kanji study terms

This is an arbitrary collection of English terms for which I have hiragana and kanji definitions in Japanese. The former offers a guide to pronunciation while the latter is for spelling. Click on any kanji to see the readings for that kanji and some more terms that use the kanji.

ひとつone thing
ひとりone person
いちまんえんten thousand yen
かみhair (on the head)
まんがいちby some rare chance
ほぼほぼいちまんえんabout 10,000 yen
いちにちじゅうall day long
まんいちby some chance, if by any chance
ほうちょうkitchen knife, carving knife
ななつseven things
まんten thousand
ひゃくまんにんone million people
ばんざいhurrah, cheers
みっつthree (of something)
うえabove, on
のぼるto go up
げるあげるgo (come) up; be promoted; to rise
じょうげhigh and low, up and down
じょうたつimprovement, advance, progress
のぼりclimb, climbing
がるさがるto go down, to lower
〜の〜のしたbelow, beneath
りるおりるto descend (a mountain), to go down (stairs)
おろすto lower, to let go down
さるくださる(hon) to give, to confer
くだるto be less than, to descend
フ、ブun-, not, negation, bad, dis-
よ、せい、せworld, generation, age
よのなかthe world; life; the times; the age
ちゅうせいMiddle Ages, mediaeval times
~りょう~both ~
ならぶto line up, to stand in a line
べるならべるto line up, to set up
なかinner, center, between
とちゅうでon the way, en route
~ちゅうduring, while ~ing (suffix)
とちゅうon the way, en route, midway
なかなかvery, considerably, quite
ちゅうとin the middle, half-way
まるcircle, perfection, purity
まるいround, circular, spherical
シュ、ぬし、おもmain, master, principle, lead
しゅじんhead of household; husband; proprietor
もにぬしもにmainly, mostly, principally
おもにmainly, primarily
ごしゅじんyour husband, her husband
しぶりひさしぶりit's been a while (since I last saw, mailed, etc)
ジョウ、の・る、の・せるride, ride in, travel, get on, power (math)
せるのせるto give somebody a ride
のるto get on, to ride in, to board
のりこしriding past (one's station)
っかるのっかるto get on; to climb on
ここのつnine things
かわくto get dry
かすかわかすto dry (clothes, etc.), to desiccate
こと、ジ、ズthing, matter, fact, affair
ふたつtwo things
ふたりtwo people
たがいeach other; mutual
おたがいmutual, reciprocal, each other
いつつfive things
ごにんfive people
くすなくすlose (something)
くなるなくなるto die
ざるまざるto be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with
じるまじるto be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with
ぜるまぜるto be mixed, to be blended with
キョウ、けいcapital, metropolis
じょうきょうgoing to the capital
ひとman, person
〜ふじんMadam~, Mrs. ~
~にんcounter for people
~人~じん~ person
込みひとごみcrowd of people
ひとりひとりone by one, each, one at a time
でもいままでeven now; still
ほとけBuddha, merciful person, Buddhist image
つか・える、シ、ジserve, do
しごとwork, a job, business, a task, an occupation
えるつかえるto serve; to be in the service (of); to work for
がるしあがるto be finished; to be completed; to be ready
other (esp. places and things)
たにんanother or unrelated person, outsider
つくto adjoin, to be attached, to adhere
けるつけるto attach, to join, to add, to append
か・わる、か・えるsubstitution, generation, fee
せだいa generation
えるかえるto exchange (a for b)
わりおかわりanother [a second] helping; a refill; another cup
わるかわるto take the place of; to replace
わりにかわりにin exchange (for...); instead (of...); in place of
わりかわりsubstitute, alternate
かわるto take the place of, to relieve
starting point, by means of
いじょうover, above
いかless than; under; below
じけんevent, affair, incident
せるまかせるto entrust to another, to leave to
やす・むto rest, to be absent
まるやすまるto be rested
ひとやすみa rest
やすみrest, recess, respite, holiday
やすむto rest, to have a break, to take a day off
あ・うto meet, society
あうto meet, to see
~かい~ meeting
えるつたえるto tell, to report
わるつたわるto be handed down, to be introduced
ばすのばすto lengthen, to stretch, to reach out, to grow
びるのびるto stretch, to extend, to make progress, to grow
てるにてるsimilar; resembling
にるto resemble, to be similar
ただしbut, however, provided that
くらいgrade, rank, about (n-adv,n,suf,vs)
するていかするto fall, to go down
くするひくくするto lower, to reduce, to lower (the volume)
ひくいshort, low, humble, low (voice)
す・む、す・まう、ジュウlive, dwell, reside
まいすまいa dwelling (house); a residence; a home
すむto live [dwell; to inhabit; to occupy
からだa body
なんでwhy? what for?
でもなんでもany; anything; everything
ですかなんですかwhat is it?
なんにんhow many people
とかなんとかsomehow, in some way
なんてhow ..!; what ..!
なん~what sort of ~
つく・るmake, work, produce
つくるto make, to create
使つか・うto use (a thing, method, etc.), to make use of
使いこなつかいこなすto use sth efficiently, to manage (people)
使つかうto use
えばたとえばfor example, eg.
えるたとえるto compare, to liken, to speak figuratively
れいinstance, example, case
便びん、たよ・りmail; transport; flight; opportunity
便ふべんinconvenient; not useful
便たよりnews; tidings
便びんせんwriting paper, stationery
かかりofficial, duty, person in charge
わるかかわるto concern oneself in, to have to do with
じるしんじるto believe, to place trust in
ずるしんずるto believe, to believe in, to place trust in
しんらいreliance, trust, confidence
しんこう(religious) faith, belief, creed
~こcounter for small items
こじんindividual, private person, personal, private
こたいan individual
ばいtwice, double (n,vi,vs,vt)
か・りるto borrow; to have a loan; to rent
ねあげprice rise
value, price, cost
ほけんhealth preservation, hygiene, sanitation
~がわ~ side
りょうがわboth sides
けっさくmasterpiece, best work, boner, blunder
えるそなえるto furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install
よびpreparation, preliminaries, reserve, spare
さいそくrequest, demand, claim, urge (action), press for
もよおしevent, festivities, function
はたら・くwork, labor, serve
はたらくto work, to labor, to serve (at), to operate
はたらきwork, labor, ability, action, a function
ぼく(male) I, manservant
れるすぐれるto surpass, to outstrip, to excel
はいゆうactor, actress, player, performer
もとorigin, originally; ex-
もともとfrom the outset, all along, by nature
あにelder brother
さんおにいさんan elder brother
さき、せんahead, before, in future
ほどさきほどa little while ago
しますおさきにしつれいしますpardon me (for leaving)
まずfirst (of all), to start with, about, almost
ひかりlight, a beam, a ray, a flash, (a) sparkle
ひかるto shine, to be bright, to be brilliant
ファイひかりファイバーoptical fiber
ごめんyour pardon, declining (something), dismissal
はい・るto enter
れるいれるto put into
はいるto enter, to contain, to hold
しんにゅうpenetration, invasion, raid, aggression, trespass
ぜんたいのwhole; entire; general
すべてall, the whole, entirely, in general, wholly
ぜんall, whole, entire, complete, overall, pan
ぜんたいwhole, entirety, whatever (is the matter)
まったくreally, truly, entirely, completely
やっつeight things
むっつsix things
こうきょうpublic, community, public service, society
ぐたいconcrete, tangible, material
えるそなえるto be furnished with
ねるかねるto hold (position), to serve, to be unable
いないwithin; inside of; less than
えん、まる・いcircle, yen, round
まるいround, circular, spherical
なんさつhow; in what way?
~さつcounter for books
~冊~さつcounter for volumes
さいさんagain and again, repeatedly
ふたたびagain, once more, a second time
うつ・す、うつ・る、シャcopy, duplicate
うつるreflected, projected
うつすto copy, to make a copy of, to reproduce
かんむりcrown, diadem, first, best
ふゆやすみwinter holiday
えるひえるto grow cold, to get chilly, to cool down
ますさますto cool, to dampen, to let cool
めるさめるto become cool, to wear off, to abate, to subside
やすひやすto cool, to refrigerate
こおるto freeze, to be frozen over, to congeal
えるこごえるto freeze, to be chilled, to be frozen
れいとうfreezing, cold storage, refrigeration
でこぼこunevenness, roughness, ruggedness
へこむto be dented, to be indented, to yield to
だす、で・るto leave, to get out
かけるでかけるto depart, to go out
でるto appear, to leave
だすto put out, to send
であいmeeting, rendezvous, encounter
であうto meet by chance, to come across
でいりin and out, coming and going, free association
けるでかけるto depart, to set out, to start, to be going out
ふん、ぷ、わ・ける、わ・かるpart, minute, to divide, to understand
ごぶんのいちone fifth
のニにぶんのにtwo fifths
~分~ふん~ minutes
よぶんextra, excess, surplus
わかるto be understood
かれるわかれるto branch off, to diverge from, to fork, to split
けるわけるto divide, to separate
き・るto cut, to sever, to carve, to slice
きれcloth, piece, cut, chop
れるきれる(1) to cut well, to be sharp, (2) to break (off)
かるto cut (hair), to mow (grass), to harvest
けいじcriminal case, (police) detective
しょとうearly winter
めてはじめてfor the first time
はんじjudge, judiciary
わか・れるseparate, another, branch off
れるわかれるto separate
べつに(not) particularly, nothing
べつべつseparately, individually
わかれparting, separation, farewell
便べんりなconvenient; useful
ふりdisadvantage, handicap, unfavorable, drawback
せいさくwork (film, book)
たいせいorder, system, structure, set-up, organization
するto print
けんticket, coupon, bond, certificate
さるささるto stick, to be stuck
さすto pierce, to stab, to prick, to thrust
けずるto cut down little by little, to take a percentage
いぜんbefore; ago; (long) since; the past; former time
わるbreak (crack/smash)
れるわれるto break
わりとrelatively, comparitively
そうさくproduction, literary creation, work
げきdrama, play
たいりょくphysical strength
ちからstrength, energy, force, power, authority
するにゅうりょくするto input, to enter, to type, to type in
ぜんりょくall one's power, whole energy
えるくわえるadd (put into)
わるくわわるto join in, to accede to, to increase,
おとるto fall behind, to be inferior to
ごじょmutual aid
けるたすけるhelp (each other)
かるたすかるto be saved, to be rescued, to survive
どりょく(an) effort, (an) exertion
めるつとめる(1) to serve, to fill a post, to serve under
ろうどうwork, (manual) labor
こうりょくeffect, efficacy, validity, potency
ましいいさましいbrave, valiant, gallant, courageous
がりがりべんstudying hard, grinding, a nerd, a swot
かんperception, intuition, the sixth sense
こうむofficial business, public business
つとめ(1) service, duty, (2) Buddhist religious service
めるつとめる(1) to serve, to fill a post, to serve under
かつto win
ゆうしょうoverall victory, championship
いきおいforce, vigor, energy, spirit
めるつとめるto serve, to work (for)
しゅっきんgoing to work, at work
つとめ(1) service, duty, business, responsibility
めるすすめるto recommend, to advise, to encourage
つつみbundle, package, parcel, bale
けしょうmake-up (cosmetic)
ぺきんBeijing, Peking
するくべつするto distinguish, to classify, to tell apart
くぶん(a) division, (a) classification, sorting, grouping
くべつ(a) distinction, (a) difference
くぎるto punctuate, to cut off, to mark off, to stop
~くdistrict ~
はたち20 years old, 20th year
じゅうぶんenough , sufficient
せんえんthousand yen
ごせんえん5,000 yen
りにせんぎりにするto cut into thin strips
ごぜんmorning (before noon)
はん、なか・ばhalf, middle, semi-
ぜんはんfirst half
ひきょうcowardice, meanness, unfairness
きょうかいa church
きょうりょくcooperation, collaboration
なんぼくsouth and north
たんいunit, denomination, credit (in school)
なるたんなるmere, simple, sheer
たんにsimply, merely, only, solely
めるしめる(1) to comprise, to account for, to make up (of)
しるし(1) mark, (2) symbol, (3) evidence
ないあぶないdangerous, risky; uncertain; in danger
ってかえってon the contrary, rather, all the more, instead
おろすto sell wholesale, grated (vegetables)
やっかいtrouble, burden, care, bother
はらfield, plain, prairie, tundra, moor, wilderness
さるto leave, to go away
まいる(1) (hum) to go, to come
またagain, and
またはor, otherwise
ぼすおよぼすto exert, to cause, to exercise
ともだちa friend
ゆうじんa friend
かえるto warp, to be warped, to curve
めるおさめるto obtain, to reap, to pay, to supply, to accept
とるto take
うけつけreception desk
いりぐちan entrance
みなみぐちthe south gate
きたぐちthe north gate
でいりぐちexit and entrance
りこうclever, shrewd, bright, sharp, wise, intelligent
ふる・い、こ・うold, used
けいこpractice, training, study
こてんold book, classics, classic
ちゅうこ(1) used, second-hand, old
ふるいold (not person), aged, ancient, antiquated
はいくhaiku poetry
ただfree of charge, mere, sole, only, usual, common
さけぶto shout, to cry
がるめしあがる(pol) to eat
ふかwrong, bad, improper, unjustifiable, inadvisable
いちだいone (machine, vehicle)
しんだいbed, couch
だいstand, rack, table, support
ぶたいstage (theatre)
みぎしたlower-right hand
みぎがわthe right side
しんごうtraffic light
おのおのeach, every, either, respectively, severally
にあうto suit, to match well, to be suitable
ぐあいa condition, a state
あうto meet, to come together, to match, to fit
わせるあわせるto put together, to join
わりあいa rate, a ratio, percentage, proportion
かいごうmeeting, assembly
つきあいassociation, socializing, fellowship
つきあうto associate with, to keep company with
であいan encounter
ふきつbad omen
どういつのthe same (as), identical (with)
じようおなじようにin the same way, likewise, similarly
ごうどう(a) combination, (a) union, merger
おなじond and the same, the same, identical, alike
おなじひとthe same person
きょうどうcooperation, association, collaboration, joint
どういつidentity, sameness, similarity
name; reputation
あてなrecipient's name and address
かな(n) alias, pseudonym, pen name (ok)
めいじんmaster, expert
はく(1) to breathe, (2) to tell (lies), (3) to vomit
かうむかうto face, to go towards
けいこうtendency, trend, inclination
かいむかいfacing, opposite, across the street
むかうto face, to go towards (io)
むくto face
けるむけるto turn towards, to point
こうむこうbeyond, over there, opposite direction
~君~くんMr. (used only for young men) (suffix)
きみYou (masculine term for female)
~くんMr (junior) ~, master ~
ふくむto hold in the mouth, to bear in mind
めるふくめるto include, to instruct, to make one understand
いうすいうsmoke (cigarette)
すうto smoke (tobacco)
ふく(1) to blow (wind, etc), (2) to emit, to spout
まわりsurroundings, circulation
まずいunpleasant (taste)
わうあじわうto taste, to relish, to savor, to appreciate
をつけあじをつけるto season (food), to flavor (food)
みそmiso, bean paste
あじflavor, taste
よびcall; invitation
よぶcall (e.g. the doctor)
こきゅうbreath, respiration
けるよびかけるto call out to, to accost, to address (crowd)
よびだすto summon, to call (e.g. phone)
じんめい(human) life
じるめいじるto order, to command, to appoint
ずるめいずるto command, to appoint (v5z)
めいれいorder, command, decree, directive
~わ~Japanese style
さくto bloom
あわれhelpless, pity, sorrow, grief
さくひんa piece of work
かひんinferior article
じょうひんなelegant, refined, decent
ひんthing, article, goods, dignity, article (goods)
いいんa clinic
かいいんa member, a membership
こうむいんa public servant, a government employee
ぜんいんall (the) members, the entire staff, all hands
ただfree of charge, mere, sole, only, usual, common
ゆいいつonly, sole, unique
しょうにんtrader, shopkeeper, merchant
しょうひんcommodity, article of commerce, goods, stock
といquestion, query
とうto ask, to question
といあわせan inquiry
ぜんgood, goodness, right, virtue
よろこぶto be delighted, to be glad
よろこび(a) joy, (a) delight, rapture, pleasure, gratification
よっつfour things
よんぶんのいちone quarter
よんかいfour times
まわるto go round
なんかいhow often?
まわすto turn
~かいcounter for occurrences
かいcounter for occurrences
こんかいnow, this time, lately
まわりcircumference, surroundings, circulation
げんいんcause, origin, source
よるto come from
だんたいorganization, association
こまるto get into trouble
らせるこまらせるsandy beach
はかるto plan; to plot; to attempt
ず1figure 1, diagram 1
あいずa sign, a signal
figure (e.g. Fig 1), drawing, picture, illustration
ばんこくall the countries (in the world)
ぜんこくcountry-wide, nation-wide, whole country
こっかいNational Diet, parliament, congress
こうえん(public) park
つちearth, soil, ground
どだいthe foundation(s), the base
ちかunder ground
ちくa district, a section, an area, a zone, a quarter
ちずa map
じみなplain (living), simple (tastes), subdued (colors)
だんちmulti-unit apartments
ちい(social) position, status
ちめいplace name
さかslope, hill
くいきlimits, boundary, domain, zone, sphere, territory
ちいきarea, region
づくもとづくto be grounded on, to be based on, to be due to
ほりmoat, canal
としどうどうとしたdignified (attitude), majestic (appearance)
こうかいどうa public [town] hall
きっぽうwelcome news
ほうこくreport, information
よほうforecast, prediction
ゴルフゴルフじょうa golf course, golf links
ばあいa case, an occasion, circumstances
かいじょうa meeting place, an assembly hall
げきじょうtheatre, playhouse
にゅうじょうentrance, admission, entering
place, field (physics)
へいwall, fence
ぬるto paint, to plaster
っぱいしょっぱいsalty; hoarse; stingy
こっきょうnational or state border
はかgrave, tomb
えるふえるto increase, to multiply
ぞうかincrease, addition
やすふやすto increase, to add to, to augment
ますto increase, to grow
れるこわれるbreak (to break)
こわすto break, to break down
りきしsumo wrestler
はかせdoctorate, PhD
こえa voice, a tone (of voice), a cry, a call, a sound
めいせいfame, (a) reputation
をかけこえをかけるto call out (to), to hail, to say something
うるto sell, to deal in, to betray
うりばa sales counter
うりけれるto sell out, to be sold out, to be out of stock
しょうばいtrade, business, commerce, transaction, occupation
わるかわるto change
へんかchange (noun)
えるかえるto change, to alter, to vary
へんstrange, odd, peculiar
へんこうchange, modification, alteration
なつやすみsummer vacation
しょかearly summer
ばてすなつばてするto suffer from the summer heat
たなばたJuly 7th holiday
ゆうべevening, last night
こんせきthis evening
ゆうかんan evening paper
そと、ほか、がい、げoutside, other, foreign
そとこくa foreign country
いがいにexcept (for)...; besides...; excluding
いがいwith the exception of, excepting (n-adv)
がいしゅつouting, going out
はずすto unfasten, to remove
れるはずれるto be disconnected, to get out of place
おお・い、たmany, much
よる(a) night, (an) evening
ぜんやlast night
むちゅうdaze, (in a) trance, ecstasy, delirium
おお・きい、だいbig, a lot
おとなan adult
おおごえloud voice
だいたいgeneral; substantially; main point
だいとうlong sword
ですたいへんですね“that’s too bad”
だいじなimportant, precious, valuable
おおこえをだすto raise one's voice, to shout
きなおおきなbig (na-adj)
おおぜいgreat number of people
だいじimportant, valuable, serious matter
したたいしたconsiderable, great, important, significant
してたいして(not so) much, (not) very
たいはんmajority, mostly, generally
だいぶconsiderably, greatly, a lot
たいへんawful, dreadful, terrible, very
ばくだいenormous, vast
使てんしan angel
あまくだりdescent from heaven
ふとるto grow fat, to put on weight
ふといbig, thick
りすぎふとりすぎtoo fat, overweight
だいじょうぶOK, safe, all right
おっとone's husband
‾ふじんMadam~, Mrs. ~
ふじんwife, Mrs, madam
ちゅうおうcentre, central, center, middle
おくinterior, inside; deep, profound
まるおくまるextend far back; lie deep within
さんおくさんwife; married woman
ないおうdepths; inner part
おんな、めwoman, female
おんなのひとa woman
きなすきなnice, liked
このみ(a) liking, (a) taste, (a) preference
このむto like, to be fond (of), to have a liking
すきずきmatter of taste
みょうstrange, unusual
げるさまたげるto disturb, to prevent
いもうとone's younger sister
さんいもうとさん(somebody else's) younger sister
ふさいhusband and wife
ひとづまmarried woman
つまwife (own)
あねone's older sister
さんおねえさんan elder sister
めるはじめるto begin (a thing, to do, doing)
まるはじまるto begin, to start, to open, to break out
まりはじまりthe beginning, the start, the opening
めにはじめにfirst of all, in the beginning
め/始めはじめbeginning, start (expr)
める~はじめるto start doing ~, the beginning of ~
げんしorigin, primeval
せいsurname, family name
いいんcommittee member
姿しせいattitude, posture
姿すがたfigure, shape, appearance
ふうふa married couple
しゅふa housewife, a homemaker
ふじんwoman, female
よめbride, daughter-in-law
いやdisagreeable, no
きらいdislike, hate
きらうto hate, to dislike, to loathe
すききらいlikes and dislikes, taste
さんおじょうさん(1) (hon) daughter, (2) young lady
おんなのこa girl
こどもa child
じょしwoman, girl
はしごladder, stairs
はんこseal (used for signature)
ふたごtwins, a twin
character, letter
じゅうじa cross
ふとじa bold-faced type, a thick letter
ローマローマじ"Roman characters", the Latin alphabet
おおあざlarger section (of a village)
みょうじsurname, family name
そんざいexistence, being
じるぞんじる(hum) to know
ごぞんじknowing, acquaintance
ほぞんpreservation, conservation, storage, maintenance
とうきwinter season
かきsummer, summertime
しきfour seasons
まな・ぶschool, science, to learn
まなぶto study
ちゅうがくa middle school
だいがくa university
がくもんlearning, studies, an academic discipline
にゅうがく・するentry to school or university, matriculation
いがくmedical science, medicine
ざいがく(enrolled) in school
しそんdescendants, posterity, offspring
おたくone's house
たくhouse, home, husband
まもるto protect, to obey, to guard, to abide
やす・い、あんrestful, feel at easy, cheap
やすうりa bargain sale
やすいcheap, inexpensive, peaceful, quiet
よていplans, arrangement, schedule
あんていstability, equilibrium
かていassumption, supposition, hypothesis
ていいんfixed number of regular personnel, capacity
ていかestablished price
しいよろしい(hon) good, OK, all right, fine, very well
じつりょくreal ability, capabiliy, action, force
じつにindeed, truly, surely
じつはas a matter of fact, by the way
じじつfact, truth, reality
fruit, nut, seed, content, good result
みのるto bear fruit, to ripen
きゃくa guest, a customer
じょうきゃくa passenger
かくいんguest member
せんでんpropaganda, publicity
しんしつa bedroom
わしつJapanese-style room
がいinjury, harm, evil influence, damage
こうがいpublic nuisance, pollution
りがいadvantages and disadvantages, interest
きなおおきないえa large house
いえa house
かないone's wife, a family, one's people
~かprofessional ~
いっかa house, a home, a family, a household
こっかstate, country, nation
さっかauthor, writer, novelist, artist
ようきcontainer, vessel
宿するげしゅくするto room (board, lodge)
宿げしゅくboarding, lodging, boarding house
宿やどinn, lodging
しいさびしいlonely, lonesome, solitary; desolate
よるto visit, to drop in
せるよせるto collect, to gather, to add, to put aside
がるさむがるto be sensitive to the cold
かんれいちa cold (northern) district
さむさ(the) cold, coldness
がりさむがりa person exceedingly sensitive to cold
ていねいpolite, courteous
むしろrather, better, instead
しんぱんrefereeing (v), trial, judgment, umpire, referee
りょうhostel, dormitory
てらa temple
たいpair, couple, set
するたいするto face, to confront, to oppose (vs-s)
せんせいdespotism, autocracy
さすto shine, to strike
ねるたずねるto ask
こがたなpocket knife
こごえa low voice, a whisper
こづつみparcel, package
すこ・し、すこ・ないfew, a little
たしょうmore or less
ないすくないfew, little
しょうじょa girl
しょうしょうjust a minute, small quantity (adv,exp,n-adv,n)
すこし(1) small quantity, little, (2) little while
しもすこしもanything of, not one bit
つくto settle in (place), to take (seat, position)
きょくcourt lady, lady in waiting
きょしつliving room
いる(hum) to be (animate), to exist
けるとどけるto reach
おくじょうa rooftop, a housetop
パンパンやa bakery
こやa hut, a shed, a shack, a booth, a pen
かおくhouse, building
するぞくするto belong to, to come under, to be affiliated with
たいそうvery much, exaggerated, very fine
はくto put on (or wear) lower-body clothing
やましたYamashita: a Japanese surname
やまでらmountain temple
いわa rock
いわやまrocky mountain
みさきcape (on coast)
とうげmountain pass, difficult part
れっとうchain of islands
みやざきMiyazaki; Japanese prefecture
おおさきOsaki: neighbourhood in Tokyo
くずすto destroy, to pull down, to make change (money)
れるくずれるto collapse, to crumble
ナイルないるがわthe Nile River
おがわa brook, a stream
しながわcity in Tokyo metropolis
しながわくShinagawa ward (of Tokyo)
めぐるto go around
おじにすうじによわいhave no head for numbers
nest, rookery, breeding place, beehive, cobweb
じんこうのartificial, manmade
だいくa carpenter
こうじconstruction work
くふうdevice, scheme
こういんfactory worker
ひだりがわthe left side
さゆうleft and right
きょだいhuge, gigantic, enormous
さしあげるto lift up, to raise, to give
さすto raise (stretch out) hands, to raise (eg umbrella)
げるさしあげる(polite) to give, to offer
difference, variation
ねまきsleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, nightgown
まくto wind, to coil, to roll
いちば/しじょうa market, a marketplace
ふとんbedding (Japanese style), futon
いしa doctor, a medical practitioner, a surgeon
しゅっせきattendance; presence
ちたいarea, zone
ほうたいbandage, dressing
するきたくするto go home
かえるto go back, to come back
するきこくするto return to one's country
かえすto let someone go/come back
いえにかえるto go home
かえりcoming home, the return
つねにalways, constantly
はばwidth, breadth
じまくsubtitles, a title, a caption
まくcurtain, bunting, act (in play)
ほし: dry
ほすto air, to dry, to desiccate, to drain (off)
こうへいfairness, impartial, justice
たいらflatness, level, smooth, calm, plain
ひらがなhiragana, 47 syllables, the cursive syllabary
ふへいcomplaint, discontent, dissatisfaction
へいきんequilibrium, balance, average, mean
へいぼんcommon, commonplace, ordinary, mediocre
へいわpeace, harmony
とし、ねんyear, an age
いちねんone year
にねんtwo years
さんねんthree years
よねんfour years
ごねんfive years
ろくねんsix years
ななねんseven years
をとるとしをとるto grow older
ことしthis year
きょねんlast year
なんねんwhat year
‾ねんまえ~years before
はんとしhalf a year
しょうねんboy, youth
〜ねんまえ~years before
ことしのなつthis summer
~ねん~ years
ねんじゅうwhole year, always, everyday
ねんだいage, era, period, date
さいわいhappiness, blessedness
しあわせhappiness, good fortune, luck, blessing
ふこうunhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accidental
おさないvery young, childish
ようじinfant, baby, child
かんちょうgovernment building
ひろいwide, big, spacious
こうこくan advertisement
ひろばan open space, a square, a plaza
がるひろがるto spread (out), to extend, to stretch, to reach
まるひろまるto spread, to circulate, to get about
げるひろげるto spread, to extend, to expand, to enlarge
ひろびろextensive, spacious
めるひろめるto broaden, to propagate
おくそこthe depth; the bottom
そこbottom, sole
ばいてんa stand, a stall
よみせnight stall
てんいんstore clerk
しょうてんshop, business firm
みせやstore, shop
せいふgovernment, administration
こんどnext time
したくarrangements; preparations; (an) outfit
もうもういちどonce more
たびたびfrequently, often, repeatedly
~どcounter for occurrences
いちどにall at once
せいどsystem, institution, organization
たびcounter for occurrences
ねんどyear, fiscal year, school year, term
すわるto sit
ざぶとんcushion (Japanese)
そうこstorehouse, warehouse, godown
かてい(a) home, a family, a household
けんこうhealth, sound, wholesome
ばすのばすto lengthen, to stretch, to reach out, to grow
びるのびるto be prolonged
てるたてるto build, to construct
けんJapanese first name (male)
たつto build
たてまえprinciple, theory
けんこくnational founding day
いえをたてるto build a house
~だてtwo storied, separate housing
~弁~べんspeech, dialect
こうしきformula, formality, official
しきequation, formula, ceremony
わりびき(a) discount, (a) reduction in price, a rebate
ひっこうすto move to a new home
さしひきdeduction, subtraction, balance, ebb and flow
ひきうけるto undertake, to take up, to take over
ひきだすto pull out, to take out, to draw out, to withdraw
ひきわけa draw (in competition), tie game
かるひっかかるto be caught in, to be stuck in, to be cheated
ひっこしmoving (dwelling etc.), changing residence
っ込むひっこむto draw back, to sink, to cave in
きょうだいbrothers, a sibling, siblings
おとうとone's younger brother
していsons, children
きょうだいしまいbrothers and sisters, siblings
げんきょうだいげんかa quarrel between siblings
でしa pupil, a disciple, a follower, an apprentice
さんおとうとさん(someone else's) younger brother
からだがよわいto have a weak constitution
よわるto grow weak, to weaken
まるよわまるto weaken, to abate
よわいweak, frail, delicate, tender, unskilled, weak
しゅっちょうbusiness trip
ひっぱるto pull, to draw, to drag, to tug, to stretch
しゅちょうclaim, request, insistence, assertion
はりきるto be in high spirits, to be full of vigor
はるto stick, to paste
べんきょうstudy, work
べんきょうかa diligent student, a hard worker
べんきょうちゅうwhile studying
ごういんなforcible, aggressive, coercive, pushy
つよいstrong, powerful
きょうかstrengthen, intensify, reinforce, solidify
きょうりょくherculean strength, mountain carrier-guide
ごういんoverbearing, coercive, pushy, forcible, high-handed
ごうとうrobbery, burglary
ちからづよいreassuring, emboldened
ひくto play (a piano, a guitar)
たまbullet, shot, shell
とうにんperson concerned
おべんとうboxed lunch
だとうvalid, proper, right, appropriate
たりつきあたりend (e.g. of street)
たるつきあたるto run into, to collide with
べんとうbox lunch
ちょうこくcarving, engraving, sculpture
ほるto carve, to engrave, to sculpture, to chisel
やくuse, service, role, position
やくにんgovernment official
やくわりpart, assigning (allotment of) parts, role, duties
あれhim, he
此れこれかれthis and that; this person and that person
まつto wait
まちあいしつa waiting room
わせるまちあわせるto rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time
のち、うし・ろ、あと、おく・れるbehind, back, rear, afterwards, after
‾ねんご~years after
こうはんthe last half
ごごafternoon (after noon)
〜ねんご~years after
じごan accident, a breakdown, a failure, an incident
うしろbehind, rear
いごafter this, from now on, hereafter, thereafter
ぜんごaround, throughout, front and back
こんごfrom now on, hereafter
じょじょにslowly, little by little, gradually, steadily
いとこa male cousin, a first [full] (male, boy) cousin
いとこa female cousin
したがうto abide (by the rules), to obey, to follow
かいふくrecovery (from illness), improvement, rehabilitation
びみょうdelicate, subtle
するあんしんするto be relieved
こころcore, heart
たりこころあたりhaving some knowledge of, happening to know
こころえるto be informed, to have thorough knowledge
かならずcertainly, necessarily, invariably
ずしもかならずしも(not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) all
れるわすれるto forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful
わすれさるto forget completely
しいいそがしいbusy, pressed for time, hustling
いちおうonce, tentatively, in outline, for the time being
おもいだすto recollect, remember
い込むおもいこむto be under impression that, to be convinced that
おもいつくto think of, to hit upon
わずおもわずunintentional, spontaneous
おこたるto neglect, to be off guard, to be feeling better
いそぐto hurry
きゅう(1) urgent, sudden, (2) steep
せいsex, gender
せいべつdistinction by sex, sex, gender
ちゅうせいneuter gender, neutral (chem.), indifference
こいlove, tender passion
しいこいしい(1) dear, beloved, darling, (2) yearned for
こいびとlover, sweetheart
おんfavour, obligation, debt of gratitude
むすこ(hum) son
ためいきa sigh
ごけいreciprocity; mutual benefit
おんけいgrace, favor, blessing, benefit
まれるめぐまれるto be blessed with, to be rich in
しいくやしいregrettable, mortifying, vexing
やむくやむto mourn
ゆうゆうquiet, calm, leisurely
あくさいbad wife
あくみょうbad reputation
わるくちabuse, insult, slander, evil speaking
しいかなしいsad, sorrowful
しむかなしむto be sad, to mourn for, to regret
じじょうcircumstances, consideration, conditions, situation
しいおしいregrettable, disappointing, precious
そうぞうimagination, guess
ゆかいpleasant, happy
いみ(a) meaning, a sense
いとan intent, an intention, a purpose, an aim
をはいじをはるto be stubborn, to not give in
いがいunexpected, surprising
いしintention, purpose
いしwill, volition
いじわるmalicious, ill-tempered, unkind
あいさいbeloved wife
あいじょうlove, affection
するあいするto love (vs-s)
かんじょうemotion; feeling
するかんどうするto be moved (by)
かんじfeeling, sense, impression
じっかんfeelings (actual, true)
じたいsituation, present state of affairs
たいどattitude, manner
れるなれるto grow accustomed to
よろこび(n) (a) joy, (a) delight, rapture, pleasure, gratify
にくいhateful, abominable, poor-looking, detestable
にくむto hate, to detest
らしいにくらしいodious, hateful
れるあこがれるto long for, to yearn after, to admire
けんめいeagerness, earnestness, risking one's life
さくせいframe, draw up, make, producing
せいこうsuccess, hit
せいぶんingredient, component, composition
がまんpatience, endurance, perseverance
けがinjury (to animate object), hurt
たいせんgreat war, great battle
たたかいbattle, fight, struggle, conflict
たたかうto fight, to battle, to combat
こしゅhead of household
door (Japanese style)
れいぼうcooling, air conditioning
かやくしょa ward office
ばしょplace; location; spot; position;
じゅうしょmailing address
だいどころa kitchen
めいしょfamous place
やくしょgovernment office, public office
よそanother place, somewhere else, strange parts
あおぐto fan, to flap (v5g)
せんすfolding fan
hand, arm, worker
みぎthe right hand
てつだうto help; to assist
きってa stamp
もとでcapital, funds, assets
りのてづくりのhandmade, homemade
てじなmagic, conjuring tricks, prestidigitation
じょうずskill, skillful, dexterity
じょしゅhelper, helpmeet, assistant, tutor
ていれrepairs, maintenance
てごろmoderate, handy
へたunskillful, poor, awkward
ごさいfive years old
みぎてright arm/"right hand man"
ぶつto hit, to strike (v5t)
ひはんcriticism, judgement, comment
しまかしこまりました“certainly sir/madam”
げるなげるto throw, to cast away
はんこうopposition, resistance
うせつturn right
おるto break, to fold, to pick a flower
れるおれるto break, to be folded, to give in, to turn
たいていusually, generally
ていこうelectrical resistance, resistance, opposition
たんとう(in) charge
はくしゅclapping hands, applause
するしょうたいするto invite
まねくto invite
ひるうto pick up; to find; to gather
もつto hold, to own
もちぬしthe owner, the possessor, the proprietor
ちからもちa powerful person, a person with great strength
じさんbringing, taking, carrying
げるもちあげるto raise, to lift up, to flatter
こゆびthe little finger
さすto point, to put up umbrella, to play
ひとさしゆびindex finger
げるあげるto raise, to fly
まるはさまるto get between, to be caught in
はさむto interpose, to hold between, to insert
ふりがな, pronunciation key (hiragana over kanji)
ふりむくto turn one's face, to turn around
ふる(1) to wave, to shake, to swing, (2) to sprinkle
ふるまうto behave, to conduct oneself, to entertain (vt)
さすto insert, to put in, to graft, to wear in belt
捜すto search
てるすてるto throw away; to cast aside; to abandon
使つかいすてのdisposable, throwaway, single-use
ししゃごにゅうrounding up (fractions)
はくto sweep, to brush, to gather up
ほるto dig, to excavate
とるto adopt (measure, proposal); to pick (fruit)
さがすto look for
さぐるto search, to look for, to sound out
するせっするto come in contact with, to connect, to attend
すいていpresumption, assumption, estimation
ていしゅつpresentation, submission, filing
よくようintonation; accent
げるあげるto lift, to fry
のりかえるto change [transfer] (buses, trains)
えるのりかえるto transfer (trains), to change (bus, train)
えるかえるto exchange, to interchange, to substitute
のりかえ(n) transfer (trains, buses, etc.) (io)
にぎるto grasp, to seize, to mould sushi
れるゆれるto shake, to sway
そんloss, disadvantage (adj-na,n,n-suf,vs)
そんがいdamage, injury, loss
そんとくloss and gain, advantage and disadvantage
とるto take (a photo)
そうさoperation, management, processing
たいそうgymnastics, physical exercises, calisthenics
こするto rub, to chafe, to file, to frost (glass)
まさつfriction, rubbing, rubdown, chafe
えるささえるto be blocked, to choke, to be obstructed
さしつかえhindrance, impediment
ししゅつexpenditure, expenses
めてあらためてanother time; again; over again
かいぜんbetterment, improvement
せんこうmajor subject, special study
こうげきattack, strike, offensive, criticism, censure
めるせめるto attack, to assault
はなすto separate, to set free
れるはなれるto leave, to get free, to cut oneself off
ほうるto let go
せいとう(member of) political party
こうつうじこa traffic accident
すくうto rescue from, to help out of
しっぱいfailure, mistake, blunder
しょうはいvictory or defeat, issue (of battle)
きょうしつa classroom
えるおしえるto teach
わるおそわるto be taught
きょうしteacher (classroom)
らかすちらかすto scatter around, to leave untidy
らかるちらかるto be in disorder, to lie scattered around
らすちらすto scatter, to disperse, to distribute
ちるto fall, to scatter (e.g. blossoms)
けいいrespect, honour
そんけいrespect, esteem, reverence, honour
たすうa large number, majority
すうじa numeral, a figure
すうがくmathematics, arithmetic
かいすうnumber of times, frequency
かいすうけんbook of tickets
ぐうすうeven number
しょうすうfraction (part of), decimal
すうnumber, figure
たんすうsingular (number)
ぶんすうfraction (in math)
せいびadjustment, completion, consolidation
てきenemy, rival
ざしきtatami room
しくto spread out, to lay out
ぶんa sentence
なんぶんwhat minute
れいぶんexample sentence
げんぶんoriginal text
ぶんかculture, civilization
ぶんたいliterary style
げんりょうraw materials
ことわるto refuse, to decline, to dismiss
だんていconclusion, decision
はんだんjudgement, decision
しんねんnew year
しんしきnew style
しんさくa new production, a new work
ちほうa locality, a district, a region, an area
がなしかがないit can't be helped (avoided)
しかたa method; a way; a means
使つかいかたhow to use (handle, treat), management
りょうほうboth sides, both parties
ほうぼうpersons, this and that, here and there, everywhere
みかたfriend, ally, supporter
じっしenforcement, enact, put into practice, carry out
たびtravel, trip, journey
かぞくa family
すでにalready, too late
sun, day
ついたちfirst day of the month
はつかtwentieth day of the month
きちじつlucky day
ふつかsecond day
みっかthe 3rd day, three days
よっかfourth day of the month
いつかthe 5th day
むいかthe 6th day
なのかthe 7th day
ようかthe 8th day
ここのかthe 9th day
とおかthe 10th day
きゅうじつa holiday
ていきゅうびa regular store holiday
ゆうひsetting sun, evening sunlight
はんにちhalf a day
がんじつNew Year's Day
にっこうsunlight, sunshine
りすひがえりするto go and return in one day, to make a day-trip
~にち~ day of the month, for ~ days
せんじつthe other day, a few days ago
とうじつappointed day, very day
にちじょうordinary, regular, everyday, usual
にっちゅうdaytime, broad daylight
たりひあたりexposure to the sun, sunny place
ひがえりday trip
ひづけdate, dating
ひにちevery day, daily, day after day
へいじつweekday, ordinary days
がんたんNew Year's Day
きゅうゆうold friend
きゅうしきold style
げじゅんmonth (last third of)
じょうじゅんfirst 10 days of month
しょじゅんfirst 10 days of the month
ちゅうじゅんsecond third of a month
のぼるto arise, to ascend, to go up
めんたいこfish roe commonly used in Japanese cuisine
るいあかるいbright, cheerful
らかなあきらかなclear, distinct, obvious
かりあかりa light, a lamp, light
けるあけるto break (to dawn)
よあけdawn, daybreak
あかるいbright, cheerful
あきroom, time to spare, emptiness
らかあきらかobvious, evident, clear
くる~あくる~next, following
ぶんめいcivilization, culture
みょうごにちday after tomorrow
いそんひんfragile article
よういeasy, simple, plain
むかしolden days, former
はんえいreflection, influence
はるやすみspring break/vacation
おとといthe day before yesterday
いっさくねんyear before last
さくlast (year), yesterday (pref)
ひるnoon, midday
ひるやすみa lunch break
ひるねa nap, a siesta
ひるねnap (at home), siesta
とき、じtime, hour, when
くじnine o'clock
よじfour o'clock
どうじsame time
なんじ、いつwhat time, when
じだいtime; a period; an epoch; an age; an era
くじだいbetween nine and ten (o'clock)
どうじにthe same time, simultaneously
~ときat the time of ~
いちじmoment, time
じこくinstant, time, moment
とうじat that time, in those days
にちじdate and time
ななばんseven nights
「こんばんは」evening greeting
こうけいscene, spectacle
はれfine weather
れるはれるto clear up
せいてんfine weather
かいせいgood weather
ひまfree time, leisure, leave, spare time
あついhot, warm
かいあたたかいmild, warm, genial (weather)
あんしつa dark room
めいあんlight and dark
らしくらしliving, livelihood, subsistence, circumstances
らすくらすto live, to get along
くれyear end, sunset, nightfall, end
れるくれるto get dark, to end, to come to an end
らんぼうrude, violent, rough, lawless, unreasonable
くもりcloudiness, cloudy weather
くもるto become cloudy, to become dim
くもりcloudiness, cloudy weather, shadow
なんようびwhat day of the week
ようびday of the week
さっきょくcomposition, setting (of music)
げるまげるto bend, to crook, to lean
か・く、しょto write
かくa rough draft
えんをかくto draw a circle
かきかたhow to write
じをかくto write letters/characters, to wite one letter
かくto write
とうしょletter to the editor, letter from a reader
えるかえるto exchange money
えるとりかえるto exchange, to replace
こうたいalternation, change, relief, relay, shift
りょうがえchange, money exchange
さいていのthe lowest, the minimum, the worst
さいしょbeginning, first
さいちゅうin the middle of
さいていleast, lowest, worst
もっともmost, extremely
つきmoon, month
せんげつlast month
いっかげつone month
にかげつtwo months
さんかげつthree months
なんがつwhat month
なんがつ、なんいちwhat day?
こんげつthis month
~か~かげつ(number of) months
~がつmonth of year (suf)
せんせんげつmonth before last
つきひtime, years, days
ねんげつmonths and years
みかづきnew moon, crescent moon
しょゆうone's possessions; ownership
existence; being
ゆうこうvalidity, availability, effectiveness
ゆうりadvantageous, better, profitable, lucrative
ゆうりょうadmission-paid, toll
こくふくsubjugation, conquest
わふくJapanese clothes
らかほがらかbrightness, cheerfulness, melodious
しつぼうdisappointment, despair
のぞみwish, desire, (a) hope
のぞむto desire, to wish for, to see, to command
かいものぶくろmorning newspaper
みょうちょうtomorrow morning
あさひmorning sun
ちょうていImperial court
けさthis morning
ってあさってthe day after tomorrow
あさいちa morning market
するきたいするto expect
じきtime, season, period
ていきfixed term
ていきけんcommuter pass, season ticket
よきexpectation, assume will happen, forecast
どぼくcivil engineering
たいぼくlarge tree
まだyet, still, more, besides
げつまつend of the month
すえthe end of, powder
すえっこyoungest child
てほんmodel, standard
ふるほんa used book
ほんやではたらくto work at a bookshop
ベツのべつのほんanother book, a different book
ほんどうthe main temple building
~本~ほんcounter for cylindrical things
ほんとtruth, reality
ほんにんthe person himself
せんえんさつa 1,000 yen bill
かいさつexamination of tickets
さつ(1) token, label, (2) ticket, (3) charm
すぎJapanese cedar
ざいもくlumber, timber
ざいりょうingredients, material
もくざいlumber, timber, wood
きむらKimura; a Japanese surname
たばhandbreadth, bundle
じょうけんconditions, terms
く・る、きた・る、きた・すto come
らいねんnext year
らいげつnext month
するらいにちするto visit Japan
ってもってくるbring (thing)
いらいsince (then); from (that time on); ever since
できごとan event, an incident
くるto come (vk)
さらいねんyear after next
しょうらいfuture, prospects
さらいげつthe month after next
さらいげつmonth after next
さらいねんyear after next
がりできあがりbe finished, ready, made for, cut out
がるできあがる(1) to be finished, to be ready, by definition
るだけできるだけif at all possible
ほんらいessentially, naturally, by nature
みらいfuture (life, tense)
らいにちarrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japan
とだいじてらTodaiji Temple
とうなんthe southeast
とうほくthe northeast
ひがしぐちthe east gate
ちゅうとうMiddle East
とうきょうにすむto live in Tokyo
まつ(1) pine tree, (2) highest (of a three-tier rank)
いたboard, plank
ミツリンdense forest
すぎばやしJapanese cedar forest
こばやしKobayashi: a Japanese surname
さんりんmountain forest
まいすうthe number of flat things
こうかeffect, effectiveness, efficacy, result
してはたしてas was expected, really
れるかれるto wither, to die (plant), to be blasted (plant)
がらhilt (of a sword), haft (of a dagger), handgrip
せんstopper, cork, stopcock
しょうがっこうprimary school
ちゅうがっこうmiddle school
がっこうa school
しまいこうsister schools
かぶshare, stock, stump (of tree)
ねまわしlaying the groundwork
やねa roof
かっこう(a) shape, (a) form, a figure, appearance(s)
(のかっこう(の)いいattractive, nice-looking, nicely-shaped
かかくprice, value, cost
せいかくcharacter, personality
ごうかくsuccess, passing (e.g. exam), eligibility
どうかくthe same rank, equality, apposition
あんplan, suffix meaning draft
ていあんproposal, proposition, suggestion
さくらcherry blossom, cherry tree
しょうぎJapanese chess
ぼうpole, rod, stick
たなshelves, rack
もりa forest
しんりんwoods and forests
しんりんこうえんa forest park
もりのおくdeep in the forest
けんさinspection (e.g. customs, factory), examination
こうぎょう(an) industry, the manufacturing industry
しょうぎょうcommerce, trade, business
さぎょうwork, operation, manufacturing, fatigue duty
なんきょくSouth Pole
ごくquite, very
ほっきょくNorth Pole
しいたのしいnice (time)
たのしむto enjoy oneself
しみたのしみpleasure, joy
ごらくpleasure, amusement
らくcomfort, ease
かまうto mind, to care about, to be concerned about
こうせいorganization, composition
ようway, manner, kind
~さまMr or Mrs ~
さまざまvaried, various
ようすaspect, state, appearance
ひょうほんexample, specimen
もようpattern, figure, design
けんりright, privilege
よこhorizontal, lying down
よこぎるto cross (e.g. arms), to traverse
おうだんcrossing; traversing
にほんばしNihonbashi, neighbourhood of Tokyo
しんばしShimbashi, neighbourhood in Tokyo
あいきfavourite aircraft, camera, or machine
きかいchance (opportunity)
ジェットジェットきjet aeroplane
らんcolumn of text (e.g. as in a newspaper)
けっせきabsence, non-attendance
つぎつぎin succession, one by one
つぐto rank next to, to come after (v5g)
しいほしいwant (adjective)
よくばりavarice, covetousness, greed
かしゅa singer
うたうto sing
こっかnational anthem
かんげいwelcome, reception
や・む、とま・るto cease; to stop
まるとまるto come to a halt
めるとめるto stop (something)
ちゅうしsuspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption
ていしsuspension, interruption, stoppage, ban
めるひきとめるto detain, to check, to restrain
やむto cease, to stop, to be over
よすto cease, to abolish, to resign, to give up
しょうごhigh noon
しいただしいright, just, correct
かいせいrevision, amendment, alteration
せい(logical) true, regular
こうせいjustice, fairness, impartiality
せいしきdue form, official, formality
ふせいinjustice, unfairness
ぶきweapon, arms, ordinance
ぶしwarrior, samurai
あるくto walk
さんぽ(する)walk, stroll
おくばmolar (tooth)
しこんdental root
しきょa person's death
ひっしinevitable death, desperation, frantic, inevitable
のこるto remain, to be left
ざんねんbad luck, disappointment
のこすto leave (behind, over), to bequeath, to save, t
らずのこらずall, entirely, completely, without exception
のこりremnant, residue, remaining, left-over
えるふえるto increase, to multiply
やすふやすto increase, to add to, to augment
いちだんとgreater, more, further, still more
だんstep, stair, flight of steps, grade, rank, level
ねだんprice, cost
ふだんusually, habitually, ordinarily, always
ころすto murder
さつじんmurder (noun)
からshell, husk, hull, chaff
ぼこくone's motherland
さんおばさん(hon) aunt
さんおばさん(1) aunt, (2) middle-aged lady
おば(hum) aunt (older than one's parent)
まいevery, each
まいにちevery day
まいげつevery month
まいねんevery year
まいどevery time
まいばんevery night
まいあさevery morning
~まい~every ~
べるくらべるto compare
かみのけhair (head)
family name, lineage, birth
じゅうみんinhabitants; residents; dwellers
しみんa citizen, the citizens, the citizenry
こくみんnational, people, citizen
き、けいsoul, spirit, stream
きもちa feeling
がいきぶんがいいto feel well
きぶんがわるいto feel ill
げんきhappy, healthy, jolly, cheerful
きちがいmad (crazy)
のなげんきのないdepressed; low-spirited; cheerless
さむけa chill, a shivering fit
きがよわいdo not have the courage
てんきよほうweather forecast, weather report
きあつatmospheric pressure
けるきをつけるto be careful, to pay attention, to take care
けいきcondition, state, business (condition)
きぶんfeeling, mood
つよきfirm, strong
のんきcarefree, optimistic, careless, reckless, heedless
はきけnausea, sickness in the stomach
へいきcoolness, calmness, composure, unconcern
ゆうきcourage, bravery, valour, nerve, boldness
すいちゅうunder water
すいりょくwater power
げすいdrainage, sewage, ditch, gutter, sewerage
すいへいwater level, horizon
だんすいwater outage
ちかすいunderground water
ふんすいwater fountain
しるjuice, sap, soup, broth
めるもとめるto seek, to request, to demand, to want, to wish
きたないdirty, messy
れるよごれるto get dirty, to become dirty
おせんpollution, contamination
よごす(1) to disgrace, to dishonour, (2) to pollute
えどがわEdo River
してけっしてnever, by no means
けっしんdetermination, resolution
けっていdecision, determination
きまるto be decided, to be settled
めるきめるto decide
きあつsteam pressure
しずむto sink, to feel depressed
たくさんa lot
ぜいたくluxury, extravagance
かわriver, stream
わくto boil, to grow hot, to get excited
しょうゆsoy sauce
ゆだんnegligence, unpreparedness
めいじだいがくMeiji University
なおるto be cured, to heal
めるおさめる(1) to govern, to manage, (2) to subdue
せいじpolitics, government
いずみspring, fountain
まるとまるto stay at (eg. hotel)
ほうほうa method
さほうmanners, etiquette, form
すんぽうmeasurement, size, dimension
ほうAct (law: the X Act)
ほうそくlaw, rule
あわbubble, foam, froth, head on beer
どろぼうthief, burglar, robber
ちゅういcaution, being careful, attention (heed)
そそぐto pour (into), to irrigate, to pay, to fill
さすto pour (drink), to serve (drinks)
ちゅうannotation, explanatory note
ちゅうもんorder, request
およぐto swim
ようふく(Western style) clothes
ようひんてんshop which handles Western-style apparel and accessories
おてあらいa restroom; lavatory
あらうto clean; to wash
おてあらいfont of purifying water placed at entrance of shrine
せんざいdetergent, washing material
てあらいrestroom, lavatory, hand-washing
かつどうaction, activity
かつりょくvitality, energy
きゅうはold school
はでshowy, loud, gay, flashy, gaudy
いちりゅうfirst class, top grade, foremost, top-notch
こうりゅうalternating current, intercourse
ごうりゅうconfluence, union, linking up, merge
りゅういき(river) basin
あさいshallow, superficial
よこはまYokohama (Japanese city)
はままつHamamatsu (city)
しんりんよくwalking in the woods
びるあびるto bathe; to bask in the sun; to shower
にほんかいSea of Japan
かいすいsea water
かいすいよくsea bathing, seawater bath
けるつけるto dip in, to soak
けすto turn off power, extinguish; to erase, delete
するしょうきょするto eliminate, to erase
えるきえるto go out, to vanish
しゴムけしゴムeraser, India rubber
しょうどくdisinfection, sterilization
ひるいtears of sadness
しいすずしいcool (weather)
すずむto cool oneself, to cool off
たんすいfresh water
ふかいdeep, profound, thick
しんやlate at night
まるふかまるto deepen, to heighten, to intensify
こんごうmixing, mixture
こんらんdisorder, chaos, confusion, mayhem
ざるまざるto be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with
じるまじるto be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with
ぜるまぜるto mix, to stir
きよいclear, pure, noble
せいしょclean copy
かわくto be thirsty
すむto finish, to end
ませるすませるto be finished
ぞうげんincrease and decrease, fluctuation
らすへらすto abate, to decrease, to diminish, to shorten
へるto decrease (in size or number), to diminish
わたるto cross
わたすto pass over, to hand over
おんせんspa, hot spring, onsen
おんたいtemperate zone
たいおんtemperature (body)
はかるto measure, to weigh, to survey
よそくprediction, estimation
みなとharbour, port
わくto boil, to grow hot, to get excited, to gush forth
hot water
ゆげsteam, vapour
わんbay, gulf, inlet
湿しっけmoisture, humidity, dampness
湿しつどlevel of humidity
湿しめるto be wet, to become wet, to be damp
まんいんno vacany, a full house
ふまんdissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent, complaint
ちるみちるto be full, to rise (tide), to mature, to expire
みまんless than, insufficient
すいじゅん(1) water level, (2) level, standard
ひょうじゅんstandard, level
めったにrarely (with neg. verb), seldom
すべるto slide, to slip
たいざいstay, sojourn
すいてきdrop of water
ぎょぎょうfishing (industry)
かんわChinese Character-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)
けるつけるto soak, to moisten, to pickle
ようやくgradually, finally, hardly
ふけつunclean, dirty, filthy, impure
もぐる(1) to drive, to pass through, (2) to evade
すむto clear (e.g. weather), to become transparent
かんげきdeep emotion, impression, inspiration
げきぞうsudden increase
しげきstimulus, impetus, incentive
しいはげしいviolent, vehement, intense
にごるto become muddy, to get impure
こいthick (as of color, liquid), dense, strong
のうどconcentration, brightness
せんたくきlaundry machine
せんたくwashing, laundry
ひ, -び, ほ-fire
かざんa volcano
かじa fire
かりょくheat power
かぜんがんvolcanic rock
かせいがんigneous rock
しょうかきfire extinguisher
かよう(abbr) Tuesday
やけどburn, scald
とうゆlamp oil, kerosene
すいじcooking, culinary arts
たくto boil, to cook
けるつけるto turn on; light (a fire)
じゃくてんa weakness, a weak point, a shortcoming
つくto be started, to be switched on (u-v, intrans-v)
けってんfaults, defect, weakness
さいてんmarking, grading, looking over
ちてんsite, point on a map
まんてんperfect score
ためgood, advantage, in order to
かわせmoney order, exchange
するto change, to be of use, to reach to
ない(to have) nothing, none there
むりょうfree of charge
くすなくすto lose something
くなるなくなるto disappear, to get lost
ごぶさたnot writing or contacting for a while
nothing, naught, nil, zero
ぶさたneglecting to stay in contact
ぶじsafety, peace, quietness
むじplain, unfigured
むすうcountless number, infinite number
しょうてんfocus, point
がすこがすto burn, to scorch, to singe, to char
げるこげるto burn, to be burned
ぐうぜん(by) chance, unexpectedly, suddenly
ぜんぜんwholly, entirely, completely
やくto bake, to grill
けるやけるto burn, to be roasted, to be sunburnt
たいしょうcontrast, antithesis, comparison
えるにえるto boil, to cook, to be cooked
にるto boil, to cook
ねつfever, temperature
ねっしんzeal, enthusiasm
するねっするto heat (vs-s)
ねっちゅうnuts!, enthusiasm, zeal, mania
えるもえるto burn
やすもやすto burn
/叔父・さんおじ・さんuncle, middle aged man
さんおじさんmiddle-aged gentleman, uncle
さんおじさんmiddle-aged gentleman, uncle
さんおじさんmiddle-aged gentleman, uncle
おじ(hum) uncle (older than one's parent)
おじuncle (younger than one's parent)
けるかたづけるto tidy up, to put in order, to put away
ぎゅうにゅうcow's milk
ぎゅうどんbeef rice bowl
ぼくじょう(1) farm (livestock), (2) pasture land, meadow
のりものa vehicle, transport
こうぶつone's favourite food
だいこうぶつmost favourite food
ものa thing
どうぶつan animal
しょくぶつplant, vegetation
くだものfruit, a fruit
じんぶつpersonality; character
もちものone's property
やすものcheap item
たてものa building
かりものa borrowed thing
ふゆものwinter clothing
わすれものlost article, something forgotten
じつぶつreal thing, original
さくもつproduce (e.g. agricultural), crops
せとものearthenware, crockery, china
ほんものgenuine article
めいぶつfamous product, special product, speciality
ものごとthings, everything
ものさしruler, measure
凄いものすごいearth-shattering, staggering, to a very great extent
とくにparticularly, especially
いぬa dog
こまいぬ(stone) guard lion-dog at Shinto shrine
はんにんoffender, criminal
じょうきょうstate of affairs, situation, circumstances
じょうたいcondition, situation, circumstances, state
くるうto go mad, to get out of order
狙うねらうto aim at
こまspinning top
ひとりalone, unmarried
もうべんきょうするto study hard, to grind (away)
りょうけんhound; hunting dog
ぶんけんliterature, books (reference)
いるひきいるto lead, to spearhead (a group), to command
そっせんtaking the initiative
そっとface of the earth
りつrate, ratio, proportion, percentage
ぎょくはいjade cap
たまball, sphere, coin
しいめずらしいunusual, rare
げんざいpresent, up to now, nowadays, modern times, current
げんじょうpresent condition, existing state, status quo
げんだいnowadays, modern times, present-day (adj-no)
げんにactually, really
げんばactual spot, scene, scene of the crime
じつげんimplementation, materialization, realization
ちきゅうearth (planet)
たまglobe, sphere, ball
りょうりdish (meal)
げんりprinciple, theory, fundamental truth
しょりprocessing, dealing with, treatment, disposition
せいりsorting, arrangement, adjustment, regulation
だいりrepresentation, agency, proxy, deputy, agent
ことKoto (Japanese harp)
かんきょうenvironment, circumstance
あまいgenerous, sweet
だしいはなはだしいextreme, excessive, terrible
い・きる、う・む、なま、きto live, to grow, be born, raw
まれるうまれるto be born
しょうがくせいprimary school student
せいねんがっぴdate of birth
せんせいa teacher
じょしがくせいa girl student
ちゅうがくせいmiddle school student
がくせいa student
いちねんせいfirst-year student
だいがくせいuniversity student
おおぜいのgreat number of
せいぶつa living creature
なまたまごraw egg
するしゃせいするto sketch, to paint [draw] from nature
いきいきvividly, lively
いきものliving thing, animal
きるいきるto live, to exist
じるしょうじるto produce, to yield, to result from, to arise
ずるしょうずるto cause, to arise, to be generated (v5z)
じんせい(human) life (i.e. conception to death)
せいかつliving, life (one's daily existence), livelihood
せいぞんexistence, being, survival
えるはえる(1) to grow, to spring up, (2) to cut (teeth)
げんさんplace of origin, habitat
すいさんmarine products, fisheries
さんちproducing area
せいさんproduction, manufacture
みやげpresent, souvenir
あくようabuse, misuse
使しようuse, employment
りようuse, utilization
じつようpractical use, utility
しんようconfidence, dependence, credit, faith
にちようひんdaily necessities
いるもちいるto use, to make use of
ようじんcare, precaution, guarding, caution
ようとuse, usefulness
た、た・んぼ、だrice field
でんえんrural district
すいでんa rice field
ごたんだGotanda (place name)
ちよだChiyoda Ward
さんもりたさんMorita: a Japanese surname
いわたIwata: a Japanese surname
ゆでんoil field
すいたしSuita City
たんぼpaddy field, farm
たうえrice planting
そつゆうfollowing (a precedent, former example, etc.)
