along |
暮れ | くれ | year end, sunset, nightfall, end |
暮れる | くれる | to get dark, to end, to come to an end |
乱暴 | らんぼう | rude, violent, rough, lawless, unreasonable |
曇り | くもり | cloudiness, cloudy weather |
曇る | くもる | to become cloudy, to become dim |
曇 | くもり | cloudiness, cloudy weather, shadow |
土曜日 | どようび | Saturday |
日曜日 | にちようび | Sunday |
何曜日 | なんようび | what day of the week |
日曜 | にちよう | Sunday |
曜日 | ようび | day of the week |
作曲 | さっきょく | composition, setting (of music) |
曲げる | まげる | to bend, to crook, to lean |
書 | か・く、しょ | to write |
下書き | かく | a rough draft |
書いて | かいもの | buyer |
円を書く | えんをかく | to draw a circle |
書き方 | かきかた | how to write |
字を書く | じをかく | to write letters/characters, to wite one letter |
書く | かく | to write |
書取 | かきとり | dictation |
書斎 | しょさい | study |
書店 | しょてん | bookshop |
投書 | とうしょ | letter to the editor, letter from a reader |
替える | かえる | to exchange money |
取り替える | とりかえる | to exchange, to replace |
交替 | こうたい | alternation, change, relief, relay, shift |
両替 | りょうがえ | change, money exchange |
最後 | さいご | last |
最低の | さいていの | the lowest, the minimum, the worst |
最初 | さいしょ | beginning, first |
最中 | さいちゅう | in the middle of |
最低 | さいてい | least, lowest, worst |
最も | もっとも | most, extremely |
月 | つき | moon, month |
月曜日 | げつようび | Monday |
一月 | いちがつ | January |
先月 | せんげつ | last month |
一か月 | いっかげつ | one month |
二か月 | にかげつ | two months |
二月 | にがつ | February |
三か月 | さんかげつ | three months |
三月 | さんがつ | March |
四月 | しがつ | April |
五月 | ごがつ | May |
六月 | ろくがつ | June |
七月 | しちがつ | July |
何月 | なんがつ | what month |
何月何日 | なんがつ、なんいち | what day? |
今月 | こんげつ | this month |
~か月 | ~かげつ | (number of) months |
~月 | ~がつ | month of year (suf) |
月曜 | げつよう | Monday |
先々月 | せんせんげつ | month before last |
月日 | つきひ | time, years, days |
年月 | ねんげつ | months and years |
三日月 | みかづき | new moon, crescent moon |
所有 | しょゆう | one's possessions; ownership |
有 | う | existence; being |
烏有 | うゆう | non-existence |
官有 | かんゆう | government-owned |
有名 | ゆうめい | famous |
有効 | ゆうこう | validity, availability, effectiveness |
有利 | ゆうり | advantageous, better, profitable, lucrative |
有料 | ゆうりょう | admission-paid, toll |
服 | ふく | clothes |
克服 | こくふく | subjugation, conquest |
和服 | わふく | Japanese clothes |
朗らか | ほがらか | brightness, cheerfulness, melodious |
失望 | しつぼう | disappointment, despair |
望み | のぞみ | wish, desire, (a) hope |
望む | のぞむ | to desire, to wish for, to see, to command |
朝 | あさ | morning |
朝刊 | かいものぶくろ | morning newspaper |
明朝 | みょうちょう | tomorrow morning |
朝日 | あさひ | morning sun |
朝廷 | ちょうてい | Imperial court |
今朝 | けさ | this morning |
朝って | あさって | the day after tomorrow |
朝市 | あさいち | a morning market |
期待する | きたいする | to expect |
時期 | じき | time, season, period |
定期 | ていき | fixed term |
定期券 | ていきけん | commuter pass, season ticket |
予期 | よき | expectation, assume will happen, forecast |
木 | き | tree |
土木 | どぼく | civil engineering |
木曜日 | もくようび | Thursday |
大木 | たいぼく | large tree |
木曜 | もくよう | Thursday |
未完了 | みかんりょう | imperfective |
未だ | まだ | yet, still, more, besides |
月末 | げつまつ | end of the month |
末 | すえ | the end of, powder |
末っ子 | すえっこ | youngest child |
本 | ほん | book |
本日 | ほんじつ | today |
手本 | てほん | model, standard |
古本 | ふるほん | a used book |
本屋で働 | ほんやではたらく | to work at a bookshop |
ベツの本 | べつのほん | another book, a different book |
本堂 | ほんどう | the main temple building |
日本 | にっぽん | Japan |
~本 | ~ほん | counter for cylindrical things |
本当 | ほんと | truth, reality |
本人 | ほんにん | the person himself |
千円札 | せんえんさつ | a 1,000 yen bill |
改札 | かいさつ | examination of tickets |
札 | さつ | (1) token, label, (2) ticket, (3) charm |
机 | つくえ | desk |
杉 | すぎ | Japanese cedar |
材木 | ざいもく | lumber, timber |
材料 | ざいりょう | ingredients, material |
木材 | もくざい | lumber, timber, wood |
村 | むら | village |
木村 | きむら | Kimura; a Japanese surname |
村人 | むらびと | villager |
束 | たば | handbreadth, bundle |
条件 | じょうけん | conditions, terms |
来 | く・る、きた・る、きた・す | to come |
来年 | らいねん | next year |
来月 | らいげつ | next month |
来日する | らいにちする | to visit Japan |
来客 | らいきゃく | visitor |
持って来 | もってくる | bring (thing) |
以来 | いらい | since (then); from (that time on); ever since |
出来事 | できごと | an event, an incident |
来る | くる | to come (vk) |
さ来年 | さらいねん | year after next |
将来 | しょうらい | future, prospects |
さ来月 | さらいげつ | the month after next |
再来月 | さらいげつ | month after next |
再来年 | さらいねん | year after next |
出来上がり | できあがり | be finished, ready, made for, cut out |
出来上がる | できあがる | (1) to be finished, to be ready, by definition |
出来るだけ | できるだけ | if at all possible |
本来 | ほんらい | essentially, naturally, by nature |
未来 | みらい | future (life, tense) |
来日 | らいにち | arrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japan |
東 | ひがし | east |
東大寺 | とだいじてら | Todaiji Temple |
東南 | とうなん | the southeast |
東北 | とうほく | the northeast |
東口 | ひがしぐち | the east gate |
中東 | ちゅうとう | Middle East |
東京 | とうきょう | Tokyo |
東京に住 | とうきょうにすむ | to live in Tokyo |
松 | まつ | (1) pine tree, (2) highest (of a three-tier rank) |
板 | いた | board, plank |
分析 | ぶんせき | analysis |
林 | はやし | woodlot |
密林 | ミツリン | dense forest |
杉林 | すぎばやし | Japanese cedar forest |
小林 | こばやし | Kobayashi: a Japanese surname |
山林 | さんりん | mountain forest |
枚数 | まいすう | the number of flat things |
効果 | こうか | effect, effectiveness, efficacy, result |
果して | はたして | as was expected, really |
枯れる | かれる | to wither, to die (plant), to be blasted (plant) |
柄 | がら | hilt (of a sword), haft (of a dagger), handgrip |
柔らかい | やわらかい | soft |
栓 | せん | stopper, cork, stopcock |
校 | こう | school |
小学校 | しょうがっこう | primary school |
中学校 | ちゅうがっこう | middle school |
学校 | がっこう | a school |
姉妹校 | しまいこう | sister schools |
校庭 | こうてい | campus |
株 | かぶ | share, stock, stump (of tree) |
核 | かく | draw |
根回し | ねまわし | laying the groundwork |
屋根 | やね | a roof |
垣根 | かきね | hedge |
根 | ね | root |
体格 | たいかく | physique |
格好 | かっこう | (a) shape, (a) form, a figure, appearance(s) |
格好(の | かっこう(の)いい | attractive, nice-looking, nicely-shaped |
価格 | かかく | price, value, cost |
性格 | せいかく | character, personality |
合格 | ごうかく | success, passing (e.g. exam), eligibility |
同格 | どうかく | the same rank, equality, apposition |
桃 | もも | peach |
案内 | あんない | information |
案 | あん | plan, suffix meaning draft |
案外 | あんがい | unexpectedly |
提案 | ていあん | proposal, proposition, suggestion |
桜 | さくら | cherry blossom, cherry tree |
器械 | きかい | instrument |
将棋 | しょうぎ | Japanese chess |
棒 | ぼう | pole, rod, stick |
棚 | たな | shelves, rack |
森 | もり | a forest |
森林 | しんりん | woods and forests |
森厳な | しんげんな | solemn |
森林公園 | しんりんこうえん | a forest park |
森の奥 | もりのおく | deep in the forest |
検査 | けんさ | inspection (e.g. customs, factory), examination |
林業 | りんぎょう | forestry |
工業 | こうぎょう | (an) industry, the manufacturing industry |
失業 | しつぎょう | unemployment |
商業 | しょうぎょう | commerce, trade, business |
卒業 | そつぎょう | graduation |
作業 | さぎょう | work, operation, manufacturing, fatigue duty |
南極 | なんきょく | South Pole |
極 | ごく | quite, very |
北極 | ほっきょく | North Pole |
楽しい | たのしい | nice (time) |
楽む | たのしむ | to enjoy oneself |
楽しみ | たのしみ | pleasure, joy |
娯楽 | ごらく | pleasure, amusement |
楽 | らく | comfort, ease |
構う | かまう | to mind, to care about, to be concerned about |
構成 | こうせい | organization, composition |
宮様 | みやさま | prince |
同様 | どうよう | similar |
様 | よう | way, manner, kind |
~様 | ~さま | Mr or Mrs ~ |
様々 | さまざま | varied, various |
様子 | ようす | aspect, state, appearance |
標本 | ひょうほん | example, specimen |
模様 | もよう | pattern, figure, design |
権利 | けんり | right, privilege |
横 | よこ | horizontal, lying down |
横切る | よこぎる | to cross (e.g. arms), to traverse |
横断 | おうだん | crossing; traversing |
日本橋 | にほんばし | Nihonbashi, neighbourhood of Tokyo |
新橋 | しんばし | Shimbashi, neighbourhood in Tokyo |
橋 | はし | bridge |
愛機 | あいき | favourite aircraft, camera, or machine |
機会 | きかい | chance (opportunity) |
機械 | きかい | machine |
ジェット機 | ジェットき | jet aeroplane |
欄 | らん | column of text (e.g. as in a newspaper) |
欠席 | けっせき | absence, non-attendance |
次 | つぎ | next |
次々 | つぎつぎ | in succession, one by one |
次ぐ | つぐ | to rank next to, to come after (v5g) |
欲しい | ほしい | want (adjective) |
欲張り | よくばり | avarice, covetousness, greed |
歌手 | かしゅ | a singer |
歌 | うた | song |
歌う | うたう | to sing |
国歌 | こっか | national anthem |
歓迎 | かんげい | welcome, reception |
止 | や・む、とま・る | to cease; to stop |
止まる | とまる | to come to a halt |
止める | とめる | to stop (something) |
中止 | ちゅうし | suspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption |
停止 | ていし | suspension, interruption, stoppage, ban |
引き止める | ひきとめる | to detain, to check, to restrain |
止む | やむ | to cease, to stop, to be over |
止す | よす | to cease, to abolish, to resign, to give up |
正午 | しょうご | high noon |
正しい | ただしい | right, just, correct |
改正 | かいせい | revision, amendment, alteration |
正 | せい | (logical) true, regular |
公正 | こうせい | justice, fairness, impartiality |
正式 | せいしき | due form, official, formality |
正方形 | せいほうけい | square |
不正 | ふせい | injustice, unfairness |
武器 | ぶき | weapon, arms, ordinance |
武士 | ぶし | warrior, samurai |
歩く | あるく | to walk |
散歩 | さんぽ(する) | walk, stroll |
歯 | は | tooth |
奥歯 | おくば | molar (tooth) |
歯根 | しこん | dental root |
歴史 | れきし | history |
死ねる | しねる | kill |
死んでい | しんでいる | dead |
死去 | しきょ | a person's death |
死体 | したい | corpse |
必死 | ひっし | inevitable death, desperation, frantic, inevitable |
残業 | ざんぎょう | overtime |
残る | のこる | to remain, to be left |
残念 | ざんねん | bad luck, disappointment |
残す | のこす | to leave (behind, over), to bequeath, to save, t |
残らず | のこらず | all, entirely, completely, without exception |
残り | のこり | remnant, residue, remaining, left-over |
殖える | ふえる | to increase, to multiply |
殖やす | ふやす | to increase, to add to, to augment |
手段 | しゅだん | means |
一段と | いちだんと | greater, more, further, still more |
段 | だん | step, stair, flight of steps, grade, rank, level |
値段 | ねだん | price, cost |
普段 | ふだん | usually, habitually, ordinarily, always |
暗殺 | あんさつ | assassination |
殺す | ころす | to murder |
殺人 | さつじん | murder (noun) |
殻 | から | shell, husk, hull, chaff |
母 | はは | mother |
お母さん | おかあさん | mother |
母国 | ぼこく | one's motherland |
叔母 | おば | aunt |
伯母さん | おばさん | (hon) aunt |
叔母さん | おばさん | (1) aunt, (2) middle-aged lady |
伯母 | おば | (hum) aunt (older than one's parent) |
毎 | まい | every, each |
毎日 | まいにち | every day |
毎月 | まいげつ | every month |
毎年 | まいねん | every year |
毎度 | まいど | every time |
日毎 | ひごと | daily |
毎晩 | まいばん | every night |
毎朝 | まいあさ | every morning |
毎~ | まい~ | every ~ |
比べる | くらべる | to compare |
毛 | け | hair |
髪の毛 | かみのけ | hair (head) |
毛布 | もうふ | blanket |
氏 | し | family name, lineage, birth |
住民 | じゅうみん | inhabitants; residents; dwellers |
市民 | しみん | a citizen, the citizens, the citizenry |
国民 | こくみん | national, people, citizen |
気 | き、けい | soul, spirit, stream |
気持ち | きもち | a feeling |
不気味 | ぶきみ | weird |
気分がい | きぶんがいい | to feel well |
気分が悪 | きぶんがわるい | to feel ill |
元気 | げんき | happy, healthy, jolly, cheerful |
人気 | にんき | popularity |
天気 | てんき | weather |
気違い | きちがい | mad (crazy) |
元気のな | げんきのない | depressed; low-spirited; cheerless |
寒気 | さむけ | a chill, a shivering fit |
気が弱い | きがよわい | do not have the courage |
天気予報 | てんきよほう | weather forecast, weather report |
換気 | かんき | ventilation |
気圧 | きあつ | atmospheric pressure |
気を付ける | きをつける | to be careful, to pay attention, to take care |
景気 | けいき | condition, state, business (condition) |
大気 | たいき | atmosphere |
気分 | きぶん | feeling, mood |
強気 | つよき | firm, strong |
呑気 | のんき | carefree, optimistic, careless, reckless, heedless |
吐き気 | はきけ | nausea, sickness in the stomach |
平気 | へいき | coolness, calmness, composure, unconcern |
勇気 | ゆうき | courage, bravery, valour, nerve, boldness |
水 | みず | water |
水曜日 | すいようび | Wednesday |
水中 | すいちゅう | under water |
水力 | すいりょく | water power |
水瓜 | すいか | watermelon |
下水 | げすい | drainage, sewage, ditch, gutter, sewerage |
水分 | すいぶん | moisture |
水平 | すいへい | water level, horizon |
水曜 | すいよう | Wednesday |
断水 | だんすい | water outage |
地下水 | ちかすい | underground water |
噴水 | ふんすい | water fountain |
氷 | こおり | ice |
永久 | えいきゅう | permanence |
汁 | しる | juice, sap, soup, broth |
求める | もとめる | to seek, to request, to demand, to want, to wish |
汚い | きたない | dirty, messy |
汚れる | よごれる | to get dirty, to become dirty |
汚染 | おせん | pollution, contamination |
汚す | よごす | (1) to disgrace, to dishonour, (2) to pollute |
江戸川 | えどがわ | Edo River |
池 | いけ | pond |
決して | けっして | never, by no means |
決心 | けっしん | determination, resolution |
決定 | けってい | decision, determination |
決る | きまる | to be decided, to be settled |
決める | きめる | to decide |
汽圧 | きあつ | steam pressure |
沈む | しずむ | to sink, to feel depressed |
沢山 | たくさん | a lot |
贅沢 | ぜいたく | luxury, extravagance |
河 | かわ | river, stream |
沸かす | わかす | boil |
沸く | わく | to boil, to grow hot, to get excited |
醤油 | しょうゆ | soy sauce |
油 | あぶら | oil |
油断 | ゆだん | negligence, unpreparedness |
明治大学 | めいじだいがく | Meiji University |
治る | なおる | to be cured, to heal |
治める | おさめる | (1) to govern, to manage, (2) to subdue |
政治 | せいじ | politics, government |
泉水 | せんすい | fountain |
泉 | いずみ | spring, fountain |
泊まる | とまる | to stay at (eg. hotel) |
方法 | ほうほう | a method |
文法 | ぶんぽう | grammar |
作法 | さほう | manners, etiquette, form |
法律 | ほうりつ | law |
憲法 | けんぽう | constitution |
寸法 | すんぽう | measurement, size, dimension |
法 | ほう | Act (law: the X Act) |
法則 | ほうそく | law, rule |
泡 | あわ | bubble, foam, froth, head on beer |
泣く | なく | cry |
泥棒 | どろぼう | thief, burglar, robber |
注意 | ちゅうい | caution, being careful, attention (heed) |
注射 | ちゅうしゃ | injection |
注ぐ | そそぐ | to pour (into), to irrigate, to pay, to fill |
注す | さす | to pour (drink), to serve (drinks) |
注 | ちゅう | annotation, explanatory note |
注文 | ちゅうもん | order, request |
泳ぐ | およぐ | to swim |
泳ぎ | およぎ | swimming |
水泳 | すいえい | swimming |
洋服 | ようふく | (Western style) clothes |
東洋 | とうよう | Orient |
洋品店 | ようひんてん | shop which handles Western-style apparel and accessories |
お手洗い | おてあらい | a restroom; lavatory |
洗う | あらう | to clean; to wash |
御手洗 | おてあらい | font of purifying water placed at entrance of shrine |
洗剤 | せんざい | detergent, washing material |
手洗い | てあらい | restroom, lavatory, hand-washing |
室津 | むろつ | place-name |
活動 | かつどう | action, activity |
活力 | かつりょく | vitality, energy |
旧派 | きゅうは | old school |
派手 | はで | showy, loud, gay, flashy, gaudy |
一流 | いちりゅう | first class, top grade, foremost, top-notch |
交流 | こうりゅう | alternating current, intercourse |
合流 | ごうりゅう | confluence, union, linking up, merge |
流域 | りゅういき | (river) basin |
浅い | あさい | shallow, superficial |
京浜 | けいひん | Tokyo-Yokohama |
横浜 | よこはま | Yokohama (Japanese city) |
浜松 | はままつ | Hamamatsu (city) |
森林浴 | しんりんよく | walking in the woods |
浴びる | あびる | to bathe; to bask in the sun; to shower |
海 | うみ | ocean |
日本海 | にほんかい | Sea of Japan |
海外 | かいがい | overseas |
海水 | かいすい | sea water |
海岸 | かいがん | coast |
海水浴 | かいすいよく | sea bathing, seawater bath |
海洋 | かいよう | ocean |
浸ける | つける | to dip in, to soak |
消す | けす | to turn off power, extinguish; to erase, delete |
消去する | しょうきょする | to eliminate, to erase |
消える | きえる | to go out, to vanish |
消しゴム | けしゴム | eraser, India rubber |
消毒 | しょうどく | disinfection, sterilization |
悲涙 | ひるい | tears of sadness |
涼しい | すずしい | cool (weather) |
涼む | すずむ | to cool oneself, to cool off |
淡水 | たんすい | fresh water |
深い | ふかい | deep, profound, thick |
深夜 | しんや | late at night |
深刻 | しんこく | serious |
深まる | ふかまる | to deepen, to heighten, to intensify |
混合 | こんごう | mixing, mixture |
混乱 | こんらん | disorder, chaos, confusion, mayhem |
混ざる | まざる | to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with |
混じる | まじる | to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with |
混ぜる | まぜる | to mix, to stir |
清い | きよい | clear, pure, noble |
清書 | せいしょ | clean copy |
清掃 | せいそう | cleaning |
渇く | かわく | to be thirsty |
済む | すむ | to finish, to end |
済ませる | すませる | to be finished |
増減 | ぞうげん | increase and decrease, fluctuation |
減らす | へらす | to abate, to decrease, to diminish, to shorten |
減る | へる | to decrease (in size or number), to diminish |
渡る | わたる | to cross |
渡す | わたす | to pass over, to hand over |
温度 | おんど | temperature |
温かい | あたたかい | warm |
温い | ぬるい | lukewarm |
温室 | おんしつ | greenhouse |
温泉 | おんせん | spa, hot spring, onsen |
温帯 | おんたい | temperate zone |
温暖 | おんだん | warmth |
気温 | きおん | temperature |
体温 | たいおん | temperature (body) |
測定 | そくてい | measurement |
測る | はかる | to measure, to weigh, to survey |
予測 | よそく | prediction, estimation |
港 | みなと | harbour, port |
湖 | みずうみ | lake |
湧く | わく | to boil, to grow hot, to get excited, to gush forth |
湯 | ゆ | hot water |
湯気 | ゆげ | steam, vapour |
湾 | わん | bay, gulf, inlet |
湿気 | しっけ | moisture, humidity, dampness |
湿度 | しつど | level of humidity |
湿る | しめる | to be wet, to become wet, to be damp |
満員 | まんいん | no vacany, a full house |
不満 | ふまん | dissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent, complaint |
満ちる | みちる | to be full, to rise (tide), to mature, to expire |
未満 | みまん | less than, insufficient |
準備 | じゅんび | prepartion |
水準 | すいじゅん | (1) water level, (2) level, standard |
標準 | ひょうじゅん | standard, level |
溶岩 | ようがん | lava |
滅多に | めったに | rarely (with neg. verb), seldom |
滑る | すべる | to slide, to slip |
滝 | たき | waterfall |
滞在 | たいざい | stay, sojourn |
水滴 | すいてき | drop of water |
漁業 | ぎょぎょう | fishing (industry) |
漁師 | りょうし | fisherman |
漢字 | かんじ | kanji |
悪漢 | あっかん | rogue |
漢和 | かんわ | Chinese Character-Japanese (e.g. dictionary) |
漬ける | つける | to soak, to moisten, to pickle |
漸く | ようやく | gradually, finally, hardly |
清潔 | せいけつ | clean |
不潔 | ふけつ | unclean, dirty, filthy, impure |
潜る | もぐる | (1) to drive, to pass through, (2) to evade |
澄む | すむ | to clear (e.g. weather), to become transparent |
感激 | かんげき | deep emotion, impression, inspiration |
激増 | げきぞう | sudden increase |
刺激 | しげき | stimulus, impetus, incentive |
激しい | はげしい | violent, vehement, intense |
濁る | にごる | to become muddy, to get impure |
濃い | こい | thick (as of color, liquid), dense, strong |
濃度 | のうど | concentration, brightness |
洗濯機 | せんたくき | laundry machine |
洗濯 | せんたく | washing, laundry |
火 | ひ, -び, ほ- | fire |
火曜日 | かようび | Tuesday |
火山 | かざん | a volcano |
火事 | かじ | a fire |
火力 | かりょく | heat power |
火山岩 | かぜんがん | volcanic rock |
火成岩 | かせいがん | igneous rock |
消火器 | しょうかき | fire extinguisher |
火曜 | かよう | (abbr) Tuesday |
噴火 | ふんか | eruption |
火傷 | やけど | burn, scald |
灯台 | とうだい | lighthouse |
灯油 | とうゆ | lamp oil, kerosene |
灯 | ひ | light |
灰 | はい | ash |
炊事 | すいじ | cooking, culinary arts |
炊く | たく | to boil, to cook |
炎 | ほのお | flame |
点 | てん | dot |
得点 | とくてん | points |
点ける | つける | to turn on; light (a fire) |
弱点 | じゃくてん | a weakness, a weak point, a shortcoming |
交差点 | こうさてん | intersection |
点く | つく | to be started, to be switched on (u-v, intrans-v) |
欠点 | けってん | faults, defect, weakness |
採点 | さいてん | marking, grading, looking over |
地点 | ちてん | site, point on a map |
満点 | まんてん | perfect score |
所為 | せい | because |
為 | ため | good, advantage, in order to |
為替 | かわせ | money order, exchange |
為る | する | to change, to be of use, to reach to |
無い | ない | (to have) nothing, none there |
無し | なし | nothing |
無料 | むりょう | free of charge |
無くす | なくす | to lose something |
無くなる | なくなる | to disappear, to get lost |
御無沙汰 | ごぶさた | not writing or contacting for a while |
無 | ぶ | nothing, naught, nil, zero |
無沙汰 | ぶさた | neglecting to stay in contact |
無事 | ぶじ | safety, peace, quietness |
無地 | むじ | plain, unfigured |
無数 | むすう | countless number, infinite number |
焦点 | しょうてん | focus, point |
焦がす | こがす | to burn, to scorch, to singe, to char |
焦げる | こげる | to burn, to be burned |
偶然 | ぐうぜん | (by) chance, unexpectedly, suddenly |
全然 | ぜんぜん | wholly, entirely, completely |
焼く | やく | to bake, to grill |
焼ける | やける | to burn, to be roasted, to be sunburnt |
対照 | たいしょう | contrast, antithesis, comparison |
煮える | にえる | to boil, to cook, to be cooked |
煮る | にる | to boil, to cook |
熊 | くま | bear |
熱い | あつい | hot |
熱 | ねつ | fever, temperature |
加熱 | かねつ | heating |
熱心 | ねっしん | zeal, enthusiasm |
熱する | ねっする | to heat (vs-s) |
熱帯 | ねったい | tropics |
熱中 | ねっちゅう | nuts!, enthusiasm, zeal, mania |
燃える | もえる | to burn |
燃やす | もやす | to burn |
父 | ちち | father |
お父さん | おとうさん | father |
父母 | ふぼ | parents |
父兄 | ふけい | guardians |
伯父/叔父・さん | おじ・さん | uncle, middle aged man |
伯父さん | おじさん | middle-aged gentleman, uncle |
小父さん | おじさん | middle-aged gentleman, uncle |
叔父さん | おじさん | middle-aged gentleman, uncle |
伯父 | おじ | (hum) uncle (older than one's parent) |
叔父 | おじ | uncle (younger than one's parent) |
片仮名 | かたかな | katakana |
片付ける | かたづける | to tidy up, to put in order, to put away |
牛 | うし | cattle |
子牛 | こうし | calf |
牛乳 | ぎゅうにゅう | cow's milk |
牛丼 | ぎゅうどん | beef rice bowl |
牧場 | ぼくじょう | (1) farm (livestock), (2) pasture land, meadow |
乗り物 | のりもの | a vehicle, transport |
好物 | こうぶつ | one's favourite food |
大好物 | だいこうぶつ | most favourite food |
物 | もの | a thing |
動物 | どうぶつ | an animal |
動物園 | どうぶつえん | zoo |
植物 | しょくぶつ | plant, vegetation |
果物 | くだもの | fruit, a fruit |
物価 | ぶっか | price |
人物 | じんぶつ | personality; character |
持ち物 | もちもの | one's property |
安物 | やすもの | cheap item |
建物 | たてもの | a building |
借り物 | かりもの | a borrowed thing |
冬物 | ふゆもの | winter clothing |
品物 | しなもの | goods |
忘れ物 | わすれもの | lost article, something forgotten |
実物 | じつぶつ | real thing, original |
作物 | さくもつ | produce (e.g. agricultural), crops |
書物 | しょもつ | books |
瀬戸物 | せともの | earthenware, crockery, china |
本物 | ほんもの | genuine article |
名物 | めいぶつ | famous product, special product, speciality |
物事 | ものごと | things, everything |
物差し | ものさし | ruler, measure |
物凄い | ものすごい | earth-shattering, staggering, to a very great extent |
特急 | とっきゅう | express |
特に | とくに | particularly, especially |
特別 | とくべつ | special |
犬 | いぬ | a dog |
犬小屋 | いぬごや | kennel |
子犬 | こいぬ | puppy |
狛犬 | こまいぬ | (stone) guard lion-dog at Shinto shrine |
犯人 | はんにん | offender, criminal |
状況 | じょうきょう | state of affairs, situation, circumstances |
状態 | じょうたい | condition, situation, circumstances, state |
狂う | くるう | to go mad, to get out of order |
狙い | ねらい | aim |
狙う | ねらう | to aim at |
独楽 | こま | spinning top |
独り | ひとり | alone, unmarried |
狭い | せまい | narrow |
猛勉強す | もうべんきょうする | to study hard, to grind (away) |
猟犬 | りょうけん | hound; hunting dog |
文献 | ぶんけん | literature, books (reference) |
猿 | さる | monkey |
率いる | ひきいる | to lead, to spearhead (a group), to command |
率先 | そっせん | taking the initiative |
率土 | そっと | face of the earth |
率 | りつ | rate, ratio, proportion, percentage |
玉杯 | ぎょくはい | jade cap |
玉突き | たまつき | billiards |
玉蜀黍 | とうもろこし | corn |
玉 | たま | ball, sphere, coin |
王子 | おうじ | prince |
女王 | じょうう | queen |
王様 | おうさま | king |
王国 | おうこく | kingdom |
王座 | おうざ | throne |
王女 | おうじょ | princess |
国王 | こくおう | king |
珍しい | めずらしい | unusual, rare |
現在 | げんざい | present, up to now, nowadays, modern times, current |
現実 | げんじつ | reality |
現状 | げんじょう | present condition, existing state, status quo |
現代 | げんだい | nowadays, modern times, present-day (adj-no) |
現に | げんに | actually, really |
現場 | げんば | actual spot, scene, scene of the crime |
実現 | じつげん | implementation, materialization, realization |
地球 | ちきゅう | earth (planet) |
球 | たま | globe, sphere, ball |
理性 | りせい | reason |
無理 | むり | unreasonable |
心理学 | しんりがく | psychology |
料理 | りょうり | dish (meal) |
合理 | ごうり | rationality |
地理 | ちり | geography |
心理 | しんり | mentality |
原理 | げんり | principle, theory, fundamental truth |
処理 | しょり | processing, dealing with, treatment, disposition |
整理 | せいり | sorting, arrangement, adjustment, regulation |
代理 | だいり | representation, agency, proxy, deputy, agent |
物理 | ぶつり | physics |
理想 | りそう | ideal |
琴 | こと | Koto (Japanese harp) |
環境 | かんきょう | environment, circumstance |
瓶 | びん | bottle |
甘 | あま・い | sweet |
甘い | あまい | generous, sweet |
甚だしい | はなはだしい | extreme, excessive, terrible |
生 | い・きる、う・む、なま、き | to live, to grow, be born, raw |
生まれる | うまれる | to be born |
小学生 | しょうがくせい | primary school student |
生年月日 | せいねんがっぴ | date of birth |
先生 | せんせい | a teacher |
女子学生 | じょしがくせい | a girl student |
中学生 | ちゅうがくせい | middle school student |
学生 | がくせい | a student |
一年生 | いちねんせい | first-year student |
大学生 | だいがくせい | university student |
大生の | おおぜいの | great number of |
生物 | せいぶつ | a living creature |
一生 | いっしょう | lifetime |
生命 | せいめい | life |
生卵 | なまたまご | raw egg |
写生する | しゃせいする | to sketch, to paint [draw] from nature |
生き生き | いきいき | vividly, lively |
生き物 | いきもの | living thing, animal |
生きる | いきる | to live, to exist |
生じる | しょうじる | to produce, to yield, to result from, to arise |
生ずる | しょうずる | to cause, to arise, to be generated (v5z) |
人生 | じんせい | (human) life (i.e. conception to death) |
生活 | せいかつ | living, life (one's daily existence), livelihood |
生存 | せいぞん | existence, being, survival |
生徒 | せいと | pupil |
生える | はえる | (1) to grow, to spring up, (2) to cut (teeth) |
産卵 | さんらん | spawning |
出産 | しゅっさん | birth |
お土産 | おみやげ | souvenir |
原産 | げんさん | place of origin, habitat |
水産 | すいさん | marine products, fisheries |
産業 | さんぎょう | industry |
産地 | さんち | producing area |
生産 | せいさん | production, manufacture |
土産 | みやげ | present, souvenir |
用 | よう | business |
器用 | きよう | adroitness |
愛用 | あいよう | favourite |
悪用 | あくよう | abuse, misuse |
用事 | ようじ | business |
活用 | ふつよう | inflection |
使用 | しよう | use, employment |
用意 | ようい | preparation |
利用 | りよう | use, utilization |
実用 | じつよう | practical use, utility |
信用 | しんよう | confidence, dependence, credit, faith |
日用品 | にちようひん | daily necessities |
用いる | もちいる | to use, to make use of |
用心 | ようじん | care, precaution, guarding, caution |
用途 | ようと | use, usefulness |
田 | た、た・んぼ、だ | rice field |
田園 | でんえん | rural district |
水田 | すいでん | a rice field |
五反田 | ごたんだ | Gotanda (place name) |
千代田 | ちよだ | Chiyoda Ward |
森田さん | もりたさん | Morita: a Japanese surname |
岩田 | いわた | Iwata: a Japanese surname |
油田 | ゆでん | oil field |
吹田市 | すいたし | Suita City |
田ぼ | たんぼ | paddy field, farm |
田植え | たうえ | rice planting |
由来 | ゆらい | derivation |
理由 | りゆう | reason |
率由 | そつゆう | following (a precedent, former example, etc.) |
申し上げ | もうしあげる | to tell, to say, to state |
申 | しん | report |
申し上げる | もうしあげる | to say, to tell |
申す | もうす | (hum) to be called, to say |
申し込む | もうしこむ | to apply for, to make an application |
男 | おとこ | man |
男の子 | おとこのこ | a boy |
男性 | だんせい | man, male |
好男子 | こうだんし | handsome man |
男子学生 | だんしがくせい | a boy student |
次男 | じなん | second son |
三男 | さんなん | third son |
男の人 | おとこのひと | man |
男子 | だんし | youth, young man |
町 | まち | town |
町民 | ちょうみん | townspeople |
下町 | したまち | downtown |
~町 | ~ちょう | ~ of the town |
図画 | ずが | painting |
映画 | えいが | movie |
漫画 | まんが | comic, cartoon |
画家 | がか | painter, artist |
世界 | せかい | world, the globe, the earth |
境界 | きょうかい | boundary |
官界 | かんかい | bureaucracy |
畑 | はたけ | a cultivated field |
田畑 | たはた | fields of rice and crops, estate |
留守 | るす | absence, being away from home |
書留 | かきとめ | writing down, putting on record, recording |
停留所 | ていりゅうじょ | bus or tram stop |
留学 | りゅうがく | studying abroad |
牧畜 | ぼくちく | stock-farming |
略す | りゃくす | to abbreviate |
一番すき | いちばんすき | favourite |
番人 | ばんにん | watchman |
一番 | いちばん | number one |
一番好き | いちばんすき | favorite |
二番 | にばん | second (in sequence) |
何番 | なんばん | what number |
番号 | ばんごう | number |
交番 | こうばん | police box |
当番 | とうばん | being on duty |
番地 | ばんち | house number, address |
留守番 | るすばん | care-taking, caretaker, house-watching |
異常 | いじょう | strangeness, abnormality, disorder |
異なる | ことなる | to differ, to vary, to disagree |
畳 | たたみ | tatami mat (Japanese straw mat) |
畳む | たたむ | to fold (clothes) |
疑問 | ぎもん | (a) question |
病気 | びょうき | sickness |
病人 | びょうにん | a sick person |
症状 | しょうじょう | symptoms, condition |
痛い | いたい | painful |
痛む | いたむ | to ache |
痛み止め | いたみどめ | a painkiller |
痛み | いたみ | pain, ache, sore, grief, distress |
癖 | くせ | a habit (often a bad habit), peculiarity |
出発 | しゅっぱつ・する | departure |
発つ | たつ | to depart (on a plane, train, etc.) (v5t) |
爆発 | ばくはつ | explosion, detonation, eruption |
発揮 | はっき | exhibition, demonstration, utilization |
発射 | はっしゃ | firing, shooting, discharge, catapult |
発想 | はっそう | expression (music), conceptualization |
発達 | はったつ | development, growth |
発展 | はってん | development, growth |
発売 | はつばい | sale |
発明 | はつめい | invention |
登る | のぼる | to climb |
登場 | とうじょう | entry (on stage) |
白 | しろ・い、はく | white |
明白 | めいはく | clarity |
卵白 | らんぱく | egg white |
白書 | はくしょ | White Paper |
白人 | はくじん | Causasian |
白髪 | しらが | white or grey hair, trendy hair bleaching |
白い | しろい | white |
百 | ひゃく | hundred |
百倍 | ひゃくばい | hundred-fold |
二百 | にひゃく | 200 |
三百 | さんびゃく | 300 |
百姓 | ひゃくしょお | farmer |
百点 | ひゃくてん | 100 points (perfect mark) |
八百屋 | やおや | greengrocer |
六百 | ろっぴゃく | 600 |
八百 | はっぴゃく | 800 |
百円 | ひゃくえん | 100 yen |
百八十度 | ひゃくはちじゅうど | 180 degrees |
具体的な | ぐたいてきな | concrete; specific |
消極的 | しょうきょくてき | passive |
皆 | みんな | everyone |
皆さん | みなさん | everyone, everybody |
皆無 | かいむ | nonexistent, nil, none |
天皇 | てんのう | emperor |
皮 | かわ | skin, hide, leather, fur, pelt, bark, shell |
毛皮 | けがわ | fur, skin, pelt |
お皿 | おさら | plate, dish |
灰皿 | はいざら | ashtray |
皿 | さら | plate, dish |
盆 | ぼん | Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead, tray |
盆地 | ぼんち | basin (e.g. between mountains) |
利益 | りえき | profits, gains, (political, economic) |
盛ん | さかん | popularity, prosperous |
盛り | さかり | helping, serving |
盛る | もる | (1) to serve (food, etc.), (2) to fill up |
目 | め | an eye; vision |
目上 | めうえ | one's superiors |
目下 | めした | one's inferiors |
注目 | ちゅうもく | attention |
いくつ目 | いくつめ | how many... (counter) |
目が悪い | めがわるい | poor eyesight; blind |
目次 | もくじ | a table of contents |
一目で | ひとめで | at a glance |
目的 | もくてき | goals |
目玉 | めだま | eyeball |
二番目 | んばんめ | second (in a series) |
~目 | ~め | number ~ sequence, ~nd/th (suf) |
~目 | ~め | ~nd,~th (sequence) |
目指す | めざす | to aim at, to have an eye on |
目印 | めじるし | mark, sign, landmark |
目安 | めやす | criterion, aim |
目標 | もくひょう | mark, objective, target |
役目 | やくめ | duty, business |
皆目 | かいもく | entirely, (not) at all |
盲導犬 | もうどうけん | seeing eye dog |
直接 | ちょくせつ | directly |
直す | なおす | to repair |
直ちに | ただちに | at once |
率直 | そっちょく | frank, candid, straightforward, openhearted |
直る | なおる | to be fixed, to be repaired |
正直 | しょうじき | honesty, integrity, frankness |
垂直 | すいちょく | vertical, perpendicular |
卒直 | そっちょく | frankness, candour, openheartedness |
直に | じかに | immediately, readily, directly |
直 | じき | earnestly, immediately, exactly |
直後 | ちょくご | immediately following |
直前 | ちょくぜん | just before |
直流 | ちょくりゅう | direct current |
直径 | ちょっけい | diameter |
相互 | そうご | mutual |
相当 | そうとう | appropriate |
相手 | あいて | companion, partner |
相撲 | すもう | sumo wrestling |
相違 | そうい | difference, discrepancy, variation |
省く | はぶく | to omit, to eliminate, to curtail, to economize |
反省 | はんせい | reflection, reconsideration, introspection, meditation |
看板 | かんばん | sign, signboard, doorplate, poster |
看病 | かんびょう | nursing (a patient) |
県 | けん | prefecture |
県庁 | けんちょう | prefectural office |
真ん中 | まんなか | the very middle |
真暗 | まっくら | pitch dark |
真心 | まごころ | sincerity |
真実 | しんじつ | truth |
写真機 | しゃしんき | camera |
真っ白 | まっしろ | pure white |
真理 | まり | a woman's name |
真也 | しんや | a man's name |
真夏 | まなつ | midsummer |
写真 | しゃしん | a photograph, a photo, a picture |
写真を撮 | しゃしんをとる | to take a picture |
真冬 | まふゆ | (in) midwinter |
真中 | まんなか | middle, centre |
真剣 | しんけん | seriousness, earnestness |
真っ暗 | まっくら | total darkness, shortsightedness, pitch dark |
真っ先 | まっさき | the head, the foremost, beginning |
真っ直ぐ | まっすぐ | straight (ahead), direct, upright |
真似 | まね | mimicry, imitation, behavior, pretense |
真似る | まねる | to mimic, to imitate |
上着 | うわぎ | outer garment, coat |
下着 | したぎ | underwear |
着く | つく | arrive |
着る | きる | to wear, to put on |
着替え | きがえ | changing clothes, change of clothes |
着物 | きもの | kimono |
~着 | ~ちゃく | counter for suits of clothing |
着々 | ちゃくちゃく | steadily |
着ける | つける | (1) to attach, to join, to add, to append |
到着 | とうちゃく | arrival |
水着 | みずぎ | bathing suit (woman's) |
睡眠 | すいみん | sleep |
一瞬 | いっしゅん | a moment, an instant |
瞳 | ひとみ | pupil (of eye) |
矛盾 | むじゅん | contradiction, inconsistency |
矢印 | やじるし | directing arrow |
知る | しる | know |
承知 | しょうち・する | consent, acceptance |
知らせる | しらせる | to notify, to advise |
知らせ | しらせ | notice |
知合い | しりあい | acquaintance |
知恵 | ちえ | wisdom, wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence |
知事 | ちじ | prefectural governor |
知人 | ちじん | friend, acquaintance |
短い | みじかい | short |
短大 | たんだい | junior college |
短期 | たんき | short term |
短所 | たんしょ | (1) defect, demerit, weak point, (2) disadvantage |
石 | いし | stone |
石橋 | いしばし | stone bridge |
石川 | いしかわ | Ishikawa: a Japanese surname |
宝石 | ほうせき | jewel, gem |
小石 | こいし | pebble |
石油 | せきゆ | petroleum, oil |
化石 | かせき | a fossil |
岩石 | がんせき | rocks and stones |
流石 | さすが | clever, adept, good, expectations |
石炭 | せきたん | coal |
石鹸 | せっけん | soap |
砂 | すな | sand |
砂漠 | さばく | desert |
研修 | けんしゅう | training |
砕く | くだく | to break, to smash |
砕ける | くだける | to break, to be broken |
破産 | はさん | (personal) bankruptcy |
破片 | はへん | fragment, splinter, broken piece |
破る | やぶる | to tear, to violate, to defeat, to smash, to destroy |
破れる | やぶれる | to get torn, to wear out |
堅/硬/固い | かたい | solid, hard, firm |
碁 | ご | Go (board game of capturing territory) |
正確 | せいかく | accurate, punctuality, exactness, authenticity |
確か | たしか | certain, sure, definite, if I remember correctly |
確かめる | たしかめる | to ascertain |
的確 | てきかく | precise, accurate |
明確 | めいかく | clear up, clarify, define |
磁石 | じしゃく | magnet |
歯磨き | はみがき | dentifrice, toothpaste |
磨く | みがく | to polish, to shine, to brush, to refine, to improve |
掲示 | けいじ | notice, bulletin |
お礼 | おれい | thanking, expression of gratitude |
失礼 | しつれい | (1) discourtesy, impoliteness, (2) Excuse me |
礼 | れい | expression of gratitude |
礼儀 | れいぎ | manners, courtesy, etiquette |
社 | やしろ、しゃ | shrine, Shinto, society |
会社 | かいしゃ | a company |
社員 | しゃいん | company employee |
社会 | しゃかい | society |
社主 | しゃしゅ | the proprietor (owner) of a company |
社印 | しゃいん | official company seal |
会社員 | かいしゃいん | a company employee |
商社 | しょうしゃ | trading company, firm |
入社 | にゅうしゃ | entry to a company |
元祖 | がんそ | founder; originator, forerunner |
先祖 | せんぞ | ancestor |
祖先 | そせん | ancestor |
祖父 | そふ | grandfather |
祖母 | そぼ | grandmother |
祝い | いわい | congratulations; celebration, festival |
祝い事 | いわいごと | a celebration |
祝着 | いわいぎ | festive dress |
祝い物 | いわいもの | gongratulatory gift |
お祝いを | おいわいをいう | congratulate |
神 | かみ | god |
神宮 | じんぐう | shrine |
神社 | じんじゃ | shrine |
神田 | かんだ | neighbourhood in Tokyo |
神父 | しんぷ | priest |
女神 | めがみ | goddess |
京阪神地 | けいひんしんちほう | the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area |
神戸市 | こうべし | Kobe city (of Hyogo prefecture) |
神様 | かみさま | god |
投票 | とうひょう | voting, poll |
夏祭 | なつまつり | summer festival |
お祭り | おまつり | festival |
祭日 | さいじつ | national holiday, festival day |
祭 | まつり | festival, feast |
祭る | まつる | to deify, to enshrine |
右折禁止 | うせつきんし | cannot turn right |
禁煙 | きんえん | No Smoking! (exp) |
禁止 | きんし | prohibition, ban |
幸福 | こうふく | happiness, blessedness |
優秀 | ゆうしゅう | superiority, excellence |
私 | わた・し | I |
私たち | わたしたち | we |
秋祭り | あきまつり | autumn festival |
秋 | あき | autumn, fall (n-adv) |
秋分 | しゅうぶん | autumn equinox |
科学 | かがく | chemistry, science |
百科事典 | ひゃっかじてん | an encyclopedia |
歯科医 | しかい | dentist |
学科 | がっか | school subject |
内科医 | ないかい | a physician |
外科医 | げかい | a surgeon |
科目 | かもく | (school) subject, curriculum, course |
教科書 | きょうかしょ | text book |
外科 | げか | surgical department |
人文科学 | じんぶんかがく | social sciences, humanities |
理科 | りか | science |
一秒 | いちびょう | second (time) |
秒 | びょう | second (60th min) |
便秘 | べんぴ | constipation |
秘密 | ひみつ | secret, secrecy |
稀 | まれ | rare, seldom |
先程 | さきほど | some time ago |
程度 | ていど | degree, amount, grade, standard, of the order of |
日程 | にってい | agenda |
方程式 | ほうていしき | equation |
程 | ほど | degree, extent, bounds, limit |
税別 | ぜいべつ | tax not included |
免税 | めんぜい | tax exemption, duty exemption |
幼稚 | ようち | infancy, childish, infantile |
幼稚園 | ようちえん | kindergarten |
一種 | いっしゅ | a species, a kind, a variety |
人種 | じんしゅ | race (of people) |
種 | たね | (1) seed, (2) material, (3) cause, source |
原稿 | げんこう | manuscript, copy |
穀物 | こくもつ | grain, cereal, corn |
積極的 | せっきょくてき | positive, active, proactive |
体積 | たいせき | capacity, volume |
積む | つむ | to pile up, to stack |
積もる | つもる | to pile up |
容積 | ようせき | capacity, volume |
穏やか | おだやか | calm, gentle, quiet |
研究室 | けんきゅうしつ | professor's office, a seminar room |
研究科 | けんきゅうか | research section |
研究 | けんきゅう | study, research, investigation |
空 | そら、あ・ける、から | sky, to become free, empty |
空気 | くうき | air |
空き | あき | room, time to spare, emptiness |
空く | あく | to open, to become open, to become empty |
空っぽ | からっぽ | empty, vacant, hollow |
空港 | くうこう | airport |
空想 | くうそう | daydream, fantasy, fancy, vision |
空中 | くうちゅう | sky, air |
真空 | しんくう | vacuum, hollow, empty |
窓 | まど | widow |
窓口 | まどぐち | ticket window |
立 | た・つ、た・てる | to stand, to establish |
木立 | こだち | grove |
私立大学 | しりつだいがく | a private university |
立入禁止 | たちいりきんし | do not enter |
中立 | ちゅうりつ | neutrality |
目立つ | めだつ | to stand out |
店立て | たなだて | eviction |
建立 | けんりゅう | erection |
立場 | たちば | standpoint |
立ち去る | たちさる | to leave, to go off, to depart |
夕立 | ゆうだち | a (summer afternoon) shower |
立てる | たてる | to stand (something) up, to erect (something) |
役に立つ | やくにたつ | to be helpful, to be useful |
国立 | こくりつ | national |
献立 | こんだて | menu, program, schedule |
私立 | しりつ | private (establishment) |
成立 | せいりつ | coming into existence, arrangements, establishment |
立ち上がる | たちあがる | to stand up |
立ち止まる | たちどまる | to stop, to halt, to stand still |
立つ | たつ | to stand (v5t) |
立派 | りっぱ | splendid, fine, handsome, elegant, imposing |
竜安寺 | りょうあんじ | Ryoan Temple |
文章 | ぶんしょう | sentence, article |
先端 | せんたん | pointed end, tip, fine point |
端 | はし | end (e.g. of street), edge, tip, margin, point |
競技 | きょうぎ | game, match, contest |
競争 | きょうそう | competition, contest |
竹 | たけ | bamboo |
竹田 | たけだ | Takeda: a Japanese surname |
竹材 | ちくざい | bamboo material |
竹の子 | たけの子 | a bamboo shoot |
竹林 | ちくりん | bamboo thicket |
笑い声 | わらいごえ | laughter, a laughing voice |
笑う | わらう | to laugh, to smile |
微笑む | ほほえむ | to smile |
笑い | わらい | laugh, laughter, smile |
笛 | ふえ | flute, pipe |
切符 | きっぷ | ticket |
符号 | ふごう | sign, mark, symbol |
次第 | しだい | (1) order, precedence, (2) circumstances |
万年筆 | まんねんひつ | fountain pen |
執筆 | しっぴつ | writing |
筆 | ふで | writing brush |
彼等 | かれら | they (usually male) |
上等 | じょうとう | superiority, first class, very good |
等分 | とうぶん | division into equal parts |
等しい | ひとしい | equal |
平等 | びょうどう | equality (a), impartiality, evenness |
筋 | すじ | muscle, string, line |
水筒 | すいとう | canteen, flask, water bottle |
封筒 | ふうとう | envelope |
回答 | かいとう | solution |
答案 | とうあん | answer paper |
口答え | くちごたえ | retort |
答え | こたえ | answer (noun) |
答える | こたえる | to answer |
答 | こたえ | answer, response |
問答 | もんどう | questions and answers, dialogue |
対策 | たいさく | counter-plan, counter-measure |
予算 | よさん | budget |
算盤 | そろばん | abacus |
算数 | さんすう | arithmetic |
引算 | ひきざん | subtraction |
割算 | わりざん | division (math) |
管理 | かんり | control, management (e.g. of a business) |
管 | くだ | pipe, tube |
箱 | はこ | box |
箱を動か | はこをうごかす | to move a box |
節 | せつ | clause |
季節 | きせつ | season |
率先垂範 | そっせんすいはん | set an example worth following |
範囲 | はんい | extent, scope, sphere, range |
建築 | けんちく | architecture |
簡単な | かんたんな | simple |
簡単 | かんたん | simple |
書籍 | しょせき | book, publication |
国籍 | こくせき | nationality |
米 | こめ | rice |
新米 | しんまい | new rice; new person |
白米 | はくまい | polished (white) rice |
玄米 | げんまい | brown rice |
米国 | べいこく | U.S.A. |
中米 | ちゅうべい | Central America |
南米 | なんべい | South America |
米価 | べいか | price of rice |
北米 | ほくべい | North America |
北米人 | ほくべいじん | North American (person) |
南米人 | なんべいじん | South American (person) |
粉 | こな | flour, meal, powder |
粒 | つぶ | grain |
粗利 | あらり | gross profit |
粗末 | そまつ | crude, rough, plain, humble |
精神 | せいしん | spirit |
精々 | せいぜい | at the most, at best, to the utmost, as much |
砂糖 | さとう | sugar |
糸 | いと | thread |
毛糸 | けいと | woollen yarn |
糸巻き | いとまき | thread-reel |
文系 | ぶんけい | sentence pattern |
体系 | たいけい | system, organization |
世紀 | せいき | century |
21世紀 | にじゅういっせいき | Twenty-First Century |
約束 | やくそく | arrangement; promise; appointment |
予約 | よやく | reservation, booking |
契約 | けいやく | contract, compact, agreement |
婚約 | こんやく | engagement, betrothal |
節約 | せつやく | economising, saving |
約 | やく | approximately, about, some |
口紅 | くちべに | lipstick |
納める | おさめる | to obtain, to reap, to pay, to supply, to accept |
単純 | たんじゅん | simplicity |
手紙 | てがみ | a letter (mail) |
小紙 | しょうし | book cover |
和紙 | わし | Japanese paper |
紙を切る | かみをきる | to cut (a piece of) paper |
紙 | かみ | paper |
紙屑 | かみくず | wastepaper |
塵紙 | ちりがみ | tissue paper, toilet paper |
上級 | じょうきゅう | advanced level, high grade, senior |
素敵な | すてきな | attractive |
水素 | すいそ | hydrogen |
素直 | すなお | obedient, meek, docile, unaffected |
素晴らしい | すばらしい | wonderful, splendid, magnificent |
素人 | しろうと | amateur, novice |
素 | もと | prime |
索引 | さくいん | index |
紫 | むらさき | purple colour, violet |
細い | ほそい | thin |
細かい | こまかい | (1) small, (2) fine, minute |
紹介する | しょうかいする | introduce |
紹介 | しょうかい | introduction |
紺 | こん | navy blue, deep blue |
終える | おえる | finish |
終わり | おわり | end |
終わる | おわる | finish |
終了する | しゅうりょうする | complete (a course) |
終る | おわる | to finish, to close |
終 | おわり | the end |
最終 | さいしゅう | last, final, closing |
始終 | しじゅう | continuously, from beginning to end |
番組 | ばんぐみ | program (eg. TV) |
組 | くみ | class, group, team, set |
組合 | くみあい | association, union |
組合せ | くみあわせ | combination |
組み立てる | くみたてる | to assemble, to set up, to construct |
組む | くむ | to put together |
経営 | けいえい | management, administration |
経済 | けいざい | economics, business, finance, economy |
経度 | けいど | longitude |
経由 | けいゆ | go by the way, via |
神経 | しんけい | nerve, sensitivity |
経つ | たつ | to pass, to lapse (v5t) |
結婚 | けっこん | marriage |
結構 | けっこう | nice, enough |
結果 | けっか | result, consequence |
結局 | けっきょく | after all, eventually |
結ぶ | むすぶ | to tie, to bind, to link |
給与 | きゅうよ | allowance, grant, supply |
給料 | きゅうりょう | salary, wages |
供給 | きょうきゅう | supply, provision |
月給 | げっきゅう | monthly salary |
支給 | しきゅう | payment, allowance |
系統 | けいとう | system, family line, geological formation |
統一 | とういつ | unity, consolidation, uniformity |
油絵 | あぶらえ | oil painting |
塗り絵 | ぬりえ | line drawing for colouring |
絵画 | かいが | navy |
口絵 | くちえ | frontispiece |
絵本 | えほん | picture book |
浮世絵 | うえよえ | ukiyoe (Edo wood-block prints) |
絵 | え | picture, drawing, painting, sketch |
絶対 | ぜったい | absolute, unconditional, absoluteness |
絶滅 | ぜつめつ | destruction, extinction |
絶えず | たえず | constantly |
絹 | きぬ | silk |
持続する | じぞくする | to continue |
続く | つづく | to be continued |
~続ける | ~つづける | to continue doing ~ |
続ける | つづける | to continue, to keep up, to keep on |
継続 | けいぞく | continuation |
相続 | そうぞく | succession, inheritance |
続々 | ぞくぞく | successively, one after another (n-adv) |
接続 | せつぞく | (1) connection, union, join, link, (2) changing |
続き | つづき | sequel, continuation |
維持 | いじ | maintenance, preservation |
綱 | つな | rope |
木綿 | もめん | cotton |
綿 | めん | cotton, padding |
緊張 | きんちょう | tension, mental strain, nervousness |
緑 | みどり | greenery |
一緒に | いっしょに | together |
一緒 | いっしょ | together |
点線 | てんせん | dotted line |
山手線 | やまのてせん | Yamanote train line, Tokyo |
光線 | こうせん | light ray |
直線 | ちょくせん | straight line |
線 | せん | line |
線が低い | せんがい低い | short (person), be short in stature |
曲線 | きょくせん | curve |
水平線 | すいへいせん | horizon |
新幹線 | しんかんせん | bullet train (very high speed), shinkansen |
地平線 | ちへいせん | horizon |
締める | しめる | to tie, to fasten |
短編 | たんぺん | short (e.g. story, film) |
緩い | ゆるい | loose, lenient, slow |
縁 | ふち | a means, e.g. of living |
縄 | なわ | rope, hemp |
縦 | たて | length, height |
縫う | ぬう | to sew |
恐縮 | きょうしゅく | shame, very kind of you, sorry to trouble |
縮む | ちぢむ | to shrink, to be contracted |
縮める | ちぢめる | to shorten, to reduce, to boil down, to shrink |
縮れる | ちぢれる | to be wavy, to be curled |
実績 | じっせき | achievements, actual results |
功績 | こうせき | achievements, merit, meritorious service |
成績 | せいせき | results, record |
組織 | そしき | (1) organization, (2) structure, construction |
缶 | かん | can |
罪 | つみ | crime, fault, indiscretion |
犯罪 | はんざい | crime |
置き場 | おきば | place where something is put |
置く | おく | to put, to place; to leave (behind); |
位置 | いち | place, situation, position, location |
物置 | ものおき | storage room |
罰する | ばっする | to punish, to penalize (vs-s) |
署名 | しょめい | signature |
羊毛 | ようもう | wool |
羊皮 | ようひ | sheepskin |
羊水 | ようすい | amniotic fluid |
美人 | びじん | beautiful person (woman) |
美容 | びよう | beauty of figure or form |
群れ | むれ | group, crowd, flock, herd |
義理の妹 | ぎりのいもうと | one's younger sister-in-law |
義理の姉 | ぎりのあね | one's older sister-in-law |
意義 | いぎ | meaning, significance |
羽 | はね | wing |
羽田空港 | はねだくうこう | Haneda airport |
羽根 | はね | shuttlecock |
~羽 | ~わ | counter for rabbits/birds |
練習 | れんしゅう | practice |
習う | ならう | to learn |
復習 | ふくしゅう | review, revision |
予習 | よしゅう | preparation for a lesson |
実習 | じっしゅう | practice, training |
習慣 | しゅうかん | custom, habit, manners |
翼 | つばさ | wings |
老人 | ろうじん | the aged, old person |
考える | かんがえる | think |
考案 | こうあん | idea |
参考 | さんこう | reference |
考え事 | かんがえごと | concern |
思考 | しこう | thought |
考え | かんがえ | thinking, thought, ideas, intention |
考慮 | こうりょ | consideration, taking into account |
何者 | なにもの | who? |
悪者 | わるもの | rascal |
易者 | えきしゃ | fortune teller |
歯医者 | はいしゃ | dentist, a dentist's office |
医者 | いしゃ | doctor |
働き者 | はたらきもの | a hard worker |
作者 | さくしゃ | an author, a writer, an artist |
前者 | ぜんしゃ | the former |
後者 | こうしゃ | the latter |
筆者 | ひっしゃ | writer, author |
者 | もの | person |
役者 | やくしゃ | actor, actress |
耕地 | こうち | arable land |
耕す | たがやす | to till, to plow, to cultivate |
耳 | みみ | ear |
耳かき | みみかき | an earpick |
パンの耳 | パンのみみ | the crust of a slice of bread |
耳科 | じか | otology |
空耳 | そらみみ | mishearing |
耳にする | みみにする | to hear about; to learn |
耳たぶ | みみたぶ | ear lobe |
聞 | き・く、き・こえる | to hear, to listen, to ask |
前代未聞 | ぜんだいみもん | unheard-of; unprecedented |
新聞 | しんぶん | newspaper |
聞こえる | きこえる | hear |
聞く | きく | to hear, to listen, to ask |
新聞社 | しんぶんしゃ | newspaper company |
職員 | しょくいん | employee |
肉 | にく | meat |
牛肉 | ぎゅうにく | beef |
肉屋 | にくや | butcher |
焼肉 | やきにく | Korean BBQ |
筋肉 | きんにく | muscle |
肉眼 | にくがん | naked eye |
肉体 | にくたい | the body |
とり肉 | とりにく | chicken meat |
皮肉 | ひにく | cynicism, sarcasm |
肌 | はだ | skin |
肌着 | はだぎ | underwear |
肯定 | こうてい | affirmative |
体育 | たいいく | physical education |
教育する | きょういくする | to educate |
育男 | いくめん | house-husband (slang) |
育児 | いくじ | childcare, nursing, upbringing |
育つ | そだつ | to raise (child), to be brought up, to grow (up) |
育てる | そだてる | to raise, to rear, to bring up |
教育 | きょういく | training, education |
胃 | い | stomach |
背中 | せなか | the back (of the body) |
背広 | せびろ | a (business) suit |
背 | せ | height, stature |
胡椒 | こしょう | pepper |
胸 | むね | breast, chest |
能力 | のうりょく | ability |
可能性 | かのうせい | chance (likelihood) |
才能 | さいのう | talent |
可能 | かのう | possible, practicable, feasible |
性能 | せいのう | ability, efficiency |
知能 | ちのう | intelligence, brains |
能 | のう | being skilled in, nicely, properly |
能率 | のうりつ | efficiency |
有能 | ゆうのう | able, capable, efficient, skill |
官能的 | かんのうてき | sensual; voluptuous; sexy; arousing |
文脈 | ぶんみゃく | context |
脱線 | だっせん | derailment |
脱ぐ | ぬぐ | to take off (clothes, shoes, etc.); to undress |
脳 | のう | brain |
腐る | くさる | to rot, to go bad |
腕 | うで | arm |
腰 | こし | hip |
腰掛け | こしかけ | seat, bench |
腰掛ける | こしかける | to sit (down) |
お腹 | おなか | stomach |
腹 | はら | abdomen, belly, stomach |
皮膚 | ひふ | skin |
膨らます | ふくらます | to swell, to expand, to inflate, to bulge |
膨らむ | ふくらむ | to expand, to swell (out), to get big, to become |
膨大 | ぼうだい | huge, bulky, enormous, extensive, swelling |
心臓 | しんぞう | heart |
総理大臣 | そうりだいじん | Prime Minister |
大臣 | だいじん | cabinet minister |
臨時 | りんじ | temporary, special, extraordinary |
自 | じ | self |
自称 | じしょう | self-styled; would-be; calling oneself |
自宅 | じたく | my house |
自由 | じゆう | freedom |
自然 | しぜん | nature |
自信 | じしん | self-confidence |
自己 | じこ | self; oneself |
自粛 | じしゅく | self control |
自主的 | じしゅてき | independent, autonomous |
自動 | じどう | automatic |
自動的 | じどうてき | automatically |
自立 | じりつ | independence |
自分で | じぶんで | by oneself |
自動ドア | じどうドア | an automatic door |
自治 | じち | self-government, autonomy |
自殺 | じさつ | suicide |
自習 | じしゅう | self-study |
自然科学 | しぜんかがく | natural science |
不自由 | ふじゆう | discomfort, disability, inconvenience, destitution |
自ら | みずから | for one's self, personally |
臭味 | しゅみ | an interest, a hobby |
臭い | くさい | odour, scent, smell, stench |
至る | いたる | to come, to arrive |
至急 | しきゅう | urgent, pressing |
致す | いたす | (hum) to do |
興味 | きょうみ | (an) interest (in something) |
舌 | した | tongue |
田舎 | いなか | countryside |
校舎 | こうしゃ | school building |
舟 | ふね | ship, boat |
航空 | こうくう | aviation, flying |
全般 | ぜんぱん | (the) whole, universal, wholly, general |
船 | ふね | ship |
汽船 | きせん | steamship |
船便 | ふなびん | surface mail (ship) |
良心 | りょうしん | conscience |
色 | いろ | color |
景色 | けしき | scenery, scene, landscape |
灰色 | はいいろ | grey, gray, ashen |
艶 | つや | gloss, glaze |
花 | はな | flower |
火花 | ひばな | spark |
花畑 | はなはたけ | a flower garden |
花をいけ | はなをいけます | flower arrangement |
花弁 | かべん | petal |
花火 | はなび | fireworks |
花びん | かびん | a vase |
生け花 | いけばな | living flower arrangement |
花場 | はなば | flower bouquet |
花瓶 | かびん | (flower) vase |
花嫁 | はなよめ | bride |
学芸大学 | がくげいだいがく | Tokyo neighbourhood named for now-defunct arts University |
工芸品 | こうげいひん | a handicraft |
芸能 | げいのう | public entertainment, accomplishments, attainment |
工芸 | こうげい | industrial arts |
文芸 | ぶんげい | literature, art and literature, belles-lettres |
芽 | め | sprout |
若い | わかい | young |
若々しい | わかわかしい | youthful, young |
若干 | じゃっかん | some, few, a number of, a little |
困苦 | こんく | hardship |
苦い | にがい | bitter |
苦情 | くじょう | complaint, troubles, objection |
苦心 | くしん | pain, trouble |
苦痛 | くつう | pain, agony |
苦しい | くるしい | painful, difficult |
苦しむ | くるしむ | to suffer, to groan, to be worried |
苦労 | くろう | troubles, hardships |
苦手 | にがて | poor (at), weak (in), dislike (of) |
英国 | えいこく | England |
英吉利 | いぎりす | the United Kingdom (of Great Britain etc) |
和英 | わえい | Japanese-English |
茂る | しげる | to grow thick, to luxuriate, to be luxurious |
茄子 | なす | eggplant |
茶畑 | ちゃばたけ | tea field |
お茶 | おちゃ | tea |
茶碗 | ちゃわん | teabowl |
日本茶 | にほんちゃ | Japanese/green tea |
茶色 | ちゃいろ | brown |
紅茶 | こうちゃ | English/black tea |
茶茶 | ちゃちゃ | interruption |
喫茶店 | きっさてん | a tea house / coffee shop |
緑茶 | りょくちゃ | green tea |
茶色い | ちゃいろい | brown |
茶 | ちゃ | tea |
草原 | くさはら | grassy plain |
草 | くさ | grass |
草履 | ぞうり | zoori (Japanese footwear), sandals |
別荘 | べっそう | holiday house, villa |
荷物 | にもつ | baggage, luggage |
手荷物 | てにもつ | hand luggage |
出荷する | しゅっかする | to ship goods |
茶菓 | さか | tea and cakes |
お菓子 | おかし | confections, sweets, candy |
落ちる | おちる | to fall, to drop |
落す | おとす | to drop, to lose |
落着く | おちつく | to calm down, to settle down |
落し物 | おとしもの | lost property |
落第 | らくだい | failure, dropping out of a class |
葉書 | はがき | postcard |
千葉 | ちば | Chiba Prefecture |
紅葉 | こうよう | leaves changing colors |
葉 | は | leaf |
著者 | ちょしゃ | author, writer |
葬式 | そうしき | funeral |
蒔く | まく | to sow (seeds) |
蒸し暑い | むしあつい | hot and humid |
蒸気 | じょうき | steam, vapour |
蒸発 | じょうはつ | evaporation, unexplained disappearance |
水蒸気 | すいじょうき | water vapour, steam |
蒸す | むす | to steam, to poultice, to be sultry |
冷蔵庫 | れいぞうこ | refridgerator |
薄い | うすい | thin, weak |
推薦 | すいせん | recommendation |
薬 | くすり | medicine |
目薬 | めぐすり | eye lotion |
薬局 | やっきょく | pharmacy |
薬指 | くすりゆび | ring finger |
薬や | くすりや | drugstore |
薬缶 | やかん | kettle |
薬品 | やくひん | medicine(s), chemical(s) |
虫 | むし | insect |
虫歯 | むしば | dental cavity, tooth decay |
毛虫 | けむし | caterpillar |
虹 | にじ | rainbow |
蚊 | か | mosquito |
蛇 | へび | snake |
蛍光灯 | けいこうとう | fluorescent lamp, person who is slow to react |
血 | ち | blood |
血圧が低 | けつあつがひくい | have low blood pressure |
血圧 | けつあつ | blood pressure |
血液 | けつえき | blood |
公衆 | こうしゅう | the public |
行 | い・く、ゆ・く、おこな・う | to go, to walk, to carry out |
花に行く | はなにいぢます | viewing flowers |
行く | いく | to go |
行う | おこなう | to carry out |
旅行する | りょこうする | to travel |
二行目 | にぎょうめ | the second line |
急行 | きゅうこう | rapid |
流行 | りゅうこう | fashion; fad; vogue; craze |
行き | いき | going |
行儀 | ぎょうぎ | manners |
行事 | ぎょうじ | event, function |
行列 | ぎょうれつ | (1) line, procession, (2) matrix (math) |
実行 | じっこう | practice, performance, execution (e.g. program) |
孝行 | こうこう | filial piety |
行動 | こうどう | action, conduct, behaviour, mobilization |
発行 | はっこう | issue (publications) |
流行る | はやる | to flourish, to thrive, to be popular |
並行 | へいこう | (going) side by side, concurrent, abreast |
夜行 | やこう | walking around at night, night train, night travel |
行方 | ゆくえ | one's whereabouts |
旅行 | りょこう | travel, trip |
美術 | びじゅつ | art |
芸術 | げいじゅつ | (fine) art, the arts |
技術 | ぎじゅつ | art, technique, technology, skill |
街 | まち | (1) town, (2) street, road |
自衛 | じえい | self-defense |
衝突 | しょうとつ | collision, conflict |
更衣室 | こういしつ | a dressing room, a locker room |
浴衣 | ゆかた | bathrobe, informal summer kimono, yukata |
図表 | ずひょう | a chart, a graph, a diagram |
表 | おもて | the front, surface, exterior |
公表 | こうひょう | official announcement, proclamation |
代表 | だいひょう | representative, representation, delegation |
発表 | はっぴょう | announcement, publication |
表現 | ひょうげん | expression, presentation, representation (math) |
表紙 | ひょうし | front cover, binding |
表情 | ひょうじょう | facial expression |
手袋 | てぶくろ | glove |
袋 | ふくろ | bag, sack |
被る | かぶる | to wear (on the head) |
被せる | かぶせる | to cover (with something) |
被害 | ひがい | damage |
体裁の悪 | ていさいのわるい | unbecoming, awkward |
裁判 | さいばん | trial, judgement |
裁縫 | さいほう | sewing |
裂く | さく | to tear, to split |
装置 | そうち | equipment, installation, apparatus |
服装 | ふくそう | garments |
包装 | ほうそう | packing, wrapping |
余裕 | よゆう | surplus, composure, margin, room, time, allowance |
候補 | こうほ | candidacy |
裸 | はだか | naked, nude |
製糸 | せいし | silk making |
~製 | ~せい | made in ~ |
作製 | さくせい | manufacture |
製作 | せいさく | manufacture, production |
製品 | せいひん | manufactured goods, finished goods |
複数 | ふくしゅう | review |
複写 | ふくしゃ | reproduction, duplication, a copy, a facsimile |
褒める | ほめる | to praise, to admire, to speak well |
西 | にし | west |
西口 | にしぐち | the west gate |
西日 | にしぐち | afternoon sun |
西海岸 | にしび | western coast |
西暦 | せいれき | the Christian era |
西洋 | せいよう | the west, Western countries |
東西 | とうざい | East and West, whole country |
要る | いる | to need |
必要 | ひつよう | necessary, essential |
要求 | ようきゅう | request, demand, requisition |
要旨 | ようし | gist, essentials, summary, fundamentals |
要するに | ようするに | in a word, after all, the point is .., in short |
要素 | ようそ | element |
要点 | ようてん | gist, main point |
見 | み・る、み・える、み・せる | to look at, to see, to be visible |
月見み | つきみ | moon viewing |
了見 | りょうけん | idea; thought; intention; design |
見せる | みせる | to show |
見える | みえる | to be visible |
発見 | はっけん | discovery |
月見 | みつける | moon viewing (in Autumn) |
目の見え | めのみえない | blind |
花見 | はなみ | cherry blossom viewing |
見物 | けんぶつ | sightseeing |
見学 | けんがく | educational visit |
見事な | みごとな | beautiful, excellent, fine, splendid, marvelous |
味見する | あじみする | to taste, to have a taste of, to sample |
お見舞い | おみまい | calling on someone who is ill, enquiry |
拝見 | はいけん・する | (hum) (pol) seeing, look at |
見つかる | みつかる | (uk) to be found, to be discovered |
見つける | みつける | to discover, to find |
意見 | いけん | opinion, view |
見当 | けんとう | be found, aim, estimate, guess, approx |
見上げる | みあげる | to look up at, to raise one's eyes, to admire |
見下ろす | みおろす | to overlook, to command a view of, to look down |
見掛け | みかけ | outward appearance |
見事 | みごと | splendid, magnificent, beautiful, admirable |
見出し | みだし | heading, caption, subtitle, index |
見付かる | みつかる | to be found, to be discovered |
見付ける | みつける | to be familiar, to discover, to detect |
見直す | みなおす | to look again, to get a better opinion of |
見慣れる | みなれる | to become used to seeing, to be familiar with |
見本 | みほん | sample |
見舞い | みまい | enquiry, expression of sympathy, expression of concern |
見舞う | みまう | to ask after (health), to visit |
見る | みる | to see, to watch |
規律 | きりつ | order, rules, law |
定規 | じょうぎ | (measuring) ruler |
規則 | きそく | rule, regulations |
不規則 | ふきそく | irregularity, unsteadiness, disorderly |
左折検視 | させつきんし | left-handed; southpaw |
疑問視 | ぎもんし | interrogative |
無視 | むし | disregard, ignore |
目が覚め | めがさめる | wake up (in AM) |
覚え | おぼえ | memory; sense; experience |
覚える | おぼえる | to remember, to memorize |
感覚 | かんかく | sense, sensation |
覚ます | さます | to awaken |
覚める | さめる | to wake, to wake up |
目覚し | めざまし | (abbr) alarm-clock |
展覧会 | てんらんかい | exhibition |
御覧 | ごらん | (hon) look, inspection, try |
親友 | しんゆう | a close friend |
父親 | ちちおや | a father |
母親 | ははおや | a mother |
両親 | りょうしん | one's parents |
親切 | しんせつ | kindness, goodness, goodwill |
親切な人 | しんせつなひと | kind person |
親指 | おやゆび | the thumb |
親しい | したしい | close, friendly, familiar, intimate |
親に | おやに | parent and child, parents and their children |
親 | おや | parents |
親戚 | しんせき | relative |
観光する | かんこうする | to go sightseeing |
観客 | かんきゃく | audience, spectator(s) |
観光 | かんこう | sightseeing |
観察 | かんさつ | observation, survey |
六角 | ろっかく | hexagon |
互角 | ごかく | equality; balanced; equal |
角 | かど | corner |
三角 | さんかく | triangle, triangular |
四角 | しかく | square |
四角い | しかくい | square |
折角 | せっかく | with trouble, at great pains, long-awaited |
直角 | ちょっかく | right angle |
方角 | ほうがく | direction, way, compass point |
街角 | まちかど | street corner |
四つ角 | よつかど | four corners, crossroads |
図解 | ずかい | illustration |
正解 | せいかい | correct answer |
解決 | かいけつ | settlement, solution, resolution |
解散 | かいさん | breakup, dissolution |
解答 | かいとう | answer, solution |
解放 | かいほう | release, liberation, emancipation |
見解 | けんかい | opinion, point of view |
分解 | ぶんかい | analysis, disassembly |
理解 | りかい | understanding, comprehension |
触る | さわる | touch |
触れる | ふれる | to touch, to be touched, to touch on a subject |
言 | い・う | word, to say |
言葉 | ことば | word, language |
助言 | じょげん | piece of advice; counsel |
文句を言 | もんくをいう | complain |
言う | いう | to say |
言い出す | いいだす | to start talking, to speak, to tell, to propose |
言い付ける | いいつける | to tell, to tell on (someone), to order |
言付ける | ことづける | to send word, to send a message |
一言 | ひとこと | single word |
独り言 | ひとりごと | a soliloquy, a monologue, speaking to oneself |
方言 | ほうげん | dialect |
時計 | とけい | a watch, a clock |
計画する | けいかくする | to plan |
体温計 | たいおんけい | a clinical thermometer |
計画 | けいかく | plan |
会計 | かいけい | a bill, a check, accounting, accounts |
計算 | けいさん | calculation |
合計 | ごうけい | a total, the sum (total), the total |
腕時計 | うでどけい | a wristwatch, a watch |
計る | はかる | to compute, to calculate, to guess, to plan |
計 | けい | plan |
統計 | とうけい | scattering, a scatter, dispersion |
余計 | よけい | too much, unnecessary, abundance, surplus, excessive |
検討 | けんとう | consideration, examination, investigation, study |
訓 | くん | native Japanese reading of a Chinese character |
訓練 | くんれん | practice, training |
書記 | じしょ | secretary |
記者 | きしゃ | journalist |
日記 | ニッキ | diary |
記入する | きにゅうする | complete (a form) |
暗記 | あんき | memorization, learning by heart |
記憶 | きおく | memory, recollection, remembrance |
筆記 | ひっき | (taking) notes, copying |
訪ねる | たずねる | to visit |
訪問 | ほうもん | call, visit |
建設 | けんせつ | (act of) building, construction |
建設物 | けんせつぶつ | a building |
設計 | せっけい | plan, design |
設備 | せつび | equipment, device, facilities, installation |
許可 | きょか | permission, approval |
免許 | めんきょ | license, permit, licence, certificate |
許す | ゆるす | to permit, to allow, to approve |
翻訳 | ほんやく | translation (written) |
訳 | わけ | meaning, reason |
申し訳 | もうしわけ | apology, excuse |
申し訳ない | もうしわけない | inexcusable |
訳す | やくす | to translate |
診断 | しんだん | diagnosis |
診察 | しんさつ | medical examination |
診る | みる | to examine (medical) |
保証 | ほしょう | guarantee, security, assurance, pledge, warranty |
批評 | ひひょう | criticism, review, commentary |
評価 | ひょうか | valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation |
評判 | ひょうばん | fame, reputation, popularity, arrant |
い形容詞 | いけいようし | i-adjective |
な形容詞 | なけいようし | na-adjective |
副詞 | ふくし | adverb |
助数詞 | じょすうし | counters |
助詞 | じょし | particle |
動詞 | どうし | verb |
動詞文 | どうしぶん | verb (predicate) sentence |
名詞文 | めいしぶん | noun (predicate) sentence |
形容詞 | けいようし | adjective |
形容詞文 | けいどうしぶん | adjective (predicate) sentence |
接続詞 | せつぞくし | conjunction |
数詞 | すうし | quantifier |
形容動詞 | けいようどうし | adjectival noun, quasi-adjective |
台詞 | せりふ | speech, words, one's lines, remarks |
代名詞 | だいめいし | pronoun |
名詞 | めいし | noun |
力試し | ちからだめし | test of strength |
試しょく | ししょくする | to sample (food), to try (food) |
試みる | こころみる | to try, to attempt (to do) |
試み | こころみ | a trial, a test, an experiment, an attempt |
試す | ためす | to try (out), to test, to (make an) experiment |
試合 | しあい | a game, a match, a tournament |
試し | ためし | trial, test |
漢詩 | かんし | Chinese poetry |
詩 | し | poem, verse of poetry |
詩人 | しじん | poet |
詰まる | つまる | to be blocked, to be packed |
詰める | つめる | to pack, to shorten, to work out (details) |
瓶詰 | びんづめ | bottling, bottled |
見詰める | みつめる | to stare at, to gaze at, to look hard at |
話 | はなし、はな・す | speech, to talk, conversation |
話す | しょき | to speak |
小話 | はなし | tale |
話し合う | はなしあう | to discuss; to talk together |
会話 | かいわ | conversation |
話し合い | はなしあい | discussion |
世話をす | 世話をする | to take care (of); to help; to look after |
神話 | しんわ | myth, legend |
世話 | せわ | looking after, help, aid, assistance |
話合い | はなしあい | discussion, conference |
話し掛ける | はなしかける | to accost a person, to talk (to someone) |
話中 | はなしちゅう | while talking, the line is busy |
詳しい | くわしい | knowing very well, detailed, full, accurate |
誇り | ほこり | pride |
承認 | しょうにん | recognition, acknowledgement, approval, consent |
認める | みとめる | to recognize, to appreciate, to approve, to admire |
誓う | ちかう | to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge |
誕生日 | たんじょうび | birthday |
誕生 | たんじょう | birth |
誘う | さそう | (1) to invite, to ask, (2) to tempt, to lure |
語る | かた・る、かた・らう | word, to discuss |
言語学 | げんごがく | linguistics |
日本語 | にほんご | Japanese language |
英語 | えいご | English language |
中国語 | ちゅうごくご | Chinese language |
物語 | ものがたり | a story |
言語 | 言語 | language |
主語 | しゅご | subject |
単語 | たんご | word |
目的語 | もくてきご | object |
語彙 | ごい | vocabulary |
~語 | ~ご | word, language (suffix) |
敬語 | けいご | honorific, term of respect |
語学 | ごがく | language study |
国語 | こくご | national language |
物語る | ものがたる | to tell, to indicate |
用語 | ようご | term, terminology |
誤解 | ごかい | misunderstanding |
小説 | しょうせつ | a novel |
説明 | せつめい | an explanation |
説明する | せつめいする | to explain |
自説 | じせつ | one's one view, opinion |
説 | せつ | an opinion, a view, a theory, a doctrine, a rumor |
説得する | せっとくする | to persuade (a person into doing) |
説く | とく | to explain, to state, to set forth, to preach |
小説家 | しょうせつか | a novelist, a story writer |
口説く | くどく | to talk someone into agreeing |
解説 | かいせつ | explanation, commentary |
読 | よ・む | to read |
読本 | よみかた | reading book |
訓読み | くんよみ | Japanese reading |
読み物 | よみもの | reading practice |
句読点 | くとうてん | punctuation marks |
読み | よみ | reading |
読む | よむ | to read |
課 | か | counter for chapters (of a book) |
課程 | かてい | course, curriculum |
日課 | にっか | daily lesson, daily work, daily routine |
体調 | たいちょう | one's phyical condition |
乱調子 | らんちょうし | confusion |
調べる | しらべる | to examine; to investigate; to check up |
調子 | ちょうし | condition |
強調 | きょうちょう | emphasis, stress, stressed point |
調査 | ちょうさ | investigation, examination, inquiry, survey |
調整 | ちょうせい | regulation, adjustment, tuning |
調節 | ちょうせつ | regulation, adjustment, control |
調味料 | ちょうみりょう | condiment, seasoning |
冗談 | じょうだん | jest, joke |
相談 | そうだん | consultation, discussion |
請求する | せいきゅうする | to charge |
申請 | しんせい | application, request, petition |
請う | こう | to ask, to request |
請求 | せいきゅう | claim, demand, application, request |
概論 | がいろん | intro, outline, general remarks |
結論 | けつろん | conclusion |
評論 | ひょうろん | criticism, critique |
勿論 | もちろん | of course, certainly, naturally |
論じる | ろんじる | to argue, to discuss, to debate |
論ずる | ろんずる | to argue, to discuss, to debate (v5z) |
論争 | ろんそう | controversy, dispute |
論文 | ろんぶん | thesis, essay, treatise, paper |
謙虚 | けんきょ | modesty, humility |
謙遜 | けんそん | humble, humility, modesty |
講堂 | こうどう | a lecture hall, an auditorium |
講義 | こうぎ | lecture |
講演 | こうえん | lecture, address |
講師 | こうし | lecturer |
歌謡 | かよう | song, ballad |
民謡 | みんよう | folk song, popular song |
知識 | ちしき | knowledge |
意識 | いしき | consciousness, senses |
常識 | じょうしき | common sense |
標識 | ひょうしき | sign, mark |
警察 | けいさつ | police |
警官 | けいかん | police{man|woman} |
警告 | けいこく | warning, advice |
警備 | けいび | defense, guard, policing, security |
会議室 | かいぎしつ | meeting room |
建議 | けんぎ | proposal |
国会議員 | こっかいぎいん | a member of the Diet |
国会議事 | こっかいぎじどう | the (Japanese) National Diet |
会議 | かいぎ | meeting, conference |
議員 | ぎいん | member of the Diet, congress or parliament |
議会 | ぎかい | Diet, congress, parliament |
議論 | ぎろん | argument, discussion, dispute |
不思議 | ふしぎ | mystery, curiosity |
譲る | ゆずる | to turn over, to assign, to hand over |
看護士 | かんごし | nurse |
弁護士 | べんごし | lawyer |
看護婦 | かんごふ | (female) nurse |
神谷町 | かみやちょう | neighbourhood in Tokyo |
渋谷 | しぶや | Shibuya: a neighbourhood in Tokyo |
幽谷 | ゆうこく | deep ravine |
谷底 | たにぞこ | valley bottom |
谷 | たに | valley |
豆 | まめ | bean |
豊富 | ほうふ | abundance, wealth, plenty, bounty |
豊か | ゆたか | abundant, wealthy, plentiful, rich |
豚肉 | ぶたにく | pork |
豚毛 | とんもう | pig bristle |
豚カツ | とんカツ | pork cutlet |
豚 | ぶた | pig |
現象 | げんしょう | phenomenon |
象 | ぞう | elephant |
対象 | たいしょう | target, object (of worship, study, etc), subject |
抽象 | ちゅうしょう | abstract |
豪華 | ごうか | wonderful, gorgeous, splendor, pomp, extravagance |
貝 | かい | a shellfish |
貝から | かいから | a shell |
帆立貝 | ほたてがい | scallop |
二枚貝 | にまいがい | bivalve |
巻貝 | まきがい | snail's spiral shell |
貝殻 | かいがら | seashell |
負ける | まける | to lose, to be defeated |
背負う | せおう | to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder |
負け | まけ | defeat, loss, losing (a game) |
財布 | さいふ | wallet |
財産 | ざいさん | property, fortune, assets |
貢献 | こうけん | contribution, services |
貧しい | まずしい | poor, needy |
百貨店 | ひゃっかてん | department store |
貨物 | かもつ | cargo, freight |
硬貨 | こうか | coin |
自動販売 | じどうはんばいき | a vending machine |
販売 | はんばい | sale, selling, marketing |
責任 | せきにん | duty, responsibility |
責める | せめる | to condemn, to blame, to criticize |
貯蔵 | ちょぞう | storage, preservation |
姉貴 | あねき | one's older sister |
買 | か・う | to buy |
買い物 | かいもの | shopping (noun) |
買い手 | かいて | buyer |
買収 | ばいしゅう | purchase; bribe |
買う | かう | to buy |
売買 | ばいばい | trade, buying and selling |
貸し借り | かしかり | lending and borrowing |
貸与 | たいよ | (a) loan, lending |
貸本や | かしほんや | a loan library |
貸す | かす | to lend, to advance (money), to rent (out) |
貸切の | かしきりの | reserved |
貸家 | かしや | a house for rent |
消費 | しょうひ | consumption, expenditure |
費用 | ひよう | cost, expense |
貿易 | ぼうえき | trade |
家賃 | やちん | house rent |
資源 | しげん | resources |
資料 | しりょう | materials, data |
賛成 | Uӣ[い | approval, agreement, support, favour |
賞品 | しょうひん | prize, trophy |
質問 | しつもん | a question, an interrogation, an inquiry |
質屋 | しちや | a pawn shop |
質 | しつ | quality, one's character, (a person's) disposition |
性質 | ていしつ | (a) nature, (a) disposition, (a) character |
質問する | しつもんする | to ask a person a question |
素質 | そしつ | character, qualities, genius |
地質 | ちしつ | geological features |
物質 | ぶっしつ | material, substance |
赤ん坊 | あかんぼう | infant |
赤ちゃん | あかちゃん | baby, infant |
赤字 | あかじ | a deficit |
赤い | あかい | red, crimson (adjective) |
赤 | あか | red, crimson (noun) |
赤外線 | せきがいせn | infrared rays |
赤信号 | あかしんごう | a red light, a danger signal |
真っ赤 | まっか | deep red, flushed (of face) |
走る | はしる | to run |
走り去る | はしりさる | to run away, to drive off |
暴走する | ぼうそうする | to drive recklessly, to be out of control |
競走 | きょうそう | a race, a run, a running match, a dash |
走者 | そうしゃ | a runner |
御馳走 | ごちそう | feast, treating (someone) |
起きる | おきる | get up, wake up |
起こす | おこす | to raise, to set up, to wake someone, to awake |
起立する | きりつする | to stand up |
起こる | おこる | to happen, to occur, to take place |
起床する | きしょうする | to get up, to rise |
縁起 | えんぎ | an omen, luck |
起こった | おこったかお | an angry face, a severe face |
起す | おこす | to raise, to cause, to wake someone (io) |
超える | こえる | to exceed, to cross over, to cross |
超す | こす | to cross, to pass, to tide over |
趣味 | しゅみ | hobby |
足 | あし | leg |
足りる | たりる | to be enough |
足す | たす | to add, to add to; add (math) |
不足 | ふそく | insufficiency; shortage |
満足 | まんぞく | satisfaction |
手足 | てあし | one's limbs |
二足 | にそく | two pairs |
足元に | あしもとに | at one's feet |
足袋 | たび | tabi, Japanese socks (with split toe) |
足る | たる | to be sufficient, to be enough |
足跡 | あしあと | footprints |
線路 | せんろ | line, track, roadbed |
跳ねる | はねる | to jump, to leap |
踊り | おどり | dance |
踊る | おどる | to dance |
踏む | ふむ | to step on, to tread on |
踏切 | ふみきり | railway crossing, level crossing, starting line |
活躍 | かつやく | activity |
中身 | なかみ | contents, the substance |
心身 | しんしん | mind and body |
身体 | しんたい | the body |
全身 | ぜんしん | the whole body, full-length (portrait) |
刺身 | さしみ | sliced raw fish |
自身 | じしん | by oneself, personally |
身 | み | body, main part, oneself, sword |
身分 | みぶん | social position, social status |
車 | くるま、しゃ | car, wheel |
自動車 | じどうしゃ | a car, an automobile |
号車 | ごうしゃ | train car |
下車する | げしゃする | to get off |
下車 | げしゃ | alighting |
人力車 | じんりきしゃ | rickshaw |
新車 | しんしゃ | new car |
中古車 | 中古車 | a second-hand car |
救急車 | きゅうきゅしゃ | ambulance |
歯車 | はぐるま | gear |
汽車 | きしゃ | steam train |
乗車する | じょうしゃする | to get on (a train [bus]), to get in (a car) |
乗車 | じょうしゃ | taking a train, entraining |
停車 | ていしゃ | stopping (e.g. train) |
発車 | はっしゃ | departure of a vehicle |
列車 | れっしゃ | train (ordinary) |
軍刀 | ぐんとう | military sword |
冬将軍 | ふゆしょうぎん | "jack frost" |
軍 | ぐん | army, force, troops |
軒 | けん | eaves |
~軒 | ~けん | counter for houses |
軟らかい | やわらかい | soft |
軟らかい文章 | やわらかいぶんしょう | informal style |
自転車 | じてんしゃ | bicycle |
回転 | かいてん | turning, (a) revolution, (a) rotation, (a) spin |
転ぶ | ころぶ | to fall (down, over), to tumble, to have a fall |
転がる | ころがる | to roll (over), to fall, to lie down |
転がす | ころがす | to roll |
軽い | かるい | light (weight), slight, easy, mild |
軽快な | けいかいな | light, nimble, sprightly, jaunty |
軽症 | けいしょう | a minor injury |
軽やかな | かろやかな | light, airy |
気軽な | きがるな | lighthearted |
口が軽い | くちがかるい | have a loose tongue |
比較 | ひかく | comparison |
比較的 | ひかくてき | comparatively, relatively |
載せる | のせる | to place on (something), to take on board |
載る | のる | to appear (in print), to be placed on |
載 | さい | 10^44; hundred tredecillion |
輝く | かがやく | to shine, to glitter, to sparkle |
先輩 | せんぱい | senior (at work or school), superior, elder |
後輩 | こうはい | junior (at work or school) |
指輪 | ゆびわ | (finger) ring |
輪 | わ | ring, hoop, circle |
輸出 | ゆしゅつ | export; exportation |
輸入 | ゆにゅう | import |
輸血 | ゆけつ | blood transfusion |
辛い | つらい | painful; bitter; heart-breaking |
塩辛い | しおからい | salty (taste) |
辞書 | したがき | dictionary |
英和辞典 | えいわじてん | English-Japanese dictionary |
辞書を借 | じしょをかりる | to borow a dictionary |
御辞儀 | おじぎ | bow |
辞典 | じてん | dictionary |
辞める | やめる | to retire |
農村 | のうそん | farming village |
農場 | のうじょう | farm |
農家 | のうか | farmer, farm family |
農業 | のうぎょう | agriculture |
農産物 | のうさんぶつ | agricultural produce |
農民 | のうみん | farmers, peasants |
農薬 | のうやく | agricultural chemicals |
辺 | へん | area, vicinity |
浜辺 | はまべ | beach; foreshore |
近い | ちかい | near, near by, be close (similar, akin) to |
近く | ちかく | near, close, nearby, be like, resemble |
近所 | きんじょ | the neighbourhood |
近づく | ちかづく | to approach, to draw near |
最近 | さいきん | recently, lately, of late |
近代 | きんだい | present day |
接近 | せっきん | getting closer, drawing nearer, approaching |
近頃 | ちかごろ | lately, recently, nowadays |
近々 | ちかぢか | nearness, before long |
近付ける | ちかづける | to bring near, to put close, to let come near, t |
近寄る | ちかよる | to approach, to draw near |
付近 | ふきん | neighbourhood, vicinity, environs |
返事 | へんじ | an answer, a reply |
返す | かえす | to return something |
繰り返す | くりかえす | to repeat, to do something over again |
引返す | ひきかえす | to repeat, to send back, to bring back |
引っ繰り返す | ひっくりかえす | to turn over, to overturn, to knock over, to upset |
引っ繰り返る | ひっくりかえる | to be overturned, to be upset, to topple over, t |
迫る | せまる | to draw near, to press |
記述 | キジ | article |
述語 | じゅつご | predicate |
述べる | のべる | to state, to express, to mention |
迷子 | まいご | lost (stray) child |
迷う | まよう | to be puzzled, to be perplexed, to lose one's way |
迷信 | めいしん | superstition |
迷惑 | めいわく | trouble, bother, annoyance |
追加 | ついか | addition, supplement, appendix |
退屈 | たいくつ | tedium, boredom |
送り仮名 | おくりがな | kana suffixed to a kanji to show its reading |
送り状 | おくりじょう | invoice |
送る | おくる | to send, to ship, to remit, to see off, to spend |
送球 | そうきゅう | throw |
送信 | そうしん | sender, transmitter |
送付 | そうふ | delivery |
送料 | そうりょう | postage |
放送 | ほうそう | TV broadcasting, a radio broadcast |
見送る | みおくる | to see (a person) off |
送別 | そうべつ | farewell, send-off |
見送り | みおくり | seeing one off, farewell, escort |
輸送 | ゆそう | transport, transportation |
逆さ | さかさ | reverse, inversion, upside down |
逆様 | さかさま | inversion, upside down |
逆らう | さからう | to go against, to oppose, to disobey, to defy |
透明 | とうめい | transparency, cleanness |
逓信する | ていしんする | to fall, to go down |
普通 | ふつう | normally, ordinarily, commonly, usually, in general |
通行 | つこう | passage |
通勤 | つうきん | commuting |
通う | かよう | to attend (school, church), to visit often |
通り | どおり | avenue |
交通 | こうつう | traffic |
通す | とおす | to pass (by/through), to pass (for/as) |
通訳 | つうやく | interpretation, an interpreter |
通る | とおる | to pass (by), to go through |
共通 | きょうつう | commonness, community (adj-na,adj-no,n,vs) |
透き通る | すきとおる | to be(come) transparent |
直通 | ちょくつう | direct communication |
通貨 | つうか | currency |
通学 | つうがく | commuting to school |
通じる | つうじる | to run to, to lead to, to communicate, to understand |
通信 | つうしん | correspondence, communication, news, signal |
通知 | つうち | notice, notification |
通帳 | つうちょう | passbook |
通用 | つうよう | popular use, circulation |
通路 | つうろ | passage, pathway |
一通り | ひととおり | ordinary, usual, in general, briefly |
人通り | ひとどおり | pedestrian traffic |
不通 | ふつう | suspension, interruption, stoppage, tie-up |
速い | はやい | fast |
速達 | そくたつ | express delivery |
速 | そく | gear |
足速い | あしばやい | swift-footed; light-footed |
速度 | そくど | (a) speed, (a) velocity, (a) rate, (a) tempo |
速力 | そくりょく | speed |
早速 | さっそく | at once, immediately, without delay, promptly |
時速 | じそく | speed (per hour) |
荷造りす | にづくりする | to pack |
改造 | かいぞう | (1) remodeling, (2) modding (comp) |
人造 | じんぞう | man-made, synthetic, artificial |
造船 | ぞうせん | shipbuilding |
構造 | こうぞう | structure, construction |
製造 | せいぞう | manufacture, production |
作る/造る | つくる | to make, to create |
連れて来 | つれてくる | bring (person) |
連れる | つれる | to lead, to take (a person) |
連絡 | れんらく | communication, contact, connection |
連れ | つれ | companion, company |
連合 | れんごう | union, alliance |
連想 | れんそう | association (of ideas), suggestion |
連続 | れんぞく | serial, consecutive, continuity, continuing |
逮捕 | たいほ | arrest, apprehension, capture |
週 | しゅう、ひと | week |
毎週 | まいしゅう | every week |
週末 | しゅうまつ | weekend |
先週 | せんしゅう | last week |
二週目 | にしゅうめ | second week |
今週 | こんしゅう | this week |
さ来週 | さらいしゅう | the week after next |
再来週 | さらいしゅう | week after next |
進める | すすめる | to advance, to move forward, to promote |
進む | すすむ | to advance, to proceed, to make progress |
進歩 | しんぽ | progress, (an) advance, (an) improvement |
前進する | ぜんしんする | to advance, to go aead, to march forward |
進学する | しんがくする | to go on to a higher school |
進路 | しんろ | a course, a route, a way |
前進 | ぜんしん | advance, drive, progress |
進学 | しんがく | going on to university |
逸れる | それる | to stray (turn) from subject, to get lost |
遂に | ついに | finally, at last |
遅い | おそい | late, slow |
遅れる | おくれる | to be late |
遅刻する | ちおくする | to come late |
足が遅い | あしがおそい | slow-footed |
早かれ遅 | はやかれおそかれ | sooner or later |
遅刻 | ちこく | lateness, late coming |
遇う | あう | to meet, to encounter |
遊ぶ | あそぶ | play |
遊園地 | ゆうえんち | amusement park |
運転手 | うんてんしゅ | driver, chauffeur |
運動 | うんどう | exercise, athletics, sports, games, a campaign |
運転する | うんてんする | to drive (a car), to run (a train) |
運 | うん | one's lot, (one's) destiny, fortune, luck |
運ぶ | はこぶ | to carry, to convey, to transport |
幸運 | こううん | good fortune, (good) luck, a lucky break |
持ち運ぶ | もちはこぶ | to bring, to carry |
運がいい | うんがいい | be lucky, have good luck |
運転免許 | うんてんめんきょしょう | a driver's licence |
不運 | ふうん | unlucky, misfortune, bad luck, fate |
普遍 | ふへん | universally |
多過ぎる | おおすぎる | too many |
過去 | かこ | past |
過ぎる | すぎる | to exceed, to go beyond |
過程 | かてい | process |
過半数 | かはんすう | majority |
過ごす | すごす | to pass, to spend, to go through, to tide over |
超過 | ちょうか | excess, being more than |
通過 | つうか | passage through, passing |
道 | みち、どう | street, path, way |
水道 | すいどう | waterworks |
林道 | りんどう | a forest path |
近道 | ちかみち | shortcut |
水道の栓 | すいどうのせん | faucet, tap |
歩道 | ほどう | a footpath, a sidewalk |
歩道橋 | ほどうきょう | pedestrian bridge |
赤道 | せきどう | equator |
何の道 | どのみち | anyway |
道教二十 | どうきょうにじゅうさんく | the 23 wards of Tokyo |
道具 | どうぐ | tool, means |
書道 | しょどう | calligraphy |
柔道 | じゅうどう | judo |
道徳 | どうとく | morals |
回り道 | まわりみち | detour |
遠い | とおい | remote, distant (past/places), faraway |
遠く | とおく | far away |
永遠 | えいえん | eternity |
久遠 | くおん | eternity |
遠足 | えんそく | an excursion, a trip, a hike, an outing, a picnic |
遠回り | とおまわり | a detour, a roundabout way |
遠視 | えんし | farsighted |
遠くに | とおくに | far away, a long way off, in the distance |
遠慮する | えんりょする | to hold back, to be modest |
仮名遣い | かなづかい | kana orthography, syllabary spelling |
小遣い | こづかい | personal expenses, pocket money, spending money, |
言葉遣い | ことばづかい | speech, expression, wording |
適当 | てきとう | fitness, suitability |
快適 | かいてき | pleasant, agreeable, comfortable |
適確 | てきかく | precise, accurate |
適する | てきする | to fit, to suit (vs-s) |
適切 | てきせつ | pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance |
適度 | てきど | moderate |
適用 | てきよう | applying |
選手 | せんしゅ | (1) player (in game), (2) team |
選択 | せんたく | selection, choice |
遺失品 | いしつひん | lost article |
避ける | さける | (1) to avoid (physical contact ), (2) to ward off |
官邸 | かんてい | official residence (e.g. of the prime minister) |
郊外 | こうがい | suburb, outskirts |
郡 | ぐん | country, district |
西部 | せいぶ | western |
文部省 | もんぶしょう | Ministry of Education |
全部 | ぜんぶ | everything |
部屋 | へや | a room, a chamber |
~学部 | ~がくぶ | department of a university |
外部 | がいぶ | the outside, external |
大部分 | だいぶぶん | most part, greater part, majority |
部品 | ぶひん | parts, accessories |
部分 | ぶぶん | portion, section, part |
本部 | ほんぶ | headquarters |
郵便 | ゆうびん | |
郵便局 | ゆうびんきょく | post office |
郵便物 | ゆうびんぶつ | mail (letters) |
郵送 | ゆうそう | mailing |
故郷 | こきょう | home town, birthplace, old village, historic village |
都市 | とし | city |
都合が悪 | つごうがわるい | be inconvenient |
姉妹都市 | しまいとし | sister cities |
その都度 | そのつぶ | each/every time (it happens) |
東京都 | とうきょうと | Metropolis of Tokyo |
都合がい | つごうがいい | be convenient (to) |
都心 | としん | the heart/center of Tokyo, the city center |
都会 | とかい | a city, a town, a metropolis |
都 | みやこ | a capital, a metropolis, the seat of government |
都合 | つごう | circumstances, condition, convenience |
酌む | くむ | to serve sake |
心配 | しんぱい・する | worry, concern |
配る | くばる | to distribute, to deliver |
気配 | けはい | indication, market trend, worry |
配達 | はいたつ | delivery, distribution |
酒 | さけ | liquor |
酒屋 | さかや | liquor shop |
日本酒 | にほんしゅ | Japanese sake |
洋酒 | ようしゅ | foreign liquors |
祝い酒 | いわいざけ | celebratory alcohol |
居酒屋 | いざかや | an izakaya, a Japanese-style bar |
お酒 | おさけ | alcohol, sake (rice wine) |
酒場 | さかば | bar, bar-room |
酔う | よう | to get drunk, to become intoxicated |
酔っ払い | よっぱらい | drunkard |
酢 | す | vinegar |
酸っぱい | すっぱい | sour; acid |
酸性 | さんせい | acidity |
酸素 | さんそ | oxygen |
醜い | みにくい | ugly |
解釈 | かいしゃく | explanation, interpretation |
一里 | いちり | one league |
里人 | さとびと | rustic (from villager?) |
古里 | ふるさと | home town, birthplace, old village, historic village |
体重 | たいじゅう | one's body weight |
重点 | じゅうてん | emphasis |
重労働 | じゅうろうどう | heavy labor |
二重の | にじゅうの | double, twofold, dual |
重ねる | かさねる | to pile/heap up |
重要な | じゅうような | important, essential, principal |
三重県 | みえけん | Mie prefecture (of Kinki region) |
重い | おもい | heavy, weighty, clumsy, slow, grave, serious |
重大な | じゅうだいな | serious, important, grave |
重たい | おもたい | heavy, massive, serious |
厳重 | げんじゅう | strict, rigour, severe, firm |
慎重 | しんちょう | discretion, prudence |
尊重 | そんちょう | respect, esteem, regard |
野菜 | やさい | vegetables, greens, garden vegetables |
野の花 | ののはな | a wild flower |
分野 | ぶんや | a field, an area, a sphere |
野原 | のはら | a field, fields |
野球 | やきゅう | (play) baseball |
野 | の | field |
平野 | へいや | plain, open field |
量 | りょう | amount |
測量 | そくりょう | measurement, surveying |
量る | はかる | to measure, to weigh, to survey |
分量 | ぶんりょう | amount, quantity |
載量 | さいりょう | loading capacity; carrying capacity |
金 | きん | gold |
お金 | おかね | money |
金田 | かねだ | Kaneda: a Japanese surname |
金曜日 | きんようび | Friday |
税金 | ぜいきん | tax, duty |
送金 | そうきん | wire transfer, remittance |
郵便貯金 | ゆうびんちょきん | postal savings (deposit) |
竜金 | りゅうきん | charge (noun) |
借金 | しゃっきん | a debt; a loan |
金曜の夜 | きんようのよる | Friday night |
お・金持ち | かねもち/おかねもち | rich man |
金持ち | かねもち | rich man |
金庫 | きんこ | safe, vault, treasury, provider of funds |
金属 | きんぞく | metal |
金融 | きんゆう | monetary circulation, credit situation |
金曜 | きんよう | (abbr) Friday |
現金 | げんきん | cash, ready money, mercenary, self-interested |
賞金 | しょうきん | prize, monetary award |
代金 | だいきん | price, payment, cost, charge |
貯金 | ちょきん | (bank) savings |
料金 | りょうきん | fee, charge, fare |
針路 | しんろ | course, direction, compass bearing |
針 | はり | needle, hand (e.g. clock) |
針金 | はりがね | wire |
方針 | ほうしん | objective, plan, policy |
釣る | つる | to fish |
釣り合う | つりあう | to balance, to be in harmony, to suit |
鈍い | にぶい | dull (e.g. a knife), thickheaded |
鈴 | すず | bell |
鉄 | てつ | iron |
私鉄 | してつ | private train company |
鉄橋 | てっきょう | steel bridge |
地下鉄 | ちかてつ | the subway, the underground, the Tube (Metro) |
鉛筆 | えんぴつ | pencil |
鉢 | はち | a bowl, a pot |
鉱物 | こうぶつ | mineral |
炭鉱 | たんこう | coal mine, coal pit |
銀行 | ぎんこう | bank |
銀座 | ぎんざ | Ginza (district of Tokyo) |
金銀 | きんぎん | silver and gold (literally) |
銀 | ぎん | silver |
銀色 | ぎんいろ | silveriness, the color silver (noun) |
銀行口座 | ぎんこうこうざ | a bank account |
銘々 | めいめい | each, individual |
小銭 | こぜに | small change |
金銭 | きんせん | money, cash |
鋭い | するどい | pointed, sharp |
記録 | きろく | record, minutes, document |
鎖 | くさり | chain |
虫眼鏡 | むしめがね | magnifying glass |
眼鏡 | めがね | glasses |
鏡 | かがみ | mirror |
望遠鏡 | ぼうえんきょう | telescope |
鐘 | かね | bell |
図鑑 | ずかん | picture book |
長 | なが・い、ちょう | long, leader |
長男 | ちょうなん | the eldest son |
学長 | がくちょう | a (university; school) president |
社長 | しゃちょう | president |
村長 | そんちょう | village head |
長谷川 | はせがわ | surname |
市長 | しちょう | a mayor |
長野県 | ながのけん | Nagano prefecture (of Chubu region) |
長い | ながい | long |
課長 | かちょう | section manager |
部長 | ぶちょう | head of a section (adjn) |
身長 | しんちょう | height (of body), stature |
校長 | こうちょう | principal, headmaster |
成長 | せいちょう | growth, grow to adulthood |
生長 | せいちょう | growth, increment |
長期 | ちょうき | long time period |
長所 | ちょうしょ | (1) strong point, merit, (2) advantage |
長女 | ちょうじょ | eldest daughter |
長短 | ちょうたん | length, long and short, +- |
長方形 | ちょうほうけい | rectangle, oblong |
門 | もん | a gate, a gateway |
正門 | せいもん | the main/front gate, the main entrance |
専門 | せんもん | a specialty |
門松 | かどまつ | New Year's pine decoration |
部門 | ぶもん | a section, a department, a branch |
門をあげ | もんをあける | to open a gate |
閉まる | しまる | to close |
閉じる | とじる | to close |
閉会する | へいかいする | to close a meeting |
閉店する | へいてんする | to close a store |
幕を閉じ | まくをとじる | to come to an end; to close the curtain |
閉める | しめる | to close |
閉会 | へいかい | closure |
開く | ひらく | to open, to unpack, to bloom, to start, to hold |
開会する | かいかいする | to open a meeting |
開店する | かいてんする | to open a store |
開会式 | かいかいしき | opening ceremony |
開始 | かいし | a start, a beginning, the onset |
開発 | かいはつ | development, exploitment (of resources) |
再開 | さいかい | reopening, resumption |
窓を開け | まどをあける | to open the meeting, to sit |
開ける | あける | to open |
開会 | かいかい | opening of a meeting |
開通 | かいつう | opening, open |
開放 | かいほう | open, throw open, liberalization |
森閑 | しんかん | silence |
間 | カン、ケン、あいだ、ま | interval, between, space |
人間 | にんげん | human being |
間違い | まちがい | mistake |
間違いえ | まちがいえる | to make a mistake |
時間 | じかん | time |
林間学校 | (りんかんがっこう) | outdoors school (camp) |
一年間 | いちねんかん | a year |
一週間 | いっしゅうかん | one week |
世間 | せけん | world, society, life, people |
間に合う | まにあう | to be in time for, to do |
週間 | しゅうかん | week |
一時間 | いちじかん | one hour |
短時間 | たんじかん | a short time |
〜の間 | 〜のあいだ | between |
会社人間 | かいしゃにんげん | employee (corporate) |
夜間 | やかん(に) | at night, in the night |
昼間 | ひるま | daytime, during the day |
間違える | まちがえる | to err, to make a mistake |
隙間 | すきま | crevice, crack, gap, opening |
時間割 | じかんわり | timetable, schedule |
中間 | ちゅうかん | middle, midway, interim |
寝間着 | ねまき | sleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, nightgown |
年間 | ねんかん | year |
間も無く | まもなく | soon, before long, in a short time |
民間 | みんかん | private, civilian, civil, popular, folk, unofficial |
玄関 | げんかん | entrance to (Japanese) house |
関係 | かんけい | relation, connection |
関西 | かんさい | (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka) |
関連 | かんれん | relation, connection, relevance |
交通機関 | こうつうきかん | transportation facilities |
税関 | ぜいかん | customs house |
防ぐ | ふせぐ | to defend (against), to protect, to prevent |
防止 | ぼうし | prevention, check |
防犯 | ぼうはん | prevention of crime |
予防 | よぼう | prevention, precaution, protection against |
附属 | ふぞく | attached, belonging, affiliated |
降りる | おりる | to alight (eg from bus), to get off |
以降 | いこう | on and after, hereafter, thereafter |
降ろす | おろす | to take down, to launch, to drop |
降る | ふる | to precipitate, to fall (e.g. rain) |
限界 | げんかい | limit, bound |
限度 | げんど | limit, bounds |
制限 | せいげん | restriction, restraint, limitation |
無限 | むげん | infinite |
病院 | びょういん | a hospital |
寺院 | じいん | a (Buddhist) temple |
院長 | いんちょう | the director, the president (of an organization) |
入院する | にゅういんする | to enter (a) hospital |
大学院 | だいがくいん | a graduate school |
美容院 | びよういん | a beauty salon |
退院する | たいいんする | to be discharged (from the hospital) |
入院 | にゅういん・する | hospitalization |
退院 | たいいん | leaving hospital |
掃除機 | そうじき | vacuum cleaner |
掃除 | そうじ | cleaning, sweeping |
削除 | さくじょ | elimination, cancellation, deletion, erasure |
除く | のぞく | to remove, to exclude, to except |
欠陥 | けっかん | defect, fault, deficiency |
日陰 | ひかげ | shadow |
大陸 | たいりく | continent |
陸 | りく | six (used in legal documents) |
陸軍 | りくぐん | army |
陸上 | りくじょう | (on) land; ground; shore |
危険 | きけん | danger |
険しい | けわしい | inaccessible place, sharp eyes |
冒険 | ぼうけん | risk, venture, adventure |
太陽 | たいよう | the sun |
陽射 | ひざし | sunlight, rays of the sun |
陽気 | ようき | season, weather, cheerfulness |
隅 | すみ | corner, nook |
丁寧隊 | ていねいたい | polite form (of speech) |
普通隊 | ふつうたい | plain form (of speech) |
軍隊 | ぐんたい | army, troops |
兵隊 | へいたい | soldier, sailor |
何階 | なんかい | what floor |
~階 | ~かい | counter for storeys of a building |
階段 | かいだん | stairs |
段階 | だんかい | gradation, grade, stage |
随筆 | ずいひつ | essays, miscellaneous writings |
随分 | ずいぶん | extremely |
間隔 | かんかく | space, interval, SPC |
隔てる | へだてる | to be shut out |
国際送金 | こくさいそうきん | international wire transfer, int'l money order |
実際 | じっさい | practical, actual condition, status quo (adj-no) |
国際 | こくさい | international |
交際 | こうさい | company, friendship, association, society |
際 | さい | on the occasion of, circumstances |
障子 | しょうじ | paper sliding door |
故障 | こしょう・する | break-down |
隣の人 | となりのひと | neighbor |
隣 | となり | next to, next door to |
集める | あつめる | to collect, to assemble, to gather |
集会 | しゅうかい | a meeting, a gathering, an assembly |
集う | つどう | to gather, to meet together |
集合 | しゅうごう | (a) gathering, (a) meeting, an assembly |
集中する | しゅうちゅうする | to concentrate, to centralize |
集まる | あつまる | to gather, to come together, to swarm |
全集 | ぜんしゅう | complete works |
編集 | へんしゅう | editing, compilation, editorial (e.g. committee) |
募集 | ぼしゅう | recruiting, taking applications |
雇う | やとう | to employ, to hire |
雌 | めす | female |
雑誌 | ざっし | magazine |
複雑 | ふくざつ | complexity, complication |
雑巾 | ぞうきん | house-cloth, dust cloth |
混雑 | こんざつ | confusion, congestion |
離す | はなす | to part, divide, separate |
離れる | はなれる | to be separated from, to leave, to go away |
離婚 | りこん | divorce |
難しい | むずかしい | difficult |
困難 | こんなん | difficult |
災難 | さいなん | calamity, misfortune |
盗難 | とうなん | theft, robbery |
~難い | ~にくい | difficult, harde (aux-adj) |