もうしあげるto tell, to say, to state
げるもうしあげるto say, to tell
もうす(hum) to be called, to say
し込むもうしこむto apply for, to make an application
おとこのこa boy
だんせいman, male
こうだんしhandsome man
だんしがくせいa boy student
じなんsecond son
さんなんthird son
だんしyouth, young man
~ちょう~ of the town
まんがcomic, cartoon
がかpainter, artist
せかいworld, the globe, the earth
はたけa cultivated field
たはたfields of rice and crops, estate
るすabsence, being away from home
かきとめwriting down, putting on record, recording
ていりゅうじょbus or tram stop
りゅうがくstudying abroad
りゃくすto abbreviate
すきいちばんすき favourite
いちばんnumber one
にばんsecond (in sequence)
なんばんwhat number
こうばんpolice box
とうばんbeing on duty
ばんちhouse number, address
るすばんcare-taking, caretaker, house-watching
いじょうstrangeness, abnormality, disorder
なることなるto differ, to vary, to disagree
たたみtatami mat (Japanese straw mat)
たたむto fold (clothes)
ぎもん(a) question
びょうにんa sick person
しょうじょうsymptoms, condition
いたむto ache
いたみどめa painkiller
いたみpain, ache, sore, grief, distress
くせa habit (often a bad habit), peculiarity
たつto depart (on a plane, train, etc.) (v5t)
ばくはつexplosion, detonation, eruption
はっきexhibition, demonstration, utilization
はっしゃfiring, shooting, discharge, catapult
はっそうexpression (music), conceptualization
はったつdevelopment, growth
はってんdevelopment, growth
のぼるto climb
とうじょうentry (on stage)
らんぱくegg white
はくしょWhite Paper
しらがwhite or grey hair, trendy hair bleaching
ひゃくてん100 points (perfect mark)
ひゃくえん100 yen
ひゃくはちじゅうど180 degrees
ぐたいてきなconcrete; specific
さんみなさんeveryone, everybody
かいむnonexistent, nil, none
かわskin, hide, leather, fur, pelt, bark, shell
けがわfur, skin, pelt
おさらplate, dish
さらplate, dish
ぼんLantern Festival, Festival of the Dead, tray
ぼんちbasin (e.g. between mountains)
りえきprofits, gains, (political, economic)
さかんpopularity, prosperous
さかりhelping, serving
もる(1) to serve (food, etc.), (2) to fill up
an eye; vision
めうえone's superiors
めしたone's inferiors
いくついくつめhow many... (counter)
めがわるいpoor eyesight; blind
もくじa table of contents
ひとめでat a glance
んばんめsecond (in a series)
~めnumber ~ sequence, ~nd/th (suf)
~目~め~nd,~th (sequence)
めざすto aim at, to have an eye on
めじるしmark, sign, landmark
めやすcriterion, aim
もくひょうmark, objective, target
やくめduty, business
かいもくentirely, (not) at all
もうどうけんseeing eye dog
なおすto repair
ちにただちにat once
そっちょくfrank, candid, straightforward, openhearted
なおるto be fixed, to be repaired
しょうじきhonesty, integrity, frankness
すいちょくvertical, perpendicular
そっちょくfrankness, candour, openheartedness
じかにimmediately, readily, directly
じきearnestly, immediately, exactly
ちょくごimmediately following
ちょくぜんjust before
ちょくりゅうdirect current
あいてcompanion, partner
すもうsumo wrestling
そういdifference, discrepancy, variation
はぶくto omit, to eliminate, to curtail, to economize
はんせいreflection, reconsideration, introspection, meditation
かんばんsign, signboard, doorplate, poster
かんびょうnursing (a patient)
けんちょうprefectural office
まんなかthe very middle
まっくらpitch dark
まっしろpure white
まりa woman's name
しんやa man's name
しゃしんa photograph, a photo, a picture
しゃしんをとるto take a picture
まふゆ(in) midwinter
まんなかmiddle, centre
しんけんseriousness, earnestness
まっくらtotal darkness, shortsightedness, pitch dark
まっさきthe head, the foremost, beginning
まっすぐstraight (ahead), direct, upright
まねmimicry, imitation, behavior, pretense
まねるto mimic, to imitate
うわぎouter garment, coat
きるto wear, to put on
きがえchanging clothes, change of clothes
~着~ちゃくcounter for suits of clothing
けるつける(1) to attach, to join, to add, to append
みずぎbathing suit (woman's)
いっしゅんa moment, an instant
ひとみpupil (of eye)
むじゅんcontradiction, inconsistency
やじるしdirecting arrow
しょうち・するconsent, acceptance
らせるしらせるto notify, to advise
ちえwisdom, wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence
ちじprefectural governor
ちじんfriend, acquaintance
たんだいjunior college
たんきshort term
たんしょ(1) defect, demerit, weak point, (2) disadvantage
いしばしstone bridge
いしかわIshikawa: a Japanese surname
ほうせきjewel, gem
せきゆpetroleum, oil
かせきa fossil
がんせきrocks and stones
さすがclever, adept, good, expectations
くだくto break, to smash
けるくだけるto break, to be broken
はさん(personal) bankruptcy
はへんfragment, splinter, broken piece
やぶるto tear, to violate, to defeat, to smash, to destroy
れるやぶれるto get torn, to wear out
/硬/固いかたいsolid, hard, firm
Go (board game of capturing territory)
せいかくaccurate, punctuality, exactness, authenticity
たしかcertain, sure, definite, if I remember correctly
かめるたしかめるto ascertain
てきかくprecise, accurate
めいかくclear up, clarify, define
はみがきdentifrice, toothpaste
みがくto polish, to shine, to brush, to refine, to improve
けいじnotice, bulletin
おれいthanking, expression of gratitude
しつれい(1) discourtesy, impoliteness, (2) Excuse me
れいexpression of gratitude
れいぎmanners, courtesy, etiquette
やしろ、しゃshrine, Shinto, society
かいしゃa company
しゃいんcompany employee
しゃしゅthe proprietor (owner) of a company
しゃいんofficial company seal
かいしゃいんa company employee
しょうしゃtrading company, firm
にゅうしゃentry to a company
がんそfounder; originator, forerunner
いわいcongratulations; celebration, festival
いわいごとa celebration
いわいぎfestive dress
いわいものgongratulatory gift
かんだneighbourhood in Tokyo
けいひんしんちほうthe Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area
こうべしKobe city (of Hyogo prefecture)
とうひょうvoting, poll
なつまつりsummer festival
さいじつnational holiday, festival day
まつりfestival, feast
まつるto deify, to enshrine
うせつきんしcannot turn right
きんえんNo Smoking! (exp)
きんしprohibition, ban
こうふくhappiness, blessedness
ゆうしゅうsuperiority, excellence
あきまつりautumn festival
あきautumn, fall (n-adv)
しゅうぶんautumn equinox
かがくchemistry, science
ひゃっかじてんan encyclopedia
がっかschool subject
ないかいa physician
げかいa surgeon
かもく(school) subject, curriculum, course
きょうかしょtext book
げかsurgical department
じんぶんかがくsocial sciences, humanities
いちびょうsecond (time)
びょうsecond (60th min)
ひみつsecret, secrecy
まれrare, seldom
さきほどsome time ago
ていどdegree, amount, grade, standard, of the order of
ほどdegree, extent, bounds, limit
ぜいべつtax not included
めんぜいtax exemption, duty exemption
ようちinfancy, childish, infantile
いっしゅa species, a kind, a variety
じんしゅrace (of people)
たね(1) seed, (2) material, (3) cause, source
稿げんこうmanuscript, copy
こくもつgrain, cereal, corn
せっきょくてきpositive, active, proactive
たいせきcapacity, volume
つむto pile up, to stack
もるつもるto pile up
ようせきcapacity, volume
やかおだやかcalm, gentle, quiet
けんきゅうしつprofessor's office, a seminar room
けんきゅうかresearch section
けんきゅうstudy, research, investigation
そら、あ・ける、からsky, to become free, empty
あきroom, time to spare, emptiness
あくto open, to become open, to become empty
っぽからっぽempty, vacant, hollow
くうそうdaydream, fantasy, fancy, vision
くうちゅうsky, air
しんくうvacuum, hollow, empty
まどぐちticket window
た・つ、た・てるto stand, to establish
しりつだいがくa private university
たちいりきんしdo not enter
立つめだつto stand out
立ちたちさるto leave, to go off, to depart
ゆうだちa (summer afternoon) shower
立てるたてるto stand (something) up, to erect (something)
に立つやくにたつto be helpful, to be useful
こんだてmenu, program, schedule
しりつprivate (establishment)
せいりつcoming into existence, arrangements, establishment
立ちがるたちあがるto stand up
立ちまるたちどまるto stop, to halt, to stand still
立つたつto stand (v5t)
りっぱsplendid, fine, handsome, elegant, imposing
りょうあんじRyoan Temple
ぶんしょうsentence, article
せんたんpointed end, tip, fine point
はしend (e.g. of street), edge, tip, margin, point
きょうぎgame, match, contest
きょうそうcompetition, contest
たけだTakeda: a Japanese surname
ちくざいbamboo material
たけの子a bamboo shoot
ちくりんbamboo thicket
わらいごえlaughter, a laughing voice
わらうto laugh, to smile
ほほえむto smile
わらいlaugh, laughter, smile
ふえflute, pipe
ふごうsign, mark, symbol
しだい(1) order, precedence, (2) circumstances
まんねんひつfountain pen
ふでwriting brush
かれらthey (usually male)
じょうとうsuperiority, first class, very good
とうぶんdivision into equal parts
びょうどうequality (a), impartiality, evenness
すじmuscle, string, line
すいとうcanteen, flask, water bottle
とうあんanswer paper
こたえanswer (noun)
えるこたえるto answer
こたえanswer, response
もんどうquestions and answers, dialogue
たいさくcounter-plan, counter-measure
わりざんdivision (math)
かんりcontrol, management (e.g. of a business)
くだpipe, tube
はこをうごかすto move a box
そっせんすいはんset an example worth following
はんいextent, scope, sphere, range
しょせきbook, publication
しんまいnew rice; new person
はくまいpolished (white) rice
げんまいbrown rice
ちゅうべいCentral America
なんべいSouth America
べいかprice of rice
ほくべいNorth America
ほくべいじんNorth American (person)
なんべいじんSouth American (person)
こなflour, meal, powder
あらりgross profit
そまつcrude, rough, plain, humble
せいぜいat the most, at best, to the utmost, as much
けいとwoollen yarn
ぶんけいsentence pattern
たいけいsystem, organization
21世紀にじゅういっせいきTwenty-First Century
やくそくarrangement; promise; appointment
よやくreservation, booking
けいやくcontract, compact, agreement
こんやくengagement, betrothal
せつやくeconomising, saving
やくapproximately, about, some
めるおさめるto obtain, to reap, to pay, to supply, to accept
てがみa letter (mail)
しょうしbook cover
わしJapanese paper
かみをきるto cut (a piece of) paper
ちりがみtissue paper, toilet paper
じょうきゅうadvanced level, high grade, senior
すなおobedient, meek, docile, unaffected
らしいすばらしいwonderful, splendid, magnificent
しろうとamateur, novice
むらさきpurple colour, violet
かいこまかい(1) small, (2) fine, minute
こんnavy blue, deep blue
するしゅうりょうするcomplete (a course)
おわるto finish, to close
おわりthe end
さいしゅうlast, final, closing
しじゅうcontinuously, from beginning to end
ばんぐみprogram (eg. TV)
くみclass, group, team, set
くみあいassociation, union
み立てるくみたてるto assemble, to set up, to construct
くむto put together
けいえいmanagement, administration
けいざいeconomics, business, finance, economy
けいゆgo by the way, via
しんけいnerve, sensitivity
たつto pass, to lapse (v5t)
けっこうnice, enough
けっかresult, consequence
けっきょくafter all, eventually
むすぶto tie, to bind, to link
きゅうよallowance, grant, supply
きゅうりょうsalary, wages
きょうきゅうsupply, provision
げっきゅうmonthly salary
しきゅうpayment, allowance
けいとうsystem, family line, geological formation
とういつunity, consolidation, uniformity
あぶらえoil painting
ぬりえline drawing for colouring
えほんpicture book
うえよえukiyoe (Edo wood-block prints)
picture, drawing, painting, sketch
ぜったいabsolute, unconditional, absoluteness
ぜつめつdestruction, extinction
するじぞくするto continue
つづくto be continued
ける~つづけるto continue doing ~
けるつづけるto continue, to keep up, to keep on
そうぞくsuccession, inheritance
ぞくぞくsuccessively, one after another (n-adv)
せつぞく(1) connection, union, join, link, (2) changing
つづきsequel, continuation
いじmaintenance, preservation
綿めんcotton, padding
きんちょうtension, mental strain, nervousness
てんせんdotted line
やまのてせんYamanote train line, Tokyo
こうせんlight ray
ちょくせんstraight line
せんがい低いshort (person), be short in stature
しんかんせんbullet train (very high speed), shinkansen
めるしめるto tie, to fasten
たんぺんshort (e.g. story, film)
ゆるいloose, lenient, slow
ふちa means, e.g. of living
なわrope, hemp
たてlength, height
ぬうto sew
きょうしゅくshame, very kind of you, sorry to trouble
ちぢむto shrink, to be contracted
めるちぢめるto shorten, to reduce, to boil down, to shrink
れるちぢれるto be wavy, to be curled
じっせきachievements, actual results
こうせきachievements, merit, meritorious service
せいせきresults, record
そしき(1) organization, (2) structure, construction
つみcrime, fault, indiscretion
おきばplace where something is put
おくto put, to place; to leave (behind);
いちplace, situation, position, location
ものおきstorage room
するばっするto punish, to penalize (vs-s)
ようすいamniotic fluid
びじんbeautiful person (woman)
びようbeauty of figure or form
むれgroup, crowd, flock, herd
ぎりのいもうとone's younger sister-in-law
ぎりのあねone's older sister-in-law
いぎmeaning, significance
はねだくうこうHaneda airport
~羽~わcounter for rabbits/birds
ならうto learn
ふくしゅうreview, revision
よしゅうpreparation for a lesson
じっしゅうpractice, training
しゅうかんcustom, habit, manners
ろうじんthe aged, old person
かんがえthinking, thought, ideas, intention
こうりょconsideration, taking into account
えきしゃfortune teller
はいしゃdentist, a dentist's office
はたらきものa hard worker
さくしゃan author, a writer, an artist
ぜんしゃthe former
こうしゃthe latter
ひっしゃwriter, author
やくしゃactor, actress
こうちarable land
たがやすto till, to plow, to cultivate
かきみみかきan earpick
パンのパンのみみthe crust of a slice of bread
にするみみにするto hear about; to learn
たぶみみたぶear lobe
き・く、き・こえるto hear, to listen, to ask
ぜんだいみもんunheard-of; unprecedented
きくto hear, to listen, to ask
しんぶんしゃnewspaper company
やきにくKorean BBQ
にくがんnaked eye
にくたいthe body
とりとりにくchicken meat
ひにくcynicism, sarcasm
たいいくphysical education
するきょういくするto educate
いくめんhouse-husband (slang)
いくじchildcare, nursing, upbringing
そだつto raise (child), to be brought up, to grow (up)
てるそだてるto raise, to rear, to bring up
きょういくtraining, education
せなかthe back (of the body)
せびろa (business) suit
height, stature
むねbreast, chest
かのうせいchance (likelihood)
かのうpossible, practicable, feasible
せいのうability, efficiency
ちのうintelligence, brains
のうbeing skilled in, nicely, properly
ゆうのうable, capable, efficient, skill
かんのうてきsensual; voluptuous; sexy; arousing​
ぬぐto take off (clothes, shoes, etc.); to undress
くさるto rot, to go bad
こしかけseat, bench
けるこしかけるto sit (down)
はらabdomen, belly, stomach
らますふくらますto swell, to expand, to inflate, to bulge
らむふくらむto expand, to swell (out), to get big, to become
ぼうだいhuge, bulky, enormous, extensive, swelling
そうりだいじんPrime Minister
だいじんcabinet minister
りんじtemporary, special, extraordinary
じしょうself-styled; would-be; calling oneself
じたくmy house
じこself; oneself
じしゅくself control
じしゅてきindependent, autonomous
じぶんでby oneself
ドアじどうドアan automatic door
じちself-government, autonomy
しぜんかがくnatural science
ふじゆうdiscomfort, disability, inconvenience, destitution
みずからfor one's self, personally
しゅみan interest, a hobby
くさいodour, scent, smell, stench
いたるto come, to arrive
しきゅうurgent, pressing
いたす(hum) to do
きょうみ(an) interest (in something)
こうしゃschool building
ふねship, boat
こうくうaviation, flying
ぜんぱん(the) whole, universal, wholly, general
便ふなびんsurface mail (ship)
けしきscenery, scene, landscape
はいいろgrey, gray, ashen
つやgloss, glaze
はなはたけa flower garden
をいけはなをいけますflower arrangement
びんかびんa vase
いけばなliving flower arrangement
はなばflower bouquet
かびん(flower) vase
がくげいだいがくTokyo neighbourhood named for now-defunct arts University
こうげいひんa handicraft
げいのうpublic entertainment, accomplishments, attainment
こうげいindustrial arts
ぶんげいliterature, art and literature, belles-lettres
しいわかわかしいyouthful, young
じゃっかんsome, few, a number of, a little
くじょうcomplaint, troubles, objection
くしんpain, trouble
くつうpain, agony
しいくるしいpainful, difficult
しむくるしむto suffer, to groan, to be worried
くろうtroubles, hardships
にがてpoor (at), weak (in), dislike (of)
いぎりすthe United Kingdom (of Great Britain etc)
しげるto grow thick, to luxuriate, to be luxurious
ちゃばたけtea field
にほんちゃJapanese/green tea
こうちゃEnglish/black tea
きっさてんa tea house / coffee shop
りょくちゃgreen tea
くさはらgrassy plain
ぞうりzoori (Japanese footwear), sandals
べっそうholiday house, villa
にもつbaggage, luggage
てにもつhand luggage
するしゅっかするto ship goods
さかtea and cakes
おかしconfections, sweets, candy
ちるおちるto fall, to drop
おとすto drop, to lose
おちつくto calm down, to settle down
おとしものlost property
らくだいfailure, dropping out of a class
ちばChiba Prefecture
こうようleaves changing colors
ちょしゃauthor, writer
まくto sow (seeds)
むしあついhot and humid
じょうきsteam, vapour
じょうはつevaporation, unexplained disappearance
すいじょうきwater vapour, steam
むすto steam, to poultice, to be sultry
うすいthin, weak
めぐすりeye lotion
くすりゆびring finger
やくひんmedicine(s), chemical(s)
むしばdental cavity, tooth decay
けいこうとうfluorescent lamp, person who is slow to react
けつあつがひくいhave low blood pressure
けつあつblood pressure
こうしゅうthe public
い・く、ゆ・く、おこな・うto go, to walk, to carry out
はなにいぢますviewing flowers
いくto go
おこなうto carry out
するりょこうするto travel
にぎょうめthe second line
りゅうこうfashion; fad; vogue; craze
ぎょうじevent, function
ぎょうれつ(1) line, procession, (2) matrix (math)
じっこうpractice, performance, execution (e.g. program)
こうこうfilial piety
こうどうaction, conduct, behaviour, mobilization
はっこうissue (publications)
はやるto flourish, to thrive, to be popular
へいこう(going) side by side, concurrent, abreast
やこうwalking around at night, night train, night travel
ゆくえone's whereabouts
りょこうtravel, trip
げいじゅつ(fine) art, the arts
ぎじゅつart, technique, technology, skill
まち(1) town, (2) street, road
しょうとつcollision, conflict
こういしつa dressing room, a locker room
ゆかたbathrobe, informal summer kimono, yukata
ずひょうa chart, a graph, a diagram
おもてthe front, surface, exterior
こうひょうofficial announcement, proclamation
だいひょうrepresentative, representation, delegation
はっぴょうannouncement, publication
ひょうげんexpression, presentation, representation (math)
ひょうしfront cover, binding
ひょうじょうfacial expression
ふくろbag, sack
かぶるto wear (on the head)
せるかぶせるto cover (with something)
ていさいのわるいunbecoming, awkward
さいばんtrial, judgement
さくto tear, to split
そうちequipment, installation, apparatus
ほうそうpacking, wrapping
よゆうsurplus, composure, margin, room, time, allowance
はだかnaked, nude
せいしsilk making
~せいmade in ~
せいさくmanufacture, production
せいひんmanufactured goods, finished goods
ふくしゃreproduction, duplication, a copy, a facsimile
めるほめるto praise, to admire, to speak well
西にしぐちthe west gate
西にしぐちafternoon sun
西にしびwestern coast
西せいれきthe Christian era
西せいようthe west, Western countries
西とうざいEast and West, whole country
いるto need
ひつようnecessary, essential
ようきゅうrequest, demand, requisition
ようしgist, essentials, summary, fundamentals
するにようするにin a word, after all, the point is .., in short
ようてんgist, main point
み・る、み・える、み・せるto look at, to see, to be visible
つきみmoon viewing
りょうけんidea; thought; intention; design
せるみせるto show
えるみえるto be visible
みつけるmoon viewing (in Autumn)
はなみcherry blossom viewing
けんがくeducational visit
みごとなbeautiful, excellent, fine, splendid, marvelous
するあじみするto taste, to have a taste of, to sample
おみまいcalling on someone who is ill, enquiry
はいけん・する(hum) (pol) seeing, look at
つかるみつかる(uk) to be found, to be discovered
つけるみつけるto discover, to find
いけんopinion, view
けんとうbe found, aim, estimate, guess, approx
げるみあげるto look up at, to raise one's eyes, to admire
ろすみおろすto overlook, to command a view of, to look down
みかけoutward appearance
みごとsplendid, magnificent, beautiful, admirable
みだしheading, caption, subtitle, index
かるみつかるto be found, to be discovered
けるみつけるto be familiar, to discover, to detect
みなおすto look again, to get a better opinion of
れるみなれるto become used to seeing, to be familiar with
みまいenquiry, expression of sympathy, expression of concern
みまうto ask after (health), to visit
みるto see, to watch
きりつorder, rules, law
じょうぎ(measuring) ruler
きそくrule, regulations
ふきそくirregularity, unsteadiness, disorderly
させつきんしleft-handed; southpaw
むしdisregard, ignore
めがさめるwake up (in AM)
おぼえmemory; sense; experience
えるおぼえるto remember, to memorize
かんかくsense, sensation
ますさますto awaken
めるさめるto wake, to wake up
めざまし(abbr) alarm-clock
ごらん(hon) look, inspection, try
しんゆうa close friend
ちちおやa father
ははおやa mother
りょうしんone's parents
しんせつkindness, goodness, goodwill
しんせつなひとkind person
おやゆびthe thumb
しいしたしいclose, friendly, familiar, intimate
おやにparent and child, parents and their children
するかんこうするto go sightseeing
かんきゃくaudience, spectator(s)
かんさつobservation, survey
ごかくequality; balanced; equal
さんかくtriangle, triangular
せっかくwith trouble, at great pains, long-awaited
ちょっかくright angle
ほうがくdirection, way, compass point
まちかどstreet corner
よつかどfour corners, crossroads
せいかいcorrect answer
かいけつsettlement, solution, resolution
かいさんbreakup, dissolution
かいとうanswer, solution
かいほうrelease, liberation, emancipation
けんかいopinion, point of view
ぶんかいanalysis, disassembly
りかいunderstanding, comprehension
れるふれるto touch, to be touched, to touch on a subject
い・うword, to say
ことばword, language
じょげんpiece of advice; counsel
いうto say
いいだすto start talking, to speak, to tell, to propose
けるいいつけるto tell, to tell on (someone), to order
けることづけるto send word, to send a message
ひとことsingle word
ひとりごとa soliloquy, a monologue, speaking to oneself
とけいa watch, a clock
するけいかくするto plan
たいおんけいa clinical thermometer
かいけいa bill, a check, accounting, accounts
ごうけいa total, the sum (total), the total
うでどけいa wristwatch, a watch
はかるto compute, to calculate, to guess, to plan
とうけいscattering, a scatter, dispersion
よけいtoo much, unnecessary, abundance, surplus, excessive
けんとうconsideration, examination, investigation, study
くんnative Japanese reading of a Chinese character
くんれんpractice, training
するきにゅうするcomplete (a form)
あんきmemorization, learning by heart
きおくmemory, recollection, remembrance
ひっき(taking) notes, copying
ねるたずねるto visit
ほうもんcall, visit
けんせつ(act of) building, construction
けんせつぶつa building
せっけいplan, design
せつびequipment, device, facilities, installation
きょかpermission, approval
めんきょlicense, permit, licence, certificate
ゆるすto permit, to allow, to approve
ほんやくtranslation (written)
わけmeaning, reason
もうしわけapology, excuse
やくすto translate
しんさつmedical examination
みるto examine (medical)
ほしょうguarantee, security, assurance, pledge, warranty
ひひょうcriticism, review, commentary
ひょうかvaluation, estimation, assessment, evaluation
ひょうばんfame, reputation, popularity, arrant
どうしぶんverb (predicate) sentence
めいしぶんnoun (predicate) sentence
けいどうしぶんadjective (predicate) sentence
けいようどうしadjectival noun, quasi-adjective
せりふspeech, words, one's lines, remarks
ちからだめしtest of strength
しょくししょくするto sample (food), to try (food)
みるこころみるto try, to attempt (to do)
こころみa trial, a test, an experiment, an attempt
ためすto try (out), to test, to (make an) experiment
しあいa game, a match, a tournament
ためしtrial, test
かんしChinese poetry
poem, verse of poetry
まるつまるto be blocked, to be packed
めるつめるto pack, to shorten, to work out (details)
びんづめbottling, bottled
めるみつめるto stare at, to gaze at, to look hard at
はなし、はな・すspeech, to talk, conversation
しょきto speak
はなしあうto discuss; to talk together
をす世話をするto take care (of); to help; to look after
しんわmyth, legend
せわlooking after, help, aid, assistance
はなしあいdiscussion, conference
けるはなしかけるto accost a person, to talk (to someone)
はなしちゅうwhile talking, the line is busy
しいくわしいknowing very well, detailed, full, accurate
しょうにんrecognition, acknowledgement, approval, consent
めるみとめるto recognize, to appreciate, to approve, to admire
ちかうto swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge
さそう(1) to invite, to ask, (2) to tempt, to lure
かた・る、かた・らうword, to discuss
にほんごJapanese language
えいごEnglish language
ちゅうごくごChinese language
ものがたりa story
~ごword, language (suffix)
けいごhonorific, term of respect
ごがくlanguage study
こくごnational language
ものがたるto tell, to indicate
ようごterm, terminology
しょうせつa novel
せつめいan explanation
するせつめいするto explain
じせつone's one view, opinion
せつan opinion, a view, a theory, a doctrine, a rumor
するせっとくするto persuade (a person into doing)
とくto explain, to state, to set forth, to preach
しょうせつかa novelist, a story writer
くどくto talk someone into agreeing
かいせつexplanation, commentary
よ・むto read
よみかたreading book
くんよみJapanese reading
よみものreading practice
くとうてんpunctuation marks
よむto read
counter for chapters (of a book)
かていcourse, curriculum
にっかdaily lesson, daily work, daily routine
調たいちょうone's phyical condition
調べるしらべるto examine; to investigate; to check up
調きょうちょうemphasis, stress, stressed point
調ちょうさinvestigation, examination, inquiry, survey
調ちょうせいregulation, adjustment, tuning
調ちょうせつregulation, adjustment, control
調ちょうみりょうcondiment, seasoning
じょうだんjest, joke
そうだんconsultation, discussion
するせいきゅうするto charge
しんせいapplication, request, petition
こうto ask, to request
せいきゅうclaim, demand, application, request
がいろんintro, outline, general remarks
ひょうろんcriticism, critique
もちろんof course, certainly, naturally
じるろんじるto argue, to discuss, to debate
ずるろんずるto argue, to discuss, to debate (v5z)
ろんそうcontroversy, dispute
ろんぶんthesis, essay, treatise, paper
けんきょmodesty, humility
けんそんhumble, humility, modesty
こうどうa lecture hall, an auditorium
こうえんlecture, address
かようsong, ballad
みんようfolk song, popular song
いしきconsciousness, senses
じょうしきcommon sense
ひょうしきsign, mark
けいこくwarning, advice
けいびdefense, guard, policing, security
かいぎしつmeeting room
こっかいぎいんa member of the Diet
こっかいぎじどうthe (Japanese) National Diet
かいぎmeeting, conference
ぎいんmember of the Diet, congress or parliament
ぎかいDiet, congress, parliament
ぎろんargument, discussion, dispute
ふしぎmystery, curiosity
ゆずるto turn over, to assign, to hand over
かんごふ(female) nurse
かみやちょうneighbourhood in Tokyo
しぶやShibuya: a neighbourhood in Tokyo
ゆうこくdeep ravine
たにぞこvalley bottom
ほうふabundance, wealth, plenty, bounty
ゆたかabundant, wealthy, plentiful, rich
とんもうpig bristle
カツとんカツpork cutlet
たいしょうtarget, object (of worship, study, etc), subject
ごうかwonderful, gorgeous, splendor, pomp, extravagance
かいa shellfish
からかいからa shell
まきがいsnail's spiral shell
けるまけるto lose, to be defeated
せおうto be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder
まけdefeat, loss, losing (a game)
ざいさんproperty, fortune, assets
こうけんcontribution, services
しいまずしいpoor, needy
ひゃっかてんdepartment store
かもつcargo, freight
じどうはんばいきa vending machine
はんばいsale, selling, marketing
せきにんduty, responsibility
めるせめるto condemn, to blame, to criticize
ちょぞうstorage, preservation
あねきone's older sister
か・うto buy
かいものshopping (noun)
ばいしゅうpurchase; bribe
かうto buy
ばいばいtrade, buying and selling
かしかりlending and borrowing
たいよ(a) loan, lending
かしほんやa loan library
かすto lend, to advance (money), to rent (out)
かしやa house for rent
しょうひconsumption, expenditure
ひようcost, expense
やちんhouse rent
しりょうmaterials, data
Uӣ[いapproval, agreement, support, favour
しょうひんprize, trophy
しつもんa question, an interrogation, an inquiry
しちやa pawn shop
しつquality, one's character, (a person's) disposition
ていしつ(a) nature, (a) disposition, (a) character
するしつもんするto ask a person a question
そしつcharacter, qualities, genius
ちしつgeological features
ぶっしつmaterial, substance
ちゃんあかちゃんbaby, infant
あかじa deficit
あかいred, crimson (adjective)
あかred, crimson (noun)
せきがいせninfrared rays
あかしんごうa red light, a danger signal
まっかdeep red, flushed (of face)
はしるto run
はしりさるto run away, to drive off
するぼうそうするto drive recklessly, to be out of control
きょうそうa race, a run, a running match, a dash
そうしゃa runner
ごちそうfeast, treating (someone)
きるおきるget up, wake up
こすおこすto raise, to set up, to wake someone, to awake
立するきりつするto stand up
こるおこるto happen, to occur, to take place
するきしょうするto get up, to rise
えんぎan omen, luck
こったおこったかおan angry face, a severe face
おこすto raise, to cause, to wake someone (io)
えるこえるto exceed, to cross over, to cross
こすto cross, to pass, to tide over
りるたりるto be enough
たすto add, to add to; add (math)
ふそくinsufficiency; shortage
てあしone's limbs
にそくtwo pairs
あしもとにat one's feet
たびtabi, Japanese socks (with split toe)
たるto be sufficient, to be enough
せんろline, track, roadbed
ねるはねるto jump, to leap
おどるto dance
ふむto step on, to tread on
ふみきりrailway crossing, level crossing, starting line
なかみcontents, the substance
しんしんmind and body
しんたいthe body
ぜんしんthe whole body, full-length (portrait)
さしみsliced raw fish
じしんby oneself, personally
body, main part, oneself, sword
みぶんsocial position, social status
くるま、しゃcar, wheel
じどうしゃa car, an automobile
ごうしゃtrain car
するげしゃするto get off
しんしゃnew car
中古車a second-hand car
きしゃsteam train
するじょうしゃするto get on (a train [bus]), to get in (a car)
じょうしゃtaking a train, entraining
ていしゃstopping (e.g. train)
はっしゃdeparture of a vehicle
れっしゃtrain (ordinary)
ぐんとうmilitary sword
ふゆしょうぎん"jack frost"
ぐんarmy, force, troops
~けんcounter for houses
らかいやわらかいぶんしょうinformal style
かいてんturning, (a) revolution, (a) rotation, (a) spin
ころぶto fall (down, over), to tumble, to have a fall
がるころがるto roll (over), to fall, to lie down
がすころがすto roll
かるいlight (weight), slight, easy, mild
けいかいなlight, nimble, sprightly, jaunty
けいしょうa minor injury
やかなかろやかなlight, airy
くちがかるいhave a loose tongue
ひかくてきcomparatively, relatively
せるのせるto place on (something), to take on board
のるto appear (in print), to be placed on
さい10^44; hundred tredecillion
かがやくto shine, to glitter, to sparkle
せんぱいsenior (at work or school), superior, elder
こうはいjunior (at work or school)
ゆびわ(finger) ring
ring, hoop, circle
ゆしゅつexport; exportation
ゆけつblood transfusion
つらいpainful; bitter; heart-breaking
しおからいsalty (taste)
えいわじてんEnglish-Japanese dictionary
じしょをかりるto borow a dictionary
めるやめるto retire
のうそんfarming village
のうかfarmer, farm family
のうさんぶつagricultural produce
のうみんfarmers, peasants
のうやくagricultural chemicals
へんarea, vicinity
はまべbeach; foreshore
ちかいnear, near by, be close (similar, akin) to
ちかくnear, close, nearby, be like, resemble
きんじょthe neighbourhood
づくちかづくto approach, to draw near
さいきんrecently, lately, of late
きんだいpresent day
せっきんgetting closer, drawing nearer, approaching
ちかごろlately, recently, nowadays
ちかぢかnearness, before long
けるちかづけるto bring near, to put close, to let come near, t
ちかよるto approach, to draw near
ふきんneighbourhood, vicinity, environs
へんじan answer, a reply
かえすto return something
くりかえすto repeat, to do something over again
ひきかえすto repeat, to send back, to bring back
ひっくりかえすto turn over, to overturn, to knock over, to upset
ひっくりかえるto be overturned, to be upset, to topple over, t
せまるto draw near, to press
べるのべるto state, to express, to mention
まいごlost (stray) child
まようto be puzzled, to be perplexed, to lose one's way
めいわくtrouble, bother, annoyance
ついかaddition, supplement, appendix
退たいくつtedium, boredom
おくりがなkana suffixed to a kanji to show its reading
おくるto send, to ship, to remit, to see off, to spend
そうしんsender, transmitter
ほうそうTV broadcasting, a radio broadcast
みおくるto see (a person) off
そうべつfarewell, send-off
みおくりseeing one off, farewell, escort
ゆそうtransport, transportation
さかさreverse, inversion, upside down
さかさまinversion, upside down
らうさからうto go against, to oppose, to disobey, to defy
とうめいtransparency, cleanness
するていしんするto fall, to go down
ふつうnormally, ordinarily, commonly, usually, in general
かようto attend (school, church), to visit often
とおすto pass (by/through), to pass (for/as)
つうやくinterpretation, an interpreter
とおるto pass (by), to go through
きょうつうcommonness, community (adj-na,adj-no,n,vs)
すきとおるto be(come) transparent
ちょくつうdirect communication
つうがくcommuting to school
じるつうじるto run to, to lead to, to communicate, to understand
つうしんcorrespondence, communication, news, signal
つうちnotice, notification
つうようpopular use, circulation
つうろpassage, pathway
ひととおりordinary, usual, in general, briefly
ひとどおりpedestrian traffic
ふつうsuspension, interruption, stoppage, tie-up
そくたつexpress delivery
あしばやいswift-footed; light-footed
そくど(a) speed, (a) velocity, (a) rate, (a) tempo
さっそくat once, immediately, without delay, promptly
じそくspeed (per hour)
りすにづくりするto pack
かいぞう(1) remodeling, (2) modding (comp)
じんぞうman-made, synthetic, artificial
こうぞうstructure, construction
せいぞうmanufacture, production
る/造るつくるto make, to create
れてつれてくるbring (person)
れるつれるto lead, to take (a person)
れんらくcommunication, contact, connection
つれcompanion, company
れんごうunion, alliance
れんそうassociation (of ideas), suggestion
れんぞくserial, consecutive, continuity, continuing
たいほarrest, apprehension, capture
まいしゅうevery week
せんしゅうlast week
にしゅうめsecond week
こんしゅうthis week
さらいしゅうthe week after next
さらいしゅうweek after next
めるすすめるto advance, to move forward, to promote
すすむto advance, to proceed, to make progress
しんぽprogress, (an) advance, (an) improvement
するぜんしんするto advance, to go aead, to march forward
するしんがくするto go on to a higher school
しんろa course, a route, a way
ぜんしんadvance, drive, progress
しんがくgoing on to university
れるそれるto stray (turn) from subject, to get lost
ついにfinally, at last
おそいlate, slow
れるおくれるto be late
するちおくするto come late
かれはやかれおそかれsooner or later
ちこくlateness, late coming
あうto meet, to encounter
ゆうえんちamusement park
うんてんしゅdriver, chauffeur
うんどうexercise, athletics, sports, games, a campaign
するうんてんするto drive (a car), to run (a train)
うんone's lot, (one's) destiny, fortune, luck
はこぶto carry, to convey, to transport
こううんgood fortune, (good) luck, a lucky break
もちはこぶto bring, to carry
がいいうんがいいbe lucky, have good luck
うんてんめんきょしょうa driver's licence
ふうんunlucky, misfortune, bad luck, fate
ぎるおおすぎるtoo many
ぎるすぎるto exceed, to go beyond
ごすすごすto pass, to spend, to go through, to tide over
ちょうかexcess, being more than
つうかpassage through, passing
みち、どうstreet, path, way
りんどうa forest path
すいどうのせんfaucet, tap
ほどうa footpath, a sidewalk
ほどうきょうpedestrian bridge
どうきょうにじゅうさんくthe 23 wards of Tokyo
どうぐtool, means
とおいremote, distant (past/places), faraway
とおくfar away
えんそくan excursion, a trip, a hike, an outing, a picnic
とおまわりa detour, a roundabout way
くにとおくにfar away, a long way off, in the distance
するえんりょするto hold back, to be modest
かなづかいkana orthography, syllabary spelling
こづかいpersonal expenses, pocket money, spending money,
ことばづかいspeech, expression, wording
てきとうfitness, suitability
かいてきpleasant, agreeable, comfortable
てきかくprecise, accurate
するてきするto fit, to suit (vs-s)
てきせつpertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance
せんしゅ(1) player (in game), (2) team
せんたくselection, choice
いしつひんlost article
けるさける(1) to avoid (physical contact ), (2) to ward off
かんていofficial residence (e.g. of the prime minister)
こうがいsuburb, outskirts
ぐんcountry, district
もんぶしょうMinistry of Education
へやa room, a chamber
~がくぶdepartment of a university
がいぶthe outside, external
だいぶぶんmost part, greater part, majority
ぶひんparts, accessories
ぶぶんportion, section, part
便ゆうびんきょくpost office
便ゆうびんぶつmail (letters)
こきょうhome town, birthplace, old village, historic village
つごうがわるいbe inconvenient
しまいとしsister cities
そのそのつぶeach/every time (it happens)
とうきょうとMetropolis of Tokyo
がいつごうがいいbe convenient (to)
としんthe heart/center of Tokyo, the city center
とかいa city, a town, a metropolis
みやこa capital, a metropolis, the seat of government
つごうcircumstances, condition, convenience
くむto serve sake
しんぱい・するworry, concern
くばるto distribute, to deliver
けはいindication, market trend, worry
はいたつdelivery, distribution
さかやliquor shop
にほんしゅJapanese sake
ようしゅforeign liquors
いわいざけcelebratory alcohol
いざかやan izakaya, a Japanese-style bar
おさけalcohol, sake (rice wine)
さかばbar, bar-room
ようto get drunk, to become intoxicated
っぱいすっぱいsour; acid
かいしゃくexplanation, interpretation
いちりone league
さとびとrustic (from villager?)
ふるさとhome town, birthplace, old village, historic village
たいじゅうone's body weight
じゅうろうどうheavy labor
にじゅうのdouble, twofold, dual
ねるかさねるto pile/heap up
じゅうようなimportant, essential, principal
みえけんMie prefecture (of Kinki region)
おもいheavy, weighty, clumsy, slow, grave, serious
じゅうだいなserious, important, grave
たいおもたいheavy, massive, serious
げんじゅうstrict, rigour, severe, firm
しんちょうdiscretion, prudence
そんちょうrespect, esteem, regard
やさいvegetables, greens, garden vegetables
ののはなa wild flower
ぶんやa field, an area, a sphere
のはらa field, fields
やきゅう(play) baseball
へいやplain, open field
そくりょうmeasurement, surveying
はかるto measure, to weigh, to survey
ぶんりょうamount, quantity
さいりょうloading capacity; carrying capacity
かねだKaneda: a Japanese surname
ぜいきんtax, duty
そうきんwire transfer, remittance
便ゆうびんちょきんpostal savings (deposit)
りゅうきんcharge (noun)
しゃっきんa debt; a loan
きんようのよるFriday night
お・かねもち/おかねもちrich man
かねもちrich man
きんこsafe, vault, treasury, provider of funds
きんゆうmonetary circulation, credit situation
きんよう(abbr) Friday
げんきんcash, ready money, mercenary, self-interested
しょうきんprize, monetary award
だいきんprice, payment, cost, charge
ちょきん(bank) savings
りょうきんfee, charge, fare
しんろcourse, direction, compass bearing
はりneedle, hand (e.g. clock)
ほうしんobjective, plan, policy
つるto fish
つりあうto balance, to be in harmony, to suit
にぶいdull (e.g. a knife), thickheaded
してつprivate train company
てっきょうsteel bridge
ちかてつthe subway, the underground, the Tube (Metro)
はちa bowl, a pot
たんこうcoal mine, coal pit
ぎんざGinza (district of Tokyo)
きんぎんsilver and gold (literally)
ぎんいろsilveriness, the color silver (noun)
ぎんこうこうざa bank account
めいめいeach, individual
こぜにsmall change
きんせんmoney, cash
するどいpointed, sharp
きろくrecord, minutes, document
むしめがねmagnifying glass
ずかんpicture book
なが・い、ちょうlong, leader
ちょうなんthe eldest son
がくちょうa (university; school) president
そんちょうvillage head
しちょうa mayor
ながのけんNagano prefecture (of Chubu region)
かちょうsection manager
ぶちょうhead of a section (adjn)
しんちょうheight (of body), stature
こうちょうprincipal, headmaster
せいちょうgrowth, grow to adulthood
せいちょうgrowth, increment
ちょうきlong time period
ちょうしょ(1) strong point, merit, (2) advantage
ちょうじょeldest daughter
ちょうたんlength, long and short, +-
ちょうほうけいrectangle, oblong
もんa gate, a gateway
せいもんthe main/front gate, the main entrance
せんもんa specialty
かどまつNew Year's pine decoration
ぶもんa section, a department, a branch
をあげもんをあけるto open a gate
まるしまるto close
じるとじるto close
するへいかいするto close a meeting
するへいてんするto close a store
まくをとじるto come to an end; to close the curtain
めるしめるto close
ひらくto open, to unpack, to bloom, to start, to hold
するかいかいするto open a meeting
するかいてんするto open a store
かいかいしきopening ceremony
かいしa start, a beginning, the onset
かいはつdevelopment, exploitment (of resources)
さいかいreopening, resumption
まどをあけるto open the meeting, to sit
けるあけるto open
かいかいopening of a meeting
かいつうopening, open
かいほうopen, throw open, liberalization
カン、ケン、あいだ、まinterval, between, space
にんげんhuman being
いえまちがいえるto make a mistake
(りんかんがっこう)outdoors school (camp)
いちねんかんa year
いっしゅうかんone week
せけんworld, society, life, people
まにあうto be in time for, to do
いちじかんone hour
たんじかんa short time
かいしゃにんげんemployee (corporate)
やかん(に)at night, in the night
ひるまdaytime, during the day
えるまちがえるto err, to make a mistake
すきまcrevice, crack, gap, opening
じかんわりtimetable, schedule
ちゅうかんmiddle, midway, interim
ねまきsleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, nightgown
まもなくsoon, before long, in a short time
みんかんprivate, civilian, civil, popular, folk, unofficial
げんかんentrance to (Japanese) house
かんけいrelation, connection
西かんさい (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka)
かんれんrelation, connection, relevance
こうつうきかんtransportation facilities
ぜいかんcustoms house
ふせぐto defend (against), to protect, to prevent
ぼうしprevention, check
ぼうはんprevention of crime
よぼうprevention, precaution, protection against
ふぞくattached, belonging, affiliated
りるおりるto alight (eg from bus), to get off
いこうon and after, hereafter, thereafter
ろすおろすto take down, to launch, to drop
ふるto precipitate, to fall (e.g. rain)
げんかいlimit, bound
げんどlimit, bounds
せいげんrestriction, restraint, limitation
びょういんa hospital
じいんa (Buddhist) temple
いんちょうthe director, the president (of an organization)
するにゅういんするto enter (a) hospital
だいがくいんa graduate school
びよういんa beauty salon
退するたいいんするto be discharged (from the hospital)
退たいいんleaving hospital
そうじきvacuum cleaner
そうじcleaning, sweeping
さくじょelimination, cancellation, deletion, erasure
のぞくto remove, to exclude, to except
けっかんdefect, fault, deficiency
りくsix (used in legal documents)
りくじょう(on) land; ground; shore
しいけわしいinaccessible place, sharp eyes
ぼうけんrisk, venture, adventure
たいようthe sun
ひざしsunlight, rays of the sun
ようきseason, weather, cheerfulness
すみcorner, nook
ていねいたいpolite form (of speech)
ふつうたいplain form (of speech)
ぐんたいarmy, troops
へいたいsoldier, sailor
なんかいwhat floor
~かいcounter for storeys of a building
だんかいgradation, grade, stage
ずいひつessays, miscellaneous writings
かんかくspace, interval, SPC
てるへだてるto be shut out
こくさいそうきんinternational wire transfer, int'l money order
じっさいpractical, actual condition, status quo (adj-no)
こうさいcompany, friendship, association, society
さいon the occasion of, circumstances
しょうじpaper sliding door
となりnext to, next door to
めるあつめるto collect, to assemble, to gather
しゅうかいa meeting, a gathering, an assembly
つどうto gather, to meet together
しゅうごう(a) gathering, (a) meeting, an assembly
するしゅうちゅうするto concentrate, to centralize
まるあつまるto gather, to come together, to swarm
ぜんしゅうcomplete works
へんしゅうediting, compilation, editorial (e.g. committee)
ぼしゅうrecruiting, taking applications
やとうto employ, to hire
ふくざつcomplexity, complication
ぞうきんhouse-cloth, dust cloth
こんざつconfusion, congestion
はなすto part, divide, separate
れるはなれるto be separated from, to leave, to go away
さいなんcalamity, misfortune
とうなんtheft, robbery
~難い~にくいdifficult, harde (aux-adj)
おおあめheavy rain
こさめdrizzle, light rain
うてんrainy weather
うきrainy season
がふるあめがふるto rain
つゆrainy season, rain during the rainy season
ゆきぐにsnowy country
おおゆきheavy snow(fall)
そりsled, tobaggan
ふぶきsnow storm
ふんいきatmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience
あまぐもrain cloud
うきぐもdrifting cloud
れいzero, nought
れいてんzero, no marks
でんわa telephone
でんしゃan electric train
でんきゅうlight bulb
でんりゅうelectric current
ふつうでんしゃlocal train (stops at all stations)
そうでんpower supply
でんきlight (manmade)
するでんわするcall (by phone)
でんしゃにのるto take a train
でんわをきるto hang up the phone
でんしゃでかえるto return (home) by train
でんわをかすto let a person use the phone
でんとうelectric light
ていでんfailure of electricity
はつでんgeneration (e.g. power)
ひつじゅひんnecessities, necessary article, requisite, essential
じしんan earthquake (shock), an earth tremor
えるふるえるto shiver, to shake, to quake
きりfog, mist
あおもりけんAomori prefecture
あおものgreens, vegetables
あおしんごうa green light
せいねんa young man, a youth, young people
あおぞらblue sky
あおいblue (adjective), green
せいしゅんyou, the best time of one's life, one's prime
まっさおなdeep blue, deathly pale, ashen
あおblue (noun), green
あおじろいpale, pallid
せいしょうねんyouth, young person
まっさおdeep blue, ghastly pale
するせいしするto stand still
あんせいrest, quiet
かなしずかなquiet, peaceful
まるしずまるto quieten down, to calm down, to subside
れいせいcalm, composure, coolness, serenity
ひじょうにvery, extremely, exceedingly
ぜひcertainly, without fail
ひじょうemergency, extraordinary, unusual
ためんmany sides
イケいけめんcool guy; good-looking, energetic man; hunk
そくめんside, flank
せんめんwash up (one's face), have a wash
ばめんscene, setting (e.g. of novel)
ひょうめんsurface, outside, face, appearance
ほうめんdirection, district, field (e.g., of study)
まじめdiligent, serious, honest
めんface, mug, surface, facial features, mask
めんどうtrouble, difficulty, care, attention
めんどうくさいbother to do, tiresome
おとa sound; a noise; din
おんよみChinese-derived reading
しいんa consonant
ていおんa low temperature
ものおとsound of unknown origin
ぼいんa vowel
するろくおんするto record (sound), to tape
ほんなone's real intention, one's real motive
ごじゅうおんthe Japanese syllabary
ざつおんnoise (jarring, grating)
ろくおん(audio) recording
ひびきecho, sound, reverberation, noise
ひびくto resound
いただくto receive, to take food or drink (hum)
ちょうじょうtop, summit, peak
ちょうてんtop, summit
じゅんばんorder, turn
みちじゅんitinerary, route
がんばるto try one's best, to persist
だいとうりょうpresident, chief executive
ようりょうpoint, gist, essentials, outline
りょうしゅうreceipt, voucher
あたまone's head, hair, a hairstyle, brains, intelligence
ずつうa headache
へんずつうmigraine headache
あたまがいたいhave a headache
さんとうthree head (of cattle)
あたまがわるいbe stupid, be dull, have no brains
かしらもじan initial letter, a capital
にくるあたまにくるto fly into a range, to blow one's top
ずのうhead, brains, intellect
せんとうhead, lead, vanguard, first
もんだいしゅうa collection of problems, a workbook
もんだいa problem, a matter
宿しゅくだいhomework, an assignment
宿をすしゅくだいをするto do (one's) homework
だいa subject, a theme, a title
もんだいをとくto solve a problem
だいめいa title, a caption, a heading
わだいtopic, subject
きんがくamount of money
ひたいforehead, brow
かおone's face, one's looks, a look
まるがおa round face
かおがひろいknow a lot of people, be widely known
どうがんa baby face, a boyish/girlish face
えがおa smiling face
あいがんぶつprized or treasured object
ねがいdesire, wish, request
ねがうto desire, to wish, to request
ひるいparallel; equal; match
しんるいrelation, kin
じんるいmankind, humanity
しょるいdocuments, official papers
かぜa wind, a current of air, a breeze, a draft
きたかぜnorth wind
かみかぜdivine wind
わふうJapanese style
おふろa bath
たいふうa typhoon
かざかみ(the) windward (side)
かぜ(a) cold, the common cold
かぜをひくto catch a cold, to get a cold
せんぷうきelectric fan
ふろしきwrapping cloth, cloth wrapper
あきかぜautumn breeze
とぶto fly
ひこうじょうan airfield, an airport, a flying field
た・べる、く・う、く・らうfood, to eat
ゆうしょくsupper, dinner
べるたべるto eat
しょうくじa meal
やしょくa midnight meal
しょくどうdining hall, canteen
しょくりょうひんfoodstuff, groceries
いしょくじゅうnecessities of life (food, clothing, etc.)
くう(male) (vulg) to eat
しょくひんcommodity, foodstuff
しょくもつfood, foodstuff
しょくよくappetite (for food)
しょくりょうprovisions, rations
ごはんrice, food
ゆうはん(a) dinner, an evening meal, (a) supper
ばんごはんsupper, dinner
いいだばしIidabashi, neighbourhood in Tokyo
ひるめしlunch (alternate word)
すいはんきa rice cooker
ごはんをたべるto have one's meal
めし(sl) meals, food
の・むto drink
いんしゅdrinking alcohol
のみものa beverage
のむto drink
うしかいcow herd
かうto keep, to raise, to feed
きるあきるto get tired of, to lose interest in
くまであくまでto the end, to the last, stubbornly
かざるto decorate, to ornament, to adorn
きゅうようrest, break, recreation
きょうようculture, education, refinement, cultivation
ようぶんnourishment, nutrient
びじゅつかんart museum
使たいしかんan embassy
にゅうかんりょうan admission fee
たいいくかんa gym, a gymnasium
ほんかんa main building
かいかんa hall, an assembly hall
えいがかんmovie theatre (theater), cinema
りょかんJapanese hotel, inn
げんしゅhead of state
てくびa wrist
しゅとthe capital (city)
もとしゅしょうthe former Prime Minister
くびthe neck, the head
になるくびになるto be fired (from a job)
しゅしょうthe Prime Minister
ぶしゅradical (of a kanji character)
かおりaroma, fragrance, scent, smell
うまa horse
ばじゃa carriage
じょうばhorseback riding
けいばhorse racing
むだなfutile; useless; pointless
げたgeta (Japanese footwear), wooden clogs
だめuseless, no good, hopeless
むだfutility, uselessness
しはつえきthe starting (train) station
えきべんboxed lunch (bought at a station)
えきまえin front of a (train) station
えきいんtrain station attendent (employee)
ちゅうしゃじょうparking lot
ちゅうしゃparking (e.g. car)
しいそうぞうしいnoisy, boisterous
さわぐto make noise, to clamor, to be excited
さわぎuproar, disturbance
ぶっそうdangerous, disturbed, insecure
しけんan examination, a test, an exam
じっけんan experiment, a test
きまつしけんa final exam, an end-of-term exam
するじゅけんするto take an examination
けいけん(an) experience
するけいけんするto experience, to go through (hardship)
しけんをうけるto take an exam
おどろくto be surprised, to be astonished
かすおどろかすto surprise, to frighten, to create a stir
こっせつbone fracture
たか・い、たか・まるhigh, expensive, increase
えんだかstrong yen
たかはしTakahashi: a Japanese surname
こうこうa high school
こうそくhigh speed
/高等学校こうこう/こうとうがっこうhigh school/senior high school
こうこうせいhigh school student
こうかhigh price
こうきゅうhigh class, high grade
こうどaltitude, height, advanced
こうとうhigh class, high grade
こうとうがっこうsenior high school
さいこうhighest, supreme, the most
たかいtall, high, expensive
めるたかめるto raise, to lift, to boost
おにdemon; ogre
みりょくcharm, fascination, glamour
あくまdevil, demon, evil spirit
さかなやa fish shop
うおいちばfish market
とりa bird
やきとりgrilled/roast chicken
ことりa small bird
とっとりけんTotorri prefecture
おおどうりmain road
とりはだgoose bumps, goose flesh, goose pimples
なくto sing (bird), to make sound (animal)
なるto sound, to ring, to resound
とりにくchicken (meat)
にわとりchicken (bird)
せんばづる1000 origami cranes
鹿ばかfool, idiot, trivial matter, folly
むぎばたけwheat field
むぎちゃbarley tea
そばsoba (buckwheat noodles)
らんおうegg yolk
くろいblack (adjective)
くろじ(in) 'the black'
こくしびょblack death
くろねこa black cat
しろくろblack and white
こくばんa blackboard, a chalkboard
くろblack (noun)
まっくろな(as) black as ink, jet-black, inky-black
まっくろpitch black
だまるto be silent
たいこa drum
じびかstudy of nose and ears
ねんれいage, years
あくあくせくfussily, busily, sedulously, worrying about (small things)
あっあっさくpressure, compression
あで姿あですがた, えんしcharming figure, alluring figure
あばあばずれa bitch
あぶくあぶくぜにeasy money
あらあらさがしfinding fault, being picky
あんあんまmassage; masseur, masseuse
いばらいばらひめSleeping Beauty, Thorn Princess, Briar Rose
うちのうちのやつmy wife, "the wife"
うらしいうらさびしいlonesome, lonely, forlorn
うんうんちくone's vast stock of knowledge
えんえんていdike, weir
おやじおやじがりstreet violence against middle-aged men
おろしポンおろしポンずponzu mixed with grated daikon
おかめplain-looking woman
おとぎattending (upon), keeping another company
おとぎぞうしfairy-tale book
おでこbrow, forehead
おすすめrecommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement
っちゃんおぼっちゃんson (of others); young master; green young man from a well-to-do family
おすすめrecommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement
さんおばあさんgrandmother; female senior-citizen
ちゃんおばあちゃんgranny, grandma, gran, female senior-citizen (familiar form of address)
はるおばはるto shamelessly demand one's rights
おばんold maid, frump, hag
おじょう(someone else's) daughter
さまおじょうさま(term of respect for) another's daughter, daughter of a high-class family
おたずねものwanted man, person sought by the police
おとしだまNew Year's gift
おつまみsnacks to go with alcohol
おひるlunch, noon
おいとまleaving; quitting one's job; free time, leisure, spare time
うございますおあつうございますit is warm (very polite)
おかぶone's forte
おひたしvegetable side dish
ましおすましprim and proper girl
おちょこsmall cup, sake cup; cup-shaped
れさまおつかれさまthank you; that's enough for today
おぼんO-Bon, Bon Festival, Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead
おいのりprayer, supplication
おまつりさわぎfestival merrymaking, revelry
おしぼりwet towel (supplied at table), hot, moistened hand towel
おはぎrice ball coated with sweetened red beans, soybean flour or sesame
おすすめrecommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement
おめでとうございますおたんじょうびおめでとうございますHappy Birthday
おかえしreturn gift; revenge; change (in a cash transaction)
おはちcontainer for boiled rice
おこぼれleavings, leftovers
おふろにはいるto take a bath
かがががいも, ガガイモrough potato (Metaplexis japonica)
かぎかぎなわninja rope with grappling hook
かぎかぎばりhook, crochet needle
かすかすじるsoup made with sake lees
からすえんばく, からすむぎ, カラスむぎ, カラスムギwild oat (Avena fatua); oat (Avena sativa), oats
かんかんかんかんぼうboater (flat straw hat)
かんかんかんかんおこるto get very mad
がらがらがらがらへび, ガラガラヘビrattlesnake
くもくもまくthe arachnoid (membrane)
げたげたばこshoe rack (in genkan), cupboard (for shoes and clogs)
こうもりこうもりがさ(Western-style) umbrella
ごみごみばこgarbage can, garbage box, rubbish bin, trash can, dust bin, dustbin
ごへい, おんべい, おんべstaff with plaited paper streamers used in Shinto
ごこうたんbirth (regal), nativity
ごりょうimperial tomb
さいさいせんmonetary offering
さおさおだけbamboo pole
しぼりしぼりじるsqueezed juice (e.g. of a lemon)
しめしめなわ(shinto) rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil
しんしんしゃくconsideration (for others), (making) allowance
じゃがじゃがいも, ジャガいも, ジャガイモ, ばれいしょpotato (Solanum tuberosum)
じゃんじゃんけんrock, paper, scissors game
じんじんはい, じんぱいconiosis, type of disease state caused by dust inhalation
すずめのすずめのなみだdrop in the bucket, very small quantity, chicken feed, insignificant amount
すりすりばち(earthenware) mortar (for grinding)
せせりせせりちょうskipper butterfly
そのそのくせand yet, even so, nonetheless, for all that
つづれつづれにしき(hand-woven) brocade
つりつりさくshroud line
てこんどー, テコンドーTae Kwon Do
とうのとうのむかしa long time ago
とぎとぎじる, とぎしるwater that has been used to wash rice
とっくのとっくのむかしa long time ago
となりのとなりのしばふはあおいthe grass is always greener on the other side
どうぞしくどうぞよろしくpleased to meet you
どっぷりとかるどっぷりとつかるto be deeply submerged
どぶどぶづけdrenching, soaking, marinating
どえらいimmense, awesome, enormous, terrific
ってによってaccording to, by (means of), due to, because of
によるby means of, due to, because of, according to
るとによるとaccording to (someone)
じてにじゅんじてin proportion (to)
らずにおとらずjust like, the same as, no different than
いてにおいてin, on, at (place), as for, regarding
けるにおけるin, at, on, as for, regarding, with regards to
はりはりはりはりつけ, ハリハリつけthin, dried strips of daikon soaked in vinegar and other flavorings
ばらばらまくto disseminate, to scatter, to give money freely
ひとひとますone square on a grid, one cell of a grid
ひょうひょうせつplagiarism, piracy
ひんひんせきrejection, ostracism
ぶんぶんなぐるto knock
へそのへそのおumbilical cord
べたべたぼめ, べたほめhigh praise, eulogy, rave review
ほらほらがいconch, trumpet shell
みかんみかんばたけmandarin plantation
みそみそしるmiso soup
めがねっめがねっこ, メガネっこgirl (usu. attractive) with glasses, glasses-wearing girl
もろりょうば, もろはdouble-edged; double-edged blade
やぶやぶへびunnecessary trouble brought upon oneself, stirring up a hornet's nest
やりげるやりとげるto accomplish
やるないやるせないhelpless, cheerless, miserable, disconsolate, dreary, downhearted
りんごりんごがり, リンゴがり, リンゴガリapple picking
れんがれんがべいbrick wall
わがわがはいI (nuance of arrogance); we, us, ourselves
いてをおいてother than, excluding, without
アセトンブタノールアセトンブタノールはっこうacetone-butanol fermentation
アメリカアメリカみずばしょう, アメリカミズバショウyellow skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum)
アメリカアメリカぐまAmerican black bear (Ursus americanus)
アメーバアメーバせきりamoebic dysentery
アリのありのとう, アリのとうanthill
アリありづか, アリづかanthill
アレカアレカやしareca palm
アンゴラアンゴラねこAngora cat
アークアークろarc furnace
イカのイカのすみ, いかのすみsquid's ink
イカのイカのふね, いかのふねcuttlebone
イカいかすみ, イカすみsquid ink
イスラムイスラムれきIslamic calendar
インクインクびんbottle of ink
エッフェルエッフェルとうEiffel Tower
オスおすざる, オスざるmale monkey
オリーブオリーブひめきつつき, オリーブヒメキツツキolivaceous piculet (species of bird, Picumnus olivaceus)
カナダカナダづるsandhill crane (Grus canadensis)
カラスえんばく, からすむぎ, カラスむぎ, カラスムギwild oat (Avena fatua); oat (Avena sativa), oats
カルデラカルデラこcaldera lake
カーブカーブじゃくcurved ruler
カーペンタリアカーペンタリアわんGulf of Carpentaria
ガスガスせんgas tap, gas cock
ガラス綿ガラスめんglass wool
ギターのギターのげんguitar string
クラッドクラッドけいclad(ding) diameter
クロムクロムこうchrome steel, chromium steel
グアテマラグアテマラきょうわこくRepublic of Guatemala
グレゴリオグレゴリオれきGregorian calendar
ゲロをゲロをはくto throw up, to spew
コアをコアをはくto dump core, to dumb memory contents
コアコアケイcore diameter (of a fiber)
ココココやしcoconut palm
コメントコメントらんcomment field (e.g. on a blog)
コーヒーコーヒーまめcoffee bean
ゴムゴムまりrubber ball
ゴムゴムぐつrubber shoes
サイザルサイザルあさsisal hemp
サハラサハラさばくSahara desert
サフランサフランもどきzephyr lily
サンゴさんごしょう, サンゴしょうcoral reef
システムシステムぶんせきsystems analysis
シベリアシベリアとらSiberian tiger, panthera tigris altaica, Amur Tiger
シャムシャムねこSiamese cat
シリンダーシリンダーじょうcylinder lock
ジャガタラジャガタラいも, ジャガタライモpotato (Solanum tuberosum) (lit: Jakarta potato)
ジャガじゃがいも, ジャガいも, ジャガイモ, ばれいしょpotato (Solanum tuberosum)
ステンレスステンレスこうstainless steel
スペインスペインだい, スペインダイred sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo)
スロットスロットよくslotted wing
スープスープざらsoup plate, soup bowl
スープスープばちsoup bowl
ソフトソフトぼうfelt hat
ソーダソーダばいsoda ash
タイムタイムしTime magazine
テレビテレビとうTV tower
テらんtelevision listings
データデータかいせきdata analysis
トルコトルコじょうprostitute working at a soapland (lit: Turkish girl)
トルコトルコぶろTurkish bath; soapland (brothel where one can bathe with the prostitutes)
トロイトロイこうtroy weight (e.g. troy ounce, troy pound)
トンネルトンネルがまtunnel kiln
ドルドルばこpatron, milch cow
どぎも, ドぎもguts, pluck, nerve, spirit
ナノナノびょうnanosecond (ns)
ニットニットぼうknitted hat, woollen hat
ニッパニッパやしnipa palm
ニュースニュースばいたいnews media
ノースウェストノースウェストじゅんしゅうNorthwest Territories
ハノイのハノイのとうtower of Hanoi
ハメハメどりphotographing or filming of sex
ハレーハレーすいせいHalley's comet
ハンチングハンチングぼうhunting cap
バカバカがい, ばかがい, バカガイMactra chinensis (species of trough shell)
バベルのバベルのとうTower of Babel
パジャマ姿パジャマすがた(appearance while) in pajamas (pyjamas)
パナマパナマぼうpanama hat
ヒジュラヒジュラれきIslamic calendar
ビニールビニールがさplastic umbrella
ビールビールびんbeer bottle
ファロー鹿ファローじかfallow deer
フリントフリントがらす, フリントガラスflint glass
ブロックブロックべいconcrete-block wall
プーぷうたろう, プーたろう, ふうたろう, プータローvagabond; day labourer, esp. on the docks
ペイペイかんdrug addict
ペトリペトリさら, ペトリざらPetri dish
ペルシアペルシアねこ, ペルシャねこPersian cat
ペンペンざらpen tray
ページページわくpage frame
ボトルボトルかんaluminium can shaped like a bottle (aluminum), metal bottle
ボールいがうまいボールあつかいがうまいgood at handling a ball
ボールいがボールあつかいがうまいgood at handling a ball
マニラマニラあさManila hemp
マラリアマラリアかmalaria mosquito
マルコフマルコフせんいMarkov transition
マレーマレーぐま, マレーグマMalayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus)
ミサイルミサイルくちくかん(guided) missile destroyer
ミンクミンクくじら, ミンククジラminke whale, piked whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
ムールムールかいmoule, common (blue) mussel
メガネっめがねっこ, メガネっこgirl (usu. attractive) with glasses, glasses-wearing girl
メキシコメキシコわんGulf of Mexico
ヤシヤシかく, やしのみcoconut shell
ユダヤユダヤれきJewish calendar
ユリウスユリウスれきJulian calendar
ユーコンユーコンじゅんしゅうYukon Territory
ヨーロッパヨーロッパすももcommon European plum
ヨーロッパヨーロッパぐりEuropean chestnut
ライデンライデンびんLeyden jar
ラジウムラジウムせんradium spring
ラフィアラフィアやしraffia palm
ラらんradio listings
るまたkanji radical 79 at right
レコードのレコードのみぞrecord groove
レモンレモンじるlemon juice (ingredient)
ロケットロケットはっしゃとうrocket launcher
ひゃくじゅうきゅうばんambulance and fire brigade emergency tel. no. (in Japan)
いっちょうone block (city); piece, an order
いちがんlump, (into) one
ひとりむすめan only daughter
らしひとりぐらしa single life, a solitary life, living alone
いちい, イチイfirst place; Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata)
いっさcolonel (JSDF)
いっぴょうone (straw) bagful
いっこpiece, fragment, one (object)
いちばいone share, one amount
いちおく100,000,000, one hundred million
いちろくしょうぶgambling, speculation
いちえんwhole district, one yen, throughout
いっさつone copy (e.g. book)
いちぶいちりん(not even) a bit of, (not even) a hint of, (not) an iota of
わずいちぶいちりんもたがわずto be exactly alike
いっさいall, everything, without exception, the whole, entirely, absolutely
いっせつな(a) moment, an instant
いっこくminute, moment, an instant; stubborn, hot-headed
いっしゃくone shaku
いっぴきone animal; two-tan bolt of cloth
いっしょうunit of old Japanese liquid measurement, 1800 cc
いっしょうびん1 sho bottle (1.8 litres)
いちらんせいそうせいじidentical twins
いっくphrase (verse, line); one haiku-poem
いっくよむto make up a haiku poem
いっしゅう, ひとめぐりonce around, a revolution, a lap, a turn, a round, one full year
いっしゅうねんone full year
いっしゅうきfirst anniversary of death
いっかつcry in a thundering voice, one roar
ひとつぼほんしゃsmall company headquarters located in Tokyo simply for name value
いちどうone building (hall, temple, shrine, room)
いちるいfirst base, (a) fort
いっかい, ひとかたまりone lump, one group
いっかい, ひとかたまりone lump, one group
いちや, ひとや, ひとよone night, all night, overnight, one evening
いっしつone room
いっしんfirst instance, first trial
いっすんone sun (approx. 3.03 cm); a little bit (of time, distance, etc.)
いっすんさきan inch ahead, the immediate future
いちいcaptain (JSDF)
いっしゃくapprox. 30 cm
いちじゅんbeat, round
いったいregion, zone, whole place
ひとまくone act
いちげんきんsingle-stringed Japanese zither
いちりつevenness, uniformity, monotony, equality
いってつobstinate, stubborn, inflexible
いってつものstubborn person
いっこだて(separate) house
いちわbundle, bunch
いちまつ(a) touch of; one stroke, one brush
いっかつall together, batch, one lump, one bundle, summing up
ひとくるめone bunch, one bundle, one lot
いっかつはらいlump-sum payment
いっきょone effort, one action
いっそうclean sweep
ひとにぎりhandful, small handful
ひとつまみpinch (of something), one piece; easy victory
ひとつまみpinch (of something), one piece; easy victory
いっぱいone defeat
いっせいsimultaneous, all at once
いっせいにsimultaneously, all at once
いっせいやすall-round (market) decline
いっせいしゃげきvolley firing, fusillade, broadside
いっせいけんきょwholesale arrest, round-up
いっせいだかall-round (market) advance
いっと1 to (~18l)
いっきん1 kin (~0.6kg); 1 loaf of bread
いちぞくfamily, relatives, dependents; household
いったんonce; for a moment, temporarily; one morning
いちじゅんten days
ひとむかしages, long time, decade, the past ten years
いちじしのぎmakeshift, temporary expedient, stopgap measure
いちじしきんlump-sum grant
ひとばんone evening, all night, overnight
いっそうmaster sergeant (JSDF)
いっぽんすぎ(a) solitary cryptomeria tree
いっぽんずり, いっぽんづりfishing with a pole
いちじょうstreak, matter, quotation
いっぱいcup of ...; full; to the utmost, up to (one's income), (a) lot of, much
いちまいone thin flat object, one sheet
ひとむねone house, the same house
いちがいにunconditionally, as a rule
いっそうしきone-part washing machine
いちじきおくfirst memory
いっぽ(a) step; level, stage; small degree, small amount
いっせつな(a) moment, an instant
いっきdrink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer)
ひとあせdoing a job, riding and sweating up a horse
いっぱくstopping one night
ひとあわ(a) blow, (a) shock
かせるひとあわふかせるto give a surprise (or blow), to scare the hell out of
ひとしずく, いってきdrop (of fluid)
いっすいのゆめan empty dream
いっかくせんきんgetting rich quick
いっかんlink (e.g. a part of a larger plan)
いっしょうけんめいvery hard, with utmost effort, with all one's might, for dear life
いっしょうがいlifetime, one's whole life, all through life
いちなんboy, eldest son
いちばんどりfirst cockcrowing
いちじょうone mat
ひとくせtrait, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy
いちもくりょうぜんapparent, obvious, very clear
いちぼうone sweep (of the eye), an unbroken view
いっすい(usu. in negative sentences) (not) a wink of sleep
ひとねむり(usu. in positive sentences) (a) sleep; first sleep of silkworms
いっしゅんかんmoment, instant
いっしan arrow, (a) retort
いっせきにちょうkilling two birds with one stone
いちれいbow (salute, greeting)
いっぴょうballot, vote
ひとかせぎjob, gain
いったんone end, an end; part, fragment
いっとうぐんそうsergeant first-class
ひとすじなわ(piece of) rope; ordinary method
いっこpiece, fragment, one (object)
いっかねんone year
ひとつぶ(a) grain
いちりゅうしきやくone particle irreducible (physics)
ひとつぶだねan only child
いっきゅうone grade, first-class, primary
いちげんきんsingle-stringed Japanese zither
いちぐんgroup; wide expanse (of flowers)
いちよく(a) part
いっちcoincidence; conformity; cooperation
いっぱんgeneral, liberal, universal, ordinary, average
いっぱんにin general
いっぱんかいけいgeneral accounting and finance
いっぱんかgeneralization, generalisation, popularization, popularisation
いっぱんばくりょうgeneral staff
いっぱんてきpopular, typical, general
いっしょく, いっしき, ひといろone color, one colour, one article
いっきくone scoop (of water)
いちれんたくしょうsharing one's lot with another
いちらんat a glance; (school) catalog, catalogue
いちらんひょうlist, table, schedule, catalogue, catalog
いっかく, イッカクcorner; one horn; narwhal (Monodon monoceros)
いっしょくそくはつcritical (touch and go) situation, explosive situation
いっかんconsistency; one kan (8.333 lbs)
いちやく(at) one bound
いっけんone house
いっけんいっけんhouse to house, door to door
いっけんやdetached house, single house; isolated house
いちりんざしvase for one flower
いっぺんとうcomplete devotion to one side
いちずwholeheartedly, earnestly
いちれんseries; two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper); verse, stanza
いっぺんonce; exclusively, only, alone
いちぶone part; one copy (e.g. of a document)
いっかくone block, enclosure
いっさんかたんそcarbon monoxide
いちりづかmilestone (1 ri apart)
いちじょうone tablet or pill; tray, salver
いちぐう, ひとすみcorner, nook
いっかいone floor, first floor
いっせきone boat, one ship
いっせきがんsharp eye, critical eye, discerning eye, an opinion
ひとしきりfor a while
いっこ(take no) notice of
ひとふろ(a) bath
いっしゅtanka, poem
いちだhorse load
ひとこまscene, frame, shot
いっきone horseman
いっきとうせんbeing a match for a thousand, being a mighty warrior (combatant, player)
いっきうちpersonal combat, one-to-one fight
いっきょうsurprise, amazement
いっこthe first beat of the war drum
ていねいごpolite language (i.e. masu, desu, etc.)
デンマーク, でんまーくDenmark
ちょうめdistrict of a town, city block (of irregular size)
ていちょうpolite, courteous, hospitable
しちじゅう, ななじゅう, ななそseventy
しちりんearthen charcoal brazier (for cooking)
しちかいきseventh anniversary of a death
しちどうがらんcomplete seven-structured temple compound
ばんにん, ばんじん, まんにんall people, everybody; ten thousand people
ばんぜんperfection, flawlessness
ばんじん10000 fathoms, great depth, great height
ばんのう, まんのうall-purpose, utility; almighty, omnipotent
まんげきょう, ばんかきょうkaleidoscope
ばんりthousands of miles
じょう3.03 m (ten shaku); length, height
じょうぶhealthy, robust, strong, solid, durable
みつどもえ3 fat-comma shapes arranged to form a circle; 3-way struggle (wrestling, etc.)
さんにん, みたりthree people
ればさんにんよればもんじゅのちえtwo heads are better than one
さんせんさtrident dagger
さんさmajor (JSDF)
さんかんおうwinner of triple crown (baseball)
さんかんばwinner of Japan's three main horse races
さんじゅう, みそthirty
さんじゅうはちどせんthe Thirty-eighth Parallel
みそか, つごもり, みそlast day of month
しゃみせんのこまbridge of shamisen
さんかいきsecond anniversary of a death
さんるいthird base
さんるいだthree-base hit, triple
さんいsecond lieutenant (JSDF)
さんじゃく3 Japanese feet, waistband, belt, cloth girdle
さんげんthree-stringed instrument, samisen
さんやくthree highest ranks (wrestling, unions, etc.)
さんびょうしtriple time (music), 3 important requisites
さんしんstrike out (baseball), fanning out
さんそうsergeant (JSDF)
さんまいthree flat objects (e.g. tickets; filleting (a fish)
さんまいめcomedian; figure of fun, laughing stock
さんだんとびtriple jump, hop, step and jump
さんようSanyo (company)
さんびゃくしょこうall the daimyos
さんがにちfirst three days of the New Year (January 1st to 3rd)
さんげんthree-stringed instrument, samisen
さんしきスミレ, さんしょくスミレ, さんしきすみれ, さんしょくすみれheartsease (wild pansy, Viola tricolor)
さんぎょうこうこくらんclassified ads
さんかくほjib sail
さんかくごとtrigon (a musical instrument)
みつこしMitsukoshi (department store)
さんしょくまかないつきwith three meals served
がったりあがったりdoomed, in a bad state, poor (e.g. business)
あげrise in price, making a tuck
調うわっちょうしflippant, frivolous, shallow
のぼりざかascent, upgrade
じょうこくしんappeal hearing
じょうしん, うわくちびるupper lip
じょうそうupper stratum (classes, stories, storeys)
じょうしMarch 3rd of the lunar calendar (one of the five annual festivals)
じょうけいthe above-mentioned
じょうしょうrising, ascending, climbing
じょうえいscreening (a movie), showing; to screen a movie
じょうちsupreme wisdom
じょうしpublication, wood-block printing
じょうとうraising the ridgepole
じょうとうしきridgepole-raising ceremony
じょうきげんgood humour (humor), good mood
じょうでんhigh rice field, very fertile rice field
じょうしんreport to a superior
うわづみdeck cargo; extra; to pile on top of
じょうくうsky, the skies, high-altitude sky, upper air
じょうしupper limbs, arms
じょうゆimperial edict
じょうえつarea on Japan Sea side of Japan, including Niigata
うえのsection of Tokyo
じょうげんupper limit, maximum
じょういんUpper House, Senate, Lords
じょうりくlanding, disembarkation
じょうりくようしゅうていlanding craft
じょうとうadvance, rise, jump
したっぱらabdomen, stomach, under parts
くだりざかdescent, downhill, decline, waning
かいlow rank, subordinate, lower order (e.g. byte), low-end
かりょうsubordinates, petty officials
げこくじょうjuniors dominating seniors, retainer supplanting his lord
かりlower official
したくちびる, かしんlower lip
しもさかdownhill, decline, waning
げしょうperson of humble birth
かげん(moon's) last quarter
したじきdesk pad; something lying underneath, pinned under, crushed beneath
げすいこうdrainage ditch, canal
げすいどうdrain, sewer, drainage system
げごくbeing sent to prison
げりdiarrhoea, diarrhea
ったげりがうつったinfected with diarrhea (diarrhoea)
げりどめantidiarrheal, paregoric, obstipant
かきゅうlower grade, low class, junior (officer)
したぬいbasting, temporary sewing
かしthe legs, lower extremities
しもぶくれabdominal swelling, fat face
しもぶくれround-faced, large at bottom
げらくdepreciation, decline, fall, slump
げろうservant, valet, menial
かこうdownward, descent, fall, drop, subsidence
かいんlower house, lower (legislative) body
けるげたをあずけるto leave everything to (someone)
げたやclog shop
ふしんunfaithfulness, insincerity, perfidy, mistrust, distrust, discredit
ふしんにんnon-confidence, lack of confidence
おきあがりこぼしtumbler, self-righting toy
ふりんadultery, immorality, impropriety
ふへんふとうimpartiality, neutrality, independence
ふけんこうpoor health, ill health, unhealthy
ふどうさんreal estate
ふかしんinviolability, sacredness, nonaggression
ふかぶんatomic, indivisibility
ふかけつindispensable, essential
ふかひinevitable, inescapable, unavoidable
ふめいよdishonor, dishonour, disgrace, shame
ふきんこうimbalance, disparity, out of balance, inequality
ふにんinfertility, sterility, barrenness
ふにんしょうinfertility, sterility, barrenness
ふあんていinstability, insecurity, crankiness
ふかんぜんimperfect, incomplete, faulty, defective
ふくつpersistence, fortitude, indomitability
ふりこうdefault, nonperformance
ふびょうどうinequality, unequal (treaties), unfair
ふとくlack of virtue, immorality, vice, depravity, unworthiness
ふてっていinconsistent, illogical, unconvincing, not thorough, indefinite, half-way
ふひつようunnecessary, undesired
ふかいunpleasant, displeasure, discomfort
ふゆかいdiscomfort, unpleasantness, disagreeableness, unhappiness
ふなれinexperience, lack of experience
ふりょunforeseen, accidental
ふばらいnonpayment, default
ふしんdullness, depression, slump, stagnation
ふせいみゃくirregular pulse, arrhythmia
ふめいろうgloominess, gloom; questionable, unfair, underhand
ふめいりょうdimness, obscurity, indistinctness, unclear, unintelligible
ふけいきbusiness recession, hard times, depression, gloom, sullenness, cheerlessness
ふちsomething unknown; ignorance, foolishness
ふきゅうeverlasting, immortal, eternal, immortality, imperishable
ふきゅうのめいさくimmortal work
ふもうsterile, barren, unproductive, sour
ふきょうrecession, depression, slump
ふめつimmortal, undying, indestructible
ふみんsleeplessness, insomnia, wakefulness
ふみんしょうsleeplessness, insomnia, wakefulness
ふしょうdisgraceful, inauspicious, ill-omened, ominous, scandalous
ふしょうじscandal, deplorable event
ふおんunrest, turbulence, impropriety
ふおんぶんしdisturbing elements
ふおんとうimpropriety, inappropriateness, unfairness, unreasonableness
ふじゅんぶつforeign matter, impurities
ふきほんぽうfree-spirited and uninhibited
ふしぜんunnatural, artificial, affected, strained
ふりょうbadness, inferiority, delinquency, failure, defect, blemish
ふゆきとどきnegligence, carelessness, incompetence, mismanagement
ふしょうunknown, unidentified, unspecified
ふきんしんindiscretion, imprudence
ふきそnonprosecution or indictment
ふぐうmisfortune, bad luck, obscurity
よとうgovernment party, (ruling) party in power, government
よやとう(political) parties in and out of power, majority and minority parties
うしsecond sign of Chinese zodiac (The Ox, 1am-3am, north-northeast, December)
うしのこくtwo o'clock in the morning
うしのとしYear of the Ox
うしのひday of the ox (esp. in midsummer or midwinter)
うしどしyear of the ox
かつyet, moreover, and
かつまたbesides, furthermore, moreover
かつのみかつうたうto drink and sing at the same time, to drink as well as sing
かつまたbesides, furthermore, moreover
せぞくcommon customs, worldliness, vulgar, popular, the world, the common people
よつぎheir, successor
せたい, しょたいhousehold, home, family, housekeeping
せかいいちbest in the world
せかいてきglobal, international, world-famous
せかいちつじょworld order
せかいぎんこうWorld Bank
せいきまつend of a century (esp. 19th), fin-de-siecle
せしゅうheredity, heritage
せろん, よろんpublic opinion
せぎんWorld Bank
きゅうしんpimple, papule
きゅうりょうちたいhill country, hilly area
へい, ひのえ3rd in rank, third sign of the Chinese calendar
へいやthird division of the night (approx. 11 pm to 1 am)
へいしゅclass C, third class
じょうしょうprime minister (in ancient China)
りょうとうboth political parties
りょうば, もろはdouble-edged; double-edged blade
りょうこく, りょうごくboth countries
りょうがん, りょうぎしboth banks (of a river)
りょうじつboth days, two days
りょうしboth persons
りょうよくboth wings, both flanks
りょうしゃpair, the two, both persons, both things
りょううで, もろうでboth arms
りょうりんtwo wheels
りょうへいかTheir Majesties, the Emperor and Empress
りょういんboth Houses of Parliament
りょうゆうtwo great men (rivals)
りょうめんboth sides, two sides, double-sided
ならびline, row, rank, list
びにならびにand (also), both ... and, as well as
なみaverage, medium, common, ordinary
なみきroadside tree, row of trees
へいりつstanding abreast
でもなかでもamong (other things), inter alia; above all (else)
ちゅうきょうNagoya and environs
ちゅうさlieutenant colonel, commander (navy)
ちゅうそつjunior high school or middle school graduate
ちゅうなんべいCentral and South America
ちゅうがたmedium sized
なかがきmiddle fence
ちゅうしつCentral Executive Committee
アジアちゅうおうアジアcentral Asia
ちゅうおうぐちcentral entrance
ちゅうおういいんかいcentral committee
ちゅうおうけいかくcentralized planning, centralised planning
ちゅうおうしゅうけんcentralized authoritarian rule, centralised authoritarian rule
ちゅうおうしゅうけんかcentralization of power, centralisation of power
ちゅういfirst lieutenant, lieutenant junior grade
ちゅうしょうきぎょうsmall to medium enterprises, smaller companies
ちゅうしょうきぎょうちょう(Japanese) Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
なかじまisland in a pond or river
なかにわcourtyard, quadrangle, middle court
なかしなCentral China
ちゅうすうしんけいcentral nerves
ちゅうかくkernel, core, nucleus, resident control program
ちゅうおうCentral Europe
ちゅうどくpoisoning; addiction
なかすsandbank (in a river), sandbar
ちゅうさんかいきゅうmiddle class, bourgeoisie
ちゅうりゃくomission, ellipsis
ちゅうばんmiddle (stage)
ちゅうとうsecond grade, medium quality, average, middle class, secondary grade
ちゅうきゅうintermediate level
ちゅうけいrelay, hook-up
なかつぎintermediary, agency, brokerage, (electric) relay
ちゅうじえんtympanitis (inflammation of middle ear)
ちゅうふくmountain side, halfway up
ちゅうかChinese (e.g. food)
ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこくPeople's Republic of China, Communist China
ちゅうかみんこくRepublic of China (Taiwan)
ちゅうきぼmid-range, mid-scale, mid-size
ちゅうごしover center field (centre)
ちゅうきょりmiddle-distance (races)
ちゅうきょりかくせんりょくintermediate-range nuclear forces
ちゅうじくaxis, pivot, central figure, key man
退ちゅうたいleaving school during a term
ごとまるごとin its entirety, whole, wholly
まるみroundness, rotundity
まるがりclose clipping
まるがかえcompletely financed, sponsored, under patronage
まるがっこparentheses, round parentheses
まるばはぎ, マルバハギleafy lespedeza (species of bush clover, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya)
まるはだかnude, utterly stark naked, wearing only one's birthday suit
になるまるはだかになるto be stripped of all one's clothes, to lose everything one has
red earth (i.e. containing cinnabar or minium), vermilion
あかいred; Red (i.e. communist)
たんねんassiduity, diligence, application
たんぺきred and green
たんせいworking earnestly, sincerity, diligence, effort, pains
たんせいworking earnestly, sincerity, diligence, effort, pains
たんちょうづる, タンチョウヅルred-crowned crane, Japanese crane (Grus japonensis)
しゅにんperson in charge, responsible official
しゅさいorganization, organisation, sponsorship
しゅいんprimary cause, main factor
しゅさいsupervision, chairmanship
しゅさいしゃpresident, chairman
しゅしんchief umpire
しゅしょうcommander-in-chief, (team) captain
しゅどうmain leadership
しゅどうけんhegemony, leadership, initiative
しゅほうthe highest peak
しゅはんmain sail
しゅかんchief editor; manager, person in charge
しゅやくleading part, leading actor (actress)
しゅけんsovereignty, supremacy, dominion
しゅけんしんぱんinfringement of sovereignty
しゅりゅうmain current (stream), mainline, mainstream
しゅえんstarring, playing the leading part
しゅはんprincipal offence, principal offense, principal offender
しゅはんhead position
しゅがんmain point
しゅほうmain battery, main armament
しゅぎdoctrine, rule, principle
しゅよくmain wings (of an aeroplane, airplane)
しゅにじprimary rainbow
しゅようchief, main, principal, major
しゅひんmain guest, guest of honor, guest of honour
しゅじくmain shaft
すなわちthat is, namely, i.e.
ないしfrom ... to, between ... and; or
しいひさしいlong, long-continued, old (story)
くじめtype of greenling (fish)
濶をきゅうかつをじょすto apologize for a long neglect of friends (apologise)
しんにょう, しんにゅうkanji "advance" radical, shin'nyou, shin'nyuu
繞をけるしんにゅうをかけるto exaggerate
しいとぼしい, ともしいmeagre, meager, scarce, limited, destitute, hard up, lacking, scanty, poor
しくなるとぼしくなるto get scarce, to run short
じょうようしゃpassenger vehicle, automobile
おつなあじstrange taste, spicy taste
おとめざ(constellation) Virgo, the Virgin
おとめごころgirl's feeling, maiden's mind
おとごlast child
おつじゅんsecond-class cruiser
くくmultiplication table, times table
くぶくりんten to one, nine cases out of ten
きゅうじゅう, くじゅうninety
きゅうしゅうKyushu (southernmost of the four main islands of Japan)
きゅうせんhades, nether regions
きゅうこくthe nine grains
ここのえninefold, imperial palace, the Court
婿こいむこbridegroom who is loved by his bride
みだれdisorder, disturbance, unrest
れるみだれるto get confused, to be disordered, to be disturbed
らんばつreckless deforestation, overcutting of forests
らんばいunderselling, panic selling
らんかくexcessive fishing, overfishing
らんようabuse, misuse, misappropriation, using to excess
らんりつflood (of candidates)
ちち, ちmilk; loop; decorative bump (on a hanging bell)
にゅうじinfant, suckling baby
にゅうようじinfants, babies
ちぶさ, にゅうぼうbreast, nipple, udder
にゅうぎょうdairy industry
にゅうぎゅう, ちちうしmilk cow, dairy cattle, milch cow
にゅうせいひんdairy products
けんqian (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: heaven, northwest)
かわきdrying, dryness
かんきdry season
かんしつぞうlacquered (wooden) Buddha statue
かんそうdry, arid, insipid, dehydrated
かんそうざいdrying agent
かんそうきdrying machine, dryer, desiccator
かんそうしつdrying room
かんそうざいseasoned lumber
かんそうかdry fruit (i.e. nuts); dried fruit
かんそうきdrying machine, dryer, desiccator
かんそうせんたくdry cleaning
かんそうぎゅうにゅうpowdered milk
かんそうふきゅうdry rot
ほしものthings dried in the sun, esp. clothes, died cloth, etc.
かんでんちdry cell, battery
かめtortoise, turtle
かめのこyoung turtle (tortoise); turtle (tortoise) shell
レスかめレスreplying to someone's email after a long delay, slow response
きっこう, きこうtortoise shell
きれつcrack, crevice, fissure, chap
きかんpattern, example, model, paragon, mirror
きとうglans (esp. glans penis)
りょうfinish, completion, understanding
りょうかいcomprehension, consent, understanding, roger (on the radio)
よそうexpectation, anticipation, prediction, forecast
よそうしゅうかくだかcrop estimate
よそうがいunexpected, unforeseen, strange
よだんguessing, prediction, conclusion
よさんそちbudgetary provision
よせんnomination, primary, preliminary contest
よぼうせっしゅimmunization, immunisation, vaccination, inoculation
あらそいdispute, strife, quarrel, dissension, conflict, rivalry, contest
そうだつstruggle, contest
そうてんpoint at issue
そうはcontending for victory, struggling for supremacy
そうはせんstruggle for supremacy, championship game
そうしょうdispute by legal action, contentious
じれいexample, precedent
じてん, ことてんcyclopedia, encyclopedia
じぜんprior, beforehand, in advance
じむbusiness, office work
じむとりあつかいacting director
じむきょくsecretariat, executive office
じむづくえclerical desk
じむじかんpermanent vice-president, undersecretary, vice-minister
よりじじつはしょうせつよりきなりTruth is stranger than fiction
じじつじょう(as a) matter of fact, actually, in reality
ことがらmatter, thing, affair, circumstance
じぎょうproject, enterprise, business, industry, operations
しくことめずらしくlike something strange
じこうmatter, item, facts
ふたつまゆdouble cocoon
ふたなぬか, ふたなのかsecond week's memorial services
にせのちぎりmarriage vows
にさlieutenant colonel (JSDF)
にじっせいき, にじゅっせいきtwentieth century
にごうnumber two, concubine
にるいsecond base
にるいだtwo-base hit, double
にぐうthe Two Ise Shrines
にいfirst lieutenant (JSDF)
にどtwo times, twice; two degrees
にりつはいはんantinomy, self-contradiction
にまいtwo sheets (pieces) (of paper)
にまいめhandsome man; actor in a love scene
にまいじたdouble-dealing, duplicity, equivocation, double-tongued
にじsecondary, subordinate
にしtwo out (e.g. in baseball), two down (and one to go)
にしゃたくいつtwo alternatives, selecting an option (from two alternatives)
にりんしゃtwo wheeled vehicle (bicycle, motorcycle, etc.)
にかいsecond floor, upstairs
にかいだてtwo-storied building
いにたがいにmutually, with each other, reciprocally, together
ごかんtransposition, interchangeable, compatible (e.g. PC)
ごせんmutual election, co-opting
ごりんのみちthe five Confucian filial-piety relationships
ごぶhalf, 50%, tie, evenness; 5 parts, 5%
ごじゅう, いそ, いfifty
ごじゅうさんつぎthe 53 Toukaidou stages
ごだいしゅうthe Five Continents
ごかんthe five senses
ごとべいsmall salary
ごりょうほfive-sided fort; Pentagon
ごりょうかくfive-sided fortification
ごこくthe 5 grains (wheat, rice, beans, millet (awa and kibi))
ごこくほうじょうbumper (abundant) crop, huge harvest (of cereals)
ごげんfive strings, five-stringed instrument
ごせんふ(music) score
ごぞうthe five viscera (liver, lungs, heart, kidney and spleen)
ごぞうろっぷthe internal organs
ごりんthe Olympics
いどwater well
いどほりwell digging, well digger
いどみずwell water
いどばたかいぎcontent-free chat, idle gossip
せいせん(water) well
いづつwell crib
わたるto cross over; to extend, to cover, to range, to span
こうこfor ever, from ancient times
sub-; -ous (indicating a low oxidation state), -ite
つぐto rank next to, to come after
ありゅうbad second, epigone, adherent, follower, imitator
あるぜんちん, アルゼンチンArgentina
あしょうさんnitrous acid
ありゅうさんsulfurous acid, sulphurous acid
ガスありゅうさんガスsulphurous acid gas, sulfurous acid gas, sulphur dioxide gas, sulfur dioxide gas
あじあ, アジアAsia (esp. "the Far East"); Asian, Asiatic
あえんzinc (Zn)
あえんびきzinc coated (galvanized, galvanised)
あえんびきzinc coated (galvanized, galvanised)
あえんかzinc white, zinc oxide, flowers of zinc
あまflax, hemp, linen
あまにflaxseed, linseed
あまにゆlinseed oil
ぼうめいemigration, exile, flight from one's country, defection
ぼうふmy deceased husband, my late husband
ぼうふmy deceased father, my late father
ぼうれいghost, the dead, departed spirits, apparition
こうごmutual, reciprocal, alternate
こうふdelivering, handing over, furnishing (e.g. with copies), issuance, issuing
こうたいalternation, change, relief, relay, shift, substitution (sports, etc.)
こうびcopulation (in animals)
貿こうかんぼうえきせいbarter system
こうえきtrade, commerce
こうかんexchange of courtesies (cordialities), fraternization, fraternisation
こうかんexchange of courtesies (cordialities), fraternization, fraternisation
こうしょうnegotiations, discussions; connection
こうしょういいんnegotiating committeemen
こうじゅんpromotion of social intercourse
こうぎfriendship, amity
こうつうぼうがいtraffic obstruction
こうつうもうtraffic network
こうつうしゃだんblockage, quarantine
こうさくmixture, blending, complication
こうさいひentertainment expenses
こうきょうがくsymphony (orchestra)
こうきょうしsymphonic poem
いのこく10 o'clock in the evening
いどし, いのししどしyear of the boar
がいげつtenth month of the lunar calendar
またagain, and, also, still (doing something)
こうつうdoing well, prosperous
きょうじゅreception, acceptance, enjoyment, being given
きょうねんone's age at death
きょうじsecuring rights and profits
きょうゆうpossession, enjoyment
きょうらくenjoyment, pleasure
きょうらくしゅぎepicureanism, hedonism
きょうらくせいかつgay life
けいせいtrain line Tokyo - Narita
けいじちほうKyoto-Shiga district
ていしゅmaster, host, landlord, innkeeper, husband
ていしゅかんぱくhusband who rules the roost; the hectoring of the husband
たるていていたるたいぼくlofty tree
りょうさつconsideration, taking into account, sympathy with
りょうげつbright moonlight
りょうぜんclear, obvious
ひとびと, にんにんeach person, people, men, human, everybody
ひとにあくじをそそのかすto entice a person to do something wrong
ひといちばいmore than others, redoubled, unusual
じんたいかいぼうがくhuman anatomy
じんりんhuman relations, humanity
じんけつgreat man, hero
ひとがきcrowd of people
じんこうこきゅうartificial respiration
じんこうえいせいman-made satellite
にんぎょうじょうるりold name for bunraku
にんぎょうづかい, にんぎょうつかいpuppet operator, puppet manipulator, puppeteer
ひとかげ, じんえいfigure(s) of a person (persons); shadow of a person
じんざい, じんさいman of talent, capable person, talented person
ひとがらpersonality, character, personal appearance, gentility
じんけんhuman rights, civil liberties
じんけんようごprotection of human rights
じんみんpeople, public
にんきしっついdecline in public favor, fall in popularity
じんいhuman work, human agency, art, artificiality
じんいてきartificial, unnatural
じんせいてつがくphilosophy of life
じんちくmen and animals
じんみゃくpersonal connections
ひとじちhostage, prisoner
ひとざとhuman habitation
にんげんのだらくthe fall of man
じんかんばんじさいおうがうまinscrutable are the ways of heaven, fortune is unpredictable and changeable
にんげんこくほうliving national treasure
にんげんかんけいhuman relations
じんこつhuman bones
じんじょbenevolence, magnanimity
じんあいbenevolence, charity, love
じんちbenevolence and wisdom
におうthe two guardian Deva kings
じんぎhumanity and justice, duty, (gang's) moral code
じんぎれいちしんthe 5 Confucian virtues (benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom, and sincerity)
あだうちvengeance, revenge, retaliation
きんじょうへいかthe reigning emperor, His Majesty the Emperor
こんかthis summer, next summer, last summer
こんきthis season
こよいthis evening, tonight
いまなおstill, even now
こんねんどthis year
こんじゃく, こんせきpast and present
こんしゅんthis spring, spring this year
こんぎょうthis morning (at dawn)
こんしゅうthis (next, last) autumn (fall)
こんぱんnow, recently, this time
するかいするto use as an intermediary; to worry, to mind, to care
かいじょhelp, assistance, aid; to assist, to help, to aid
かいざいmediation, interposition, intervention
かいかくsea shell
ぶつぞうBuddhist image (statue)
ぶつだんBuddhist (household) altar
ふつぶんFrench, French writing, French literature
ふつぎょうdawn, daybreak
ふつごFrench (language)
ぶっちょうづらsour look
ふつりょうFrench possession, French territory
がりしあがりfinish, end, completion
しあげend, finishing touches, being finished
しいれstocking, buying up
しようway; (technical) specification
しくみstructure; plan, plot, contrivance
しぐさaction, acting, gesture, bearing, treatment, behavior, behaviour
たこくforeign country, another province
たさつa murder
たはthe other group
たしゃanother company, other company
たせん, たぜんrecommendation
つきそいattendance on, attendant, escort, chaperon, retinue
つきそいかんごふprivate nurse
つきそうto attend on, to wait upon, to accompany, to escort and wait on, to chaperone
つけとどけtip, present
ふよgrant, allowance, endowment, bestowal, assignment, conferment
ふかaddition, annexation, appendage
ふしょくconferment, act of conferring (honour, gift, etc.)
ふたいincidental, ancillary, accessory, secondary, collateral
ふろくappendix, supplement, annex
せんhermit, wizard
だいしょうcompensation, indemnification, reparation, consideration
だいりてんagent, agency
だいこうacting as agent
たいしゃrenewal, regeneration, metabolism
だいぎrepresenting others in a conference
れいcommand, order, dictation
婿れいせいyour son-in-law
れいじょう(your) daughter, young woman
いえんbeyond, further than
かりにtemporarily, provisionally, for example, for argument's sake
かりしょぶんtemporary measures
かりしゅつごくparole, release on bail
かりかんじょうsuspense account
かりていかんprovisional articles
かそうimagination, supposition, virtual, potential (enemy)
かそうきおくvirtual memory, virtual storage
かとうlight case of smallpox
かみんnap, doze
かしょうtemporary name
かそうcostume; converted (cruiser)
かせつtemporary, provisional
かりしゃくほうrelease on parole
かだいa tentative title
けぞるのけぞるto bend (backward); to be taken aback
おおせstatement, command, wishes (of a superior)
せつかるおおせつかるto receive a command, to be appointed, to be ordered
せつけるおおせつけるto command, to request, to appoint
せられるおおせられるto say, to state
あおむけface up
ぎょうてんbeing amazed, being horrified, being taken aback
なかrelation, relationship
なこうど, ちゅうにんgo-between; child in elementary or middle school
ちゅうかいagency, intermediation
まじいなかむつまじいharmonious, intimate
なかよくmaking friends with, getting along well with, on cordial terms
なかよしintimate friend, close friend, bosom buddy, chum
ちゅうさいarbitration, intercession, mediation
なかまいりjoining a group
けんmatter, case, item
けんすうnumber (of things)
にんobligation, duty, charge, responsibility
にんむduty, function, office, mission, task
にんてんどうNintendo (video game company)
にんきterm of office
きぎょうenterprise, undertaking, corporation, business
きぎょうかindustrialist, entrepreneur
きかくplanning, project, plan, design
きかくしつplanning office
いさきchicken grunt (fish), threeline grunt
いせたんIsetan (department store)
いせまいりIse pilgrimage
いせじんぐうGrand Shrine at Ise
いぶきびゃくしん, イブキビャクシンChinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis)
いろは, イロハtraditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary; fundamentals, the ABCs of ...
いたりー, イタリア, イタリー, イタリヤItaly
いかんItalian warship
いごItalian (language)
five (used in legal documents)
ごすto rank with, to rank among
するごするto rank with, to rank among
ねるごをかさねるto double the ranks
わざ, ぎtechnique, art
ぎりょうability, talent, skill, capacity
ぎじょwoman entertainer
ぎがくancient music
ぎのうtechnical skill, ability, capacity
ぎげいart of kabuki
してふしてbowing down, humbly, respectfully
ふくへいambush, troops in ambush
ふくりゅうsubterranean stream
ふくせんpreparation, foreshadowing, underplot (in a novel), precautionary measures
うつto strike, to attack, to punish
きるto cut down (e.g. trees)
ばっさいlumbering, felling, deforestation
するきゅうするto come to an end; to rest
きゅうかんsuspension of publication
きゅうていcourt recess
きゅうていびno-court day
きゅうけいrest, break, recess, intermission
きゅうけいしつbreak room, lounge (e.g. in an onsen), resting room
きゅうけいじょrest area, rest stop, service area, SA, parking area (e.g. off highways), PA
きゅうけいじかんrest time, intermission
きゅうかholiday, day off, furlough
きゅうぎょうclosed (e.g. store), business suspended, shutdown, holiday
きゅうみんidle, dormant
きゅうしょうgood omen
きゅうこうlying fallow
きゅうすいidle spindles
簿かいいんめいぼmembership list
かいどうchurch, chapel, synagogue, tabernacle
かいきsession (of a legislature)
あいづぬりAizu lacquer ware
かいしゃこうせいほうCorporate Rehabilitation Law
かいけんinterview, audience
かいだんconversation, conference, discussion, interview
かいひmembership fee
えしゃくnod, salutation, greeting, recognition, bow
かいちょうpresident (of a society), chairman
かいとうsociety president
でんしょうtransmission, hand down (information), legend, tradition, folklore
でんぱんtransmission, propagation, spread
でんしょばとcarrier pigeon, homing pigeon
でんせんびょうinfectious disease, contagious disease, epidemic
でんとうtradition, convention
でんとうてきtraditional, conventional
でんせつtradition, legend, folklore
はくcount, earl, eldest brother, uncle, chief official
はくちゅうmatching someone, being equal with, being on a par, being well contested
西ブラジル, ぶらじるBrazil
はくしゅくbrothers, one's father's brothers
ばくろう, はくらくcattle or horse trader, good judge of horses or cattle
はくしゃくcount, earl
ともcompanion, follower, attendant, retinue
ともないcompanion, accompaniment
はんりょpartner, companion
ばてれん, パテレン, バテレンPortuguese Jesuits (in Japan in the 16th century); Christianity
ばんそう(musical) accompaniment
ばんそうaccompanying another somewhere
ばんしょくさいしょうan incompetent cabinet minister, a figurehead minister
れいじんcourt musician, minstrel
れいりcleverness, sagacity
れいかんcourt musician
のしstretching; sidestroke (in swimming)
びやかのびやかcomfortable, carefree
のびのびfeeling at ease, carefree
のびなやむto be sluggish (business)
のびりつgrowth rate, coefficient of extension
しんちょうexpansion, extension, elongation, stretching, uncompression
しんしゅくexpansion and contraction, elasticity, flexibility
しんちょうexpansion, extension, elongation, stretching, uncompression
うかがいinquiry, enquiry, question, call, consulting the oracle, visit
いを立てるうかがいをたてるto ask for someone's opinion, to inquire of, to invoke an oracle
うかがいごとinquiry, enquiry
うかがいさぐるto spy out
うかがいずみinstructions received
しこうwaiting upon (someone)
せるにせるto copy, to imitate, to counterfeit, to forge
にあいwell-matched, becoming, suitable
わしいにあわしいwell-matched, suitable, becoming
にかようto resemble closely
にがおportrait, likeness
とぎnursing, nurse, attending, attendant, entertainer
きゃらaloes wood; aloes-wood perfume
とぎしばいfairy play, pantomime
とぎぞうしfairy-tale book
がらんtemple, monastery
とぎばなしfairy-tale, nursery-tale
つくだにpreserved food boiled in soy
ただしづき, ただしつきconditional
いくんrank and order of merit
いちづけ, いちつけplacement, fixed position, mapping out, location
いきついそうconferment of posthumous rank
いかいくんとうcourt rank and honors, court rank and honours
めるひくめるto lower, to be lowered
ていきゅうりょうlow hills
ていかかくlow price
姿ていしせい(keeping a) low profile
ていれんcheap, inexpensive
ていきあつlow (atmospheric) pressure, cyclone, bad temper, tense situation
ていすいじゅんsubstandard, low-level
ていおんlow temperature
すみごこちcomfort (in living place)
れるすみなれるto get used to living in
すみともSumitomo (company)
すみともぎんこうSumitomo Bank
じゅうたくちhousing district, residential district
じゅうたくがいresidential area
じゅうたくきんゆうこうこGovernment Housing Loan Corporation
じゅうきょ, すまいdwelling, house, residence, address
さがけんSaga prefecture (Kyuushuu)
たいがいじゅせいin vitro fertilization, in vitro fertilisation
たいえきbody fluids
たいばつcorporal punishment
たいしつconstitution (physical), genetic make-up, predisposition (to disease)
たいけんpersonal experience
なんとwhat, how, whatever
ともなんともnothing (with neg. verb), quite, not a bit
どのwhich, what (way)
なにのなにがしcertain person, certain amount
よりなによりmost, best, above all
なんぜんmany thousands
なにくれとin various ways
なんどhow many times?, how often?
なにがし, なにぼうcertain person; I (personal pronoun)
なんかげつhow many months?, how long?
なんべんhow many times, how often
よっぽど, よほどvery; just about to
りにあまりにtoo much, excessively, too
あまるto remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too many
ないよぎないunavoidable, inevitable, beyond one's control
なくよぎなくunavoidably, necessarily, inevitably
よじょうredundant, surplus, residue, balance
よちplace, room, margin, scope
よかleisure, leisure time, spare time
よは, なごり, なごろwaves that remain after the wind has subsided; after-effect, aftermath
よろくadditional gain
よざいother crimes, further offenses, further offences
しゃくしゃくよゆうしゃくしゃくcalm and composed, broadminded, having enough and to spare
よゆうしゃくしゃくcalm and composed, broadminded, having enough and to spare
綽綽よゆうしゃくしゃくcalm and composed, broadminded, having enough and to spare
よいんreverberation, swelling (of a hymn), trailing note, lingering memory
つくりまゆpainted eyebrows
さくせんtactics, strategy; military or naval operations
さくがらcrop conditions; quality (of art)
さっきょうしすうrice-crop index
さくいartificiality; act, commission (of a crime)
さくしゃみしょうanonymous, author unknown
さくし(writing) song lyrics
beautiful, good, excellent
よきgoodness; good
かさくgood piece of work; honourable mention (honorable)
かくbeautiful passage of literature
かきょうclimax (story), best part, most interesting part
かきゃくgood visitor
かえんcongratulatory banquet
かけいbeautiful view
かげつgood month, bright moon
かひんgood guest, interesting guest
かしゅgood taste, good impression
かしんlucky day, auspicious occasion, happy day
かじょうsweet sake, good wine
あわせもつto own (something) as well
へいごうmerger, joining into one, melding, merging, annexation, absorption
へいさつdouble-play (baseball)
へいようusing together (jointly), used at the same time
へいはつconcurrence, coincidence, complication (in illness)
へいきwriting side by side
へいせつestablishment, link
使わすつかわすto send, to dispatch, to despatch
使しめいmission, errand, message
使しようずみalready finished being used, second-hand, no longer used
使しせつenvoy, embassy, mission, delegate
使しとpurpose for which money is spent, the way money is spent
れいねんaverage (normal, ordinary) year, every year, annually
するじするto wait upon, to serve
はべるto wait upon, to serve
じいcourt physician
じじょlady attendant, maid
さむらいかたぎsamurai spirit
じえいちょうcaptain of the guard
じこうimperial tutor
ゆうしょうurging one to drink more good wine during a banquet
ゆうしょくassisting at dinner, dining with a superior
ともcompanion, follower, attendant, retinue
きょうよgiving, provision, furnishing
ぐぶaccompanying, being in attendance on
きょうえんbanquet, dinner
くぎsacrifice, sacrificial animal
きょうきゅうげんsource of supply
きょうじゅつaffidavit, deposition, testimony
くようmemorial service for the dead, holding a service
くようづかunknown person's grave
いしょくentrusting (with)
いぞん, いそんdependence, dependent, reliance
いぜんstill, as yet, as it has been
としていぜんとしてstill, as yet, as of old
いらいrequest; dependence, trust
いがんin accordance with one's request
かちvalue, worth, merit
(something) despised, (something) made light of
あなどりcontempt, scorn
あなどりがたいてきformidable enemy
あなどる, あなずるto despise, to disdain, to make light of
ぶまんcontempt, insult, offense, offence
ぶべつscorn, disdain, contempt, slight
ぶじょくinsult, contempt, slight
こうmarquis, lord, daimyo
こうはくnobles, feudal lords
こうしゃくmarquis, marquess
おかすto invade, to raid, to trespass, to violate, to intrude on
しんがいinfringement, violation, trespass, impairment
しんぱんviolation, invasion, infringement
しんりゃくaggression, invasion, raid
しんしょくencroachment, erosion, corrosion
便べんりさconvenience, handiness, usefulness
便べんぎconvenience, accommodation, advantage, expedience
けいそうcontention, dispute
かかりいんofficial (e.g. customs), clerk in charge
かかりかんofficial in charge
けいるいdependents, encumbrances, complicity, implication
かかりちょうchief clerk
そくせいpromotion of growth
そくせいさいばいraising out-of-season crops with artificial heat
そくしんpromotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring on
そくしんざいaccelerant, stimulant
そくおんassimilated sound (small "tsu" in Japanese), geminate consonant
しゅん, じゅんexcellence, genius
しゅんいlarge and excellent
しゅんけつhero, genius
しゅんげんgifted (accomplished) man
しゅんびんkeen, quick-witted
しゅんえいexcellence, genius
しゅんごうtalent, man of outstanding learning and virtue
しゅんけんexcellent wisdom
しゅんそくswift horse; talented person, brilliant person
しゅんいつexcellence, genius
ぞくにas slang, commonly
ぞくりpetty official
ぞくるいwordly troubles, worldliness
ぞくごcolloquialism, colloquial language
ぞくようpopular song, ballad, folk song, ditty
ふりょcaptive, prisoner of war
ふりょしゅうようじょconcentration camp
するほする, ほうするto guarantee
ほけんふdistrict health nurse, public health nurse
ほけんしょ, ほけんじょhealth care center, health care centre
ほぜんpreservation, integrity, conservation, maintenance
ほしゅmaintenance, conservation
ほしゅとうConservative Party (UK, Canada, Japan)
ほじretention, maintenance, preservation
ほゆうpossession, retention, maintenance
ほりゅうreserve; hold (e.g. telephone button), pending
ほかんcharge, custody, safekeeping, deposit, storage
ほいくnursing, nurturing, rearing, lactation, suckling
ほいくしょ, ほいくじょnursery school, nursery
ほごcare, protection, shelter, safeguard, guardianship, favor, favour, patronage
貿ほごぼうえきprotective trade
ほけんinsurance, guarantee
ほけんきんinsurance payout
ほかくconservatism and progressivism, conservatives and reformists
ほようhealth preservation, recuperation, recreation
しんこうかじょうarticles of faith
しんごうきtraffic light; signalling mechanism, semaphore (apparatus)
あほうどり, しんてんおう, アホウドリalbatross (esp. the short-tailed albatross, Phoebastria albatrus)
しんぽうbelief, faith
しんとlayman, believer, adherent, follower, laity
しんねんbelief, faith, conviction
しんじょうcreed, belief, article of faith
しんげんぶくろcloth bag
しんようさぎconfidence game
しんようきんこcredit union
しんたくtrust, entrusting
しんたくけいやくtrust agreement
しんぱんがいしゃcredit company
しんらいせいcredibility, authenticity, confidence, reliability
しんらいじょうせいtrust building, confidence building
しゅうりょうcompletion (of a course)
しゅうしかていmaster's course
しゅうがくりょこうexcursion, field trip
しゅうふくrepair, mending
しゅうり, しゅり, すりrepairing, mending, servicing
しゅうれんculture, training, drill, practice, practise
しゅうぜんrepair, mending
しゅうぜんこうrepair man
しゅうぜんこうじょうrepair shop
しゅうぜんひrepair expense
しゅらfighting, scene of carnage
しゅうていcorrection, revision
しゅうどうせいがんvows of religious orders
しゅうれんculture, training, drill, practice, practise
はいじんhaiku poet
はいごうpseudonym of a haiku poet
はいみsubdued taste, refined taste, haiku (poetic) flavor (flavour)
はいだんthe world of the haiku
はいぶんprose with a poetic haiku flavor (flavour)
はいがbriefly drawn picture, haiku picture
はいせいfamous haiku poet, the poet Basho
はいかいhaikai (humourous or vulgar renga poetry) (humorous)
たわら, ひょうstraw bag, bale, sack; counter for bags
ひょうすうnumber of straw bags
たわらもの, ひょうもつgoods in straw bags
ほうろくretainer's stipend, official pay, salary
ほうきゅうsalary, pay
ほうきゅうびpay day
ほうきゅうせいかつしゃsalaried man
ほうきゅうぶくろpay envelope
くらwarehouse, cellar, magazine, granary, godown, depository, treasury, elevator
くらしきstorage charges
ここindividual, one by one, separate
こじんてきindividualistic, personal, self-centred, self-centered
こべつparticular case, discrete, individual, separate
こしつprivate room
こてんone-man exhibition, one-woman exhibition
こせいindividuality, personality, idiosyncrasy
かしょpassage, place, point, part
するばいするto double; to increase
にするばいにするto double
ばいりつmagnification, leverage, amplification, scaling factor, scale factor
ばいがくdouble amount
さかさreverse, inversion, upside down
しまさかしまreverse, inversion, upside down
とうかいdestruction, collapse
とうさん(corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency, commercial failure, failed business
とうさくperversion, inversion
しあわせhappiness, good fortune, luck, blessing
こうしんfavorite courtier, favourite courtier
こうseason, weather
そうろうやI wonder if ...
かりborrowing, debt, loan
かりてborrower, debtor, tenant
かりいれきんloan, loan payable, debt
しゃくちleased land
しゃくや, しゃっか, かりや, かりいえhouse for rent, rented house, renting a house
しゃっかん(international) loan
ならうto imitate, to follow, to emulate
ねさげcut in price
ねくずれprice collapse
ねがさかぶhigh-priced stocks, blue-chip shares
ねはばprice range or fluctuation
けんたいlanguor, fatigue, weariness, boredom
りんりethics, morals
りんりがくethics, moral philosophy
やまとancient Japan
わじんJapanese person (term esp. used in ancient China, etc.)
わこうJapanese pirates (of the Middle Ages)
わみょうしょうWamyoruijusho (famous Heian-period Japanese dictionary)
わこうJapanese pirates (of the Middle Ages)
わかwaka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka, often 31 mora)
やまとえYamato-e (classical Japan decorative paintings)
わくんJapanese reading of a Chinese character
くらぶ, クラブclub, fraternity, sorority, clubhouse
しいつましいthrifty, economical
しくつましくくらしliving frugally
けんりんmiserly, stingy
けんやくthrift, economy, frugality
けんやくかthrifty person, economist
けんそeconomical and simple
いですねえらいですねgood!, great!
がるえらがるto be conceited, to think highly of oneself
そうえらそうself-important, important-looking, proud
いじんgreat man
いくんgreat achievement
いぎょうgreat enterprise, exploits
いれつgreat achievement
いせきglorious achievements
へんleft-hand radical of a character
かたよりdeviation, inclination, offset, polarization, polarisation, bias, prejudice
へんこうpropensity, tendency, inclination, deflection
へんさちdeviation; academic performance relative to the group average
へんきょうnarrow-mindedness, intolerance, illiberality, narrowness
へんけんprejudice, narrow view
ていがくsuspension from school
ていせんarmistice, ceasefire
ていはくanchorage, moorings
ていたいstagnation, tie-up, congestion, retention, accumulation, falling into arrears
ていしょくsuspension from office
けんぜんhealth, soundness, wholesome
けんざいin good health, well, going strong
けんこうほけんhealth insurance
けんこうじhealthy child
けんこうしゃhealthy person
けんこうしんだんphysical examination
けんこうしょうめいしょhealth certificate
けんこうしょくひんhealth foods
けんしょうspirit, pep, energy
けんいじょうstomach tablets
けんしんphysical examination
けんとうfighting bravely; good luck!, good fight
ばれるしのばれるto be brought to mind, to come to mind
しのぶto recollect, to remember
しのぶおんがくmemorial concert, memorial music (performance)
そくろうaisle (of a church)
そっこうgutter, ditch
そっきんclose associate, close aide, brains-truster
ていさつscout out, reconnaissance
ていさつきreconnaissance plane, spy plane
ていさつえいせいreconnaissance satellite, spy satellite
ていさつたいscouting party, patrol
ていちspying, investigating
たまoccasional, rare
たまにoccasionally, once in a while
ぐうぞうimage, idol, statue
ぐうぞうすうはいworship, idolatry
ぐうぎんimpromptu poem
ぐうはつsudden outbreak, accidental, incidental
あからさまplain, frank, candid, open, direct, straightforward
にせimitation, fake, phony, counterfeit, forged, bogus, sham
いつわりlie, falsehood, fiction, fabrication
いつわりちかうto swear falsely
いつわるto lie, to cheat, to falsify, to deceive, to pretend
ぎにんしんfalse pregnancy, phantom pregnancy, pseudopregnancy
にせもの, ぎぶつ, がんぶつ, ニセものspurious article, forgery, counterfeit, imitation, sham
ぎそうdisguise, camouflage, masquerade
ぎしょうfalse evidence, perjury, false testimony
ぎせいperjury, false oath
ぎぞうforgery, falsification, fabrication, counterfeiting
かたわらside, edge, beside, besides, nearby; while (doing)
かたわらside, edge, beside, besides, nearby; while (doing)
らにかたわらにbeside, nearby
ぼうじゅinterception, monitoring, tapping
ぼうちょうhearing, listening, attendance, auditing
ぼうかんlooking on, remaining a spectator
れるすぐれるto surpass, to outstrip, to excel
けつじんoutstanding person
けっしゅつexcel, foremost
けっしhero, great man
けつぶつgreat man, heroic figure, remarkable character
さんかaffiliated with, under jurisdiction of, under the umbrella
かさやumbrella shop
びちくemergency stores, stored, reserved
さいそくじょうdun, letter requesting money, etc.
ごうまんpride, haughtiness, arrogance, insolence, hubris
さいdebt, loan
さいけんbond, debenture
さいむdebt, liabilities
さいけんcredit, claim
しょうがいwound, injury, accident, casualty; assault
しょうびょうほりょsick and wounded prisoners
しょうしゃwounded person, casualty, injured person
きずあと, しょうこんscar, cicatrix
れるなだれるto slope, to descend, to slide (snow, etc.)
けいせいbeauty, siren, courtesan, prostitute
けいしゃinclination, slant, slope, bevel, list, dip
けいしゃかくangle of inclination
けいしゃめんinclined plane, slope
けいちゅうdevotion, concentration
けいちょうlistening closely
かせるはたらかせるto put someone to work, to make someone work
はたらきざかりprime of life
りょうゆうcolleague, workmate, comrade, coworker
ともぶねconsort ship
ぎょうこうfortuitous, luck, windfall, godsend, good fortune
そうmonk, priest
そうりょpriest, monk
そうどうtemple meditation hall or certain other temple structures
そうにmonks and nuns
そういんmonastery, temple
へきゆうremote village
へきぐうcorner, nook
rule, ceremony, affair, case, matter
ぎしきceremony, rite, ritual, service
ぎれいetiquette, courtesy
ぎはんprecedent, model
しゅんしゅうgenius, prodigy, talented person
おく10^8, 100,000,000, hundred million
ションおくション(luxury) apartment
おくまんmillions and millions
おくちょうthe people, multitude, masses
おくえん100,000,000 yen
おっくう, おくこうtroublesome, annoying
じゅConfucianism, Confucianist, Chinese scholar
じゅがっかいConfucian circles
じゅがくしゃConfucian scholar
じゅかんofficial Confucian teacher
つぐないrecompense, indemnity, atonement
しょうきゃくrepayment, redemption, amortization, amortisation
しょうかんrepayment, redemption, amortization, amortisation
ゆういpredominance, ascendancy, superiority
ゆうせんpreference, priority, precedence
ゆうれつ(relative) merits, superiority or inferiority, quality
ゆうせいsuperiority, superior power, predominance, preponderance
ゆうじゅうふだんshilly-shally, indecisiveness
ゆうしゅうひんhigh-grade merchandise
ゆうとうせいhonor student, honours student
ゆうびgrace, refinement, elegance, daintiness
ゆうりょうsuperior, excellent, fine
ゆうがelegance, grace, refinement
駿ゆうしゅんfine horse
駿ゆうしゅんばfine horse
はげたか, ハゲタカvulture
いんかpermission, assent, compliance
いんきょうcourtesy, sincerity
いんぶんいんぶbeing versed in the literary and military arts
いんきょpermission, licence, license
もとのもくあみending up right back where one started
もとをただすto go to the bottom of an affair, to inquire into the origin
げんこうGenkou era (1321.2.23-1324.12.9)
がんきょう, げんきょうringleader, main culprit; main cause, source
げんすい(field) marshal, (fleet) admiral, general of the army
げんすいふSupreme Military Council (1898-1945)
がんねんfirst year (of a specific reign)
もとせんstopcock (gas, water)
げんきおうせいbrimming with vitality, full of vigor, full of life
げんろくGenroku era (1688.9.30-1704.3.13)
ちゃんあんちゃん(my) older brother; sonny (with a nuance of suspicion), lad
げんかきょうだいげんかquarrel between siblings
喧嘩きょうだいげんかquarrel between siblings
きょうだい, けいしbrother and sister
あにでしsenior schoolmate, senior apprentice
あにきone's senior, elder brother
てるあてるto assign, to set aside
じゅうとうallocation, appropriation
じゅうまんbeing filled with, teeming with, pregnant with
じゅうけつcongestion (with blood)
じゅうでんcharging (electrically); electrification
きざしsigns, omen, symptoms
きざすto show signs (symptoms)
ちょうこうsign, indication, omen, symptom
ちょうみんthe whole nation, all the people
さきにbefore, earlier than, ahead, beyond, away, previously, recently
せんじゅうprevious priest or resident
せんれいにならうto follow precedent
せんてつancient wise men
せんさいformer wife, late wife
せんどうguidance, leadership
せんしんpre-Qin period (of Chinese history)
せんぱんsome time ago, the other day
せんこうpreceding, going first, leading, going ahead, taking priority
せんしんseniority, advance, leadership
せんしんこくadvanced (developed) country, advanced nations
せんけんsending ahead
せんえいradical, acute, sharp
せんくforerunner; herald; outrider, pilot car
さきがけcharging ahead of others, the first to charge, pioneer, forerunner, harbinger
けるさきがけるto be the first
ひかりかがやくto shine, to glitter
こうがくせんいfiber optics, fibre optics
こうえいhonour, honor, glory, privilege
こうたくbrilliance, polish, lustre, luster, glossy finish (of photographs)
こうきbrightness, splendour, splendor
よくnicely; frequently, often
かつto win, to gain victory
こっきself denial, self control
こっきしんspirit of self-denial
こくめいdetailed, elaborate, faithfulness, diligence, conscientiousness
めんしゅうdischarged prisoner, ex-convict
めんえきimmunity, immunization, immunisation
めんそtax exemption
めんそちtax-exempt land
めんしょくdismissal, sacking, discharge
めんせきexemption from responsibility, disclaimer
めんじょexemption, exoneration, discharge
いぐち, としん, みつくち, とけつharelip, cleft lip
じそんchildren and grandchildren, descendants
じどうchildren, juvenile
じどうふくしchild welfare
とうparty (political); faction, -ite
とうぜparty platform, party principles
とうりゃくparty politics (tactics)
とうせきparty register, membership in a party
とうばつ(party) faction or clique
とうしゅparty leader
いりentering; setting (of the sun); containing; income; beginning
いりぐち, いりくち, はいりぐち, はいりくちentrance, entry, gate, approach, mouth
婿いりむこman who takes his wife's name
いりはまsalt farm
いれずみ, しせい, ぶんしん, げいtattoo
いれちえsuggestion, hint
いれかえreplacement, substitution, change
にゅうこうentrance into drift or pit
にゅうじょうけんticket of admission, platform ticket
にゅうじゅくentering a private school
にゅうきょmoving into (house)
にゅうさつbid, bidding
にゅうかんplacing in the coffin
にゅうしょくsettlement, immigration
にゅうしんentering a port
にゅうよくbathe, bathing
にゅうこうentry into port
いりあいのかねevening bell, vespers bell
にゅうえんentering the garden
にゅうえんけんticket to the garden
にゅうかarrival of goods, goods received
にゅうしentrance examination
にゅうこうpaying tribute
にゅうしょうwinning a prize or place (in a contest)
にゅうちょうexcess of imports
にゅうもんprimer, manual, entering an institute, introduction to
にゅうかくjoining the cabinet
じゅっこん, じっこん, じゅこん, にゅうこんintimacy; putting one's heart and soul into
てにすべてにおいてまさるto excel in every respect
ぜんしょうcomplete victory, winning the sumo tournament with no losses
ぜんこくつつうらうらall over the country
ぜんこくつつうらうらall over the country
ぜんどthe whole nation (land, country)
ぜんいきthe whole area
ぜんようfull portrait, whole aspect, full story
ぜんぷくoverall width, wing span, all, every, utmost
ぜんぱいtotal abolition
ぜんじつall days
ぜんしょうがいone's whole life
ぜんゆcomplete healing
ぜんせいheight of prosperity
ぜんもうtotal blindness
ぜんべいall-America, pan-American
ぜんらたいstark naked body
ぜんめんwhole surface, entire
ぜんめんてきall-out, general, over-all, complete, extensive, full-scale
ぜんがくtotal, full amount, sum
はちぶおんぷ8th note
はちじゅう, やそeighty
はちまんHachiman (God of War); Hachiman shrine; certainly
はっさくHassaku orange (Citrus hassaku); 1st of August (lunar calendar)
はっこうthe eight directions, the whole land, the whole world
はっこういちうuniversal brotherhood, all eight corners of the world under one roof
はちろうがたLagoon Hachiro
やえmultilayered, doubled
やえざくらdouble-flowered cherry tree, double cherry blossoms
はちめんれいろうbeautiful from all sides, perfect serenity, affability
こうこうprinces and marquises, great feudal lords
こうさいpublic debt, public bond or securities
こうぼくpublic servant
こうはんpublic hearing, trial
こうはんていcourt, courtroom
こうとりいFair Trade Commission
こうしcompany, firm (in China)
こうりpublic official
こうえいpublic management
こうだんpublic corporation
こうあんいいんかいpublic safety commission
こうていぶあいofficial discount (bank) rate
こうふんpublic indignation
こうめいfairness, justice
こうみんcitizen, freemen
こうみんかんpublic hall, community center, community centre
こうえんpublic performance; sumo exhibition in a foreign country
こうしゃくprince, duke
こうしゃくふじんprincess, duchess
こうしょうがいpublic life, public career
こうてきpublic, official
こうてきふほうぼうがいpublic nuisance
こうえきpublic, public good
こうじ, こうしedict, public announcement
こうしゃさいpublic bonds
こうしpublic and private, official and personal, government and people
こうそpublic tax
こうさんprobability, likelihood
こうやくpublic commitment or promise
こうちょうかいpublic hearing
こうしゃofficial residence
こうしゅうでんわpublic telephone, pay phone
こうひpublic expenditure
こうじゅつspeaking at a public hearing
こうていofficial residence
こうかいopen to the public
ろくじゅう, むそsixty
ともにsharing with, participate in, both, alike, together, along with, with, including
きょうさいjoint sponsorship
ともばたらき(husband and wife) both working, dual income
きょうどうたいcooperative body, cooperative system, collective, community
きょうどうぼきんcommunity chest
きょうどうすいせんcommon faucet
きょうわrepublicanism, cooperation
きょうわとうRepublican Party
きょうぞん, きょうそんcoexistence
きょうえいmutual prosperity
きょうさいmutual aid
きょうさんcommunism; Communist Party
きょうさんしゅぎcommunism, collectivism
きょうさんとうCommunist Party
きょうさんとうちゅうおういいんかいCentral Committee of the Communist Party
きょうさんとうさいぼうcommunist cell
きょうさんこっかぐんCommunist bloc
ともかせぎworking together, (husband and wife) earning a living together
きょうちょcollaboration, co-authorship
ともえりsame-colored neckband (coloured)
きょうぼうconspiracy, complicity
きょうとうjoint struggle, common (united) front
きょうめいresonance, sympathetic (sound), (being in) sympathy
つわもの, きょうしゃsoldier; strong man, exceptional person, man of courage
へいりょくmilitary force, force of arms, strength of an army
へいきarms, weapons, ordinance
ひょうろう(army) provisions, food
tool; counter for armor (armour), suits, sets of furniture
ぐたいてきconcrete, tangible, definite, specific
てんけいtype, pattern, archetypal
てんけいてきtypical, prototypical, representative, stereotypical, model, ideal
けんand, in addition, concurrently
えるかねそなえるto have both, to possess both, to combine with
かねあいequilibrium, good balance, poise
けんにんconcurrent post
けんむadditional post
けんえいoperating or carrying on simultaneously
けんせつconcurrent post
けんぎょう, けんごうside line, second business
けんぎょうのうかpart-time farmer
けんようmulti-use, combined use, combination, serving two purposes
うちこうしょう, ないこうしょうpreliminary negotiations
うちがわinside, interior, inner part
ないていsecret investigation, private enquiry, private inquiry, reconnaissance, scouting
ないぶんぴ, ないぶんぴつendocrine; incretion, internal secretion
ないぶんぴせん, ないぶんぴつせんendocrine gland
ないほうconnotation; inclusion, containment within
うちぼりinner moat, moat within the castle walls
ないがい, うちそとinside and outside, domestic and foreign, approximately, interior and exterior
ないようsubject, contents, matter, substance, detail, import
うちでしprivate pupil, apprentice
ないけいbore, inside diameter
ないゆうがいかんtroubles both at home and abroad
ないしんunofficial report, confidential report
ないじinner ear
ないぞうinternal organs, intestines, viscera
ないえんinner garden, inner park
ないぞうinternal (e.g. disk), built-in, equipped (with)
ないそうinterior design, interior, upholstery
ないかくinterior angle, inside corner (baseball)
うちわけthe items, breakdown, classification
ないだくinformal consent, private consent
ないえつprivate audience
ないぶinterior, inside, internal
ないかくcabinet, (government) ministry
ないかくかんぼうCabinet Secretariat
ないかくほうせいきょくCabinet Legislation Bureau
ないじゅdomestic demand
えんきゅうknoll, hummock
えんしゃっかんinternational yen loan
えんたくround table
えんたくかいぎround-table conference
えんぷん, えんふんround burial mound
えんやすcheap yen
えんちゅう, まるばしらcolumn; round pillar (esp. in buildings)
えんまんperfection, harmony, peace, smoothness, completeness, satisfaction, integrity
えんかつ, えんこつsmooth, undisturbed, uninterrupted, harmonious
えんじゅくripeness, mellowness, maturity, perfection
まるぼんround tray
えんばんdisk, discus, platter; flying saucer
えんそうばyen exchange rate
えんきどうcircular orbit
さつcounter for books; volume
さっしbook, booklet, story book, pamphlet, notebook
さっすうnumber of books
さくりつimperial investiture
さいしんreview, revision, reexamination, retrial
さいどtwice, again, second time
さいけんrebuilding, reconstruction, rehabilitation
さいせいsecond punitive expedition
さいけんとうre-examination, review, reappraisal
さいねんrecurrence, revival, resuscitation
さいはつreturn, relapse, reoccurrence
さいへんreorganization, reorganisation, reshuffle
さいこうrevival, restoration, resuscitation
さいていsecond time
さいていはん, さいていばんsecond revised edition
さいたんresurrection (of a company or school, etc.)
おかすto brave, to risk, to face, to venture, to desecrate, to profane
とくぼうとくblasphemy, curse, profanity, sacrilege, desecration
ぼうとくblasphemy, curse, profanity, sacrilege, desecration
ぼうけんしょうせつadventure story, novel of adventure
ぼうけんだんtale of adventure
ぼうとうbeginning, start, outset
じょうくredundant phrase
じょういんsupernumerary, superfluous, useless workers
じょうかんsupernumerary official
じょうぜつgarrulity, loquacity, talkativeness
じょうげんchatter, useless words
じょうだんことjoking matter
うつしcopy, duplicate, facsimile, transcript
しゃせいsketching, drawing from nature, portrayal, description
しゃしんはん(newspaper) cameramen
しゃしんしゅうcollection of photographs, photoalbum
かんどうみゃくcoronary artery
かんこんそうさいimportant ceremonial occasions in family relationships
かんすいflooding, submerge
ちょうさいMinister of State (Zhou-dynasty China)
ふゆばthe winter season
さえclearness, clarity; skillfulness (skilfulness)
さえclearness, clarity; skillfulness (skilfulness)
えるさえるto be clear, to be serene, to be cold, to be skillful
えしたさえざえしたcheerful (look), healthy (complexion)
さえわたるto get cold, to freeze over
さえゆくto clear gradually, to get cold gradually
さえかがやくto shine clearly
さえかえるto be very clear, to be keenly cold
じぐ, ジグjig (tool)
やこうmetallurgical worker
やきんがくmetallurgy (the science)
ひえchilling exposure
ややかひややかcold; indifferent, cold-hearted, surly, curt, composed
ひやあせ, れいかんcold sweat
れいきゃくcooling, refrigeration
れいきゃくきかんcooling-off period
れいかa cool summer
れいばいrefrigerant, coolant
れいがいcold-weather damage
れいせんcold war
れいだんぼうair-conditioning, heating and cooling
れいたんcoolness, indifference
れいこくcruelty, coldheartedness, relentless, ruthless
じゅんquasi-, semi-, associate
えるなぞらえる, なずらえるto pattern after, to liken to, to imitate
じゅんしょうcommodore, brigadier general
じゅんいwarrant officer
じゅんかんごふpractical nurse
じゅんきょapproval, sanction
しのぎtiding over
りょうじょくinsult; sexual assault, rape
りょううんskyscraping, very high
のうぜんかずらgreat trumpet flower (Campsis grandiflora, Campsis chinensis), trumpet creeper
りょうがexcelling, surpassing, outdoing, superior
えつくこごえつくto freeze to, to be frozen to
らすこおらすto freeze, to refrigerate
とうしょうfrostbite, chilblains
とうどfrozen soil
とうしdeath from cold, freezing to death
とうけつfreeze (e.g. program)
りんcold, frigid, bracing; dignified
ったこったelaborate, exquisite, tasteful, refined, artistic
ぎょうこcoagulation, freezing, solidification
ぎょうしstare, gaze, fixation
おおよそabout, roughly, as a rule, approximately
およそabout, roughly, as a rule, approximately
ゆるあらゆるall, every
フライぼんフライeasy fly (in baseball)
ぼんじん, ぼんにんordinary person, average person, mediocre
ぼんしょcommon people
ぼんようmediocre, banality, commonplace
ぼんようぐまいordinary and ignorant, mediocre and stupid
ぼんだpoor batting
退ぼんたいout in 1-2-3 order (baseball)
しょぶんdisposal, dealing, punishment
しょちtreatment, measure, step
しょぐうtreatment, dealing with
なぎcalm, lull
なぐto become calm, to die down
がいせんtriumphal return
がいせんこうえんperformance given after a successful tour abroad
がいせんしょうぐんtriumphant general
がいせんぐんreturning victorious army
がいせんもんarch of triumph, triumphal arch
がいかvictory song, victory
がいふうsoutherly wind
きょうbad luck, bad fortune; evil, wickedness
きょうさくbad harvest, poor crop
きょうちょうevil omen
きょうきdangerous weapon
きょうだんassassin's plot, assassin's bullet
きょうあくatrocious, fiendish, brutal, villainous
きょうぼうbrutal, atrocious, ferocious
きょういんbad news, news of a death
でこbrow, forehead; convex
レンズとつレンズconvex lens
とっぱんletterpress, relief printing
とっぱんいんさつletterpress, relief printing
おうconcave, hollow, sunken
ますへこますto dent, to indent, to depress, to humiliate
ませるへこませるto dent, to indent, to depress, to humiliate
まるくぼまるto be low (as a hollow)
くぼみ, へこみhollow, cavity, dent, depression
めるくぼめるto hollow out
レンズおうレンズconcave lens
おうとつunevenness, roughness, ruggedness
でばknife, pointed carver
簿しゅっきんぼemployee's attendance record
しゅつじょう(stage) appearance, participation, performance
しゅっぽんflight, elopement, running away, absconding
くすでつくすto be all out, to exhaust
しゅってんexhibit, display
しゅっぱんsailing, departure
しゅっせきしゃthose present, attendance
しゅっていappearance in court
しゅっていびcourt day
しゅっせいdeparture (for the front)
しゅっせいかぞくfamily of a soldier at the front
しゅっせいぐんarmy in the field
しゅっせいぐんじんsoldier at the front
しゅっかんcarrying out a coffin, funeral procession
しゅっこうdeparture, clearance (of a ship)
しゅつえんperformance, stage appearance; to act (in a play)
しゅつりょうgoing hunting
しゅつごくrelease (from prison)
でばんone's turn
でかせぎworking away from home
でまどbay window
すいとうreceipts and expenditure (disbursements)
しゅっかshipping, outgoing freight, forwarding
しゅつらんpupil excelling his master
しゅっけつbleeding, haemorrhage, hemorrhage
しゅっしinvestment, contribution, financing
しゅっちょうexcess of exports, favorable balance of trade, favourable balance of trade
であしstart, turnout; constant forward movement (sumo)
でむかえmeeting, reception
えるでむかえるto meet, to greet
れるでおくれるto get a late start
しゅつじんdeparture for the front
しゅつばgoing on horseback; going in person; running for election
かんれいthe Hakone Mountains
かたな, とう(single-edged) sword; dagger; scalpel
とうけんswords, cold steel
edge (of a knife or sword)
はさきedge of blade
はわたりlength of a (sword) blade, walking on the edge of a sword
はものedged tool, cutlery
わけsharing, division; draw, tie
ぶんさつseparate volume, fascicle, fascicule
ぶんかつpartition, division, separation, segmenting, splitting
ぶんりん(not) in the least, (not) a bit
ぶんきdivergence (e.g. in a road); forking, jump, multi-drop
ぶんきてんjunction, crossroads, division point, parting of ways
ぶんたんapportionment, allotment, share
ぶんすいれいwatershed, divide
ぶんぴつ, ぶんぴsecretion
ぶんぴぶつ, ぶんぴつぶつsecretion
ぶんかかいsubcommittee meeting, subworking group
ぶんれつsplit, division, break up
ぶんじょうselling (real-estate) lots
ぶんかつseparate jurisdiction
ぶんりseparation, partition, detachment, segregation, isolation, decollation
きっかけchance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasion
らすきらすto be out of, to run out of, to be short of, to be out of stock
きりぬきscraps, cuts
きりすて(historical) using people of low rank as sword fodder, omission, rounding down
きりかえ, せったいexchange, conversion, replacement, switching (to), switchover
きりふだtrump card
せっさたくまcultivate one's character by studying hard, diligent application
せっさたくましあうto work hard together, to be in a state of friendly rivalry
まってせっぱつまってunder the pressure of necessity
まるせっぱつまるto be at one's wit's end, to be cornered
かりcut, clip, shear, reap, trim, prune
かりとりharvesting, reaping
かりとるto mow, to reap, to harvest
かりほharvested grain, harvested rice ears
り込むかりこむto cut, to dress, to prune, to trim, to clip
かりほharvested grain, harvested rice ears
かんこうpublication, issue
けいpenalty, sentence, punishment
けいじそしょうcriminal action
けいじせきにんcriminal liability
けいむしょprison, penitentiary
けいほうcriminal law, penal code
けいばつjudgement, judgment, penalty, punishment
れっきょenumeration, list
はつfirst, new
しょだいfirst generation, founder
はつばしょNew Year's (January) sumo tournament, held in Tokyo
ういまご, はつまごfirst grandchild
はつみfirst Serpent day of the year
はつこいfirst love, puppy love
しょせんfirst match (in a series)
しょにちfirst or opening day
しょきearly (days), initial stage; initial
しょえんfirst performance
しょはんfirst edition
はつみみsomething heard for the first time (lit: first ear)
はつぶたいdebut, initial stage appearance
しょしんinitial medical examination
はつたんじょうfirst birthday
ういじんfirst campaign, one's first battle
はんていjudgement, judgment, decision, award, verdict
はんけつjudicial decision, judgement, judgment, sentence, decree
べっこanother, different, separate, discrete
べっさつseparate volume, extra issue, supplement
べつずりexcerpt, offprint, printed separately
べっきょseparation, living apart
べっかんseparate volume, extra issue
べつむね, べっとうseparate building, outbuilding, outhouse
べっぴょうannexed (statistical) table
べっていvilla, detached residence
べっこうspecial heading, separate paragraph
advantage, benefit, profit, interest
りにさといwide-awake to one's interests
りさげdecrease in interest rates
りそくinterest (bank)
りばらいinterest payment
りじゅんprofit, returns
りりつinterest rate
りようしゃuser, end-user, consumer
とうてい(cannot) possibly
とうたつreaching, attaining, arrival
とうとうfinally, at last, reaching a head
せいていenactment, establishment, creation
せいきゅう(pitcher's) control (baseball)
せいやくlimitation, restriction, condition, constraints
せいやくでんぱんconstraint propagation
せいさいrestraint, sanctions, punishment
せいはconquest, domination, mastery
り込むすりこむto insert (an illustration), to stencil (a pattern), to print on
さっしんreform, renovation
さしsharpened tube for testing rice in bags; sashimi (sliced raw fish)
さしみsashimi (sliced raw fish)
椿さしがめ, サシガメassassin bug (any insect of family Reduviidae)
しさつstabbing to death; putting out (baseball)
こくtime, carving, engraving, cutting
きざみshredded tobacco, notch, nick
こっくべんれいbeing arduous, working diligently enduring hardships
そぐto chip; to thin down, to reduce, to weaken
けずりとるto shave off, to scrape off
けずりぶしflaked bonito
さくげんcut, reduction, curtailment
ぜんせいきlast century, ancient times
ぜんれいにならうto follow (copy after) a precedent
まえだおしacceleration (of payment schedule)
ぜんけいforward inclination (tilt)
ぜんちょうomen, portent, sign, premonition, harbinger
まえやくthe year before a critical age
まえむきfacing forward, front-facing, positive
ぜんてつformer men of wisdom and virtue
ぜんかいlast time, last installment, last instalment, last session
ぜんやさいthe eve (of festival) (e.g. Christmas Eve)
ぜんそうきょくprelude, overture
ぜんねんthe preceding year, the previous year, last year
ぜんねんどpreceding fiscal year
ぜんごむじゅんself-contradiction, self-inconsistency
まえばらいpayment in advance, prepayment
ぜんていpreamble, premise, reason, prerequisite, condition, assumption, hypothesis
ぜんぽうこうえんふんkeyhole-shaped tumulus (form of ancient Imperial grave)
ぜんじつ, まえびprevious day, the day before
せんざいgarden, trees and flowers in a garden
せんざいものgreens, vegetables
立腺ぜんりつせんひだいしょうenlargement of the prostate
まえあし, ぜんし, ぜんきゃくforefoot, forefeet, foreleg, forelimb
ぜんさいrelishes, hors d'oeuvres, smorgasbord
ぜんじゅつaforementioned, above-mentioned
ぜんとfuture prospects, outlook, the journey ahead
ぜんとりょうえんgoal, destination
ぜんこうpreceding paragraph
ぼうけんautopsy, necropsy
ごうstrong, hard, manly
ごうのものvery strong person, brave warrior, veteran
ごうけんvigour, vigor, virility, health, sturdiness
ごうきfortitude, firmness of character, hardihood, manliness
ごうきかだんdauntless and decisive, with fortitude and resolution
つるぎをぬく, けんをぬくto draw a sword
けんげきsword play, samurai drama
けんきゃく, けんかくfencer, swordsman
けんしゅんsteep, precipitous
けんじsacred sword and jewels
けんごうmaster fencer
けんどうkendo, swordmanship, fencing
ふくさようreaction, secondary effect, side effect
ふくしょうsecond in command
ふくぎょうside job, sideline, subsidiary business
ふくさんぶつbyproduct, side line
ふくちじlieutenant governor
ふくしゃちょうexecutive vice-president
ふくそうひんburial accessories
ふくにじsecondary rainbow
ふくとくほん, ふくどくほんsupplementary reader
ふくしょうextra prize
ふくだいsubtitle, subheading
あまつさえ, あまっさえbesides (usu. negative nuance), moreover, in addition
あまつさえ, あまっさえbesides (usu. negative nuance), moreover, in addition
じょうよsurplus, balance, remainder
じょうよきんsurplus, balance
じょういんsurplus people
じょうひunnecessary expenses
わりだすto calculate, to compute, to infer
わりかんsplitting the cost, Dutch treat
わりあて, かっとうallotment; binding
わりぐりrubble, broken stone
わりぐりいしcrushed rock, macadam
わりやすeconomical, comparatively cheap
わりびきさいdiscount bond
かつじょうcession (of territory)
かっぷ, わっぷallotment, quota, payment in installments, payment in instalments, hire-purchase
わりだかcomparatively high, fairly expensive
そうしゅつcreation (e.g. work of art)
そうかんlaunching (e.g. newspaper), first issue
そうしcreation, founding, initiating
そういoriginal idea, originality
そうぎょうestablishment (of a business, etc.)