雨 | あめ | rain |
大雨 | おおあめ | heavy rain |
小雨 | こさめ | drizzle, light rain |
雨戸 | あまど | shutters |
雨天 | うてん | rainy weather |
雨期 | うき | rainy season |
雨がふる | あめがふる | to rain |
梅雨 | つゆ | rainy season, rain during the rainy season |
雪 | ゆき | snow |
雪国 | ゆきぐに | snowy country |
降雪 | こうせつ | snowfall |
大雪 | おおゆき | heavy snow(fall) |
除雪車 | じょせつしゃ | snowplow |
雪車 | そり | sled, tobaggan |
吹雪 | ふぶき | snow storm |
雰囲気 | ふんいき | atmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience |
雲 | くも | cloud |
雨雲 | あまぐも | rain cloud |
雲母 | うんも | mica |
星雲 | せいうん | nebula |
浮雲 | うきぐも | drifting cloud |
零 | れい | zero, nought |
零点 | れいてん | zero, no marks |
雷 | かみなり | thunder |
電 | でん | electricity |
電話 | でんわ | a telephone |
電車 | でんしゃ | an electric train |
電球 | でんきゅう | light bulb |
電流 | でんりゅう | electric current |
普通電車 | ふつうでんしゃ | local train (stops at all stations) |
送電 | そうでん | power supply |
電気 | でんき | light (manmade) |
電気屋 | でんきや | electrician |
電話する | でんわする | call (by phone) |
電車に乗 | でんしゃにのる | to take a train |
電話を切 | でんわをきる | to hang up the phone |
電車で帰 | でんしゃでかえる | to return (home) by train |
電話を貸 | でんわをかす | to let a person use the phone |
電灯 | でんとう | electric light |
電報 | でんぽう | telegram |
停電 | ていでん | failure of electricity |
発電 | はつでん | generation (e.g. power) |
必需品 | ひつじゅひん | necessities, necessary article, requisite, essential |
地震 | じしん | an earthquake (shock), an earth tremor |
震える | ふるえる | to shiver, to shake, to quake |
霧 | きり | fog, mist |
青森県 | あおもりけん | Aomori prefecture |
青物 | あおもの | greens, vegetables |
青信号 | あおしんごう | a green light |
青年 | せいねん | a young man, a youth, young people |
青空 | あおぞら | blue sky |
青い | あおい | blue (adjective), green |
青春 | せいしゅん | you, the best time of one's life, one's prime |
真っ青な | まっさおな | deep blue, deathly pale, ashen |
青 | あお | blue (noun), green |
青白い | あおじろい | pale, pallid |
青少年 | せいしょうねん | youth, young person |
真っ青 | まっさお | deep blue, ghastly pale |
静か | しずか | quiet |
静止する | せいしする | to stand still |
安静 | あんせい | rest, quiet |
静かな | しずかな | quiet, peaceful |
静まる | しずまる | to quieten down, to calm down, to subside |
冷静 | れいせい | calm, composure, coolness, serenity |
非過去 | ひかこ | non-past |
非常に | ひじょうに | very, extremely, exceedingly |
是非 | ぜひ | certainly, without fail |
非常 | ひじょう | emergency, extraordinary, unusual |
多面 | ためん | many sides |
イケ面 | いけめん | cool guy; good-looking, energetic man; hunk |
外面 | がいめん | exterior |
仮面 | かめん | mask |
側面 | そくめん | side, flank |
赤面 | せきめん | blush |
面白い | おもしろい | interesting |
画面 | がめん | screen |
洗面 | せんめん | wash up (one's face), have a wash |
場面 | ばめん | scene, setting (e.g. of novel) |
表面 | ひょうめん | surface, outside, face, appearance |
方面 | ほうめん | direction, district, field (e.g., of study) |
真面目 | まじめ | diligent, serious, honest |
面 | めん | face, mug, surface, facial features, mask |
面積 | めんせき | area |
面接 | めんせつ | interview |
面倒 | めんどう | trouble, difficulty, care, attention |
面倒臭い | めんどうくさい | bother to do, tiresome |
革 | かわ | leather |
音 | おと | a sound; a noise; din |
音楽 | おんがく | music |
音色 | ねいろ | tone |
音読み | おんよみ | Chinese-derived reading |
足音 | あしおと | footsteps |
子音 | しいん | a consonant |
発音 | はつおん | pronunciation |
低音 | ていおん | a low temperature |
物音 | ものおと | sound of unknown origin |
母音 | ぼいん | a vowel |
録音する | ろくおんする | to record (sound), to tape |
本音 | ほんな | one's real intention, one's real motive |
五十音 | ごじゅうおん | the Japanese syllabary |
雑音 | ざつおん | noise (jarring, grating) |
録音 | ろくおん | (audio) recording |
響き | ひびき | echo, sound, reverberation, noise |
響く | ひびく | to resound |
頂く | いただく | to receive, to take food or drink (hum) |
頂上 | ちょうじょう | top, summit, peak |
頂点 | ちょうてん | top, summit |
項目 | こうもく | item |
順番 | じゅんばん | order, turn |
道順 | みちじゅん | itinerary, route |
須崎 | すざき | sandspit |
頑張る | がんばる | to try one's best, to persist |
大統領 | だいとうりょう | president, chief executive |
要領 | ようりょう | point, gist, essentials, outline |
領事 | りょうじ | consul |
領収 | りょうしゅう | receipt, voucher |
頭 | あたま | one's head, hair, a hairstyle, brains, intelligence |
頭痛 | ずつう | a headache |
偏頭痛 | へんずつう | migraine headache |
頭が痛い | あたまがいたい | have a headache |
頭打ち | あたまうち | top |
三頭 | さんとう | three head (of cattle) |
頭が悪い | あたまがわるい | be stupid, be dull, have no brains |
頭文字 | かしらもじ | an initial letter, a capital |
頭にくる | あたまにくる | to fly into a range, to blow one's top |
頭脳 | ずのう | head, brains, intellect |
先頭 | せんとう | head, lead, vanguard, first |
主題 | しゅだい | topic |
問題集 | もんだいしゅう | a collection of problems, a workbook |
問題 | もんだい | a problem, a matter |
宿題 | しゅくだい | homework, an assignment |
宿題をす | しゅくだいをする | to do (one's) homework |
題 | だい | a subject, a theme, a title |
問題を解 | もんだいをとく | to solve a problem |
題名 | だいめい | a title, a caption, a heading |
話題 | わだい | topic, subject |
金額 | きんがく | amount of money |
額 | ひたい | forehead, brow |
顔 | かお | one's face, one's looks, a look |
丸顔 | まるがお | a round face |
顔面 | がんめん | face |
顔色 | かおいろ | complexion |
顔付き | かおつき | features |
顔が広い | かおがひろい | know a lot of people, be widely known |
童顔 | どうがん | a baby face, a boyish/girlish face |
笑顔 | えがお | a smiling face |
顕微鏡 | けんびきょう | microscope |
哀願物 | あいがんぶつ | prized or treasured object |
お願いし | おねがいします | “please” |
願い | ねがい | desire, wish, request |
願う | ねがう | to desire, to wish, to request |
貝類 | かいるい | shellfish |
比類 | ひるい | parallel; equal; match |
親類 | しんるい | relation, kin |
人類 | じんるい | mankind, humanity |
書類 | しょるい | documents, official papers |
分類 | ぶんるい | classification |
風 | かぜ | a wind, a current of air, a breeze, a draft |
北風 | きたかぜ | north wind |
風船 | ふうせん | balloon |
神風 | かみかぜ | divine wind |
和風 | わふう | Japanese style |
お風呂 | おふろ | a bath |
台風 | たいふう | a typhoon |
風上 | かざかみ | (the) windward (side) |
風邪 | かぜ | (a) cold, the common cold |
風邪を引 | かぜをひく | to catch a cold, to get a cold |
扇風機 | せんぷうき | electric fan |
風景 | ふうけい | scenery |
風呂 | ふろ | bath |
風呂敷 | ふろしき | wrapping cloth, cloth wrapper |
秋風 | あきかぜ | autumn breeze |
飛行機 | ひこうき | airplane |
飛ぶ | とぶ | to fly |
飛行場 | ひこうじょう | an airfield, an airport, a flying field |
飛行 | ひこう | aviation |
食 | た・べる、く・う、く・らう | food, to eat |
食べ物 | たべもの | food |
夕食 | ゆうしょく | supper, dinner |
食べる | たべる | to eat |
食事 | しょうくじ | a meal |
昼食 | ちゅうしょく | lunch |
夜食 | やしょく | a midnight meal |
食器 | しょっき | tableware |
食堂 | しょくどう | dining hall, canteen |
朝食 | ちょうしょく | breakfast |
食料品 | しょくりょうひん | foodstuff, groceries |
衣食住 | いしょくじゅう | necessities of life (food, clothing, etc.) |
食う | くう | (male) (vulg) to eat |
食品 | しょくひん | commodity, foodstuff |
食物 | しょくもつ | food, foodstuff |
食欲 | しょくよく | appetite (for food) |
食料 | しょくりょう | food |
食糧 | しょくりょう | provisions, rations |
御飯 | ごはん | rice, food |
夕飯 | ゆうはん | (a) dinner, an evening meal, (a) supper |
朝飯 | あさめし | breakfast |
晩御飯 | ばんごはん | supper, dinner |
飯田橋 | いいだばし | Iidabashi, neighbourhood in Tokyo |
昼飯 | ひるめし | lunch (alternate word) |
昼ご飯 | ひるごはん | lunch |
朝ご飯 | あさごはん | breakfast |
炊飯器 | すいはんき | a rice cooker |
ご飯を食 | ごはんをたべる | to have one's meal |
朝御飯 | あさごはん | breakfast |
飯 | めし | (sl) meals, food |
飲 | の・む | to drink |
飲酒 | いんしゅ | drinking alcohol |
飲み物 | のみもの | a beverage |
飲む | のむ | to drink |
湯飲み | ゆのみ | teacup |
羊飼い | ひつじかい | shepherd |
牛飼い | うしかい | cow herd |
飼う | かう | to keep, to raise, to feed |
飽きる | あきる | to get tired of, to lose interest in |
飽くまで | あくまで | to the end, to the last, stubbornly |
耳飾 | みみかざり | earring |
修飾 | しゅうしょく | modification |
飾る | かざる | to decorate, to ornament, to adorn |
休養 | きゅうよう | rest, break, recreation |
教養 | きょうよう | culture, education, refinement, cultivation |
養分 | ようぶん | nourishment, nutrient |
図書館 | としょかん | library |
美術館 | びじゅつかん | art museum |
大使館 | たいしかん | an embassy |
入館料 | にゅうかんりょう | an admission fee |
体育館 | たいいくかん | a gym, a gymnasium |
本館 | ほんかん | a main building |
会館 | かいかん | a hall, an assembly hall |
映画館 | えいがかん | movie theatre (theater), cinema |
旅館 | りょかん | Japanese hotel, inn |
博物館 | はくぶつかん | museum |
足首 | あしくび | ankle |
元首 | げんしゅ | head of state |
手首 | てくび | a wrist |
首都 | しゅと | the capital (city) |
元首相 | もとしゅしょう | the former Prime Minister |
首 | くび | the neck, the head |
首になる | くびになる | to be fired (from a job) |
首相 | しゅしょう | the Prime Minister |
部首 | ぶしゅ | radical (of a kanji character) |
香り | かおり | aroma, fragrance, scent, smell |
香水 | こうすい | perfume |
馬力 | ばりき | horsepower |
馬肉 | ばにく | horsemeat |
馬 | うま | a horse |
馬車 | ばじゃ | a carriage |
競馬賞 | けいばしょう | racecourse |
竹馬 | たけうま | stilts |
乗馬 | じょうば | horseback riding |
競馬 | けいば | horse racing |
無駄な | むだな | futile; useless; pointless |
下駄 | げた | geta (Japanese footwear), wooden clogs |
駄目 | だめ | useless, no good, hopeless |
無駄 | むだ | futility, uselessness |
駅 | えき | station |
始発駅 | しはつえき | the starting (train) station |
駅弁 | えきべん | boxed lunch (bought at a station) |
駅前 | えきまえ | in front of a (train) station |
駅員 | えきいん | train station attendent (employee) |
駐車場 | ちゅうしゃじょう | parking lot |
駐車 | ちゅうしゃ | parking (e.g. car) |
騒音 | そうおん | noise |
騒々しい | そうぞうしい | noisy, boisterous |
騒ぐ | さわぐ | to make noise, to clamor, to be excited |
騒がしい | さわがしい | noisy |
騒ぎ | さわぎ | uproar, disturbance |
物騒 | ぶっそう | dangerous, disturbed, insecure |
試験 | しけん | an examination, a test, an exam |
実験 | じっけん | an experiment, a test |
期末試験 | きまつしけん | a final exam, an end-of-term exam |
受験する | じゅけんする | to take an examination |
経験 | けいけん | (an) experience |
経験する | けいけんする | to experience, to go through (hardship) |
試験を受 | しけんをうける | to take an exam |
驚く | おどろく | to be surprised, to be astonished |
驚かす | おどろかす | to surprise, to frighten, to create a stir |
頭骨 | とうこつ | skull |
骨 | ほね | bone |
骨折 | こっせつ | bone fracture |
高 | たか・い、たか・まる | high, expensive, increase |
円高 | えんだか | strong yen |
高橋 | たかはし | Takahashi: a Japanese surname |
高校 | こうこう | a high school |
高速 | こうそく | high speed |
高校/高等学校 | こうこう/こうとうがっこう | high school/senior high school |
高校生 | こうこうせい | high school student |
高価 | こうか | high price |
高級 | こうきゅう | high class, high grade |
高層 | こうそう | upper |
高度 | こうど | altitude, height, advanced |
高等 | こうとう | high class, high grade |
高等学校 | こうとうがっこう | senior high school |
最高 | さいこう | highest, supreme, the most |
高い | たかい | tall, high, expensive |
高める | たかめる | to raise, to lift, to boost |
鬼 | おに | demon; ogre |
魅力 | みりょく | charm, fascination, glamour |
悪魔 | あくま | devil, demon, evil spirit |
魚 | さかな | fish |
魚屋 | さかなや | a fish shop |
魚市場 | うおいちば | fish market |
魚つり | さかなつり | fishing |
金魚 | きんぎょ | goldfish |
新鮮 | しんせん | fresh |
鳥 | とり | a bird |
焼き鳥 | やきとり | grilled/roast chicken |
小鳥 | ことり | a small bird |
鳥取県 | とっとりけん | Totorri prefecture |
千鳥 | ちどり | plover |
大鳥 | おおどうり | main road |
白鳥 | はくちょう | swan |
鳥肌 | とりはだ | goose bumps, goose flesh, goose pimples |
耳鳴り | みみなり | tinnitus |
鳴動 | めいどう | rumbling |
雷鳴 | らいめい | thunder |
鳴く | なく | to sing (bird), to make sound (animal) |
鳴る | なる | to sound, to ring, to resound |
鶏肉 | とりにく | chicken (meat) |
鶏 | にわとり | chicken (bird) |
千羽鶴 | せんばづる | 1000 origami cranes |
鶴 | つる | crane |
馬鹿 | ばか | fool, idiot, trivial matter, folly |
麦 | むぎ | wheat |
麦畑 | むぎばたけ | wheat field |
麦芽 | ばくが | malt |
麦茶 | むぎちゃ | barley tea |
小麦 | こむぎ | wheat |
小麦粉 | こむぎこ | flour |
蕎麦 | そば | soba (buckwheat noodles) |
卵黄 | らんおう | egg yolk |
黄色い | きいろい | yellow |
黄金 | おうごん | gold |
黄色 | きいろ | yellow |
黒い | くろい | black (adjective) |
黒人 | こくじん | negro |
黒字 | くろじ | (in) 'the black' |
黒死病 | こくしびょ | black death |
黒猫 | くろねこ | a black cat |
白黒 | しろくろ | black and white |
黒板 | こくばん | a blackboard, a chalkboard |
黒 | くろ | black (noun) |
真っ黒な | まっくろな | (as) black as ink, jet-black, inky-black |
真っ黒 | まっくろ | pitch black |
黙る | だまる | to be silent |
太鼓 | たいこ | a drum |
耳鼻科 | じびか | study of nose and ears |
鼻面 | はなづら | muzzle |
鼻 | はな | nose |
年齢 | ねんれい | age, years |
あく促 | あくせく | fussily, busily, sedulously, worrying about (small things) |
あっ搾 | あっさく | pressure, compression |
あっ砕 | あっさい | crushing |
あで姿 | あですがた, えんし | charming figure, alluring figure |
あば擦れ | あばずれ | a bitch |
あぶく銭 | あぶくぜに | easy money |
あら捜し | あらさがし | finding fault, being picky |
あん摩 | あんま | massage; masseur, masseuse |
いばら姫 | いばらひめ | Sleeping Beauty, Thorn Princess, Briar Rose |
うちの奴 | うちのやつ | my wife, "the wife" |
うら寂しい | うらさびしい | lonesome, lonely, forlorn |
うん蓄 | うんちく | one's vast stock of knowledge |
えん堤 | えんてい | dike, weir |
おう吐 | おうと | vomiting |
おやじ狩り | おやじがり | street violence against middle-aged men |
おろしポン酢 | おろしポンず | ponzu mixed with grated daikon |
お亀 | おかめ | plain-looking woman |
お伽 | おとぎ | attending (upon), keeping another company |
お伽草子 | おとぎぞうし | fairy-tale book |
お凸 | おでこ | brow, forehead |
お勧め | おすすめ | recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement |
お召し物 | おめしもの | clothing |
お坊っちゃん | おぼっちゃん | son (of others); young master; green young man from a well-to-do family |
お奨め | おすすめ | recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement |
お婆さん | おばあさん | grandmother; female senior-citizen |
お婆ちゃん | おばあちゃん | granny, grandma, gran, female senior-citizen (familiar form of address) |
お婆はる | おばはる | to shamelessly demand one's rights |
お婆ん | おばん | old maid, frump, hag |
お嫁さん | およめさん | bride |
お嬢 | おじょう | (someone else's) daughter |
お嬢さま | おじょうさま | (term of respect for) another's daughter, daughter of a high-class family |
お孫さん | おまごさん | grandchild |
お尋ね者 | おたずねもの | wanted man, person sought by the police |
お年玉 | おとしだま | New Year's gift |
お披露目 | おひろめ | debut |
お摘み | おつまみ | snacks to go with alcohol |
お昼 | おひる | lunch, noon |
お暇 | おいとま | leaving; quitting one's job; free time, leisure, spare time |
お暑うございます | おあつうございます | it is warm (very polite) |
お株 | おかぶ | one's forte |
お浸し | おひたし | vegetable side dish |
お漏らし | おもらし | peeing |
お澄まし | おすまし | prim and proper girl |
お猪口 | おちょこ | small cup, sake cup; cup-shaped |
お疲れさま | おつかれさま | thank you; that's enough for today |
お盆 | おぼん | O-Bon, Bon Festival, Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead |
お祈り | おいのり | prayer, supplication |
お祭り騒ぎ | おまつりさわぎ | festival merrymaking, revelry |
お絞り | おしぼり | wet towel (supplied at table), hot, moistened hand towel |
お萩 | おはぎ | rice ball coated with sweetened red beans, soybean flour or sesame |
お薦 | おこも | beggar |
お薦め | おすすめ | recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement |
お誕生日おめでとうございます | おたんじょうびおめでとうございます | Happy Birthday |
お返し | おかえし | return gift; revenge; change (in a cash transaction) |
お鉢 | おはち | container for boiled rice |
お零れ | おこぼれ | leavings, leftovers |
お風呂に入る | おふろにはいる | to take a bath |
かが芋 | ががいも, ガガイモ | rough potato (Metaplexis japonica) |
かぎ縄 | かぎなわ | ninja rope with grappling hook |
かぎ針 | かぎばり | hook, crochet needle |
かす汁 | かすじる | soup made with sake lees |
からす麦 | えんばく, からすむぎ, カラスむぎ, カラスムギ | wild oat (Avena fatua); oat (Avena sativa), oats |
かんかん帽 | かんかんぼう | boater (flat straw hat) |
かんかん怒る | かんかんおこる | to get very mad |
がらがら蛇 | がらがらへび, ガラガラヘビ | rattlesnake |
くも膜 | くもまく | the arachnoid (membrane) |
げた箱 | げたばこ | shoe rack (in genkan), cupboard (for shoes and clogs) |
こうもり傘 | こうもりがさ | (Western-style) umbrella |
こそ泥 | こそどろ | sneak-thief |
ごみ箱 | ごみばこ | garbage can, garbage box, rubbish bin, trash can, dust bin, dustbin |
ご仁 | ごじん | personage |
ご幣 | ごへい, おんべい, おんべ | staff with plaited paper streamers used in Shinto |
ご降誕 | ごこうたん | birth (regal), nativity |
ご陵 | ごりょう | imperial tomb |
さい銭 | さいせん | monetary offering |
さお竹 | さおだけ | bamboo pole |
さし錠 | さしじょう | bolt |
しぼり汁 | しぼりじる | squeezed juice (e.g. of a lemon) |
しめ縄 | しめなわ | (shinto) rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil |
しん酌 | しんしゃく | consideration (for others), (making) allowance |
じゃが芋 | じゃがいも, ジャガいも, ジャガイモ, ばれいしょ | potato (Solanum tuberosum) |
じゃん拳 | じゃんけん | rock, paper, scissors game |
じん肺 | じんはい, じんぱい | coniosis, type of disease state caused by dust inhalation |
すずめの涙 | すずめのなみだ | drop in the bucket, very small quantity, chicken feed, insignificant amount |
すり鉢 | すりばち | (earthenware) mortar (for grinding) |
ずる賢い | ずるがしこい | sly |
せせり蝶 | せせりちょう | skipper butterfly |
その癖 | そのくせ | and yet, even so, nonetheless, for all that |
つづれ錦 | つづれにしき | (hand-woven) brocade |
つり索 | つりさく | shroud line |
て拳道 | てこんどー, テコンドー | Tae Kwon Do |
とうの昔 | とうのむかし | a long time ago |
とぎ汁 | とぎじる, とぎしる | water that has been used to wash rice |
とっくの昔 | とっくのむかし | a long time ago |
となりの芝生は青い | となりのしばふはあおい | the grass is always greener on the other side |
とろろ芋 | とろろいも | yam |
どうぞ宜しく | どうぞよろしく | pleased to meet you |
どっぷりと漬かる | どっぷりとつかる | to be deeply submerged |
どぶ漬 | どぶづけ | drenching, soaking, marinating |
ど偉い | どえらい | immense, awesome, enormous, terrific |
に依って | によって | according to, by (means of), due to, because of |
に依る | による | by means of, due to, because of, according to |
に依ると | によると | according to (someone) |
に准じて | にじゅんじて | in proportion (to) |
に劣らず | におとらず | just like, the same as, no different than |
に於いて | において | in, on, at (place), as for, regarding |
に於ける | における | in, at, on, as for, regarding, with regards to |
はりはり漬け | はりはりつけ, ハリハリつけ | thin, dried strips of daikon soaked in vinegar and other flavorings |
ばら蒔く | ばらまく | to disseminate, to scatter, to give money freely |
ひと升 | ひとます | one square on a grid, one cell of a grid |
ひな菊 | ひなぎく | daisy |
ひょう窃 | ひょうせつ | plagiarism, piracy |
ひん斥 | ひんせき | rejection, ostracism |
ぶん殴る | ぶんなぐる | to knock |
へその緒 | へそのお | umbilical cord |
べた褒め | べたぼめ, べたほめ | high praise, eulogy, rave review |
ほら貝 | ほらがい | conch, trumpet shell |
まま娘 | ままむすめ | stepdaughter |
みかん畑 | みかんばたけ | mandarin plantation |
みそ汁 | みそしる | miso soup |
めがねっ娘 | めがねっこ, メガネっこ | girl (usu. attractive) with glasses, glasses-wearing girl |
もの寂しい | ものさびしい | lonely |
もろ刃 | りょうば, もろは | double-edged; double-edged blade |
やぶ蛇 | やぶへび | unnecessary trouble brought upon oneself, stirring up a hornet's nest |
やり遂げる | やりとげる | to accomplish |
やる瀬ない | やるせない | helpless, cheerless, miserable, disconsolate, dreary, downhearted |
りんご狩り | りんごがり, リンゴがり, リンゴガリ | apple picking |
れんが塀 | れんがべい | brick wall |
わが輩 | わがはい | I (nuance of arrogance); we, us, ourselves |
を措いて | をおいて | other than, excluding, without |
アセトンブタノール発酵 | アセトンブタノールはっこう | acetone-butanol fermentation |
アポ酵素 | アポこうそ | apoenzyme |
アメリカ水芭蕉 | アメリカみずばしょう, アメリカミズバショウ | yellow skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum) |
アメリカ熊 | アメリカぐま | American black bear (Ursus americanus) |
アメーバ赤痢 | アメーバせきり | amoebic dysentery |
アリの塔 | ありのとう, アリのとう | anthill |
アリ塚 | ありづか, アリづか | anthill |
アレカ椰子 | アレカやし | areca palm |
アンゴラ猫 | アンゴラねこ | Angora cat |
アーク炉 | アークろ | arc furnace |
イカの墨 | イカのすみ, いかのすみ | squid's ink |
イカの舟 | イカのふね, いかのふね | cuttlebone |
イカ墨 | いかすみ, イカすみ | squid ink |
イスラム暦 | イスラムれき | Islamic calendar |
インク瓶 | インクびん | bottle of ink |
インド藍 | インドあい | indigo |
エッフェル塔 | エッフェルとう | Eiffel Tower |
オス猿 | おすざる, オスざる | male monkey |
オリーブ姫啄木鳥 | オリーブひめきつつき, オリーブヒメキツツキ | olivaceous piculet (species of bird, Picumnus olivaceus) |
カナダ鶴 | カナダづる | sandhill crane (Grus canadensis) |
カラス麦 | えんばく, からすむぎ, カラスむぎ, カラスムギ | wild oat (Avena fatua); oat (Avena sativa), oats |
カルデラ湖 | カルデラこ | caldera lake |
カーブ尺 | カーブじゃく | curved ruler |
カーペンタリア湾 | カーペンタリアわん | Gulf of Carpentaria |
ガス栓 | ガスせん | gas tap, gas cock |
ガラス綿 | ガラスめん | glass wool |
ギターの弦 | ギターのげん | guitar string |
クラッド径 | クラッドけい | clad(ding) diameter |
クロム鋼 | クロムこう | chrome steel, chromium steel |
グアテマラ共和国 | グアテマラきょうわこく | Republic of Guatemala |
グレゴリオ暦 | グレゴリオれき | Gregorian calendar |
ゲロを吐く | ゲロをはく | to throw up, to spew |
コアを吐く | コアをはく | to dump core, to dumb memory contents |
コア径 | コアケイ | core diameter (of a fiber) |
ココ椰子 | ココやし | coconut palm |
コメント欄 | コメントらん | comment field (e.g. on a blog) |
コーヒー豆 | コーヒーまめ | coffee bean |
ゴム毬 | ゴムまり | rubber ball |
ゴム靴 | ゴムぐつ | rubber shoes |
サイザル麻 | サイザルあさ | sisal hemp |
サハラ砂漠 | サハラさばく | Sahara desert |
サフラン擬 | サフランもどき | zephyr lily |
サンゴ礁 | さんごしょう, サンゴしょう | coral reef |
システム分析 | システムぶんせき | systems analysis |
シベリア虎 | シベリアとら | Siberian tiger, panthera tigris altaica, Amur Tiger |
シャム猫 | シャムねこ | Siamese cat |
シリンダー錠 | シリンダーじょう | cylinder lock |
ジャガタラ芋 | ジャガタラいも, ジャガタライモ | potato (Solanum tuberosum) (lit: Jakarta potato) |
ジャガ芋 | じゃがいも, ジャガいも, ジャガイモ, ばれいしょ | potato (Solanum tuberosum) |
スケート靴 | スケートぐつ | skates |
ステンレス鋼 | ステンレスこう | stainless steel |
スペイン鯛 | スペインだい, スペインダイ | red sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo) |
スロット翼 | スロットよく | slotted wing |
スープ皿 | スープざら | soup plate, soup bowl |
スープ鉢 | スープばち | soup bowl |
ソフト帽 | ソフトぼう | felt hat |
ソーダ灰 | ソーダばい | soda ash |
タイム誌 | タイムし | Time magazine |
タロ芋 | タロいも | taro |
テレビ塔 | テレビとう | TV tower |
テ欄 | テらん | television listings |
データ解析 | データかいせき | data analysis |
トルコ嬢 | トルコじょう | prostitute working at a soapland (lit: Turkish girl) |
トルコ帽 | トルコぼう | fez |
トルコ風呂 | トルコぶろ | Turkish bath; soapland (brothel where one can bathe with the prostitutes) |
トロイ衡 | トロイこう | troy weight (e.g. troy ounce, troy pound) |
トンネル窯 | トンネルがま | tunnel kiln |
ドラム缶 | ドラムかん | drum |
ドル箱 | ドルばこ | patron, milch cow |
ド肝 | どぎも, ドぎも | guts, pluck, nerve, spirit |
ナノ秒 | ナノびょう | nanosecond (ns) |
ニット帽 | ニットぼう | knitted hat, woollen hat |
ニッパ椰子 | ニッパやし | nipa palm |
ニュース媒体 | ニュースばいたい | news media |
ノースウェスト准州 | ノースウェストじゅんしゅう | Northwest Territories |
ハノイの塔 | ハノイのとう | tower of Hanoi |
ハメ撮り | ハメどり | photographing or filming of sex |
ハレー彗星 | ハレーすいせい | Halley's comet |
ハンチング帽 | ハンチングぼう | hunting cap |
バカ貝 | バカがい, ばかがい, バカガイ | Mactra chinensis (species of trough shell) |
バベルの塔 | バベルのとう | Tower of Babel |
パジャマ姿 | パジャマすがた | (appearance while) in pajamas (pyjamas) |
パナマ帽 | パナマぼう | panama hat |
ヒジュラ暦 | ヒジュラれき | Islamic calendar |
ビニール傘 | ビニールがさ | plastic umbrella |
ビール瓶 | ビールびん | beer bottle |
ピコ秒 | ピコびょう | picosecond |
ファロー鹿 | ファローじか | fallow deer |
フリント硝子 | フリントがらす, フリントガラス | flint glass |
ブロック塀 | ブロックべい | concrete-block wall |
プー太郎 | ぷうたろう, プーたろう, ふうたろう, プータロー | vagabond; day labourer, esp. on the docks |
ベレー帽 | ベレーぼう | beret |
ペイ患 | ペイかん | drug addict |
ペトリ皿 | ペトリさら, ペトリざら | Petri dish |
ペルシア猫 | ペルシアねこ, ペルシャねこ | Persian cat |
ペン皿 | ペンざら | pen tray |
ページ枠 | ページわく | page frame |
ボタン孔 | ボタンあな | buttonhole |
ボトル缶 | ボトルかん | aluminium can shaped like a bottle (aluminum), metal bottle |
ボール扱いがうまい | ボールあつかいがうまい | good at handling a ball |
ボール扱いが巧い | ボールあつかいがうまい | good at handling a ball |
マイクロ秒 | マイクロびょう | microsecond |
マニラ麻 | マニラあさ | Manila hemp |
マラリア蚊 | マラリアか | malaria mosquito |
マルコフ遷移 | マルコフせんい | Markov transition |
マレー熊 | マレーぐま, マレーグマ | Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) |
ミサイル駆逐艦 | ミサイルくちくかん | (guided) missile destroyer |
ミリ秒 | ミリびょう | millisecond |
ミンク鯨 | ミンクくじら, ミンククジラ | minke whale, piked whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) |
ムール貝 | ムールかい | moule, common (blue) mussel |
メガネっ娘 | めがねっこ, メガネっこ | girl (usu. attractive) with glasses, glasses-wearing girl |
メキシコ湾 | メキシコわん | Gulf of Mexico |
モーメント項 | モーメントこう | momentum |
ヤシ殻 | ヤシかく, やしのみ | coconut shell |
ユダヤ暦 | ユダヤれき | Jewish calendar |
ユリウス暦 | ユリウスれき | Julian calendar |
ユーコン准州 | ユーコンじゅんしゅう | Yukon Territory |
ヨーロッパ李 | ヨーロッパすもも | common European plum |
ヨーロッパ栗 | ヨーロッパぐり | European chestnut |
ライデン瓶 | ライデンびん | Leyden jar |
ラジウム泉 | ラジウムせん | radium spring |
ラフィア椰子 | ラフィアやし | raffia palm |
ラ欄 | ラらん | radio listings |
ル又 | るまた | kanji radical 79 at right |
レコードの溝 | レコードのみぞ | record groove |
レモン汁 | レモンじる | lemon juice (ingredient) |
ロケット発射筒 | ロケットはっしゃとう | rocket launcher |
一一九番 | ひゃくじゅうきゅうばん | ambulance and fire brigade emergency tel. no. (in Japan) |
一丁 | いっちょう | one block (city); piece, an order |
一丸 | いちがん | lump, (into) one |
一人娘 | ひとりむすめ | an only daughter |
一人暮らし | ひとりぐらし | a single life, a solitary life, living alone |
一位 | いちい, イチイ | first place; Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata) |
一佐 | いっさ | colonel (JSDF) |
一俵 | いっぴょう | one (straw) bagful |
一個 | いっこ | piece, fragment, one (object) |
一倍 | いちばい | one share, one amount |
一億 | いちおく | 100,000,000, one hundred million |
一六勝負 | いちろくしょうぶ | gambling, speculation |
一六銀行 | いちろくぎんこう | pawnshop |
一円 | いちえん | whole district, one yen, throughout |
一冊 | いっさつ | one copy (e.g. book) |
一分一厘 | いちぶいちりん | (not even) a bit of, (not even) a hint of, (not) an iota of |
一分一厘も違わず | いちぶいちりんもたがわず | to be exactly alike |
一切 | いっさい | all, everything, without exception, the whole, entirely, absolutely |
一刹那 | いっせつな | (a) moment, an instant |
一刻 | いっこく | minute, moment, an instant; stubborn, hot-headed |
一勺 | いっしゃく | one shaku |
一匹 | いっぴき | one animal; two-tan bolt of cloth |
一升 | いっしょう | unit of old Japanese liquid measurement, 1800 cc |
一升瓶 | いっしょうびん | 1 sho bottle (1.8 litres) |
一卵性双生児 | いちらんせいそうせいじ | identical twins |
一句 | いっく | phrase (verse, line); one haiku-poem |
一句詠む | いっくよむ | to make up a haiku poem |
一周 | いっしゅう, ひとめぐり | once around, a revolution, a lap, a turn, a round, one full year |
一周年 | いっしゅうねん | one full year |
一周忌 | いっしゅうき | first anniversary of death |
一喝 | いっかつ | cry in a thundering voice, one roar |
一因 | いちいん | cause |
一坪本社 | ひとつぼほんしゃ | small company headquarters located in Tokyo simply for name value |
一堂 | いちどう | one building (hall, temple, shrine, room) |
一塁 | いちるい | first base, (a) fort |
一塊 | いっかい, ひとかたまり | one lump, one group |
一塊り | いっかい, ひとかたまり | one lump, one group |
一夜 | いちや, ひとや, ひとよ | one night, all night, overnight, one evening |
一室 | いっしつ | one room |
一審 | いっしん | first instance, first trial |
一寸 | いっすん | one sun (approx. 3.03 cm); a little bit (of time, distance, etc.) |
一寸先 | いっすんさき | an inch ahead, the immediate future |
一尉 | いちい | captain (JSDF) |
一尺 | いっしゃく | approx. 30 cm |
一巡 | いちじゅん | beat, round |
一帯 | いったい | region, zone, whole place |
一幕 | ひとまく | one act |
一弦琴 | いちげんきん | single-stringed Japanese zither |
一律 | いちりつ | evenness, uniformity, monotony, equality |
一徹 | いってつ | obstinate, stubborn, inflexible |
一徹者 | いってつもの | stubborn person |
一戸建て | いっこだて | (separate) house |
一把 | いちわ | bundle, bunch |
一抹 | いちまつ | (a) touch of; one stroke, one brush |
一括 | いっかつ | all together, batch, one lump, one bundle, summing up |
一括め | ひとくるめ | one bunch, one bundle, one lot |
一括払い | いっかつはらい | lump-sum payment |
一挙 | いっきょ | one effort, one action |
一掃 | いっそう | clean sweep |
一握り | ひとにぎり | handful, small handful |
一撮 | ひとつまみ | pinch (of something), one piece; easy victory |
一撮み | ひとつまみ | pinch (of something), one piece; easy victory |
一敗 | いっぱい | one defeat |
一斉 | いっせい | simultaneous, all at once |
一斉に | いっせいに | simultaneously, all at once |
一斉安 | いっせいやす | all-round (market) decline |
一斉射撃 | いっせいしゃげき | volley firing, fusillade, broadside |
一斉検挙 | いっせいけんきょ | wholesale arrest, round-up |
一斉高 | いっせいだか | all-round (market) advance |
一斗 | いっと | 1 to (~18l) |
一斤 | いっきん | 1 kin (~0.6kg); 1 loaf of bread |
一族 | いちぞく | family, relatives, dependents; household |
一旦 | いったん | once; for a moment, temporarily; one morning |
一旬 | いちじゅん | ten days |
一昔 | ひとむかし | ages, long time, decade, the past ten years |
一時凌ぎ | いちじしのぎ | makeshift, temporary expedient, stopgap measure |
一時賜金 | いちじしきん | lump-sum grant |
一晩 | ひとばん | one evening, all night, overnight |
一曹 | いっそう | master sergeant (JSDF) |
一本杉 | いっぽんすぎ | (a) solitary cryptomeria tree |
一本釣り | いっぽんずり, いっぽんづり | fishing with a pole |
一条 | いちじょう | streak, matter, quotation |
一杯 | いっぱい | cup of ...; full; to the utmost, up to (one's income), (a) lot of, much |
一枚 | いちまい | one thin flat object, one sheet |
一枚岩 | いちまいいわ | monolithic |
一棟 | ひとむね | one house, the same house |
一概に | いちがいに | unconditionally, as a rule |
一槽式 | いっそうしき | one-part washing machine |
一次記憶 | いちじきおく | first memory |
一歩 | いっぽ | (a) step; level, stage; small degree, small amount |
一殺那 | いっせつな | (a) moment, an instant |
一気 | いっき | drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer) |
一汗 | ひとあせ | doing a job, riding and sweating up a horse |
一泊 | いっぱく | stopping one night |
一泡 | ひとあわ | (a) blow, (a) shock |
一泡吹かせる | ひとあわふかせる | to give a surprise (or blow), to scare the hell out of |
一滴 | ひとしずく, いってき | drop (of fluid) |
一炊の夢 | いっすいのゆめ | an empty dream |
一獲千金 | いっかくせんきん | getting rich quick |
一環 | いっかん | link (e.g. a part of a larger plan) |
一生懸命 | いっしょうけんめい | very hard, with utmost effort, with all one's might, for dear life |
一生涯 | いっしょうがい | lifetime, one's whole life, all through life |
一男 | いちなん | boy, eldest son |
一番鶏 | いちばんどり | first cockcrowing |
一畳 | いちじょう | one mat |
一癖 | ひとくせ | trait, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy |
一皮 | ひとかわ | unmasking |
一目瞭然 | いちもくりょうぜん | apparent, obvious, very clear |
一眸 | いちぼう | one sweep (of the eye), an unbroken view |
一睡 | いっすい | (usu. in negative sentences) (not) a wink of sleep |
一睡り | ひとねむり | (usu. in positive sentences) (a) sleep; first sleep of silkworms |
一瞬間 | いっしゅんかん | moment, instant |
一矢 | いっし | an arrow, (a) retort |
一石二鳥 | いっせきにちょう | killing two birds with one stone |
一礼 | いちれい | bow (salute, greeting) |
一票 | いっぴょう | ballot, vote |
一稼ぎ | ひとかせぎ | job, gain |
一端 | いったん | one end, an end; part, fragment |
一等軍曹 | いっとうぐんそう | sergeant first-class |
一筋縄 | ひとすじなわ | (piece of) rope; ordinary method |
一箇 | いっこ | piece, fragment, one (object) |
一箇年 | いっかねん | one year |
一粒 | ひとつぶ | (a) grain |
一粒子既約 | いちりゅうしきやく | one particle irreducible (physics) |
一粒種 | ひとつぶだね | an only child |
一級 | いっきゅう | one grade, first-class, primary |
一絃琴 | いちげんきん | single-stringed Japanese zither |
一線 | いっせん | line |
一群 | いちぐん | group; wide expanse (of flowers) |
一翼 | いちよく | (a) part |
一致 | いっち | coincidence; conformity; cooperation |
一般 | いっぱん | general, liberal, universal, ordinary, average |
一般に | いっぱんに | in general |
一般会計 | いっぱんかいけい | general accounting and finance |
一般化 | いっぱんか | generalization, generalisation, popularization, popularisation |
一般幕僚 | いっぱんばくりょう | general staff |
一般的 | いっぱんてき | popular, typical, general |
一色 | いっしょく, いっしき, ひといろ | one color, one colour, one article |
一菊 | いっきく | one scoop (of water) |
一蓮托生 | いちれんたくしょう | sharing one's lot with another |
一覧 | いちらん | at a glance; (school) catalog, catalogue |
一覧表 | いちらんひょう | list, table, schedule, catalogue, catalog |
一角 | いっかく, イッカク | corner; one horn; narwhal (Monodon monoceros) |
一角獣 | いっかくじゅう | unicorn |
一触即発 | いっしょくそくはつ | critical (touch and go) situation, explosive situation |
一諾 | いちだく | consent |
一貫 | いっかん | consistency; one kan (8.333 lbs) |
一貫して | いっかんして | consistently |
一躍 | いちやく | (at) one bound |
一軒 | いっけん | one house |
一軒一軒 | いっけんいっけん | house to house, door to door |
一軒家 | いっけんや | detached house, single house; isolated house |
一輪挿 | いちりんざし | vase for one flower |
一辺倒 | いっぺんとう | complete devotion to one side |
一途 | いちず | wholeheartedly, earnestly |
一連 | いちれん | series; two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper); verse, stanza |
一遍 | いっぺん | once; exclusively, only, alone |
一部 | いちぶ | one part; one copy (e.g. of a document) |
一郭 | いっかく | one block, enclosure |
一酸化炭素 | いっさんかたんそ | carbon monoxide |
一里塚 | いちりづか | milestone (1 ri apart) |
一錠 | いちじょう | one tablet or pill; tray, salver |
一隅 | いちぐう, ひとすみ | corner, nook |
一階 | いっかい | one floor, first floor |
一隻 | いっせき | one boat, one ship |
一隻眼 | いっせきがん | sharp eye, critical eye, discerning eye, an opinion |
一頻り | ひとしきり | for a while |
一顧 | いっこ | (take no) notice of |
一風呂 | ひとふろ | (a) bath |
一首 | いっしゅ | tanka, poem |
一駄 | いちだ | horse load |
一駒 | ひとこま | scene, frame, shot |
一騎 | いっき | one horseman |
一騎当千 | いっきとうせん | being a match for a thousand, being a mighty warrior (combatant, player) |
一騎打ち | いっきうち | personal combat, one-to-one fight |
一驚 | いっきょう | surprise, amazement |
一鼓 | いっこ | the first beat of the war drum |
丁寧語 | ていねいご | polite language (i.e. masu, desu, etc.) |
丁抹 | デンマーク, でんまーく | Denmark |
丁目 | ちょうめ | district of a town, city block (of irregular size) |
丁重 | ていちょう | polite, courteous, hospitable |
七十 | しちじゅう, ななじゅう, ななそ | seventy |
七厘 | しちりん | earthen charcoal brazier (for cooking) |
七回忌 | しちかいき | seventh anniversary of a death |
七堂伽藍 | しちどうがらん | complete seven-structured temple compound |
万人 | ばんにん, ばんじん, まんにん | all people, everybody; ten thousand people |
万全 | ばんぜん | perfection, flawlessness |
万尋 | ばんじん | 10000 fathoms, great depth, great height |
万能 | ばんのう, まんのう | all-purpose, utility; almighty, omnipotent |
万華鏡 | まんげきょう, ばんかきょう | kaleidoscope |
万里 | ばんり | thousands of miles |
丈 | じょう | 3.03 m (ten shaku); length, height |
丈夫 | じょうぶ | healthy, robust, strong, solid, durable |
三つ巴 | みつどもえ | 3 fat-comma shapes arranged to form a circle; 3-way struggle (wrestling, etc.) |
三人 | さんにん, みたり | three people |
三人寄れば文殊の知恵 | さんにんよればもんじゅのちえ | two heads are better than one |
三仙叉 | さんせんさ | trident dagger |
三佐 | さんさ | major (JSDF) |
三冠王 | さんかんおう | winner of triple crown (baseball) |
三冠馬 | さんかんば | winner of Japan's three main horse races |
三十 | さんじゅう, みそ | thirty |
三十八度線 | さんじゅうはちどせん | the Thirty-eighth Parallel |
三十日 | みそか, つごもり, みそ | last day of month |
三味線の駒 | しゃみせんのこま | bridge of shamisen |
三回忌 | さんかいき | second anniversary of a death |
三塁 | さんるい | third base |
三塁打 | さんるいだ | three-base hit, triple |
三尉 | さんい | second lieutenant (JSDF) |
三尺 | さんじゃく | 3 Japanese feet, waistband, belt, cloth girdle |
三弦 | さんげん | three-stringed instrument, samisen |
三役 | さんやく | three highest ranks (wrestling, unions, etc.) |
三拍子 | さんびょうし | triple time (music), 3 important requisites |
三振 | さんしん | strike out (baseball), fanning out |
三曹 | さんそう | sergeant (JSDF) |
三枚 | さんまい | three flat objects (e.g. tickets; filleting (a fish) |
三枚目 | さんまいめ | comedian; figure of fun, laughing stock |
三段跳び | さんだんとび | triple jump, hop, step and jump |
三洋 | さんよう | Sanyo (company) |
三百諸侯 | さんびゃくしょこう | all the daimyos |
三稜鏡 | さんりょうきょう | prism |
三等軍曹 | さんとうぐんそう | sergeant |
三箇日 | さんがにち | first three days of the New Year (January 1st to 3rd) |
三絃 | さんげん | three-stringed instrument, samisen |
三色菫 | さんしきスミレ, さんしょくスミレ, さんしきすみれ, さんしょくすみれ | heartsease (wild pansy, Viola tricolor) |
三行広告欄 | さんぎょうこうこくらん | classified ads |
三角帆 | さんかくほ | jib sail |
三角洲 | さんかくす | delta |
三角琴 | さんかくごと | trigon (a musical instrument) |
三越 | みつこし | Mitsukoshi (department store) |
三食賄い付き | さんしょくまかないつき | with three meals served |
上がったり | あがったり | doomed, in a bad state, poor (e.g. business) |
上げ | あげ | rise in price, making a tuck |
上っ調子 | うわっちょうし | flippant, frivolous, shallow |
上り坂 | のぼりざか | ascent, upgrade |
上り藤 | のぼりふじ | lupine |
上告審 | じょうこくしん | appeal hearing |
上唇 | じょうしん, うわくちびる | upper lip |
上層 | じょうそう | upper stratum (classes, stories, storeys) |
上巳 | じょうし | March 3rd of the lunar calendar (one of the five annual festivals) |
上掲 | じょうけい | the above-mentioned |
上昇 | じょうしょう | rising, ascending, climbing |
上映 | じょうえい | screening (a movie), showing; to screen a movie |
上智 | じょうち | supreme wisdom |
上梓 | じょうし | publication, wood-block printing |
上棟 | じょうとう | raising the ridgepole |
上棟式 | じょうとうしき | ridgepole-raising ceremony |
上機嫌 | じょうきげん | good humour (humor), good mood |
上田 | じょうでん | high rice field, very fertile rice field |
上申 | じょうしん | report to a superior |
上積み | うわづみ | deck cargo; extra; to pile on top of |
上空 | じょうくう | sky, the skies, high-altitude sky, upper air |
上肢 | じょうし | upper limbs, arms |
上諭 | じょうゆ | imperial edict |
上越 | じょうえつ | area on Japan Sea side of Japan, including Niigata |
上野 | うえの | section of Tokyo |
上限 | じょうげん | upper limit, maximum |
上院 | じょういん | Upper House, Senate, Lords |
上陸 | じょうりく | landing, disembarkation |
上陸用舟艇 | じょうりくようしゅうてい | landing craft |
上騰 | じょうとう | advance, rise, jump |
下っ腹 | したっぱら | abdomen, stomach, under parts |
下り坂 | くだりざか | descent, downhill, decline, waning |
下位 | かい | low rank, subordinate, lower order (e.g. byte), low-end |
下僕 | げぼく | manservant |
下僚 | かりょう | subordinates, petty officials |
下克上 | げこくじょう | juniors dominating seniors, retainer supplanting his lord |
下刈り | したがり | weeding |
下吏 | かり | lower official |
下唇 | したくちびる, かしん | lower lip |
下坂 | しもさか | downhill, decline, waning |
下姓 | げしょう | person of humble birth |
下弦 | かげん | (moon's) last quarter |
下敷き | したじき | desk pad; something lying underneath, pinned under, crushed beneath |
下水溝 | げすいこう | drainage ditch, canal |
下水道 | げすいどう | drain, sewer, drainage system |
下獄 | げごく | being sent to prison |
下痢 | げり | diarrhoea, diarrhea |
下痢が移った | げりがうつった | infected with diarrhea (diarrhoea) |
下痢止め | げりどめ | antidiarrheal, paregoric, obstipant |
下級 | かきゅう | lower grade, low class, junior (officer) |
下縫い | したぬい | basting, temporary sewing |
下肢 | かし | the legs, lower extremities |
下脹れ | しもぶくれ | abdominal swelling, fat face |
下膨れ | しもぶくれ | round-faced, large at bottom |
下落 | げらく | depreciation, decline, fall, slump |
下請け | したうけ | subcontract |
下郎 | げろう | servant, valet, menial |
下降 | かこう | downward, descent, fall, drop, subsidence |
下院 | かいん | lower house, lower (legislative) body |
下駄を預ける | げたをあずける | to leave everything to (someone) |
下駄屋 | げたや | clog shop |
不仲 | ふなか | discord |
不信 | ふしん | unfaithfulness, insincerity, perfidy, mistrust, distrust, discredit |
不信任 | ふしんにん | non-confidence, lack of confidence |
不倒翁 | おきあがりこぼし | tumbler, self-righting toy |
不倫 | ふりん | adultery, immorality, impropriety |
不偏不党 | ふへんふとう | impartiality, neutrality, independence |
不健康 | ふけんこう | poor health, ill health, unhealthy |
不動産 | ふどうさん | real estate |
不可侵 | ふかしん | inviolability, sacredness, nonaggression |
不可分 | ふかぶん | atomic, indivisibility |
不可欠 | ふかけつ | indispensable, essential |
不可能 | ふかのう | impossible |
不可避 | ふかひ | inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable |
不名誉 | ふめいよ | dishonor, dishonour, disgrace, shame |
不在 | ふざい | absence |
不均衡 | ふきんこう | imbalance, disparity, out of balance, inequality |
不妊 | ふにん | infertility, sterility, barrenness |
不妊症 | ふにんしょう | infertility, sterility, barrenness |
不安定 | ふあんてい | instability, insecurity, crankiness |
不完全 | ふかんぜん | imperfect, incomplete, faulty, defective |
不屈 | ふくつ | persistence, fortitude, indomitability |
不履行 | ふりこう | default, nonperformance |
不平等 | ふびょうどう | inequality, unequal (treaties), unfair |
不徳 | ふとく | lack of virtue, immorality, vice, depravity, unworthiness |
不徹底 | ふてってい | inconsistent, illogical, unconvincing, not thorough, indefinite, half-way |
不必要 | ふひつよう | unnecessary, undesired |
不快 | ふかい | unpleasant, displeasure, discomfort |
不愉快 | ふゆかい | discomfort, unpleasantness, disagreeableness, unhappiness |
不慣れ | ふなれ | inexperience, lack of experience |
不慮 | ふりょ | unforeseen, accidental |
不払い | ふばらい | nonpayment, default |
不振 | ふしん | dullness, depression, slump, stagnation |
不整脈 | ふせいみゃく | irregular pulse, arrhythmia |
不明朗 | ふめいろう | gloominess, gloom; questionable, unfair, underhand |
不明瞭 | ふめいりょう | dimness, obscurity, indistinctness, unclear, unintelligible |
不景気 | ふけいき | business recession, hard times, depression, gloom, sullenness, cheerlessness |
不智 | ふち | something unknown; ignorance, foolishness |
不朽 | ふきゅう | everlasting, immortal, eternal, immortality, imperishable |
不朽の名作 | ふきゅうのめいさく | immortal work |
不毛 | ふもう | sterile, barren, unproductive, sour |
不況 | ふきょう | recession, depression, slump |
不滅 | ふめつ | immortal, undying, indestructible |
不燃 | ふねん | incombustibility |
不眠 | ふみん | sleeplessness, insomnia, wakefulness |
不眠症 | ふみんしょう | sleeplessness, insomnia, wakefulness |
不祥 | ふしょう | disgraceful, inauspicious, ill-omened, ominous, scandalous |
不祥事 | ふしょうじ | scandal, deplorable event |
不穏 | ふおん | unrest, turbulence, impropriety |
不穏分子 | ふおんぶんし | disturbing elements |
不穏当 | ふおんとう | impropriety, inappropriateness, unfairness, unreasonableness |
不純物 | ふじゅんぶつ | foreign matter, impurities |
不羈奔放 | ふきほんぽう | free-spirited and uninhibited |
不自然 | ふしぜん | unnatural, artificial, affected, strained |
不良 | ふりょう | badness, inferiority, delinquency, failure, defect, blemish |
不虞 | ふぐ | emergency |
不行き届き | ふゆきとどき | negligence, carelessness, incompetence, mismanagement |
不詳 | ふしょう | unknown, unidentified, unspecified |
不謹慎 | ふきんしん | indiscretion, imprudence |
不起訴 | ふきそ | nonprosecution or indictment |
不透明 | ふとうめい | opacity |
不遇 | ふぐう | misfortune, bad luck, obscurity |
与党 | よとう | government party, (ruling) party in power, government |
与野党 | よやとう | (political) parties in and out of power, majority and minority parties |
丑 | うし | second sign of Chinese zodiac (The Ox, 1am-3am, north-northeast, December) |
丑の刻 | うしのこく | two o'clock in the morning |
丑の年 | うしのとし | Year of the Ox |
丑の日 | うしのひ | day of the ox (esp. in midsummer or midwinter) |
丑三つ時 | うしみつどき | midnight |
丑寅 | うしとら | northeast |
丑年 | うしどし | year of the ox |
且つ | かつ | yet, moreover, and |
且つ又 | かつまた | besides, furthermore, moreover |
且つ飲み且つ歌う | かつのみかつうたう | to drink and sing at the same time, to drink as well as sing |
且又 | かつまた | besides, furthermore, moreover |
世俗 | せぞく | common customs, worldliness, vulgar, popular, the world, the common people |
世嗣 | よつぎ | heir, successor |
世帯 | せたい, しょたい | household, home, family, housekeeping |
世界一 | せかいいち | best in the world |
世界的 | せかいてき | global, international, world-famous |
世界秩序 | せかいちつじょ | world order |
世界銀行 | せかいぎんこう | World Bank |
世紀末 | せいきまつ | end of a century (esp. 19th), fin-de-siecle |
世襲 | せしゅう | heredity, heritage |
世論 | せろん, よろん | public opinion |
世銀 | せぎん | World Bank |
丘上 | きゅうじょう | hilltop |
丘疹 | きゅうしん | pimple, papule |
丘陵 | きゅうりょう | hill |
丘陵地帯 | きゅうりょうちたい | hill country, hilly area |
丙 | へい, ひのえ | 3rd in rank, third sign of the Chinese calendar |
丙夜 | へいや | third division of the night (approx. 11 pm to 1 am) |
丙種 | へいしゅ | class C, third class |
丞相 | じょうしょう | prime minister (in ancient China) |
両党 | りょうとう | both political parties |
両刃 | りょうば, もろは | double-edged; double-edged blade |
両国 | りょうこく, りょうごく | both countries |
両岸 | りょうがん, りょうぎし | both banks (of a river) |
両日 | りょうじつ | both days, two days |
両氏 | りょうし | both persons |
両翼 | りょうよく | both wings, both flanks |
両者 | りょうしゃ | pair, the two, both persons, both things |
両腕 | りょううで, もろうで | both arms |
両輪 | りょうりん | two wheels |
両陛下 | りょうへいか | Their Majesties, the Emperor and Empress |
両院 | りょういん | both Houses of Parliament |
両雄 | りょうゆう | two great men (rivals) |
両面 | りょうめん | both sides, two sides, double-sided |
並び | ならび | line, row, rank, list |
並びに | ならびに | and (also), both ... and, as well as |
並み | なみ | average, medium, common, ordinary |
並大抵 | なみたいてい | ordinary |
並木 | なみき | roadside tree, row of trees |
並立 | へいりつ | standing abreast |
中でも | なかでも | among (other things), inter alia; above all (else) |
中京 | ちゅうきょう | Nagoya and environs |
中佐 | ちゅうさ | lieutenant colonel, commander (navy) |
中卒 | ちゅうそつ | junior high school or middle school graduate |
中南米 | ちゅうなんべい | Central and South America |
中型 | ちゅうがた | medium sized |
中垣 | なかがき | middle fence |
中執 | ちゅうしつ | Central Executive Committee |
中央アジア | ちゅうおうアジア | central Asia |
中央口 | ちゅうおうぐち | central entrance |
中央委員会 | ちゅうおういいんかい | central committee |
中央計画 | ちゅうおうけいかく | centralized planning, centralised planning |
中央集権 | ちゅうおうしゅうけん | centralized authoritarian rule, centralised authoritarian rule |
中央集権化 | ちゅうおうしゅうけんか | centralization of power, centralisation of power |
中尉 | ちゅうい | first lieutenant, lieutenant junior grade |
中小企業 | ちゅうしょうきぎょう | small to medium enterprises, smaller companies |
中小企業庁 | ちゅうしょうきぎょうちょう | (Japanese) Small and Medium Enterprise Agency |
中島 | なかじま | island in a pond or river |
中庭 | なかにわ | courtyard, quadrangle, middle court |
中支那 | なかしな | Central China |
中枢神経 | ちゅうすうしんけい | central nerves |
中核 | ちゅうかく | kernel, core, nucleus, resident control program |
中欧 | ちゅうおう | Central Europe |
中毒 | ちゅうどく | poisoning; addiction |
中洲 | なかす | sandbank (in a river), sandbar |
中産階級 | ちゅうさんかいきゅう | middle class, bourgeoisie |
中略 | ちゅうりゃく | omission, ellipsis |
中盤 | ちゅうばん | middle (stage) |
中等 | ちゅうとう | second grade, medium quality, average, middle class, secondary grade |
中級 | ちゅうきゅう | intermediate level |
中継 | ちゅうけい | relay, hook-up |
中継ぎ | なかつぎ | intermediary, agency, brokerage, (electric) relay |
中耕機 | ちゅうこうき | cultivator |
中耳炎 | ちゅうじえん | tympanitis (inflammation of middle ear) |
中腹 | ちゅうふく | mountain side, halfway up |
中華 | ちゅうか | Chinese (e.g. food) |
中華人民共和国 | ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく | People's Republic of China, Communist China |
中華民国 | ちゅうかみんこく | Republic of China (Taiwan) |
中規模 | ちゅうきぼ | mid-range, mid-scale, mid-size |
中越 | ちゅうごし | over center field (centre) |
中距離 | ちゅうきょり | middle-distance (races) |
中距離核戦力 | ちゅうきょりかくせんりょく | intermediate-range nuclear forces |
中軸 | ちゅうじく | axis, pivot, central figure, key man |
中退 | ちゅうたい | leaving school during a term |
丸ごと | まるごと | in its entirety, whole, wholly |
丸み | まるみ | roundness, rotundity |
丸刈り | まるがり | close clipping |
丸太 | まるた | log |
丸抱え | まるがかえ | completely financed, sponsored, under patronage |
丸括弧 | まるがっこ | parentheses, round parentheses |
丸腰 | まるごし | unarmed |
丸葉萩 | まるばはぎ, マルバハギ | leafy lespedeza (species of bush clover, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya) |
丸裸 | まるはだか | nude, utterly stark naked, wearing only one's birthday suit |
丸裸になる | まるはだかになる | to be stripped of all one's clothes, to lose everything one has |
丹 | に | red earth (i.e. containing cinnabar or minium), vermilion |
丹い | あかい | red; Red (i.e. communist) |
丹念 | たんねん | assiduity, diligence, application |
丹碧 | たんぺき | red and green |
丹精 | たんせい | working earnestly, sincerity, diligence, effort, pains |
丹誠 | たんせい | working earnestly, sincerity, diligence, effort, pains |
丹頂鶴 | たんちょうづる, タンチョウヅル | red-crowned crane, Japanese crane (Grus japonensis) |
主任 | しゅにん | person in charge, responsible official |
主催 | しゅさい | organization, organisation, sponsorship |
主因 | しゅいん | primary cause, main factor |
主宰 | しゅさい | supervision, chairmanship |
主宰者 | しゅさいしゃ | president, chairman |
主審 | しゅしん | chief umpire |
主将 | しゅしょう | commander-in-chief, (team) captain |
主導 | しゅどう | main leadership |
主導権 | しゅどうけん | hegemony, leadership, initiative |
主峰 | しゅほう | the highest peak |
主帆 | しゅはん | main sail |
主幹 | しゅかん | chief editor; manager, person in charge |
主役 | しゅやく | leading part, leading actor (actress) |
主権 | しゅけん | sovereignty, supremacy, dominion |
主権侵犯 | しゅけんしんぱん | infringement of sovereignty |
主流 | しゅりゅう | main current (stream), mainline, mainstream |
主演 | しゅえん | starring, playing the leading part |
主犯 | しゅはん | principal offence, principal offense, principal offender |
主班 | しゅはん | head position |
主眼 | しゅがん | main point |
主砲 | しゅほう | main battery, main armament |
主筆 | しゅひつ | editor-in-chief |
主義 | しゅぎ | doctrine, rule, principle |
主翼 | しゅよく | main wings (of an aeroplane, airplane) |
主虹 | しゅにじ | primary rainbow |
主要 | しゅよう | chief, main, principal, major |
主賓 | しゅひん | main guest, guest of honor, guest of honour |
主軸 | しゅじく | main shaft |
乃ち | すなわち | that is, namely, i.e. |
乃父 | だいふ | father |
乃至 | ないし | from ... to, between ... and; or |
久しい | ひさしい | long, long-continued, old (story) |
久慈目 | くじめ | type of greenling (fish) |
久濶を叙す | きゅうかつをじょす | to apologize for a long neglect of friends (apologise) |
之繞 | しんにょう, しんにゅう | kanji "advance" radical, shin'nyou, shin'nyuu |
之繞を掛ける | しんにゅうをかける | to exaggerate |
乏しい | とぼしい, ともしい | meagre, meager, scarce, limited, destitute, hard up, lacking, scanty, poor |
乏しくなる | とぼしくなる | to get scarce, to run short |
乗員 | じょういん | crew |
乗用車 | じょうようしゃ | passenger vehicle, automobile |
乗組員 | のりくみいん | crew |
乙な味 | おつなあじ | strange taste, spicy taste |
乙女座 | おとめざ | (constellation) Virgo, the Virgin |
乙女心 | おとめごころ | girl's feeling, maiden's mind |
乙子 | おとご | last child |
乙巡 | おつじゅん | second-class cruiser |
九九 | くく | multiplication table, times table |
九分九厘 | くぶくりん | ten to one, nine cases out of ten |
九十 | きゅうじゅう, くじゅう | ninety |
九州 | きゅうしゅう | Kyushu (southernmost of the four main islands of Japan) |
九月 | くがつ | September |
九泉 | きゅうせん | hades, nether regions |
九穀 | きゅうこく | the nine grains |
九重 | ここのえ | ninefold, imperial palace, the Court |
乞婿 | こいむこ | bridegroom who is loved by his bride |
乱れ | みだれ | disorder, disturbance, unrest |
乱れる | みだれる | to get confused, to be disordered, to be disturbed |
乱伐 | らんばつ | reckless deforestation, overcutting of forests |
乱売 | らんばい | underselling, panic selling |
乱獲 | らんかく | excessive fishing, overfishing |
乱用 | らんよう | abuse, misuse, misappropriation, using to excess |
乱立 | らんりつ | flood (of candidates) |
乳 | ちち, ち | milk; loop; decorative bump (on a hanging bell) |
乳児 | にゅうじ | infant, suckling baby |
乳幼児 | にゅうようじ | infants, babies |
乳房 | ちぶさ, にゅうぼう | breast, nipple, udder |
乳業 | にゅうぎょう | dairy industry |
乳牛 | にゅうぎゅう, ちちうし | milk cow, dairy cattle, milch cow |
乳脂肪 | にゅうしぼう | butterfat |
乳製品 | にゅうせいひん | dairy products |
乳酪 | にゅうらく | butter |
乾 | けん | qian (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: heaven, northwest) |
乾き | かわき | drying, dryness |
乾期 | かんき | dry season |
乾漆像 | かんしつぞう | lacquered (wooden) Buddha statue |
乾燥 | かんそう | dry, arid, insipid, dehydrated |
乾燥剤 | かんそうざい | drying agent |
乾燥器 | かんそうき | drying machine, dryer, desiccator |
乾燥室 | かんそうしつ | drying room |
乾燥材 | かんそうざい | seasoned lumber |
乾燥果 | かんそうか | dry fruit (i.e. nuts); dried fruit |
乾燥機 | かんそうき | drying machine, dryer, desiccator |
乾燥洗濯 | かんそうせんたく | dry cleaning |
乾燥牛乳 | かんそうぎゅうにゅう | powdered milk |
乾燥腐朽 | かんそうふきゅう | dry rot |
乾物 | ほしもの | things dried in the sun, esp. clothes, died cloth, etc. |
乾酪 | かんらく | cheese |
乾酪素 | かんらくそ | casein |
乾電池 | かんでんち | dry cell, battery |
亀 | かめ | tortoise, turtle |
亀の子 | かめのこ | young turtle (tortoise); turtle (tortoise) shell |
亀の手 | かめのて | barnacle |
亀レス | かめレス | replying to someone's email after a long delay, slow response |
亀甲 | きっこう, きこう | tortoise shell |
亀裂 | きれつ | crack, crevice, fissure, chap |
亀鑑 | きかん | pattern, example, model, paragon, mirror |
亀頭 | きとう | glans (esp. glans penis) |
了 | りょう | finish, completion, understanding |
了解 | りょうかい | comprehension, consent, understanding, roger (on the radio) |
予想 | よそう | expectation, anticipation, prediction, forecast |
予想収穫高 | よそうしゅうかくだか | crop estimate |
予想外 | よそうがい | unexpected, unforeseen, strange |
予断 | よだん | guessing, prediction, conclusion |
予算措置 | よさんそち | budgetary provision |
予選 | よせん | nomination, primary, preliminary contest |
予防接種 | よぼうせっしゅ | immunization, immunisation, vaccination, inoculation |
争い | あらそい | dispute, strife, quarrel, dissension, conflict, rivalry, contest |
争奪 | そうだつ | struggle, contest |
争点 | そうてん | point at issue |
争覇 | そうは | contending for victory, struggling for supremacy |
争覇戦 | そうはせん | struggle for supremacy, championship game |
争訟 | そうしょう | dispute by legal action, contentious |
事例 | じれい | example, precedent |
事典 | じてん, ことてん | cyclopedia, encyclopedia |
事前 | じぜん | prior, beforehand, in advance |
事務 | じむ | business, office work |
事務取扱い | じむとりあつかい | acting director |
事務局 | じむきょく | secretariat, executive office |
事務机 | じむづくえ | clerical desk |
事務次官 | じむじかん | permanent vice-president, undersecretary, vice-minister |
事実は小説より奇也 | じじつはしょうせつよりきなり | Truth is stranger than fiction |
事実上 | じじつじょう | (as a) matter of fact, actually, in reality |
事柄 | ことがら | matter, thing, affair, circumstance |
事業 | じぎょう | project, enterprise, business, industry, operations |
事珍しく | ことめずらしく | like something strange |
事項 | じこう | matter, item, facts |
二つ繭 | ふたつまゆ | double cocoon |
二七日 | ふたなぬか, ふたなのか | second week's memorial services |
二世の契り | にせのちぎり | marriage vows |
二佐 | にさ | lieutenant colonel (JSDF) |
二十世紀 | にじっせいき, にじゅっせいき | twentieth century |
二号 | にごう | number two, concubine |
二塁 | にるい | second base |
二塁打 | にるいだ | two-base hit, double |
二宮 | にぐう | the Two Ise Shrines |
二尉 | にい | first lieutenant (JSDF) |
二度 | にど | two times, twice; two degrees |
二律背反 | にりつはいはん | antinomy, self-contradiction |
二日酔い | ふつかよい | hangover |
二枚 | にまい | two sheets (pieces) (of paper) |
二枚目 | にまいめ | handsome man; actor in a love scene |
二枚舌 | にまいじた | double-dealing, duplicity, equivocation, double-tongued |
二次 | にじ | secondary, subordinate |
二死 | にし | two out (e.g. in baseball), two down (and one to go) |
二者択一 | にしゃたくいつ | two alternatives, selecting an option (from two alternatives) |
二輪車 | にりんしゃ | two wheeled vehicle (bicycle, motorcycle, etc.) |
二階 | にかい | second floor, upstairs |
二階建て | にかいだて | two-storied building |
互いに | たがいに | mutually, with each other, reciprocally, together |
互換 | ごかん | transposition, interchangeable, compatible (e.g. PC) |
互選 | ごせん | mutual election, co-opting |
五倫の道 | ごりんのみち | the five Confucian filial-piety relationships |
五分 | ごぶ | half, 50%, tie, evenness; 5 parts, 5% |
五十 | ごじゅう, いそ, い | fifty |
五十三次 | ごじゅうさんつぎ | the 53 Toukaidou stages |
五大洲 | ごだいしゅう | the Five Continents |
五感 | ごかん | the five senses |
五斗米 | ごとべい | small salary |
五旬節 | ごじゅんせつ | pentecost |
五稜堡 | ごりょうほ | five-sided fort; Pentagon |
五稜郭 | ごりょうかく | five-sided fortification |
五穀 | ごこく | the 5 grains (wheat, rice, beans, millet (awa and kibi)) |
五穀豊穣 | ごこくほうじょう | bumper (abundant) crop, huge harvest (of cereals) |
五絃 | ごげん | five strings, five-stringed instrument |
五線譜 | ごせんふ | (music) score |
五臓 | ごぞう | the five viscera (liver, lungs, heart, kidney and spleen) |
五臓六腑 | ごぞうろっぷ | the internal organs |
五輪 | ごりん | the Olympics |
井 | い | well |
井戸 | いど | water well |
井戸掘り | いどほり | well digging, well digger |
井戸水 | いどみず | well water |
井戸端会議 | いどばたかいぎ | content-free chat, idle gossip |
井泉 | せいせん | (water) well |
井筒 | いづつ | well crib |
亘る | わたる | to cross over; to extend, to cover, to range, to span |
亘古 | こうこ | for ever, from ancient times |
亜 | あ | sub-; -ous (indicating a low oxidation state), -ite |
亜ぐ | つぐ | to rank next to, to come after |
亜成層圏 | あせいそうけん | substratosphere |
亜流 | ありゅう | bad second, epigone, adherent, follower, imitator |
亜熱帯 | あねったい | subtropics |
亜爾然丁 | あるぜんちん, アルゼンチン | Argentina |
亜硝酸 | あしょうさん | nitrous acid |
亜硝酸塩 | あしょうさんえん | nitrite |
亜硫酸 | ありゅうさん | sulfurous acid, sulphurous acid |
亜硫酸ガス | ありゅうさんガス | sulphurous acid gas, sulfurous acid gas, sulphur dioxide gas, sulfur dioxide gas |
亜硫酸塩 | ありゅうさんえん | sulfite |
亜種 | あしゅ | subspecies |
亜米利加杉 | あめりかすぎ | redwood |
亜細亜 | あじあ, アジア | Asia (esp. "the Far East"); Asian, Asiatic |
亜鈴 | あれい | dumbbell |
亜鉛 | あえん | zinc (Zn) |
亜鉛凸版 | あえんとっぱん | photoengraving |
亜鉛引 | あえんびき | zinc coated (galvanized, galvanised) |
亜鉛引き | あえんびき | zinc coated (galvanized, galvanised) |
亜鉛華 | あえんか | zinc white, zinc oxide, flowers of zinc |
亜麻 | あま | flax, hemp, linen |
亜麻仁 | あまに | flaxseed, linseed |
亜麻仁油 | あまにゆ | linseed oil |
亡命 | ぼうめい | emigration, exile, flight from one's country, defection |
亡夫 | ぼうふ | my deceased husband, my late husband |
亡父 | ぼうふ | my deceased father, my late father |
亡霊 | ぼうれい | ghost, the dead, departed spirits, apparition |
交互 | こうご | mutual, reciprocal, alternate |
交付 | こうふ | delivering, handing over, furnishing (e.g. with copies), issuance, issuing |
交代 | こうたい | alternation, change, relief, relay, shift, substitution (sports, etc.) |
交尾 | こうび | copulation (in animals) |
交換貿易制 | こうかんぼうえきせい | barter system |
交易 | こうえき | trade, commerce |
交款 | こうかん | exchange of courtesies (cordialities), fraternization, fraternisation |
交歓 | こうかん | exchange of courtesies (cordialities), fraternization, fraternisation |
交渉 | こうしょう | negotiations, discussions; connection |
交渉員 | こうしょういん | negotiators |
交渉委員 | こうしょういいん | negotiating committeemen |
交詢 | こうじゅん | promotion of social intercourse |
交誼 | こうぎ | friendship, amity |
交通妨害 | こうつうぼうがい | traffic obstruction |
交通網 | こうつうもう | traffic network |
交通遮断 | こうつうしゃだん | blockage, quarantine |
交錯 | こうさく | mixture, blending, complication |
交際費 | こうさいひ | entertainment expenses |
交響 | こうきょう | reverberation |
交響曲 | こうきょうきょく | symphony |
交響楽 | こうきょうがく | symphony (orchestra) |
交響詩 | こうきょうし | symphonic poem |
亥の刻 | いのこく | 10 o'clock in the evening |
亥年 | いどし, いのししどし | year of the boar |
亥月 | がいげつ | tenth month of the lunar calendar |
亦 | また | again, and, also, still (doing something) |
亨通 | こうつう | doing well, prosperous |
亨運 | こううん | prosperity |
享受 | きょうじゅ | reception, acceptance, enjoyment, being given |
享受者 | きょうじゅしゃ | recipient |
享年 | きょうねん | one's age at death |
享持 | きょうじ | securing rights and profits |
享有 | きょうゆう | possession, enjoyment |
享楽 | きょうらく | enjoyment, pleasure |
享楽主義 | きょうらくしゅぎ | epicureanism, hedonism |
享楽生活 | きょうらくせいかつ | gay life |
享楽的 | きょうらくてき | pleasure-seeking |
京坂 | けいはん | Kyoto-Osaka |
京成 | けいせい | train line Tokyo - Narita |
京滋地方 | けいじちほう | Kyoto-Shiga district |
京都 | きょうと | Kyoto |
亭主 | ていしゅ | master, host, landlord, innkeeper, husband |
亭主関白 | ていしゅかんぱく | husband who rules the roost; the hectoring of the husband |
亭亭 | ていてい | lofty |
亭亭たる大木 | ていていたるたいぼく | lofty tree |
亭午 | ていご | noon |
亮察 | りょうさつ | consideration, taking into account, sympathy with |
亮月 | りょうげつ | bright moonlight |
亮然 | りょうぜん | clear, obvious |
亮直 | りょうちょく | rightfulness |
人々 | ひとびと, にんにん | each person, people, men, human, everybody |
人に悪事を唆す | ひとにあくじをそそのかす | to entice a person to do something wrong |
人一倍 | ひといちばい | more than others, redoubled, unusual |
人体解剖学 | じんたいかいぼうがく | human anatomy |
人倫 | じんりん | human relations, humanity |
人傑 | じんけつ | great man, hero |
人垣 | ひとがき | crowd of people |
人工呼吸 | じんこうこきゅう | artificial respiration |
人工妊娠中絶 | じんこうにんしんちゅうぜつ | abortion |
人工衛星 | じんこうえいせい | man-made satellite |
人工透析 | じんこうとうせき | dialysis |
人形浄瑠璃 | にんぎょうじょうるり | old name for bunraku |
人形遣い | にんぎょうづかい, にんぎょうつかい | puppet operator, puppet manipulator, puppeteer |
人影 | ひとかげ, じんえい | figure(s) of a person (persons); shadow of a person |
人材 | じんざい, じんさい | man of talent, capable person, talented person |
人柄 | ひとがら | personality, character, personal appearance, gentility |
人権 | じんけん | human rights, civil liberties |
人権擁護 | じんけんようご | protection of human rights |
人民 | じんみん | people, public |
人気失墜 | にんきしっつい | decline in public favor, fall in popularity |
人為 | じんい | human work, human agency, art, artificiality |
人為的 | じんいてき | artificial, unnatural |
人生哲学 | じんせいてつがく | philosophy of life |
人畜 | じんちく | men and animals |
人脈 | じんみゃく | personal connections |
人質 | ひとじち | hostage, prisoner |
人里 | ひとざと | human habitation |
人間の堕落 | にんげんのだらく | the fall of man |
人間万事塞翁が馬 | じんかんばんじさいおうがうま | inscrutable are the ways of heaven, fortune is unpredictable and changeable |
人間国宝 | にんげんこくほう | living national treasure |
人間関係 | にんげんかんけい | human relations |
人類学 | じんるいがく | anthropology |
人骨 | じんこつ | human bones |
仁恕 | じんじょ | benevolence, magnanimity |
仁愛 | じんあい | benevolence, charity, love |
仁智 | じんち | benevolence and wisdom |
仁王 | におう | the two guardian Deva kings |
仁義 | じんぎ | humanity and justice, duty, (gang's) moral code |
仁義礼智信 | じんぎれいちしん | the 5 Confucian virtues (benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom, and sincerity) |
仇討ち | あだうち | vengeance, revenge, retaliation |
今や | いまや | now |
今上陛下 | きんじょうへいか | the reigning emperor, His Majesty the Emperor |
今夏 | こんか | this summer, next summer, last summer |
今季 | こんき | this season |
今宵 | こよい | this evening, tonight |
今尚 | いまなお | still, even now |
今年度 | こんねんど | this year |
今昔 | こんじゃく, こんせき | past and present |
今春 | こんしゅん | this spring, spring this year |
今暁 | こんぎょう | this morning (at dawn) |
今秋 | こんしゅう | this (next, last) autumn (fall) |
今般 | こんぱん | now, recently, this time |
介する | かいする | to use as an intermediary; to worry, to mind, to care |
介入 | かいにゅう | intervention |
介助 | かいじょ | help, assistance, aid; to assist, to help, to aid |
介在 | かいざい | mediation, interposition, intervention |
介殻 | かいかく | sea shell |
介護 | かいご | nursing |
仏像 | ぶつぞう | Buddhist image (statue) |
仏塔 | ぶっとう | pagoda |
仏壇 | ぶつだん | Buddhist (household) altar |
仏教 | ぶっきょう | Buddhism |
仏文 | ふつぶん | French, French writing, French literature |
仏暁 | ふつぎょう | dawn, daybreak |
仏語 | ふつご | French (language) |
仏頂面 | ぶっちょうづら | sour look |
仏領 | ふつりょう | French possession, French territory |
仕上がり | しあがり | finish, end, completion |
仕上げ | しあげ | end, finishing touches, being finished |
仕入れ | しいれ | stocking, buying up |
仕様 | しよう | way; (technical) specification |
仕組み | しくみ | structure; plan, plot, contrivance |
仕草 | しぐさ | action, acting, gesture, bearing, treatment, behavior, behaviour |
他国 | たこく | foreign country, another province |
他殺 | たさつ | a murder |
他派 | たは | the other group |
他社 | たしゃ | another company, other company |
他薦 | たせん, たぜん | recommendation |
付き添い | つきそい | attendance on, attendant, escort, chaperon, retinue |
付き添い看護婦 | つきそいかんごふ | private nurse |
付き添う | つきそう | to attend on, to wait upon, to accompany, to escort and wait on, to chaperone |
付け届け | つけとどけ | tip, present |
付与 | ふよ | grant, allowance, endowment, bestowal, assignment, conferment |
付加 | ふか | addition, annexation, appendage |
付嘱 | ふしょく | conferment, act of conferring (honour, gift, etc.) |
付帯 | ふたい | incidental, ancillary, accessory, secondary, collateral |
付録 | ふろく | appendix, supplement, annex |
仙 | せん | hermit, wizard |
代償 | だいしょう | compensation, indemnification, reparation, consideration |
代理店 | だいりてん | agent, agency |
代行 | だいこう | acting as agent |
代謝 | たいしゃ | renewal, regeneration, metabolism |
代議 | だいぎ | representing others in a conference |
令 | れい | command, order, dictation |
令婿 | れいせい | your son-in-law |
令嬢 | れいじょう | (your) daughter, young woman |
以遠 | いえん | beyond, further than |
仮に | かりに | temporarily, provisionally, for example, for argument's sake |
仮処分 | かりしょぶん | temporary measures |
仮出獄 | かりしゅつごく | parole, release on bail |
仮勘定 | かりかんじょう | suspense account |
仮定款 | かりていかん | provisional articles |
仮想 | かそう | imagination, supposition, virtual, potential (enemy) |
仮想記憶 | かそうきおく | virtual memory, virtual storage |
仮漆 | かしつ | varnish |
仮痘 | かとう | light case of smallpox |
仮眠 | かみん | nap, doze |
仮称 | かしょう | temporary name |
仮装 | かそう | costume; converted (cruiser) |
仮設 | かせつ | temporary, provisional |
仮釈放 | かりしゃくほう | release on parole |
仮題 | かだい | a tentative title |
仰けぞる | のけぞる | to bend (backward); to be taken aback |
仰せ | おおせ | statement, command, wishes (of a superior) |
仰せつかる | おおせつかる | to receive a command, to be appointed, to be ordered |
仰せつける | おおせつける | to command, to request, to appoint |
仰せられる | おおせられる | to say, to state |
仰向け | あおむけ | face up |
仰天 | ぎょうてん | being amazed, being horrified, being taken aback |
仲 | なか | relation, relationship |
仲人 | なこうど, ちゅうにん | go-between; child in elementary or middle school |
仲介 | ちゅうかい | agency, intermediation |
仲睦まじい | なかむつまじい | harmonious, intimate |
仲良く | なかよく | making friends with, getting along well with, on cordial terms |
仲良し | なかよし | intimate friend, close friend, bosom buddy, chum |
仲裁 | ちゅうさい | arbitration, intercession, mediation |
仲間入り | なかまいり | joining a group |
件 | けん | matter, case, item |
件数 | けんすう | number (of things) |
任 | にん | obligation, duty, charge, responsibility |
任務 | にんむ | duty, function, office, mission, task |
任天堂 | にんてんどう | Nintendo (video game company) |
任期 | にんき | term of office |
企業 | きぎょう | enterprise, undertaking, corporation, business |
企業家 | きぎょうか | industrialist, entrepreneur |
企画 | きかく | planning, project, plan, design |
企画室 | きかくしつ | planning office |
伊 | い | Italy |
伊佐木 | いさき | chicken grunt (fish), threeline grunt |
伊勢丹 | いせたん | Isetan (department store) |
伊勢参り | いせまいり | Ise pilgrimage |
伊勢神宮 | いせじんぐう | Grand Shrine at Ise |
伊吹柏槙 | いぶきびゃくしん, イブキビャクシン | Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis) |
伊呂波 | いろは, イロハ | traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary; fundamentals, the ABCs of ... |
伊太利 | いたりー, イタリア, イタリー, イタリヤ | Italy |
伊艦 | いかん | Italian warship |
伊語 | いご | Italian (language) |
伍 | ご | five (used in legal documents) |
伍す | ごす | to rank with, to rank among |
伍する | ごする | to rank with, to rank among |
伍つ | いつつ | five |
伍を重ねる | ごをかさねる | to double the ranks |
伍長 | ごちょう | corporal |
伎 | わざ, ぎ | technique, art |
伎倆 | ぎりょう | ability, talent, skill, capacity |
伎女 | ぎじょ | woman entertainer |
伎楽 | ぎがく | ancient music |
伎能 | ぎのう | technical skill, ability, capacity |
伎芸 | ぎげい | art of kabuki |
伏して | ふして | bowing down, humbly, respectfully |
伏兵 | ふくへい | ambush, troops in ambush |
伏流 | ふくりゅう | subterranean stream |
伏線 | ふくせん | preparation, foreshadowing, underplot (in a novel), precautionary measures |
伐つ | うつ | to strike, to attack, to punish |
伐る | きる | to cut down (e.g. trees) |
伐倒 | ばっとう | felling |
伐採 | ばっさい | lumbering, felling, deforestation |
休する | きゅうする | to come to an end; to rest |
休刊 | きゅうかん | suspension of publication |
休廷 | きゅうてい | court recess |
休廷日 | きゅうていび | no-court day |
休憩 | きゅうけい | rest, break, recess, intermission |
休憩室 | きゅうけいしつ | break room, lounge (e.g. in an onsen), resting room |
休憩所 | きゅうけいじょ | rest area, rest stop, service area, SA, parking area (e.g. off highways), PA |
休憩時間 | きゅうけいじかん | rest time, intermission |
休暇 | きゅうか | holiday, day off, furlough |
休業 | きゅうぎょう | closed (e.g. store), business suspended, shutdown, holiday |
休眠 | きゅうみん | idle, dormant |
休祥 | きゅうしょう | good omen |
休耕 | きゅうこう | lying fallow |
休錘 | きゅうすい | idle spindles |
会員名簿 | かいいんめいぼ | membership list |
会堂 | かいどう | church, chapel, synagogue, tabernacle |
会期 | かいき | session (of a legislature) |
会津塗 | あいづぬり | Aizu lacquer ware |
会社更生法 | かいしゃこうせいほう | Corporate Rehabilitation Law |
会見 | かいけん | interview, audience |
会談 | かいだん | conversation, conference, discussion, interview |
会費 | かいひ | membership fee |
会釈 | えしゃく | nod, salutation, greeting, recognition, bow |
会長 | かいちょう | president (of a society), chairman |
会頭 | かいとう | society president |
伝承 | でんしょう | transmission, hand down (information), legend, tradition, folklore |
伝搬 | でんぱん | transmission, propagation, spread |
伝書鳩 | でんしょばと | carrier pigeon, homing pigeon |
伝染病 | でんせんびょう | infectious disease, contagious disease, epidemic |
伝統 | でんとう | tradition, convention |
伝統的 | でんとうてき | traditional, conventional |
伝説 | でんせつ | tradition, legend, folklore |
伯 | はく | count, earl, eldest brother, uncle, chief official |
伯仲 | はくちゅう | matching someone, being equal with, being on a par, being well contested |
伯剌西爾 | ブラジル, ぶらじる | Brazil |
伯叔 | はくしゅく | brothers, one's father's brothers |
伯楽 | ばくろう, はくらく | cattle or horse trader, good judge of horses or cattle |
伯爵 | はくしゃく | count, earl |
伴 | とも | companion, follower, attendant, retinue |
伴い | ともない | companion, accompaniment |
伴侶 | はんりょ | partner, companion |
伴天連 | ばてれん, パテレン, バテレン | Portuguese Jesuits (in Japan in the 16th century); Christianity |
伴奏 | ばんそう | (musical) accompaniment |
伴走 | ばんそう | accompanying another somewhere |
伴食宰相 | ばんしょくさいしょう | an incompetent cabinet minister, a figurehead minister |
伶人 | れいじん | court musician, minstrel |
伶俐 | れいり | cleverness, sagacity |
伶優 | れいゆう | actor |
伶官 | れいかん | court musician |
伸し | のし | stretching; sidestroke (in swimming) |
伸びやか | のびやか | comfortable, carefree |
伸び伸び | のびのび | feeling at ease, carefree |
伸び悩む | のびなやむ | to be sluggish (business) |
伸び率 | のびりつ | growth rate, coefficient of extension |
伸暢 | しんちょう | expansion, extension, elongation, stretching, uncompression |
伸縮 | しんしゅく | expansion and contraction, elasticity, flexibility |
伸長 | しんちょう | expansion, extension, elongation, stretching, uncompression |
伺い | うかがい | inquiry, enquiry, question, call, consulting the oracle, visit |
伺いを立てる | うかがいをたてる | to ask for someone's opinion, to inquire of, to invoke an oracle |
伺い事 | うかがいごと | inquiry, enquiry |
伺い探る | うかがいさぐる | to spy out |
伺い済み | うかがいずみ | instructions received |
伺候 | しこう | waiting upon (someone) |
似せる | にせる | to copy, to imitate, to counterfeit, to forge |
似合い | にあい | well-matched, becoming, suitable |
似合わしい | にあわしい | well-matched, suitable, becoming |
似通う | にかよう | to resemble closely |
似顔 | にがお | portrait, likeness |
伽 | とぎ | nursing, nurse, attending, attendant, entertainer |
伽羅 | きゃら | aloes wood; aloes-wood perfume |
伽芝居 | とぎしばい | fairy play, pantomime |
伽草子 | とぎぞうし | fairy-tale book |
伽藍 | がらん | temple, monastery |
伽藍鳥 | がらんちょう | pelican |
伽話 | とぎばなし | fairy-tale, nursery-tale |
佃煮 | つくだに | preserved food boiled in soy |
但し付き | ただしづき, ただしつき | conditional |
但し書き | ただしがき | proviso |
但書 | ただしがき | proviso |
但書き | ただしがき | proviso |
位勲 | いくん | rank and order of merit |
位置付け | いちづけ, いちつけ | placement, fixed position, mapping out, location |
位記追贈 | いきついそう | conferment of posthumous rank |
位階勲等 | いかいくんとう | court rank and honors, court rank and honours |
低める | ひくめる | to lower, to be lowered |
低丘陵 | ていきゅうりょう | low hills |
低価格 | ていかかく | low price |
低姿勢 | ていしせい | (keeping a) low profile |
低廉 | ていれん | cheap, inexpensive |
低気圧 | ていきあつ | low (atmospheric) pressure, cyclone, bad temper, tense situation |
低水準 | ていすいじゅん | substandard, low-level |
低温 | ていおん | low temperature |
住み心地 | すみごこち | comfort (in living place) |
住み慣れる | すみなれる | to get used to living in |
住友 | すみとも | Sumitomo (company) |
住友銀行 | すみともぎんこう | Sumitomo Bank |
住宅地 | じゅうたくち | housing district, residential district |
住宅街 | じゅうたくがい | residential area |
住宅金融公庫 | じゅうたくきんゆうこうこ | Government Housing Loan Corporation |
住居 | じゅうきょ, すまい | dwelling, house, residence, address |
佐賀県 | さがけん | Saga prefecture (Kyuushuu) |
佑助 | ゆうじょ | assistance |
体外受精 | たいがいじゅせい | in vitro fertilization, in vitro fertilisation |
体液 | たいえき | body fluids |
体罰 | たいばつ | corporal punishment |
体質 | たいしつ | constitution (physical), genetic make-up, predisposition (to disease) |
体験 | たいけん | personal experience |
何と | なんと | what, how, whatever |
何とも | なんとも | nothing (with neg. verb), quite, not a bit |
何の | どの | which, what (way) |
何の某 | なにのなにがし | certain person, certain amount |
何より | なにより | most, best, above all |
何千 | なんぜん | many thousands |
何呉と | なにくれと | in various ways |
何度 | なんど | how many times?, how often? |
何某 | なにがし, なにぼう | certain person; I (personal pronoun) |
何箇月 | なんかげつ | how many months?, how long? |
何遍 | なんべん | how many times, how often |
何遍も | なんべんも | repeatedly |
余っ程 | よっぽど, よほど | very; just about to |
余りに | あまりに | too much, excessively, too |
余る | あまる | to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too many |
余儀ない | よぎない | unavoidable, inevitable, beyond one's control |
余儀なく | よぎなく | unavoidably, necessarily, inevitably |
余剰 | よじょう | redundant, surplus, residue, balance |
余地 | よち | place, room, margin, scope |
余暇 | よか | leisure, leisure time, spare time |
余波 | よは, なごり, なごろ | waves that remain after the wind has subsided; after-effect, aftermath |
余禄 | よろく | additional gain |
余罪 | よざい | other crimes, further offenses, further offences |
余裕しゃくしゃく | よゆうしゃくしゃく | calm and composed, broadminded, having enough and to spare |
余裕綽々 | よゆうしゃくしゃく | calm and composed, broadminded, having enough and to spare |
余裕綽綽 | よゆうしゃくしゃく | calm and composed, broadminded, having enough and to spare |
余震 | よしん | aftershock |
余韻 | よいん | reverberation, swelling (of a hymn), trailing note, lingering memory |
作り眉 | つくりまゆ | painted eyebrows |
作戦 | さくせん | tactics, strategy; military or naval operations |
作柄 | さくがら | crop conditions; quality (of art) |
作況指数 | さっきょうしすう | rice-crop index |
作為 | さくい | artificiality; act, commission (of a crime) |
作者未詳 | さくしゃみしょう | anonymous, author unknown |
作詞 | さくし | (writing) song lyrics |
佞智 | ねいち | craftiness |
佳 | か | beautiful, good, excellent |
佳き | よき | goodness; good |
佳作 | かさく | good piece of work; honourable mention (honorable) |
佳句 | かく | beautiful passage of literature |
佳境 | かきょう | climax (story), best part, most interesting part |
佳客 | かきゃく | good visitor |
佳宴 | かえん | congratulatory banquet |
佳景 | かけい | beautiful view |
佳月 | かげつ | good month, bright moon |
佳賓 | かひん | good guest, interesting guest |
佳趣 | かしゅ | good taste, good impression |
佳辰 | かしん | lucky day, auspicious occasion, happy day |
佳醸 | かじょう | sweet sake, good wine |
佳麗 | かれい | beauty |
併せ持つ | あわせもつ | to own (something) as well |
併合 | へいごう | merger, joining into one, melding, merging, annexation, absorption |
併殺 | へいさつ | double-play (baseball) |
併用 | へいよう | using together (jointly), used at the same time |
併発 | へいはつ | concurrence, coincidence, complication (in illness) |
併記 | へいき | writing side by side |
併設 | へいせつ | establishment, link |
使わす | つかわす | to send, to dispatch, to despatch |
使命 | しめい | mission, errand, message |
使用済み | しようずみ | already finished being used, second-hand, no longer used |
使節 | しせつ | envoy, embassy, mission, delegate |
使途 | しと | purpose for which money is spent, the way money is spent |
例年 | れいねん | average (normal, ordinary) year, every year, annually |
侍する | じする | to wait upon, to serve |
侍る | はべる | to wait upon, to serve |
侍医 | じい | court physician |
侍女 | じじょ | lady attendant, maid |
侍従 | じじゅう | chamberlain |
侍気質 | さむらいかたぎ | samurai spirit |
侍衛 | じえい | bodyguard |
侍衛長 | じえいちょう | captain of the guard |
侍講 | じこう | imperial tutor |
侑觴 | ゆうしょう | urging one to drink more good wine during a banquet |
侑食 | ゆうしょく | assisting at dinner, dining with a superior |
供 | とも | companion, follower, attendant, retinue |
供与 | きょうよ | giving, provision, furnishing |
供奉 | ぐぶ | accompanying, being in attendance on |
供宴 | きょうえん | banquet, dinner |
供犠 | くぎ | sacrifice, sacrificial animal |
供給源 | きょうきゅうげん | source of supply |
供述 | きょうじゅつ | affidavit, deposition, testimony |
供養 | くよう | memorial service for the dead, holding a service |
供養塚 | くようづか | unknown person's grave |
依嘱 | いしょく | entrusting (with) |
依存 | いぞん, いそん | dependence, dependent, reliance |
依拠 | いきょ | dependence |
依然 | いぜん | still, as yet, as it has been |
依然として | いぜんとして | still, as yet, as of old |
依頼 | いらい | request; dependence, trust |
依頼者 | いらいしゃ | client |
依願 | いがん | in accordance with one's request |
価値 | かち | value, worth, merit |
価値観 | かちかん | values |
侮 | ぶ | (something) despised, (something) made light of |
侮り | あなどり | contempt, scorn |
侮り難い敵 | あなどりがたいてき | formidable enemy |
侮る | あなどる, あなずる | to despise, to disdain, to make light of |
侮慢 | ぶまん | contempt, insult, offense, offence |
侮蔑 | ぶべつ | scorn, disdain, contempt, slight |
侮言 | ぶげん | insult |
侮辱 | ぶじょく | insult, contempt, slight |
侯 | こう | marquis, lord, daimyo |
侯伯 | こうはく | nobles, feudal lords |
侯国 | こうこく | principality |
侯爵 | こうしゃく | marquis, marquess |
侯爵夫人 | こうしゃくふじん | marchioness |
侵す | おかす | to invade, to raid, to trespass, to violate, to intrude on |
侵害 | しんがい | infringement, violation, trespass, impairment |
侵攻 | しんこう | invasion |
侵犯 | しんぱん | violation, invasion, infringement |
侵略 | しんりゃく | aggression, invasion, raid |
侵食 | しんしょく | encroachment, erosion, corrosion |
便利さ | べんりさ | convenience, handiness, usefulness |
便宜 | べんぎ | convenience, accommodation, advantage, expedience |
係争 | けいそう | contention, dispute |
係員 | かかりいん | official (e.g. customs), clerk in charge |
係官 | かかりかん | official in charge |
係累 | けいるい | dependents, encumbrances, complicity, implication |
係長 | かかりちょう | chief clerk |
促成 | そくせい | promotion of growth |
促成栽培 | そくせいさいばい | raising out-of-season crops with artificial heat |
促進 | そくしん | promotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring on |
促進剤 | そくしんざい | accelerant, stimulant |
促音 | そくおん | assimilated sound (small "tsu" in Japanese), geminate consonant |
俄勉強 | にわかべんきょう | cramming |
俊 | しゅん, じゅん | excellence, genius |
俊偉 | しゅんい | large and excellent |
俊傑 | しゅんけつ | hero, genius |
俊彦 | しゅんげん | gifted (accomplished) man |
俊敏 | しゅんびん | keen, quick-witted |
俊英 | しゅんえい | excellence, genius |
俊豪 | しゅんごう | talent, man of outstanding learning and virtue |
俊賢 | しゅんけん | excellent wisdom |
俊足 | しゅんそく | swift horse; talented person, brilliant person |
俊逸 | しゅんいつ | excellence, genius |
俗に | ぞくに | as slang, commonly |
俗吏 | ぞくり | petty official |
俗累 | ぞくるい | wordly troubles, worldliness |
俗語 | ぞくご | colloquialism, colloquial language |
俗謡 | ぞくよう | popular song, ballad, folk song, ditty |
俘虜 | ふりょ | captive, prisoner of war |
俘虜収容所 | ふりょしゅうようじょ | concentration camp |
保する | ほする, ほうする | to guarantee |
保健婦 | ほけんふ | district health nurse, public health nurse |
保健所 | ほけんしょ, ほけんじょ | health care center, health care centre |
保全 | ほぜん | preservation, integrity, conservation, maintenance |
保守 | ほしゅ | maintenance, conservation |
保守党 | ほしゅとう | Conservative Party (UK, Canada, Japan) |
保持 | ほじ | retention, maintenance, preservation |
保有 | ほゆう | possession, retention, maintenance |
保留 | ほりゅう | reserve; hold (e.g. telephone button), pending |
保管 | ほかん | charge, custody, safekeeping, deposit, storage |
保育 | ほいく | nursing, nurturing, rearing, lactation, suckling |
保育所 | ほいくしょ, ほいくじょ | nursery school, nursery |
保護 | ほご | care, protection, shelter, safeguard, guardianship, favor, favour, patronage |
保護貿易 | ほごぼうえき | protective trade |
保釈 | ほしゃく | bail |
保険 | ほけん | insurance, guarantee |
保険金 | ほけんきん | insurance payout |
保革 | ほかく | conservatism and progressivism, conservatives and reformists |
保養 | ほよう | health preservation, recuperation, recreation |
信仰箇条 | しんこうかじょう | articles of faith |
信号機 | しんごうき | traffic light; signalling mechanism, semaphore (apparatus) |
信天翁 | あほうどり, しんてんおう, アホウドリ | albatross (esp. the short-tailed albatross, Phoebastria albatrus) |
信奉 | しんぽう | belief, faith |
信徒 | しんと | layman, believer, adherent, follower, laity |
信念 | しんねん | belief, faith, conviction |
信条 | しんじょう | creed, belief, article of faith |
信玄袋 | しんげんぶくろ | cloth bag |
信用詐欺 | しんようさぎ | confidence game |
信用金庫 | しんようきんこ | credit union |
信託 | しんたく | trust, entrusting |
信託契約 | しんたくけいやく | trust agreement |
信販会社 | しんぱんがいしゃ | credit company |
信頼性 | しんらいせい | credibility, authenticity, confidence, reliability |
信頼醸成 | しんらいじょうせい | trust building, confidence building |
修了 | しゅうりょう | completion (of a course) |
修士課程 | しゅうしかてい | master's course |
修学旅行 | しゅうがくりょこう | excursion, field trip |
修復 | しゅうふく | repair, mending |
修理 | しゅうり, しゅり, すり | repairing, mending, servicing |
修練 | しゅうれん | culture, training, drill, practice, practise |
修繕 | しゅうぜん | repair, mending |
修繕工 | しゅうぜんこう | repair man |
修繕工場 | しゅうぜんこうじょう | repair shop |
修繕費 | しゅうぜんひ | repair expense |
修羅 | しゅら | fighting, scene of carnage |
修訂 | しゅうてい | correction, revision |
修道誓願 | しゅうどうせいがん | vows of religious orders |
修錬 | しゅうれん | culture, training, drill, practice, practise |
俳人 | はいじん | haiku poet |
俳号 | はいごう | pseudonym of a haiku poet |
俳味 | はいみ | subdued taste, refined taste, haiku (poetic) flavor (flavour) |
俳壇 | はいだん | the world of the haiku |
俳文 | はいぶん | prose with a poetic haiku flavor (flavour) |
俳画 | はいが | briefly drawn picture, haiku picture |
俳聖 | はいせい | famous haiku poet, the poet Basho |
俳諧 | はいかい | haikai (humourous or vulgar renga poetry) (humorous) |
俵 | たわら, ひょう | straw bag, bale, sack; counter for bags |
俵数 | ひょうすう | number of straw bags |
俵物 | たわらもの, ひょうもつ | goods in straw bags |
俸 | ほう | salary |
俸禄 | ほうろく | retainer's stipend, official pay, salary |
俸給 | ほうきゅう | salary, pay |
俸給日 | ほうきゅうび | pay day |
俸給生活者 | ほうきゅうせいかつしゃ | salaried man |
俸給袋 | ほうきゅうぶくろ | pay envelope |
倉 | くら | warehouse, cellar, magazine, granary, godown, depository, treasury, elevator |
倉敷 | くらしき | storage charges |
個々 | ここ | individual, one by one, separate |
個人的 | こじんてき | individualistic, personal, self-centred, self-centered |
個別 | こべつ | particular case, discrete, individual, separate |
個室 | こしつ | private room |
個展 | こてん | one-man exhibition, one-woman exhibition |
個性 | こせい | individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy |
個所 | かしょ | passage, place, point, part |
倍する | ばいする | to double; to increase |
倍にする | ばいにする | to double |
倍加 | ばいか | doubling |
倍増 | ばいぞう | double |
倍率 | ばいりつ | magnification, leverage, amplification, scaling factor, scale factor |
倍額 | ばいがく | double amount |
倒さ | さかさ | reverse, inversion, upside down |
倒しま | さかしま | reverse, inversion, upside down |
倒壊 | とうかい | destruction, collapse |
倒産 | とうさん | (corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency, commercial failure, failed business |
倒錯 | とうさく | perversion, inversion |
倖せ | しあわせ | happiness, good fortune, luck, blessing |
倖臣 | こうしん | favorite courtier, favourite courtier |
候 | こう | season, weather |
候哉 | そうろうや | I wonder if ... |
借り | かり | borrowing, debt, loan |
借り入れ | かりいれ | debt |
借り手 | かりて | borrower, debtor, tenant |
借入金 | かりいれきん | loan, loan payable, debt |
借地 | しゃくち | leased land |
借家 | しゃくや, しゃっか, かりや, かりいえ | house for rent, rented house, renting a house |
借款 | しゃっかん | (international) loan |
倣う | ならう | to imitate, to follow, to emulate |
値下げ | ねさげ | cut in price |
値崩れ | ねくずれ | price collapse |
値嵩株 | ねがさかぶ | high-priced stocks, blue-chip shares |
値幅 | ねはば | price range or fluctuation |
倦怠 | けんたい | languor, fatigue, weariness, boredom |
倫理 | りんり | ethics, morals |
倫理学 | りんりがく | ethics, moral philosophy |
倫理的 | りんりてき | ethical |
倭 | やまと | ancient Japan |
倭人 | わじん | Japanese person (term esp. used in ancient China, etc.) |
倭冦 | わこう | Japanese pirates (of the Middle Ages) |
倭名鈔 | わみょうしょう | Wamyoruijusho (famous Heian-period Japanese dictionary) |
倭寇 | わこう | Japanese pirates (of the Middle Ages) |
倭歌 | わか | waka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka, often 31 mora) |
倭絵 | やまとえ | Yamato-e (classical Japan decorative paintings) |
倭訓 | わくん | Japanese reading of a Chinese character |
倶梨伽羅紋々 | くりからもんもん | tattoo |
倶梨伽羅紋紋 | くりからもんもん | tattoo |
倶楽部 | くらぶ, クラブ | club, fraternity, sorority, clubhouse |
倹 | けん | economy |
倹しい | つましい | thrifty, economical |
倹しく暮し | つましくくらし | living frugally |
倹吝 | けんりん | miserly, stingy |
倹約 | けんやく | thrift, economy, frugality |
倹約家 | けんやくか | thrifty person, economist |
倹素 | けんそ | economical and simple |
偉 | い | greatness |
偉いですね | えらいですね | good!, great! |
偉がる | えらがる | to be conceited, to think highly of oneself |
偉そう | えらそう | self-important, important-looking, proud |
偉人 | いじん | great man |
偉勲 | いくん | great achievement |
偉業 | いぎょう | great enterprise, exploits |
偉烈 | いれつ | great achievement |
偉績 | いせき | glorious achievements |
偏 | へん | left-hand radical of a character |
偏り | かたより | deviation, inclination, offset, polarization, polarisation, bias, prejudice |
偏向 | へんこう | propensity, tendency, inclination, deflection |
偏差値 | へんさち | deviation; academic performance relative to the group average |
偏狭 | へんきょう | narrow-mindedness, intolerance, illiberality, narrowness |
偏西風 | へんせいふう | westerlies |
偏見 | へんけん | prejudice, narrow view |
停学 | ていがく | suspension from school |
停戦 | ていせん | armistice, ceasefire |
停泊 | ていはく | anchorage, moorings |
停滞 | ていたい | stagnation, tie-up, congestion, retention, accumulation, falling into arrears |
停職 | ていしょく | suspension from office |
健全 | けんぜん | health, soundness, wholesome |
健在 | けんざい | in good health, well, going strong |
健康保険 | けんこうほけん | health insurance |
健康児 | けんこうじ | healthy child |
健康者 | けんこうしゃ | healthy person |
健康診断 | けんこうしんだん | physical examination |
健康証明書 | けんこうしょうめいしょ | health certificate |
健康食品 | けんこうしょくひん | health foods |
健祥 | けんしょう | spirit, pep, energy |
健胃錠 | けんいじょう | stomach tablets |
健診 | けんしん | physical examination |
健闘 | けんとう | fighting bravely; good luck!, good fight |
偲ばれる | しのばれる | to be brought to mind, to come to mind |
偲ぶ | しのぶ | to recollect, to remember |
偲ぶ音楽 | しのぶおんがく | memorial concert, memorial music (performance) |
側廊 | そくろう | aisle (of a church) |
側溝 | そっこう | gutter, ditch |
側近 | そっきん | close associate, close aide, brains-truster |
偵察 | ていさつ | scout out, reconnaissance |
偵察機 | ていさつき | reconnaissance plane, spy plane |
偵察衛星 | ていさつえいせい | reconnaissance satellite, spy satellite |
偵察隊 | ていさつたい | scouting party, patrol |
偵知 | ていち | spying, investigating |
偶 | たま | occasional, rare |
偶さか | たまさか | occasionally |
偶に | たまに | occasionally, once in a while |
偶像 | ぐうぞう | image, idol, statue |
偶像崇拝 | ぐうぞうすうはい | worship, idolatry |
偶吟 | ぐうぎん | impromptu poem |
偶発 | ぐうはつ | sudden outbreak, accidental, incidental |
偸閑 | あからさま | plain, frank, candid, open, direct, straightforward |
偽 | にせ | imitation, fake, phony, counterfeit, forged, bogus, sham |
偽り | いつわり | lie, falsehood, fiction, fabrication |
偽り誓う | いつわりちかう | to swear falsely |
偽る | いつわる | to lie, to cheat, to falsify, to deceive, to pretend |
偽善 | ぎぜん | hypocrisy |
偽妊娠 | ぎにんしん | false pregnancy, phantom pregnancy, pseudopregnancy |
偽物 | にせもの, ぎぶつ, がんぶつ, ニセもの | spurious article, forgery, counterfeit, imitation, sham |
偽装 | ぎそう | disguise, camouflage, masquerade |
偽証 | ぎしょう | false evidence, perjury, false testimony |
偽誓 | ぎせい | perjury, false oath |
偽造 | ぎぞう | forgery, falsification, fabrication, counterfeiting |
傍 | かたわら | side, edge, beside, besides, nearby; while (doing) |
傍ら | かたわら | side, edge, beside, besides, nearby; while (doing) |
傍らに | かたわらに | beside, nearby |
傍受 | ぼうじゅ | interception, monitoring, tapping |
傍聴 | ぼうちょう | hearing, listening, attendance, auditing |
傍観 | ぼうかん | looking on, remaining a spectator |
傑れる | すぐれる | to surpass, to outstrip, to excel |
傑人 | けつじん | outstanding person |
傑出 | けっしゅつ | excel, foremost |
傑士 | けっし | hero, great man |
傑物 | けつぶつ | great man, heroic figure, remarkable character |
傘下 | さんか | affiliated with, under jurisdiction of, under the umbrella |
傘屋 | かさや | umbrella shop |
備蓄 | びちく | emergency stores, stored, reserved |
催促状 | さいそくじょう | dun, letter requesting money, etc. |
催涙 | さいるい | lachrymal |
催眠 | さいみん | hypnotism |
催眠術 | さいみんじゅつ | hypnotism |
傲慢 | ごうまん | pride, haughtiness, arrogance, insolence, hubris |
債 | さい | debt, loan |
債券 | さいけん | bond, debenture |
債務 | さいむ | debt, liabilities |
債権 | さいけん | credit, claim |
傷害 | しょうがい | wound, injury, accident, casualty; assault |
傷病捕虜 | しょうびょうほりょ | sick and wounded prisoners |
傷者 | しょうしゃ | wounded person, casualty, injured person |
傷跡 | きずあと, しょうこん | scar, cicatrix |
傾れる | なだれる | to slope, to descend, to slide (snow, etc.) |
傾城 | けいせい | beauty, siren, courtesan, prostitute |
傾斜 | けいしゃ | inclination, slant, slope, bevel, list, dip |
傾斜度 | けいしゃど | gradient |
傾斜角 | けいしゃかく | angle of inclination |
傾斜面 | けいしゃめん | inclined plane, slope |
傾注 | けいちゅう | devotion, concentration |
傾聴 | けいちょう | listening closely |
働かせる | はたらかせる | to put someone to work, to make someone work |
働き盛り | はたらきざかり | prime of life |
僕たち | ぼくたち | we |
僕ら | ぼくら | we |
僚友 | りょうゆう | colleague, workmate, comrade, coworker |
僚船 | ともぶね | consort ship |
僥倖 | ぎょうこう | fortuitous, luck, windfall, godsend, good fortune |
僧 | そう | monk, priest |
僧侶 | そうりょ | priest, monk |
僧堂 | そうどう | temple meditation hall or certain other temple structures |
僧尼 | そうに | monks and nuns |
僧籍 | そうせき | priesthood |
僧院 | そういん | monastery, temple |
僻邑 | へきゆう | remote village |
僻隅 | へきぐう | corner, nook |
儀 | ぎ | rule, ceremony, affair, case, matter |
儀式 | ぎしき | ceremony, rite, ritual, service |
儀礼 | ぎれい | etiquette, courtesy |
儀範 | ぎはん | precedent, model |
儁秀 | しゅんしゅう | genius, prodigy, talented person |
億 | おく | 10^8, 100,000,000, hundred million |
億ション | おくション | (luxury) apartment |
億万 | おくまん | millions and millions |
億兆 | おくちょう | the people, multitude, masses |
億円 | おくえん | 100,000,000 yen |
億劫 | おっくう, おくこう | troublesome, annoying |
儒 | じゅ | Confucianism, Confucianist, Chinese scholar |
儒学 | じゅがく | Confucianism |
儒学界 | じゅがっかい | Confucian circles |
儒学者 | じゅがくしゃ | Confucian scholar |
儒官 | じゅかん | official Confucian teacher |
儒家 | じゅか | Confucianist |
儒教 | じゅきょう | Confucianism |
儒教主義 | じゅきょうしゅぎ | Confucianism |
償い | つぐない | recompense, indemnity, atonement |
償却 | しょうきゃく | repayment, redemption, amortization, amortisation |
償還 | しょうかん | repayment, redemption, amortization, amortisation |
優位 | ゆうい | predominance, ascendancy, superiority |
優先 | ゆうせん | preference, priority, precedence |
優劣 | ゆうれつ | (relative) merits, superiority or inferiority, quality |
優勢 | ゆうせい | superiority, superior power, predominance, preponderance |
優柔不断 | ゆうじゅうふだん | shilly-shally, indecisiveness |
優渥 | ゆうあく | gracious |
優秀品 | ゆうしゅうひん | high-grade merchandise |
優等生 | ゆうとうせい | honor student, honours student |
優美 | ゆうび | grace, refinement, elegance, daintiness |
優良 | ゆうりょう | superior, excellent, fine |
優雅 | ゆうが | elegance, grace, refinement |
優駿 | ゆうしゅん | fine horse |
優駿馬 | ゆうしゅんば | fine horse |
兀鷹 | はげたか, ハゲタカ | vulture |
允可 | いんか | permission, assent, compliance |
允恭 | いんきょう | courtesy, sincerity |
允文允武 | いんぶんいんぶ | being versed in the literary and military arts |
允許 | いんきょ | permission, licence, license |
元の木阿弥 | もとのもくあみ | ending up right back where one started |
元を糾す | もとをただす | to go to the bottom of an affair, to inquire into the origin |
元亨 | げんこう | Genkou era (1321.2.23-1324.12.9) |
元凶 | がんきょう, げんきょう | ringleader, main culprit; main cause, source |
元帥 | げんすい | (field) marshal, (fleet) admiral, general of the army |
元帥府 | げんすいふ | Supreme Military Council (1898-1945) |
元帳 | もとちょう | ledger |
元年 | がんねん | first year (of a specific reign) |
元栓 | もとせん | stopcock (gas, water) |
元気旺盛 | げんきおうせい | brimming with vitality, full of vigor, full of life |
元禄 | げんろく | Genroku era (1688.9.30-1704.3.13) |
兄ちゃん | あんちゃん | (my) older brother; sonny (with a nuance of suspicion), lad |
兄妹げんか | きょうだいげんか | quarrel between siblings |
兄妹喧嘩 | きょうだいげんか | quarrel between siblings |
兄姉 | きょうだい, けいし | brother and sister |
兄弟子 | あにでし | senior schoolmate, senior apprentice |
兄貴 | あにき | one's senior, elder brother |
充てる | あてる | to assign, to set aside |
充当 | じゅうとう | allocation, appropriation |
充満 | じゅうまん | being filled with, teeming with, pregnant with |
充血 | じゅうけつ | congestion (with blood) |
充足 | じゅうそく | sufficiency |
充電 | じゅうでん | charging (electrically); electrification |
兆し | きざし | signs, omen, symptoms |
兆す | きざす | to show signs (symptoms) |
兆候 | ちょうこう | sign, indication, omen, symptom |
兆民 | ちょうみん | the whole nation, all the people |
先に | さきに | before, earlier than, ahead, beyond, away, previously, recently |
先住 | せんじゅう | previous priest or resident |
先例に倣う | せんれいにならう | to follow precedent |