そうりつestablishment, founding, organization, organisation
そうせつestablishment, founding, organization, organisation
ひょうせつplagiarism, piracy
げきさくplay writing
げきだんtroupe, theatrical company
げきえいがfilm drama
りきせつinsistence, (major) emphasis, stress
りきりょうability, physical strength, capacity, tact
こうmerit; achievement, accumulated experience
こうろうmeritorious deed, services
こうみょうgreat achievement
こうざいboth good and bad, merits and demerits
addition, increase; Canada
かほうextra allowance
カナダ, かなだCanada
かしゅうState of California
かこうmanufacturing, processing, treatment, machining
貿かこうぼうえきprocessing trade
かたんsupport, participation, assistance, complicity, conspiracy
かりょうmedical treatment
かめいparticipation, affiliation
かめいこくmember-nation, signatory
かりゅうvulcanizing (rubber)
かりゅうほうvulcanization, vulcanisation
かろくincrease in a samurai's stipend
かぎゃくcausing pain
かそくacceleration, speed up; accelerator
かれいadding to one's years
らずおとらずwith the best of them, as the next fellow
れっせいnumerical inferiority
れっかdeterioration, degradation
れつあくinferiority, coarseness
れっとうかんinferiority complex
たすけぶねtimely help
じょやくassistant official
すけそうだら, スケソウダラwalleye pollack, Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma)
じょせいassisting, assistance, fostering, aiding
じょきょうじゅassistant professor
じょきょうゆassistant or associate professor
ゆめnever, by no means
めてつとめてas much as possible; make an effort!, work hard!
しくどりょくもむなしくafter efforts in vain
しくどりょくもむなしくafter efforts in vain
どりょくかhard worker, hardworking person
どりょくしょうprize awarded for a person's effort
ましはげましencouragement (as an abstract concept), stimulation
ますはげますto encourage, to cheer, to raise (the voice)
はげみ(act of) encouragement, stimulus, incentive
使ろうしlabour and management, labor and management
ろうどうとうLabour Party, Labor Party
ろうどうきじゅんほうLabor Standards Act
ろうどうじょうけんworking conditions
ろうどうしょうMinistry of Labour (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
ろうどうくみあいlabor union, labour union
ろうどうしゃlaborer (labourer), blue-collar worker
ろうさいworkers' compensation insurance
ろうそ, ろうくみlabor union, labour union
ろうれんlabour union, labor union
こうかてきeffective, successful
こうりつefficiency, efficacy, performance, utility factor
がいそうreport of an official's offence to the emperor (offense)
けいそつexcellent soldier
けいかんstrong and fierce
けいしょうstrong and nimble
けいてきformidable foe
ちょく, みことのりimperial decree, imperial edict
ちょっかんthe emperor's censure
ちょくいmeaning or gist of a decree
ちょくしょimperial rescript
ちょくさいimperial decision or sanction
ちょっきょimperial sanction
ちょくごimperial rescript
ちょくゆimperial instructions
ちょくがくimperial scroll
ちょくがんimperial prayer
ゆうbravery, courage, heroism
いさみあしovereagerness; forward step-out (in sumo)
ゆうそうheroic, brave, majestic, soul-stirring, lively, gallant
ゆうかんbrave, heroic, gallant
ゆうかんさbravery, heroism, gallantry
ゆうだんresolute decision
ゆうしゃ, ゆうじゃhero, the brave, man of valour (valor)
退ゆうたいbowing out, retiring voluntarily
めてつとめてas much as possible; make an effort!, work hard!
べんがくstudy, pursuit of knowledge
どうmotion, change, confusion
うごきmovement, activity, trend, development, change
どうらんdisturbance, agitation, commotion, upheaval, riot
どうこうtrend, tendency, movement, attitude
どうしょくぶつplants and animals, flora and fauna
どうみゃくこうかarteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries
どうせいstate, condition, movements
えるかんがえるto consider, to think about
ぐるかんぐるto be suspicious of
づくかんづくto suspect, to sense (danger), to scent
貿かんごうぼうえきlicensed trade
かんべんpardon, forgiveness, forbearance
かんあんtaking into consideration, giving consideration (to), thinking
かんちがいmisunderstanding, wrong guess
かちwin, victory
かちぼし(mark indicating) a win
かちこしmore wins than losses (sport)
しょうりvictory, triumph, conquest, success, win
しょうそwinning a lawsuit
しょうぶvictory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout
ぼさいraising of a loan, loan floatation
ぼきんfund-raising, collection of funds
はずみbounce; momentum; spur of the moment, impulse
せいりょくinfluence, power, might, strength, potency, force, energy
せいりょくけんsphere of influence
きんけんindustry, diligence, frugality
きんろうlabor, labour, exertion, diligent service
きんべんindustry, diligence
きんむservice, duty, work
きんむじっせきservice record
きんだdiligence and indolence, attendance
すすめrecommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement
かんこくadvice, counsel, remonstrance, recommendation
かんぜんちょうあくげきmorality play
かんしょうencouragement, stimulation
かんぎょう(encouragement of) industry
かんじんtemple solicitation
かんじんちょうtemple solicitation book
いさおdistinguished service, meritorious service
くんしゃくpeerage and order of merit
くんしょうdecoration, order, medal
くんきdecoration diploma, diploma
もんめunit of weight, approx. 3.75 g
ほうちょうkitchen knife, carving knife
ほういsiege, encirclement, envelopment
ほうかつinclusion, complete coverage, comprehensiveness
ほうせつsubsumption, connotation
かがくへいきchemical weapons
かがくせんいsynthetic fibers, synthetic fibres
かがくひりょうchemical fertilizer, chemical fertiliser
けしょうしたmake-up base
けしょうだいlady's pin money, cosmetics expense
けしょうだいdressing table, dresser
けしょうしつtoilet, lavatory, powder room
けしょうすい, けしょうみずface lotion
けしょうぎdressing gown
けしょうせっけんtoilet soap
かせんsynthetic fibres (fibers)
きたがわ, ほくそくnorth side, north bank
ほくれいnorthern mountain, Mt. Hiei
ほくとしちせいthe Great Bear, the Great Dipper, Ursa Major
ほくとせいthe Great Bear, the Great Dipper, Ursa Major
ほっぽうnorthern (district), northward
きたちょうせんNorth Korea
ほくとう, きたひがしnortheast
ほっきょくけんArctic Circle, the Arctic
ほっきょくぐまpolar bear
ほくおうNorthern Europe, land of the Norsemen, Scandinavia
ほっかいどうHokkaido (northernmost of the four main islands of Japan)
ほくいnorth latitude
ほっこうnorthern suburbs
ほくぶnorth, northern part
ほくりくregion west of Tokyo on Japan Sea side of Japan
たくみ, しょうworkman; craft; means, idea
しょうきaffectation, desire to be impressive
きょうきゅうdelivering from sin, succor, succour
きょうせいreform, correction, training
ひっちゅうequal, match
ひっぷ(humble) man, coarse man, rustic
ひっぷのゆうrash courage
ひっぷひっぷcoarse men and women
ひっぷcoarse woman, country woman
ひってきcomparing with, match, rival, equal
ward, district, section
くないin the ward or borough
くみんward residents
くりつestablished by the ward
くちょうward headman
くかんsection (of track, etc.), segment, dimension
medicine, the healing art, healing, curing, doctor
いだいmedical university, medical school, med school
いきょくmedical office, dispensary
いしかいmedical association
いりょうmedical care, medical treatment
いりょうきかいmedical appliances, surgical instruments
いりょうほうしゅうmedical fee
いかmedical science, medical department
いやくひんmedical supplies
いいんdoctor's office (surgery), clinic, dispensary
とくshelter, shield, hide
かくまうto shelter, to shield, to hide
れるかくれるto hide, to be hidden, to conceal oneself, to disappear
とくめいanonymity, pseudonym
じゅうまん100,000, hundred thousand
じゅうおく1,000,000,000; one billion
じゅうじかcross, the Cross (of Christ)
ちのしょうほうChino Shoho (Japanese religious group founded by Chino Yuuko)
せんきゅうひゃくねんだいthe 1900s
せんだい, ちよthousand years; very long period, forever
仭のせんじんのたにbottomless ravine
せんじん, ちひろgreat depth (lit: thousand fathoms); great height
ちしまKurile Islands
ちとせ, せんねんmillennium, one thousand years
せんしゅうthousand years, many years
せんり1000 ri, (a) long distance
しょうsho (unit of volume, approx. 1.8 litres)
ますせきtatami "box seat" for four people at sumo or kabuki
しょうせんrising up
ごごafternoon, p.m.
ごごじゅうthroughout the afternoon
ごすいnap, siesta
ひるすぎafter noon
なかばmiddle, half, semi, halfway, partly
はんどうたいsemiconductor, solid-state
はんすうhalf the number; haploid
はんえりneckpiece (on a kimono)
まんじともえ, まんじどもえfalling in swirls
しいいやしいgreedy, vulgar, shabby, humble, base, mean, vile
しからぬいやしからぬrespectable, decent
しむいやしむto despise, to disdain, to scorn
しめるいやしめるto despise, to abase (oneself)
ひげself-abasement, humility, self-depreciation
ひれつmean, foul play, cowardly, base
ひくつmenial, meanness, servility, abject
がないそつがないcautious, careful, shrewd, without error, without slip
するそっするto die, to pass away
そつごrank and file, the ranks
そつじabrupt, sudden
たくtable, desk, high
たくじょうon the table (desk), after-dinner speech
たくばつexcellence, superiority, preeminence, prevalence
たっきゅうtable tennis, ping-pong
たくえつexcellence, superiority
たくえつふうprevailing wind
きょうていarrangement, pact, agreement
調きょうちょうcooperation; firm (market) tone
きょうぎconference, consultation, discussion, negotiation
きょうさんsupport, mutual aid, cooperation, approval, authorization, authorisation
アフリカみなみアフリカSouth Africa
みなみがわ, なんそくsouth side
なんせいほくばつattacking in all directions
みなみしなかいSouth China Sea
なんとう, みなみひがしsoutheast
なんおうSouthern Europe
なんひょうよう, なんぴょうようAntarctic Ocean
なむみょうほうれんげきょうGlory to the Sutra, Hail Lotus Sutra
なむあみだぶつI sincerely believe in Amitabha, Lord have mercy on me
なんいsouthern latitude
西なんせい, みなみにしsouthwest
なんこうsouthern suburbs
なんぶsouthern part
なんぐうsouthern corner
ひとえone layer, single, onefold
たんいつsingle, simple, sole, individual, unitary
たんかunit price, unit cost
たんどくsole, independence, single, solo (flight)
たんじゅんへいきんsimple average, arithmetic average
たんしんalone, unaided, away from home
たんしんふにんしゃemployee posted away from their family
はく, ばくdoctor, PhD; exposition, fair, exhibition
はくあいcharity, benevolence, philanthropy, (love for) humanity
はくぶつwide learning, natural history
はくらんかいfair, exhibition, exposition
はくしきextensive knowledge
うらないfortune-telling, divination
うらなうto forecast, to predict
せんゆうexclusive possession, occupation, monopolization
せんりょうoccupation, capture, possession, have a room to oneself
う、ぼう、もうfourth sign of Chinese zodiac; The Hare; 5am-7am; east
うのはなbean-curd lees; deutzia, Deutzia crenata
うさぎどしyear of the hare
うだつshort pillar set on a beam to support a ridgepole
がらないうだつがあがらないno hope of getting ahead
のあがらないうだつのあがらないlacking potential for advancement, no-hoper
うづき, うつき, うずきfourth month of the lunar calendar
うつぎdeutzia, Deutzia crenata
いんさつばいたいprint media
いんさつきprinting press
いんちseal stamp pad
いんじimperial seal
いんし(revenue) stamp
いんぷbook of seals
けるいんしょうづけるto impress (someone)
いんかんstamp, seal
うくあやうくalmost, nearly, in imminent danger of
ぶむあやぶむto fear, to have misgivings, to be doubtful, to mistrust
きがいinjury, harm, danger
きほうhigh, steep peak
きぐ, きくfear, misgivings
きとくcritical illness, on the verge of death
きぐ, きくfear, misgivings
するそくするto conform to, to agree with, to be adapted to, to be based on
そっこくimmediately, at once, instantly
そっこうimmediate effect, instant effect
そくざimmediate, right there on the spot, impromptu
そくせんりょくready fire power
そくじつsame day
そくじprompt, immediate, in real time
そっきょうimprovisation, improvization, impromptu, off the cuff, without a score
きゃっかrejection, dismissal
らんしovum, ovule, egg cell
らんぽう, らんほう(ovarian) follicle
おろししょうwholesaler, wholesale dealer
おろしねwholesale price
おろししょうwholesaler, wholesale dealer
おろしうりしじょうwholesale market
おろしうりぶっかwholesale price
やくmisfortune, bad luck, evil, disaster
よけやくよけwarding off evil
やっかいごとtrouble, difficulty, burden
やっかいものdependent, parasite, hanger-on, burden
やくどしunlucky year, critical age
りんもうfarthing, trifle
りんもうのけいちょうなしequal in weight, equal in significance
あつみthickness, profound
あつげしょうthick or heavy make-up
こうせいwelfare; (former) Ministry of Health and Welfare
こうせいねんきんwelfare pension
こうせいしょうMinistry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
こうしょうWelfare Minister
こうぎyour kindness
こうぐうcordial welcome, kind treatment, hospitality
げんそくprinciple, general rule
げんこくplaintiff, accuser, prosecutor
げんけいprototype, model, pattern, archetypal
げんしりょくatomic energy
げんしろatomic reactor, nuclear reactor
げんすんactual size, full size
げんざいりょうraw materials
げんあんoriginal plan, original bill, motion, draft, draught
げんすいばくatom and hydrogen bomb
げんゆcrude oil
げんせんnuclear submarine
げんてんorigin (coordinates), starting point
げんばくatomic bomb, A-bomb
げんばくぎせいしゃatomic bomb victim
げんぱつnuclear power plant, nuclear power supply
簿げんぼledger, original record, register
げんせんいraw fibers, raw fibres, minute fibers, minute fibres
しさきびしさseverity, strictness, intensity
げんにstrictly, severely, rigidly, fortify, strengthen, secure
げんとうsevere winter
げんみつstrict, close
げんかんintense cold
げんかくsevere, rigid, strictness, rigor, rigour, austerity
げんしゅくgravity, solemnity, severity, seriousness, dignity, rigor, rigour, austerity
げんばつsevere punishment, rigorous measures
げんびけいGenbi Gorge (Ichinoseki-shi, Iwate-ken)
きょしゅうcommitting one's self
さんよparticipation; consultant, councillor, adviser
さんじかんcouncillor, councilor
さんにゅうcoming, visiting, going
さんれつattendance, participation, presence
さんかしゃparticipant, entrant
さんぱいvisit to a shrine or temple, paying homage at a shrine or temple
さんぜんZen meditation, meditative consultation with the head abbot
さんぼうstaff officer, participating in planning
さんぎいんHouse of Councillors
さんがcongratulatory palace visit
さんしゃくcomparison and choosing the good, consultation, referring to
さんいんHouse of Councillors
またとin addition, besides this, twice
とないまたとないunique, matchless, unparalleled, unparallelled, never again
ないまたないunique, matchless, unparalleled, unparallelled, never again
またも(once) again
およびand, as well as
およびごしbent back, indecisive attitude
きゅうだいpassing an examination
ゆうあいfraternity, friendship
ゆうぜんぞめtype of dyeing method or pattern, silk printed by the Yuzen process
ゆうぎfriendship, friendly relations, fellowship
ゆうぎこっかfriendly nation
ともだちがいtrue friendship
ゆうほうfriendly nation
ならぶto line up; to rival, to match, to equal
そうむけいやくbilateral agreement
駱駝そうほうらくだtwo-humped camel, Bactrian camel
そうほうtwo way, both parties, mutual, both
そうぼうpair of eyes
そうがんきょうbinoculars, field glasses
そうどうきtwin-fuselage plane
ふたばbud, sprout
はんらんinsurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, uprising
はんそくfoul play (sport), transgression, default, balk, irregularity
はんしゃreflection, reverberation; reflex (medical)
はんのうreaction, response
はんげきcounterattack, counteroffensive, counterblow
はんきstandard of revolt, banner of revolution
はんぴれいinverse proportion
はんぎゃくtreason, treachery, mutiny, rebellion, insurrection
はんきょうecho, reverberation, repercussion, reaction, influence
はんとうreactionary price rise
しゅうにゅうincome, receipts, revenue
しゅうようじょhome, asylum, camp
しゅうしゅうcontrol, settling, coping
しゅうしincome and expenditure
しゅうそくconvergence, tie up
しゅうえきearnings, proceeds, returns
しゅうぜいりtax collector
しゅうかくharvest, crop, ingathering
しゅうかくよそうcrop estimate
しゅうかくかんしゃさいThanksgiving Day, harvest festival
しゅうかくじtime of harvest
しゅうかくきharvest time
しゅうかくぶつthe harvest, the yield
しゅうかくだかcrop, income
しゅうのうcrop, harvest, receipts, putting or stowing away
しゅうしゅくdeflation, contraction, shrinking, constriction
しゅうけんcocoon crop
しゅうわいaccepting bribes, corruption, graft
しゅうろくcompilation, editing; recording
しゅうしゅうgathering up, collection, accumulation
しゅくせいage of decline (said of a nation)
おじきuncle (younger than one's parent)
とって, はしゅhandle, grip, knob
とりかこむto surround, to crowd around
とりこわしdemolition, pulling down, destruction, dismantling
とりこわすto demolish, to tear or pull down
とりくずすto demolish, to take away until nothing remains
とりもどすto take back, to regain
とりあつかいtreatment, service, handling, management
とりあつかうto treat, to handle, to deal in
とりのこすto leave behind
とりざたcurrent rumour, current rumor, gossip, (idle) talk
とりけしcancellation, cancel, CAN
まりとりしまりcontrol, management, supervision
とりつくろうto temporize, to temporise, to smooth over
り込みとりこみさぎconfidence trick
とりひきtransactions, dealings, business
しゅざいcollecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article), covering an event
とりざたcurrent rumour, current rumor, gossip, (idle) talk
とりしまりやくcompany director, board member
とりしまりやくかいboard of directors; board of directors' meeting
とりしまりほうcontrol law
とりつくろうto temporize, to temporise, to smooth over
込みとりこみさぎconfidence trick
とりこみさぎconfidence trick
うけいれreceiving, acceptance
れるうけいれるto accept, to receive
めるうけとめるto catch, to stop the blow, to react to, to take
うけざらsaucer; receptacle for things, receiving something (e.g. funds)
じゅしんreception (e.g. radio), receipt
じゅぞう(television) reception
じゅしょくbeing entrusted with, being delegated with, RH
じゅちゅうaccepting orders
じゅしょうreception of a decoration or order
じゅせいらんfertilized eggs, fertilised eggs
じゅたいconception, fertilization, fertilisation
じゅたくbeing entrusted with, taking charge of
じゅたくしゅうわいざい(the crime of) bribery
じゅしんhaving a medical exam, seeing a doctor
じゅこうtaking (attending) lectures
じゅしょうwinning (a prize)
じゅりょうreceipt (of letter), acknowledgement, acceptance
じゅけんtaking an examination
じょすto relate; to confer (a rank)
するじょするto relate; to confer (a rank)
じょじしdescriptive poetry, epic poem
じょくんconferring of decorations
じょじょうlyricism, description or expression of one's feelings
じょけいscenery, description
じょしdistributing ranks, rewards and pensions
えいかんemperor's approval
えいりょthe emperor's pleasure
えいしthe emperor's instructions
えいちwisdom, intelligence, intellect
えいぶんに(in the) emperor's hearing
えいらんthe emperor's personal inspection
くちしのぎliving from hand to mouth
こうしんlips, labia
こうけいaperture, bore, calibre, caliber
くちまめtalkative, voluble
くちぐせway of saying, favorite phrase, favourite phrase
こうしゅうbad breath, halitosis
調くちょうtone (e.g. of voice, etc.), (verbal) expression
こうじゅつdictation, verbal statement
こうとうべんろんoral proceedings, oral pleadings
えるふるびおとろえるto waste away
こだいancient times
こてんてきclassical, classic
こじょうold castle, old fortress
こふんancient (mound) tomb
こふんじだいTumulus period (of Japanese history)
ふるすold haunts, former homes
こきage seventy
こしょold book, rare book
ふるいけold pool, old pond
こきage seventy
こしょくそうぜんantique-looking, looking hoary with patina
こごうveteran, old-timer, man of experience
くかいgathering of haiku poets
くしゅうcollection of haiku poems
ただただabsolutely, only, emphatic modifier
ならないただならないunusual, serious; incomparable
ただいまHere I am; presently, right away, right now, just now
ただただabsolutely, only, emphatic modifier
ひたすらnothing but, earnestly, intently
ただものordinary person (usu. in neg. sentences)
わめくto shout, to cry, to scream, to clamour
さけびshout, scream, outcry
さけびごえshout, yell, scream
きょうかんshout, scream
きょうかんshout, scream
めしsummons, call
使めしつかいservant, menial
しょうしゅうconvening, calling together (e.g. parliament)
かなりconsiderably, fairly, quite
かきゅうてきas ... as possible
かひpropriety; pro and con, ayes and noes
かわいそうpoor, pitiable, pathetic
かそざいplasticizer, plasticiser
かけつapproval, adoption (e.g. motion, bill), passage
しいおかしいstrange, funny, amusing, ridiculous
かのうせんたくavailable choice
かたんてつmalleable iron
だいちょうaccount book, ledger, register
だいほんscript, libretto, scenario
たいわんかいきょうStraits of Taiwan
たいほyour personal name
たいとうrise of, appearance of, (in the) forefront, prominence
しがくstudy of history
しじつhistorical fact
しりょうhistorical records, archives
してきゆいぶつろんhistorical materialism
しきしょうcommentary on Shiki
しせきhistorical landmark
みぎちゅうかっこclosing brace
うちゅうかんbetween right and center fielders (baseball) (centre)
うけいrightist, leaning to the right
みぎしょうかっこclosing parenthesis
うがんright bank (shore)
うはright wing
うよくだんたいright-wing organization (clique) (organisation)
みぎうで, うわんright arm
えるかなえるto grant (request, wish)
わぬかなわぬときのかみだのみMan turns to God only in his trouble
ごうnumber; sobriquet, pen-name
ごうほうgradational salary
ごうきゅうcrying aloud, lamentation, wailing
しれいcommand, control, commander
しれいかんcommandant, commanding officer, general
しかいしゃchairman, moderator, toastmaster, master of ceremonies, chairperson
しほうadministration of justice
しほうさいばんjudicial trial
しほうかいぼうlegally-ordered autopsy
おのおの, それぞれeach, every, either, respectively, severally
シェルフかくシェルフeach shelf, shelves (in practice, practise)
かくいんeach one
かくしゅがっこうvocational school
かくじindividual, each
かくはんeach clan
かくめんall phases
かくえきevery station
がっぺいしょうcomplications (in an illness)
ごうひsuccess or failure, result
がっしょうchorus, singing in a chorus
がっしょうだんchorus group, choir
がっそうconcert, ensemble
宿がっしゅくlodging together, training camp, boarding house
ごうべんjoint management, pool
ごういagreement, consent, mutual understanding
ごうせいじゅしplastics, synthetic resins
ごうせいせんざいsynthetic detergent
ごうせいせんいsynthetic fibre, synthetic fiber
ごうかくきがんprayer for school success
ごうりかrationalization, rationalisation, rationalize, rationalise
ごうせんsynthetic fiber, synthetic fibre
がっちagreement, concurrence, conformance
あいことばpassword, watchword
きち, きつgood fortune, good luck
きっちょうlucky omen, good omen
きっきょうsunshine and shadow, fortune
きっしょう, きちじょうlucky omen, happy, auspicious
吊りつりがねtemple bell (for striking)
どうはんcompany, accompany, going with
どうとうthe same political party
どうこくthe same country, the same province, the said country
どうしfellow, mutual, companion, comrade, bonding
どうやthe same night, that night
どうせいsame surname
どうふうenclosure (e.g. in a letter)
どうきょcoexistence, living together
どうしsame city
どうせきpresence, sitting with, being with
どうしsame mind, comrade, kindred soul
どうせいあいhomosexual love
どうじつthe same day
どうほう, どうぼうcompanions, fellows
どうこうsame school
どうしthe said person, he, she, same person
どうてんdeadlock, tie, draw
どうちょうthe same town, that town
どうめいalliance, union, league
どうめいじょうやくtreaty of alliance
どうしょうthe said ministry, the same ministry
どうけんthe same prefecture
どうしゃthe same firm
どうそうthe same school
どうそうかいgraduate's association, alumni meeting, class reunion
どうとうequality, equal, same rights, same rank, equivalence
どうきゅうthe same grade, same class
どうざいsame offense, same offence
どうほう, どうぼう, はらからbrethren, brothers, fellow countrymen, fellowman, compatriot
どうはんthe same clan
どうきょうsame village, same town, same province
なのりname readings of kanji; self-introduction; announcement of candidature
めいきょくfamous music
なふだname plate, name tag, label
めいしょうname, title
簿めいぼregister of names
めいぎname; in the name of
めいよhonor, honour, credit, prestige
めいよしょくhonorary position
めいかんdirectory, list
めいもんnoted family, noble family
きさき, きさいempress, queen
こうきゅうharem, imperial consort, palace
an official
かすぬかすto omit, to leave out; to say, to speak
はきだすto vomit, to spit out
とろexpress one's mind, speak out
むかいfacing, opposite, across the street, other side
かってむかってひだりon the left as one faces (it)
むきdirection, orientation, aspect, situation, exposure, suitability, tendency
こうじょうelevation, rise, improvement, advancement, progress
ひまわりsunflower, Helianthus annuus
きみがよImperial reign; title of Japanese national anthem
たちきみたちyou (plural), all of you, you all
くんしゅruler, monarch
くんしman of virtue, person of high rank, wise man
くんりんreigning; to reign, to dictate, to control
じるぎんじるto chant, to sing, to recite
ぎんみtesting, scrutiny, careful investigation
ぎんしょうrecital, recitation, chant(ing)
ぎんえいrecitation or chanting of a poem
ぎんしょうrecital, recitation, chant(ing)
ぎんゆうしじんtroubadour, minstrel
いいえ, いいや, いえ, いな, いやno, nay, well
ひけつrejection, negation, voting down
ふくみimplication, hidden meaning, latitude, atmosphere, tone, sentiment, inclusion
ふくみしさんhidden assets
がんゆうcontain, include
うがい, がんそうgargling, rinsing one's mouth
すいがらcigarette end (butt), tobacco ashes
い込むすいこむto inhale; to absorb, to soak up
きゅうしゅうabsorption, suction, attraction
きゅういんabsorption, suction, aspiration, attraction
きゅうちゃくadsorption, adsorb, attachment, sorption
きゅうけつきvampire, bloodsucker
ここんごうHevajra, Eternal Vajra (tantric Buddhist deity)
かすふかすto smoke (a cigarette); to behave as ...; to accelerate, to rev up
ふきかえdubbing, stand-in, dummy
れるふきあれるto blow violently, to sweep over, to devastate
ふきしきるto blow violently, to blow incessantly
ばすふきとばすto blow off, to brush away, to talk big
ふきとぶto be blown off, to blow off
れるふっきれるto break through, to become unbound by, to ooze out
ふっとぶto blow off, to be blown off
すいそうがくwind (instrument) music
われ, わ, あれ, あ, わぬ, わろI; oneself; you; prefix indicating familiarity or contempt
わがmy, our, one's own
われらwe; I; you (referring to a group of one's equals or inferiors)
われ, わ, あれ, あ, わぬ, わろI; oneself; you; prefix indicating familiarity or contempt
わぎもmy wife
わぎもこmy wife
あこmy child
わがはいI (nuance of arrogance); we, us, ourselves
するていするto present; to show; to assume (e.g. a shape)
ていしょく, ていしきcoloration, colouration, color, colour, coloring, colouring
りゃるくりゃるto receive from another
れてやるくれてやるto give, to do (something) for
れてくれてやるto give, to do (something) for
れるくれるto give, to let one have, to do for one, to be given
れもくれぐれもrepeatedly, sincerely, earnestly
くれてdonor, one who does something for you
ごふくdraperies, dry-goods, piece goods
ごえつGo-Etsu, two rival states in ancient China
ごえつどうしゅうbitter enemies (placed by fate) in the same boat
こくべつfarewell, leave-taking
こくじnotice, bulletin
こくそaccusation, complaint, charge, legal action
しゅうとうscrupulous, meticulous, careful
しゅういsurroundings, environs; circumference
しゅうねんwhole year, anniversary
しゅうきcycle, period
しゅうはすうfrequency (of waves)
しゅうちcommon knowledge, (something) well-known
じゅばくcurse, spell
わいあじわいflavour, flavor; meaning, significance
みかくtaste, palate, sense of taste
びかけよびかけcall, appeal
よびだしcall; sumo usher who calls the names of wrestlers, sweeps the ring, etc.
よびすてaddressing someone without an honorific such as "san"
よびかけcall, appeal
よびりんbell (used for summoning or signalling), buzzer
こきゅうきrespiratory organs
こおうhailing each other; acting in concert; agreement, concord
こしょうnaming; nominal
めい, みょうcommand, decree, life, destiny
いのちがけlife and death, risking one's life, risky, desperate
いのちびろいnarrow escape from death
めいたんせきにせまるto be on the brink of death
わようせっちゅうa blending of Japanese and Western styles
わぎゅうWagyu beef, Japanese beef
わぼくreconciliation, peace, rapprochement
わがしJapanese confectionery
おらんだ, オランダHolland, The Netherlands
おらんだ, オランダHolland, The Netherlands
わちゅうきょうどうharmonious cooperation, in close cooperation
わらいlaugh, laughter; smile; sneer
わらうto laugh; to smile; to sneer, to ridicule
かせるさかせるto make bloom
れるさきみだれるto bloom in profusion
さきほこるto be in fullness of bloom
れっぽいあわれっぽいplaintive, piteous, doleful
あいせつpathetic, plaintive
かなしいかなSad to say, How sad, Alas
あいちょうsympathetic condolences
あいとうcondolence, regret, tribute, sorrow, sympathy, lament
あいとうつうせきcondolence, mourning, sorrow, lamentation
あいしゅうpathos, sorrow, grief
あいぼcherish the memory of, yearn for
あいかんsadness and joy
ひんもくlist of articles
ひんしゅkind (of goods); (taxonomical) form; breed, cultivar
ひんしつ(material) quality
かなhow!, what!, alas!
てつじんwise man, philosopher, sage
うたsong; classical Japanese poetry (esp. tanka); modern poetry
うたうto sing; to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.)
そそのかすto instigate, to tempt
そそるto excite, to incite, to stimulate, to arouse, to tempt, to stir up
しんしほしゃmutual dependence
しんおんlabial sound
とうT'ang-Dynasty (China 618-907)
からびと, とうじんa Chinese, foreigner
からてkarate; empty handed
とうかえで, トウカエデtrident maple, acer buergerianum
とうとつabrupt, sudden
とうなすsquash, pumpkin
からにしきChinese brocade
とうおん, とういんT'ang reading of Chinese characters
でさえただでさえeven at the best of times, (even) under normal circumstances, in addition to
ゆいいつむにone and only, unique
ただいまHere I am; presently, right away, right now, just now
ゆいしんろんspiritualism, idealism, mentalism
ゆいがどくそんself-conceit, self-centeredness, vainglory
ゆいがろんsolipsism (phil.)
えるとなえるto recite, to chant; to call upon
しょうわsaying (cheering) in chorus
しょうかsinging, songs
ついばむto pick at, to peck at
きつつき, たくぼくちょう, けら, けらつつき, キツツキwoodpecker
しょうこうcommerce and industry
しょうこうかいぎしょChamber of Commerce and Industry
しょうほうtrade, business, commerce, commercial law
しょうほshop, store
しょうだんbusiness discussion, negotiation
しょうこんcommercial spirit
もんcounter for questions
わせといあわせenquiry, inquiry, ENQ, query, interrogation
とんや, といやwholesale store
もんせきblame, censure, reproof, reprimand, rebuke
もんだいいしきawareness of the issues
もんだいてんthe point at issue
ひらくto enlighten, to edify
けいじょうspeaking respectfully
けいじapocalypse, revelation
けいもうenlightenment, instruction
けいてきedification, enlightenment, guide
ぜんざいWell done!, soft bean-jam
ぜんざいぜんざいWell done!, Great!, Bravo!
ぜんせんfight a good fight
ぜんだまgood person
ぜんぜいSugata (the well-gone; epithet of Buddha)
ぜんりんgood neighbour, good neighbor
わめくto shout, to cry, to scream, to clamour
かんきarousal, excitation, awakening, evocation
ばしいよろこばしいdelightful, joyous, happy
ばすよろこばすto delight, to give pleasure
んでよろこんでwith pleasure ...
きげきcomedy, funny show
寿きじゅ77th birthday
きどあいらくhuman emotions (joy, anger, pathos, and humor) (humour)
きぼうほうCape of Good Hope
けんそうtumult, great noise, clatter, hustle and bustle
うしなうto lose, to part with
もしゅchief mourner
そうしつloss, forfeit
もふくmourning dress
もしょうsign of mourning
きっすto eat; to suffer (e.g. defeat), to receive (e.g. a blow)
するきっするto eat; to suffer (e.g. defeat), to receive a blow
きっきんurgency, exigency
きっさtea drinking, tea house
きょうしpride, self-conceit
きょうぼくtall tree, forest tree, arbor, arbour
えいそうguardhouse, detention barracks
えいそうbuilding a nest
えいりんしょforest service field office
えいぎょうbusiness, trade, sales, operations
えいぎょうしょbusiness office, place of business
えいぜんupkeep (of equip.)
つぐto succeed (someone in a business or inheritance)
たんsigh; grief, lamentation
かわしいなげかわしいsad, wretched, deplorable
なげきgrief, lamentation
なげくto sigh, to lament, to grieve
たんそくsigh, grief, deploring
たんがんentreaty, appeal, petition
かれいhappy precedent
かじつgood day, auspicious occasion
かぼくbeautiful trees
かていKatei era (1235.9.19-1238.11.23)
かせつauspicious occasion
かのうaccepting with pleasure
かこうdelicacy, rare treat, good-eating fish
かげんwise saying
かしんlucky day, auspicious occasion, happy day
するしょくする, ぞくするto entrust; to send (a message, etc.)
しょくぼう(having great) expectation, pinning one's hopes on
しょくもくpaying attention to, catching one's eye
しょくたくcommission; part-time (employee)
しょくたくさつじんcontract murder
うつわbowl; ability, capacity, calibre, caliber
きかいたいそうapparatus gymnastics, artistic gymnastics
きようびんぼうJack of all trades and master of none
きこぼれるふきこぼれるto boil over
げるふきあげるto blow up (i.e. wind), to blow upwards, to spout into the air
ふきだすto spout, to spurt, to gush out, to burst into laughter
ふくto blow (wind; to emit; to whistle
ふんしゅつspewing, gushing, spouting, eruption, effusion
ふんしゃjet, spray, injection, jet propulsion
ふんえん(eruption of) smoke
かくかく, かっかくbrilliant, bright, glorious
かすおどかすto threaten, to menace; to startle, to surprise
おどすto threaten, to menace
かくかく, かっかくbrilliant, bright, glorious
かくどgreatly enraged, furious
われとらわれimprisonment, captive
われるとらわれるto be captured, to be apprehended, to be seized with
しゅうじんろうどうprison labor, prison labour, forced labor, forced labour
よつずもうsumo wrestling in which both wrestlers grasp the other's belt with both hands
しろくじちゅうaround the clock, day and night (Note: 4 x 6 = 24)
しぶんごれつ, しぶごれつtorn asunder, disrupted and disorganized
よんじゅう, しじゅう, よそforty
しじゅうしちしThe 47 Ronin
よんせんfour thousand
しはんきquarter (of a year)
しきゅうfour balls, base on balls (baseball), a walk
よじょうはん4.5 tatami mats
よんひゃくfour hundred
ししlimbs, extremities
よんりんしゃautomobile, car
しじゅうそうinstrumental quartet
よすみfour corners
かいしゅうcollection, recovery
かいきreturn (to), revolution, recurrence, recursion, comeback, revival
かいきdeath anniversary
かいせんmatch, game
かいせんrotation, revolution, convolution
かいせんcircuit, line
かいろcircuit (electric)
かいてんとびらrevolving door
かいひevasion, avoidance
かいころくmemoirs, reminiscences
いんしfactor, divisor, element
いんしぶんせきfactor analysis
いんじゅんindecision, vacillation
いんじゅんこそくdilly-dallying and temporizing (temporising)
いんがcause and effect, karma, fate
だんたいこうしょうcollective bargaining
だんかいmass, lump
だんちょうleader of a delegation (body, party)
こまりきるto be greatly perplexed, to be greatly embarrassed
てるこまりはてるto be greatly perplexed, to be greatly embarrassed
こまりものgood-for-nothing, scapegrace, nuisance, trouble
こんわくbewilderment, disturbance
こんきゅうpoverty, distress
かこいenclosure, paling, storage
かこみenclosure, box, column, siege
かこむto surround, to encircle
いろりhearth, fireplace
いごGo (board game of capturing territory)
ずしきdiagram, graph, schema
ずがらdesign, pattern
ずはんplate, illustration, figure
かためhardening, defense, defence, fortifying, pledge
めるかためるto harden, to freeze, to fortify
こたいsolid (body), solid matter, solid-state
こていfixation, fixing (e.g. salary, capital)
こていしさんfixed assets
こゆうcharacteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, native, eigen-
こゆうめいしproper noun
こっこうdiplomatic relations
こくさいnational debt, national securities, government bonds, government securities
こくないinternal, domestic
こくぶんじ(Nara Era) state-supported provincial temples
こくむだいじんMinister of State
こくむちょうかんSecretary of State
こくえいstate management
こくどcountry, territory, domain, realm
こくほうnational treasure
こっかしけんstate examination
こっかばいしょうstate reparations
こくたいCommittee of the National Diet
こっこnational treasury
こっけいせつanniversary of founding (of PRC), national celebration time
こっきnational flag
げるこっきをかかげるto hoist the national flag
こくぜnational policy
こくみんけんこうほけんnational health insurance
こくみんとうひょうnational referendum
こくおうへいかHis Majesty the King
こくじthe seal of state
こくじしょ(Britain's) Lord Privy Seal
こくさんdomestic products
こくえきnational interest
こくりつよぼうえいせいけんきゅうしょNational Institute of Health
こくりつはくぶつかんnational museum
こくさくnational policy
こくすいnational characteristics
こくすいしゅぎnationalism, extreme patriotism
こくぞくtraitor, rebel
こくひんstate guest
こくじょくnational disgrace
こくれんUN, United Nations
こくてつnational railway
こくぼうnational defence, national defense
こくさいじんinternational celebrity, cosmopolitan, citizen of the world
こくさいかinternationalization, internationalisation, i18n (in IT)
こくさいきょうりょくじぎょうだんJapan International Cooperation Agency (1974), JICA
こくさいほうinternational laws
こくさいむせんつうしんしもんいいんかいComite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications, CCIR
貿こくさいてきぼうえきinternational trade
こくさいちつじょinternational order
こくさいたいほじょうinternational arrest warrant
こくさいでんしんでんわしもんいいんかいInternational Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, CCITT
けんsphere, circle, range
けんないwithin the sphere
けんがいoutside range, outside orbit
その, えんgarden (esp. man-made); place, location
えんげいhorticulture, gardening
どぞくlocal customs
どひょうarena; forum (e.g. for discussion); sandbag, gabion
どひょういりentrance procession of sumo wrestlers into the ring
どひょうぎわthe edge of a sumo ring, the edge or verge
どぐうearthen (clay) figure
とけい, ときはかりwatch, clock, timepiece
とちplot of land, lot, soil
とちがらlocal colour, local color
どべいmud wall, earthen wall, plaster wall
どじょうおせんsoil pollution
どばしan earthen bridge
どようのうしのひday of the ox in midsummer (during the hottest season), dog days of summer
どせきearth and stones
どしゃearth and sand
どしゃぶりdownpour, pouring rain, cloudburst, pelting rain, heavy rain
どがまearthen kiln
あっとうoverwhelm, overpower, overwhelming
あつりょくstress, pressure
あっしょうcomplete victory
あっかんhighlight, best part, masterpiece
あっさくpressure, compression
あっさくきcompression, press
あっさくくうきcompressed air
あっしゅくcompression, condensation, constriction, compaction
あっぱくpressure, coercion, oppression
りしありしひdays of yore; during one's lifetime
ざいきょうbeing in Tokyo
ざいたくbeing in, being at home
ざいこinventory, stockpile, stock
ざいりゅうstay, remain, reside
ざいせきenrollment, enrolment
けいへきritual jades worn by feudal lords in ancient China
のあるけいかくのあるharsh-mannered, angular, rough
けいかくのあるharsh-mannered, angular, rough
ちじょうabove ground
じかたびwork tabi, split-toed heavy cloth shoes with rubber soles
ちかthe price of land
じもとhome area, home town; local
じみplain, simple, subdued, sober
じうた(style of) folk song
じつぼground or land area
ちいきしゃかいregional community
ちそうstratum, geological formation, layer, bed (coal, gravel, etc.)
ちほうばんlocal edition
ちけんDistrict Public Prosecutor's Office
ちかくearth's crust
ちかくへんどうchange in earth's crust
じばんstronghold, base, (the) ground
ちじきgeomagnetism, terrestrial magnetism
ちそland tax
ちえんterritorial relationship, regional bond
じはだtexture, grain
ちさいdistrict court
じちんさいground-breaking ceremony
じらいland mine
じひびきsubterranean rumbling, earth tremor
さかみちhill road
きんせいsymmetry, balance, proportion, uniformity
きんせいsymmetry, balance, proportion, uniformity
きんとうequality, uniformity, evenness
きんこうequilibrium, balance
きんしつhomogeneous, homogeneity
さんぼうさんBuddhist priest, monk
っちゃんぼっちゃんson (of others); young master; green young man from a well-to-do family
けりゃまでぼうずにくけりゃけさまでにくいhate everything about a person
ざしょうrunning aground, being stranded
ざぜんzazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in a cross-legged position)
こうpit (esp. of a mine)
こうないwithin a pit or (mine) shaft
こうないじこmine accident
こうこうpithead, minehead
こうどうtunnel, (mine) level
つぼunit of land measurement, 3.95 square yards, 3.31 square meters
たりつぼあたりper tsubo (area)
つぼすうfloor space, area (in tsubo)
らし込むたらしこむto drop into, drop-by-drop
らすたらすto dribble; to suspend, to hang down, to slouch, to dangle
たりほdrooping ears (of grain)
たれまくhanging screen, curtain
たれながしincontinence, soiling one's pants
すいようweeping willow
かたわくmold, mould
かいまみるto take a peep at, to catch a glimpse of
まるうずまる, うまるto be buried, to be surrounded, to overflow, to be filled
め立てうめたてfilling up, reclamation
め立てるうめたてるto reclaim, to fill up
め立てうめたてちreclaimed land
まいぞうburied property, treasure trove
まいせつputting (laying) underground
じょうかまちcastle town, town around castle
じょうしゅlord of a castle
じょうないinside a castle
じょうへきrampart, castle walls
しろあと, じょうせき, じょうしcastle site, ruins of a castle
じょうかくfortress, castle, citadel, enclosure, castle walls
いきないinside the area
いきがいoutside the area
しつむperformance of one's official duties
しゅうねんtenacity, implacability
しゅうちゃく, しゅうじゃくattachment, adhesion, tenacity
しっこういいんexecutive committee
しっこうゆうよstay of execution, suspended sentence
つちかうto cultivate, to foster
ばいちculture medium
ばいようcultivation, nurture, culture
ばいようえきculture fluid
きかんmainstay, nucleus, key
きほんfoundation, basis, standard
きほんてきfundamental, standard, basic
きじゅんstandard, basis, criterion, norm, reference, datum
きばんfoundation, basis, base, footing
きりすと, キリストChrist
キリストきょう, きりすときょうChristianity
きそfoundation, basis
きそこうじfoundation works
きそこうじょbasic or standard deduction
きそちしきfundamental knowledge
きそけんきゅうbasic research
きそしけんpreclinical study, basic study
調きちょうbasis, keynote
きじくkey, yardstick, criterion, standard
ききんfund, foundation
ほりぬくto dig through, to drill into, to excavate
り鼠ほりねずみ, ホリネズミpocket gopher
ほりばたside of a moat
どうtemple; prefix to building meaning "magnificent"
けんごsolid, strong, firm
けんしゅstrong defense, strong defence
けんじつsteady, sound, reliable, solid
けんじholding on to, sticking to
かたぎhonest, respectable
調けんちょうbullish, firm (market)
だすto degenerate, to lapse into
するだするto degenerate, to lapse into
おつto fall down; to fail (e.g. exam); to crash, to degenerate, to degrade
ろすおろすto abort (an embryo or fetus) (negative nuance)
だたいabortion, aborticide, miscarriage
だらくdepravity, corruption, degradation
ほしょうbarrier reef
つつみbank, embankment, dike
ていぼうbank, weir
えかねるたえかねるto be unable to endure, to be unable to stand (something), to lose patience
えないたえないunable to suppress one's emotions; unable to cope with one's responsibilities
えられないこたえられないreally good, irresistible
へるたへるto bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with
まるたまるto bear (often adds emphasis), to endure
たまるto bear (often adds emphasis), to endure
かんにんぶくろone's store of patience
たんのう, かんのうproficient, skillful; satisfaction; fortitude
えんていdike, weir
ほうこくしょ(written) report
ほうしょうきんcash bonus, reward, bounty
ほうふくそちreprisals, retaliatory measures
ほうとくmoral requital
ほうどうinformation, report, journalism
ほうどうじんpress corps
ほうしゅうremuneration, recompense, reward, toll
らすへいをめぐらすto fence in, to surround with a wall
るいbase (baseball)
かたまりlump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster
まりかたまりlump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster
かいこんtuberous root
そぞうearthen image
とうtower, pagoda
ぬりcoating (esp. lacquering)
りつぶしぬりつぶしblotting out; fill (in graphics)
りつぶすぬりつぶすto paint out
えるぬりかえるto repaint
とふapplication (of ointment)
とまつsmear, daub, coating over
とりょうpaints, painting material
つかをきずくto pile up a mound
そくせんembolus, abnormal substance (i.e. air) circulating in the blood
えんぶんsalt, salt content
ビニールえんかビニール, えんかビニルvinyl chloride
しおみず, えんすいsalt water, brine
しおづけpickling in salt
えんでんsaltpan, field for drying salt
えんそchlorine (Cl)
しおからsalted fish (entrails)
しおぶろ(hot) saltwater bath
じゅくcoaching school, cramming school, juku
じゅくせいprivate-school student
じゅくちょうprincipal of a private school
けいだいcompound, grounds
きょうちone's lot, circumstance, situation in life
きょうがいcircumstances, one's situation or lot in life
きょうぐうenvironment, circumstances
ぼぜんin front of a grave
はかまいり, ぼさんvisit to a grave
ぼち, はかちcemetery, graveyard
はかばgraveyard, cemetery
はかどころ, ぼしょ, はかしょgraveyard
ぼひょうgrave-marker, gravestone
ぼせき, はかいしtombstone, gravestone
ぼひgravestone, tombstone
ぼけつ, はかあなgrave, specifically the hole in the ground
まし, マシbetter; more; increase, growth
ぞうさつadditional printing
ぞうしゅうincrease in yield
ぞうきょうaugment, reinforce, increase
ぞうしょくincrease, multiplication, propagation
ぞうえきincreased (profit)
ぞうぜいtax increase
ぞうちくaddition to a building
ぞうていnew and revised (edition)
ぞうていばんenlarged and revised edition
ぞうがくincreased amount
おつto fall down; to fail (e.g. exam); to crash, to degenerate, to degrade
いわweight (of a fishing net)
ついしfalling to one's death
ついらくfalling, crashing
ついらくじこa plane crash
ぼくていbanks of the Sumida river
ぼくしょwriting in India ink
すみえink painting
ふんきゅうtumulus, grave mound
ふんぼgrave, tomb
こんでんnew rice field
かべかけwall-mounted ornament; wall-mounted, wall ...
へきがfresco, mural, wall painting
かべがみwallpaper; wallpaper, background image, desktop image
かべそしょう, かべぞしょうgrumbling or mumbling to oneself
へきめんsurface of a wall
だんplatform, podium, rostrum; mandala
だんじょうon a stage or platform or altar
かいめつdestruction, annihilation, devastation, catastrophe
しきおうせいmorale being very high, heightened fighting spirit
とするそうとするto admire (approve of) a person's courage
そうだいmagnificent, grand, majestic, splendid
そうねんprime of life
そうれつheroic, brave
そうぜつgrand, heroic, sublime
そうかんspectacle, magnificent view
そうれいsplendour, splendor, pompousness, magnificence
せいえんencouragement, cheering, support
せいめいdeclaration, statement, proclamation
せいがくvocal music
せいもんvoice print
こわだかwith a loud voice
いちone (used in legal documents)
いちまんえん10,000 Yen
いちこつ(in Japan) 1st note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. D)
調いちこつちょう, いちこちちょう(in gagaku) scale similar to Mixolydian mode on D
うりsale, selling; selling point, gimmick
うりあげamount sold, proceeds
り込みうりこみsales promotion
うりあげだかsales, amount sold, proceeds
ばいきゃくsale, disposal by sale
ばいこくどtraitor (to one's country)
わったかわったanother, different, various, particular, unusual, novel, peculiar
わらないかわらないconstant, invariant
へんどうchange, fluctuation
へんてつもないusual, mediocre, monotonous
へんかんchange, conversion, transformation, translation
へんせんchange, transition, vicissitudes
へんかくchange, reform, revolution, upheaval; Reformation
なつばしょsummer (May) sumo tournament, held in Tokyo
かききゅうかsummer vacation
なつじかんdaylight savings time, summer time
椿なつつばき, ナツツバキJapanese stewartia, stewartia pseudocamellia
かろとうせんsummer fires and winter fans, useless things
げしsummer solstice
なつぎくearly chrysanthemums
なつごsummer silkworms
ゆう, ゆうべ, さくやevening; last night
ゆうなぎevening calm
ゆうこくevening, evening hour
せっきrays of the setting sun
ゆうぐれevening, (evening) twilight
立にゆうだちにあうto be caught in an evening shower
ゆうぎりevening mist
そとがわ, がいそくexterior, outside
がいむforeign affairs
がいむしょうMinistry of Foreign Affairs
がいこくごforeign language
そとぼりouter moat (castle)
がいへき, そとかべouter wall
がいせいforeign campaign
がいけいouter diameter
がいじゅうないごうgentle but firm
がいしょうForeign Minister
がいえんouter garden
がいかくoutside corner, external angle
がいかforeign currency; foreign goods, imported goods
がいゆうforeign travel
ういろうtype of sweet made from rice-powder
がいかくouter wall (e.g. castle); outline, contour
がいかくだんたいauxiliary organization, auxiliary organisation
がいじゅforeign consumption
ただいheavy, much
たかquantity, number, amount
たきdigression, many divergences
たさいvariegated, varicoloured, multi-colored, diverse
たぼうbusy, pressure of work
たようdiverse, varied
湿たしつhigh humidity
たしょうmuch happiness, many omens
たかくmany-sided, versatile, polygonal, diversified
たかくてきmultilateral, many-sided, diversified
たりょうlarge quantity
たがくlarge amount of money
よなぎevening calm
やきんnight shift
よあらしnight storm
よぎしゃnight train
よぐそみねばり, ヨグソミネバリJapanese cherry birch (Betula grossa)
ようちnight attack
にもゆめにもnot in the slightest, not in one's wildest dreams
むげん, ゆめまぼろしdreams, fantasy, visions
むそうdream, vision, reverie
ゆめものがたりaccount of a dream, empty dream, fantastic story
ゆめみhaving a dream
ゆめみるto dream (of)
いにおおいにvery, much, greatly, a lot of
だいぶつlarge statue of Buddha
だいきぎょうlarge company, enterprise
たいさcolonel, (navy) captain
使たいしこうていambassador's residence
だいそうじょうhigh priest
だいげんすいcommander-in-chief, generalissimo
だいきょうterrible luck, atrocity
だいそつuniversity graduate
おおおばgrandaunt, great-aunt
おおぐちlarge amount, big mouth, tall talk
おおだい(stock) 100-yen unit, high level (of stock prices)
だいきちexcellent luck
やまとancient Japan
おおよろこびgreat joy
だいかつshouting in a thunderous voice
たいそうImperial mourning
おおがたlarge, large scale, big, jumbo
おおだいこlarge or bass drum
だいうちゅうmacrocosmos, macrocosm, the universe, the cosmos
たいしょう, だいしょうgeneral, admiral, boss
たいざんgreat mountain
おおあらしraging storm
たいさgreat difference
たいていgreat emperor, .. the Great
おおはばfull width, large scale, drastic
だいおうじょうpeaceful death
おおごしょleading or influential figure
だいとくvirtuous priest, priest
たいご, だいごenlightenment, great wisdom
おおあわてgreat excitement
おおて, おおでfront castle gate; both arms open; major companies
おおそうじmajor cleanup, spring cleaning
おおだんなmaster, head of household, man of the house, principal supporter of a temple
おおむかしgreat antiquity, old-fashioned, long ago
だいえいDaiei Motion Picture Company
おおえだlarge branch
おおみずなぎどり, オオミズナギドリstreaked shearwater (species of seabird, Calonectris leucomelas)
おおかわ, たいがriver, stream
たいようしゅうOceania, Pacific Ocean countries
だいこうずいheavy floods
おおるり, オオルリblue-and-white flycatcher (Cyanoptila cyanomelana)
おおずもうprofessional sumo wrestling
たいほうgun, cannon, artillery
たいさいgrand festival
おおすじoutline, summary
たいこうfundamental principles, outline, general features
たいぐんlarge crowd, large herd, large flock, large school, large shoal
だいたんbold, daring, audacious
だいちょうきんEscherichia coli (E. coli); colon bacterium
おおくらMinistry of Finance
おおくらしょう(former) Ministry of Finance (succeeded by zaimushou in 2000)
だいじゃ, おろちbig snake, serpent
たいしゅうgeneral public
おおげさgrandiose, exaggerated
西たいせいようAtlantic Ocean
たいしょうimperial rescript
たいしょうかんぱつpromulgation of an Imperial rescript
おおづめfinal scene, the end, finale
だいずsoya bean (soybean), soy (Glycine max)
たいしょうbig prize, first prize
おおのlarge field
たいりょうlarge quantity
おおいちょうまげginkgo-leaf top-knot worn by makuuchi and juryo division sumo wrestlers
だいばいしんgrand jury
たいりくだなcontinental shelf
おおざっぱrough (as in not precise), broad, sketchy
だいしんさいgreat earthquake (disaster)
おおさわぎclamour, uproar, tumult
おおむぎbarley (Hordeum vulgare)
たいまhemp, cannabis; Shinto paper offerings
だいこくばしらcentral pillar, mainstay
あまつひつぎimperial throne
てんじょうceiling, ceiling price
てんゆうdivine aid, divine grace, providential help
てんゆうしんじょdivine grace, God's help
てんだいしゅうTendai sect (of Buddhism)
てんこうqueen of heaven
てんけい(divine) revelation, divine oracle
てんじょうheaven and earth
てんじょうむきゅうas eternal as heaven and earth
あまつheavenly, imperial
あまつおとめcelestial maiden
あまつみおやimperial ancestor
あまつひつぎimperial throne
てんがいhorizon, distant land, skyline, heavenly shores, remote region
てんがいこどくa person without a single relative
てんさいnatural calamity, disaster
てんねんnature, spontaneity; natural airhead
ガスてんねんガスnatural gas
てんねんとうsmallpox, variola
てんねんがらす, てんねんしょうしnatural glass
てんねんきねんぶつnatural monument; protected species (animal, habitat, etc.)
てんのうせいthe Emperor System
てんのうたんじょうびEmperor's Birthday Holiday
てんのうへいかHis Majesty the Emperor
てんゆうdivine aid, divine grace, providential help
てんどうcherub, gods disguised as children, children parading as cherubs
けるあまがける, あまかけるto soar
あまがける, あまかけるto soar
てんぷnatural talent, natural gift, endowment
てんぷじんけんnatural rights of man
ふとっぱらgenerous, magnanimous, big-hearted, broad-minded
だいとう, たち, たいとうlong sword
たちうちcrossing swords, opposition, contention
たいへいようPacific Ocean
たいへいようせんそうthe Pacific War
たいようけいsolar system
たいようでんちsolar battery
たいこばんmetaphorical seal of approval
ふくんone's husband
ようせいpremature death
おうmiddle, centre, center
うしなうto lose, to part with
しっついabasement, fall, forfeit, sink (in men's estimation)
しつれんdisappointed love, broken heart, unrequited love, being lovelorn
しっぱいのおそれrisk of failure
しってんrun charged to the pitcher
しっさくblunder, slip, error
しっきゃくlosing one's standing, being overthrown, falling
しっせきabsconding, disappearance
しっかんsurrender, fall
きみょうstrange, queer, curious
きがんmassive rock of unusual shape
きけいbirth defect; freak
きそうてんがいfantastic idea, bizarre
きばつnovel, original, striking, strange, eccentric, fantastic
きずいauspicious (good) omen
きいodd, strange, wonderful
きしゅうsurprise attack
きせきmiracle, wonder, marvel
ならじだいNara period (710-794 CE)
ならづけvegetables pickled in sake lees
ならづけvegetables pickled in sake lees
ならけんNara prefecture (Kinki area)
ならくhell, hades, eternity, theatre basement, theater basement
じるほうじるto obey, to follow
ずるほうずるto present, to dedicate, to obey, to follow, to believe in, to serve
たてまつる, まつるto offer, to present, to revere, to do respectfully
ほうしattendance, service, ministry, church work
ほうしinquiring about (one's health)
ほうこうservice, apprenticeship, public duty
ほうけんしょうoffertory, offertory music
ほうのうdedication, offering, presentation, oblation
ぶぎょうmagistrate, shogunate administrator
けいChinese "Legs" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
宿とかきぼしChinese "Legs" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
するそうするto report to the Emperor; to play (musical instrument); to accomplish
そうこうsuccess, achievement, fruition
そうしゃinstrumentalist, player
ちぎりpledge, vow, promise, destiny, share bed and board
けいいんimpression of a seal over the joint of two papers, tally
けいきopportunity, chance
けいやくしょ(written) contract
けいやくきかんcontract period
ほんぽうwild, uninhibited, extravagant, rampant
ほんりゅうtorrent, violently rushing stream, tumbling (water)
ほんそうrunning about, efforts, activity
さんおくさんこうこうdevoted to one's wife
おくのてleft hand, upper hand, secret skills, secret, mystery, last resort, trump card
まっておくまってsecluded, innermost
おうち, おくちinterior, backwoods, hinterland, back regions
おくやまremote mountain, mountain recesses
おくさまwife, your wife, his wife, married lady, madam
おくふかい, おくぶかいprofound, deep
おくゆきdepth, length
すすめrecommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement
めるすすめるto recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine)
しょうれいencouragement, promotion, message, address, inducement, incitement, stimulation
しょうがくencouragement to study
うばいとるto plunder
うばいあいscramble (for)
うばうto snatch away, to dispossess
だつさんしんstriking a batter out
だっしゅusurpation, taking back, dispossession
だっかいrecovery, rescue, recapture
だっかんrecovery, rescue, recapture
い立つふるいたつto cheer up
ふるうto show (ability); to screw up one's courage
ってふるってenergetically, strenuously, heartily
ふんせんhard fighting
ふんきstirring, rousing oneself
ふんじんimpetuous dash forward
ふんとうhard struggle, strenuous effort
じょじbaby girl, primary schoolgirl
じょしMs (nuance of status); highbrow (woman), cerebral
じょしゅうfemale prisoner
おんなざかthe easier of two slopes
婿じょせいone's son-in-law
じょしだいwomen's college, women's university
おんなかぶきgirls' kabuki
めだきthe smaller waterfall (of the two)
じょおうへいかHer Majesty the Queen
じょろうprostitute, entertainment woman
derogatory suffix (referring to others); humble suffix (referring to oneself)
さんやっこさんsamurai's attendant (in origami); (derogatory or familiar) he, she, him, her
やつめ, しゃつめfellow, guy, chap; he, him, she, her
やつらthey, those guys
どれいslave, servant
どれいかいほうemancipation of slaves
ましいこのましいnice, likeable, desirable
こうきしんcuriosity, inquisitiveness
こうきしんおうせいbrimming with curiosity
こうしょうtaste, fancy, fashion
こうせいせきgood results
こうとうgood (nice) pitching
こうけいきgood times, boom, (wave of) prosperity
こうきgood opportunity, chance
こうきょうprosperous conditions, healthy economy
こうひょうpopularity, favorable reputation, favourable reputation
こうぎwarm friendship
調こうちょうfavourable, favorable, promising, satisfactory, in good shape
にょtathata (the ultimate nature of all things)
ごとくlike, as if, the same as
ごとしlike, as if, the same as
きさらぎ, じょげつ, きぬさらぎsecond month of the lunar calendar
にょらいTathagata, perfected one (suffix of high-ranking Buddhist deities)
にょろやくにょでんlike dew or lightning, gone in a flash
きさき, きさいempress, queen
殿ひでんかprincess, Her Royal Highness
りがましいみだりがましいmorally corrupt
もうそう, ぼうそうwild idea, delusion
ぼうきょunreasonable actions, lack of discrimination
はらむto conceive, to become pregnant, to get filled with
みごもるto become pregnant
にんしんconception, pregnancy
にんしんちゅうどくしょうtoxemia of pregnancy
にんしんちゅうぜつabortion, pregnancy termination
にんしんじduring pregnancy, while pregnant
にんしんかんさpregnancy test
にんぷpregnant woman
にんさんぷexpectant and nursing mothers
ようかいghost, apparition, phantom, spectre, specter, demon, monster, goblin
ようえんfascinating, voluptuous
みょうみexquisite, charm, profit
みょうあんingenious idea, excellent plan, bright idea
みょうやくwonder drug, miracle cure
だきょうcompromise, giving in
だきょうあんcompromise plan
だきょうてん(find) common (meeting) ground
だとうせいvalidity, verification, propriety
だけつsettlement, an agreement
さまたげobstruction, hindrance
ぼうがいdisturbance, obstruction, hindrance, jamming, interference
ぼうがいdisturbance, obstruction, hindrance, jamming, interference
ぼうがいdisturbance, obstruction, hindrance, jamming, interference
さいしwife and children
ちゃんねえちゃんelder sister, girl
はじめbeginning, start, origin
しはつfirst train
せいめいfull name
せいしfull name, family name
いいんかいcommittee, commission, board, panel, committee meeting
いいんかいにはかるto submit (a plan) to a committee for deliberation
いいんちょうcommittee chairman
いしょくentrusting (with)
いしょくじょうletter of appointment (to a position)
いしゅくwithering, atrophy, contraction, dwarf
いたくconsign (goods (for sale) to a firm), entrust (person with something), commit
ひめprincess; girl; small & lovely
さまひめさまdaughter of a nobleman
ウォンバットひめウォンバット, ヒメウォンバットcommon wombat (Vombatus ursinus)
ひめぎみdaughter of a person of high rank (i.e. a king, noble, aristocrat, etc.)
ひめさまdaughter of a nobleman
いんせきrelative by marriage, affinity
いんぞくin-law, relative by marriage
姿をあらわすすがたをあらわすto make an appearance, to show up
いりょくpower, might, authority, influence
いせいpower, might, authority
いげんdignity, majesty, solemnity, gravity
いかくmenace; to threaten, to intimidate
いかくしゃげきwarning shot
じょうunmarried woman; (after a name) Miss; (after a line of work) -ess, -ette
婿むすめむこadopted son-in-law
しいたのしいenjoyable, fun
ごらくじょうamusement spot
ごらくしつrecreation room
ごらくしせつamusement (recreational) facilities
ごらくばんぐみamusement program, amusement programme
ごらくがいamusement quarter
さんばあさんgrandmother; female senior citizen
ばあやwet nurse, old housekeeper
こんいんmarriage, matrimony
こんいんとどけmarriage registration
こんいんとどけしょmarriage registration
こんいんとどけしょmarriage registration
こんいんてつづきmarriage procedures, procedure of marriage
こんいんてつづきmarriage procedures, procedure of marriage
こんいんほうmarriage laws
こんれいmarriage ceremony, wedding
こんやくしゃfiance, fiancee
婿むこhusband, groom; (one's) son-in-law
婿むこえらびsearch for a husband for one's daughter
婿むこようしson-in-law taken (adopted) into family
なかだちmediation, agency, agent, mediator, middleman, go-between
ばいたいmedia, medium
ひめprincess; girl; small & lovely
いびりよめいびりbullying a young wife
とつぎさきfamily a woman has married into
とつぐto marry
よめいりmarriage, wedding
がらせいやがらせharassment, pestering
けんおdisgust, hate, repugnance
いやき, いやけ, けんきdislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of
ちゃくしゅつlegitimate birth
ちゃくしゅつしlegitimate child
ちゃくしlegitimate heir
ちゃくしlegitimate child
ちゃくそんeldest son's descendants
ちゃくひconfidential letter
ちゃくりゅうlineage of eldest son
ちゃくなんheir, eldest son
ききgleeful, joyful
しいうれしいhappy, glad, pleasant
しがらせうれしがらせflattery, adulation, commendation
しがるうれしがるto be glad
しそううれしそうdelightful, glad-looking
うれしなきweeping for joy, crying with happiness
うれしなみだhappy tears, tears of joy
ききgleeful, joyful
きぎfrisking, frolicing
きしょうhappy laughter
じょうunmarried woman; (after a name) Miss; (after a line of work) -ess, -ette
らんだ, らいだlazy, idle
しごせんthe meridian
しきゅうwomb, uterus
しきゅうがいにんしんectopic pregnancy
こもちこんぶkelp with herring roe (sushi type)
パターンこうパターンhole pattern
こうもうConfucius and Mencius
こうもうのおしえthe teachings of Confucius and Mencius
くじゃく, くざく, クジャクpeafowl (inc. the male peacock, female peahen, and young peachick)
くじゃくみょうおうMayuri Vidya-raja, holder of the mantras
じくwording, words and phrases, way of expression, token
じづめnumber of characters, manuscript paper, printed matter
そんぼうlife or death, existence, destiny
ぞんぶんto one's heart's content, as much as one wants
ぞんぱい(whether to) continue or eliminate, existence
そんぞくduration, continuance
こう, きょうfilial piety
こうじょfilial daughter
こうしfilial child
こうていfilial piety, brotherly love
こうけいfilial piety
こうきょうthe Book of Filial Piety
こうじゅんobedience, filial piety
もうとうbeginning of winter; tenth month of the lunar calendar
もうかbeginning of summer; fourth month of the lunar calendar
もうじょeldest daughter
もうしゅんbeginning of spring; first month of the lunar calendar
もうしゅうbeginning of autumn; seventh month of the lunar calendar
season, season word or phrase (in haiku)
きかんquarterly (e.g. magazine)
きごseasonal word (in haiku)
こじ, みなしごorphan
こじ, みなしごorphan
こかくlone traveller, lone traveler
ことうsolitary island
こどくisolation, loneliness, solitude
こりつisolation, helplessness
こぐんふんとうfighting alone
ここうisolation, aloofness, superiority
がくそつcollege graduate
がくえんacademy, campus
がくりょうstudent hostel, dormitory (e.g. for factory workers)
がくとstudent, follower, students and pupils
がくれきacademic background
がくせいりょうstudent accommodation, student dormitory
がくどうschool child, pupil
がっきゅう(school) class
がくしゅうstudy, learning, tutorial
がくしゅうじゅくprivate night-school, tutoring school (math, English, etc.)
がくしゅうしどうようりょうgovernment course (curriculum) guidelines
がくしゃはだscholarly bent of mind
がくげいarts and sciences, liberal arts
がくじゅつscience, learning, scholarship
がくしきscholarship, scientific attainments
がくぶdepartment of a university; undergraduate (course, program, etc.)
がくばつalma mater clique, old school tie
がくいんinstitute, academy
がくれいschool age
まごこchildren and grandchildren, posterity, descendants
たくちbuilding lot, residential land
たくはいhome delivery
counter for buildings, etc.
うちゅうuniverse, cosmos, space
うちゅうくうかんthe void of space
うちゅうつうしんspace communication
うちゅうかいはつspace development
うちゅうかいはつじぎょうだんNational Space Development Agency, NASDA
まもりprotection; providence; amulet, charm, talisman
しゅびdefense, defence
あんぽUS-Japan Security Treaty, safety, security
あべかわもちrice cakes (mochi) with Kinako
あんぜんほしょうsecurity guarantee (e.g. military security, network security, etc.)
あんぴsafety, welfare, well-being
あづちももやまじだいAzuchi-Momoyama period (approx. 1558-1600 CE)
あんねいpublic peace
あんねいちつじょpeace and order, law and order
あんだsafe hit (baseball)
あんたいpeace, security, tranquility, tranquillity
あんのんpeace, quiet, tranquility, tranquillity
あきformer name of Hiroshima prefecture
かんぜんperfection, completeness
かんぜんこようfull employment
かんばいsold out
かんぷうcomplete blockade (seal), baseball shutout
かんとうgoing the whole distance, pitching a whole game
かんぱいcomplete defeat, utter defeat, annihilation
かんけつconclusion, completion
かんすいto accomplish, to carry out; accomplishment
こうそうgrand, imposing, magnificent
こうだいhuge, very large, vast, extensive, magnificent, grand
こうべんfluency, eloquence
こうちかいKouchikai (political faction of the LDP)
こうえんvast and far-reaching
そうしょうmaster, teacher
そうけ, そうかhead of family, originator
しゅうはsect, denomination
しゅうもんdoctrine, creed, sect
かんりょうbureaucrat, bureaucracy
かんりgovernment official, clerk
かんぼうgovernment secretariat
かんぼうちょうかんChief Cabinet Secretary
かんようgovernmental porcelain furnace
かんしゃofficial residence
ちゅうspace, air, midair
づりちゅうづりhanging in midair, suspended in midair
ちゅうがえりsomersault, looping-the-loop
ていこくappointed time, timetable, schedule
ていすうconstant; literal
ていきよきんterm deposit, (fixed) time deposit
ていかんarticles of incorporation, company statute
ていそしきcornerstone (foundation stone) ceremony
ていちあみfixed net
しかったらよろしかったらif you don't mind, if you like
しくやるよろしくやるto make out with; to do at one's own discretion
しければよろしければif you please
ほうかんdiadem, jeweled crown
ほうとうtreasured sword
ほうこtreasury, treasure house
たからもの, ほうもつtreasure, treasured item
ほうしょくjewels and ornaments, jewelry, jewellery
らなかったみのらなかったどりょくfruitless (resultless) efforts
じつぞうreal image, one's real life
じっけいone's own elder brother
じっけいjail sentence; imprisonment without a stay of execution
じっこうpractical effect, efficacy, efficiency
じつまいone's younger sister
じっていone's (biological) younger brother
じつじょうreal condition, actual circumstances, actual state of affairs
じったいtrue state, actual condition, reality
調じったいちょうさfactual investigation
じっきょうreal condition
じっしつsubstance, essence
じっしつちんぎんreal wages
じっせんpractice, practise, put into practice, put into practise
じっせんりせいpractical reason or ethics
じっせんりせいひはんCritique of Practical Reason (Kant)
じっせんきゅうこうacting up to one's principles
じっせんどうとくpractical ethics (morality)
じつじゅactual demand, user demand
きゃくせきguest seating
きゃくせんpassenger boat
きゃっかん, かっかん, かくかんobject (as opposed to subject)
べるのべるto state, to express, to mention
せんこくsentence, verdict, pronouncement
せんせんdeclaration of war
せんきょうreligious mission, religious proclamation
せんげんdeclaration, proclamation, announcement
せんせいoath, abjuration, pledge
むろまちMuromachi (era 1392-1573, or 1333-1573, or 1336-1573)
しつちょうroom monitor
めすかすなだめすかすto soothe and humor (humour), to coax
めるなだめるto soothe, to calm, to pacify
め賺すなだめすかすto soothe and humor (humour), to coax
ゆうわせいさくappeasement policy
きゅうちゅうimperial court
くないちょうImperial Household Agency
きゅうじょうImperial Palace
みやぎのはぎ, ミヤギノハギThunberg's lespedeza (species of bush clover, Lespedeza thunbergii)
みやざきけんMiyazaki prefecture (Kyuushuu)
きゅうていimperial court, royal court
さいしょうprime minister
さいしょうのきperson qualified for prime minister
さいりょうsupervision, superintendence, management, supervisor
がいちゅうharmful insect, noxious insect
うたげparty, banquet, feast
えんかいparty, banquet
えんせきbanquet, dinner party
えんゆうdrinking party hall, banquet seat
よいevening, early night hours
っぱりよいっぱりnight owl, nighthawk, late bird, sitting up late
よいっぱりnight owl, nighthawk, late bird, sitting up late
よいのくちnightfall, early evening
よみやeve of a festival vigil
よいごし(kept) overnight
かぼくhouseboy, manservant
かじゅく(historical) government-backed school operated by a scholar out of his home
かたくdomicile, premises
かたくそうさpremises search, household search
かたくそうさくpremises search, household search
みないかていをかえりみないthinking little of one's family
かていないdomestic, in the family
かていきょうしtutor, coach
かていらんfamily column (newspaper)
かていかhome economics
かせいふhousekeeper, maid
かぞくてきなふんいきfamily atmosphere
かぞくけいかくfamily planning
かちくdomestic animals, livestock, cattle
かとくfamily hardship, inheritance
かろく(historical) hereditary stipend
かけいfamily lineage
かもんfamily crest
かしんvassal, retainer
かけいhousehold economy, family finances
簿かけいぼhousehold account book
かでんconsumer electronics
姿ようしappearance, one's face and figure
ようぎsuspect, charge
ようぎしゃsuspect (person)
ようぼうかいい(a man) having a commanding face and a powerful physique
ようしゃpardon; leniency, going easy (on someone)
なくようしゃなくrelentlessly, mercilessly
ようしゃえしゃくpardon, forgiveness, mercy, making allowances
ようりょうcapacity, electrical capacitance
宿しゅくめいfate, destiny, predestination
宿しゅくてきold enemy, longtime enemy, arch-enemy, traditional rival, longstanding foe
宿しゅくしゃlodging house
宿しゅくえきpost town, relay station, stage
さびpatina; elegant simplicity; well-trained voice
しがるさびしがるto miss someone, to miss something, to feel lonely
としたじゃくとした, せきとしたstill, hushed
りょうせきりょうloneliness, desolateness
れるさびれるto decline, to fall (down)
かるよりかかるto lean against, to recline on, to lean on, to rely on
きふcontribution, donation
きふこういact of endowment or donation
よせmusical hall, vaudeville
きこうstopping at a port
稿きこうcontribution (e.g. to newspaper)
きぞう, きそうdonation, presentation, gift
とらthird sign of Chinese zodiac (The Tiger, 3am-5am, east-northeast, January)
とらのこくaround four o'clock in the morning
とらどしyear of the tiger
みっていspy, emissary
みっせつrelated, connected, close, intimate
みっそうprivate funeral, secret burial
みつゆsmuggling, contraband trade
とみwealth, fortune
とむto be rich, to become rich
ふこくきょうへいwealth and military strength of a country
ふじさんMt Fuji
ふじかわriver in Shizuoka Prefecture
ふがく(alternative name for) Mt. Fuji
ふゆうwealth, riches, opulence
ふゆうそうwealthy people, the rich
ふゆうぜいwealth tax
ふごうwealthy person, millionaire
かんmidwinter, cold season, coldest days of the year
かんれいcold, coldness, chilliness
かんてんfreezing weather; agar-agar, vegetable gelatin
かんだんheat and cold, (extremes of) temperature
椿かんつばきcamellia-like plant native to China
かんぱcold wave
かんぷうcold wind
かんlenient, gentle
くつろぎease, relaxation, comfort, unwinding
くつろぐto relax, to feel at home
げるくつろげるto loose, to ease, to relax
かんこうkindness, largeheartedness
かんげんleniency and severity
かんだいtolerance, liberality, leniency
かんようforbearance, tolerance, generosity
かんじょmagnanimity, forgiveness, generosity
ね, しん, いsleep
ねわざ(in wrestling or judo) pinning technique; underhanded dealings
ねかんcoffin, casket
まりねとまりstaying or lodging at
ねぶくろsleeping bag
込むねこむto stay in bed, to sleep, to be laid up for a long time
かふ, やもめwidow
すくないfew, a little, scarce, insufficient, seldom
かさくlow production
かぜいsmall military force, numerically inferior force
かふ, やもめwidow
かしょうlittle, few, scanty
かげんreticence, taciturnity
かもくsilent (person), shy, tacitern, reticent, uncommunicative
むしろrather, better, instead
ねいじつpeaceful day
しんさjudging, inspection, examination, investigation
りょうぼdorm mother
りょうせいboarder, boarding student
すんsun (approx. 3.03 cm)
すんしゃくさぎpetty swindling, petty swindler
すんぜんon the verge, just in front of
すんげきshort play, skit
すんだんcut (tear) to pieces
すんかmoment's leisure, free minute
てらこやtemple elementary school (during the Edo period)
じしゃtemples and shrines
たいしょdeal with, cope
たいがいexternal, foreign
たいきょく(playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc.
たいがんopposite shore
たいおうinteraction, correspondence, coping with, dealing with, support
たいこうopposition, antagonism
たいにちwith respect to Japan, with Japan
たいひcontrast, comparison
たいしょうりょうほうsymptomatic therapy, makeshift solution
たいりつconfrontation, opposition, antagonism
たいべいrelating to the USA, toward America, with America
たいわinteractive, interaction, conversation, dialogue
たいだんtalk, dialogue, conversation
寿ことぶきcongratulations!, long life!
寿ことぶくto congratulate, to wish one well
寿じゅみょうlife span
じるふうじるto seal (letter); to prevent, to forbid, to block
ふうじてa sealed move
ふういんseal, stamp
ふうしょsealed letter
ふうさblockade; freezing (funds)
せんにんfull-time service
せんしゅうspecialization, specialisation
せんむmanaging director, special duty, conductor
せんぞくexclusive, attached to, specialist
せんじゅうworking exclusively for, working full-time (for)
せんぎょうspecial occupation, principal occupation, specialty, monopoly
せんようexclusive use; private (e.g. network)
せんもんがっこう, せんもんガッコウ, せんもんガッコvocational school, technical school
せんもんてんspecialist shops
せんもんてきtechnical (e.g. discussion), exclusive, professional
しゃこうしんspeculative spirit
しゃげきfiring, shooting, fire, gunshot, marksmanship
しゃさつshooting to death
しゃていrange (e.g. of a rifle, missile, etc.)
しょうcommander, general, leader
しょうへいofficers and men
はたまたand, or
しょうらいぞうvision of the future
しょうらいせいfuture prospects, promise
しょうこうcommissioned officer
しょうぎだおしfalling one after another
しょうぐんgeneral, shogun
じょうjailer, gaoler, old man, rank, company officer
いかんofficer below the rank of major, company officer
そんげんdignity, majesty, sanctity
そんぞくdirect ancestors, noble ancestors
そんすうreverence, veneration
ひろ, じんfathom
たずねびとmissing person, wanted person
じんもんcross-examination, interrogation, questioning
じんじょうcommon, usual
じんじょういちようordinary, common, mediocre
どうにゅうintroduction, bringing in, leading in, installation
こぞうyoungster; young Buddhist priest
しょうにyoung child, infant
しょうさっしbooklet, pamphlet
こきざみmincing, bit by bit
こがたsmall size, tiny
しょうがくelementary school, primary school, grade school
しょううちゅうmicrocosmos, microcosm
こやまhill, knoll
こじまsmall island, islet
こはばsingle-breadth cloth, approx. 36 cm wide
しょうけいa short break or breather, brief recess
こえだtwig, spray
こづかknife attached to the sheath of a sword
こむくどりred-cheeked myna (Sturnus phillippensis), violet-backed starling
こまゆみ, コマユミspindle tree, euonymus alatus f. ciliatodentatus
のプーさんこぐまのプーさんWinnie the Pooh
こるり, コルリSiberian blue robin (Luscinia cyane) (Erithacus cyane?)
こざらsmall dish
しょうろくsmall stipend
こいきsmart, stylish
こつぶsmall grain, small stature or ability
こぎれいneat, trim, tidy, pretty
こみみにはさむto happen to hear, to overhear
しょうちょうsmall intestine
こぶねboat, small craft
こなすびsmall eggplant; Japanese yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia japonica)
しょうきぼsmall scale
あずきadzuki beans
しょうせんきょくsmall electoral district, single-member constituency
こばちsmall bowl
しょうじゅうrifle, small arms
こざかなsmall fish, fry
なからずすくなからずconsiderably, not a little, in no small numbers
なくともすくなくともat least
しょうさmajor, lieutenant commander, wing commander
しょういsecond lieutenant, sublieutenant, ensign
しょうけいshort rest, recess
しょうすうminority, few
コンジロームせんけいコンジロームpointed condyloma
なおfurthermore, still, yet, more, still more, greater, further, less
なおかつbesides, and yet
なおさらall the more, still less
ぎょうぎょうhigh (as of a mountain)
ぎょうぎょうhigh (as of a mountain)
いてついてabout, concerning, as to, regarding
しゅうにんinauguration, assumption of office
しゅうろうactual work
しゅうがくentering school, school attendance
しゅうしんgoing to bed, retiring
しゅうぎょうemployment, starting work
しゅうしょくfinding employment, inauguration
しゅうこうgoing into commission (e.g. ships)
あた, たdistance between outstretched thumb and middle finger (approx. 18 cm)
しゃくどlinear measure, scale
あまnun; bitch
っこあまっこnative of Amagasaki; bitch
にそうnun, priestess
にそういんnunnery, convent
あまでらnunnery, convent
じんlast day (of the month)
きるつきるto be used up, to be run out, to be exhausted, to be consumed, to come to an end
くすつくすto exhaust; to devote, to serve (a person), to befriend
じんりょくefforts, assistance
tail, ridge
おね(mountain) ridge, spur
びよくtail, tail plane
尿にょうかんurinary duct, ureter
尿にょうさんuric acid
きょくしょぶんきlocal jump
きょくちょうbureau director, office chief
きょくめんcheckerboard, aspect, situation
きょじゅうしゃresident, inhabitant
いそうろうlodger who pays nothing for room and board, freeloader, sponger
わるいすわるto remain, to stay (somewhere)
いねむりdozing, nodding off
いまliving room (western style)
するくっするto yield; to bend; to feel down
くっしleading, foremost, preeminent, outstanding, one of the best
くっぷくyielding, submission, surrender, giving way, succumbing
くったくworry, care
くつじょくdisgrace, humiliation
とどけreport, notification, registration
とどけでreport, notification
とどけでるto report, to notify
やたいcart, esp. food cart; (festival) float
おくがいoutdoors, alfresco
てんぼうview, outlook, prospect
てんじexhibition, display
てんかいdevelopment; expansion (opposite of compression)
くつshoes, footwear
はきふるしworn-out shoes, worn-out socks
りしゅうtaking a class, studying a subject, completing a course
りれきpersonal history, background, career, log, record
りれきしょpersonal history, curriculum vitae, resume
はきものfootwear, clogs
りこうperformance, fulfillment, fulfilment, discharge, implementation
たむろ, たむらgathering; police station, camp, barracks
とんえいmilitary camp, barracks, camping
とんしょpost, quarters, military station, police station
やまぶしmountain priest, itinerant Buddhist monk
やましろ, やまじろmountain castle
さんかいmountain mass
やまおくmountain recesses
さんがくちたいmountain district
さんがくびょうaltitude sickness
さんがくぶmountaineering club
さんきょう, やまかいgorge, ravine, gap
やまさきはYamasaki Faction (of the LDP)
やまあらしmountain storm
やまびこecho (as in mountain echo)
さんそんmountain village
やまざくらmountain cherry, Prunus donarium, var. spontanea or Prunus jamasakura
やまなしけんYamanashi prefecture (Chuubu area)
さんりょうmountain ridge
さんしすいめいscenic beauty
やぎ, ヤギgoat
やぎざ(constellation) Capricornus, Capricorn, the Goat
やませみ, ヤマセミcrested kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris)
やまはだmountain's surface, bare surface of a mountain
さんみゃく, やまなみmountain range
さんぷくhillside, mountainside
やまはだmountain's surface, bare surface of a mountain
さんそうmountain villa, mountain retreat, mountain cottage
さんさいedible wild plants
やまはぎ, ヤマハギshrubby lespedeza (species of bush clover, Lespedeza bicolor)
わさびwasabi (Japanese horseradish)
わさびづけpickled Japanese horseradish
さんぞくbandit, brigand
やまざとmountain hamlet (village)
やまかげ, さんいんplace in the shade of a mountain; mountain recess
さんようsouth side of a mountain, Sanyo district
さんちょうsummit (e.g. mountain)
きろforked road, crossroads
ぎふGifu (pn)
ぎふけんGifu prefecture (Chuubu area)
いわばrocky area, rockface, rock wall
いわとrock door (to a cave)
いわたな, いわだなledge
いわはだbare rock, rock surface, rock face
いわまamong rocks
こうわんindentations, capes
こうかくanat promontory, promontory
たけpeak; mountain
がくゆうかいmountaineering club
だけかんば, ダケカンバErman's birch (Betula ermanii), Russian rock birch
がくふ(man's) father-in-law, father of one's wife
がくろくfoot of Mt Fuji
きしbank, coast, shore
がんぺきwharf, breakwater, steep cliff
峠をえるとうげをこえるto pass over the peak, to cross a pass
とうげみちroad over a mountain pass
きょうこくglen, ravine, gorge, canyon
きょうかんbetween the mountains
みねpeak, ridge
しまぐに, とうごくisland country (sometimes used as a metaphor for Japan)
しまねisland country
しゅんべつrigorous distinction
しゅんげんstrict, stern, rigorous, severe
しゅんけんsteep, precipitous
しゅんれいsteep peak, steep ridge, high rugged mountain
しゅんきょrefusing flatly, rejecting sternly
しゅんれつseverity, harshness
しゅんけんsteep, precipitous
あがまうto look up to, to respect
めたてるあがめたてるto respect, to revere
めるあがめるto revere, to respect, to worship
すうはいworship, adoration, admiration, cult
すうこうloftiness, sublimity, nobility
きがいsteepness of a mountain
くずしがきcursive style of writing or calligraphy
くずれcrumbling, collapse, ruin
ほうかいcollapse; decay (physics)
ほうらくcollapse, break, cave-in, crash, (market) decline
あらしstorm, tempest
けさあらしのまえのしずけさcalm before a storm
かさbulk, volume, quantity
じるこうじるto grow in intensity, to be aggravated, to get worse, to develop
ずるこうずるto grow in intensity, to be aggravated, to get worse, to develop
かさむto pile up, to increase
かさあげraising, padding or inflation (of a bill)
かさばるto be bulky, to be unwieldy, to grow voluminous
かさだかbulky, unwieldy, high-handed
みねpeak, ridge
ざんがんnear-vertical cliff or peak
いわ, いわおrock, crag
としたがんがんとしたcraggy, steep (as of a mountain)
がんぺきwall of rock, rock cliff, rock face
としたがんがんとしたcraggy, steep (as of a mountain)
がんくつcave, cavern
がんとうtop of a massive rock
かわぎし, かがん, かしriver bank, riverside; fish market
かわはばwidth of a river
せんりゅうcomic haiku
沿かわぞいalong the river, riverside
かわせrapids, shallows of a river
しゅうせいふstate government
しゅうとcapital (city) of a state
めぐりあうto meet fortuitously (poet), to meet by chance, to happen across
じゅんかいgoing around, patrol, round, tour
じゅんさpolice, policeman
じゅんぎょうprovincial tour
じゅんれいpilgrimage, pilgrim
じゅんこうcruise, cruising
じゅんしinspection tour
じゅんしていpatrol boat
くうすくうto build (a nest); to haunt (a place), to hang out (somewhere)
立ちすだちleaving the nest, becoming independent
立つすだつto leave the nest
すばこnest box, (bee) hive, frame, super
こうさくwork, construction, handicraft, maneuvering, manoeuvering
こうさくきかいmachine tools
こうしょうartisan, mechanic
こういんりょうdormitory for factory workers
こうぼうworkshop, studio
こうていmanufacturing process, work schedule, amount of work
こうひconstruction cost
ひだりてleft hand
さはleft wing
さわん, ひだりうでleft arm; left-handed (baseball pitcher)
さきundermentioned (statement), following
させんdemotion, degradation
たくみskill, cleverness
たくむto devise, to plot, to plan
こうみょうingenious, skillful, clever, deft
こうせつtact, skill, workmanship
こうしゃcleverness, skill, tact
きょじんgiant, great man; Tokyo Giants (baseball team)
きょたいlarge build
きょしょうmaster, masterhand, maestro
きょほうgigantic peak; Kyoho grape
きょあくgreat evil, consummate villain
きょせいgiant star, great man, big-shot
きょぼくbig tree
きょじゅうlarge animal
きょはくocean liner
きょひgreat cost
きょぞくbig-time bandit, big-time pirate
おおがねlarge hanging bell
きょがくgreat sum
きょかいringleader, chief
さしもどすto send back, to refer back
えるさしひかえるto be moderate, to not do too much
さしとめprohibition, ban, suspension
さしせまるto be urgent or pressing
さえきmarginal profits
さがくbalance, difference, margin
おのれのほっせざるところひとにほどこすことなかれdon't do unto others what you would not have done unto you
已んぬるやんぬるかなI give up
sixth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Serpent, 9am-11am, south-southeast, April)
みどし, へびどしyear of the snake
ともえhuge comma design
ぱなま, パナマPanama
ともえせんdogfight; sumo play-off with 3 wrestlers participating
ともえなげoverhead throw in judo
はたんきょうplum, almond
ともえがわらcomma-pattern tile
まきroll (e.g. of cloth); winding; volume (of book)
まきぞえgetting involved (entangled) in, getting mixed up in, involvement, by-blow
まきがいsnail, spiral shell
き込むまきこむto roll up, to involve, to enfold, to swallow up, to drag into
まきかえしrally, recovery, rollback
かんまつend of a book
かんとうopening page of book; prefatory
そんxun (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: wind, southeast)
しちゅうin the city
しせいthe street, the town
しない(within a) city, local
しりいんemployee, city official
しえいmunicipal management
しじょうぶんせきmarket analysis
退しじょうてったいpulling out of a market, withdrawing from a market
しきょうmarket conditions
しちょうそんcities, towns and villages, municipalities
しりつ, いちりつmunicipal, city
しがいurban areas, the streets, town, city
しがいちtown areas
しぎcity councillor, city councilor, city assemblyman
ふせalms, offerings
ふせきstrategic arrangement of go stones, preparation
ふじんbattle formation, lineup
をかけるほをかけるto raise a sail
はんせん, ほぶねsailing ship, sailing boat, sailing vessel
まれrare, seldom
わくはねがわくはI pray, I wish
ガスきガスnoble gas
きだい, きたいrarity, uncommonness
きしょうscarce, rare
きぼうhope, wish, aspiration
ききゅうaspiring to, seek, demand, ask for
きはくthin (e.g. air), lean, rarified, diluted, sparse, weak, rarefied
ふくさsmall silk wrapper, small cloth for wiping tea utensils, crepe wrapper
みかどemperor (of Japan); (the gates of an) imperial residence
ていきょうthe capital
ていこくempire, imperial
ていせいimperial government, imperialism, monarchical rule
ていおうsovereign, emperor
ていおうせっかいCaesarean section (Cesarean), C-section
ていりょうimperial mausoleum
そち, そつdirector of the Dazaifu
そっせんtaking the initiative
しじstudy under, looking up, apprentice oneself
しじゅteacher, scholar
ししょうmaster, teacher; sumo coach who owns his stable
しだん(army) division
していteacher and student
しはんinstructor, (fencing) teacher, model
しはんがっこうnormal school
せきじょうat the meeting
せっけんsweeping conquest, sweeping over, conquering, invading
たいband (e.g. conduction, valence), belt (e.g. Van-Allen, asteroid, etc.)
きこくreturn to one's country
きこくしじょわくspecial consideration for students who have lived abroad
きたくreturning home
きぞくbelonging to
きせいhomecoming, returning home
きとon the way back, returning
きかんrepatriation, return; (electrical) feedback
ききょうhomecoming, return to one's home
ちょう, とばりbook, register; curtain, hanging, bunting
ちょうけしcancellation, writing off
簿ちょうぼaccount book, register
とこever, endless
じょうにんstanding, regular, permanent
じょうむmanaging director; routine business, regular business
じょうきんfull-time employment
じょうきproper course, beaten track
じょうちゅうstaying permanently, being stationed, resident
はばひろwide width (e.g. cloth)
はばひろいextensive, wide, broad
ばくりょうstaff, staff officer
まくうちhighest-ranking sumo division
ばくふbakufu, shogunate
ばくまつclosing days of the Tokugawa shogunate, end of Edo era
まくあけbeginning, opening (of play)
のぼりざとkanji "large village" radical
へい, ぬさstaff with plaited paper streamers used in Shinto
けたほしくさをつけたうまhorse loaded with hay
ひるto dry
かんたくland reclamation (from sea)
かんしょうinterference, intervention
かんまんebb and flow
ひがたtidal flat, tideland
へいきんてんaverage mark, mean point
へいあんpeace; Heian era (794-1185)
へいねんなみaverage year, normal year
へいせいHeisei era (1989.1.8- )
へいいeasy, simple, plain
ひらおよぎbreaststroke (swimming)
へいゆrecovery, convalescence
へいおんtranquil, calm, restful, peaceful, quiet
へいこうぼうparallel bars
へいこうeven scale, equilibrium, balance, equalization, equalisation
へいせいcalm, serenity, tranquillity, tranquility
としのくれyear end
としのせNew Year's Eve, the year end
ねんぽうannual salary
ねんこうlong service
ねんこうかほうlong service allowance, longevity pay
ねんこうじょれつseniority by length of service
ねんしゅうannual income
ねんしNew Year's call, beginning of the year, New Year's greetings
としよりold people, the aged; sumo coaches
としかさsenior, older, elderly
ねんせいpupil in ... year, student in ... year
ねんぽbeginning of the year
もないとしがいもないunbecoming, unsuitable, wrong for one's age, disgraceful
としがいもないunbecoming, unsuitable, wrong for one's age, disgraceful
ねんそannual tax
ねんぷchronological record
ねんぐannual tribute, land tax
ねんぐまいannual rice tax
ねんがNew Year's greetings, New Year's card
ねんがじょうNew Year's card
ねんぷannual installment, annual instalment
ねんきんannuity, pension
ねんかんyearbook, almanac, annual
ねんれいそうage range, age-group
さち, こう, さきgood luck, fortune, happiness; harvest, yield
あるさちあるfortunate, happy, lucky
あれさちあれgood luck!, all the best
いあれさいわいあれBe happy!, Cheer up!
こうじんpleased, obliged, appreciative
からtrunk, stem, stalk; shaft (of an arrow); handle
かんじかいboard of governors
かんせんmain line, trunk line
かんぶmanagement, (executive) staff, leaders, leadership, top brass, upper echelons
まぼろしphantom, vision, illusion, dream
まぼろしをおうto pursue phantoms
げんえいphantom, vision, illusion
げんわくfascination, glamor, glamour, bewitching
げんそうきょくfantasy, fantasia
げんかくhallucination, illusion
なじみおさななじみchildhood friend, friend from infancy, old playmate
ようじょlittle girl
ようしょうinfancy, childhood, tender age
ようねんchildhood, infancy
ようちゅうlarva, chrysalis
かすかfaint, dim, weak, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched
かそけしfaint, fleeting
ゆうすto confine to a room
ゆうしゅうdeep contemplation, melancholy, gloom
ゆうあんdark and secluded
ゆうかいhades, realm of the dead
ゆうへいconfinement, imprisonment, incarceration, house arrest, depressed feeling
ゆうかんquiet and secluded
ゆうれいghost, specter, spectre, apparition, phantom
ゆうきghost, revenant, spirit (of the dead), departed soul
いくsome, several; many; how many?, how much?
いくつhow many?; how old?
つもいくつもmany, great number of
いくらhow much?, how many?
いくたmany, numerous
にもいくねんにもわたるto extend over so many years
いくえmulti-plied, repeated
ちょうgovernment office, agency, board
ちょうしゃgovernment office building
がったひろがったえだspreading branches
がりひろがりspread, span
こういきwide area
こうほうPR, public relations, publicity, information
こうだいhuge, very large, vast, extensive, magnificent, grand
こうしゅうGuangzhou (China), Canton
こうばくvast, wide, boundless
こうはんwide, extensive, comprehensive, far-reaching, widespread
こうはんいextensive, vast range, wide scope
こうようじゅbroadleaf tree
こうきbroad gauge
こうじえんKoujien (famous Japanese dictionary)
しょう, そうmanor
しょうえん, そうえんmanor, demesne
しょうやvillage headman
ゆかうえon a floor, above floor level
ゆかしたunder the floor
しょうぎcamp stool, folding stool
ついでopportunity, occasion
じょにだんjonidan (second lowest) division
じょれつrank, ranking order, hierarchy
じょぶんpreface, foreword, introduction
じょきょくoverture, prelude
じょばんthe opening(s) (e.g. in a game of go or chess)
そこねbottom price
そこいれbottoming out (of prices)
そこぢからlatent energy, reserve strength, potentiality
そこがたいstable (market) after having bottomed out
そこびきあみtrawl (net)
そこうちbottoming out
ていりゅうbottom current, undercurrent
ていへんbase (geometry, society)
てんぽshop, store
てんとうshop front, counter, shop, over-the-counter (financial)
ふちゅうFuchuu (in Tokyo)
ふりつmanaged by an urban prefecture
ふけいprefectural police
どきょうcourage, bravery, pluck, nerve, grit, guts
どりょうこうweights and measures
ざひょうじくcoordinate axis
ざしょうrunning aground, being stranded
ざぜんzazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in a cross-legged position)
ざだんかいsymposium, round-table discussion
にわさきin the garden
ていえんgarden, park
にわきgarden tree
にわび, ていりょうgarden bonfire (esp. one held on the imperial grounds)
しょじvarious matters, everything
しょむgeneral affairs
しょむかgeneral affairs section
しょしillegitimate child
しょきdesire, hope
しょせいpolitical affairs, all phases of government
しょみんmasses, common people
しょみんげきdrama of ordinary people
しょみんてきpopular, folk, plebian, working class
こうねいtranquility, tranquillity, peacefulness
ようじんcommon man
ようくんstupid ruler
ようぐmediocrity, imbecility
ようさいmediocre talent
はいこうabandoned mine, disused mine
はいあんrejected bill (project)
はいきannulment, disposal, abandon, scrap, discarding, repeal
はいぎょうcessation of business, discontinuation of business
はいしabolition, repeal
はいぜつextinction, abolition
はいはんちけんabolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures (1871)
かどcharge, grounds, suspicion
やすいcheap, inexpensive; calm, peaceful, quiet
れんかlow price
れんばいbargain sale
れんけつhonest, incorruptible, integrity
のべfutures; credit (buying); stretching; total, gross
のべつぼtotal floor space
のべつぼすうtotal floor space
えんめいlong life, longevity; macrobiotics
のべつぼtotal floor space
えんきpostponement, adjournment
えんたいarrears, (being) overdue, delay (e.g. in payment), procrastination
えんしょうspread of fire
えんちょうextension; Enchou era (923.4.11-931.4.26)
えんずいmedulla oblongata
たてつぼfloor space
たてつぼfloor space
けんぴerection of a monument
けんちくし(authorized) architect and builder (authorised)
けんせつしょうMinistry of Construction
べんspeech; dialect
べんけいstrong man
べんろんdiscussion, debate, argument
べんごdefense, defence, pleading, advocacy
べんごにんcounsel, defender, advocate
へいbad habit, harm
へいがいevil practice, evil practise, barrier
へいしゃour firm (company)
へいいworn-out clothes, shabby clothes
しきてんceremony, rites
two (used in legal documents)
ふたつtwo (used in old or legal documents)
にしん, ふたごころduplicity, treachery, double-dealing
ゆみbow (and arrow)
きゅうぐthings used in archery
ゆみづる, ゆづる, ゆづらbowstring
ゆみなり, ゆみがた, きゅうけいarched, crescent-shaped, bow-shaped, segment
ゆみや, きゅうしbow and arrow
きゅうじゅつ(Japanese) archery
きゅうどう(Japanese) archery
とぶらい, とむらいfuneral, burial, condolence
とむらいがっせんbattle of revenge
とむらう, とぶらうto mourn for, to hold a memorial service for, to condole
するちょうするto mourn, to condole
ちょうもんcondolence call
ちょういcondolence, sympathy, mourning
ちょうじmessage of condolence, memorial address
ちょうしょうfuneral bell
ちょうでんtelegram of condolence
ひきさげreduction, cut
ばしひきのばしextension, prolongation
ひきかえexchange; on the contrary, on the other hand
ひきしお, かんちょうebb tide
ひきわたしdelivery, handing over, turning over, extradition
ひきまゆpainted eyebrows
ひきしぼるto draw bow to limit, to draw aside curt
ひきつぐto take over, to hand over
ひきつづきcontinuing for a long time, in succession, without a break
ひきがねtrigger, gunlock
り剪ひっぱりせんだんきょうどpeel strength (conductor from substrate)
ひっこしmoving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residence
いんようふquotation marks, quote marks
ひきまゆpainted eyebrows
いんせきtaking responsibility
ひろいspacious, vast, wide
ひろめmaking something widely known, introduction, debut, announcement, unveiling
こうにんKounin era (810.9.19-824.1.5)
こうにんきゃくOrdinance of the Konin Era
こうほうPR, public relations, publicity, information
こうだいhuge, very large, vast, extensive, magnificent, grand
ぐほうspreading Buddhist teachings
こうさいかいbenefit association
ぐぜいBuddha's great vows
こうえんvast and far-reaching
しかん, ちかんrelaxation (e.g. of muscles), becoming flaccid
ていまいyounger brother and sister
びきゅうextending over a long time
みろくMaitreya (a bodhisattva)
やじhooting, jeering, heckling
やじるto jeer (at), to hoot, to boo, to catcall, to heckle
やよい, いやおいthird month of the lunar calendar; thick growth (of grass, etc.)
やよいじだいYayoi period (c. 300 BCE-300 CE)
びほうpatching up
げんbowstring; string (of a shamisen; chord; hypotenuse
げんがくmusic for strings
げんがっきstringed instruments
こをえがくto describe an arc
ここうarc light
こじょうsolitary castle, isolated castle
こじょうin form of arch
まりよわまりabatement, weakening
めるよわめるto weaken
じゃくたいweak (organization, organisation)
よわふくみbearish (stock market)
よわきtimid, faint-hearted, bearish sentiment
じゃくしゃweak person, the weak
よわごしweak attitude
じゃくしんmild earthquake
つよさstrength, power
めるつよめるto strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasise
きょうせいobligation, coercion, compulsion, enforcement
つよふくみstrengthening, strong tone, strong feeling
きょうこfirmness, stability, security, strength
ごうだつpillage, seizure, hijacking, plunder, extortion
きょうてきformidable enemy
きょうれつstrong, intense, severe
きょうこうfirm, vigorous, unbending, unyielding, strong, stubborn
きょうけんstrong throwing arm
きょうこうさいけつsteamroller voting, steamrollering
きょうしゅうassault, violent attack
きょうごうveteran, champion
きょうふうstrong wind
はずみbounce; momentum; spur of the moment, impulse
だんがんbullet, shot, shell
だんりょくelasticity, flexibility
だんがいimpeachment, accusation, censure, denunciation
だんがいとうひょうimpeachment vote
だんがいさいばんしょ(Japanese) Court of Impeachment
だんあつoppression, suppression, pressure
たりあたりhit, success, reaching the mark, per ..., vicinity, neighborhood, neighbourhood
とうしょat first
とうきょくauthorities; this office
とうわくbewilderment, perplexity, embarrassment, confusion
とうぜんnatural, as a matter of course
とうがいappropriate (authorities), concern, applicability, correlation
とうがいじんぶつthe appropriate person, competent person
とうがいかんちょうproper authorities, authorities concerned
すいせい, ほうきぼしcomet
のようにれるすいせいのようにあらわれるto become famous overnight, to burst into fame
けいいけんshape-of-the-mind fist, Hsing I Chuan
けいたいform, shape, figure
けいせいformation, molding, taking form
けいじょうshape, form
けいせきtraces, evidence
いろどるto colour, to color, to paint, to make up
さいしき, さいしょくcolouring, coloring, colouration, coloration, painting
ほりcarving, engraving
げるほりあげるto emboss, to carve in relief, to finish carving of engraving
ちょうぞうsculpture, carved statue, graven image
ちょうそcarving and engraving
ちょうそじゅつthe plastic art
ちょうたくcarving and polishing
ちょうきんmetal carving, engraving
ひんうつerudite and refined, handsome
しょうとくpublic praise, making another's virtues well-known
しょうめいmanifest, exhibiting clearly
かげshadow; reflection; presence; light (stars, moon)
かげのないかくshadow cabinet
かげえshadow picture
えいきょうinfluence, effect
えきむばいしょうreparation in the form of service
やくいんofficer, official, executive, staff
やくいんほうしゅうofficer's compensation or remuneration
なりかれなりhis way, peculiar to him
かなた, あなたbeyond, across, the other side, the distance
おうおうsometimes, often
おうねんformer, one-time, years ago
おうふくround trip, coming and going, return ticket
おうじancient times
おうらいcoming and going, road, correspondence, street traffic, highway
おうしんdoctor's visit, house call
おうろoutward journey
おうかんtraffic, coming and going, highway
ゆくto conquer, to subjugate
せいばつconquest, subjugation, overcoming
せいふくconquest, subjugation, overcoming
けい, わたりdiameter
まちwaiting, waiting time
まちぶせperforming an ambush
たいぼうexpectant waiting; long-awaited
たいきalert, standby, await an opportunity, wait for orders
たいぐうtreatment, reception
たいひせんa sidetrack, a turnout
りちぎhonesty, faithfulness, conscientiousness, integrity
姿うしろすがたretreating figure, appearance from behind
こうしheir, successor
ごさいsecond wife
こうかいregret, repentance
あとおしpushing, backing, boosting, supporting
こうえんsupport, backing
こうこんgrandchildren, posterity
あとかたづけtidying up, cleaning, clearing away, putting in order
こうしhindlimb, hind leg(s)
こういんdescendant, scion
退こうたいretreat; backspace, BS
こういしょうprognostic symptoms, after-effect
じょじょgradually, steadily, quietly, slowly; soon
おもむろにslowly, gently
ろにおもむろにslowly, gently
じょじょgradually, steadily, quietly, slowly; soon
じょじょにslowly, little by little, gradually, steadily, quietly
じょほwalking slowly
じょこうgoing slowly
あだvain, futile, transient, frivolous
とほwalking, going on foot
としょうwade across
ってしたがってtherefore, consequently, in accordance with
じゅうじengaging, pursuing, following (e.g. profession or occupation)
じゅうぼくattendant male servant
じゅうぞくsubordination, dependency
じゅうらいup to now, so far, traditional, existing (e.g. equipment)
じゅうぎょういんemployee, worker
とくprofit; rebirth in paradise, entering nirvana
とくいtriumph, prosperity; pride; one's forte
とくひょうnumber of votes polled, poll votes
とくさくprofitable plan, good plan
ごさんけthree branch Tokugawa families; big (top) three
おとぎぞうしfairy-tale book
おでこbrow, forehead
とうそう, もがさ, おやくsmallpox, variola
ぎょめいぎょじthe imperial or privy seal
さんおばあさんgrandmother; female senior-citizen
さんおじょうさんdaughter; young lady
ごへい, おんべい, おんべstaff with plaited paper streamers used in Shinto
ぎょうき, みゆき, ごうき, ごこうimperial outing or visit
ごしょold imperial palace
おんぞうしson of a distinguished family, son of a noble
おんぞうしson of a distinguished family, son of a noble
殿ごてんpalace, court
おちょこsmall cup, sake cup; cup-shaped
ぎょじimperial seal, privy seal
ごようyour order, your business, official business
ごようていimperial villa
おぼんO-Bon, Bon Festival, Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead
おしぼりwet towel (supplied at table), hot, moistened hand towel
ぎょえんimperial garden
おかしconfections, sweets, candy
おはぎrice ball coated with sweetened red beans, soybean flour or sesame
おすすめrecommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement
おめでとうございますおたんじょうびおめでとうございますHappy Birthday
ごこうたんbirth (regal), nativity
ごりょうimperial tomb
ふくげんrestoration (to original state), reconstruction
ふっきreturn; carriage return, CR
ふっきゅう, ふくきゅうrestoration, restitution, rehabilitation
ふっけん, ふくけんrehabilitation, reinstatement, restoration of rights
ふっかつrevival (e.g. musical); restoration, rebirth, resurrection
ふっこうrevival, renaissance, reconstruction
じゅんかんcirculation, rotation, cycle
じゅんかんきcirculatory organ
じゅんかんしょうすうrecurring decimal
じゅんかんけいcirculatory system (blood, lymph, etc.)
じゅんりょうgood and obedient, gentle, meek
びどうslight tremor or movement, a quiver
びせいぶつmicrobe, germ
びろくsmall stipend
びりゅうしcorpuscle, minute particle
びさいminute, micro, detailed, delicate, subtle
びちゅうone's innermost thoughts (feelings)
びりょうminuscule amount, extremely small quantity
びしんslight earthquake
とくぎmorals, morality, sincerity
しるしmark; symbol; evidence
ちょうへいconscription, recruitment, enlistment
ちょうしゅうcollection, levy
ちょうようdrafting, requisition, impressment, commandeering, expropriation
ちょうぜいtax collection, taxation
とおすto let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist in
てつやall night, all-night vigil, sleepless night
てっしょうall night, without sleep
てっていthoroughness, completeness
からしんから, こころからfrom the bottom of one's heart, heart and soul, by nature
こころのきんせんheartstrings, innermost soul
こころのかてfood for thought
しんふぜんheart failure
しんきょうmental state
こころにくいrefined, admirable, superb
しんぱくheart rate
しんぱくすうone's heart rate, pulse rate
こころがまえpreparedness, readiness
しんしんそうしつof unsound mind
しんしんもうじゃく, しんしんこうじゃくmental retardation, unsound mind
しんしんもうじゃくしゃ, しんしんこうじゃくしゃmentally retarded person, feebleminded person
しんきんheart muscle, myocardium
しんぞうびょうheart trouble, heart disease
こころづかいsolicitude, anxiety, regard for
しんずいtrue meaning, mystery, essence, quintessence, soul, core, kernel, life blood
ひっしょうcertain victory
ひっけいhandbook; (something) essential to keep on you
ひつぜんてきinevitable, necessary
ひっちゃくmust arrive, must be received
ひっすindispensable, required
ひっすかもくrequired subjects
いみmourning; taboo; religious purification; pure, holy
いみmourning; taboo; religious purification; pure, holy
いがきfence around a shrine
きひevasion; challenge, (taking) exception
にんendurance, forbearance, patience, self-restraint
しのびよるto creep, to steal up, to draw near unnoticed
び込むしのびこむto creep in, to steal in
しのぶto conceal oneself, to hide; to endure
にんたいendurance, perseverance, patience
こころざしwill, intention, motive
こころざすto plan, to intend, to aspire to, to set aims (sights on)
しこうintention, aim
しぼうwish, desire, ambition
しがんaspiration, volunteering, desire
ぼうきゃくlapse of memory, forgetfulness, oblivion
ぼうねんかいyear-end party
しげせわしげlooking restless
しないせわしないrestless, fidgety, in a hurry
ぼうさつworked to death
えるこたえるto respond; to take its toll, to strike home
じるおうじるto respond, to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply for
おうぼsubscription, application
おうしょうbeing called to the colours (colors) (mil)
おうえんaid, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting, barracking, support, cheering
おうようapplication, put to practical use
おうとうreply, answer, response
おうだくconsent, compliance
おうしゅうexchange; reply, riposte
なるちゅうなるdevoted, loyal, true, faithful
ちゅうこくadvice, warning
ちゅうこうloyalty and filial piety
ちゅうじつ, まめfaithful; hardworking; healthy, fit
ちゅうじょsincerity and consideration
ちゅうけんfaithful dog (Hachiko)
ちゅうぎloyalty, devotion
ちゅうしんloyal retainer, loyal subject
ちゅうせいloyalty, sincerity
ちゅうこんloyalty, the loyal dead
こころよいpleasant, agreeable
かいさいjoy, exultation
かいさいをさけぶto shout with exultation, to shout for joy
かいきょbrilliant achievement
かいほうにおもむくto improve, to get better, to convalesce
調かいちょうharmony, excellent condition
かいだくready consent
かいそくhigh speed, celerity, mobility, express (train that bypasses many stations)
ねんsense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, care
ねんぶつBuddhist prayer, prayer to Amitabha
ねんがんone's heart's desire, earnest petition
いかりanger, hatred, rage, wrath
どごうangry roar, bellow
どせいangry voice, harsh words
り込むどなりこむto storm in with a yell
どなるto shout, to yell
こわfrightening, terrifying
こわいscary, frightening, eerie, dreadful; (I'm) afraid
がるこわがるto be afraid of, to fear, to dread, to be nervous (about), to be shy (of)
じけおじけfear, dread, fright, willies
じるおじるto be scared
おそるto fear, to be afraid
おそれfear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness
れいりcleverness, sagacity
れいりcleverness, sagacity
悧狡猾れいりこうかつcunning, crafty, shrewd, guileful
いやりおもいやりconsideration, sympathy
っておもいきってresolutely, boldly, daringly
おもいなやむto worry
おもわくexpectation; anticipation, speculation
しいthought, thinking, speculation
しぼyearning, deep affection
しちょうtrend of thought
しさくspeculation, thinking, meditation
だるいsluggish, feel heavy, languid, dull
けるなまけるto be idle; to neglect (e.g. one's work)
なまけものlazy person, lazy fellow, slothful person
おこたりnegligence, carelessness
たいだlaziness, idleness
たいまんnegligence, procrastination, carelessness
きょきゅうきょhurriedly, in a hurry
きゅうなさかsudden drop, precipitous slope
きゅうしんsudden rise (esp. of stock prices), jump
きゅうぼurgent recruit
きゅうはん, きゅうさかsteep slope, steep gradient
きゅうぞうexplosion, proliferation, surge
きゅうしゅんsteep, sharp
きゅうせいacute (e.g. illness)
きゅうかんemergency case
きゅうげきsudden, precipitous, radical
きゅうらくsudden fall, sharp fall, sudden drop, sharp drop
きゅうせいsudden death
きゅうそくrapid (e.g. progress)
きゅうしんrapid progress, radical
きゅうすsmall teapot
きゅうすのくちspout of a teapot
きゅうとうsudden rise, jump, sharp rise
せいへきdisposition, inclination, characteristic, idiosyncrasy
えんこんenmity, grudge
かいmystery, wonder
しいあやしいsuspicious; charming, bewitching
しげあやしげquestionable, doubtful, suspicious
かいじんmysterious person
かいけつman of extraordinary talent, wonder man
かいきbizarre, strange, wonderful, weird, outrageous
かいぶんしょobjectionable literature
かいだんghost story
するこいするto fall in love with, to love
こいごころ, こいこころone's love, awakening of love
れんあいlove, love-making, passion, emotion, affections
らくおそらくperhaps, likely, probably, I dare say
おそれfear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness
れるおそれるto fear, to be afraid of
ろしいおそろしいterrible, dreadful
きょうかつthreat, blackmail
きょうかつざい(the crime of) extortion
きょうかくintimidation, threat
きょうふ, くふfear, dread, dismay, terror
きょうふしょうmorbid fear, phobia
きょうこうpanic, scare, consternation
こうきゅうpermanent, perpetuity
こうきゅうかmaking permanent
こうれいestablished practice, established practise, custom
こうしんsteadiness, constancy
こうせい(fixed) star (i.e. not a planet, meteorite, etc.)
ごうがしゃ, こうがしゃ10^56; innumerable (lit: as countless as the grains of sand in the Ganges river)
こうさんfixed or real property
はじshame, embarrassment
じらうはじらうto feel shy, to be bashful, to blush
じるはじるto feel ashamed
ずかしいはずかしいshy, ashamed, embarrassed
ずかしがるはずかしがるto be shy of, to be bashful, to be abashed, to blush
らうはじらうto feel shy, to be bashful, to blush
ちじょくdisgrace, shame, insult
うらみresentment; matter for regret, regret
みっこなしうらみっこなしwith no hard feelings
みっこのないようにうらみっこのないようにmaking it even, for fair play
みつらみうらみつらみpent-up resentment, grudges and hard feelings
うらむto resent; to regret
むらくはうらむらくはI regret that, I feel terrible but, I'm sorry but
めしいうらめしいreproachful, hateful, bitter
おんじんbenefactor, patron
おんてんfavour, favor, act of grace, special privilege
おんしone's honoured teacher, one's honored teacher
おんたく, おんだくfavour, favor, benefit
おんぎobligation, favour, favor, debt of gratitude
おんぎobligation, favour, favor, debt of gratitude
おんしImperial gift
おんしゃamnesty, pardon
おんがえしrequital of a favour (favor), repayment (of an obligation, kindness, etc.)
おんこfavour, favor, patronage
どうかつintimidation, threat, bluster
しいうやうやしいrespectful, reverent
しくうやうやしくreverentially, respectfully
きょうけんrespectfulness and modesty, deference
きょうけいrespect, reverence, veneration
きょうけんmodesty, humility
きょうがrespectful congratulations
きょうがしんねんHappy New Year!
めぐみblessing, grace
めぐむto bless, to show mercy to; to give (money, etc.)
寿えびす, ゑびす, えべす, ひるこEbisu (god of fishing and commerce)
えびす, ゑびす, えべす, ひるこEbisu (god of fishing and commerce)
くいregret, repentance
いるくいるto regret
くやしなきcrying from vexation, tears of regret
くやしなみだvexation, chagrin
さとりcomprehension, understanding, Buddhist enlightenment, satori
さとるto attain enlightenment, to perceive, to understand, to discern
ごにゅうentering enlightenment
ごせいwisdom, understanding
ごどう(the path of spiritual) enlightenment
ゆうきゅうeternity, perpetuity, permanence
ゆうゆうquiet, calm, leisurely, easy
ゆうゆうじてきのせいかつlife free from worldly cares
ゆうようself-possessed, calm
ゆうぜんwith an air of composure, calmly
ゆうえんfaraway, remoteness
ゆうちょうleisurely; conspicuous, exceeding, deliberate
わずらいillness, sickness
わずらうto fall ill
かんじゃ(a) patient
かんぶaffected part
えつself-satisfaction, rejoicing
えつにいるto be pleased, to gloat, to glow with self-satisfaction
ばしいよろこばしいdelightful, joyful, gratifying
んでよろこんでwith pleasure ...
えっさいmusket (male Japanese sparrowhawk)
えつらくenjoyment, pleasure
ましげなやましげlanguishing, yearning, desiring
ますなやますto afflict, to torment, to harass, to molest
なやみtrouble(s), worry, distress, sorrows, anguish, agony, problem
みごとなやみごとsomething causing worry
なやむto be worried, to be troubled
あくevil, wickedness
わるさbadness, mean mischief
あっか(suffer) deterioration, growing worse, aggravation, degeneration, corruption
あくむnightmare, bad dream
あくてんこうbad weather
あくたろうbad boy
わるだくみwiles, sinister design, trick, conspiracy, intrigue
あくへいvice, abuse, evil
あくじゅんかんvicious circle
あくとくvice, immorality, corruption
あくほうもまたほうなりA law is a law, however undesirable it may be
あくたま, あくだまbad character, bad person, villain, baddie
あくへきがなおるto get over a bad habit
あくしゅうstink, bad odor, bad odour, stench
わるなすびCarolina horsenettle (Solanum carolinense)
あくぎゃくatrocity; treason
あくぎゃくむどう, あくぎゃくぶどうtreacherous, heinous, treasonous, atrocious
あくしつbad quality, malignancy, vicious, malignant
あくしゅみbad taste
おそ, つわりmorning sickness
しいかなしいかなSad to say, How sad, Alas
しみかなしみsadness, sorrow, grief
ひあいsorrow, grief, sadness
ひたんgrief, sorrow, anguish, lamentation
ひそうheroic, tragic, grim, pathetic, touching
ひれんblighted love, disappointed love
ひさんdisastrous, tragic, miserable, wretched, pitiful
ひふんこうがいindignant lamentation over the evils of the times
ひかこうがいindignant lamentation over the evils of the times
ひつうbitterness, pathos
ひかんpessimism, disappointment
ひがんone's dearest wish, Buddha's vow to save humanity
ひめいshriek, scream
いたむto grieve over, to mourn, to lament
とうじfuneral address, message of condolence, words of condolence
じょうfeelings, emotion, passion
じょうせいstate of things, state of affairs, condition, situation, circumstances
じょうほうしょりdata processing
じょうけいspectacle, sight, scene
じょうねつpassion, enthusiasm, zeal
じょうじょうしゃくりょうtaking the extenuating circumstances into consideration
じょうしょ, じょうちょemotion, feeling
じょうしょしょうがい, じょうちょしょうがい(suffering) an emotional disturbance
とんこうsincerity and kindheartedness, honesty and simplicity
とんぼくhonest and homely, simple
とんぼくhonest and homely, simple
とんぼくcordial and friendly, affectionate
わすまどわすto bewilder, to perplex, to puzzle
惚けぼけなすfaded; slow-witted, abstracted person, halfwit
しくもおしくもto one's regret (chagrin), regrettably
しげもなくおしげもなくfreely, generously, liberally, ungrudgingly
しまないおしまないwithout sparing (effort, funds, etc.)
しみなくおしみなくwithout stint, freely
しみおしみなくwithout stint, freely
しむべきおしむべきlamentable, regrettable
せきはいregrettable defeat, defeat by a narrow margin
かんながら, かむながら, かみながらas a god; as was done in the age of the gods
かんながらのみち, かむながらのみちthe way of the gods
そうか(Edo period) streetwalker
そうじゃshrine enshrining several gods
そうかんりょう(hist.) governor-general
そうざいside dish, daily (household) dish
そうりょうgovernment, administration (fief)
むごいcruel, atrocious, merciless, inhuman, brutal
たらしいむごたらしいincredibly brutal, gory, gruesome
みじめmiserable, wretched, unhappy, sad, pitiable
さんじdisaster, horrible accident
さんげきtragedy, tragic event
さんぱい, ざんぱいignominious defeat, crushing failure, utterly beaten, overwhelming defeat
ざんさつslaughter, massacre
さんじょうdisastrous scene, terrible spectacle
だりょくinertia, momentum; force of habit
だじゃくenervated, effete, effeminate
だせいinertia, habit, momentum
だきindolence, listlessness
だみんindolence, inactivity
そうぞうにんしんfalse pregnancy, pseudocyesis
そうていhypothesis, supposition, assumption
うれいsad, unhappy, gloomy
うれいがおsad face, sorrowful face, anxious look, sad countenance
うべきうれうべきdeplorable, alarming, grievous, lamentable
うれえlamentation; grief; anxiety; illness; mourning
えるうれえるto grieve, to lament, to be anxious, to be distressed
しゅうしょうgrief, sorrow
しいたのしいenjoyable, fun
しげたのしげhappy, cheerful, pleasant
ゆかいはんcriminal who takes delight in people's reaction to his crimes
ゆしょくcheerful expression, pleased look
いにかなうto satisfy (one), to meet (one's) desire
いこうintention, idea, inclination
いみあいimplication, nuance
いとてきintentional, on purpose
いしひょうじdeclaration of intention
いよくwill, desire, ambition
いきけんこうin high spirits, elated
いきけんこうin high spirits, elated
込みいきごみardor, enthusiasm
いきそそうdepressed in spirits, rejection, disheartened, lacking nerve
いしゅgrudge, malice, spite
いばしんえん(being unable to control) one's worldly desires and passions
foolishness, silliness, stupidity, folly; I, me
おろかfoolish, stupid
かしいおろかしいfoolish, stupid
にもつかないぐにもつかないnonsensical, ridiculous, trifling
ぐずぐずslowly, tardily, hesitatingly, lingering, complaining
ぐろうmockery, derision, ridicule
ぐちidle complaint, grumble; moha (ignorance, folly)
ぐちょくsimple honesty, tactless frankness
ぐこうfolly, foolish move
ぐれんたいgang of young toughs
しいいとしいlovely, dear, beloved, darling
えるあいにうえるto hunger (starve) for love
あいのけっしょうfruit of love, children
あいじんlover, mistress
あいぎんfavourite poem or song; lover of poetry and song
あいこくlove of (one's) country, patriotism
あいこうlove, adoration
まなむすめone's beloved daughter
えひめけんEhime prefecture (Shikoku)
あいぼlove, attachment, adoration
あいぞうlove and hate, likes and dislikes
あいえんかheavy smoker, habitual smoker
あいけんpet dog
あいしょうpet name
あいこpatronage, favour, favor
じるかんじるto feel, to sense, to experience
かんどうbeing deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, deep emotion, impression
かんたんadmiration, wonder
かんたんふexclamation point, exclamation mark
かんせいsensitivity, sensitiveness, sense
かんそうimpressions, thoughts
かんがいstrong feelings, deep emotion
かんがいむりょうdeep emotion, one's mind is filled with thousand emotions
かんせんinfection, contagion
かんせんしょうinfectious disease, infection
かんるいtears of gratitude
かんしょくsense of touch, feeling, sensation, texture (of food while chewing)
かんしゃthanks, gratitude
かんめいdeep impression
しみいつくしみaffection, love
しむいつくしむto love, to be affectionate to, to pity
じけいaffectionate elder brother
じぜんcharity, philanthropy
じひcompassion, benevolence, charity, mercy
じあいaffection, kindness, love
じげんmerciful eye
じくんkind counsel, mother's advice
じうwelcome (beneficial) rain
ざまmess, sorry state, plight, sad sight; way, manner
たいせいattitude, conditions, preparations
しいあわただしいbusy, hurried, confused, flurried
ただしいあわただしいbusy, hurried, confused, flurried
ててあわててin hot haste, in confusion
てふためくあわてふためくto get into a panic, to be flustered, to panic, to get in a flap
てんぼうあわてんぼうflustered person, hasty person
あわてものscatterbrain, absent-minded person
ましいつつましいmodest, reserved, quiet, humble
ましやかつつましやかmodest, reserved
つつしみmodesty, self-control, discretion
つつしみぶかいdiscreet, modest, cautious
したうto yearn for, to miss, to adore, to love dearly
わしいしたわしいdear, beloved
ぼじょうlonging, yearning
まんしんself-conceit, pride
まんせいchronicity, chronic
らすならすto accustom
なれpractice, practise, experience
かんれいcustom, precedent, of convention
かんしゅうusual (historical) custom
かんこうcustomary practice, customary practise, habit, traditional event
けいびんclever, of quick intellect
えげんthe wisdom eye
がいせいdeploring the course of public events
がいたんdeploring, lamentation, regret, complaint
がいたんdeploring, lamentation, regret, complaint
がいぜんindignant, sorrowful; steadfast, determined
おもんぱかるto consider
なぐさみamusement, diversion (to pass time), pastime, recreation
なぐさむto be diverted, to forget one's worries, to comfort
なぐさめcomfort, consolation, diversion
いろうrecognition of services
いもんcondolences, sympathy call
いあんsolace, relaxation
いりゅうdissuasion from resigning or leaving
いれいcomfort the spirit (of the dead)
いれいさいmemorial service
けいじauspicious event
けいちょうcongratulations and condolences
けいしゅくcongratulation; celebration
こうがいrighteous indignation, patriotic lamentation, deploration
ういunhappy, sad, gloomy
えるうれえるto grieve, to lament, to be anxious, to be distressed
うきめbitter experience, misery, distress, grief, sad thoughts, hardship
うさgloom, melancholy
ゆうりょanxiety, concern, fear
ゆうぐanxiety, fear
にくさhatefulness, hatred
たらしいにくたらしい, にくったらしいodious, hateful; (speaking ironically) darling
いきどおりresentment, indignation
いきどおるto be angry, to resent, to be enraged, to be indignant
ふんがいindignation, resentment
ふんしdying in a fit of anger or indignation
あこがれyearning, longing, aspiration
れのあこがれのまとobject of adoration, longing
しょうけい, どうけいlonging, aspiration
憬れるあこがれるto long for, to yearn after, to admire, to be attracted by
いこうto rest, to relax, to repose
けんぺいmilitary police
けんせいconstitutional government
けんぽうさいばんしょconstitutional court
えるおぼえるto remember; to feel
おくねんsomething one always remembers
おくそくguess, speculation, supposition
おくびょうcowardice, timidity
おくせつhypothesis, speculation, surmise
うらみresentment; matter for regret, regret
うらむto resent; to regret
むらくはうらむらくはI regret that, I feel terrible but, I'm sorry but
ねんごろkind, courteous, hospitable
ろになるねんごろになるto become intimate, to become acquainted
こんせつkindness, cordiality, exhaustiveness
こんいkindness, intimacy, friendship
こんとくcordial, kind
こんしんfriendship, intimacy
こんわfriendly (familiar) chat (talk)
こんだんinformal talk
こんせいappeal, entreaty, request
こんがんentreaty, supplication, petition
ふところbosom, bust; (breast) pocket, purse, handbag
かしいなつかしいdear, desired, missed
かしむなつかしむto yearn for (miss) someone (thing)
かいちゅうとけい, かいちゅうどけいpocket watch
かいちゅうでんとうelectric torch, flashlight
ふところがたなconfidant, right-hand man, dagger
かいこrecalling the old days, nostalgia, reminiscences
かいにんpregnancy, conception
かいぎdoubt, skepticism, scepticism, disbelief
かいせきりょうりtea-ceremony dishes; traditional Japanese meal brought in courses
かいたいconception, becoming pregnant, pregnancy
らしめるこらしめるto chastise, to punish, to discipline
らすこらすto chastise, to punish, to discipline
りるこりるto learn by experience, to be disgusted with
ちょうえきpenal servitude, imprisonment with hard labor (hard labour)
ちょうかいdiscipline, punishment, reprimand
ちょうばつdiscipline, punishment, reprimand
ちょうばついいんかいdisciplinary committee
らんだ, らいだlazy, idle
れるかけはなれるto be very far apart from, to be remote, to be quite different from
けんすいpull-up, chin up, chinning
けねんworry, fear, anxiety, concern
けんあんpending question, pending problem
けんしょうoffering prizes, winning, reward
さんげ, ざんげrepentance, confession, penitence
げるなしとげるto accomplish, to finish, to fulfill
せいじんびょうadult diseases
せいひsuccess or failure, outcome, result
じょうじゅfulfillment, fulfilment, realization, realisation, completion
せいかresults, fruits
せいじゅくmaturity, ripeness
せいちゅうimago, adult (insect)
せいちょうをはばむto hinder (check) the growth of (plants)
せいちょうかぶgrowth stock, person with future promise
われ, わ, あれ, あ, わぬ, わろI; oneself; you; prefix indicating familiarity or contempt
わがmy, our, one's own
わがくにour country, our land, one's own country
わがや, わがいえour house, our home
わがみmyself, oneself
われらwe; I; you (referring to a group of one's equals or inferiors)
がりべんdrudge, grind, someone who studies too much, cram-study (for exam, etc.)