先哲 | せんてつ | ancient wise men |
先妻 | せんさい | former wife, late wife |
先導 | せんどう | guidance, leadership |
先秦 | せんしん | pre-Qin period (of Chinese history) |
先般 | せんぱん | some time ago, the other day |
先行 | せんこう | preceding, going first, leading, going ahead, taking priority |
先送り | さきおくり | postpone |
先進 | せんしん | seniority, advance, leadership |
先進国 | せんしんこく | advanced (developed) country, advanced nations |
先遣 | せんけん | sending ahead |
先鋭 | せんえい | radical, acute, sharp |
先駆 | せんく | forerunner; herald; outrider, pilot car |
先駆け | さきがけ | charging ahead of others, the first to charge, pioneer, forerunner, harbinger |
先駆ける | さきがける | to be the first |
光り輝く | ひかりかがやく | to shine, to glitter |
光学繊維 | こうがくせんい | fiber optics, fibre optics |
光栄 | こうえい | honour, honor, glory, privilege |
光沢 | こうたく | brilliance, polish, lustre, luster, glossy finish (of photographs) |
光輝 | こうき | brightness, splendour, splendor |
光電池 | こうでんち | photocell |
克く | よく | nicely; frequently, often |
克つ | かつ | to win, to gain victory |
克己 | こっき | self denial, self control |
克己心 | こっきしん | spirit of self-denial |
克復 | こくふく | restoration |
克明 | こくめい | detailed, elaborate, faithfulness, diligence, conscientiousness |
免 | めん | dismissal |
免囚 | めんしゅう | discharged prisoner, ex-convict |
免疫 | めんえき | immunity, immunization, immunisation |
免租 | めんそ | tax exemption |
免租地 | めんそち | tax-exempt land |
免職 | めんしょく | dismissal, sacking, discharge |
免責 | めんせき | exemption from responsibility, disclaimer |
免除 | めんじょ | exemption, exoneration, discharge |
兎唇 | いぐち, としん, みつくち, とけつ | harelip, cleft lip |
児 | じ | child |
児孫 | じそん | children and grandchildren, descendants |
児童 | じどう | children, juvenile |
児童福祉 | じどうふくし | child welfare |
党 | とう | party (political); faction, -ite |
党内 | とうない | party-internal |
党是 | とうぜ | party platform, party principles |
党派 | とうは | faction |
党略 | とうりゃく | party politics (tactics) |
党籍 | とうせき | party register, membership in a party |
党閥 | とうばつ | (party) faction or clique |
党首 | とうしゅ | party leader |
入り | いり | entering; setting (of the sun); containing; income; beginning |
入り口 | いりぐち, いりくち, はいりぐち, はいりくち | entrance, entry, gate, approach, mouth |
入り婿 | いりむこ | man who takes his wife's name |
入り浜 | いりはま | salt farm |
入れ墨 | いれずみ, しせい, ぶんしん, げい | tattoo |
入れ智慧 | いれちえ | suggestion, hint |
入れ替え | いれかえ | replacement, substitution, change |
入坑 | にゅうこう | entrance into drift or pit |
入場券 | にゅうじょうけん | ticket of admission, platform ticket |
入塾 | にゅうじゅく | entering a private school |
入居 | にゅうきょ | moving into (house) |
入札 | にゅうさつ | bid, bidding |
入棺 | にゅうかん | placing in the coffin |
入植 | にゅうしょく | settlement, immigration |
入津 | にゅうしん | entering a port |
入浴 | にゅうよく | bathe, bathing |
入港 | にゅうこう | entry into port |
入相の鐘 | いりあいのかね | evening bell, vespers bell |
入苑 | にゅうえん | entering the garden |
入苑券 | にゅうえんけん | ticket to the garden |
入荷 | にゅうか | arrival of goods, goods received |
入試 | にゅうし | entrance examination |
入貢 | にゅうこう | paying tribute |
入賞 | にゅうしょう | winning a prize or place (in a contest) |
入超 | にゅうちょう | excess of imports |
入門 | にゅうもん | primer, manual, entering an institute, introduction to |
入閣 | にゅうかく | joining the cabinet |
入魂 | じゅっこん, じっこん, じゅこん, にゅうこん | intimacy; putting one's heart and soul into |
全てに於て勝る | すべてにおいてまさる | to excel in every respect |
全勝 | ぜんしょう | complete victory, winning the sumo tournament with no losses |
全国津々浦々 | ぜんこくつつうらうら | all over the country |
全国津津浦浦 | ぜんこくつつうらうら | all over the country |
全土 | ぜんど | the whole nation (land, country) |
全域 | ぜんいき | the whole area |
全容 | ぜんよう | full portrait, whole aspect, full story |
全幅 | ぜんぷく | overall width, wing span, all, every, utmost |
全廃 | ぜんぱい | total abolition |
全日 | ぜんじつ | all days |
全生涯 | ぜんしょうがい | one's whole life |
全癒 | ぜんゆ | complete healing |
全盛 | ぜんせい | height of prosperity |
全盲 | ぜんもう | total blindness |
全米 | ぜんべい | all-America, pan-American |
全裸 | ぜんら | nude |
全裸体 | ぜんらたい | stark naked body |
全面 | ぜんめん | whole surface, entire |
全面的 | ぜんめんてき | all-out, general, over-all, complete, extensive, full-scale |
全額 | ぜんがく | total, full amount, sum |
八丁 | はっちょう | skillfulness |
八分音符 | はちぶおんぷ | 8th note |
八十 | はちじゅう, やそ | eighty |
八幡 | はちまん | Hachiman (God of War); Hachiman shrine; certainly |
八月 | はちがつ | August |
八朔 | はっさく | Hassaku orange (Citrus hassaku); 1st of August (lunar calendar) |
八紘 | はっこう | the eight directions, the whole land, the whole world |
八紘一宇 | はっこういちう | universal brotherhood, all eight corners of the world under one roof |
八郎潟 | はちろうがた | Lagoon Hachiro |
八重 | やえ | multilayered, doubled |
八重桜 | やえざくら | double-flowered cherry tree, double cherry blossoms |
八面玲瓏 | はちめんれいろう | beautiful from all sides, perfect serenity, affability |
公侯 | こうこう | princes and marquises, great feudal lords |
公債 | こうさい | public debt, public bond or securities |
公僕 | こうぼく | public servant |
公判 | こうはん | public hearing, trial |
公判廷 | こうはんてい | court, courtroom |
公取委 | こうとりい | Fair Trade Commission |
公司 | こうし | company, firm (in China) |
公吏 | こうり | public official |
公営 | こうえい | public management |
公団 | こうだん | public corporation |
公安委員会 | こうあんいいんかい | public safety commission |
公定歩合 | こうていぶあい | official discount (bank) rate |
公憤 | こうふん | public indignation |
公明 | こうめい | fairness, justice |
公民 | こうみん | citizen, freemen |
公民館 | こうみんかん | public hall, community center, community centre |
公演 | こうえん | public performance; sumo exhibition in a foreign country |
公爵 | こうしゃく | prince, duke |
公爵夫人 | こうしゃくふじん | princess, duchess |
公生涯 | こうしょうがい | public life, public career |
公的 | こうてき | public, official |
公的不法妨害 | こうてきふほうぼうがい | public nuisance |
公益 | こうえき | public, public good |
公示 | こうじ, こうし | edict, public announcement |
公社債 | こうしゃさい | public bonds |
公私 | こうし | public and private, official and personal, government and people |
公租 | こうそ | public tax |
公算 | こうさん | probability, likelihood |
公約 | こうやく | public commitment or promise |
公聴会 | こうちょうかい | public hearing |
公舎 | こうしゃ | official residence |
公衆電話 | こうしゅうでんわ | public telephone, pay phone |
公費 | こうひ | public expenditure |
公述 | こうじゅつ | speaking at a public hearing |
公邸 | こうてい | official residence |
公開 | こうかい | open to the public |
六十 | ろくじゅう, むそ | sixty |
共に | ともに | sharing with, participate in, both, alike, together, along with, with, including |
共催 | きょうさい | joint sponsorship |
共働き | ともばたらき | (husband and wife) both working, dual income |
共同体 | きょうどうたい | cooperative body, cooperative system, collective, community |
共同募金 | きょうどうぼきん | community chest |
共同水栓 | きょうどうすいせん | common faucet |
共和 | きょうわ | republicanism, cooperation |
共和党 | きょうわとう | Republican Party |
共存 | きょうぞん, きょうそん | coexistence |
共栄 | きょうえい | mutual prosperity |
共栓 | ともせん | stopper |
共済 | きょうさい | mutual aid |
共犯 | きょうはん | complicity |
共産 | きょうさん | communism; Communist Party |
共産主義 | きょうさんしゅぎ | communism, collectivism |
共産党 | きょうさんとう | Communist Party |
共産党中央委員会 | きょうさんとうちゅうおういいんかい | Central Committee of the Communist Party |
共産党細胞 | きょうさんとうさいぼう | communist cell |
共産国家郡 | きょうさんこっかぐん | Communist bloc |
共稼ぎ | ともかせぎ | working together, (husband and wife) earning a living together |
共著 | きょうちょ | collaboration, co-authorship |
共襟 | ともえり | same-colored neckband (coloured) |
共謀 | きょうぼう | conspiracy, complicity |
共闘 | きょうとう | joint struggle, common (united) front |
共鳴 | きょうめい | resonance, sympathetic (sound), (being in) sympathy |
兵 | つわもの, きょうしゃ | soldier; strong man, exceptional person, man of courage |
兵力 | へいりょく | military force, force of arms, strength of an army |
兵器 | へいき | arms, weapons, ordinance |
兵士 | へいし | soldier |
兵糧 | ひょうろう | (army) provisions, food |
兵舎 | へいしゃ | barracks |
具 | ぐ | tool; counter for armor (armour), suits, sets of furniture |
具体化 | ぐたいか | embodiment |
具体的 | ぐたいてき | concrete, tangible, definite, specific |
典型 | てんけい | type, pattern, archetypal |
典型的 | てんけいてき | typical, prototypical, representative, stereotypical, model, ideal |
兼 | けん | and, in addition, concurrently |
兼ね備える | かねそなえる | to have both, to possess both, to combine with |
兼ね合い | かねあい | equilibrium, good balance, poise |
兼任 | けんにん | concurrent post |
兼務 | けんむ | additional post |
兼営 | けんえい | operating or carrying on simultaneously |
兼摂 | けんせつ | concurrent post |
兼業 | けんぎょう, けんごう | side line, second business |
兼業農家 | けんぎょうのうか | part-time farmer |
兼用 | けんよう | multi-use, combined use, combination, serving two purposes |
内交渉 | うちこうしょう, ないこうしょう | preliminary negotiations |
内側 | うちがわ | inside, interior, inner part |
内偵 | ないてい | secret investigation, private enquiry, private inquiry, reconnaissance, scouting |
内分泌 | ないぶんぴ, ないぶんぴつ | endocrine; incretion, internal secretion |
内分泌腺 | ないぶんぴせん, ないぶんぴつせん | endocrine gland |
内包 | ないほう | connotation; inclusion, containment within |
内堀 | うちぼり | inner moat, moat within the castle walls |
内外 | ないがい, うちそと | inside and outside, domestic and foreign, approximately, interior and exterior |
内容 | ないよう | subject, contents, matter, substance, detail, import |
内弟子 | うちでし | private pupil, apprentice |
内径 | ないけい | bore, inside diameter |
内憂外患 | ないゆうがいかん | troubles both at home and abroad |
内挿 | ないそう | interpolation |
内申 | ないしん | unofficial report, confidential report |
内耳 | ないじ | inner ear |
内臓 | ないぞう | internal organs, intestines, viscera |
内苑 | ないえん | inner garden, inner park |
内蔵 | ないぞう | internal (e.g. disk), built-in, equipped (with) |
内装 | ないそう | interior design, interior, upholstery |
内視鏡 | ないしきょう | endoscope |
内角 | ないかく | interior angle, inside corner (baseball) |
内訳 | うちわけ | the items, breakdown, classification |
内諾 | ないだく | informal consent, private consent |
内謁 | ないえつ | private audience |
内部 | ないぶ | interior, inside, internal |
内閣 | ないかく | cabinet, (government) ministry |
内閣官房 | ないかくかんぼう | Cabinet Secretariat |
内閣法制局 | ないかくほうせいきょく | Cabinet Legislation Bureau |
内陸 | ないりく | inland |
内需 | ないじゅ | domestic demand |
円丘 | えんきゅう | knoll, hummock |
円借款 | えんしゃっかん | international yen loan |
円卓 | えんたく | round table |
円卓会議 | えんたくかいぎ | round-table conference |
円墳 | えんぷん, えんふん | round burial mound |
円安 | えんやす | cheap yen |
円弧 | えんこ | arc |
円柱 | えんちゅう, まるばしら | column; round pillar (esp. in buildings) |
円満 | えんまん | perfection, harmony, peace, smoothness, completeness, satisfaction, integrity |
円滑 | えんかつ, えんこつ | smooth, undisturbed, uninterrupted, harmonious |
円熟 | えんじゅく | ripeness, mellowness, maturity, perfection |
円盆 | まるぼん | round tray |
円盤 | えんばん | disk, discus, platter; flying saucer |
円相場 | えんそうば | yen exchange rate |
円筒 | えんとう | cylinder |
円軌道 | えんきどう | circular orbit |
冊 | さつ | counter for books; volume |
冊子 | さっし | book, booklet, story book, pamphlet, notebook |
冊数 | さっすう | number of books |
冊立 | さくりつ | imperial investiture |
再審 | さいしん | review, revision, reexamination, retrial |
再尋問 | さいじんもん | re-examination |
再度 | さいど | twice, again, second time |
再建 | さいけん | rebuilding, reconstruction, rehabilitation |
再征 | さいせい | second punitive expedition |
再循環 | さいじゅんかん | recycle |
再検討 | さいけんとう | re-examination, review, reappraisal |
再燃 | さいねん | recurrence, revival, resuscitation |
再発 | さいはつ | return, relapse, reoccurrence |
再編 | さいへん | reorganization, reorganisation, reshuffle |
再考 | さいこう | reconsideration |
再興 | さいこう | revival, restoration, resuscitation |
再訂 | さいてい | second time |
再訂版 | さいていはん, さいていばん | second revised edition |
再誕 | さいたん | resurrection (of a company or school, etc.) |
再販 | さいはん | resale |
再選 | さいせん | re-election |
再鋳 | さいちゅう | recasting |
冒す | おかす | to brave, to risk, to face, to venture, to desecrate, to profane |
冒とく | ぼうとく | blasphemy, curse, profanity, sacrilege, desecration |
冒涜 | ぼうとく | blasphemy, curse, profanity, sacrilege, desecration |
冒険小説 | ぼうけんしょうせつ | adventure story, novel of adventure |
冒険者 | ぼうけんしゃ | adventurer |
冒険談 | ぼうけんだん | tale of adventure |
冒頭 | ぼうとう | beginning, start, outset |
冗 | じょう | uselessness |
冗句 | じょうく | redundant phrase |
冗員 | じょういん | supernumerary, superfluous, useless workers |
冗多 | じょうた | superabundance |
冗官 | じょうかん | supernumerary official |
冗舌 | じょうぜつ | garrulity, loquacity, talkativeness |
冗言 | じょうげん | chatter, useless words |
冗談事 | じょうだんこと | joking matter |
冗談口 | じょうだんぐち | joke |
写し | うつし | copy, duplicate, facsimile, transcript |
写生 | しゃせい | sketching, drawing from nature, portrayal, description |
写真凸版 | しゃしんとっぱん | phototype |
写真班 | しゃしんはん | (newspaper) cameramen |
写真集 | しゃしんしゅう | collection of photographs, photoalbum |
冠動脈 | かんどうみゃく | coronary artery |
冠婚葬祭 | かんこんそうさい | important ceremonial occasions in family relationships |
冠水 | かんすい | flooding, submerge |
冢宰 | ちょうさい | Minister of State (Zhou-dynasty China) |
冬場 | ふゆば | the winter season |
冴 | さえ | clearness, clarity; skillfulness (skilfulness) |
冴え | さえ | clearness, clarity; skillfulness (skilfulness) |
冴える | さえる | to be clear, to be serene, to be cold, to be skillful |
冴え冴えした | さえざえした | cheerful (look), healthy (complexion) |
冴え渡る | さえわたる | to get cold, to freeze over |
冴え行く | さえゆく | to clear gradually, to get cold gradually |
冴え輝く | さえかがやく | to shine clearly |
冴え返る | さえかえる | to be very clear, to be keenly cold |
冶 | や | melting |
冶具 | じぐ, ジグ | jig (tool) |
冶工 | やこう | metallurgical worker |
冶金 | やきん | metallurgy |
冶金学 | やきんがく | metallurgy (the science) |
冶金学者 | やきんがくしゃ | metallurgist |
冷え | ひえ | chilling exposure |
冷ややか | ひややか | cold; indifferent, cold-hearted, surly, curt, composed |
冷や汗 | ひやあせ, れいかん | cold sweat |
冷却 | れいきゃく | cooling, refrigeration |
冷却期間 | れいきゃくきかん | cooling-off period |
冷夏 | れいか | a cool summer |
冷媒 | れいばい | refrigerant, coolant |
冷害 | れいがい | cold-weather damage |
冷徹 | れいてつ | cool-headedness |
冷戦 | れいせん | cold war |
冷暖房 | れいだんぼう | air-conditioning, heating and cooling |
冷淡 | れいたん | coolness, indifference |
冷酷 | れいこく | cruelty, coldheartedness, relentless, ruthless |
准 | じゅん | quasi-, semi-, associate |
准える | なぞらえる, なずらえる | to pattern after, to liken to, to imitate |
准将 | じゅんしょう | commodore, brigadier general |
准尉 | じゅんい | warrant officer |
准看護婦 | じゅんかんごふ | practical nurse |
准許 | じゅんきょ | approval, sanction |
凌ぎ | しのぎ | tiding over |
凌ぎ場 | しのぎば | shelter |
凌波性 | りょうはせい | seaworthiness |
凌辱 | りょうじょく | insult; sexual assault, rape |
凌雲 | りょううん | skyscraping, very high |
凌霄花 | のうぜんかずら | great trumpet flower (Campsis grandiflora, Campsis chinensis), trumpet creeper |
凌駕 | りょうが | excelling, surpassing, outdoing, superior |
凍えつく | こごえつく | to freeze to, to be frozen to |
凍らす | こおらす | to freeze, to refrigerate |
凍傷 | とうしょう | frostbite, chilblains |
凍土 | とうど | frozen soil |
凍死 | とうし | death from cold, freezing to death |
凍結 | とうけつ | freeze (e.g. program) |
凜 | りん | cold, frigid, bracing; dignified |
凝った | こった | elaborate, exquisite, tasteful, refined, artistic |
凝固 | ぎょうこ | coagulation, freezing, solidification |
凝塊 | ぎょうかい | clot |
凝縮 | ぎょうしゅく | condensation |
凝視 | ぎょうし | stare, gaze, fixation |
凡 | おおよそ | about, roughly, as a rule, approximately |
凡そ | およそ | about, roughly, as a rule, approximately |
凡ゆる | あらゆる | all, every |
凡フライ | ぼんフライ | easy fly (in baseball) |
凡人 | ぼんじん, ぼんにん | ordinary person, average person, mediocre |
凡庶 | ぼんしょ | common people |
凡庸 | ぼんよう | mediocre, banality, commonplace |
凡庸愚昧 | ぼんようぐまい | ordinary and ignorant, mediocre and stupid |
凡打 | ぼんだ | poor batting |
凡退 | ぼんたい | out in 1-2-3 order (baseball) |
処分 | しょぶん | disposal, dealing, punishment |
処刑 | しょけい | execution |
処置 | しょち | treatment, measure, step |
処罰 | しょばつ | punishment |
処遇 | しょぐう | treatment, dealing with |
凪 | なぎ | calm, lull |
凪ぐ | なぐ | to become calm, to die down |
凱旋 | がいせん | triumphal return |
凱旋公演 | がいせんこうえん | performance given after a successful tour abroad |
凱旋将軍 | がいせんしょうぐん | triumphant general |
凱旋軍 | がいせんぐん | returning victorious army |
凱旋門 | がいせんもん | arch of triumph, triumphal arch |
凱歌 | がいか | victory song, victory |
凱風 | がいふう | southerly wind |
凶 | きょう | bad luck, bad fortune; evil, wickedness |
凶作 | きょうさく | bad harvest, poor crop |
凶兆 | きょうちょう | evil omen |
凶器 | きょうき | dangerous weapon |
凶弾 | きょうだん | assassin's plot, assassin's bullet |
凶悪 | きょうあく | atrocious, fiendish, brutal, villainous |
凶暴 | きょうぼう | brutal, atrocious, ferocious |
凶音 | きょういん | bad news, news of a death |
凸 | でこ | brow, forehead; convex |
凸レンズ | とつレンズ | convex lens |
凸版 | とっぱん | letterpress, relief printing |
凸版印刷 | とっぱんいんさつ | letterpress, relief printing |
凹 | おう | concave, hollow, sunken |
凹ます | へこます | to dent, to indent, to depress, to humiliate |
凹ませる | へこませる | to dent, to indent, to depress, to humiliate |
凹まる | くぼまる | to be low (as a hollow) |
凹み | くぼみ, へこみ | hollow, cavity, dent, depression |
凹める | くぼめる | to hollow out |
凹レンズ | おうレンズ | concave lens |
凹凸 | おうとつ | unevenness, roughness, ruggedness |
出刃 | でば | knife, pointed carver |
出勤簿 | しゅっきんぼ | employee's attendance record |
出場 | しゅつじょう | (stage) appearance, participation, performance |
出奔 | しゅっぽん | flight, elopement, running away, absconding |
出奔者 | しゅっぽんしゃ | absconder |
出尽くす | でつくす | to be all out, to exhaust |
出展 | しゅってん | exhibit, display |
出帆 | しゅっぱん | sailing, departure |
出席者 | しゅっせきしゃ | those present, attendance |
出廷 | しゅってい | appearance in court |
出廷日 | しゅっていび | court day |
出征 | しゅっせい | departure (for the front) |
出征家族 | しゅっせいかぞく | family of a soldier at the front |
出征軍 | しゅっせいぐん | army in the field |
出征軍人 | しゅっせいぐんじん | soldier at the front |
出棺 | しゅっかん | carrying out a coffin, funeral procession |
出港 | しゅっこう | departure, clearance (of a ship) |
出演 | しゅつえん | performance, stage appearance; to act (in a play) |
出版 | しゅっぱん | publication |
出版物 | しゅっぱんぶつ | publications |
出版社 | しゅっぱんしゃ | publisher |
出猟 | しゅつりょう | going hunting |
出獄 | しゅつごく | release (from prison) |
出番 | でばん | one's turn |
出稼ぎ | でかせぎ | working away from home |
出窓 | でまど | bay window |
出納 | すいとう | receipts and expenditure (disbursements) |
出納簿 | すいとうぼ | cashbook |
出荷 | しゅっか | shipping, outgoing freight, forwarding |
出藍 | しゅつらん | pupil excelling his master |
出血 | しゅっけつ | bleeding, haemorrhage, hemorrhage |
出資 | しゅっし | investment, contribution, financing |
出超 | しゅっちょう | excess of exports, favorable balance of trade, favourable balance of trade |
出足 | であし | start, turnout; constant forward movement (sumo) |
出迎え | でむかえ | meeting, reception |
出迎える | でむかえる | to meet, to greet |
出遅れる | でおくれる | to get a late start |
出陣 | しゅつじん | departure for the front |
出願 | しゅつがん | application |
出馬 | しゅつば | going on horseback; going in person; running for election |
函嶺 | かんれい | the Hakone Mountains |
刀 | かたな, とう | (single-edged) sword; dagger; scalpel |
刀剣 | とうけん | swords, cold steel |
刀匠 | とうしょう | swordsmith |
刀圭 | とうけい | doctor |
刀圭家 | とうけいか | doctor |
刀鍛冶 | かたなかじ | swordsmith |
刃 | は | edge (of a knife or sword) |
刃傷 | にんじょう | bloodshed |
刃先 | はさき | edge of blade |
刃渡り | はわたり | length of a (sword) blade, walking on the edge of a sword |
刃物 | はもの | edged tool, cutlery |
分け | わけ | sharing, division; draw, tie |
分冊 | ぶんさつ | separate volume, fascicle, fascicule |
分割 | ぶんかつ | partition, division, separation, segmenting, splitting |
分厘 | ぶんりん | (not) in the least, (not) a bit |
分岐 | ぶんき | divergence (e.g. in a road); forking, jump, multi-drop |
分岐点 | ぶんきてん | junction, crossroads, division point, parting of ways |
分岐駅 | ぶんきえき | junction |
分担 | ぶんたん | apportionment, allotment, share |
分水嶺 | ぶんすいれい | watershed, divide |
分泌 | ぶんぴつ, ぶんぴ | secretion |
分泌液 | ぶんぴつえき | secretion |
分泌物 | ぶんぴぶつ, ぶんぴつぶつ | secretion |
分科会 | ぶんかかい | subcommittee meeting, subworking group |
分裂 | ぶんれつ | split, division, break up |
分譲 | ぶんじょう | selling (real-estate) lots |
分轄 | ぶんかつ | separate jurisdiction |
分離 | ぶんり | separation, partition, detachment, segregation, isolation, decollation |
切っ掛け | きっかけ | chance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasion |
切らす | きらす | to be out of, to run out of, to be short of, to be out of stock |
切り抜き | きりぬき | scraps, cuts |
切り捨て | きりすて | (historical) using people of low rank as sword fodder, omission, rounding down |
切り替え | きりかえ, せったい | exchange, conversion, replacement, switching (to), switchover |
切り札 | きりふだ | trump card |
切磋琢磨 | せっさたくま | cultivate one's character by studying hard, diligent application |
切磋琢磨し合う | せっさたくましあう | to work hard together, to be in a state of friendly rivalry |
切羽詰まって | せっぱつまって | under the pressure of necessity |
切羽詰まる | せっぱつまる | to be at one's wit's end, to be cornered |
刈 | かり | cut, clip, shear, reap, trim, prune |
刈り入れ | かりいれ | harvest |
刈り取り | かりとり | harvesting, reaping |
刈り取る | かりとる | to mow, to reap, to harvest |
刈り穂 | かりほ | harvested grain, harvested rice ears |
刈り込む | かりこむ | to cut, to dress, to prune, to trim, to clip |
刈穂 | かりほ | harvested grain, harvested rice ears |
刊行 | かんこう | publication, issue |
刑 | けい | penalty, sentence, punishment |
刑事訴訟 | けいじそしょう | criminal action |
刑事責任 | けいじせきにん | criminal liability |
刑務所 | けいむしょ | prison, penitentiary |
刑吏 | けいり | executioner |
刑法 | けいほう | criminal law, penal code |
刑罰 | けいばつ | judgement, judgment, penalty, punishment |
列寧 | れえにん | Lenin |
列挙 | れっきょ | enumeration, list |
初 | はつ | first, new |
初代 | しょだい | first generation, founder |
初場所 | はつばしょ | New Year's (January) sumo tournament, held in Tokyo |
初孫 | ういまご, はつまご | first grandchild |
初巳 | はつみ | first Serpent day of the year |
初恋 | はつこい | first love, puppy love |
初戦 | しょせん | first match (in a series) |
初日 | しょにち | first or opening day |
初期 | しょき | early (days), initial stage; initial |
初演 | しょえん | first performance |
初版 | しょはん | first edition |
初耳 | はつみみ | something heard for the first time (lit: first ear) |
初舞台 | はつぶたい | debut, initial stage appearance |
初診 | しょしん | initial medical examination |
初誕生 | はつたんじょう | first birthday |
初陣 | ういじん | first campaign, one's first battle |
判定 | はんてい | judgement, judgment, decision, award, verdict |
判決 | はんけつ | judicial decision, judgement, judgment, sentence, decree |
別個 | べっこ | another, different, separate, discrete |
別冊 | べっさつ | separate volume, extra issue, supplement |
別刷り | べつずり | excerpt, offprint, printed separately |
別居 | べっきょ | separation, living apart |
別巻 | べっかん | separate volume, extra issue |
別棟 | べつむね, べっとう | separate building, outbuilding, outhouse |
別表 | べっぴょう | annexed (statistical) table |
別邸 | べってい | villa, detached residence |
別項 | べっこう | special heading, separate paragraph |
利 | り | advantage, benefit, profit, interest |
利に聡い | りにさとい | wide-awake to one's interests |
利下げ | りさげ | decrease in interest rates |
利便 | りべん | convenience |
利尿 | りにょう | diuresis |
利己 | りこ | self-interest |
利息 | りそく | interest (bank) |
利払い | りばらい | interest payment |
利殖 | りしょく | money-making |
利潤 | りじゅん | profit, returns |
利率 | りりつ | interest rate |
利用者 | りようしゃ | user, end-user, consumer |
到底 | とうてい | (cannot) possibly |
到来 | とうらい | arrival |
到達 | とうたつ | reaching, attaining, arrival |
到頭 | とうとう | finally, at last, reaching a head |
制定 | せいてい | enactment, establishment, creation |
制服 | せいふく | uniform |
制球 | せいきゅう | (pitcher's) control (baseball) |
制約 | せいやく | limitation, restriction, condition, constraints |
制約伝搬 | せいやくでんぱん | constraint propagation |
制裁 | せいさい | restraint, sanctions, punishment |
制覇 | せいは | conquest, domination, mastery |
刷り | すり | printing |
刷り込む | すりこむ | to insert (an illustration), to stencil (a pattern), to print on |
刷新 | さっしん | reform, renovation |
刺し | さし | sharpened tube for testing rice in bags; sashimi (sliced raw fish) |
刺し身 | さしみ | sashimi (sliced raw fish) |
刺椿象 | さしがめ, サシガメ | assassin bug (any insect of family Reduviidae) |
刺殺 | しさつ | stabbing to death; putting out (baseball) |
刺繍 | ししゅう | embroidery |
刻 | こく | time, carving, engraving, cutting |
刻み | きざみ | shredded tobacco, notch, nick |
刻苦勉励 | こっくべんれい | being arduous, working diligently enduring hardships |
削ぐ | そぐ | to chip; to thin down, to reduce, to weaken |
削り取る | けずりとる | to shave off, to scrape off |
削り節 | けずりぶし | flaked bonito |
削減 | さくげん | cut, reduction, curtailment |
前世紀 | ぜんせいき | last century, ancient times |
前例に倣う | ぜんれいにならう | to follow (copy after) a precedent |
前倒し | まえだおし | acceleration (of payment schedule) |
前傾 | ぜんけい | forward inclination (tilt) |
前兆 | ぜんちょう | omen, portent, sign, premonition, harbinger |
前厄 | まえやく | the year before a critical age |
前向き | まえむき | facing forward, front-facing, positive |
前哲 | ぜんてつ | former men of wisdom and virtue |
前回 | ぜんかい | last time, last installment, last instalment, last session |
前夜祭 | ぜんやさい | the eve (of festival) (e.g. Christmas Eve) |
前奏曲 | ぜんそうきょく | prelude, overture |
前年 | ぜんねん | the preceding year, the previous year, last year |
前年度 | ぜんねんど | preceding fiscal year |
前後矛盾 | ぜんごむじゅん | self-contradiction, self-inconsistency |
前払い | まえばらい | payment in advance, prepayment |
前掲 | ぜんけい | above-named |
前提 | ぜんてい | preamble, premise, reason, prerequisite, condition, assumption, hypothesis |
前方後円墳 | ぜんぽうこうえんふん | keyhole-shaped tumulus (form of ancient Imperial grave) |
前日 | ぜんじつ, まえび | previous day, the day before |
前栽 | せんざい | garden, trees and flowers in a garden |
前栽物 | せんざいもの | greens, vegetables |
前立腺肥大症 | ぜんりつせんひだいしょう | enlargement of the prostate |
前肢 | まえあし, ぜんし, ぜんきゃく | forefoot, forefeet, foreleg, forelimb |
前菜 | ぜんさい | relishes, hors d'oeuvres, smorgasbord |
前述 | ぜんじゅつ | aforementioned, above-mentioned |
前途 | ぜんと | future prospects, outlook, the journey ahead |
前途遼遠 | ぜんとりょうえん | goal, destination |
前項 | ぜんこう | preceding paragraph |
剖検 | ぼうけん | autopsy, necropsy |
剛 | ごう | strong, hard, manly |
剛の者 | ごうのもの | very strong person, brave warrior, veteran |
剛健 | ごうけん | vigour, vigor, virility, health, sturdiness |
剛毅 | ごうき | fortitude, firmness of character, hardihood, manliness |
剛毅果断 | ごうきかだん | dauntless and decisive, with fortitude and resolution |
剣を抜く | つるぎをぬく, けんをぬく | to draw a sword |
剣劇 | けんげき | sword play, samurai drama |
剣士 | けんし | fencer |
剣客 | けんきゃく, けんかく | fencer, swordsman |
剣峻 | けんしゅん | steep, precipitous |
剣璽 | けんじ | sacred sword and jewels |
剣豪 | けんごう | master fencer |
剣道 | けんどう | kendo, swordmanship, fencing |
副作用 | ふくさよう | reaction, secondary effect, side effect |
副将 | ふくしょう | second in command |
副業 | ふくぎょう | side job, sideline, subsidiary business |
副産物 | ふくさんぶつ | byproduct, side line |
副知事 | ふくちじ | lieutenant governor |
副社長 | ふくしゃちょう | executive vice-president |
副署 | ふくしょ | countersignature |
副葬品 | ふくそうひん | burial accessories |
副虹 | ふくにじ | secondary rainbow |
副読本 | ふくとくほん, ふくどくほん | supplementary reader |
副賞 | ふくしょう | extra prize |
副題 | ふくだい | subtitle, subheading |
剰 | あまつさえ, あまっさえ | besides (usu. negative nuance), moreover, in addition |
剰え | あまつさえ, あまっさえ | besides (usu. negative nuance), moreover, in addition |
剰余 | じょうよ | surplus, balance, remainder |
剰余金 | じょうよきん | surplus, balance |
剰員 | じょういん | surplus people |
剰費 | じょうひ | unnecessary expenses |
割り出す | わりだす | to calculate, to compute, to infer |
割り勘 | わりかん | splitting the cost, Dutch treat |
割り当て | わりあて, かっとう | allotment; binding |
割り栗 | わりぐり | rubble, broken stone |
割り栗石 | わりぐりいし | crushed rock, macadam |
割安 | わりやす | economical, comparatively cheap |
割引債 | わりびきさい | discount bond |
割譲 | かつじょう | cession (of territory) |
割賦 | かっぷ, わっぷ | allotment, quota, payment in installments, payment in instalments, hire-purchase |
割高 | わりだか | comparatively high, fairly expensive |
創出 | そうしゅつ | creation (e.g. work of art) |
創刊 | そうかん | launching (e.g. newspaper), first issue |
創始 | そうし | creation, founding, initiating |
創意 | そうい | original idea, originality |
創業 | そうぎょう | establishment (of a business, etc.) |
創立 | そうりつ | establishment, founding, organization, organisation |
創設 | そうせつ | establishment, founding, organization, organisation |
創造 | そうぞう | creation |
剽窃 | ひょうせつ | plagiarism, piracy |
劇作 | げきさく | play writing |
劇団 | げきだん | troupe, theatrical company |
劇映画 | げきえいが | film drama |
劇的 | げきてき | dramatic |
力説 | りきせつ | insistence, (major) emphasis, stress |
力量 | りきりょう | ability, physical strength, capacity, tact |
功 | こう | merit; achievement, accumulated experience |
功労 | こうろう | meritorious deed, services |
功名 | こうみょう | great achievement |
功罪 | こうざい | both good and bad, merits and demerits |
加 | か | addition, increase; Canada |
加俸 | かほう | extra allowance |
加奈陀 | カナダ, かなだ | Canada |
加州 | かしゅう | State of California |
加工 | かこう | manufacturing, processing, treatment, machining |
加工貿易 | かこうぼうえき | processing trade |
加担 | かたん | support, participation, assistance, complicity, conspiracy |
加減抵抗器 | かげんていこうき | rheostat |
加療 | かりょう | medical treatment |
加盟 | かめい | participation, affiliation |
加盟国 | かめいこく | member-nation, signatory |
加硫 | かりゅう | vulcanizing (rubber) |
加硫法 | かりゅうほう | vulcanization, vulcanisation |
加禄 | かろく | increase in a samurai's stipend |
加虐 | かぎゃく | causing pain |
加速 | かそく | acceleration, speed up; accelerator |
加齢 | かれい | adding to one's years |
劣らず | おとらず | with the best of them, as the next fellow |
劣勢 | れっせい | numerical inferiority |
劣化 | れっか | deterioration, degradation |
劣悪 | れつあく | inferiority, coarseness |
劣等感 | れっとうかん | inferiority complex |
助け | たすけ | assistance |
助け舟 | たすけぶね | timely help |
助役 | じょやく | assistant official |
助惣鱈 | すけそうだら, スケソウダラ | walleye pollack, Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) |
助成 | じょせい | assisting, assistance, fostering, aiding |
助教授 | じょきょうじゅ | assistant professor |
助教諭 | じょきょうゆ | assistant or associate professor |
助産婦 | じょさんぷ | midwife |
努 | ゆめ | never, by no means |
努めて | つとめて | as much as possible; make an effort!, work hard! |
努力も空しく | どりょくもむなしく | after efforts in vain |
努力も虚しく | どりょくもむなしく | after efforts in vain |
努力家 | どりょくか | hard worker, hardworking person |
努力賞 | どりょくしょう | prize awarded for a person's effort |
励まし | はげまし | encouragement (as an abstract concept), stimulation |
励ます | はげます | to encourage, to cheer, to raise (the voice) |
励み | はげみ | (act of) encouragement, stimulus, incentive |
労使 | ろうし | labour and management, labor and management |
労働党 | ろうどうとう | Labour Party, Labor Party |
労働基準法 | ろうどうきじゅんほう | Labor Standards Act |
労働条件 | ろうどうじょうけん | working conditions |
労働省 | ろうどうしょう | Ministry of Labour (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) |
労働組合 | ろうどうくみあい | labor union, labour union |
労働者 | ろうどうしゃ | laborer (labourer), blue-collar worker |
労災 | ろうさい | workers' compensation insurance |
労組 | ろうそ, ろうくみ | labor union, labour union |
労賃 | ろうちん | wages |
労連 | ろうれん | labour union, labor union |
効果的 | こうかてき | effective, successful |
効率 | こうりつ | efficiency, efficacy, performance, utility factor |
効率的 | こうりつてき | efficient |
劾奏 | がいそう | report of an official's offence to the emperor (offense) |
勁卒 | けいそつ | excellent soldier |
勁悍 | けいかん | strong and fierce |
勁捷 | けいしょう | strong and nimble |
勁敵 | けいてき | formidable foe |
勅 | ちょく, みことのり | imperial decree, imperial edict |
勅勘 | ちょっかん | the emperor's censure |
勅意 | ちょくい | meaning or gist of a decree |
勅書 | ちょくしょ | imperial rescript |
勅裁 | ちょくさい | imperial decision or sanction |
勅許 | ちょっきょ | imperial sanction |
勅語 | ちょくご | imperial rescript |
勅諭 | ちょくゆ | imperial instructions |
勅額 | ちょくがく | imperial scroll |
勅願 | ちょくがん | imperial prayer |
勇 | ゆう | bravery, courage, heroism |
勇み足 | いさみあし | overeagerness; forward step-out (in sumo) |
勇壮 | ゆうそう | heroic, brave, majestic, soul-stirring, lively, gallant |
勇敢 | ゆうかん | brave, heroic, gallant |
勇敢さ | ゆうかんさ | bravery, heroism, gallantry |
勇断 | ゆうだん | resolute decision |
勇者 | ゆうしゃ, ゆうじゃ | hero, the brave, man of valour (valor) |
勇退 | ゆうたい | bowing out, retiring voluntarily |
勉めて | つとめて | as much as possible; make an effort!, work hard! |
勉学 | べんがく | study, pursuit of knowledge |
動 | どう | motion, change, confusion |
動き | うごき | movement, activity, trend, development, change |
動乱 | どうらん | disturbance, agitation, commotion, upheaval, riot |
動向 | どうこう | trend, tendency, movement, attitude |
動植物 | どうしょくぶつ | plants and animals, flora and fauna |
動脈 | どうみゃく | artery |
動脈硬化 | どうみゃくこうか | arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries |
動静 | どうせい | state, condition, movements |
勘える | かんがえる | to consider, to think about |
勘ぐる | かんぐる | to be suspicious of |
勘づく | かんづく | to suspect, to sense (danger), to scent |
勘合貿易 | かんごうぼうえき | licensed trade |
勘弁 | かんべん | pardon, forgiveness, forbearance |
勘案 | かんあん | taking into consideration, giving consideration (to), thinking |
勘違い | かんちがい | misunderstanding, wrong guess |
勝ち | かち | win, victory |
勝ち星 | かちぼし | (mark indicating) a win |
勝ち越し | かちこし | more wins than losses (sport) |
勝利 | しょうり | victory, triumph, conquest, success, win |
勝訴 | しょうそ | winning a lawsuit |
勝負 | しょうぶ | victory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout |
募債 | ぼさい | raising of a loan, loan floatation |
募金 | ぼきん | fund-raising, collection of funds |
勢み | はずみ | bounce; momentum; spur of the moment, impulse |
勢力 | せいりょく | influence, power, might, strength, potency, force, energy |
勢力圏 | せいりょくけん | sphere of influence |
勤倹 | きんけん | industry, diligence, frugality |
勤労 | きんろう | labor, labour, exertion, diligent service |
勤労者 | きんろうしゃ | worker |
勤勉 | きんべん | industry, diligence |
勤務 | きんむ | service, duty, work |
勤務実績 | きんむじっせき | service record |
勤惰 | きんだ | diligence and indolence, attendance |
勧め | すすめ | recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement |
勧告 | かんこく | advice, counsel, remonstrance, recommendation |
勧善懲悪劇 | かんぜんちょうあくげき | morality play |
勧奨 | かんしょう | encouragement, stimulation |
勧業 | かんぎょう | (encouragement of) industry |
勧進 | かんじん | temple solicitation |
勧進帳 | かんじんちょう | temple solicitation book |
勲 | いさお | distinguished service, meritorious service |
勲爵 | くんしゃく | peerage and order of merit |
勲章 | くんしょう | decoration, order, medal |
勲記 | くんき | decoration diploma, diploma |
匁 | もんめ | unit of weight, approx. 3.75 g |
包丁 | ほうちょう | kitchen knife, carving knife |
包囲 | ほうい | siege, encirclement, envelopment |
包括 | ほうかつ | inclusion, complete coverage, comprehensiveness |
包摂 | ほうせつ | subsumption, connotation |
包茎 | ほうけい | phimosis |
化学兵器 | かがくへいき | chemical weapons |
化学療法 | かがくりょうほう | chemotherapy |
化学繊維 | かがくせんい | synthetic fibers, synthetic fibres |
化学肥料 | かがくひりょう | chemical fertilizer, chemical fertiliser |
化粧下 | けしょうした | make-up base |
化粧代 | けしょうだい | lady's pin money, cosmetics expense |
化粧台 | けしょうだい | dressing table, dresser |
化粧室 | けしょうしつ | toilet, lavatory, powder room |
化粧水 | けしょうすい, けしょうみず | face lotion |
化粧着 | けしょうぎ | dressing gown |
化粧石鹸 | けしょうせっけん | toilet soap |
化繊 | かせん | synthetic fibres (fibers) |
北側 | きたがわ, ほくそく | north side, north bank |
北嶺 | ほくれい | northern mountain, Mt. Hiei |
北斗七星 | ほくとしちせい | the Great Bear, the Great Dipper, Ursa Major |
北斗星 | ほくとせい | the Great Bear, the Great Dipper, Ursa Major |
北方 | ほっぽう | northern (district), northward |
北朝鮮 | きたちょうせん | North Korea |
北東 | ほくとう, きたひがし | northeast |
北極圏 | ほっきょくけん | Arctic Circle, the Arctic |
北極熊 | ほっきょくぐま | polar bear |
北欧 | ほくおう | Northern Europe, land of the Norsemen, Scandinavia |
北海道 | ほっかいどう | Hokkaido (northernmost of the four main islands of Japan) |
北緯 | ほくい | north latitude |
北辰 | ほくしん | North-Star |
北郊 | ほっこう | northern suburbs |
北部 | ほくぶ | north, northern part |
北陸 | ほくりく | region west of Tokyo on Japan Sea side of Japan |
匠 | たくみ, しょう | workman; craft; means, idea |
匠気 | しょうき | affectation, desire to be impressive |
匡救 | きょうきゅう | delivering from sin, succor, succour |
匡正 | きょうせい | reform, correction, training |
匹儔 | ひっちゅう | equal, match |
匹夫 | ひっぷ | (humble) man, coarse man, rustic |
匹夫の勇 | ひっぷのゆう | rash courage |
匹夫匹婦 | ひっぷひっぷ | coarse men and women |
匹婦 | ひっぷ | coarse woman, country woman |
匹敵 | ひってき | comparing with, match, rival, equal |
区 | く | ward, district, section |
区内 | くない | in the ward or borough |
区民 | くみん | ward residents |
区立 | くりつ | established by the ward |
区長 | くちょう | ward headman |
区間 | くかん | section (of track, etc.), segment, dimension |
医 | い | medicine, the healing art, healing, curing, doctor |
医伯 | いはく | doctor |
医大 | いだい | medical university, medical school, med school |
医局 | いきょく | medical office, dispensary |
医師会 | いしかい | medical association |
医療 | いりょう | medical care, medical treatment |
医療器械 | いりょうきかい | medical appliances, surgical instruments |
医療報酬 | いりょうほうしゅう | medical fee |
医科 | いか | medical science, medical department |
医薬品 | いやくひん | medical supplies |
医院 | いいん | doctor's office (surgery), clinic, dispensary |
匿 | とく | shelter, shield, hide |
匿う | かくまう | to shelter, to shield, to hide |
匿れる | かくれる | to hide, to be hidden, to conceal oneself, to disappear |
匿名 | とくめい | anonymity, pseudonym |
匿名性 | とくめいせい | anonymity |
十一月 | じゅういちがつ | November |
十万 | じゅうまん | 100,000, hundred thousand |
十二指腸 | じゅうにしちょう | duodenum |
十二月 | じゅうにがつ | December |
十億 | じゅうおく | 1,000,000,000; one billion |
十字架 | じゅうじか | cross, the Cross (of Christ) |
十月 | じゅうがつ | October |
千乃正法 | ちのしょうほう | Chino Shoho (Japanese religious group founded by Chino Yuuko) |
千九百年代 | せんきゅうひゃくねんだい | the 1900s |
千代 | せんだい, ちよ | thousand years; very long period, forever |
千仭の谷 | せんじんのたに | bottomless ravine |
千尋 | せんじん, ちひろ | great depth (lit: thousand fathoms); great height |
千島 | ちしま | Kurile Islands |
千歳 | ちとせ, せんねん | millennium, one thousand years |
千秋 | せんしゅう | thousand years, many years |
千里 | せんり | 1000 ri, (a) long distance |
升 | しょう | sho (unit of volume, approx. 1.8 litres) |
升席 | ますせき | tatami "box seat" for four people at sumo or kabuki |
升遷 | しょうせん | rising up |
午后 | ごご | afternoon, p.m. |
午後中 | ごごじゅう | throughout the afternoon |
午睡 | ごすい | nap, siesta |
午過ぎ | ひるすぎ | after noon |
半ば | なかば | middle, half, semi, halfway, partly |
半宵 | はんしょう | midnight |
半導体 | はんどうたい | semiconductor, solid-state |
半数 | はんすう | half the number; haploid |
半永久 | はんえいきゅう | semipermanence |
半衿 | はんえり | neckpiece (on a kimono) |
卍巴 | まんじともえ, まんじどもえ | falling in swirls |
卑しい | いやしい | greedy, vulgar, shabby, humble, base, mean, vile |
卑しからぬ | いやしからぬ | respectable, decent |
卑しみ | いやしみ | contempt |
卑しむ | いやしむ | to despise, to disdain, to scorn |
卑しむべき | いやしむべき | despicable |
卑しめる | いやしめる | to despise, to abase (oneself) |
卑下 | ひげ | self-abasement, humility, self-depreciation |
卑劣 | ひれつ | mean, foul play, cowardly, base |
卑屈 | ひくつ | menial, meanness, servility, abject |
卒がない | そつがない | cautious, careful, shrewd, without error, without slip |
卒する | そっする | to die, to pass away |
卒伍 | そつご | rank and file, the ranks |
卒爾 | そつじ | abrupt, sudden |
卓 | たく | table, desk, high |
卓上 | たくじょう | on the table (desk), after-dinner speech |
卓抜 | たくばつ | excellence, superiority, preeminence, prevalence |
卓球 | たっきゅう | table tennis, ping-pong |
卓越 | たくえつ | excellence, superiority |
卓越風 | たくえつふう | prevailing wind |
協 | きょう | cooperation |
協奏曲 | きょうそうきょく | concerto |
協定 | きょうてい | arrangement, pact, agreement |
協調 | きょうちょう | cooperation; firm (market) tone |
協議 | きょうぎ | conference, consultation, discussion, negotiation |
協賛 | きょうさん | support, mutual aid, cooperation, approval, authorization, authorisation |
南アフリカ | みなみアフリカ | South Africa |
南側 | みなみがわ, なんそく | south side |
南征北伐 | なんせいほくばつ | attacking in all directions |
南支那海 | みなみしなかい | South China Sea |
南東 | なんとう, みなみひがし | southeast |
南欧 | なんおう | Southern Europe |
南氷洋 | なんひょうよう, なんぴょうよう | Antarctic Ocean |
南無妙法蓮華経 | なむみょうほうれんげきょう | Glory to the Sutra, Hail Lotus Sutra |
南無阿弥陀仏 | なむあみだぶつ | I sincerely believe in Amitabha, Lord have mercy on me |
南緯 | なんい | southern latitude |
南西 | なんせい, みなみにし | southwest |
南郊 | なんこう | southern suburbs |
南部 | なんぶ | southern part |
南隅 | なんぐう | southern corner |
単 | ひとえ | one layer, single, onefold |
単一 | たんいつ | single, simple, sole, individual, unitary |
単価 | たんか | unit price, unit cost |
単独 | たんどく | sole, independence, single, solo (flight) |
単純平均 | たんじゅんへいきん | simple average, arithmetic average |
単身 | たんしん | alone, unaided, away from home |
単身赴任者 | たんしんふにんしゃ | employee posted away from their family |
博 | はく, ばく | doctor, PhD; exposition, fair, exhibition |
博徒 | ばくと | gambler |
博愛 | はくあい | charity, benevolence, philanthropy, (love for) humanity |
博物 | はくぶつ | wide learning, natural history |
博覧会 | はくらんかい | fair, exhibition, exposition |
博識 | はくしき | extensive knowledge |
占い | うらない | fortune-telling, divination |
占う | うらなう | to forecast, to predict |
占拠 | せんきょ | occupation |
占有 | せんゆう | exclusive possession, occupation, monopolization |
占領 | せんりょう | occupation, capture, possession, have a room to oneself |
卯 | う、ぼう、もう | fourth sign of Chinese zodiac; The Hare; 5am-7am; east |
卯の花 | うのはな | bean-curd lees; deutzia, Deutzia crenata |
卯年 | うさぎどし | year of the hare |
卯建 | うだつ | short pillar set on a beam to support a ridgepole |
卯建が上がらない | うだつがあがらない | no hope of getting ahead |
卯建のあがらない | うだつのあがらない | lacking potential for advancement, no-hoper |
卯月 | うづき, うつき, うずき | fourth month of the lunar calendar |
卯木 | うつぎ | deutzia, Deutzia crenata |
印刷 | いんさつ | printing |
印刷媒体 | いんさつばいたい | print media |
印刷機 | いんさつき | printing press |
印度支那 | いんどしな | Indo-China |
印池 | いんち | seal stamp pad |
印璽 | いんじ | imperial seal |
印紙 | いんし | (revenue) stamp |
印譜 | いんぷ | book of seals |
印象 | いんしょう | impression |
印象付ける | いんしょうづける | to impress (someone) |
印象的 | いんしょうてき | impressive |
印鑑 | いんかん | stamp, seal |
危うく | あやうく | almost, nearly, in imminent danger of |
危ぶむ | あやぶむ | to fear, to have misgivings, to be doubtful, to mistrust |
危害 | きがい | injury, harm, danger |
危峰 | きほう | high, steep peak |
危惧 | きぐ, きく | fear, misgivings |
危機 | きき | crisis |
危篤 | きとく | critical illness, on the verge of death |
危虞 | きぐ, きく | fear, misgivings |
即する | そくする | to conform to, to agree with, to be adapted to, to be based on |
即位 | そくい | enthronement |
即刻 | そっこく | immediately, at once, instantly |
即効 | そっこう | immediate effect, instant effect |
即席 | そくせき | instant |
即座 | そくざ | immediate, right there on the spot, impromptu |
即戦力 | そくせんりょく | ready fire power |
即日 | そくじつ | same day |
即時 | そくじ | prompt, immediate, in real time |
即興 | そっきょう | improvisation, improvization, impromptu, off the cuff, without a score |
却下 | きゃっか | rejection, dismissal |
卵子 | らんし | ovum, ovule, egg cell |
卵巣 | らんそう | ovary |
卵胞 | らんぽう, らんほう | (ovarian) follicle |
卸 | おろし | wholesale |
卸し | おろし | wholesale |
卸し商 | おろししょう | wholesaler, wholesale dealer |
卸値 | おろしね | wholesale price |
卸商 | おろししょう | wholesaler, wholesale dealer |
卸問屋 | おろしどんや | wholesaler |
卸売 | おろしうり | wholesale |
卸売市場 | おろしうりしじょう | wholesale market |
卸売物価 | おろしうりぶっか | wholesale price |
厄 | やく | misfortune, bad luck, evil, disaster |
厄よけ | やくよけ | warding off evil |
厄介事 | やっかいごと | trouble, difficulty, burden |
厄介者 | やっかいもの | dependent, parasite, hanger-on, burden |
厄年 | やくどし | unlucky year, critical age |
厘毛 | りんもう | farthing, trifle |
厘毛の軽重無し | りんもうのけいちょうなし | equal in weight, equal in significance |
厚さ | あつさ | thickness |
厚み | あつみ | thickness, profound |
厚化粧 | あつげしょう | thick or heavy make-up |
厚生 | こうせい | welfare; (former) Ministry of Health and Welfare |
厚生年金 | こうせいねんきん | welfare pension |
厚生省 | こうせいしょう | Ministry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) |
厚相 | こうしょう | Welfare Minister |
厚誼 | こうぎ | your kindness |
厚遇 | こうぐう | cordial welcome, kind treatment, hospitality |
原則 | げんそく | principle, general rule |
原告 | げんこく | plaintiff, accuser, prosecutor |
原型 | げんけい | prototype, model, pattern, archetypal |
原子力 | げんしりょく | atomic energy |
原子炉 | げんしろ | atomic reactor, nuclear reactor |
原寸 | げんすん | actual size, full size |
原材料 | げんざいりょう | raw materials |
原案 | げんあん | original plan, original bill, motion, draft, draught |
原水爆 | げんすいばく | atom and hydrogen bomb |
原油 | げんゆ | crude oil |
原潜 | げんせん | nuclear submarine |
原点 | げんてん | origin (coordinates), starting point |
原爆 | げんばく | atomic bomb, A-bomb |
原爆犠牲者 | げんばくぎせいしゃ | atomic bomb victim |
原発 | げんぱつ | nuclear power plant, nuclear power supply |
原簿 | げんぼ | ledger, original record, register |
原繊維 | げんせんい | raw fibers, raw fibres, minute fibers, minute fibres |
厳しさ | きびしさ | severity, strictness, intensity |
厳に | げんに | strictly, severely, rigidly, fortify, strengthen, secure |
厳冬 | げんとう | severe winter |
厳密 | げんみつ | strict, close |
厳寒 | げんかん | intense cold |
厳格 | げんかく | severe, rigid, strictness, rigor, rigour, austerity |
厳粛 | げんしゅく | gravity, solemnity, severity, seriousness, dignity, rigor, rigour, austerity |
厳罰 | げんばつ | severe punishment, rigorous measures |
厳美渓 | げんびけい | Genbi Gorge (Ichinoseki-shi, Iwate-ken) |
去就 | きょしゅう | committing one's self |
参与 | さんよ | participation; consultant, councillor, adviser |
参事官 | さんじかん | councillor, councilor |
参入 | さんにゅう | coming, visiting, going |
参列 | さんれつ | attendance, participation, presence |
参加者 | さんかしゃ | participant, entrant |
参拝 | さんぱい | visit to a shrine or temple, paying homage at a shrine or temple |
参禅 | さんぜん | Zen meditation, meditative consultation with the head abbot |
参謀 | さんぼう | staff officer, participating in planning |
参議院 | さんぎいん | House of Councillors |
参賀 | さんが | congratulatory palace visit |
参酌 | さんしゃく | comparison and choosing the good, consultation, referring to |
参院 | さんいん | House of Councillors |
又しても | またしても | again |
又と | またと | in addition, besides this, twice |
又とない | またとない | unique, matchless, unparalleled, unparallelled, never again |
又ない | またない | unique, matchless, unparalleled, unparallelled, never again |
又も | またも | (once) again |
又もや | またもや | again |
及び | および | and, as well as |
及び腰 | およびごし | bent back, indecisive attitude |
及第 | きゅうだい | passing an examination |
友愛 | ゆうあい | fraternity, friendship |
友朋 | ゆうほう | friend |
友禅染め | ゆうぜんぞめ | type of dyeing method or pattern, silk printed by the Yuzen process |
友誼 | ゆうぎ | friendship, friendly relations, fellowship |
友誼国家 | ゆうぎこっか | friendly nation |
友達甲斐 | ともだちがい | true friendship |
友邦 | ゆうほう | friendly nation |
双 | そう | pair |
双ぶ | ならぶ | to line up; to rival, to match, to equal |
双務契約 | そうむけいやく | bilateral agreement |
双峰駱駝 | そうほうらくだ | two-humped camel, Bactrian camel |
双方 | そうほう | two way, both parties, mutual, both |
双生児 | そうせいじ | twins |
双発 | そうはつ | two-motored |
双眸 | そうぼう | pair of eyes |
双眼鏡 | そうがんきょう | binoculars, field glasses |
双胴機 | そうどうき | twin-fuselage plane |
双葉 | ふたば | bud, sprout |
双頭 | そうとう | double-headed |
反乱 | はんらん | insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, uprising |
反則 | はんそく | foul play (sport), transgression, default, balk, irregularity |
反射 | はんしゃ | reflection, reverberation; reflex (medical) |
反応 | はんのう | reaction, response |
反戦 | はんせん | anti-war |
反撃 | はんげき | counterattack, counteroffensive, counterblow |
反旗 | はんき | standard of revolt, banner of revolution |
反比例 | はんぴれい | inverse proportion |
反米 | はんべい | anti-American |
反逆 | はんぎゃく | treason, treachery, mutiny, rebellion, insurrection |
反響 | はんきょう | echo, reverberation, repercussion, reaction, influence |
反騰 | はんとう | reactionary price rise |
収入 | しゅうにゅう | income, receipts, revenue |
収容所 | しゅうようじょ | home, asylum, camp |
収拾 | しゅうしゅう | control, settling, coping |
収支 | しゅうし | income and expenditure |
収束 | しゅうそく | convergence, tie up |
収益 | しゅうえき | earnings, proceeds, returns |
収税吏 | しゅうぜいり | tax collector |
収穫 | しゅうかく | harvest, crop, ingathering |
収穫予想 | しゅうかくよそう | crop estimate |
収穫感謝祭 | しゅうかくかんしゃさい | Thanksgiving Day, harvest festival |
収穫時 | しゅうかくじ | time of harvest |
収穫期 | しゅうかくき | harvest time |
収穫物 | しゅうかくぶつ | the harvest, the yield |
収穫高 | しゅうかくだか | crop, income |
収納 | しゅうのう | crop, harvest, receipts, putting or stowing away |
収縮 | しゅうしゅく | deflation, contraction, shrinking, constriction |
収繭 | しゅうけん | cocoon crop |
収賄 | しゅうわい | accepting bribes, corruption, graft |
収録 | しゅうろく | compilation, editing; recording |
収集 | しゅうしゅう | gathering up, collection, accumulation |
叔世 | しゅくせい | age of decline (said of a nation) |
叔父貴 | おじき | uncle (younger than one's parent) |
取っ手 | とって, はしゅ | handle, grip, knob |
取り囲む | とりかこむ | to surround, to crowd around |
取り壊し | とりこわし | demolition, pulling down, destruction, dismantling |
取り壊す | とりこわす | to demolish, to tear or pull down |
取り崩す | とりくずす | to demolish, to take away until nothing remains |
取り戻す | とりもどす | to take back, to regain |
取り扱い | とりあつかい | treatment, service, handling, management |
取り扱う | とりあつかう | to treat, to handle, to deal in |
取り残す | とりのこす | to leave behind |
取り沙汰 | とりざた | current rumour, current rumor, gossip, (idle) talk |
取り消し | とりけし | cancellation, cancel, CAN |
取り締まり | とりしまり | control, management, supervision |
取り繕う | とりつくろう | to temporize, to temporise, to smooth over |
取り込み詐欺 | とりこみさぎ | confidence trick |
取引 | とりひき | transactions, dealings, business |
取得 | しゅとく | acquisition |
取材 | しゅざい | collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article), covering an event |
取沙汰 | とりざた | current rumour, current rumor, gossip, (idle) talk |
取締役 | とりしまりやく | company director, board member |
取締役会 | とりしまりやくかい | board of directors; board of directors' meeting |
取締法 | とりしまりほう | control law |
取繕う | とりつくろう | to temporize, to temporise, to smooth over |
取込み詐欺 | とりこみさぎ | confidence trick |
取込詐欺 | とりこみさぎ | confidence trick |
受け入れ | うけいれ | receiving, acceptance |
受け入れる | うけいれる | to accept, to receive |
受け止める | うけとめる | to catch, to stop the blow, to react to, to take |
受け皿 | うけざら | saucer; receptacle for things, receiving something (e.g. funds) |
受信 | じゅしん | reception (e.g. radio), receipt |
受像 | じゅぞう | (television) reception |
受嘱 | じゅしょく | being entrusted with, being delegated with, RH |
受注 | じゅちゅう | accepting orders |
受章 | じゅしょう | reception of a decoration or order |
受精卵 | じゅせいらん | fertilized eggs, fertilised eggs |
受胎 | じゅたい | conception, fertilization, fertilisation |
受託 | じゅたく | being entrusted with, taking charge of |
受託収賄罪 | じゅたくしゅうわいざい | (the crime of) bribery |
受診 | じゅしん | having a medical exam, seeing a doctor |
受諾 | じゅだく | acceptance |
受講 | じゅこう | taking (attending) lectures |
受賞 | じゅしょう | winning (a prize) |
受領 | じゅりょう | receipt (of letter), acknowledgement, acceptance |
受験 | じゅけん | taking an examination |
叙す | じょす | to relate; to confer (a rank) |
叙する | じょする | to relate; to confer (a rank) |
叙事詩 | じょじし | descriptive poetry, epic poem |
叙位 | じょい | investiture |
叙勲 | じょくん | conferring of decorations |
叙情 | じょじょう | lyricism, description or expression of one's feelings |
叙景 | じょけい | scenery, description |
叙賜 | じょし | distributing ranks, rewards and pensions |
叙述 | じょじゅつ | description |
叡感 | えいかん | emperor's approval |
叡慮 | えいりょ | the emperor's pleasure |
叡旨 | えいし | the emperor's instructions |
叡智 | えいち | wisdom, intelligence, intellect |
叡知 | えいち | intelligence |
叡聞に | えいぶんに | (in the) emperor's hearing |
叡覧 | えいらん | the emperor's personal inspection |
口凌ぎ | くちしのぎ | living from hand to mouth |
口唇 | こうしん | lips, labia |
口径 | こうけい | aperture, bore, calibre, caliber |
口忠実 | くちまめ | talkative, voluble |
口癖 | くちぐせ | way of saying, favorite phrase, favourite phrase |
口笛 | くちぶえ | whistle |
口臭 | こうしゅう | bad breath, halitosis |
口調 | くちょう | tone (e.g. of voice, etc.), (verbal) expression |
口述 | こうじゅつ | dictation, verbal statement |
口頭弁論 | こうとうべんろん | oral proceedings, oral pleadings |
古び衰える | ふるびおとろえる | to waste away |
古代 | こだい | ancient times |
古典的 | こてんてき | classical, classic |
古城 | こじょう | old castle, old fortress |
古墳 | こふん | ancient (mound) tomb |
古墳時代 | こふんじだい | Tumulus period (of Japanese history) |
古巣 | ふるす | old haunts, former homes |
古希 | こき | age seventy |
古書 | こしょ | old book, rare book |
古池 | ふるいけ | old pool, old pond |
古稀 | こき | age seventy |
古色蒼然 | こしょくそうぜん | antique-looking, looking hoary with patina |
古豪 | こごう | veteran, old-timer, man of experience |
句会 | くかい | gathering of haiku poets |
句集 | くしゅう | collection of haiku poems |
只々 | ただただ | absolutely, only, emphatic modifier |
只ならない | ただならない | unusual, serious; incomparable |
只中 | ただなか | middle |
只今 | ただいま | Here I am; presently, right away, right now, just now |
只只 | ただただ | absolutely, only, emphatic modifier |
只管 | ひたすら | nothing but, earnestly, intently |
只者 | ただもの | ordinary person (usu. in neg. sentences) |
叫く | わめく | to shout, to cry, to scream, to clamour |
叫び | さけび | shout, scream, outcry |
叫び声 | さけびごえ | shout, yell, scream |
叫喚 | きょうかん | shout, scream |
叫換 | きょうかん | shout, scream |
召し | めし | summons, call |
召使 | めしつかい | servant, menial |
召喚 | しょうかん | summons |
召集 | しょうしゅう | convening, calling together (e.g. parliament) |
可也 | かなり | considerably, fairly, quite |
可及的 | かきゅうてき | as ... as possible |
可否 | かひ | propriety; pro and con, ayes and noes |
可哀相 | かわいそう | poor, pitiable, pathetic |
可塑 | かそ | plastic |
可塑剤 | かそざい | plasticizer, plasticiser |
可塑性 | かそせい | plasticity |
可塑物 | かそぶつ | plastics |
可塑物質 | かそぶっしつ | plastics |
可変抵抗器 | かへんていこうき | rheostat |
可決 | かけつ | approval, adoption (e.g. motion, bill), passage |
可燃 | かねん | inflammable |
可笑しい | おかしい | strange, funny, amusing, ridiculous |
可能選択 | かのうせんたく | available choice |
可鍛性 | かたんせい | malleability |
可鍛鉄 | かたんてつ | malleable iron |
台帳 | だいちょう | account book, ledger, register |
台本 | だいほん | script, libretto, scenario |
台湾 | たいわん | Taiwan |
台湾海峡 | たいわんかいきょう | Straits of Taiwan |
台甫 | たいほ | your personal name |
台頭 | たいとう | rise of, appearance of, (in the) forefront, prominence |
史上 | しじょう | historical |
史学 | しがく | study of history |
史実 | しじつ | historical fact |
史家 | しか | historian |
史料 | しりょう | historical records, archives |
史的唯物論 | してきゆいぶつろん | historical materialism |
史記抄 | しきしょう | commentary on Shiki |
史跡 | しせき | historical landmark |
右中括弧 | みぎちゅうかっこ | closing brace |
右中間 | うちゅうかん | between right and center fielders (baseball) (centre) |
右傾 | うけい | rightist, leaning to the right |
右小括弧 | みぎしょうかっこ | closing parenthesis |
右岸 | うがん | right bank (shore) |
右派 | うは | right wing |
右翼 | うよく | right-wing |
右翼団体 | うよくだんたい | right-wing organization (clique) (organisation) |
右腕 | みぎうで, うわん | right arm |
叶える | かなえる | to grant (request, wish) |
叶わぬ時の神頼み | かなわぬときのかみだのみ | Man turns to God only in his trouble |
号 | ごう | number; sobriquet, pen-name |
号俸 | ごうほう | gradational salary |
号泣 | ごうきゅう | crying aloud, lamentation, wailing |
司令 | しれい | command, control, commander |
司令官 | しれいかん | commandant, commanding officer, general |
司令部 | しれいぶ | headquarters |
司会者 | しかいしゃ | chairman, moderator, toastmaster, master of ceremonies, chairperson |
司法 | しほう | administration of justice |
司法裁判 | しほうさいばん | judicial trial |
司法解剖 | しほうかいぼう | legally-ordered autopsy |
各 | おのおの, それぞれ | each, every, either, respectively, severally |
各シェルフ | かくシェルフ | each shelf, shelves (in practice, practise) |
各員 | かくいん | each one |
各種学校 | かくしゅがっこう | vocational school |
各自 | かくじ | individual, each |
各藩 | かくはん | each clan |
各面 | かくめん | all phases |
各駅 | かくえき | every station |
合併症 | がっぺいしょう | complications (in an illness) |
合否 | ごうひ | success or failure, result |
合唱 | がっしょう | chorus, singing in a chorus |
合唱団 | がっしょうだん | chorus group, choir |
合奏 | がっそう | concert, ensemble |
合宿 | がっしゅく | lodging together, training camp, boarding house |
合弁 | ごうべん | joint management, pool |
合意 | ごうい | agreement, consent, mutual understanding |
合憲 | ごうけん | constitutionality |
合成樹脂 | ごうせいじゅし | plastics, synthetic resins |
合成洗剤 | ごうせいせんざい | synthetic detergent |
合成繊維 | ごうせいせんい | synthetic fibre, synthetic fiber |
合格祈願 | ごうかくきがん | prayer for school success |
合理化 | ごうりか | rationalization, rationalisation, rationalize, rationalise |
合繊 | ごうせん | synthetic fiber, synthetic fibre |
合致 | がっち | agreement, concurrence, conformance |
合言葉 | あいことば | password, watchword |
吉 | きち, きつ | good fortune, good luck |
吉兆 | きっちょう | lucky omen, good omen |
吉凶 | きっきょう | sunshine and shadow, fortune |
吉祥 | きっしょう, きちじょう | lucky omen, happy, auspicious |
吊り鐘 | つりがね | temple bell (for striking) |
同伴 | どうはん | company, accompany, going with |
同伴者 | どうはんしゃ | companion |
同党 | どうとう | the same political party |
同国 | どうこく | the same country, the same province, the said country |
同士 | どうし | fellow, mutual, companion, comrade, bonding |
同夜 | どうや | the same night, that night |
同姓 | どうせい | same surname |
同封 | どうふう | enclosure (e.g. in a letter) |
同居 | どうきょ | coexistence, living together |
同市 | どうし | same city |
同席 | どうせき | presence, sitting with, being with |
同志 | どうし | same mind, comrade, kindred soul |
同性愛 | どうせいあい | homosexual love |
同日 | どうじつ | the same day |
同朋 | どうほう, どうぼう | companions, fellows |
同校 | どうこう | same school |
同氏 | どうし | the said person, he, she, same person |
同点 | どうてん | deadlock, tie, draw |
同町 | どうちょう | the same town, that town |
同盟 | どうめい | alliance, union, league |
同盟条約 | どうめいじょうやく | treaty of alliance |
同盟罷業 | どうめいひぎょう | strike |
同省 | どうしょう | the said ministry, the same ministry |
同県 | どうけん | the same prefecture |
同社 | どうしゃ | the same firm |
同窓 | どうそう | the same school |
同窓会 | どうそうかい | graduate's association, alumni meeting, class reunion |
同等 | どうとう | equality, equal, same rights, same rank, equivalence |
同級 | どうきゅう | the same grade, same class |
同級生 | どうきゅうせい | classmate(s) |
同罪 | どうざい | same offense, same offence |
同胞 | どうほう, どうぼう, はらから | brethren, brothers, fellow countrymen, fellowman, compatriot |
同藩 | どうはん | the same clan |
同郷 | どうきょう | same village, same town, same province |
名乗り | なのり | name readings of kanji; self-introduction; announcement of candidature |
名曲 | めいきょく | famous music |
名札 | なふだ | name plate, name tag, label |
名称 | めいしょう | name, title |
名簿 | めいぼ | register of names |
名義 | めいぎ | name; in the name of |
名誉 | めいよ | honor, honour, credit, prestige |
名誉職 | めいよしょく | honorary position |
名鑑 | めいかん | directory, list |
名門 | めいもん | noted family, noble family |
后 | きさき, きさい | empress, queen |
后妃 | こうひ | queen |
后宮 | こうきゅう | harem, imperial consort, palace |
吏 | り | an official |
吐かす | ぬかす | to omit, to leave out; to say, to speak |
吐き出す | はきだす | to vomit, to spit out |
吐露 | とろ | express one's mind, speak out |
向い | むかい | facing, opposite, across the street, other side |
向かって左 | むかってひだり | on the left as one faces (it) |
向き | むき | direction, orientation, aspect, situation, exposure, suitability, tendency |
向上 | こうじょう | elevation, rise, improvement, advancement, progress |
向日葵 | ひまわり | sunflower, Helianthus annuus |
君が代 | きみがよ | Imperial reign; title of Japanese national anthem |
君たち | きみたち | you (plural), all of you, you all |
君主 | くんしゅ | ruler, monarch |
君子 | くんし | man of virtue, person of high rank, wise man |
君臨 | くんりん | reigning; to reign, to dictate, to control |
吟じる | ぎんじる | to chant, to sing, to recite |
吟味 | ぎんみ | testing, scrutiny, careful investigation |
吟唱 | ぎんしょう | recital, recitation, chant(ing) |
吟詠 | ぎんえい | recitation or chanting of a poem |
吟誦 | ぎんしょう | recital, recitation, chant(ing) |
吟遊詩人 | ぎんゆうしじん | troubadour, minstrel |
否 | いいえ, いいや, いえ, いな, いや | no, nay, well |
否決 | ひけつ | rejection, negation, voting down |
含み | ふくみ | implication, hidden meaning, latitude, atmosphere, tone, sentiment, inclusion |
含み資産 | ふくみしさん | hidden assets |
含有 | がんゆう | contain, include |
含漱 | うがい, がんそう | gargling, rinsing one's mouth |
吸い殻 | すいがら | cigarette end (butt), tobacco ashes |
吸い込む | すいこむ | to inhale; to absorb, to soak up |
吸入 | きゅうにゅう | inhalation |
吸収 | きゅうしゅう | absorption, suction, attraction |
吸引 | きゅういん | absorption, suction, aspiration, attraction |
吸着 | きゅうちゃく | adsorption, adsorb, attachment, sorption |
吸血鬼 | きゅうけつき | vampire, bloodsucker |
吸金剛 | ここんごう | Hevajra, Eternal Vajra (tantric Buddhist deity) |
吹かす | ふかす | to smoke (a cigarette); to behave as ...; to accelerate, to rev up |
吹き替え | ふきかえ | dubbing, stand-in, dummy |
吹き荒れる | ふきあれる | to blow violently, to sweep over, to devastate |
吹き頻る | ふきしきる | to blow violently, to blow incessantly |
吹き飛ばす | ふきとばす | to blow off, to brush away, to talk big |
吹き飛ぶ | ふきとぶ | to be blown off, to blow off |
吹っ切れる | ふっきれる | to break through, to become unbound by, to ooze out |
吹っ飛ぶ | ふっとぶ | to blow off, to be blown off |
吹奏楽 | すいそうがく | wind (instrument) music |
吾 | われ, わ, あれ, あ, わぬ, わろ | I; oneself; you; prefix indicating familiarity or contempt |
吾が | わが | my, our, one's own |
吾ら | われら | we; I; you (referring to a group of one's equals or inferiors) |
吾れ | われ, わ, あれ, あ, わぬ, わろ | I; oneself; you; prefix indicating familiarity or contempt |
吾亦紅 | われもこう | burnet |
吾人 | ごじん | we |
吾妹 | わぎも | my wife |
吾妹子 | わぎもこ | my wife |
吾子 | あこ | my child |
吾木香 | われもこう | burnet |
吾輩 | わがはい | I (nuance of arrogance); we, us, ourselves |
呈する | ていする | to present; to show; to assume (e.g. a shape) |
呈上 | ていじょう | presentation |
呈色 | ていしょく, ていしき | coloration, colouration, color, colour, coloring, colouring |
呉りゃる | くりゃる | to receive from another |
呉れてやる | くれてやる | to give, to do (something) for |
呉れて遣る | くれてやる | to give, to do (something) for |
呉れる | くれる | to give, to let one have, to do for one, to be given |
呉れ呉れも | くれぐれも | repeatedly, sincerely, earnestly |
呉れ手 | くれて | donor, one who does something for you |
呉服 | ごふく | draperies, dry-goods, piece goods |
呉越 | ごえつ | Go-Etsu, two rival states in ancient China |
呉越同舟 | ごえつどうしゅう | bitter enemies (placed by fate) in the same boat |
告別 | こくべつ | farewell, leave-taking |
告示 | こくじ | notice, bulletin |
告訴 | こくそ | accusation, complaint, charge, legal action |
周到 | しゅうとう | scrupulous, meticulous, careful |
周囲 | しゅうい | surroundings, environs; circumference |
周年 | しゅうねん | whole year, anniversary |
周期 | しゅうき | cycle, period |
周波数 | しゅうはすう | frequency (of waves) |
周知 | しゅうち | common knowledge, (something) well-known |
呪縛 | じゅばく | curse, spell |
味わい | あじわい | flavour, flavor; meaning, significance |
味覚 | みかく | taste, palate, sense of taste |
呼びかけ | よびかけ | call, appeal |
呼び出し | よびだし | call; sumo usher who calls the names of wrestlers, sweeps the ring, etc. |
呼び捨て | よびすて | addressing someone without an honorific such as "san" |
呼び掛け | よびかけ | call, appeal |
呼び鈴 | よびりん | bell (used for summoning or signalling), buzzer |
呼吸器 | こきゅうき | respiratory organs |
呼応 | こおう | hailing each other; acting in concert; agreement, concord |
呼称 | こしょう | naming; nominal |
命 | めい, みょう | command, decree, life, destiny |
命懸け | いのちがけ | life and death, risking one's life, risky, desperate |
命拾い | いのちびろい | narrow escape from death |
命旦夕に迫る | めいたんせきにせまる | to be on the brink of death |
命綱 | いのちづな | lifeline |
和平 | わへい | peace |
和洋折衷 | わようせっちゅう | a blending of Japanese and Western styles |
和牛 | わぎゅう | Wagyu beef, Japanese beef |
和睦 | わぼく | reconciliation, peace, rapprochement |
和菓子 | わがし | Japanese confectionery |
和蘭 | おらんだ, オランダ | Holland, The Netherlands |
和蘭陀 | おらんだ, オランダ | Holland, The Netherlands |
和衷協同 | わちゅうきょうどう | harmonious cooperation, in close cooperation |
咲い | わらい | laugh, laughter; smile; sneer |
咲う | わらう | to laugh; to smile; to sneer, to ridicule |
咲かせる | さかせる | to make bloom |
咲き乱れる | さきみだれる | to bloom in profusion |
咲き誇る | さきほこる | to be in fullness of bloom |
哀れっぽい | あわれっぽい | plaintive, piteous, doleful |
哀切 | あいせつ | pathetic, plaintive |
哀哉 | かなしいかな | Sad to say, How sad, Alas |
哀弔 | あいちょう | sympathetic condolences |
哀悼 | あいとう | condolence, regret, tribute, sorrow, sympathy, lament |
哀悼痛惜 | あいとうつうせき | condolence, mourning, sorrow, lamentation |
哀愁 | あいしゅう | pathos, sorrow, grief |
哀感 | あいかん | pathos |
哀慕 | あいぼ | cherish the memory of, yearn for |
哀歓 | あいかん | sadness and joy |
品目 | ひんもく | list of articles |
品種 | ひんしゅ | kind (of goods); (taxonomical) form; breed, cultivar |
品質 | ひんしつ | (material) quality |
哉 | かな | how!, what!, alas! |
哨戒 | しょうかい | patrolling |
哲人 | てつじん | wise man, philosopher, sage |
哲学 | てつがく | philosophy |
哲学的 | てつがくてき | philosophical |
哲学者 | てつがくしゃ | philosopher |
唄 | うた | song; classical Japanese poetry (esp. tanka); modern poetry |
唄う | うたう | to sing; to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.) |
唆し | そそのかし | instigation |
唆す | そそのかす | to instigate, to tempt |
唆る | そそる | to excite, to incite, to stimulate, to arouse, to tempt, to stir up |
唇歯輔車 | しんしほしゃ | mutual dependence |
唇音 | しんおん | labial sound |
唐 | とう | T'ang-Dynasty (China 618-907) |
唐人 | からびと, とうじん | a Chinese, foreigner |
唐手 | からて | karate; empty handed |
唐楓 | とうかえで, トウカエデ | trident maple, acer buergerianum |
唐突 | とうとつ | abrupt, sudden |
唐茄子 | とうなす | squash, pumpkin |
唐草 | からくさ | arabesque |
唐錦 | からにしき | Chinese brocade |
唐音 | とうおん, とういん | T'ang reading of Chinese characters |
唖鈴 | あれい | dumbbell |
唯でさえ | ただでさえ | even at the best of times, (even) under normal circumstances, in addition to |
唯一無二 | ゆいいつむに | one and only, unique |
唯今 | ただいま | Here I am; presently, right away, right now, just now |
唯心論 | ゆいしんろん | spiritualism, idealism, mentalism |
唯我独尊 | ゆいがどくそん | self-conceit, self-centeredness, vainglory |
唯我論 | ゆいがろん | solipsism (phil.) |
唯物論 | ゆいぶつろん | materialism |
唱える | となえる | to recite, to chant; to call upon |
唱和 | しょうわ | saying (cheering) in chorus |
唱歌 | しょうか | singing, songs |
啄む | ついばむ | to pick at, to peck at |
啄木 | たくぼく | woodpecker |
啄木鳥 | きつつき, たくぼくちょう, けら, けらつつき, キツツキ | woodpecker |
商工 | しょうこう | commerce and industry |
商工会議所 | しょうこうかいぎしょ | Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
商標 | しょうひょう | trademark |
商法 | しょうほう | trade, business, commerce, commercial law |
商舗 | しょうほ | shop, store |
商談 | しょうだん | business discussion, negotiation |
商魂 | しょうこん | commercial spirit |
問 | もん | counter for questions |
問い合わせ | といあわせ | enquiry, inquiry, ENQ, query, interrogation |
問屋 | とんや, といや | wholesale store |
問責 | もんせき | blame, censure, reproof, reprimand, rebuke |
問題意識 | もんだいいしき | awareness of the issues |
問題点 | もんだいてん | the point at issue |
啓く | ひらく | to enlighten, to edify |
啓上 | けいじょう | speaking respectfully |
啓示 | けいじ | apocalypse, revelation |
啓蒙 | けいもう | enlightenment, instruction |
啓迪 | けいてき | edification, enlightenment, guide |
善哉 | ぜんざい | Well done!, soft bean-jam |
善哉善哉 | ぜんざいぜんざい | Well done!, Great!, Bravo! |
善戦 | ぜんせん | fight a good fight |
善玉 | ぜんだま | good person |
善逝 | ぜんぜい | Sugata (the well-gone; epithet of Buddha) |
善隣 | ぜんりん | good neighbour, good neighbor |
喚く | わめく | to shout, to cry, to scream, to clamour |
喚問 | かんもん | summons |
喚声 | かんせい | shout |
喚起 | かんき | arousal, excitation, awakening, evocation |
喜ばしい | よろこばしい | delightful, joyous, happy |
喜ばす | よろこばす | to delight, to give pleasure |
喜んで | よろこんで | with pleasure ... |
喜劇 | きげき | comedy, funny show |
喜寿 | きじゅ | 77th birthday |
喜怒哀楽 | きどあいらく | human emotions (joy, anger, pathos, and humor) (humour) |
喜悦 | きえつ | joy |
喜望峰 | きぼうほう | Cape of Good Hope |
喝破 | かっぱ | proclamation |
喝采 | かっさい | acclamation |
喧騒 | けんそう | tumult, great noise, clatter, hustle and bustle |
喪 | も | mourning |
喪う | うしなう | to lose, to part with |
喪主 | もしゅ | chief mourner |
喪失 | そうしつ | loss, forfeit |
喪服 | もふく | mourning dress |
喪章 | もしょう | sign of mourning |
喫す | きっす | to eat; to suffer (e.g. defeat), to receive (e.g. a blow) |
喫する | きっする | to eat; to suffer (e.g. defeat), to receive a blow |
喫煙 | きつえん | smoking |
喫煙者 | きつえんしゃ | smoker |
喫緊 | きっきん | urgency, exigency |
喫茶 | きっさ | tea drinking, tea house |
喬志 | きょうし | pride, self-conceit |
喬木 | きょうぼく | tall tree, forest tree, arbor, arbour |
営倉 | えいそう | guardhouse, detention barracks |
営巣 | えいそう | building a nest |
営林署 | えいりんしょ | forest service field office |
営業 | えいぎょう | business, trade, sales, operations |
営業所 | えいぎょうしょ | business office, place of business |
営繕 | えいぜん | upkeep (of equip.) |
嗣ぐ | つぐ | to succeed (someone in a business or inheritance) |
嗣子 | しし | heir |
嘆 | たん | sigh; grief, lamentation |
嘆かわしい | なげかわしい | sad, wretched, deplorable |
嘆き | なげき | grief, lamentation |
嘆く | なげく | to sigh, to lament, to grieve |
嘆息 | たんそく | sigh, grief, deploring |
嘆願 | たんがん | entreaty, appeal, petition |
嘉例 | かれい | happy precedent |
嘉日 | かじつ | good day, auspicious occasion |
嘉木 | かぼく | beautiful trees |
嘉禎 | かてい | Katei era (1235.9.19-1238.11.23) |
嘉節 | かせつ | auspicious occasion |
嘉納 | かのう | accepting with pleasure |
嘉肴 | かこう | delicacy, rare treat, good-eating fish |
嘉言 | かげん | wise saying |
嘉賞 | かしょう | approval |
嘉辰 | かしん | lucky day, auspicious occasion, happy day |
嘔吐 | おうと | vomiting |
嘱する | しょくする, ぞくする | to entrust; to send (a message, etc.) |
嘱望 | しょくぼう | (having great) expectation, pinning one's hopes on |
嘱目 | しょくもく | paying attention to, catching one's eye |
嘱託 | しょくたく | commission; part-time (employee) |
嘱託殺人 | しょくたくさつじん | contract murder |
器 | うつわ | bowl; ability, capacity, calibre, caliber |
器械体操 | きかいたいそう | apparatus gymnastics, artistic gymnastics |
器用貧乏 | きようびんぼう | Jack of all trades and master of none |
噴きこぼれる | ふきこぼれる | to boil over |
噴き上げる | ふきあげる | to blow up (i.e. wind), to blow upwards, to spout into the air |
噴き出す | ふきだす | to spout, to spurt, to gush out, to burst into laughter |
噴く | ふく | to blow (wind; to emit; to whistle |
噴出 | ふんしゅつ | spewing, gushing, spouting, eruption, effusion |
噴射 | ふんしゃ | jet, spray, injection, jet propulsion |
噴煙 | ふんえん | (eruption of) smoke |
嚇々 | かくかく, かっかく | brilliant, bright, glorious |
嚇かす | おどかす | to threaten, to menace; to startle, to surprise |
嚇す | おどす | to threaten, to menace |
嚇嚇 | かくかく, かっかく | brilliant, bright, glorious |
嚇怒 | かくど | greatly enraged, furious |
囚われ | とらわれ | imprisonment, captive |
囚われる | とらわれる | to be captured, to be apprehended, to be seized with |
囚人 | しゅうじん | prisoner |
囚人労働 | しゅうじんろうどう | prison labor, prison labour, forced labor, forced labour |
四つ相撲 | よつずもう | sumo wrestling in which both wrestlers grasp the other's belt with both hands |
四六時中 | しろくじちゅう | around the clock, day and night (Note: 4 x 6 = 24) |
四分五裂 | しぶんごれつ, しぶごれつ | torn asunder, disrupted and disorganized |
四十 | よんじゅう, しじゅう, よそ | forty |
四十七士 | しじゅうしちし | The 47 Ronin |
四千 | よんせん | four thousand |
四半期 | しはんき | quarter (of a year) |
四球 | しきゅう | four balls, base on balls (baseball), a walk |
四畳半 | よじょうはん | 4.5 tatami mats |
四百 | よんひゃく | four hundred |
四肢 | しし | limbs, extremities |
四輪車 | よんりんしゃ | automobile, car |
四重奏 | しじゅうそう | instrumental quartet |
四隅 | よすみ | four corners |
回収 | かいしゅう | collection, recovery |
回帰 | かいき | return (to), revolution, recurrence, recursion, comeback, revival |
回忌 | かいき | death anniversary |
回戦 | かいせん | match, game |
回旋 | かいせん | rotation, revolution, convolution |
回線 | かいせん | circuit, line |
回覧 | かいらん | circulation |
回路 | かいろ | circuit (electric) |
回転扉 | かいてんとびら | revolving door |
回避 | かいひ | evasion, avoidance |
回顧 | かいこ | recollection |
回顧録 | かいころく | memoirs, reminiscences |
因子 | いんし | factor, divisor, element |
因子分析 | いんしぶんせき | factor analysis |
因循 | いんじゅん | indecision, vacillation |
因循姑息 | いんじゅんこそく | dilly-dallying and temporizing (temporising) |
因果 | いんが | cause and effect, karma, fate |
団体交渉 | だんたいこうしょう | collective bargaining |
団塊 | だんかい | mass, lump |
団栗 | どんぐり | acorn |
団長 | だんちょう | leader of a delegation (body, party) |
困り切る | こまりきる | to be greatly perplexed, to be greatly embarrassed |
困り果てる | こまりはてる | to be greatly perplexed, to be greatly embarrassed |
困り者 | こまりもの | good-for-nothing, scapegrace, nuisance, trouble |
困惑 | こんわく | bewilderment, disturbance |
困窮 | こんきゅう | poverty, distress |
囲い | かこい | enclosure, paling, storage |
囲み | かこみ | enclosure, box, column, siege |
囲む | かこむ | to surround, to encircle |
囲炉裏 | いろり | hearth, fireplace |
囲碁 | いご | Go (board game of capturing territory) |
図式 | ずしき | diagram, graph, schema |
図書 | としょ | books |
図柄 | ずがら | design, pattern |
図版 | ずはん | plate, illustration, figure |
固め | かため | hardening, defense, defence, fortifying, pledge |
固める | かためる | to harden, to freeze, to fortify |
固体 | こたい | solid (body), solid matter, solid-state |
固定 | こてい | fixation, fixing (e.g. salary, capital) |
固定資産 | こていしさん | fixed assets |
固有 | こゆう | characteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, native, eigen- |
固有名詞 | こゆうめいし | proper noun |
国交 | こっこう | diplomatic relations |
国債 | こくさい | national debt, national securities, government bonds, government securities |
国内 | こくない | internal, domestic |
国分寺 | こくぶんじ | (Nara Era) state-supported provincial temples |
国務大臣 | こくむだいじん | Minister of State |
国務長官 | こくむちょうかん | Secretary of State |
国営 | こくえい | state management |
国土 | こくど | country, territory, domain, realm |
国宝 | こくほう | national treasure |
国家試験 | こっかしけん | state examination |
国家賠償 | こっかばいしょう | state reparations |
国対 | こくたい | Committee of the National Diet |
国庫 | こっこ | national treasury |
国慶節 | こっけいせつ | anniversary of founding (of PRC), national celebration time |
国旗 | こっき | national flag |
国旗を掲げる | こっきをかかげる | to hoist the national flag |
国是 | こくぜ | national policy |
国民健康保険 | こくみんけんこうほけん | national health insurance |
国民投票 | こくみんとうひょう | national referendum |
国王陛下 | こくおうへいか | His Majesty the King |
国璽 | こくじ | the seal of state |
国璽書 | こくじしょ | (Britain's) Lord Privy Seal |
国産 | こくさん | domestic products |
国益 | こくえき | national interest |
国立予防衛生研究所 | こくりつよぼうえいせいけんきゅうしょ | National Institute of Health |
国立博物館 | こくりつはくぶつかん | national museum |
国策 | こくさく | national policy |
国粋 | こくすい | national characteristics |
国粋主義 | こくすいしゅぎ | nationalism, extreme patriotism |
国賊 | こくぞく | traitor, rebel |
国賓 | こくひん | state guest |
国辱 | こくじょく | national disgrace |
国連 | こくれん | UN, United Nations |
国鉄 | こくてつ | national railway |
国防 | こくぼう | national defence, national defense |
国際人 | こくさいじん | international celebrity, cosmopolitan, citizen of the world |
国際化 | こくさいか | internationalization, internationalisation, i18n (in IT) |
国際協力事業団 | こくさいきょうりょくじぎょうだん | Japan International Cooperation Agency (1974), JICA |
国際法 | こくさいほう | international laws |
国際無線通信諮問委員会 | こくさいむせんつうしんしもんいいんかい | Comite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications, CCIR |
国際的 | こくさいてき | international |
国際的貿易 | こくさいてきぼうえき | international trade |
国際秩序 | こくさいちつじょ | international order |
国際逮捕状 | こくさいたいほじょう | international arrest warrant |
国際電信電話諮問委員会 | こくさいでんしんでんわしもんいいんかい | International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, CCITT |
圏 | けん | sphere, circle, range |
圏内 | けんない | within the sphere |
圏外 | けんがい | outside range, outside orbit |
園 | その, えん | garden (esp. man-made); place, location |
園芸 | えんげい | horticulture, gardening |
土俗 | どぞく | local customs |
土俵 | どひょう | arena; forum (e.g. for discussion); sandbag, gabion |
土俵入り | どひょういり | entrance procession of sumo wrestlers into the ring |
土俵際 | どひょうぎわ | the edge of a sumo ring, the edge or verge |
土偶 | どぐう | earthen (clay) figure |
土圭 | とけい, ときはかり | watch, clock, timepiece |
土地 | とち | plot of land, lot, soil |
土地柄 | とちがら | local colour, local color |
土塀 | どべい | mud wall, earthen wall, plaster wall |
土壌 | どじょう | soil |
土壌汚染 | どじょうおせん | soil pollution |
土曜 | どよう | Saturday |
土橋 | どばし | an earthen bridge |
土用の丑の日 | どようのうしのひ | day of the ox in midsummer (during the hottest season), dog days of summer |
土石 | どせき | earth and stones |
土砂 | どしゃ | earth and sand |
土砂降り | どしゃぶり | downpour, pouring rain, cloudburst, pelting rain, heavy rain |
土窯 | どがま | earthen kiln |
圧倒 | あっとう | overwhelm, overpower, overwhelming |
圧倒的 | あっとうてき | overwhelming |
圧力 | あつりょく | stress, pressure |
圧勝 | あっしょう | complete victory |
圧巻 | あっかん | highlight, best part, masterpiece |
圧搾 | あっさく | pressure, compression |
圧搾器 | あっさくき | compression, press |
圧搾空気 | あっさくくうき | compressed air |
圧縮 | あっしゅく | compression, condensation, constriction, compaction |
圧迫 | あっぱく | pressure, coercion, oppression |
在りし日 | ありしひ | days of yore; during one's lifetime |
在京 | ざいきょう | being in Tokyo |
在住 | ざいじゅう | resident |
在宅 | ざいたく | being in, being at home |
在庫 | ざいこ | inventory, stockpile, stock |
在留 | ざいりゅう | stay, remain, reside |
在籍 | ざいせき | enrollment, enrolment |
圭璧 | けいへき | ritual jades worn by feudal lords in ancient China |
圭角のある | けいかくのある | harsh-mannered, angular, rough |
圭角の有る | けいかくのある | harsh-mannered, angular, rough |
地上 | ちじょう | above ground |
地下茎 | ちかけい | rhizome |
地下足袋 | じかたび | work tabi, split-toed heavy cloth shoes with rubber soles |
地価 | ちか | the price of land |
地元 | じもと | home area, home town; local |
地味 | じみ | plain, simple, subdued, sober |
地唄 | じうた | (style of) folk song |
地坪 | じつぼ | ground or land area |
地域社会 | ちいきしゃかい | regional community |
地層 | ちそう | stratum, geological formation, layer, bed (coal, gravel, etc.) |
地峡 | ちきょう | isthmus |
地方版 | ちほうばん | local edition |
地検 | ちけん | District Public Prosecutor's Office |
地殻 | ちかく | earth's crust |
地殻変動 | ちかくへんどう | change in earth's crust |
地滑り | じすべり | landslide |
地獄 | じごく | hell |
地盤 | じばん | stronghold, base, (the) ground |
地磁気 | ちじき | geomagnetism, terrestrial magnetism |
地租 | ちそ | land tax |
地縁 | ちえん | territorial relationship, regional bond |
地肌 | じはだ | texture, grain |
地裁 | ちさい | district court |
地誌 | ちし | topography |
地鎮祭 | じちんさい | ground-breaking ceremony |
地雷 | じらい | land mine |
地響き | じひびき | subterranean rumbling, earth tremor |
坂道 | さかみち | hill road |
均整 | きんせい | symmetry, balance, proportion, uniformity |
均斉 | きんせい | symmetry, balance, proportion, uniformity |
均等 | きんとう | equality, uniformity, evenness |
均衡 | きんこう | equilibrium, balance |
均質 | きんしつ | homogeneous, homogeneity |
坊さん | ぼうさん | Buddhist priest, monk |
坊っちゃん | ぼっちゃん | son (of others); young master; green young man from a well-to-do family |
坊や | ぼうや | boy |
坊主憎けりゃ袈裟まで憎い | ぼうずにくけりゃけさまでにくい | hate everything about a person |
坐礁 | ざしょう | running aground, being stranded |
坐禅 | ざぜん | zazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in a cross-legged position) |
坑 | こう | pit (esp. of a mine) |
坑内 | こうない | within a pit or (mine) shaft |
坑内事故 | こうないじこ | mine accident |
坑口 | こうこう | pithead, minehead |
坑夫 | こうふ | miner |
坑道 | こうどう | tunnel, (mine) level |
坪 | つぼ | unit of land measurement, 3.95 square yards, 3.31 square meters |
坪当たり | つぼあたり | per tsubo (area) |
坪数 | つぼすう | floor space, area (in tsubo) |
垂らし込む | たらしこむ | to drop into, drop-by-drop |
垂らす | たらす | to dribble; to suspend, to hang down, to slouch, to dangle |
垂り穂 | たりほ | drooping ears (of grain) |
垂れ幕 | たれまく | hanging screen, curtain |
垂れ流し | たれながし | incontinence, soiling one's pants |
垂楊 | すいよう | weeping willow |
型枠 | かたわく | mold, mould |
垣 | かき | fence |
垣間見る | かいまみる | to take a peep at, to catch a glimpse of |
埋まる | うずまる, うまる | to be buried, to be surrounded, to overflow, to be filled |
埋め立て | うめたて | filling up, reclamation |
埋め立てる | うめたてる | to reclaim, to fill up |
埋め立て地 | うめたてち | reclaimed land |
埋葬 | まいそう | burial |
埋蔵 | まいぞう | buried property, treasure trove |
埋設 | まいせつ | putting (laying) underground |
城下町 | じょうかまち | castle town, town around castle |
城主 | じょうしゅ | lord of a castle |
城内 | じょうない | inside a castle |
城壁 | じょうへき | rampart, castle walls |
城跡 | しろあと, じょうせき, じょうし | castle site, ruins of a castle |
城郭 | じょうかく | fortress, castle, citadel, enclosure, castle walls |
域内 | いきない | inside the area |
域外 | いきがい | outside the area |
執務 | しつむ | performance of one's official duties |
執念 | しゅうねん | tenacity, implacability |
執着 | しゅうちゃく, しゅうじゃく | attachment, adhesion, tenacity |
執行委員 | しっこういいん | executive committee |
執行猶予 | しっこうゆうよ | stay of execution, suspended sentence |
執行部 | しっこうぶ | executive(s) |
執達吏 | しったつり | bailiff |
培う | つちかう | to cultivate, to foster |
培地 | ばいち | culture medium |
培養 | ばいよう | cultivation, nurture, culture |
培養液 | ばいようえき | culture fluid |
基地 | きち | base |
基幹 | きかん | mainstay, nucleus, key |
基本 | きほん | foundation, basis, standard |
基本的 | きほんてき | fundamental, standard, basic |
基準 | きじゅん | standard, basis, criterion, norm, reference, datum |
基盤 | きばん | foundation, basis, base, footing |
基督 | きりすと, キリスト | Christ |
基督教 | キリストきょう, きりすときょう | Christianity |
基礎 | きそ | foundation, basis |
基礎工事 | きそこうじ | foundation works |
基礎控除 | きそこうじょ | basic or standard deduction |
基礎知識 | きそちしき | fundamental knowledge |
基礎研究 | きそけんきゅう | basic research |
基礎試験 | きそしけん | preclinical study, basic study |
基調 | きちょう | basis, keynote |
基軸 | きじく | key, yardstick, criterion, standard |
基金 | ききん | fund, foundation |
堀り抜く | ほりぬく | to dig through, to drill into, to excavate |
堀り鼠 | ほりねずみ, ホリネズミ | pocket gopher |
堀川 | ほりかわ | canal |
堀江 | ほりえ | canal |
堀端 | ほりばた | side of a moat |
堂 | どう | temple; prefix to building meaning "magnificent" |
堅固 | けんご | solid, strong, firm |
堅守 | けんしゅ | strong defense, strong defence |
堅実 | けんじつ | steady, sound, reliable, solid |
堅持 | けんじ | holding on to, sticking to |
堅気 | かたぎ | honest, respectable |
堅累 | けんるい | stronghold |
堅調 | けんちょう | bullish, firm (market) |
堆肥 | たいひ | compost |
堕す | だす | to degenerate, to lapse into |
堕する | だする | to degenerate, to lapse into |
堕つ | おつ | to fall down; to fail (e.g. exam); to crash, to degenerate, to degrade |
堕ろす | おろす | to abort (an embryo or fetus) (negative nuance) |
堕胎 | だたい | abortion, aborticide, miscarriage |
堕落 | だらく | depravity, corruption, degradation |
堡礁 | ほしょう | barrier reef |
堤 | つつみ | bank, embankment, dike |
堤防 | ていぼう | bank, weir |
堪えかねる | たえかねる | to be unable to endure, to be unable to stand (something), to lose patience |
堪えない | たえない | unable to suppress one's emotions; unable to cope with one's responsibilities |
堪えられない | こたえられない | really good, irresistible |
堪へる | たへる | to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with |
堪まる | たまる | to bear (often adds emphasis), to endure |
堪る | たまる | to bear (often adds emphasis), to endure |
堪忍袋 | かんにんぶくろ | one's store of patience |
堪能 | たんのう, かんのう | proficient, skillful; satisfaction; fortitude |
堰堤 | えんてい | dike, weir |
報告書 | ほうこくしょ | (written) report |
報奨金 | ほうしょうきん | cash bonus, reward, bounty |
報復 | ほうふく | retribution |
報復措置 | ほうふくそち | reprisals, retaliatory measures |
報徳 | ほうとく | moral requital |
報道 | ほうどう | information, report, journalism |
報道陣 | ほうどうじん | press corps |
報酬 | ほうしゅう | remuneration, recompense, reward, toll |
塀を巡らす | へいをめぐらす | to fence in, to surround with a wall |
塁 | るい | base (baseball) |
塊 | かたまり | lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster |
塊まり | かたまり | lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster |
塊根 | かいこん | tuberous root |
塊状 | かいじょう | massive |
塑像 | そぞう | earthen image |
塔 | とう | tower, pagoda |
塗 | ぬり | coating (esp. lacquering) |
塗りつぶし | ぬりつぶし | blotting out; fill (in graphics) |
塗りつぶす | ぬりつぶす | to paint out |
塗り替える | ぬりかえる | to repaint |
塗布 | とふ | application (of ointment) |
塗抹 | とまつ | smear, daub, coating over |
塗料 | とりょう | paints, painting material |
塗装 | とそう | coating |
塚 | つか | mound |
塚を築く | つかをきずく | to pile up a mound |
塚穴 | つかあな | grave |
塞栓 | そくせん | embolus, abnormal substance (i.e. air) circulating in the blood |
塩分 | えんぶん | salt, salt content |
塩化 | えんか | chloride |
塩化ビニール | えんかビニール, えんかビニル | vinyl chloride |
塩基 | えんき | base |
塩水 | しおみず, えんすい | salt water, brine |
塩漬け | しおづけ | pickling in salt |
塩田 | えんでん | saltpan, field for drying salt |
塩素 | えんそ | chlorine (Cl) |
塩辛 | しおから | salted fish (entrails) |
塩風呂 | しおぶろ | (hot) saltwater bath |
塾 | じゅく | coaching school, cramming school, juku |
塾生 | じゅくせい | private-school student |
塾長 | じゅくちょう | principal of a private school |
境内 | けいだい | compound, grounds |
境地 | きょうち | one's lot, circumstance, situation in life |
境涯 | きょうがい | circumstances, one's situation or lot in life |
境遇 | きょうぐう | environment, circumstances |
墓前 | ぼぜん | in front of a grave |
墓参 | はかまいり, ぼさん | visit to a grave |
墓地 | ぼち, はかち | cemetery, graveyard |
墓場 | はかば | graveyard, cemetery |
墓所 | はかどころ, ぼしょ, はかしょ | graveyard |
墓標 | ぼひょう | grave-marker, gravestone |
墓石 | ぼせき, はかいし | tombstone, gravestone |
墓碑 | ぼひ | gravestone, tombstone |
墓穴 | ぼけつ, はかあな | grave, specifically the hole in the ground |
増し | まし, マシ | better; more; increase, growth |
増刷 | ぞうさつ | additional printing |
増収 | ぞうしゅう | increase in yield |
増強 | ぞうきょう | augment, reinforce, increase |
増殖 | ぞうしょく | increase, multiplication, propagation |
増益 | ぞうえき | increased (profit) |
増税 | ぞうぜい | tax increase |
増築 | ぞうちく | addition to a building |
増訂 | ぞうてい | new and revised (edition) |
増訂版 | ぞうていばん | enlarged and revised edition |
増額 | ぞうがく | increased amount |
墜つ | おつ | to fall down; to fail (e.g. exam); to crash, to degenerate, to degrade |
墜子 | いわ | weight (of a fishing net) |
墜死 | ついし | falling to one's death |
墜落 | ついらく | falling, crashing |
墜落事故 | ついらくじこ | a plane crash |
墨堤 | ぼくてい | banks of the Sumida river |
墨書 | ぼくしょ | writing in India ink |
墨絵 | すみえ | ink painting |
墳丘 | ふんきゅう | tumulus, grave mound |
墳墓 | ふんぼ | grave, tomb |
墾田 | こんでん | new rice field |
壁掛け | かべかけ | wall-mounted ornament; wall-mounted, wall ... |
壁画 | へきが | fresco, mural, wall painting |
壁紙 | かべがみ | wallpaper; wallpaper, background image, desktop image |
壁訴訟 | かべそしょう, かべぞしょう | grumbling or mumbling to oneself |
壁面 | へきめん | surface of a wall |
壇 | だん | platform, podium, rostrum; mandala |
壇上 | だんじょう | on a stage or platform or altar |
壊死 | えし | necrosis |
壊滅 | かいめつ | destruction, annihilation, devastation, catastrophe |
士気旺盛 | しきおうせい | morale being very high, heightened fighting spirit |
壮とする | そうとする | to admire (approve of) a person's courage |
壮大 | そうだい | magnificent, grand, majestic, splendid |
壮年 | そうねん | prime of life |
壮烈 | そうれつ | heroic, brave |
壮絶 | そうぜつ | grand, heroic, sublime |
壮行 | そうこう | rousing |
壮観 | そうかん | spectacle, magnificent view |
壮麗 | そうれい | splendour, splendor, pompousness, magnificence |
声援 | せいえん | encouragement, cheering, support |
声明 | せいめい | declaration, statement, proclamation |
声楽 | せいがく | vocal music |
声紋 | せいもん | voice print |
声高 | こわだか | with a loud voice |
壱 | いち | one (used in legal documents) |
壱万円 | いちまんえん | 10,000 Yen |
壱越 | いちこつ | (in Japan) 1st note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. D) |
壱越調 | いちこつちょう, いちこちちょう | (in gagaku) scale similar to Mixolydian mode on D |
売り | うり | sale, selling; selling point, gimmick |
売り上げ | うりあげ | amount sold, proceeds |
売り込み | うりこみ | sales promotion |
売上高 | うりあげだか | sales, amount sold, proceeds |
売却 | ばいきゃく | sale, disposal by sale |
売国奴 | ばいこくど | traitor (to one's country) |
売春 | ばいしゅん | prostitution |
変わった | かわった | another, different, various, particular, unusual, novel, peculiar |
変わらない | かわらない | constant, invariant |
変則 | へんそく | irregularity |
変動 | へんどう | change, fluctuation |
変哲 | へんてつ | unusual |
変哲も無い | へんてつもない | usual, mediocre, monotonous |
変幻 | へんげん | transformation |
変換 | へんかん | change, conversion, transformation, translation |
変遷 | へんせん | change, transition, vicissitudes |
変革 | へんかく | change, reform, revolution, upheaval; Reformation |
夏場 | なつば | summertime |
夏場所 | なつばしょ | summer (May) sumo tournament, held in Tokyo |
夏季休暇 | かききゅうか | summer vacation |
夏時間 | なつじかん | daylight savings time, summer time |
夏椿 | なつつばき, ナツツバキ | Japanese stewartia, stewartia pseudocamellia |
夏炉冬扇 | かろとうせん | summer fires and winter fans, useless things |
夏至 | げし | summer solstice |
夏菊 | なつぎく | early chrysanthemums |
夏蚕 | なつご | summer silkworms |
夕 | ゆう, ゆうべ, さくや | evening; last night |
夕凪 | ゆうなぎ | evening calm |
夕刻 | ゆうこく | evening, evening hour |
夕暉 | せっき | rays of the setting sun |
夕暮れ | ゆうぐれ | evening, (evening) twilight |
夕立に遭う | ゆうだちにあう | to be caught in an evening shower |
夕霧 | ゆうぎり | evening mist |
外交官 | がいこうかん | diplomat |
外側 | そとがわ, がいそく | exterior, outside |
外務 | がいむ | foreign affairs |
外務省 | がいむしょう | Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
外国語 | がいこくご | foreign language |
外堀 | そとぼり | outer moat (castle) |
外壁 | がいへき, そとかべ | outer wall |
外征 | がいせい | foreign campaign |
外径 | がいけい | outer diameter |
外枠 | そとわく | border |
外柔内剛 | がいじゅうないごう | gentle but firm |
外相 | がいしょう | Foreign Minister |
外苑 | がいえん | outer garden |
外角 | がいかく | outside corner, external angle |
外貨 | がいか | foreign currency; foreign goods, imported goods |
外遊 | がいゆう | foreign travel |
外郎 | ういろう | type of sweet made from rice-powder |
外郭 | がいかく | outer wall (e.g. castle); outline, contour |
外郭団体 | がいかくだんたい | auxiliary organization, auxiliary organisation |
外需 | がいじゅ | foreign consumption |
多大 | ただい | heavy, much |
多寡 | たか | quantity, number, amount |
多岐 | たき | digression, many divergences |
多彩 | たさい | variegated, varicoloured, multi-colored, diverse |
多忙 | たぼう | busy, pressure of work |
多才 | たさい | talented |
多様 | たよう | diverse, varied |
多様化 | たようか | diversification |
多湿 | たしつ | high humidity |
多祥 | たしょう | much happiness, many omens |
多角 | たかく | many-sided, versatile, polygonal, diversified |
多角的 | たかくてき | multilateral, many-sided, diversified |
多量 | たりょう | large quantity |
多額 | たがく | large amount of money |
夜凪 | よなぎ | evening calm |
夜勤 | やきん | night shift |
夜嵐 | よあらし | night storm |
夜汽車 | よぎしゃ | night train |
夜糞峰榛 | よぐそみねばり, ヨグソミネバリ | Japanese cherry birch (Betula grossa) |
夜討ち | ようち | night attack |
夢にも | ゆめにも | not in the slightest, not in one's wildest dreams |
夢幻 | むげん, ゆめまぼろし | dreams, fantasy, visions |
夢想 | むそう | dream, vision, reverie |
夢物語 | ゆめものがたり | account of a dream, empty dream, fantastic story |
夢見 | ゆめみ | having a dream |
夢見る | ゆめみる | to dream (of) |
大いに | おおいに | very, much, greatly, a lot of |
大仏 | だいぶつ | large statue of Buddha |
大仰 | おおぎょう | exaggeration |
大企業 | だいきぎょう | large company, enterprise |
大佐 | たいさ | colonel, (navy) captain |
大使公邸 | たいしこうてい | ambassador's residence |
大僧正 | だいそうじょう | high priest |
大元帥 | だいげんすい | commander-in-chief, generalissimo |
大凶 | だいきょう | terrible luck, atrocity |
大動脈 | だいどうみゃく | aorta |
大卒 | だいそつ | university graduate |
大叔母 | おおおば | grandaunt, great-aunt |
大叔父 | おおおじ | granduncle |
大口 | おおぐち | large amount, big mouth, tall talk |
大台 | おおだい | (stock) 100-yen unit, high level (of stock prices) |
大吉 | だいきち | excellent luck |
大和 | やまと | ancient Japan |
大喜び | おおよろこび | great joy |
大喝 | だいかつ | shouting in a thunderous voice |
大喪 | たいそう | Imperial mourning |
大型 | おおがた | large, large scale, big, jumbo |
大太鼓 | おおだいこ | large or bass drum |
大宇宙 | だいうちゅう | macrocosmos, macrocosm, the universe, the cosmos |
大将 | たいしょう, だいしょう | general, admiral, boss |
大山 | たいざん | great mountain |
大嵐 | おおあらし | raging storm |
大差 | たいさ | great difference |
大帝 | たいてい | great emperor, .. the Great |
大幅 | おおはば | full width, large scale, drastic |
大往生 | だいおうじょう | peaceful death |
大御所 | おおごしょ | leading or influential figure |
大徳 | だいとく | virtuous priest, priest |
大悟 | たいご, だいご | enlightenment, great wisdom |
大慌て | おおあわて | great excitement |
大手 | おおて, おおで | front castle gate; both arms open; major companies |
大掃除 | おおそうじ | major cleanup, spring cleaning |
大旦那 | おおだんな | master, head of household, man of the house, principal supporter of a temple |
大昔 | おおむかし | great antiquity, old-fashioned, long ago |
大映 | だいえい | Daiei Motion Picture Company |
大枝 | おおえだ | large branch |
大水凪鳥 | おおみずなぎどり, オオミズナギドリ | streaked shearwater (species of seabird, Calonectris leucomelas) |
大河 | おおかわ, たいが | river, stream |
大洋 | たいよう | ocean |
大洋州 | たいようしゅう | Oceania, Pacific Ocean countries |
大洪水 | だいこうずい | heavy floods |
大瑠璃 | おおるり, オオルリ | blue-and-white flycatcher (Cyanoptila cyanomelana) |
大相撲 | おおずもう | professional sumo wrestling |
大砲 | たいほう | gun, cannon, artillery |
大祭 | たいさい | grand festival |
大筋 | おおすじ | outline, summary |
大綱 | たいこう | fundamental principles, outline, general features |
大群 | たいぐん | large crowd, large herd, large flock, large school, large shoal |
大胆 | だいたん | bold, daring, audacious |
大腸 | だいちょう | colon |
大腸菌 | だいちょうきん | Escherichia coli (E. coli); colon bacterium |
大蔵 | おおくら | Ministry of Finance |
大蔵省 | おおくらしょう | (former) Ministry of Finance (succeeded by zaimushou in 2000) |
大蛇 | だいじゃ, おろち | big snake, serpent |
大衆 | たいしゅう | general public |
大袈裟 | おおげさ | grandiose, exaggerated |
大西洋 | たいせいよう | Atlantic Ocean |
大規模 | だいきぼ | large-scale |
大詔 | たいしょう | imperial rescript |
大詔渙発 | たいしょうかんぱつ | promulgation of an Imperial rescript |
大詰め | おおづめ | final scene, the end, finale |
大豆 | だいず | soya bean (soybean), soy (Glycine max) |
大賞 | たいしょう | big prize, first prize |
大赦 | たいしゃ | amnesty |
大野 | おおの | large field |
大量 | たいりょう | large quantity |
大銀杏髷 | おおいちょうまげ | ginkgo-leaf top-knot worn by makuuchi and juryo division sumo wrestlers |
大陪審 | だいばいしん | grand jury |
大陸棚 | たいりくだな | continental shelf |
大隊 | だいたい | battalion |
大隼 | おおはやぶさ | gerfalcon |
大雑把 | おおざっぱ | rough (as in not precise), broad, sketchy |
大震災 | だいしんさい | great earthquake (disaster) |
大騒ぎ | おおさわぎ | clamour, uproar, tumult |
大麦 | おおむぎ | barley (Hordeum vulgare) |
大麻 | たいま | hemp, cannabis; Shinto paper offerings |
大黒柱 | だいこくばしら | central pillar, mainstay |
天つ日嗣 | あまつひつぎ | imperial throne |
天井 | てんじょう | ceiling, ceiling price |
天井桟敷 | てんじょうさじき | gallery |
天佑 | てんゆう | divine aid, divine grace, providential help |
天佑神助 | てんゆうしんじょ | divine grace, God's help |
天候 | てんこう | weather |
天台宗 | てんだいしゅう | Tendai sect (of Buddhism) |
天后 | てんこう | queen of heaven |
天啓 | てんけい | (divine) revelation, divine oracle |
天壌 | てんじょう | heaven and earth |
天壌無窮 | てんじょうむきゅう | as eternal as heaven and earth |
天津 | あまつ | heavenly, imperial |
天津乙女 | あまつおとめ | celestial maiden |
天津御姉 | あまつみこ | emperor |
天津御祖 | あまつみおや | imperial ancestor |
天津日嗣 | あまつひつぎ | imperial throne |
天涯 | てんがい | horizon, distant land, skyline, heavenly shores, remote region |
天涯孤独 | てんがいこどく | a person without a single relative |
天災 | てんさい | natural calamity, disaster |
天然 | てんねん | nature, spontaneity; natural airhead |
天然ガス | てんねんガス | natural gas |
天然痘 | てんねんとう | smallpox, variola |
天然硝子 | てんねんがらす, てんねんしょうし | natural glass |
天然記念物 | てんねんきねんぶつ | natural monument; protected species (animal, habitat, etc.) |
天皇制 | てんのうせい | the Emperor System |
天皇誕生日 | てんのうたんじょうび | Emperor's Birthday Holiday |
天皇陛下 | てんのうへいか | His Majesty the Emperor |
天祐 | てんゆう | divine aid, divine grace, providential help |
天窓 | てんまど | skylight |
天童 | てんどう | cherub, gods disguised as children, children parading as cherubs |
天竺葵 | てんじくあおい | geranium |
天翔ける | あまがける, あまかける | to soar |
天翔る | あまがける, あまかける | to soar |
天賦 | てんぷ | natural talent, natural gift, endowment |
天賦人権 | てんぷじんけん | natural rights of man |
太っ腹 | ふとっぱら | generous, magnanimous, big-hearted, broad-minded |
太刀 | だいとう, たち, たいとう | long sword |
太刀打ち | たちうち | crossing swords, opposition, contention |
太平洋 | たいへいよう | Pacific Ocean |
太平洋戦争 | たいへいようせんそう | the Pacific War |
太陽系 | たいようけい | solar system |
太陽電池 | たいようでんち | solar battery |
太鼓判 | たいこばん | metaphorical seal of approval |
夫君 | ふくん | one's husband |
夭逝 | ようせい | premature death |
央 | おう | middle, centre, center |
失う | うしなう | to lose, to part with |
失墜 | しっつい | abasement, fall, forfeit, sink (in men's estimation) |
失恋 | しつれん | disappointed love, broken heart, unrequited love, being lovelorn |
失敗の虞 | しっぱいのおそれ | risk of failure |
失点 | しってん | run charged to the pitcher |
失策 | しっさく | blunder, slip, error |
失脚 | しっきゃく | losing one's standing, being overthrown, falling |
失跡 | しっせき | absconding, disappearance |
失陥 | しっかん | surrender, fall |
奇妙 | きみょう | strange, queer, curious |
奇巌 | きがん | massive rock of unusual shape |
奇形 | きけい | birth defect; freak |
奇想天外 | きそうてんがい | fantastic idea, bizarre |
奇抜 | きばつ | novel, original, striking, strange, eccentric, fantastic |
奇瑞 | きずい | auspicious (good) omen |
奇異 | きい | odd, strange, wonderful |
奇矯 | ききょう | eccentric |
奇襲 | きしゅう | surprise attack |
奇跡 | きせき | miracle, wonder, marvel |
奈良時代 | ならじだい | Nara period (710-794 CE) |
奈良漬 | ならづけ | vegetables pickled in sake lees |
奈良漬け | ならづけ | vegetables pickled in sake lees |
奈良県 | ならけん | Nara prefecture (Kinki area) |
奈落 | ならく | hell, hades, eternity, theatre basement, theater basement |
奈辺 | なへん | where |
奉じる | ほうじる | to obey, to follow |
奉ずる | ほうずる | to present, to dedicate, to obey, to follow, to believe in, to serve |
奉る | たてまつる, まつる | to offer, to present, to revere, to do respectfully |
奉仕 | ほうし | attendance, service, ministry, church work |
奉伺 | ほうし | inquiring about (one's health) |
奉公 | ほうこう | service, apprenticeship, public duty |
奉献頌 | ほうけんしょう | offertory, offertory music |
奉納 | ほうのう | dedication, offering, presentation, oblation |
奉行 | ぶぎょう | magistrate, shogunate administrator |
奎 | けい | Chinese "Legs" constellation (one of the 28 mansions) |
奎宿 | とかきぼし | Chinese "Legs" constellation (one of the 28 mansions) |
奏する | そうする | to report to the Emperor; to play (musical instrument); to accomplish |
奏功 | そうこう | success, achievement, fruition |
奏者 | そうしゃ | instrumentalist, player |
契り | ちぎり | pledge, vow, promise, destiny, share bed and board |
契印 | けいいん | impression of a seal over the joint of two papers, tally |
契機 | けいき | opportunity, chance |
契約書 | けいやくしょ | (written) contract |
契約期間 | けいやくきかん | contract period |
奔放 | ほんぽう | wild, uninhibited, extravagant, rampant |
奔流 | ほんりゅう | torrent, violently rushing stream, tumbling (water) |
奔走 | ほんそう | running about, efforts, activity |
奥さん孝行 | おくさんこうこう | devoted to one's wife |
奥の手 | おくのて | left hand, upper hand, secret skills, secret, mystery, last resort, trump card |
奥まって | おくまって | secluded, innermost |
奥地 | おうち, おくち | interior, backwoods, hinterland, back regions |
奥山 | おくやま | remote mountain, mountain recesses |
奥様 | おくさま | wife, your wife, his wife, married lady, madam |
奥深い | おくふかい, おくぶかい | profound, deep |
奥行き | おくゆき | depth, length |
奨め | すすめ | recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement |
奨める | すすめる | to recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine) |
奨励 | しょうれい | encouragement, promotion, message, address, inducement, incitement, stimulation |
奨励金 | しょうれいきん | subsidy |
奨学 | しょうがく | encouragement to study |
奨学金 | しょうがくきん | scholarship |
奪い取る | うばいとる | to plunder |
奪い合い | うばいあい | scramble (for) |
奪う | うばう | to snatch away, to dispossess |
奪三振 | だつさんしん | striking a batter out |
奪取 | だっしゅ | usurpation, taking back, dispossession |
奪回 | だっかい | recovery, rescue, recapture |
奪還 | だっかん | recovery, rescue, recapture |
奮い立つ | ふるいたつ | to cheer up |
奮う | ふるう | to show (ability); to screw up one's courage |
奮って | ふるって | energetically, strenuously, heartily |
奮戦 | ふんせん | hard fighting |
奮起 | ふんき | stirring, rousing oneself |
奮迅 | ふんじん | impetuous dash forward |
奮闘 | ふんとう | hard struggle, strenuous effort |
女児 | じょじ | baby girl, primary schoolgirl |
女史 | じょし | Ms (nuance of status); highbrow (woman), cerebral |
女囚 | じょしゅう | female prisoner |
女坂 | おんなざか | the easier of two slopes |
女婿 | じょせい | one's son-in-law |
女子大 | じょしだい | women's college, women's university |
女帝 | じょてい | empress |
女歌舞伎 | おんなかぶき | girls' kabuki |
女滝 | めだき | the smaller waterfall (of the two) |
女王陛下 | じょおうへいか | Her Majesty the Queen |
女郎 | じょろう | prostitute, entertainment woman |
奴 | め | derogatory suffix (referring to others); humble suffix (referring to oneself) |
奴さん | やっこさん | samurai's attendant (in origami); (derogatory or familiar) he, she, him, her |
奴め | やつめ, しゃつめ | fellow, guy, chap; he, him, she, her |
奴ら | やつら | they, those guys |
奴隷 | どれい | slave, servant |
奴隷制度 | どれいせいど | slavery |
奴隷解放 | どれいかいほう | emancipation of slaves |
好ましい | このましい | nice, likeable, desirable |
好奇心 | こうきしん | curiosity, inquisitiveness |
好奇心旺盛 | こうきしんおうせい | brimming with curiosity |
好尚 | こうしょう | taste, fancy, fashion |
好成績 | こうせいせき | good results |
好投 | こうとう | good (nice) pitching |
好景気 | こうけいき | good times, boom, (wave of) prosperity |
好機 | こうき | good opportunity, chance |
好況 | こうきょう | prosperous conditions, healthy economy |
好評 | こうひょう | popularity, favorable reputation, favourable reputation |
好誼 | こうぎ | warm friendship |
好調 | こうちょう | favourable, favorable, promising, satisfactory, in good shape |
如 | にょ | tathata (the ultimate nature of all things) |
如く | ごとく | like, as if, the same as |
如し | ごとし | like, as if, the same as |
如実 | にょじつ | reality |
如月 | きさらぎ, じょげつ, きぬさらぎ | second month of the lunar calendar |
如来 | にょらい | Tathagata, perfected one (suffix of high-ranking Buddhist deities) |
如露亦如電 | にょろやくにょでん | like dew or lightning, gone in a flash |
妃 | きさき, きさい | empress, queen |
妃殿下 | ひでんか | princess, Her Royal Highness |
妄りがましい | みだりがましい | morally corrupt |
妄想 | もうそう, ぼうそう | wild idea, delusion |
妄挙 | ぼうきょ | unreasonable actions, lack of discrimination |
妊む | はらむ | to conceive, to become pregnant, to get filled with |
妊る | みごもる | to become pregnant |
妊娠 | にんしん | conception, pregnancy |
妊娠中毒症 | にんしんちゅうどくしょう | toxemia of pregnancy |
妊娠中絶 | にんしんちゅうぜつ | abortion, pregnancy termination |
妊娠時 | にんしんじ | during pregnancy, while pregnant |
妊娠検査 | にんしんかんさ | pregnancy test |
妊婦 | にんぷ | pregnant woman |
妊産婦 | にんさんぷ | expectant and nursing mothers |
妖怪 | ようかい | ghost, apparition, phantom, spectre, specter, demon, monster, goblin |
妖艶 | ようえん | fascinating, voluptuous |
妙味 | みょうみ | exquisite, charm, profit |
妙案 | みょうあん | ingenious idea, excellent plan, bright idea |
妙薬 | みょうやく | wonder drug, miracle cure |
妥協 | だきょう | compromise, giving in |
妥協案 | だきょうあん | compromise plan |
妥協点 | だきょうてん | (find) common (meeting) ground |
妥当性 | だとうせい | validity, verification, propriety |
妥結 | だけつ | settlement, an agreement |
妨げ | さまたげ | obstruction, hindrance |
妨害 | ぼうがい | disturbance, obstruction, hindrance, jamming, interference |
妨害物 | ぼうがいぶつ | obstacle |
妨業 | ぼうぎょう | sabotage |
妨業員 | ぼうぎょういん | saboteur |
妨碍 | ぼうがい | disturbance, obstruction, hindrance, jamming, interference |
妨礙 | ぼうがい | disturbance, obstruction, hindrance, jamming, interference |
妻子 | さいし | wife and children |
姉ちゃん | ねえちゃん | elder sister, girl |
始め | はじめ | beginning, start, origin |
始発 | しはつ | first train |
姓名 | せいめい | full name |
姓氏 | せいし | full name, family name |
委員会 | いいんかい | committee, commission, board, panel, committee meeting |
委員会に諮る | いいんかいにはかる | to submit (a plan) to a committee for deliberation |
委員長 | いいんちょう | committee chairman |
委嘱 | いしょく | entrusting (with) |
委嘱状 | いしょくじょう | letter of appointment (to a position) |
委縮 | いしゅく | withering, atrophy, contraction, dwarf |
委託 | いたく | consign (goods (for sale) to a firm), entrust (person with something), commit |
姫 | ひめ | princess; girl; small & lovely |
姫さま | ひめさま | daughter of a nobleman |
姫ウォンバット | ひめウォンバット, ヒメウォンバット | common wombat (Vombatus ursinus) |
姫君 | ひめぎみ | daughter of a person of high rank (i.e. a king, noble, aristocrat, etc.) |
姫様 | ひめさま | daughter of a nobleman |
姻戚 | いんせき | relative by marriage, affinity |
姻族 | いんぞく | in-law, relative by marriage |
姿をあらわす | すがたをあらわす | to make an appearance, to show up |
威信 | いしん | dignity |
威力 | いりょく | power, might, authority, influence |
威勢 | いせい | power, might, authority |
威厳 | いげん | dignity, majesty, solemnity, gravity |
威喝 | いかつ | threatening |
威嚇 | いかく | menace; to threaten, to intimidate |
威嚇射撃 | いかくしゃげき | warning shot |
威圧 | いあつ | coercion |
娘 | じょう | unmarried woman; (after a name) Miss; (after a line of work) -ess, -ette |
娘さん | むすめさん | daughter |
娘婿 | むすめむこ | adopted son-in-law |
娯しい | たのしい | enjoyable, fun |
娯楽場 | ごらくじょう | amusement spot |
娯楽室 | ごらくしつ | recreation room |
娯楽施設 | ごらくしせつ | amusement (recreational) facilities |
娯楽番組 | ごらくばんぐみ | amusement program, amusement programme |
娯楽街 | ごらくがい | amusement quarter |
婆さん | ばあさん | grandmother; female senior citizen |
婆や | ばあや | wet nurse, old housekeeper |
婚姻 | こんいん | marriage, matrimony |
婚姻届 | こんいんとどけ | marriage registration |
婚姻届け書 | こんいんとどけしょ | marriage registration |
婚姻届書 | こんいんとどけしょ | marriage registration |
婚姻手続 | こんいんてつづき | marriage procedures, procedure of marriage |
婚姻手続き | こんいんてつづき | marriage procedures, procedure of marriage |
婚姻法 | こんいんほう | marriage laws |
婚礼 | こんれい | marriage ceremony, wedding |
婚約者 | こんやくしゃ | fiance, fiancee |
婦女暴行 | ふじょぼうこう | rape |
婿 | むこ | husband, groom; (one's) son-in-law |
婿選び | むこえらび | search for a husband for one's daughter |
婿養子 | むこようし | son-in-law taken (adopted) into family |
媒 | なかだち | mediation, agency, agent, mediator, middleman, go-between |
媒介 | ばいかい | intermediary |
媒体 | ばいたい | media, medium |
媒酌 | ばいしゃく | matchmaking |
媛 | ひめ | princess; girl; small & lovely |
嫁いびり | よめいびり | bullying a young wife |
嫁ぎ先 | とつぎさき | family a woman has married into |
嫁ぐ | とつぐ | to marry |
嫁さん | よめさん | wife |
嫁はん | よめはん | wife |
嫁入り | よめいり | marriage, wedding |
嫌がらせ | いやがらせ | harassment, pestering |
嫌悪 | けんお | disgust, hate, repugnance |
嫌気 | いやき, いやけ, けんき | dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of |
嫌疑 | けんぎ | suspicion |
嫡出 | ちゃくしゅつ | legitimate birth |
嫡出子 | ちゃくしゅつし | legitimate child |
嫡嗣 | ちゃくし | legitimate heir |
嫡子 | ちゃくし | legitimate child |
嫡孫 | ちゃくそん | eldest son's descendants |
嫡披 | ちゃくひ | confidential letter |
嫡流 | ちゃくりゅう | lineage of eldest son |
嫡男 | ちゃくなん | heir, eldest son |
嬉々 | きき | gleeful, joyful |
嬉しい | うれしい | happy, glad, pleasant |
嬉しがらせ | うれしがらせ | flattery, adulation, commendation |
嬉しがる | うれしがる | to be glad |
嬉しそう | うれしそう | delightful, glad-looking |
嬉し泣き | うれしなき | weeping for joy, crying with happiness |
嬉し涙 | うれしなみだ | happy tears, tears of joy |
嬉嬉 | きき | gleeful, joyful |
嬉戯 | きぎ | frisking, frolicing |
嬉笑 | きしょう | happy laughter |
嬢 | じょう | unmarried woman; (after a name) Miss; (after a line of work) -ess, -ette |
嬾惰 | らんだ, らいだ | lazy, idle |
子午線 | しごせん | the meridian |
子守唄 | こもりうた | lullaby |
子宮 | しきゅう | womb, uterus |
子宮外妊娠 | しきゅうがいにんしん | ectopic pregnancy |
子息 | しそく | son |
子持昆布 | こもちこんぶ | kelp with herring roe (sushi type) |
子猫 | こねこ | kitten |
子飼い | こがい | protege |
孔パターン | こうパターン | hole pattern |
孔子 | こうし | Confucius |
孔孟 | こうもう | Confucius and Mencius |
孔孟の教え | こうもうのおしえ | the teachings of Confucius and Mencius |
孔雀 | くじゃく, くざく, クジャク | peafowl (inc. the male peacock, female peahen, and young peachick) |
孔雀妙王 | くじゃくみょうおう | Mayuri Vidya-raja, holder of the mantras |
孔雀石 | くじゃくせき | malachite |
字句 | じく | wording, words and phrases, way of expression, token |
字詰め | じづめ | number of characters, manuscript paper, printed matter |
存亡 | そんぼう | life or death, existence, destiny |
存分 | ぞんぶん | to one's heart's content, as much as one wants |
存廃 | ぞんぱい | (whether to) continue or eliminate, existence |
存続 | そんぞく | duration, continuance |
孝 | こう, きょう | filial piety |
孝女 | こうじょ | filial daughter |
孝子 | こうし | filial child |
孝悌 | こうてい | filial piety, brotherly love |
孝敬 | こうけい | filial piety |
孝経 | こうきょう | the Book of Filial Piety |
孝順 | こうじゅん | obedience, filial piety |
孟冬 | もうとう | beginning of winter; tenth month of the lunar calendar |
孟夏 | もうか | beginning of summer; fourth month of the lunar calendar |
孟女 | もうじょ | eldest daughter |
孟春 | もうしゅん | beginning of spring; first month of the lunar calendar |
孟秋 | もうしゅう | beginning of autumn; seventh month of the lunar calendar |
季 | き | season, season word or phrase (in haiku) |
季刊 | きかん | quarterly (e.g. magazine) |
季語 | きご | seasonal word (in haiku) |
孤 | こじ, みなしご | orphan |
孤児 | こじ, みなしご | orphan |
孤児院 | こじいん | orphanage |
孤客 | こかく | lone traveller, lone traveler |
孤島 | ことう | solitary island |
孤独 | こどく | isolation, loneliness, solitude |
孤立 | こりつ | isolation, helplessness |
孤軍奮闘 | こぐんふんとう | fighting alone |
孤高 | ここう | isolation, aloofness, superiority |
学卒 | がくそつ | college graduate |
学園 | がくえん | academy, campus |
学寮 | がくりょう | student hostel, dormitory (e.g. for factory workers) |
学徒 | がくと | student, follower, students and pupils |
学歴 | がくれき | academic background |
学生寮 | がくせいりょう | student accommodation, student dormitory |
学童 | がくどう | school child, pupil |
学級 | がっきゅう | (school) class |
学習 | がくしゅう | study, learning, tutorial |
学習塾 | がくしゅうじゅく | private night-school, tutoring school (math, English, etc.) |
学習指導要領 | がくしゅうしどうようりょう | government course (curriculum) guidelines |
学者 | がくしゃ | scholar |
学者膚 | がくしゃはだ | scholarly bent of mind |
学芸 | がくげい | arts and sciences, liberal arts |
学術 | がくじゅつ | science, learning, scholarship |
学識 | がくしき | scholarship, scientific attainments |
学部 | がくぶ | department of a university; undergraduate (course, program, etc.) |
学閥 | がくばつ | alma mater clique, old school tie |
学院 | がくいん | institute, academy |
学齢 | がくれい | school age |
孫さん | まごさん | grandchild |
孫娘 | まごむすめ | granddaughter |
孫子 | まごこ | children and grandchildren, posterity, descendants |
宅地 | たくち | building lot, residential land |
宅配 | たくはい | home delivery |
宇 | う | counter for buildings, etc. |
宇宙 | うちゅう | universe, cosmos, space |
宇宙空間 | うちゅうくうかん | the void of space |
宇宙通信 | うちゅうつうしん | space communication |
宇宙開発 | うちゅうかいはつ | space development |
宇宙開発事業団 | うちゅうかいはつじぎょうだん | National Space Development Agency, NASDA |
宇宙飛行士 | うちゅうひこうし | astronaut |
守り | まもり | protection; providence; amulet, charm, talisman |
守備 | しゅび | defense, defence |
安保 | あんぽ | US-Japan Security Treaty, safety, security |
安倍川餅 | あべかわもち | rice cakes (mochi) with Kinako |
安全保障 | あんぜんほしょう | security guarantee (e.g. military security, network security, etc.) |
安否 | あんぴ | safety, welfare, well-being |
安土桃山時代 | あづちももやまじだい | Azuchi-Momoyama period (approx. 1558-1600 CE) |
安寧 | あんねい | public peace |
安寧秩序 | あんねいちつじょ | peace and order, law and order |
安打 | あんだ | safe hit (baseball) |
安泰 | あんたい | peace, security, tranquility, tranquillity |
安穏 | あんのん | peace, quiet, tranquility, tranquillity |
安芸 | あき | former name of Hiroshima prefecture |
安閑 | あんかん | easygoingness |
完全 | かんぜん | perfection, completeness |
完全雇用 | かんぜんこよう | full employment |
完売 | かんばい | sold out |
完封 | かんぷう | complete blockade (seal), baseball shutout |
完投 | かんとう | going the whole distance, pitching a whole game |
完敗 | かんぱい | complete defeat, utter defeat, annihilation |
完結 | かんけつ | conclusion, completion |
完遂 | かんすい | to accomplish, to carry out; accomplishment |
宏壮 | こうそう | grand, imposing, magnificent |
宏大 | こうだい | huge, very large, vast, extensive, magnificent, grand |
宏弁 | こうべん | fluency, eloquence |
宏池会 | こうちかい | Kouchikai (political faction of the LDP) |
宏遠 | こうえん | vast and far-reaching |
宗 | しゅう | sect |
宗匠 | そうしょう | master, teacher |
宗家 | そうけ, そうか | head of family, originator |
宗教 | しゅうきょう | religion |
宗教家 | しゅうきょうか | religionist |
宗派 | しゅうは | sect, denomination |
宗門 | しゅうもん | doctrine, creed, sect |
官僚 | かんりょう | bureaucrat, bureaucracy |
官吏 | かんり | government official, clerk |
官房 | かんぼう | government secretariat |
官房長官 | かんぼうちょうかん | Chief Cabinet Secretary |
官窯 | かんよう | governmental porcelain furnace |
官舎 | かんしゃ | official residence |
宙 | ちゅう | space, air, midair |
宙づり | ちゅうづり | hanging in midair, suspended in midair |
宙返り | ちゅうがえり | somersault, looping-the-loop |
定例 | ていれい | regularity |
定刻 | ていこく | appointed time, timetable, schedule |
定数 | ていすう | constant; literal |
定期預金 | ていきよきん | term deposit, (fixed) time deposit |
定款 | ていかん | articles of incorporation, company statute |
定礎式 | ていそしき | cornerstone (foundation stone) ceremony |
定置網 | ていちあみ | fixed net |
宜しかったら | よろしかったら | if you don't mind, if you like |
宜しくやる | よろしくやる | to make out with; to do at one's own discretion |
宜しければ | よろしければ | if you please |
宝くじ | たからくじ | lottery |
宝冠 | ほうかん | diadem, jeweled crown |
宝刀 | ほうとう | treasured sword |
宝庫 | ほうこ | treasury, treasure house |
宝物 | たからもの, ほうもつ | treasure, treasured item |
宝飾 | ほうしょく | jewels and ornaments, jewelry, jewellery |
実らなかった努力 | みのらなかったどりょく | fruitless (resultless) efforts |
実像 | じつぞう | real image, one's real life |
実兄 | じっけい | one's own elder brother |
実刑 | じっけい | jail sentence; imprisonment without a stay of execution |
実効 | じっこう | practical effect, efficacy, efficiency |
実妹 | じつまい | one's younger sister |
実弟 | じってい | one's (biological) younger brother |
実情 | じつじょう | real condition, actual circumstances, actual state of affairs |
実態 | じったい | true state, actual condition, reality |
実態調査 | じったいちょうさ | factual investigation |
実況 | じっきょう | real condition |
実質 | じっしつ | substance, essence |
実質的 | じっしつてき | substantial |
実質賃金 | じっしつちんぎん | real wages |
実践 | じっせん | practice, practise, put into practice, put into practise |
実践理性 | じっせんりせい | practical reason or ethics |
実践理性批判 | じっせんりせいひはん | Critique of Practical Reason (Kant) |
実践的 | じっせんてき | practical |
実践躬行 | じっせんきゅうこう | acting up to one's principles |
実践道徳 | じっせんどうとく | practical ethics (morality) |
実需 | じつじゅ | actual demand, user demand |
実験室 | じっけんしつ | laboratory |
客席 | きゃくせき | guest seating |
客船 | きゃくせん | passenger boat |
客観 | きゃっかん, かっかん, かくかん | object (as opposed to subject) |
客観的 | きゃっかんてき | objective |
宣べる | のべる | to state, to express, to mention |
宣告 | せんこく | sentence, verdict, pronouncement |
宣戦 | せんせん | declaration of war |
宣教 | せんきょう | religious mission, religious proclamation |
宣教師 | せんきょうし | missionary |
宣言 | せんげん | declaration, proclamation, announcement |
宣誓 | せんせい | oath, abjuration, pledge |
室町 | むろまち | Muromachi (era 1392-1573, or 1333-1573, or 1336-1573) |
室長 | しつちょう | room monitor |
宥めすかす | なだめすかす | to soothe and humor (humour), to coax |
宥める | なだめる | to soothe, to calm, to pacify |
宥め賺す | なだめすかす | to soothe and humor (humour), to coax |
宥和 | ゆうわ | appeasement |
宥和政策 | ゆうわせいさく | appeasement policy |
宮中 | きゅうちゅう | imperial court |
宮内庁 | くないちょう | Imperial Household Agency |
宮城 | きゅうじょう | Imperial Palace |
宮城野萩 | みやぎのはぎ, ミヤギノハギ | Thunberg's lespedeza (species of bush clover, Lespedeza thunbergii) |
宮崎県 | みやざきけん | Miyazaki prefecture (Kyuushuu) |
宮廷 | きゅうてい | imperial court, royal court |
宮殿 | きゅうでん | palace |
宰相 | さいしょう | prime minister |
宰相の器 | さいしょうのき | person qualified for prime minister |
宰領 | さいりょう | supervision, superintendence, management, supervisor |
害虫 | がいちゅう | harmful insect, noxious insect |
宴 | うたげ | party, banquet, feast |
宴会 | えんかい | party, banquet |
宴席 | えんせき | banquet, dinner party |
宴遊 | えんゆう | drinking party hall, banquet seat |
宵 | よい | evening, early night hours |
宵っぱり | よいっぱり | night owl, nighthawk, late bird, sitting up late |
宵っ張り | よいっぱり | night owl, nighthawk, late bird, sitting up late |
宵の口 | よいのくち | nightfall, early evening |
宵宮 | よみや | eve of a festival vigil |
宵越し | よいごし | (kept) overnight |
家僕 | かぼく | houseboy, manservant |
家塾 | かじゅく | (historical) government-backed school operated by a scholar out of his home |
家宅 | かたく | domicile, premises |
家宅捜査 | かたくそうさ | premises search, household search |
家宅捜索 | かたくそうさく | premises search, household search |
家庭を顧みない | かていをかえりみない | thinking little of one's family |
家庭内 | かていない | domestic, in the family |
家庭教師 | かていきょうし | tutor, coach |
家庭欄 | かていらん | family column (newspaper) |
家庭科 | かていか | home economics |
家扶 | かふ | steward |
家政婦 | かせいふ | housekeeper, maid |
家族的な雰囲気 | かぞくてきなふんいき | family atmosphere |
家族計画 | かぞくけいかく | family planning |
家畜 | かちく | domestic animals, livestock, cattle |
家督 | かとく | family hardship, inheritance |
家禄 | かろく | (historical) hereditary stipend |
家系 | かけい | family lineage |
家紋 | かもん | family crest |
家臣 | かしん | vassal, retainer |
家計 | かけい | household economy, family finances |
家計簿 | かけいぼ | household account book |
家電 | かでん | consumer electronics |
容姿 | ようし | appearance, one's face and figure |
容疑 | ようぎ | suspect, charge |
容疑者 | ようぎしゃ | suspect (person) |
容認 | ようにん | approval |
容貌魁偉 | ようぼうかいい | (a man) having a commanding face and a powerful physique |
容赦 | ようしゃ | pardon; leniency, going easy (on someone) |
容赦なく | ようしゃなく | relentlessly, mercilessly |
容赦会釈 | ようしゃえしゃく | pardon, forgiveness, mercy, making allowances |
容量 | ようりょう | capacity, electrical capacitance |
宿命 | しゅくめい | fate, destiny, predestination |
宿敵 | しゅくてき | old enemy, longtime enemy, arch-enemy, traditional rival, longstanding foe |
宿泊 | しゅくはく | lodging |
宿舎 | しゅくしゃ | lodging house |
宿駅 | しゅくえき | post town, relay station, stage |
寂 | さび | patina; elegant simplicity; well-trained voice |
寂しがる | さびしがる | to miss someone, to miss something, to feel lonely |
寂とした | じゃくとした, せきとした | still, hushed |
寂りょう | せきりょう | loneliness, desolateness |
寂れる | さびれる | to decline, to fall (down) |
寄り掛かる | よりかかる | to lean against, to recline on, to lean on, to rely on |
寄付 | きふ | contribution, donation |
寄付行為 | きふこうい | act of endowment or donation |
寄席 | よせ | musical hall, vaudeville |
寄港 | きこう | stopping at a port |
寄生虫 | きせいちゅう | parasite |
寄稿 | きこう | contribution (e.g. to newspaper) |
寄贈 | きぞう, きそう | donation, presentation, gift |
寅 | とら | third sign of Chinese zodiac (The Tiger, 3am-5am, east-northeast, January) |
寅の刻 | とらのこく | around four o'clock in the morning |
寅年 | とらどし | year of the tiger |
密偵 | みってい | spy, emissary |
密度 | みつど | density |
密接 | みっせつ | related, connected, close, intimate |
密猟 | みつりょう | poaching |
密葬 | みっそう | private funeral, secret burial |
密輸 | みつゆ | smuggling, contraband trade |
富 | とみ | wealth, fortune |
富む | とむ | to be rich, to become rich |
富国強兵 | ふこくきょうへい | wealth and military strength of a country |
富士山 | ふじさん | Mt Fuji |
富士川 | ふじかわ | river in Shizuoka Prefecture |
富士通 | ふじつう | Fujitsu |
富岳 | ふがく | (alternative name for) Mt. Fuji |
富裕 | ふゆう | wealth, riches, opulence |
富裕層 | ふゆうそう | wealthy people, the rich |
富裕税 | ふゆうぜい | wealth tax |
富豪 | ふごう | wealthy person, millionaire |
寒 | かん | midwinter, cold season, coldest days of the year |
寒冷 | かんれい | cold, coldness, chilliness |
寒冷紗 | かんれいしゃ | cheesecloth |
寒天 | かんてん | freezing weather; agar-agar, vegetable gelatin |
寒暖 | かんだん | heat and cold, (extremes of) temperature |
寒椿 | かんつばき | camellia-like plant native to China |
寒波 | かんぱ | cold wave |
寒風 | かんぷう | cold wind |
寛 | かん | lenient, gentle |
寛い | ひろい | broadminded |
寛ぎ | くつろぎ | ease, relaxation, comfort, unwinding |
寛ぐ | くつろぐ | to relax, to feel at home |
寛げる | くつろげる | to loose, to ease, to relax |
寛厚 | かんこう | kindness, largeheartedness |
寛厳 | かんげん | leniency and severity |
寛大 | かんだい | tolerance, liberality, leniency |
寛容 | かんよう | forbearance, tolerance, generosity |
寛恕 | かんじょ | magnanimity, forgiveness, generosity |
寝 | ね, しん, い | sleep |
寝具 | しんぐ | bedding |
寝床 | ねどこ | bed |
寝技 | ねわざ | (in wrestling or judo) pinning technique; underhanded dealings |
寝棺 | ねかん | coffin, casket |
寝泊まり | ねとまり | staying or lodging at |
寝袋 | ねぶくろ | sleeping bag |
寝込む | ねこむ | to stay in bed, to sleep, to be laid up for a long time |
寡 | かふ, やもめ | widow |
寡い | すくない | few, a little, scarce, insufficient, seldom |
寡作 | かさく | low production |
寡勢 | かぜい | small military force, numerically inferior force |
寡占 | かせん | oligopoly |
寡婦 | かふ, やもめ | widow |
寡少 | かしょう | little, few, scanty |
寡言 | かげん | reticence, taciturnity |
寡黙 | かもく | silent (person), shy, tacitern, reticent, uncommunicative |
寧 | むしろ | rather, better, instead |
寧日 | ねいじつ | peaceful day |
審査 | しんさ | judging, inspection, examination, investigation |
審理 | しんり | trial |
審議 | しんぎ | deliberation |
寮母 | りょうぼ | dorm mother |
寮生 | りょうせい | boarder, boarding student |
寮費 | りょうひ | boarding-expenses |
寸 | すん | sun (approx. 3.03 cm) |
寸借詐欺 | すんしゃくさぎ | petty swindling, petty swindler |
寸前 | すんぜん | on the verge, just in front of |
寸劇 | すんげき | short play, skit |
寸断 | すんだん | cut (tear) to pieces |
寸暇 | すんか | moment's leisure, free minute |
寺子屋 | てらこや | temple elementary school (during the Edo period) |
寺社 | じしゃ | temples and shrines |
対処 | たいしょ | deal with, cope |
対外 | たいがい | external, foreign |
対局 | たいきょく | (playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc. |
対岸 | たいがん | opposite shore |
対応 | たいおう | interaction, correspondence, coping with, dealing with, support |
対抗 | たいこう | opposition, antagonism |
対日 | たいにち | with respect to Japan, with Japan |
対比 | たいひ | contrast, comparison |
対照的 | たいしょうてき | contrastive |
対症療法 | たいしょうりょうほう | symptomatic therapy, makeshift solution |
対立 | たいりつ | confrontation, opposition, antagonism |
対等 | たいとう | equivalent |
対米 | たいべい | relating to the USA, toward America, with America |
対話 | たいわ | interactive, interaction, conversation, dialogue |
対談 | たいだん | talk, dialogue, conversation |
寿 | ことぶき | congratulations!, long life! |
寿く | ことぶく | to congratulate, to wish one well |
寿命 | じゅみょう | life span |
封 | ふう | seal |
封じる | ふうじる | to seal (letter); to prevent, to forbid, to block |
封じ手 | ふうじて | a sealed move |
封印 | ふういん | seal, stamp |
封書 | ふうしょ | sealed letter |
封鎖 | ふうさ | blockade; freezing (funds) |
専任 | せんにん | full-time service |
専修 | せんしゅう | specialization, specialisation |
専務 | せんむ | managing director, special duty, conductor |
専属 | せんぞく | exclusive, attached to, specialist |
専従 | せんじゅう | working exclusively for, working full-time (for) |
専業 | せんぎょう | special occupation, principal occupation, specialty, monopoly |
専用 | せんよう | exclusive use; private (e.g. network) |
専門学校 | せんもんがっこう, せんもんガッコウ, せんもんガッコ | vocational school, technical school |
専門家 | せんもんか | specialist |
専門店 | せんもんてん | specialist shops |
専門的 | せんもんてき | technical (e.g. discussion), exclusive, professional |
射倖 | しゃこう | speculation |
射倖心 | しゃこうしん | speculative spirit |
射撃 | しゃげき | firing, shooting, fire, gunshot, marksmanship |
射殺 | しゃさつ | shooting to death |
射程 | しゃてい | range (e.g. of a rifle, missile, etc.) |
将 | しょう | commander, general, leader |
将兵 | しょうへい | officers and men |
将又 | はたまた | and, or |
将帥 | しょうすい | commander |
将来像 | しょうらいぞう | vision of the future |
将来性 | しょうらいせい | future prospects, promise |
将校 | しょうこう | commissioned officer |
将棋倒し | しょうぎだおし | falling one after another |
将軍 | しょうぐん | general, shogun |
尉 | じょう | jailer, gaoler, old man, rank, company officer |
尉官 | いかん | officer below the rank of major, company officer |
尊厳 | そんげん | dignity, majesty, sanctity |
尊属 | そんぞく | direct ancestors, noble ancestors |
尊崇 | そんすう | reverence, veneration |
尋 | ひろ, じん | fathom |
尋ね人 | たずねびと | missing person, wanted person |
尋問 | じんもん | cross-examination, interrogation, questioning |
尋常 | じんじょう | common, usual |
尋常一様 | じんじょういちよう | ordinary, common, mediocre |
導入 | どうにゅう | introduction, bringing in, leading in, installation |
小僧 | こぞう | youngster; young Buddhist priest |
小児 | しょうに | young child, infant |
小冊子 | しょうさっし | booklet, pamphlet |
小刻み | こきざみ | mincing, bit by bit |
小唄 | こうた | ballad |
小型 | こがた | small size, tiny |
小学 | しょうがく | elementary school, primary school, grade school |
小宇宙 | しょううちゅう | microcosmos, microcosm |
小山 | こやま | hill, knoll |
小島 | こじま | small island, islet |
小幅 | こはば | single-breadth cloth, approx. 36 cm wide |
小康 | しょうこう | lull |
小惑星 | しょうわくせい | asteroid |
小憩 | しょうけい | a short break or breather, brief recess |
小枝 | こえだ | twig, spray |
小柄 | こづか | knife attached to the sheath of a sword |
小椋鳥 | こむくどり | red-cheeked myna (Sturnus phillippensis), violet-backed starling |
小檀 | こまゆみ, コマユミ | spindle tree, euonymus alatus f. ciliatodentatus |
小滝 | おたき | cascade |
小熊のプーさん | こぐまのプーさん | Winnie the Pooh |
小瑠璃 | こるり, コルリ | Siberian blue robin (Luscinia cyane) (Erithacus cyane?) |
小皿 | こざら | small dish |
小禄 | しょうろく | small stipend |
小粋 | こいき | smart, stylish |
小粒 | こつぶ | small grain, small stature or ability |
小綺麗 | こぎれい | neat, trim, tidy, pretty |
小耳に挟む | こみみにはさむ | to happen to hear, to overhear |
小腸 | しょうちょう | small intestine |
小舟 | こぶね | boat, small craft |
小茄子 | こなすび | small eggplant; Japanese yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia japonica) |
小規模 | しょうきぼ | small scale |
小豆 | あずき | adzuki beans |
小選挙区 | しょうせんきょく | small electoral district, single-member constituency |
小鉢 | こばち | small bowl |
小銃 | しょうじゅう | rifle, small arms |
小魚 | こざかな | small fish, fry |
少なからず | すくなからず | considerably, not a little, in no small numbers |
少なくとも | すくなくとも | at least |
少佐 | しょうさ | major, lieutenant commander, wing commander |
少尉 | しょうい | second lieutenant, sublieutenant, ensign |
少憩 | しょうけい | short rest, recess |
少数 | しょうすう | minority, few |
尖圭コンジローム | せんけいコンジローム | pointed condyloma |
尚 | なお | furthermore, still, yet, more, still more, greater, further, less |
尚且つ | なおかつ | besides, and yet |
尚早 | しょうそう | prematurity |
尚更 | なおさら | all the more, still less |
尭々 | ぎょうぎょう | high (as of a mountain) |
尭尭 | ぎょうぎょう | high (as of a mountain) |
就いて | ついて | about, concerning, as to, regarding |
就任 | しゅうにん | inauguration, assumption of office |
就労 | しゅうろう | actual work |
就学 | しゅうがく | entering school, school attendance |
就寝 | しゅうしん | going to bed, retiring |
就業 | しゅうぎょう | employment, starting work |
就職 | しゅうしょく | finding employment, inauguration |
就航 | しゅうこう | going into commission (e.g. ships) |
尺 | あた, た | distance between outstretched thumb and middle finger (approx. 18 cm) |
尺度 | しゃくど | linear measure, scale |
尼 | あま | nun; bitch |
尼っこ | あまっこ | native of Amagasaki; bitch |
尼っちょ | あまっちょ | bitch |
尼僧 | にそう | nun, priestess |
尼僧院 | にそういん | nunnery, convent |
尼寺 | あまでら | nunnery, convent |
尼甫 | じほ | Confucius |
尽 | じん | last day (of the month) |
尽きる | つきる | to be used up, to be run out, to be exhausted, to be consumed, to come to an end |
尽くす | つくす | to exhaust; to devote, to serve (a person), to befriend |
尽力 | じんりょく | efforts, assistance |
尾 | お | tail, ridge |
尾根 | おね | (mountain) ridge, spur |
尾翼 | びよく | tail, tail plane |
尿 | にょう | urine |
尿管 | にょうかん | urinary duct, ureter |
尿素 | にょうそ | urea |
尿道 | にょうどう | urethra |
尿酸 | にょうさん | uric acid |
局所分岐 | きょくしょぶんき | local jump |
局長 | きょくちょう | bureau director, office chief |
局面 | きょくめん | checkerboard, aspect, situation |
居住 | きょじゅう | residence |
居住者 | きょじゅうしゃ | resident, inhabitant |
居候 | いそうろう | lodger who pays nothing for room and board, freeloader, sponger |
居据わる | いすわる | to remain, to stay (somewhere) |
居眠り | いねむり | dozing, nodding off |
居間 | いま | living room (western style) |
屈する | くっする | to yield; to bend; to feel down |
屈指 | くっし | leading, foremost, preeminent, outstanding, one of the best |
屈服 | くっぷく | yielding, submission, surrender, giving way, succumbing |
屈託 | くったく | worry, care |
屈辱 | くつじょく | disgrace, humiliation |
届 | とどけ | report, notification, registration |
届け出 | とどけで | report, notification |
届け出る | とどけでる | to report, to notify |
屋台 | やたい | cart, esp. food cart; (festival) float |
屋外 | おくがい | outdoors, alfresco |
展望 | てんぼう | view, outlook, prospect |
展示 | てんじ | exhibition, display |
展示会 | てんじかい | exhibition |
展開 | てんかい | development; expansion (opposite of compression) |
履 | くつ | shoes, footwear |
履き古し | はきふるし | worn-out shoes, worn-out socks |
履修 | りしゅう | taking a class, studying a subject, completing a course |
履歴 | りれき | personal history, background, career, log, record |
履歴書 | りれきしょ | personal history, curriculum vitae, resume |
履物 | はきもの | footwear, clogs |
履行 | りこう | performance, fulfillment, fulfilment, discharge, implementation |
屯 | たむろ, たむら | gathering; police station, camp, barracks |
屯営 | とんえい | military camp, barracks, camping |
屯所 | とんしょ | post, quarters, military station, police station |
山伏 | やまぶし | mountain priest, itinerant Buddhist monk |
山城 | やましろ, やまじろ | mountain castle |
山塊 | さんかい | mountain mass |
山奥 | やまおく | mountain recesses |
山岳 | さんがく | mountains |
山岳地帯 | さんがくちたい | mountain district |
山岳病 | さんがくびょう | altitude sickness |
山岳部 | さんがくぶ | mountaineering club |
山峡 | さんきょう, やまかい | gorge, ravine, gap |
山崎派 | やまさきは | Yamasaki Faction (of the LDP) |
山嵐 | やまあらし | mountain storm |
山嶺 | さんれい | mountaintop |
山形 | やまがた | mountain-shaped |
山彦 | やまびこ | echo (as in mountain echo) |
山村 | さんそん | mountain village |
山桜 | やまざくら | mountain cherry, Prunus donarium, var. spontanea or Prunus jamasakura |
山梨県 | やまなしけん | Yamanashi prefecture (Chuubu area) |
山稜 | さんりょう | mountain ridge |
山紫水明 | さんしすいめい | scenic beauty |
山羊 | やぎ, ヤギ | goat |
山羊座 | やぎざ | (constellation) Capricornus, Capricorn, the Goat |
山翡翠 | やませみ, ヤマセミ | crested kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris) |
山肌 | やまはだ | mountain's surface, bare surface of a mountain |
山脈 | さんみゃく, やまなみ | mountain range |
山腹 | さんぷく | hillside, mountainside |
山膚 | やまはだ | mountain's surface, bare surface of a mountain |
山荘 | さんそう | mountain villa, mountain retreat, mountain cottage |
山菜 | さんさい | edible wild plants |
山萩 | やまはぎ, ヤマハギ | shrubby lespedeza (species of bush clover, Lespedeza bicolor) |
山葵 | わさび | wasabi (Japanese horseradish) |
山葵漬け | わさびづけ | pickled Japanese horseradish |
山賊 | さんぞく | bandit, brigand |
山里 | やまざと | mountain hamlet (village) |
山陰 | やまかげ, さんいん | place in the shade of a mountain; mountain recess |
山陽 | さんよう | south side of a mountain, Sanyo district |
山頂 | さんちょう | summit (e.g. mountain) |
岐路 | きろ | forked road, crossroads |
岐阜 | ぎふ | Gifu (pn) |
岐阜県 | ぎふけん | Gifu prefecture (Chuubu area) |
岩場 | いわば | rocky area, rockface, rock wall |
岩戸 | いわと | rock door (to a cave) |
岩棚 | いわたな, いわだな | ledge |
岩盤 | がんばん | bedrock |
岩石圏 | がんせきけん | lithosphere |
岩礁 | がんしょう | reef |
岩肌 | いわはだ | bare rock, rock surface, rock face |
岩間 | いわま | among rocks |
岬湾 | こうわん | indentations, capes |
岬角 | こうかく | anat promontory, promontory |
岳 | たけ | peak; mountain |
岳友会 | がくゆうかい | mountaineering club |
岳樺 | だけかんば, ダケカンバ | Erman's birch (Betula ermanii), Russian rock birch |
岳父 | がくふ | (man's) father-in-law, father of one's wife |
岳麓 | がくろく | foot of Mt Fuji |
岸 | きし | bank, coast, shore |
岸壁 | がんぺき | wharf, breakwater, steep cliff |
峠を越える | とうげをこえる | to pass over the peak, to cross a pass |
峠道 | とうげみち | road over a mountain pass |
峡湾 | きょうわん | fjord |
峡谷 | きょうこく | glen, ravine, gorge, canyon |
峡部 | きょうぶ | isthmus |
峡間 | きょうかん | between the mountains |
峰 | みね | peak, ridge |
島国 | しまぐに, とうごく | island country (sometimes used as a metaphor for Japan) |
島根 | しまね | island country |
峻別 | しゅんべつ | rigorous distinction |
峻厳 | しゅんげん | strict, stern, rigorous, severe |
峻嶮 | しゅんけん | steep, precipitous |
峻嶺 | しゅんれい | steep peak, steep ridge, high rugged mountain |
峻拒 | しゅんきょ | refusing flatly, rejecting sternly |
峻烈 | しゅんれつ | severity, harshness |
峻険 | しゅんけん | steep, precipitous |
崇う | あがまう | to look up to, to respect |
崇めたてる | あがめたてる | to respect, to revere |
崇める | あがめる | to revere, to respect, to worship |
崇拝 | すうはい | worship, adoration, admiration, cult |
崇敬 | すうけい | reverence |
崇高 | すうこう | loftiness, sublimity, nobility |
崎崖 | きがい | steepness of a mountain |
崎陽 | きよう | Nagasaki |
崩し書き | くずしがき | cursive style of writing or calligraphy |
崩れ | くずれ | crumbling, collapse, ruin |
崩壊 | ほうかい | collapse; decay (physics) |
崩落 | ほうらく | collapse, break, cave-in, crash, (market) decline |
嵐 | あらし | storm, tempest |
嵐の前の静けさ | あらしのまえのしずけさ | calm before a storm |
嵩 | かさ | bulk, volume, quantity |
嵩じる | こうじる | to grow in intensity, to be aggravated, to get worse, to develop |
嵩ずる | こうずる | to grow in intensity, to be aggravated, to get worse, to develop |
嵩む | かさむ | to pile up, to increase |
嵩上げ | かさあげ | raising, padding or inflation (of a bill) |
嵩張る | かさばる | to be bulky, to be unwieldy, to grow voluminous |
嵩高 | かさだか | bulky, unwieldy, high-handed |
嶺 | みね | peak, ridge |
巉巌 | ざんがん | near-vertical cliff or peak |
巌 | いわ, いわお | rock, crag |
巌々とした | がんがんとした | craggy, steep (as of a mountain) |
巌壁 | がんぺき | wall of rock, rock cliff, rock face |
巌巌とした | がんがんとした | craggy, steep (as of a mountain) |
巌窟 | がんくつ | cave, cavern |
巌頭 | がんとう | top of a massive rock |
川岸 | かわぎし, かがん, かし | river bank, riverside; fish market |
川幅 | かわはば | width of a river |
川柳 | せんりゅう | comic haiku |
川沿い | かわぞい | along the river, riverside |
川瀬 | かわせ | rapids, shallows of a river |
川端 | かわばた | riverbank |
州崎 | すさき | sandspit |
州政府 | しゅうせいふ | state government |
州都 | しゅうと | capital (city) of a state |
巡り会う | めぐりあう | to meet fortuitously (poet), to meet by chance, to happen across |
巡回 | じゅんかい | going around, patrol, round, tour |
巡査 | じゅんさ | police, policeman |
巡業 | じゅんぎょう | provincial tour |
巡洋艦 | じゅんようかん | cruiser |
巡礼 | じゅんれい | pilgrimage, pilgrim |
巡航 | じゅんこう | cruise, cruising |
巡視 | じゅんし | inspection tour |
巡視艇 | じゅんしてい | patrol boat |
巣くう | すくう | to build (a nest); to haunt (a place), to hang out (somewhere) |
巣立ち | すだち | leaving the nest, becoming independent |
巣立つ | すだつ | to leave the nest |
巣箱 | すばこ | nest box, (bee) hive, frame, super |
巣雛 | すひな | nestling |
工作 | こうさく | work, construction, handicraft, maneuvering, manoeuvering |
工作機械 | こうさくきかい | machine tools |
工匠 | こうしょう | artisan, mechanic |
工員寮 | こういんりょう | dormitory for factory workers |
工学 | こうがく | engineering |
工房 | こうぼう | workshop, studio |
工程 | こうてい | manufacturing process, work schedule, amount of work |
工費 | こうひ | construction cost |
左手 | ひだりて | left hand |
左派 | さは | left wing |
左翼 | さよく | left-wing |
左腕 | さわん, ひだりうで | left arm; left-handed (baseball pitcher) |
左記 | さき | undermentioned (statement), following |
左遷 | させん | demotion, degradation |
巧み | たくみ | skill, cleverness |
巧む | たくむ | to devise, to plot, to plan |
巧妙 | こうみょう | ingenious, skillful, clever, deft |
巧拙 | こうせつ | tact, skill, workmanship |
巧者 | こうしゃ | cleverness, skill, tact |
巨人 | きょじん | giant, great man; Tokyo Giants (baseball team) |
巨体 | きょたい | large build |
巨匠 | きょしょう | master, masterhand, maestro |
巨峰 | きょほう | gigantic peak; Kyoho grape |
巨悪 | きょあく | great evil, consummate villain |
巨星 | きょせい | giant star, great man, big-shot |
巨木 | きょぼく | big tree |
巨漢 | きょかん | giant |
巨獣 | きょじゅう | large animal |
巨舶 | きょはく | ocean liner |
巨費 | きょひ | great cost |
巨賊 | きょぞく | big-time bandit, big-time pirate |
巨鐘 | おおがね | large hanging bell |
巨額 | きょがく | great sum |
巨魁 | きょかい | ringleader, chief |
差し戻す | さしもどす | to send back, to refer back |
差し控える | さしひかえる | to be moderate, to not do too much |
差し止め | さしとめ | prohibition, ban, suspension |
差し迫る | さしせまる | to be urgent or pressing |
差益 | さえき | marginal profits |
差額 | さがく | balance, difference, margin |
己所不欲勿施於人 | おのれのほっせざるところひとにほどこすことなかれ | don't do unto others what you would not have done unto you |
已んぬる哉 | やんぬるかな | I give up |
巳 | み | sixth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Serpent, 9am-11am, south-southeast, April) |
巳年 | みどし, へびどし | year of the snake |
巴 | ともえ | huge comma design |
巴奈馬 | ぱなま, パナマ | Panama |
巴戦 | ともえせん | dogfight; sumo play-off with 3 wrestlers participating |
巴投げ | ともえなげ | overhead throw in judo |
巴旦杏 | はたんきょう | plum, almond |
巴瓦 | ともえがわら | comma-pattern tile |
巻 | まき | roll (e.g. of cloth); winding; volume (of book) |
巻き添え | まきぞえ | getting involved (entangled) in, getting mixed up in, involvement, by-blow |
巻き貝 | まきがい | snail, spiral shell |
巻き込む | まきこむ | to roll up, to involve, to enfold, to swallow up, to drag into |
巻き返し | まきかえし | rally, recovery, rollback |
巻末 | かんまつ | end of a book |
巻頭 | かんとう | opening page of book; prefatory |
巽 | そん | xun (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: wind, southeast) |
市中 | しちゅう | in the city |
市井 | しせい | the street, the town |
市内 | しない | (within a) city, local |
市吏員 | しりいん | employee, city official |
市営 | しえい | municipal management |
市場分析 | しじょうぶんせき | market analysis |
市場撤退 | しじょうてったい | pulling out of a market, withdrawing from a market |
市況 | しきょう | market conditions |
市町村 | しちょうそん | cities, towns and villages, municipalities |
市立 | しりつ, いちりつ | municipal, city |
市街 | しがい | urban areas, the streets, town, city |
市街地 | しがいち | town areas |
市議 | しぎ | city councillor, city councilor, city assemblyman |
布施 | ふせ | alms, offerings |
布石 | ふせき | strategic arrangement of go stones, preparation |
布陣 | ふじん | battle formation, lineup |
帆 | ほ | sail |
帆をかける | ほをかける | to raise a sail |
帆柱 | ほばしら | mast |
帆船 | はんせん, ほぶね | sailing ship, sailing boat, sailing vessel |
帆走 | はんそう | sailing |
希 | まれ | rare, seldom |
希わくは | ねがわくは | I pray, I wish |
希ガス | きガス | noble gas |
希代 | きだい, きたい | rarity, uncommonness |
希少 | きしょう | scarce, rare |
希望 | きぼう | hope, wish, aspiration |
希望的 | きぼうてき | wishful |
希求 | ききゅう | aspiring to, seek, demand, ask for |
希薄 | きはく | thin (e.g. air), lean, rarified, diluted, sparse, weak, rarefied |
帛紗 | ふくさ | small silk wrapper, small cloth for wiping tea utensils, crepe wrapper |
帝 | みかど | emperor (of Japan); (the gates of an) imperial residence |
帝京 | ていきょう | the capital |
帝国 | ていこく | empire, imperial |
帝国主義 | ていこくしゅぎ | imperialism |
帝政 | ていせい | imperial government, imperialism, monarchical rule |
帝王 | ていおう | sovereign, emperor |
帝王切開 | ていおうせっかい | Caesarean section (Cesarean), C-section |
帝陵 | ていりょう | imperial mausoleum |
帥 | そち, そつ | director of the Dazaifu |
帥先 | そっせん | taking the initiative |
師事 | しじ | study under, looking up, apprentice oneself |
師儒 | しじゅ | teacher, scholar |
師匠 | ししょう | master, teacher; sumo coach who owns his stable |
師団 | しだん | (army) division |
師弟 | してい | teacher and student |
師範 | しはん | instructor, (fencing) teacher, model |
師範学校 | しはんがっこう | normal school |
席上 | せきじょう | at the meeting |
席巻 | せっけん | sweeping conquest, sweeping over, conquering, invading |
帯 | たい | band (e.g. conduction, valence), belt (e.g. Van-Allen, asteroid, etc.) |
帰国 | きこく | return to one's country |
帰国子女枠 | きこくしじょわく | special consideration for students who have lived abroad |
帰宅 | きたく | returning home |
帰属 | きぞく | belonging to |
帰省 | きせい | homecoming, returning home |
帰途 | きと | on the way back, returning |
帰還 | きかん | repatriation, return; (electrical) feedback |
帰郷 | ききょう | homecoming, return to one's home |
帳 | ちょう, とばり | book, register; curtain, hanging, bunting |
帳消し | ちょうけし | cancellation, writing off |
帳簿 | ちょうぼ | account book, register |
常 | とこ | ever, endless |
常任 | じょうにん | standing, regular, permanent |
常務 | じょうむ | managing director; routine business, regular business |
常勤 | じょうきん | full-time employment |
常軌 | じょうき | proper course, beaten track |
常駐 | じょうちゅう | staying permanently, being stationed, resident |
幅広 | はばひろ | wide width (e.g. cloth) |
幅広い | はばひろい | extensive, wide, broad |
幕僚 | ばくりょう | staff, staff officer |
幕内 | まくうち | highest-ranking sumo division |
幕府 | ばくふ | bakufu, shogunate |
幕末 | ばくまつ | closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate, end of Edo era |
幕開け | まくあけ | beginning, opening (of play) |
幟邑 | のぼりざと | kanji "large village" radical |
幣 | へい, ぬさ | staff with plaited paper streamers used in Shinto |
干し李 | ほしすもも | prune |
干し草を付けた馬 | ほしくさをつけたうま | horse loaded with hay |
干る | ひる | to dry |
干拓 | かんたく | land reclamation (from sea) |
干渉 | かんしょう | interference, intervention |
干満 | かんまん | ebb and flow |
干潟 | ひがた | tidal flat, tideland |
平均点 | へいきんてん | average mark, mean point |
平壌 | へいじょう | Pyongyang |
平安 | へいあん | peace; Heian era (794-1185) |
平年並み | へいねんなみ | average year, normal year |
平成 | へいせい | Heisei era (1989.1.8- ) |
平易 | へいい | easy, simple, plain |
平泳ぎ | ひらおよぎ | breaststroke (swimming) |
平癒 | へいゆ | recovery, convalescence |
平穏 | へいおん | tranquil, calm, restful, peaceful, quiet |
平行棒 | へいこうぼう | parallel bars |
平衡 | へいこう | even scale, equilibrium, balance, equalization, equalisation |
平静 | へいせい | calm, serenity, tranquillity, tranquility |
年の暮れ | としのくれ | year end |
年の瀬 | としのせ | New Year's Eve, the year end |
年俸 | ねんぽう | annual salary |
年功 | ねんこう | long service |
年功加俸 | ねんこうかほう | long service allowance, longevity pay |
年功序列 | ねんこうじょれつ | seniority by length of service |
年収 | ねんしゅう | annual income |
年始 | ねんし | New Year's call, beginning of the year, New Year's greetings |
年寄り | としより | old people, the aged; sumo coaches |
年嵩 | としかさ | senior, older, elderly |
年末 | ねんまつ | end-of-year |
年生 | ねんせい | pupil in ... year, student in ... year |
年甫 | ねんぽ | beginning of the year |
年甲斐もない | としがいもない | unbecoming, unsuitable, wrong for one's age, disgraceful |
年甲斐も無い | としがいもない | unbecoming, unsuitable, wrong for one's age, disgraceful |
年租 | ねんそ | annual tax |
年譜 | ねんぷ | chronological record |
年貢 | ねんぐ | annual tribute, land tax |
年貢米 | ねんぐまい | annual rice tax |
年賀 | ねんが | New Year's greetings, New Year's card |
年賀状 | ねんがじょう | New Year's card |
年賦 | ねんぷ | annual installment, annual instalment |
年金 | ねんきん | annuity, pension |
年鑑 | ねんかん | yearbook, almanac, annual |
年齢層 | ねんれいそう | age range, age-group |
幸 | さち, こう, さき | good luck, fortune, happiness; harvest, yield |
幸ある | さちある | fortunate, happy, lucky |
幸あれ | さちあれ | good luck!, all the best |
幸いあれ | さいわいあれ | Be happy!, Cheer up! |
幸甚 | こうじん | pleased, obliged, appreciative |
幹 | から | trunk, stem, stalk; shaft (of an arrow); handle |
幹事会 | かんじかい | board of governors |
幹線 | かんせん | main line, trunk line |
幹部 | かんぶ | management, (executive) staff, leaders, leadership, top brass, upper echelons |
幻 | まぼろし | phantom, vision, illusion, dream |
幻を追う | まぼろしをおう | to pursue phantoms |
幻影 | げんえい | phantom, vision, illusion |
幻惑 | げんわく | fascination, glamor, glamour, bewitching |
幻想 | げんそう | illusions |
幻想曲 | げんそうきょく | fantasy, fantasia |
幻滅 | げんめつ | disillusionment |
幻覚 | げんかく | hallucination, illusion |
幼なじみ | おさななじみ | childhood friend, friend from infancy, old playmate |
幼女 | ようじょ | little girl |
幼少 | ようしょう | infancy, childhood, tender age |
幼年 | ようねん | childhood, infancy |
幼時 | ようじ | cradle |
幼虫 | ようちゅう | larva, chrysalis |
幽か | かすか | faint, dim, weak, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched |
幽し | かそけし | faint, fleeting |
幽す | ゆうす | to confine to a room |
幽囚 | ゆうしゅう | imprisonment |
幽愁 | ゆうしゅう | deep contemplation, melancholy, gloom |
幽暗 | ゆうあん | dark and secluded |
幽界 | ゆうかい | hades, realm of the dead |
幽閉 | ゆうへい | confinement, imprisonment, incarceration, house arrest, depressed feeling |
幽閑 | ゆうかん | quiet and secluded |
幽雅 | ゆうが | refinement |
幽霊 | ゆうれい | ghost, specter, spectre, apparition, phantom |
幽鬼 | ゆうき | ghost, revenant, spirit (of the dead), departed soul |
幾 | いく | some, several; many; how many?, how much? |
幾つ | いくつ | how many?; how old? |
幾つも | いくつも | many, great number of |
幾ら | いくら | how much?, how many? |
幾何 | きか | geometry |
幾多 | いくた | many, numerous |
幾年にも亘る | いくねんにもわたる | to extend over so many years |
幾重 | いくえ | multi-plied, repeated |
庁 | ちょう | government office, agency, board |
庁舎 | ちょうしゃ | government office building |
広がった枝 | ひろがったえだ | spreading branches |
広がり | ひろがり | spread, span |
広域 | こういき | wide area |
広報 | こうほう | PR, public relations, publicity, information |
広大 | こうだい | huge, very large, vast, extensive, magnificent, grand |
広州 | こうしゅう | Guangzhou (China), Canton |
広漠 | こうばく | vast, wide, boundless |
広範 | こうはん | wide, extensive, comprehensive, far-reaching, widespread |
広範囲 | こうはんい | extensive, vast range, wide scope |
広葉樹 | こうようじゅ | broadleaf tree |
広軌 | こうき | broad gauge |
広辞苑 | こうじえん | Koujien (famous Japanese dictionary) |
庄 | しょう, そう | manor |
庄園 | しょうえん, そうえん | manor, demesne |
庄屋 | しょうや | village headman |
床の間 | とこのま | alcove |
床上 | ゆかうえ | on a floor, above floor level |
床下 | ゆかした | under the floor |
床机 | しょうぎ | camp stool, folding stool |
序 | ついで | opportunity, occasion |
序二段 | じょにだん | jonidan (second lowest) division |
序列 | じょれつ | rank, ranking order, hierarchy |
序文 | じょぶん | preface, foreword, introduction |
序曲 | じょきょく | overture, prelude |
序盤 | じょばん | the opening(s) (e.g. in a game of go or chess) |
底値 | そこね | bottom price |
底入れ | そこいれ | bottoming out (of prices) |
底力 | そこぢから | latent energy, reserve strength, potentiality |
底堅い | そこがたい | stable (market) after having bottomed out |
底引き網 | そこびきあみ | trawl (net) |
底打ち | そこうち | bottoming out |
底流 | ていりゅう | bottom current, undercurrent |
底辺 | ていへん | base (geometry, society) |
店舗 | てんぽ | shop, store |
店頭 | てんとう | shop front, counter, shop, over-the-counter (financial) |
府中 | ふちゅう | Fuchuu (in Tokyo) |
府県 | ふけん | prefecture |
府立 | ふりつ | managed by an urban prefecture |
府警 | ふけい | prefectural police |
度胸 | どきょう | courage, bravery, pluck, nerve, grit, guts |
度量衡 | どりょうこう | weights and measures |
座標軸 | ざひょうじく | coordinate axis |
座礁 | ざしょう | running aground, being stranded |
座禅 | ざぜん | zazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in a cross-legged position) |
座談会 | ざだんかい | symposium, round-table discussion |
座長 | ざちょう | chairman |
庭先 | にわさき | in the garden |
庭園 | ていえん | garden, park |
庭木 | にわき | garden tree |
庭燎 | にわび, ていりょう | garden bonfire (esp. one held on the imperial grounds) |
庶事 | しょじ | various matters, everything |
庶務 | しょむ | general affairs |
庶務課 | しょむか | general affairs section |
庶子 | しょし | illegitimate child |
庶幾 | しょき | desire, hope |
庶政 | しょせい | political affairs, all phases of government |
庶民 | しょみん | masses, common people |
庶民劇 | しょみんげき | drama of ordinary people |
庶民的 | しょみんてき | popular, folk, plebian, working class |
康寧 | こうねい | tranquility, tranquillity, peacefulness |
庸人 | ようじん | common man |
庸君 | ようくん | stupid ruler |
庸愚 | ようぐ | mediocrity, imbecility |
庸才 | ようさい | mediocre talent |
廃坑 | はいこう | abandoned mine, disused mine |
廃嫡 | はいちゃく | disinheritance |
廃案 | はいあん | rejected bill (project) |
廃棄 | はいき | annulment, disposal, abandon, scrap, discarding, repeal |
廃業 | はいぎょう | cessation of business, discontinuation of business |
廃止 | はいし | abolition, repeal |
廃絶 | はいぜつ | extinction, abolition |
廃藩置県 | はいはんちけん | abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures (1871) |
廃虚 | はいきょ | ruins |
廉 | かど | charge, grounds, suspicion |
廉い | やすい | cheap, inexpensive; calm, peaceful, quiet |
廉価 | れんか | low price |
廉売 | れんばい | bargain sale |
廉潔 | れんけつ | honest, incorruptible, integrity |
延べ | のべ | futures; credit (buying); stretching; total, gross |
延べ坪 | のべつぼ | total floor space |
延べ坪数 | のべつぼすう | total floor space |
延命 | えんめい | long life, longevity; macrobiotics |
延坪 | のべつぼ | total floor space |
延期 | えんき | postponement, adjournment |
延滞 | えんたい | arrears, (being) overdue, delay (e.g. in payment), procrastination |
延焼 | えんしょう | spread of fire |
延長 | えんちょう | extension; Enchou era (923.4.11-931.4.26) |
延髄 | えんずい | medulla oblongata |
建て坪 | たてつぼ | floor space |
建坪 | たてつぼ | floor space |
建碑 | けんぴ | erection of a monument |
建築士 | けんちくし | (authorized) architect and builder (authorised) |
建築学 | けんちくがく | architecture |
建設省 | けんせつしょう | Ministry of Construction |
建造物 | けんぞうぶつ | structure |
弁 | べん | speech; dialect |
弁務官 | べんむかん | commissioner |
弁慶 | べんけい | strong man |
弁舌 | べんぜつ | speech |
弁論 | べんろん | discussion, debate, argument |
弁護 | べんご | defense, defence, pleading, advocacy |
弁護人 | べんごにん | counsel, defender, advocate |
弊 | へい | bad habit, harm |
弊害 | へいがい | evil practice, evil practise, barrier |
弊社 | へいしゃ | our firm (company) |
弊衣 | へいい | worn-out clothes, shabby clothes |
式典 | しきてん | ceremony, rites |
弐 | に | two (used in legal documents) |
弐つ | ふたつ | two (used in old or legal documents) |
弐心 | にしん, ふたごころ | duplicity, treachery, double-dealing |
弓 | ゆみ | bow (and arrow) |
弓のこ | ゆみのこ | hacksaw |
弓具 | きゅうぐ | things used in archery |
弓弦 | ゆみづる, ゆづる, ゆづら | bowstring |
弓形 | ゆみなり, ゆみがた, きゅうけい | arched, crescent-shaped, bow-shaped, segment |
弓矢 | ゆみや, きゅうし | bow and arrow |
弓術 | きゅうじゅつ | (Japanese) archery |
弓道 | きゅうどう | (Japanese) archery |
弔い | とぶらい, とむらい | funeral, burial, condolence |
弔い合戦 | とむらいがっせん | battle of revenge |
弔う | とむらう, とぶらう | to mourn for, to hold a memorial service for, to condole |
弔する | ちょうする | to mourn, to condole |
弔問 | ちょうもん | condolence call |
弔意 | ちょうい | condolence, sympathy, mourning |
弔辞 | ちょうじ | message of condolence, memorial address |
弔鐘 | ちょうしょう | funeral bell |
弔電 | ちょうでん | telegram of condolence |
引き下げ | ひきさげ | reduction, cut |
引き延ばし | ひきのばし | extension, prolongation |
引き換え | ひきかえ | exchange; on the contrary, on the other hand |
引き汐 | ひきしお, かんちょう | ebb tide |
引き渡し | ひきわたし | delivery, handing over, turning over, extradition |
引き眉 | ひきまゆ | painted eyebrows |
引き絞る | ひきしぼる | to draw bow to limit, to draw aside curt |
引き継ぐ | ひきつぐ | to take over, to hand over |
引き続き | ひきつづき | continuing for a long time, in succession, without a break |
引き締め | ひきしめ | tightening |
引き金 | ひきがね | trigger, gunlock |
引っ張り剪断強度 | ひっぱりせんだんきょうど | peel strength (conductor from substrate) |
引っ越し | ひっこし | moving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residence |
引用符 | いんようふ | quotation marks, quote marks |
引眉 | ひきまゆ | painted eyebrows |
引責 | いんせき | taking responsibility |
引退 | いんたい | retire |
弘い | ひろい | spacious, vast, wide |
弘め | ひろめ | making something widely known, introduction, debut, announcement, unveiling |
弘仁 | こうにん | Kounin era (810.9.19-824.1.5) |
弘仁格 | こうにんきゃく | Ordinance of the Konin Era |
弘報 | こうほう | PR, public relations, publicity, information |
弘大 | こうだい | huge, very large, vast, extensive, magnificent, grand |
弘法 | ぐほう | spreading Buddhist teachings |
弘済会 | こうさいかい | benefit association |
弘誓 | ぐぜい | Buddha's great vows |
弘遠 | こうえん | vast and far-reaching |
弛緩 | しかん, ちかん | relaxation (e.g. of muscles), becoming flaccid |
弟妹 | ていまい | younger brother and sister |
弥久 | びきゅう | extending over a long time |
弥勒 | みろく | Maitreya (a bodhisattva) |
弥次 | やじ | hooting, jeering, heckling |
弥次る | やじる | to jeer (at), to hoot, to boo, to catcall, to heckle |
弥生 | やよい, いやおい | third month of the lunar calendar; thick growth (of grass, etc.) |
弥生時代 | やよいじだい | Yayoi period (c. 300 BCE-300 CE) |
弥縫 | びほう | patching up |
弦 | げん | bowstring; string (of a shamisen; chord; hypotenuse |
弦楽 | げんがく | music for strings |
弦楽器 | げんがっき | stringed instruments |
弧 | こ | arc |
弧を描く | こをえがく | to describe an arc |
弧光 | ここう | arc light |
弧城 | こじょう | solitary castle, isolated castle |
弧状 | こじょう | in form of arch |
弱まり | よわまり | abatement, weakening |
弱み | よわみ | weakness |
弱める | よわめる | to weaken |
弱体 | じゃくたい | weak (organization, organisation) |
弱含み | よわふくみ | bearish (stock market) |
弱気 | よわき | timid, faint-hearted, bearish sentiment |
弱者 | じゃくしゃ | weak person, the weak |
弱腰 | よわごし | weak attitude |
弱震 | じゃくしん | mild earthquake |
強さ | つよさ | strength, power |
強み | つよみ | forte |
強める | つよめる | to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasise |
強制 | きょうせい | obligation, coercion, compulsion, enforcement |
強含み | つよふくみ | strengthening, strong tone, strong feeling |
強固 | きょうこ | firmness, stability, security, strength |
強奪 | ごうだつ | pillage, seizure, hijacking, plunder, extortion |
強敵 | きょうてき | formidable enemy |
強烈 | きょうれつ | strong, intense, severe |
強硬 | きょうこう | firm, vigorous, unbending, unyielding, strong, stubborn |
強肩 | きょうけん | strong throwing arm |
強行採決 | きょうこうさいけつ | steamroller voting, steamrollering |
強襲 | きょうしゅう | assault, violent attack |
強豪 | きょうごう | veteran, champion |
強風 | きょうふう | strong wind |
弾み | はずみ | bounce; momentum; spur of the moment, impulse |
弾丸 | だんがん | bullet, shot, shell |
弾力 | だんりょく | elasticity, flexibility |
弾劾 | だんがい | impeachment, accusation, censure, denunciation |
弾劾投票 | だんがいとうひょう | impeachment vote |
弾劾裁判所 | だんがいさいばんしょ | (Japanese) Court of Impeachment |
弾圧 | だんあつ | oppression, suppression, pressure |
弾薬 | だんやく | ammunition |
弾道 | だんどう | ballistic |
弾頭 | だんとう | warhead |
当たり | あたり | hit, success, reaching the mark, per ..., vicinity, neighborhood, neighbourhood |
当初 | とうしょ | at first |
当局 | とうきょく | authorities; this office |
当惑 | とうわく | bewilderment, perplexity, embarrassment, confusion |
当然 | とうぜん | natural, as a matter of course |
当該 | とうがい | appropriate (authorities), concern, applicability, correlation |
当該人物 | とうがいじんぶつ | the appropriate person, competent person |
当該官庁 | とうがいかんちょう | proper authorities, authorities concerned |
彗星 | すいせい, ほうきぼし | comet |
彗星のように現れる | すいせいのようにあらわれる | to become famous overnight, to burst into fame |
形意拳 | けいいけん | shape-of-the-mind fist, Hsing I Chuan |
形態 | けいたい | form, shape, figure |
形成 | けいせい | formation, molding, taking form |
形状 | けいじょう | shape, form |
形跡 | けいせき | traces, evidence |
彦 | ひこ | boy |
彦星 | ひこぼし | Altair |
彩る | いろどる | to colour, to color, to paint, to make up |
彩色 | さいしき, さいしょく | colouring, coloring, colouration, coloration, painting |
彫 | ほり | carving, engraving |
彫り上げる | ほりあげる | to emboss, to carve in relief, to finish carving of engraving |
彫像 | ちょうぞう | sculpture, carved statue, graven image |
彫塑 | ちょうそ | carving and engraving |
彫塑術 | ちょうそじゅつ | the plastic art |
彫琢 | ちょうたく | carving and polishing |
彫金 | ちょうきん | metal carving, engraving |
彬蔚 | ひんうつ | erudite and refined, handsome |
彰徳 | しょうとく | public praise, making another's virtues well-known |
彰明 | しょうめい | manifest, exhibiting clearly |
影 | かげ | shadow; reflection; presence; light (stars, moon) |
影の内閣 | かげのないかく | shadow cabinet |
影絵 | かげえ | shadow picture |
影響 | えいきょう | influence, effect |
役務賠償 | えきむばいしょう | reparation in the form of service |
役員 | やくいん | officer, official, executive, staff |
役員報酬 | やくいんほうしゅう | officer's compensation or remuneration |
役柄 | やくがら | role |
彼なり | かれなり | his way, peculiar to him |
彼方 | かなた, あなた | beyond, across, the other side, the distance |
彼氏 | かれし | boyfriend |
往々 | おうおう | sometimes, often |
往年 | おうねん | former, one-time, years ago |
往復 | おうふく | round trip, coming and going, return ticket |
往時 | おうじ | ancient times |
往来 | おうらい | coming and going, road, correspondence, street traffic, highway |
往診 | おうしん | doctor's visit, house call |
往路 | おうろ | outward journey |
往還 | おうかん | traffic, coming and going, highway |
征く | ゆく | to conquer, to subjugate |
征伐 | せいばつ | conquest, subjugation, overcoming |
征服 | せいふく | conquest, subjugation, overcoming |
径 | けい, わたり | diameter |
待ち | まち | waiting, waiting time |
待ち伏せ | まちぶせ | performing an ambush |
待望 | たいぼう | expectant waiting; long-awaited |
待機 | たいき | alert, standby, await an opportunity, wait for orders |
待遇 | たいぐう | treatment, reception |
待避線 | たいひせん | a sidetrack, a turnout |
律義 | りちぎ | honesty, faithfulness, conscientiousness, integrity |
後ろ姿 | うしろすがた | retreating figure, appearance from behind |
後任 | こうにん | successor |
後嗣 | こうし | heir, successor |
後妻 | ごさい | second wife |
後悔 | こうかい | regret, repentance |
後戻り | あともどり | backtrack |
後押し | あとおし | pushing, backing, boosting, supporting |
後援 | こうえん | support, backing |
後昆 | こうこん | grandchildren, posterity |
後片付け | あとかたづけ | tidying up, cleaning, clearing away, putting in order |
後継 | こうけい | successor |
後肢 | こうし | hindlimb, hind leg(s) |
後胤 | こういん | descendant, scion |
後退 | こうたい | retreat; backspace, BS |
後遺症 | こういしょう | prognostic symptoms, after-effect |
徐々 | じょじょ | gradually, steadily, quietly, slowly; soon |
徐に | おもむろに | slowly, gently |
徐ろに | おもむろに | slowly, gently |
徐徐 | じょじょ | gradually, steadily, quietly, slowly; soon |
徐徐に | じょじょに | slowly, little by little, gradually, steadily, quietly |
徐歩 | じょほ | walking slowly |
徐脈 | じょみゃく | bradycardia |
徐行 | じょこう | going slowly |
徒 | あだ | vain, futile, transient, frivolous |
徒歩 | とほ | walking, going on foot |
徒渉 | としょう | wade across |
従って | したがって | therefore, consequently, in accordance with |
従事 | じゅうじ | engaging, pursuing, following (e.g. profession or occupation) |
従僕 | じゅうぼく | attendant male servant |
従属 | じゅうぞく | subordination, dependency |
従来 | じゅうらい | up to now, so far, traditional, existing (e.g. equipment) |
従業員 | じゅうぎょういん | employee, worker |
従軍 | じゅうぐん | campaign |
得 | とく | profit; rebirth in paradise, entering nirvana |
得意 | とくい | triumph, prosperity; pride; one's forte |
得票 | とくひょう | number of votes polled, poll votes |
得策 | とくさく | profitable plan, good plan |
御三家 | ごさんけ | three branch Tokugawa families; big (top) three |
御伽草子 | おとぎぞうし | fairy-tale book |
御凸 | おでこ | brow, forehead |
御厄 | とうそう, もがさ, おやく | smallpox, variola |
御名御璽 | ぎょめいぎょじ | the imperial or privy seal |
御婆さん | おばあさん | grandmother; female senior-citizen |
御嬢さん | おじょうさん | daughter; young lady |
御孫さん | おまごさん | grandchild |
御幣 | ごへい, おんべい, おんべ | staff with plaited paper streamers used in Shinto |
御幸 | ぎょうき, みゆき, ごうき, ごこう | imperial outing or visit |
御所 | ごしょ | old imperial palace |
御曹司 | おんぞうし | son of a distinguished family, son of a noble |
御曹子 | おんぞうし | son of a distinguished family, son of a noble |
御殿 | ごてん | palace, court |
御猪口 | おちょこ | small cup, sake cup; cup-shaped |
御璽 | ぎょじ | imperial seal, privy seal |
御用 | ごよう | your order, your business, official business |
御用邸 | ごようてい | imperial villa |
御盆 | おぼん | O-Bon, Bon Festival, Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead |
御絞り | おしぼり | wet towel (supplied at table), hot, moistened hand towel |
御苑 | ぎょえん | imperial garden |
御菓子 | おかし | confections, sweets, candy |
御萩 | おはぎ | rice ball coated with sweetened red beans, soybean flour or sesame |
御薦め | おすすめ | recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement |
御誕生日おめでとうございます | おたんじょうびおめでとうございます | Happy Birthday |
御降誕 | ごこうたん | birth (regal), nativity |
御陵 | ごりょう | imperial tomb |
復元 | ふくげん | restoration (to original state), reconstruction |
復帰 | ふっき | return; carriage return, CR |
復旧 | ふっきゅう, ふくきゅう | restoration, restitution, rehabilitation |
復権 | ふっけん, ふくけん | rehabilitation, reinstatement, restoration of rights |
復活 | ふっかつ | revival (e.g. musical); restoration, rebirth, resurrection |
復興 | ふっこう | revival, renaissance, reconstruction |
循環 | じゅんかん | circulation, rotation, cycle |
循環器 | じゅんかんき | circulatory organ |
循環小数 | じゅんかんしょうすう | recurring decimal |
循環系 | じゅんかんけい | circulatory system (blood, lymph, etc.) |
循良 | じゅんりょう | good and obedient, gentle, meek |
微動 | びどう | slight tremor or movement, a quiver |
微小 | びしょう | microscopic |
微生物 | びせいぶつ | microbe, germ |
微禄 | びろく | small stipend |
微笑 | びしょう | smile |
微粒子 | びりゅうし | corpuscle, minute particle |
微細 | びさい | minute, micro, detailed, delicate, subtle |
微衷 | びちゅう | one's innermost thoughts (feelings) |
微量 | びりょう | minuscule amount, extremely small quantity |
微震 | びしん | slight earthquake |
徳義 | とくぎ | morals, morality, sincerity |
徴 | しるし | mark; symbol; evidence |
徴兵 | ちょうへい | conscription, recruitment, enlistment |
徴収 | ちょうしゅう | collection, levy |
徴用 | ちょうよう | drafting, requisition, impressment, commandeering, expropriation |
徴税 | ちょうぜい | tax collection, taxation |
徹す | とおす | to let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist in |
徹夜 | てつや | all night, all-night vigil, sleepless night |
徹宵 | てっしょう | all night, without sleep |
徹底 | てってい | thoroughness, completeness |
心から | しんから, こころから | from the bottom of one's heart, heart and soul, by nature |
心の琴線 | こころのきんせん | heartstrings, innermost soul |
心の糧 | こころのかて | food for thought |
心不全 | しんふぜん | heart failure |
心境 | しんきょう | mental state |
心憎い | こころにくい | refined, admirable, superb |
心拍 | しんぱく | heart rate |
心拍数 | しんぱくすう | one's heart rate, pulse rate |
心構え | こころがまえ | preparedness, readiness |
心神喪失 | しんしんそうしつ | of unsound mind |
心神耗弱 | しんしんもうじゃく, しんしんこうじゃく | mental retardation, unsound mind |
心神耗弱者 | しんしんもうじゃくしゃ, しんしんこうじゃくしゃ | mentally retarded person, feebleminded person |
心筋 | しんきん | heart muscle, myocardium |
心臓の鼓動 | しんぞうのこどう | heartbeat |
心臓病 | しんぞうびょう | heart trouble, heart disease |
心遣い | こころづかい | solicitude, anxiety, regard for |
心酔 | しんすい | adoration |
心髄 | しんずい | true meaning, mystery, essence, quintessence, soul, core, kernel, life blood |
必勝 | ひっしょう | certain victory |
必携 | ひっけい | handbook; (something) essential to keep on you |
必然的 | ひつぜんてき | inevitable, necessary |
必着 | ひっちゃく | must arrive, must be received |
必要性 | ひつようせい | necessity |
必需 | ひつじゅ | necessary |
必須 | ひっす | indispensable, required |
必須科目 | ひっすかもく | required subjects |
忌 | いみ | mourning; taboo; religious purification; pure, holy |
忌まわしい | いまわしい | abominable |
忌み | いみ | mourning; taboo; religious purification; pure, holy |
忌垣 | いがき | fence around a shrine |
忌避 | きひ | evasion; challenge, (taking) exception |
忍 | にん | endurance, forbearance, patience, self-restraint |
忍び寄る | しのびよる | to creep, to steal up, to draw near unnoticed |
忍び込む | しのびこむ | to creep in, to steal in |
忍ぶ | しのぶ | to conceal oneself, to hide; to endure |
忍耐 | にんたい | endurance, perseverance, patience |
志 | こころざし | will, intention, motive |
志す | こころざす | to plan, to intend, to aspire to, to set aims (sights on) |
志向 | しこう | intention, aim |
志望 | しぼう | wish, desire, ambition |
志願 | しがん | aspiration, volunteering, desire |
忘れっぽい | わすれっぽい | forgetful |
忘却 | ぼうきゃく | lapse of memory, forgetfulness, oblivion |
忘年会 | ぼうねんかい | year-end party |
忙しげ | せわしげ | looking restless |
忙しない | せわしない | restless, fidgety, in a hurry |
忙殺 | ぼうさつ | worked to death |
応える | こたえる | to respond; to take its toll, to strike home |
応じる | おうじる | to respond, to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply for |
応募 | おうぼ | subscription, application |
応募者 | おうぼしゃ | applicant |
応召 | おうしょう | being called to the colours (colors) (mil) |
応援 | おうえん | aid, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting, barracking, support, cheering |
応札 | おうさつ | bid |
応用 | おうよう | application, put to practical use |
応答 | おうとう | reply, answer, response |
応諾 | おうだく | consent, compliance |
応酬 | おうしゅう | exchange; reply, riposte |
忠なる | ちゅうなる | devoted, loyal, true, faithful |
忠告 | ちゅうこく | advice, warning |
忠孝 | ちゅうこう | loyalty and filial piety |
忠実 | ちゅうじつ, まめ | faithful; hardworking; healthy, fit |
忠恕 | ちゅうじょ | sincerity and consideration |
忠犬 | ちゅうけん | faithful dog (Hachiko) |
忠義 | ちゅうぎ | loyalty, devotion |
忠臣 | ちゅうしん | loyal retainer, loyal subject |
忠誠 | ちゅうせい | loyalty, sincerity |
忠魂 | ちゅうこん | loyalty, the loyal dead |
快い | こころよい | pleasant, agreeable |
快哉 | かいさい | joy, exultation |
快哉を叫ぶ | かいさいをさけぶ | to shout with exultation, to shout for joy |
快挙 | かいきょ | brilliant achievement |
快方に赴く | かいほうにおもむく | to improve, to get better, to convalesce |
快調 | かいちょう | harmony, excellent condition |
快諾 | かいだく | ready consent |
快速 | かいそく | high speed, celerity, mobility, express (train that bypasses many stations) |
念 | ねん | sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, care |
念仏 | ねんぶつ | Buddhist prayer, prayer to Amitabha |
念頭 | ねんとう | mind |
念願 | ねんがん | one's heart's desire, earnest petition |
怒り | いかり | anger, hatred, rage, wrath |
怒号 | どごう | angry roar, bellow |
怒声 | どせい | angry voice, harsh words |
怒鳴り込む | どなりこむ | to storm in with a yell |
怒鳴る | どなる | to shout, to yell |
怖 | こわ | frightening, terrifying |
怖い | こわい | scary, frightening, eerie, dreadful; (I'm) afraid |
怖がる | こわがる | to be afraid of, to fear, to dread, to be nervous (about), to be shy (of) |
怖じけ | おじけ | fear, dread, fright, willies |
怖じる | おじる | to be scared |
怖る | おそる | to fear, to be afraid |
怖れ | おそれ | fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness |
怜俐 | れいり | cleverness, sagacity |
怜悧 | れいり | cleverness, sagacity |
怜悧狡猾 | れいりこうかつ | cunning, crafty, shrewd, guileful |
思いやり | おもいやり | consideration, sympathy |
思い切って | おもいきって | resolutely, boldly, daringly |
思い悩む | おもいなやむ | to worry |
思惑 | おもわく | expectation; anticipation, speculation |
思惟 | しい | thought, thinking, speculation |
思慕 | しぼ | yearning, deep affection |
思慮 | しりょ | prudence |
思潮 | しちょう | trend of thought |
思索 | しさく | speculation, thinking, meditation |
怠い | だるい | sluggish, feel heavy, languid, dull |
怠ける | なまける | to be idle; to neglect (e.g. one's work) |
怠け者 | なまけもの | lazy person, lazy fellow, slothful person |
怠らずに | おこたらずに | carefully |
怠り | おこたり | negligence, carelessness |
怠りなく | おこたりなく | diligently |
怠惰 | たいだ | laziness, idleness |
怠慢 | たいまん | negligence, procrastination, carelessness |
急いで | いそいで | hurriedly |
急きょ | きゅうきょ | hurriedly, in a hurry |
急な坂 | きゅうなさか | sudden drop, precipitous slope |
急伸 | きゅうしん | sudden rise (esp. of stock prices), jump |
急募 | きゅうぼ | urgent recruit |
急坂 | きゅうはん, きゅうさか | steep slope, steep gradient |
急増 | きゅうぞう | explosion, proliferation, surge |
急峻 | きゅうしゅん | steep, sharp |
急性 | きゅうせい | acute (e.g. illness) |
急患 | きゅうかん | emergency case |
急激 | きゅうげき | sudden, precipitous, radical |
急落 | きゅうらく | sudden fall, sharp fall, sudden drop, sharp drop |
急逝 | きゅうせい | sudden death |
急速 | きゅうそく | rapid (e.g. progress) |
急進 | きゅうしん | rapid progress, radical |
急須 | きゅうす | small teapot |
急須の口 | きゅうすのくち | spout of a teapot |
急騰 | きゅうとう | sudden rise, jump, sharp rise |
性癖 | せいへき | disposition, inclination, characteristic, idiosyncrasy |
怨恨 | えんこん | enmity, grudge |
怪 | かい | mystery, wonder |
怪しい | あやしい | suspicious; charming, bewitching |
怪しげ | あやしげ | questionable, doubtful, suspicious |
怪人 | かいじん | mysterious person |
怪傑 | かいけつ | man of extraordinary talent, wonder man |
怪奇 | かいき | bizarre, strange, wonderful, weird, outrageous |
怪文書 | かいぶんしょ | objectionable literature |
怪物 | かいぶつ | monster |
怪獣 | かいじゅう | monster |
怪談 | かいだん | ghost story |
恋する | こいする | to fall in love with, to love |
恋心 | こいごころ, こいこころ | one's love, awakening of love |
恋愛 | れんあい | love, love-making, passion, emotion, affections |
恋文 | こいぶみ | love-letter |
恐らく | おそらく | perhaps, likely, probably, I dare say |
恐れ | おそれ | fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness |
恐れる | おそれる | to fear, to be afraid of |
恐ろしい | おそろしい | terrible, dreadful |
恐喝 | きょうかつ | threat, blackmail |
恐喝罪 | きょうかつざい | (the crime of) extortion |
恐嚇 | きょうかく | intimidation, threat |
恐怖 | きょうふ, くふ | fear, dread, dismay, terror |
恐怖症 | きょうふしょう | morbid fear, phobia |
恐慌 | きょうこう | panic, scare, consternation |
恐竜 | きょうりゅう | dinosaur |
恒久 | こうきゅう | permanent, perpetuity |
恒久化 | こうきゅうか | making permanent |
恒例 | こうれい | established practice, established practise, custom |
恒常 | こうじょう | constancy |
恒心 | こうしん | steadiness, constancy |
恒星 | こうせい | (fixed) star (i.e. not a planet, meteorite, etc.) |
恒河沙 | ごうがしゃ, こうがしゃ | 10^56; innumerable (lit: as countless as the grains of sand in the Ganges river) |
恒温器 | こうおんき | incubator |
恒産 | こうさん | fixed or real property |
恒等式 | こうとうしき | identity |
恥 | はじ | shame, embarrassment |
恥さらし | はじさらし | disgrace |
恥じらい | はじらい | shyness |
恥じらう | はじらう | to feel shy, to be bashful, to blush |
恥じる | はじる | to feel ashamed |
恥ずかしい | はずかしい | shy, ashamed, embarrassed |
恥ずかしがる | はずかしがる | to be shy of, to be bashful, to be abashed, to blush |
恥らい | はじらい | shyness |
恥らう | はじらう | to feel shy, to be bashful, to blush |
恥辱 | ちじょく | disgrace, shame, insult |
恨み | うらみ | resentment; matter for regret, regret |
恨みっこなし | うらみっこなし | with no hard feelings |
恨みっこのないように | うらみっこのないように | making it even, for fair play |
恨みつらみ | うらみつらみ | pent-up resentment, grudges and hard feelings |
恨む | うらむ | to resent; to regret |
恨むらくは | うらむらくは | I regret that, I feel terrible but, I'm sorry but |
恨めしい | うらめしい | reproachful, hateful, bitter |
恩人 | おんじん | benefactor, patron |
恩典 | おんてん | favour, favor, act of grace, special privilege |
恩師 | おんし | one's honoured teacher, one's honored teacher |
恩沢 | おんたく, おんだく | favour, favor, benefit |
恩給 | おんきゅう | pension |
恩義 | おんぎ | obligation, favour, favor, debt of gratitude |
恩誼 | おんぎ | obligation, favour, favor, debt of gratitude |
恩賜 | おんし | Imperial gift |
恩赦 | おんしゃ | amnesty, pardon |
恩返し | おんがえし | requital of a favour (favor), repayment (of an obligation, kindness, etc.) |
恩顧 | おんこ | favour, favor, patronage |
恫喝 | どうかつ | intimidation, threat, bluster |
恭しい | うやうやしい | respectful, reverent |
恭しく | うやうやしく | reverentially, respectfully |
恭倹 | きょうけん | respectfulness and modesty, deference |
恭敬 | きょうけい | respect, reverence, veneration |
恭謙 | きょうけん | modesty, humility |
恭賀 | きょうが | respectful congratulations |
恭賀新年 | きょうがしんねん | Happy New Year! |
恭順 | きょうじゅん | allegiance |
息吹 | いぶき | breath |
恵み | めぐみ | blessing, grace |
恵む | めぐむ | to bless, to show mercy to; to give (money, etc.) |
恵比寿 | えびす, ゑびす, えべす, ひるこ | Ebisu (god of fishing and commerce) |
恵比須 | えびす, ゑびす, えべす, ひるこ | Ebisu (god of fishing and commerce) |
悌順 | ていじゅん | obedience |
悔い | くい | regret, repentance |
悔いる | くいる | to regret |
悔しさ | くやしさ | chagrin |
悔し泣き | くやしなき | crying from vexation, tears of regret |
悔し涙 | くやしなみだ | vexation, chagrin |
悔やみ | くやみ | condolence(s) |
悔悟 | かいご | remorse |
悟り | さとり | comprehension, understanding, Buddhist enlightenment, satori |
悟る | さとる | to attain enlightenment, to perceive, to understand, to discern |
悟入 | ごにゅう | entering enlightenment |
悟性 | ごせい | wisdom, understanding |
悟道 | ごどう | (the path of spiritual) enlightenment |
悠久 | ゆうきゅう | eternity, perpetuity, permanence |
悠悠 | ゆうゆう | quiet, calm, leisurely, easy |
悠悠自適の生活 | ゆうゆうじてきのせいかつ | life free from worldly cares |
悠揚 | ゆうよう | self-possessed, calm |
悠然 | ゆうぜん | with an air of composure, calmly |
悠遠 | ゆうえん | faraway, remoteness |
悠長 | ゆうちょう | leisurely; conspicuous, exceeding, deliberate |
患い | わずらい | illness, sickness |
患う | わずらう | to fall ill |
患者 | かんじゃ | (a) patient |
患部 | かんぶ | affected part |
悦 | えつ | self-satisfaction, rejoicing |
悦に入る | えつにいる | to be pleased, to gloat, to glow with self-satisfaction |
悦ばしい | よろこばしい | delightful, joyful, gratifying |
悦んで | よろこんで | with pleasure ... |
悦哉 | えっさい | musket (male Japanese sparrowhawk) |
悦楽 | えつらく | enjoyment, pleasure |
悩ましげ | なやましげ | languishing, yearning, desiring |
悩ます | なやます | to afflict, to torment, to harass, to molest |
悩み | なやみ | trouble(s), worry, distress, sorrows, anguish, agony, problem |
悩みごと | なやみごと | something causing worry |
悩む | なやむ | to be worried, to be troubled |
悪 | あく | evil, wickedness |
悪さ | わるさ | badness, mean mischief |
悪化 | あっか | (suffer) deterioration, growing worse, aggravation, degeneration, corruption |
悪夢 | あくむ | nightmare, bad dream |
悪天候 | あくてんこう | bad weather |
悪太郎 | あくたろう | bad boy |
悪巧み | わるだくみ | wiles, sinister design, trick, conspiracy, intrigue |
悪弊 | あくへい | vice, abuse, evil |
悪循環 | あくじゅんかん | vicious circle |
悪徳 | あくとく | vice, immorality, corruption |
悪法も亦法也 | あくほうもまたほうなり | A law is a law, however undesirable it may be |
悪玉 | あくたま, あくだま | bad character, bad person, villain, baddie |
悪疫 | あくえき | epidemic |
悪癖が直る | あくへきがなおる | to get over a bad habit |
悪臭 | あくしゅう | stink, bad odor, bad odour, stench |
悪茄子 | わるなすび | Carolina horsenettle (Solanum carolinense) |
悪虐 | あくぎゃく | atrocity; treason |
悪虐無道 | あくぎゃくむどう, あくぎゃくぶどう | treacherous, heinous, treasonous, atrocious |
悪質 | あくしつ | bad quality, malignancy, vicious, malignant |
悪趣味 | あくしゅみ | bad taste |
悪阻 | おそ, つわり | morning sickness |
悪餓鬼 | わるがき | brat |
悲しい哉 | かなしいかな | Sad to say, How sad, Alas |
悲しみ | かなしみ | sadness, sorrow, grief |
悲哀 | ひあい | sorrow, grief, sadness |
悲嘆 | ひたん | grief, sorrow, anguish, lamentation |
悲壮 | ひそう | heroic, tragic, grim, pathetic, touching |
悲恋 | ひれん | blighted love, disappointed love |
悲惨 | ひさん | disastrous, tragic, miserable, wretched, pitiful |
悲憤慷慨 | ひふんこうがい | indignant lamentation over the evils of the times |
悲歌慷慨 | ひかこうがい | indignant lamentation over the evils of the times |
悲痛 | ひつう | bitterness, pathos |
悲観 | ひかん | pessimism, disappointment |
悲願 | ひがん | one's dearest wish, Buddha's vow to save humanity |
悲鳴 | ひめい | shriek, scream |
悼む | いたむ | to grieve over, to mourn, to lament |
悼辞 | とうじ | funeral address, message of condolence, words of condolence |
情 | じょう | feelings, emotion, passion |
情け容赦 | なさけようしゃ | mercy |
情勢 | じょうせい | state of things, state of affairs, condition, situation, circumstances |
情報処理 | じょうほうしょり | data processing |
情操 | じょうそう | sentiment |
情景 | じょうけい | spectacle, sight, scene |
情熱 | じょうねつ | passion, enthusiasm, zeal |
情状酌量 | じょうじょうしゃくりょう | taking the extenuating circumstances into consideration |
情緒 | じょうしょ, じょうちょ | emotion, feeling |
情緒障害 | じょうしょしょうがい, じょうちょしょうがい | (suffering) an emotional disturbance |
惇厚 | とんこう | sincerity and kindheartedness, honesty and simplicity |
惇朴 | とんぼく | honest and homely, simple |
惇樸 | とんぼく | honest and homely, simple |
惇睦 | とんぼく | cordial and friendly, affectionate |
惑わす | まどわす | to bewilder, to perplex, to puzzle |
惑星 | わくせい | planet |
惚け茄子 | ぼけなす | faded; slow-witted, abstracted person, halfwit |
惜しくも | おしくも | to one's regret (chagrin), regrettably |
惜しげもなく | おしげもなく | freely, generously, liberally, ungrudgingly |
惜しまない | おしまない | without sparing (effort, funds, etc.) |
惜しみなく | おしみなく | without stint, freely |
惜しみ無く | おしみなく | without stint, freely |
惜しむべき | おしむべき | lamentable, regrettable |
惜敗 | せきはい | regrettable defeat, defeat by a narrow margin |
惟神 | かんながら, かむながら, かみながら | as a god; as was done in the age of the gods |
惟神の道 | かんながらのみち, かむながらのみち | the way of the gods |
惣嫁 | そうか | (Edo period) streetwalker |
惣社 | そうじゃ | shrine enshrining several gods |
惣管領 | そうかんりょう | (hist.) governor-general |
惣菜 | そうざい | side dish, daily (household) dish |
惣領 | そうりょう | government, administration (fief) |
惨い | むごい | cruel, atrocious, merciless, inhuman, brutal |
惨たらしい | むごたらしい | incredibly brutal, gory, gruesome |
惨め | みじめ | miserable, wretched, unhappy, sad, pitiable |
惨事 | さんじ | disaster, horrible accident |
惨劇 | さんげき | tragedy, tragic event |
惨敗 | さんぱい, ざんぱい | ignominious defeat, crushing failure, utterly beaten, overwhelming defeat |
惨殺 | ざんさつ | slaughter, massacre |
惨状 | さんじょう | disastrous scene, terrible spectacle |
惨禍 | さんか | calamity |
惰力 | だりょく | inertia, momentum; force of habit |
惰弱 | だじゃく | enervated, effete, effeminate |
惰性 | だせい | inertia, habit, momentum |
惰気 | だき | indolence, listlessness |
惰眠 | だみん | indolence, inactivity |
想像妊娠 | そうぞうにんしん | false pregnancy, pseudocyesis |
想定 | そうてい | hypothesis, supposition, assumption |
愁い | うれい | sad, unhappy, gloomy |
愁い顔 | うれいがお | sad face, sorrowful face, anxious look, sad countenance |
愁うべき | うれうべき | deplorable, alarming, grievous, lamentable |
愁え | うれえ | lamentation; grief; anxiety; illness; mourning |
愁える | うれえる | to grieve, to lament, to be anxious, to be distressed |
愁傷 | しゅうしょう | grief, sorrow |
愁訴 | しゅうそ | complaint |
愉しい | たのしい | enjoyable, fun |
愉しげ | たのしげ | happy, cheerful, pleasant |
愉快犯 | ゆかいはん | criminal who takes delight in people's reaction to his crimes |
愉悦 | ゆえつ | joy |
愉楽 | ゆらく | pleasure |
愉色 | ゆしょく | cheerful expression, pleased look |
意に叶う | いにかなう | to satisfy (one), to meet (one's) desire |
意匠 | いしょう | design |
意向 | いこう | intention, idea, inclination |
意味合い | いみあい | implication, nuance |
意図的 | いとてき | intentional, on purpose |
意思表示 | いしひょうじ | declaration of intention |
意欲 | いよく | will, desire, ambition |
意気軒昂 | いきけんこう | in high spirits, elated |
意気軒高 | いきけんこう | in high spirits, elated |
意気込み | いきごみ | ardor, enthusiasm |
意気阻喪 | いきそそう | depressed in spirits, rejection, disheartened, lacking nerve |
意趣 | いしゅ | grudge, malice, spite |
意馬心猿 | いばしんえん | (being unable to control) one's worldly desires and passions |
愚 | ぐ | foolishness, silliness, stupidity, folly; I, me |
愚か | おろか | foolish, stupid |
愚かしい | おろかしい | foolish, stupid |
愚にもつかない | ぐにもつかない | nonsensical, ridiculous, trifling |
愚図愚図 | ぐずぐず | slowly, tardily, hesitatingly, lingering, complaining |
愚弄 | ぐろう | mockery, derision, ridicule |
愚痴 | ぐち | idle complaint, grumble; moha (ignorance, folly) |
愚直 | ぐちょく | simple honesty, tactless frankness |
愚行 | ぐこう | folly, foolish move |
愚連隊 | ぐれんたい | gang of young toughs |
愛しい | いとしい | lovely, dear, beloved, darling |
愛に飢える | あいにうえる | to hunger (starve) for love |
愛の結晶 | あいのけっしょう | fruit of love, children |
愛人 | あいじん | lover, mistress |
愛吟 | あいぎん | favourite poem or song; lover of poetry and song |
愛国 | あいこく | love of (one's) country, patriotism |
愛好 | あいこう | love, adoration |
愛娘 | まなむすめ | one's beloved daughter |
愛媛県 | えひめけん | Ehime prefecture (Shikoku) |
愛慕 | あいぼ | love, attachment, adoration |
愛憎 | あいぞう | love and hate, likes and dislikes |
愛煙家 | あいえんか | heavy smoker, habitual smoker |
愛犬 | あいけん | pet dog |
愛称 | あいしょう | pet name |
愛顧 | あいこ | patronage, favour, favor |
感じる | かんじる | to feel, to sense, to experience |
感冒 | かんぼう | cold |
感動 | かんどう | being deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, deep emotion, impression |
感嘆 | かんたん | admiration, wonder |
感嘆符 | かんたんふ | exclamation point, exclamation mark |
感性 | かんせい | sensitivity, sensitiveness, sense |
感想 | かんそう | impressions, thoughts |
感慨 | かんがい | strong feelings, deep emotion |
感慨無量 | かんがいむりょう | deep emotion, one's mind is filled with thousand emotions |
感染 | かんせん | infection, contagion |
感染症 | かんせんしょう | infectious disease, infection |
感涙 | かんるい | tears of gratitude |
感触 | かんしょく | sense of touch, feeling, sensation, texture (of food while chewing) |
感謝 | かんしゃ | thanks, gratitude |
感銘 | かんめい | deep impression |
慈しみ | いつくしみ | affection, love |
慈しむ | いつくしむ | to love, to be affectionate to, to pity |
慈兄 | じけい | affectionate elder brother |
慈善 | じぜん | charity, philanthropy |
慈悲 | じひ | compassion, benevolence, charity, mercy |
慈愛 | じあい | affection, kindness, love |
慈眼 | じげん | merciful eye |
慈訓 | じくん | kind counsel, mother's advice |
慈雨 | じう | welcome (beneficial) rain |
態 | ざま | mess, sorry state, plight, sad sight; way, manner |
態勢 | たいせい | attitude, conditions, preparations |
慌しい | あわただしい | busy, hurried, confused, flurried |
慌ただしい | あわただしい | busy, hurried, confused, flurried |
慌てて | あわてて | in hot haste, in confusion |
慌てふためく | あわてふためく | to get into a panic, to be flustered, to panic, to get in a flap |
慌てんぼう | あわてんぼう | flustered person, hasty person |
慌て者 | あわてもの | scatterbrain, absent-minded person |
慎ましい | つつましい | modest, reserved, quiet, humble |
慎ましやか | つつましやか | modest, reserved |
慎み | つつしみ | modesty, self-control, discretion |
慎み深い | つつしみぶかい | discreet, modest, cautious |
慕う | したう | to yearn for, to miss, to adore, to love dearly |
慕わしい | したわしい | dear, beloved |
慕情 | ぼじょう | longing, yearning |
慢心 | まんしん | self-conceit, pride |
慢性 | まんせい | chronicity, chronic |
慢性的 | まんせいてき | chronic |
慣らす | ならす | to accustom |
慣れ | なれ | practice, practise, experience |
慣れっこ | なれっこ | familiarity |
慣例 | かんれい | custom, precedent, of convention |
慣習 | かんしゅう | usual (historical) custom |
慣行 | かんこう | customary practice, customary practise, habit, traditional event |
慧敏 | けいびん | clever, of quick intellect |
慧眼 | えげん | the wisdom eye |
慨世 | がいせい | deploring the course of public events |
慨嘆 | がいたん | deploring, lamentation, regret, complaint |
慨歎 | がいたん | deploring, lamentation, regret, complaint |
慨然 | がいぜん | indignant, sorrowful; steadfast, determined |
慮る | おもんぱかる | to consider |
慰み | なぐさみ | amusement, diversion (to pass time), pastime, recreation |
慰む | なぐさむ | to be diverted, to forget one's worries, to comfort |
慰め | なぐさめ | comfort, consolation, diversion |
慰労 | いろう | recognition of services |
慰問 | いもん | condolences, sympathy call |
慰安 | いあん | solace, relaxation |
慰留 | いりゅう | dissuasion from resigning or leaving |
慰謝 | いしゃ | consolation |
慰霊 | いれい | comfort the spirit (of the dead) |
慰霊祭 | いれいさい | memorial service |
慶事 | けいじ | auspicious event |
慶弔 | けいちょう | congratulations and condolences |
慶祝 | けいしゅく | congratulation; celebration |
慶賀 | けいが | congratulation |
慷慨 | こうがい | righteous indignation, patriotic lamentation, deploration |
憂い | うい | unhappy, sad, gloomy |
憂える | うれえる | to grieve, to lament, to be anxious, to be distressed |
憂き目 | うきめ | bitter experience, misery, distress, grief, sad thoughts, hardship |
憂さ | うさ | gloom, melancholy |
憂国 | ゆうこく | patriotism |
憂慮 | ゆうりょ | anxiety, concern, fear |
憂虞 | ゆうぐ | anxiety, fear |
憎さ | にくさ | hatefulness, hatred |
憎しみ | にくしみ | hatred |
憎たらしい | にくたらしい, にくったらしい | odious, hateful; (speaking ironically) darling |
憎悪 | ぞうお | hatred |
憤り | いきどおり | resentment, indignation |
憤る | いきどおる | to be angry, to resent, to be enraged, to be indignant |
憤慨 | ふんがい | indignation, resentment |
憤死 | ふんし | dying in a fit of anger or indignation |
憤激 | ふんげき | fury |
憧れ | あこがれ | yearning, longing, aspiration |
憧れの的 | あこがれのまと | object of adoration, longing |
憧憬 | しょうけい, どうけい | longing, aspiration |
憧憬れる | あこがれる | to long for, to yearn after, to admire, to be attracted by |
憩 | いこい | rest |
憩い | いこい | rest |
憩う | いこう | to rest, to relax, to repose |
憩室 | けいしつ | diverticulum |
憲兵 | けんぺい | military police |
憲政 | けんせい | constitutional government |
憲法裁判所 | けんぽうさいばんしょ | constitutional court |
憲章 | けんしょう | charter |
憶える | おぼえる | to remember; to feel |
憶念 | おくねん | something one always remembers |
憶測 | おくそく | guess, speculation, supposition |
憶病 | おくびょう | cowardice, timidity |
憶説 | おくせつ | hypothesis, speculation, surmise |
憾み | うらみ | resentment; matter for regret, regret |
憾む | うらむ | to resent; to regret |
憾むらくは | うらむらくは | I regret that, I feel terrible but, I'm sorry but |
懇ろ | ねんごろ | kind, courteous, hospitable |
懇ろになる | ねんごろになる | to become intimate, to become acquainted |
懇切 | こんせつ | kindness, cordiality, exhaustiveness |
懇情 | こんじょう | kindliness |
懇意 | こんい | kindness, intimacy, friendship |