かいげんれいmartial law
かいみょうposthumous Buddhist name
かいりつ(religious) precept, discipline, commandment, mitzvah
かいしんcaution, discretion
いをたたかいをいどむto challenge (a person) to a fight
えばたたかえばすなわちかつto win every battle (that is fought)
せんそうぎせいしゃwar victim
せんそうばいしょうきんwar reparation
せんれつline of battle
せんしmilitary history or annals
せんじょうこうくうそしbattlefield air interdiction
せんごpostwar period, period after Second World War
せんぼつdeath in battle, killed in action
せんぼつしゃついとうしきmemorial service for the war dead
せんぼつしゃついとうきねんびMemorial Day (US)
せんきょうwar situation, progress of a battle
せんさいwar damage
せんぱんwar criminal
せんりゃくstrategy, tactics
せんかwar damages, ravages of war
せんせん(war) front
せんせきwar or military record, score, military achievements, results
せんじゅつこうくうとうせいはんtactical air control party
せんしゃtank (military vehicle)
せんとうbattle, fight, combat
えるそばえるto play pranks, to be spoiled, to be spoilt
かすじゃらかすto call for jokes
おどけ(a) pleasantry, joke, attempt at humor
たわむれplay, sport, fun, caprice, joke, jest, flirtation
ぎきょくplay, drama
ぎがcaricature, cartoon, comics
こべつほうもんdoor-to-door visit, door-to-door canvassing, door-to-door canvasing
とまどいbeing at sea, losing one's bearings, confusion, wonderment
こすうnumber of households (houses)
とだなcupboard, locker, closet, wardrobe
こせきcensus, family register
こせきしょうほんofficial copy of part of family register
こせきとうほんofficial copy of the family register
もどしreturning, giving back
もどすto restore, to put back, to return, to give back
もどりreturn; return (from a procedure)
ふさtuft; bunch (of grapes; section (of an orange, etc.)
しょぞくattached to, belong to, member
しょとくincome, earnings
しょとくぜいincome tax
しょぞう(in one's) possession
しょちょうchief, head
おうぎ, おおぎfolding fan
せんどうincitement, sedition, agitation, abetting
おうぎがた, せんけいfan shape
とびらdoor, gate, opening; title page
てのこうback of the hand
てつだいhelper, assistant; help
てぐちmodus operandi, criminal technique, trick
てがたいsteady, firm, solid, secure
てちょうnotebook, memo pad
てがたdraft; signed hand-print (sumo)
てぬきomitting crucial steps, a drop in activity
てびょうしbeating time, carelessly
てまねくto beckon
しゅしょうpalmar, palm
かりてがかりclue; handhold, on hand
てさぐりfumbling, groping
てびかえnote, memorandum; holding oneself back
てすうりょうhandling charge, commission
てまりtraditional Japanese handball game
てわたすto hand over, to surrender
てぜまnarrow, small, cramped
てだまbeanbags, jackstones
てつづきprocedure, (legal) process, formalities
たづなbridle, reins
てぎれいneatly or cleverly made
てうすshort of hands, insufficient
しゅじゅつsurgical operation
てざわりfeel, touch
てがるeasy, simple, informal, offhand, cheap
ておくれbeing (too) late; belated treatment
てじょうhandcuffs, manacles
てまりtraditional Japanese handball game
てじゅんprocess, procedure, sequence, protocol, instruction
てふうきんaccordion, harmonica
てごま(game pieces, soldiers, etc.) under one's control
さい-years-old; ability, gift, talent, aptitude, genius
さいえんliterary woman, talented woman
さいそうpoetic talent
さいかくready wit, raising (money), plan, device
だとうknockdown (e.g. in boxing), overthrow, defeat
だせきbatter's box (baseball), one's turn at bat
だげきblow, shock, strike, damage; batting (baseball)
だぼくblow, hit (on the body), beating
だぼくしょうbruise, contusion
だりつbatting average
だはbreak-down, defeat, abolish
だせんbaseball lineup
だしゃbatter (baseball)
だしんpercussion, tapping (medical), sounding someone out, probe
だかいbreak in the deadlock
はらいもどしrepayment, refund, payback
はらうto pay; to brush, to wipe
ふつぎょうdawn, daybreak
たくはつmonk's "begging"
あつかいtreatment, service
いにくいあつかいにくいhard to handle
あつかいかたway with (an animal), how to handle
あつかうto handle, to deal with, to treat
こくto thresh, to strip
たすくto help, to save, to rescue
ふじょaid, help, assistance, support
ふちration, stipend, allowance
ふそうland east of China, Japan
ふようsupport, maintenance
ふようぎむduty to support (a person)
ひじゅんratification, ratify
ひてんcorrection marks
ひなんblame, attack, criticism
しょういんconsent, acceptance, agreement
しょうふくcompliance, consent, submission
しょうちのすけOK, Sure, Yessir!, Okeydokey!, Understood
しょうけいsuccession, accession, inheritance
しょうだくconsent, acquiescence, agreement
わざ, ぎtechnique, art
ぎこうtechnique, finesse
ぎしengineer, technician
ぎのうtechnical skill, ability, capacity
ぎじゅつていけいtechnical cooperation
ぎじゅつてきtechnical, practical
ぎじゅつしゃengineer, technical expert, technician, crafts-person
しょうexcerpt; annotation; shou (unit of volume, approx. 1.8 ml)
しょうしゅつtaking excerpts, extraction
しょうほんexcerpt, abridgment, book of selections
しょうやくabridged translation
しょうろくquotation, abstract, selection, summary
counter for bundles
とって, はしゅhandle, grip, knob
とって, はしゅhandle, grip, knob
はじgrasp, hold, grip
はそくgrasping (a meaning)
はあくgrasp, catch, understanding
そもそもin the first place, to begin with, from the start, originally, ab initio
うつよくうつdejection, depression
おさえweight (e.g. paperweight), rear guard, control, check, pressure
よくあつcheck, restraint, oppression, suppression
そもそもin the first place, to begin with, from the start, originally, ab initio
よくしcheck, checkmate, stave off, control, restraint, inhibit
よくりゅうinternment, detainment, detention
てるなげすてるto throw away
とうよprescribing medicine, administering (medicine)
とうしゅ(baseball) pitcher
とうきabandonment, giving up, throwing away
とうきspeculation, venture, stockjobbing, gambling (on stocks)
とうきゅうpitching, throwing a ball, bowling (in cricket), pitched ball
とうひょうしょ, とうひょうじょpolling place
とうひょうばこballot box
稿とうこうcontribution, submission, posting (e.g. to a newsgroup or mailing list)
とうししんたくinvestment trust
こうそうdispute, resistance
こうこくkokoku (interlocutory) appeal, protest, complaint
こうきょresistance, opposition
こうきんantibacterial, antimicrobial
こうぎprotest, objection
おりchance, suitable time
からおりから, おりがらjust then; appropriate moment
りにれておりにふれてoccasionally, on opportunity
おりあいmutual relations, compromise
おりたたみつくえfolding desk
おりがみorigami (paper folding)
おりづるfolded paper crane
せっちゅうcompromise, cross, blending, eclecticism
せっちゅうあんcompromise proposal
おりづるfolded paper crane
ぬきwithout; (beating) in succession
ぬけだすto slip out; to break (out of a loop)
ばっぽんてきdrastic, radical
ばっすいextract, excerpt, selection
えらぶto choose, to select
よりselecting, choosing
よる, える, すぐるto choose, to select
たくいつchoosing an alternative
ひれきexpress one's opinion, making known, revealing, stating
ひれきexpress one's opinion, making known, revealing, stating
ひけんread, peruse
ひろうannouncement, show, display, introduction
ひろうえんreception (wedding)
ひろめmaking something widely known, introduction, debut, announcement, unveiling
かかえarmful; employee
え込むかかえこむto hold (carry) a thing in one's arm, to embrace (a baby), to take upon oneself
げるだきあげるto hold up in one's arms
だきあうto embrace each other
ほうようembrace, hug, holding in one's arms
ほうふaspiration, ambition, pretension
ていとうmortgage, security, hypothec, pledge
ていとうけんmortgage, a lien on one's mortgage
まっさつerasure, denial, obliteration, ignoring (an opinion)
まっしょうerasure, delete (e.g. DEL character)
まっちゃpowdered green tea for ceremonies
まっこうincense, incense powder
まっこうくさいsmelling of incense, overly pious
まっこうくじら, マッコウクジラsperm whale
おしpush, pressure, authority, audacity
しつぶすおしつぶすto squash, to crush, to flatten
おしいりbreaking into, burglar
おしいるto push in
おうしゅうseizure, confiscation
おうなつsealing (document)
せんちゅうせんlottery, raffle, drawing (of lots)
ちゅうしゅつextraction; selection (from a group), sampling, eduction
ちゅうせんlottery, raffle, drawing (of lots)
ちゅうせんけんlottery ticket
ちゅうしょうびじゅつabstract art
ちゅうしょうろんan abstract argument
ちゅうせんlottery, raffle, drawing (of lots)
にないてa bearer, carrier, person in charge
たんにんin charge (of something); homeroom teacher
たんぽsecurity, collateral (e.g. mortgage)
たんかstretcher, litter
ひょうし(musical) time; the moment, the instance, chance
ひょうしぬけanticlimax, let-down, disappointment, loss of interest
はくしゅかっさいclapping and cheering, applause
はくしゃ(riding) spur
さらうto carry off, to run away with, to kidnap, to abduct
かすかどわかすto kidnap
かいしゅabducting (legal term)
かいたいabsconding with money
かいいんcarrying off by deception, kidnap
ふせぐto defend (against), to protect, to prevent
こばむto refuse, to reject, to decline
きょひdenial, veto, rejection, refusal
きょひけんright of veto
きょぜつrefusal, rejection
きょぜつはんのう(organ) rejection; unthinking dismissal, strong reaction (against)
きょしょくrefusing food
ひらくto open (e.g. path), to clear (the way), to break up (e.g. land)
たくほんrubbed copy, folio of rubbings
たくしょくcolonization, colonisation, exploitation
たくぎんTakushoku Bank
らずかかわらずin spite of, regardless of
こだわるto fuss over; to be obsessive, to be fixated
わらずかかわらずin spite of, regardless of
わるこだわるto fuss over; to be obsessive, to be fixated
こうそくrestriction, restraint, binding
こうそくじかんtotal hours spent working
こうりゅうdetention, hold a person in custody
こうちdetention, confinement, arrest
こうちしょprison, detention house
せつpoor, weak; I, me
せつれつclumsy, unskillful
せっしゅpoor defense, poor defence
せつあくpoor (tasting), low quality, bad situation
せっさくpoor policy or plan
せっしゃI (primarily used by samurai), me
せっそくhasty, rough and ready
へいしょうへいinvitation, call; to invite
しょうへいinvitation, call; to invite
しょうせいcalling together, invitation
しょうしゅうcalling or convening (a meeting, assembly, congress)
はいけいDear (so and so)
殿はいでんfront shrine, hall of worship
はいかんsee, inspect, visit
はいえつhaving an audience with someone of very high social standing (e.g. the emperor)
はいきんmoney-worship, mammon-worship
きょしゅつdonation, contribution
きょてんposition, location, base, point
がりひろがりexpanse, extent, spread, stretch
かくせいきmegaphone, bullhorn, loudhailer
かくだいmagnification, enlargement, expansion
かくだいきんこうan expanded or expanding equilibrium
かくちょうexpansion, extension, enlargement, escape, ESC
かくさんscattering, diffusion, spread (e.g. signal across the spectrum)
りつけるくくりつけるto fasten (a person) to
くくるto tie up, to tie together, to bundle, to fasten, to hang (oneself)
くびれconstriction, narrow part, wrinkle
れるくびれるto be constricted
かっこparenthesis, brackets
けんhand game (e.g. rock, paper, scissors)
けんぽうChinese art of self-defence (defense)
けんだまJapanese bilboquet (cup-and-ball game)
けんじゅうpistol, handgun, revolver
ごうもんtorture, the rack, third degree
ごうもんぐinstrument(s) of torture
ごうもんだいthe rack
ごうきinstruments of torture
じゅうten (used in legal documents)
いものひろいものa find; windfall, bargain
げるひろいあげるto pick up, to pick out
ひろいものa find; windfall, bargain
しゅうとくpicking up, finding
もちhold; wear; usage
もちあじinherent flavor, inherent flavour, distinctive characteristic
もちかぶstock holdings, one's shares
もちぐされunused possession
もちこすto carry over, to carry forward, to keep (for later), to defer
ち込むもちこむto lodge, to take something into ..., to bring in
じきゅうendurance, persistence
じごGo game resulting in tie or draw
しれいorders, instructions, directive, command
しめいname, nominate, designate
していdesignation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing at
しきcommand, direction
しきぼうconductor's stick, conductor's baton
しきしゃ(musical) conductor
してきpointing out, identification
しひょうindex, indices, indicator
さしがねcarpenter's square; instigation, suggestion
しじindication, instruction, designation, directions
ししんcompass needle (cursor), guideline, pointer
ちょうせんchallenge, defiance
いかにちょうせんいかにHow dare you!
ちょうせんじょうwritten challenge
ちょうはつprovocation, stirring up, arousal
ちょうはつprovocation, stirring up, arousal
ちょうはつてきprovocative, suggestive, lascivious
きょそbehavior, behaviour, manner
げるはさみあげるto pick up (with chopsticks), to take
はさみうちpincer attack, attack on both sides (flanks)
はさみうちpincer attack, attack on both sides (flanks)
み込むはさみこむto insert
きょうげきpincer movement, pincer attack
きょうさつ(baseball) rundown
ざせつfrustration, setback, discouragement
ふりしぼるto muster (one's strength); to strain (e.g. one's voice)
り込みふりこみpayment made via bank deposit transfer
ふりかえるto turn head, to look over one's shoulder, to turn around, to look back
しんどうoscillation, vibration
しんぷくamplitude (of vibration), swing of pendulum
ふりかえtransfer (money), change
しんこうpromotion, encouragement
しんれいhand bell, ringing of a bell
さしきcutting, planting
れるいれるto insert (usu. as part of sexual intercourse)
そうにゅうinsertion, incorporation, infixing
モードそうにゅうモードinsert mode
そうにゅうずinserted figure
さしえ(book) illustration
まえるつかまえるto catch, to arrest, to seize
らえるとらえるto seize; to grasp, to perceive, to treat (as)
とるto take, to catch (fish), to capture
ほしゅcatcher (baseball)
ほかくcapture, seizure
ほりょprisoner (of war)
ほりょこうかんprisoner exchange
ほりょしゅうようじょprison camp, concentration camp, prisoner of war camp, POW camp
ほいつ(baseball) passed ball, catcher missing a ball
ほげいwhaling, whale fishing
ほげいせんwhaling ship
さがしまわるto hunt around, to search about for
そうさsearch (esp. in criminal investigations), investigation, inquiry, enquiry
そうさくsearch (esp. for someone or something missing), investigation
そうさくたいsearch party
すていし(in the game of go) a sacrificed stone, ornamental garden stone
すてみat the risk of one's life
えつけるすえつけるto install, to equip, to mount
すえつけinstallation, setting, fitting, mounting
けるすえつけるto install, to equip, to mount
すえおきdeferment (e.g. of savings), leaving (a thing) as it stands
すえおくto leave as it is, to defer
すわるto sit; to assume (a position); to hold steady, to hold still
わるすわるto sit; to assume (a position); to hold steady, to hold still
はしっこい, はしこいsmart, clever; agile, nimble, quick
しょうほうnews of a victory
しょうけいshortcut, expedient
き溜めにはきだめにつるa jewel in a dunghill
そうしゃsweeping with fire, mowing down, strafing
そうかいsweeping the sea for mines, dragging for mines
そうとうcleaning up, sweeping up, mopping up
じゅよaward, conferment
じゅにゅうsuckling (a baby), nursing
じゅじゅgive and receive
じゅぎょうlesson, class work
じゅぎょうりょうtuition fee, course fee
じゅしゃくelevation to peerage
じゅせいfertilization, fertilisation, impregnation, pollination
じゅしょうawarding a prize
じゅしょうしきaward ceremony
てのひら, たなごころthe palm (of one's hand)
つかさどるto rule, to govern, to administer
しょうちゅうin the hand, (something) easily manipulated
しょうちゅうのたまapple of one's eye
しょうあくgrasping, seizing, holding
しょうもんpalm print
はいしゅつevacuation, emission (e.g. of CO2, etc.), ejection
はいらんゆうはつざいovulation-inducing drug
尿はいにょうurination, micturition
はいせきrejection, expulsion, boycott, ostracism
はいせきうんどうagitation for expulsion
はいきexhaust, ventilation
はいえんsmoke (dispersal)
はいじょexclusion, removal, rejection, elimination, abatement, lifting (sanctions, etc.)
ほりだしもの(lucky) find, bargain, good buy, treasure trove
こすほりおこすto reclaim, to dig up
くっさくdigging out, excavation
かけcredit; partially, half
かけすて, かけずてfailing to honor (honour) an installment payment (instalment)
かけじくhanging scroll
さいしゅpicking, collecting, harvesting
さいたくadoption, selection, choice
さいけつvote, roll call
さいようuse; appointment, employment, engagement
さいしゅうcollecting, gathering
たんていdetective, sleuth, investigator
たんていしょうせつdetective story
たんさprobe, inquiry, enquiry, investigation
たんけんexploration, expedition
たんきゅうquest, pursuit
たんきゅうsearch, research, enquiry, inquiry
たんさくsearch, lookup, hunt, (item of) research, exploration, investigation
せったいreception; business entertainment
せっせんclose combat, close contest
せっしょくtouch, contact
ひかえしつwaiting room
こうそkoso appeal (initial appeal to a higher court)
こうじょsubtraction, deduction (e.g. tax), subsidy
おすto infer, to conclude, to support
すいしょうrecommendation, endorsement
すいそくguess, conjecture
すいりreasoning, inference, mystery or detective genre (movie, novel, etc.)
すいりしょうせつmystery or detective novel
すいいtransition, change
すいけいestimate, estimation
いておいてexcept, no other
おくto give up, to except
そていassumption, supposition
そちmeasure, step
そじwording, phraseology, diction
けいようhoist (flag), fly, display
けいじばんbulletin board, display board, notice board, electronic bulletin board, BBS
システムけいじばんシステムbulletin board system, BBS
えがきだすto delineate, to draw, to express, to imagine
えがく, かくto draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe
びょうしゃdepiction, description, portrayal
ていきょうoffer, tender, program sponsoring, programme sponsoring, furnishing
ていきょうしゃdonor, contributer, provider
ていしょうadvocacy, proposal
ていけいcooperation, tie-up, joint business, link-up
ちょうちんpaper lantern
ていとくadmiral, commodore
ていじpresentation, exhibit, suggest, citation
ていげんproposal, motion
ていそpresenting a case, suing
ていきbring suit, file a claim, raise a question
あげfried bean curd
あげくin the end, finally, after all, at last
あげものdeep-fried food
かんきせんventilation fan
かんさん, かんざんconversion (e.g. yen to dollars), change, exchange
かんきんrealize, realise, turn into money
らすにぎらすto let (someone) take hold of your hand
にぎりgrip, handle
りずしにぎりずしhand-rolled sushi, sushi ball
にぎりめしrice ball
あくりょくgrip (of hand)
きごうwriting, drawing, painting
きはつvolatilization, volatilisation
きはつゆgasoline, petrol, petroleum, benzine, volatile oil
えんじょassistance, aid, support
えんごcovering, protection, backing, relief
ゆりvibration, flickering, jolting, tremor
さぶりゆさぶりshaking, shaking up (one's adversary)
さぶるゆさぶるto shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing
すぶるゆすぶるto shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing
らぐゆらぐto swing, to sway, to shake, to tremble
らすゆらすto rock, to shake, to swing
ゆるto shake, to jolt, to rock (cradle), to swing
るがすゆるがすto shake, to swing, to sway, to shock
るぐゆるぐto shake, to waver, to tremble
なうそこなうto harm, to hurt, to injure, to damage, to fail in doing
そんしょうdamage, injury
そんかいdamage, destruction
そんしつloss (e.g. assets or profits)
そんがいほけんdamage insurance
そんがいばいしょうrestitution, compensation for damages
そんえきprofit and loss, advantage and disadvantage
はんにゅうtake in, bring in
はんしゅつcarry out
はんそうtransportation, conveyance, delivery
はんそうはcarrier wave
とうじょうembarkation, boarding (an aeroplane, airplane)
とうじょうけんboarding passes, boarding tickets
とうじょういんcrew member
とうじょうてつづきboarding, check-in
きカウンターとうじょうてつづきカウンターcheck-in counter
とうじょうあんないboarding announcement
とうじょうきょうgangway, boarding bridge
とうさいloading (on board); equipped (with), built-in
えるたずさえるto carry in one's hand
わるたずさわるto engage in, to participate, to take part
けいたい, ケイタイ, ケータイsomething carried (in the hand); mobile telephone, cell phone
けいたいでんわmobile telephone, cellular telephone
めかすしめかすoil cake, scrap cake
しぼりとるto exploit
しぼるto press, to wring, to squeeze, to narrow (down), to whittle (down), to tighten
さくにゅうmilking (a cow)
さくしゅexploitation, squeezing, sweating
とるto have (lunch, etc.), to take (vitamins, etc.)
せっしゅintake, absorption, adoption; assimilation
せったいreception; business entertainment
せっしょうregent, regency
せっしCentigrade, Celsius
20せっしにじゅうど20 degrees Celsius
せつり(divine) Providence
せっしょくfeeding, feed
まむつまむto pinch, to hold, to pick up
つまみあらいwashing only the soiled part (of a garment)
つまむto pinch, to hold, to pick up
てきしゅつpicking out, exposing, taking out, -ectomy (suf) (surgical removal)
てきはつexposing, unmasking, laying bare
れるすれるto rub, to chafe, to wear, to become sophisticated
まもうwear, abrasion
もほうimitation, copying
うつto shoot (at); to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge
げきついshooting down (aircraft)
ねんしtwisted thread or yarn, twining of thread or yarn
てっぺいwithdrawal of troops
てっきょwithdrawal; demolition, removal
てっかいwithdrawal, revocation, repeal
てっぱいannulment, abolition, repeal, rescission
退てったいevacuation, withdrawal, revocation, repeal, retreat
てっとうてつびthoroughly, through and through
ばんたんせんBantan Line (railway in Hyogo Prefecture)
つまむto pinch, to hold, to pick up
れるとれるto be photographed; to be able to photograph
なぐるto strike, to hit
するようするto have, to possess
ようへきretaining wall (civil engineering)
ようりつback, support
ようごろんchampionship, defense (e.g. of a position in debate), apologetics
みさおchastity, fidelity, honour, honor, faith
あやつりmanipulation, puppet
あやつりにんぎょうpuppet, marionette
あやつりじょうるりold name for the bunraku
あやつるto manipulate, to operate, to pull strings
あやつりじょうるりold name for the bunraku
そうじゅうflying (a plane); management, handling, control, manipulation
りガラスすりガラスground glass
すりきず, かすりきず, こすりきずscratch, graze, abrasion
れるすれるto rub, to chafe, to wear, to become sophisticated
まがいimitation, sham, -like
えるなぞらえる, なずらえるto pattern after, to liken to, to imitate
ぎやくinactive placebo, placebo
ぎおんimitative sounds (drama, broadcasting)
ひんせきrejection, ostracism
しきょくbranch office
してんbranch store (office)
してんちょうbranch manager, manager of a branch office
しはらうto pay
しじsupport, maintenance
しえんsupport, backing, aid, assistance
しちゅうprop, brace, fulcrum
しなChina (now regarded as derogatory)
しぶbranch, subdivision
しはいrule, control, direction
ししょうobstacle, hindrance, impediment, difficulty
かいしゅうrepair, improvement
かいせいchanging one's family name
かいけんconstitutional change
かいちくstructural alteration of building, reconstruction
かいへんreorganization, reorganisation
かいりょうimprovement, reform
かいていばんrevised edition
かいちゅうreminting, recasting
かいかくreform, reformation, innovation
こうせいoffensive (movement), aggression
こうしゅoffense and defense, offence and defence, batting and fielding
こうりゃくcapture; walkthrough or specific advice (e.g. in computer games)
こうぼうoffense and defense, offence and defence
はなしがいpasturing, grazing, letting (a dog) run free
ほうしゃradiation, emission
ほうきabandonment, renunciation, resignation, abdication (responsibility, right)
ほうまんwhimsy, looseness, indiscretion, laxity
ほうかarson, set fire to
ほうぼくpasturage, grazing
ほうかごafter school
ほうちくexpulsion, ejection, dismissal, ostracism
まつりごとrule, government
せいれいgovernment ordinance, cabinet order
せいむじかんparliamentary vice-minister
せいきょくpolitical situation
せいてきpolitical opponent
せいけん(political) administration, political power
せいじかpolitician, statesman
せいじはんpolitical offense, political offence, political offender
せいかいpolitical world
せいさくpolitical measures, policy
ゆえにtherefore, consequently
こじorigin, historical fact, tradition
こじんthe deceased, old friend
こじんをしのぶto think of the dead
ここくone's native land
こいintention; mens rea (guilty mind)
さといsmart, sensitive, discerning
びんかんsensibility, susceptibility, sensitive (to), well attuned to
びんしょうnimble, prompt, agile, quick, shrewd, smart
はしっこい, はしこいsmart, clever; agile, nimble, quick
びんそくquickness, agility, activity
すくいhelp, aid, relief, salvation
きゅうしゅつrescue, extricate, reclaim, deliverance
きゅうじょrelief, aid, rescue
きゅうこくpatriot devoted to the salvation of his country
きゅうきゅうfirst-aid, emergency (aid)
きゅうえんrelief, rescue, reinforcement
きゅうさいrelief, aid, rescue, salvation, help
きゅうごはんrelief squad, rescue party
はいぼくdefeat; to be defeated
はいいんcause of defeat
はいせんdefeat, losing a war
はいしゃthe defeated, vanquished, loser
はいそloss of a court-case
きょうさせんどうinstigation and abetment
きょうさせんどうinstigation and abetment
きょうさざいcriminal instigation
きょうとbeliever, adherent
きょうざいteaching materials
きょうそfounder of a religious sect
きょうしゅうtraining, instruction
きょういくいいんかいBoard of Education
きょうくんlesson, precept, moral instruction
えないあえないtragic, tragically
あえなくsadly, tragically
かんこうdecisive action
かんとうfighting bravely
さんぷ, さっぷdissemination, scattering, sprinkling, spraying
さんまんvague, desultory, distracted, loose, half-hearted, diffuse
さんぱつsporadic, scattering
ばらまくto disseminate, to scatter, to give money freely
さんいつbeing scattered and ultimately lost
さんこつscattering of ashes (cremated remains)
さんぱつhair-cutting, hair-dressing
とんこうsincerity and kindheartedness, honesty and simplicity
とんぼくhonest and homely, simple
とんぼくhonest and homely, simple
とんこうsincerity and kindheartedness, honesty and simplicity
とんぼくcordial and friendly, affectionate
けいreverence, respect
けいあいrespect and affection
けいぼlove and respect
けいしょうtitle of honour, title of honor
けいろうrespect for the aged
けいえんkeeping at a distance, kicking upstairs, giving a batter an "intentional walk"
キロにすうキロにわたるto extend over several kilometers (kilometres)
すうまんtens of thousands
すうちnumerical value; reading (on a meter, etc.)
すうおくねんseveral hundred million years
すうひきseveral animals
かずおおくin great numbers
すうき, さっきcheckered, varied, misfortune
じゅず, ずず, じゅじゅrosary, string of beads
すうひゃくseveral hundreds
すうびょうseveral seconds
すうりょうquantity, volume
すうせきseveral (boats)
すうせきのふねseveral boats
ととのうto be prepared, to be in order, to be put in order, to be arranged
ったととのったwell-ordered, in good order, well-featured, well-regulated
せいごうadjustment, coordination, integration, conformity
せいけいorthopedics; smoothing (bursty traffic, etc.)
せいけいげかorthopaedic surgery, plastic surgery
てきこく, てっこくenemy nation
てきしつerror made by the enemy or opposing team
てきたいhostility, antagonism, opposition
てきいhostility, animosity
かたきうちvengeance, revenge, retaliation
しきぶとん(Japanese) mattress, underquilt
ふせつconstruction, laying (a road)
しききん(security) deposit, caution money
ぶんはひとなりThe style is the man
ぶんかくんしょうOrder of Culture, Order of Cultural Merit
ぶんかざいcultural assets, cultural property
ぶんだんliterary world, literary circles
もじばんdial (i.e. labelled face of a timepiece or other measuring device)
もじどおりliteral; literally
ぶんこlibrary, book collection; paperback book
ぶんたんshaddock, pomelo
ぶんしょ, もんじょdocument, writing, letter, paperwork, note, records, archives
ぶんぶliterary and military arts, the pen and the sword
ぶんごうliterary master
ぶんしつひんぴんrefined, handsome and solid in character
えるととのえるto put in order; to get ready; to raise money
しいひとしいequal, similar, like, equivalent
せいしょうsinging or chanting in unison
いみmourning; taboo; religious purification; pure, holy
いつくto worship, enshrine
いみmourning; taboo; religious purification; pure, holy
いみがきshrine fence
いみびunlucky day, death anniversary, purification and fast day
いむto avoid, to refrain from, to shun; to detest
いがきfence around a shrine
さいじょうfuneral hall
いかる, いかるが, はんきゅう, イカルJapanese grosbeak (Eophona personata)
としゅkegs of sake, lot of sake
りょうてい(traditional Japanese) restaurant
めにななめにdiagonally, obliquely, slantingly, slantwise
しゃようsetting sun, declining
しゃめんslope, slanting surface, bevel
あっせんりょうagent's charge
きんunit of weight ~600g; pound (unit of mass: 453.6g); loaf (of bread)
けるしりぞけるto repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject
せっこうscout, patrol, spy
せっこうへいreconnoitering party, scout (army)
せっこうたいreconnoitering party, scout (army)
せきりょくrepulsion, repulsive force
じてえばだんじておこなえばきしんもこれをさくWhere there's a will, there's a way
らずことわらずwithout permission
だんねんabandoning (hope, plans), giving up
だんぺんfragment, crumb, shred, bits and pieces
だんげんassertion, declaration, affirmation
だんこうきょうそうcross-country race
だんこうきょうそうcross-country race
あらたnew, fresh, novel; newly, freshly, re-
しんじんnew face; modern humans (from Cro-Magnon man onwards)
しんとうnew (political) party
しんかんnew book, new publication
しんかんしょうかいbook review
しんそつnew (recent) graduate
しんがぽーる, シンガポールSingapore
しんがたnew style, new model
にいづまnew wife
しんにっぽんせいてつ, しんにほんせいてつNippon Steel Corporation
しんきゅうnew and old, incoming and outgoing
しんしゅんNew Year (Spring)
しんかぶnew stocks or shares
しんきじくinnovation, new departure, milestone, breakthrough
にいがたNiigata (city)
にいがたけんNiigata prefecture (Hokuriku area)
しんせいrebirth, new birth, nascent
しんぽnew futures on the first trading session of the month
しんでんa new rice field
しんちくnew building, new construction
しんりょくfresh verdure, new green leaves
しらぎancient Korean kingdom
しんぶんしnewsprint, newspaper
しんぶんきじnewspaper story (article, account)
しんこうrising, developing, emergent
しんめsprout, bud, shoot
西ニュージーランド, にゅうじいらんどNew Zealand
しんきnew, fresh; new customer; new rules or regulations
しんていばんnew and revised edition
しんぷnewly-issued (released) record
しんえいfreshly picked, newly produced
しんちんたいしゃrenewal, replacement, metabolism
ほうじょうsquare jo (approx. 10 sq feet); abbot's chamber; chief priest
ほうふんflat-topped burial mound
ほうさくplan, policy
いておいてat, in, on
けるおけるin, at
ほどこすto donate, to give, to conduct, to apply, to perform
せこう, しこうexecution (building contract), carrying out
しせいgovernment, administration, statesmanship
しさくpolicy, measure
しせつinstitution; (army) engineer
りょていhotel, inn
たびさきdestination, goal
りょかく, りょきゃくpassenger (transport)
りょかくき, りょかっきpassenger plane
りょひtravel expenses
せんかいrevolution, rotation, turning, swiveling, circling
せんりつmelody, tune
せんぷう, つむじかぜ, つじかぜwhirlwind; commotion, sensation, hullabaloo
ぞくtribe; (taxonomical) tribe; group (of the periodic table)
きていrestaurant, inn
はたじるし(design on a) banner, slogan, emblem (on flag), insignia
はたあげraising an army, launching business
はたがしらleader, boss, upper part of a flag
きかんalready published
きこんmarriage, married
きていdefault, established, pre-arranged, fixed, predetermined
きとくけんvested rights
きせいestablished, completed, existing
きせいじじつestablished fact, fait accompli
きせいがいねんstereotype, preconceived idea, preconceived notion
きせつestablished, existing
ひのまるoutline of the sun (esp. represented as a red circle); the Japanese flag
ひがさsunshade, parasol
にっかんdaily issue
にっぽうdaily report
にちやday and night, always
にちじょうさはんじeveryday occurrence
にちようばんSunday edition of a newspaper
にほんじん, にっぽんじんJapanese person, Japanese people
にほんとうJapanese sword
にっぽんこうくうJapan Air Lines, JAL
にっぽんぎんこう, にほんぎんこうBank of Japan, BOJ, BoJ
にっこうしんぜんgoodwill between Japan and Hungary
ひやけsunburn; suntan
にっけい(of) Japanese descent
にっこうJapan Airlines
にっしjournal, log
ひづけdate, dating
ひやといdaily employment, hiring by the day, day laborer, day labourer
たんせきon the brink of; morning and evening, day and night
きゅうせいold system, old order
きゅうせいone's former (maiden) name
きゅうへいold-fashioned, conservatism, standing evil, the old school, antiquated
きゅうたいold state of affairs
きゅうれきJapan's old (lunisolar) calendar
きゅうらいtraditional, from ancient times, formerly
きゅうしょうがつlunisolar New Year, Chinese New Year, Vietnamese Tet
きゅうぼんBon Festival of the lunar calendar
きゅうちold friend, old friendship
きゅうはんformer clan
きゅうはんしゅformer feudal lord
きゅうぎold friendship
むねcenter (centre); purport, gist, drift, meaning
がるうまがるto relish, to show a liking for
うまくskillfully, well, deliciously, aptly, cleverly
くいくうまくいくto go smoothly, to turn out well, to do the trick, to have peaceful relations
はやalready, now, by this time
そうそう, はやばやearly; quickly; just- (opened, started, etc.)
めるはやめるto hasten, to quicken, to expedite, to precipitate, to accelerate
さおとめyoung female rice planter, young girl
はやざきearly blooming, early flowering
さっきゅう, そうきゅうurgent
そうけいせんWaseda-Keio (baseball) game
そうばんsooner or later, eventually
そうぎょうdaybreak, dawn
そうちょうearly morning
そうきearly stage
はやせswift current, rapids
さなえrice seedlings
しゅんseason (e.g. fruit, fish)
じゅんぽうten-day report
あさひmorning sun
きょっこうrays of the rising sun
きょっきrising sun flag
きょくじつrising sun
きょくじつだいじゅしょうGrand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun
きょくじつきJapan's naval ensign, Japanese flag used on military ships
きょくじつしょうてんfull of vigor and vitality
きょくじつしょうOrders of the Rising Sun
きょっきrays of the rising sun
あさひがにred frog crab
おうせいfull of vim and vigor
じるこうじるto grow in intensity, to be aggravated, to get worse, to develop
ずるこうずるto grow in intensity, to be aggravated, to get worse, to develop
たかぶるto be highly strung, to get excited, to be proud, to be haughty
こうふんexcitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal
こうようenhancement, exaltation, promotion, uplift
こうぜんelated, triumphant, proud
こうとうsudden price jump, steep price rise
こんぶ, コンブ, こぶkombu (any kelp of genus Laminaria) (konbu), devil's apron
こんぶだしsoup stock made from konbu
こぶちゃ, こんぶちゃkelp tea
こんちゅうinsect, bug
こんちゅうがくentomology, study of insects
こんちゅうさいしゅうinsect collecting
しょうかくraising of status
しょうきゅうpromotion, advancement
しょうきゅうsalary raise
しょうこうascending and descending, going up and down
しょうへいpeace, tranquility, tranquillity
しょうたいShoutai era (898.4.26-901.7.15)
あけくれmorning and evening, all the time
めいりょうlucid, clear, plain
めいかいclarion, clarity
めいろうbright, clear, cheerful
めいじMeiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30)
めいぼうbright or beautiful eyes
めいぼうこうしstarry eyes and beautiful white teeth (said of beautiful women)
あかしがたakashigata camelia, Camellia japonica var.
こんすいlethargy, stupor; coma, dead sleep
こんすいじょうたいlethargic state, comatose state
えきdivination, fortune-telling
ながらむかしながらthe same as it was long ago, unchanged, traditional
のことむかしのことold things
ばせるむかしをしのばせるしなthings reminiscent of bygone days
むかしばなしfolklore, legend, reminiscence
むかしふうold fashioned
せいじょうきStars and Stripes (US flag); Star-Spangled Banner (US anthem)
ほしむくどり, ホシムクドリcommon starling, European starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
せいしんcelestial bodies, stars
せいそうyears, time
うつしだすto project, to reflect
えいりんMotion Picture Code of Ethics Committee
えいぞうreflection, image, picture (e.g. on a television)
えいがかんとくmovie (film) director
はるばしょspring (March) sumo tournament, held in Osaka
しゅんしょうspring evening
しゅんらんspring storm
えずしゅんみんあかつきをおぼえずIn spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn
はるまゆspring cocoon crop
しゅんとうspring offensive (Japanese unions)
しゅんようspring sunshine, springtime
はるがすみspringtime haze
さっこん, さくこんnowadays, recently
さくとうlast winter
ゆう, ゆうべ, さくやevening; last night
さくねんlast year
さくねんどprevious fiscal year
さくねんらいsince last year
さくしゅんlast spring, the spring of last year
さくしゅうautumn of last year, fall of last year
しょうしょうclear, bright, plain, obvious
しょうだいglorious reign, enlightened era
しょうわShowa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7)
しょうわねんかんShowa era
しょうわじだいShowa period (1926-1989 CE)
しょうしょうclear, bright, plain, obvious
しょうえいShoei (motorcycle helmet manufacturing company), Shouei
しょうぜんmanifest, clear, evident, obvious
ぜかひかright or wrong
でもぜがひでもrightly or wrongly, by all possible means
ぜせいcorrection, revision
がりひるさがりearly afternoon
ひるまえforenoon, just before noon
ちゅうやday and night
ひるなおくらいdark even in the daytime
ときはかねなりtime is money
じじevents of the day, current affairs
じだいげきhistorical play
じかcurrent value, price, market value
じはんabout an hour, short time; half past (the hour)
じぎright time, appropriate time, season's greetings
じきしょうそうbefore its time
じてんpoint in time, occasion
こうこうbrilliant, dazzling, light, bright
こうこうbrilliant, dazzling, light, bright
こうようdazzling brightness
こうろうbright and brilliant
しんJin (dynasty of China, 265-420 CE)
しんざんtaking up a new position as chief priest of a Buddhist temple
しんじょHistory of the Jin Dynasty
あんじょcalm, tranquil
あんぜんcalm, tranquil
ばんこんlate marriage
ばんねん(one's) last years
ばんきthe last stage
ばんぺいゆ, バンペイユCitrus grandis, Citrus maxima
ばんしゅうlate autumn (fall); ninth month of the lunar calendar
ばんしゃくevening drink
あまねくwidely, generally, universally, far and wide
ふだんぎcasual wear, ordinary clothes, everyday clothes, home wear
ふげんSamantabhadra (bodhisattva), Universal Compassion
ふつうせんきょuniversal suffrage
ふつうよきんordinary bank account
ふへんだとうuniversal validity, fitting into any situation
ふへんだとうせいability to fit into any situation
ふへんせいcatholicity, universality
ふへんてきuniversal, omnipresent, ubiquitous
けいひんgift, premium
らすはらすto dispel, to clear away, to refresh (oneself)
れやかなはれやかなえがおbeaming smile
姿はれすがたappearing in one's finest clothes, appearing in one's hour of triumph
はれぎSunday best (clothes)
はれまa break (in the weather); lightheartedness
せいろうclear, fair, fine, serene
しょうかcrystallization, crystallisation
wisdom; jnana (higher knowledge)
ちり, チリChile
あかつきdawn, daybreak, in the event of
あかつきのそらdawning sky
ぎょうせいmorning star, Venus, rarity
がないひまがないbusy, having no (free) time
つぶしひまつぶしwaste of time, killing time
ひまなときleisure time
をつぶすひまをつぶすwaste time, kill time
がりあつがり(person) sensitive to heat
あつさheat, hotness
しょちゅううかがいmid-summer menu
だんちwarm district, region of mild climate
だんりゅうwarm current
だんろfireplace, hearth, stove
やみくらやみdarkness, the dark
あんちゅうもさくgroping in the dark, exploring new avenues without having any clues
あんごうcode, password, cipher
あんしょうreef, sunken rock
あんかっしょくdark brown
あんうんdark clouds
あんもくtacit, implicit
のんきcarefree, optimistic, careless, reckless, heedless, happy-go-lucky, easygoing
ちょうたつfluency, facileness
こよみ, れきcalendar, almanac
れきねんcalendar year, civil year, time, year after year
くしてしばらくしてafter a short time, presently
くするとしばらくするとa short time later
しばしfor a short while, for a brief period
ざんていtentative, temporary
ざんていよさんprovisional budget
ざんていきょうていprovisional agreement
ざんていせいふinterim government
ざんていてきtemporary, provisional
ざんじshort while
れるあばれるto act violently, to rage, to struggle, to be riotous
れんあばれんぼうhooligan, rowdy, roughneck, a rough
ぼうりょくviolence, mayhem
ぼうどうinsurrection, rebellion, revolt, riot, uprising
ぼうくんtyrant, despot
ぼうかんhoodlum, ruffian
ぼうらくslump, crash, heavy fall, decline
ぼうぎゃくtyranny, outrage, atrocity, cruel
ぼうこうassault, outrage, act of violence
ぼうそうrunning wildly, reckless driving, runaway, rampage
ばくろdisclosure, exposure, revelation
ぼうふうstorm, windstorm, gale
ぼうとうsudden rise, sharp rise, boom, skyrocketing
らすくもらすto encloud, to make dim or dull, to frown
らせるくもらせるto cloud, to make dim or dull, to frown
りがちくもりがちbroken cloud, mainly cloudy
りガラスくもりガラスfrosted glass
くもりぞらcloudy sky (weather)
あけぼのdawn, daybreak, beginning
しょこうdawn, prospects
あけぼのそう, アケボノソウSwertia bimaculata (species of felwort)
きょくtune, piece of music
がりまがりかどstreet corner, road turn, bend in the road, turning point
きょくせつwindings, meanderings, complications
さらにfurthermore, again, after all, more and more, moreover
こうねんきmenopause, change of life
こうかいrenewal, renovation, reform
こうしんrenewal, update, innovation, renovation
こうせいcorrection, revision, rectification
さらさcotton print, calico
かきものづくえwriting desk
しょぼうlibrary, bookstore, bookshop
しょかんletter, note, epistle, correspondence
しょひょうbook review
曼陀まんだらmandala, Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind
かえchange, alteration, substitute
わりかわりa turn (i.e. at bat), a replacement
さいゆうぐうmost favourable treatment, most favorable treatment, very warm reception
さいせんたんleading edge, forefront; ultra-fine
さいこthe oldest
さいうよくultra-right, ultra-right extremists
さいぜんthe very best
さいたthe most
さいだいgreatest, largest, maximum
もよりnearest, neighbouring, neighboring, nearby
さいけいこくmost favored nation, most favoured nation
さいあくthe worst
さいしんlatest, newest, late-breaking (news)
さいせいきgolden age, best time for
さいてきoptimum, the most suitable
さいこうほうhighest peak, most prominent, highest authority
さいこうさいSupreme Court
めるつきをながめるto gaze at the moon
げっかんmonthly publication, monthly issue
げっけいかんlaurel wreath
げっしゃmonthly tuition fee
げっぷmonthly installment, monthly payment
げつがくmonthly amount (sum)
ゆうかしょうけんmarketable securities, stocks and bonds
ゆうしょうcompensation; for profit; onerous
ゆうりょくinfluential; strong, likely, plausible, potent
ゆうしvoluntary, volunteer, sympathizer, sympathiser
ゆうひかくYuuhikaku (law book publisher)
ゆうぼうgood prospects, full of hope, promising
ゆうどくpoisonous, toxic
ゆうざいguilt, culpability
うやむやindefinite, hazy, vague
ゆうしきしゃexpert, knowledgeable person
ともfriend, companion, pal
ほうとうfaction, clique
ほうゆうfriend, companion
ほうばいcomrade, friend, associate
ふくもgoing into mourning
ふくえきpenal servitude, military service
ふくじゅうobedience, submission, resignation
ふくさsmall silk wrapper, small cloth for wiping tea utensils, crepe wrapper
ふくしょくclothing and accessories, attire
ついたち, さくじつ, いっぴfirst day of the month; first ten days of the lunar month
さくぼうげつsynodic month
さくぼうちょうspring tide
さくふうnorth wind
ちんWe, Our, first person pronoun used by royalty
うにちんおもうに"We, the emperor, .."
ろうろうclear, sonorous, full-sounding, resonant, bright
ろうぎんrecitation, singing
ろうほうgood news
ろうろうclear, sonorous, full-sounding, resonant, bright
ろうえいrecitation (of Japanese or Chinese poem)
ろうどくreading aloud, recitation
もちづき, ぼうげつfull moon; full moon of the eighth lunar month
ぼうきょうhomesickness, nostalgia
あさなぎmorning calm (over the ocean)
あさゆう, ちょうせきmorning and evening, from morning until night, constantly
あさばんmorning and evening
ちょうこうbringing tribute
ちょうかmorning glow, morning mist (haze)
あさぎりmorning fog
ちょうせんはんとうKorean peninsula
ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこくDemocratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), DPRK
きたいexpectation, anticipation, hope
きたいかんfeeling of expectation
きせいどうめいassociation formed to carry out an objective
きかんperiod, term, interval
きげんterm; time limit, deadline, cutoff (date)
おぼろこんぶshredded tangle or kelp
きのめ, このめbud of Japanese pepper tree (Xanthoxylum piperitum), leaf bud
ミイラ, みいらmummy
ぼくとうwooden sword
もくちょうwood carving, woodcraft
きぼりwood carving, woodcraft
もくせいJupiter (planet)
らしこがらしcold wintry wind
もくとうじゅんxylose, wood sugar
きはぎ, キハギLespedeza buergeri (species of bush clover)
きづたkind of ivy, Hedera rhombea
もくせいwooden, made of wood
もくぞうwooden, made of wood
こかげ, じゅいんshade of tree, bower
みりょうunfinished, unfilled (order), unexecuted
みこんuncultivated, wild
みこんちuncultivated land
みていnot yet fixed, undecided, pending
みはらいunpaid, overdue
みめいearly dawn, grey of morning, gray of morning
みけつしゅうunconvicted prisoner, prisoner under trial
みじゅくinexperience, unripeness, raw, unskilled, immature, inexperienced
みじゅくじpremature baby
みはっぴょうunpublished, not yet announced
みちnot yet known
みれんlingering affection, attachment, regret(s), reluctance
みかいけつunsettled, pending, unresolved
みとうほうunclimbed mountain
みすいattempt (at crime)
みかいこんちvirgin soil, uncultivated land
みかいたくundeveloped, wild (areas)
まつじbranch temple
まつびend (e.g. of report, document, paragraph, etc.)
まっしょうtree top, tip, periphery, minor details, nonessentials
まっしょうてきtrivial, minor, insignificant
まっしょうしんけいperipheral nerves
まったんend, tip, extremities
ほんにしおりをはさむto put a bookmark between the pages of a book
ほんのmere, only, just
ほんまるinner citadel
ほんけんthis matter or case
ほんかいぎplenary session, regular session
ほんいstandard, basis, principle
ほんみょう, ほんめいreal name
ほんいんぼうgrand master of the game of go
ほんるいbase, stronghold, main fort, home plate
ほんるいだhome run (baseball)
ほんてんhead office
ほんけんちくpermanent construction
ほんきょstronghold, inner citadel, base, headquarters
ほんしmain object, principal object, true aim
ほんかくoriginal method or procedure; serious, orthodox, classical, genuine
ほんかくかregularization, regularisation, getting up speed, proceeding at full tilt
ほんかくてきfull-blown, regular, genuine, earnest, normal, typical, fundamental, real
ほんだなbookshelves, bookshelf, bookcase
ほんらんthis column
殿ほんでんmain shrine, inner sanctuary
ほんしゃくなげ, ホンシャクナゲRhododendron metternichii
ほんしゃ, ほんじゃhead office; main shrine; this company, this shrine
ほんせきone's permanent residence
ほんしthis newspaper
ほんごしstrenuous effort, earnestness, seriousness
ほんぽhead office, main shop
ほんしつessence, true nature, substance, reality
ほんぽうthis country, our country
ほんがんAmida Buddha's original vow, long-cherished desire
さつたばroll of banknotes
あけ, ひscarlet, red; blood
あかいred; Red (i.e. communist)
をそそぐしゅをそそぐto flush bright red (e.g. of someone's face)
しゅいんred seal
しゅいんじょうlicense with a red seal (licence), shogunate license to trade (licence)
しゅいんせんshogunate-licensed trading ship
しゅしんred lips
しゅしんこうしred lips and pearly white teeth (said of beautiful women)
ざぼん, ザボンshaddock, pomelo, Citrus maximus, Citrus grandis, Citrus decumana
しゅがんflushed face
えのきJapanese hackberry (Celtis sinensis var. japonica)
とつぼくとつunsophisticated, ruggedly honest, artless, unaffected, simple, naive
ほおのき, ホオノキmagnolia (Magnolia hypoleuca or Magnolia obovata), Japanese big leaf magnolia
ぼくちょくsimplicity, honesty, naivete
きじょうon the desk; theoretical, academic
きじょうのくうろんacademic gossip, empty theory
きかword of respect added to the addressee's name on a letter; under the desk
きへんnear a desk
ちるくちるto rot
てるくちはてるto rust away, to rot away, to decay, to fall to ruins, to die in obscurity
くちばdecayed leaves
きゅうはいdecay, dilapidation (ruin)
くちばdecayed leaves
すぎなみきavenue of cedars (cryptomeria)
すぎどdoor made of cedar
すぎざいcedar wood
すぎかわcedar bark
すぎかふんしょうcedar pollen allergy
すもも, スモモJapanese plum, prune, Prunus salicina
りしょうばんRhee Syngman, president of Korea 1948-1960
りかplum blossoms
あんずapricot, Prunus armenica, apricot tree
ジャムあんずジャムapricot jam
きょうにん, あんにんapricot seed, apricot kernel
あんずapricot, Prunus armenica, apricot tree
きょうりんapricot grove
あんずたけchanterelle mushroom (Cantharellus cibarius)
そんしょうvillage, countryside, country house
そんおうvillage elder
きゆうabsurd fear, needless anxiety
そくばくrestraint, shackles, restriction, confinement, binding
そくしゅうbundle of dried meat, present to a teacher, registration fee
じょうけんつきconditionally, with conditions attached
じょうれいregulations, rules, laws, acts, ordinance
じょうぶんtext, provisions (act, treaty)
じょうやくtreaty, pact
じょうこうclause, article, stipulations
らいしゅん, らいはるnext spring
らいほうvisit, call
らいこうcoming to pay tribute
らいひんguest, visitor, visitor's arrival
らいしゅうnext week
さかずき, うきsake cup, cup for alcoholic beverages
とうあEast Asia, the Orient
とうきょうしょうけんとりひきじょTokyo Stock Exchange, TSE
ひがしがわ, とうそくeast side, east bank
とうほうToho (Japanese film studio)
とうぐうcrown prince
とうしんEastern Jin (dynasty of China, 317-420 CE)
とうおうEastern Europe
とうかいregion south of Tokyo on Pacific Ocean side of Japan, eastern sea
とうぜんeastward advance
とうどくEast Germany
あずましゃくなげ, アズマシャクナゲAzuma rhododendron, Rhododendron metternichii var.
とうしばToshiba (company)
とうせんmoving (the capital) east
とうほうOriental country, the Orient
とうこうeastern suburbs
まつのこずえtop of a pine tree
まつしたでんこうMatsushita Electric Works
まつばらpine grove
まつやMatsuya (department store)
たいまつ, しょうめい, きょ(pine) torch, flambeau, torchlight
まつばやしpine forest
まつかさ, まつぼっくり, まつぽっくり, まつぼくり, まつふぐりpinecone, pine cone
まつばpine needle
しょうふう, まつかぜ(sound of) the wind through pine trees
ガラスいたガラスplate glass, sheet glass
いたべいwooden fence, board fence
りんりつstand close together
りんゆうがくIndian song and dance (introduced to Japan by the Chams in approx. 736 CE)
りんやちょうForestry Agency
まいcounter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper)
たしてはたしてas was expected, just as one thought
はてthe end, the extremity, the limit(s), the result
かじつfruit, nut, berry
かかんresolute, determined, bold
かじゅfruit tree
かじゅさいばいfruit growing, pomiculture
かじゅうfruit juice
えだbranch, bow, bough, twig, limb
しだれやなぎweeping willow
えだは, しようleaves and branches, side issues, foliage
えだまめedamame (green soybeans)
わくframe, slide, border
わくないwithin the limits (framework, boundaries, price, etc.)
わくがいbeyond (the) limits
わくぐみframe, framework
くるる, くろろ, くる, くるりpivot hinge; sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut)
すうみつstate secrets
すうきimportant state matters
すうききょう, すうきけいCardinal (Catholic)
すうじくaxle, pivot
らすからすto let dry, to kill (vegetation) to season (lumber)
かれきdead tree, dry wood
かれえだdead branch (or twig, etc.), withered branch
かれくさ, こそうdry grass, dead grass, hay, withered grass
かれはdead leaf, dry leaves
かれえだdead branch (or twig, etc.), withered branch
こしwithering, dying
こたんelegant simplicity
こかつdrying up, becoming exhausted, running dry, starvation
unit of equipment, rack
かきょうbridge building, bridge; cross-linking
かくうaerial, overhead, fiction, fanciful
かせんaerial wiring
かせつconstruction, building
からたちtrifoliate orange, golden apple, Poncirus trifoliata
ひいらぎなんてんMahonia japonica, Japanese mahonia
びゃくしん, ビャクシンChinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis)
はくほう(sumo) era during 1960s dominated by grand champions Taiho and Kashiwado
はくほうじだい(sumo) era during 1960s dominated by grand champions Taiho and Kashiwado
それがしsomeone; I, personal pronoun
ぼうこくcertain country
ぼうしょcertain place
ぼうじつcertain day
ぼうしcertain person, unnamed person
かんきつるいcitrus fruits
そめdyeing, printing
めるそめるto dye, to colour, to color
せんしょくdyeing and weaving
せんしょくstaining, stain, dyeing
やわpoorly-built, weak, insubstantial
らかやわらかsoft, tender, limp, subdued (colour or light) (color), gentle, meek
らかみやわらかみ(touch of) softness
にゅうわgentleness, mildness, meekness
じゅうなんflexible, lithe, soft, pliable
ゆずぼうswallowtail butterfly larva (a pest of citrus plants)
ゆずぼうswallowtail butterfly larva (a pest of citrus plants)
ゆずこしょう, ゆずごしょうcondiment paste made from yuzu zest and chile peppers
じゅうfret (of a biwa)
ちゅうろうpillared corridor
やなぎ, ようりゅうwillow (any tree of genus Salix); weeping willow (Salix babylonica)
りゅうびbeautiful eyebrows
やなぎばぼうちょうkitchen knife for sashimi
やなぎごうりwicker trunk
ささつinspection (for compliance), investigation (tax, etc.)
マサキ, まさきJapanese spindletree (Euonymus japonicus)
の葛まさきのかずらAsiatic jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum), Asian jasmine
えいかんlaurels, garland
えいこvicissitudes, ups and downs
えいこせいすいups and downs of life, vicissitudes of fortune
耀えいようluxury, splendour, splendor, prosperity
えいよhonour, honor
えいよれいsalute of guards of honor (honour)
えいようnutrition, nourishment
くり, クリJapanese chestnut (Castanea crenata)
きんとんくりきんとんmashed sweet potatoes with sweetened chestnuts
ぜんざいくりぜんざいsweet made with soft beans (e.g. adzuki) and chestnuts
くりげchestnut (horse coat color)
りす, リスsquirrel (excluding flying squirrels); Japanese squirrel (Sciurus lis)
しおりbookmark, guidebook
こうそくschool regulations
こうくんschool precepts
こうえつrevision, proofreading
かぶぬしshareholder, stockholder
かぶかstock prices
かぶけんstock certificate
かぶしきstock (company)
かぶしきがいしゃpublic company, corporation, KK, formula for an incorporated public company
かくのかさnuclear umbrella
かくじんnuclear bonding, nuclear force
かくへいきnuclear weapons
かくじっけんnuclear (bomb) test
かくかぞくnuclear family
かくだんとうnuclear warhead
かくしんkernel, core
かくぶそうnuclear arms
かくねんりょうatomic fuel
かくゆうごうnuclear fusion
かくさんnucleic acid
ねほりはほりthoroughly, persistently, through-and-through
こんかんbasis, nucleus, root and branch
こんていroot, basis, foundation
こんきょbasis, foundation
こんきょちbase (of operations)
こんぽん, こんげん, ねもとroot, source, origin, foundation, base, principle
こんぽんてきfundamental, basic
こんぽん, こんげん, ねもとroot, source, origin, foundation, base, principle
こんぜつeradication, extermination
かくさqualitative difference, disparity
かくのうstorage; putting into computer memory
かくとうhand-to-hand fighting, grappling, scuffling
さいばいしゅagricultural species
かつら, カツラJapanese Judas tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum)
けいかんcrown of laurel
けいかんしじんpoet laureate
けいあんservants' registry
けいりんkatsura forest, beautiful forest
けいひcinnamon, cassia (bark)
もものせっくpuppet festival (March 3rd)
とうりperson of one's recommendation; peach and plum
とうげんきょうArcady, Eden, Shangri-la
とうげんきょうArcady, Eden, Shangri-la
ももいろpink (colour, color)
あんけんmatter in question, subject
きりpaulownia tree, Paulownia tomentosa
きりひとはfalling paulownia leaf signaling the beginning of autumn (fall)
きりざいpaulownia wood
とうゆtung oil, (Chinese) wood oil
きりはなだいじゅしょうGrand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers
くわmulberry (tree)
くわばらmulberry field
そうえんmulberry plantation
くわつみpicking mulberry leaves, mulberry-leaf pickers
そうかいthis world's sudden changes
そうでんmulberry plantation
くわばたけ, くわばたmulberry field, mulberry plantation
くわいろlight yellow
そうびょうmulberry seedling
えびさくらえび, さくらエビ, サクラエビsakura shrimp (Sergia lucens)
んぼさくらんぼう, さくらんぼ, サクランボ(edible) cherry
んぼうさくらんぼう, さくらんぼ, サクランボ(edible) cherry
エビさくらえび, さくらエビ, サクラエビsakura shrimp (Sergia lucens)
さくらんぼう, さくらんぼ, サクランボ(edible) cherry
おうか, さくらばなcherry blossom
さんだわらstraw lid covering either end of a rice container
さじきreviewing stand, box, gallery
さんきょう, さんばしwharf, bridge, jetty, pier
さんどうplank road, corduroy
うめ, ウメplum; lowest (of a three-tier ranking system)
うめぼしdried plum
ばいりんume (plum) grove
うめしゅsake with plums, unripe Japanese apricots soaked in spirits
つゆいり, にゅうばいentering the rainy season, beginning of the rainy season
ばいうぜんせんseasonal rain front
つゆあけthe end of the rainy season
せるしにのぼせるto bring (a book) into the world, to publish
ししょうcabinetmaker, woodworker
しきゅうEmperor's coffin (made of catalpa wood)
あずさゆみcatalpa bow, betula grossa
こずえtreetop, tip of a branch
の礫なしのつぶてnot getting a reply
りえんtheatrical world
りかpear blossoms
でいご, でいこ, デイゴ, デイコIndian coral tree (Erythrina variegata)
てるすてるto throw away, to cast aside, to abandon, to resign, to break up with (someone)
ききゃくrejection, dismissal, abandoning, renunciation, waiver
きそんdamage, injury, defamation, waste
きけんabstaining from voting; renunciation of a right
きしshogi or go player
きかいthe go (shogi) world, shogi circles
きせいgreat master of go (shogi)
きふrecord of a game of go, shogi, chess, etc.
きいんshogi (go) hall
きふうone's style of playing shogi or go
ぼうじょうcylinder or rod-shaped
ぼうたかとびpole vault (jump)
なつめやしdate (palm tree)
ぼたたなぼた, タナボタgodsend, windfall
たなあげshelving, pigeonholing
とうlarge building; counter for buildings, apartments, etc.
むねあげしきframework raising ceremony
むなぎridgepole, ridge beam
しんりんほうthe Forest Act
しんらばんしょうall things in nature, the whole creation
かん, ひつぎcoffin, casket
めるかんにおさめるto lay in a coffin
を掩うかんをおおうto cover the coffin
かんおけcoffin, casket
むくのき, むく, ムクノキAphananthe oriental elm (Aphananthe aspera), mukutree
むくのき, むく, ムクノキAphananthe oriental elm (Aphananthe aspera), mukutree
むくのき, むく, ムクノキAphananthe oriental elm (Aphananthe aspera), mukutree
うえきgarden shrubs, trees, potted plant
しょくさいraising trees and plants
しょくみんちcolony; colonial
しょくぶつえんbotanical garden
しょくぶつせいしぼうvegetable fat
しい, シイany beech tree of genus Castanopsis
しいたけshiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes)
ついかんばんintervertebral disk
けんじpublic prosecutor
けんもんinspection, examination
けんていofficial certification, approval, inspection
けんさつexamination, prosecutor
けんさつかんpublic prosecutor
けんえきquarantine, medical inspection
けんえきしょ, けんえきじょquarantine station
けんしんmedical examination
けんしょうverification, inspection
やしpalm tree
やしのき, ヤシのきpalm tree
やしゆcoconut oil
やしがに, ヤシガニcoconut crab (Birgus latro)
椿つばき, さんちゃ, ツバキcommon camellia; tea produced in the mountains
椿ちんじstrange occurrence, unusual occurrence, unexpected occurrence
椿つばいもも, づばいもも, ずばいもも, つばきもも, あぶらもも, ひかりもも, ズバイモモ, ツバイモモnectarine
椿つばきあぶらcamellia oil
椿かめむし, カメむし, カメムシshield bug, stink bug
椿カメムシもく, かめむしもくHemiptera (taxonomic order comprising the true bugs)
やなぎ, ようりゅうwillow (any tree of genus Salix); weeping willow (Salix babylonica)
やなぎ, ようりゅうwillow (any tree of genus Salix); weeping willow (Salix babylonica)
かえでmaple (tree) (Acer spp.)
ふうしこうgalbanum (gum resin from fennel)
ふうぞくgenus Liquidambar
ふうりんmaple grove
かえでとうmaple sugar
ふうようmaple leaf
くすのき, くす, クソノキ, クスcamphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora), camphorwood, camphor laurel
ごうkarma (i.e. actions committed in a former life)
ぎょうむbusiness, affairs, duties, work, procedure, task, action, function
ぎょうむていけいbusiness partnership
ぎょうかいindustry, business
ぎょうしゅtype of industry
ぎょうせきachievement, performance, results, work, contribution
ぎょうしゃtrader, merchant
めるきょくりょくつとめるto do one's best
きょくうextreme right
ごっかんintense cold, mid-winter
きょくとうFar East
ごくひabsolute secrecy
きょくたんextreme, extremity
ろうtower, turret, lookout, belvedere
ろうもんtwo-storied gate, tower gate
ろうかくmultistoried building
しむたのしむto enjoy oneself
がっきmusical instrument
がくしょう(musical) movement
がくふscore (music)
してがいしてgenerally, as a rule
がいねんgeneral idea, concept, notion
がいきょうoutlook, general situation
がいさんapproximation, rough estimate
がいようoutline, summary, abridgment, synopsis
がいかんgeneral view, outline
ハシバミ, はしばみcorylus heterophylla var. thunbergii, siberian hazel, siberian filber
はんのき, ハンノキJapanese alder (Alnus japonica)
こうないpremises, grounds, campus, in-house
こうそうplan, plot, idea, conception
ようしきstyle, form, pattern
まき, マキyew plum pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus)
けやき, つき, ケヤキ, ツキJapanese zelkova (species of elm-like tree, Zelkowa serrata)
つきのきJapanese zelkova (species of elm-like tree, Zelkowa serrata)
つきげやきJapanese zelkova (species of elm-like tree, Zelkowa serrata)
うけbasin, tub
ひょうごmotto, slogan, catchword
ひょうこうelevation, height above sea level
もほうimitation, copying
もしゃcopy (of the real thing), copying, reproduction, tracing
もけいmodel, dummy, maquette
もぎimitation, sham, mock; simulation
もぎてんrefreshment booth
もはんexemplar, exemplification, exemplum, model, example
もさくgroping (for)
けんauthority, right (to do something)
けんりょく(political) power, authority, influence
けんいauthority, power, influence
けんげんpower, authority, jurisdiction
よこちょうlane, alley, small street intersecting a main or side street
よこれんぼillicit love
よこて, よこでside, beside; feature of a sword blade
おうだんまくbanner strung across a street
おうぼうviolence, oppression, high-handedness, tyranny, despotism
よこすべりskid, slipping or skidding sideways, shifting to another post
よこめside glance
よこあな, おうけつcave, tunnel
よこぶえ, おうてき, ようじょう, おうじゃくtransverse flute (e.g. a fife)
よこづなyokozuna (sumo grand champion)
おうりょうusurpation, embezzlement, misappropriation
じゅもくtrees and shrubs, arbour, arbor
じゅりつestablish, create
じゅしresin, rosin
じゅれいage of a tree
かば, かんば, かにわ, カバbirch (esp. Japanese white birch)
カバノキか, かばのきかBetulaceae (plant family), hazelnut
シシャモからふとししゃも, からふとシシャモcapelin, caplin (Mallotus villosus)
からふとししゃも, からふとシシャモcapelin, caplin (Mallotus villosus)
からふとます, カラフトマスpink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), humpback salmon
カバノキか, かばのきかBetulaceae (plant family), hazelnut
かばいろreddish yellow
はしわたしbridge building, mediation
きょうはんapproach to a bridge
きょうきゃくbridge pier, pontoon bridge
たちばなtachibana (inedible citrus, Citrus tachibana)
たちばなどりlesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
ききmachinery and tools
きげんhumour, humor, temper, mood
きぎopportunity, occasion
きみつsecrecy, highly classified information
きびんsmart, quick, prompt
きざいmachine parts, machinery, equipment
きかいかmechanization, mechanisation; computerization
きかいぶんめいtechnical civilization, technical civilisation
きかいほんやくmachine translation, mechanical translation, automatic translation
きかいごmachine language, machine word, computer word
きかいけいびcard-key system
きこうmechanism, organization, organisation
きしゅtype of equipment, model
きのうfunction, facility, faculty, feature
きじくaxis, axle, plan, contrivance
きかんmechanism; agency, organisation, institution, organ
きかんしbulletin, (party) organ
きかんじゅうmachine gun
きらい(sea) mine
だんくんmythical founder of Korea
だんか, だんけfamily which supports a temple, parishioner
だんとtemple supporter
だんなでらtemple to which a family belongs
うっそうthick, dense, luxuriant
けつlack, deficiency, vacancy
かすかかすto miss (doing), to fail (to do)
けつぼうwant, shortage, famine
けついんvacancy, vacant position
けつじょうabsence, not taking part
けつじょlack, privation, deficiency
けっそんdeficit, shortage, loss, damage
じげんdimension; perspective, point of reference, level (of something)
じかいnext time (occasion)
じかんvice-minister, undersecretary
じきnext term, next period; next version, next release
第にしだいにgradually (progress into a state); in sequence, in order, in turn
じちょうvice-, assistant director, vice-director
きんきんぜんquite joyous, quite cheerful, quite happy
きんきじゃくやくjump up for joy
きんかいpleasant, delightful
きんえつjoy, gladness
きんかいthinking happily of
きんきんぜんquite joyous, quite cheerful, quite happy
ごんぐearnest aspiration
ごんぐじょうどseeking rebirth in the Pure Land
きんぜんjoyful, cheerful
おうしゅうしょこくEuropean countries
おうぶんEuropean language, foreign text
おうべいしょこくthe various countries of Europe and America
おうべいしょげんごthe languages of Europe and America
おうふうEuropean style, Occidental
よくgreed, craving, desire, avarice, wants
しがるほしがるto desire, to want, to wish for, to covet
するほっするto want, to desire
よくのどれいslave to avarice
よくぼうdesire, appetite, lust
わすあざむきまどわすto deceive and lead astray
あざむくto deceive
ぎまんdeception, deceit
きんていauthorized, authorised, appointed
きんていけんぽうconstitution granted by the Emperor
きんぼadoration, reverence, admiration
ずるかんをつうずるto communicate secretly, to form a close friendship
かんたいwarm welcome, hospitality
かじん(Japanese) poet
かせんgreat poet
かしょうsong, singing
うたごえsinging voice
かきょくmelody, tune, song
かひtanka inscription
稿かこうmanuscript of poem
かぶきkabuki, Japanese classical drama
かしsong lyrics, words of a song, libretto
かようきょくpopular song
かしゅうanthology, book of poetry
かんjoy, enjoyment, delight, pleasure
かんきdelight, great joy
かんせいcheer, shout of joy
かんらくがいpleasure quarter
かんだんpleasant talk, chat
かんそうhearty send-off
せいそくcorrect, proper, formal, regular, systematic, normal
せいちゃく, せいてきlegal wife, her child, main family
せいじょうnormalcy, normality, normal
せいさくbeginning of the month or the year, New Year's Day, the calendar
殿せいでんmain temple, state chamber
せいぎjustice, right, righteousness, correct meaning
せいぎのなにおいてin the name of justice
せいきregular, legal, formal, established, legitimate
せいひんguest of honor, guest of honour
しょうめんfront, frontage, facade, main
ここにおいてnow, at this time; as such, for this reason, hence
ぶりょくarmed might, military power, the sword, force
ぶゆうbravery, military prowess, valour, valor
ぶけsamurai, warrior, military family
ぶしょうmilitary commander
ぶそうarms, armament, armed
ぶどうmartial arts, military arts, Bushido
step, stride; counter for steps
あゆみwalking; progress, advance
あゆみよりcompromise, concession
ほろうcorridor, gallery, platform, passageway
調ほちょうpace, step, cadence
はをくいしばるto bear up in tragedy, to stand pain well, to hold one's temper
はぎれthe feel when biting, manner of enunciation
しれつきょうせいorthodontia, orthodontics
はどめbrake; restraint, curtailment, self-imposed limit, check
はぐきgum, tooth ridge
しきじょうcog rail
しずい(tooth) pulp
さい-years-old; ability, gift, talent, aptitude, genius
さいにゅうannual revenue or income
さいしゅつannual expenditure
さいじきalmanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets)
せいぼend of the year, year-end gift
さいげつ, としつきtime, years
さいまつyear end
さいひannual expenditure
れきだいsuccessive generations, successive emperors
れきにんsuccessive jobs, consecutive jobs
れきしてきhistoric, historical, traditional
かられきしてきけいいからfor historical reasons
れきぜんevident, plain, distinct, clear
れきほうround of calls, tour of visitation
death; death penalty (by strangulation or decapitation)
しのはいlethal radioactive fallout, atomic dust
しをいたむto mourn over the death of
しぼうdeath, mortality
しぼうりつdeath rate, mortality
しぼうしゃthe deceased, deaths, persons killed
ししょうしゃcasualties, killed and wounded
しけいdeath penalty, capital punishment
しけいしゅうcriminals condemned to death
しいんcause of death
しごafter death
ししゃcasualty, deceased
じるじゅんじるto sacrifice oneself
じゅんこくdying for one's country
じゅんしdying a martyr, following someone in suicide
じゅんしょくdying at one's post, being killed in the line of duty
じゅんしょくしゃperson who has died at his post (in the performance of his duties)
じゅんなんしゃvictim, martyr
こと, けdifference (from one another); unusual, extraordinary
けなexceptional, praiseworthy, laudable
ことにespecially; additionally
しゅしょうadmirable, laudable
しゅくんmeritorious deeds
ったのこったぶんamount left over
ざんにんcruelty, atrocity, brutality
ざんしょlingering summer heat
ざんりゅうresidual, residue; stay behind, stay back
ざんぎゃくcruelty, brutality
ざんこくcruelty, harshness
ざんぱんfood scraps, garbage
ざんだか(bank) balance, remainder
しょくさんproduction increase, enhancement of one's fortune
りつけるなぐりつけるto beat (someone in battle)
けるなぐりつけるto beat (someone in battle)
なぐりたおすto knock down
なぐりあいfist fight
なぐりあうto fight, to exchange blows
なぐりころすto strike dead, to beat to death
なぐるto strike, to hit
おうだhit, strike, blow
ボールだんボール, ダンボール(corrugated) cardboard
ころしa murder
さつじんみすいattempted murder
さつばつbloodthirsty, brutal, savage
さっしょうkill and wound
さっとうrush, flood
さつがい, せつがい, せちがいkilling, murder
さっきんsterilization, sterilisation, disinfection
さっちゅうざいinsecticide, pesticide
むきからむきshelling (e.g. of eggs, nuts, crabs and such)
殿でんか, てんがyour Highness, his (or her) Highness
殿でんどうpalace, palatial building
殿とのさまfeudal lord
きぜんfortitude, firmness, resolution
としてきぜんとしてwith resolution
ぼにゅうmother's milk
ぼこうempress dowager
ぼしmother and child
ぼこうalma mater
ぼたいwomb, uterus
まいふんevery minute, per minute
まいかいevery time, each round
まいびょうevery second
どくpoison, toxicant
ガスどくガスpoison gas
どくせいtoxicity, toxic, virulence, virulent
どくぜつwicked tongue, abusive language
くらべcontest, comparison, competition
ひえいざんMt. Hiei (in Kyoto)
ふぃりっぴん, フィリピン, フイリピンPhilippines
ひりつratio, proportion, percentage
ひよくづかdouble grave of lovers who died together
ひゆallegory, parable
ひかくたいしょうcomparison and contrast
ひかくぶんがくcomparative literature
ひかくきゅうcomparative, comparative degree
ひかくげんごがくcomparative linguistics
ひじゅうspecific gravity; relative weight, relative importance
もうひつ(writing, painting) brush
いが, かさburr, bur, (chestnut) case, (pine) cone
まりなげplaying catch
きゅうか(pine) cone
いがぐりchestnut in its burr
いがぐりあたまclose-cropped head
まりもvariety of algae
しめいfull name, identity
うじこshrine parishioner
しぞくclan, family
うじがみShinto god, patron god
たみnation, people
みんしゅdemocracy, popular sovereignty; democratic
みんじそしょうcivil action, civil suit, civil proceedings
みんじそしょうほう(Japanese) Civil Proceedings Act (1890, revised in 1926)
みんぞくげいのうfolk entertainment
みんえいprivate management
宿みんしゅくprivate home providing lodging for travelers (travellers)
みんぽうcommercial broadcast
みんぞくpeople, race, nation
みんしゃとうDemocratic Socialist Party
みんしゅうpeople, populace, masses
みんじゅcivilian requirements
きのどくpitiful, unfortunate, (a) pity
きじょうstout-hearted, firm
きりょくおうせいbeing full of energy (drive, motivation, vitality)
きみsensation, feeling
しいきぜわしいrestless, fidgety, fussy
きがいstrong spirit
きほう(air) bubble (esp. in a liquid)
きほうbladder, vesicle
きしょうweather, climate
きしょうちょうMeteorological Agency
きがるcarefree, buoyant, lighthearted, sprightly; ease
きはくspirit, soul, drive, vigor, vigour
きづかいconsideration, concern, fear, worry, solicitude
きづかうto worry about, to feel anxious about, to have apprehensions of
きえいspirited, energetic
きこつりょうりょう(a person with) strong moral fiber (backbone, determination)
きこつりょうりょう(a person with) strong moral fiber (backbone, determination)
すいせんdaffodil, narcissus, Narcissus tazetta var chinensis
みなまたびょうMinamata disease
みずなぎどり, ミズナギドリpetrel (esp. petrels of family Procellariidae)
すいぼくがIndia-ink painting
みずかさvolume of water
すいさいがwatercolor painting, watercolour painting
みずあげlanding, unloading, a catch, takings
すいしょうたいthe crystalline lens (of the eye)
すいそうwater tank, cistern, fish tank
すいほうfoam, bubble; nothing
みずびたしflooded out, submersion
すいしんdepth of water
すいおんwater temperature
すいげんsource of river, fountainhead
すいようえき(translucent) aqueous solution
すいとうchicken pox
すいとうwet-land rice
すいけいdrainage system
みずばしょうAsian skunk cabbage (Lysichiton camtschatcense)
みずぐきwriting brush, brush strokes
すいしつwater quality
すいへん, みずべwaterside, waterfront
すいめん, みなも, みのもwater's surface
すいちょう, みずとり, みずどりwaterfowl, water bird, shorebird
ひょうげんice field, ice floe, snow field
こおりむろ, ひむろ, ひょうしつice house, ice room, cold room
ひょうしょうice crystals
ひょうちゅう, つららicicle; ice pillar; ice
ひょうてんかbelow freezing
ひょうさくさんglacial acetic acid
ながいlong (distance); long (time), lengthy
らくながらくlong, (for a) long time
えいせいeternity, perpetuity, immortality, permanence
えいたいpermanence, eternity
えいじゅうpermanent residence
えいぞくpermanence, continuation
はんらんoverflowing, flood
みぎわwater's edge, shore
ていしょsand bar, waters edge
ていせんshoreline, beach line
しるすいきつつき, シルスイキツツキyellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)
きゅうじんoffer of job (situation)
きゅうしんりょくcentripetal force, cohesive power, unifying force
きゅうあいこじcourtship display
きゅうしょくjob hunting, seeking employment
しお, うしおtide, current; salt water; opportunity
しおあいopportunity, chance
しおひがりshell gathering (at low tide), clamming
汲みしおくみperson who draws water from the sea, drawing water from the sea
あせsweat, perspiration; moisture, condensation
だくであせだくでdripping with sweat, bathed in perspiration
ばむあせばむto be sweaty
みずくあせみずくdrenched with sweat, sweaty all over
をかくあせをかくto perspire, to sweat
よごれdirt, filth
おめいstigma, dishonour, dishonor, infamy
おすいfilthy water, sewage
おでいdirty mud
おだくpollution, contamination, corruption, graft
おてんstain, blot, flaw, disgrace
おぶつdirt, dust, garbage
おじょくdisgrace, humiliation, insult
inlet, bay
こうじょう(on the) bank of a large river
えどold name of Tokyo
えどっこtrue Tokyoite
えどのかたきをながさきでうつto take revenge on someone in an unlikely place
えどまえTokyo style
ちていarbor (arbour, bower) by a lake
ちしょうponds and swamps; mentally-handicapped person
ちはんnear the pond, edge of a pond
まってきまってalways, without fail, usually, regularly
けっしょうdecision of a contest, finals (in sports)
けついdecision, determination
けつだんdecision, determination
けっさいsettlement, payment of account
けっちゃくconclusion, decision, end, settlement
けっさんbalance sheet, settlement of accounts
けつれつbreakdown, rupture
けつぎresolution, vote, decision
けっきjump to one's feet, stand up against, rising to action
けっせんとうひょうfinal (decisive) vote, run-off ballot
きすいbrackish water
きてきsteam whistle
きかんしつboiler room
きしゃちんtrain fare
ちんかsinking, subsidence
ちんりんsinking into obscurity, being ruined
ちんぼつsinking, foundering
ちんたいstagnation, inactivity
ちんつうgrave, sad, mournful, sorrowful, pensive
ちんこうprecipitate, settle
ちんせいstillness, tranquility, tranquillity, dullness
ちんもくsilence, reticence
おきopen sea
するちゅうするto rise up into the air, to ascend into the sky
おきあいcoast, offing, offshore
ちゅうせきせいalluvial epoch (i.e. the Holocene epoch)
ちゅうせきどalluvial soil
ちゅうせきそうalluvium, alluvial stratum
ちゅうせききalluvial period
おきなわOkinawa (one of the Japanese Ryukyu islands)
おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかんDirector General of Okinawa Development Agency
しゃ, さone hundred-millionth
さきゅうsand dune, sand hill
さたaffair, state
しゃもん, さもんshramana (wandering monk)
ぼつdiscard; death; rejection (of a manuscript; lacking, without
ぼっしゅうforfeiture, seizure, confiscation, impounding
ぼつごafter death, posthumously
ぼっとうimmersing oneself
さわswamp, marsh; mountain stream, valley, dale
さわちmarshy land
たくあんpickled daikon radish
さわべedge of a swamp
かわら, かわはらdry river bed, river beach
かわぐち, かこうmouth of river, estuary
かわぎし, かがん, かしriver bank, riverside; fish market
かせんしき, かせんじき(dry) riverbed
ふぐ, ふく, ふくべ, かとん, フグpuffer fish, blow fish, fugu, globefish, swellfish
鹿かじかkajika frog (Buergeria buergeri)
わきだすto gush out
き立つわきたつto boil up, to ferment, to seethe
こるわきおこるto well up, to burst, to arise
わきかえるto boil up; to get excited, to be in uproar
ふっとうboiling, seething
ゆせいoil well
ゆさいoil painting
ゆしfat, fats and oils
ちあんpublic order
ちりょうmedical treatment, cure
ちゆhealing, cure, recovery
ぬまswamp, bog, pond, lake
ぬまち, しょうちmarshland, wetland, swampland
ぬますぎ, ヌマスギbald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
しょうきmarsh gas, methane
しょうたくmarsh, swamp
しょうこmarshes and lakes
ぬまた, ぬまだmarshy rice field or paddy
沿そうto run along; to follow (a plan, etc.), to act in accordance with
沿ってそってalong, by, parallel to
沿えんがんcoast, shore, littoral
沿えんかいcoast, shore, inshore, coastal waters
沿えんかいしゅう(Russian) maritime provinces
沿えんせんalong railway line
沿えんどうroute, course, roadside
沿えんかくhistory, development
はくcounter for nights of a stay
まりとまりstay, stopover, anchorage, night duty
めるとめるto give shelter to, to lodge
しみじみearnestly; calmly
尿ひにょうきurinary organs
尿ひにょうきurinary organs
ほうじんcorporate body, corporation, (legal) person, (juridical) person
ほうれいlaws and ordinances, acts (of parliament, congress, etc.)
ほうていぶじょくcontempt of court
ほうりつじむしょlaw office, law firm
ほうえつreligious exultation, ecstasy
ほうそうlegal profession, lawyer
ほうそうかいlegal circles
ほうあんbill (law)
ほうちつじょlegal order
あわをくうto be flurried, to be confused, to lose one's head
ほうまつてきtransient, passing, fleeting, ephemeral, like a bubble on liquid
あわもりstrong Okinawa liquor
はらんtroubles, ups and downs, stormy, uproarious (i.e. relationship)
はきゅうspread, extension, influence, aftereffect, ripple
はろうwaves, surge
はもんripple, ring on the water
ポーランド, ポランド, ぽーらんど, ぽらんどPoland
かされるなかされるto be moved to tears; to suffer greatly (from)
かすなかすto make someone cry; to grieve
かせるなかせるto make someone cry; to let cry; to grieve
なきweeping, lamenting
きじゃくるなきじゃくるto sob
なきさけぶto cry and shout, to scream
なきわめくto bawl, to cry, to scream
なきごえcry, crying voice
れるなきくずれるto break down crying
なきさけぶto cry and shout, to scream
なきわめくto bawl, to cry, to scream
どろじあいmudslinging, smear campaign
でいすい, どろみずmuddy water; red-light district
どろぬまbog, marsh
でいすいdead drunk
ぎ込むそそぎこむto pour into (liquids), to pump into
ちゅうしゃくnotes, comment, remark, annotation
タイ, たいThailand
たいざんlarge mountain, Mt Taishan (China)
して鼠たいざんめいどうしてねずみいっぴきmuch ado about nothing, The mountains have have brought forth a mouse (Aesop)
たいへいpeace, tranquility, tranquillity
たいぜんcalm, composed, self-possessed, firm
たいぜんじじゃくhaving presence of mind, self-possessed, imperturbable, calm and self-possessed
西たいせいthe Occident, the West
西たいせいめいがWestern painting
げるようになるおよげるようになるto learn how to swim
えいしゃa swimmer
ようきゅうWestern-style archery, (small) Western-style bow
ようなしEuropean pear (Pyrus communis)
ようがWestern paintings; Western films, Western movies
ようがしWestern confectionery
げるあらいあげるto finish washing, to wash well, to investigate thoroughly
あらいぐまcommon raccoon (Procyon lotor)
せんじょうwashing, cleaning, laundering
のりせんたくのりlaundry starch
ばさみせんたくばさみclothes-pin, clothespin, clothes peg
せんたくばさみclothes-pin, clothespin, clothes peg
せんたくものclothes to be washed, the washing
せんたくのりlaundry starch
せんれんpolish, refinement
うろhollow, cavity, hole
どうさつdiscernment, insight
どうけつ, ほらあなcave, den, grotto
つつうらうら, つづうらうらall over the country, throughout the land, every nook and cranny of the land
つなみtsunami, tidal wave
つつうらうら, つづうらうらall over the country, throughout the land, every nook and cranny of the land
つなみtsunami, tidal wave
こうだいgreat, immense
はんがりー, ハンガリーHungary
こうせきdiluvial epoch (geol.)
こうせきせいdiluvial epoch
こうせきそうdiluvial formation (geol.)
じつに, まことに, げに, しんにindeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quite
じゅんびexquisite, truly beautiful
こうこうvaliant, brave, surge (of water)
こうようunfathomable, great expanse of water, incoherent
こうこうvaliant, brave, surge (of water)
かつどうか(anti-war) activist
かつじprinting type
かっせいたんactivated charcoal
かっきょうactivity, briskness, prosperity
かっぱつvigor, vigour, active, lively
かつろかいたくdeveloping a way or means
はへいdispatch of troops, despatch of troops
はけんdispatch, despatch, send
はばつclique, faction
ながしあみdrift net
ながれstream, current, flow
りゅうぎstyle, fashion
りゅうちょうfluent (language skill), flowing
りゅうひょうdrift ice, ice floe
るろうvagrancy, wandering, nomadism
りゅうこうせいかんぼうinfluenza, flu
りゅうれいfluent, flowing, elegant
じょうかpurification, cleanup
じょうかそうseptic tank, tank for purifying water
じょうどPure Land (esp. the Western Pure Land paradise of Amitabha); Pure Land Buddhism
じょうどしゅうPure Land sect (of Buddhism), Jodo (sect)
じょうどしんしゅうJodo Shinshu (offshoot of the Jodo sect)
じょうすいclean water
じょうるりballad drama; drama narrator for the bunraku theatre (theater)
からぬあさからぬdeep (of emotions, connections, etc.), lit: not shallow
はかあさはかfrivolous, thoughtless
ましいあさましいwretched, miserable, shameful, mean, despicable, abject
せんかいshallow sea
あさせshoal, shallows, sand bar, ford
あさじうbroad field of sparsely growing cogon grass
せんけんshallow view, superficial idea
あさぐろいdarkish, swarthy
はまbeach, seashore
のまさごはまのまさごgrains of sand on the beach (i.e. something countless)
はまやきfreshly caught seafood broiled at a beach
はまなすsweet briar
はまかぜsea breeze, beach wind
うらびとseaside dweller
うらなみ(seaside) breakers
うらざとvillage by the sea
うらかぜsea breeze
こうかんbulky, voluminous
こうぜんbroadminded; great and prosperous, vast
ろうきょくrecitation of stories accompanied by samisen (called naniwabushi)
ろうまん, ロマン, ローマンromance (i.e. Arthurian romances); novel; romance
なにわぶしnaniwabushi, a kind of sung narrative popular during the Edo period
ろうひwaste, extravagance
なにわNaniwa (former name for Osaka region)
かびがるうかびあがるto rise to the surface
かべるうかべるto float; to express; to think, to imagine, to remember
うきfloat (fishing), buoy
うきぼりrelief, embossed carving
うきさんばしfloating pier
ふじょうsurfacing, rising to the surface
ふどうひょうswing vote
ふようfloating (in the air)
ふちんfloating and sinking, rise and fall, ebb and flow, ups and downs
びせるあびせるto pour on
よくじょうbath (tub, bath-house)
よくしつbathroom, bath
かいじょう(by, at, on) sea, maritime, marine
かいじょうじえいたいMaritime Self Defense Forces (Defence)
うみがめloggerhead, sea turtle
かいへいたいMarine Corps, Royal Marines
かいいきarea of ocean
かいがんせんcoastline, coastal railway
かいきょうchannel (e.g. between two land masses), strait
かいれい(submarine) ridge
かいていbottom of the ocean
かいすいよくじょうswimming area (in the ocean), swimming beach, seawater baths
かいこうocean trench, deep
いるか, イルカdolphin (or other small toothed whales, such as porpoises, belugas, etc.)
かいぞくpirate, sea robber
の髑髏かいぞくのどくろskull and crossbones (pirate flag), Jolly Roger
かいぞくばんpirated edition, bootleg
うみべ, かいへんbeach, seashore
かるつかるto be pickled; to be submerged, to be soaked
ひたしものboiled greens flavored with soy (flavoured)
ひたすto soak, to dip, to drench
ひたるto be soaked in, to be flooded, to be immersed in
しんすいflood, inundation
しんとうpermeation, penetration, soaking; osmosis
しんしょくerosion, corrosion
けしいんpostmark, (postal) cancellation mark
しょうそくnews, letter, circumstances
しょうそくすじinformed circles
しょうとうputting out (switching off) the light, extinction
しょうもう, しょうこうexhaustion, consumption, waste, dissipation
しょうもうひんconsumable goods
しょうもうひんひoffice supplies
しょうひぜいconsumption tax (incl. sales tax, VAT, excise duty, etc.)
しょうぼうfire fighting, fire department
なみだtear, tears, lachrymal secretion; sympathy
ぐましいなみだぐましいtouching, moving, painful
ぐむなみだぐむto be moved to tears
するなみだするto shed tears, to bring tears to one's eyes
ながらなみだながらwhile crying, in tears
なみだごえtearful voice
えきliquid, fluid
えきたいliquid, fluid
えきしょうliquid crystal
えきじょうかliquefaction, liquefy
すずみcooling oneself, enjoying the cool air
やかすずやかrefreshing, clear
をとるりょうをとるto cool off (literary)
りょうふう, すずかぜcool breeze, refreshing breeze
リンパ, りんぱlymph
りんぱえき, リンパえきlymph fluid
しゅくじょふうladylike, in the manner of a lady
しゅくとくwomanly virtues
とうた(natural) selection, weeding out
たんたんdisinterested, unconcerned, indifferent, plain, light
あわいlight, faint, pale, fleeting
たんすいぎょfreshwater fish
たんおうしょく, たんこうしょくpale yellow, light yellow
いんぽんlewdness, lasciviousness
ふかみdepth, deep place
めるふかめるto deepen, to heighten, to intensify
しんこくかbecoming more serious or severe (problem)
しんそうdepths, deep level
みやま, しんざんmountain recess, deep in the mountains
しんかいdeep sea, depths of the sea, ocean depths
しんく, しんこうdeep crimson
じゅんぼくrustic simplicity, homeliness, unsophisticated, naive, honest, simple
じゅんりょうsimple and kind, innocent
わすまぜあわすto mix together, to blend, to compound
こんにゅうmixing, adding, adulteration
こんどうconfusion, mixing, merger
こんせいmixed (e.g. team, chorus)
こんせんfree-for-all fight
こんだくmuddiness, turbidity, opacity
こんぼうmixed yarn, mixed spinning
こんけつmixed race, mixed parentage
こんめいturmoil, chaos, confusion
てんじょうaccompanying, escorting
てんぷattachment, appendage, annex, annexure
てんかaddition, annexing
てんかぶつ, てんかものaddition, additive, appendix
てんぷattachment, appendage, annex, annexure
せいれんhonesty, integrity, purity and unselfishness
せいれんけっぱくbeing upright and cleanhanded
せいしんfresh, new
しんちょうQing Dynasty, Ch'ing Dynasty, Manchu Dynasty
せいりゅうclear stream
せいじょう, しょうじょうpure, clean, purity
せいりょうcool, refreshing
せいりょういんりょうすいsoft drink
せいちょうclear, serene
せいだくgood and evil; voiced and unvoiced consonants
せいそう, かわらかrefreshing; neat, tidy, trim
せいしょうspirit, energy
せいさんliquidation, settlement
せいひんhonourable poverty, honorable poverty
せいしゅrefined sake
ごうかつごうadoration, reverence, esteem
かっすto be thirsty, to be dry
するかっするto be thirsty, to be dry
かつぼうcraving, longing, thirsting
かつぼうしゃdesiring person, luster
かっすいwater shortage
わたるto cross over; to extend, to cover, to range, to span
しょうがいpublic relations, client liaison, client relations
しょうがいぶliaison department, public relations department
しぶastringent (puckery) juice (of unripe persimmons)
しぶしぶreluctantly, unwillingly
いワインしぶいワインrough wine, cheap wine
しぶりばらbowel pains, painful loose bowels
しぶるto hesitate, to be reluctant, to have loose painful bowel movement
しぶがきastringent persimmon
じゅうたいcongestion (e.g. traffic), delay, stagnation
けいがくravine, chasm; ravenous desire, insatiable desire
けいせいsound of a valley stream
けいりゅうmountain stream
けいりゅうづりmountain stream fishing
けいこくvalley, ravine, canyon
なぎさwater's edge, beach, shore
なぎさづたいalong the shore
しょはんshore, waterside
げんぽうsalary reduction, salary cut
げんたんreduction (of crop size), reduction of acreage (under cultivation)
げんしゅうfall, decrease (in income)
げんしょうdecrease, reduction, decline
げんさんreduction in production
げんえきdecrease in profits
げんぜいtax reduction
げんすいattenuation, damping, decay
げんりょうloss in quantity
げんがくreduction, diminution, abatement
きょかいringleader, chief
わたしferry (crossing), ferry(boat); delivery
わたりどりmigratory bird, bird of passage
とふつgoing to France
とおうgoing to Europe
かちゅうvortex, maelstrom, whirlpool, convulsions, upheaval
うずまきwhirlpool, eddy, coil
うずまきwhirlpool, eddy, coil
うずまくto whirl, to eddy, to swirl, to curl (smoke)
かりゅうswirling current
うずしおwhirling tides
かもんwhirlpool design
おんぞんpreserve, retain
おんしょうhotbed, breeding ground
おんせんきょうhot-spring village, spa
おんがgraceful, affable
そっこうじょweather measurement station
そくていきmeasuring instrument
こうないinside the harbour, inside the harbor
こうわんharbours, harbors
こうわんきょくPort and Harbor Authority
こじょうon the lake
こがんlakeshore, lakeside
こていbottom of a lake
こしょうlakes and marshes
こはんlake shore
わきだすto gush out
わきでるto gush forth
き立つわきたつto boil up, to ferment, to seethe
こるわきおこるto well up, to burst, to arise
わきおこるto well up, to burst, to arise
ゆうしゅつ, ようしゅつgushing out, welling up, springing up
ゆうすいwelling of water
ゆみずhot and cold water, abundance
かしゆわかしきwater-heater, water-boiler
とうじhot-spring cure, taking the baths
わんがんgulf coast, bay coast
わんきょくcurve, bend, crook
湿っぽいしめっぽいdamp, gloomy
湿しめりdampness, humidity, moisture
湿しつげんmarshy grassland, wetlands
湿しっちswampy (damp) land
湿しつでんちwet cell battery
まんまんfull of, brimming with
まんりょうexpiration, termination
まんきつhave enough of, fully enjoy
まんるいbases loaded (baseball)
まんえつgreat delight, rapture
まんさいfully loaded, full load, loaded condition
みなもとsource, origin
げんじGenji (the character in the Genji Monogatari); the Minamoto family
じるじゅんじるto follow, to conform, to apply to
じゅんけっしょうsemifinal (in sports)
こう10^32, hundred nonillion (American), (obs) hundred quintillion (British)
レールみぞレールgrooved rail
こうきょditch, sewer, canal
かすとかすto melt, to dissolve
とけあうto melt together
ようざいsolvent, solution, flux
ようせつweld, welding
ようえきsolution (liquid)
ようゆうmelting, fusion
ようかいdissolution; to melt, to dissolve, to liquefy
ようこうろsmelting furnace, blast furnace
ようせんmolten iron
びるほろびるto be ruined, to go under, to perish, to be destroyed
めつぼうdownfall, ruin, collapse, destruction
じみnutriment, wholesome, savoriness, savouriness, rich food, nourishment
じみにとむnutritious, delicious
じきょういんりょうtonic drink
じしょくreproducing in large numbers, multiplying
しがけんShiga prefecture (Kinki area)
じうwelcome (beneficial) rain
じようぶつnourishing or nutritious food
らかなめらかsmoothness, glassiness
ぬめりviscous liquid, slime, mucus
すべりじゃくslide rule
り込むすべりこむto slide into (base), to slip into (ditch)
かっしょうきglider, sailplane
かっそうglide, volplane
かっこうdescent (in skiing)
つぼたきつぼbasin under a waterfall
たきぐちtop of a waterfall
たきつぼbasin under a waterfall
たきつぼbasin under a waterfall
たきのぼり(fish) climbing (swimming) up waterfall
とどこおりstagnation, hindrance, delay
とどこおるto stagnate, to be delayed
たいりゅうstaying, stagnating, sojourn
たいのうnon-payment, default
しずくdrop (of water), drip
したたりdripping, a drop
したたるto drip, to drop, to trickle
てきかdrip, drop, distill
てきていりょうtiter, titre
りょうfishing, catch
ぎょじょう, ぎょば, りょうばfishing grounds, permitted fishing zone
ぎょそんfishing village
ぎょこうfishing harbour, fishing harbor
ぎょかくfishing, catch, haul
ぎょしょうreef where fish live and breed
ぎょせんfishing boat
ひょうひょうbuoyantly, airily, with a light heart
ただようto drift about, to float, to hang in air
ひょうはくroaming, drifting about, wandering
ひょうりゅうdrifting, drift
ひょうぜんcasually, aimlessly, abruptly, unexpectedly
ひょうはくblanching, bleaching
ひょうはくざいbleaching agent, bleach
ひょうちゃくdrifting ashore
うるしlacquer; lacquer tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum)
かぶれうるしかぶれlacquer poisoning
しっきlacquer ware
うるしぬりlacquering, lacquer ware
うるしlacquer; lacquer tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum)
しっこくjet black
らすもらすto let leak, to reveal
もりleak, leakage (of rain)
もるto leak, to run out
もれomission, leakage, oversight; I, me
れなくもれなくwithout omission, in full
ろうしゅつleak out
じょうご, ろうと, ロートfunnel
えんしゅつproduction (e.g. play), direction
えんげきplay (theatrical)
えんだんrostrum, platform
えんそうmusical performance
えんぎacting, performance
えんかenka, traditional-style Japanese popular ballad
えんしゅうpractice, practise, exercises, manoeuvres, maneuvers, practicum
えんぜつspeech, address
そうていrow (a boat)
ばくばくvast, vague, obscure
ばくぜんobscure, vague, equivocal
かんわじてんChinese-Japanese character dictionary
かんじぶんかけんcountries which use Chinese characters
かんぶんChinese classical literature; literature written entirely in kanji
かんぽうtraditional Chinese medicine
かんぽうやくherbal medicine
かんごChinese word, Sino-Japanese word
ろにそぞろにin spite of oneself, somehow, without knowing why, vaguely
そぞろあるきslow, relaxed walk, stroll
まんざいcomedian, comic dialogue
まんがか, マンガかcartoonist, manga artist
まんだんchat, desultory conversation
かるつかるto be pickled; to be submerged, to be soaked
づけpickled (something); being badly influenced by, being addicted to
ひたるto be soaked in, to be flooded, to be immersed in
つけものtsukemono (Japanese pickled vegetables)
うがい, がんそうgargling, rinsing one's mouth
くちすすぐto gargle, to rinse the mouth
ややa little, partially, somewhat, a short time, a while
ぜんぞうgradual increase
ぜんじgradually, slowly, little by little, incrementally
ぜんげんgradual decrease, decline
ぜんきんてきじゆうasymptotic freedom (physics)
ぜんきんせんasymptotic line
ぜんしんgradual progress, steady advance
いさぎよいmanly, sportsmanlike, pure, upright
いさぎよくbravely, manfully
いさぎよしpride, disdain
しとしないいさぎよしとしないfind it against one's conscience (to do), too proud (to do)
けっぺきfastidiousness, love of cleanliness
けっぱくinnocence (i.e. not guilty), purity, uprightness
ひそむto lurk, to lie dormant, to be hidden, to be concealed, to be stashed
もぐりdiving, diver, unlicensed (doctor, driver, etc.), unregistered, unqualified
せんぷくconcealment, hiding, ambush, incubation
せんざいpotentiality, dormancy, latency
せんこうsubmarine voyage, underwater navigation
うるおいmoisture; richness; financial leeway
かすふやかすto soak, to steep, to macerate
けるふやけるto become sodden, to swell up
うるおすto moisten, to wet, profit, to enrich, to benefit
うるみblur, moisture, opacity
うるむto be clouded, to be dimmed, to be bleared, to be wet, to get muddy
じゅんたくluster, lustre, favor, favour, abundance, plenty
じゅんかつゆlubricating oil
しお, うしおtide, current; salt water; opportunity
しおひがりshell gathering (at low tide), clamming
しおどきtidal hour; the right time, favourable opportunity (favorable)
ちょうせきまさつtidal friction
ちょうせきひょうa tide table
ちょうりゅうtide, tidal current, trend
しおかぜsea breeze, salt air
しおぶろ(hot) saltwater bath
ましすましがおcomposed expression, clear face
ったすみきったperfectly clear
すみきるto be serene
みおwaterway, channel; wake (of a ship)
みおつくし, れいひょうmarks in a water channel
げきどうterrible shock, agitation, upheaval
げきか, げっかintensification, aggravation
げきへんsudden change, upheaval
げきどrage, indignation, exasperation
げきせんfierce (hard-fought) battle, hot contest
げきこう, げっこうexcited, exasperated, indignant, rage, enraged
げきれつviolent, vehement, furious, fervent
げきじんintenseness, violence, severity, vehemence, keenness
げきろんheated discussion
にごすto make muddy, to prevaricate
にごりJapanese voiced consonant mark; muddiness, murkiness, lack of clarity
にごりてんvoiced consonant marks
だくりゅうmuddy stream
だくてんvoiced consonant marks (nigori)
だくおんsonant, voiced sound
dark, thick
やかこまやかfriendly, heartfelt, tender
のうこうdensity, richness, concentration, tension
のうみつthick, rich (as in taste or content); crowded
のうたんlight and shade, shade (of colour, color)
のうこんdark blue
のうかっしょくdark brown
のうむheavy fog, dense fog, thick fog
りがましいみだりがましいmorally corrupt
りがわしいみだりがわしいmorally corrupt, slovenly, obscene
らんばつreckless deforestation, overcutting of forests
らんかくexcessive fishing, overfishing
らんようabuse, misuse, misappropriation, using to excess
らんぱつrandom firing, reckless firing, excessive issue
らんぴwaste, lavish spending, dissipation
すすぐ, ゆすぐ, そそぐto rinse; to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace
りゅうりょうclear and resounding (as a voice or musical instrument)
shallows; rapids; position; chance, opportunity
せとstrait, channel
せとぎわbrink, critical moment
せぶみsounding out, measuring the depths (of a river)
ひのたまfalling star, fireball
かこうこcrater lake
かきfirearms, guns
かざんばいvolcanic ash
かざんばいどじょうvolcanic ash soil
かせいMars (planet)
ひばしらpillar of fire, blazing column
かさいconflagration, fire
かさいほけんfire insurance
かえんflame, blaze
かえんびんMolotov cocktail
かさいりゅうpyroclastic flow (type of volcanic eruption), stone wind
かやくgunpowder, powder
になるはいになるto be reduced to ashes, to be cremated
わざわいcalamity, catastrophe
さいやくcalamity, disaster, accident
さいがいcalamity, disaster, misfortune
さいなんにあうto meet with misfortune
hearth, fireplace; furnace, kiln
ろしんnuclear reactor core
たきだしemergency rice feeding
き込みたきこみ(something) cooked with rice
き込むたきこむto cook (something) with rice
けるたけるto be boiled, to be cooked, to be done, to be ready
えんてんblazing heat, scorching sun
えんしょうinflammation, irritation
すみだわらsack for charcoal
たんかcarbonization, carbonisation
たんこうcoal mine, coal pit
たんでんcoalfield, coal field
すみがまcharcoal kiln
たんそcarbon (C)
たんさんcarbonic acid
てんけんinspection, examination, checking
てんてきraindrops, falling drop of water; intravenous drip
てんとうlighting (a lamp), turning on a light
てんやくtranslating into Braille
かわせそうばexchange rates
しいはげしいviolent, vehement, intense, furious, tempestuous
れっしんdisastrous earthquake
烏滸のおこのさたstupidity, absurdity, presumption, impertinence
ウーロンちゃOolong tea
烏芻うすさまみょうおうUsusama Vidya-raja
いかcuttlefish, squid
むさくいat random, unintentional
むしょうno compensation, free of charge
むとうはそうunaffiliated voters, floating voters, swinging voters
むこうinvalid, no effect, unavailable, illegal
むほうしゅうfree of charge, gratuitous, without pay
むじんぞうinexhaustible supply
むとどけwithout notice, without leave
むじょうじんそくthe (fast) pace at which life passes, the nearness of death
むがむちゅうbeing absorbed in, losing oneself in
むとうひょうwithout a vote
むえんhelpless, unsupporting
むよくunselfish, disinterested, unavaricious, free of avarice
むしbaseball with no outs
むちつじょdisorder, chaos, confusion
ぶすいno sense of refinement, inelegant, lacking in polish, unromantic, boorish
むせんwireless, radio
むえんunrelated, without relations, unidentified, indifferent
むしょくwithout an occupation
むしゅうodorless, odourless, unscented
むきんsterilised, pasteurised, pasteurized
むぼうreckless, thoughtless, recklessness
むじゃきinnocence, simple-mindedness
にするむだにするto render futile, to bring to naught, to waste, to not make good use of
むだづかいwasting ... on (e.g. money), squandering, waste, frittering away
こげつきa bad debt
らすじらすto irritate
あせるto be in a hurry, to be impatient
しょうどscorched earth
しょうそうimpatience, uneasiness, irritation
しょうびemergency, urgency, imminence
きそばやきそばfried soba
やきはた, やきばたburnt fields
やきにくyakiniku (Japanese dish of fried meat), Korean barbecue
やきぶたroast pork
やけあとruins of a fire, fire-devastated area
しょうきゃくincineration, destroy by fire
しょうしdeath by fire
しょうしんじさつburning oneself to death, suicide by fire
煉瓦れんがべいbrick wall
けむり, けぶり, けむ, けぶsmoke, fumes
たばこ, タバコtobacco, cigarettes
えんかsmoke and mist, view
えんむhaze, mist, fog
らすてらすto shine on, to illuminate
てるto shine
しょうかいinquiry, enquiry, query, reference
うるさいnoisy; fussy; annoying; bossy
わずらうto worry about, to be concerned about, to be afflicted with, to suffer from
がるうるさがるto feel annoyed at
さがるうるさがるto feel annoyed at
わしいわずらわしいtroublesome, annoying, complicated
わすわずらわすto trouble, to bother, to annoy, to give trouble
はんぼうpressure of business, busy
はんざつcomplex, intricate, complicated, confused, troublesome, vexatious
らないにえきらないhalf-cooked, vague, halfhearted, indecisive
やすにやすto cook inside
しゃふつboiling up
にものfood cooked by boiling or stewing
まるにつまるto be boiled down
込みにこみstew, hodgepodge
込むにこむto cook together, to boil well
くまのみ, クマノミclownfish (Amphiprioninae), anemone-fish
くまげら, クマゲラblack woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)
くまでrake, fork, bamboo rake
くまもとけんKumamoto prefecture (Kyuushuu)
くまざさVeitch's bamboo (low and striped), Sasa veitchii, Sasa albo-marginata
ようせんmolten iron
つくづく, つくつくcompletely, really, thoroughly, deeply, severely, intently
じゅくせいmature, ripen, cure, ferment
じゅくすいsound sleep
じゅくちbeing familiar with, having a thorough knowledge of, being well-informed about
じゅくれんskill, dexterity, proficiency
じゅくごkanji compound; idiom, idiomatic phrase
のしlong thin strip of dried sea-ear or paper attached to a gift
ねつかそじゅしthermoplastic resin
ねったいぎょtropical fish
ねついzeal, enthusiasm
ねっせんfierce fighting, close contest
ねっきheat, hot air, enthusiasm
ねっとうboiling water
ねつれつardent, passionate, vehement
ねっきょうwild enthusiasm, being crazy about
きるもえつきるto burn out
がるもえひろがるto spread (flames)
ねんしょうburning, combustion
ねんぴfuel consumption, gas mileage
りょうげんagricultural burning, setting a field ablaze
えんせいけんYangqingquan, Yangqing Fist
はしゃぐto make merry, to frolic, to be in high spirits
さんbrilliant, resplendant
さんさんbrilliant, bright
さんぜんbrilliance, radiance
さんさんbrilliant, bright
さんらんbrilliant, bright, radiant
ばくげきbombing (raid)
ばくはdestructive blast, explosion, blow up
ばくしょうroar of laughter
しゃくいpeerage, court rank
ふしfather and child (son)
さわさわrustling; refreshing; clearly
やかさわやかfresh, refreshing, invigorating, clear, fluent, eloquent
そうりょうcool and refreshing
そうかいrefreshing, exhilarating
そうりょうcool and refreshing
さわさわrustling; refreshing; clearly
しかりyes, yea, aye, affirmative; to be so
じらいsince then, after that
かたやon one hand, on the other hand
かたがわone side
かたてone hand
かたほうone side, one party, the other side, the other party
かたうでone arm; right-hand man
かたそでづくえ, かたそでつくえdesk with a tier of drawers on one side
へんげんせきご(not even) a few words
かたあしone leg, one-legged
かたみちone-way (trip)
かたすみcorner, nook
かたすみにin a corner
はんedition, version
はんがwoodcut, woodblock print, art print
ぎゅうほsnail's pace, slow progress
ぎゅうとうcow pox, vaccinia
ぎゅうしゃcow shed, cattle barn
ぼたんtree peony, Paeonia suffruticosa
ぼたんきょうvariety of plum
おひつじざ(constellation) Aries, the Ram
鹿おじか, おしか, おかbuck (male deer)
ろうごくprison, jail, gaol
まきpasture, grazing land
ぼくしpastor, minister, clergyman, reverend
ぼっかてきpastoral, idyllic
ぼくしゃbarn, stable
ぼくそうpasture, grass
ぼくやpasture land, ranch
ぶっけんarticle, thing
ものごしmanner, demeanour, demeanor, bearing
ぶっしgoods, materials
にえoffering (to the gods; gift; sacrifice
使とくしspecial envoy
とくれいspecial case, exception
とくてんspecial favor, special favour, privilege
とくていspecific, special, particular
とくちょうfeature, trait, characteristic, pecularity
とっけいかんぜいpreferential tariff, preferential duty
とくそうspecial investigation
とくさつspecial effects, SFX
とくしゅspecial, unique
とくしゅさつえいspecial effects, SFX
とくしゅほうじんsemigovernmental corporation
とくいunique, singular
とくしょくcharacteristic, feature, idiosyncrasy, personal colour
とっくんspecial training, intensive training, crash course
とっきょちょうPatent Office
とっきょけんpatent rights
とくしゅうfeature (e.g. newspaper), special edition, report
とくじゅemergency demands, special procurement (particularly in time of war)
ぎだsacrifice fly, bunt
ぎぎゅうsacrificial bullock
ぎせいvictim, sacrifice, scapegoat
フライぎせいフライsacrifice fly
ぎせいだsacrifice hit
ぎひsacrifice fly (baseball)
けんじゅがくはcynic (phil.)
いぬまき, イヌマキyew plum pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus)
けんえんのなかloggerheads (lit: dog and monkey), like cats and dogs
いぬつげ, イヌツゲJapanese holly (Ilex crenata)
はんこうcrime, criminal act, offence, offense
きょうらんfury, frenzy, madness
きょうしん(religious) fanaticism
きょうほんrushing around, running wild
きょうけんmad dog
きょうげんkyogen (farce played during a Noh cycle); make-believe, ruse, trick
きょうそうmania, wild excitement
りバチかりバチ, かりばち, カリバチhunter wasp (i.e. potter wasp, sand wasp, etc.)
かりゅうど, かりうど, かりゅどhunter
しゅりょうきhunting season
どくせんmonopoly; to monopolize, to hog
どくしょうvocal solo
どくぜんself-righteousness, self-justified
どくとくpeculiarity, uniqueness, characteristic
どっきんほうantitrust law, Antitrust Act
どくりつindependence (e.g. Independence Day), self-support
どくりつこくindependent state or nation
どくじoriginal, peculiar, characteristic, proprietary
どくさいdictatorship, despotism
どくそうrunning alone, doing things alone that should be done with others
どくしんbachelorhood, single, unmarried, celibate
どくしんりょうhostel for bachelors
せまきもんnarrow gate, obstacle, school (position) hard to enter (get)
さくきょうさくstricture, stenosis, contraction
まるせばまるto narrow, to contract
めるせばめるto narrow, to reduce, to contract
きょうしんしょうheart attack, angina pectoris
きょうぎnarrow sense (e.g. of a word), strict
きょうきnarrow gauge
きょうきてつどうnarrow-gauge railway
はざまinterval; valley; loophole, eyelet
げいびけいGeibi Gorge (Higashiyama-cho, Iwate-ken)
もういfury, power, menace
もうだheavy blow, heavy hit
もうこうfierce attack
もうしょheat wave, fierce heat
もうどくdeadly poison
もうれつviolent, vehement, rage
もうばくheavy bombing, intensive bombing
もうじゅうwild animal, beast of prey
もうせいserious reflection or soul-searching
もうついhot chase (pursuit), hectic chase
りょうhunting, game
りょうしhunter, huntsman
りょうじゅうhunting gun, sportsgun
hog (esp. a wild boar, but also including the domesticated pig)
ちょこsmall cup, sake cup
ちょとつrecklessness, foolhardiness
ちょとつもうしんheadlong, foolhardy, reckless
いくびbull neck
ねこcat; submissive partner of a homosexual relationship
かぶりねこかぶりfeigned innocence or naivete, beguiling innocence, wolf in sheep's clothing
ばばねこばばembezzlement, misappropriation, pocketing, stealing
けんじょうpresenting to
けんたいgive one's body to a hospital for medical research
けんていpresentation, dedication
けんていぼんpresentation book
けんかflower offering
けんけつblood donation
けんしんdedication, devotion
けんしゅうexchange of sake cups
けんきんdonation, contribution, offering
なおfurthermore, still, yet, more, still more, greater, further, less
あらじなおあらじmust not be concluded like this, shall not finish like this
ゆうよpostponement, deferment, extension (of time)
なくゆうよなくwithout delay, promptly
ユダヤ, ゆだやJudea (southern Palestine), Jews
ゆうしnephew (like a son), another child considered as one's own
なおぎもんがそんA doubt still remains
ぐつわさるぐつわ(mouth) gag
ぐつわをかますさるぐつわをかますto gag someone
えんじんape man
さるたひこ, さるだひこ, さるたびこ, さるだびこSarutahiko (Shinto god), Sarudahiko, Sarutabiko, Sarudabiko
轡をかますさるぐつわをかますto gag someone
ごくちゅうduring imprisonment, while in jail (gaol)
ごくりjailer, gaoler
ししとうgreen pepper
ししふんじんのいきおいirresistible force
けもの, けだもの, じゅうbeast, brute
かくとくacquisition, possession
えものgame, spoils, trophy
げんそん, やしゃごgreat-great-grandchild
げんしょうせきtype of slate (from Miyagi pref.)
げんぶがんbasalt, whin(stone)
げんまいちゃtea (with roasted rice)
げんかんさきentrance, front door
げんかんばんdoorkeeper, janitor
げんばくunpolished wheat or barley
そつじabrupt, sudden
ぎょくえいcrystal, transparent gem
ぎょくじsovereign's seal
ぎょくさいhonourable defeat, honorable defeat, honourable death, honorable death
おうking; king (for senior player) (shogi)
おうこうking and princes, noble rank
おうかんcrown, diadem; bottle cap
おうこうへいかHer Majesty the Queen
おうたいしひcrown princess
おうしつroyal family
おうきゅうroyal palace
おうしょうking; king (for senior player) (shogi)
おうじゃking, monarch, ruler
きゅうnine (used in legal documents)
きゅーば, キューバCuba
れいれいtinkling of jades
れいろうclear, translucent, brilliant, sweetly ringing (as the tinklings of jade)
はりcrystal, glass
さんごじゅViburnum odoratissimum
さんごみずき, サンゴミズキCornus alba
さんごかいCoral Sea
さんごしょう, サンゴしょうcoral reef
ちんrare, curious, strange
しがるめずらしがるto think (it) a curiosity
プレーちんプレーunusual play (baseball)
ちんじstrange occurrence, unusual occurrence, unexpected occurrence
ちんぴんcurio, rare article
ちんみょうqueer, odd, fantastic
ちんちょうto prize, to value highly, to esteem
たまのれんcurtain made of strung beads
しゅぎょくgem, jewel
しゅざんcalculation with abacus
けいそうどdiatomaceous soil
はんgroup, party, section (mil)
はんいんmember of a group
はんちょうsquad leader, honcho, team leader, group leader
げんちactual place, local
げんばかんとくfield overseer, site foreman
げんえきactive duty, active service
げんだんかいpresent stage; current rank, present grade
げんきょうpresent condition
げんしょくpresent post, current office, (an) incumbent
げんこうpresent, current, in operation
げんこうはんflagrante delicto, caught red-handed
きゅうだんbaseball team
きゅうじょうbaseball stadium
きゅうい(pitcher's) stuff
たまひろいfetching balls; ball boy
きゅうけい(plant) bulb, onion
りふじんunreasonable, irrational
りじdirector, board of directors
りくつtheory, reason
りゅうかOkinawan fixed form poetry
りゅうきゅうれっとうRyuukyuu (Ryukyu) Islands
りゅうきゅうごRyukyuan languages
りゅうきゅうしょとうRyuukyuu (Ryukyu) Islands
りゅうきゅうおんかいOkinawan scale (hemitonic pentatonic scale: do, mi, fa, so, ti)
たくまpolish (jewels), cultivation
みず, ずいyouth; good omen
しいみずみずしいyoung (and lustrous); lively, vivacious, animated, vibrant
ずいちょうauspicious sign, good omen
すうぇーでん, スウェーデンSweden
ずいほうしょうOrders of the Sacred Treasure
ずいきgood omen
しいみずみずしいyoung (and lustrous); lively, vivacious, animated, vibrant
みずほのくにJapan, the Land of Abundant Rice
西すいす, スイスSwitzerland; Swiss
るりからくさbaby blue-eyes (name of plant)
るりいろlapis lazuli blue, bright blue, azure
るりとらのおbeach speedwell, Veronica Longifolia
ようだいfairyland, beautiful building ornamented with gems
ようちbeautiful pond, place where immortals live
ようかんyour letter
ようがんbeautiful face, exquisite countenance
かんきょうちょうEnvironment Agency
かんきょうえいせいenvironmental hygiene
かんごう(circular) moat
かんじょうannulation, ring-forming
かんじょうせんloop line, (transportation) belt line
かんしょうatoll, circular coral reef
emperor's seal
じしょdocument with the emperor's seal
瓜の蔓にらぬうりのつるになすびはならぬlike begets like
かでんりかBe careful not to invite the least suspicion, Leave no room for scandal
あまえdepending on other's kindness
えんあまえんぼうpampered or spoiled child (spoilt)
あまみ, かんみ, うまみsweetness, sugary taste
やかすあまやかすto pamper, to spoil
かんじゅsubmission to, putting up with
あまくちsweet flavour; flattery; stupidity
かんみりょうsweeteners, sweetening materials
あまぐりbroiled sweet chestnuts
あまずsweet vinegar
いたいpainful, sore; exceeding
はなはだvery, greatly, exceedingly
じんろくdunce, blockhead
じんくlively song, lively dance
じんだいvery great, enormous, serious
おいしげるto grow thickly, to be overgrown
はえぬきnative-born, trueborn
いきじごくhell on earth, living hell
いきうめburying alive
いきがいsomething one lives for, purpose in life, raison d'etre
なまちゅうけい(on TV) "live" broadcast
せいきょうcooperative association, co-op store
せいめいほけんlife insurance
せいそくinhabiting, living
せいそくちhabitat, home (e.g. of the tiger)
せいたいmode of life, ecology; (animal) territory
せいしょくきgenital organ, genitalia, sexual organ, reproductive organ
しょうがいone's lifetime (i.e. one's existence until death)
しょうがいきょういくeducation for life
せいせっかいquick lime
きっすいpure, genuine, natural-born
きいとraw silk thread
なまぐさいfishy, raw, smelling of fish or blood
せいたんbirth, nativity
せいかんreturning alive, (baseball) reaching the home plate
さんぎょうきかいindustrial machinery
さんぎょうかいthe industrial world
さんゆこくoil-producing countries (nations)
ようぐtools, implements
ようひんarticles, supplies, parts
よういしゅうとうvery careful, thoroughly prepared
ようしblank form
めてはじめてfor the first time; only after ... is it ..., only when ... do you ...
たんぼ, でんぽpaddy field, farm
でんそfarm tariff, rice field tax
でんしんcountry gentleman
でんえん, でんおんcountry, rural districts; cultivated land, fields
よしreason, significance, cause
ゆいしょhistory, pedigree, lineage
かぶとhelmet (of armor, armour), headpiece
こうおつへいABC, 1, 2 and 3
こうおつへいていA, B, C and D, first, second, third and fourth
かいeffect, result, worth, use, avail
かいしょうresourcefulness, ability
かいなしworthless, useless, hopeless
しいかいがいしいgallant, heroic, brave
かんぱん, こうはん(ship) deck
こうじょうせんthyroid gland
こうらshell, carapace
かんだかいhigh-pitched, shrill
もうしいれproposal, offer, report, proposition, notice
もうしで, もうしいでproposal, request, claim, report, notice
し立てもうしたてstatement, account (of something), declaration, allegation
し込みもうしこみapplication, entry, request, subscription, offer, proposal, overture, challenge
しんこくreport, statement, filing a return, notification
だんじboy, son, man
だんじょman and woman, men and women
だんそんじょひmale domination of women, male chauvinism, subjection of women
だんしゃくbaron; Irish cobbler (variety of potato)
まちなみstreet (of stores and houses), townscape, (look of) stores and houses on street
ちょうないneighborhood, neighbourhood, street, block, town
ちょうそんtowns and villages
ちょうちょうtown headman, town mayor
かくstroke (of a kanji, etc.)
がせんしdrawing paper
がはくmaster painter, artist
がぞうimage, picture, portrait
がしょうpainter, artist
がだんartists' world, painting circles
がろう(picture) gallery
がろうpicture gallery, high decorated building
いふawe, fear, fright
いけいreverence, awe, respect
はたさくdry field farming, dry field crop
はたけちがいout of one's line, out of one's field
あぜ, くろridge between rice fields; causeway
あぜみちfootpath between rice fields
りゅうにんremaining (staying) in office, remaining at one's post
りゅうがくせいoverseas student, exchange student
ちくさつslaughtering (animals)
ちくさんanimal husbandry
ちくしゃcattle shed, barn
うねridge, rib
ねるうねるto undulate, to meander, to surge, to swell, to roll, to wind
うねみぞfurrow ridges
立てうねだてbuilding rice-field ridges
うねおりridged fabric, corduroy
うねおりribbed fabric, corded fabric
うねまfurrow, room with ridged roof
ほぼalmost, roughly, approximately
りゃくしゅゆうかいざいkidnapping, kidnaping
りゃくだつpillage, plunder, looting, robbery
りゃくしきinformal, simplified
りゃくれきbrief personal record, short curriculum vitae, short CV
けいはんridge between rice fields; causeway
ばんづけranking of entertainers, sumo wrestlers, etc.
わせばんくるわせunexpected result, upset, surprise
いれいexception, illness, singular, exceptional, unprecedented
いへんaccident, disaster
いせいdifferent surname, different family name
いじょうにんしんabnormal pregnancy
いさいconspicuous colour, conspicuous color
いきょうとpagan, heretic
いしゅうoffensive smell, off-flavor, off-flavour
いしょくunique, different color, different colour, novelty
いろんdifferent opinion, objection
いぎobjection, dissent, protest
いしつdifferent (quality, nature), heterogeneous
いほうじんforeigner, stranger, gentile
いきょうstrange land
まるたたまるto be folded (up)
みかけるたたみかけるto press for an answer, to shower questions on someone
sparse; not close (of a relationship)
うといdistant, estranged, disinterested
ましいうとましいdisagreeable, unpleasant, adverse, unsympathetic
うとむto neglect, to shun, to alienate
そがいestrangement, neglect
そえんestrangement, neglect, silence
そかいdispersal, evacuation, deployment
うたがいdoubt, question, uncertainty, skepticism, scepticism, suspicion, distrust
うたがうto doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of, to suspect
わしいうたがわしいdoubtful, questionable, uncertain, disputable, suspicious
ぎじsuspected, pseudo, sham, quasi, false, mock
ぎもんふquestion mark
ぎねんdoubt, suspicion, misgivings, scruples
ぎわくdoubt, misgivings, distrust, suspicion
ぎごくscandal, graft case
えきがくepidemiology, the study of epidemics
えきびょう, やくびょうinfectious disease, plague, epidemic
えきりchildren's dysentery
えきれいepidemic, plague, pestilence
らかすつからかすto fatigue, to exhaust
らすつからすto tire, to weary, to exhaust, to fatigue
つかれtiredness, fatigue
れきるつかれきるto be exhausted, to be tired out
れたつかれたworn-out (as opposed to sleepy)
れるつかれるto get tired; to be worn out (e.g. of well used objects); to starve
つかれはてbeing tired out
ひろうfatigue, weariness
ひへいexhaustion, impoverishment, ruin
とうquickly, swiftly; a long time ago
うにとうにlong ago, a long time ago, already
とくquickly, swiftly; already, before; long time ago
っくとっくa long time ago; quickly, swiftly
っくにとっくにlong ago, already, a long time ago
しっかんdisease, ailment
しっぺいillness, disease
しっそうsprint, dash, scampering
しっぷう, はやてsquall, gale, hurricane
しっぷうじんらいwith lightning speed
びょうげんきんvirus, germ
びょうへいevil influence, ill effect
びょうかんsickness, disease
びょうとう(hospital) ward
びょうじょうcondition of a disease (patient)
びょうまdemon of ill health, disease
しょうれい(medical) case
いもsmallpox, variola; pockmark, pock
あばた, とうこんpockmark
あばたづら, あばたずらpockmarked face
とうそう, もがさ, おやくsmallpox, variola
ましいいたましいpitiful, heartbreaking, tragical
つうせきdeep regret
つうかんfeeling keenly, fully realizing
つうふんstrong indignation
いたでserious wound, hard blow
つうれつsevere, bitter, scathing
foolishness, fool; moha (ignorance, folly)
ちじんdunce, fool, idiot
ちじょうblind love
ちたいfoolishness, silliness
ちかんmasher, molester, pervert
りょうほうremedy, medical treatment
りょうようrecuperation, medical treatment
えるいえるto recover, to be healed
いやしhealing, soothing, therapy, comfort, solace
いやすto heal, to cure
やしいやしhealing, soothing, therapy, comfort, solace
やすいやすto heal, to cure
ゆごうagglutination, adhesion
くせにand yet, though, when, in spite of
になるくせになるto become a habit
のあるくせのあるto be quirky
はつれいofficial announcement, proclamation
はっこうcoming into effect
はっけいrelease internal power
はっぷんinspired, stimulated, roused
はっくつexcavation; discovery (e.g. new talent)
はっかんsweating, perspiration
スチロールはっぽうスチロールstyrofoam, styrene foam, expanded polystyrene
はっちゅうordering (materials), placing an order, order
はつえんとうsmoke candle
はっぽうfiring, discharge of gun
はっしょうorigin, appearance of auspicious omen
はっしょうちcradle (of civilisation, civilization, etc.), birthplace
ほったんthe beginning
はっかくdetection, coming to light
はつげんutterance, speech, proposal
ほっきにんoriginator, promoter
ほっそく, はっそくstarting, inauguration, launch, founding, establishment, start-up
はっこうfermentation, zymosis
はっこうそa ferment
はつでんしょpower plant, power station
はつろappearance, expression, manifestation
とはんclimbing a slope (hill), ascending a hill
とざんmountain climbing
とうようappointment, assignment, promotion
とうばんtaking the plate, pitching a game
とうこうattendance (at school), going to school
とうようappointment, assignment, promotion
とうりゅうもんgateway to success, opening to honours, opening to honors
とうきregistry, registration
とうさいregister, record, printing
とうろくregistration, accession, register, entry, record
とうちょうclimbing to the summit
はくあchalk (mineral); white wall
寿はくじゅ99th birthday
はくさんしゃくなげ, ハクサンシャクナゲHakusan rhododendron, Rhododendron metternichii var.