懇篤 | こんとく | cordial, kind |
懇親 | こんしん | friendship, intimacy |
懇話 | こんわ | friendly (familiar) chat (talk) |
懇談 | こんだん | informal talk |
懇請 | こんせい | appeal, entreaty, request |
懇願 | こんがん | entreaty, supplication, petition |
懐 | ふところ | bosom, bust; (breast) pocket, purse, handbag |
懐かしい | なつかしい | dear, desired, missed |
懐かしむ | なつかしむ | to yearn for (miss) someone (thing) |
懐中時計 | かいちゅうとけい, かいちゅうどけい | pocket watch |
懐中電灯 | かいちゅうでんとう | electric torch, flashlight |
懐刀 | ふところがたな | confidant, right-hand man, dagger |
懐古 | かいこ | recalling the old days, nostalgia, reminiscences |
懐妊 | かいにん | pregnancy, conception |
懐柔 | かいじゅう | conciliation |
懐疑 | かいぎ | doubt, skepticism, scepticism, disbelief |
懐石料理 | かいせきりょうり | tea-ceremony dishes; traditional Japanese meal brought in courses |
懐胎 | かいたい | conception, becoming pregnant, pregnancy |
懲らしめ | こらしめ | chastisement |
懲らしめる | こらしめる | to chastise, to punish, to discipline |
懲らす | こらす | to chastise, to punish, to discipline |
懲りる | こりる | to learn by experience, to be disgusted with |
懲役 | ちょうえき | penal servitude, imprisonment with hard labor (hard labour) |
懲戒 | ちょうかい | discipline, punishment, reprimand |
懲罰 | ちょうばつ | discipline, punishment, reprimand |
懲罰委員会 | ちょうばついいんかい | disciplinary committee |
懶惰 | らんだ, らいだ | lazy, idle |
懸け離れる | かけはなれる | to be very far apart from, to be remote, to be quite different from |
懸垂 | けんすい | pull-up, chin up, chinning |
懸念 | けねん | worry, fear, anxiety, concern |
懸案 | けんあん | pending question, pending problem |
懸賞 | けんしょう | offering prizes, winning, reward |
懺悔 | さんげ, ざんげ | repentance, confession, penitence |
戌亥 | いぬい | northwest |
成し遂げる | なしとげる | to accomplish, to finish, to fulfill |
成人病 | せいじんびょう | adult diseases |
成否 | せいひ | success or failure, outcome, result |
成就 | じょうじゅ | fulfillment, fulfilment, realization, realisation, completion |
成層圏 | せいそうけん | stratosphere |
成果 | せいか | results, fruits |
成熟 | せいじゅく | maturity, ripeness |
成虫 | せいちゅう | imago, adult (insect) |
成長を阻む | せいちょうをはばむ | to hinder (check) the growth of (plants) |
成長株 | せいちょうかぶ | growth stock, person with future promise |
我 | われ, わ, あれ, あ, わぬ, わろ | I; oneself; you; prefix indicating familiarity or contempt |
我が | わが | my, our, one's own |
我が国 | わがくに | our country, our land, one's own country |
我が家 | わがや, わがいえ | our house, our home |
我が身 | わがみ | myself, oneself |
我ら | われら | we; I; you (referring to a group of one's equals or inferiors) |
我利勉 | がりべん | drudge, grind, someone who studies too much, cram-study (for exam, etc.) |
戒厳令 | かいげんれい | martial law |
戒名 | かいみょう | posthumous Buddhist name |
戒告 | かいこく | admonition |
戒律 | かいりつ | (religious) precept, discipline, commandment, mitzvah |
戒慎 | かいしん | caution, discretion |
戦いを挑む | たたかいをいどむ | to challenge (a person) to a fight |
戦えば乃ち勝つ | たたかえばすなわちかつ | to win every battle (that is fought) |
戦争挑戦国 | せんそうちょうせんくに | warmonger |
戦争犠牲者 | せんそうぎせいしゃ | war victim |
戦争賠償金 | せんそうばいしょうきん | war reparation |
戦列 | せんれつ | line of battle |
戦史 | せんし | military history or annals |
戦場航空阻止 | せんじょうこうくうそし | battlefield air interdiction |
戦後 | せんご | postwar period, period after Second World War |
戦没 | せんぼつ | death in battle, killed in action |
戦没者追悼式 | せんぼつしゃついとうしき | memorial service for the war dead |
戦没者追悼記念日 | せんぼつしゃついとうきねんび | Memorial Day (US) |
戦況 | せんきょう | war situation, progress of a battle |
戦火 | せんか | war |
戦災 | せんさい | war damage |
戦犯 | せんぱん | war criminal |
戦略 | せんりゃく | strategy, tactics |
戦禍 | せんか | war damages, ravages of war |
戦線 | せんせん | (war) front |
戦績 | せんせき | war or military record, score, military achievements, results |
戦艦 | せんかん | battleship |
戦術 | せんじゅつ | tactics |
戦術航空統制班 | せんじゅつこうくうとうせいはん | tactical air control party |
戦車 | せんしゃ | tank (military vehicle) |
戦闘 | せんとう | battle, fight, combat |
戦闘犠牲者 | せんとうぎせいしゃ | casualty |
戯える | そばえる | to play pranks, to be spoiled, to be spoilt |
戯かす | じゃらかす | to call for jokes |
戯け | おどけ | (a) pleasantry, joke, attempt at humor |
戯れ | たわむれ | play, sport, fun, caprice, joke, jest, flirtation |
戯曲 | ぎきょく | play, drama |
戯画 | ぎが | caricature, cartoon, comics |
戸別訪問 | こべつほうもん | door-to-door visit, door-to-door canvassing, door-to-door canvasing |
戸惑い | とまどい | being at sea, losing one's bearings, confusion, wonderment |
戸数 | こすう | number of households (houses) |
戸棚 | とだな | cupboard, locker, closet, wardrobe |
戸籍 | こせき | census, family register |
戸籍抄本 | こせきしょうほん | official copy of part of family register |
戸籍謄本 | こせきとうほん | official copy of the family register |
戻し | もどし | returning, giving back |
戻す | もどす | to restore, to put back, to return, to give back |
戻り | もどり | return; return (from a procedure) |
房 | ふさ | tuft; bunch (of grapes; section (of an orange, etc.) |
所属 | しょぞく | attached to, belong to, member |
所得 | しょとく | income, earnings |
所得税 | しょとくぜい | income tax |
所管 | しょかん | jurisdiction |
所蔵 | しょぞう | (in one's) possession |
所轄 | しょかつ | jurisdiction |
所長 | しょちょう | chief, head |
扇 | おうぎ, おおぎ | folding fan |
扇動 | せんどう | incitement, sedition, agitation, abetting |
扇形 | おうぎがた, せんけい | fan shape |
扇情 | せんじょう | sensational |
扉 | とびら | door, gate, opening; title page |
扉絵 | とびらえ | frontispiece |
手の甲 | てのこう | back of the hand |
手伝い | てつだい | helper, assistant; help |
手口 | てぐち | modus operandi, criminal technique, trick |
手堅い | てがたい | steady, firm, solid, secure |
手始め | てはじめ | outset |
手帳 | てちょう | notebook, memo pad |
手形 | てがた | draft; signed hand-print (sumo) |
手抜き | てぬき | omitting crucial steps, a drop in activity |
手拍子 | てびょうし | beating time, carelessly |
手招き | てまねき | beckoning |
手招く | てまねく | to beckon |
手掌 | しゅしょう | palmar, palm |
手掛かり | てがかり | clue; handhold, on hand |
手探り | てさぐり | fumbling, groping |
手控え | てびかえ | note, memorandum; holding oneself back |
手数料 | てすうりょう | handling charge, commission |
手毬 | てまり | traditional Japanese handball game |
手法 | しゅほう | technique |
手渡す | てわたす | to hand over, to surrender |
手狭 | てぜま | narrow, small, cramped |
手玉 | てだま | beanbags, jackstones |
手続き | てつづき | procedure, (legal) process, formalities |
手綱 | たづな | bridle, reins |
手綺麗 | てぎれい | neatly or cleverly made |
手腕 | しゅわん | ability |
手薄 | てうす | short of hands, insufficient |
手術 | しゅじゅつ | surgical operation |
手触り | てざわり | feel, touch |
手詰まり | てづまり | stalemate |
手軽 | てがる | easy, simple, informal, offhand, cheap |
手遅れ | ておくれ | being (too) late; belated treatment |
手錠 | てじょう | handcuffs, manacles |
手鞠 | てまり | traditional Japanese handball game |
手順 | てじゅん | process, procedure, sequence, protocol, instruction |
手風琴 | てふうきん | accordion, harmonica |
手駒 | てごま | (game pieces, soldiers, etc.) under one's control |
才 | さい | -years-old; ability, gift, talent, aptitude, genius |
才媛 | さいえん | literary woman, talented woman |
才気 | さいき | wisdom |
才藻 | さいそう | poetic talent |
才覚 | さいかく | ready wit, raising (money), plan, device |
打ち上げ | うちあげ | launch |
打倒 | だとう | knockdown (e.g. in boxing), overthrow, defeat |
打席 | だせき | batter's box (baseball), one's turn at bat |
打撃 | だげき | blow, shock, strike, damage; batting (baseball) |
打撲 | だぼく | blow, hit (on the body), beating |
打撲傷 | だぼくしょう | bruise, contusion |
打率 | だりつ | batting average |
打破 | だは | break-down, defeat, abolish |
打線 | だせん | baseball lineup |
打者 | だしゃ | batter (baseball) |
打診 | だしん | percussion, tapping (medical), sounding someone out, probe |
打開 | だかい | break in the deadlock |
払い戻し | はらいもどし | repayment, refund, payback |
払う | はらう | to pay; to brush, to wipe |
払暁 | ふつぎょう | dawn, daybreak |
托鉢 | たくはつ | monk's "begging" |
扱い | あつかい | treatment, service |
扱いにくい | あつかいにくい | hard to handle |
扱い方 | あつかいかた | way with (an animal), how to handle |
扱う | あつかう | to handle, to deal with, to treat |
扱く | こく | to thresh, to strip |
扶く | たすく | to help, to save, to rescue |
扶助 | ふじょ | aid, help, assistance, support |
扶持 | ふち | ration, stipend, allowance |
扶桑 | ふそう | land east of China, Japan |
扶養 | ふよう | support, maintenance |
扶養料 | ふようりょう | alimony |
扶養義務 | ふようぎむ | duty to support (a person) |
批准 | ひじゅん | ratification, ratify |
批判的 | ひはんてき | critical |
批点 | ひてん | correction marks |
批評家 | ひひょうか | critic |
批難 | ひなん | blame, attack, criticism |
承允 | しょういん | consent, acceptance, agreement |
承服 | しょうふく | compliance, consent, submission |
承知之助 | しょうちのすけ | OK, Sure, Yessir!, Okeydokey!, Understood |
承継 | しょうけい | succession, accession, inheritance |
承諾 | しょうだく | consent, acquiescence, agreement |
技 | わざ, ぎ | technique, art |
技巧 | ぎこう | technique, finesse |
技師 | ぎし | engineer, technician |
技能 | ぎのう | technical skill, ability, capacity |
技術提携 | ぎじゅつていけい | technical cooperation |
技術的 | ぎじゅつてき | technical, practical |
技術者 | ぎじゅつしゃ | engineer, technical expert, technician, crafts-person |
抄 | しょう | excerpt; annotation; shou (unit of volume, approx. 1.8 ml) |
抄出 | しょうしゅつ | taking excerpts, extraction |
抄本 | しょうほん | excerpt, abridgment, book of selections |
抄訳 | しょうやく | abridged translation |
抄録 | しょうろく | quotation, abstract, selection, summary |
把 | わ | counter for bundles |
把っ手 | とって, はしゅ | handle, grip, knob |
把手 | とって, はしゅ | handle, grip, knob |
把持 | はじ | grasp, hold, grip |
把捉 | はそく | grasping (a meaning) |
把握 | はあく | grasp, catch, understanding |
抑 | そもそも | in the first place, to begin with, from the start, originally, ab initio |
抑うつ | よくうつ | dejection, depression |
抑え | おさえ | weight (e.g. paperweight), rear guard, control, check, pressure |
抑圧 | よくあつ | check, restraint, oppression, suppression |
抑抑 | そもそも | in the first place, to begin with, from the start, originally, ab initio |
抑止 | よくし | check, checkmate, stave off, control, restraint, inhibit |
抑留 | よくりゅう | internment, detainment, detention |
投げ捨てる | なげすてる | to throw away |
投与 | とうよ | prescribing medicine, administering (medicine) |
投手 | とうしゅ | (baseball) pitcher |
投棄 | とうき | abandonment, giving up, throwing away |
投機 | とうき | speculation, venture, stockjobbing, gambling (on stocks) |
投獄 | とうごく | imprisonment |
投球 | とうきゅう | pitching, throwing a ball, bowling (in cricket), pitched ball |
投票所 | とうひょうしょ, とうひょうじょ | polling place |
投票箱 | とうひょうばこ | ballot box |
投稿 | とうこう | contribution, submission, posting (e.g. to a newsgroup or mailing list) |
投資 | とうし | investment |
投資信託 | とうししんたく | investment trust |
抗争 | こうそう | dispute, resistance |
抗体 | こうたい | antibody |
抗原 | こうげん | antigen |
抗告 | こうこく | kokoku (interlocutory) appeal, protest, complaint |
抗戦 | こうせん | resistance |
抗拒 | こうきょ | resistance, opposition |
抗日 | こうにち | anti-Japanese |
抗生物質 | こうせいぶっしつ | antibiotics |
抗菌 | こうきん | antibacterial, antimicrobial |
抗議 | こうぎ | protest, objection |
折 | おり | chance, suitable time |
折から | おりから, おりがら | just then; appropriate moment |
折りに触れて | おりにふれて | occasionally, on opportunity |
折り合い | おりあい | mutual relations, compromise |
折り畳み机 | おりたたみつくえ | folding desk |
折り紙 | おりがみ | origami (paper folding) |
折り鶴 | おりづる | folded paper crane |
折衝 | せっしょう | negotiation |
折衷 | せっちゅう | compromise, cross, blending, eclecticism |
折衷主義 | せっちゅうしゅぎ | eclecticism |
折衷案 | せっちゅうあん | compromise proposal |
折鶴 | おりづる | folded paper crane |
抜き | ぬき | without; (beating) in succession |
抜け出す | ぬけだす | to slip out; to break (out of a loop) |
抜け穴 | ぬけあな | loophole |
抜本的 | ばっぽんてき | drastic, radical |
抜粋 | ばっすい | extract, excerpt, selection |
択ぶ | えらぶ | to choose, to select |
択り | より | selecting, choosing |
択る | よる, える, すぐる | to choose, to select |
択一 | たくいつ | choosing an alternative |
披歴 | ひれき | express one's opinion, making known, revealing, stating |
披瀝 | ひれき | express one's opinion, making known, revealing, stating |
披見 | ひけん | read, peruse |
披露 | ひろう | announcement, show, display, introduction |
披露宴 | ひろうえん | reception (wedding) |
披露目 | ひろめ | making something widely known, introduction, debut, announcement, unveiling |
抱え | かかえ | armful; employee |
抱え込む | かかえこむ | to hold (carry) a thing in one's arm, to embrace (a baby), to take upon oneself |
抱き上げる | だきあげる | to hold up in one's arms |
抱き合う | だきあう | to embrace each other |
抱擁 | ほうよう | embrace, hug, holding in one's arms |
抱負 | ほうふ | aspiration, ambition, pretension |
抵当 | ていとう | mortgage, security, hypothec, pledge |
抵当権 | ていとうけん | mortgage, a lien on one's mortgage |
抹殺 | まっさつ | erasure, denial, obliteration, ignoring (an opinion) |
抹消 | まっしょう | erasure, delete (e.g. DEL character) |
抹茶 | まっちゃ | powdered green tea for ceremonies |
抹香 | まっこう | incense, incense powder |
抹香臭い | まっこうくさい | smelling of incense, overly pious |
抹香鯨 | まっこうくじら, マッコウクジラ | sperm whale |
押し | おし | push, pressure, authority, audacity |
押しつぶす | おしつぶす | to squash, to crush, to flatten |
押し入り | おしいり | breaking into, burglar |
押し入る | おしいる | to push in |
押収 | おうしゅう | seizure, confiscation |
押捺 | おうなつ | sealing (document) |
押韻 | おういん | rhyming |
抽せん | ちゅうせん | lottery, raffle, drawing (of lots) |
抽出 | ちゅうしゅつ | extraction; selection (from a group), sampling, eduction |
抽籤 | ちゅうせん | lottery, raffle, drawing (of lots) |
抽籤券 | ちゅうせんけん | lottery ticket |
抽象化 | ちゅうしょうか | abstraction |
抽象的 | ちゅうしょうてき | abstract |
抽象美術 | ちゅうしょうびじゅつ | abstract art |
抽象論 | ちゅうしょうろん | an abstract argument |
抽選 | ちゅうせん | lottery, raffle, drawing (of lots) |
担い手 | にないて | a bearer, carrier, person in charge |
担ぎ | かつぎ | carrier |
担任 | たんにん | in charge (of something); homeroom teacher |
担保 | たんぽ | security, collateral (e.g. mortgage) |
担架 | たんか | stretcher, litter |
拍子 | ひょうし | (musical) time; the moment, the instance, chance |
拍子抜け | ひょうしぬけ | anticlimax, let-down, disappointment, loss of interest |
拍手喝采 | はくしゅかっさい | clapping and cheering, applause |
拍車 | はくしゃ | (riding) spur |
拐う | さらう | to carry off, to run away with, to kidnap, to abduct |
拐かす | かどわかす | to kidnap |
拐取 | かいしゅ | abducting (legal term) |
拐帯 | かいたい | absconding with money |
拐引 | かいいん | carrying off by deception, kidnap |
拒ぐ | ふせぐ | to defend (against), to protect, to prevent |
拒む | こばむ | to refuse, to reject, to decline |
拒否 | きょひ | denial, veto, rejection, refusal |
拒否権 | きょひけん | right of veto |
拒絶 | きょぜつ | refusal, rejection |
拒絶反応 | きょぜつはんのう | (organ) rejection; unthinking dismissal, strong reaction (against) |
拒食 | きょしょく | refusing food |
拒食症 | きょしょくしょう | anorexia |
拓く | ひらく | to open (e.g. path), to clear (the way), to break up (e.g. land) |
拓本 | たくほん | rubbed copy, folio of rubbings |
拓殖 | たくしょく | colonization, colonisation, exploitation |
拓銀 | たくぎん | Takushoku Bank |
拘らず | かかわらず | in spite of, regardless of |
拘る | こだわる | to fuss over; to be obsessive, to be fixated |
拘わらず | かかわらず | in spite of, regardless of |
拘わる | こだわる | to fuss over; to be obsessive, to be fixated |
拘束 | こうそく | restriction, restraint, binding |
拘束時間 | こうそくじかん | total hours spent working |
拘留 | こうりゅう | detention, hold a person in custody |
拘禁 | こうきん | intern |
拘置 | こうち | detention, confinement, arrest |
拘置所 | こうちしょ | prison, detention house |
拙 | せつ | poor, weak; I, me |
拙劣 | せつれつ | clumsy, unskillful |
拙守 | せっしゅ | poor defense, poor defence |
拙悪 | せつあく | poor (tasting), low quality, bad situation |
拙策 | せっさく | poor policy or plan |
拙者 | せっしゃ | I (primarily used by samurai), me |
拙速 | せっそく | hasty, rough and ready |
招き | まねき | invitation |
招へい | しょうへい | invitation, call; to invite |
招聘 | しょうへい | invitation, call; to invite |
招致 | しょうち | invitation |
招請 | しょうせい | calling together, invitation |
招集 | しょうしゅう | calling or convening (a meeting, assembly, congress) |
拝 | はい | worship |
拝啓 | はいけい | Dear (so and so) |
拝殿 | はいでん | front shrine, hall of worship |
拝観 | はいかん | see, inspect, visit |
拝謁 | はいえつ | having an audience with someone of very high social standing (e.g. the emperor) |
拝金 | はいきん | money-worship, mammon-worship |
拠出 | きょしゅつ | donation, contribution |
拠点 | きょてん | position, location, base, point |
拡がり | ひろがり | expanse, extent, spread, stretch |
拡充 | かくじゅう | expansion |
拡声機 | かくせいき | megaphone, bullhorn, loudhailer |
拡大 | かくだい | magnification, enlargement, expansion |
拡大均衡 | かくだいきんこう | an expanded or expanding equilibrium |
拡張 | かくちょう | expansion, extension, enlargement, escape, ESC |
拡散 | かくさん | scattering, diffusion, spread (e.g. signal across the spectrum) |
括りつける | くくりつける | to fasten (a person) to |
括る | くくる | to tie up, to tie together, to bundle, to fasten, to hang (oneself) |
括れ | くびれ | constriction, narrow part, wrinkle |
括れる | くびれる | to be constricted |
括弧 | かっこ | parenthesis, brackets |
拳 | けん | hand game (e.g. rock, paper, scissors) |
拳法 | けんぽう | Chinese art of self-defence (defense) |
拳玉 | けんだま | Japanese bilboquet (cup-and-ball game) |
拳銃 | けんじゅう | pistol, handgun, revolver |
拳骨 | げんこつ | fist |
拷問 | ごうもん | torture, the rack, third degree |
拷問具 | ごうもんぐ | instrument(s) of torture |
拷問台 | ごうもんだい | the rack |
拷器 | ごうき | instruments of torture |
拾 | じゅう | ten (used in legal documents) |
拾いもの | ひろいもの | a find; windfall, bargain |
拾い上げる | ひろいあげる | to pick up, to pick out |
拾い物 | ひろいもの | a find; windfall, bargain |
拾得 | しゅうとく | picking up, finding |
持ち | もち | hold; wear; usage |
持ち味 | もちあじ | inherent flavor, inherent flavour, distinctive characteristic |
持ち株 | もちかぶ | stock holdings, one's shares |
持ち腐れ | もちぐされ | unused possession |
持ち越す | もちこす | to carry over, to carry forward, to keep (for later), to defer |
持ち込む | もちこむ | to lodge, to take something into ..., to bring in |
持久 | じきゅう | endurance, persistence |
持碁 | じご | Go game resulting in tie or draw |
持続 | じぞく | continuation |
指令 | しれい | orders, instructions, directive, command |
指名 | しめい | name, nominate, designate |
指定 | してい | designation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing at |
指揮 | しき | command, direction |
指揮棒 | しきぼう | conductor's stick, conductor's baton |
指揮者 | しきしゃ | (musical) conductor |
指摘 | してき | pointing out, identification |
指標 | しひょう | index, indices, indicator |
指矩 | さしがね | carpenter's square; instigation, suggestion |
指示 | しじ | indication, instruction, designation, directions |
指紋 | しもん | fingerprint |
指紋押捺 | しもんおうなつ | fingerprinting |
指針 | ししん | compass needle (cursor), guideline, pointer |
挑戦 | ちょうせん | challenge, defiance |
挑戦いかに | ちょうせんいかに | How dare you! |
挑戦状 | ちょうせんじょう | written challenge |
挑戦者 | ちょうせんしゃ | challenger |
挑撥 | ちょうはつ | provocation, stirring up, arousal |
挑発 | ちょうはつ | provocation, stirring up, arousal |
挑発的 | ちょうはつてき | provocative, suggestive, lascivious |
挙措 | きょそ | behavior, behaviour, manner |
挟み上げる | はさみあげる | to pick up (with chopsticks), to take |
挟み打ち | はさみうち | pincer attack, attack on both sides (flanks) |
挟み撃ち | はさみうち | pincer attack, attack on both sides (flanks) |
挟み込む | はさみこむ | to insert |
挟撃 | きょうげき | pincer movement, pincer attack |
挟殺 | きょうさつ | (baseball) rundown |
挫折 | ざせつ | frustration, setback, discouragement |
振り絞る | ふりしぼる | to muster (one's strength); to strain (e.g. one's voice) |
振り込み | ふりこみ | payment made via bank deposit transfer |
振り返る | ふりかえる | to turn head, to look over one's shoulder, to turn around, to look back |
振動 | しんどう | oscillation, vibration |
振幅 | しんぷく | amplitude (of vibration), swing of pendulum |
振替 | ふりかえ | transfer (money), change |
振興 | しんこう | promotion, encouragement |
振鈴 | しんれい | hand bell, ringing of a bell |
挿し木 | さしき | cutting, planting |
挿れる | いれる | to insert (usu. as part of sexual intercourse) |
挿入 | そうにゅう | insertion, incorporation, infixing |
挿入モード | そうにゅうモード | insert mode |
挿入図 | そうにゅうず | inserted figure |
挿絵 | さしえ | (book) illustration |
挿話 | そうわ | episode |
捕まえる | つかまえる | to catch, to arrest, to seize |
捕らえる | とらえる | to seize; to grasp, to perceive, to treat (as) |
捕る | とる | to take, to catch (fish), to capture |
捕手 | ほしゅ | catcher (baseball) |
捕獲 | ほかく | capture, seizure |
捕虜 | ほりょ | prisoner (of war) |
捕虜交換 | ほりょこうかん | prisoner exchange |
捕虜収容所 | ほりょしゅうようじょ | prison camp, concentration camp, prisoner of war camp, POW camp |
捕逸 | ほいつ | (baseball) passed ball, catcher missing a ball |
捕鯨 | ほげい | whaling, whale fishing |
捕鯨船 | ほげいせん | whaling ship |
捜し回る | さがしまわる | to hunt around, to search about for |
捜査 | そうさ | search (esp. in criminal investigations), investigation, inquiry, enquiry |
捜索 | そうさく | search (esp. for someone or something missing), investigation |
捜索隊 | そうさくたい | search party |
捨て石 | すていし | (in the game of go) a sacrificed stone, ornamental garden stone |
捨て身 | すてみ | at the risk of one's life |
据えつける | すえつける | to install, to equip, to mount |
据え付け | すえつけ | installation, setting, fitting, mounting |
据え付ける | すえつける | to install, to equip, to mount |
据え置き | すえおき | deferment (e.g. of savings), leaving (a thing) as it stands |
据え置く | すえおく | to leave as it is, to defer |
据る | すわる | to sit; to assume (a position); to hold steady, to hold still |
据わる | すわる | to sit; to assume (a position); to hold steady, to hold still |
捷い | はしっこい, はしこい | smart, clever; agile, nimble, quick |
捷報 | しょうほう | news of a victory |
捷径 | しょうけい | shortcut, expedient |
捺印 | なついん | seal |
捺染 | なっせん | |
掃き溜めに鶴 | はきだめにつる | a jewel in a dunghill |
掃射 | そうしゃ | sweeping with fire, mowing down, strafing |
掃海 | そうかい | sweeping the sea for mines, dragging for mines |
掃討 | そうとう | cleaning up, sweeping up, mopping up |
授与 | じゅよ | award, conferment |
授乳 | じゅにゅう | suckling (a baby), nursing |
授受 | じゅじゅ | give and receive |
授業 | じゅぎょう | lesson, class work |
授業料 | じゅぎょうりょう | tuition fee, course fee |
授爵 | じゅしゃく | elevation to peerage |
授精 | じゅせい | fertilization, fertilisation, impregnation, pollination |
授賞 | じゅしょう | awarding a prize |
授賞式 | じゅしょうしき | award ceremony |
掌 | てのひら, たなごころ | the palm (of one's hand) |
掌る | つかさどる | to rule, to govern, to administer |
掌中 | しょうちゅう | in the hand, (something) easily manipulated |
掌中の玉 | しょうちゅうのたま | apple of one's eye |
掌握 | しょうあく | grasping, seizing, holding |
掌紋 | しょうもん | palm print |
排他 | はいた | exclusion |
排便 | はいべん | defecation |
排出 | はいしゅつ | evacuation, emission (e.g. of CO2, etc.), ejection |
排卵誘発剤 | はいらんゆうはつざい | ovulation-inducing drug |
排外 | はいがい | anti-foreign |
排尿 | はいにょう | urination, micturition |
排斥 | はいせき | rejection, expulsion, boycott, ostracism |
排斥運動 | はいせきうんどう | agitation for expulsion |
排気 | はいき | exhaust, ventilation |
排水 | はいすい | drainage |
排水溝 | はいすいこう | drainage |
排煙 | はいえん | smoke (dispersal) |
排除 | はいじょ | exclusion, removal, rejection, elimination, abatement, lifting (sanctions, etc.) |
掘り出し物 | ほりだしもの | (lucky) find, bargain, good buy, treasure trove |
掘り起こす | ほりおこす | to reclaim, to dig up |
掘削 | くっさく | digging out, excavation |
掛け | かけ | credit; partially, half |
掛け捨て | かけすて, かけずて | failing to honor (honour) an installment payment (instalment) |
掛け軸 | かけじく | hanging scroll |
採取 | さいしゅ | picking, collecting, harvesting |
採択 | さいたく | adoption, selection, choice |
採掘 | さいくつ | mining |
採決 | さいけつ | vote, roll call |
採用 | さいよう | use; appointment, employment, engagement |
採算 | さいさん | profit |
採集 | さいしゅう | collecting, gathering |
探偵 | たんてい | detective, sleuth, investigator |
探偵小説 | たんていしょうせつ | detective story |
探査 | たんさ | probe, inquiry, enquiry, investigation |
探検 | たんけん | exploration, expedition |
探求 | たんきゅう | quest, pursuit |
探知 | たんち | detection |
探知機 | たんちき | detector |
探究 | たんきゅう | search, research, enquiry, inquiry |
探索 | たんさく | search, lookup, hunt, (item of) research, exploration, investigation |
接待 | せったい | reception; business entertainment |
接戦 | せっせん | close combat, close contest |
接触 | せっしょく | touch, contact |
控室 | ひかえしつ | waiting room |
控訴 | こうそ | koso appeal (initial appeal to a higher court) |
控除 | こうじょ | subtraction, deduction (e.g. tax), subsidy |
推す | おす | to infer, to conclude, to support |
推奨 | すいしょう | recommendation, endorsement |
推測 | すいそく | guess, conjecture |
推理 | すいり | reasoning, inference, mystery or detective genre (movie, novel, etc.) |
推理小説 | すいりしょうせつ | mystery or detective novel |
推移 | すいい | transition, change |
推計 | すいけい | estimate, estimation |
措いて | おいて | except, no other |
措く | おく | to give up, to except |
措定 | そてい | assumption, supposition |
措置 | そち | measure, step |
措辞 | そじ | wording, phraseology, diction |
掲揚 | けいよう | hoist (flag), fly, display |
掲示板 | けいじばん | bulletin board, display board, notice board, electronic bulletin board, BBS |
掲示板システム | けいじばんシステム | bulletin board system, BBS |
描き出す | えがきだす | to delineate, to draw, to express, to imagine |
描く | えがく, かく | to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe |
描写 | びょうしゃ | depiction, description, portrayal |
提供 | ていきょう | offer, tender, program sponsoring, programme sponsoring, furnishing |
提供者 | ていきょうしゃ | donor, contributer, provider |
提唱 | ていしょう | advocacy, proposal |
提携 | ていけい | cooperation, tie-up, joint business, link-up |
提灯 | ちょうちん | paper lantern |
提督 | ていとく | admiral, commodore |
提示 | ていじ | presentation, exhibit, suggest, citation |
提言 | ていげん | proposal, motion |
提訴 | ていそ | presenting a case, suing |
提起 | ていき | bring suit, file a claim, raise a question |
揚げ | あげ | fried bean curd |
揚げ句 | あげく | in the end, finally, after all, at last |
揚げ物 | あげもの | deep-fried food |
換気扇 | かんきせん | ventilation fan |
換算 | かんさん, かんざん | conversion (e.g. yen to dollars), change, exchange |
換金 | かんきん | realize, realise, turn into money |
握らす | にぎらす | to let (someone) take hold of your hand |
握り | にぎり | grip, handle |
握りずし | にぎりずし | hand-rolled sushi, sushi ball |
握り飯 | にぎりめし | rice ball |
握力 | あくりょく | grip (of hand) |
揮毫 | きごう | writing, drawing, painting |
揮発 | きはつ | volatilization, volatilisation |
揮発性 | きはつせい | volatile |
揮発油 | きはつゆ | gasoline, petrol, petroleum, benzine, volatile oil |
援助 | えんじょ | assistance, aid, support |
援護 | えんご | covering, protection, backing, relief |
援軍 | えんぐん | reinforcement |
揺 | ゆり | vibration, flickering, jolting, tremor |
揺さぶり | ゆさぶり | shaking, shaking up (one's adversary) |
揺さぶる | ゆさぶる | to shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing |
揺すぶる | ゆすぶる | to shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing |
揺らぐ | ゆらぐ | to swing, to sway, to shake, to tremble |
揺らす | ゆらす | to rock, to shake, to swing |
揺る | ゆる | to shake, to jolt, to rock (cradle), to swing |
揺るがす | ゆるがす | to shake, to swing, to sway, to shock |
揺るぐ | ゆるぐ | to shake, to waver, to tremble |
損なう | そこなう | to harm, to hurt, to injure, to damage, to fail in doing |
損傷 | そんしょう | damage, injury |
損壊 | そんかい | damage, destruction |
損失 | そんしつ | loss (e.g. assets or profits) |
損害保険 | そんがいほけん | damage insurance |
損害賠償 | そんがいばいしょう | restitution, compensation for damages |
損益 | そんえき | profit and loss, advantage and disadvantage |
損耗 | そんもう | loss |
損耗人員 | そんもうじんいん | casualty |
搬入 | はんにゅう | take in, bring in |
搬出 | はんしゅつ | carry out |
搬送 | はんそう | transportation, conveyance, delivery |
搬送波 | はんそうは | carrier wave |
搭乗 | とうじょう | embarkation, boarding (an aeroplane, airplane) |
搭乗券 | とうじょうけん | boarding passes, boarding tickets |
搭乗員 | とうじょういん | crew member |
搭乗手続き | とうじょうてつづき | boarding, check-in |
搭乗手続きカウンター | とうじょうてつづきカウンター | check-in counter |
搭乗案内 | とうじょうあんない | boarding announcement |
搭乗橋 | とうじょうきょう | gangway, boarding bridge |
搭乗者 | とうじょうしゃ | passenger |
搭載 | とうさい | loading (on board); equipped (with), built-in |
携える | たずさえる | to carry in one's hand |
携わる | たずさわる | to engage in, to participate, to take part |
携帯 | けいたい, ケイタイ, ケータイ | something carried (in the hand); mobile telephone, cell phone |
携帯電話 | けいたいでんわ | mobile telephone, cellular telephone |
携行 | けいこう | carrying |
搾めかす | しめかす | oil cake, scrap cake |
搾り | しぼり | squeezing |
搾り取る | しぼりとる | to exploit |
搾る | しぼる | to press, to wring, to squeeze, to narrow (down), to whittle (down), to tighten |
搾乳 | さくにゅう | milking (a cow) |
搾取 | さくしゅ | exploitation, squeezing, sweating |
摂る | とる | to have (lunch, etc.), to take (vitamins, etc.) |
摂取 | せっしゅ | intake, absorption, adoption; assimilation |
摂待 | せったい | reception; business entertainment |
摂政 | せっしょう | regent, regency |
摂氏 | せっし | Centigrade, Celsius |
摂氏20度 | せっしにじゅうど | 20 degrees Celsius |
摂理 | せつり | (divine) Providence |
摂食 | せっしょく | feeding, feed |
摘まむ | つまむ | to pinch, to hold, to pick up |
摘み洗い | つまみあらい | washing only the soiled part (of a garment) |
摘む | つまむ | to pinch, to hold, to pick up |
摘出 | てきしゅつ | picking out, exposing, taking out, -ectomy (suf) (surgical removal) |
摘発 | てきはつ | exposing, unmasking, laying bare |
摩れる | すれる | to rub, to chafe, to wear, to become sophisticated |
摩天楼 | まてんろう | skyscraper |
摩耗 | まもう | wear, abrasion |
摸倣 | もほう | imitation, copying |
撃つ | うつ | to shoot (at); to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge |
撃墜 | げきつい | shooting down (aircraft) |
撚糸 | ねんし | twisted thread or yarn, twining of thread or yarn |
撞着矛盾 | どうちゃくむじゅん | self-contradiction |
撤兵 | てっぺい | withdrawal of troops |
撤去 | てっきょ | withdrawal; demolition, removal |
撤収 | てっしゅう | withdrawal |
撤回 | てっかい | withdrawal, revocation, repeal |
撤廃 | てっぱい | annulment, abolition, repeal, rescission |
撤退 | てったい | evacuation, withdrawal, revocation, repeal, retreat |
撤頭徹尾 | てっとうてつび | thoroughly, through and through |
播但線 | ばんたんせん | Bantan Line (railway in Hyogo Prefecture) |
撮む | つまむ | to pinch, to hold, to pick up |
撮れる | とれる | to be photographed; to be able to photograph |
撲る | なぐる | to strike, to hit |
撲滅 | ぼくめつ | extermination |
擁する | ようする | to have, to possess |
擁壁 | ようへき | retaining wall (civil engineering) |
擁立 | ようりつ | back, support |
擁護論 | ようごろん | championship, defense (e.g. of a position in debate), apologetics |
操 | みさお | chastity, fidelity, honour, honor, faith |
操り | あやつり | manipulation, puppet |
操り人形 | あやつりにんぎょう | puppet, marionette |
操り浄瑠璃 | あやつりじょうるり | old name for the bunraku |
操る | あやつる | to manipulate, to operate, to pull strings |
操業 | そうぎょう | operation |
操浄瑠璃 | あやつりじょうるり | old name for the bunraku |
操縦 | そうじゅう | flying (a plane); management, handling, control, manipulation |
擦りガラス | すりガラス | ground glass |
擦り傷 | すりきず, かすりきず, こすりきず | scratch, graze, abrasion |
擦れる | すれる | to rub, to chafe, to wear, to become sophisticated |
擬い | まがい | imitation, sham, -like |
擬える | なぞらえる, なずらえる | to pattern after, to liken to, to imitate |
擬き | もどき | pseudo- |
擬薬 | ぎやく | inactive placebo, placebo |
擬音 | ぎおん | imitative sounds (drama, broadcasting) |
擯斥 | ひんせき | rejection, ostracism |
支局 | しきょく | branch office |
支店 | してん | branch store (office) |
支店長 | してんちょう | branch manager, manager of a branch office |
支払い | しはらい | payment |
支払う | しはらう | to pay |
支持 | しじ | support, maintenance |
支援 | しえん | support, backing, aid, assistance |
支柱 | しちゅう | prop, brace, fulcrum |
支署 | ししょ | substation |
支那 | しな | China (now regarded as derogatory) |
支部 | しぶ | branch, subdivision |
支配 | しはい | rule, control, direction |
支障 | ししょう | obstacle, hindrance, impediment, difficulty |
改修 | かいしゅう | repair, improvement |
改姓 | かいせい | changing one's family name |
改定 | かいてい | reform |
改悟 | かいご | repentance |
改憲 | かいけん | constitutional change |
改築 | かいちく | structural alteration of building, reconstruction |
改編 | かいへん | reorganization, reorganisation |
改良 | かいりょう | improvement, reform |
改訂 | かいてい | revision |
改訂版 | かいていばん | revised edition |
改選 | かいせん | re-election |
改鋳 | かいちゅう | reminting, recasting |
改革 | かいかく | reform, reformation, innovation |
攻勢 | こうせい | offensive (movement), aggression |
攻守 | こうしゅ | offense and defense, offence and defence, batting and fielding |
攻略 | こうりゃく | capture; walkthrough or specific advice (e.g. in computer games) |
攻防 | こうぼう | offense and defense, offence and defence |
放し飼い | はなしがい | pasturing, grazing, letting (a dog) run free |
放射 | ほうしゃ | radiation, emission |
放射性 | ほうしゃせい | radioactive |
放射線 | ほうしゃせん | radiation |
放射能 | ほうしゃのう | radioactivity |
放映 | ほうえい | televising |
放棄 | ほうき | abandonment, renunciation, resignation, abdication (responsibility, right) |
放浪 | ほうろう | wandering |
放漫 | ほうまん | whimsy, looseness, indiscretion, laxity |
放火 | ほうか | arson, set fire to |
放牧 | ほうぼく | pasturage, grazing |
放課後 | ほうかご | after school |
放逐 | ほうちく | expulsion, ejection, dismissal, ostracism |
政 | まつりごと | rule, government |
政令 | せいれい | government ordinance, cabinet order |
政務次官 | せいむじかん | parliamentary vice-minister |
政局 | せいきょく | political situation |
政敵 | せいてき | political opponent |
政権 | せいけん | (political) administration, political power |
政治家 | せいじか | politician, statesman |
政治犯 | せいじはん | political offense, political offence, political offender |
政治的 | せいじてき | political |
政界 | せいかい | political world |
政策 | せいさく | political measures, policy |
故に | ゆえに | therefore, consequently |
故事 | こじ | origin, historical fact, tradition |
故人 | こじん | the deceased, old friend |
故人を偲ぶ | こじんをしのぶ | to think of the dead |
故国 | ここく | one's native land |
故意 | こい | intention; mens rea (guilty mind) |
敏い | さとい | smart, sensitive, discerning |
敏感 | びんかん | sensibility, susceptibility, sensitive (to), well attuned to |
敏捷 | びんしょう | nimble, prompt, agile, quick, shrewd, smart |
敏捷い | はしっこい, はしこい | smart, clever; agile, nimble, quick |
敏腕 | びんわん | ability |
敏速 | びんそく | quickness, agility, activity |
救い | すくい | help, aid, relief, salvation |
救出 | きゅうしゅつ | rescue, extricate, reclaim, deliverance |
救助 | きゅうじょ | relief, aid, rescue |
救命 | きゅうめい | lifesaving |
救命艇 | きゅうめいてい | lifeboat |
救国 | きゅうこく | patriot devoted to the salvation of his country |
救急 | きゅうきゅう | first-aid, emergency (aid) |
救援 | きゅうえん | relief, rescue, reinforcement |
救済 | きゅうさい | relief, aid, rescue, salvation, help |
救護班 | きゅうごはん | relief squad, rescue party |
敗北 | はいぼく | defeat; to be defeated |
敗因 | はいいん | cause of defeat |
敗戦 | はいせん | defeat, losing a war |
敗者 | はいしゃ | the defeated, vanquished, loser |
敗訴 | はいそ | loss of a court-case |
教唆 | きょうさ | instigation |
教唆扇動 | きょうさせんどう | instigation and abetment |
教唆煽動 | きょうさせんどう | instigation and abetment |
教唆罪 | きょうさざい | criminal instigation |
教唆者 | きょうさしゃ | instigator |
教壇 | きょうだん | platform |
教徒 | きょうと | believer, adherent |
教材 | きょうざい | teaching materials |
教祖 | きょうそ | founder of a religious sect |
教習 | きょうしゅう | training, instruction |
教育委員会 | きょういくいいんかい | Board of Education |
教訓 | きょうくん | lesson, precept, moral instruction |
教諭 | きょうゆ | teacher |
敢えない | あえない | tragic, tragically |
敢え無く | あえなく | sadly, tragically |
敢然 | かんぜん | boldly |
敢行 | かんこう | decisive action |
敢闘 | かんとう | fighting bravely |
散会 | さんかい | adjournment |
散布 | さんぷ, さっぷ | dissemination, scattering, sprinkling, spraying |
散漫 | さんまん | vague, desultory, distracted, loose, half-hearted, diffuse |
散発 | さんぱつ | sporadic, scattering |
散蒔く | ばらまく | to disseminate, to scatter, to give money freely |
散逸 | さんいつ | being scattered and ultimately lost |
散骨 | さんこつ | scattering of ashes (cremated remains) |
散髪 | さんぱつ | hair-cutting, hair-dressing |
敦厚 | とんこう | sincerity and kindheartedness, honesty and simplicity |
敦朴 | とんぼく | honest and homely, simple |
敦樸 | とんぼく | honest and homely, simple |
敦煌 | とんこう | sincerity and kindheartedness, honesty and simplicity |
敦睦 | とんぼく | cordial and friendly, affectionate |
敬 | けい | reverence, respect |
敬愛 | けいあい | respect and affection |
敬慕 | けいぼ | love and respect |
敬礼 | けいれい | salute |
敬称 | けいしょう | title of honour, title of honor |
敬老 | けいろう | respect for the aged |
敬遠 | けいえん | keeping at a distance, kicking upstairs, giving a batter an "intentional walk" |
数キロに亘る | すうキロにわたる | to extend over several kilometers (kilometres) |
数万 | すうまん | tens of thousands |
数値 | すうち | numerical value; reading (on a meter, etc.) |
数億年 | すうおくねん | several hundred million years |
数匹 | すうひき | several animals |
数多く | かずおおく | in great numbers |
数奇 | すうき, さっき | checkered, varied, misfortune |
数珠 | じゅず, ずず, じゅじゅ | rosary, string of beads |
数百 | すうひゃく | several hundreds |
数秒 | すうびょう | several seconds |
数量 | すうりょう | quantity, volume |
数隻 | すうせき | several (boats) |
数隻の船 | すうせきのふね | several boats |
整う | ととのう | to be prepared, to be in order, to be put in order, to be arranged |
整った | ととのった | well-ordered, in good order, well-featured, well-regulated |
整合 | せいごう | adjustment, coordination, integration, conformity |
整形 | せいけい | orthopedics; smoothing (bursty traffic, etc.) |
整形外科 | せいけいげか | orthopaedic surgery, plastic surgery |
敵国 | てきこく, てっこく | enemy nation |
敵失 | てきしつ | error made by the enemy or opposing team |
敵対 | てきたい | hostility, antagonism, opposition |
敵意 | てきい | hostility, animosity |
敵討ち | かたきうち | vengeance, revenge, retaliation |
敷き布団 | しきぶとん | (Japanese) mattress, underquilt |
敷居 | しきい | threshold |
敷設 | ふせつ | construction, laying (a road) |
敷金 | しききん | (security) deposit, caution money |
文は人也 | ぶんはひとなり | The style is the man |
文化勲章 | ぶんかくんしょう | Order of Culture, Order of Cultural Merit |
文化財 | ぶんかざい | cultural assets, cultural property |
文壇 | ぶんだん | literary world, literary circles |
文字盤 | もじばん | dial (i.e. labelled face of a timepiece or other measuring device) |
文字通り | もじどおり | literal; literally |
文庫 | ぶんこ | library, book collection; paperback book |
文旦 | ぶんたん | shaddock, pomelo |
文書 | ぶんしょ, もんじょ | document, writing, letter, paperwork, note, records, archives |
文武 | ぶんぶ | literary and military arts, the pen and the sword |
文豪 | ぶんごう | literary master |
文質彬彬 | ぶんしつひんぴん | refined, handsome and solid in character |
斉える | ととのえる | to put in order; to get ready; to raise money |
斉しい | ひとしい | equal, similar, like, equivalent |
斉唱 | せいしょう | singing or chanting in unison |
斎 | いみ | mourning; taboo; religious purification; pure, holy |
斎く | いつく | to worship, enshrine |
斎み | いみ | mourning; taboo; religious purification; pure, holy |
斎み垣 | いみがき | shrine fence |
斎み日 | いみび | unlucky day, death anniversary, purification and fast day |
斎む | いむ | to avoid, to refrain from, to shun; to detest |
斎垣 | いがき | fence around a shrine |
斎場 | さいじょう | funeral hall |
斎戒 | さいかい | purification |
斑鳩 | いかる, いかるが, はんきゅう, イカル | Japanese grosbeak (Eophona personata) |
斗酒 | としゅ | kegs of sake, lot of sake |
料亭 | りょうてい | (traditional Japanese) restaurant |
料理屋 | りょうりや | restaurant |
斜 | はす | diagonal |
斜め | ななめ | obliqueness |
斜めに | ななめに | diagonally, obliquely, slantingly, slantwise |
斜角 | しゃかく | bevel |
斜陽 | しゃよう | setting sun, declining |
斜面 | しゃめん | slope, slanting surface, bevel |
斡旋料 | あっせんりょう | agent's charge |
斤 | きん | unit of weight ~600g; pound (unit of mass: 453.6g); loaf (of bread) |
斤目 | きんめ | weight |
斤量 | きんりょう | weight |
斥ける | しりぞける | to repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject |
斥候 | せっこう | scout, patrol, spy |
斥候兵 | せっこうへい | reconnoitering party, scout (army) |
斥候隊 | せっこうたい | reconnoitering party, scout (army) |
斥力 | せきりょく | repulsion, repulsive force |
斧斤 | ふきん | axe |
断 | だん | failure |
断じて行えば鬼神も之を避く | だんじておこなえばきしんもこれをさく | Where there's a will, there's a way |
断らず | ことわらず | without permission |
断層 | だんそう | dislocation |
断念 | だんねん | abandoning (hope, plans), giving up |
断片 | だんぺん | fragment, crumb, shred, bits and pieces |
断腸 | だんちょう | heartbreak |
断言 | だんげん | assertion, declaration, affirmation |
断郊競争 | だんこうきょうそう | cross-country race |
断郊競走 | だんこうきょうそう | cross-country race |
新た | あらた | new, fresh, novel; newly, freshly, re- |
新人 | しんじん | new face; modern humans (from Cro-Magnon man onwards) |
新党 | しんとう | new (political) party |
新刊 | しんかん | new book, new publication |
新刊紹介 | しんかんしょうかい | book review |
新卒 | しんそつ | new (recent) graduate |
新嘉坡 | しんがぽーる, シンガポール | Singapore |
新型 | しんがた | new style, new model |
新妻 | にいづま | new wife |
新婚 | しんこん | newly-wed |
新日本製鐵 | しんにっぽんせいてつ, しんにほんせいてつ | Nippon Steel Corporation |
新旧 | しんきゅう | new and old, incoming and outgoing |
新春 | しんしゅん | New Year (Spring) |
新株 | しんかぶ | new stocks or shares |
新機軸 | しんきじく | innovation, new departure, milestone, breakthrough |
新潟 | にいがた | Niigata (city) |
新潟県 | にいがたけん | Niigata prefecture (Hokuriku area) |
新生 | しんせい | rebirth, new birth, nascent |
新甫 | しんぽ | new futures on the first trading session of the month |
新田 | しんでん | a new rice field |
新築 | しんちく | new building, new construction |
新緑 | しんりょく | fresh verdure, new green leaves |
新羅 | しらぎ | ancient Korean kingdom |
新聞紙 | しんぶんし | newsprint, newspaper |
新聞記事 | しんぶんきじ | newspaper story (article, account) |
新興 | しんこう | rising, developing, emergent |
新芽 | しんめ | sprout, bud, shoot |
新西蘭 | ニュージーランド, にゅうじいらんど | New Zealand |
新規 | しんき | new, fresh; new customer; new rules or regulations |
新訂版 | しんていばん | new and revised edition |
新譜 | しんぷ | newly-issued (released) record |
新郎 | しんろう | bridegroom |
新鋭 | しんえい | freshly picked, newly produced |
新陳代謝 | しんちんたいしゃ | renewal, replacement, metabolism |
新鮮さ | しんせんさ | freshness |
方丈 | ほうじょう | square jo (approx. 10 sq feet); abbot's chamber; chief priest |
方墳 | ほうふん | flat-topped burial mound |
方策 | ほうさく | plan, policy |
於いて | おいて | at, in, on |
於ける | おける | in, at |
施す | ほどこす | to donate, to give, to conduct, to apply, to perform |
施工 | せこう, しこう | execution (building contract), carrying out |
施政 | しせい | government, administration, statesmanship |
施策 | しさく | policy, measure |
施設 | しせつ | institution; (army) engineer |
施錠 | せじょう | locking |
旅亭 | りょてい | hotel, inn |
旅先 | たびさき | destination, goal |
旅券 | りょけん | passport |
旅団 | りょだん | brigade |
旅客 | りょかく, りょきゃく | passenger (transport) |
旅客機 | りょかくき, りょかっき | passenger plane |
旅費 | りょひ | travel expenses |
旋回 | せんかい | revolution, rotation, turning, swiveling, circling |
旋律 | せんりつ | melody, tune |
旋盤 | せんばん | lathe |
旋風 | せんぷう, つむじかぜ, つじかぜ | whirlwind; commotion, sensation, hullabaloo |
族 | ぞく | tribe; (taxonomical) tribe; group (of the periodic table) |
旗亭 | きてい | restaurant, inn |
旗印 | はたじるし | (design on a) banner, slogan, emblem (on flag), insignia |
旗手 | きしゅ | standard-bearer |
旗揚げ | はたあげ | raising an army, launching business |
旗色 | はたいろ | situation |
旗頭 | はたがしら | leader, boss, upper part of a flag |
既刊 | きかん | already published |
既婚 | きこん | marriage, married |
既存 | きそん | existing |
既定 | きてい | default, established, pre-arranged, fixed, predetermined |
既得権 | きとくけん | vested rights |
既成 | きせい | established, completed, existing |
既成事実 | きせいじじつ | established fact, fait accompli |
既成概念 | きせいがいねん | stereotype, preconceived idea, preconceived notion |
既設 | きせつ | established, existing |
日の丸 | ひのまる | outline of the sun (esp. represented as a red circle); the Japanese flag |
日傘 | ひがさ | sunshade, parasol |
日光浴 | にっこうよく | sunbathing |
日刊 | にっかん | daily issue |
日報 | にっぽう | daily report |
日夜 | にちや | day and night, always |
日常茶飯事 | にちじょうさはんじ | everyday occurrence |
日干し | ひぼし | sun-dried |
日曜版 | にちようばん | Sunday edition of a newspaper |
日本人 | にほんじん, にっぽんじん | Japanese person, Japanese people |
日本刀 | にほんとう | Japanese sword |
日本航空 | にっぽんこうくう | Japan Air Lines, JAL |
日本銀行 | にっぽんぎんこう, にほんぎんこう | Bank of Japan, BOJ, BoJ |
日没 | にちぼつ | sunset |
日洪親善 | にっこうしんぜん | goodwill between Japan and Hungary |
日焼け | ひやけ | sunburn; suntan |
日照 | にっしょう | sunlight |
日米 | にちべい | Japan-America |
日系 | にっけい | (of) Japanese descent |
日航 | にっこう | Japan Airlines |
日誌 | にっし | journal, log |
日附 | ひづけ | date, dating |
日雇い | ひやとい | daily employment, hiring by the day, day laborer, day labourer |
旦つく | だんつく | husband |
旦夕 | たんせき | on the brink of; morning and evening, day and night |
旧制 | きゅうせい | old system, old order |
旧姓 | きゅうせい | one's former (maiden) name |
旧弊 | きゅうへい | old-fashioned, conservatism, standing evil, the old school, antiquated |
旧態 | きゅうたい | old state of affairs |
旧暦 | きゅうれき | Japan's old (lunisolar) calendar |
旧来 | きゅうらい | traditional, from ancient times, formerly |
旧正月 | きゅうしょうがつ | lunisolar New Year, Chinese New Year, Vietnamese Tet |
旧盆 | きゅうぼん | Bon Festival of the lunar calendar |
旧知 | きゅうち | old friend, old friendship |
旧藩 | きゅうはん | former clan |
旧藩主 | きゅうはんしゅ | former feudal lord |
旧誼 | きゅうぎ | old friendship |
旨 | むね | center (centre); purport, gist, drift, meaning |
旨がる | うまがる | to relish, to show a liking for |
旨く | うまく | skillfully, well, deliciously, aptly, cleverly |
旨くいく | うまくいく | to go smoothly, to turn out well, to do the trick, to have peaceful relations |
早 | はや | already, now, by this time |
早々 | そうそう, はやばや | early; quickly; just- (opened, started, etc.) |
早める | はやめる | to hasten, to quicken, to expedite, to precipitate, to accelerate |
早乙女 | さおとめ | young female rice planter, young girl |
早咲き | はやざき | early blooming, early flowering |
早急 | さっきゅう, そうきゅう | urgent |
早慶戦 | そうけいせん | Waseda-Keio (baseball) game |
早晩 | そうばん | sooner or later, eventually |
早暁 | そうぎょう | daybreak, dawn |
早朝 | そうちょう | early morning |
早期 | そうき | early stage |
早瀬 | はやせ | swift current, rapids |
早苗 | さなえ | rice seedlings |
旬 | しゅん | season (e.g. fruit, fish) |
旬報 | じゅんぽう | ten-day report |
旬外れ | じゅんはずれ | off-season |
旭 | あさひ | morning sun |
旭光 | きょっこう | rays of the rising sun |
旭旗 | きょっき | rising sun flag |
旭日 | きょくじつ | rising sun |
旭日大綬章 | きょくじつだいじゅしょう | Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun |
旭日旗 | きょくじつき | Japan's naval ensign, Japanese flag used on military ships |
旭日昇天 | きょくじつしょうてん | full of vigor and vitality |
旭日章 | きょくじつしょう | Orders of the Rising Sun |
旭暉 | きょっき | rays of the rising sun |
旭蟹 | あさひがに | red frog crab |
旺然 | おうぜん | prosperous |
旺盛 | おうせい | full of vim and vigor |
昂じる | こうじる | to grow in intensity, to be aggravated, to get worse, to develop |
昂ずる | こうずる | to grow in intensity, to be aggravated, to get worse, to develop |
昂る | たかぶる | to be highly strung, to get excited, to be proud, to be haughty |
昂奮 | こうふん | excitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal |
昂揚 | こうよう | enhancement, exaltation, promotion, uplift |
昂然 | こうぜん | elated, triumphant, proud |
昂騰 | こうとう | sudden price jump, steep price rise |
昆布 | こんぶ, コンブ, こぶ | kombu (any kelp of genus Laminaria) (konbu), devil's apron |
昆布出し | こんぶだし | soup stock made from konbu |
昆布茶 | こぶちゃ, こんぶちゃ | kelp tea |
昆虫 | こんちゅう | insect, bug |
昆虫学 | こんちゅうがく | entomology, study of insects |
昆虫学者 | こんちゅうがくしゃ | entomologist |
昆虫採集 | こんちゅうさいしゅう | insect collecting |
昇任 | しょうにん | promotion |
昇格 | しょうかく | raising of status |
昇級 | しょうきゅう | promotion, advancement |
昇給 | しょうきゅう | salary raise |
昇華 | しょうか | sublimation |
昇進 | しょうしん | promotion |
昇降 | しょうこう | ascending and descending, going up and down |
昌平 | しょうへい | peace, tranquility, tranquillity |
昌泰 | しょうたい | Shoutai era (898.4.26-901.7.15) |
明け暮れ | あけくれ | morning and evening, all the time |
明亮 | めいりょう | lucid, clear, plain |
明快 | めいかい | clarion, clarity |
明朗 | めいろう | bright, clear, cheerful |
明治 | めいじ | Meiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30) |
明眸 | めいぼう | bright or beautiful eyes |
明眸皓歯 | めいぼうこうし | starry eyes and beautiful white teeth (said of beautiful women) |
明瞭 | めいりょう | clarity |
明瞭度 | めいりょうど | articulation |
明石潟 | あかしがた | akashigata camelia, Camellia japonica var. |
昏睡 | こんすい | lethargy, stupor; coma, dead sleep |
昏睡状態 | こんすいじょうたい | lethargic state, comatose state |
易 | えき | divination, fortune-telling |
昔ながら | むかしながら | the same as it was long ago, unchanged, traditional |
昔のこと | むかしのこと | old things |
昔を偲ばせる品 | むかしをしのばせるしな | things reminiscent of bygone days |
昔話 | むかしばなし | folklore, legend, reminiscence |
昔風 | むかしふう | old fashioned |
星条旗 | せいじょうき | Stars and Stripes (US flag); Star-Spangled Banner (US anthem) |
星椋鳥 | ほしむくどり, ホシムクドリ | common starling, European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) |
星辰 | せいしん | celestial bodies, stars |
星霜 | せいそう | years, time |
映し出す | うつしだす | to project, to reflect |
映倫 | えいりん | Motion Picture Code of Ethics Committee |
映像 | えいぞう | reflection, image, picture (e.g. on a television) |
映画監督 | えいがかんとく | movie (film) director |
春場所 | はるばしょ | spring (March) sumo tournament, held in Osaka |
春季 | しゅんき | spring |
春宵 | しゅんしょう | spring evening |
春嵐 | しゅんらん | spring storm |
春眠暁を覚えず | しゅんみんあかつきをおぼえず | In spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn |
春繭 | はるまゆ | spring cocoon crop |
春闘 | しゅんとう | spring offensive (Japanese unions) |
春陽 | しゅんよう | spring sunshine, springtime |
春霞 | はるがすみ | springtime haze |
昨今 | さっこん, さくこん | nowadays, recently |
昨冬 | さくとう | last winter |
昨夜 | ゆう, ゆうべ, さくや | evening; last night |
昨年 | さくねん | last year |
昨年度 | さくねんど | previous fiscal year |
昨年来 | さくねんらい | since last year |
昨春 | さくしゅん | last spring, the spring of last year |
昨秋 | さくしゅう | autumn of last year, fall of last year |
昭々 | しょうしょう | clear, bright, plain, obvious |
昭代 | しょうだい | glorious reign, enlightened era |
昭和 | しょうわ | Showa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7) |
昭和年間 | しょうわねんかん | Showa era |
昭和時代 | しょうわじだい | Showa period (1926-1989 CE) |
昭昭 | しょうしょう | clear, bright, plain, obvious |
昭栄 | しょうえい | Shoei (motorcycle helmet manufacturing company), Shouei |
昭然 | しょうぜん | manifest, clear, evident, obvious |
是か非か | ぜかひか | right or wrong |
是が非でも | ぜがひでも | rightly or wrongly, by all possible means |
是正 | ぜせい | correction, revision |
是認 | ぜにん | approval |
昼下がり | ひるさがり | early afternoon |
昼前 | ひるまえ | forenoon, just before noon |
昼夜 | ちゅうや | day and night |
昼猶暗い | ひるなおくらい | dark even in the daytime |
昼過ぎ | ひるすぎ | afternoon |
時は金也 | ときはかねなり | time is money |
時事 | じじ | events of the day, current affairs |
時代劇 | じだいげき | historical play |
時代錯誤 | じだいさくご | anachronism |
時価 | じか | current value, price, market value |
時半 | じはん | about an hour, short time; half past (the hour) |
時宜 | じぎ | right time, appropriate time, season's greetings |
時折 | ときおり | sometimes |
時期尚早 | じきしょうそう | premature |
時機尚早 | じきしょうそう | before its time |
時点 | じてん | point in time, occasion |
晃々 | こうこう | brilliant, dazzling, light, bright |
晃晃 | こうこう | brilliant, dazzling, light, bright |
晃曜 | こうよう | dazzling brightness |
晃朗 | こうろう | bright and brilliant |
晋 | しん | Jin (dynasty of China, 265-420 CE) |
晋山 | しんざん | taking up a new position as chief priest of a Buddhist temple |
晋書 | しんじょ | History of the Jin Dynasty |
晏如 | あんじょ | calm, tranquil |
晏然 | あんぜん | calm, tranquil |
晩婚 | ばんこん | late marriage |
晩年 | ばんねん | (one's) last years |
晩期 | ばんき | the last stage |
晩白柚 | ばんぺいゆ, バンペイユ | Citrus grandis, Citrus maxima |
晩秋 | ばんしゅう | late autumn (fall); ninth month of the lunar calendar |
晩酌 | ばんしゃく | evening drink |
普く | あまねく | widely, generally, universally, far and wide |
普段着 | ふだんぎ | casual wear, ordinary clothes, everyday clothes, home wear |
普賢 | ふげん | Samantabhadra (bodhisattva), Universal Compassion |
普通選挙 | ふつうせんきょ | universal suffrage |
普通預金 | ふつうよきん | ordinary bank account |
普遍妥当 | ふへんだとう | universal validity, fitting into any situation |
普遍妥当性 | ふへんだとうせい | ability to fit into any situation |
普遍性 | ふへんせい | catholicity, universality |
普遍的 | ふへんてき | universal, omnipresent, ubiquitous |
景品 | けいひん | gift, premium |
景観 | けいかん | scenery |
晴らす | はらす | to dispel, to clear away, to refresh (oneself) |
晴れやかな笑顔 | はれやかなえがお | beaming smile |
晴れ姿 | はれすがた | appearing in one's finest clothes, appearing in one's hour of triumph |
晴れ着 | はれぎ | Sunday best (clothes) |
晴れ間 | はれま | a break (in the weather); lightheartedness |
晴朗 | せいろう | clear, fair, fine, serene |
晶化 | しょうか | crystallization, crystallisation |
智 | ち | wisdom; jnana (higher knowledge) |
智利 | ちり, チリ | Chile |
暁 | あかつき | dawn, daybreak, in the event of |
暁の空 | あかつきのそら | dawning sky |
暁天 | ぎょうてん | dawn |
暁星 | ぎょうせい | morning star, Venus, rarity |
暇がない | ひまがない | busy, having no (free) time |
暇つぶし | ひまつぶし | waste of time, killing time |
暇な時 | ひまなとき | leisure time |
暇をつぶす | ひまをつぶす | waste time, kill time |
暑がり | あつがり | (person) sensitive to heat |
暑さ | あつさ | heat, hotness |
暑中 | しょちゅう | mid-summer |
暑中伺い | しょちゅううかがい | mid-summer menu |
暖かさ | あたたかさ | warmth |
暖地 | だんち | warm district, region of mild climate |
暖流 | だんりゅう | warm current |
暖炉 | だんろ | fireplace, hearth, stove |
暗に | あんに | implicitly |
暗やみ | くらやみ | darkness, the dark |
暗中模索 | あんちゅうもさく | groping in the dark, exploring new avenues without having any clues |
暗号 | あんごう | code, password, cipher |
暗礁 | あんしょう | reef, sunken rock |
暗褐色 | あんかっしょく | dark brown |
暗雲 | あんうん | dark clouds |
暗黒 | あんこく | darkness |
暗黙 | あんもく | tacit, implicit |
暢気 | のんき | carefree, optimistic, careless, reckless, heedless, happy-go-lucky, easygoing |
暢達 | ちょうたつ | fluency, facileness |
暦 | こよみ, れき | calendar, almanac |
暦年 | れきねん | calendar year, civil year, time, year after year |
暫くして | しばらくして | after a short time, presently |
暫くすると | しばらくすると | a short time later |
暫し | しばし | for a short while, for a brief period |
暫定 | ざんてい | tentative, temporary |
暫定予算 | ざんていよさん | provisional budget |
暫定協定 | ざんていきょうてい | provisional agreement |
暫定政府 | ざんていせいふ | interim government |
暫定的 | ざんていてき | temporary, provisional |
暫時 | ざんじ | short while |
暮らし向き | くらしむき | circumstances |
暴れる | あばれる | to act violently, to rage, to struggle, to be riotous |
暴れん坊 | あばれんぼう | hooligan, rowdy, roughneck, a rough |
暴力 | ぼうりょく | violence, mayhem |
暴動 | ぼうどう | insurrection, rebellion, revolt, riot, uprising |
暴君 | ぼうくん | tyrant, despot |
暴徒 | ぼうと | insurgent |
暴漢 | ぼうかん | hoodlum, ruffian |
暴落 | ぼうらく | slump, crash, heavy fall, decline |
暴虐 | ぼうぎゃく | tyranny, outrage, atrocity, cruel |
暴行 | ぼうこう | assault, outrage, act of violence |
暴走 | ぼうそう | running wildly, reckless driving, runaway, rampage |
暴露 | ばくろ | disclosure, exposure, revelation |
暴風 | ぼうふう | storm, windstorm, gale |
暴騰 | ぼうとう | sudden rise, sharp rise, boom, skyrocketing |
曇らす | くもらす | to encloud, to make dim or dull, to frown |
曇らせる | くもらせる | to cloud, to make dim or dull, to frown |
曇りがち | くもりがち | broken cloud, mainly cloudy |
曇りガラス | くもりガラス | frosted glass |
曇り空 | くもりぞら | cloudy sky (weather) |
曙 | あけぼの | dawn, daybreak, beginning |
曙光 | しょこう | dawn, prospects |
曙草 | あけぼのそう, アケボノソウ | Swertia bimaculata (species of felwort) |
曲 | きょく | tune, piece of music |
曲がり角 | まがりかど | street corner, road turn, bend in the road, turning point |
曲折 | きょくせつ | windings, meanderings, complications |
更に | さらに | furthermore, again, after all, more and more, moreover |
更年期 | こうねんき | menopause, change of life |
更改 | こうかい | renewal, renovation, reform |
更新 | こうしん | renewal, update, innovation, renovation |
更正 | こうせい | correction, revision, rectification |
更紗 | さらさ | cotton print, calico |
書き物机 | かきものづくえ | writing desk |
書房 | しょぼう | library, bookstore, bookshop |
書棚 | しょだな | bookshelf |
書簡 | しょかん | letter, note, epistle, correspondence |
書評 | しょひょう | book review |
書誌 | しょし | bibliography |
曼陀羅 | まんだら | mandala, Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind |
替え | かえ | change, alteration, substitute |
替わり | かわり | a turn (i.e. at bat), a replacement |
最低限 | さいていげん | minimum |
最優遇 | さいゆうぐう | most favourable treatment, most favorable treatment, very warm reception |
最先端 | さいせんたん | leading edge, forefront; ultra-fine |
最古 | さいこ | the oldest |
最右翼 | さいうよく | ultra-right, ultra-right extremists |
最善 | さいぜん | the very best |
最多 | さいた | the most |
最大 | さいだい | greatest, largest, maximum |
最大限 | さいだいげん | maximum |
最寄り | もより | nearest, neighbouring, neighboring, nearby |
最恵国 | さいけいこく | most favored nation, most favoured nation |
最悪 | さいあく | the worst |
最新 | さいしん | latest, newest, late-breaking (news) |
最盛期 | さいせいき | golden age, best time for |
最終的 | さいしゅうてき | finally |
最適 | さいてき | optimum, the most suitable |
最高峰 | さいこうほう | highest peak, most prominent, highest authority |
最高潮 | さいこうちょう | climax |
最高裁 | さいこうさい | Supreme Court |
月を眺める | つきをながめる | to gaze at the moon |
月刊 | げっかん | monthly publication, monthly issue |
月桂冠 | げっけいかん | laurel wreath |
月謝 | げっしゃ | monthly tuition fee |
月賦 | げっぷ | monthly installment, monthly payment |
月額 | げつがく | monthly amount (sum) |
有価証券 | ゆうかしょうけん | marketable securities, stocks and bonds |
有償 | ゆうしょう | compensation; for profit; onerous |
有力 | ゆうりょく | influential; strong, likely, plausible, potent |
有志 | ゆうし | voluntary, volunteer, sympathizer, sympathiser |
有斐閣 | ゆうひかく | Yuuhikaku (law book publisher) |
有望 | ゆうぼう | good prospects, full of hope, promising |
有毒 | ゆうどく | poisonous, toxic |
有罪 | ゆうざい | guilt, culpability |
有耶無耶 | うやむや | indefinite, hazy, vague |
有識者 | ゆうしきしゃ | expert, knowledgeable person |
有頂天 | うちょうてん | ecstasy |
朋 | とも | friend, companion, pal |
朋党 | ほうとう | faction, clique |
朋友 | ほうゆう | friend, companion |
朋輩 | ほうばい | comrade, friend, associate |
服喪 | ふくも | going into mourning |
服役 | ふくえき | penal servitude, military service |
服従 | ふくじゅう | obedience, submission, resignation |
服紗 | ふくさ | small silk wrapper, small cloth for wiping tea utensils, crepe wrapper |
服飾 | ふくしょく | clothing and accessories, attire |
朔日 | ついたち, さくじつ, いっぴ | first day of the month; first ten days of the lunar month |
朔望月 | さくぼうげつ | synodic month |
朔望潮 | さくぼうちょう | spring tide |
朔風 | さくふう | north wind |
朕 | ちん | We, Our, first person pronoun used by royalty |
朕思うに | ちんおもうに | "We, the emperor, .." |
朗々 | ろうろう | clear, sonorous, full-sounding, resonant, bright |
朗吟 | ろうぎん | recitation, singing |
朗報 | ろうほう | good news |
朗朗 | ろうろう | clear, sonorous, full-sounding, resonant, bright |
朗詠 | ろうえい | recitation (of Japanese or Chinese poem) |
朗読 | ろうどく | reading aloud, recitation |
望月 | もちづき, ぼうげつ | full moon; full moon of the eighth lunar month |
望郷 | ぼうきょう | homesickness, nostalgia |
朝凪 | あさなぎ | morning calm (over the ocean) |
朝夕 | あさゆう, ちょうせき | morning and evening, from morning until night, constantly |
朝晩 | あさばん | morning and evening |
朝貢 | ちょうこう | bringing tribute |
朝霞 | ちょうか | morning glow, morning mist (haze) |
朝霧 | あさぎり | morning fog |
朝鮮 | ちょうせん | Korea |
朝鮮半島 | ちょうせんはんとう | Korean peninsula |
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 | ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく | Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), DPRK |
期待 | きたい | expectation, anticipation, hope |
期待感 | きたいかん | feeling of expectation |
期成同盟 | きせいどうめい | association formed to carry out an objective |
期間 | きかん | period, term, interval |
期限 | きげん | term; time limit, deadline, cutoff (date) |
朧昆布 | おぼろこんぶ | shredded tangle or kelp |
木の芽 | きのめ, このめ | bud of Japanese pepper tree (Xanthoxylum piperitum), leaf bud |
木乃伊 | ミイラ, みいら | mummy |
木刀 | ぼくとう | wooden sword |
木彫 | もくちょう | wood carving, woodcraft |
木彫り | きぼり | wood carving, woodcraft |
木星 | もくせい | Jupiter (planet) |
木枯らし | こがらし | cold wintry wind |
木炭 | もくたん | charcoal |
木糖醇 | もくとうじゅん | xylose, wood sugar |
木萩 | きはぎ, キハギ | Lespedeza buergeri (species of bush clover) |
木蔦 | きづた | kind of ivy, Hedera rhombea |
木製 | もくせい | wooden, made of wood |
木造 | もくぞう | wooden, made of wood |
木陰 | こかげ, じゅいん | shade of tree, bower |
未了 | みりょう | unfinished, unfilled (order), unexecuted |
未亡人 | みぼうじん | widow |
未墾 | みこん | uncultivated, wild |
未墾地 | みこんち | uncultivated land |
未婚 | みこん | unmarried |
未定 | みてい | not yet fixed, undecided, pending |
未払い | みはらい | unpaid, overdue |
未明 | みめい | early dawn, grey of morning, gray of morning |
未決囚 | みけつしゅう | unconvicted prisoner, prisoner under trial |
未熟 | みじゅく | inexperience, unripeness, raw, unskilled, immature, inexperienced |
未熟児 | みじゅくじ | premature baby |
未発表 | みはっぴょう | unpublished, not yet announced |
未知 | みち | not yet known |
未練 | みれん | lingering affection, attachment, regret(s), reluctance |
未解決 | みかいけつ | unsettled, pending, unresolved |
未踏峰 | みとうほう | unclimbed mountain |
未遂 | みすい | attempt (at crime) |
未開墾 | みかいこん | uncultivated |
未開墾地 | みかいこんち | virgin soil, uncultivated land |
未開拓 | みかいたく | undeveloped, wild (areas) |
末寺 | まつじ | branch temple |
末尾 | まつび | end (e.g. of report, document, paragraph, etc.) |
末梢 | まっしょう | tree top, tip, periphery, minor details, nonessentials |
末梢的 | まっしょうてき | trivial, minor, insignificant |
末梢神経 | まっしょうしんけい | peripheral nerves |
末永く | すえながく | forever |
末端 | まったん | end, tip, extremities |
本に栞を挿む | ほんにしおりをはさむ | to put a bookmark between the pages of a book |
本の | ほんの | mere, only, just |
本丸 | ほんまる | inner citadel |
本件 | ほんけん | this matter or case |
本会議 | ほんかいぎ | plenary session, regular session |
本位 | ほんい | standard, basis, principle |
本名 | ほんみょう, ほんめい | real name |
本因坊 | ほんいんぼう | grand master of the game of go |
本塁 | ほんるい | base, stronghold, main fort, home plate |
本塁打 | ほんるいだ | home run (baseball) |
本店 | ほんてん | head office |
本建築 | ほんけんちく | permanent construction |
本拠 | ほんきょ | stronghold, inner citadel, base, headquarters |
本旨 | ほんし | main object, principal object, true aim |
本格 | ほんかく | original method or procedure; serious, orthodox, classical, genuine |
本格化 | ほんかくか | regularization, regularisation, getting up speed, proceeding at full tilt |
本格的 | ほんかくてき | full-blown, regular, genuine, earnest, normal, typical, fundamental, real |
本棚 | ほんだな | bookshelves, bookshelf, bookcase |
本欄 | ほんらん | this column |
本殿 | ほんでん | main shrine, inner sanctuary |
本石楠花 | ほんしゃくなげ, ホンシャクナゲ | Rhododendron metternichii |
本社 | ほんしゃ, ほんじゃ | head office; main shrine; this company, this shrine |
本籍 | ほんせき | one's permanent residence |
本紙 | ほんし | this newspaper |
本腰 | ほんごし | strenuous effort, earnestness, seriousness |
本舗 | ほんぽ | head office, main shop |
本質 | ほんしつ | essence, true nature, substance, reality |
本邦 | ほんぽう | this country, our country |
本願 | ほんがん | Amida Buddha's original vow, long-cherished desire |
札束 | さつたば | roll of banknotes |
朱 | あけ, ひ | scarlet, red; blood |
朱い | あかい | red; Red (i.e. communist) |
朱をそそぐ | しゅをそそぐ | to flush bright red (e.g. of someone's face) |
朱印 | しゅいん | red seal |
朱印状 | しゅいんじょう | license with a red seal (licence), shogunate license to trade (licence) |
朱印船 | しゅいんせん | shogunate-licensed trading ship |
朱唇 | しゅしん | red lips |
朱唇皓歯 | しゅしんこうし | red lips and pearly white teeth (said of beautiful women) |
朱欒 | ざぼん, ザボン | shaddock, pomelo, Citrus maximus, Citrus grandis, Citrus decumana |
朱顔 | しゅがん | flushed face |
朴 | えのき | Japanese hackberry (Celtis sinensis var. japonica) |
朴とつ | ぼくとつ | unsophisticated, ruggedly honest, artless, unaffected, simple, naive |
朴の木 | ほおのき, ホオノキ | magnolia (Magnolia hypoleuca or Magnolia obovata), Japanese big leaf magnolia |
朴直 | ぼくちょく | simplicity, honesty, naivete |
机上 | きじょう | on the desk; theoretical, academic |
机上の空論 | きじょうのくうろん | academic gossip, empty theory |
机下 | きか | word of respect added to the addressee's name on a letter; under the desk |
机辺 | きへん | near a desk |
朽ちる | くちる | to rot |
朽ち果てる | くちはてる | to rust away, to rot away, to decay, to fall to ruins, to die in obscurity |
朽ち葉 | くちば | decayed leaves |
朽廃 | きゅうはい | decay, dilapidation (ruin) |
朽葉 | くちば | decayed leaves |
杉並木 | すぎなみき | avenue of cedars (cryptomeria) |
杉戸 | すぎど | door made of cedar |
杉材 | すぎざい | cedar wood |
杉皮 | すぎかわ | cedar bark |
杉花粉症 | すぎかふんしょう | cedar pollen allergy |
李 | すもも, スモモ | Japanese plum, prune, Prunus salicina |
李承晩 | りしょうばん | Rhee Syngman, president of Korea 1948-1960 |
李花 | りか | plum blossoms |
杏 | あんず | apricot, Prunus armenica, apricot tree |
杏ジャム | あんずジャム | apricot jam |
杏仁 | きょうにん, あんにん | apricot seed, apricot kernel |
杏子 | あんず | apricot, Prunus armenica, apricot tree |
杏林 | きょうりん | apricot grove |
杏茸 | あんずたけ | chanterelle mushroom (Cantharellus cibarius) |
村庄 | そんしょう | village, countryside, country house |
村翁 | そんおう | village elder |
杞憂 | きゆう | absurd fear, needless anxiety |
束縛 | そくばく | restraint, shackles, restriction, confinement, binding |
束脩 | そくしゅう | bundle of dried meat, present to a teacher, registration fee |
条件付き | じょうけんつき | conditionally, with conditions attached |
条例 | じょうれい | regulations, rules, laws, acts, ordinance |
条文 | じょうぶん | text, provisions (act, treaty) |
条約 | じょうやく | treaty, pact |
条項 | じょうこう | clause, article, stipulations |
来春 | らいしゅん, らいはる | next spring |
来訪 | らいほう | visit, call |
来貢 | らいこう | coming to pay tribute |
来賓 | らいひん | guest, visitor, visitor's arrival |
来週 | らいしゅう | next week |
杯 | さかずき, うき | sake cup, cup for alcoholic beverages |
東亜 | とうあ | East Asia, the Orient |
東京証券取引所 | とうきょうしょうけんとりひきじょ | Tokyo Stock Exchange, TSE |
東側 | ひがしがわ, とうそく | east side, east bank |
東宝 | とうほう | Toho (Japanese film studio) |
東宮 | とうぐう | crown prince |
東晋 | とうしん | Eastern Jin (dynasty of China, 317-420 CE) |
東欧 | とうおう | Eastern Europe |
東海 | とうかい | region south of Tokyo on Pacific Ocean side of Japan, eastern sea |
東漸 | とうぜん | eastward advance |
東独 | とうどく | East Germany |
東石楠花 | あずましゃくなげ, アズマシャクナゲ | Azuma rhododendron, Rhododendron metternichii var. |
東芝 | とうしば | Toshiba (company) |
東遷 | とうせん | moving (the capital) east |
東邦 | とうほう | Oriental country, the Orient |
東郊 | とうこう | eastern suburbs |
松の梢 | まつのこずえ | top of a pine tree |
松下電工 | まつしたでんこう | Matsushita Electric Works |
松原 | まつばら | pine grove |
松屋 | まつや | Matsuya (department store) |
松明 | たいまつ, しょうめい, きょ | (pine) torch, flambeau, torchlight |
松林 | まつばやし | pine forest |
松楓 | しょうふう | maple |
松毬 | まつかさ, まつぼっくり, まつぽっくり, まつぼくり, まつふぐり | pinecone, pine cone |
松葉 | まつば | pine needle |
松風 | しょうふう, まつかぜ | (sound of) the wind through pine trees |
板ガラス | いたガラス | plate glass, sheet glass |
板塀 | いたべい | wooden fence, board fence |
板門店 | はんもんてん | Panmunjon |
林立 | りんりつ | stand close together |
林邑楽 | りんゆうがく | Indian song and dance (introduced to Japan by the Chams in approx. 736 CE) |
林野庁 | りんやちょう | Forestry Agency |
枚 | まい | counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper) |
枚挙 | まいきょ | enumeration |
果たして | はたして | as was expected, just as one thought |
果て | はて | the end, the extremity, the limit(s), the result |
果実 | かじつ | fruit, nut, berry |
果敢 | かかん | resolute, determined, bold |
果樹 | かじゅ | fruit tree |
果樹栽培 | かじゅさいばい | fruit growing, pomiculture |
果汁 | かじゅう | fruit juice |
枝 | えだ | branch, bow, bough, twig, limb |
枝垂れ柳 | しだれやなぎ | weeping willow |
枝葉 | えだは, しよう | leaves and branches, side issues, foliage |
枝豆 | えだまめ | edamame (green soybeans) |
枠 | わく | frame, slide, border |
枠内 | わくない | within the limits (framework, boundaries, price, etc.) |
枠外 | わくがい | beyond (the) limits |
枠組み | わくぐみ | frame, framework |
枢 | くるる, くろろ, くる, くるり | pivot hinge; sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut) |
枢密 | すうみつ | state secrets |
枢機 | すうき | important state matters |
枢機卿 | すうききょう, すうきけい | Cardinal (Catholic) |
枢要 | すうよう | importance |
枢軸 | すうじく | axle, pivot |
枯らす | からす | to let dry, to kill (vegetation) to season (lumber) |
枯れ木 | かれき | dead tree, dry wood |
枯れ枝 | かれえだ | dead branch (or twig, etc.), withered branch |
枯れ草 | かれくさ, こそう | dry grass, dead grass, hay, withered grass |
枯れ葉 | かれは | dead leaf, dry leaves |
枯枝 | かれえだ | dead branch (or twig, etc.), withered branch |
枯死 | こし | withering, dying |
枯淡 | こたん | elegant simplicity |
枯渇 | こかつ | drying up, becoming exhausted, running dry, starvation |
架 | か | unit of equipment, rack |
架橋 | かきょう | bridge building, bridge; cross-linking |
架空 | かくう | aerial, overhead, fiction, fanciful |
架線 | かせん | aerial wiring |
架設 | かせつ | construction, building |
枸橘 | からたち | trifoliate orange, golden apple, Poncirus trifoliata |
柊南天 | ひいらぎなんてん | Mahonia japonica, Japanese mahonia |
柏槙 | びゃくしん, ビャクシン | Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis) |
柏鵬 | はくほう | (sumo) era during 1960s dominated by grand champions Taiho and Kashiwado |
柏鵬時代 | はくほうじだい | (sumo) era during 1960s dominated by grand champions Taiho and Kashiwado |
某 | それがし | someone; I, personal pronoun |
某国 | ぼうこく | certain country |
某所 | ぼうしょ | certain place |
某日 | ぼうじつ | certain day |
某氏 | ぼうし | certain person, unnamed person |
柑橘類 | かんきつるい | citrus fruits |
染め | そめ | dyeing, printing |
染める | そめる | to dye, to colour, to color |
染料 | せんりょう | dyes |
染織 | せんしょく | dyeing and weaving |
染色 | せんしょく | staining, stain, dyeing |
染色体 | せんしょくたい | chromosome |
柔 | やわ | poorly-built, weak, insubstantial |
柔らか | やわらか | soft, tender, limp, subdued (colour or light) (color), gentle, meek |
柔らかみ | やわらかみ | (touch of) softness |
柔和 | にゅうわ | gentleness, mildness, meekness |
柔軟 | じゅうなん | flexible, lithe, soft, pliable |
柔軟体操 | じゅうなんたいそう | calisthenics |
柚坊 | ゆずぼう | swallowtail butterfly larva (a pest of citrus plants) |
柚子坊 | ゆずぼう | swallowtail butterfly larva (a pest of citrus plants) |
柚子胡椒 | ゆずこしょう, ゆずごしょう | condiment paste made from yuzu zest and chile peppers |
柱 | じゅう | fret (of a biwa) |
柱廊 | ちゅうろう | pillared corridor |
柳 | やなぎ, ようりゅう | willow (any tree of genus Salix); weeping willow (Salix babylonica) |
柳び | りゅうび | beautiful eyebrows |
柳刃包丁 | やなぎばぼうちょう | kitchen knife for sashimi |
柳行李 | やなぎごうり | wicker trunk |
査察 | ささつ | inspection (for compliance), investigation (tax, etc.) |
柾 | マサキ, まさき | Japanese spindletree (Euonymus japonicus) |
柾の葛 | まさきのかずら | Asiatic jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum), Asian jasmine |
栄光 | えいこう | glory |
栄冠 | えいかん | laurels, garland |
栄枯 | えいこ | vicissitudes, ups and downs |
栄枯盛衰 | えいこせいすい | ups and downs of life, vicissitudes of fortune |
栄耀 | えいよう | luxury, splendour, splendor, prosperity |
栄誉 | えいよ | honour, honor |
栄誉礼 | えいよれい | salute of guards of honor (honour) |
栄養 | えいよう | nutrition, nourishment |
栄養士 | えいようし | nutritionist |
栄養失調 | えいようしっちょう | malnutrition |
栄養素 | えいようそ | nutrient |
栗 | くり, クリ | Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata) |
栗きんとん | くりきんとん | mashed sweet potatoes with sweetened chestnuts |
栗ぜんざい | くりぜんざい | sweet made with soft beans (e.g. adzuki) and chestnuts |
栗毛 | くりげ | chestnut (horse coat color) |
栗鼠 | りす, リス | squirrel (excluding flying squirrels); Japanese squirrel (Sciurus lis) |
栞 | しおり | bookmark, guidebook |
校則 | こうそく | school regulations |
校訓 | こうくん | school precepts |
校閲 | こうえつ | revision, proofreading |
株主 | かぶぬし | shareholder, stockholder |
株価 | かぶか | stock prices |
株券 | かぶけん | stock certificate |
株式 | かぶしき | stock (company) |
株式会社 | かぶしきがいしゃ | public company, corporation, KK, formula for an incorporated public company |
核の傘 | かくのかさ | nuclear umbrella |
核仁 | かくじん | nuclear bonding, nuclear force |
核兵器 | かくへいき | nuclear weapons |
核実験 | かくじっけん | nuclear (bomb) test |
核家族 | かくかぞく | nuclear family |
核弾頭 | かくだんとう | nuclear warhead |
核心 | かくしん | kernel, core |
核武装 | かくぶそう | nuclear arms |
核燃料 | かくねんりょう | atomic fuel |
核融合 | かくゆうごう | nuclear fusion |
核酸 | かくさん | nucleic acid |
根堀り葉堀り | ねほりはほり | thoroughly, persistently, through-and-through |
根幹 | こんかん | basis, nucleus, root and branch |
根底 | こんてい | root, basis, foundation |
根拠 | こんきょ | basis, foundation |
根拠地 | こんきょち | base (of operations) |
根本 | こんぽん, こんげん, ねもと | root, source, origin, foundation, base, principle |
根本的 | こんぽんてき | fundamental, basic |
根源 | こんぽん, こんげん, ねもと | root, source, origin, foundation, base, principle |
根絶 | こんぜつ | eradication, extermination |
格差 | かくさ | qualitative difference, disparity |
格納 | かくのう | storage; putting into computer memory |
格闘 | かくとう | hand-to-hand fighting, grappling, scuffling |
栽培 | さいばい | cultivation |
栽培所 | さいばいじょ | plantation |
栽培種 | さいばいしゅ | agricultural species |
桂 | かつら, カツラ | Japanese Judas tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) |
桂冠 | けいかん | crown of laurel |
桂冠詩人 | けいかんしじん | poet laureate |
桂庵 | けいあん | servants' registry |
桂林 | けいりん | katsura forest, beautiful forest |
桂皮 | けいひ | cinnamon, cassia (bark) |
桃の節句 | もものせっく | puppet festival (March 3rd) |
桃李 | とうり | person of one's recommendation; peach and plum |
桃源境 | とうげんきょう | Arcady, Eden, Shangri-la |
桃源郷 | とうげんきょう | Arcady, Eden, Shangri-la |
桃色 | ももいろ | pink (colour, color) |
案件 | あんけん | matter in question, subject |
案内嬢 | あんないじょう | usherette |
桐 | きり | paulownia tree, Paulownia tomentosa |
桐一葉 | きりひとは | falling paulownia leaf signaling the beginning of autumn (fall) |
桐材 | きりざい | paulownia wood |
桐油 | とうゆ | tung oil, (Chinese) wood oil |
桐花大綬章 | きりはなだいじゅしょう | Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers |
桑 | くわ | mulberry (tree) |
桑原 | くわばら | mulberry field |
桑園 | そうえん | mulberry plantation |
桑摘み | くわつみ | picking mulberry leaves, mulberry-leaf pickers |
桑海 | そうかい | this world's sudden changes |
桑田 | そうでん | mulberry plantation |
桑畑 | くわばたけ, くわばた | mulberry field, mulberry plantation |
桑色 | くわいろ | light yellow |
桑苗 | そうびょう | mulberry seedling |
桜えび | さくらえび, さくらエビ, サクラエビ | sakura shrimp (Sergia lucens) |
桜んぼ | さくらんぼう, さくらんぼ, サクランボ | (edible) cherry |
桜んぼう | さくらんぼう, さくらんぼ, サクランボ | (edible) cherry |
桜エビ | さくらえび, さくらエビ, サクラエビ | sakura shrimp (Sergia lucens) |
桜桃 | さくらんぼう, さくらんぼ, サクランボ | (edible) cherry |
桜花 | おうか, さくらばな | cherry blossom |
桟俵 | さんだわら | straw lid covering either end of a rice container |
桟敷 | さじき | reviewing stand, box, gallery |
桟橋 | さんきょう, さんばし | wharf, bridge, jetty, pier |
桟道 | さんどう | plank road, corduroy |
梅 | うめ, ウメ | plum; lowest (of a three-tier ranking system) |
梅干し | うめぼし | dried plum |
梅林 | ばいりん | ume (plum) grove |
梅酒 | うめしゅ | sake with plums, unripe Japanese apricots soaked in spirits |
梅雨入り | つゆいり, にゅうばい | entering the rainy season, beginning of the rainy season |
梅雨前線 | ばいうぜんせん | seasonal rain front |
梅雨明け | つゆあけ | the end of the rainy season |
梓に上せる | しにのぼせる | to bring (a book) into the world, to publish |
梓匠 | ししょう | cabinetmaker, woodworker |
梓宮 | しきゅう | Emperor's coffin (made of catalpa wood) |
梓弓 | あずさゆみ | catalpa bow, betula grossa |
梢 | こずえ | treetop, tip of a branch |
梢子 | しょうし | boatman |
梨の実 | なしのみ | pear |
梨の礫 | なしのつぶて | not getting a reply |
梨園 | りえん | theatrical world |
梨花 | りか | pear blossoms |
梯梧 | でいご, でいこ, デイゴ, デイコ | Indian coral tree (Erythrina variegata) |
棄てる | すてる | to throw away, to cast aside, to abandon, to resign, to break up with (someone) |
棄却 | ききゃく | rejection, dismissal, abandoning, renunciation, waiver |
棄損 | きそん | damage, injury, defamation, waste |
棄権 | きけん | abstaining from voting; renunciation of a right |
棋士 | きし | shogi or go player |
棋界 | きかい | the go (shogi) world, shogi circles |
棋聖 | きせい | great master of go (shogi) |
棋譜 | きふ | record of a game of go, shogi, chess, etc. |
棋院 | きいん | shogi (go) hall |
棋風 | きふう | one's style of playing shogi or go |
棒状 | ぼうじょう | cylinder or rod-shaped |
棒高跳び | ぼうたかとび | pole vault (jump) |
棗椰子 | なつめやし | date (palm tree) |
棚ぼた | たなぼた, タナボタ | godsend, windfall |
棚上げ | たなあげ | shelving, pigeonholing |
棟 | とう | large building; counter for buildings, apartments, etc. |
棟上げ式 | むねあげしき | framework raising ceremony |
棟木 | むなぎ | ridgepole, ridge beam |
森厳 | しんげん | solemn |
森林学 | しんりんがく | forestry |
森林法 | しんりんほう | the Forest Act |
森羅万象 | しんらばんしょう | all things in nature, the whole creation |
棺 | かん, ひつぎ | coffin, casket |
棺に納める | かんにおさめる | to lay in a coffin |
棺を掩う | かんをおおう | to cover the coffin |
棺桶 | かんおけ | coffin, casket |
椋 | むくのき, むく, ムクノキ | Aphananthe oriental elm (Aphananthe aspera), mukutree |
椋の木 | むくのき, むく, ムクノキ | Aphananthe oriental elm (Aphananthe aspera), mukutree |
椋木 | むくのき, むく, ムクノキ | Aphananthe oriental elm (Aphananthe aspera), mukutree |
植木 | うえき | garden shrubs, trees, potted plant |
植木鉢 | うえきばち | flowerpot |
植林 | しょくりん | afforestation |
植栽 | しょくさい | raising trees and plants |
植樹 | しょくじゅ | tree-planting |
植民地 | しょくみんち | colony; colonial |
植物園 | しょくぶつえん | botanical garden |
植物性脂肪 | しょくぶつせいしぼう | vegetable fat |
椎 | しい, シイ | any beech tree of genus Castanopsis |
椎茸 | しいたけ | shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) |
椎間板 | ついかんばん | intervertebral disk |
椎骨 | ついこつ | vertebra(e) |
検事 | けんじ | public prosecutor |
検問 | けんもん | inspection, examination |
検定 | けんてい | official certification, approval, inspection |
検察 | けんさつ | examination, prosecutor |
検察官 | けんさつかん | public prosecutor |
検尿 | けんにょう | urinalysis |
検疫 | けんえき | quarantine, medical inspection |
検疫所 | けんえきしょ, けんえきじょ | quarantine station |
検診 | けんしん | medical examination |
検証 | けんしょう | verification, inspection |
椰子 | やし | palm tree |
椰子の木 | やしのき, ヤシのき | palm tree |
椰子油 | やしゆ | coconut oil |
椰子蟹 | やしがに, ヤシガニ | coconut crab (Birgus latro) |
椿 | つばき, さんちゃ, ツバキ | common camellia; tea produced in the mountains |
椿事 | ちんじ | strange occurrence, unusual occurrence, unexpected occurrence |
椿桃 | つばいもも, づばいもも, ずばいもも, つばきもも, あぶらもも, ひかりもも, ズバイモモ, ツバイモモ | nectarine |
椿油 | つばきあぶら | camellia oil |
椿象 | かめむし, カメむし, カメムシ | shield bug, stink bug |
椿象目 | カメムシもく, かめむしもく | Hemiptera (taxonomic order comprising the true bugs) |
楊 | やなぎ, ようりゅう | willow (any tree of genus Salix); weeping willow (Salix babylonica) |
楊子 | ようじ | toothpick |
楊枝 | ようじ | toothpick |
楊柳 | やなぎ, ようりゅう | willow (any tree of genus Salix); weeping willow (Salix babylonica) |
楓 | かえで | maple (tree) (Acer spp.) |
楓子香 | ふうしこう | galbanum (gum resin from fennel) |
楓属 | ふうぞく | genus Liquidambar |
楓林 | ふうりん | maple grove |
楓糖 | かえでとう | maple sugar |
楓葉 | ふうよう | maple leaf |
楠 | くすのき, くす, クソノキ, クス | camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora), camphorwood, camphor laurel |
業 | ごう | karma (i.e. actions committed in a former life) |
業務 | ぎょうむ | business, affairs, duties, work, procedure, task, action, function |
業務提携 | ぎょうむていけい | business partnership |
業界 | ぎょうかい | industry, business |
業種 | ぎょうしゅ | type of industry |
業績 | ぎょうせき | achievement, performance, results, work, contribution |
業績悪化 | ぎょうせきあっか | downturn |
業者 | ぎょうしゃ | trader, merchant |
極力努める | きょくりょくつとめる | to do one's best |
極右 | きょくう | extreme right |
極寒 | ごっかん | intense cold, mid-winter |
極東 | きょくとう | Far East |
極秘 | ごくひ | absolute secrecy |
極端 | きょくたん | extreme, extremity |
楼 | ろう | tower, turret, lookout, belvedere |
楼門 | ろうもん | two-storied gate, tower gate |
楼閣 | ろうかく | multistoried building |
楽しむ | たのしむ | to enjoy oneself |
楽器 | がっき | musical instrument |
楽章 | がくしょう | (musical) movement |
楽観 | らっかん | optimism |
楽譜 | がくふ | score (music) |
概して | がいして | generally, as a rule |
概念 | がいねん | general idea, concept, notion |
概況 | がいきょう | outlook, general situation |
概算 | がいさん | approximation, rough estimate |
概要 | がいよう | outline, summary, abridgment, synopsis |
概観 | がいかん | general view, outline |
榛 | ハシバミ, はしばみ | corylus heterophylla var. thunbergii, siberian hazel, siberian filber |
榛の木 | はんのき, ハンノキ | Japanese alder (Alnus japonica) |
構内 | こうない | premises, grounds, campus, in-house |
構図 | こうず | composition |
構想 | こうそう | plan, plot, idea, conception |
構築 | こうちく | construction |
様式 | ようしき | style, form, pattern |
様相 | ようそう | aspect |
槙 | まき, マキ | yew plum pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus) |
槻 | けやき, つき, ケヤキ, ツキ | Japanese zelkova (species of elm-like tree, Zelkowa serrata) |
槻の木 | つきのき | Japanese zelkova (species of elm-like tree, Zelkowa serrata) |
槻欅 | つきげやき | Japanese zelkova (species of elm-like tree, Zelkowa serrata) |
槽 | うけ | basin, tub |
標的 | ひょうてき | target |
標語 | ひょうご | motto, slogan, catchword |
標高 | ひょうこう | elevation, height above sea level |
模倣 | もほう | imitation, copying |
模倣者 | もほうしゃ | imitator |
模写 | もしゃ | copy (of the real thing), copying, reproduction, tracing |
模型 | もけい | model, dummy, maquette |
模擬 | もぎ | imitation, sham, mock; simulation |
模擬店 | もぎてん | refreshment booth |
模範 | もはん | exemplar, exemplification, exemplum, model, example |
模範的 | もはんてき | exemplary |
模索 | もさく | groping (for) |
権 | けん | authority, right (to do something) |
権力 | けんりょく | (political) power, authority, influence |
権威 | けんい | authority, power, influence |
権限 | けんげん | power, authority, jurisdiction |
横丁 | よこちょう | lane, alley, small street intersecting a main or side street |
横恋慕 | よこれんぼ | illicit love |
横手 | よこて, よこで | side, beside; feature of a sword blade |
横断幕 | おうだんまく | banner strung across a street |
横暴 | おうぼう | violence, oppression, high-handedness, tyranny, despotism |
横滑り | よこすべり | skid, slipping or skidding sideways, shifting to another post |
横目 | よこめ | side glance |
横穴 | よこあな, おうけつ | cave, tunnel |
横笛 | よこぶえ, おうてき, ようじょう, おうじゃく | transverse flute (e.g. a fife) |
横綱 | よこづな | yokozuna (sumo grand champion) |
横領 | おうりょう | usurpation, embezzlement, misappropriation |
樹木 | じゅもく | trees and shrubs, arbour, arbor |
樹立 | じゅりつ | establish, create |
樹脂 | じゅし | resin, rosin |
樹齢 | じゅれい | age of a tree |
樺 | かば, かんば, かにわ, カバ | birch (esp. Japanese white birch) |
樺の木科 | カバノキか, かばのきか | Betulaceae (plant family), hazelnut |
樺太シシャモ | からふとししゃも, からふとシシャモ | capelin, caplin (Mallotus villosus) |
樺太柳葉魚 | からふとししゃも, からふとシシャモ | capelin, caplin (Mallotus villosus) |
樺太鱒 | からふとます, カラフトマス | pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), humpback salmon |
樺木科 | カバノキか, かばのきか | Betulaceae (plant family), hazelnut |
樺色 | かばいろ | reddish yellow |
橋渡し | はしわたし | bridge building, mediation |
橋畔 | きょうはん | approach to a bridge |
橋脚 | きょうきゃく | bridge pier, pontoon bridge |
橋脚舟 | きょうきゃくしゅう | pontoon |
橘 | たちばな | tachibana (inedible citrus, Citrus tachibana) |
橘鳥 | たちばなどり | lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus) |
機器 | きき | machinery and tools |
機嫌 | きげん | humour, humor, temper, mood |
機宜 | きぎ | opportunity, occasion |
機密 | きみつ | secrecy, highly classified information |
機敏 | きびん | smart, quick, prompt |
機材 | きざい | machine parts, machinery, equipment |
機械化 | きかいか | mechanization, mechanisation; computerization |
機械文明 | きかいぶんめい | technical civilization, technical civilisation |
機械翻訳 | きかいほんやく | machine translation, mechanical translation, automatic translation |
機械語 | きかいご | machine language, machine word, computer word |
機械警備 | きかいけいび | card-key system |
機構 | きこう | mechanism, organization, organisation |
機種 | きしゅ | type of equipment, model |
機能 | きのう | function, facility, faculty, feature |
機軸 | きじく | axis, axle, plan, contrivance |
機関 | きかん | mechanism; agency, organisation, institution, organ |
機関紙 | きかんし | bulletin, (party) organ |
機関銃 | きかんじゅう | machine gun |
機雷 | きらい | (sea) mine |
檀君 | だんくん | mythical founder of Korea |
檀家 | だんか, だんけ | family which supports a temple, parishioner |
檀徒 | だんと | temple supporter |
檀那寺 | だんなでら | temple to which a family belongs |
欄外 | らんがい | margin |
欝蒼 | うっそう | thick, dense, luxuriant |
欠 | けつ | lack, deficiency, vacancy |
欠かす | かかす | to miss (doing), to fail (to do) |
欠乏 | けつぼう | want, shortage, famine |
欠員 | けついん | vacancy, vacant position |
欠場 | けつじょう | absence, not taking part |
欠如 | けつじょ | lack, privation, deficiency |
欠損 | けっそん | deficit, shortage, loss, damage |
次元 | じげん | dimension; perspective, point of reference, level (of something) |
次回 | じかい | next time (occasion) |
次官 | じかん | vice-minister, undersecretary |
次期 | じき | next term, next period; next version, next release |
次第に | しだいに | gradually (progress into a state); in sequence, in order, in turn |
次長 | じちょう | vice-, assistant director, vice-director |
欣々然 | きんきんぜん | quite joyous, quite cheerful, quite happy |
欣喜 | きんき | pleasure |
欣喜雀躍 | きんきじゃくやく | jump up for joy |
欣快 | きんかい | pleasant, delightful |
欣悦 | きんえつ | joy, gladness |
欣懐 | きんかい | thinking happily of |
欣欣然 | きんきんぜん | quite joyous, quite cheerful, quite happy |
欣求 | ごんぐ | earnest aspiration |
欣求浄土 | ごんぐじょうど | seeking rebirth in the Pure Land |
欣然 | きんぜん | joyful, cheerful |
欧州 | おうしゅう | Europe |
欧州諸国 | おうしゅうしょこく | European countries |
欧文 | おうぶん | European language, foreign text |
欧洲 | おうしゅう | Europe |
欧米諸国 | おうべいしょこく | the various countries of Europe and America |
欧米諸言語 | おうべいしょげんご | the languages of Europe and America |
欧風 | おうふう | European style, Occidental |
欲 | よく | greed, craving, desire, avarice, wants |
欲しがる | ほしがる | to desire, to want, to wish for, to covet |
欲する | ほっする | to want, to desire |
欲の奴隷 | よくのどれい | slave to avarice |
欲望 | よくぼう | desire, appetite, lust |
欲求 | よっきゅう | desire |
欺き惑わす | あざむきまどわす | to deceive and lead astray |
欺く | あざむく | to deceive |
欺瞞 | ぎまん | deception, deceit |
欺騙 | ぎへん | deception |
欽定 | きんてい | authorized, authorised, appointed |
欽定憲法 | きんていけんぽう | constitution granted by the Emperor |
欽慕 | きんぼ | adoration, reverence, admiration |
款を通ずる | かんをつうずる | to communicate secretly, to form a close friendship |
款待 | かんたい | warm welcome, hospitality |
歌人 | かじん | (Japanese) poet |
歌仙 | かせん | great poet |
歌劇 | かげき | opera |
歌唱 | かしょう | song, singing |
歌声 | うたごえ | singing voice |
歌姫 | うたひめ | songstress |
歌曲 | かきょく | melody, tune, song |
歌碑 | かひ | tanka inscription |
歌稿 | かこう | manuscript of poem |
歌舞伎 | かぶき | kabuki, Japanese classical drama |
歌詞 | かし | song lyrics, words of a song, libretto |
歌謡曲 | かようきょく | popular song |
歌集 | かしゅう | anthology, book of poetry |
歓 | かん | joy, enjoyment, delight, pleasure |
歓喜 | かんき | delight, great joy |
歓声 | かんせい | cheer, shout of joy |
歓楽街 | かんらくがい | pleasure quarter |
歓談 | かんだん | pleasant talk, chat |
歓送 | かんそう | hearty send-off |
正則 | せいそく | correct, proper, formal, regular, systematic, normal |
正嫡 | せいちゃく, せいてき | legal wife, her child, main family |
正常 | せいじょう | normalcy, normality, normal |
正朔 | せいさく | beginning of the month or the year, New Year's Day, the calendar |
正殿 | せいでん | main temple, state chamber |
正義 | せいぎ | justice, right, righteousness, correct meaning |
正義の名に於て | せいぎのなにおいて | in the name of justice |
正規 | せいき | regular, legal, formal, established, legitimate |
正賓 | せいひん | guest of honor, guest of honour |
正面 | しょうめん | front, frontage, facade, main |
此処に於て | ここにおいて | now, at this time; as such, for this reason, hence |
武力 | ぶりょく | armed might, military power, the sword, force |
武勇 | ぶゆう | bravery, military prowess, valour, valor |
武家 | ぶけ | samurai, warrior, military family |
武将 | ぶしょう | military commander |
武者 | むしゃ | warrior |
武装 | ぶそう | arms, armament, armed |
武道 | ぶどう | martial arts, military arts, Bushido |
武陵桃源 | ぶりょうとうげん | Utopia |
歩 | ほ | step, stride; counter for steps |
歩み | あゆみ | walking; progress, advance |
歩み寄り | あゆみより | compromise, concession |
歩廊 | ほろう | corridor, gallery, platform, passageway |
歩調 | ほちょう | pace, step, cadence |
歯を食い縛る | はをくいしばる | to bear up in tragedy, to stand pain well, to hold one's temper |
歯ブラシ | はブラシ | toothbrush |
歯切れ | はぎれ | the feel when biting, manner of enunciation |
歯列矯正 | しれつきょうせい | orthodontia, orthodontics |
歯止め | はどめ | brake; restraint, curtailment, self-imposed limit, check |
歯牙矯正術 | しがきょうせいじゅつ | orthodontia |
歯科 | しか | dentistry |
歯科医 | しかい | dentist |
歯科医師 | しかいし | dentist |
歯茎 | はぐき | gum, tooth ridge |
歯軌条 | しきじょう | cog rail |
歯髄 | しずい | (tooth) pulp |
歳 | さい | -years-old; ability, gift, talent, aptitude, genius |
歳入 | さいにゅう | annual revenue or income |
歳出 | さいしゅつ | annual expenditure |
歳時記 | さいじき | almanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets) |
歳暮 | せいぼ | end of the year, year-end gift |
歳月 | さいげつ, としつき | time, years |
歳末 | さいまつ | year end |
歳費 | さいひ | annual expenditure |
歴代 | れきだい | successive generations, successive emperors |
歴任 | れきにん | successive jobs, consecutive jobs |
歴史的 | れきしてき | historic, historical, traditional |
歴史的経緯から | れきしてきけいいから | for historical reasons |
歴然 | れきぜん | evident, plain, distinct, clear |
歴訪 | れきほう | round of calls, tour of visitation |
死 | し | death; death penalty (by strangulation or decapitation) |
死の灰 | しのはい | lethal radioactive fallout, atomic dust |
死を悼む | しをいたむ | to mourn over the death of |
死亡 | しぼう | death, mortality |
死亡率 | しぼうりつ | death rate, mortality |
死亡者 | しぼうしゃ | the deceased, deaths, persons killed |
死体解剖 | したいかいぼう | autopsy |
死傷者 | ししょうしゃ | casualties, killed and wounded |
死刑 | しけい | death penalty, capital punishment |
死刑囚 | しけいしゅう | criminals condemned to death |
死因 | しいん | cause of death |
死後 | しご | after death |
死没 | しぼつ | death |
死者 | ししゃ | casualty, deceased |
殉じる | じゅんじる | to sacrifice oneself |
殉国 | じゅんこく | dying for one's country |
殉教 | じゅんきょう | martyrdom |
殉教者 | じゅんきょうしゃ | martyr |
殉死 | じゅんし | dying a martyr, following someone in suicide |
殉職 | じゅんしょく | dying at one's post, being killed in the line of duty |
殉職者 | じゅんしょくしゃ | person who has died at his post (in the performance of his duties) |
殉難 | じゅんなん | martyrdom |
殉難者 | じゅんなんしゃ | victim, martyr |
殊 | こと, け | difference (from one another); unusual, extraordinary |
殊な | けな | exceptional, praiseworthy, laudable |
殊に | ことに | especially; additionally |
殊勝 | しゅしょう | admirable, laudable |
殊勲 | しゅくん | meritorious deeds |
残った分 | のこったぶん | amount left over |
残忍 | ざんにん | cruelty, atrocity, brutality |
残暑 | ざんしょ | lingering summer heat |
残留 | ざんりゅう | residual, residue; stay behind, stay back |
残虐 | ざんぎゃく | cruelty, brutality |
残酷 | ざんこく | cruelty, harshness |
残飯 | ざんぱん | food scraps, garbage |
残高 | ざんだか | (bank) balance, remainder |
殖産 | しょくさん | production increase, enhancement of one's fortune |
殴りつける | なぐりつける | to beat (someone in battle) |
殴り付ける | なぐりつける | to beat (someone in battle) |
殴り倒す | なぐりたおす | to knock down |
殴り合い | なぐりあい | fist fight |
殴り合う | なぐりあう | to fight, to exchange blows |
殴り殺す | なぐりころす | to strike dead, to beat to death |
殴り込み | なぐりこみ | raid |
殴る | なぐる | to strike, to hit |
殴打 | おうだ | hit, strike, blow |
段ボール | だんボール, ダンボール | (corrugated) cardboard |
殺し | ころし | a murder |
殺人未遂 | さつじんみすい | attempted murder |
殺伐 | さつばつ | bloodthirsty, brutal, savage |
殺傷 | さっしょう | kill and wound |
殺到 | さっとう | rush, flood |
殺害 | さつがい, せつがい, せちがい | killing, murder |
殺菌 | さっきん | sterilization, sterilisation, disinfection |
殺虫剤 | さっちゅうざい | insecticide, pesticide |
殻むき | からむき | shelling (e.g. of eggs, nuts, crabs and such) |
殿下 | でんか, てんが | your Highness, his (or her) Highness |
殿堂 | でんどう | palace, palatial building |
殿様 | とのさま | feudal lord |
毅然 | きぜん | fortitude, firmness, resolution |
毅然として | きぜんとして | with resolution |
母乳 | ぼにゅう | mother's milk |
母后 | ぼこう | empress dowager |
母子 | ぼし | mother and child |
母校 | ぼこう | alma mater |
母胎 | ぼたい | womb, uterus |
毎分 | まいふん | every minute, per minute |
毎回 | まいかい | every time, each round |
毎秒 | まいびょう | every second |
毒 | どく | poison, toxicant |
毒ガス | どくガス | poison gas |
毒性 | どくせい | toxicity, toxic, virulence, virulent |
毒物 | どくぶつ | poison |
毒舌 | どくぜつ | wicked tongue, abusive language |
比べ | くらべ | contest, comparison, competition |
比例 | ひれい | proportion |
比叡山 | ひえいざん | Mt. Hiei (in Kyoto) |
比律賓 | ふぃりっぴん, フィリピン, フイリピン | Philippines |
比率 | ひりつ | ratio, proportion, percentage |
比翼塚 | ひよくづか | double grave of lovers who died together |
比諭 | ひゆ | allegory, parable |
比較対照 | ひかくたいしょう | comparison and contrast |
比較文学 | ひかくぶんがく | comparative literature |
比較級 | ひかくきゅう | comparative, comparative degree |
比較言語学 | ひかくげんごがく | comparative linguistics |
比重 | ひじゅう | specific gravity; relative weight, relative importance |
毛筆 | もうひつ | (writing, painting) brush |
毛髪 | もうはつ | hair |
毬 | いが, かさ | burr, bur, (chestnut) case, (pine) cone |
毬投げ | まりなげ | playing catch |
毬果 | きゅうか | (pine) cone |
毬栗 | いがぐり | chestnut in its burr |
毬栗頭 | いがぐりあたま | close-cropped head |
毬藻 | まりも | variety of algae |
氏名 | しめい | full name, identity |
氏子 | うじこ | shrine parishioner |
氏族 | しぞく | clan, family |
氏神 | うじがみ | Shinto god, patron god |
民 | たみ | nation, people |
民主 | みんしゅ | democracy, popular sovereignty; democratic |
民主主義 | みんしゅしゅぎ | democracy |
民事訴訟 | みんじそしょう | civil action, civil suit, civil proceedings |
民事訴訟法 | みんじそしょうほう | (Japanese) Civil Proceedings Act (1890, revised in 1926) |
民俗芸能 | みんぞくげいのう | folk entertainment |
民兵 | みんぺい | militia(men) |
民営 | みんえい | private management |
民宿 | みんしゅく | private home providing lodging for travelers (travellers) |
民放 | みんぽう | commercial broadcast |
民族 | みんぞく | people, race, nation |
民族主義 | みんぞくしゅぎ | nationalism |
民社党 | みんしゃとう | Democratic Socialist Party |
民衆 | みんしゅう | people, populace, masses |
民需 | みんじゅ | civilian requirements |
気の毒 | きのどく | pitiful, unfortunate, (a) pity |
気丈 | きじょう | stout-hearted, firm |
気候 | きこう | climate |
気力旺盛 | きりょくおうせい | being full of energy (drive, motivation, vitality) |
気味 | きみ | sensation, feeling |
気孔 | きこう | stoma |
気忙しい | きぜわしい | restless, fidgety, fussy |
気概 | きがい | strong spirit |
気泡 | きほう | (air) bubble (esp. in a liquid) |
気筒 | きとう | cylinder |
気管支炎 | きかんしえん | bronchitis |
気胞 | きほう | bladder, vesicle |
気象 | きしょう | weather, climate |
気象庁 | きしょうちょう | Meteorological Agency |
気軽 | きがる | carefree, buoyant, lighthearted, sprightly; ease |
気迫 | きはく | spirit, soul, drive, vigor, vigour |
気遣い | きづかい | consideration, concern, fear, worry, solicitude |
気遣う | きづかう | to worry about, to feel anxious about, to have apprehensions of |
気鋭 | きえい | spirited, energetic |
気骨稜々 | きこつりょうりょう | (a person with) strong moral fiber (backbone, determination) |
気骨稜稜 | きこつりょうりょう | (a person with) strong moral fiber (backbone, determination) |
水仙 | すいせん | daffodil, narcissus, Narcissus tazetta var chinensis |
水俣病 | みなまたびょう | Minamata disease |
水凪鳥 | みずなぎどり, ミズナギドリ | petrel (esp. petrels of family Procellariidae) |
水墨画 | すいぼくが | India-ink painting |
水嵩 | みずかさ | volume of water |
水彩画 | すいさいが | watercolor painting, watercolour painting |
水揚げ | みずあげ | landing, unloading, a catch, takings |
水晶 | すいしょう | crystal |
水晶体 | すいしょうたい | the crystalline lens (of the eye) |
水槽 | すいそう | water tank, cistern, fish tank |
水没 | すいぼつ | submerge |
水泡 | すいほう | foam, bubble; nothing |
水洗 | すいせん | flushing |
水浸し | みずびたし | flooded out, submersion |
水深 | すいしん | depth of water |
水温 | すいおん | water temperature |
水源 | すいげん | source of river, fountainhead |
水溶性 | すいようせい | water-soluble |
水溶液 | すいようえき | (translucent) aqueous solution |
水痘 | すいとう | chicken pox |
水稲 | すいとう | wet-land rice |
水系 | すいけい | drainage system |
水耕 | すいこう | hydroponics |
水芭蕉 | みずばしょう | Asian skunk cabbage (Lysichiton camtschatcense) |
水茎 | みずぐき | writing brush, brush strokes |
水質 | すいしつ | water quality |
水辺 | すいへん, みずべ | waterside, waterfront |
水銀 | すいぎん | mercury |
水面 | すいめん, みなも, みのも | water's surface |
水鳥 | すいちょう, みずとり, みずどり | waterfowl, water bird, shorebird |
氷原 | ひょうげん | ice field, ice floe, snow field |
氷室 | こおりむろ, ひむろ, ひょうしつ | ice house, ice room, cold room |
氷山 | ひょうざん | iceberg |
氷晶 | ひょうしょう | ice crystals |
氷柱 | ひょうちゅう, つらら | icicle; ice pillar; ice |
氷河 | ひょうが | glacier |
氷点下 | ひょうてんか | below freezing |
氷酢酸 | ひょうさくさん | glacial acetic acid |
永い | ながい | long (distance); long (time), lengthy |
永らく | ながらく | long, (for a) long time |
永世 | えいせい | eternity, perpetuity, immortality, permanence |
永代 | えいたい | permanence, eternity |
永住 | えいじゅう | permanent residence |
永続 | えいぞく | permanence, continuation |
氾濫 | はんらん | overflowing, flood |
汀 | みぎわ | water's edge, shore |
汀渚 | ていしょ | sand bar, waters edge |
汀線 | ていせん | shoreline, beach line |
汁吸啄木鳥 | しるすいきつつき, シルスイキツツキ | yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) |
汁気 | しるけ | juice |
求人 | きゅうじん | offer of job (situation) |
求刑 | きゅうけい | prosecution |
求心力 | きゅうしんりょく | centripetal force, cohesive power, unifying force |
求愛誇示 | きゅうあいこじ | courtship display |
求職 | きゅうしょく | job hunting, seeking employment |
汐 | しお, うしお | tide, current; salt water; opportunity |
汐合い | しおあい | opportunity, chance |
汐干狩り | しおひがり | shell gathering (at low tide), clamming |
汐汲み | しおくみ | person who draws water from the sea, drawing water from the sea |
汗 | あせ | sweat, perspiration; moisture, condensation |
汗だくで | あせだくで | dripping with sweat, bathed in perspiration |
汗ばむ | あせばむ | to be sweaty |
汗みずく | あせみずく | drenched with sweat, sweaty all over |
汗をかく | あせをかく | to perspire, to sweat |
汗水 | あせみず | sweat |
汚れ | よごれ | dirt, filth |
汚名 | おめい | stigma, dishonour, dishonor, infamy |
汚水 | おすい | filthy water, sewage |
汚泥 | おでい | dirty mud |
汚濁 | おだく | pollution, contamination, corruption, graft |
汚点 | おてん | stain, blot, flaw, disgrace |
汚物 | おぶつ | dirt, dust, garbage |
汚職 | おしょく | corruption |
汚辱 | おじょく | disgrace, humiliation, insult |
江 | え | inlet, bay |
江上 | こうじょう | (on the) bank of a large river |
江戸 | えど | old name of Tokyo |
江戸っ子 | えどっこ | true Tokyoite |
江戸の敵を長崎で討つ | えどのかたきをながさきでうつ | to take revenge on someone in an unlikely place |
江戸前 | えどまえ | Tokyo style |
池亭 | ちてい | arbor (arbour, bower) by a lake |
池沼 | ちしょう | ponds and swamps; mentally-handicapped person |
池畔 | ちはん | near the pond, edge of a pond |
決まって | きまって | always, without fail, usually, regularly |
決勝 | けっしょう | decision of a contest, finals (in sports) |
決意 | けつい | decision, determination |
決断 | けつだん | decision, determination |
決済 | けっさい | settlement, payment of account |
決着 | けっちゃく | conclusion, decision, end, settlement |
決算 | けっさん | balance sheet, settlement of accounts |
決裂 | けつれつ | breakdown, rupture |
決議 | けつぎ | resolution, vote, decision |
決起 | けっき | jump to one's feet, stand up against, rising to action |
決選投票 | けっせんとうひょう | final (decisive) vote, run-off ballot |
汽水 | きすい | brackish water |
汽笛 | きてき | steam whistle |
汽缶 | きかん | boiler |
汽缶室 | きかんしつ | boiler room |
汽罐 | きかん | boiler |
汽車賃 | きしゃちん | train fare |
沈下 | ちんか | sinking, subsidence |
沈倫 | ちんりん | sinking into obscurity, being ruined |
沈没 | ちんぼつ | sinking, foundering |
沈滞 | ちんたい | stagnation, inactivity |
沈痛 | ちんつう | grave, sad, mournful, sorrowful, pensive |
沈降 | ちんこう | precipitate, settle |
沈静 | ちんせい | stillness, tranquility, tranquillity, dullness |
沈黙 | ちんもく | silence, reticence |
沖 | おき | open sea |
沖する | ちゅうする | to rise up into the air, to ascend into the sky |
沖合 | おきあい | coast, offing, offshore |
沖積 | ちゅうせき | alluvial |
沖積世 | ちゅうせきせい | alluvial epoch (i.e. the Holocene epoch) |
沖積土 | ちゅうせきど | alluvial soil |
沖積層 | ちゅうせきそう | alluvium, alluvial stratum |
沖積期 | ちゅうせきき | alluvial period |
沖縄 | おきなわ | Okinawa (one of the Japanese Ryukyu islands) |
沖縄開発庁長官 | おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかん | Director General of Okinawa Development Agency |
沙 | しゃ, さ | one hundred-millionth |
沙丘 | さきゅう | sand dune, sand hill |
沙汰 | さた | affair, state |
沙漠 | さばく | desert |
沙門 | しゃもん, さもん | shramana (wandering monk) |
没 | ぼつ | discard; death; rejection (of a manuscript; lacking, without |
没収 | ぼっしゅう | forfeiture, seizure, confiscation, impounding |
没後 | ぼつご | after death, posthumously |
没頭 | ぼっとう | immersing oneself |
沢 | さわ | swamp, marsh; mountain stream, valley, dale |
沢地 | さわち | marshy land |
沢庵 | たくあん | pickled daikon radish |
沢辺 | さわべ | edge of a swamp |
河原 | かわら, かわはら | dry river bed, river beach |
河口 | かわぐち, かこう | mouth of river, estuary |
河岸 | かわぎし, かがん, かし | river bank, riverside; fish market |
河川 | かせん | rivers |
河川敷 | かせんしき, かせんじき | (dry) riverbed |
河畔 | かはん | riverside |
河豚 | ふぐ, ふく, ふくべ, かとん, フグ | puffer fish, blow fish, fugu, globefish, swellfish |
河鹿 | かじか | kajika frog (Buergeria buergeri) |
沸き出す | わきだす | to gush out |
沸き立つ | わきたつ | to boil up, to ferment, to seethe |
沸き起こる | わきおこる | to well up, to burst, to arise |
沸き返る | わきかえる | to boil up; to get excited, to be in uproar |
沸騰 | ふっとう | boiling, seething |
油井 | ゆせい | oil well |
油彩 | ゆさい | oil painting |
油脂 | ゆし | fat, fats and oils |
治安 | ちあん | public order |
治療 | ちりょう | medical treatment, cure |
治癒 | ちゆ | healing, cure, recovery |
沼 | ぬま | swamp, bog, pond, lake |
沼地 | ぬまち, しょうち | marshland, wetland, swampland |
沼杉 | ぬますぎ, ヌマスギ | bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) |
沼気 | しょうき | marsh gas, methane |
沼沢 | しょうたく | marsh, swamp |
沼湖 | しょうこ | marshes and lakes |
沼田 | ぬまた, ぬまだ | marshy rice field or paddy |
沿い | ぞい | along |
沿う | そう | to run along; to follow (a plan, etc.), to act in accordance with |
沿って | そって | along, by, parallel to |
沿岸 | えんがん | coast, shore, littoral |
沿海 | えんかい | coast, shore, inshore, coastal waters |
沿海州 | えんかいしゅう | (Russian) maritime provinces |
沿線 | えんせん | along railway line |
沿道 | えんどう | route, course, roadside |
沿革 | えんかく | history, development |
泊 | はく | counter for nights of a stay |
泊まり | とまり | stay, stopover, anchorage, night duty |
泊める | とめる | to give shelter to, to lodge |
泌み泌み | しみじみ | earnestly; calmly |
泌尿器 | ひにょうき | urinary organs |
泌尿器科 | ひにょうきか | urology |
泌尿幾 | ひにょうき | urinary organs |
法人 | ほうじん | corporate body, corporation, (legal) person, (juridical) person |
法令 | ほうれい | laws and ordinances, acts (of parliament, congress, etc.) |
法廷 | ほうてい | courtroom |
法廷侮辱 | ほうていぶじょく | contempt of court |
法律事務所 | ほうりつじむしょ | law office, law firm |
法悦 | ほうえつ | religious exultation, ecstasy |
法曹 | ほうそう | legal profession, lawyer |
法曹界 | ほうそうかい | legal circles |
法案 | ほうあん | bill (law) |
法的 | ほうてき | legality |
法秩序 | ほうちつじょ | legal order |
法蓮草 | ほうれんそう | spinach |
泡を食う | あわをくう | to be flurried, to be confused, to lose one's head |
泡沫的 | ほうまつてき | transient, passing, fleeting, ephemeral, like a bubble on liquid |
泡盛 | あわもり | strong Okinawa liquor |
波 | なみ | wave |
波乱 | はらん | troubles, ups and downs, stormy, uproarious (i.e. relationship) |
波及 | はきゅう | spread, extension, influence, aftereffect, ripple |
波浪 | はろう | waves, surge |
波紋 | はもん | ripple, ring on the water |
波蘭 | ポーランド, ポランド, ぽーらんど, ぽらんど | Poland |
泣かされる | なかされる | to be moved to tears; to suffer greatly (from) |
泣かす | なかす | to make someone cry; to grieve |
泣かせる | なかせる | to make someone cry; to let cry; to grieve |
泣き | なき | weeping, lamenting |
泣きじゃくる | なきじゃくる | to sob |
泣き叫ぶ | なきさけぶ | to cry and shout, to scream |
泣き喚く | なきわめく | to bawl, to cry, to scream |
泣き声 | なきごえ | cry, crying voice |
泣き崩れる | なきくずれる | to break down crying |
泣叫ぶ | なきさけぶ | to cry and shout, to scream |
泣喚く | なきわめく | to bawl, to cry, to scream |
泥 | どろ | mud |
泥仕合 | どろじあい | mudslinging, smear campaign |
泥水 | でいすい, どろみず | muddy water; red-light district |
泥沼 | どろぬま | bog, marsh |
泥炭 | でいたん | peat |
泥酔 | でいすい | dead drunk |
注ぎ込む | そそぎこむ | to pour into (liquids), to pump into |
注釈 | ちゅうしゃく | notes, comment, remark, annotation |
泰 | タイ, たい | Thailand |
泰国 | たいこく | Thailand |
泰山 | たいざん | large mountain, Mt Taishan (China) |
泰山鳴動して鼠一匹 | たいざんめいどうしてねずみいっぴき | much ado about nothing, The mountains have have brought forth a mouse (Aesop) |
泰平 | たいへい | peace, tranquility, tranquillity |
泰然 | たいぜん | calm, composed, self-possessed, firm |
泰然自若 | たいぜんじじゃく | having presence of mind, self-possessed, imperturbable, calm and self-possessed |
泰西 | たいせい | the Occident, the West |
泰西名画 | たいせいめいが | Western painting |
泳げるようになる | およげるようになる | to learn how to swim |
泳者 | えいしゃ | a swimmer |
洋弓 | ようきゅう | Western-style archery, (small) Western-style bow |
洋梨 | ようなし | European pear (Pyrus communis) |
洋画 | ようが | Western paintings; Western films, Western movies |
洋菓子 | ようがし | Western confectionery |
洗い上げる | あらいあげる | to finish washing, to wash well, to investigate thoroughly |
洗い熊 | あらいぐま | common raccoon (Procyon lotor) |
洗浄 | せんじょう | washing, cleaning, laundering |
洗濯のり | せんたくのり | laundry starch |
洗濯ばさみ | せんたくばさみ | clothes-pin, clothespin, clothes peg |
洗濯挟み | せんたくばさみ | clothes-pin, clothespin, clothes peg |
洗濯物 | せんたくもの | clothes to be washed, the washing |
洗濯糊 | せんたくのり | laundry starch |
洗礼 | せんれい | baptism |
洗錬 | せんれん | polish, refinement |
洞 | うろ | hollow, cavity, hole |
洞察 | どうさつ | discernment, insight |
洞穴 | どうけつ, ほらあな | cave, den, grotto |
洞窟 | どうくつ | cave |
津々浦々 | つつうらうら, つづうらうら | all over the country, throughout the land, every nook and cranny of the land |
津波 | つなみ | tsunami, tidal wave |
津津浦浦 | つつうらうら, つづうらうら | all over the country, throughout the land, every nook and cranny of the land |
津浪 | つなみ | tsunami, tidal wave |
洪大 | こうだい | great, immense |
洪水 | こうずい | flood |
洪牙利 | はんがりー, ハンガリー | Hungary |
洪積 | こうせき | diluvial epoch (geol.) |
洪積世 | こうせきせい | diluvial epoch |
洪積層 | こうせきそう | diluvial formation (geol.) |
洵に | じつに, まことに, げに, しんに | indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quite |
洵美 | じゅんび | exquisite, truly beautiful |
洸々 | こうこう | valiant, brave, surge (of water) |
洸洋 | こうよう | unfathomable, great expanse of water, incoherent |
洸洸 | こうこう | valiant, brave, surge (of water) |
活動家 | かつどうか | (anti-war) activist |
活字 | かつじ | printing type |
活性 | かっせい | activity |
活性炭 | かっせいたん | activated charcoal |
活況 | かっきょう | activity, briskness, prosperity |
活発 | かっぱつ | vigor, vigour, active, lively |
活路開拓 | かつろかいたく | developing a way or means |
派兵 | はへい | dispatch of troops, despatch of troops |
派遣 | はけん | dispatch, despatch, send |
派閥 | はばつ | clique, faction |
流し網 | ながしあみ | drift net |
流れ | ながれ | stream, current, flow |
流儀 | りゅうぎ | style, fashion |
流動 | りゅうどう | flow |
流暢 | りゅうちょう | fluent (language skill), flowing |
流氷 | りゅうひょう | drift ice, ice floe |
流浪 | るろう | vagrancy, wandering, nomadism |
流血 | りゅうけつ | bloodshed |
流行性感冒 | りゅうこうせいかんぼう | influenza, flu |
流麗 | りゅうれい | fluent, flowing, elegant |
浄化 | じょうか | purification, cleanup |
浄化槽 | じょうかそう | septic tank, tank for purifying water |
浄土 | じょうど | Pure Land (esp. the Western Pure Land paradise of Amitabha); Pure Land Buddhism |
浄土宗 | じょうどしゅう | Pure Land sect (of Buddhism), Jodo (sect) |
浄土真宗 | じょうどしんしゅう | Jodo Shinshu (offshoot of the Jodo sect) |
浄水 | じょうすい | clean water |
浄瑠璃 | じょうるり | ballad drama; drama narrator for the bunraku theatre (theater) |
浅からぬ | あさからぬ | deep (of emotions, connections, etc.), lit: not shallow |
浅はか | あさはか | frivolous, thoughtless |
浅ましい | あさましい | wretched, miserable, shameful, mean, despicable, abject |
浅海 | せんかい | shallow sea |
浅瀬 | あさせ | shoal, shallows, sand bar, ford |
浅茅生 | あさじう | broad field of sparsely growing cogon grass |
浅見 | せんけん | shallow view, superficial idea |
浅黒い | あさぐろい | darkish, swarthy |
浜 | はま | beach, seashore |
浜のまさご | はまのまさご | grains of sand on the beach (i.e. something countless) |
浜焼き | はまやき | freshly caught seafood broiled at a beach |
浜茄子 | はまなす | sweet briar |
浜風 | はまかぜ | sea breeze, beach wind |
浦 | うら | inlet |
浦人 | うらびと | seaside dweller |
浦波 | うらなみ | (seaside) breakers |
浦辺 | うらべ | seacoast |
浦里 | うらざと | village by the sea |
浦風 | うらかぜ | sea breeze |
浩瀚 | こうかん | bulky, voluminous |
浩然 | こうぜん | broadminded; great and prosperous, vast |
浪 | なみ | wave |
浪曲 | ろうきょく | recitation of stories accompanied by samisen (called naniwabushi) |
浪漫 | ろうまん, ロマン, ローマン | romance (i.e. Arthurian romances); novel; romance |
浪花節 | なにわぶし | naniwabushi, a kind of sung narrative popular during the Edo period |
浪費 | ろうひ | waste, extravagance |
浪速 | なにわ | Naniwa (former name for Osaka region) |
浮かび上がる | うかびあがる | to rise to the surface |
浮かべる | うかべる | to float; to express; to think, to imagine, to remember |
浮き | うき | float (fishing), buoy |
浮き彫り | うきぼり | relief, embossed carving |
浮き桟橋 | うきさんばし | floating pier |
浮上 | ふじょう | surfacing, rising to the surface |
浮動票 | ふどうひょう | swing vote |
浮揚 | ふよう | floating (in the air) |
浮沈 | ふちん | floating and sinking, rise and fall, ebb and flow, ups and downs |
浮浪者 | ふろうしゃ | vagrant |
浴びせる | あびせる | to pour on |
浴場 | よくじょう | bath (tub, bath-house) |
浴室 | よくしつ | bathroom, bath |
浴槽 | よくそう | bathtub |
海上 | かいじょう | (by, at, on) sea, maritime, marine |
海上自衛隊 | かいじょうじえいたい | Maritime Self Defense Forces (Defence) |
海亀 | うみがめ | loggerhead, sea turtle |
海兵隊 | かいへいたい | Marine Corps, Royal Marines |
海域 | かいいき | area of ocean |
海岸線 | かいがんせん | coastline, coastal railway |
海峡 | かいきょう | channel (e.g. between two land masses), strait |
海嶺 | かいれい | (submarine) ridge |
海底 | かいてい | bottom of the ocean |
海水浴場 | かいすいよくじょう | swimming area (in the ocean), swimming beach, seawater baths |
海浜 | かいひん | seaside |
海溝 | かいこう | ocean trench, deep |
海藻 | かいそう | seaweed |
海豚 | いるか, イルカ | dolphin (or other small toothed whales, such as porpoises, belugas, etc.) |
海賊 | かいぞく | pirate, sea robber |
海賊の髑髏 | かいぞくのどくろ | skull and crossbones (pirate flag), Jolly Roger |
海賊版 | かいぞくばん | pirated edition, bootleg |
海軍 | かいぐん | navy |
海辺 | うみべ, かいへん | beach, seashore |
浸かる | つかる | to be pickled; to be submerged, to be soaked |
浸し物 | ひたしもの | boiled greens flavored with soy (flavoured) |
浸す | ひたす | to soak, to dip, to drench |
浸る | ひたる | to be soaked in, to be flooded, to be immersed in |
浸水 | しんすい | flood, inundation |
浸透 | しんとう | permeation, penetration, soaking; osmosis |
浸食 | しんしょく | erosion, corrosion |
消印 | けしいん | postmark, (postal) cancellation mark |
消息 | しょうそく | news, letter, circumstances |
消息筋 | しょうそくすじ | informed circles |
消灯 | しょうとう | putting out (switching off) the light, extinction |
消耗 | しょうもう, しょうこう | exhaustion, consumption, waste, dissipation |
消耗品 | しょうもうひん | consumable goods |
消耗品費 | しょうもうひんひ | office supplies |
消耗的 | しょうこうてき | exhaustive |
消臭剤 | しょうしゅうざい | deodorant |
消費税 | しょうひぜい | consumption tax (incl. sales tax, VAT, excise duty, etc.) |
消費者 | しょうひしゃ | consumer |
消防 | しょうぼう | fire fighting, fire department |
涙 | なみだ | tear, tears, lachrymal secretion; sympathy |
涙ぐましい | なみだぐましい | touching, moving, painful |
涙ぐむ | なみだぐむ | to be moved to tears |
涙する | なみだする | to shed tears, to bring tears to one's eyes |
涙ながら | なみだながら | while crying, in tears |
涙声 | なみだごえ | tearful voice |
涯 | はて | horizon |
液 | えき | liquid, fluid |
液体 | えきたい | liquid, fluid |
液化 | えきか | liquefaction |
液晶 | えきしょう | liquid crystal |
液状化 | えきじょうか | liquefaction, liquefy |
涼み | すずみ | cooling oneself, enjoying the cool air |
涼やか | すずやか | refreshing, clear |
涼をとる | りょうをとる | to cool off (literary) |
涼風 | りょうふう, すずかぜ | cool breeze, refreshing breeze |
淋巴 | リンパ, りんぱ | lymph |
淋巴液 | りんぱえき, リンパえき | lymph fluid |
淑やか | しとやか | graceful |
淑女 | しゅくじょ | lady |
淑女風 | しゅくじょふう | ladylike, in the manner of a lady |
淑徳 | しゅくとく | womanly virtues |
淘汰 | とうた | (natural) selection, weeding out |
淡々 | たんたん | disinterested, unconcerned, indifferent, plain, light |
淡い | あわい | light, faint, pale, fleeting |
淡水魚 | たんすいぎょ | freshwater fish |
淡紅色 | たんこうしょく | pink |
淡黄色 | たんおうしょく, たんこうしょく | pale yellow, light yellow |
淫奔 | いんぽん | lewdness, lasciviousness |
深み | ふかみ | depth, deep place |
深める | ふかめる | to deepen, to heighten, to intensify |
深刻化 | しんこくか | becoming more serious or severe (problem) |
深層 | しんそう | depths, deep level |
深山 | みやま, しんざん | mountain recess, deep in the mountains |
深海 | しんかい | deep sea, depths of the sea, ocean depths |
深紅 | しんく, しんこう | deep crimson |
淳朴 | じゅんぼく | rustic simplicity, homeliness, unsophisticated, naive, honest, simple |
淳良 | じゅんりょう | simple and kind, innocent |
混ぜ合わす | まぜあわす | to mix together, to blend, to compound |
混入 | こんにゅう | mixing, adding, adulteration |
混同 | こんどう | confusion, mixing, merger |
混成 | こんせい | mixed (e.g. team, chorus) |
混戦 | こんせん | free-for-all fight |
混濁 | こんだく | muddiness, turbidity, opacity |
混紡 | こんぼう | mixed yarn, mixed spinning |
混血 | こんけつ | mixed race, mixed parentage |
混迷 | こんめい | turmoil, chaos, confusion |
添乗 | てんじょう | accompanying, escorting |
添付 | てんぷ | attachment, appendage, annex, annexure |
添削 | てんさく | correction |
添加 | てんか | addition, annexing |
添加物 | てんかぶつ, てんかもの | addition, additive, appendix |
添附 | てんぷ | attachment, appendage, annex, annexure |
清廉 | せいれん | honesty, integrity, purity and unselfishness |
清廉潔白 | せいれんけっぱく | being upright and cleanhanded |
清新 | せいしん | fresh, new |
清朝 | しんちょう | Qing Dynasty, Ch'ing Dynasty, Manchu Dynasty |
清流 | せいりゅう | clear stream |
清浄 | せいじょう, しょうじょう | pure, clean, purity |
清涼 | せいりょう | cool, refreshing |
清涼飲料水 | せいりょういんりょうすい | soft drink |
清澄 | せいちょう | clear, serene |
清濁 | せいだく | good and evil; voiced and unvoiced consonants |
清爽 | せいそう, かわらか | refreshing; neat, tidy, trim |
清祥 | せいしょう | spirit, energy |
清算 | せいさん | liquidation, settlement |
清貧 | せいひん | honourable poverty, honorable poverty |
清酒 | せいしゅ | refined sake |
渇 | かつ | thirst |
渇き | かわき | thirst |
渇ごう | かつごう | adoration, reverence, esteem |
渇す | かっす | to be thirsty, to be dry |
渇する | かっする | to be thirsty, to be dry |
渇望 | かつぼう | craving, longing, thirsting |
渇望者 | かつぼうしゃ | desiring person, luster |
渇水 | かっすい | water shortage |
渉る | わたる | to cross over; to extend, to cover, to range, to span |
渉外 | しょうがい | public relations, client liaison, client relations |
渉外部 | しょうがいぶ | liaison department, public relations department |
渋 | しぶ | astringent (puckery) juice (of unripe persimmons) |
渋々 | しぶしぶ | reluctantly, unwillingly |
渋いワイン | しぶいワイン | rough wine, cheap wine |
渋り腹 | しぶりばら | bowel pains, painful loose bowels |
渋る | しぶる | to hesitate, to be reluctant, to have loose painful bowel movement |
渋柿 | しぶがき | astringent persimmon |
渋滞 | じゅうたい | congestion (e.g. traffic), delay, stagnation |
渓 | たに | valley |
渓壑 | けいがく | ravine, chasm; ravenous desire, insatiable desire |
渓声 | けいせい | sound of a valley stream |
渓流 | けいりゅう | mountain stream |
渓流釣り | けいりゅうづり | mountain stream fishing |
渓谷 | けいこく | valley, ravine, canyon |
渓間 | けいかん | ravine |
渚 | なぎさ | water's edge, beach, shore |
渚伝い | なぎさづたい | along the shore |
渚畔 | しょはん | shore, waterside |
減価償却 | げんかしょうきゃく | depreciation |
減俸 | げんぽう | salary reduction, salary cut |
減反 | げんたん | reduction (of crop size), reduction of acreage (under cultivation) |
減収 | げんしゅう | fall, decrease (in income) |
減少 | げんしょう | decrease, reduction, decline |
減産 | げんさん | reduction in production |
減益 | げんえき | decrease in profits |
減税 | げんぜい | tax reduction |
減衰 | げんすい | attenuation, damping, decay |
減衰器 | げんすいき | attenuator |
減速 | げんそく | deceleration |
減量 | げんりょう | loss in quantity |
減額 | げんがく | reduction, diminution, abatement |
渠魁 | きょかい | ringleader, chief |
渡し | わたし | ferry (crossing), ferry(boat); delivery |
渡り | わたり | ferry |
渡り廊下 | わたりろうか | passage |
渡り鳥 | わたりどり | migratory bird, bird of passage |
渡仏 | とふつ | going to France |
渡欧 | とおう | going to Europe |
渡航 | とこう | voyage |
渥地 | あくち | marshland |
渥然 | あくぜん | glossy |
渦 | うず | swirl |
渦中 | かちゅう | vortex, maelstrom, whirlpool, convulsions, upheaval |
渦動 | かどう | vortex |
渦巻 | うずまき | whirlpool, eddy, coil |
渦巻き | うずまき | whirlpool, eddy, coil |
渦巻く | うずまく | to whirl, to eddy, to swirl, to curl (smoke) |
渦流 | かりゅう | swirling current |
渦潮 | うずしお | whirling tides |
渦状 | かじょう | spiral |
渦紋 | かもん | whirlpool design |
温厚 | おんこう | gentle |
温存 | おんぞん | preserve, retain |
温床 | おんしょう | hotbed, breeding ground |
温泉郷 | おんせんきょう | hot-spring village, spa |
温雅 | おんが | graceful, affable |
測候所 | そっこうじょ | weather measurement station |
測定器 | そくていき | measuring instrument |
港内 | こうない | inside the harbour, inside the harbor |
港湾 | こうわん | harbours, harbors |
港湾局 | こうわんきょく | Port and Harbor Authority |
湖上 | こじょう | on the lake |
湖岸 | こがん | lakeshore, lakeside |
湖底 | こてい | bottom of a lake |
湖水 | こすい | lake |
湖沼 | こしょう | lakes and marshes |
湖畔 | こはん | lake shore |
湧き出す | わきだす | to gush out |
湧き出る | わきでる | to gush forth |
湧き立つ | わきたつ | to boil up, to ferment, to seethe |
湧き起こる | わきおこる | to well up, to burst, to arise |
湧き起る | わきおこる | to well up, to burst, to arise |
湧出 | ゆうしゅつ, ようしゅつ | gushing out, welling up, springing up |
湧水 | ゆうすい | welling of water |
湯水 | ゆみず | hot and cold water, abundance |
湯沸かし器 | ゆわかしき | water-heater, water-boiler |
湯治 | とうじ | hot-spring cure, taking the baths |
湯船 | ゆぶね | bathtub |
湾岸 | わんがん | gulf coast, bay coast |
湾曲 | わんきょく | curve, bend, crook |
湿っぽい | しめっぽい | damp, gloomy |
湿り | しめり | dampness, humidity, moisture |
湿原 | しつげん | marshy grassland, wetlands |
湿地 | しっち | swampy (damp) land |
湿電池 | しつでんち | wet cell battery |
満々 | まんまん | full of, brimming with |
満了 | まんりょう | expiration, termination |
満喫 | まんきつ | have enough of, fully enjoy |
満場一致 | まんじょういっち | unanimous |
満塁 | まんるい | bases loaded (baseball) |
満悦 | まんえつ | great delight, rapture |
満杯 | まんぱい | full |
満洲 | まんしゅう | Manchuria |
満載 | まんさい | fully loaded, full load, loaded condition |
源 | みなもと | source, origin |
源氏 | げんじ | Genji (the character in the Genji Monogatari); the Minamoto family |
源泉 | げんせん | source |
準じる | じゅんじる | to follow, to conform, to apply to |
準決勝 | じゅんけっしょう | semifinal (in sports) |
溝 | こう | 10^32, hundred nonillion (American), (obs) hundred quintillion (British) |
溝レール | みぞレール | grooved rail |
溝渠 | こうきょ | ditch, sewer, canal |
溶かす | とかす | to melt, to dissolve |
溶け合う | とけあう | to melt together |
溶剤 | ようざい | solvent, solution, flux |
溶媒 | ようばい | solvent |
溶接 | ようせつ | weld, welding |
溶液 | ようえき | solution (liquid) |
溶融 | ようゆう | melting, fusion |
溶解 | ようかい | dissolution; to melt, to dissolve, to liquefy |
溶鉱炉 | ようこうろ | smelting furnace, blast furnace |
溶銑 | ようせん | molten iron |
滅びる | ほろびる | to be ruined, to go under, to perish, to be destroyed |
滅亡 | めつぼう | downfall, ruin, collapse, destruction |
滋味 | じみ | nutriment, wholesome, savoriness, savouriness, rich food, nourishment |
滋味に富む | じみにとむ | nutritious, delicious |
滋強飲料 | じきょういんりょう | tonic drink |
滋殖 | じしょく | reproducing in large numbers, multiplying |
滋賀県 | しがけん | Shiga prefecture (Kinki area) |
滋雨 | じう | welcome (beneficial) rain |
滋養 | じよう | nourishment |
滋養分 | じようぶん | nutrient |
滋養物 | じようぶつ | nourishing or nutritious food |
滑らか | なめらか | smoothness, glassiness |
滑り | ぬめり | viscous liquid, slime, mucus |
滑り尺 | すべりじゃく | slide rule |
滑り込む | すべりこむ | to slide into (base), to slip into (ditch) |
滑翔機 | かっしょうき | glider, sailplane |
滑走 | かっそう | glide, volplane |
滑降 | かっこう | descent (in skiing) |
滝つぼ | たきつぼ | basin under a waterfall |
滝口 | たきぐち | top of a waterfall |
滝壷 | たきつぼ | basin under a waterfall |
滝壺 | たきつぼ | basin under a waterfall |
滝川 | たきがわ | rapids |
滝登り | たきのぼり | (fish) climbing (swimming) up waterfall |
滞り | とどこおり | stagnation, hindrance, delay |
滞る | とどこおる | to stagnate, to be delayed |
滞留 | たいりゅう | staying, stagnating, sojourn |
滞納 | たいのう | non-payment, default |
滴 | しずく | drop (of water), drip |
滴り | したたり | dripping, a drop |
滴る | したたる | to drip, to drop, to trickle |
滴下 | てきか | drip, drop, distill |
滴定量 | てきていりょう | titer, titre |
漁 | りょう | fishing, catch |
漁場 | ぎょじょう, ぎょば, りょうば | fishing grounds, permitted fishing zone |
漁村 | ぎょそん | fishing village |
漁民 | ぎょみん | fishermen |
漁港 | ぎょこう | fishing harbour, fishing harbor |
漁獲 | ぎょかく | fishing, catch, haul |
漁礁 | ぎょしょう | reef where fish live and breed |
漁船 | ぎょせん | fishing boat |
漂々 | ひょうひょう | buoyantly, airily, with a light heart |
漂う | ただよう | to drift about, to float, to hang in air |
漂泊 | ひょうはく | roaming, drifting about, wandering |
漂泊者 | ひょうはくしゃ | vagabond |
漂流 | ひょうりゅう | drifting, drift |
漂流木 | ひょうりゅうぼく | driftwood |
漂然 | ひょうぜん | casually, aimlessly, abruptly, unexpectedly |
漂白 | ひょうはく | blanching, bleaching |
漂白剤 | ひょうはくざい | bleaching agent, bleach |
漂着 | ひょうちゃく | drifting ashore |
漆 | うるし | lacquer; lacquer tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum) |
漆かぶれ | うるしかぶれ | lacquer poisoning |
漆器 | しっき | lacquer ware |
漆塗り | うるしぬり | lacquering, lacquer ware |
漆樹 | うるし | lacquer; lacquer tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum) |
漆黒 | しっこく | jet black |
漏らす | もらす | to let leak, to reveal |
漏り | もり | leak, leakage (of rain) |
漏る | もる | to leak, to run out |
漏れ | もれ | omission, leakage, oversight; I, me |
漏れなく | もれなく | without omission, in full |
漏出 | ろうしゅつ | leak out |
漏斗 | じょうご, ろうと, ロート | funnel |
演出 | えんしゅつ | production (e.g. play), direction |
演劇 | えんげき | play (theatrical) |
演壇 | えんだん | rostrum, platform |
演奏 | えんそう | musical performance |
演技 | えんぎ | acting, performance |
演歌 | えんか | enka, traditional-style Japanese popular ballad |
演習 | えんしゅう | practice, practise, exercises, manoeuvres, maneuvers, practicum |
演説 | えんぜつ | speech, address |
漕艇 | そうてい | row (a boat) |
漠漠 | ばくばく | vast, vague, obscure |
漠然 | ばくぜん | obscure, vague, equivocal |
漢和辞典 | かんわじてん | Chinese-Japanese character dictionary |
漢字文化圏 | かんじぶんかけん | countries which use Chinese characters |
漢文 | かんぶん | Chinese classical literature; literature written entirely in kanji |
漢方 | かんぽう | traditional Chinese medicine |
漢方薬 | かんぽうやく | herbal medicine |
漢語 | かんご | Chinese word, Sino-Japanese word |
漫ろに | そぞろに | in spite of oneself, somehow, without knowing why, vaguely |
漫ろ歩き | そぞろあるき | slow, relaxed walk, stroll |
漫才 | まんざい | comedian, comic dialogue |
漫画家 | まんがか, マンガか | cartoonist, manga artist |
漫談 | まんだん | chat, desultory conversation |
漬かる | つかる | to be pickled; to be submerged, to be soaked |
漬け | づけ | pickled (something); being badly influenced by, being addicted to |
漬る | ひたる | to be soaked in, to be flooded, to be immersed in |
漬物 | つけもの | tsukemono (Japanese pickled vegetables) |
漱 | うがい, がんそう | gargling, rinsing one's mouth |
漱ぐ | くちすすぐ | to gargle, to rinse the mouth |
漸 | やや | a little, partially, somewhat, a short time, a while |
漸増 | ぜんぞう | gradual increase |
漸次 | ぜんじ | gradually, slowly, little by little, incrementally |
漸減 | ぜんげん | gradual decrease, decline |
漸近 | ぜんきん | asymptote |
漸近的自由 | ぜんきんてきじゆう | asymptotic freedom (physics) |
漸近線 | ぜんきんせん | asymptotic line |
漸進 | ぜんしん | gradual progress, steady advance |
潔い | いさぎよい | manly, sportsmanlike, pure, upright |
潔く | いさぎよく | bravely, manfully |
潔し | いさぎよし | pride, disdain |
潔しとしない | いさぎよしとしない | find it against one's conscience (to do), too proud (to do) |
潔癖 | けっぺき | fastidiousness, love of cleanliness |
潔白 | けっぱく | innocence (i.e. not guilty), purity, uprightness |
潜む | ひそむ | to lurk, to lie dormant, to be hidden, to be concealed, to be stashed |
潜り | もぐり | diving, diver, unlicensed (doctor, driver, etc.), unregistered, unqualified |
潜伏 | せんぷく | concealment, hiding, ambush, incubation |
潜在 | せんざい | potentiality, dormancy, latency |
潜水 | せんすい | diving |
潜水艦 | せんすいかん | submarine |
潜航 | せんこう | submarine voyage, underwater navigation |
潟 | かた | lagoon |
潟湖 | せきこ | lagoon |
潤い | うるおい | moisture; richness; financial leeway |
潤かす | ふやかす | to soak, to steep, to macerate |
潤ける | ふやける | to become sodden, to swell up |
潤す | うるおす | to moisten, to wet, profit, to enrich, to benefit |
潤み | うるみ | blur, moisture, opacity |
潤む | うるむ | to be clouded, to be dimmed, to be bleared, to be wet, to get muddy |
潤沢 | じゅんたく | luster, lustre, favor, favour, abundance, plenty |
潤滑油 | じゅんかつゆ | lubricating oil |
潮 | しお, うしお | tide, current; salt water; opportunity |
潮干狩り | しおひがり | shell gathering (at low tide), clamming |
潮時 | しおどき | tidal hour; the right time, favourable opportunity (favorable) |
潮汐 | ちょうせき | tide |
潮汐摩擦 | ちょうせきまさつ | tidal friction |
潮汐表 | ちょうせきひょう | a tide table |
潮流 | ちょうりゅう | tide, tidal current, trend |
潮風 | しおかぜ | sea breeze, salt air |
潮風呂 | しおぶろ | (hot) saltwater bath |
澄まし顔 | すましがお | composed expression, clear face |
澄み切った | すみきった | perfectly clear |
澄み切る | すみきる | to be serene |
澪 | みお | waterway, channel; wake (of a ship) |
澪標 | みおつくし, れいひょう | marks in a water channel |
激励 | げきれい | encouragement |
激動 | げきどう | terrible shock, agitation, upheaval |
激化 | げきか, げっか | intensification, aggravation |
激変 | げきへん | sudden change, upheaval |
激怒 | げきど | rage, indignation, exasperation |
激戦 | げきせん | fierce (hard-fought) battle, hot contest |
激昂 | げきこう, げっこう | excited, exasperated, indignant, rage, enraged |
激烈 | げきれつ | violent, vehement, furious, fervent |
激甚 | げきじん | intenseness, violence, severity, vehemence, keenness |
激論 | げきろん | heated discussion |
濁す | にごす | to make muddy, to prevaricate |
濁り | にごり | Japanese voiced consonant mark; muddiness, murkiness, lack of clarity |
濁り点 | にごりてん | voiced consonant marks |
濁流 | だくりゅう | muddy stream |
濁点 | だくてん | voiced consonant marks (nigori) |
濁音 | だくおん | sonant, voiced sound |
濃 | こ | dark, thick |
濃やか | こまやか | friendly, heartfelt, tender |
濃厚 | のうこう | density, richness, concentration, tension |
濃密 | のうみつ | thick, rich (as in taste or content); crowded |
濃淡 | のうたん | light and shade, shade (of colour, color) |
濃紺 | のうこん | dark blue |
濃縮 | のうしゅく | concentrated |
濃褐色 | のうかっしょく | dark brown |
濃霧 | のうむ | heavy fog, dense fog, thick fog |
濠洲 | ごうしゅう | Australia |
濫りがましい | みだりがましい | morally corrupt |
濫りがわしい | みだりがわしい | morally corrupt, slovenly, obscene |
濫伐 | らんばつ | reckless deforestation, overcutting of forests |
濫作 | らんさく | overproduction |
濫獲 | らんかく | excessive fishing, overfishing |
濫用 | らんよう | abuse, misuse, misappropriation, using to excess |
濫発 | らんぱつ | random firing, reckless firing, excessive issue |
濫費 | らんぴ | waste, lavish spending, dissipation |
濯ぐ | すすぐ, ゆすぐ, そそぐ | to rinse; to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace |
瀏亮 | りゅうりょう | clear and resounding (as a voice or musical instrument) |
瀬 | せ | shallows; rapids; position; chance, opportunity |
瀬戸 | せと | strait, channel |
瀬戸際 | せとぎわ | brink, critical moment |
瀬踏み | せぶみ | sounding out, measuring the depths (of a river) |
火の玉 | ひのたま | falling star, fireball |
火口湖 | かこうこ | crater lake |
火器 | かき | firearms, guns |
火山灰 | かざんばい | volcanic ash |
火山灰土壌 | かざんばいどじょう | volcanic ash soil |
火星 | かせい | Mars (planet) |
火柱 | ひばしら | pillar of fire, blazing column |
火災 | かさい | conflagration, fire |
火災保険 | かさいほけん | fire insurance |
火炎 | かえん | flame, blaze |
火炎瓶 | かえんびん | Molotov cocktail |
火砕流 | かさいりゅう | pyroclastic flow (type of volcanic eruption), stone wind |
火葬 | かそう | cremation |
火薬 | かやく | gunpowder, powder |
灰になる | はいになる | to be reduced to ashes, to be cremated |
災い | わざわい | calamity, catastrophe |
災厄 | さいやく | calamity, disaster, accident |
災害 | さいがい | calamity, disaster, misfortune |
災難に遭う | さいなんにあう | to meet with misfortune |
炉 | ろ | hearth, fireplace; furnace, kiln |
炉心 | ろしん | nuclear reactor core |
炊き出し | たきだし | emergency rice feeding |
炊き込み | たきこみ | (something) cooked with rice |
炊き込む | たきこむ | to cook (something) with rice |
炊ける | たける | to be boiled, to be cooked, to be done, to be ready |
炎天 | えんてん | blazing heat, scorching sun |
炎症 | えんしょう | inflammation, irritation |
炭 | すみ | charcoal |
炭俵 | すみだわら | sack for charcoal |
炭化 | たんか | carbonization, carbonisation |
炭坑 | たんこう | coal mine, coal pit |
炭田 | たんでん | coalfield, coal field |
炭窯 | すみがま | charcoal kiln |
炭素 | たんそ | carbon (C) |
炭酸 | たんさん | carbonic acid |
点字 | てんじ | Braille |
点検 | てんけん | inspection, examination, checking |
点滴 | てんてき | raindrops, falling drop of water; intravenous drip |
点滴器 | てんてきき | dropper |
点灯 | てんとう | lighting (a lamp), turning on a light |
点訳 | てんやく | translating into Braille |
為政者 | いせいしゃ | statesman |
為替相場 | かわせそうば | exchange rates |
烈しい | はげしい | violent, vehement, intense, furious, tempestuous |
烈震 | れっしん | disastrous earthquake |
烏滸の沙汰 | おこのさた | stupidity, absurdity, presumption, impertinence |
烏竜茶 | ウーロンちゃ | Oolong tea |
烏芻沙摩妙王 | うすさまみょうおう | Ususama Vidya-raja |
烏賊 | いか | cuttlefish, squid |
無作為 | むさくい | at random, unintentional |
無償 | むしょう | no compensation, free of charge |
無免許 | むめんきょ | unlicensed |
無党派層 | むとうはそう | unaffiliated voters, floating voters, swinging voters |
無冠 | むかん | uncrowned |
無効 | むこう | invalid, no effect, unavailable, illegal |
無国籍 | むこくせき | statelessness |
無報酬 | むほうしゅう | free of charge, gratuitous, without pay |
無尽蔵 | むじんぞう | inexhaustible supply |
無届け | むとどけ | without notice, without leave |
無常迅速 | むじょうじんそく | the (fast) pace at which life passes, the nearness of death |
無我夢中 | むがむちゅう | being absorbed in, losing oneself in |
無所属 | むしょぞく | independent |
無批判 | むひはん | uncritically |
無投票 | むとうひょう | without a vote |
無抵抗 | むていこう | nonresistance |
無援 | むえん | helpless, unsupporting |
無条件 | むじょうけん | unconditional |
無欲 | むよく | unselfish, disinterested, unavaricious, free of avarice |
無死 | むし | baseball with no outs |
無秩序 | むちつじょ | disorder, chaos, confusion |
無粋 | ぶすい | no sense of refinement, inelegant, lacking in polish, unromantic, boorish |
無線 | むせん | wireless, radio |
無縁 | むえん | unrelated, without relations, unidentified, indifferent |
無罪 | むざい | innocence |
無職 | むしょく | without an occupation |
無脊椎動物 | むせきついどうぶつ | invertebrate |
無臭 | むしゅう | odorless, odourless, unscented |
無菌 | むきん | sterilised, pasteurised, pasteurized |
無謀 | むぼう | reckless, thoughtless, recklessness |
無責任 | むせきにん | irresponsibility |
無邪気 | むじゃき | innocence, simple-mindedness |
無関係 | むかんけい | unrelated |
無頼 | ぶらい | villainy |
無駄にする | むだにする | to render futile, to bring to naught, to waste, to not make good use of |
無駄遣い | むだづかい | wasting ... on (e.g. money), squandering, waste, frittering away |
焦げ付き | こげつき | a bad debt |
焦らす | じらす | to irritate |
焦り | あせり | impatience |
焦る | あせる | to be in a hurry, to be impatient |
焦土 | しょうど | scorched earth |
焦燥 | しょうそう | impatience, uneasiness, irritation |
焦眉 | しょうび | emergency, urgency, imminence |
焼きそば | やきそば | fried soba |
焼き畑 | やきはた, やきばた | burnt fields |
焼き肉 | やきにく | yakiniku (Japanese dish of fried meat), Korean barbecue |
焼き豚 | やきぶた | roast pork |
焼け跡 | やけあと | ruins of a fire, fire-devastated area |
焼却 | しょうきゃく | incineration, destroy by fire |
焼死 | しょうし | death by fire |
焼身自殺 | しょうしんじさつ | burning oneself to death, suicide by fire |
煉瓦塀 | れんがべい | brick wall |
煙 | けむり, けぶり, けむ, けぶ | smoke, fumes |
煙草 | たばこ, タバコ | tobacco, cigarettes |
煙霞 | えんか | smoke and mist, view |
煙霧 | えんむ | haze, mist, fog |
照らす | てらす | to shine on, to illuminate |
照る | てる | to shine |
照会 | しょうかい | inquiry, enquiry, query, reference |
照射 | しょうしゃ | exposure |
照明 | しょうめい | illumination |
照準 | しょうじゅん | alignment |
煩 | はん | trouble |
煩い | うるさい | noisy; fussy; annoying; bossy |
煩う | わずらう | to worry about, to be concerned about, to be afflicted with, to suffer from |
煩がる | うるさがる | to feel annoyed at |
煩さがる | うるさがる | to feel annoyed at |
煩わしい | わずらわしい | troublesome, annoying, complicated |
煩わす | わずらわす | to trouble, to bother, to annoy, to give trouble |
煩忙 | はんぼう | pressure of business, busy |
煩雑 | はんざつ | complex, intricate, complicated, confused, troublesome, vexatious |
煮え切らない | にえきらない | half-cooked, vague, halfhearted, indecisive |
煮やす | にやす | to cook inside |
煮汁 | にじる | broth |
煮沸 | しゃふつ | boiling up |
煮物 | にもの | food cooked by boiling or stewing |
煮詰まる | につまる | to be boiled down |
煮込み | にこみ | stew, hodgepodge |
煮込む | にこむ | to cook together, to boil well |
熊之実 | くまのみ, クマノミ | clownfish (Amphiprioninae), anemone-fish |
熊啄木鳥 | くまげら, クマゲラ | black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) |
熊手 | くまで | rake, fork, bamboo rake |
熊本県 | くまもとけん | Kumamoto prefecture (Kyuushuu) |
熊笹 | くまざさ | Veitch's bamboo (low and striped), Sasa veitchii, Sasa albo-marginata |
熔銑 | ようせん | molten iron |
熟 | つくづく, つくつく | completely, really, thoroughly, deeply, severely, intently |
熟慮 | じゅくりょ | deliberation |
熟成 | じゅくせい | mature, ripen, cure, ferment |
熟睡 | じゅくすい | sound sleep |
熟知 | じゅくち | being familiar with, having a thorough knowledge of, being well-informed about |
熟練 | じゅくれん | skill, dexterity, proficiency |
熟語 | じゅくご | kanji compound; idiom, idiomatic phrase |
熨斗 | のし | long thin strip of dried sea-ear or paper attached to a gift |
熱可塑 | ねつかそ | thermoplastic |
熱可塑樹脂 | ねつかそじゅし | thermoplastic resin |
熱帯魚 | ねったいぎょ | tropical fish |
熱意 | ねつい | zeal, enthusiasm |
熱戦 | ねっせん | fierce fighting, close contest |
熱気 | ねっき | heat, hot air, enthusiasm |
熱湯 | ねっとう | boiling water |
熱烈 | ねつれつ | ardent, passionate, vehement |
熱狂 | ねっきょう | wild enthusiasm, being crazy about |
燃え尽きる | もえつきる | to burn out |
燃え広がる | もえひろがる | to spread (flames) |
燃料 | ねんりょう | fuel |
燃焼 | ねんしょう | burning, combustion |
燃費 | ねんぴ | fuel consumption, gas mileage |
燎原 | りょうげん | agricultural burning, setting a field ablaze |
燕青拳 | えんせいけん | Yangqingquan, Yangqing Fist |
燥ぐ | はしゃぐ | to make merry, to frolic, to be in high spirits |
燦 | さん | brilliant, resplendant |
燦々 | さんさん | brilliant, bright |
燦然 | さんぜん | brilliance, radiance |
燦燦 | さんさん | brilliant, bright |
燦爛 | さんらん | brilliant, bright, radiant |
爆弾 | ばくだん | bomb |
爆撃 | ばくげき | bombing (raid) |
爆破 | ばくは | destructive blast, explosion, blow up |
爆竹 | ばくちく | firecracker |
爆笑 | ばくしょう | roar of laughter |
爪楊枝 | つまようじ | toothpick |
爵位 | しゃくい | peerage, court rank |
父子 | ふし | father and child (son) |
爽々 | さわさわ | rustling; refreshing; clearly |
爽やか | さわやか | fresh, refreshing, invigorating, clear, fluent, eloquent |
爽凉 | そうりょう | cool and refreshing |
爽快 | そうかい | refreshing, exhilarating |
爽涼 | そうりょう | cool and refreshing |
爽爽 | さわさわ | rustling; refreshing; clearly |
爾 | おれ | you |
爾り | しかり | yes, yea, aye, affirmative; to be so |
爾後 | じご | thereafter |
爾来 | じらい | since then, after that |
片や | かたや | on one hand, on the other hand |
片側 | かたがわ | one side |
片手 | かたて | one hand |
片方 | かたほう | one side, one party, the other side, the other party |
片腕 | かたうで | one arm; right-hand man |
片袖机 | かたそでづくえ, かたそでつくえ | desk with a tier of drawers on one side |
片言隻語 | へんげんせきご | (not even) a few words |
片足 | かたあし | one leg, one-legged |
片道 | かたみち | one-way (trip) |
片隅 | かたすみ | corner, nook |
片隅に | かたすみに | in a corner |
版 | はん | edition, version |
版権 | はんけん | copyright |
版画 | はんが | woodcut, woodblock print, art print |
牛歩 | ぎゅうほ | snail's pace, slow progress |
牛痘 | ぎゅうとう | cow pox, vaccinia |
牛舎 | ぎゅうしゃ | cow shed, cattle barn |
牛酪 | ぎゅうらく | butter |
牡丹 | ぼたん | tree peony, Paeonia suffruticosa |
牡丹杏 | ぼたんきょう | variety of plum |
牡羊 | おひつじ | ram |
牡羊座 | おひつじざ | (constellation) Aries, the Ram |
牡鹿 | おじか, おしか, おか | buck (male deer) |
牢獄 | ろうごく | prison, jail, gaol |
牧 | まき | pasture, grazing land |
牧師 | ぼくし | pastor, minister, clergyman, reverend |
牧歌的 | ぼっかてき | pastoral, idyllic |
牧舎 | ぼくしゃ | barn, stable |
牧草 | ぼくそう | pasture, grass |
牧野 | ぼくや | pasture land, ranch |
物件 | ぶっけん | article, thing |
物忘れ | ものわすれ | forgetfulness |
物腰 | ものごし | manner, demeanour, demeanor, bearing |
物資 | ぶっし | goods, materials |
牲 | にえ | offering (to the gods; gift; sacrifice |
特使 | とくし | special envoy |
特例 | とくれい | special case, exception |
特典 | とくてん | special favor, special favour, privilege |
特定 | とくてい | specific, special, particular |
特徴 | とくちょう | feature, trait, characteristic, pecularity |
特恵関税 | とっけいかんぜい | preferential tariff, preferential duty |
特捜 | とくそう | special investigation |
特撮 | とくさつ | special effects, SFX |
特殊 | とくしゅ | special, unique |
特殊撮影 | とくしゅさつえい | special effects, SFX |
特殊法人 | とくしゅほうじん | semigovernmental corporation |
特派員 | とくはいん | correspondent |
特異 | とくい | unique, singular |
特色 | とくしょく | characteristic, feature, idiosyncrasy, personal colour |
特訓 | とっくん | special training, intensive training, crash course |
特許庁 | とっきょちょう | Patent Office |
特許権 | とっきょけん | patent rights |
特赦 | とくしゃ | amnesty |
特集 | とくしゅう | feature (e.g. newspaper), special edition, report |
特需 | とくじゅ | emergency demands, special procurement (particularly in time of war) |
犠打 | ぎだ | sacrifice fly, bunt |
犠牛 | ぎぎゅう | sacrificial bullock |
犠牲 | ぎせい | victim, sacrifice, scapegoat |
犠牲フライ | ぎせいフライ | sacrifice fly |
犠牲打 | ぎせいだ | sacrifice hit |
犠牲的 | ぎせいてき | self-sacrificing |
犠牲者 | ぎせいしゃ | victim |
犠飛 | ぎひ | sacrifice fly (baseball) |
犬儒学派 | けんじゅがくは | cynic (phil.) |
犬槙 | いぬまき, イヌマキ | yew plum pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus) |
犬猿の仲 | けんえんのなか | loggerheads (lit: dog and monkey), like cats and dogs |
犬黄楊 | いぬつげ, イヌツゲ | Japanese holly (Ilex crenata) |
犯行 | はんこう | crime, criminal act, offence, offense |
狂乱 | きょうらん | fury, frenzy, madness |
狂信 | きょうしん | (religious) fanaticism |
狂奔 | きょうほん | rushing around, running wild |
狂気 | きょうき | madness |
狂犬 | きょうけん | mad dog |
狂言 | きょうげん | kyogen (farce played during a Noh cycle); make-believe, ruse, trick |
狂詩曲 | きょうしきょく | rhapsody |
狂騒 | きょうそう | mania, wild excitement |
狩 | かり | hunting |
狩り | かり | hunting |
狩りバチ | かりバチ, かりばち, カリバチ | hunter wasp (i.e. potter wasp, sand wasp, etc.) |
狩人 | かりゅうど, かりうど, かりゅど | hunter |
狩猟 | しゅりょう | hunting |
狩猟期 | しゅりょうき | hunting season |
独占 | どくせん | monopoly; to monopolize, to hog |
独占的 | どくせんてき | monopolistic |
独唱 | どくしょう | vocal solo |
独善 | どくぜん | self-righteousness, self-justified |
独特 | どくとく | peculiarity, uniqueness, characteristic |
独禁法 | どっきんほう | antitrust law, Antitrust Act |
独立 | どくりつ | independence (e.g. Independence Day), self-support |
独立国 | どくりつこく | independent state or nation |
独立班 | どくりつはん | detachment |
独自 | どくじ | original, peculiar, characteristic, proprietary |
独裁 | どくさい | dictatorship, despotism |
独走 | どくそう | running alone, doing things alone that should be done with others |
独身 | どくしん | bachelorhood, single, unmarried, celibate |
独身寮 | どくしんりょう | hostel for bachelors |
狭き門 | せまきもん | narrow gate, obstacle, school (position) hard to enter (get) |
狭さく | きょうさく | stricture, stenosis, contraction |
狭まる | せばまる | to narrow, to contract |
狭める | せばめる | to narrow, to reduce, to contract |
狭心症 | きょうしんしょう | heart attack, angina pectoris |
狭義 | きょうぎ | narrow sense (e.g. of a word), strict |
狭軌 | きょうき | narrow gauge |
狭軌鉄道 | きょうきてつどう | narrow-gauge railway |
狭間 | はざま | interval; valley; loophole, eyelet |
猊美渓 | げいびけい | Geibi Gorge (Higashiyama-cho, Iwate-ken) |
猛威 | もうい | fury, power, menace |
猛打 | もうだ | heavy blow, heavy hit |
猛攻 | もうこう | fierce attack |
猛暑 | もうしょ | heat wave, fierce heat |
猛毒 | もうどく | deadly poison |
猛烈 | もうれつ | violent, vehement, rage |
猛爆 | もうばく | heavy bombing, intensive bombing |
猛獣 | もうじゅう | wild animal, beast of prey |
猛省 | もうせい | serious reflection or soul-searching |
猛追 | もうつい | hot chase (pursuit), hectic chase |
猟 | りょう | hunting, game |
猟師 | りょうし | hunter, huntsman |
猟銃 | りょうじゅう | hunting gun, sportsgun |
猩々緋 | しょうじょうひ | scarlet |
猩猩緋 | しょうじょうひ | scarlet |
猪 | い | hog (esp. a wild boar, but also including the domesticated pig) |
猪口 | ちょこ | small cup, sake cup |
猪口才 | ちょこざい | impertinence |
猪突 | ちょとつ | recklessness, foolhardiness |
猪突猛進 | ちょとつもうしん | headlong, foolhardy, reckless |
猪首 | いくび | bull neck |
猫 | ねこ | cat; submissive partner of a homosexual relationship |
猫かぶり | ねこかぶり | feigned innocence or naivete, beguiling innocence, wolf in sheep's clothing |
猫ばば | ねこばば | embezzlement, misappropriation, pocketing, stealing |
献上 | けんじょう | presenting to |
献体 | けんたい | give one's body to a hospital for medical research |
献呈 | けんてい | presentation, dedication |
献呈本 | けんていぼん | presentation book |
献花 | けんか | flower offering |
献血 | けんけつ | blood donation |
献身 | けんしん | dedication, devotion |
献身的 | けんしんてき | devoted |
献酬 | けんしゅう | exchange of sake cups |
献金 | けんきん | donation, contribution, offering |
猶 | なお | furthermore, still, yet, more, still more, greater, further, less |
猶あらじ | なおあらじ | must not be concluded like this, shall not finish like this |
猶予 | ゆうよ | postponement, deferment, extension (of time) |
猶予なく | ゆうよなく | without delay, promptly |
猶太 | ユダヤ, ゆだや | Judea (southern Palestine), Jews |
猶子 | ゆうし | nephew (like a son), another child considered as one's own |
猶疑問が存 | なおぎもんがそん | A doubt still remains |
猿ぐつわ | さるぐつわ | (mouth) gag |
猿ぐつわをかます | さるぐつわをかます | to gag someone |
猿人 | えんじん | ape man |
猿田彦 | さるたひこ, さるだひこ, さるたびこ, さるだびこ | Sarutahiko (Shinto god), Sarudahiko, Sarutabiko, Sarudabiko |
猿轡をかます | さるぐつわをかます | to gag someone |
獄中 | ごくちゅう | during imprisonment, while in jail (gaol) |
獄吏 | ごくり | jailer, gaoler |
獅子唐 | ししとう | green pepper |
獅子奮迅 | ししふんじん | furiously |
獅子奮迅の勢い | ししふんじんのいきおい | irresistible force |
獣 | けもの, けだもの, じゅう | beast, brute |
獣医 | じゅうい | veterinarian |
獲得 | かくとく | acquisition, possession |
獲物 | えもの | game, spoils, trophy |
玄孫 | げんそん, やしゃご | great-great-grandchild |
玄昌石 | げんしょうせき | type of slate (from Miyagi pref.) |
玄武岩 | げんぶがん | basalt, whin(stone) |
玄米茶 | げんまいちゃ | tea (with roasted rice) |
玄翁 | げんのう | bushhammer |
玄関先 | げんかんさき | entrance, front door |
玄関番 | げんかんばん | doorkeeper, janitor |
玄麦 | げんばく | unpolished wheat or barley |
率爾 | そつじ | abrupt, sudden |
玉瑛 | ぎょくえい | crystal, transparent gem |
玉璽 | ぎょくじ | sovereign's seal |
玉砕 | ぎょくさい | honourable defeat, honorable defeat, honourable death, honorable death |
王 | おう | king; king (for senior player) (shogi) |
王侯 | おうこう | king and princes, noble rank |
王冠 | おうかん | crown, diadem; bottle cap |
王后陛下 | おうこうへいか | Her Majesty the Queen |
王太子妃 | おうたいしひ | crown princess |
王妃 | おうひ | queen |
王室 | おうしつ | royal family |
王宮 | おうきゅう | royal palace |
王将 | おうしょう | king; king (for senior player) (shogi) |
王朝 | おうちょう | dynasty |
王者 | おうじゃ | king, monarch, ruler |
玖 | きゅう | nine (used in legal documents) |
玖馬 | きゅーば, キューバ | Cuba |
玲玲 | れいれい | tinkling of jades |
玲瓏 | れいろう | clear, translucent, brilliant, sweetly ringing (as the tinklings of jade) |
玻璃 | はり | crystal, glass |
珊瑚 | さんご | coral |
珊瑚樹 | さんごじゅ | Viburnum odoratissimum |
珊瑚水木 | さんごみずき, サンゴミズキ | Cornus alba |
珊瑚海 | さんごかい | Coral Sea |
珊瑚礁 | さんごしょう, サンゴしょう | coral reef |
珍 | ちん | rare, curious, strange |
珍しがる | めずらしがる | to think (it) a curiosity |
珍プレー | ちんプレー | unusual play (baseball) |
珍事 | ちんじ | strange occurrence, unusual occurrence, unexpected occurrence |
珍味 | ちんみ | delicacy |
珍品 | ちんぴん | curio, rare article |
珍妙 | ちんみょう | queer, odd, fantastic |
珍重 | ちんちょう | to prize, to value highly, to esteem |
珠暖簾 | たまのれん | curtain made of strung beads |
珠玉 | しゅぎょく | gem, jewel |
珠算 | しゅざん | calculation with abacus |
珪藻 | けいそう | diatom |
珪藻土 | けいそうど | diatomaceous soil |
班 | はん | group, party, section (mil) |
班員 | はんいん | member of a group |
班長 | はんちょう | squad leader, honcho, team leader, group leader |
現地 | げんち | actual place, local |
現場監督 | げんばかんとく | field overseer, site foreman |
現役 | げんえき | active duty, active service |
現段階 | げんだんかい | present stage; current rank, present grade |
現況 | げんきょう | present condition |
現職 | げんしょく | present post, current office, (an) incumbent |
現行 | げんこう | present, current, in operation |
現行犯 | げんこうはん | flagrante delicto, caught red-handed |
球団 | きゅうだん | baseball team |
球場 | きゅうじょう | baseball stadium |
球威 | きゅうい | (pitcher's) stuff |
球拾い | たまひろい | fetching balls; ball boy |
球茎 | きゅうけい | (plant) bulb, onion |
球菌 | きゅうきん | coccus |
理不尽 | りふじん | unreasonable, irrational |
理事 | りじ | director, board of directors |
理学療法士 | りがくりょうほうし | physiotherapist |
理屈 | りくつ | theory, reason |
理念 | りねん | idea |
理論 | りろん | theory |
理髪 | りはつ | haircut |
琉歌 | りゅうか | Okinawan fixed form poetry |
琉球列島 | りゅうきゅうれっとう | Ryuukyuu (Ryukyu) Islands |
琉球語 | りゅうきゅうご | Ryukyuan languages |
琉球諸島 | りゅうきゅうしょとう | Ryuukyuu (Ryukyu) Islands |
琉球音階 | りゅうきゅうおんかい | Okinawan scale (hemitonic pentatonic scale: do, mi, fa, so, ti) |
琢磨 | たくま | polish (jewels), cultivation |
琴線 | きんせん | heartstrings |
瑞 | みず, ずい | youth; good omen |
瑞々しい | みずみずしい | young (and lustrous); lively, vivacious, animated, vibrant |
瑞兆 | ずいちょう | auspicious sign, good omen |
瑞典 | すうぇーでん, スウェーデン | Sweden |
瑞宝章 | ずいほうしょう | Orders of the Sacred Treasure |
瑞気 | ずいき | good omen |
瑞瑞しい | みずみずしい | young (and lustrous); lively, vivacious, animated, vibrant |
瑞穂の国 | みずほのくに | Japan, the Land of Abundant Rice |
瑞西 | すいす, スイス | Switzerland; Swiss |
瑠璃唐草 | るりからくさ | baby blue-eyes (name of plant) |
瑠璃色 | るりいろ | lapis lazuli blue, bright blue, azure |
瑠璃虎の尾 | るりとらのお | beach speedwell, Veronica Longifolia |
瑶台 | ようだい | fairyland, beautiful building ornamented with gems |
瑶池 | ようち | beautiful pond, place where immortals live |
瑶緘 | ようかん | your letter |
瑶顔 | ようがん | beautiful face, exquisite countenance |
環境庁 | かんきょうちょう | Environment Agency |
環境衛生 | かんきょうえいせい | environmental hygiene |
環濠 | かんごう | (circular) moat |
環状 | かんじょう | annulation, ring-forming |
環状線 | かんじょうせん | loop line, (transportation) belt line |
環礁 | かんしょう | atoll, circular coral reef |
璽 | じ | emperor's seal |
璽書 | じしょ | document with the emperor's seal |
瓜の蔓に茄子は生らぬ | うりのつるになすびはならぬ | like begets like |
瓜田李下 | かでんりか | Be careful not to invite the least suspicion, Leave no room for scandal |
甘え | あまえ | depending on other's kindness |
甘えん坊 | あまえんぼう | pampered or spoiled child (spoilt) |
甘み | あまみ, かんみ, うまみ | sweetness, sugary taste |
甘やかす | あまやかす | to pamper, to spoil |
甘受 | かんじゅ | submission to, putting up with |
甘口 | あまくち | sweet flavour; flattery; stupidity |
甘味料 | かんみりょう | sweeteners, sweetening materials |
甘栗 | あまぐり | broiled sweet chestnuts |
甘美 | かんび | sweet |
甘酢 | あまず | sweet vinegar |
甚い | いたい | painful, sore; exceeding |
甚く | いたく | exceedingly |
甚だ | はなはだ | very, greatly, exceedingly |
甚だ以て | はなはだもって | exceedingly |
甚六 | じんろく | dunce, blockhead |
甚句 | じんく | lively song, lively dance |
甚大 | じんだい | very great, enormous, serious |
生い茂る | おいしげる | to grow thickly, to be overgrown |
生え抜き | はえぬき | native-born, trueborn |
生き地獄 | いきじごく | hell on earth, living hell |
生き埋め | いきうめ | burying alive |
生き残り | いきのこり | survivor |
生き甲斐 | いきがい | something one lives for, purpose in life, raison d'etre |
生け垣 | いけがき | hedge |
生中継 | なまちゅうけい | (on TV) "live" broadcast |
生体解剖 | せいたいかいぼう | vivisection |
生協 | せいきょう | cooperative association, co-op store |
生命保険 | せいめいほけん | life insurance |
生命倫理 | せいめいりんり | bioethics |
生息 | せいそく | inhabiting, living |
生息地 | せいそくち | habitat, home (e.g. of the tiger) |
生態 | せいたい | mode of life, ecology; (animal) territory |
生態系 | せいたいけい | ecosystem |
生殖 | せいしょく | reproduction |
生殖器 | せいしょくき | genital organ, genitalia, sexual organ, reproductive organ |
生涯 | しょうがい | one's lifetime (i.e. one's existence until death) |
生涯教育 | しょうがいきょういく | education for life |
生石灰 | せいせっかい | quick lime |
生粋 | きっすい | pure, genuine, natural-born |
生糸 | きいと | raw silk thread |
生臭い | なまぐさい | fishy, raw, smelling of fish or blood |
生誕 | せいたん | birth, nativity |
生還 | せいかん | returning alive, (baseball) reaching the home plate |
生鮮 | せいせん | fresh |
産業機械 | さんぎょうきかい | industrial machinery |
産業界 | さんぎょうかい | the industrial world |
産油国 | さんゆこく | oil-producing countries (nations) |
用具 | ようぐ | tools, implements |
用品 | ようひん | articles, supplies, parts |
用心棒 | ようじんぼう | bodyguard |
用意周到 | よういしゅうとう | very careful, thoroughly prepared |
用紙 | ようし | blank form |
甫めて | はじめて | for the first time; only after ... is it ..., only when ... do you ... |
田畝 | たんぼ, でんぽ | paddy field, farm |
田租 | でんそ | farm tariff, rice field tax |
田紳 | でんしん | country gentleman |
田苑 | でんえん, でんおん | country, rural districts; cultivated land, fields |
由 | よし | reason, significance, cause |
由緒 | ゆいしょ | history, pedigree, lineage |
甲 | かぶと | helmet (of armor, armour), headpiece |
甲乙丙 | こうおつへい | ABC, 1, 2 and 3 |
甲乙丙丁 | こうおつへいてい | A, B, C and D, first, second, third and fourth |
甲斐 | かい | effect, result, worth, use, avail |
甲斐性 | かいしょう | resourcefulness, ability |
甲斐無し | かいなし | worthless, useless, hopeless |
甲斐甲斐しい | かいがいしい | gallant, heroic, brave |
甲板 | かんぱん, こうはん | (ship) deck |
甲状腺 | こうじょうせん | thyroid gland |
甲羅 | こうら | shell, carapace |
甲高い | かんだかい | high-pitched, shrill |
申し入れ | もうしいれ | proposal, offer, report, proposition, notice |
申し出 | もうしで, もうしいで | proposal, request, claim, report, notice |
申し立て | もうしたて | statement, account (of something), declaration, allegation |
申し込み | もうしこみ | application, entry, request, subscription, offer, proposal, overture, challenge |
申告 | しんこく | report, statement, filing a return, notification |
男優 | だんゆう | actor |
男児 | だんじ | boy, son, man |
男女 | だんじょ | man and woman, men and women |
男尊女卑 | だんそんじょひ | male domination of women, male chauvinism, subjection of women |
男爵 | だんしゃく | baron; Irish cobbler (variety of potato) |
町並み | まちなみ | street (of stores and houses), townscape, (look of) stores and houses on street |
町内 | ちょうない | neighborhood, neighbourhood, street, block, town |
町村 | ちょうそん | towns and villages |
町長 | ちょうちょう | town headman, town mayor |
画 | かく | stroke (of a kanji, etc.) |
画仙紙 | がせんし | drawing paper |
画伯 | がはく | master painter, artist |
画像 | がぞう | image, picture, portrait |
画匠 | がしょう | painter, artist |
画壇 | がだん | artists' world, painting circles |
画廊 | がろう | (picture) gallery |
画楼 | がろう | picture gallery, high decorated building |
畏怖 | いふ | awe, fear, fright |
畏敬 | いけい | reverence, awe, respect |
畑作 | はたさく | dry field farming, dry field crop |
畑地 | はたち | farmland |
畑違い | はたけちがい | out of one's line, out of one's field |
畔 | あぜ, くろ | ridge between rice fields; causeway |
畔道 | あぜみち | footpath between rice fields |
留任 | りゅうにん | remaining (staying) in office, remaining at one's post |
留学生 | りゅうがくせい | overseas student, exchange student |
畜殺 | ちくさつ | slaughtering (animals) |
畜殺場 | ちくさつば | abattoir |
畜生め | ちくしょうめ | son-of-a-bitch |
畜産 | ちくさん | animal husbandry |
畜舎 | ちくしゃ | cattle shed, barn |
畝 | うね | ridge, rib |
畝ねる | うねる | to undulate, to meander, to surge, to swell, to roll, to wind |
畝溝 | うねみぞ | furrow ridges |
畝立て | うねだて | building rice-field ridges |
畝織 | うねおり | ridged fabric, corduroy |
畝織り | うねおり | ribbed fabric, corded fabric |
畝間 | うねま | furrow, room with ridged roof |
略 | ほぼ | almost, roughly, approximately |
略取誘拐罪 | りゃくしゅゆうかいざい | kidnapping, kidnaping |
略奪 | りゃくだつ | pillage, plunder, looting, robbery |
略式 | りゃくしき | informal, simplified |
略歴 | りゃくれき | brief personal record, short curriculum vitae, short CV |
略称 | りゃくしょう | abbreviation |
畦畔 | けいはん | ridge between rice fields; causeway |
番付 | ばんづけ | ranking of entertainers, sumo wrestlers, etc. |
番犬 | ばんけん | watchdog |
番狂わせ | ばんくるわせ | unexpected result, upset, surprise |
異例 | いれい | exception, illness, singular, exceptional, unprecedented |
異動 | いどう | change |
異変 | いへん | accident, disaster |
異姓 | いせい | different surname, different family name |
異常妊娠 | いじょうにんしん | abnormal pregnancy |
異彩 | いさい | conspicuous colour, conspicuous color |
異教徒 | いきょうと | pagan, heretic |
異臭 | いしゅう | offensive smell, off-flavor, off-flavour |
異色 | いしょく | unique, different color, different colour, novelty |
異論 | いろん | different opinion, objection |
異議 | いぎ | objection, dissent, protest |
異質 | いしつ | different (quality, nature), heterogeneous |
異邦人 | いほうじん | foreigner, stranger, gentile |
異郷 | いきょう | strange land |
畳まる | たたまる | to be folded (up) |
畳みかける | たたみかける | to press for an answer, to shower questions on someone |
畳敷き | たたみじき | tatami-matted |
疎 | そ | sparse; not close (of a relationship) |
疎い | うとい | distant, estranged, disinterested |
疎ましい | うとましい | disagreeable, unpleasant, adverse, unsympathetic |
疎む | うとむ | to neglect, to shun, to alienate |
疎外 | そがい | estrangement, neglect |
疎遠 | そえん | estrangement, neglect, silence |
疎開 | そかい | dispersal, evacuation, deployment |
疑い | うたがい | doubt, question, uncertainty, skepticism, scepticism, suspicion, distrust |
疑う | うたがう | to doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of, to suspect |
疑わしい | うたがわしい | doubtful, questionable, uncertain, disputable, suspicious |
疑似 | ぎじ | suspected, pseudo, sham, quasi, false, mock |
疑問符 | ぎもんふ | question mark |
疑念 | ぎねん | doubt, suspicion, misgivings, scruples |
疑惑 | ぎわく | doubt, misgivings, distrust, suspicion |
疑獄 | ぎごく | scandal, graft case |
疫学 | えきがく | epidemiology, the study of epidemics |
疫病 | えきびょう, やくびょう | infectious disease, plague, epidemic |
疫痢 | えきり | children's dysentery |
疫癘 | えきれい | epidemic, plague, pestilence |
疲らかす | つからかす | to fatigue, to exhaust |
疲らす | つからす | to tire, to weary, to exhaust, to fatigue |
疲れ | つかれ | tiredness, fatigue |
疲れきる | つかれきる | to be exhausted, to be tired out |
疲れた | つかれた | worn-out (as opposed to sleepy) |
疲れる | つかれる | to get tired; to be worn out (e.g. of well used objects); to starve |
疲れ果て | つかれはて | being tired out |
疲労 | ひろう | fatigue, weariness |
疲弊 | ひへい | exhaustion, impoverishment, ruin |
疾う | とう | quickly, swiftly; a long time ago |
疾うに | とうに | long ago, a long time ago, already |
疾く | とく | quickly, swiftly; already, before; long time ago |
疾っく | とっく | a long time ago; quickly, swiftly |
疾っくに | とっくに | long ago, already, a long time ago |
疾患 | しっかん | disease, ailment |
疾病 | しっぺい | illness, disease |
疾走 | しっそう | sprint, dash, scampering |
疾風 | しっぷう, はやて | squall, gale, hurricane |
疾風迅雷 | しっぷうじんらい | with lightning speed |
病原菌 | びょうげんきん | virus, germ |
病巣 | びょうそう | focus |
病床 | びょうしょう | sickbed |
病弊 | びょうへい | evil influence, ill effect |
病患 | びょうかん | sickness, disease |
病棟 | びょうとう | (hospital) ward |
病状 | びょうじょう | condition of a disease (patient) |
病魔 | びょうま | demon of ill health, disease |
症 | しょう | illness |
症例 | しょうれい | (medical) case |
症候群 | しょうこうぐん | syndrome |
痘 | いも | smallpox, variola; pockmark, pock |
痘痕 | あばた, とうこん | pockmark |
痘痕面 | あばたづら, あばたずら | pockmarked face |
痘瘡 | とうそう, もがさ, おやく | smallpox, variola |
痘苗 | とうびょう | vaccine |
痛ましい | いたましい | pitiful, heartbreaking, tragical |
痛恨 | つうこん | regretful |
痛惜 | つうせき | deep regret |
痛感 | つうかん | feeling keenly, fully realizing |
痛憤 | つうふん | strong indignation |
痛手 | いたで | serious wound, hard blow |
痛烈 | つうれつ | severe, bitter, scathing |
痴 | ち | foolishness, fool; moha (ignorance, folly) |
痴人 | ちじん | dunce, fool, idiot |
痴呆 | ちほう | dementia |
痴呆症 | ちほうしょう | dementia |
痴情 | ちじょう | blind love |
痴態 | ちたい | foolishness, silliness |
痴漢 | ちかん | masher, molester, pervert |
療法 | りょうほう | remedy, medical treatment |
療養 | りょうよう | recuperation, medical treatment |
癒える | いえる | to recover, to be healed |
癒し | いやし | healing, soothing, therapy, comfort, solace |
癒す | いやす | to heal, to cure |
癒やし | いやし | healing, soothing, therapy, comfort, solace |
癒やす | いやす | to heal, to cure |
癒合 | ゆごう | agglutination, adhesion |
癒着 | ゆちゃく | adhesion |
癖に | くせに | and yet, though, when, in spite of |
癖になる | くせになる | to become a habit |
癖のある | くせのある | to be quirky |
発令 | はつれい | official announcement, proclamation |
発効 | はっこう | coming into effect |
発勁 | はっけい | release internal power |
発奮 | はっぷん | inspired, stimulated, roused |
発掘 | はっくつ | excavation; discovery (e.g. new talent) |
発汗 | はっかん | sweating, perspiration |
発泡 | はっぽう | foaming |
発泡スチロール | はっぽうスチロール | styrofoam, styrene foam, expanded polystyrene |
発注 | はっちゅう | ordering (materials), placing an order, order |
発煙筒 | はつえんとう | smoke candle |
発砲 | はっぽう | firing, discharge of gun |
発祥 | はっしょう | origin, appearance of auspicious omen |
発祥地 | はっしょうち | cradle (of civilisation, civilization, etc.), birthplace |
発端 | ほったん | the beginning |
発芽 | はつが | burgeoning |
発覚 | はっかく | detection, coming to light |
発言 | はつげん | utterance, speech, proposal |
発起人 | ほっきにん | originator, promoter |
発足 | ほっそく, はっそく | starting, inauguration, launch, founding, establishment, start-up |
発酵 | はっこう | fermentation, zymosis |
発酵乳 | はっこうにゅう | yoghurt |
発酵素 | はっこうそ | a ferment |
発電所 | はつでんしょ | power plant, power station |
発露 | はつろ | appearance, expression, manifestation |
登坂 | とはん | climbing a slope (hill), ascending a hill |
登山 | とざん | mountain climbing |
登庸 | とうよう | appointment, assignment, promotion |
登板 | とうばん | taking the plate, pitching a game |
登校 | とうこう | attendance (at school), going to school |
登校拒否 | とうこうきょひ | truancy |
登用 | とうよう | appointment, assignment, promotion |
登竜門 | とうりゅうもん | gateway to success, opening to honours, opening to honors |
登記 | とうき | registry, registration |
登載 | とうさい | register, record, printing |
登録 | とうろく | registration, accession, register, entry, record |
登頂 | とうちょう | climbing to the summit |
白亜 | はくあ | chalk (mineral); white wall |
白寿 | はくじゅ | 99th birthday |
白山石楠花 | はくさんしゃくなげ, ハクサンシャクナゲ | Hakusan rhododendron, Rhododendron metternichii var. |
白星 | しろぼし | white circle, white star; victory mark (sumo) |
白楊 | はこやなぎ, どろのき, はくよう | Japanese aspen, white poplar |
白樺 | しらかば, しらかんば, シラカバ, シラカンバ | Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) |
白檀 | びゃくだん | sandalwood |
白檀油 | びゃくだんゆ | sandalwood oil |
白浜 | しらはま | white sandy beach |
白滝 | しらたき | noodles made from konnyaku; sheet-like waterfall |
白痴 | はくち | idiot, idiocy |
白竜 | ペーロン | dragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing), races with such boats |
白紙 | はくし | blank paper, white paper |
白羽 | しらは | white feather |
白菊 | しらぎく | white chrysanthemum |
白菜 | はくさい | Chinese cabbage, white rape |
白蓮 | びゃくれん | white lotus, purity |
白虹 | はっこう | white rainbow |
白血病 | はっけつびょう | leukemia |
白衣 | はくい, びゃくい, びゃくえ | white robe, (doctor's) white gown |
白衣明妃 | びゃくえみょうひ | Pandara |
白銅 | はくどう | nickel and copper alloy |
白銑 | はくせん | white pig iron |
白長須鯨 | しろながすくじら, シロナガスクジラ | blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) |
白頭翁 | はくとうおう | windflower, white-haired old man |
白馬 | はくば, しろうま, あおうま | white horse; unrefined sake |
白鯨 | はくげい | white whale; Moby Dick |
百万 | ひゃくまん | 1,000,000, one million; many |
百万遍 | ひゃくまんべん | million times, praying a million times |
百億 | ひゃくおく | 10,000,000,000, ten billion (American), (obs) ten milliard (British) |
百匁 | ひゃくもんめ, ひゃくめ | 375 grams (100 monme) |
百合 | ゆり, ユリ | lily; comics and novels about female homosexuality |
百弊 | ひゃくへい | all evils |
百錬 | ひゃくれん | well-tempered, well drilled, well trained |
皆既 | かいき | total eclipse, totality |
皆既日食 | かいきにっしょく | total solar eclipse |
皆既蝕 | かいきしょく | total eclipse (of sun by moon), totality |
皆既食 | かいきしょく | total eclipse (of sun by moon), totality |
皆様 | みなさま | everyone |
皆殺し | みなごろし | massacre, annihilation, wholesale slaughter |
皇后 | こうごう | (Japanese) empress, queen |
皇后陛下 | こうごうへいか | her majesty the Empress |
皇嗣 | こうし | Crown Prince, Imperial Heir |
皇太后 | こうたいごう, こうたいこう | Queen Mother, Empress Dowager |
皇太子 | こうたいし | crown prince |
皇太子妃 | こうたいしひ | crown princess |
皇妃 | こうひ | empress, queen |
皇室 | こうしつ | Imperial household |
皇居 | こうきょ | Imperial Palace |
皇帝 | こうてい | emperor |
皇族 | こうぞく | imperial family, royalty |
皇民党 | こうみんとう | Imperialist Party |
皇胤 | こういん | Imperial descendant (posterity) |
皓々 | こうこう, きょうきょう | bright (esp. of the moon); broad and empty |
皓月 | こうげつ | bright white moon |
皓歯 | こうし | pearly white teeth |
皓然 | こうぜん | shining brightly, shining whitely |
皓皓 | こうこう, きょうきょう | bright (esp. of the moon); broad and empty |
皓礬 | こうばん | zinc sulfate heptahydrate, white vitriol |
皮下脂肪 | ひかしぼう | subcutaneous fat |
皮切り | かわきり | beginning, start |
皮算用 | かわざんよう | over-optimistic calculation, unreliable account |
皮脂 | ひし | sebum, sebaceous matter |
皮膚病 | ひふびょう | skin disease |
皮膚科 | ひふか, ヒフか | dermatology |
皮膚移植 | ひふいしょく | skin graft, skin transplant |
皮革 | ひかく | leather, hide |
皿うどん | さらうどん | Nagasaki dish of noodles with various toppings |
皿洗い | さらあらい | washing-up, dish-washing |
盆栽 | ぼんさい | bonsai |
盆踊り | ぼんおどり | Bon Festival dance, Lantern Festival dance |
益 | えき, やく, よう | benefit, use, good, advantage, gain; profit, gains |
盗み | ぬすみ | stealing |
盗む | ぬすむ | to steal |
盗人を捕らえて見れば我が子也 | ぬすびとをとらえてみればわがこなり | The thief caught turn out to be one's own son |
盗塁 | とうるい | theft; base stealing (baseball) |
盗掘 | とうくつ | illegal digging |
盗聴 | とうちょう | interception (email), wiretap, bug |
盗聴器 | とうちょうき | listening device, bug, wiretap |
盗賊 | とうぞく | thief, robber |
盛り上がり | もりあがり | climax, uprush; bulge |
盛り込む | もりこむ | to incorporate, to include |
盛大 | せいだい | grand, prosperous, magnificent |
盛況 | せいきょう | success, prosperity |
盛衰 | せいすい | rise and fall, ups and downs, welfare, vicissitudes |
盟う | ちかう | to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge |
盟主 | めいしゅ | leader, leading power |
盟友 | めいゆう | sworn friend |
盟約 | めいやく | oath, pledge, pact, covenant |
監修 | かんしゅう | (editorial) supervision, general editorship |
監察 | かんさつ | inspection, inspector |
監査 | かんさ | inspection, audit, judgement, judgment |
監査役 | かんさやく | auditor, inspector |
監獄 | かんごく | prison |
監理 | かんり | superintendence, supervision |
監禁 | かんきん | confinement |
監視 | かんし | observation, guarding, inspection, surveillance |
盤 | ばん | record; tray; grid, board (e.g. in shogi) |
盥漱 | かんそう | washing one's hands and rinsing one's mouth |
目の前 | めのまえ | before one's eyes, immediate, imminent |
目も綾 | めもあや | dazzlingly beautiful, brilliant |
目前 | もくぜん | before one's very eyes, under one's nose, imminence, close at hand |
目抜き | めぬき | principal, main, important, fashionable |
目撃 | もくげき | to observe, to witness; eye-witness |
目玉商品 | めだましょうひん | bargain goods, eye-catching goods, featured product, loss leader |
目白押し | めじろおし | jostling, milling about |
目録 | もくろく | catalogue, catalog, list |
目鼻 | めはな | shape, form |
盲 | めくら, めしい | blindness; illiteracy; ignorance, ignoramus |
盲いる | めしいる | to become blind |
盲パス | めくらパス, もうパス | blind pass, passing (a ball) without looking |
盲人 | もうじん | blind person |
盲学校 | もうがっこう | school for the blind |
盲点 | もうてん | blind spot |
盲目 | もうもく | blindness |
盲腸 | もうちょう | appendix, caecum |
直属 | ちょくぞく | direct control, direct supervision |
直披 | じきひ, ちょくひ | personal, confidential (letter) |
直接比較 | ちょくせつひかく | direct comparison |
直接購入 | ちょくせつこうにゅう | direct purchase |
直球 | ちょくきゅう, ちょっきゅう | straight ball (pitch); straight, frank |
直立茎 | ちょくりつけい | erect stem |
直系 | ちょっけい | direct descent, direct line |
直腸 | ちょくちょう | rectum |
直轄 | ちょっかつ | direct control |
直轄地 | ちょっかつち | area under direct control (of the shogun) |
直轄植民地 | ちょっかつしょくみんち | crown colony |
直面 | ちょくめん | confrontation |
相乗り | あいのり | riding together |
相互作用 | そうごさよう | interaction |
相互銀行 | そうごぎんこう | mutual savings bank |
相克 | そうこく | rivalry |
相場 | そうば | market price, speculation, estimation |
相撲にならない | すもうにならない | is no match for, can't hold a candle to |
相撲取り | すもうとり, すまいとり | sumo wrestler, rikishi |
相棒 | あいぼう | partner, pal, accomplice |
相矛盾 | あいむじゅん | mutually contradictory |
相続税 | そうぞくぜい | inheritance tax, death duty |
相談役 | そうだんやく | counselor, counsellor, adviser, advisor |
盾 | たて | shield, buckler, escutcheon, pretext |
盾座 | たてざ | (constellation) Scutum, the Shield |
盾突く | たてつく | to oppose, to resist, to defy |
省令 | しょうれい | ministerial ordinance |
省庁 | しょうちょう | ministries and government offices, the authorities |
眉 | まゆ, まみえ | eyebrow, eyebrows |
眉をひそめる | まゆをひそめる | to frown, to scowl |
眉宇 | びう | brow, brows |
眉尻 | まゆじり | end of an eyebrow |
眉間 | みけん | brow, glabella, middle forehead, area between the eyebrows |
眉雪 | びせつ | snow-white eyebrows |
看守 | かんしゅ | jailer, gaoler |
看護 | かんご | nursing, (army) nurse |
看過 | かんか | connivance, shutting one's eyes to |
県内 | けんない | within the prefecture |
県民 | けんみん | citizens of a prefecture |
県知事 | けんちじ | prefectural governor |
県立 | けんりつ | prefectural (institution) |
県警 | けんけい | prefectural police |
県議 | けんぎ | prefectural assembly |
真っ只中 | まっただなか | right in the midst of, right at the height of |
真の | しんの | true, real, genuine, proper, utter |
真偽 | しんぎ | truth or error, authenticity |
真円真珠 | しんえんしんじゅ | cultured pearls |
真婿 | まんこ, マンコ | vagina; screw |
真帆 | まほ | full sail |
真意 | しんい | real intention, true motive, true meaning |
真珠 | しんじゅ | pearl |
真珠光 | しんじゅこう | pearl iridescence |
真珠湾 | しんじゅわん | Pearl Harbor |
真珠細工 | しんじゅざいく | pearl work |
真相 | しんそう | truth, real situation |
真空掃除機 | しんくうそうじき | vacuum cleaner |
真髄 | しんずい | true meaning, mystery, essence, quintessence, soul, core, kernel, life blood |
真鯉 | まごい | black carp, black koi |
真鯛 | まだい | tai (species of red Pacific sea bream, Pagrus major) |
眠い | ねむい | sleepy, drowsy, somnolent |
眠り | ねむり | sleep |
眠気 | ねむけ | sleepiness, drowsiness |
眸 | ひとみ | pupil (of eye); eye |
眸子 | ぼうし | eye, pupil |
眺め | ながめ | scene, view, prospect, outlook |
眺める | ながめる | to view, to gaze at |
眺望 | ちょうぼう | prospect, view, outlook |
眺望権 | ちょうぼうけん | right to a view |
眼下 | がんか | under one's eyes, below |
眼前 | がんぜん | before one's eyes |
眼球 | がんきゅう | eyeball |
眼目 | がんもく | core, point, gist, essence, main object |
眼科 | がんか | ophthalmology |
着実 | ちゃくじつ | steady, sound, trustworthy, solid |
着工 | ちゃっこう | start of (construction) work |
着衣 | ちゃくい, やくい | one's clothes |
着陸 | ちゃくりく | landing, alighting, touch down |
着飾る | きかざる | to dress up |
睡い | ねむい | sleepy, drowsy, somnolent |
睡る | ねむる, ねぶる | to sleep (not necessarily lying down); to die; to close one's eyes |
睡魔 | すいま | sleepiness, drowsiness |
督促 | とくそく | urge, demand, importunity |
睦ぶ | むつぶ | to be harmonious, to get on well, to be intimate or close |
睦まじい | むつまじい | harmonious |
睦む | むつむ | to be harmonious, to get on well, to be intimate or close |
睦月 | むつき | first month of the lunar calendar |
睦言 | むつごと | lovers' talk, whispered intimacies |
瞬き | またたき, まばたき | wink, twinkling (of stars), flicker (of light), blink (of light) |
瞬く | またたく, しばたたく, しばたく, まばたく, めたたく, めばたく | to twinkle (e.g. stars); to blink (one's eyes), to wink |
瞬ぐ | まじろぐ | to wink, to blink, to twinkle, to flicker |
瞬刻 | しゅんこく | moment, instant |
瞬断 | しゅんだん | power flicker |
瞬時 | しゅんじ | moment, instant |
瞬間 | しゅんかん | moment, second, instant |
瞬間電断 | しゅんかんでんだん | power flicker |
瞭然 | りょうぜん | obvious |
瞳を凝らす | ひとみをこらす | to strain one's eyes |
瞳子 | どうし | pupil |
瞳孔 | どうこう | pupil, pupillary |
瞳孔拡張 | どうこうかくちょう | pupil dilation |
瞳孔散大 | どうこうさんだい | dilation of the pupil, mydriasis |
矛 | ほこ, とかり | long-handled Chinese spear; weapon; grip of a bow |
矛先 | ほこさき | point of spear; aim of attack, force of argument |
矛盾撞着 | むじゅんどうちゃく | self-contradiction |
矛盾語法 | むじゅんごほう | oxymoron |
矢 | や, さ | arrow |
矢がら | やがら | shaft of an arrow |
矢じり | やじり | arrowhead |
矢っ張り | やっぱり, やはり, やっぱ, やっぱし | also, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely, of course |
矢先 | やさき | arrowhead, brunt, target |
矢継ぎ早 | やつぎばや | rapid succession (e.g. questions) |
矢面 | やおもて | bearing the full brunt of something |
知らぬは亭主許り也 | しらぬはていしゅばかりなり | Only the husband does not know |
知己 | ちき | acquaintance, appreciative friend |
知己朋友 | ちきほうゆう | intimate friends and acquaintances |
知恵袋 | ちえぶくろ | the brain, one's brains |
知恵遅れ | ちえおくれ | mental retardation |
知的 | ちてき | intellectual |
知識人 | ちしきじん | an intellectual |
矩 | かね | carpenter's square; perpendicularity; model, standard |
矩則 | くそく | standard, rule |
矩差 | かねざし | carpenter's square |
矩形 | くけい | rectangle |
矩象 | くしょう | quadrature |
短冊 | たんじゃく, たんざく | long, narrow card on which Japanese poems are written (vertically) |
短期間 | たんきかん | short term, short time |
短歌 | たんか | tanka, 31-syllable Japanese poem |
短絡 | たんらく | electric short-circuit; jumping to a quick conclusion |
短縮 | たんしゅく | shortening, abbreviation, reduction |
短距離 | たんきょり | short distance, short range, short-haul |
短銃 | たんじゅう | pistol, revolver |
矯めつ眇めつ | ためつすがめつ | scrutiny, scanning, taking a good look |
矯める | ためる | to straighten, to correct, to cure; to falsify |
矯め直す | ためなおす | to set up again, to correct, to cure |
矯正 | きょうせい | correction, remedy |
矯正視力 | きょうせいしりょく | corrected eyesight |
矯激 | きょうげき | radical, extreme, eccentric |
矯風 | きょうふう | reform of morals |
石に漱ぎ流れに枕す | いしにくちすすぎながれにまくらす | refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument |
石亭 | せきてい | The Sekitei (name of an inn) |
石仏 | せきぶつ, いしぼとけ | stone Buddhist image |
石垣 | いしがき | stone wall |
石塀 | いしべい | stone wall |
石棺 | せっかん, せきかん | sarcophagus, stone coffin |
石楠花 | しゃくなげ | rhododendron, Rhododendron metternichii |
石灰 | せっかい, いしばい | lime, quicklime, caustic lime |
石灰岩 | せっかいがん | limestone |
石畳 | いしだたみ | stone paving |
石碑 | せきひ | stone monument |
石神 | しゃくじん, いしがみ | stone which is worshipped, image of a god in stone |
石蕗 | つわぶき | Japanese silver leaf, Farfugium japonicum |
砂丘 | さきゅう | sand dune, sand hill |
砂利 | じゃり, ざり | gravel; child, rugrat, ankle-biter |
砂子 | すなご | sand, gold or silver dust |
砂嵐 | すなあらし | sandstorm |
砂洲 | さす | reef, sandbar, sandbank |
砂浜 | すなはま | sandy beach |
砂防 | さぼう | erosion control |
研ぎ澄ます | とぎすます | to sharpen, to grind, to whet, to hone, to make keen |
研磨 | けんま | grinding, polishing, studying |
研究員 | けんきゅういん | researcher |
研究官 | けんきゅうかん | research officer |
研究家 | けんきゅうか | researcher, student (of) |
研究所 | けんきゅうしょ, けんきゅうじょ | research establishment (institute, laboratory, etc.) |
研究者 | けんきゅうしゃ | researcher |
砕け | くだけ | familiar (informal) (speech style) |
砕石 | さいせき | broken stone, rubble |
砲 | ほう | gun, cannon, artillery, ordnance |
砲弾 | ほうだん | shell |
砲撃 | ほうげき | bombarding, shelling, bombardment |
砲火 | ほうか | gunfire, fire |
破り | やぶり | getting away from, escaping, defying |
破壊 | はかい | destruction, disruption; (application) crash |
破局 | はきょく | catastrophe, cataclysm |
破廉恥 | はれんち | infamy |
破損 | はそん | damage |
破滅 | はめつ | ruin, destruction, fall |
破砕 | はさい | crushing, smashing, cracking to pieces |
破裂 | はれつ | explosion, rupture, break off |
硝子 | がらす, ガラス | glass, pane |
硝煙 | しょうえん | gunpowder smoke |
硝石 | しょうせき | saltpeter |
硝酸 | しょうさん | nitric acid |
硝酸塩 | しょうさんえん | nitrate |
硝酸銀 | しょうさんぎん | silver nitrate, AgNO3 |
硫化 | りゅうか | sulfuration, sulphuration |
硫安 | りゅうあん | ammonium sulfate |
硫酸 | りゅうさん | sulfuric acid, sulphuric acid |
硫黄 | いおう | sulfur (S), sulphur |
硬さ | かたさ | firmness, hardness, stiffness, honesty |
硬式 | こうしき | hardball (tennis, baseball) |
硬派 | こうは | tough elements, hard-liners, stalwart(s) |
硬直 | こうちょく | stiffening, rigidity, rigor, stiffness, ossification, petrification |
硬軟 | こうなん | hardness |
碁会所 | ごかいじょ, ごかいしょ | commercial go-playing parlour (parlor) |
碁打ち | ごうち | go player, playing go |
碁盤 | ごばん | Go board |
碁盤の目 | ごばんのめ | intersection on a Go board |
碁盤縞 | ごばんじま | check, check pattern |
碁石 | ごいし | Go piece(s), Go stone(s) |
碑 | いしぶみ | stone monument bearing an inscription |
碑文 | ひぶん | inscription, epitaph, epigraph |
碑銘 | ひめい | inscription, epitaph |
碓氷峠 | うすいとうげ | Usui Pass |
碧 | あお | blue; green; green light; black (horse coat color); immature, unripe, young |
碧い | あおい | blue, green; pale; unripe, inexperienced |
碧山 | へきざん | green mountains |
碧水 | へきすい | blue water, green water |
碧玉 | へきぎょく | jasper |
碧眼 | へきがん | blue eyes |
碧空 | へきくう | blue sky, azure sky |
碩儒 | せきじゅ | (Confucian) scholar |
碩学 | せきがく | great scholar, profound scholar |
確たる証拠 | かくたるしょうこ | certain (definite) evidence |
確保 | かくほ | guarantee, maintain, ensure, insure, secure, reservation |
確固 | かっこ | firm, unshakeable, resolute |
確執 | かくしつ | discord, antagonism |
確定 | かくてい | decision, settlement; definition |
確実 | かくじつ | certainty, reliability, soundness |
確率 | かくりつ | probability, likelihood, chances |
確立 | かくりつ | establishment |
確認 | かくにん | affirmation, confirmation, validation |
磁力 | じりょく | magnetism, magnetic force |
磁器 | じき | porcelain, china |
磁場 | じじょう, じば | magnetic field |
磁性 | じせい | magnetism |
磁気 | じき | magnetism |
磁気嵐 | じきあらし | magnetic storm |
磨き | みがき | polish, improvement, burnishing |
磨りガラス | すりガラス | ground glass |
磯 | いそ | (rocky) beach, seashore |
磯伝い | いそづたい | along the beach |
磯巾着 | いそぎんちゃく, イソギンチャク | sea anemone |
磯辺 | いそべ | seashore, beach |
磯釣 | いそづり | surf-fishing |
磯釣り | いそづり, いそずり | fishing from rocks by the shore |
磯馴松 | そなれまつ | windswept pine trees |
磯鵯 | いそひよどり | blue rockthrush |
磯鷸 | いそしぎ | sandpiper |
礎 | いしずえ | foundation stone, cornerstone |
礎石 | そせき | foundation stone, cornerstone |
示し | しめし | discipline, revelation |
示す | しめす | to denote, to show, to point out, to indicate, to exemplify |
示唆 | しさ | suggestion, hint, implication |
礼状 | れいじょう | acknowledgment, acknowledgement, letter of thanks |
社会主義 | しゃかいしゅぎ | socialism |
社会人枠 | しゃかいじんわく | special consideration for non-traditional (older) students |
社会保険 | しゃかいほけん | social insurance |
社会保障 | しゃかいほしょう | social security |
社会党 | しゃかいとう | Socialist Party |
社会問題 | しゃかいもんだい | social problem |
社会福祉 | しゃかいふくし | social welfare |
社会秩序 | しゃかいちつじょ | (maintain, observe) social (public) order |
社会面 | しゃかいめん | society or local news page |
社債 | しゃさい | corporate bond, corporate debenture |
社員寮 | しゃいんりょう | company dormitory |
社寺 | しゃじ | shrines and temples |
社葬 | しゃそう | company funeral |
社説 | しゃせつ | editorial, leading article |
祈とう | きとう | prayer |
祈とう者 | きとうしゃ | person who prays |
祈り | いのり | prayer, supplication |
祈る | いのる | to pray, to wish |
祈念 | きねん | prayer |
祈祷者 | きとうしゃ | person who prays |
祈誓 | きせい | vow, oath, pledge |
祈願 | きがん | prayer |
祉福 | しふく | prosperity, happiness, blessedness and joy |
祐筆 | ゆうひつ | private secretary, amanuensis |
祖 | そ | ancestor, forefather, progenitor |
祖先崇拝 | そせんすうはい | ancestor worship |
祖国 | そこく | fatherland, native country |
祖父母 | そふぼ | grandparents |
祝い唄 | いわいうた | festive poem or song; congratulatory form (of waka) |
祝う | いわう | to congratulate, to celebrate |
祝儀 | しゅうぎ | congratulations, celebration, congratulatory gift, tip |
祝宴 | しゅくえん | (celebration) banquet |
祝日 | しゅくじつ | national holiday |
祝杯 | しゅくはい | toast, congratulatory cup |
祝福 | しゅくふく | blessing |
祝賀 | しゅくが | celebration, congratulations |
祝辞 | しゅくじ | congratulatory address |
祝電 | しゅくでん | congratulatory telegram |
神代杉 | じんだいすぎ | lignitized Japanese cedar, lignitised Japanese cedar |
神佑 | しんゆう | heavenly protection, divine help |
神奈川県 | かながわけん | Kanagawa prefecture (Kantou area) |
神妙 | しんみょう | meek, faithful, quiet |
神棚 | かみだな | household Shinto shrine |
神楽 | かぐら | ancient Shinto music and dancing |
神殿 | しんでん | temple, sacred place |
神璽 | しんじ | Imperial regalia (esp. the jewel Yasakani no Magatama); emperor's seal |
神祐 | しんゆう | heavenly protection, divine help |
神秘 | しんぴ | mystery |
神秘的 | しんぴてき | mysterious |
神聖 | しんせい | holiness, sacredness, dignity |
神苑 | しんえん | shrine gardens |
神謡集 | しんようしゅう | collection of mythology |
神髄 | しんずい | true meaning, mystery, essence, quintessence, soul, core, kernel, life blood |
票 | ひょう | label, ballot, ticket, sign |
票田 | ひょうでん | (favorable voting) constituency (favourable) |
祭り | まつり | festival, feast |
祭典 | さいてん | festival |
祭壇 | さいだん | altar |
祭祀 | さいし | ritual, religious service, festival |
禁じる | きんじる | to prohibit |
禁固 | きんこ | imprisonment, confinement |
禁忌 | きんき | taboo |
禁欲 | きんよく | abstinence, abnegation |
禁止法 | きんしほう | negative statute, law against something |
禁猟 | きんりょう | No Hunting! |
禁輸 | きんゆ | embargo |
禄高 | ろくだか | (amount of a samurai's) stipend |
禅 | ぜん | dhyana (profound meditation); Zen (Buddhism) |
禅僧 | ぜんそう | Zen priest |
禅問答 | ぜんもんどう | Zen dialogue, Zen questions and answers |
禅宗 | ぜんしゅう | Zen (Buddhism) |
禅寺 | ぜんでら | Zen temple |
禍 | まが | wickedness, evil, calamity, disaster |
禍因 | かいん | cause of trouble |
禍害 | かがい | evil, harm, mischief |
禍根 | かこん | root of evil |
禍源 | かげん | source of misfortune |
禍福 | かふく | weal and woe |
禎祥 | ていしょう | good omen |
福 | ふく | good fortune |
福利厚生 | ふくりこうせい | welfare program, welfare programme |
福助 | ふくすけ | large-headed dwarf statue, bringer of good luck |
福寿 | ふくじゅ | long life and happiness |
福徳 | ふくとく | fortune, happiness and prosperity |
福祉 | ふくし | welfare, well-being, social welfare, social security, social service |
福祉事務所 | ふくしじむしょ | welfare office, social security office |
福祉事業 | ふくしじぎょう | welfare work |
福祉国家 | ふくしこっか | welfare state |
福祉機器 | ふくしきき | assistive products (e.g. wheel chairs, hearing aids, etc.) |
福祉車両 | ふくししゃりょう | vehicle for disabled persons, assistive vehicle |
福音 | ふくいん | good news; gospel (teachings or revelations of Jesus Christ) |
禿鷹 | はげたか, ハゲタカ | vulture |
秀 | しゅう | preeminence, superlativeness |
秀でる | ひいでる | to excel, to surpass |
秀作 | しゅうさく | splendid (excellent) work |
秀才 | しゅうさい | prodigy |
秀逸 | しゅういつ | excellence |
秀麗 | しゅうれい | graceful, beautiful |
私も亦 | わたしもまた | me too, I also |
私企業 | しきぎょう | private enterprise |
私塾 | しじゅく | private school (in house) |
私学 | しがく | private (non-governmental) school (college, university) |
私文書 | しぶんしょ | private document |
私書箱 | ししょばこ | post office box |
私有 | しゆう | private ownership |
私淑 | ししゅく | adoring, looking up to |
私的 | してき | personal, private, proprietary |
私立探偵 | しりつたんてい | private detective |
私設 | しせつ | private |
私邸 | してい | private residence |
秋口 | あきぐち | beginning of autumn, beginning of fall |
秋季 | しゅうき | fall, autumn |
秋晴れ | あきばれ | clear autumnal weather |
秋茜 | あきあかね, アキアカネ | variety of dragonfly (red coloured) |
科 | か | department, section; (taxonomical) family |
科学技術庁 | かがくぎじゅつちょう | Science and Technology Agency |
科学者 | かがくしゃ | scientist |
秒読み | びょうよみ | countdown |
秒速 | びょうそく | per second |
秘める | ひめる | to hide, to keep to oneself |
秘匿 | ひとく | hiding, concealment |
秘境 | ひきょう | unexplored region, one of the most secluded regions |
秘書 | ひしょ | (private) secretary |
秘話 | ひわ | secret story, unknown episode |
租借 | そしゃく | lease |
租借地 | そしゃくち | leasehold land |
租庸調 | そようちょう | corvee, taxes in kind or service (former tax system) |
租界 | そかい | concession, settlement |
租税 | そぜい | taxes, taxation |
秦 | しん | Qin (dynasty of China; 221-206 BCE), Ch'in |
秦皮 | とねりこ | ash (tree) |
秩序 | ちつじょ | order, regularity, system, method |
秩序整然 | ちつじょせいぜん | in good (perfect) order, in apple-pie order |
秩序正しい | ちつじょただしい | orderly, well-ordered |
秩禄 | ちつろく | official salary |
称する | しょうする | to take the name of; to pretend, to feign, to purport |
称号 | しょうごう | title, name, degree |
称賛 | しょうさん | praise, admiration, commendation, approbation |
移住 | いじゅう | migration, immigration |
移動 | いどう | removal; mobile (e.g. communications) |
移植 | いしょく | transplanting, porting, implantation, engrafting |
移民 | いみん | emigration, immigration; emigrant, immigrant |
移籍 | いせき | changing household registry, transfer (e.g. of one's name in the register) |
移行 | いこう | switching over to, migration |
移譲 | いじょう | transfer, assignment |
移転 | いてん | moving, transfer, demise |
移項 | いこう | transposition |
稀世 | きせい | rare, uncommon |
稀少 | きしょう | scarce, rare |
稀書 | きしょ | rare book |
稀硫酸 | きりゅうさん | dilute sulfuric acid, dilute sulphuric acid |
稀薄 | きはく | thin (e.g. air), lean, rarified, diluted, sparse, weak, rarefied |
稀釈 | きしゃく | dilution |
税制 | ぜいせい | tax system |
税務署 | ぜいむしょ | tax office |
税収 | ぜいしゅう | tax yields, revenue |
税率 | ぜいりつ | tariff; tax rate |
税額 | ぜいがく | amount of tax |
稔り | みのり | ripening (of a crop); crop, harvest |
稔る | みのる | to bear fruit, to ripen |
稔実不良 | ねんじつふりょう | poor crop (of rice) |
稚い | おさない, いとけない | very young; childish, immature |
稚児 | ちご | (festivity) page; baby; boys kept by pederasts |
稚児隼 | ちごはやぶさ, チゴハヤブサ | northern hobby (species of falcon, Falco subbuteo) |
稚子 | みずこ, みずご, ちし | aborted; newborn baby |
稚拙 | ちせつ | unskillful, childish |
稚気 | ちき | childishness, naivete |
稚海藻 | わかめ, ワカメ | wakame (species of edible brown seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida) |
稚魚 | ちぎょ | fry (young fish) |
稚鮎 | ちあゆ | young ayu |
稜線 | りょうせん | lines of a mountain ridge |
種子 | しゅし | seed, pit |
種痘 | しゅとう | (smallpox) vaccination, inoculation |
種目 | しゅもく | event, item of business |
種苗 | しゅびょう | seeds and seedlings, eggs and hatchlings, (fish) eggs and fry |
種蒔 | たねまき | sowing seeds, planting seeds, scattering seeds |
種蒔き | たねまき | sowing seeds, planting seeds, scattering seeds |
種類 | しゅるい | variety; counter for different sorts of things |
稲 | いね | rice-plant |
稲わら | いねわら, いなわら | rice straw, paddy straw |
稲作 | いなさく | rice crop |
稲刈り | いねかり | rice reaping |
稲妻 | いなずま, いなづま | (flash of) lightning |
稲田 | いなだ | paddy field, rice field |
稲穂 | いなほ | ear (head) of rice |
稼ぎ | かせぎ | earnings |
稼ぐ | かせぐ | to earn income, to labor, to labour |
稼げる | かせげる | to work, to earn income |
稼働 | かどう | operation (of machine), actual work |
稼働率 | かどうりつ | operating ratio, rate of operation |
稼業 | かぎょう | trade, business, commerce, occupation |
稿 | こう | manuscript, version, draft |
稿料 | こうりょう | advance for manuscript, copy-money |
穀倉 | こくそう | granary |
穀粉 | こくふん | grain (rice) flour |
穀粒 | こくりゅう | kernel, grain |
穀類 | こくるい | grains |
穀食 | こくしょく | cereal diet, grain-eating |
穂 | ほ | ear (of plant); point; scion (in grafting), cion |
穂先 | ほさき | ear (e.g. of wheat); tip (e.g. of brush or spear) |
積 | せき | product |
積み荷 | つみに | load, freight, cargo |
積ん読 | つんどく | buying books and not reading them |
積極 | せっきょく | positive, progressive |
積載 | せきさい | lading, loading, carrying |
積雪 | せきせつ | fallen snow |
穎悟 | えいご | intelligent, shrewd |
穏便 | おんびん | gentle, peaceable, quiet |
穏健 | おんけん | quiet, dependable, uniform, (politically) moderate |
穏当 | おんとう | proper, reasonable, right |
穣 | じょう | 10^28 |
穫る | とる | to harvest (a crop) |
穴 | けつ | ass, arse, buttocks; rear, end; acupuncture point |
穴倉 | あなぐら | cellar |
穴埋め | あなうめ | filling in gaps, filling in blanks (in a form, etc.) |
穴熊 | あなぐま, アナグマ | badger; Eurasian badger (Meles meles) |
穴窯 | あながま | very old type of kiln made by digging a hole in the side of a hill |
究明 | きゅうめい | investigation (esp. in academic and scientific contexts) |
究極 | きゅうきょく | ultimate, extreme, final, eventual |
空々漠々 | くうくうばくばく | vast, boundless, empty, vague |
空き巣 | あきす | prowler, sneak thief, cat burglar; empty nest |
空き瓶 | あきびん, からびん | empty bottle |
空き缶 | あきかん | empty can |
空中楼閣 | くうちゅうろうかく | castle in the air |
空尉 | くうい | (Self Defense Force's Air Force) captain (defence), lieutenant |
空欄 | くうらん | blank space |
空母 | くうぼ | aircraft carrier |
空気孔 | くうきこう | air pocket, air hole |
空洞 | くうどう | cave, hollow, cavity |
空洞化 | くうどうか | making hollow, making meaningless |
空漠 | くうばく | vast, vague |
空爆 | くうばく | aerial bombing |
空白 | くうはく | blank space, vacuum, space, null (NUL) |
空砲 | くうほう | blank shot or cartridge, blank ammunition |
空空漠漠 | くうくうばくばく | vast, boundless, empty, vague |
空腹 | くうふく | hunger |
空虚 | くうきょ | emptiness, vacancy |
空襲 | くうしゅう | air-raid |
空軍 | くうぐん | Air Force |
空輸 | くうゆ | air transport |
空間 | くうかん | space, room, airspace |
突き | つき | a thrust, a pass, a lunge, a stab |
突きつける | つきつける | to thrust before, to thrust at |
突き刺さる | つきささる | to stick into, to pierce, to run into |
突入 | とつにゅう | rushing, breaking into |
突出 | とっしゅつ | projection, protrusion |
突堤 | とってい | breakwater |
突如 | とつじょ | suddenly, all of a sudden |
突然 | とつぜん | abrupt, sudden, unexpected, all at once |
突破 | とっぱ | breaking through, breakthrough, penetration |
突貫 | とっかん | charge, rush, lightning attack |
突進 | とっしん | rush, charge |
窃か | ひそか | secret, private, surreptitious |
窃かに | ひそかに | in secret, secretly |
窃ちゃり | せっちゃり | bicycle theft |
窃取 | せっしゅ | theft, stealing, larceny |
窃盗 | せっとう | theft, stealing, larceny |
窃盗犯 | せっとうはん | theft, stealing, larceny |
窃盗罪 | せっとうざい | theft, stealing, larceny |
窒化物 | ちっかぶつ | nitride |
窒塞 | ちっそく | blocked |
窒息 | ちっそく | suffocation, choking |
窒息ガス | ちっそくガス | choking gas |
窒息死 | ちっそくし | death by suffocation, death by choking |
窒扶斯 | チフス, チブス | typhoid fever, typhus |
窒素 | ちっそ | nitrogen (N) |
窒素固定 | ちっそこてい | nitrogen fixation |
窒素固定法 | ちっそこていほう | nitrogen fixation (method) |
窒素肥料 | ちっそひりょう | nitrogenous fertilizer, nitrogenous fertiliser |
窓外 | そうがい | outside a window |
窓越しに | まどごしに | over the window sill, through the window |
窓際 | まどぎわ | (at the) window |
窮まりない | きわまりない | extremely, in the extreme, boundless, limitless |
窮み | きわみ | height, acme, extremity |
窮乏 | きゅうぼう | poverty |
窮余 | きゅうよ | extremity, desperation |
窮地 | きゅうち | dilemma, predicament |
窮屈 | きゅうくつ | narrow, tight, stiff, rigid, uneasy, formal, constrained |
窮措大 | きゅうそだい | poor student (scholar) |
窮状 | きゅうじょう | distress, wretched condition |
窯 | かま | stove, furnace, kiln |
窯元 | かまもと | pottery |
窯出し | かまだし | removing pots from kiln |
窯印 | かまじるし | potter's mark |
窯業 | ようぎょう | ceramics, ceramic industry |
立ち往生 | たちおうじょう | bring to a standstill, stalling, stranding |
立ち枯れ | たちがれ | blighted, withered |
立ち葵 | たちあおい | hollyhock, Alcea rosea, Althaea rosea |
立ち遅れ | たちおくれ | slow start |
立て看板 | たてかんばん | billboard |
立候補 | りっこうほ | announcing candidacy |
立憲 | りっけん | constitutionalism |
立案 | りつあん | draft, draught, (rough) design |
立法 | りっぽう | legislation, lawmaking |
立法府 | りっぽうふ | assize, court; legislature |
立脚 | りっきゃく | being based on |
立葵 | たちあおい | hollyhock, Alcea rosea, Althaea rosea |
竜 | りゅう, たつ, りょう | dragon (esp. Chinese); naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera) |
竜宮 | りゅうぐう | Palace of the Dragon King |
竜巻 | たつまき | tornado, waterspout |
竜王 | りゅうおう | Dragon King; promoted rook (shogi) |
章 | しょう | chapter, section; medal |
竣功 | しゅんこう | completion (e.g. of construction) |
竣功式 | しゅんこうしき | ceremony to mark completion |
竣工 | しゅんこう | completion (e.g. of construction) |
竣工式 | しゅんこうしき | ceremony to mark completion |
竣成 | しゅんせい | completion |
童 | わらべ, わらんべ, わらし, わらわ, わっぱ | child |
童子 | どうじ | boy, kid, child |
童心 | どうしん | child's mind, naivete |
童話 | どうわ | fairy-tale |
童謡 | どうよう | children's song, nursery rhyme |
童貞 | どうてい | virginity (esp. of a man); (Catholic) nun |
竪琴 | たてごと | harp |
端午 | たんご | Boy's Day celebration (May 5th) |
端末 | たんまつ | computer terminal |
端的 | たんてき | frank, direct, plain, straightforward, point-blank |
端緒 | たんしょ, たんちょ | a clue, start, beginning |
競り合う | せりあう | to struggle for, to compete with, to vie with |
競る | せる | to compete, to bid, to sell at auction |
競売 | きょうばい, けいばい | auction |
競泳 | きょうえい | swimming race |
競翔 | きょうしょう | flying race (between pigeons) |
競艇 | きょうてい | boat race |
競輪 | けいりん | bicycle race; bicycle racing |
競馬場 | けいばじょう | racecourse, race track |
竹とんぼ | たけとんぼ | small wooden Japanese toy that flies when spun between the palms of one's hands |
竹のつえ | たけのつえ | bamboo rod (stick, pole) |
竹刀 | しない | (bamboo) fencing stick |
竹細工 | たけざいく | bamboo work |
笑い翡翠 | わらいかわせみ, ワライカワセミ | laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) |
笑み | えみ | smile |
笑翡翠 | わらいかわせみ, ワライカワセミ | laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) |
笙の笛 | しょうのふえ, そうのふえ | sho (Japanese free reed musical instrument) |
笛吹き | ふえふき | flute player |
符合 | ふごう | agreeing, coincidence |
第一声 | だいいっせい | first tone, first speech |
第一歩 | だいいっぽ | first step |
笹 | ささ | bamboo grass |
笹原 | ささはら | field of bamboo grass |
笹竹 | ささたけ | small bamboo |
笹舟 | ささぶね | toy bamboo-leaf boat |
笹蜘蛛 | ささぐも, ササグモ | Oxyopes sertatus (species of lynx spider) |
笹身 | ささみ | high-quality chicken breast meat |
筆塚 | ふでづか | mound covering reverently buried old brushes |
筆舌 | ひつぜつ | written and spoken words, description |
筆頭 | ひっとう | brush tip, first on a list |
等閑 | なおざり, とうかん | neglect, negligence, disregard, make light of |
筋力 | きんりょく | physical strength |
筑紫石楠花 | つくししゃくなげ, ツクシシャクナゲ | Tsukushi rhododendron, Rhododendron metternichii var. |
筒 | つつ | pipe, tube, cylinder; gun barrel; gun |
筒井 | つつい | round well |
筒抜け | つつぬけ | passing or going directly through (to) |
答弁 | とうべん | response, reply, answer, defence, defense |
答申 | とうしん | report, reply, findings |
策 | さく | plan, policy |
策定 | さくてい | decision, settling on |
策謀 | さくぼう | strategy, artifice |
箇月 | かげつ | (number of) months |
箇条 | かじょう | items, errors, articles |
管内 | かんない | within the jurisdiction of |
管制 | かんせい | control |
管制塔 | かんせいとう | control tower |
管弦楽 | かんげんがく | orchestral music |
管弦楽団 | かんげんがくだん | orchestra |
管掌 | かんしょう | taking charge, management |
管珊瑚 | くださんご | organ-pipe coral |
管理職 | かんりしょく | management |
管絃楽 | かんげんがく | orchestral music |
管轄 | かんかつ | jurisdiction, control |
管轄争い | かんかつあらそい | jurisdictional dispute |
管轄官庁 | かんかつかんちょう | controlling office, competent (governmental) authorities |
管轄権 | かんかつけん | (have) jurisdiction over |
箱入り | はこいり | cased, boxed |
箱詰め | はこづめ | packed in a box (i.e. chocolates) |
節倹 | せっけん | economy, thrift |
節度 | せつど | moderation, standard |
節操 | せっそう | constancy; chastity, fidelity |
節減 | せつげん | retrenchment, curtailment, economy |
節目 | ふしめ | turning point, critical juncture; knot |
範 | はん | example, model |
篆隷 | てんれい | seal style and ancient square style |
築き上げる | きずきあげる | to build up, to establish (one's reputation) |
築地 | ついじ | a mud wall with a roof |
築堤 | ちくてい | embankment, bank |
篠笹 | しのざさ | general term for bamboo |
篤い友情 | あついゆうじょう | warm friendship |
篤と | とくと | carefully, thoroughly, fully, deliberately |
篤学 | とくがく | love of learning |
篤志家 | とくしか | volunteer, self-sacrificing person |
篤行 | とっこう | virtuous conduct, virtue, goodness |
篤農家 | とくのうか | exemplary farmer, outstanding farmer |
簡 | かん | brevity, simplicity |
簡便 | かんべん | handy, simple and easy |
簡単明瞭 | かんたんめいりょう | simple and clear |
簡易 | かんい | simplicity, convenience, easiness, quasi- |
簡易保険 | かんいほけん | postal life insurance |
簡潔 | かんけつ | brevity, conciseness, simplicity |
簡潔明瞭 | かんけつめいりょう | clear and concise |
簡略 | かんりゃく | simple, simplicity |
簡素 | かんそ | simplicity, plain |
簡裁 | かんさい | summary court, court of summary offences, court of summary offenses |
簿外 | ぼがい | unaccounted, off the books |
簿記 | ぼき | journalization (accounts), journalisation, bookkeeping |
籍 | せき | one's family register, one's domicile |
米俵 | こめだわら | bag of rice |
米倉 | こめぐら | rice granary |
米寿 | べいじゅ | 88th birthday |
米穀 | べいこく | rice |
米粒 | こめつぶ | grain of rice |
米英仏蘭 | べいえいぶつらん | USA, Britain, France and the Netherlands |
米飯 | べいはん | cooked rice |
粉々 | こなごな | in very small pieces |
粉ミルク | こなミルク | milk powder |
粉末 | ふんまつ | fine powder |
粉砕 | ふんさい | pulverization, pulverisation, smashing, demolishing |
粉飾 | ふんしょく | makeup, toilet, embellishment |
粋がる | いきがる | to be stylish, to try to appear smart |
粒子 | りゅうし | particle, grain |
粒状 | りゅうじょう | granular, granulated |
粗 | あら, きず | coarse, crude; defect, flaw, blemish, weak point |
粗い | あらい | coarse, rough |
粗削り | あらけずり | still in the process of being formed |
粗大 | そだい | coarse or rough |
粗悪 | そあく | coarse, crude, inferior |
粗鋼 | そこう | crude steel |
粗雑 | そざつ | coarse, rough, crude |
粘い | ねばい | sticky |
粘っこい | ねばっこい | sticky, stiff, tenacious, persistent |
粘り | ねばり | stickiness, viscosity |
粘り強い | ねばりづよい | tenacious, persevering, persistent, stubborn, steadfast |
粘り気 | ねばりけ | stickiness |
粘る | ねばる | to be sticky, to be adhesive, to persevere, to persist, to stick to |
粘土 | ねんど, ねばつち | clay |
粘性 | ねんせい | viscosity |
粘液分泌腺 | ねんえきぶんぴつせん, ねんえきぶんぴせん | mucus gland |
粘着 | ねんちゃく | cohesion, adhesion |
粘膜 | ねんまく | mucous membrane |
粛として | しゅくとして | quietly, softly, solemnly |
粛学 | しゅくがく | school purge |
粛正 | しゅくせい | regulation, enforcement |
粛殺 | しゅくさつ | withering, blight |
粛清 | しゅくせい | (political) purge |
粛軍 | しゅくぐん | army purge |
精 | せい | spirit; energy; fine details; semen |
精励 | せいれい | diligence, industry |
精子 | せいし | sperm |
精密 | せいみつ | precise, exact, detailed, minute, close |
精巧 | せいこう | elaborate, delicate, exquisite |
精度 | せいど | precision, accuracy |
精彩 | せいさい | brilliance, vividness |
精液 | せいえき | semen |
精神分析 | せいしんぶんせき | psychoanalysis |
精神的 | せいしんてき | mental, emotional |
精神薄弱 | せいしんはくじゃく | mental retardation, mentally retarded |
精神鑑定 | せいしんかんてい | psychiatric examination |
精神障害 | せいしんしょうがい | mental disorder |
精製 | せいせい | purification |
精鋭 | せいえい | elite, picked, powerful, efficient |
精錬 | せいれん | refining, smelting, tempering |
精錬所 | せいれんしょ, せいれんじょ | refinery, smelting works |
精霊 | しょうりょう | spirit of the deceased |
精髄 | せいずい | essence, kernel, spirit, pith |
精魂 | せいこん | soul, spirit |
糖 | とう | sugar |
糖分 | とうぶん | amount of sugar, sugar content |
糖尿病 | とうにょうびょう | diabetes mellitus, sugar diabetes |
糖質 | とうしつ | sugariness, saccharinity |
糖類 | とうるい | saccharides, sweeteners |
糧 | かて | food, provisions |
糧食 | りょうしょく | provisions |
糸口 | いとぐち | thread end, beginning, clue |
系譜 | けいふ | genealogy, pedigree |
糾う | あざなう | to twist (something) |
糾合 | きゅうごう | rally, muster |
糾問 | きゅうもん | inquiry, enquiry |
糾弾 | きゅうだん | blame |
糾明 | きゅうめい | searching examination |
紀 | き | (geological) period; Nihon-shoki |
紀元 | きげん | era; AD (Christian era) |
紀元前 | きげんぜん | pre-era, BC, BCE |
紀行 | きこう | traveller's journal, traveler's journal |
約束手形 | やくそくてがた | promissory note |
約款 | やっかん | agreement, stipulation, article, clause |
紅 | くれない, べに, こう | deep red, crimson; rouge, lipstick |
紅唇 | こうしん | red lips |
紅梅 | こうばい, べにうめ | red-blossomed plum tree, red Japanese apricot |
紅海 | こうかい | Red Sea |
紅潮 | こうちょう | flush, blush |
紅白 | こうはく | red and white, colours for festive or auspicious occasions (colors) |
紅色 | こうしょく, べにいろ | red (color, colour) |
紅藻 | こうそう | red algae, rhodophyceae |
紋 | もん | (family) crest, coat of arms |
紋付き | もんつき | clothing (e.g. kimono) decorated with one's family crest |
紋切り型 | もんきりがた | fixed formula, stereotyped phrase, hackneyed |
紋様 | もんよう | pattern, design |
紋章 | もんしょう | crest, coat of arms |
納付 | のうふ | payment, supply |
納入 | のうにゅう | payment, supply |
納得 | なっとく | consent, assent, understanding, agreement, comprehension, grasp |
納棺 | のうかん | placing of body in coffin |
納涼 | のうりょう | (enjoying the) cool of the evening |
納税 | のうぜい | payment of taxes |
納豆 | なっとう | natto (fermented soybeans) |
納采 | のうさい | betrothal gift |
納金 | のうきん | payment |
純 | じゅん | pure, innocent, chaste |
純増 | じゅんぞう | net increase |
純度 | じゅんど | purity (of a substance) |
純愛 | じゅんあい | pure love |
純朴 | じゅんぼく | rustic simplicity, homeliness, unsophisticated, naive, honest, simple |
純白 | じゅんぱく | pure or snow white |
純益 | じゅんえき | clear profit, net income, net profit |
純粋 | じゅんすい | pure, true, genuine, unmixed |
純粋培養 | じゅんすいばいよう | clean (pure) culture |
純金 | じゅんきん | pure gold, solid gold |
紗 | しゃ | (silk) gauze |
紗の様 | しゃのよう | gauzy |
紙幣 | しへい | paper money, notes, bills |
紙芝居 | かみしばい | picture story show |
紙袋 | かみぶくろ | paper bag |
紙面 | しめん | space (page) |
級 | きゅう | class, grade, rank, school class, grade |
紛い | まがい | imitation, sham, -like |
紛らす | まぎらす | to divert, to distract |
紛らわしい | まぎらわしい | confusing, misleading, equivocal, ambiguous |
紛らわす | まぎらわす | to divert, to distract |
紛れ | まぐれ | fluke, chance |
紛れる | まぎれる | to be diverted, to slip into |
紛れ込む | まぎれこむ | to disappear into, to slip into, to be lost in, to be mixed up with |
紛争 | ふんそう | dispute, trouble, strife |
紛失 | ふんしつ | losing something |
紛糾 | ふんきゅう | complication, confusion, disorder |
素描 | そびょう | rough sketch |
素敵 | すてき | lovely, dreamy, beautiful, great, fantastic, superb, cool, capital |
素早く | すばやく | quickly, nimbly, agilely |
素朴 | そぼく | simplicity, artlessness, naivete |
素材 | そざい | raw materials, subject matter |
素粒子 | そりゅうし | elementary particle, particle (physics) |
素肌 | すはだ | bare (naked) body, complexion (e.g. face) |
素顔 | すがお | face with no make-up; honesty, frankness |
素馨 | そけい, ソケイ | Spanish jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum) |
紡ぎ歌 | つむぎうた | spinning song |
紡ぐ | つむぐ | to spin, to make yarn |
紡機 | ぼうき | spinning machine |
紡毛 | ぼうもう | carded wool |
紡糸 | ぼうし | spinning, spun cotton (wool) |
紡績 | ぼうせき | spinning |
紡績工場 | ぼうせきこうじょう | spinning mill, cotton mill |
紡織 | ぼうしょく | spinning and weaving |
紡錘 | ぼうすい, つむ, つみ | spindle |
紡錘形 | ぼうすいけい | spindle-shaped |
索 | さく | rope, cord |
索漠 | さくばく | dreary, bleak, desolate |
紫外 | しがい | ultraviolet, UV |
紫外線 | しがいせん | ultra-violet rays |
紫檀 | したん | rosewood, red sandalwood |
紫水晶 | むらさきずいしょう, むらさきすいしょう | amethyst |
紫煙 | しえん | purple smoke, tobacco smoke |
紫紺 | しこん | bluish purple |
紫綬褒章 | しじゅほうしょう | Medal with Purple Ribbon |
紫色 | むらさきいろ | violet |
紬 | つむぎ | pongee |
累 | るい | trouble, evil influence, implication, involvement |
累加 | るいか | acceleration, progressive increase |
累増 | るいぞう | successive or progressive increases, cumulative increase |
累積 | るいせき | accumulation |
累算 | るいさん | total |
累計 | るいけい | total |
累進 | るいしん | successive promotion, gradual promotion, graduated |
細か | こまか | small, fine, detailed, stingy |
細かく | こまかく | minutely, finely |
細工 | さいく | work, craftsmanship, tactics, trick |
細胞 | さいぼう, さいほう | cell (biology) |
細胞分裂 | さいぼうぶんれつ | cell division |
細胞学 | さいぼうがく | cytology |
細胞核 | さいぼうかく | nucleus (cell, biology) |
細菌 | さいきん | bacillus, bacterium, germ |
細部 | さいぶ | details |
紳商 | しんしょう | a wealthy merchant |
紳士 | しんし | gentleman |
紳士協定 | しんしきょうてい | gentlemen's agreement |
紳士服 | しんしふく | suits for gentlemen, menswear |
紳士用 | しんしよう | for men, male- |
紳士的 | しんしてき | gentlemanly |
紳士録 | しんしろく | (who's who) directory |
紳士靴 | しんしぐつ | men's shoes |
紹介文 | しょうかいぶん | introductory essay |
紹介状 | しょうかいじょう | letter of introduction |
紹介者 | しょうかいしゃ | person who introduces someone, introducer |
紹興酒 | しょうこうしゅ, シャオシンチュウ, シャオシンチュー | shaoxingjiu (Chinese alcohol made from rice or glutinous millet) |
紺ソ | こんソ | navy-blue socks |
紺ソク | こんソク | navy-blue socks |
紺ハイソ | こんハイソ | navy-blue knee socks |
紺屋 | こうや, こんや | dyer |
紺碧 | こんぺき | deep blue, azure |
紺色 | こんいろ | deep blue |
紺青 | こんじょう | navy blue |
終了 | しゅうりょう | end, close, termination |
終了後 | しゅうりょうご | after the end (of something) |
終値 | おわりね | closing price (stock exchange, etc.) |
終始一貫 | しゅうしいっかん | consistency, unchanging from beginning to end |
終息 | しゅうそく | having just ended, being resolved |
終戦 | しゅうせん | end of war, cessation of hostilities |
終日 | しゅうじつ, ひねもす, ひめもす, ひもすがら | all day, for a whole day |
終止符 | しゅうしふ | full stop, period; end |
終盤 | しゅうばん | endgame, final stage |
終着駅 | しゅうちゃくえき | terminal station |
終結 | しゅうけつ | end, close |
絃 | げん | string (of a shamisen, etc.); stringed instrument |
絃声 | げんせい | sound of the strings |
絃楽 | げんがく | string music |
絃楽器 | げんがっき | stringed instruments |
絃歌 | げんか | singing and (string) music |
絃線 | げんせん | catgut |
組み唄 | くみうた | medley of (Japanese) songs |
組み込む | くみこむ | to insert, to include, to cut in (printing) |
組織的 | そしきてき | systematic |
組長 | くみちょう | boss (yakuza) |
組閣 | そかく | formation of a cabinet |
経 | きょう | sutra, Buddhist scriptures |
経企庁 | けいきちょう | Economic Planning Agency |
経営者 | けいえいしゃ | manager, proprietor |
経団連 | けいだんれん | Federation of Economic Organizations (Organisation) |
経常 | けいじょう | ordinary |
経常利益 | けいじょうりえき | current profits, ordinary profit, income before income taxes |
経歴 | けいれき | personal history, career |
経済企画庁 | けいざいきかくちょう | Economic Planning Agency |
経済封鎖 | けいざいふうさ | economic blockade, embargo |
経済界 | けいざいかい | economic world, financial circles |
経済的 | けいざいてき | economic, economical |
経済研究所 | けいざいけんきゅうしょ | economics research centre, economics research center |
経綸 | けいりん | governing |
経緯儀 | けいいぎ | theodolite |
経費 | けいひ | expenses, cost, outlay |
経路 | けいろ | course, route, path, channel; process, means |
経過 | けいか | passage, expiration, progress |
経験が浅い | けいけんがあさい | having little experience |
経験者 | けいけんしゃ | experienced person, person who has had a particular experience |
結び | むすび | ending, conclusion, union |
結婚式 | けっこんしき | marriage ceremony, wedding |
結婚披露宴 | けっこんひろうえん | wedding reception banquet |
結成 | けっせい | formation |
結晶 | けっしょう | crystal, crystallization, crystallisation |
結晶系 | けっしょうけい | system of crystallization, system of crystallisation |
結束 | けっそく | union, unity |
結核 | けっかく | tuberculosis, tubercule |
結腸 | けっちょう | colon |
結露 | けつろ | dew, condensation |
絞まる | しまる | to be strangled, to be constricted |
絞める | しめる | to strangle, to constrict |
絞り | しぼり | iris (camera, eye) |
絞る | しぼる | to press, to wring, to squeeze, to narrow (down), to whittle (down), to tighten |
絞殺 | こうさつ | hanging, strangulation |
絞首刑 | こうしゅけい | death by hanging |
絡まり | からまり | entanglement |
絡まる | からまる | to be entwined, to be involved |
絡み | からみ | linkage, entanglement, involvement, relationship |
絡みつく | からみつく | to twine oneself around, to coil around |
絡み合う | からみあう | to be(come) intertwined, to be entangled |
絡む | からむ | to entangle; to pick a quarrel; to be involved with |
絡める | からめる | to arrest; to entwine; to coordinate (with) |
絢文 | けんぶん | colorful pattern, colourful pattern |
絢爛 | けんらん | gorgeous, brilliant, dazzling, gaudy, flowery (speech) |
絢爛華麗 | けんらんかれい | luxurious and gorgeous, splendid, dazzling, magnificent |
絢爛豪華 | けんらんごうか | luxurious and gorgeous, splendid, dazzling |
絢緞子 | あやどんす | damask |
給付 | きゅうふ | payment; performance |
給水栓 | きゅうすいせん | hydrant, tap, faucet |
給湯 | きゅうとう | hot-water supply |
給食 | きゅうしょく | school lunch, providing a meal |
統制 | とうせい | regulation, control |
統合 | とうごう | integration; integrated, built-in |
統合幕僚会議 | とうごうばくりょうかいぎ | Joint Staff Council |
統帥 | とうすい | supreme command, high command |
統帥権 | とうすいけん | supreme command authority |
統括 | とうかつ | unification; control, supervision |
統治 | とうち, とうじ | rule, reign, government, governing |
統轄 | とうかつ | unification; control, supervision |
絵に描いた餅 | えにかいたもち | pie in the sky, castle in the air |
絵に描いた餠 | えにかいたもち | pie in the sky, castle in the air |
絵の具 | えのぐ | colors, colours, paints |
絵はがき | えはがき | picture postcard |
絵巻 | えまき | picture scroll |
絵描き | えかき | artist, painter |
絶倫 | ぜつりん | matchless, unequaled, unequalled, peerless |
絶句 | ぜっく | become speechless |
絶叫 | ぜっきょう | exclamation, scream, shout |
絶唱 | ぜっしょう | superb poem or song |
絶大 | ぜつだい | tremendous, immense |
絶好 | ぜっこう | best, ideal, perfect |
絶妙 | ぜつみょう | exquisite, superb, perfect, miraculous |
絶望 | ぜつぼう | despair, hopelessness |
絶縁 | ぜつえん | breaking off relations; insulation (esp. electrical), isolation |
絶縁抵抗 | ぜつえんていこう | insulation resistance |
絶頂 | ぜっちょう | summit, peak, climax |
絹地 | きぬじ | silk fabrics |
絹布 | けんぷ | silk, silk cloth |
絹本 | けんぽん | silk used in artwork |
絹目 | きぬめ | matte finish (e.g. of photographs) |
絹糸 | けんし, きぬいと | silk thread |
絹綿 | きぬわた | silk floss |
絹織物 | きぬおりもの | silk goods |
絹莢 | きぬさや | snow pea(s) |
絹針 | きぬばり | needle for silkwork |
継ぐ | つぐ | to succeed (someone in a business or inheritance) |
継嗣 | けいし | successor, heir, heiress |
継承 | けいしょう | inheritance, succession, accession |
継投 | けいとう | relieving the (starting) pitcher |
継続的 | けいぞくてき | continuous |
続伸 | ぞくしん | continuous rise |
続編 | ぞくへん | continuation, sequel |
続騰 | ぞくとう | continued advance, spiral upward |
綜合 | そうごう | synthesis; comprehensive |
綜覧 | そうらん | guide, general survey, conspectus, comprehensive bibliography |
綜麻繰 | へそくり | secret savings, stash |
維持費 | いじひ | maintenance costs |
維新 | いしん | restoration (e.g. Meiji) |
綱引き | つなひき | tug of war; forward puller (of a rickshaw) |
綱渡り | つなわたり | tightrope walking, funambulism |
綱紀 | こうき | law and order, discipline |
綱紀粛正 | こうきしゅくせい | eliminating corruption among government officials, tightening discipline (among) |
網 | あみ | net, netting; web |
網戸 | あみど | screen door |
網棚 | あみだな | luggage rack, baggage rack |
網羅 | もうら | comprising, including, covering, encompassing, comprehending |
網膜 | もうまく | retina |
綴れ錦 | つづれにしき | (hand-woven) brocade |
綸子 | りんず | figured satin |
綸旨 | りんじ | the Emperor's command, private message from an emperor |
綸言 | りんげん | imperial words |
綺 | き, かんはた, かんばた, かにはた | thin twilled silk fabric |
綺想曲 | きそうきょく | capriccio, lively musical composition |
綺羅 | きら | fine clothes |
綺羅びやか | きらびやか | gorgeous, gaudy, dazzling, gay |
綺談 | きだん | romantic story, colorful story, colourful story, highly embellished story |
綺麗事 | きれいごと | fine skill, simplicity |
綾 | あや | figure; twill weave, pattern of diagonal stripes |
綾なす | あやなす | richly variegated in color or pattern |
綾取 | あやとり | cat's cradle |
綾取り | あやとり | cat's cradle |
綾布 | あやぬの | twill damask and brocade |
綾糸 | あやいと | colored thread, coloured thread, thread of cat's cradle, heddle thread |
綾織 | あやおり | twill (fabric) |
綾織り | あやおり | twill (fabric) |
綾錦 | あやにしき | twill damask and brocade |
綿ぼこり | わたぼこり | dustballs, cotton dust, fluff, flecks of fibre (fiber) |
綿密 | めんみつ | minute, detailed, careful, scrupulous, thorough |
綿布 | めんぷ | cotton cloth, cotton material |
綿棒 | めんぼう | cotton swab |
綿糸 | めんし | cotton yarn (thread) |
綿花 | めんか | raw cotton, cotton wool |
緊と | ひしと | tightly, firmly, fast; sharply, keenly |
緊密 | きんみつ | rigour, rigor, closeness, compactness, tightly knit |
緊急 | きんきゅう | urgent, pressing, emergency |
緊急逮捕 | きんきゅうたいほ | arrest without warrant |
緊縛 | きんばく | bind tightly; (sexual) bondage |
緊縮 | きんしゅく | shrinkage, contraction, economy, retrenchment |
緊要 | きんよう | momentous, exigent, urgent, important, vital |
緊迫 | きんぱく | tension, strain |
緋 | あけ, ひ | scarlet, red; blood |
緋い | あかい | red; Red (i.e. communist) |
緋の衣 | ひのころも | scarlet robe |
緋縅し | ひおどし | scarlet-threaded suit of armor (armour) |
緋縅し鎧 | ひおどしよろい | scarlet-threaded suit of armor (armour) |
緋色 | ひいろ | brilliant red, scarlet |
緋衣草 | ひごろもそう | salvia (sage family) |
緋鯉 | ひごい | red carp, golden carp |
総会 | そうかい | general meeting |
総会屋 | そうかいや | extortionist that threatens to disrupt stock-holder meetings |
総務 | そうむ | general business (affairs), manager, director, adjutant general (mil) |
総合 | そうごう | synthesis; comprehensive |
総同盟罷業 | そうどうめいひぎょう | general strike |
総帥 | そうすい | commander, leader |
総括 | そうかつ | synthesis, recap, generalize, generalise |
総括主宰者 | そうかつしゅさいしゃ | (electoral) campaign manager |
総指揮 | そうしき | supreme command, direction over all |
総桐 | そうぎり | made entirely of paulownia wood |
総理 | そうり | prime minister, leader, overseer (of national affairs), president |
総理府 | そうりふ | Prime Minister's office, PMO |
総監 | そうかん | inspector general, commissioner |
総督 | そうとく | governor-general, governor, viceroy |
総統 | そうとう | supreme ruler; president (of Taiwan); fuhrer, fuehrer |
総菜 | そうざい | side dish, daily (household) dish |
総裁 | そうさい | president |
総覧 | そうらん | guide, general survey, conspectus, comprehensive bibliography |
総評 | そうひょう | general comment; General Council of Trade Unions of Japan |
総辞職 | そうじしょく | mass resignation |
総選挙 | そうせんきょ | general election (of the lower house) |
総量 | そうりょう | aggregate amount |
総長 | そうちょう | (college) president, secretary-general |
総領事 | そうりょうじ | consul general |
総額 | そうがく | sum total, total amount |
緑内障 | りょくないしょう | glaucoma |
緑化 | りょっか, りょくか | tree planting, afforestation |
緑啄木鳥 | あおげら | Japanese woodpecker |
緑地 | りょくち | green tract of land |
緑色 | みどりいろ, りょくしょく, すいしょく | green, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure |
緑風 | りょくふう | early-summer breeze |
緑黄色 | りょくおうしょく | greenish yellow |
緒 | いとぐち | thread end, beginning, clue |
緒につく | しょにつく | to be started, to get underway |
緒戦 | しょせん, ちょせん | beginning of hostilities, beginning of competition |
線描 | せんびょう | line drawing |
線香 | せんこう | incense stick |
締め切り | しめきり | closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance |
締約 | ていやく | conclusion of a treaty |
締結 | ていけつ | conclusion, execution (of a contract), entering (into treaty) |
編 | へん | compilation (of a text); volume (of a text); completed literary work |
編入 | へんにゅう | admission, incorporation |
編成 | へんせい | composition, formation, organization, organisation, compilation |
編著 | へんちょ | compilation |
編集者 | へんしゅうしゃ | editor (in publishing, etc.) |
緩み | ゆるみ | slack, looseness |
緩む | ゆるむ | to become loose, to slacken |
緩やか | ゆるやか | loose; gentle; lenient, liberal, lax |
緩和 | かんわ | relief, mitigation, alleviation, relaxation, softening |
緩徐 | かんじょ | gentle and quiet |
緩急 | かんきゅう | in case of emergency |
緩慢 | かんまん | slow, sluggish, dull |
緩衝 | かんしょう | buffered |
緩衝地帯 | かんしょうちたい | buffer zone |
緯 | よこいと, ぬきいと | weft, woof (crosswise threads on a loom) |
緯度 | いど | latitude (nav.) |
緯糸 | よこいと, ぬきいと | weft, woof (crosswise threads on a loom) |
緯線 | いせん | parallel |
練り | ねり | kneading, gloss, tempering |
練り上げる | ねりあげる | to train up, to discipline |
練り塀 | ねりべい | mud and tile wall topped with tile |
練る | ねる | to knead; to polish up (e.g. a plan); to drill, to train |
縁故 | えんこ | relation, connection, affinity |
縁談 | えんだん | marriage proposal, engagement |
縄ばしご | なわばしご | rope ladder |
縄文 | じょうもん | Jomon period, straw-rope pattern |
縛める | いましめる | to bind (with rope, etc.) |
縛りつける | しばりつける | to tie |
縛り首 | しばりくび | (death by) hanging |
縛る | しばる | to tie, to bind |
縦断 | じゅうだん | flying through, cutting across, longitudinal slice |
縦書き | たてがき | vertical writing |
縦横無尽 | じゅうおうむじん | freely, right and left, as one pleases |
縦糸 | たていと | (weaving) warp |
縦貫 | じゅうかん | running through, traversal |
縦軸 | たてじく, じゅうじく | vertical axis; vertical shaft, spindle |
縫い | ぬい | embroidery, sewing |
縫いぐるみ | ぬいぐるみ | stuffed toy, plush toy(s) |
縫いつける | ぬいつける | to sew on |
縫い付ける | ぬいつける | to sew on |
縫い目 | ぬいめ | seam, stitch, suture |
縫い針 | ぬいばり | sewing needle |
縫製 | ほうせい | sewing |
縮小 | しゅくしょう | reduction, curtailment |
縮尺 | しゅくしゃく | reduced scale, scaling |
繁忙 | はんぼう | pressure of business, busy |
繁昌 | はんじょう | prosperity, flourishing, thriving |
繁栄 | はんえい | prospering, prosperity, thriving, flourishing |
繁殖 | はんしょく | breed, multiply, increase, propagation |
繁盛 | はんじょう | prosperity, flourishing, thriving |
繁繁 | しげしげ | frequently, often; fixedly, narrowly, closely |
繁茂 | はんも | luxuriant growth |
繊 | せん | daikon julienne; one ten-millionth |
繊細 | せんさい | delicate, dainty, fine, slim, sensitive, subtle |
繊維 | せんい | fibre, fiber, textile |
織り | おり | weave, weaving, woven item |
織り込む | おりこむ | to weave into, to interweave, to be incorporated in |
織る | おる | to weave |
織布 | しょくふ | woven fabric |
織機 | しょっき | loom, weaving machine |
織物 | おりもの | textile, fabric |
繕い | つくろい | mending, repair, darning, patching up |
繕う | つくろう | to mend, to repair, to fix, to patch up, to darn, to tidy up, to adjust, to trim |
繭 | まゆ | cocoon |
繭をかける | まゆをかける | to spin a cocoon |
繭を掛ける | まゆをかける | to spin a cocoon |
繭価 | まゆか, けんか | price of a cocoon |
繭玉 | まゆだま | New Year's decoration with cocoon-shaped cakes |
繭糸 | けんし, きぬいと | silk thread |
繭紬 | けんちゅう | pongee (unbleached silk) |
繰り上げ | くりあげ | upward move, advance |
繰り上げる | くりあげる | to move up, to advance |
繰り入れ | くりいれ | transfer |
繰り出し梯子 | くりだしはしご, くりだしばしご | extension ladder, aerial ladder |
繰り広げる | くりひろげる | to unfold, to open |
繰り延べ | くりのべ | postponement |
繰り返し | くりかえし | repetition; repeatedly |
缶コーヒー | かんコーヒー | canned coffee |
缶ジュース | かんジュース | canned juice, canned soft drink, can of juice, can of soft drink |
缶ビール | かんビール | canned beer, can of beer |
缶詰 | かんづめ | packing (in cans), canning, canned goods, tin can |
罪悪 | ざいあく | crime, sin, vice |
罪状 | ざいじょう | charges, nature of offence, nature of offense |
罪状糾明 | ざいじょうきゅうめい | closely examining (questioning) the concrete circumstances of a crime |
置き傘 | おきがさ | spare umbrella kept (at work) in the event of a sudden shower |
置き去り | おきざり | desertion, leaving behind or in the lurch |
置き忘れる | おきわすれる | to leave behind, to misplace, to forget |
罰 | ばち | (divine) punishment, curse, retribution |
罰則 | ばっそく | penal regulations |
罰金 | ばっきん | fine, penalty |
署 | しょ | (police) office |
署名捺印 | しょめいなついん | sign and seal |
署員 | しょいん | staff member, station employee, official |
署長 | しょちょう | chief (of police), head (of office) |
罷む | やむ | to cease, to stop, to be over |
罷めさせる | やめさせる | to fire (from job), to discharge |
罷める | やめる | to resign, to retire, to quit, to leave (one's job, etc.) |
罷り | まかり | emphatic verbal prefix |
罷りならぬ | まかりならぬ | not be allowed, must not |
罷免 | ひめん | dismissal, discharge |
罷業 | ひぎょう | strike, walkout |
罹患 | りかん | contracting a disease |
羅 | うすもの, ら | lightweight fabric or clothing; Latin (language) |
羅列 | られつ | enumeration |
羅漢 | らかん | arhat, Lohan, achiever of Nirvana |
羅漢槙 | らかんまき, ラカンマキ | Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki (variety of yew plum pine) |
羅紗 | らしゃ | felt, woollen cloth |
羅紗紙 | らしゃがみ | flock paper |
羅針盤 | らしんばん | compass |
羊 | ひつじ | sheep |
羊肉 | ようにく | mutton, lamb (meat) |
美 | び | beauty |
美しい | うつくしい | beautiful, lovely |
美女 | びじょ | beautiful woman |
美姫 | びき | beautiful maiden, beauty |
美学 | びがく | esthetics, aesthetics |
美徳 | びとく | virtue |
美術展 | びじゅつてん | art exhibition |
美貌の虜になる | びぼうのとりこになる | to be enslaved by a woman's beauty |
美辞麗句 | びじれいく | flowery words, rhetorical flourishes |
美醜 | びしゅう | beauty or ugliness, personal appearance |
羞恥 | しゅうち | shyness, bashfulness |
群 | ぐん | group (of animals); group |
群像 | ぐんぞう | sculptured group |
群島 | ぐんとう | island group, archipelago |
群落 | ぐんらく | many communities (villages), cluster of plants |
群衆 | ぐんしゅう, ぐんしゅ, ぐんじゅ | group (of people), crowd, horde, throng, mob, multitude |
義兄 | ぎけい, あに | brother-in-law |
義勇 | ぎゆう | heroism, loyalty and courage |
義務 | ぎむ | duty, obligation, responsibility |
義塾 | ぎじゅく | private school |
義太夫 | ぎだゆう | gidayuu (form of ballad drama) |
義妹 | ぎまい, いもうと | sister in law (younger) |
義姉 | ぎし, あね | sister-in-law (elder) |
義弟 | ぎてい, おとうと | younger brother-in-law |
義憤 | ぎふん | righteous indignation |
義援金 | ぎえんきん | donation money, contribution |
義父 | ぎふ | father-in-law, foster father, stepfather |
義肢 | ぎし | artificial limb |
羽団扇楓 | はうちわかえで, ハウチワカエデ | Japanese maple (tree) (Acer japonicum) |
羽振り | はぶり | plumage, influence, power |
羽毛 | うもう | feathers, plumage, down |
羽織 | はおり | haori (Japanese formal coat) |
翁 | おう, おきな | old man, venerable |
翁の面 | おきなのめん | old man's mask |
翁貝 | おきながい | lantern shell |
翌 | よく | the following, next |
翌々 | よくよく | the one after next |
翌る | あくる | next, following |
翌年 | よくねん, よくとし | following year |
翌日 | よくじつ | next day |
翌春 | よくしゅん | next spring |
翌月 | よくげつ | following month |
翌朝 | よくちょう, よくあさ | the next morning |
翌翌 | よくよく | the one after next |
翌週 | よくしゅう | the following week, the next week |
習俗 | しゅうぞく | manners and customs, folkways, usage |
習性 | しゅうせい | trait |
翔ける | かける | to soar, to fly; to run, to dash |
翔ぶ | とぶ | to jump; to fly, to soar |
翔る | かける | to soar, to fly; to run, to dash |
翔んでる | とんでる | far-out, groovy, flipped out |
翔破 | しょうは | completing a flight |
翠嵐 | すいらん | the sense of being engulfed in a green, mountainous atmosphere |
翠玉 | すいぎょく | emerald, jade |
翠色 | みどりいろ, りょくしょく, すいしょく | green, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure |
翡翠 | かわせみ, ひすい, しょうびん, カワセミ | kingfisher (esp. the common kingfisher; jade |
翡翠色 | ひすいいろ | jade green |
翻 | こぼし | spilling; waste-water container (tea ceremony) |
翻し | こぼし | spilling; waste-water container (tea ceremony) |
翻す | こぼす | to spill; to grumble |
翻る | ひるがえる | to turn over, to wave, to flutter |
翻弄 | ほんろう | to trifle with; to rack, to toss |
翻意 | ほんい | change one's mind |
翻案 | ほんあん | adaptation (of story, text) |
翼廊 | よくろう | transept |
耀く | かがやく | to shine, to glitter, to sparkle |
老い | おい | old age, old person, the old, the aged |
老人ホーム | ろうじんホーム | senior citizens' home |
老化 | ろうか | ageing, aging, senile deterioration |
老夫婦 | ろうふうふ | an old couple |
老婆 | ろうば | old woman |
老年 | ろうねん | old age |
老後 | ろうご | old age |
老朽 | ろうきゅう | superannuated, decrepitude |
老練 | ろうれん | experienced, veteran |
老翁 | ろうおう | old man |
老舗 | しにせ, ろうほ | old shop; well-established, first of the kind, veteran |
老若 | ろうじゃく, ろうにゃく | young and old, all ages |
老衰 | ろうすい | senility, senile decay, infirmity (through age) |
老齢 | ろうれい | advanced age, senility |
考え方 | かんがえかた | way of thinking |
考古学 | こうこがく | archaeology, archeology |
考察 | こうさつ | consideration, inquiry, enquiry |
耐久 | たいきゅう | endurance, persistence |
耐久性 | たいきゅうせい | durability |
耐乏 | たいぼう | austerity, voluntary privation |
耐乏生活 | たいぼうせいかつ | hard life, life of austerity |
耐性 | たいせい | resistance (e.g. to antibiotics) |
耐性菌 | たいせいきん | antibiotic-resistant bacteria |
耐火 | たいか | fireproof |
耐熱 | たいねつ | heat-resisting |
耐震 | たいしん | resistant to earthquakes |
耕作 | こうさく | cultivation, farming |
耕作者 | こうさくしゃ | cultivator |
耕具 | こうぐ | farm tools, farm implements |
耳を澄ます | みみをすます | to listen carefully, to strain one's ears |
耳元 | みみもと | close to the ear |
耳慣れる | みみなれる | to be something familiar |
耳打ち | みみうち | whisper into a person's ear |
耳目 | じもく | eye and ear; one's attention, one's interest |
耳聡い | みみざとい | sharp-eared, have sharp ears, picks things up fast |
耳鼻咽喉科 | じびいんこうか | otorhinolaryngology, ear, nose and throat |
耶嬢 | やじょう | father and mother |
耶蘇 | やそ | Jesus (Chinese) |
聖地 | せいち | sacred place, holy ground, the Holy Land |
聖域 | せいいき | sacred precincts, sanctuary, consecrated ground |
聖堂 | せいどう | (Confucian) temple, church, sanctuary |
聖戦 | せいせん | holy war, crusade |
聖書 | せいしょ | Bible, scriptures |
聖母 | せいぼ | birth mother of a holy man (or woman); Virgin Mary |
聖火 | せいか | sacred fire (torch); Olympic flame |
聖職者 | せいしょくしゃ | clergyman, churchman, clergy |
聞かす | きかす | to inform about, to read to, to sing for |
聞き取り | ききとり | listening comprehension |
聞き手 | ききて | hearer; interviewer, questioner |
聞き書き | ききがき | account of what one hears |
聞き込み捜査 | ききこみそうさ | (police) legwork |
聡い | さとい | smart, sensitive, discerning |
聡敏 | そうびん | sagacity, cleverness |
聡明 | そうめい | wisdom, sagacity |
聴取 | ちょうしゅ | listening, hearing, audition, radio reception |
聴衆 | ちょうしゅう | audience, attendance, hearers |
聴覚 | ちょうかく | the sense of hearing |
聴講 | ちょうこう | lecture attendance, auditing |
職 | しょく | employment |
職場 | しょくば | one's post, place of work, workplace |
職業 | しょくぎょう | occupation, business |
肇国 | ちょうこく | founding of a state |
肇歳 | ちょうさい | beginning of the year |
肉体的 | にくたいてき | corporeal, material |
肉桂 | にっけい, にっき | cinnamon |
肉牛 | にくぎゅう | beef cattle |
肉薄 | にくはく | come close to, closing in upon, pressing hard (on the enemy), challenge |
肉親 | にくしん | blood relationship, blood relative |
肌合い | はだあい | person's disposition |
肌寒い | はださむい, はだざむい | chilly, unpleasantly cold |
肌触り | はだざわり | the touch of, feel of |
肌身 | はだみ | body |
肖り者 | あやかりもの | lucky person |
肖る | あやかる | to share good luck |
肖像 | しょうぞう | portrait |
肖像権 | しょうぞうけん | rights to usage of one's likeness |
肖像画 | しょうぞうが | portrait |
肝 | きも, たん | liver, innards; courage, spirit, pluck, guts |
肝がん | かんがん | liver cancer |
肝ったま | きもったま, きもだま | guts, pluck, nerve, spirit |
肝をつぶす | きもをつぶす | to be frightened out of one's wits, to be amazed, to be astounded |
肝心 | かんじん | essential, fundamental, crucial, vital, main |
肝炎 | かんえん | hepatitis |
肝硬変 | かんこうへん | cirrhosis of the liver |
肝臓 | かんぞう | liver |
肝要 | かんよう | essential, vital, crucial, importance |
肝銘 | かんめい | deep impression |
肢体 | したい | limbs, members, body |
肢体不自由児 | したいふじゆうじ | handicapped child |
肥 | こえ | manure, night soil, dung, fertiliser, fertilizer |
肥える | こえる | to grow fat, to grow fertile; to have good taste |
肥やし | こやし | manure, night soil, dung, fertiliser, fertilizer |
肥やす | こやす | to fertilize, to fertilise, to manure, to enrich |
肥大 | ひだい | swell, enlarge, corpulence, fatness, obesity |
肥料 | ひりょう | manure, fertilizer, fertiliser |
肥満 | ひまん | corpulence, fatness, obesity |
肩 | かた | shoulder |
肩をすくめる | かたをすくめる | to shrug one's shoulders |
肩代わり | かたがわり | shouldering another's debt |
肩入れ | かたいれ | support, backing, patronage |
肩書 | かたがき | title, degree, address (on letter), criminal record |
肩身 | かたみ | shoulders |
肩透かし | かたすかし | dodging; under-shoulder swing down (sumo) |
肯く | うなずく | to nod, to bow one's head in assent |
肯定応答 | こうていおうとう | acknowledge, ACK |
肯定文 | こうていぶん | affirmative sentence |
肯定的 | こうていてき | affirmative |
肯綮 | こうけい | the essential point |
育ち | そだち | breeding, growth |
育成 | いくせい | rearing, training, nurture, cultivation, promotion |
育成栽培 | いくせいさいばい | vegetable and fruit growing |
育苗 | いくびょう | raising seedlings |
育英 | いくえい | education |
育雛器 | いくすうき | breeder |
肺 | はい | lung |
肺がん | はいがん, はいガン | lung cancer |
肺ガン | はいがん, はいガン | lung cancer |
肺活量 | はいかつりょう | lung capacity |
肺炎 | はいえん | pneumonia |
肺病 | はいびょう | lung disease, chest trouble, pulmonary tuberculosis |
肺結核 | はいけっかく | pulmonary tuberculosis, consumption |
肺肝 | はいかん | lungs and livers, depths of one's heart, innermost heart |
肺臓 | はいぞう | lungs |
胃アトニー | いアトニー | gastric atony |
胃カタル | いカタル | gastric catarrh |
胃カメラ | いカメラ | endoscope, gastrocamera |
胃ポリープ | いポリープ | gastric polyp |
胃潰瘍 | いかいよう | stomach ulcer |
胃炎 | いえん | gastritis, gastric catarrh |
胃痛 | いつう | stomach-ache, stomach pain, gastralgia |
胃腸 | いちょう | stomach, gastrointestine |
胃袋 | いぶくろ | stomach |
胆 | きも, たん | liver, innards; courage, spirit, pluck, guts |
胆のう | たんのう | gall bladder |
胆力 | たんりょく | courage, nerve, grit |
胆嚢 | たんのう | gall bladder |
胆汁 | たんじゅう | bile, gall |
胆石 | たんせき | gallstones |
背丈 | せたけ | stature, height |
背任 | はいにん | breach of trust (law) |
背後 | はいご | back, rear |
背景 | はいけい | background, scenery, setting, circumstance |
背泳ぎ | せおよぎ | backstroke (swim.) |
背番号 | せばんごう | number on player's back |
背骨 | せぼね | spine, backbone |
胎 | たい, はら | womb |
胎児 | たいじ | embryo, fetus, foetus |
胎内 | たいない | interior of womb |
胎動 | たいどう | quickening, foetal (fetal) movement, fomenting (trouble) |
胎教 | たいきょう | prenatal care, antenatal training |
胎盤 | たいばん | placenta, afterbirth |
胞子 | ほうし | spore |
胡 | こ | barbarian tribes surrounding ancient China |
胡国 | ここく | (ancient) North China barbarian nations |
胡坐 | あぐら | sitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style) |
胡坐をかく | あぐらをかく | to sit cross-legged; to rest on one's laurels |
胡床 | あぐら | sitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style) |
胡床をかく | あぐらをかく | to sit cross-legged; to rest on one's laurels |
胡座 | あぐら | sitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style) |
胡座をかく | あぐらをかく | to sit cross-legged; to rest on one's laurels |
胡桃 | くるみ | walnut |
胡蝶 | こちょう | butterfly |
胤 | たね | issue, offspring, paternal blood |
胤裔 | いんえい | successor, descendant |
胤違い | たねちがい | half-brother, half-sister |
胴が長い | どうがながい | having a long body, long-bodied |
胴乱 | どうらん | case for botanical specimens |
胴体 | どうたい | body, trunk, torso |
胴回り | どうまわり | waist, girth, measurement around waist |
胸びれ | むなびれ | pectoral fin |
胸をときめかす | むねをときめかす | to make one's heart flutter |
胸中 | きょうちゅう | one's mind, one's intentions |
胸像 | きょうぞう | bust (statue) |
胸元 | むなもと | breast, pit of stomach |
胸椎 | きょうつい | thoracic vertebra(e) |
胸突き八丁 | むなつきはっちょう | the most trying spot or period, the most difficult period |
胸襟 | きょうきん | one's heart |
胸部 | きょうぶ | chest, breast |
胸郭 | きょうかく | chest, thorax |
能楽 | のうがく | Noh play |
脂 | あぶら | fat, tallow, lard, grease |
脂っこい | あぶらっこい | greasy, fatty, oily |
脂肪 | しぼう | fat, grease, blubber |
脂肪ぶとり | しぼうぶとり | fat |
脂肪太り | しぼうぶとり | fat |
脂肪層 | しぼうそう | fatty layer, layer of fat |
脂肪油 | しぼうゆ | fatty oil |
脂肪質 | しぼうしつ | fatty |
脂肪酸 | しぼうさん | fatty acid |
脂質 | ししつ | lipid, fats, adipose |
脅える | おびえる | to become frightened, to be frightened (of), to be scared (of) |
脅かし | おどかし | threat |
脅かす | おどかす | to threaten, to menace; to startle, to surprise |
脅し | おどし | threat |
脅しつける | おどしつける | to threaten, to terrify, to frighten |
脅す | おどす | to threaten, to menace |
脅やかす | おびやかす | to intimidate; to jeopardize, to endanger, to imperil |
脅喝 | きょうかつ | threat, intimidation, menace |
脅嚇 | きょうかく | intimidation, threat |
脅威 | きょうい | threat, menace |
脅迫 | きょうはく | threat, menace, coercion, terrorism |
脈 | みゃく | pulse |
脈拍 | みゃくはく | pulse, pulsation, stroke of pulse |
脈絡 | みゃくらく | chain of reasoning, logical connection, coherence, context |
脊椎 | せきつい | spine, vertebral column |
脊椎動物 | せきついどうぶつ | vertebrate |
脊髄 | せきずい | spinal cord |
脚光 | きゃっこう | footlight, limelight |
脚本 | きゃくほん | script, screenplay, scenario |
脚色 | きゃくしょく | dramatization (e.g. film), dramatisation |
脩竹 | しゅうちく | tall bamboo |
脱する | だっする | to escape from, to get out |
脱出 | だっしゅつ | escape |
脱却 | だっきゃく | ridding (freeing) oneself |
脱帽 | だつぼう | removing one's hat |
脱水 | だっすい | evaporation, dehydration, dessication |
脱獄囚 | だつごくしゅう | escaped prisoner |
脱皮 | だっぴ | shedding, molting, emergence |
脱硫 | だつりゅう | desulfurization, desulphurisation, desulphurization |
脱税 | だつぜい | tax evasion |
脱臭 | だっしゅう | deodorization, deodorisation |
脱退 | だったい | secession, retirement, withdrawal (e.g. from a lawsuit) |
脳出血 | のうしゅっけつ | cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral haemorrhage |
脳卒中 | のうそっちゅう | stroke, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage |
脳死 | のうし | brain death |
脳波 | のうは | brain waves |
脳珊瑚 | のうさんご | brain coral |
脳神経 | のうしんけい | cranial nerves |
脳血栓 | のうけっせん | cerebral thrombosis |
脳裏 | のうり | one's mind |
脳髄 | のうずい | brain |
脹らせる | ふくらせる | to puff up, to inflate |
脹らみ | ふくらみ | swelling, bulge, puff |
脹らむ | ふくらむ | to expand, to swell (out), to get big, to become inflated |
脹れ | はれ | boil, swelling |
脹れっ面 | ふくれっつら | sulky look, sullen look |
脹れぼったい | はれぼったい | puffy, somewhat swollen |
脹れる | はれる | to swell (from inflammation), to become swollen |
腎臓 | じんぞう | kidney |
腐り | くさり | rottenness, decay, corruption |
腐心 | ふしん | taking pains to, racking one's brains, doing everything one can |
腐敗 | ふはい | decay, depravity |
腐朽 | ふきゅう | deterioration, rot |
腐葉土 | ふようど | humus, leaf mold, leaf mould |
腐食 | ふしょく | corrosion |
腕の冴え | うでのさえ | dexterity, skill |
腕前 | うでまえ | ability, skill, facility |
腕力 | わんりょく | physical strength, brute strength, arm strength |
腫脹 | しゅちょう | swelling |
腰椎 | ようつい | lumbar vertebrae |
腰痛 | ようつう | lower back (or hip) pain, lumbago |
腰縄 | こしなわ | leash, rope tied round prisoner's waists |
腸 | ちょう, はらわた, わた | guts, bowels, intestines |
腹心 | ふくしん | one's confidant, trusted friend, trusted retainer |
腹痛 | ふくつう, はらいた | stomach ache, abdominal pain |
腹膜炎 | ふくまくえん | peritonitis |
腹部 | ふくぶ | abdomen |
膜 | まく | membrane, film |
膨らし粉 | ふくらしこ | baking powder |
膨らみ | ふくらみ | swelling, bulge, puff |
膨張 | ぼうちょう | expansion, swelling, increase, growth |
膨隆 | ぼうりゅう | swelling up |
臓 | ぞう | viscera, bowels |
臓器 | ぞうき | viscera, internal organs |
臨む | のぞむ | to look out on; to face; to deal with; to attend (e.g. function) |
臨場感 | りんじょうかん | presence |
臨床 | りんしょう | clinical (e.g. pathology, physiology) |
臨戦 | りんせん | preparing for action or battle |
臨検 | りんけん | on-the-spot investigation or inspection, raid |
臨機応変 | りんきおうへん | adapting oneself to the requirements of the moment, playing it by ear, ad hoc |
臨海 | りんかい | coastal, seaside, oceanfront, maritime |
臨界 | りんかい | critical (pressure, temperature, state, point) |
自他 | じた | oneself and others; transitive and intransitive |
自伝 | じでん | autobiography |
自供 | じきょう | confession |
自信過剰 | じしんかじょう | overconfident, presumptuous |
自分 | じぶん | myself, yourself, oneself, himself, herself; I, me |
自助 | じじょ | self-help |
自動扉 | じどうとびら | automatic door |
自動販売機 | じどうはんばいき | vending machine |
自動車損害賠償責任保険 | じどうしゃそんがいばいしょうせきにんほけん | mandatory vehicle liability insurance |
自叙伝 | じじょでん | autobiography |
自堕落 | じだらく | depravity, self-indulgence |
自尊 | じそん | self-respect, esteem |
自己批判 | じこひはん | self-criticism |
自己流 | じこりゅう | one's own style, self-taught manner |
自己犠牲 | じこぎせい | self-sacrifice, self-renunciation |
自己矛盾 | じこむじゅん | self-contradiction, paradox, antinomy |
自己紹介 | じこしょうかい | self-introduction |
自己資本 | じこしほん | net worth, owned capital |
自己顕示 | じこけんじ | making oneself conspicuous, pressing one's own cause |
自律 | じりつ | autonomy |
自律神経 | じりつしんけい | autonomic nerves |
自慢 | じまん | pride, boast |
自慢話 | じまんばなし | boastful speech, bragging |
自我 | じが | self, the ego |
自戒 | じかい | self-admonition |
自暴自棄 | じぼうじき | desperation, despair, self-abandonment |
自殺未遂 | じさつみすい | attempted suicide |
自民 | じみん | Liberal Democratic Party, LDP |
自民党 | じみんとう | Liberal Democratic Party, LDP |
自治体 | じちたい | self-governing body, municipality, autonomous entity |
自治省 | じちしょう | Ministry of Home Affairs |
自浄 | じじょう | self-purification, self-cleansing |
自滅 | じめつ | ruining oneself, destroying oneself |
自炊 | じすい | cooking for oneself |
自然描写 | しぜんびょうしゃ | description of nature |
自然淘汰 | しぜんとうた | natural selection |
自由主義 | じゆうしゅぎ | liberalism |
自由化 | じゆうか | liberalization, liberalisation, freeing |
自由形 | じゆうがた | freestyle (e.g. swimming event) |
自由経済 | じゆうけいざい | free economy |
自由貿易 | じゆうぼうえき | free trade |
自由貿易地域 | じゆうぼうえきちいき | free trade zone, free trade area |
自由貿易帯域 | じゆうぼうえきたいいき | free trade zone, free trade area |
自白 | じはく | confession, acknowledgement, acknowledgment |
自社 | じしゃ | one's company; in-house, belonging to the company |
自筆 | じひつ | one's own handwriting |
自給 | じきゅう | self-support |
自縄自縛に陥る | じじょうじばくにおちいる | to be caught in one's own trap |
自薦 | じせん | self-recommendation |
自虐 | じぎゃく | masochism, inflicting damage to oneself |
自衛官 | じえいかん | (Japanese) Self Defense Force member (Defence) |
自衛隊 | じえいたい | self-defence force; Japan Self-Defence Force, JSDF |
自覚 | じかく | self-consciousness, self-awareness |
自負 | じふ | conceit, bragging about one's own ability |
自販 | じはん | automobile sales |
自賠法 | じばいほう | Automobile Accident Compensation Act |
自賠責保険 | じばいせきほけん | mandatory vehicle liability insurance |
自閉症 | じへいしょう | autism; autistic |
臭み | くさみ | bad smell; affectation, fulsomeness |
臭気 | しゅうき | bad smell, stink |
至 | し | to ... |
至って | いたって | very much, exceedingly, extremely |
至り | いたり | utmost limit, extremity, result |
至る所 | いたるところ | everywhere, all over |
至上 | しじょう | supremacy |
至福 | しふく | beatitude, supreme bliss |
至誠 | しせい | sincerity, devotion |
至難 | しなん | most difficult, next to impossible |
致命傷 | ちめいしょう | fatal wound |
致命的 | ちめいてき | fatal, lethal |
致死 | ちし | lethal, fatal |
興 | きょう | interest; implicit comparison (style of the Shi Jing) |
興奮 | こうふん | excitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal |
興業 | こうぎょう | industrial enterprise |
興行 | こうぎょう | entertainment industry, show business |
興隆 | こうりゅう | rise, prosperity |
舌たらず | したたらず, したったらず | lisping; inadequate linguistic ability |
舌戦 | ぜっせん | war of words |
舌打ち | したうち | smacking lips, clicking tongue, tut-tut |
舌足らず | したたらず, したったらず | lisping; inadequate linguistic ability |
舌鼓 | したつづみ, したづつみ | smacking one's lips |
舎 | しゃ | hut; (in the ancient Chinese army) one day's march (approx. 12.2 km) |
舎弟 | しゃてい | my younger brother; underling (e.g. in yakuza) |
舗 | ほ | shop, store; counter for folded maps, etc. |
舗石 | ほせき | paving stone |
舗装 | ほそう | pavement, road surface |
舗装煉瓦 | ほそうれんが | paving brick |
舗装道路 | ほそうどうろ | paved road |
舞 | まい | dancing, dance |
舞う | まう | to dance (orig. a whirling dance); to flutter about, to revolve |
舞台監督 | ぶたいかんとく | stage director |
舞台裏 | ぶたいうら | offstage, backstage, behind the scenes |
舞姫 | まいひめ | (temple) dance |
舞踊 | ぶよう | dancing, dance |
舞踏 | ぶとう | dancing |
舟をこぐ | ふねをこぐ | to row a boat; to nod off, to doze off |
舟唄 | ふなうた | sailor's song, boat song, shanty |
舟橋 | ふなはし | pontoon |
舟艇 | しゅうてい | boat, watercraft |
航海 | こうかい | sail, voyage |
航空便 | こうくうびん | air mail |
航空機 | こうくうき | aircraft, aeroplane, airplane |
航行 | こうこう | cruise, navigation, sailing |
航路 | こうろ | course, (sea) route, run |
般若 | はんにゃ | wisdom; Prajnaparamita, Perfection of Wisdom |
舶 | つむ | large ship |
舶来 | はくらい | imported, foreign-made |
舶来品 | はくらいひん | imported article, imported goods |
舶用機関 | はくようきかん | marine engine |
舶載 | はくさい | ocean transportation, importation |
船倉 | せんそう | ship's hold, hatch |
船出 | ふなで | setting sail, putting out to sea |
船尾 | せんび | stern of a ship |
船板塀 | ふないたべい | fence made from disused ship planks |
船橋 | ふなばし, せんきょう | pontoon bridge; bridge (of a ship) |
船籍 | せんせき | ship's nationality, ship's country of registration |
船舶 | せんぱく | ship |
船舶安全法 | せんぱくあんぜんほう | Ship Safety Law (1933) |
船舶業 | せんぱくぎょう | shipping industry |
船舶登録証 | せんぱくとうろくしょう | ship's certificate, ship's registration |
船酔い | ふなよい | seasickness |
船長 | せんちょう | ship's captain |
艇 | てい | boat |
艦 | かん | warship |
艦船 | かんせん | (ocean) vessels, warship |
艦艇 | かんてい | military vessel, war fleet |
艦載機 | かんさいき | ship-borne plane |
艦長 | かんちょう | captain (of a warship) |
艦隊 | かんたい | (naval) fleet, armada |
良 | りょう | good; B grade (in an A, B, C ... system) |
良かったら | よかったら | if you like |
良き | よき | goodness; good |
良さ | よさ | merit, virtue, good quality |
良俗 | りょうぞく | good custom |
良好 | りょうこう | favorable, favourable, satisfactory |
良妻 | りょうさい | good wife |
良識 | りょうしき | good sense |
色刷り | いろずり | (three) colour printing, (three) color printing |
色彩 | しきさい | colour, color, hue, tints |
色鉛筆 | いろえんぴつ | color pencil, colour pencil |
艶かしい | なまめかしい | charming, captivating |
艶っぽい | つやっぽい | romantic, spicy, coquettish |
艶めかしい | なまめかしい | charming, captivating |
艶めく | つやめく | (for an object) to be shiny; (for a woman) to be alluring, to look sexy |
艶やか | つややか, あでやか | glossy, beautiful, bewitching, fascinatingly elegant |
艶事 | つやごと | love affair, romance |
艶歌 | えんか | troubadour |
芋 | いも | tuber, taro, potato; yokel, bumpkin |
芋掘り | いもほり | potato field (furrows) |
芋茎 | ずいき | taro stem |
芋虫 | いもむし | hornworm (caterpillar of a hawk moth), (hairless) caterpillar |
芙蓉 | ふよう | cotton rose; lotus blossom |
芙蓉峰 | ふようほう | Mt Fuji (lotus-shaped mountain) |
芝 | しば | lawn, sod, turf |
芝えび | しばえび, しばエビ, シバエビ | shiba shrimp (prawn, Metapenaeus joyneri) |
芝エビ | しばえび, しばエビ, シバエビ | shiba shrimp (prawn, Metapenaeus joyneri) |
芝居 | しばい | play, drama |
芝居小屋 | しばいごや | playhouse, theatre, theater |
芝生 | しばふ | lawn |
芝草 | しばくさ | lawn, sod, turf |
芬蘭 | ふぃんらんど, フィンランド | Finland |
芭蕉 | ばしょう, バショウ | Japanese fiber banana (Musa basjoo) |
芭蕉梶木 | ばしょうかじき | sailfish |
花びら | はなびら, かべん | (flower) petal |
花咲く | はなさく | to bloom |
花園 | はなぞの, かえん | flower garden |
花壇 | かだん | flower bed |
花婿 | はなむこ | bridegroom |
花束 | はなたば | bunch of flowers, bouquet |
花柳 | かりゅう | red-light district |
花柳界 | かりゅうかい | red-light district, pleasure quarters, world of the geisha, demimonde |
花柳病 | かりゅうびょう | sexually transmitted disease, social disease |
花梨 | かりん, カリン | angsana, Burmese rosewood |
花椰菜 | はなやさい | cauliflower |
花穂 | かすい | spike |
花粉 | かふん | pollen |
花粉症 | かふんしょう | hay fever, pollinosis (allergy to pollen) |
花茎 | かけい | stem of flower |
花葵 | はなあおい | hollyhock |
花輪 | はなわ | wreath, garland |
花魁 | おいらん | courtesan, prostitute |
花魁道中 | おいらんどうちゅう | procession of courtesans |
芳しい | かぐわしい | sweet-smelling, scentful, fragrant |
芳しくない | かんばしくない | poor, unfavourable, unfavorable, disgraceful |
芳ばしい | こうばしい | sweet, fragrant, aromatic; savory, savoury |
芳名 | ほうめい | good name, good reputation, your name |
芳名録 | ほうめいろく | visitors' book |
芳志 | ほうし | (your) kindness |
芳紀 | ほうき | age (of a young lady), sweet seventeen |
芳醇 | ほうじゅん | mellowness |
芳香 | ほうこう | perfume, fragrance, aroma, balm |
芸 | げい | art, craft, accomplishment, artistic skill, technique, performance |
芸苑 | げいえん | artistic and literary circles |
芸術家 | げいじゅつか | artist |
芸術祭 | げいじゅつさい | art festival |
芹 | せり | dropwort, Japanese parsley |
芽ぐむ | めぐむ | to bud, to sprout |
芽吹く | めぶく | to bud |
芽生え | めばえ | bud, sprout |
芽生える | めばえる | to bud, to sprout |
芽胞 | がほう | spore |
苑 | その, えん | garden (esp. man-made); place, location |
苗 | なえ | seedling |
苗代 | なわしろ, なえしろ | rice nursery, bed for rice seedlings |
苗床 | なえどこ | nursery, seedbed, seed-plot |
苗木 | なえぎ | seedling, sapling, young tree |
苟且 | かりそめ, こうしょ | temporary, transient; trifling, slight, negligent |
若さ | わかさ | youth |
若年 | じゃくねん | youth |
若手 | わかて | young person |
若旦那 | わかだんな | young master, young gentleman |
若松 | わかまつ | young pine, New Year's symbolic pine decoration |
若者 | わかもの | young man, youth, lad |
若菜 | わかな | young greens or herbs |
若葉 | わかば, どんよう | new leaves, fresh verdure |
若返り | わかがえり | rejuvenation, restoration of youth |
若鮎 | わかあゆ, わかゆ | young (healthy & energetic) sweetfish |
苦しみ | くるしみ | pain, anguish, distress, suffering, hardship |
苦しめる | くるしめる | to torment, to harass, to inflict pain |
苦境 | くきょう | trouble, crisis, predicament, squeeze, pinch |
苦悩 | くのう | suffering, distress, affliction, anguish, agony, trouble |
苦慮 | くりょ | rack one's brains |
苦戦 | くせん | hard fight, close game |
苦杯 | くはい | bitter experience (ordeal) |
苦渋 | くじゅう | bitterness, mortification, difficulty in understanding, distress, affliction |
苦肉の策 | くにくのさく | last resort, desperate measure taken under pressure of necessity |
苦衷 | くちゅう | distress |
英仏海峡 | えいふつかいきょう | the English Channel |
英俊 | えいしゅん | a genius, prodigy |
英和 | えいわ | English-Japanese (e.g. dictionary) |
英姿颯爽 | えいしさっそう | cutting a fine (dashing, gallant, noble) figure |
英字 | えいじ | English letter, alphabetic character |
英才 | えいさい | unusual talent, gifted |
英文学 | えいぶんがく | study of English literature |
英明 | えいめい | intelligent, wise, bright, brilliant, clear-sighted |
英知 | えいち | intelligence |
英訳 | えいやく | English translation |
英語基礎能力試験 | えいごきそのうりょくしけん | English Language Proficiency Test, TOEFL |
英語塾 | えいごじゅく | private school for the study of English |
英雄 | えいゆう | hero, great man |
英霊 | えいれい | spirits of war dead, great men |
茂み | しげみ | thicket |
茂林 | もりん | luxuriant (dense) forest |
茄 | なす, なすび | eggplant (Solanum melongena), aubergine |
茄子科 | ナスか, なすか | Solanaceae (nightshade family of plants) |
茅 | かや | hay, various gramineous grasses (e.g. eularies), plants used for thatching |
茅場 | かやば | hayfield, field of miscanthus |
茅屋 | ぼうおく | thatched cottage, hovel, my humble cottage |
茅渟鯛 | ちぬだい, チヌダイ | black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) |
茅舎 | ぼうしゃ | thatched cottage, hovel, my humble cottage |
茅葺き | かやぶき | thatching a roof with grass |
茅蜩 | ひぐらし | evening cicada (Tanna japonensis) |
茉莉 | まつり, マツリ | Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac) |
茉莉花 | まつりか | Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac) |
茎 | くき | stalk |
茜 | あかね | madder |
茜さす空 | あかねさすそら | glowing sky |
茜の根 | あかねのね | madder root |
茜差す空 | あかねさすそら | glowing sky |
茜色 | あかねいろ | madder red |
茶の湯 | ちゃのゆ | tea ceremony |
茶の間 | ちゃのま | living room (Japanese-style) |
茶わん | ちゃわん | rice bowl, tea cup, teacup |
茶屋 | ちゃや | tea house, tea dealer |
茶漬け | ちゃづけ | rice with ocha poured on (Japanese dish) |
茶舗 | ちゃほ | tea store |
茶褐色 | ちゃかっしょく | dark reddish-brown, liver color |
茶道 | ちゃどう, さどう | tea ceremony, Way of Tea |
草の根 | くさのね | grassroots, rank and file, the roots of grass |
草丈 | くさたけ | rice plant's height |
草分け | くさわけ | pioneer, pathfinder, originator, founder, trailblazer |
草刈り | くさかり | mowing, mower |
草木も眠る丑三つ時 | くさきもねむるうしみつとき | the dead of night |
草案 | そうあん | draft, draught |
草稿 | そうこう | notes, draft, draught, manuscript |
草笛 | くさぶえ | reed pipe |
荏胡麻 | えごま | egoma (type of perilla), Perilla frutescens var. frutescens |
荏胡麻油 | えごまゆ | egoma seed oil |
荒っぽい | あらっぽい | rough, rude |
荒らげる | あららげる, あらげる | to raise (e.g. voice) |
荒れ | あれ | stormy weather, tempest, chaps (of skin) |
荒れる | あれる | to be stormy, to be rough, to lose one's temper |
荒唐無稽 | こうとうむけい | absurdity, nonsense, preposterous |
荒廃 | こうはい | ruin |
荒木 | あらき | logs in bark, rough wood |
荒波 | あらなみ | stormy seas, raging waves |
荒涼 | こうりょう | desolate, dreary, bleak |
荒療治 | あらりょうじ | drastic measure or treatment |
荒磯 | あらいそ | reefy coast, windswept and wave-beaten shore |
荒稼ぎ | あらかせぎ | making a killing, making easy money, robbery |
荒駒 | あらごま | wild or untamed horse |
荘 | しょう, そう | manor |
荘厳 | しょうごん | adorning (a Buddhist statue) |
荘園 | しょうえん, そうえん | manor, demesne |
荘園制 | しょうえんせい | manorial system |
荘園制度 | しょうえんせいど | manorial system |
荘重 | そうちょう | solemn, grave, impressive |
荷 | に | load; burden, responsibility |
荷厄介 | にやっかい | encumbrance |
荷台 | にだい | (truck) load-carrying tray, (bicycle) luggage carrier, roof rack |
荼枳尼 | だきに | Dakini (fairy-goddess) |
莞 | ふとい, フトイ | softstem bulrush (Scirpus tabernaemontani) |
莞然 | かんぜん | sweetly smiling |
莞爾 | かんじ | smiling |
莞爾として | かんじとして | with a smile |
菊 | きく | chrysanthemum, Chrysantemum morifolium |
菊の御紋 | きくのごもん | Imperial chrysanthemum emblem |
菊の花 | きくのはな | chrysanthemum |
菊花 | きくか, きっか | chrysanthemum |
菌 | きん | fungus; germ, bacterium, bacillus |
菓 | か | fruit; counter for fruit |
菓子 | かし | pastry, confectionery |
菓子パン | かしパン | sweetened bun |
菓子屋 | かしや | confectionery shop |
菜 | さい | side dish |
菜の花 | なのはな | rape blossoms, Brassica rapa var. amplexicaulu |
菜園 | さいえん | vegetable garden |
菟葵 | いそぎんちゃく, イソギンチャク | sea anemone |
菫 | すみれ, スミレ | violet (any flower of genus Viola, esp. the Fuji dawn, Viola mandshurica) |
菫科 | スミレか, すみれか | Violaceae (the violet family of plants) |
菫草 | すみれぐさ | Fuji dawn (species of violet, Viola mandshurica) |
華々しい | はなばなしい | brilliant, magnificent, spectacular |
華やか | はなやか | showy, brilliant, gorgeous, florid, gay |
華やぐ | はなやぐ | to become brilliant |
華僑 | かきょう | overseas Chinese merchants |
華麗 | かれい | splendor, splendour, magnificence |
萌え | もえ | sprouting; crush (anime, manga term), fascination, infatuation |
萌える | もえる | to burst into bud; to have a crush, to be infatuated |
萌え出る | もえでる | to sprout, to bud |
萌し | きざし | signs, omen, symptoms |
萌む | めぐむ | to bud, to sprout |
萌やし | もやし | bean sprouts |
萌木 | もえぎ | sprouts |
萌芽 | ほうが | germination, germ, sprout, bud, sign |
萌葱 | もえぎ | sprouts |
萌黎 | ほうれい | the masses, common people |
萩原 | はぎはら, はぎわら | reedy field |
萩属 | はぎぞく | Lespedeza (genus), bush clover (family) |
落し胤 | おとしだね | nobleman's illegitimate child |
落ち | おち | slip; outcome; punch line (of a joke) |
落ち着いた | おちついた | quiet, calm, composed |
落ち穂拾い | おちぼひろい | act of picking up crop left after harvesting, name of painting by Millet |
落ち葉 | おちば, らくよう | fallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leaves |
落ち鮎 | おちあゆ | sweetfish going downstream to spawn |
落とし穴 | おとしあな | pitfall, trap, pit |
落下傘 | らっかさん | parachute |
落伍 | らくご | dropping out of, straggling, falling out of the ranks |
落伍者 | らくごしゃ | dropout, straggler, outcast, failure |
落差 | らくさ | a head (of water), a difference |
落札 | らくさつ | having one's bid accepted (e.g. for contract), bid award, winning a tender |
落款 | らっかん | sign and seal, signature |
落胆 | らくたん | discouragement, despondency, dejection |
落胤 | らくいん | nobleman's illegitimate child |
落葉喬木 | らくようきょうぼく | deciduous tall tree |
落語 | らくご | rakugo story, (telling) a comic story |
落雷 | らくらい | thunderbolt, bolt of lightning |
葉桜 | はざくら | cherry tree in leaf |
著 | ちょ | work, book; (a book) by; obvious, striking |
著作 | ちょさく | writing, book |
著作権 | ちょさくけん | copyright |
著名 | ちょめい | well-known, noted, celebrated |
著書 | ちょしょ | literary work, book |
著述 | ちょじゅつ | writing, literary work |
葛藤 | かっとう | conflict, complication, troubles, discord |
葦笛 | あしぶえ | reed pipe |
葦鹿 | あしか, みち, アシカ | eared seal (esp. the California sea lion, Zalophus californianus), sea lion |
葬る | ほうむる | to bury, to inter, to entomb, to consign to oblivion, to shelve |
葬儀 | そうぎ | funeral service |
葬祭 | そうさい | funerals and ceremonial occasions |
葬送 | そうそう | attendance at a funeral |
葵 | あおい | hollyhock |
葵祭 | あおいまつり | hollyhock festival |
蒔きつける | まきつける | to sow (seeds) |
蒔絵 | まきえ | gold or silver lacquer, lacquer decoration sprinkled with metal powder |
蒲柳 | ほりゅう | purple willow, infirmity, delicate constitution |
蒸かす | ふかす | to steam |
蒸ける | ふける | to become ready to eat (as a result of steaming) |
蒸し | むし | steaming |
蒸気機関 | じょうききかん | steam engine |
蒸汽船 | じょうきせん | steamship, steamboat, steamer |
蒼 | あお | blue; green; green light; black (horse coat color); immature, unripe, young |
蒼い | あおい | blue, green; pale; unripe, inexperienced |
蒼惶として | そうこうとして | in great haste |
蒼白 | そうはく | pale, pallid |
蒼白い | あおじろい | pale, pallid; bluish-white |
蒼白色 | そうはくしょく | pale |
蒼茫 | そうぼう | dusky, shadowy |
蓄え | たくわえ | store, reserve, stock, savings |
蓄える | たくわえる | to store, to lay in stock |
蓄積 | ちくせき | accumulation, accumulate, store |
蓄財 | ちくざい | amassing of wealth |
蓄電池 | ちくでんち | storage battery |
蓄音機 | ちくおんき | gramophone |
蓮 | はす, はちす | lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), sacred lotus |
蓮根 | れんこん | lotus root |
蓮花 | れんげ | lotus flower; Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus); china spoon |
蓮華 | れんげ | lotus flower; Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus); china spoon |
蔦 | つた | ivy (esp. Boston ivy, Parthenocissus tricuspidata) |
蔦漆 | つたうるし, ツタウルシ | poison ivy, rhus ambigua |
蔦紅葉 | つたもみじ | maple, scarlet-tinged ivy |
蔦葛 | つたかずら | ivy and vines, creepers |
蔦蔓 | つたかずら | ivy and vines, creepers |
蔦蘿 | つたかずら | ivy and vines, creepers |
蔵匿 | ぞうとく | concealment, shelter, harboring, harbouring |
蔵書 | ぞうしょ | book collection, library |
蔵相 | ぞうしょう | Minister of Finance |
蕉風 | しょうふう | correct style in a haiku (like Basho's) |
蕗 | ふき | butterbur (Petasites japonicus) |
蕗草 | ろそう | liquorice, licorice |
薄 | すすき | Japanese pampas grass (Miscanthus sinensis), silver grass, zebra grass |
薄れる | うすれる | to fade, to become dim |
薄倖 | はっこう | unhappiness, sad fate, misfortune |
薄力粉 | はくりきこ | wheat flour of low viscosity, weak flour |
薄暗い | うすぐらい | dim, gloomy |
薄曇り | うすぐもり | slightly cloudy |
薄氷 | うすごおり, はくひょう | thin ice, danger |
薄紗 | はくさ | delicate gauze, gossamer |
薄膜 | うすまく, はくまく | thin film |
薦め | すすめ | recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement |
薦める | すすめる | to recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine) |
薦をかける | こもをかける | to spread a mat |
薪 | まき, たきぎ | firewood, kindling, fuel; piece(s) of firewood |
薪割 | まきわり | hatchet, axe; wood-chopping, wood-splitting |
薪割り | まきわり | hatchet, axe; wood-chopping, wood-splitting |
薪拾い | たきぎひろい | firewood gathering |
薪水 | しんすい | fuel and water, cooking, salary |
薪炭 | しんたん | wood and charcoal, fuel |
薪能 | たきぎのう | Noh theater performed at night by a fire |
薫 | かおり | aroma, fragrance, scent, smell |
薫く | たく | to burn (usu. incense) |
薫り | かおり | aroma, fragrance, scent, smell |
薫る | かおる | to smell sweet, to be fragrant |
薫蒸 | くんじょう | fumigation, smoking (out) |
薫蒸消毒 | くんじょうしょうどく | fumigation |
薫製 | くんせい | smoking (of fish, meat, etc.) |
薫陶 | くんとう | education, training, discipline |
薫風 | くんぷう | balmy breeze, summer breeze |
薫香 | くんこう | incense, fragrance |
薬剤 | やくざい | medicine, drug |
薬剤師 | やくざいし | chemist, pharmacist |
薬師如来 | やくしにょらい | Bhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills) |
薬物 | やくぶつ | medicines, drugs |
藍 | あい | indigo |
藍てん | らんてん | indigo |
藍綬褒章 | らんじゅほうしょう | Medal with Blue Ribbon (philanthropy) |
藍色 | あいいろ | indigo blue |
藤 | ふじ | wisteria, Wisteria floribunda |
藤原氏の出 | ふじわらしのしゅつ | of Fujiwara descent |
藤本 | とうほん | climbing trees, liana |
藤棚 | ふじだな | wisteria trellis (arbor, arbour) |
藤氏 | とうし | Fujiwara family |
藤色 | ふじいろ | light purple |
藤蔓 | ふじづる | wisteria vine |
藤袴 | ふじばかま, フジバカマ | thoroughwort, Eupatorium fortunei (species of boneset), Eupatorium japonicum |
藩 | はん | fiefdom, domain (precursor to current prefectures) |
藩主 | はんしゅ | feudal lord, daimyo |
藩侯 | はんこう | feudal lord, daimyo |
藩士 | はんし | feudal retainer or warrior |
藩学 | はんがく | school for samurai children |
藩閥 | はんばつ | clanship, clannism, clan favoritism, clan favouritism |
藻 | も | duckweed, seaweed, algae |
藻掻く | もがく | to struggle; to be impatient |
藻類 | そうるい | seaweed, algae |
蘭 | らん | orchid; The Netherlands |
蘭学 | らんがく | Dutch studies, studies of Western knowledge |
虎 | とら, トラ | tiger (feline; drunk person; trouble |
虎の巻 | とらのまき | crib notes, key (to a diagram) |
虎刈り | とらがり | close-cropped (head) |
虎口 | ここう | tiger's den, jaws of death, dangerous place |
虎巻 | とらかん | crib notes, key (to a diagram) |
虎燕拳 | こえんけん | Tiger Swallow Fist |
虎狩り | とらがり | tiger hunt |
虎穴 | こけつ | tiger's den, jaws of death, dangerous place |
虎魚 | おこぜ | stingfish, scorpion fish, stonefish |
虐げる | しいたげる | to oppress |
虐め | いじめ | bullying, teasing |
虐待 | ぎゃくたい | ill-treatment, oppression |
虐殺 | ぎゃくさつ | atrocity, massive killing |
虚々実々 | きょきょじつじつ | full of wiles and tricks |
虚偽 | きょぎ | untrue, falsehood, fiction, deception, vanity |
虚像 | きょぞう | virtual image, pretense, pretence |
虚妄 | きょもう | falsehood, untruth, delusion |
虚弱 | きょじゃく | feebleness, weakness, imbecility |
虚構 | きょこう | fiction; fictitious, fictional, imaginary |
虚無 | きょむ | nihility, nothingness |
虚脱 | きょだつ | prostration, lethargy, collapse, despondency |
虚飾 | きょしょく | ostentation, show, affectation |
虜 | とりこ | captive; victim (of love, etc.), slave (to one's lust, etc.) |
虜囚 | りょしゅう | captive, prisoner |
虞 | おそれ | fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness |
虞美人草 | ぐびじんそう | field poppy, Papaver rhoeas |
虫垂炎 | ちゅうすいえん | appendicitis |
虹彩 | こうさい | iris (of the eye) |
虹彩異色症 | こうさいいしょくしょう | heterochromia iridis, eyes differing in colour (color) |
虹色 | にじいろ | rainbow-colored, rainbow-coloured |
虹霓 | こうげい | literary rainbow |
虹鱒 | にじます, ニジマス | rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) |
蚊の囁くな声 | かのささやくなこえ | faint voice |
蚊取り線香 | かとりせんこう | mosquito coil, anti-mosquito incense |
蚊取線香 | かとりせんこう | mosquito coil, anti-mosquito incense |
蚊屋 | かや | mosquito net |
蚊帳 | かや | mosquito net |
蚊柱 | かばしら | mosquito swarm |
蚕 | かいこ, カイコ | silkworm (Bombyx Mori) |
蚕具 | さんぐ | sericultural equipment |
蚕座 | さんざ | silkworm basket |
蚕業 | さんぎょう | sericulture |
蚕糸 | さんし | silk thread, silk yarn |
蚕糸業 | さんしぎょう | sericulture industry |
蚕糸試験所 | さんししけんじょ | silk experiment station |
蚕紙 | さんし | silkworm-egg paper |
蛇いちご | へびいちご, ヘビイチゴ, くちなわいちご | false strawberry (Duchesnea chrysantha), mock strawberry |
蛇の目 | じゃのめ | (umbrella with) bull's-eye (pattern) |
蛇イチゴ | へびいちご, ヘビイチゴ, くちなわいちご | false strawberry (Duchesnea chrysantha), mock strawberry |
蛇口 | じゃぐち | faucet, tap |
蛇行 | だこう | meandering, crawling |
蛍 | ほたる, ホタル | firefly, lightning bug |
蛍光 | けいこう | fluorescence |
蛍光塗料 | けいこうとりょう | fluorescent paint |
蛍光物質 | けいこうぶっしつ | fluorescent substance, phosphor |
蛍火 | けいか, ほたるび | light of a firefly |
蛍烏賊 | ほたるいか, ホタルイカ | firefly squid (Watasenia scintillans), sparkling enope squid |
蛍狩り | ほたるがり | firefly catching |
蛍雪の功 | けいせつのこう | the fruit of diligent study |
蛮勇 | ばんゆう | foolhardiness, recklessness, savage valour, savage valor, brute courage |
蛮境 | ばんきょう | land of the barbarians |
蛮行 | ばんこう | act of barbarity, brutality, barbarism |
蛮語 | ばんご | language of the barbarians |
蛮隷 | ばんれい | slaves of the barbarians |
蜃気楼 | しんきろう | mirage |
蝴蝶 | こちょう | butterfly |
蝶 | ちょう | butterfly |
蝶々 | ちょうちょう, ちょうちょ | butterfly |
蝶つがい | ちょうつがい, ちょうばん | hinge; joint (esp. an anatomical joint) |
蝶ネクタイ | ちょうネクタイ | bow tie |
蝶番 | ちょうつがい, ちょうばん | hinge; joint (esp. an anatomical joint) |
蝶番い | ちょうつがい, ちょうばん | hinge; joint (esp. an anatomical joint) |
蝶鮫 | ちょうざめ | sturgeon (Acipenser mikadoi) |
融合 | ゆうごう | agglutination, adhesion, fusion, unite |
融和 | ゆうわ | harmony, reconciliation |
融資 | ゆうし | financing, loan |
融通 | ゆうずう, ゆうづう | lending (money); adaptability, versatility, flexibility, accommodation |
螺旋 | らせん | spiral, helix; screw |
蟻塚 | ありづか, アリづか | anthill |
血友病 | けつゆうびょう | haemophilia |
血栓 | けっせん | thrombus, blood clot |
血液型 | けつえきがた | blood type |
血液循環 | けつえきじゅんかん | blood circulation |
血管 | けっかん | blood vessel |
血糖 | けっとう | blood sugar |
血糖値 | けっとうち | blood sugar level |
血縁 | けつえん | blood relative or relationship, consanguinity |
衆 | しゅう, しゅ | masses, great number, the people |
衆議院 | しゅうぎいん | lower house, House of Representatives |
衆院 | しゅういん | lower house of the Diet |
行き詰まり | いきづまり, ゆきづまり | deadlock, stalemate, impasse, dead end |
行き詰まる | いきづまる, ゆきづまる | to reach the limits, to come to the end of one's tether |
行使 | こうし | use, exercise |
行司 | ぎょうじ | sumo referee |
行政 | ぎょうせい | administration |
行政処分 | ぎょうせいしょぶん | administrative measures (disposition) |
行政訴訟 | ぎょうせいそしょう | administrative litigation (action) |
行李 | こうり | portmanteau, wicker trunk, luggage, baggage |
行殊 | ぎょうじょ | event |
行為 | こうい | act, deed, conduct |
行脚 | あんぎゃ | pilgrimage, walking tour, tour |
行革 | ぎょうかく | administrative reform |
衒耀 | げんよう | false glitter |
街宣車 | がいせんしゃ | (right-wing) propaganda truck |
街灯 | がいとう | street light |
街路 | がいろ | road, street, avenue |
街路樹 | がいろじゅ | roadside trees |
街道 | かいどう | highway (esp. one existing from the Edo period), main road |
街頭 | がいとう | in the street |
街頭募金 | がいとうぼきん | streetside fundraising |
衛星 | えいせい | satellite |
衛生 | えいせい | health, hygiene, sanitation, medical |
衝動 | しょうどう | impulse, impetus, urge |
衝撃 | しょうげき | shock, crash, impact, ballistic |
衝撃波 | しょうげきは | shock wave |
衡 | くびき | yoke |
衣 | ころも | clothes; gown; coating (e.g. glaze, batter, icing) |
衣料 | いりょう | clothing |
衣服 | いふく | clothes |
衣糧 | いりょう | food and clothing |
衣紋 | えもん | dress, clothes, drapery |
衣蘭 | イラン, いらん | Iran |
衣装 | いしょう | clothing, costume, outfit, garment, dress |
衣類 | いるい | clothes, clothing, garments |
表彰台 | ひょうしょうだい | victory stand, winners' podium |
表彰式 | ひょうしょうしき | commendation or awards ceremony |
表彰状 | ひょうしょうじょう | testimonial, certificate of commendation |
表忠碑 | ひょうちゅうひ | war-memorial monument |
表札 | ひょうさつ | nameplate, doorplate |
表看板 | おもてかんばん | sign out in front, front (for someone) |
表示 | ひょうじ | indication, expression, display, presentation |
衰え | おとろえ | weakening, emaciation, decline |
衰兆 | すいちょう | signs of decline |
衰幣 | すいへい | decline |
衰弱 | すいじゃく | weakness, debility, breakdown, prostration |
衰耗 | すいもう | weaken and decline |
衰退 | すいたい | decline, decay |
衷心 | ちゅうしん | innermost feelings |
衷情 | ちゅうじょう | true heart, inner feelings |
衿 | えり | neck, collar, lapel, neckband |
衿下 | えりした | usu. the drop between collar and bottom hem on kimono, yukata, etc. |
衿先 | えりさき | collar points |
衿芯 | えりしん | collar core (stiff fabric, etc. inside a collar) |
衿裏 | えりうら | lining of the collar |
袈裟切り | けさぎり | slashing a sword diagonally from the shoulder |
袈裟斬り | けさぎり | slashing a sword diagonally from the shoulder |
袋小路 | ふくろこうじ | blind alley, cul-de-sac, impasse, dead-end (street) |
被保険者 | ひほけんしゃ | insured person |
被写体 | ひしゃたい | (photographic) subject |
被告 | ひこく | defendant, the accused |
被告人 | ひこくにん | accused, defendant, prisoner at the bar |
被害妄想 | ひがいもうそう | persecution complex |
被害者 | ひがいしゃ | victim, injured party, sufferer |
被服 | ひふく | clothing |
被災 | ひさい | being a victim of (some disaster), suffering from |
被爆 | ひばく | bombed, A-bombed, nuked |
被疑者 | ひぎしゃ | a suspect |
被膜 | ひまく | coating, film, membrane; tunic (plants), capsule |
被虜人 | ひりょにん | slave |
被覆 | ひふく | coating, covering |
袱紗 | ふくさ | small silk wrapper, small cloth for wiping tea utensils, crepe wrapper |
裁判官 | さいばんかん | judge |
裁判官弾劾裁判所 | さいばんかんだんがいさいばんしょ | Judge Impeachment Court |
裁判所 | さいばんしょ | court, courthouse |
裁判沙汰 | さいばんざた | law suit, litigation |
裁量 | さいりょう | admeasure, discretion |
裂ける | さける | to split, to tear, to burst |
裂け目 | さけめ | rent, tear, crack |
装丁 | そうてい | binding (book), format |
装備 | そうび | equipment |
装束 | しょうぞく, そうぞく, そうずく | costume, personal appearance, interior decoration, landscaping, furniture |
装甲 | そうこう | armored, armoured |
装甲人員運搬車 | そうこうじんいんうんぱんしゃ | armored personnel carrier, armoured personnel carrier |
装飾 | そうしょく | ornament |
裏側 | うらがわ | the reverse, other side, lining |
裏切る | うらぎる | to betray, to turn traitor to, to double-cross |
裏扉 | うらとびら | back leaf |
裏目 | うらめ | reverse side; purl stitch (knitting) |
裏腹 | うらはら | opposite, reverse, contrary |
裏金 | うらがね | bribe; secret fund, slush fund, money for bribery |
裕度 | ゆうど | electrical tolerance |
裕福 | ゆうふく | affluence, prosperity |
補佐 | ほさ | aid, help, assistance, assistant, counselor, counsellor, adviser, advisor |
補修 | ほしゅう | maintenance, mending, repair |
補償 | ほしょう | compensation, reparation |
補助 | ほじょ | assistance, support, aid, auxiliary |
補完 | ほかん | complementation, completion |
補強 | ほきょう | compensation, reinforcement |
補欠 | ほけつ | filling a vacancy; substitute, deputy, alternate, spare |
補正 | ほせい | correction |
補正予算 | ほせいよさん | revised or supplementary budget |
補給 | ほきゅう | supply, supplying, replenishment |
裸になる | はだかになる | to take off one's clothes, to undress |
裸体 | らたい | naked body, nudity |
裸婦 | らふ | nude woman, naked woman |
裸眼 | らがん | naked eye |
製糖 | せいとう | sugar manufacture |
製紙 | せいし | paper making or manufacturing |
製菓 | せいか | confectionery |
製薬 | せいやく | medicine manufacture, drug manufacture |
製鉄所 | せいてつじょ, せいてつしょ | ironworks, steelworks |
製鋼 | せいこう | steel manufacture |
製陶 | せいとう | porcelain manufacturing |
複 | ふく | diplo-; doubles (tennis; place betting (in horse racing, etc.) |
複写機 | ふくしゃき | photocopying machine |
複利 | ふくり | compound interest |
複合 | ふくごう | composite, combined, complex |
複製 | ふくせい | reproduction, duplication, reprinting |
複雑さ | ふくざつさ | complexity |
褐毛和種 | あかげわしゅ | type of Japanese cow |
褐炭 | かったん | brown coal, lignite |
褐色 | かっしょく | brown |
褐藻 | かっそう | brown algae, phaeophyceae |
褒めそやす | ほめそやす | to praise, to extol |
褒めちぎる | ほめちぎる | to praise (to the skies), to sing the praises (of), to extol |
褒章 | ほうしょう | medal of honour, medal of merit |
褒美 | ほうび | reward, prize |
褒賞 | ほうしょう | medal (of merit), prize, reward |
襟 | えり | neck, collar, lapel, neckband |
襟ぐり | えりぐり | neckline (of dress, etc.) |
襟元 | えりもと | front of neck, collar |
襟巻 | えりまき | muffler, scarf, comforter |
襟巻き | えりまき | muffler, scarf, comforter |
襟巻き蜥蜴 | えりまきとかげ, エリマキトカゲ | frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii), frill-necked lizard |
襟巻蜥蜴 | えりまきとかげ, エリマキトカゲ | frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii), frill-necked lizard |
襲名 | しゅうめい | succession to another's professional name |
襲撃 | しゅうげき | attack, charge, raid |
襲来 | しゅうらい | invasion, raid, attack, visitation (of a calamity) |
西側 | にしがわ | west side, west bank |
西日本 | にしにほん, にしにっぽん | western Japan |
西晋 | せいしん | Western Jin (dynasty of China, 265-317 CE) |
西欧 | せいおう | Western Europe |
西洋柊 | せいようひいらぎ, セイヨウヒイラギ | English holly (Ilex aquifolium) |
西洋榛 | せいようはしばみ, セイヨウハシバミ | hazel, corylus avellana |
西貢 | サイゴン, さいごん | Saigon |
西郊 | せいこう | western suburb |
要件 | ようけん | requirement, important matter |
要員 | よういん | essential member, necessary person, personnel |
要因 | よういん | main cause, primary factor |
要望 | ようぼう | demand for, request |
要綱 | ようこう | principle |
要衝 | ようしょう | important point, strategic position, key point |
要請 | ようせい | claim, demand, request, application |
要項 | ようこう | important points |
覆い | おおい | mantle, cover, shroud, hood |
覆いかくす | おおいかくす | to mask, to cover |
覆いかぶさる | おおいかぶさる | to hang over, to cover |
覆う | おおう | to cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguise |
覆す | くつがえす | to overturn, to upset, to overthrow, to undermine |
覆る | くつがえる | to topple over, to be overturned, to capsize |
覆われ | おおわれ | cover (e.g. of snow, trees, etc.) |
覆水盆に帰らず | ふくすいぼんにかえらず | what's done is done |
覆水盆に返らず | ふくすいぼんにかえらず | what's done is done |
覆面 | ふくめん | mask, veil, disguise |
覇業 | はぎょう | domination, supremacy |
覇権 | はけん | hegemony |
覇気 | はき | ambition, aspiration |
覇王樹 | さぼてん, サボテン, シャボテン, はおうじゅ | cactus |
覇者 | はしゃ | supreme ruler, champion, titleholder |
覇道 | はどう | military rule |
見え隠れ | みえがくれ | appearing and disappearing |
見劣り | みおとり | unfavourable comparison, unfavorable comparison |
見届ける | みとどける | to make sure of, to assure oneself of, to see with one's own eyes, to ascertain |
見捨てる | みすてる | to abandon, to fail, to desert |
見据える | みすえる | to gaze at, to stare at, to focus on, to make sure of |
見方 | みかた | viewpoint |
見澄ます | みすます | to observe carefully, to make sure |
見直し | みなおし | review, reconsideration, revision |
見込み | みこみ | forecast, prospects, expectation, hope |
見込む | みこむ | to anticipate, to estimate |
見返り | みかえり | collateral |
見透かす | みすかす | to see through |
規制 | きせい | regulation, (traffic) policing, control, restriction |
規定 | きてい | regulation, provisions |
規格 | きかく | standard, norm |
規模 | きぼ | scale, scope, plan, structure |
規矩 | きく | rule, standard, compass and ruler |
規矩準縄 | きくじゅんじょう | rules and standards, norms, criteria |
規程 | きてい | official regulations, inner rules |
規範 | きはん | model, standard, pattern, norm, criterion, example |
規約 | きやく | agreement, rules, code, protocol, convention |
視察 | しさつ | inspection, observation |
視点 | してん | opinion, point of view, visual point |
視線 | しせん | one's eyes, glance, look |
視聴 | しちょう | attention, viewing |
視聴率 | しちょうりつ | ratings (of a television program) (programme) |
視聴者 | しちょうしゃ | viewer, (television) audience |
視覚 | しかく | sense of sight, vision |
視野 | しや | field of vision, outlook |
覚せい剤 | かくせいざい | stimulant |
覚悟 | かくご | resolution, resignation, readiness, preparedness |
覚書 | おぼえがき | memo, memorandum, note, memorial, protocol |
親しむ | したしむ | to be intimate with, to befriend |
親善 | しんぜん | friendship |
親子 | おやこ, しんし | parent and child |
親孝行 | おやこうこう | filial piety |
親密 | しんみつ | intimacy, friendship |
親方 | おやかた | master; coach in professional sumo |
親族 | しんぞく | relatives |
親王妃 | しんのうひ | Imperial princess |
親睦 | しんぼく | friendship, reunion |
親睦会 | しんぼくかい | informal social gathering |
観楓会 | かんぷうかい | maple-leaf viewing |
観測 | かんそく | observation |
観点 | かんてん | point of view |
観衆 | かんしゅう | spectators, onlookers, members of the audience |
観覧 | かんらん | viewing |
観閲 | かんえつ | inspection (of troops) |
角度 | かくど | angle |
角榛 | つのはしばみ, ツノハシバミ | Japanese hazel, corylus sieboldiana |
角笛 | つのぶえ | horn, hunting horn |
角膜 | かくまく | cornea |
角逐 | かくちく | competition, vieing with |
解凍 | かいとう | thaw; decompression (e.g. of a file), unpacking, extracting |
解剖 | かいぼう | dissection, autopsy; analysis |
解剖学 | かいぼうがく | anatomy |
解剖学者 | かいぼうがくしゃ | anatomist |
解明 | かいめい | clarification, elucidation, explication |
解析 | かいせき | analysis, analytical study; parsing, parse |
解析性 | かいせきせい | analyticity (physics) |
解消 | かいしょう | cancellation, liquidation, resolution, reduction (e.g. of stress) |
解禁 | かいきん | lifting a ban |
解約 | かいやく | cancellation of contract |
解除 | かいじょ | cancellation, rescinding, release, calling off, lifting (sanctions), delisting |
解雇 | かいこ | discharge, dismissal |
解雇者 | かいこしゃ | person who has been laid off |
触れ合い | ふれあい | contact, connectedness |
触媒 | しょくばい | catalyst |
触発 | しょくはつ | touching off something, provocation |
言い渡す | いいわたす | to announce, to tell, to sentence, to order |
言い訳 | いいわけ | excuse; explanation |
言わば | いわば | so to speak, so to call it, as it were |
言及 | げんきゅう | reference, allusion |
訂する | ていする | to correct |
訂正 | ていせい | correction, revision, amendment |
計測 | けいそく | measurement, measure, instrumentation |
計算尺 | けいさんじゃく | slide rule |
討ち入り | うちいり | raid |
討つ | うつ | to shoot (at); to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge |
討伐 | とうばつ | subjugation, suppression |
討論 | とうろん | debate, discussion |
討議 | とうぎ | debate, discussion |
訓える | おしえる | to teach, to inform, to instruct |
訓令 | くんれい | directive, instructions |
訓告 | くんこく | reprimand, admonition |
訓示 | くんじ | instruction, direction |
訓迪 | くんてき | guide, master, teacher |
託す | たくす | to entrust; to make an excuse of |
託宣 | たくせん | oracle |
記す | しるす, きす | to write down, to note; to remember |
記事 | きじ | article, news story, report, account |
記号 | きごう | symbol, code, sign |
記帳 | きちょう | registry, entry, book-keeping, signature |
記念 | きねん | commemoration, memory |
記念日 | きねんび | holiday, anniversary, memorial day |
記念碑 | きねんひ | monument |
記憶媒体 | きおくばいたい | storage medium |
記載 | きさい | record, statement, description, mention, listing, registration, booking, entry |
記述的妥当性 | きじゅつてきだとうせい | descriptive adequacy |
記録的 | きろくてき | record(-setting) |
訪れ | おとずれ | visit, call, advent, arrival |
訪中 | ほうちゅう | visit to China |
訪日 | ほうにち | visit to Japan |
訪欧 | ほうおう | visit to Europe |
訪米 | ほうべい | visit to America |
設立 | せつりつ | establishment, foundation, incorporation (of a business) |
設置 | せっち | establishment, institution |
許し | ゆるし | pardon, forgiveness, exemption, permission |
許容 | きょよう | permission, pardon |
許諾 | きょだく | consent |
訳者 | やくしゃ | translator |
訳詞 | やくし | translated text |
訴え | うったえ | lawsuit, complaint |
訴状 | そじょう | petition, complaint, (legal) brief |
訴訟 | そしょう | litigation, lawsuit |
訴訟事件 | そしょうじけん | lawsuit, (legal) case |
訴訟費用 | そしょうひよう | (lawsuit) costs |
診察室 | しんさつしつ | examining room |
診療 | しんりょう | medical examination and treatment, diagnosis |
証 | あかし | proof; to testify (usu. Christian religious context) |
証人 | しょうにん | witness |
証券 | しょうけん | securities, bonds, certificates |
証拠 | しょうこ | evidence, proof |
証明 | しょうめい | proof, verification |
証明謄本 | しょうめいとうほん | attested copy |
証書 | しょうしょ | bond, deed, certificate |
証言 | しょうげん | evidence, testimony |
詐取 | さしゅ | exploitation, fraud, swindle |
詐欺 | さぎ | fraud, swindle, graft |
詐欺師 | さぎし | swindler, imposter, crook |
詐称 | さしょう | misrepresentation, false statement |
詔 | ちょく, みことのり | imperial decree, imperial edict |
詔令 | しょうれい | imperial edict |
詔勅 | しょうちょく | imperial edict, decree |
詔書 | しょうしょ | imperial edict, decree |
評 | ひょう | criticism, commentary, a council |
評論家 | ひょうろんか | critic |
評議 | ひょうぎ | conference, discussion |
詠う | うたう | to sing; to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.) |
詠じる | えいじる | to compose (e.g. poem), to recite, to sing |
詠み人知らず | よみびとしらず | author unknown, anonymous; unknown waka composer |
詠む | よむ | to compose (e.g. a Japanese poem); to recite (e.g. a poem), to chant |
詠吟 | えいぎん | reciting poetry |
詠唱 | えいしょう | aria |
詠歌 | えいか | poem, song, (Buddh.) pilgrim's song |
試作 | しさく | trial manufacture, experiment, test piece, prototype |
試写 | ししゃ | preview, private showing |
試掘 | しくつ | prospecting, trial digging |
試案 | しあん | tentative |
試算 | しさん | trial calculation, preliminary calculation |
試練 | しれん | test, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulation |
試行錯誤 | しこうさくご | trial and error |
試金石 | しきんせき | touchstone, test case |
試錬 | しれん | test, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulation |
試験勉強 | しけんべんきょう | cramming for exams |
試験場 | しけんじょう | examination hall (room), laboratory |
詩型 | しけい | verse forms |
詩情 | しじょう | poetic sentiment, poetic interest |
詩抄 | ししょう | anthology |
詩歌 | しいか, しか | Japanese (and Chinese) poetry |
詩的 | してき | poetic |
詩碑 | しひ | poem inscribed on monument |
詩集 | ししゅう | poetry anthology |
詰まらせる | つまらせる | to make shorter |
詰め将棋 | つめしょうぎ | chess problem, composed shogi problem |
詰め碁 | つめご | composed go problem |
該 | がい | said, matter in question |
該博 | がいはく | profundity, extensive (knowledge) |
該博な知識 | がいはくなちしき | profound knowledge |
該問題 | がいもんだい | the matter in question, the said problem |
該当 | がいとう | corresponding, answering to, coming under, applying to |
該当者 | がいとうしゃ | person concerned, person qualified, person in question, party, litigant (legal) |
該案 | がいあん | the said proposal |
詳しく | くわしく | in detail, fully, minutely, at length |
詳らか | つまびらか | detailed |
詳らかでない | つまびらかでない | unknown |
詳報 | しょうほう | full report, particulars |
詳細 | しょうさい | detail, particulars |
詳解 | しょうかい | detailed explanation |
詳述 | しょうじゅつ | detailed explanation |
誇らしい | ほこらしい | proud, haughty, arrogant, splendid, magnificent |
誇らしげ | ほこらしげ | proudly, triumphantly |
誇り高い | ほこりたかい | proud, lordly |
誇る | ほこる | to boast of, to be proud of |
誇大 | こだい | exaggeration, hyperbole |
誇大妄想 | こだいもうそう | megalomania |
誇大妄想狂 | こだいもうそうきょう | megalomania |
誇張 | こちょう | exaggeration |
誇示 | こじ | ostentation, display |
誉めちぎる | ほめちぎる | to praise (to the skies), to sing the praises (of), to extol |
誉める | ほめる | to praise, to admire, to speak well |
誉め言葉 | ほめことば | words of praise, eulogy, compliment |
誉れ | ほまれ | honour, honor |
誌 | し | magazine |
誌す | しるす, きす | to write down, to note; to remember |
誌上 | しじょう | in a magazine |
誌面 | しめん | page of a magazine |
認め | みとめ | approval, final seal (of approval) |
認可 | にんか | approval, license, licence, permission |
認知 | にんち | acknowledgement, acknowledgment, recognition |
認証 | にんしょう | certification; Imperial attestation |
認識 | にんしき | recognition, cognizance, cognisance |
誓い | ちかい | oath, vow |
誓って | ちかって | surely; (with neg) by no means, never |
誓約 | せいやく | written vow, pledge, covenant |
誓約書 | せいやくしょ | written oath, covenant |
誕辰 | たんしん | birthday |
誘い | さそい, いざない | invitation, introduction; temptation |
誘因 | ゆういん | exciting cause, incitement, incentive |
誘導 | ゆうどう | guidance, leading, induction, introduction, incitement, inducement |
誘惑 | ゆうわく | temptation, allurement, lure, seduction |
誘拐 | ゆうかい | abduction, kidnapping, kidnaping |
誘拐犯 | ゆうかいはん | kidnap, abduction |
誘拐犯人 | ゆうかいはんにん | a kidnapper, an abductor |
誘拐罪 | ゆうかいざい | (the crime of) kidnapping (kidnaping) |
誘発 | ゆうはつ | cause, induce, lead up to |
誘致 | ゆうち | attraction, lure, invitation |
語らう | かたらう | to talk, to tell, to recite, to pledge, to conspire with |
語り | かたり | talking |
語句 | ごく | words, phrases |
語呂 | ごろ | sound (of a sentence), euphony |
語呂合わせ | ごろあわせ | rhyming game, play on words, pun |
語尾 | ごび | (inflected) end of a word |
語弊 | ごへい | faulty expression |
誠しやかに | まことしやかに | as if it were true, with seeming truth, plausibly |
誠に | じつに, まことに, げに, しんに | indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quite |
誠実 | せいじつ | sincere, honest, faithful |
誠心 | せいしん | sincerity |
誠心誠意 | せいしんせいい | in all sincerity, with one's whole heart, whole-hearted devotion |
誠意 | せいい | sincerity, good faith |
誤って | あやまって | in error, by mistake, by accident |
誤り | あやまり | error, mistake, slip, bug |
誤報 | ごほう | misinformation, incorrect report |
誤差 | ごさ | measurement error, calculation error |
誤算 | ごさん | miscalculation |
誤認 | ごにん | misrecognition, mistaking (x for y) |
説得 | せっとく | persuasion |
説明的妥当性 | せつめいてきだとうせい | explanatory adequacy |
説諭 | せつゆ | persuasion, convincing |
読み方 | よみかた | way of reading, how to read |
読唇術 | どくしんじゅつ | lip reading |
読売 | よみうり | Yomiuri (newspaper) |
読書 | どくしょ, とくしょ | reading |
読者 | どくしゃ | reader |
誰某 | だれそれ | someone, "Mr So-and-so" |
課する | かする | to impose |
課員 | かいん | section staff |
課徴金 | かちょうきん | charges (i.e. fees) |
課税 | かぜい | taxation |
課題 | かだい | subject, theme, task, challenge, issue |
誼 | よしみ, ぎ, よしび | friendship, friendly relations, connection, relation, intimacy |
誼み | よしみ, ぎ, よしび | friendship, friendly relations, connection, relation, intimacy |
調べ | しらべ | investigation; tune, note, melody |
調停 | ちょうてい | arbitration, conciliation, mediation |
調印 | ちょういん | signature, signing, sealing |
調達 | ちょうたつ | supply, provision, raising |
諄々しい | くどくどしい | wordy, verbose, prolix |
諄い | くどい | verbose, importunate, heavy (taste) |
諄諄しい | くどくどしい | wordy, verbose, prolix |
談合 | だんごう | consultation; collusion, bid-rigging |
談笑 | だんしょう | friendly chat |
談話 | だんわ | a talk, conversation |
請け負う | うけおう | to contract, to undertake |
請求権 | せいきゅうけん | claim rights |
請託 | せいたく | solicitation |
請謁 | せいえつ | beseeching, requesting (an audience) |
請願 | せいがん | petition |
諒と | りょうと | acknowledgement, acknowledgment, understanding, appreciating, excusing |
諒察 | りょうさつ | consideration, taking into account, sympathy with |
諒解 | りょうかい | comprehension, consent, understanding, roger (on the radio) |
諒闇 | りょうあん | court (national) mourning |
論じ尽くす | ろんじつくす | to deal exhaustively with |
論功行賞 | ろんこうこうしょう | conferral of honors (honours), according to merits |
論孟 | ろんもう | The Confucian Analects and the Discourses of Mencius |
論拠 | ろんきょ | grounds of an argument |
論旨 | ろんし | point of an argument, drift of an argument |
論理 | ろんり | logic; logical |
論説 | ろんせつ | editorial, dissertation |
論議 | ろんぎ | discussion, argument, debate |
諭し | さとし | guidance, admonition |
諭す | さとす | to admonish, to persuade, to warn, to remonstrate |
諮る | はかる | to consult with, to discuss, to confer |
諮問 | しもん | question, enquiry, inquiry |
諮問事項 | しもんじこう | terms of reference |
諮問委員会 | しもんいいんかい | advisory committee (council, panel) |
諮問機関 | しもんきかん | consultative body, advisory committee, advisory organ |
諮詢 | しじゅん | question, enquiry, inquiry |
諮議 | しぎ | consultation, conference |
諸 | しょ | various, many, several |
諸々 | もろもろ | all kinds of, various |
諸に | もろに | completely, all the way, altogether, bodily |
諸侯 | しょこう | princes, lords |
諸君 | しょくん | Gentlemen!, Ladies! |
諸彦 | しょげん | many accomplished persons |
諸悪 | しょあく | every (kind of) evil or crime |
諸般 | しょはん | various, several |
諾う | うべなう | to agree, to assent, to consent, to obey, to conform |
諾威 | のるうぇー, ノルウェー | Norway |
謀 | はかりごと | plan, strategy |
謀反 | むほん, ぼうはん | rebellion, uprising, insurrection; treason |
謀略 | ぼうりゃく | strategy, stratagem, trick, scheme, plot |
謀議 | ぼうぎ | plot, conspiracy, conference |
謁す | えっす | to have an audience with |
謁する | えっする | to have an audience with |
謁を賜わる | えつをたまわる | to be granted an audience |
謁見 | えっけん | audience (with someone) |
謄写 | とうしゃ | copy, transcription, mimeograph, photocopy |
謄写器 | とうしゃき | copier, copying machine |
謄写版 | とうしゃばん | mimeograph, stencil |
謄本 | とうほん | exemplar |
謙そん | けんそん | humble, humility, modesty |
謙る | へりくだる | to deprecate oneself and praise the listener, to abase oneself |
謙称 | けんしょう | refer to modestly |
謙譲 | けんじょう | modesty, humility |
謙譲の美徳 | けんじょうのびとく | modest virtue |
謙譲語 | けんじょうご | humble language (e.g. itadaku) |
謙遜語 | けんそんご | humble language |
講ずる | こうずる | to take measures; to lecture; to confer |
講和 | こうわ | peace, conclude peace |
講座 | こうざ | lectureship, chair, course |
講習 | こうしゅう | short course, training |
講談 | こうだん | story-telling |
講釈 | こうしゃく | lecture, exposition |
謝り | あやまり | excuse, apology |
謝る | あやまる | to apologize, to apologise |
謝意 | しゃい | gratitude, thanks |
謝礼 | しゃれい | reward, honorarium |
謝罪 | しゃざい | apology |
謡 | うたい | Noh chanting, recitation |
謡い | うたい | Noh chanting, recitation |
謡う | うたう | to sing; to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.) |
謡曲 | ようきょく | Noh song |
謹んで | つつしんで | respectfully, humbly, reverently |
謹厳 | きんげん | stern, grave, solemn, sobersided |
謹呈 | きんてい | with the author's compliments |
謹啓 | きんけい | Dear Sirs (opening for a letter), Gentlemen |
謹慎 | きんしん | penitence, discipline, house arrest |
謹聴 | きんちょう | listening attentively |
謹製 | きんせい | humbly made |
謹言 | きんげん | Yours Sincerely ... |
謹賀新年 | きんがしんねん | Happy New Year! |
譎詐 | きっさ | falsehood |
譜 | ふ | (sheet) music, (musical) note, (musical) score |
譜めくり | ふめくり | page-turner (music) |
譜面 | ふめん | (written) music |
警報 | けいほう | alarm, warning |
警察庁 | けいさつちょう | National Police Agency |
警察手帳 | けいさつてちょう | police notebook |
警察署 | けいさつしょ | police station |
警棒 | けいぼう | baton |
警笛 | けいてき | horn, alarm, whistle, foghorn |
警視庁 | けいしちょう | police headquarters |
警鐘 | けいしょう | alarm bell, fire bell |
議事録 | ぎじろく | record of proceedings, minutes |
議席 | ぎせき | parliamentary seat |
議院運営委員会 | ぎいんうんえいいいんかい | Committee on Rules and Administration (Diet) |
議題 | ぎだい | topic of discussion, agenda |
譲り受ける | ゆずりうける | to inherit, to receive, to take over by transfer |
譲り渡す | ゆずりわたす | to hand over, to turn over, to cede |
譲与 | じょうよ | transfer |
譲歩 | じょうほ | concession, conciliation, compromise |
譲渡 | じょうと | transfer, assignment, conveyance |
護岸 | ごがん | river dike |
護憲 | ごけん | protecting the constitution |
谷あい | たにま, たにあい | valley, ravine, chasm, dell; cleavage |
谷地 | やち | marsh land, swamp |
谷川 | たにがわ | mountain stream |
谷間 | たにま, たにあい | valley, ravine, chasm, dell; cleavage |
谿谷 | けいこく | valley, ravine, canyon |
豆乳 | とうにゅう | soy milk |
豆腐 | とうふ | tofu, bean-curd |
豆類 | まめるい | pulse (edible seeds of various leguminous crops), plant yielding pulse |
豊作 | ほうさく | abundant harvest, bumper crop |
豊年 | ほうねん | fruitful year |
豊沃 | ほうよく | fertility |
豊満 | ほうまん | stout, corpulent, plump, voluptuous |
豊漁 | ほうりょう | good catch, good haul |
豊潤 | ほうじゅん | rich and prosperous, luxurious, abundant |
豊熟 | ほうじゅく | abundant harvest |
豊稔 | ほうねん | bumper harvest |
豊穣 | ほうじょう | good harvest, abundant crop |
豊饒 | ほうじょう | fertility, fruitfulness |
豚まん | ぶたまん | steamed yeast bun with minced pork filling |
豚めし | ぶためし | pork with rice |
象徴 | しょうちょう | symbol |
象徴的 | しょうちょうてき | symbolic |
象棋 | しょうぎ | shogi, Japanese chess, xianqi |
豪傑 | ごうけつ | hero, great man |
豪快 | ごうかい | hearty, exciting, stirring, lively, heroic, largehearted, splendid |
豪爽 | ごうそう | fine disposition |
豪華絢爛 | ごうかけんらん | luxurious and gorgeous |
豪語 | ごうご | boasting, bombast |
豪邸 | ごうてい | palatial residence, stately mansion |
豪雨 | ごうう | heavy rain, cloudburst, downpour |
貝がら | かいがら | shell |
貝ボタン | かいボタン | mother-of-pearl button |
貝塚 | かいずか, かいづか | shell heap, shell mound, kitchen midden |
貞 | てい | firm adherence to one's principles; chastity (of a woman) |
貞はる | さだはる | to harp too long on a subject |
貞女 | ていじょ | virtuous woman, faithful wife |
貞操 | ていそう | chastity, virtue, fidelity |
貞操観念 | ていそうかんねん | sense of virtue |
貞操蹂躪 | ていそうじゅうりん | violation of chastity, rape |
貞淑 | ていしゅく | chastity, virtue, fidelity, feminine modesty |
貞潔 | ていけつ | chastity, purity |
貞節 | ていせつ | chastity, virtue, fidelity |
負 | ふ | negative, minus |
負い目 | おいめ | indebtedness, unfulfilled promise, drawback |
負債 | ふさい | debt, liabilities |
負傷 | ふしょう | injury, wound |
負担 | ふたん | burden, charge, responsibility |
負荷 | ふか | burden, load (e.g. cpu time, electricity, etc.) |
負託 | ふたく | charging (someone) with responsibility |
財 | ざい | fortune, riches; goods |
財務 | ざいむ | financial affairs |
財団 | ざいだん | foundation |
財団法人 | ざいだんほうじん | incorporated foundation, juridical foundation |
財政 | ざいせい | financial affairs, public finance |
財政均衡計画 | ざいせいきんこうけいかく | balanced budget plan |
財政投融資 | ざいせいとうゆうし | Fiscal Investment and Loan Program, FILP |
財源 | ざいげん | source of funds, resources, finances |
財界 | ざいかい | financial world |
財閥 | ざいばつ | zaibatsu, plutocrats, financial clique, chaebol (Korean) |
貢 | こう | tribute |
貢ぎ | みつぎ | tribute |
貢ぐ | みつぐ | to support, to finance |
貧 | ひん, びん | poverty, becoming poor, living in poverty |
貧乏 | びんぼう | poverty, destitute, poor |
貧乏所帯 | びんぼうじょたい | poor household |
貧乏神 | びんぼうがみ | god of poverty |
貧困 | ひんこん | poverty, lack |
貧富 | ひんぷ | wealth and poverty, rich and poor |
貧弱 | ひんじゃく | poor, meagre, meager, insubstantial |
貧打 | ひんだ | (baseball) poor hitting |
貧者 | ひんじゃ | poor person |
貧血 | ひんけつ | anemia, anaemia |
貨幣 | かへい | money, currency, coinage |
貨幣価値 | かへいかち | currency value |
貨車 | かしゃ | freight car, van |
販路 | はんろ | market, outlet, opening |
貫 | かん | kan (approx. 3.75 kg); kan (obsolete unit of currency) |
貫き通す | つらぬきとおす | to enforce (one's) will |
貫く | つらぬく | to go through |
貫徹 | かんてつ | accomplishment, realization, realisation, penetration |
貫禄 | かんろく | presence, dignity |
貫通 | かんつう | pierce, penetrate, perforate |
責任感 | せきにんかん | sense of responsibility |
責任者 | せきにんしゃ | responsible party |
責務 | せきむ | duty, obligation |
貯める | ためる | to save (i.e. in a bank) |
貯水 | ちょすい | storage of water |
貯水池 | ちょすいち | reservoir |
貯蓄 | ちょちく | savings |
貯蔵庫 | ちょぞうこ | storehouse |
貯金局 | ちょきんきょく | (Japanese) Postal Savings Bureau |
貴い | たっとい, とうとい | precious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacred |
貴ぶ | たっとぶ, とうとぶ | to value, to prize, to esteem, to respect |
貴婦人 | きふじん | lady |
貴族 | きぞく | noble, aristocrat |
貴紳 | きしん | noble, men of rank, notables |
貴賓 | きひん | noble visitor |
貴酬 | きしゅう | reply (epistolary) |
貴重 | きちょう | precious, valuable |
貴重品 | きちょうひん | valuables, treasures |
貴金属 | ききんぞく | precious metal |
買い | かい | buying, buyer, purchase |
買い上げ | かいあげ | buying, purchasing |
買い付け | かいつけ | buying, purchasing |
買い占め | かいしめ | buying up of goods, cornering (market) |
買い占める | かいしめる | to buy up |
買い取り | かいとり | purchase, sale (transaction) |
買い戻し | かいもどし | repurchase, redemption |
買い戻す | かいもどす | to buy back, to redeem |
買い控え | かいびかえ | restrained buying |
貸し | かし | loan, lending |
貸し出し | かしだし | lending, loaning |
貸付 | かしつけ | loan |
貸借 | たいしゃく | loan, debit and credit, lending and borrowing |
貸出用 | かしだしよう | circulation or lending (e.g. library books) |
貸金 | かしきん | loan |
賀 | が | congratulation |
賀す | がす | to congratulate |
賀する | がする | to congratulate |
賀宴 | がえん | banquet |
賀意 | がい | congratulatory feeling |
賀正 | がしょう, がせい | A Happy New Year! |
賀状 | がじょう | new year's card |
賃上げ | ちんあげ | wage increase |
賃下げ | ちんさげ | pay cut |
賃借 | ちんしゃく | hiring, renting, leasing |
賃貸 | ちんたい | lease, rent, hire |
賃金 | ちんぎん | wages |
賃金格差 | ちんぎんかくさ | wage differential |
賄い | まかない | boarding, board, meals, catering, cook |
賄い付き | まかないつき | with meals, meals inclusive |
賄い方 | まかないかた | kitchen manager, chef, cook |
賄う | まかなう | to give board to, to provide meals, to pay, to cover (the cost) |
賄賂 | わいろ | bribe, sweetener, douceur |
資本 | しほん | funds, capital |
資材 | しざい | (raw) material |
資格 | しかく | qualifications, requirements, capabilities |
資源エネルギー庁 | しげんエネルギーちょう | Agency of Natural Resources and Energy |
資産 | しさん | property, fortune, means, assets |
資金 | しきん | funds, capital |
資金繰り | しきんぐり | fundraising, financing |
賊 | あだ, あた, あたん | foe; resentment; harm, injury |
賓客 | ひんきゃく, ひんかく | guest of honour, guest of honor, privileged guest, visitor |
賛 | さん | praise, tribute; inscription (on a painting) |
賛助 | さんじょ | support, patronage |
賛同 | さんどう | approval, endorsement |
賛否 | さんぴ | yes and no, for and against |
賛意 | さんい | approval, assent |
賛歌 | さんか | song of praise, eulogy, paean, hymn |
賛辞 | さんじ | eulogy, compliment |
賜 | たまもの | gift, boon, result, fruit |
賜る | たまわる | to be given, to be granted, to be honored with, to be honoured with |
賜わる | たまわる | to be given, to be granted, to be honored with, to be honoured with |
賜暇 | しか | furlough, leave of absence |
賜杯 | しはい | Emperor's cup, trophy given by the Emperor |
賞 | しょう | prize, award |
賞与 | しょうよ | reward, prize, bonus |
賞状 | しょうじょう | honorable certificate, honourable certificate |
賠償 | ばいしょう | reparations, indemnity, compensation |
賠償金 | ばいしょうきん | indemnities, reparations |
賠責 | ばいせき | liability insurance |
賢 | かしこ, かしく | yours sincerely (used to sign off on letters), respectfully yours |
賢い | かしこい | wise, clever, smart |
賢しい | さかしい | sagacious, intelligent |
賢人 | けんじん | wise man |
賢哲 | けんてつ | wise man |
賢所 | かしこどころ, けんしょ | a palace sanctuary |
賢明 | けんめい | wisdom, intelligence, prudence |
賢母 | けんぼ | wise mother |
賦 | ふ | poem; narrative (style of the Shi Jing); classical Chinese rhymed prose |
賦する | ふする | to allocate; to compose (poetry, etc.) |
賦税 | ふぜい | taxation |
賦課 | ふか | levy, imposition |
質朴 | しつぼく | simplicity |
質疑 | しつぎ | question; interpellation |
賭博 | とばく | gambling |
購う | あがなう | to compensate, to make up for |
購入 | こうにゅう | purchase, buy |
購入先 | こうにゅうさき | retailer |
購入注文 | こうにゅうちゅうもん | purchase order |
購入者 | こうにゅうしゃ | purchaser |
購読 | こうどく | subscription (e.g. magazine) |
購読料 | こうどくりょう | subscription charge |
購買 | こうばい | purchase, buy |
購買力 | こうばいりょく | buying power |
贈り主 | おくりぬし | sender (of a present) |
贈り物 | おくりもの | present, gift |
贈る | おくる | to send, to give to, to award to, to confer on |
贈与 | ぞうよ | donation, presentation |
贈収賄 | ぞうしゅうわい | bribery, corruption |
贈呈 | ぞうてい | presentation |
贈答 | ぞうとう | exchange of presents |
贈賄 | ぞうわい | bribery, corruption, graft |
贋造紙幣 | がんぞうしへい | counterfeit paper money |
赤啄木鳥 | あかげら | great spotted woodpecker |
赤旗 | あかはた | red flag; Red Flag (Communist Party newspaper) |
赤松 | あかまつ | Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora), Japanese umbrella pine, tanyosho pine |
赤珊瑚 | あかさんご, アカサンゴ | red coral |
赤痢 | せきり | dysentery |
赤痢菌 | せきりきん | shigella (dysentery bacillus) |
赤翡翠 | あかしょうびん, アカショウビン | ruddy kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda) |
赤裸 | あかはだか, せきら | stark naked, nakedness, nudity; frankness |
赤褐色 | せっかっしょく | reddish brown, rufous |
赤軍 | せきぐん | Red Army |
赤飯 | せきはん | red rice (beans and mochi) for auspicious occasions |
赦し | ゆるし | pardon, forgiveness, exemption, permission |
赦免 | しゃめん | remission |
走り | はしり | the first (harvest, catch) of the season or year |
走り幅跳び | はしりはばとび | running long jump |
走り高跳び | はしりたかとび | running high jump |
走塁 | そうるい | base running |
赳赳たる武夫 | きゅうきゅうたるぶふ | soldier of dauntless courage |
赴く | おもむく | to go, to proceed, to repair to, to become |
赴任 | ふにん | (proceeding to) new appointment |
赴任地 | ふにんち | place of (new) post, (new) place of appointment |
起伏 | きふく | undulation; ups and downs, highs and lows |
起床 | きしょう | rising, getting out of bed |
起爆 | きばく | exploding |
起用 | きよう | appointment (to a position, job, etc.), being used for a role, promotion |
起草 | きそう | drafting, draughting, drawing up a bill |
起訴 | きそ | prosecution, indictment |
起訴猶予 | きそゆうよ | suspension of indictment, leaving charge on the file |
超党派 | ちょうとうは | nonpartisan |
超能力 | ちょうのうりょく | extra-sensory perception; psychokinesis, PK |
超電導 | ちょうでんどう | superconductivity |
超音波 | ちょうおんぱ | ultrasonic waves |
超音速 | ちょうおんそく | supersonic speed |
越える | こえる | to cross over; to exceed |
越し | ごし | across, over, beyond |
越冬 | えっとう | passing the winter |
越境 | えっきょう | border transgression |
越年 | えつねん | ring out the old year, hibernation |
趣のある | おもむきのある | zestful, tasteful, elegant |
趣向 | しゅこう | plan, idea |
趣意書 | しゅいしょ | prospectus |
趣旨 | しゅし | object; meaning, point (e.g. of a statement) |
足並み | あしなみ | pace, step |
足元 | あしもと, そっか | at one's feet; gait; you, thou |
足場 | あしば | scaffold, footing, foothold |
足腰 | あしこし | legs and loins |
足踏み | あしぶみ | stepping, stamping, marking time |
距 | きょ | tubular nectary, spur (botanical term) |
距離 | きょり | distance, range |
跡 | あと | trace, tracks, mark, sign; remains, ruins; scar |
路上 | ろじょう | (on the) road, (on the) way |
路傍 | ろぼう | roadside |
路線 | ろせん | route, line, alignment |
路肩 | ろかた, ろけん | shoulder of a road, berm |
跳ね | はね | splashes |
跳び上がる | とびあがる | to spring, to jump up, to fly up, to skip |
跳ぶ | とぶ | to jump; to fly, to soar |
跳躍 | ちょうやく | jump, leap, skip, bound |
跳馬 | ちょうば | long horse (for vaulting) |
践祚 | せんそ | accession (to the throne) |
践言 | せんげん | keeping one's word |
践踏 | せんとう | trampling down |
踊らされる | おどらされる | to be manipulated (lit: to be made to dance) |
踊らす | おどらす | to manipulate; to let one dance |
踊り上がる | おどりあがる | to spring up, to leap to one's feet, to jump up and down |
踊り子 | おどりこ | dancer |
踊り狂う | おどりくるう | to dance in ecstasy |
踏まえる | ふまえる | to be based on, to have origin in |
踏み入れる | ふみいれる | to walk in on, to tread upon |
踏み込み | ふみこみ | stepping into, breaking or rushing into |
蹴鞠 | けまり | kemari, type of football played by courtiers in ancient Japan |
躍り | おどり | leaping, jumping, spring, exciting |
躍動 | やくどう | lively motion, throb |
躍如 | やくじょ | vivid, lifelike, graphic |
躍起 | やっき | desperation, eagerness |
躍進 | やくしん | rush, dash, onslaught, dancing ahead |
身代金要求 | みのしろきんようきゅう | ransom demand |
身体障害者 | しんたいしょうがいしゃ | disabled person, physically handicapped person |
身元 | みもと | person's identity, ID, past, background |
身廊 | しんろう | nave (of a church) |
身柄 | みがら | one's person |
身綺麗 | みぎれい | neat personal appearance |
身繕い | みづくろい | dressing oneself, personal grooming |
身罷る | みまかる | to pass away, to die |
身辺 | しんぺん | one's person |
身銭 | みぜに | one's own money |
身障者 | しんしょうしゃ | disabled person, physically handicapped person |
車両 | しゃりょう | rolling stock, railroad cars, vehicles |
車庫 | しゃこ | garage, car shed, carport |
車掌 | しゃしょう | (train) conductor |
車種 | しゃしゅ | car make, car model |
車窓 | しゃそう | car window |
車軸 | しゃじく | axle |
車輪 | しゃりん | (car) wheel |
車間距離 | しゃかんきょり | distance between two trains or vehicles |
軌跡 | きせき | locus; wagon tracks |
軌道 | きどう | orbit, trajectory; railroad track |
軍事 | ぐんじ | military affairs |
軍事的侵略 | ぐんじてきしんりゃく | military aggression |
軍事顧問 | ぐんじこもん | military adviser, military advisor |
軍人 | ぐんじん | military personnel, soldier |
軍備 | ぐんび | armaments, military preparations |
軍備撤廃 | ぐんびてっぱい | complete disarmament |
軍兵 | ぐんぴょう, ぐんぺい, ぐんびょう | armed forces, battle troops |
軍属 | ぐんぞく | civilian in military employ |
軍扇 | ぐんせん | ancient commander's fan |
軍拡 | ぐんかく | military expansion, expansion of armaments |
軍曹 | ぐんそう | sergeant |
軍用鳩 | ぐんようばと | carrier pigeon |
軍縮 | ぐんしゅく | disarmament, limitation of arms |
軍艦 | ぐんかん | warship, battleship |
軍部 | ぐんぶ | military authorities, army circles |
軍閥 | ぐんばつ | military clique or party |
軍需 | ぐんじゅ | munitions, military stores |
軍需景気 | ぐんじゅけいき | war prosperity |
軍鶏 | しゃも | game fowl, gamecock |
軍鼓 | ぐんこ | war drum |
軒下 | のきした | under the overhang of a Japanese roof |
軒並み | のきなみ | row of houses; totally, altogether, across the board |
軒先 | のきさき | edge of the eaves, house frontage |
軒昂 | けんこう | high-spirited, being in high spirits |
軟化 | なんか | softening, mollification |
軟式 | なんしき | (tennis) played with a soft ball |
軟弱 | なんじゃく | weakness |
軟着陸 | なんちゃくりく | soft-landing |
軟禁 | なんきん | lenient confinement or house arrest |
軟調 | なんちょう | weakness, bearish tone |
軟骨 | なんこつ | cartilage |
転じる | てんじる | to turn, to shift, to alter, to distract |
転写捺染 | てんしゃなっせん | transfer print |
転勤 | てんきん | job transfer, job relocation, intra-company transfer |
転嫁 | てんか | second marriage, remarriage, imputation, blame |
転換 | てんかん | convert, divert |
転覆 | てんぷく | capsizing; overthrow (e.g. a government) |
転載 | てんさい | reprinting |
軸 | じく | axis, stem, shaft, axle |
軸足 | じくあし | pivot leg |
軽 | けい | light |
軽やか | かるやか, かろやか | light, easy, non-serious, minor |
軽侮 | けいぶ | contempt, scorn |
軽傷 | けいしょう | minor injury |
軽妙 | けいみょう | facile, clever, witty |
軽微 | けいび | slight, little, insignificant |
軽挙妄動 | けいきょもうどう | rash and blind act |
軽捷 | けいしょう | nimble |
軽油 | けいゆ | diesel oil; light oil, gasoline, petrol |
軽減 | けいげん | abatement, reduction |
軽自動車 | けいじどうしゃ | light motor vehicle (lt 550cc) |
軽輩 | けいはい | underling |
軽量 | けいりょう | light weight |
軽震 | けいしん | weak earthquake |
較べる | くらべる | to compare; to compete, to vie |
較優位論 | かくゆういろん | theory of comparative advantage |
較正 | こうせい | proofreading, correction of press; calibration |
載貨屯数 | さいかとんすう | deadweight tonnage |
輔く | たすく | to help, to save, to rescue |
輔す | ふす | to appoint, to designate |
輔佐 | ほさ | aid, help, assistance, assistant, counselor, counsellor, adviser, advisor |
輔導 | ほどう | guidance, protective custody |
輔弼 | ほひつ | giving the Emperor advice on affairs of state, assistance, counsel |
輔星 | ほせい | Alcor, the Little Horseman star |
輔翼 | ほよく | aid, assistance |
輝かしい | かがやかしい | brilliant, glorious, glittering |
輝かす | かがやかす | to light up, to brighten |
輝き | かがやき | radiance |
輝度 | きど | brightness, clearness, luminance |
輝煌帝 | きこうてい | poetic word for the sun |
輝石 | きせき | pyroxene, augite |
輝線 | きせん | bright line |
輩 | ともがら | comrade, fellow |
輩出 | はいしゅつ | turning out in great numbers |
輪奈 | わな | loop (of thread, string, etc.) |
輪袈裟 | わげさ | loop-shaped monk's stole |
輪郭 | りんかく | contours, outlines, features, border |
輸出入 | ゆしゅつにゅう | export and import |
輸銀 | ゆぎん | import-export bank |
辛 | かのと, しん | 8th in rank, eighth sign of the Chinese calendar |
辛うじて | かろうじて | barely, narrowly, just manage to do something |
辛口 | からくち | dry taste (e.g. sake; salty (taste); harsh, scathing |
辛抱 | しんぼう | patience, endurance |
辛抱強い | しんぼうづよい | patient, persevering |
辛苦 | しんく | hardship, toil, trouble |
辛酸 | しんさん | hardships, privation |
辞令 | じれい | notice of personnel change (appointment, dismissal, etc.) |
辞任 | じにん | to resign; resignation |
辞意 | じい | intention to resign |
辞職 | じしょく | resignation |
辞表 | じひょう | letter of resignation |
辞退 | じたい | refusal |
辰 | たつ | fifth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Dragon, 7am-9am, east-southeast, March) |
辰の刻 | たつのこく | 8 am, the fifth hour, the Hour of the Dragon |
辰の年 | たつのとし | the year of the Dragon |
辰巳 | たつみ | southeast |
辰年 | たつどし | year of the dragon |
辱 | じょく | disgrace |
辱め | はずかしめ | shame, disgrace, being raped |
辱める | はずかしめる | to put to shame; to rape |
農 | のう | farming, agriculture |
農協 | のうきょう | agricultural cooperative |
農地 | のうち | agricultural land |
農地改革 | のうちかいかく | agrarian reform |
農林 | のうりん | agriculture and forestry |
農繁期 | のうはんき | busy farming season |
農耕 | のうこう | farming, agriculture |
農閑期 | のうかんき | slack season for farmers, leisure season for farmers |
辺境 | へんきょう | remote region, frontier (district), border(land) |
迅速 | じんそく | quick, fast, rapid, swift, prompt, streamlined, expedited, expeditious |
迅速果敢 | じんそくかかん | quick and decisive, fast and daring, swift and resolute |
迅速果断 | じんそくかだん | quick and decisive, fast and daring |
迅雷 | じんらい | thunderclap |
迎え | むかえ | meeting, greeting, welcome |
迎え入れる | むかえいれる | to show in, to usher in |
迎え撃つ | むかえうつ | to ambush, to attack, to assault, to meet the enemy |
迎撃 | げいげき | intercept, interception, counter attack |
迎賓館 | げいひんかん | reception hall |
近代詩 | きんだいし | modern poetry, modern-style poetry |
近年 | きんねん | recent years |
近畿 | きんき | Kinki (region around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara) |
近著 | きんちょ | recent work |
近距離 | きんきょり | short distance |
近郊 | きんこう | suburbs, outskirts |
近郊農業 | きんこうのうぎょう | agriculture in urban areas |
近鉄 | きんてつ | Kinki Nippon Tetsudou (railway co.) |
近隣 | きんりん | neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity |
近隣諸国 | きんりんしょこく | neighboring countries, neighbouring countries, surrounding countries |
返り咲き | かえりざき | comeback (e.g. in business), second bloom, reflowering, reflorescence |
返却 | へんきゃく | return of something, repayment |
返済 | へんさい | repayment, reimbursement, refund, redemption |
返答 | へんとう | reply |
返還 | へんかん | return, restoration |
迦楼羅 | かるら | Garuda or Garua (man-bird deity and 'vahana' of Hindu-Buddhist myth) |
迫力 | はくりょく | force, intensity, appeal, strength |
迫害 | はくがい | persecution |
迫撃 | はくげき | close attack |
迫撃砲 | はくげきほう | mortar |
迷い | まよい | hesitation, bewilderment, doubt, indecision, infatuation, Buddhism maya |
迷わす | まよわす | to puzzle, perplex, bewilder, delude, mislead, fascinate |
迷妄 | めいもう | illusion, fallacy, delusion |
迷宮 | めいきゅう | mystery, maze, labyrinth |
迷彩 | めいさい | camouflage, disguise |
迷路 | めいろ | maze, labyrinth, blind alley |
迷迭香 | まんねんろう, マンネンロウ | rosemary |
追いつく | おいつく | to overtake, to catch up (with) |
追い込む | おいこむ | to herd, to corner, to drive |
追い風 | おいかぜ, おいて | tailwind, fair or favorable wind (favourable) |
追っ掛ける | おっかける | to chase, to run after, to pursue |
追尾 | ついび | following, pursuing |
追徴 | ついちょう | supplementary charge |
追悼 | ついとう | mourning, memorial |
追悼会 | ついとうかい | memorial services |
追悼式 | ついとうしき | memorial services |
追慕 | ついぼ | cherishing the memory of, yearning for |
追憶 | ついおく | recollection, reminiscence |
追放 | ついほう | exile, banishment |
追求 | ついきゅう | pursuing (goal); to pursue (e.g. goal), to seek |
追跡 | ついせき | pursuit, tracking (e.g. in computer graphics), keeping records on, tracing |
追随 | ついずい | follow |
退任 | たいにん | retirement, resignation, stepping down |
退去 | たいきょ | departure; recession |
退潮 | たいちょう | ebb tide, waning fortunes |
退職 | たいしょく | retirement (from office) |
退避 | たいひ | taking refuge, evacuation; saving (a file) |
退陣 | たいじん | retreat, withdrawal, retirement |
送り | おくり | seeing off, sending off; funeral; escapement |
送り届ける | おくりとどける | to send to, to deliver, to escort (a person) home |
送稿 | そうこう | document transmission |
送迎 | そうげい | seeing off and meeting on return |
送還 | そうかん | sending home, repatriation |
逃がす | にがす | to let loose, to set free, to let escape |
逃げ | にげ | escape, getaway, evasion |
逃げる | にげる | to escape, to run away |
逃げ出す | にげだす | to run away, to escape from |
逃げ切る | にげきる | to get away, to manage to hold on |
逃す | のがす | to let loose, to set free, to let escape |
逃れる | のがれる | to escape |
逃亡 | とうぼう | escape, flight, running away, elopement, fleeing |
逃走 | とうそう | flight, desertion, escape |
逃避 | とうひ | escape, evasion, flight |
逆 | ぎゃく | reverse; converse (of a hypothesis, etc.) |
逆なで | さかなで, ぎゃくなで | rubbing the wrong way (e.g. a cat), irritating |
逆凪 | さかなぎ | backlash (after use of 'magic') |
逆効果 | ぎゃくこうか, ぎゃっこうか | backfire, counterproductive, opposite effect |
逆噴射 | ぎゃくふんしゃ | reverse thrust, crazy |
逆戻り | ぎゃくもどり | retrogression, reversal, relapse |
逆茂木 | さかもぎ | abatis |
逆襲 | ぎゃくしゅう | counterattack |
逆転 | ぎゃくてん | (sudden) change, reversal, turn-around, coming from behind (baseball) |
逆転勝ち | ぎゃくてんがち | winning after defeat seems certain, coming from behind to win |
逆輸入 | ぎゃくゆにゅう | reimportation |
逆風 | ぎゃくふう | head wind, adverse wind |
逍遥 | しょうよう | ramble, saunter, walk |
逍遥学派 | しょうようがくは | Peripatetic school (of philosophy) |
透かし | すかし | watermark (in a stamp; openwork (engraving, carving, etc.) |
透徹 | とうてつ | penetration, absolutely clear, not dirty, clearness |
透析 | とうせき | dialysis |
透過 | とうか | penetration, permeation, transmission |
逐一 | ちくいち, ちくいつ | one by one, in detail, minutely |
逐次 | ちくじ | successively, one after another, sequentially |
逐語訳 | ちくごやく | literal translation |
逐電 | ちくでん | flight, absconding |
逓伝 | ていでん | relay |
逓信 | ていしん | communications (e.g. post, tele.) |
逓倍 | ていばい | multiplication (e.g. of frequencies) |
逓倍器 | ていばいき | multiplier (e.g. frequency) |
逓増 | ていぞう | gradual increase |
逓次 | ていじ | successively, in order |
逓減 | ていげん | successive diminution |
逓送 | ていそう | forwarding |
逓降変圧器 | ていこうへんあつき | step-down transformer |
途 | と | way |
途上 | とじょう | en route, half-way; on the road, in the street |
途上国 | とじょうこく | developing country |
途方 | とほう | way, destination, reason |
通信簿 | つうしんぼ | report card |
通信網 | つうしんもう | communications network |
通信衛星 | つうしんえいせい | communication satellite, Broadcast Satellite, BS |
通信販売 | つうしんはんばい | mail order |
通商 | つうしょう | commerce, trade |
通常 | つうじょう | common, general, normal, usual |
通暁 | つうぎょう | well versed, thorough knowledge |
通称 | つうしょう | popular name, nickname, alias |
通算 | つうさん | total |
通話 | つうわ | telephone call; counter for telephone calls |
通販 | つうはん | mail order |
通達 | つうたつ | notification, directive (e.g. from higher to lower levels of the administration) |
逝く | ゆく, いく | to die, to pass away |
逝けメン | いけめん, いけメン | exceptionally ugly man |
逝け面 | いけめん, いけメン | exceptionally ugly man |
逝去 | せいきょ | death |
速さ | はやさ | speed |
速やか | すみやか | speed |
速報 | そくほう | prompt report, quick announcement |
速球 | そっきゅう | fastball |
造反 | ぞうはん | rebellion |
造幣 | ぞうへい | coinage, mintage |
造幣局 | ぞうへいきょく | (coin) mint |
造形 | ぞうけい | molding, moulding, modelling (i.e. plastic arts), modeling |
造成 | ぞうせい | creation, clearing, reclamation |
連れ去る | つれさる | to take away, to kidnap |
連れ添う | つれそう | to be man and wife, to be married to |
連亘 | れんこう | extending in a row |
連休 | れんきゅう | consecutive holidays |
連係プレー | れんけいプレー | good teamwork play (baseball) |
連勝 | れんしょう | consecutive victories, series of victories |
連峰 | れんぽう | mountain range |
連帯 | れんたい | solidarity, collective; joint |
連座 | れんざ | implicated (involved) in (a crime) |
連携 | れんけい | cooperation, coordination, link |
連敗 | れんぱい | consecutive defeats, series of defeats |
連盟 | れんめい | league, union, alliance |
連立 | れんりつ | alliance, coalition |
連覇 | れんぱ | successive championships |
連載 | れんさい | serialization, serialisation, serial story |
連邦 | れんぽう | commonwealth, federation of states |
連鎖 | れんさ | chain; (genetic) linkage |
連鎖反応 | れんさはんのう | chain reaction |
逮夜 | たいや | eve of the anniversary of a person's death |
逮捕される | たいほされる | to be arrested |
逮捕歴 | たいほれき | criminal record |
逮捕状 | たいほじょう | arrest warrant |
逮捕者 | たいほしゃ | arrestee, person arrested |
逮捕記録 | たいほきろく | arrest record |
逮捕許諾 | たいほきょだく | stripping a Diet member of arrest immunity |
週休 | しゅうきゅう | weekly holiday |
週刊 | しゅうかん | published weekly |
週明け | しゅうあけ | beginning of the week, new week opening, Monday |
進出 | しんしゅつ | advance, step forward |
進呈 | しんてい | presentation |
進学塾 | しんがくじゅく | cramschool (for boys and girls who wish to go on to the next stage of education) |
進展 | しんてん | progress, development |
進攻 | しんこう | attack |
進退 | しんたい | movement, course of action, advance or retreat |
進退伺い | しんたいうかがい | informal (unofficial) resignation |
進駐 | しんちゅう | occupation, stationing |
進駐軍 | しんちゅうぐん | occupying forces |
逸る | はぐる | to stray from, to get lost |
逸品 | いっぴん | article of rare beauty, gem |
逸材 | いつざい | outstanding talent |
逸機 | いっき | missing a chance |
逸脱 | いつだつ | deviation, omission, departure |
逸話 | いつわ | anecdote |
遂げる | とげる | to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out |
遂行 | すいこう | accomplishment, execution |
遅々 | ちち | slow, lagging, tardy |
遅かりし由良之助 | おそかりしゆらのすけ | to let a chance to do something slip through one's fingers |
遅らせる | おくらせる | to put something off |
遅れ | おくれ | delay, lag, postponement, falling behind |
遅咲き | おそざき | late flower, late blooming |
遅延 | ちえん | delay, latency |
遅滞 | ちたい | delay, procrastination |
遅蒔き | おそまき | sowing late, lateness |
遊ばす | あそばす | to let one play, to leave idle; to do |
遊び場 | あそびば | playground |
遊惰 | ゆうだ | indolence |
遊戯 | ゆうぎ | game, play, sports |
遊撃 | ゆうげき | raid, shortstop |
遊撃手 | ゆうげきしゅ | shortstop |
遊泳 | ゆうえい | swimming, bathing; conduct of life |
遊牧 | ゆうぼく | nomadism |
遊覧 | ゆうらん | sightseeing |
遊説 | ゆうぜい | election tour, election campaign, stumping |
遊郭 | ゆうかく | red light district |
運び | はこび | progress, pace, carriage, step, stage |
運動靴 | うんどうぐつ | sports shoes, sneakers |
運命 | うんめい | fate |
運営 | うんえい | management, administration, operation |
運搬 | うんぱん | transport, carriage |
運搬人 | うんぱんにん | carrier, conveyor |
運搬費 | うんぱんひ | transportation charge |
運河 | うんが | canal, waterway |
運用 | うんよう | making use of, application, investment, practical use |
運航 | うんこう | operating (e.g. ships, aircraft) |
運賃 | うんちん | freight rates, shipping expenses, fare |
運転 | うんてん | operation, motion, driving |
運輸 | うんゆ | transportation |
運輸省 | うんゆしょう | Ministry of Transport |
運送 | うんそう | transport, freight, shipping |
遍 | へん | number of times |
遍く | あまねく | widely, generally, universally, far and wide |
遍歴 | へんれき | travels, pilgrimage, itinerancy |
過ぎ | すぎ | past, after; too (much), over (e.g. eating) |
過ち | あやまち | fault, error, indiscretion, faux pas |
過剰 | かじょう | excess, over- |
過剰利益 | かじょうりえき | excess profit |
過失 | かしつ | error, blunder, accident; fault, defect |
過失致死 | かしつちし | involuntary manslaughter, accidental homicide, negligent homicide |
過敏 | かびん | nervousness, oversensitivity |
過敏症 | かびんしょう | hypersensitivity |
過渡期 | かとき | transition period |
過激 | かげき | extreme, radical |
過熱 | かねつ | superheating, overheating |
過疎 | かそ | depopulation |
過褒 | かほう | overpraise |
過誤 | かご | mistake, fault |
過酷 | かこく | rigour, rigor, severity, cruelty, harsh |
道徳的 | どうとくてき | ethical, moral |
道筋 | みちすじ | path, route, itinerary |
道義的責任 | どうぎてきせきにん | moral obligation |
道路 | どうろ | road, highway |
達する | たっする | to reach, to get to |
達成 | たっせい | achievement |
達磨 | だるま | daruma (tumbling doll), Bodhidharma; prostitute |
違い | ちがい | difference, discrepancy |
違反 | いはん | violation (of law), transgression, infringement, breach |
違憲 | いけん | unconstitutionality |
違法 | いほう | illegal, illegality, invalid, unlawfulness |
遠 | とお | distant |
遠からず | とおからず | soon, in the near future |
遠山 | えんざん, とおやま | distant mountain |
遠征 | えんせい | expedition; away series (baseball) |
遠慮 | えんりょ | diffidence, restraint, reserve, discretion, tact, thoughtfulness |
遠慮なく | えんりょなく | without reservation |
遠慮会釈 | えんりょえしゃく | reserve and consideration (to others) |
遠泳 | えんえい | long-distance swimming |
遠浅 | とおあさ | shoal, wide shallow beach |
遠距離 | えんきょり | long distance, tele- |
遠隔 | えんかく | distant, remote, isolated |
遠雷 | えんらい | distant thunder |
遣り遂げる | やりとげる | to accomplish |
遣唐使 | けんとうし | envoy (to T'ang China) |
遥々 | はるばる | from afar, over a great distance, all the way |
遥か | はるか | far, far away, distant, remote, far off |
遥かに | はるかに | far off, in the distance, long ago, far, by far, far and away |
遥か彼方 | はるかかなた | faraway, far-off |
遥か昔 | はるかむかし | long ago |
遥拝 | ようはい | worshipping from afar |
遥遠 | ようえん | far away, very far off, remote |
遥遥 | はるばる | from afar, over a great distance, all the way |
適宜 | てきぎ | suitable, appropriate; appropriately |
適応 | てきおう | adaptation, accommodation, conformity |
適時 | てきじ | timely, opportune |
適格 | てきかく, てっかく | eligible, qualified, competent |
適正 | てきせい | reasonable, suitable |
適法 | てきほう | legality |
適齢 | てきれい | suitable age |
遭う | あう | to meet; to have an accident, to have a bad experience |
遭す | あわす | to make (someone) to meet; to expose to, to subject to |
遭わす | あわす | to make (someone) to meet; to expose to, to subject to |
遭わせる | あわせる | to make (someone) to meet; to expose to, to subject to |
遭遇 | そうぐう | encounter |
遭難 | そうなん | disaster, shipwreck, accident |
遭難信号 | そうなんしんごう | distress signal, SOS |
遭難者 | そうなんしゃ | victim, survivor, sufferer |
遮へい | しゃへい | screen, shielding, reverse clipping |
遮る | さえぎる | to interrupt, to intercept, to obstruct |
遮二無二 | しゃにむに | desperately, recklessly, rush headlong |
遮光 | しゃこう | shade, darken |
遮光器土偶 | しゃこうきどぐう | "spaceman" clay figurine from about 500 AD |
遮断 | しゃだん | isolation, cut off, blockade, quarantine, interception, deprivation |
遮断器 | しゃだんき | circuit breaker |
遮断機 | しゃだんき | railway crossing gate |
遮蔽 | しゃへい | screen, shielding, reverse clipping |
遵奉 | じゅんぽう | obeying, observing, following |
遵奉者 | じゅんぽうしゃ | conformist |
遵守 | じゅんしゅ | compliance, adherence (to a set of rules), (religious) observance |
遵法 | じゅんぽう | law-abiding |
遵法者 | じゅんぽうしゃ | law-abiding citizen |
遵行 | じゅんこう | obedience |
遷宮 | せんぐう | installation of a deity in a new shrine, transfer of a shrine |
遷座 | せんざ | relocation of a shrine, transfer of an object of worship |
遷移 | せんい | transition |
遷都 | せんと | relocation of the capital, transfer of the capital |
選 | せん | selection, choice, election; compilation, editing |
選ぶ | えらぶ | to choose, to select |
選奨 | せんしょう | recommendation |
選手権 | せんしゅけん | championship, title (of champion) |
選抜 | せんばつ | selection, choice, picking out |
選択科目 | せんたくかもく | elective subject or course |
選択肢 | せんたくし | choices, alternatives, options |
選挙 | せんきょ | election |
選挙戦 | せんきょせん | election campaign |
選挙権 | せんきょけん | suffrage |
選挙運動 | せんきょうんどう | participation in election campaign |
選考 | せんこう | selection, screening |
遺伝 | いでん | heredity, inherent |
遺伝子 | いでんし | gene, genetic |
遺体 | いたい | corpse, remains |
遺児 | いじ | orphan |
遺孤 | いこ | orphan |
遺影 | いえい | portrait of deceased person |
遺志 | いし | dying wish |
遺恨 | いこん | grudge, ill will, enmity |
遺憾 | いかん | regrettable, unsatisfactory |
遺憾に堪えない | いかんにたえない | really regrettable |
遺憾千万 | いかんせんばん | highly regrettable, utterly deplorable |
遺憾無く | いかんなく | unobjectionally, fully |
遺族 | いぞく | bereaved family |
遺棄 | いき | abandonment, desertion, relinquishment |
遺産 | いさん | inheritance, bequest, legacy, heritage |
遺稿 | いこう | posthumous manuscripts |
遺臣 | いしん | surviving retainer |
遺芳 | いほう | memory or autograph of deceased |
遺訓 | いくん | dying instructions |
遺詠 | いえい | posthumous song or poem |
遺跡 | いせき | historic ruins (remains, relics) |
遺骨 | いこつ | remains, ashes of deceased |
遼遠 | りょうえん | remote, far off |
避妊 | ひにん | contraception |
避暑 | ひしょ | summering, going to a summer resort |
避難 | ひなん | taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation, escape |
避難民 | ひなんみん | refugees, evacuees |
還付 | かんぷ | return, restoration, refund, (duty) drawback |
還元 | かんげん | resolution, reduction, return to origins |
還暦 | かんれき | 60th birthday |
還流 | かんりゅう | return current, convection, reflux |
邑 | おおざと, おおざる | kanji "large village" radical |
邑落 | ゆうらく | hamlet |
那辺 | なへん | where |
邦人 | ほうじん | fellow countryman; Japanese (nationals or residents) |
邦楽 | ほうがく | (traditional) Japanese music |
邦画 | ほうが | Japanese film |
邦訳 | ほうやく | translation into Japanese |
邪 | よこしま | wicked, evil |
邪ま | よこしま | wicked, evil |
邪悪 | じゃあく | wicked, evil |
邪道 | じゃどう | evil course, heresy |
邪険 | じゃけん | hard hearted, cruel, unkind |
邪魔 | じゃま | hindrance, intrusion |
邸 | やしき | residence, estate, grounds, premises, mansion |
邸内 | ていない | grounds, premises |
邸宅 | ていたく | mansion, residence |
郁々 | いくいく | flourishing, teeming with culture, aromatic, emitting an aroma |
郁郁 | いくいく | flourishing, teeming with culture, aromatic, emitting an aroma |
郊野 | こうの, こうや | suburban fields |
郡制 | ぐんせい | county system |
郡役所 | ぐんやくしょ | county offices |
郡県 | ぐんけん | counties and prefectures |
郡県制度 | ぐんけんせいど | county and prefecture system |
郡部 | ぐんぶ | rural districts, counties |
郡長 | ぐんちょう | district headman, head county official |
部族 | ぶぞく | tribe, clan, house |
部署 | ぶしょ | one's duty post, one's duty station |
部隊 | ぶたい | force, unit, corps, echelon, element |
部隊撤退 | ぶたいてったい | troop withdrawal |
郭 | くるわ, かく | district; enclosure; red-light district |
郭公 | かっこう, カッコウ, カッコー | common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) |
郵便切手 | ゆうびんきって | postage stamp |
郵便受け | ゆうびんうけ | mailbox |
郵便為替 | ゆうびんかわせ | postal money order |
郵政 | ゆうせい | postal system |
郵政省 | ゆうせいしょう | Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications |
郵船 | ゆうせん | mail boat |
郵貯 | ゆうちょ | postal (post-office) savings (deposit) |
郷 | きょう | hometown; rural township (of China) |
郷土 | きょうど | native place, birth-place, one's old home |
郷愁 | きょうしゅう | nostalgia, homesickness |
郷邑 | きょうゆう | hamlet, village |
郷里 | きょうり | birth-place, home town |
都内 | とない | metropolitan area |
都議 | とぎ | Metropolitan assemblyman |
都邑 | とゆう | city, town, village |
酉 | とり | tenth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Bird, 5pm-7pm, west, August) |
酉の市 | とりのいち | Bird Day |
酉の方角 | とりのほうがく | west |
酉偏 | とりへん | kanji "bird of the zodiac" radical (radical 164) |
酉年 | とりどし | year of the cock |
酌 | しゃく | pouring alcohol, person pouring alcohol |
酌み交わす | くみかわす | to drink together |
酌量 | しゃくりょう | consideration, pardon |
配偶者 | はいぐうしゃ | spouse, wife, husband |
配分 | はいぶん | distribution, allotment |
配列 | はいれつ | arrangement; array (programming, programing) |
配布 | はいふ | distribution |
配当 | はいとう | dividend, share |
配慮 | はいりょ | consideration, concern, forethought |
配給 | はいきゅう | distribution (e.g. films, rice) |
配置 | はいち | arrangement (of resources), deployment, stationing, posting, disposition |
酒仙 | しゅせん | heavy drinker |
酒税 | しゅぜい | liquor tax |
酒造 | しゅぞう | sake brewing |
酒類 | しゅるい | alcoholic drinks, liquor |
酔い | よい | drunkenness, intoxication |
酔っ払う | よっぱらう | to get drunk |
酔芙蓉 | すいふよう | cotton rosemallow (Hibiscus mutabilis cv. Versicolor), Confederate rose |
酢の物 | すのもの | vinegared or pickled dish |
酢漬け | すづけ | pickling |
酢豚 | すぶた | sweet-and-sour pork |
酢酸 | さくさん | acetic acid |
酢酸塩 | さくさんえん | acetate |
酪製品 | らくせいひん | dairy product |
酪農 | らくのう | dairy (farm) |
酪農場 | らくのうじょう | dairy farm |
酪農家 | らくのうか | dairy farmer |
酪農製品 | らくのうせいひん | dairy produce |
酪酸 | らくさん | butyric acid |
酬い | むくい | reward, recompense, return, punishment, retribution |
酬いる | むくいる | to reward, to recompense, to repay |
酬う | むくう | to reward, to recompense, to repay |
酵母 | こうぼ | yeast, leaven |
酵母菌 | こうぼきん | yeast fungus |
酵素 | こうそ | enzyme |
酵素学 | こうそがく | enzymology |
酷い | ひどい | cruel, awful, severe, very bad, serious, terrible, heavy, violent |
酷似 | こくじ | resemblance, resemble |
酷寒 | こっかん | severe (intense) cold, depth of winter |
酷暑 | こくしょ | intense heat |
酸 | さん | acid; sourness, sour taste |
酸化 | さんか | oxidation |
酸性土壌 | さんせいどじょう | acid soil |
酸橘 | すだち | sudachi, Japanese citrus (Citrus sudachi) |
醇乎 | じゅんこ | pure, sheer |
醇朴 | じゅんぼく | rustic simplicity, homeliness, unsophisticated, naive, honest, simple |
醇正 | じゅんせい | genuine, pure, perfect |
醋橘 | すだち | sudachi, Japanese citrus (Citrus sudachi) |
醗酵 | はっこう | fermentation, zymosis |
醜名 | しこな | Sumo wrestler's stage name |
醜女 | しゅうじょ, しこめ, ぶおんな, ぶす, ブス | homely woman, plain-looking woman; female demon |
醜悪 | しゅうあく | ugliness, meanness, offensiveness |
醜態 | しゅうたい | shameful sight, disgraceful behavior, disgraceful behaviour |
醜男 | ブおとこ, ぶおとこ, じこお | ugly man; strong, brawny man |
醜聞 | しゅうぶん | scandal |
醜行 | しゅうこう | disgraceful (scandalous) conduct, shameful behavior, shameful behaviour |
醸し出す | かもしだす | to engender, to bring about |
醸す | かもす | to brew, to cause, to give rise to, to distill |
醸成 | じょうせい | brew, foment, breed |
醸造 | じょうぞう | brewing, distillation |
醸造学 | じょうぞうがく | zymurgy |
醸造所 | じょうぞうしょ, じょうぞうじょ | brewery, distillery |
醸造酒 | じょうぞうしゅ | brewage, liquor |
采 | さい, さえ | dice, die; baton (of command) |
采配 | さいはい | baton (of command) |
采配を振る | さいはいをふる | to lead, to direct, to take command |
釈放 | しゃくほう | release, liberation, acquittal |
釈明 | しゃくめい | explanation, vindication |
釈迦 | しゃか | the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama, 563 BCE-483 BCE), Shakyamuni, Sakyamuni |
里子 | さとご | foster child |
里帰り | さとがえり | returning home, visiting one's parents, new bride's first visit to parents |
里親 | さとおや | foster parent(s) |
重さ | おもさ | weight |
重み | おもみ | importance, weight, dignity, emphasis |
重傷 | じゅうしょう, おもで | serious wound or injury |
重厚 | じゅうこう, ちょうこう | thickness, composure and dignity |
重圧 | じゅうあつ | pressure |
重大 | じゅうだい | serious, important, significant, grave, weighty |
重症 | じゅうしょう | serious illness |
重箱 | じゅうばこ | multi-tiered food box, stacked boxes |
重篤 | じゅうとく | serious (illness) |
重臣 | じゅうしん | chief vassal, senior statesman |
重荷 | おもに, じゅうか | load, heavy burden, encumbrance, heavy freight, heavy responsibility |
重複 | じゅうふく, ちょうふく | duplication, repetition, overlapping, redundancy, restoration |
重要 | じゅうよう | important, momentous, essential, principal, major |
重視 | じゅうし | importance, stress, serious consideration |
重謹慎 | じゅうきんしん | close confinement (in one's barracks) |
重軌条 | じゅうきじょう | heavy rail |
重量 | じゅうりょう | weight; heavyweight boxer |
重鎮 | じゅうちん | leader, authority, mainstay |
野党 | やとう | opposition party, political opposition, opposition |
野口啄木鳥 | のぐちげら, ノグチゲラ | Okinawa woodpecker (Sapheopipo noguchii) |
野犬 | やけん | stray dog, ownerless dog |
野獣 | やじゅう | beast, monster, wild animal |
野生 | やせい | wild, growing wild; I |
野羊 | やぎ, ヤギ | goat |
野良犬 | のらいぬ | stray dog |
野良猫 | のらねこ | stray cat, alley cat |
野茉莉 | えごのき, エゴノキ | Japanese snowbell, styrax japonica |
野菊 | のぎく | wild chrysanthemum, aster |
野蛮 | やばん | savage, uncivilized, uncivilised |
野郎 | やろう | rascal |
野駒 | のごま | a Siberian rubythroat |
野鳥 | やちょう | wild bird |
量販店 | りょうはんてん | volume seller |
金利 | きんり | interest rates |
金剛手 | こんごうしゅ | Vajrapani, wielder of the vajra |
金剛石 | こんごうせき | diamond |
金剛薩堕 | こんごうさった | Vajrasattva, Supreme Being of tantric Buddhism |
金坑 | きんこう | gold mine |
金城 | きんじょう | impregnable castle |
金塊 | きんかい | nugget, gold bullion, gold bar |
金壱万円 | きんいちまんえん | 10,000 Yen |
金子 | きんす | money, funds |
金字塔 | きんじとう | pyramid, monumental work |
金拾万円 | きんじゅうまんえん | 100,000 Yen |
金目鯛 | きんめだい | splendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens) |
金眼鯛 | きんめだい | splendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens) |
金網 | かなあみ | wire netting, wire mesh, wire screen |
金縛り | かなしばり | binding hand and foot, temporary feeling of paralysis |
金脈 | きんみゃく | (questionable) financial connections, vein of gold |
金融市場 | きんゆうしじょう | money market, financial market |
金融恐慌 | きんゆうきょうこう | financial crisis or panic |
金融機関 | きんゆうきかん | financial institutions, banking facilities |
金貨 | きんか | gold coin |
金鉱 | きんこう | gold mine |
金髪 | きんぱつ | blond hair |
金鳳花 | きんぽうげ | a buttercup |
針葉樹 | しんようじゅ | conifer, needle-leaved tree |
釣 | つり | fishing, angling; change (e.g. for a purchase) |
釣り | つり | fishing, angling; change (e.g. for a purchase) |
釣り堀 | つりぼり | fish pond |
釣り場 | つりば | fishing place |
釣り糸 | つりいと | fishing line |
釣り船 | つりぶね | fishing boat |
釣り針 | つりばり | fish hook |
釣り銭 | つりせん | change (e.g. for dollar) |
釣り鐘 | つりがね | temple bell (for striking) |
鈍 | どん | dull, slow, stupid, dull-brained |
鈍ちん | にぶちん, にぶチン | dullard (gen. from not picking up on other people's feelings) |
鈍らす | にぶらす | to blunt, to dull, to weaken |
鈍る | にぶる, なまる | to become less capable, to grow dull, to become blunt, to weaken |
鈍化 | どんか | becoming dull, slowing down |
鈍器 | どんき | blunt weapon |
鈍感 | どんかん | thickheadedness, stolidity, insensitivity |
鈴なり | すずなり | bunches (e.g. of fruit); crammed (e.g. with people), overflowing |
鈴なりになる | すずなりになる | to grow in clusters |
鉄則 | てっそく | ironclad regulation, inviolable rule |
鉄塔 | てっとう | pylon, steel tower |
鉄扉 | てっぴ | iron door |
鉄条網 | てつじょうもう | (barbed) wire entanglements |
鉄板 | てっぱん | iron plate; sure thing |
鉄棒 | てつぼう, かなぼう | iron rod, crowbar, horizontal bar (gymnastics) |
鉄砲 | てっぽう | gun; wooden pole that sumo wrestlers strike in practice (practise); fugu |
鉄筋 | てっきん | rebar, (concrete) iron reinforcing bar |
鉄腕 | てつわん | strong arm |
鉄道 | てつどう | railroad |
鉄鉱 | てっこう | iron ore |
鉄鋼 | てっこう | iron and steel |
鉄骨 | てっこつ | steel frame |
鉛 | なまり | lead (the metal) |
鉛ガラス | なまりガラス | lead glass |
鉛筆柏槙 | えんぴつびゃくしん, エンピツビャクシン | eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) |
鉛錘 | えんすい | plumb bob |
鉢合わせ | はちあわせ | bumping of heads, encounter, running into someone |
鉢巻き | はちまき | headband |
鉢植え | はちうえ | potted plant |
鉱区 | こうく | mining area, mine lot |
鉱山 | こうざん | mine (ore) |
鉱床 | こうしょう | ore deposit |
鉱業 | こうぎょう | mining industry |
鉱石 | こうせき | ore, mineral, crystal |
鉱脈 | こうみゃく | reef, streak |
銀嶺 | ぎんれい | silvery, snow-capped mountain |
銀河 | ぎんが | Milky Way; galaxy |
銀貨 | ぎんか | silver coin |
銃 | じゅう | gun, rifle, small arms |
銃剣 | じゅうけん | bayonet |
銃器 | じゅうき | small arms |
銃声 | じゅうせい | gunshot, (gun) report |
銃弾 | じゅうだん | bullet (from a rifle) |
銃撃 | じゅうげき | shooting, gunning (down) |
銃殺 | じゅうさつ | death by shooting |
銅 | どう, あかがね | copper |
銅メダル | どうメダル | bronze medal |
銅像 | どうぞう | bronze statue |
銅山 | どうざん | copper mine |
銅板 | どうばん | sheet copper |
銅版画 | どうはんが | copperplate engraving, etching |
銅鐸 | どうたく | bronze bell |
銑 | ずく | pig iron |
銑鉄 | せんてつ, ずくてつ | pig iron |
銓衡 | せんこう | selection, screening |
銘 | めい | inscription |
銘じる | めいじる | to stamp, to engrave, to inscribe |
銘する | めいする | to stamp, to engrave, to inscribe |
銘ずる | めいずる | to stamp, to engrave, to inscribe |
銘打つ | めいうつ | to engrave an inscription, to call (designate) itself, to mark, to label |
銘文 | めいぶん | inscription |
銘柄 | めいがら | brand; trading name of stocks and securities |
銘記 | めいき | keep in mind, take note of, remember |
銭湯 | せんとう | bath-house, public bath |
鋭いナイフ | するどいナイフ | sharp knife |
鋭利 | えいり | sharpness |
鋭意 | えいい | eagerly, earnestly, diligently |
鋭敏 | えいびん | sharpness, keenness, sensitiveness, mental acumen |
鋭角 | えいかく | acute angle |
鋳る | いる | to cast, to mint, to coin |
鋳型 | いがた | mold, mould, template |
鋳工 | ちゅうこう | metal caster |
鋳物 | いもの | cast metal, casting |
鋳貨 | ちゅうか | coinage, mintage |
鋳造 | ちゅうぞう | casting, founding, minting |
鋳金 | ちゅうきん | casting |
鋳鉄 | ちゅうてつ | cast iron |
鋼 | はがね, こう | steel |
鋼材 | こうざい | steel material |
鋼板 | こうはん, こうばん | steel sheet, steel plate(s) |
鋼管 | こうかん | steel pipe |
鋼鉄 | こうてつ | steel |
錘 | いわ | weight (of a fishing net) |
錘形 | つむがた | spindle-shaped, fusiform |
錘状 | すいじょう | spindle shaped |
錠 | じょう | lock, padlock; tablet, lozenge, pill |
錠をかける | じょうをかける | to fasten a lock |
錠前 | じょうまえ | lock |
錠剤 | じょうざい | pill, lozenge, tablet |
錦 | にしき | brocade |
錦上 | きんじょう | crowning beauty with even greater glory |
錦旗 | きんき | pennant, gold-brocade flag |
錦絵 | にしきえ | colour (woodblock) print, color print |
錦蛇 | にしきへび, ニシキヘビ | python, harlequin snake |
錦鯉 | にしきごい | coloured carp, colored carp |
錬成 | れんせい | training, drilling |
錬金術 | れんきんじゅつ | alchemy; making big money (implied, by dubious means) |
錯そう | さくそう | complication, intricacy |
錯イオン | さくイオン | complex ion |
錯乱 | さくらん | confusion, distraction, derangement |
錯綜 | さくそう | complication, intricacy |
錯覚 | さっかく | optical illusion; misapprehension, delusion |
錯誤 | さくご | mistake |
録画 | ろくが | (video) recording |
録音テープ | ろくおんテープ | audio tape, magnetic tape |
鍛える | きたえる | to forge, to drill, to temper, to train, to discipline |
鍛え上げる | きたえあげる | to temper thoroughly, to train well |
鍛冶 | かじ, たんや, かぬち | smithing, blacksmith |
鍛冶屋 | かじや | smith, blacksmith |
鍛工 | たんこう | metal worker |
鍛治 | かじ, たんや, かぬち | smithing, blacksmith |
鍛練 | たんれん | tempering, forging, hardening, disciplining, training |
鍛錬 | たんれん | tempering, forging, hardening, disciplining, training |
鍾乳洞 | しょうにゅうどう | limestone cave (cavern, grotto) |
鎌倉時代 | かまくらじだい | Kamakura period (1185-1333 CE) |
鎌切 | かまきり, とうろう, いもじり, いいぼむしり, カマキリ | praying mantis (esp. the narrow-winged mantis, Tenodera angustipennis) |
鎌形 | かまがた | sickle-shaped, falciform |
鎌止め | かまどめ | cutting grass and trees is prohibited |
鎌足 | かまあし | legs bowed in, sitting with heels spread apart |
鎌首 | かまくび | gooseneck |
鎌鼬 | かまいたち | cut caused by whirlwind, folkloric monster |
鎔銑 | ようせん | molten iron |
鎖かたびら | くさりかたびら | chain mail (armor, armour) |
鎖国 | さこく | national isolation, exclusion of foreigners |
鎖鎌 | くさりがま | sickle and chain (weapon) |
鎖骨 | さこつ | collarbone, clavicle |
鎮 | ちん, しず | a weight; temple supervisor; town (of China) |
鎮圧 | ちんあつ | suppression, subjugation |
鎮守 | ちんじゅ | local Shinto deity, tutelary god |
鎮守の森 | ちんじゅのもり | grove of the village shrine |
鎮定 | ちんてい | suppression |
鎮火 | ちんか | extinguished |
鎮痛剤 | ちんつうざい | analgesic, painkiller, sedative, tranquilizer, tranquiliser |
鎮静 | ちんせい | calm, quiet, tranquility, tranquillity, appeasement, pacification |
鎮魂 | ちんこん, ちんごん | repose of souls |
鏡面 | きょうめん | mirror surface |
鐘乳洞 | しょうにゅうどう | limestone cave (cavern, grotto) |
鐘乳石 | しょうにゅうせき | stalactite |
鐘楼 | しょうろう | belfry, bell tower |
鑑 | かがみ | model, pattern |
鑑別 | かんべつ | discrimination, judgement, judgment, separation, sorting |
鑑定 | かんてい | judgement, judgment, expert opinion |
鑑識 | かんしき | judgement, judgment, discernment, discrimination, having eye for |
鑑賞 | かんしょう | appreciation (e.g. of art), aesthetic sense |
長丁場 | ながちょうば | long (stretch of) distance |
長兄 | ちょうけい | eldest brother |
長唄 | ながうた, ちょうか | long epic song with shamisen accompaniment, type of waka |
長官 | ちょうかん | secretary (government), director, chief |
長寿 | ちょうじゅ | longevity |
長崎県 | ながさきけん | Nagasaki prefecture (Kyuushuu) |
長征 | ちょうせい | lengthy military expedition, the Long March |
長径 | ちょうけい | major axis |
長期借款 | ちょうきしゃっかん | long-term loan |
長汀曲浦 | ちょうていきょくほ | long stretch of winding beach |
長江 | ちょうこう | Yangtze River, Changjiang River |
長編 | ちょうへん | long (e.g. novel, film) |
長老 | ちょうろう | eldest, senior |
長蛇の列 | ちょうだのれつ | long line, long queue |
長距離 | ちょうきょり | long distance, long haul |
長逝 | ちょうせい | death, passing |
長雨 | ながあめ, ながめ | long spell of rain |
長靴 | ちょうか, ながぐつ | leather boots, long boots |
長髪 | ちょうはつ | long hair |
門前払い | もんぜんばらい | turning another away at the gate or front door, refusing to receive a caller |
門徒 | もんと | follower, believer |
門戸 | もんこ | door |
門扉 | もんぴ | door(s) of a gate |
門柱 | もんちゅう | gatepost, pier |
門閥 | もんばつ | lineage, pedigree, good family |
閉ざす | とざす | to shut, to close, to lock, to fasten, to plunge (in grief) |
閉じこもる | とじこもる | to seclude oneself, to shut oneself away |
閉幕 | へいまく | falling of the curtain, coming to an end |
閉店 | へいてん | closing shop |
閉廷 | へいてい | adjourning court |
閉鎖 | へいさ | closing, closure, shutdown, lockout, unsociable |
開き | ひらき | opening, gap; dried and opened fish |
開催 | かいさい | holding a meeting, open an exhibition |
開墾 | かいこん | cultivating new land |
開墾地 | かいこんち | cultivated land |
開幕 | かいまく | raising the curtain |
開廷 | かいてい | court session, trial |
開扉 | かいひ | opening a door |
開拓 | かいたく | reclamation (of wasteland); pioneering, pathfinding, trail-blazing |
開拓者 | かいたくしゃ | pioneer, settler, colonist |
開港 | かいこう | open port, opening a port |
開示 | かいじ | disclosure (legal) |
開祖 | かいそ | (sect) founder, apostle, originator, inventor |
開票 | かいひょう | counting ballots |
開花 | かいか | blooming |
開襟シャツ | かいきんシャツ | open-collared shirt |
開設 | かいせつ | establishment, opening |
開閉 | かいへい | opening and shutting |
閑 | かん | spare time, free time, leisure |
閑か | しずか | quiet, peaceful |
閑古鳥 | かんこどり | cuckoo |
閑散 | かんさん | leisure, quiet, inactivity |
閑靖 | かんせい | tranquil, quiet |
閑静 | かんせい | quiet (e.g. neighbourhood, neighborhood) |
間伐 | かんばつ | periodic thinning (e.g. forest) |
間違いない | まちがいない | I have no doubt, You can depend on it, certain |
関 | せき | barrier, gate |
関与 | かんよ | participation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned in |
関係者 | かんけいしゃ | authorized people, authorised people, person(s) concerned |
関心 | かんしん | concern, interest |
関税 | かんぜい | customs, duty, tariff |
関税貿易一般協定 | かんぜいぼうえきいっぱんきょうてい | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995), GATT |
関節 | かんせつ | joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.) |
閣僚 | かくりょう | cabinet ministers |
閣僚レベル | かくりょうレベル | cabinet-level |
閣内 | かくない | (inside the) Cabinet |
閣議 | かくぎ | cabinet meeting |
閥 | ばつ | clique, clan, faction |
閥族 | ばつぞく | clan, clique |
閨秀 | けいしゅう | accomplished lady |
閨閥 | けいばつ | clan |
閲す | えっす, けみす | to inspect; to elapse, to pass (time) |
閲する | えっする, けみする | to inspect; to elapse, to pass (time) |
閲兵 | えっぺい | parade, review (of troops) |
閲歴 | えつれき | career |
閲覧 | えつらん | inspection; browsing (the WWW, internet), web browsing |
閲覧室 | えつらんしつ | inspection room, reading room |
閲読 | えつどく | reading, perusal |
闘争 | とうそう | strife, conflict |
闘志 | とうし | fighting spirit, (will to) fight |
闘牛 | とうぎゅう | bullfighting, bullfight |
闘病 | とうびょう | fighting against an illness |
阪神 | はんしん | Osaka-Kobe; Hanshin (company name: railway, dept. store, baseball team, etc.) |
防御 | ぼうぎょ | defense, defence, safeguard, protection |
防水扉 | ぼうすいひ | watertight door |
防波堤 | ぼうはてい | breakwater, mole |
防潮堤 | ぼうちょうてい | tide embankment, seawall |
防火扉 | ぼうかとびら | fire door |
防災 | ぼうさい | disaster prevention |
防腐 | ぼうふ | preservation, embalmment |
防衛 | ぼうえい | defense, defence, protection, self-defense, self-defence |
防衛施設庁 | ぼうえいしせつちょう | (Japanese) Defense Facilities Administration Agency (Defence) |
防護 | ぼうご | protection |
阻喪 | そそう | loss of spirit, dejection |
阻害 | そがい | obstruction, inhibition |
阻止 | そし | obstruction, check, hindrance, prevention, interdiction |
阻隔 | そかく | separation, estrangement |
阿 | くま | corner, nook, recess; a shadow, a shade |
阿ねる | おもねる | to flatter |
阿る | おもねる | to flatter |
阿吽の呼吸 | あうんのこきゅう | the harmonizing, mentally and physically, of two parties engaged in an activity |
阿多福 | おたふく | moon-faced woman, homely woman |
阿弥陀 | あみだ | Amitabha |
阿片窟 | あへんくつ | opium den |
阿蘭陀 | おらんだ, オランダ | Holland, The Netherlands |
阿鼻叫喚 | あびきょうかん | agonizing cries, pandemonium, two of Buddhism's hells |
陀羅尼 | だらに | dharani, spell, litany, Sanskrit multi-syllabic chant |
附図 | ふず | attached map, plan, diagram or chart |
附帯 | ふたい | incidental, ancillary, accessory, secondary, collateral |
附近 | ふきん | neighbourhood; approaching |
附随 | ふずい | incident to, attaching to, annexed to, concomitant, attending |
降り | ふり | rainfall, snowfall; alighting, descending |
降伏 | こうふく | capitulation, surrender, submission |
降板 | こうばん | leave the mound (baseball), knocked out |
降水量 | こうすいりょう | precipitation |
降誕 | こうたん | birth (regal), nativity |
降雨 | こうう | rainfall, rain |
降霜 | こうそう | (fall of) frost |
限る | かぎる | to restrict, to limit, to confine |
限定 | げんてい | limit, restriction |
陛下 | へいか | your Majesty, his (or her) Majesty |
陛衛 | へいえい | Imperial guard |
陣 | じん | battle formation, camp, encampment |
陣中 | じんちゅう | in camp, at the front |
陣営 | じんえい | camp (group of same ideological beliefs) |
陣地 | じんち | (military) encampment, position |
陣頭 | じんとう | head of an army |
除いて | のぞいて | except, save |
除去 | じょきょ | removal, getting rid of |
除名 | じょめい | expulsion, excommunication |
除外 | じょがい | exception, exclusion |
除湿 | じょしつ | dehumidification |
除草 | じょそう | weeding |
陥せい | かんせい | trap, pitfall |
陥る | おちいる | to fall, to trap, to cave in, to collapse |
陥入 | かんにゅう | subsiding, falling (cave) in, collapse |
陥没 | かんぼつ | cave-in, subsidence |
陥穽 | かんせい | trap, pitfall |
陥落 | かんらく | fall, sinking, surrender, capitulation |
陪侍 | ばいじ | retainer, attending on the nobility |
陪審 | ばいしん | jury, juryman, juror |
陪審員 | ばいしんいん | juror, juryman |
陪席 | ばいせき | sitting with one's superior, in attendance |
陪従 | ばいじゅう | waiting upon, attending on, accompany |
陪臣 | ばいしん | rear vassal, daimyo's retainer |
陪観 | ばいかん | view with a superior |
陪食 | ばいしょく | dining with one's superior(s) |
陰り | かげり | shadow or cloud (e.g. on someone's happiness), shade, gloom |
陰口 | かげぐち | malicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill behind someone's back |
陰唇 | いんしん | the labium, labia |
陰弁慶 | かげべんけい | lion at home but weakling elsewhere |
陰影 | いんえい | shadow, gloom; shading, hatch, hatching |
陰性 | いんせい | negative |
陰気 | いんき | gloom, melancholy |
陰湿 | いんしつ | malicious; devious; damp and shady |
陰茎 | いんけい | penis |
陰謀 | いんぼう | plot intrigue, conspiracy |
陳こびる | ひねこびる | to look old, to appear mature (e.g. of children) |
陳ねこびる | ひねこびる | to look old, to appear mature (e.g. of children) |
陳ねる | ひねる | to age |
陳べる | のべる | to state, to express, to mention |
陳列 | ちんれつ | exhibition, display, show |
陳情 | ちんじょう | petition, appeal |
陳腐 | ちんぷ | stale, hackneyed, cliched |
陳謝 | ちんしゃ | apology |
陳述 | ちんじゅつ | statement, declaration |
陵 | みささぎ | imperial mausoleum, Emperor's tomb |
陵墓 | りょうぼ | imperial tomb or mausoleum |
陵駕 | りょうが | excelling, surpassing, outdoing, superior |
陶冶 | とうや | training, education, cultivation |
陶器 | とうき | pottery, ceramics |
陶工 | とうこう | potter |
陶磁 | とうじ | clay |
陶磁器 | とうじき | ceramics and porcelain |
陶磁器店 | とうじきてん | ceramic stores |
陶芸 | とうげい | ceramic art, ceramics |
陶芸家 | とうげいか | potter |
陶酔 | とうすい | intoxication |
陸上競技 | りくじょうきょうぎ | track-and-field events |
陸上自衛隊 | りくじょうじえいたい | Ground Self-Defense Forces (Defence) |
陸揚げ | りくあげ | unloading (a ship), landing |
険峻 | けんしゅん | steep, precipitous |
険悪 | けんあく | dangerous, serious, gloomy, perilous, threatening, stormy |
険阻 | けんそ | precipice, steep (e.g. mountain pass) |
陽 | よう | yang (i.e. the positive); the open (i.e. a visible place) |
陽光 | ようこう | sunshine, sunlight |
陽子 | ようし | proton |
陽性 | ようせい | positivity |
隅々 | すみずみ | every nook and corner |
隅に置けない | すみにおけない | witty and knowing, not to be underestimated, smooth operator |
隅隅 | すみずみ | every nook and corner |
隆々 | りゅうりゅう | prosperous, flourishing, thriving, muscular, brawny |
隆昌 | りゅうしょう | prosperity |
隆替 | りゅうたい | rise and decline |
隆盛 | りゅうせい | prosperity |
隆起 | りゅうき | protuberance, projection, rising |
隆運 | りゅううん | prosperity, good fortune |
隆隆 | りゅうりゅう | prosperous, flourishing, thriving, muscular, brawny |
隆鼻術 | りゅうびじゅつ | cosmetic (plastic) surgery of the nose, rhinoplasty, nose job |
隊伍 | たいご | ranks of troops, (parading in) formation, line array |
隊員 | たいいん | group members |
隊長 | たいちょう | commanding officer |
階 | かい | stories; counter for storeys and floors of a building |
階層 | かいそう | class, level, stratum, layer, hierarchy |
階級 | かいきゅう | class, rank, grade |
随一 | ずいいち | best, greatest, first |
随伴 | ずいはん | attendance, accompanying, following; adjoint |
随員 | ずいいん | member of an entourage or retinue or party, attendant |
随想 | ずいそう | occasional thoughts |
随意 | ずいい | voluntary, optional |
随所 | ずいしょ | everywhere |
随時 | ずいじ | at any time, as occasion calls |
随行 | ずいこう | attendant, follower |
隔たり | へだたり | distance, interval, gap, difference, estrangement |
隔て | へだて | partition, distinction |
隔壁 | かくへき | barrier wall |
隔年 | かくねん | biannually, every second year, every other year |
隔月 | かくげつ | every second month, every other month |
隔週 | かくしゅう | every other week |
隔離 | かくり | isolation, segregation, separation, quarantine |
際涯 | さいがい | limits, boundary, end |
障壁 | しょうへき | enclosing wall, barrier |
障害者 | しょうがいしゃ | (physically) handicapped person, disabled person |
隠し引き出し | かくしひきだし | secret withdrawal |
隠す | かくす | to hide, to conceal |
隠れ家 | かくれが | hiding place, refuge |
隠匿 | いんとく | concealment |
隠匿物資 | いんとくぶっし | concealed materials |
隠匿者 | いんとくしゃ | hider, person in hiding |
隠密 | おんみつ | privacy, secrecy, spy, detective |
隠居 | いんきょ | retirement; retired person |
隠滅 | いんめつ | destruction, suppression |
隠熊之実 | かくれくまのみ | Ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) |
隠語 | いんご | secret language, jargon, cant; humbug |
隣人 | りんじん | neighbour, neighbor, neighbourhood, neighborhood |
隣国 | りんごく, りんこく | neighbouring country, neighboring country, neighbouring state, neighboring state |
隣室 | りんしつ | next or adjoining room |
隣家 | りんか | neighbouring house, neighboring house |
隣接 | りんせつ | adjoin, adjacent, related |
隣近所 | となりきんじょ | neighbors, neighbours, neighborhood, neighbourhood |
隷下 | れいか | subordinates, followers |
隷属 | れいぞく | subordination |
隷従 | れいじゅう | slavery |
隷書 | れいしょ | clerical script (ancient, highly angular style of kanji) |
隻 | せき | counter for ships |
隻影 | せきえい | a glimpse of an object's outlines |
隻手 | せきしゅ | one arm, one hand |
隻眼 | せきがん | eye (for pictures, etc.), one eye |
隻語 | せきご | just a few words |
隼 | はやぶさ, ハヤブサ | falcon (esp. the peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus) |
隼科 | はやぶさか | Falconidae family (birds of prey) |
雄 | おす | male (animal) |
雄たけび | おたけび, おさけび | war cry, roar |
雄勁 | ゆうけい | vigorous, powerful |
雄大 | ゆうだい | grandeur, magnificence, splendour, splendor |
雄姿 | ゆうし | gallant figure |
雄弁 | ゆうべん | oratory, eloquence |
雄羊 | おひつじ | ram |
雄花 | おばな | male flower |
雅 | が | elegance; festal song (genre of the Shi Jing) |
雅び | みやび | refinement, elegance |
雅びた | みやびた | elegant, graceful |
雅びやか | みやびやか | elegant, graceful |
雅俗折衷 | がぞくせっちゅう | blending of the classical and colloquial styles |
雅号 | がごう | alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume |
雅文 | がぶん | elegant (literary) style |
雅楽 | ががく | old Japanese court music, gagaku |
集 | しゅう | collection, compilation |
集まり | あつまり | gathering, meeting, assembly, collection |
集中 | しゅうちゅう | concentration, convergence, centralization, integration, gathering together |
集中豪雨 | しゅうちゅうごうう | local downpour, severe rain fall |
集団 | しゅうだん | group, mass |
集積 | しゅうせき | accumulation |
集荷 | しゅうか | collection of cargo, cargo booking |
集落 | しゅうらく, じゅらく | village, community, settlement, town, colony (animals, etc.) |
集計 | しゅうけい | totalization, totalisation, aggregate |
雇 | やとい | employee, employment |
雇い | やとい | employee, employment |
雇い主 | やといぬし, こしゅ | employer |
雇員 | こいん | assistant, employee |
雇用 | こよう | employment (long term), hire |
雌しべ | めしべ, しずい | pistil |
雌コネクタ | めすコネクタ | female connector |
雌伏 | しふく | remaining in obscurity |
雌性 | しせい | female |
雌牛 | めうし | cow, heifer |
雌犬 | めすいぬ, めいぬ | bitch, female dog |
雌花 | めばな | female flower |
雌螺子 | めねじ | female screw |
雌雄 | しゆう | male and female (animal) |
雑 | ざつ | rough, crude, sloppy, messy; miscellaneous |
雑木林 | ぞうきばやし, ぞうぼくりん | grove of mixed trees, copse |
雑煮 | ぞうに | New Year dish, rice cakes cooked w. vegetables |
雑穀 | ざっこく | assorted grains, cereals; millet |
雑草 | ざっそう | weed |
雑菌 | ざっきん | microorganisms, saprophyte, saprophytic bacteria |
雑談 | ざつだん | chatting, idle talk |
雑貨 | ざっか | miscellaneous goods, general goods, sundries |
雑踏 | ざっとう | congestion, traffic jam, throng, hustle and bustle |
雛 | ひよこ, ひな | young bird; doll; green, wet behind the ears, juvenile |
雛人形 | ひなにんぎょう | doll |
雛型 | ひながた | model; sample; prescribed form |
雛形 | ひながた | model; sample; prescribed form |
雛祭 | ひなまつり | Girls' (dolls') Festival (March 3rd) |
雛祭り | ひなまつり | Girls' (dolls') Festival (March 3rd) |
雛罌粟 | ひなげし | red poppy, Papaver rhoeas, common poppy |
雛鑑別者 | ひなかんべつしゃ | chicken sexer |
離党 | りとう | secession from a political party |
離婚訴訟 | りこんそしょう | divorce suit, divorce proceedings |
離島 | りとう | isolated (outlying) island, departure from an island |
離散 | りさん | dispersal, scattering; discrete |
離礁 | りしょう | refloat |
離脱 | りだつ | withdrawal, secession, separation, breakaway |
離陸 | りりく | takeoff |
難 | なん | difficulty, hardships, defect |
難問 | なんもん | perplexity, difficult question, difficult problem |
難易 | なんい | difficulty, relative difficulty |
難民 | なんみん | refugees |
難波潟 | なにわがた | Naniwa Bay (old name for Osaka Bay) |
難渋 | なんじゅう | retardation |
難病 | なんびょう | incurable disease |
難色 | なんしょく | disapproval |
雨水 | あまみず, うすい | rain water; "rain water" solar term (approx. Feb 19) |
雨滴 | うてき | raindrops |
雨漏り | あまもり | roof leak |
雨量 | うりょう | rainfall |
雪だるま | ゆきだるま | snowman |
雪崩 | なだれ | avalanche |
雪渓 | せっけい | snowy valley |
雪解け | ゆきどけ | snow thaw, thawing |
雪辱 | せつじょく | vindication of honour, vindication of honor, making up for loss, revenge |
雰囲気を壊す | ふんいきをこわす | to spoil the mood |
雲の上 | くものうえ | above the clouds, the Imperial Court |
雲仙岳 | うんぜんだけ | mountain in Nagasaki Prefecture |
雲壌 | うんじょう | clouds and earth, great difference |
雲散霧消 | うんさんむしょう | vanishing like mist |
雲水 | うんすい | itinerant priest, clouds and water |
雲泥の差 | うんでいのさ | wide difference, a world of difference |
雲行き | くもゆき | weather, look of the sky, situation, turn of affairs, signs |
雲霞 | うんか, くもかすみ | clouds and haze (fog), disappearing, fleeing |
雲霧 | うんむ | clouds and fog |
零し | こぼし | spilling; waste-water container (tea ceremony) |
零す | こぼす | to spill; to grumble |
零下 | れいか | below zero, sub-zero |
零敗 | れいはい | going undefeated, losing without scoring a point, whitewash, being shut out |
零時 | れいじ | 12 o'clock (midnight) |
零細 | れいさい | insignificant, trifling, paltry, paltry, cottage (industry), tiny (company) |
雷こう | らいこう | mercury fulminate |
雷雨 | らいう | thunderstorm |
雷雲 | らいうん | thunder cloud |
電光掲示板 | でんこうけいじばん | electric scoreboard |
電力 | でんりょく | electric power |
電卓 | でんたく | calculator (electronic) |
電子 | でんし | electron; (esp. as a prefix) electronic, electronics |
電子顕微鏡 | でんしけんびきょう | electron microscope |
電柱 | でんちゅう | telephone pole, telegraph pole, lightpole |
電機 | でんき | electrical machinery, appliances |
電気洗濯機 | でんきせんたくき | electric washing machine |
電気炉 | でんきろ | electric furnace |
電池 | でんち | battery |
電波 | でんぱ | electro-magnetic wave, radio wave; nonsense |
電波望遠鏡 | でんぱぼうえんきょう | radio telescope |
電源 | でんげん | source of electricity; power (button on TV, etc.) |
電磁 | でんじ | electromagnetic (physics) |
電磁波 | でんじは | electromagnetic waves |
電解槽 | でんかいそう | electrolytic cell, electrolytic bath |
電鈴 | でんれい | electric bell |
電鉄 | でんてつ | electric railway |
需給 | じゅきゅう | supply and demand |
需要 | じゅよう | demand, request |
霄壌 | しょうじょう | heaven and earth |
震動 | しんどう | shock, tremor, impact |
震央 | しんおう | epicentre, epicenter, earthquake centre, earthquake center |
震度 | しんど | Japanese earthquake scale (level 1: weak to level 7: devastation) |
震源 | しんげん | epicentre, epicenter, earthquake centre, earthquake center |
震災 | しんさい | earthquake disaster; Great Kanto Earthquake (1923) |
霊 | れい | soul, spirit, departed soul, ghost |
霊園 | れいえん | cemetery |
霊感 | れいかん | afflatus; ability to sense the supernatural (esp. ghosts, etc.) |
霊泉 | れいせん | miraculous spring or fountain |
霊長 | れいちょう | leader with miraculous powers, humanity |
霊魂 | れいこん | soul, spirit |
霜 | しも | frost |
霜よけ | しもよけ | covering which protects against frost |
霜害 | そうがい | frost damage |
霜月 | しもつき | eleventh month of the lunar calendar |
霜柱 | しもばしら | frost columns, ice needles |
霜解け | しもどけ | thaw, thawing |
霜雰 | そうふん | frosty air |
霞 | かすみ | mist, haze; dimness (of sight) |
霞が関 | かすみがせき | area in Tokyo; Japanese government departments (euph) |
霞む | かすむ | to grow hazy; to get blurry; to be overshadowed |
霞ケ関 | かすみがせき | area in Tokyo; Japanese government departments (euph) |
霞ヶ関 | かすみがせき | area in Tokyo; Japanese government departments (euph) |
霞草 | かすみそう | baby's-breath |
霧吹き | きりふき | spray, atomizer, atomiser |
霧雨 | きりさめ | drizzle, light rain |
霧雰 | むふん | misty air |
露出 | ろしゅつ | exposure |
露呈 | ろてい | exposure, disclosure |
露天 | ろてん | open air |
露天商 | ろてんしょう | stallholder |
露店 | ろてん | street stall, stand, booth |
露骨 | ろこつ | frank; conspicuous; broad, suggestive, lewd |
青写真 | あおじゃしん | blueprint, plan |
青山 | せいざん | blue or green mountain; grave, burial place |
青嵐 | あおあらし, せいらん | wind blowing through verdure, mountain air |
青息吐息 | あおいきといき | deep distress |
青木 | あおき, アオキ | Japanese laurel; live tree |
青果 | せいか | fruit(s) and vegetables |
青梅 | あおうめ | unripe plum |
青竹 | あおだけ | green bamboo |
青膨れ | あおぶくれ | dropsical (blue-green) swelling |
青葉 | あおば | fresh leaves |
青藍色 | せいらんしょく | livid |
青銅 | せいどう | bronze |
青銅器 | せいどうき | bronze ware |
青雲 | せいうん | blue sky, high rank |
靖国 | せいこく | pacifying the nation |
靖国神社 | やすくにじんじゃ | Yasukuni Shrine |
静けさ | しずけさ | stillness, silence, hush, calm, serenity |
静まり返る | しずまりかえる | to fall silent, to become still as death |
静寂 | せいじゃく, しじま | silence, stillness, quietness |
静止 | せいし | stillness, repose, standing still |
静穏 | せいおん | serene, tranquility, tranquillity |
静粛 | せいしゅく | silent |
静脈 | じょうみゃく | vein |
静観 | せいかん | watchful waiting, careful supervision |
静養 | せいよう | (convalescent) rest |
非公式 | ひこうしき | informal |
非公開 | ひこうかい | private |
非凡 | ひぼん | prodigy, rare, unique, extraordinary |
非合法 | ひごうほう | illegal, unlawful |
非局所分岐 | ひきょくしょぶんき | non-local jump |
非常勤 | ひじょうきん | part-time work |
非情 | ひじょう | inanimate nature, callous, heartless |
非行 | ひこう | delinquency, misconduct |
非鉄金属 | ひてつきんぞく | nonferrous metals |
非難 | ひなん | blame, attack, criticism |
面影 | おもかげ | face, looks, vestiges, trace |
面白 | おもしろ | amusing, interesting |
革新 | かくしん | reform, innovation |
革靴 | かわぐつ | leather shoes |
靴 | くつ | shoes, footwear |
靴べら | くつべら | shoehorn |
靴ブラシ | くつブラシ | shoe brush |
靴屋 | くつや | shoemaker, shoe store |
鞠 | まり | ball |
韓国 | かんこく | (South) Korea |
音声 | おんせい, おんじょう | voice, (the concept of) sound |
音栓 | おんせん | organ stop |
音沙汰 | おとさた | news, letter |
音韻 | おんいん | vocal sound, phoneme |
音響 | おんきょう | sound, noise, echo, acoustic(s) |
音頭 | おんど | workmen's songs, marching songs |
韻 | いん | rhyme |
韻事 | いんじ | artistic pursuits |
韻字 | いんじ | rhyming words |
韻律 | いんりつ | rhythm, metre (poet) |
韻文 | いんぶん | verse, poetry |
韻脚 | いんきゃく | metrical foot (poet.) |
韻語 | いんご | rhyme in a Chinese poem |
響 | ひびき | echo, sound, reverberation, noise |
響き渡る | ひびきわたる | to resound |
響笛 | きょうてき | vibrating pipe |
項 | うなじ | nape, nucha |
順 | じゅん | order, turn |
順に | じゅんに | in order, in turn, one by one |
順位 | じゅんい | order, rank, position (e.g. in a race), precedence |
順守 | じゅんしゅ | compliance, adherence (to a set of rules), (religious) observance |
順序 | じゅんじょ | order, sequence, procedure |
順当 | じゅんとう | proper, right, reasonable |
順次 | じゅんじ | in order, sequential, seriatim |
順調 | じゅんちょう | favourable, favorable, doing well, OK, all right |
順風満帆 | じゅんぷうまんぱん | smooth sailing |
須く | すべからく | by all means, in all cases, ought to do |
須らく | すべからく | by all means, in all cases, ought to do |
須要 | しゅよう | absolutely necessary |
頌 | いわいうた | festive poem or song; congratulatory form (of waka) |
頌する | しょうする | to celebrate someone's achievements |
頌徳 | しょうとく | eulogy |
頌春 | しょうしゅん | Happy New Year |
頌栄 | しょうえい | doxology |
頌歌 | しょうか | anthem, carol, hymn of praise |
頌詞 | しょうし | (words of) praise, eulogy |
預かり | あずかり | under custody; undecided match, draw, tie |
預かり証 | あずかりしょう | claim check, baggage check, luggage check, deposit receipt |
預け入れる | あずけいれる | to make a deposit |
預託 | よたく | deposition |
預貯金 | よちょきん | deposits and savings, bank account |
預金 | よきん | deposit, bank account |
頑 | かたくな | obstinate |
頑として | がんとして | firmly, stubbornly |
頑な | かたくな | obstinate |
頑丈 | がんじょう | solid, firm, stout, burly, strong, sturdy |
頑健 | がんけん | robust health, able-bodied |
頑固 | がんこ | stubbornness, obstinacy |
頑張って | がんばって | Hold on, Go for it, Keep at it |
頑張り | がんばり | tenacity, endurance |
頑強 | がんきょう | dogged, tenacious, stubborn |
頒価 | はんか | distribution price |
頒布 | はんぷ | distribution |
頒布権 | はんぷけん | (movie) distribution rights |
頒白 | はんぱく | grayish color, greyish colour; grizzled hair |
頒行 | はんこう | circulation, distribution, promulgation |
領内 | りょうない | (within a) territory, domains |
領土 | りょうど | dominion, territory, possession |
領域 | りょういき | area, domain, territory, field, range, region, regime |
領有 | りょうゆう | possession |
頭の冴え | あたまのさえ | bright intelligence |
頭取 | とうどり | (bank) president |
頭頂 | とうちょう | top of the head, vertex (anat.), parietal |
頭髪 | とうはつ | hair (of head) |
頸椎 | けいつい | cervical vertebrae |
頻く | しく | to occur repeatedly, to be repeated |
頻り | しきり | frequent, continual, constant, repeated, eager |
頻りに | しきりに | frequently; strongly, eagerly |
頻る | しきる | to repeat over and over again |
頻度 | ひんど | frequency |
頻発 | ひんぱつ | frequency, frequent occurrence |
頻繁 | ひんぱん | frequent, incessant |
頼み | たのみ | request, favor, favour, reliance, dependence |
頼み込む | たのみこむ | to request earnestly |
頼り | たより | reliance, dependence |
頼る | たよる | to rely on, to have recourse to, to depend on |
題材 | だいざい | subject, theme |
額面 | がくめん | face value, par |
顔ぶれ | かおぶれ | personnel; announcement of next day's match-ups (sumo) |
顔合わせ | かおあわせ | meeting together, introduction |
顔見知り | かおみしり | acquaintance |
顕 | あらわ | exposed; public, open |
顕在 | けんざい | actual (as opposed to hidden or obscured), actualized, actualised |
顕彰 | けんしょう | manifesting, displaying, honouring, honoring |
顕著 | けんちょ | remarkable, striking, obvious |
願 | がん | prayer, wish, vow |
願ったり叶ったり | ねがったりかなったり | everything working out as desired |
願書 | がんしょ | written application or petition, application form |
願望 | がんぼう, がんもう | desire, wish, aspiration |
類い稀 | たぐいまれ | unique, rare, exceptional, unparalleled, incomparable |
類人猿 | るいじんえん | anthropoid, troglodyte |
類稀 | たぐいまれ | unique, rare, exceptional, unparalleled, incomparable |
顧問 | こもん | adviser, advisor, consultant |
顧客 | こきゃく, こかく | customer, client, patron |
風俗 | ふうぞく | manners, customs |
風俗営業 | ふうぞくえいぎょう | business offering food and entertainment, cabaret, club and restaurant business |
風刺 | ふうし | satire, irony, sarcasm |
風土 | ふうど | natural features, topography, climate, spiritual features |
風太郎 | ぷうたろう, プーたろう, ふうたろう, プータロー | vagabond; day labourer, esp. on the docks |
風洞 | ふうどう | wind tunnel |
風潮 | ふうちょう | tide, current; tendency |
風物詩 | ふうぶつし | things which remind one of a particular season |
風琴 | ふうきん | organ, harmonium |
風穴 | ふうけつ | cave from which cold wind blows |
風諭 | ふうゆ | allegory |
風速 | ふうそく | wind speed |
風邪気 | かざけ, かぜけ | slight cold |
風邪薬 | かぜぐすり, かざぐすり | remedy for a cold, cold medicine |
風采 | ふうさい | appearance, air, mien, getup |
風采があがらない | ふうさいがあがらない | making a poor appearance |
風采が上がらない | ふうさいがあがらない | making a poor appearance |
風采が揚がらない | ふうさいがあがらない | making a poor appearance |
風鈴 | ふうりん | wind chime, wind bell |
風雲 | ふううん, かざぐも | winds and clouds, elements, situation, state of affairs |
颯と | さっと | quickly (esp. actions); suddenly (esp. wind, rain, etc.) |
颯爽 | さっそう | gallant, dashing, jaunty |
颯颯 | さっさつ | rustle of wind |
飛 | ひ | rook (shogi) |
飛ばし | とばし | selling or divesting in unwanted stocks, hiding bad loans |
飛び出し | とびだし | something that leaps or thrusts out |
飛竜 | ペーロン | dragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing), races with such boats |
飛翔 | ひしょう | flight, flying, soaring |
飛脚 | ひきゃく | express messenger, postman, mailman, courier |
飛行艇 | ひこうてい | flying boat |
食い違い | くいちがい | discrepancy, different or conflicting opinions |
食中毒 | しょくちゅうどく | food poisoning |
食卓 | しょくたく | dining table |
食品添加物 | しょくひんてんかぶつ | food additive |
食塩 | しょくえん | table salt |
食物繊維 | しょくもつせんい | dietary fiber, dietary fibre |
食生活 | しょくせいかつ | eating habits |
食管法 | しょっかんほう | law governing food quality |
食糧不足 | しょくりょうふそく, しょくりょうぶそく | food shortage |
食糧庁 | しょくりょうちょう | food agency |
食糧援助 | しょくりょうえんじょ | food assistance |
食糧配給 | しょくりょうはいきゅう | food distribution |
食肉 | しょくにく | meat (for consumption) |
食蟻獣 | ありくい, アリクイ | anteater |
飢え | うえ | hunger, starvation |
飢える | うえる, かつえる | to starve, to thirst, to be hungry |
飢え死 | うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし | (death from) starvation, starving to death |
飢え死に | うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし | (death from) starvation, starving to death |
飢きん | ききん | famine, drought, shortage, crop failure |
飢死 | うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし | (death from) starvation, starving to death |
飢死に | うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし | (death from) starvation, starving to death |
飢餓 | きが | hunger, starvation |
飢饉 | ききん | famine, drought, shortage, crop failure |
飯店 | はんてん | (Chinese) restaurant |
飯桐 | いいぎり | Idesia polycarpa, idesia |
飲ませる | のませる | to make somebody drink, to give someone a drink |
飲み屋 | のみや | bar, saloon |
飲み水 | のみみず | drinking water |
飲み食い | のみくい | food and drink, eating and drinking |
飲料 | いんりょう | (a) drink |
飲食 | いんしょく | food and drink, eating and drinking |
飼いならし | かいならし | taming, the taming of |
飼いならす | かいならす | to tame (e.g. animal), to domesticate |
飼い主 | かいぬし | shepherd, (pet) owner |
飼い犬 | かいいぬ | pet dog |
飼い猫 | かいねこ | pet cat |
飼料 | しりょう | fodder, feed |
飼育 | しいく | breeding, raising, rearing |
飽かす | あかす | to glut, to satiate, to weary, to tire, to bore |
飽かず | あかず | with untiring zeal |
飽かぬ | あかぬ | unwearied, unwearying |
飽き | あき | weariness, tiresomeness |
飽きっぽい | あきっぽい | fickle, capricious, soon wearied of |
飽くまでも | あくまでも | to the last, persistency, thoroughness |
飽和 | ほうわ | saturation |
飽食 | ほうしょく | gluttony, satiation, engorgement |
飾り | かざり | decoration |
飾り付け | かざりつけ | decoration, arrangement |
養嗣子 | ようしし | adoptive heir |
養子 | ようし | adopted child (usu. male), son-in-law |
養子縁組 | ようしえんぐみ | adoption (of an heir) |
養成 | ようせい | training, development |
養殖 | ようしょく | raising, culture, cultivation |
養蚕 | ようさん | sericulture, silkworm culture |
養護教諭 | ようごきょうゆ | teacher for the handicapped |
養豚 | ようとん | pig-keeping, pig farming |
養鯉 | ようり | carp breeding |
養鶏 | ようけい | poultry raising |
餓える | うえる, かつえる | to starve, to thirst, to be hungry |
餓え死に | うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし | (death from) starvation, starving to death |
餓死 | うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし | (death from) starvation, starving to death |
餓狼 | がろう | hungry wolf |
餓鬼 | がき, ガキ | brat, kids; preta (hungry ghost), ghoul |
餓鬼大将 | がきだいしょう | boss of the children (in the neighbourhood) (neighborhood), bully |
餓鬼道 | がきどう | hungry ghost (preta) realm |
館長 | かんちょう | superintendent, director, curator, chief librarian |
饑餓 | きが | hunger, starvation |
饗宴 | きょうえん | feast |
首位 | しゅい | first place, head position, leading position |
首尾 | しゅび | issue, course of events, beginning and end |
首班 | しゅはん | head, leader, Prime Minister |
首肯 | しゅこう | assent, consent |
首肯く | うなずく | to nod, to bow one's head in assent |
首脳 | しゅのう | head, brains, leading spirit |
首脳部 | しゅのうぶ | executives, top management, governing body |
首謀 | しゅぼう | planning, plotting, ringleader |
首長 | しゅちょう | head (of organization, organisation), chief |
首飾り | くびかざり | necklace |
首魁 | しゅかい | forerunner, ringleader |
香 | きょう | lance (shogi) |
香る | かおる | to smell sweet, to be fragrant |
香典 | こうでん | condolence gift, gift brought to a funeral, incense money |
香料 | こうりょう | flavoring; fragrance; condolence gift |
香港 | ほんこん, ホンコン | Hong Kong (China) |
香炉 | こうろ | censer, incense burner |
香辛料 | こうしんりょう | spices |
馥郁 | ふくいく | fragrant, sweet-smelling |
馨しい | かぐわしい | sweet-smelling, scentful, fragrant |
馨り | かおり | aroma, fragrance, scent, smell |
馨香 | けいこう | fragrance, perfume, aroma; honor, honour, fame |
馬克 | マルク, まるく | mark |
馬券 | ばけん | (horse racing) betting ticket |
馬匹 | ばひつ | horses |
馬場 | ばば | horse-riding ground |
馬鈴薯 | じゃがいも, ジャガいも, ジャガイモ, ばれいしょ | potato (Solanum tuberosum) |
馬鹿丁寧 | ばかていねい | overly polite, excessively polite, polite to a fault |
駄目押し | ダメおし, だめおし | making doubly sure; insurance runs (baseball) |
駄菓子 | だがし | cheap sweets |
駅伝 | えきでん | stagecoach, post horse |
駅舎 | えきしゃ | station building |
駅逓 | えきてい | delivery of packages, postal service |
駅長 | えきちょう | station master |
駅頭 | えきとう | station |
駆けつける | かけつける | to run to, to come running, to rush (someplace), to hasten |
駆け付け三杯 | かけつけさんばい | three cups of sake which latecomers to a party are made to drink |
駆け引き | かけひき | bargaining, haggling; tactics, strategy |
駆け込み | かけこみ | last-minute rush, stampede |
駆使 | くし | order around, use freely |
駆動 | くどう | driving force |
駆逐 | くちく | extermination, expulsion, destruction |
駆逐艦 | くちくかん | destroyer |
駆除 | くじょ | extermination, expulsion, destruction |
駐在 | ちゅうざい | residence, stay |
駐在所 | ちゅうざいしょ | police substation, residential police box |
駐屯 | ちゅうとん | stationing (troops), occupancy |
駐屯地 | ちゅうとんち | garrison |
駐屯所 | ちゅうとんじょ | military station, post |
駐日 | ちゅうにち | resident in Japan |
駐留 | ちゅうりゅう | stationing (e.g. of troops), garrison |
駒 | こま | piece (in shogi; horse; bridge (of a violin, etc.) |
駒下駄 | こまげた | low wooden clogs, komageta |
駒落ち | こまおち | handicap (in shogi) |
駒鳥 | こまどり, コマドリ | Japanese robin (Erithacus akahige) |
駿才 | しゅんさい | prodigy, talented person, person of exceptional talent, genius |
駿足 | しゅんそく | swift horse; talented person, brilliant person |
駿馬 | しゅんば, しゅんめ | swift horse |
騎乗 | きじょう | mount, on horseback |
騎兵 | きへい | cavalry |
騎士 | きし | knight |
騎士道 | きしどう | chivalry |
騎手 | きしゅ | horseman, rider |
騎行 | きこう | horseback riding |
騎馬 | きば | horse-riding |
騒乱 | そうらん | disturbance, riot, mayhem |
騒動 | そうどう | strife, riot, rebellion |
騒然 | そうぜん | noisy, confused, uproarious |
騰勢 | とうせい | upward trend |
騰貴 | とうき | rise |
驚かされる | おどろかされる | to be surprised |
驚がく | きょうがく | surprise, fright, shock |
驚き | おどろき | surprise, astonishment, wonder |
驚くべき | おどろくべき | astonishing, amazing, surprising, wonderful |
驚嘆 | きょうたん | wonder, admiration |
驚異 | きょうい | wonder, miracle |
骨子 | こっし | bones, marrow, essentials |
骨格 | こっかく | physique, build, frame, skeletal structure, framework |
骨盤 | こつばん | pelvis |
骨粗鬆症 | こつそしょうしょう | osteoporosis |
骨髄 | こつずい | bone marrow, true spirit |
髄膜炎 | ずいまくえん | meningitis |
高さ | たかさ | height |
高まる | たかまる | to rise, to swell, to be promoted |
高値 | たかね | high price |
高僧 | こうそう | high priest, virtuous priest |
高卒 | こうそつ | high school graduate |
高官 | こうかん | high official |
高尚 | こうしょう | high, noble, refined, advanced |
高峰 | こうほう | high mountain, lofty peak |
高嶺 | たかね, こうれい | high peak |
高慢 | こうまん | haughty, arrogant, proud |
高揚 | こうよう | enhancement, exaltation, promotion, uplift |
高架 | こうか | overhead structure |
高楊子 | たかようじ | leisurely, post-meal use of a toothpick |
高楼 | こうろう | lofty (high) building, skyscraper |
高水準 | こうすいじゅん | high level |
高温 | こうおん | high temperature |
高潔 | こうけつ | purity, nobility |
高瀬 | たかせ | shallows |
高炉 | こうろ | blast furnace |
高禄 | こうろく | high salary |
高緯度 | こういど | high latitudes |
高血圧 | こうけつあつ | high blood pressure, hypertension |
高裁 | こうさい | High Court |
高誼 | こうぎ | (your) kindness or favour (favor) |
高貴 | こうき | high class, noble |
高速道路 | こうそくどうろ | highway, freeway, expressway, motorway |
高野槙 | こうやまき | umbrella pine, Sciadopitys verticillata |
高頻度 | こうひんど | high frequency |
高額 | こうがく | large sum (money) |
高騰 | こうとう | sudden price jump, steep price rise |
高齢 | こうれい | advanced (old) age |
高齢者 | こうれいしゃ | old person or people |
髪形 | かみがた | hair style, coiffure, hairdo |
鬱蒼 | うっそう | thick, dense, luxuriant |
鬼ごっこ | おにごっこ | game of tag |
鬼子母神 | きしもじん, きしぼじん | Hariti (goddess of childbirth and children) |
鬼才 | きさい | wizard, genius, great talent |
鬼気 | きき | ghastly, dreadful |
鬼畜 | きちく | brute |
鬼門 | きもん | the northeastern (unlucky) direction, person or thing to be avoided |
魁 | さきがけ | charging ahead of others, the first to charge, pioneer, forerunner, harbinger |
魁偉 | かいい | brawny, muscular, impressive, gigantic |
魂 | こん | Yang energy, spirit |
魂胆 | こんたん | soul; ulterior motive, secret design, plot, intrigue, scheme |
魅かれる | ひかれる | to be charmed by |
魅す | ばかす | to bewitch, to confuse, to enchant, to delude |
魅せられる | みせられる | to be enchanted, to be charmed |
魅了 | みりょう | fascination |
魅入る | みいる | to be entranced or possessed |
魅力的 | みりょくてき | charming, fascinating |
魅惑 | みわく | attraction, fascination, lure, captivation, charm |
魑魅魍魎 | ちみもうりょう | evil spirits of rivers and mountains |
魔力 | まりょく | magical power, charm |
魔女 | まじょ | witch |
魔女狩り | まじょがり | witch hunt |
魔法 | まほう | magic, witchcraft, sorcery |
魔法使い | まほうつかい | magician, wizard, sorcerer, witch |
魔法瓶 | まほうびん | thermos flask, vacuum flask |
魔物 | まもの | goblin, apparition |
魔術 | まじゅつ | black magic, sorcery |
魔魅 | まみ | deceiving spirit |
魚介類 | ぎょかいるい | marine products, seafood, fish and shellfish |
魚拓 | ぎょたく | fish print |
魚釣り | さかなつり, うおつり | fishing |
魚雷 | ぎょらい | torpedo |
魚雷艇 | ぎょらいてい | torpedo boat |
魚類 | ぎょるい | the fishes |
鮎 | あゆ, こうぎょ, ねんぎょ, あい | sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis); salmon |
鮎並 | あいなめ, アイナメ | Hexagrammos otakii (species of greenling) |
鮎並女 | あいなめ, アイナメ | Hexagrammos otakii (species of greenling) |
鮎魚女 | あいなめ, アイナメ | Hexagrammos otakii (species of greenling) |
鮮やか | あざやか | vivid, clear, brilliant |
鮮度 | せんど | (degree of) freshness |
鮮明 | せんめい | vivid, clear, distinct |
鮮烈 | せんれつ | vividness |
鮮魚 | せんぎょ | fresh fish |
鯉 | こい | common carp, koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) |
鯉のぼり | こいのぼり | carp streamer, carp banner |
鯉ヘルペスウイルス | こいヘルペスウイルス | koi herpes virus (KHV) |
鯉口 | こいぐち | mouth of a (sword) sheath |
鯉幟 | こいのぼり | carp streamer, carp banner |
鯛焼 | たいやき | fish-shaped pancake filled with bean jam |
鯛焼き | たいやき | fish-shaped pancake filled with bean jam |
鯛飯 | たいめし | rice with minced sea bream (tai) |
鯨 | くじら | whale |
鯨ろう | げいろう, くじらろう | spermaceti (waxy substance found in the head cavities of sperm whales) |
鯨油 | げいゆ | whale oil |
鯨肉 | げいにく | whale meat |
鯨飲 | げいいん | drinking hard, drinking like a fish |
鳥居 | とりい | torii (Shinto shrine archway) |
鳥獣 | ちょうじゅう | birds and wild animals, wildlife |
鳥類 | ちょうるい | birds |
鳩 | はと, ハト | pigeon, dove |
鳩合 | きゅうごう | rally, muster |
鳩尾 | みずおち, みぞおち | pit of the stomach, solar plexus |
鳩派 | はとは | soft-liner, dove |
鳩胸 | はとむね | pigeon chest |
鳩舎 | きゅうしゃ | pigeon house |
鳩首 | きゅうしゅ | going into a huddle |
鳳 | おおとり | feng (male Chinese phoenix) |
鳳声 | ほうせい | verbal message |
鳳笙 | ほうしょう | sho (Japanese free reed musical instrument) |
鳳翅鐘 | ほうしとう | wing-rings (weapon) |
鳳蓮草 | ほうれんそう | spinach |
鳳蝶 | あげはちょう, アゲハチョウ | swallowtail butterfly (esp. the citrus swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus) |
鳳輦 | ほうれん | imperial carriage |
鳳駕 | ほうが | imperial carriage |
鳴き声 | なきごえ | cry (esp. animal), roar |
鳴らす | ならす | to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose) |
鳴り | なり | ringing, sound |
鳴り物入り | なりものいり | a flourish of trumpets |
鳴門 | なると, なるとまき | steamed fish-paste cake, sliced to decorate soup (type of kamaboko) |
鴨猟 | かもりょう | duck hunting |
鴨茅 | かもがや | orchard grass |
鴻 | ひしくい, ヒシクイ | bean goose (Anser fabalis) |
鵜松明樺 | うだいかんば, ウダイカンバ | monarch birch (Betula maximowicziana), Japanese birch |
鵬程 | ほうてい | long cruise, great distance |
鵬翼 | ほうよく | phoenix wings, aeroplane wings, airplane wings |
鶏ガラ | とりガラ | chicken bones, chicken carcass |
鶏卵 | けいらん | hens egg |
鶏舎 | けいしゃ | poultry house |
鶏頭 | けいとう | cockscomb, Celosia argentea var. cristata |
鶏鳴 | けいめい | cocks-crowing, dawn |
鶴嘴 | つるはし | pickaxe |
鶴首 | かくしゅ | looking forward to |
鷹 | たか | falcon (Falconidae family), hawk |
鷹匠 | たかじょう | falconer, hawker |
鷹揚 | おうよう, おおよう | largehearted, generous |
鷹派 | たかは | hawk or hardline faction |
鷹狩り | たかがり | falconry |
鷹隼 | ようしゅん | hawk and falcon |
鹿 | かのしし, しかにく | deer meat; deer |
鹿児島県 | かごしまけん | Kagoshima prefecture (Kyuushuu) |
麒麟 | きりん, キリン | giraffe; qilin (Chinese unicorn); Kirin (brand of beer) |
麒麟児 | きりんじ | child prodigy, wonder child |
麒麟竭 | きりんけつ | dragon's blood |
麒麟草 | きりんそう, キリンソウ | Kamchatka stonecrop (Sedum kamtschaticum) |
麒麟菜 | きりんさい, キリンサイ | Eucheuma muricatum (species of red algae) |
麒麟血 | きりんけつ | dragon's blood |
麗しい | うるわしい | beautiful, lovely |
麗らか | うららか | bright, beautiful, fine, glorious |
麦蒔 | むぎまき | wheat planting |
麻 | あさ | flax, linen, hemp |
麻布 | あさぬの, まふ | hemp cloth, linen |
麻痺 | まひ | paralysis, palsy, numbness, stupor |
麻薬 | まやく | narcotic drugs, narcotic, opium, dope |
麻薬取締班 | まやくとりしまりはん | a narc(otics) squad |
麻酔 | ますい | anaesthesia, anesthesia |
麻雀 | まあじゃん, まぜじゃん, マージャン | mah-jongg, mahjong |
黄 | き | yellow |
黄土 | おうど, こうど | earth, yellow soil, yellow ochre, loess, hades |
黄昏 | たそがれ, こうこん | dusk, twilight |
黄桃 | おうとう | yellow peach |
黄梢 | こうしょう | spring of yellow buds |
黄楊 | つげ, ツゲ | Japanese box tree (Buxus microphylla var. japonica), Japanese boxwood |
黄水晶 | きずいしょう | citrine, yellow quartz |
黄沙 | こうさ | loess, yellow sand, bai, dust from the Yellow River region (in China) |
黄河 | こうが | Yellow river (in China) |
黄泉 | こうせん, よみ | underground spring; Hades, hell, underworld |
黄碧玉 | こうへきぎょく | yellow jasper, beryl |
黄禍 | こうか | Yellow Peril |
黄緑 | きみどり, おうりょく | pea green, yellow-green |
黄菊 | きぎく | yellow chrysanthemum |
黄褐色 | おうかっしょく | yellowish-brown |
黄金崇拝 | おうごんすうはい | mammon worship |
黄金時代 | おうごんじだい | Golden Age |
黄鯛 | きだい, キダイ | yellowback sea bream (Dentex tumifrons) |
黎族 | リーぞく | Li (people) |
黎明 | れいめい | daybreak, dawn |
黎明期 | れいめいき | dawning |
黒い眸 | くろいひとみ | (beautiful) dark eyes |
黒い霧 | くろいきり | thick fog |
黒っぽい | くろっぽい | dark, blackish |
黒塗り | くろぬり | blackening, blackened thing |
黒星 | くろぼし | black spot; failure mark (sumo) |
黒木 | くろき | unbarked lumber |
黒枠 | くろわく | mourning borders |
黒檀 | こくたん | ebony |
黒海 | こっかい | Black Sea |
黒漆 | こくしつ | black lacquer |
黒潮 | くろしお | Japan Current, Kuroshio Current |
黒煙 | くろけむり, こくえん | black smoke |
黒熊 | くろくま, くろぐま | black bear |
黒砂糖 | くろざとう | brown sugar |
黒穂 | くろほ, くろぼ | smut |
黒衣 | こくい, こくえ | black clothes |
黒褐色 | こっかっしょく | blackish brown |
黒鉛 | こくえん | graphite |
黙 | せいじゃく, しじま | silence, stillness, quietness |
黙とう | もくとう | silent prayer |
黙示 | もくし | revelation, apocalypse |
黙秘 | もくひ | keep silent, keep a secret |
黙認 | もくにん | connivance, tacit consent, toleration |
黛 | まゆずみ | blackened eyebrows, eyebrow pencil |
黛青 | たいせい | blackish blue |
鼓 | つづみ | hand drum |
鼓動 | こどう | beat, palpitation, pulsation, throbbing |
鼓腹撃壌 | こふくげきじょう | (people) sing the praises (enjoy the blessings) of peace |
鼓膜 | こまく | eardrum, tympanic membrane |
鼓舞 | こぶ | inspiration, encouragement |
鼓舞激励 | こぶげきれい | encouragement |
鼻先 | はなさき | tip of nose |
鼻唄 | はなうた | humming, crooning |
鼻息 | はないき, びそく | nasal breathing; person's pleasure, excitement |
鼻歌 | はなうた | humming |
鼻水 | はなみず | nasal mucus, dripping nose |
鼻炎 | びえん | nasal inflammation |
鼻血 | はなぢ, はなじ | nosebleed |
齢 | よわい | (one's) age |
1等 | いっとう | first-class, first-rank, A1, the most, the best |
1等軍曹 | いっとうぐんそう | sergeant first-class |
厳達 | げんたつ | strict order |
福岡 | ふくおか | Fukuoka (city, prefecture) |
何度も | なんども | many times |
集めて | あつめて | gather |
短くて | みじかくて | short |
受けて | うけて | received |
力いっぱい | ちからいっぱい | with all one's strength |
一千 | いっせん | one thousand |