しろぼしwhite circle, white star; victory mark (sumo)
はこやなぎ, どろのき, はくようJapanese aspen, white poplar
しらかば, しらかんば, シラカバ, シラカンバJapanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica)
びゃくだんゆsandalwood oil
しらはまwhite sandy beach
しらたきnoodles made from konnyaku; sheet-like waterfall
はくちidiot, idiocy
ペーロンdragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing), races with such boats
はくしblank paper, white paper
しらはwhite feather
しらぎくwhite chrysanthemum
はくさいChinese cabbage, white rape
びゃくれんwhite lotus, purity
はっこうwhite rainbow
はくい, びゃくい, びゃくえwhite robe, (doctor's) white gown
はくどうnickel and copper alloy
はくせんwhite pig iron
しろながすくじら, シロナガスクジラblue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)
はくとうおうwindflower, white-haired old man
はくば, しろうま, あおうまwhite horse; unrefined sake
はくげいwhite whale; Moby Dick
ひゃくまん1,000,000, one million; many
ひゃくまんべんmillion times, praying a million times
ひゃくおく10,000,000,000, ten billion (American), (obs) ten milliard (British)
ひゃくもんめ, ひゃくめ375 grams (100 monme)
ゆり, ユリlily; comics and novels about female homosexuality
ひゃくへいall evils
ひゃくれんwell-tempered, well drilled, well trained
かいきtotal eclipse, totality
かいきにっしょくtotal solar eclipse
かいきしょくtotal eclipse (of sun by moon), totality
かいきしょくtotal eclipse (of sun by moon), totality
みなごろしmassacre, annihilation, wholesale slaughter
こうごう(Japanese) empress, queen
こうごうへいかher majesty the Empress
こうしCrown Prince, Imperial Heir
こうたいごう, こうたいこうQueen Mother, Empress Dowager
こうたいしcrown prince
こうたいしひcrown princess
こうひempress, queen
こうしつImperial household
こうきょImperial Palace
こうぞくimperial family, royalty
こうみんとうImperialist Party
こういんImperial descendant (posterity)
こうこう, きょうきょうbright (esp. of the moon); broad and empty
こうげつbright white moon
こうしpearly white teeth
こうぜんshining brightly, shining whitely
こうこう, きょうきょうbright (esp. of the moon); broad and empty
こうばんzinc sulfate heptahydrate, white vitriol
ひかしぼうsubcutaneous fat
かわきりbeginning, start
かわざんようover-optimistic calculation, unreliable account
ひしsebum, sebaceous matter
ひふびょうskin disease
ひふか, ヒフかdermatology
ひふいしょくskin graft, skin transplant
ひかくleather, hide
うどんさらうどんNagasaki dish of noodles with various toppings
さらあらいwashing-up, dish-washing
ぼんおどりBon Festival dance, Lantern Festival dance
えき, やく, ようbenefit, use, good, advantage, gain; profit, gains
ぬすむto steal
らえてればぬすびとをとらえてみればわがこなりThe thief caught turn out to be one's own son
とうるいtheft; base stealing (baseball)
とうくつillegal digging
とうちょうinterception (email), wiretap, bug
とうちょうきlistening device, bug, wiretap
とうぞくthief, robber
がりもりあがりclimax, uprush; bulge
り込むもりこむto incorporate, to include
せいだいgrand, prosperous, magnificent
せいきょうsuccess, prosperity
せいすいrise and fall, ups and downs, welfare, vicissitudes
ちかうto swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge
めいしゅleader, leading power
めいゆうsworn friend
めいやくoath, pledge, pact, covenant
かんしゅう(editorial) supervision, general editorship
かんさつinspection, inspector
かんさinspection, audit, judgement, judgment
かんさやくauditor, inspector
かんりsuperintendence, supervision
かんしobservation, guarding, inspection, surveillance
ばんrecord; tray; grid, board (e.g. in shogi)
かんそうwashing one's hands and rinsing one's mouth
めのまえbefore one's eyes, immediate, imminent
めもあやdazzlingly beautiful, brilliant
もくぜんbefore one's very eyes, under one's nose, imminence, close at hand
めぬきprincipal, main, important, fashionable
もくげきto observe, to witness; eye-witness
めだましょうひんbargain goods, eye-catching goods, featured product, loss leader
めじろおしjostling, milling about
もくろくcatalogue, catalog, list
めはなshape, form
めくら, めしいblindness; illiteracy; ignorance, ignoramus
いるめしいるto become blind
パスめくらパス, もうパスblind pass, passing (a ball) without looking
もうじんblind person
もうがっこうschool for the blind
もうてんblind spot
もうちょうappendix, caecum
ちょくぞくdirect control, direct supervision
じきひ, ちょくひpersonal, confidential (letter)
ちょくせつひかくdirect comparison
ちょくせつこうにゅうdirect purchase
ちょくきゅう, ちょっきゅうstraight ball (pitch); straight, frank
ちょくりつけいerect stem
ちょっけいdirect descent, direct line
ちょっかつdirect control
ちょっかつちarea under direct control (of the shogun)
ちょっかつしょくみんちcrown colony
あいのりriding together
そうごぎんこうmutual savings bank
そうばmarket price, speculation, estimation
にならないすもうにならないis no match for, can't hold a candle to
すもうとり, すまいとりsumo wrestler, rikishi
あいぼうpartner, pal, accomplice
あいむじゅんmutually contradictory
そうぞくぜいinheritance tax, death duty
そうだんやくcounselor, counsellor, adviser, advisor
たてshield, buckler, escutcheon, pretext
たてざ(constellation) Scutum, the Shield
たてつくto oppose, to resist, to defy
しょうれいministerial ordinance
しょうちょうministries and government offices, the authorities
まゆ, まみえeyebrow, eyebrows
をひそめるまゆをひそめるto frown, to scowl
びうbrow, brows
まゆじりend of an eyebrow
みけんbrow, glabella, middle forehead, area between the eyebrows
びせつsnow-white eyebrows
かんしゅjailer, gaoler
かんごnursing, (army) nurse
かんかconnivance, shutting one's eyes to
けんないwithin the prefecture
けんみんcitizens of a prefecture
けんちじprefectural governor
けんりつprefectural (institution)
けんけいprefectural police
けんぎprefectural assembly
まっただなかright in the midst of, right at the height of
しんのtrue, real, genuine, proper, utter
しんぎtruth or error, authenticity
しんえんしんじゅcultured pearls
婿まんこ, マンコvagina; screw
まほfull sail
しんいreal intention, true motive, true meaning
しんじゅこうpearl iridescence
しんじゅわんPearl Harbor
しんじゅざいくpearl work
しんそうtruth, real situation
しんくうそうじきvacuum cleaner
しんずいtrue meaning, mystery, essence, quintessence, soul, core, kernel, life blood
まごいblack carp, black koi
まだいtai (species of red Pacific sea bream, Pagrus major)
ねむいsleepy, drowsy, somnolent
ねむけsleepiness, drowsiness
ひとみpupil (of eye); eye
ぼうしeye, pupil
ながめscene, view, prospect, outlook
めるながめるto view, to gaze at
ちょうぼうprospect, view, outlook
ちょうぼうけんright to a view
がんかunder one's eyes, below
がんぜんbefore one's eyes
がんもくcore, point, gist, essence, main object
ちゃくじつsteady, sound, trustworthy, solid
ちゃっこうstart of (construction) work
ちゃくい, やくいone's clothes
ちゃくりくlanding, alighting, touch down
きかざるto dress up
ねむいsleepy, drowsy, somnolent
ねむる, ねぶるto sleep (not necessarily lying down); to die; to close one's eyes
すいまsleepiness, drowsiness
とくそくurge, demand, importunity
むつぶto be harmonious, to get on well, to be intimate or close
むつむto be harmonious, to get on well, to be intimate or close
むつきfirst month of the lunar calendar
むつごとlovers' talk, whispered intimacies
またたき, まばたきwink, twinkling (of stars), flicker (of light), blink (of light)
またたく, しばたたく, しばたく, まばたく, めたたく, めばたくto twinkle (e.g. stars); to blink (one's eyes), to wink
まじろぐto wink, to blink, to twinkle, to flicker
しゅんこくmoment, instant
しゅんだんpower flicker
しゅんじmoment, instant
しゅんかんmoment, second, instant
しゅんかんでんだんpower flicker
らすひとみをこらすto strain one's eyes
どうこうpupil, pupillary
どうこうかくちょうpupil dilation
どうこうさんだいdilation of the pupil, mydriasis
ほこ, とかりlong-handled Chinese spear; weapon; grip of a bow
ほこさきpoint of spear; aim of attack, force of argument
や, さarrow
がらやがらshaft of an arrow
やっぱり, やはり, やっぱ, やっぱしalso, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely, of course
やさきarrowhead, brunt, target
やつぎばやrapid succession (e.g. questions)
やおもてbearing the full brunt of something
らぬはしらぬはていしゅばかりなりOnly the husband does not know
ちきacquaintance, appreciative friend
ちきほうゆうintimate friends and acquaintances
ちえぶくろthe brain, one's brains
ちえおくれmental retardation
ちしきじんan intellectual
かねcarpenter's square; perpendicularity; model, standard
くそくstandard, rule
かねざしcarpenter's square
たんじゃく, たんざくlong, narrow card on which Japanese poems are written (vertically)
たんきかんshort term, short time
たんかtanka, 31-syllable Japanese poem
たんらくelectric short-circuit; jumping to a quick conclusion
たんしゅくshortening, abbreviation, reduction
たんきょりshort distance, short range, short-haul
たんじゅうpistol, revolver
めつ眇めつためつすがめつscrutiny, scanning, taking a good look
めるためるto straighten, to correct, to cure; to falsify
ためなおすto set up again, to correct, to cure
きょうせいcorrection, remedy
きょうせいしりょくcorrected eyesight
きょうげきradical, extreme, eccentric
きょうふうreform of morals
れに枕すいしにくちすすぎながれにまくらすrefusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument
せきていThe Sekitei (name of an inn)
せきぶつ, いしぼとけstone Buddhist image
いしがきstone wall
いしべいstone wall
せっかん, せきかんsarcophagus, stone coffin
しゃくなげrhododendron, Rhododendron metternichii
せっかい, いしばいlime, quicklime, caustic lime
いしだたみstone paving
せきひstone monument
しゃくじん, いしがみstone which is worshipped, image of a god in stone
つわぶきJapanese silver leaf, Farfugium japonicum
さきゅうsand dune, sand hill
じゃり, ざりgravel; child, rugrat, ankle-biter
すなごsand, gold or silver dust
さすreef, sandbar, sandbank
すなはまsandy beach
さぼうerosion control
ますとぎすますto sharpen, to grind, to whet, to hone, to make keen
けんまgrinding, polishing, studying
けんきゅうかんresearch officer
けんきゅうかresearcher, student (of)
けんきゅうしょ, けんきゅうじょresearch establishment (institute, laboratory, etc.)
くだけfamiliar (informal) (speech style)
さいせきbroken stone, rubble
ほうgun, cannon, artillery, ordnance
ほうげきbombarding, shelling, bombardment
ほうかgunfire, fire
やぶりgetting away from, escaping, defying
はかいdestruction, disruption; (application) crash
はきょくcatastrophe, cataclysm
はめつruin, destruction, fall
はさいcrushing, smashing, cracking to pieces
はれつexplosion, rupture, break off
がらす, ガラスglass, pane
しょうえんgunpowder smoke
しょうさんnitric acid
しょうさんぎんsilver nitrate, AgNO3
りゅうかsulfuration, sulphuration
りゅうあんammonium sulfate
りゅうさんsulfuric acid, sulphuric acid
いおうsulfur (S), sulphur
かたさfirmness, hardness, stiffness, honesty
こうしきhardball (tennis, baseball)
こうはtough elements, hard-liners, stalwart(s)
こうちょくstiffening, rigidity, rigor, stiffness, ossification, petrification
ごかいじょ, ごかいしょcommercial go-playing parlour (parlor)
ごうちgo player, playing go
ごばんGo board
ごばんのめintersection on a Go board
ごばんじまcheck, check pattern
ごいしGo piece(s), Go stone(s)
いしぶみstone monument bearing an inscription
ひぶんinscription, epitaph, epigraph
ひめいinscription, epitaph
うすいとうげUsui Pass
あおblue; green; green light; black (horse coat color); immature, unripe, young
あおいblue, green; pale; unripe, inexperienced
へきざんgreen mountains
へきすいblue water, green water
へきがんblue eyes
へきくうblue sky, azure sky
せきじゅ(Confucian) scholar
せきがくgreat scholar, profound scholar
たるかくたるしょうこcertain (definite) evidence
かくほguarantee, maintain, ensure, insure, secure, reservation
かっこfirm, unshakeable, resolute
かくしつdiscord, antagonism
かくていdecision, settlement; definition
かくじつcertainty, reliability, soundness
かくりつprobability, likelihood, chances
かくにんaffirmation, confirmation, validation
じりょくmagnetism, magnetic force
じきporcelain, china
じじょう, じばmagnetic field
じきあらしmagnetic storm
みがきpolish, improvement, burnishing
りガラスすりガラスground glass
いそ(rocky) beach, seashore
いそづたいalong the beach
いそぎんちゃく, イソギンチャクsea anemone
いそべseashore, beach
いそづり, いそずりfishing from rocks by the shore
そなれまつwindswept pine trees
いそひよどりblue rockthrush
いしずえfoundation stone, cornerstone
そせきfoundation stone, cornerstone
しめしdiscipline, revelation
しめすto denote, to show, to point out, to indicate, to exemplify
しさsuggestion, hint, implication
れいじょうacknowledgment, acknowledgement, letter of thanks
しゃかいじんわくspecial consideration for non-traditional (older) students
しゃかいほけんsocial insurance
しゃかいほしょうsocial security
しゃかいとうSocialist Party
しゃかいもんだいsocial problem
しゃかいふくしsocial welfare
しゃかいちつじょ(maintain, observe) social (public) order
しゃかいめんsociety or local news page
しゃさいcorporate bond, corporate debenture
しゃいんりょうcompany dormitory
しゃじshrines and temples
しゃそうcompany funeral
しゃせつeditorial, leading article
とうきとうしゃperson who prays
いのりprayer, supplication
いのるto pray, to wish
きとうしゃperson who prays
きせいvow, oath, pledge
しふくprosperity, happiness, blessedness and joy
ゆうひつprivate secretary, amanuensis
ancestor, forefather, progenitor
そせんすうはいancestor worship
そこくfatherland, native country
いわいうたfestive poem or song; congratulatory form (of waka)
いわうto congratulate, to celebrate
しゅうぎcongratulations, celebration, congratulatory gift, tip
しゅくえん(celebration) banquet
しゅくじつnational holiday
しゅくはいtoast, congratulatory cup
しゅくがcelebration, congratulations
しゅくじcongratulatory address
しゅくでんcongratulatory telegram
じんだいすぎlignitized Japanese cedar, lignitised Japanese cedar
しんゆうheavenly protection, divine help
かながわけんKanagawa prefecture (Kantou area)
しんみょうmeek, faithful, quiet
かみだなhousehold Shinto shrine
かぐらancient Shinto music and dancing
殿しんでんtemple, sacred place
しんじImperial regalia (esp. the jewel Yasakani no Magatama); emperor's seal
しんゆうheavenly protection, divine help
しんせいholiness, sacredness, dignity
しんえんshrine gardens
しんようしゅうcollection of mythology
しんずいtrue meaning, mystery, essence, quintessence, soul, core, kernel, life blood
ひょうlabel, ballot, ticket, sign
ひょうでん(favorable voting) constituency (favourable)
まつりfestival, feast
さいしritual, religious service, festival
じるきんじるto prohibit
きんこimprisonment, confinement
きんよくabstinence, abnegation
きんしほうnegative statute, law against something
きんりょうNo Hunting!
ろくだか(amount of a samurai's) stipend
ぜんdhyana (profound meditation); Zen (Buddhism)
ぜんそうZen priest
ぜんもんどうZen dialogue, Zen questions and answers
ぜんしゅうZen (Buddhism)
ぜんでらZen temple
まがwickedness, evil, calamity, disaster
かいんcause of trouble
かがいevil, harm, mischief
かこんroot of evil
かげんsource of misfortune
かふくweal and woe
ていしょうgood omen
ふくgood fortune
ふくりこうせいwelfare program, welfare programme
ふくすけlarge-headed dwarf statue, bringer of good luck
寿ふくじゅlong life and happiness
ふくとくfortune, happiness and prosperity
ふくしwelfare, well-being, social welfare, social security, social service
ふくしじむしょwelfare office, social security office
ふくしじぎょうwelfare work
ふくしこっかwelfare state
ふくしききassistive products (e.g. wheel chairs, hearing aids, etc.)
ふくししゃりょうvehicle for disabled persons, assistive vehicle
ふくいんgood news; gospel (teachings or revelations of Jesus Christ)
禿はげたか, ハゲタカvulture
しゅうpreeminence, superlativeness
でるひいでるto excel, to surpass
しゅうさくsplendid (excellent) work
しゅうれいgraceful, beautiful
わたしもまたme too, I also
しきぎょうprivate enterprise
しじゅくprivate school (in house)
しがくprivate (non-governmental) school (college, university)
しぶんしょprivate document
ししょばこpost office box
しゆうprivate ownership
ししゅくadoring, looking up to
してきpersonal, private, proprietary
しりつたんていprivate detective
していprivate residence
あきぐちbeginning of autumn, beginning of fall
しゅうきfall, autumn
あきばれclear autumnal weather
あきあかね, アキアカネvariety of dragonfly (red coloured)
department, section; (taxonomical) family
かがくぎじゅつちょうScience and Technology Agency
びょうそくper second
めるひめるto hide, to keep to oneself
ひとくhiding, concealment
ひきょうunexplored region, one of the most secluded regions
ひしょ(private) secretary
ひわsecret story, unknown episode
そしゃくちleasehold land
調そようちょうcorvee, taxes in kind or service (former tax system)
そかいconcession, settlement
そぜいtaxes, taxation
しんQin (dynasty of China; 221-206 BCE), Ch'in
とねりこash (tree)
ちつじょorder, regularity, system, method
ちつじょせいぜんin good (perfect) order, in apple-pie order
しいちつじょただしいorderly, well-ordered
ちつろくofficial salary
するしょうするto take the name of; to pretend, to feign, to purport
しょうごうtitle, name, degree
しょうさんpraise, admiration, commendation, approbation
いじゅうmigration, immigration
いどうremoval; mobile (e.g. communications)
いしょくtransplanting, porting, implantation, engrafting
いみんemigration, immigration; emigrant, immigrant
いせきchanging household registry, transfer (e.g. of one's name in the register)
いこうswitching over to, migration
いじょうtransfer, assignment
いてんmoving, transfer, demise
きせいrare, uncommon
きしょうscarce, rare
きしょrare book
きりゅうさんdilute sulfuric acid, dilute sulphuric acid
きはくthin (e.g. air), lean, rarified, diluted, sparse, weak, rarefied
ぜいせいtax system
ぜいむしょtax office
ぜいしゅうtax yields, revenue
ぜいりつtariff; tax rate
ぜいがくamount of tax
みのりripening (of a crop); crop, harvest
みのるto bear fruit, to ripen
ねんじつふりょうpoor crop (of rice)
おさない, いとけないvery young; childish, immature
ちご(festivity) page; baby; boys kept by pederasts
ちごはやぶさ, チゴハヤブサnorthern hobby (species of falcon, Falco subbuteo)
みずこ, みずご, ちしaborted; newborn baby
ちせつunskillful, childish
ちきchildishness, naivete
わかめ, ワカメwakame (species of edible brown seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida)
ちぎょfry (young fish)
ちあゆyoung ayu
りょうせんlines of a mountain ridge
しゅしseed, pit
しゅとう(smallpox) vaccination, inoculation
しゅもくevent, item of business
しゅびょうseeds and seedlings, eggs and hatchlings, (fish) eggs and fry
たねまきsowing seeds, planting seeds, scattering seeds
たねまきsowing seeds, planting seeds, scattering seeds
しゅるいvariety; counter for different sorts of things
わらいねわら, いなわらrice straw, paddy straw
いなさくrice crop
いねかりrice reaping
いなずま, いなづま(flash of) lightning
いなだpaddy field, rice field
いなほear (head) of rice
かせぐto earn income, to labor, to labour
げるかせげるto work, to earn income
かどうoperation (of machine), actual work
かどうりつoperating ratio, rate of operation
かぎょうtrade, business, commerce, occupation
稿こうmanuscript, version, draft
稿こうりょうadvance for manuscript, copy-money
こくふんgrain (rice) flour
こくりゅうkernel, grain
こくしょくcereal diet, grain-eating
ear (of plant); point; scion (in grafting), cion
ほさきear (e.g. of wheat); tip (e.g. of brush or spear)
つみにload, freight, cargo
つんどくbuying books and not reading them
せっきょくpositive, progressive
せきさいlading, loading, carrying
せきせつfallen snow
えいごintelligent, shrewd
便おんびんgentle, peaceable, quiet
おんけんquiet, dependable, uniform, (politically) moderate
おんとうproper, reasonable, right
とるto harvest (a crop)
けつass, arse, buttocks; rear, end; acupuncture point
あなうめfilling in gaps, filling in blanks (in a form, etc.)
あなぐま, アナグマbadger; Eurasian badger (Meles meles)
あながまvery old type of kiln made by digging a hole in the side of a hill
きゅうめいinvestigation (esp. in academic and scientific contexts)
きゅうきょくultimate, extreme, final, eventual
くうくうばくばくvast, boundless, empty, vague
あきすprowler, sneak thief, cat burglar; empty nest
あきびん, からびんempty bottle
あきかんempty can
くうちゅうろうかくcastle in the air
くうい(Self Defense Force's Air Force) captain (defence), lieutenant
くうらんblank space
くうぼaircraft carrier
くうきこうair pocket, air hole
くうどうcave, hollow, cavity
くうどうかmaking hollow, making meaningless
くうばくvast, vague
くうばくaerial bombing
くうはくblank space, vacuum, space, null (NUL)
くうほうblank shot or cartridge, blank ammunition
くうくうばくばくvast, boundless, empty, vague
くうきょemptiness, vacancy
くうぐんAir Force
くうゆair transport
くうかんspace, room, airspace
つきa thrust, a pass, a lunge, a stab
きつけるつきつけるto thrust before, to thrust at
さるつきささるto stick into, to pierce, to run into
とつにゅうrushing, breaking into
とっしゅつprojection, protrusion
とつじょsuddenly, all of a sudden
とつぜんabrupt, sudden, unexpected, all at once
とっぱbreaking through, breakthrough, penetration
とっかんcharge, rush, lightning attack
とっしんrush, charge
ひそかsecret, private, surreptitious
かにひそかにin secret, secretly
ちゃりせっちゃりbicycle theft
せっしゅtheft, stealing, larceny
せっとうtheft, stealing, larceny
せっとうはんtheft, stealing, larceny
せっとうざいtheft, stealing, larceny
ちっそくsuffocation, choking
ガスちっそくガスchoking gas
ちっそくしdeath by suffocation, death by choking
チフス, チブスtyphoid fever, typhus
ちっそnitrogen (N)
ちっそこていnitrogen fixation
ちっそこていほうnitrogen fixation (method)
ちっそひりょうnitrogenous fertilizer, nitrogenous fertiliser
そうがいoutside a window
しにまどごしにover the window sill, through the window
まどぎわ(at the) window
まりないきわまりないextremely, in the extreme, boundless, limitless
きわみheight, acme, extremity
きゅうよextremity, desperation
きゅうちdilemma, predicament
きゅうくつnarrow, tight, stiff, rigid, uneasy, formal, constrained
きゅうそだいpoor student (scholar)
きゅうじょうdistress, wretched condition
かまstove, furnace, kiln
かまだしremoving pots from kiln
かまじるしpotter's mark
ようぎょうceramics, ceramic industry
立ちたちおうじょうbring to a standstill, stalling, stranding
立ちたちがれblighted, withered
立ちたちあおいhollyhock, Alcea rosea, Althaea rosea
立ちたちおくれslow start
りっこうほannouncing candidacy
りつあんdraft, draught, (rough) design
りっぽうlegislation, lawmaking
りっぽうふassize, court; legislature
りっきゃくbeing based on
たちあおいhollyhock, Alcea rosea, Althaea rosea
りゅう, たつ, りょうdragon (esp. Chinese); naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera)
りゅうぐうPalace of the Dragon King
たつまきtornado, waterspout
りゅうおうDragon King; promoted rook (shogi)
しょうchapter, section; medal
しゅんこうcompletion (e.g. of construction)
しゅんこうしきceremony to mark completion
しゅんこうcompletion (e.g. of construction)
しゅんこうしきceremony to mark completion
わらべ, わらんべ, わらし, わらわ, わっぱchild
どうじboy, kid, child
どうしんchild's mind, naivete
どうようchildren's song, nursery rhyme
どうていvirginity (esp. of a man); (Catholic) nun
たんごBoy's Day celebration (May 5th)
たんまつcomputer terminal
たんてきfrank, direct, plain, straightforward, point-blank
たんしょ, たんちょa clue, start, beginning
せりあうto struggle for, to compete with, to vie with
せるto compete, to bid, to sell at auction
きょうばい, けいばいauction
きょうえいswimming race
きょうしょうflying race (between pigeons)
きょうていboat race
けいりんbicycle race; bicycle racing
けいばじょうracecourse, race track
とんぼたけとんぼsmall wooden Japanese toy that flies when spun between the palms of one's hands
のつえたけのつえbamboo rod (stick, pole)
しない(bamboo) fencing stick
たけざいくbamboo work
い翡わらいかわせみ, ワライカワセミlaughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
わらいかわせみ, ワライカワセミlaughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
しょうのふえ, そうのふえsho (Japanese free reed musical instrument)
ふえふきflute player
ふごうagreeing, coincidence
だいいっせいfirst tone, first speech
だいいっぽfirst step
ささbamboo grass
ささはらfield of bamboo grass
ささたけsmall bamboo
ささぶねtoy bamboo-leaf boat
蜘蛛ささぐも, ササグモOxyopes sertatus (species of lynx spider)
ささみhigh-quality chicken breast meat
ふでづかmound covering reverently buried old brushes
ひつぜつwritten and spoken words, description
ひっとうbrush tip, first on a list
なおざり, とうかんneglect, negligence, disregard, make light of
きんりょくphysical strength
つくししゃくなげ, ツクシシャクナゲTsukushi rhododendron, Rhododendron metternichii var.
つつpipe, tube, cylinder; gun barrel; gun
つついround well
つつぬけpassing or going directly through (to)
とうべんresponse, reply, answer, defence, defense
とうしんreport, reply, findings
さくplan, policy
さくていdecision, settling on
さくぼうstrategy, artifice
かげつ(number of) months
かじょうitems, errors, articles
かんないwithin the jurisdiction of
かんせいとうcontrol tower
かんげんがくorchestral music
かんしょうtaking charge, management
くださんごorgan-pipe coral
かんげんがくorchestral music
かんかつjurisdiction, control
かんかつあらそいjurisdictional dispute
かんかつかんちょうcontrolling office, competent (governmental) authorities
かんかつけん(have) jurisdiction over
はこいりcased, boxed
はこづめpacked in a box (i.e. chocolates)
せっけんeconomy, thrift
せつどmoderation, standard
せっそうconstancy; chastity, fidelity
せつげんretrenchment, curtailment, economy
ふしめturning point, critical juncture; knot
はんexample, model
てんれいseal style and ancient square style
げるきずきあげるto build up, to establish (one's reputation)
ついじa mud wall with a roof
ちくていembankment, bank
しのざさgeneral term for bamboo
あついゆうじょうwarm friendship
とくとcarefully, thoroughly, fully, deliberately
とくがくlove of learning
とくしかvolunteer, self-sacrificing person
とっこうvirtuous conduct, virtue, goodness
とくのうかexemplary farmer, outstanding farmer
かんbrevity, simplicity
便かんべんhandy, simple and easy
かんたんめいりょうsimple and clear
かんいsimplicity, convenience, easiness, quasi-
かんいほけんpostal life insurance
かんけつbrevity, conciseness, simplicity
かんけつめいりょうclear and concise
かんりゃくsimple, simplicity
かんそsimplicity, plain
かんさいsummary court, court of summary offences, court of summary offenses
簿ぼがいunaccounted, off the books
簿ぼきjournalization (accounts), journalisation, bookkeeping
せきone's family register, one's domicile
こめだわらbag of rice
こめぐらrice granary
寿べいじゅ88th birthday
こめつぶgrain of rice
べいえいぶつらんUSA, Britain, France and the Netherlands
べいはんcooked rice
こなごなin very small pieces
ミルクこなミルクmilk powder
ふんまつfine powder
ふんさいpulverization, pulverisation, smashing, demolishing
ふんしょくmakeup, toilet, embellishment
がるいきがるto be stylish, to try to appear smart
りゅうしparticle, grain
りゅうじょうgranular, granulated
あら, きずcoarse, crude; defect, flaw, blemish, weak point
あらいcoarse, rough
あらけずりstill in the process of being formed
そだいcoarse or rough
そあくcoarse, crude, inferior
そこうcrude steel
そざつcoarse, rough, crude
っこいねばっこいsticky, stiff, tenacious, persistent
ねばりstickiness, viscosity
ねばりづよいtenacious, persevering, persistent, stubborn, steadfast
ねばるto be sticky, to be adhesive, to persevere, to persist, to stick to
ねんど, ねばつちclay
ねんえきぶんぴつせん, ねんえきぶんぴせんmucus gland
ねんちゃくcohesion, adhesion
ねんまくmucous membrane
としてしゅくとしてquietly, softly, solemnly
しゅくがくschool purge
しゅくせいregulation, enforcement
しゅくさつwithering, blight
しゅくせい(political) purge
しゅくぐんarmy purge
せいspirit; energy; fine details; semen
せいれいdiligence, industry
せいみつprecise, exact, detailed, minute, close
せいこうelaborate, delicate, exquisite
せいどprecision, accuracy
せいさいbrilliance, vividness
せいしんてきmental, emotional
せいしんはくじゃくmental retardation, mentally retarded
せいしんかんていpsychiatric examination
せいしんしょうがいmental disorder
せいえいelite, picked, powerful, efficient
せいれんrefining, smelting, tempering
せいれんしょ, せいれんじょrefinery, smelting works
しょうりょうspirit of the deceased
せいずいessence, kernel, spirit, pith
せいこんsoul, spirit
とうぶんamount of sugar, sugar content
尿とうにょうびょうdiabetes mellitus, sugar diabetes
とうしつsugariness, saccharinity
とうるいsaccharides, sweeteners
かてfood, provisions
いとぐちthread end, beginning, clue
けいふgenealogy, pedigree
あざなうto twist (something)
きゅうごうrally, muster
きゅうもんinquiry, enquiry
きゅうめいsearching examination
(geological) period; Nihon-shoki
きげんera; AD (Christian era)
きげんぜんpre-era, BC, BCE
きこうtraveller's journal, traveler's journal
やくそくてがたpromissory note
やっかんagreement, stipulation, article, clause
くれない, べに, こうdeep red, crimson; rouge, lipstick
こうしんred lips
こうばい, べにうめred-blossomed plum tree, red Japanese apricot
こうかいRed Sea
こうちょうflush, blush
こうはくred and white, colours for festive or auspicious occasions (colors)
こうしょく, べにいろred (color, colour)
こうそうred algae, rhodophyceae
もん(family) crest, coat of arms
もんつきclothing (e.g. kimono) decorated with one's family crest
もんきりがたfixed formula, stereotyped phrase, hackneyed
もんようpattern, design
もんしょうcrest, coat of arms
のうふpayment, supply
のうにゅうpayment, supply
なっとくconsent, assent, understanding, agreement, comprehension, grasp
のうかんplacing of body in coffin
のうりょう(enjoying the) cool of the evening
のうぜいpayment of taxes
なっとうnatto (fermented soybeans)
のうさいbetrothal gift
じゅんpure, innocent, chaste
じゅんぞうnet increase
じゅんどpurity (of a substance)
じゅんあいpure love
じゅんぼくrustic simplicity, homeliness, unsophisticated, naive, honest, simple
じゅんぱくpure or snow white
じゅんえきclear profit, net income, net profit
じゅんすいpure, true, genuine, unmixed
じゅんすいばいようclean (pure) culture
じゅんきんpure gold, solid gold
しゃ(silk) gauze
しへいpaper money, notes, bills
かみしばいpicture story show
かみぶくろpaper bag
しめんspace (page)
きゅうclass, grade, rank, school class, grade
まがいimitation, sham, -like
らすまぎらすto divert, to distract
らわしいまぎらわしいconfusing, misleading, equivocal, ambiguous
らわすまぎらわすto divert, to distract
まぐれfluke, chance
れるまぎれるto be diverted, to slip into
れ込むまぎれこむto disappear into, to slip into, to be lost in, to be mixed up with
ふんそうdispute, trouble, strife
ふんしつlosing something
ふんきゅうcomplication, confusion, disorder
そびょうrough sketch
すてきlovely, dreamy, beautiful, great, fantastic, superb, cool, capital
すばやくquickly, nimbly, agilely
そぼくsimplicity, artlessness, naivete
そざいraw materials, subject matter
そりゅうしelementary particle, particle (physics)
すはだbare (naked) body, complexion (e.g. face)
すがおface with no make-up; honesty, frankness
そけい, ソケイSpanish jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum)
つむぎうたspinning song
つむぐto spin, to make yarn
ぼうきspinning machine
ぼうもうcarded wool
ぼうしspinning, spun cotton (wool)
ぼうせきこうじょうspinning mill, cotton mill
ぼうしょくspinning and weaving
ぼうすい, つむ, つみspindle
さくrope, cord
さくばくdreary, bleak, desolate
しがいultraviolet, UV
しがいせんultra-violet rays
したんrosewood, red sandalwood
むらさきずいしょう, むらさきすいしょうamethyst
しえんpurple smoke, tobacco smoke
しこんbluish purple
しじゅほうしょうMedal with Purple Ribbon
るいtrouble, evil influence, implication, involvement
るいかacceleration, progressive increase
るいぞうsuccessive or progressive increases, cumulative increase
るいしんsuccessive promotion, gradual promotion, graduated
こまかsmall, fine, detailed, stingy
かくこまかくminutely, finely
さいくwork, craftsmanship, tactics, trick
さいぼう, さいほうcell (biology)
さいぼうぶんれつcell division
さいぼうかくnucleus (cell, biology)
さいきんbacillus, bacterium, germ
しんしょうa wealthy merchant
しんしきょうていgentlemen's agreement
しんしふくsuits for gentlemen, menswear
しんしようfor men, male-
しんしろく(who's who) directory
しんしぐつmen's shoes
しょうかいぶんintroductory essay
しょうかいじょうletter of introduction
しょうかいしゃperson who introduces someone, introducer
しょうこうしゅ, シャオシンチュウ, シャオシンチューshaoxingjiu (Chinese alcohol made from rice or glutinous millet)
こんソnavy-blue socks
ソクこんソクnavy-blue socks
ハイソこんハイソnavy-blue knee socks
こうや, こんやdyer
こんぺきdeep blue, azure
こんいろdeep blue
こんじょうnavy blue
しゅうりょうend, close, termination
しゅうりょうごafter the end (of something)
おわりねclosing price (stock exchange, etc.)
しゅうしいっかんconsistency, unchanging from beginning to end
しゅうそくhaving just ended, being resolved
しゅうせんend of war, cessation of hostilities
しゅうじつ, ひねもす, ひめもす, ひもすがらall day, for a whole day
しゅうしふfull stop, period; end
しゅうばんendgame, final stage
しゅうちゃくえきterminal station
しゅうけつend, close
げんstring (of a shamisen, etc.); stringed instrument
げんせいsound of the strings
げんがくstring music
げんがっきstringed instruments
げんかsinging and (string) music
くみうたmedley of (Japanese) songs
み込むくみこむto insert, to include, to cut in (printing)
くみちょうboss (yakuza)
そかくformation of a cabinet
きょうsutra, Buddhist scriptures
けいきちょうEconomic Planning Agency
けいえいしゃmanager, proprietor
けいだんれんFederation of Economic Organizations (Organisation)
けいじょうりえきcurrent profits, ordinary profit, income before income taxes
けいれきpersonal history, career
けいざいきかくちょうEconomic Planning Agency
けいざいふうさeconomic blockade, embargo
けいざいかいeconomic world, financial circles
けいざいてきeconomic, economical
けいざいけんきゅうしょeconomics research centre, economics research center
けいひexpenses, cost, outlay
けいろcourse, route, path, channel; process, means
けいかpassage, expiration, progress
けいけんがあさいhaving little experience
けいけんしゃexperienced person, person who has had a particular experience
むすびending, conclusion, union
けっこんしきmarriage ceremony, wedding
けっこんひろうえんwedding reception banquet
けっしょうcrystal, crystallization, crystallisation
けっしょうけいsystem of crystallization, system of crystallisation
けっそくunion, unity
けっかくtuberculosis, tubercule
けつろdew, condensation
まるしまるto be strangled, to be constricted
めるしめるto strangle, to constrict
しぼりiris (camera, eye)
しぼるto press, to wring, to squeeze, to narrow (down), to whittle (down), to tighten
こうさつhanging, strangulation
こうしゅけいdeath by hanging
まるからまるto be entwined, to be involved
からみlinkage, entanglement, involvement, relationship
みつくからみつくto twine oneself around, to coil around
からみあうto be(come) intertwined, to be entangled
からむto entangle; to pick a quarrel; to be involved with
めるからめるto arrest; to entwine; to coordinate (with)
けんぶんcolorful pattern, colourful pattern
けんらんgorgeous, brilliant, dazzling, gaudy, flowery (speech)
けんらんかれいluxurious and gorgeous, splendid, dazzling, magnificent
けんらんごうかluxurious and gorgeous, splendid, dazzling
きゅうふpayment; performance
きゅうすいせんhydrant, tap, faucet
きゅうとうhot-water supply
きゅうしょくschool lunch, providing a meal
とうせいregulation, control
とうごうintegration; integrated, built-in
とうごうばくりょうかいぎJoint Staff Council
とうすいsupreme command, high command
とうすいけんsupreme command authority
とうかつunification; control, supervision
とうち, とうじrule, reign, government, governing
とうかつunification; control, supervision
いた餅えにかいたもちpie in the sky, castle in the air
いた餠えにかいたもちpie in the sky, castle in the air
えのぐcolors, colours, paints
はがきえはがきpicture postcard
えまきpicture scroll
えかきartist, painter
ぜつりんmatchless, unequaled, unequalled, peerless
ぜっくbecome speechless
ぜっきょうexclamation, scream, shout
ぜっしょうsuperb poem or song
ぜつだいtremendous, immense
ぜっこうbest, ideal, perfect
ぜつみょうexquisite, superb, perfect, miraculous
ぜつぼうdespair, hopelessness
ぜつえんbreaking off relations; insulation (esp. electrical), isolation
ぜつえんていこうinsulation resistance
ぜっちょうsummit, peak, climax
きぬじsilk fabrics
けんぷsilk, silk cloth
けんぽんsilk used in artwork
きぬめmatte finish (e.g. of photographs)
けんし, きぬいとsilk thread
綿きぬわたsilk floss
きぬおりものsilk goods
きぬさやsnow pea(s)
きぬばりneedle for silkwork
つぐto succeed (someone in a business or inheritance)
けいしsuccessor, heir, heiress
けいしょうinheritance, succession, accession
けいとうrelieving the (starting) pitcher
ぞくしんcontinuous rise
ぞくへんcontinuation, sequel
ぞくとうcontinued advance, spiral upward
そうごうsynthesis; comprehensive
そうらんguide, general survey, conspectus, comprehensive bibliography
へそくりsecret savings, stash
いじひmaintenance costs
いしんrestoration (e.g. Meiji)
つなひきtug of war; forward puller (of a rickshaw)
つなわたりtightrope walking, funambulism
こうきlaw and order, discipline
こうきしゅくせいeliminating corruption among government officials, tightening discipline (among)
あみnet, netting; web
あみどscreen door
あみだなluggage rack, baggage rack
もうらcomprising, including, covering, encompassing, comprehending
綴れつづれにしき(hand-woven) brocade
りんずfigured satin
りんじthe Emperor's command, private message from an emperor
りんげんimperial words
き, かんはた, かんばた, かにはたthin twilled silk fabric
きそうきょくcapriccio, lively musical composition
きらfine clothes
びやかきらびやかgorgeous, gaudy, dazzling, gay
きだんromantic story, colorful story, colourful story, highly embellished story
きれいごとfine skill, simplicity
あやfigure; twill weave, pattern of diagonal stripes
なすあやなすrichly variegated in color or pattern
あやとりcat's cradle
あやとりcat's cradle
あやぬのtwill damask and brocade
あやいとcolored thread, coloured thread, thread of cat's cradle, heddle thread
あやおりtwill (fabric)
あやおりtwill (fabric)
あやにしきtwill damask and brocade
綿ぼこりわたぼこりdustballs, cotton dust, fluff, flecks of fibre (fiber)
綿めんみつminute, detailed, careful, scrupulous, thorough
綿めんぷcotton cloth, cotton material
綿めんぼうcotton swab
綿めんしcotton yarn (thread)
綿めんかraw cotton, cotton wool
ひしとtightly, firmly, fast; sharply, keenly
きんみつrigour, rigor, closeness, compactness, tightly knit
きんきゅうurgent, pressing, emergency
きんきゅうたいほarrest without warrant
きんばくbind tightly; (sexual) bondage
きんしゅくshrinkage, contraction, economy, retrenchment
きんようmomentous, exigent, urgent, important, vital
きんぱくtension, strain
あけ, ひscarlet, red; blood
あかいred; Red (i.e. communist)
ひのころもscarlet robe
縅しひおどしscarlet-threaded suit of armor (armour)
縅し鎧ひおどしよろいscarlet-threaded suit of armor (armour)
ひいろbrilliant red, scarlet
ひごろもそうsalvia (sage family)
ひごいred carp, golden carp
そうかいgeneral meeting
そうかいやextortionist that threatens to disrupt stock-holder meetings
そうむgeneral business (affairs), manager, director, adjutant general (mil)
そうごうsynthesis; comprehensive
そうどうめいひぎょうgeneral strike
そうすいcommander, leader
そうかつsynthesis, recap, generalize, generalise
そうかつしゅさいしゃ(electoral) campaign manager
そうしきsupreme command, direction over all
そうぎりmade entirely of paulownia wood
そうりprime minister, leader, overseer (of national affairs), president
そうりふPrime Minister's office, PMO
そうかんinspector general, commissioner
そうとくgovernor-general, governor, viceroy
そうとうsupreme ruler; president (of Taiwan); fuhrer, fuehrer
そうざいside dish, daily (household) dish
そうらんguide, general survey, conspectus, comprehensive bibliography
そうひょうgeneral comment; General Council of Trade Unions of Japan
そうじしょくmass resignation
そうせんきょgeneral election (of the lower house)
そうりょうaggregate amount
そうちょう(college) president, secretary-general
そうりょうじconsul general
そうがくsum total, total amount
りょっか, りょくかtree planting, afforestation
あおげらJapanese woodpecker
りょくちgreen tract of land
みどりいろ, りょくしょく, すいしょくgreen, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure
りょくふうearly-summer breeze
りょくおうしょくgreenish yellow
いとぐちthread end, beginning, clue
につくしょにつくto be started, to get underway
しょせん, ちょせんbeginning of hostilities, beginning of competition
せんびょうline drawing
せんこうincense stick
しめきりclosing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance
ていやくconclusion of a treaty
ていけつconclusion, execution (of a contract), entering (into treaty)
へんcompilation (of a text); volume (of a text); completed literary work
へんにゅうadmission, incorporation
へんせいcomposition, formation, organization, organisation, compilation
へんしゅうしゃeditor (in publishing, etc.)
ゆるみslack, looseness
ゆるむto become loose, to slacken
やかゆるやかloose; gentle; lenient, liberal, lax
かんわrelief, mitigation, alleviation, relaxation, softening
かんじょgentle and quiet
かんきゅうin case of emergency
かんまんslow, sluggish, dull
かんしょうちたいbuffer zone
よこいと, ぬきいとweft, woof (crosswise threads on a loom)
いどlatitude (nav.)
よこいと, ぬきいとweft, woof (crosswise threads on a loom)
ねりkneading, gloss, tempering
げるねりあげるto train up, to discipline
ねりべいmud and tile wall topped with tile
ねるto knead; to polish up (e.g. a plan); to drill, to train
えんこrelation, connection, affinity
えんだんmarriage proposal, engagement
ばしごなわばしごrope ladder
じょうもんJomon period, straw-rope pattern
めるいましめるto bind (with rope, etc.)
りつけるしばりつけるto tie
しばりくび(death by) hanging
しばるto tie, to bind
じゅうだんflying through, cutting across, longitudinal slice
たてがきvertical writing
じゅうおうむじんfreely, right and left, as one pleases
たていと(weaving) warp
じゅうかんrunning through, traversal
たてじく, じゅうじくvertical axis; vertical shaft, spindle
ぬいembroidery, sewing
いぐるみぬいぐるみstuffed toy, plush toy(s)
いつけるぬいつけるto sew on
けるぬいつけるto sew on
ぬいめseam, stitch, suture
ぬいばりsewing needle
しゅくしょうreduction, curtailment
しゅくしゃくreduced scale, scaling
はんぼうpressure of business, busy
はんじょうprosperity, flourishing, thriving
はんえいprospering, prosperity, thriving, flourishing
はんしょくbreed, multiply, increase, propagation
はんじょうprosperity, flourishing, thriving
しげしげfrequently, often; fixedly, narrowly, closely
はんもluxuriant growth
せんdaikon julienne; one ten-millionth
せんさいdelicate, dainty, fine, slim, sensitive, subtle
せんいfibre, fiber, textile
おりweave, weaving, woven item
り込むおりこむto weave into, to interweave, to be incorporated in
おるto weave
しょくふwoven fabric
しょっきloom, weaving machine
おりものtextile, fabric
つくろいmending, repair, darning, patching up
つくろうto mend, to repair, to fix, to patch up, to darn, to tidy up, to adjust, to trim
をかけるまゆをかけるto spin a cocoon
けるまゆをかけるto spin a cocoon
まゆか, けんかprice of a cocoon
まゆだまNew Year's decoration with cocoon-shaped cakes
けんし, きぬいとsilk thread
けんちゅうpongee (unbleached silk)
くりあげupward move, advance
げるくりあげるto move up, to advance
し梯くりだしはしご, くりだしばしごextension ladder, aerial ladder
げるくりひろげるto unfold, to open
くりかえしrepetition; repeatedly
コーヒーかんコーヒーcanned coffee
ジュースかんジュースcanned juice, canned soft drink, can of juice, can of soft drink
ビールかんビールcanned beer, can of beer
かんづめpacking (in cans), canning, canned goods, tin can
ざいあくcrime, sin, vice
ざいじょうcharges, nature of offence, nature of offense
ざいじょうきゅうめいclosely examining (questioning) the concrete circumstances of a crime
おきがさspare umbrella kept (at work) in the event of a sudden shower
おきざりdesertion, leaving behind or in the lurch
れるおきわすれるto leave behind, to misplace, to forget
ばち(divine) punishment, curse, retribution
ばっそくpenal regulations
ばっきんfine, penalty
しょ(police) office
しょめいなついんsign and seal
しょいんstaff member, station employee, official
しょちょうchief (of police), head (of office)
やむto cease, to stop, to be over
めさせるやめさせるto fire (from job), to discharge
めるやめるto resign, to retire, to quit, to leave (one's job, etc.)
まかりemphatic verbal prefix
りならぬまかりならぬnot be allowed, must not
ひめんdismissal, discharge
ひぎょうstrike, walkout
りかんcontracting a disease
うすもの, らlightweight fabric or clothing; Latin (language)
らかんarhat, Lohan, achiever of Nirvana
らかんまき, ラカンマキPodocarpus macrophyllus var. maki (variety of yew plum pine)
らしゃfelt, woollen cloth
らしゃがみflock paper
ようにくmutton, lamb (meat)
しいうつくしいbeautiful, lovely
びじょbeautiful woman
びきbeautiful maiden, beauty
びがくesthetics, aesthetics
びじゅつてんart exhibition
貌のになるびぼうのとりこになるto be enslaved by a woman's beauty
びじれいくflowery words, rhetorical flourishes
びしゅうbeauty or ugliness, personal appearance
しゅうちshyness, bashfulness
ぐんgroup (of animals); group
ぐんぞうsculptured group
ぐんとうisland group, archipelago
ぐんらくmany communities (villages), cluster of plants
ぐんしゅう, ぐんしゅ, ぐんじゅgroup (of people), crowd, horde, throng, mob, multitude
ぎけい, あにbrother-in-law
ぎゆうheroism, loyalty and courage
ぎむduty, obligation, responsibility
ぎじゅくprivate school
ぎだゆうgidayuu (form of ballad drama)
ぎまい, いもうとsister in law (younger)
ぎし, あねsister-in-law (elder)
ぎてい, おとうとyounger brother-in-law
ぎふんrighteous indignation
ぎえんきんdonation money, contribution
ぎふfather-in-law, foster father, stepfather
ぎしartificial limb
はうちわかえで, ハウチワカエデJapanese maple (tree) (Acer japonicum)
はぶりplumage, influence, power
うもうfeathers, plumage, down
はおりhaori (Japanese formal coat)
おう, おきなold man, venerable
おきなのめんold man's mask
おきながいlantern shell
よくthe following, next
よくよくthe one after next
あくるnext, following
よくねん, よくとしfollowing year
よくじつnext day
よくしゅんnext spring
よくげつfollowing month
よくちょう, よくあさthe next morning
よくよくthe one after next
よくしゅうthe following week, the next week
しゅうぞくmanners and customs, folkways, usage
けるかけるto soar, to fly; to run, to dash
とぶto jump; to fly, to soar
かけるto soar, to fly; to run, to dash
んでるとんでるfar-out, groovy, flipped out
しょうはcompleting a flight
すいらんthe sense of being engulfed in a green, mountainous atmosphere
すいぎょくemerald, jade
みどりいろ, りょくしょく, すいしょくgreen, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure
かわせみ, ひすい, しょうびん, カワセミkingfisher (esp. the common kingfisher; jade
ひすいいろjade green
こぼしspilling; waste-water container (tea ceremony)
こぼしspilling; waste-water container (tea ceremony)
こぼすto spill; to grumble
ひるがえるto turn over, to wave, to flutter
ほんろうto trifle with; to rack, to toss
ほんいchange one's mind
ほんあんadaptation (of story, text)
耀かがやくto shine, to glitter, to sparkle
おいold age, old person, the old, the aged
ホームろうじんホームsenior citizens' home
ろうかageing, aging, senile deterioration
ろうふうふan old couple
ろうばold woman
ろうねんold age
ろうごold age
ろうきゅうsuperannuated, decrepitude
ろうれんexperienced, veteran
ろうおうold man
しにせ, ろうほold shop; well-established, first of the kind, veteran
ろうじゃく, ろうにゃくyoung and old, all ages
ろうすいsenility, senile decay, infirmity (through age)
ろうれいadvanced age, senility
かんがえかたway of thinking
こうこがくarchaeology, archeology
こうさつconsideration, inquiry, enquiry
たいきゅうendurance, persistence
たいぼうausterity, voluntary privation
たいぼうせいかつhard life, life of austerity
たいせいresistance (e.g. to antibiotics)
たいせいきんantibiotic-resistant bacteria
たいしんresistant to earthquakes
こうさくcultivation, farming
こうぐfarm tools, farm implements
ますみみをすますto listen carefully, to strain one's ears
みみもとclose to the ear
れるみみなれるto be something familiar
みみうちwhisper into a person's ear
じもくeye and ear; one's attention, one's interest
みみざといsharp-eared, have sharp ears, picks things up fast
咽喉じびいんこうかotorhinolaryngology, ear, nose and throat
やじょうfather and mother
やそJesus (Chinese)
せいちsacred place, holy ground, the Holy Land
せいいきsacred precincts, sanctuary, consecrated ground
せいどう(Confucian) temple, church, sanctuary
せいせんholy war, crusade
せいしょBible, scriptures
せいぼbirth mother of a holy man (or woman); Virgin Mary
せいかsacred fire (torch); Olympic flame
せいしょくしゃclergyman, churchman, clergy
かすきかすto inform about, to read to, to sing for
ききとりlistening comprehension
ききてhearer; interviewer, questioner
ききがきaccount of what one hears
き込みききこみそうさ(police) legwork
さといsmart, sensitive, discerning
そうびんsagacity, cleverness
そうめいwisdom, sagacity
ちょうしゅlistening, hearing, audition, radio reception
ちょうしゅうaudience, attendance, hearers
ちょうかくthe sense of hearing
ちょうこうlecture attendance, auditing
しょくばone's post, place of work, workplace
しょくぎょうoccupation, business
ちょうこくfounding of a state
ちょうさいbeginning of the year
にくたいてきcorporeal, material
にっけい, にっきcinnamon
にくぎゅうbeef cattle
にくはくcome close to, closing in upon, pressing hard (on the enemy), challenge
にくしんblood relationship, blood relative
はだあいperson's disposition
はださむい, はだざむいchilly, unpleasantly cold
はだざわりthe touch of, feel of
あやかりものlucky person
あやかるto share good luck
しょうぞうけんrights to usage of one's likeness
きも, たんliver, innards; courage, spirit, pluck, guts
がんかんがんliver cancer
ったまきもったま, きもだまguts, pluck, nerve, spirit
をつぶすきもをつぶすto be frightened out of one's wits, to be amazed, to be astounded
かんじんessential, fundamental, crucial, vital, main
かんこうへんcirrhosis of the liver
かんようessential, vital, crucial, importance
かんめいdeep impression
したいlimbs, members, body
したいふじゆうじhandicapped child
こえmanure, night soil, dung, fertiliser, fertilizer
えるこえるto grow fat, to grow fertile; to have good taste
やしこやしmanure, night soil, dung, fertiliser, fertilizer
やすこやすto fertilize, to fertilise, to manure, to enrich
ひだいswell, enlarge, corpulence, fatness, obesity
ひりょうmanure, fertilizer, fertiliser
ひまんcorpulence, fatness, obesity
をすくめるかたをすくめるto shrug one's shoulders
わりかたがわりshouldering another's debt
かたいれsupport, backing, patronage
かたがきtitle, degree, address (on letter), criminal record
かしかたすかしdodging; under-shoulder swing down (sumo)
うなずくto nod, to bow one's head in assent
こうていおうとうacknowledge, ACK
こうていぶんaffirmative sentence
こうけいthe essential point
そだちbreeding, growth
いくせいrearing, training, nurture, cultivation, promotion
いくせいさいばいvegetable and fruit growing
いくびょうraising seedlings
がんはいがん, はいガンlung cancer
ガンはいがん, はいガンlung cancer
はいかつりょうlung capacity
はいびょうlung disease, chest trouble, pulmonary tuberculosis
はいけっかくpulmonary tuberculosis, consumption
はいかんlungs and livers, depths of one's heart, innermost heart
アトニーいアトニーgastric atony
カタルいカタルgastric catarrh
カメラいカメラendoscope, gastrocamera
ポリープいポリープgastric polyp
潰瘍いかいようstomach ulcer
いえんgastritis, gastric catarrh
いつうstomach-ache, stomach pain, gastralgia
いちょうstomach, gastrointestine
きも, たんliver, innards; courage, spirit, pluck, guts
のうたんのうgall bladder
たんりょくcourage, nerve, grit
たんのうgall bladder
たんじゅうbile, gall
せたけstature, height
はいにんbreach of trust (law)
はいごback, rear
はいけいbackground, scenery, setting, circumstance
せおよぎbackstroke (swim.)
せばんごうnumber on player's back
せぼねspine, backbone
たい, はらwomb
たいじembryo, fetus, foetus
たいないinterior of womb
たいどうquickening, foetal (fetal) movement, fomenting (trouble)
たいきょうprenatal care, antenatal training
たいばんplacenta, afterbirth
barbarian tribes surrounding ancient China
ここく(ancient) North China barbarian nations
あぐらsitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style)
坐をかくあぐらをかくto sit cross-legged; to rest on one's laurels
あぐらsitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style)
をかくあぐらをかくto sit cross-legged; to rest on one's laurels
あぐらsitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style)
をかくあぐらをかくto sit cross-legged; to rest on one's laurels
たねissue, offspring, paternal blood
いんえいsuccessor, descendant
たねちがいhalf-brother, half-sister
どうがながいhaving a long body, long-bodied
どうらんcase for botanical specimens
どうたいbody, trunk, torso
どうまわりwaist, girth, measurement around waist
びれむなびれpectoral fin
をときめかすむねをときめかすto make one's heart flutter
きょうちゅうone's mind, one's intentions
きょうぞうbust (statue)
むなもとbreast, pit of stomach
きょうついthoracic vertebra(e)
むなつきはっちょうthe most trying spot or period, the most difficult period
きょうきんone's heart
きょうぶchest, breast
きょうかくchest, thorax
のうがくNoh play
あぶらfat, tallow, lard, grease
っこいあぶらっこいgreasy, fatty, oily
しぼうfat, grease, blubber
しぼうそうfatty layer, layer of fat
しぼうゆfatty oil
しぼうさんfatty acid
ししつlipid, fats, adipose
えるおびえるto become frightened, to be frightened (of), to be scared (of)
かすおどかすto threaten, to menace; to startle, to surprise
しつけるおどしつけるto threaten, to terrify, to frighten
おどすto threaten, to menace
やかすおびやかすto intimidate; to jeopardize, to endanger, to imperil
きょうかつthreat, intimidation, menace
きょうかくintimidation, threat
きょういthreat, menace
きょうはくthreat, menace, coercion, terrorism
みゃくはくpulse, pulsation, stroke of pulse
みゃくらくchain of reasoning, logical connection, coherence, context
せきついspine, vertebral column
せきずいspinal cord
きゃっこうfootlight, limelight
きゃくほんscript, screenplay, scenario
きゃくしょくdramatization (e.g. film), dramatisation
しゅうちくtall bamboo
するだっするto escape from, to get out
だっきゃくridding (freeing) oneself
だつぼうremoving one's hat
だっすいevaporation, dehydration, dessication
だつごくしゅうescaped prisoner
だっぴshedding, molting, emergence
だつりゅうdesulfurization, desulphurisation, desulphurization
だつぜいtax evasion
だっしゅうdeodorization, deodorisation
退だったいsecession, retirement, withdrawal (e.g. from a lawsuit)
のうしゅっけつcerebral hemorrhage, cerebral haemorrhage
のうそっちゅうstroke, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage
のうしbrain death
のうはbrain waves
のうさんごbrain coral
のうしんけいcranial nerves
のうけっせんcerebral thrombosis
のうりone's mind
らせるふくらせるto puff up, to inflate
らみふくらみswelling, bulge, puff
らむふくらむto expand, to swell (out), to get big, to become inflated
はれboil, swelling
れっふくれっつらsulky look, sullen look
れぼったいはれぼったいpuffy, somewhat swollen
れるはれるto swell (from inflammation), to become swollen
くさりrottenness, decay, corruption
ふしんtaking pains to, racking one's brains, doing everything one can
ふはいdecay, depravity
ふきゅうdeterioration, rot
ふようどhumus, leaf mold, leaf mould
うでのさえdexterity, skill
うでまえability, skill, facility
わんりょくphysical strength, brute strength, arm strength
ようついlumbar vertebrae
ようつうlower back (or hip) pain, lumbago
こしなわleash, rope tied round prisoner's waists
ちょう, はらわた, わたguts, bowels, intestines
ふくしんone's confidant, trusted friend, trusted retainer
ふくつう, はらいたstomach ache, abdominal pain
まくmembrane, film
らしふくらしこbaking powder
らみふくらみswelling, bulge, puff
ぼうちょうexpansion, swelling, increase, growth
ぼうりゅうswelling up
ぞうviscera, bowels
ぞうきviscera, internal organs
のぞむto look out on; to face; to deal with; to attend (e.g. function)
りんしょうclinical (e.g. pathology, physiology)
りんせんpreparing for action or battle
りんけんon-the-spot investigation or inspection, raid
りんきおうへんadapting oneself to the requirements of the moment, playing it by ear, ad hoc
りんかいcoastal, seaside, oceanfront, maritime
りんかいcritical (pressure, temperature, state, point)
じたoneself and others; transitive and intransitive
じしんかじょうoverconfident, presumptuous
じぶんmyself, yourself, oneself, himself, herself; I, me
じどうとびらautomatic door
じどうはんばいきvending machine
じどうしゃそんがいばいしょうせきにんほけんmandatory vehicle liability insurance
じだらくdepravity, self-indulgence
じそんself-respect, esteem
じこりゅうone's own style, self-taught manner
じこぎせいself-sacrifice, self-renunciation
じこむじゅんself-contradiction, paradox, antinomy
じこしほんnet worth, owned capital
じこけんじmaking oneself conspicuous, pressing one's own cause
じりつしんけいautonomic nerves
じまんpride, boast
じまんばなしboastful speech, bragging
じがself, the ego
じぼうじきdesperation, despair, self-abandonment
じさつみすいattempted suicide
じみんLiberal Democratic Party, LDP
じみんとうLiberal Democratic Party, LDP
じちたいself-governing body, municipality, autonomous entity
じちしょうMinistry of Home Affairs
じじょうself-purification, self-cleansing
じめつruining oneself, destroying oneself
じすいcooking for oneself
しぜんびょうしゃdescription of nature
しぜんとうたnatural selection
じゆうかliberalization, liberalisation, freeing
じゆうがたfreestyle (e.g. swimming event)
じゆうけいざいfree economy
貿じゆうぼうえきfree trade
貿じゆうぼうえきちいきfree trade zone, free trade area
貿じゆうぼうえきたいいきfree trade zone, free trade area
じはくconfession, acknowledgement, acknowledgment
じしゃone's company; in-house, belonging to the company
じひつone's own handwriting
じじょうじばくにおちいるto be caught in one's own trap
じぎゃくmasochism, inflicting damage to oneself
じえいかん(Japanese) Self Defense Force member (Defence)
じえいたいself-defence force; Japan Self-Defence Force, JSDF
じかくself-consciousness, self-awareness
じふconceit, bragging about one's own ability
じはんautomobile sales
じばいほうAutomobile Accident Compensation Act
じばいせきほけんmandatory vehicle liability insurance
じへいしょうautism; autistic
くさみbad smell; affectation, fulsomeness
しゅうきbad smell, stink
to ...
っていたってvery much, exceedingly, extremely
いたりutmost limit, extremity, result
いたるところeverywhere, all over
しふくbeatitude, supreme bliss
しせいsincerity, devotion
しなんmost difficult, next to impossible
ちめいしょうfatal wound
ちめいてきfatal, lethal
ちしlethal, fatal
きょうinterest; implicit comparison (style of the Shi Jing)
こうふんexcitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal
こうぎょうindustrial enterprise
こうぎょうentertainment industry, show business
こうりゅうrise, prosperity
たらずしたたらず, したったらずlisping; inadequate linguistic ability
ぜっせんwar of words
したうちsmacking lips, clicking tongue, tut-tut
らずしたたらず, したったらずlisping; inadequate linguistic ability
したつづみ, したづつみsmacking one's lips
しゃhut; (in the ancient Chinese army) one day's march (approx. 12.2 km)
しゃていmy younger brother; underling (e.g. in yakuza)
shop, store; counter for folded maps, etc.
ほせきpaving stone
ほそうpavement, road surface
煉瓦ほそうれんがpaving brick
ほそうどうろpaved road
まいdancing, dance
まうto dance (orig. a whirling dance); to flutter about, to revolve
ぶたいかんとくstage director
ぶたいうらoffstage, backstage, behind the scenes
まいひめ(temple) dance
ぶようdancing, dance
をこぐふねをこぐto row a boat; to nod off, to doze off
ふなうたsailor's song, boat song, shanty
しゅうていboat, watercraft
こうかいsail, voyage
便こうくうびんair mail
こうくうきaircraft, aeroplane, airplane
こうこうcruise, navigation, sailing
こうろcourse, (sea) route, run
はんにゃwisdom; Prajnaparamita, Perfection of Wisdom
つむlarge ship
はくらいimported, foreign-made
はくらいひんimported article, imported goods
はくようきかんmarine engine
はくさいocean transportation, importation
せんそうship's hold, hatch
ふなでsetting sail, putting out to sea
せんびstern of a ship
ふないたべいfence made from disused ship planks
ふなばし, せんきょうpontoon bridge; bridge (of a ship)
せんせきship's nationality, ship's country of registration
せんぱくあんぜんほうShip Safety Law (1933)
せんぱくぎょうshipping industry
せんぱくとうろくしょうship's certificate, ship's registration
せんちょうship's captain
かんせん(ocean) vessels, warship
かんていmilitary vessel, war fleet
かんさいきship-borne plane
かんちょうcaptain (of a warship)
かんたい(naval) fleet, armada
りょうgood; B grade (in an A, B, C ... system)
かったらよかったらif you like
よきgoodness; good
よさmerit, virtue, good quality
りょうぞくgood custom
りょうこうfavorable, favourable, satisfactory
りょうさいgood wife
りょうしきgood sense
いろずり(three) colour printing, (three) color printing
しきさいcolour, color, hue, tints
いろえんぴつcolor pencil, colour pencil
かしいなまめかしいcharming, captivating
っぽいつやっぽいromantic, spicy, coquettish
めかしいなまめかしいcharming, captivating
めくつやめく(for an object) to be shiny; (for a woman) to be alluring, to look sexy
やかつややか, あでやかglossy, beautiful, bewitching, fascinatingly elegant
つやごとlove affair, romance
いもtuber, taro, potato; yokel, bumpkin
いもほりpotato field (furrows)
ずいきtaro stem
いもむしhornworm (caterpillar of a hawk moth), (hairless) caterpillar
ふようcotton rose; lotus blossom
ふようほうMt Fuji (lotus-shaped mountain)
しばlawn, sod, turf
えびしばえび, しばエビ, シバエビshiba shrimp (prawn, Metapenaeus joyneri)
エビしばえび, しばエビ, シバエビshiba shrimp (prawn, Metapenaeus joyneri)
しばいplay, drama
しばいごやplayhouse, theatre, theater
しばくさlawn, sod, turf
ふぃんらんど, フィンランドFinland
ばしょう, バショウJapanese fiber banana (Musa basjoo)
びらはなびら, かべん(flower) petal
はなさくto bloom
はなぞの, かえんflower garden
かだんflower bed
はなたばbunch of flowers, bouquet
かりゅうred-light district
かりゅうかいred-light district, pleasure quarters, world of the geisha, demimonde
かりゅうびょうsexually transmitted disease, social disease
かりん, カリンangsana, Burmese rosewood
かふんしょうhay fever, pollinosis (allergy to pollen)
かけいstem of flower
はなわwreath, garland
おいらんcourtesan, prostitute
おいらんどうちゅうprocession of courtesans
しいかぐわしいsweet-smelling, scentful, fragrant
しくないかんばしくないpoor, unfavourable, unfavorable, disgraceful
ばしいこうばしいsweet, fragrant, aromatic; savory, savoury
ほうめいgood name, good reputation, your name
ほうめいろくvisitors' book
ほうし(your) kindness
ほうきage (of a young lady), sweet seventeen
ほうこうperfume, fragrance, aroma, balm
げいart, craft, accomplishment, artistic skill, technique, performance
げいえんartistic and literary circles
げいじゅつさいart festival
せりdropwort, Japanese parsley
ぐむめぐむto bud, to sprout
めぶくto bud
めばえbud, sprout
えるめばえるto bud, to sprout
その, えんgarden (esp. man-made); place, location
なわしろ, なえしろrice nursery, bed for rice seedlings
なえどこnursery, seedbed, seed-plot
なえぎseedling, sapling, young tree
かりそめ, こうしょtemporary, transient; trifling, slight, negligent
わかてyoung person
わかだんなyoung master, young gentleman
わかまつyoung pine, New Year's symbolic pine decoration
わかものyoung man, youth, lad
わかなyoung greens or herbs
わかば, どんようnew leaves, fresh verdure
わかがえりrejuvenation, restoration of youth
わかあゆ, わかゆyoung (healthy & energetic) sweetfish
しみくるしみpain, anguish, distress, suffering, hardship
しめるくるしめるto torment, to harass, to inflict pain
くきょうtrouble, crisis, predicament, squeeze, pinch
くのうsuffering, distress, affliction, anguish, agony, trouble
くりょrack one's brains
くせんhard fight, close game
くはいbitter experience (ordeal)
くじゅうbitterness, mortification, difficulty in understanding, distress, affliction
くにくのさくlast resort, desperate measure taken under pressure of necessity
えいふつかいきょうthe English Channel
えいしゅんa genius, prodigy
えいわEnglish-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)
姿えいしさっそうcutting a fine (dashing, gallant, noble) figure
えいじEnglish letter, alphabetic character
えいさいunusual talent, gifted
えいぶんがくstudy of English literature
えいめいintelligent, wise, bright, brilliant, clear-sighted
えいやくEnglish translation
えいごきそのうりょくしけんEnglish Language Proficiency Test, TOEFL
えいごじゅくprivate school for the study of English
えいゆうhero, great man
えいれいspirits of war dead, great men
もりんluxuriant (dense) forest
なす, なすびeggplant (Solanum melongena), aubergine
ナスか, なすかSolanaceae (nightshade family of plants)
かやhay, various gramineous grasses (e.g. eularies), plants used for thatching
かやばhayfield, field of miscanthus
ぼうおくthatched cottage, hovel, my humble cottage
ちぬだい, チヌダイblack porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli)
ぼうしゃthatched cottage, hovel, my humble cottage
葺きかやぶきthatching a roof with grass
ひぐらしevening cicada (Tanna japonensis)
まつり, マツリArabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac)
まつりかArabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac)
さすあかねさすそらglowing sky
あかねのねmadder root
あかねさすそらglowing sky
あかねいろmadder red
ちゃのゆtea ceremony
ちゃのまliving room (Japanese-style)
わんちゃわんrice bowl, tea cup, teacup
ちゃやtea house, tea dealer
ちゃづけrice with ocha poured on (Japanese dish)
ちゃほtea store
ちゃかっしょくdark reddish-brown, liver color
ちゃどう, さどうtea ceremony, Way of Tea
くさのねgrassroots, rank and file, the roots of grass
くさたけrice plant's height
くさわけpioneer, pathfinder, originator, founder, trailblazer
くさかりmowing, mower
くさきもねむるうしみつときthe dead of night
そうあんdraft, draught
稿そうこうnotes, draft, draught, manuscript
くさぶえreed pipe
えごまegoma (type of perilla), Perilla frutescens var. frutescens
えごまゆegoma seed oil
っぽいあらっぽいrough, rude
らげるあららげる, あらげるto raise (e.g. voice)
あれstormy weather, tempest, chaps (of skin)
れるあれるto be stormy, to be rough, to lose one's temper
こうとうむけいabsurdity, nonsense, preposterous
あらきlogs in bark, rough wood
あらなみstormy seas, raging waves
こうりょうdesolate, dreary, bleak
あらりょうじdrastic measure or treatment
あらいそreefy coast, windswept and wave-beaten shore
あらかせぎmaking a killing, making easy money, robbery
あらごまwild or untamed horse
しょう, そうmanor
しょうごんadorning (a Buddhist statue)
しょうえん, そうえんmanor, demesne
しょうえんせいmanorial system
しょうえんせいどmanorial system
そうちょうsolemn, grave, impressive
load; burden, responsibility
にだい(truck) load-carrying tray, (bicycle) luggage carrier, roof rack
荼枳だきにDakini (fairy-goddess)
ふとい, フトイsoftstem bulrush (Scirpus tabernaemontani)
かんぜんsweetly smiling
としてかんじとしてwith a smile
きくchrysanthemum, Chrysantemum morifolium
きくのごもんImperial chrysanthemum emblem
きくか, きっかchrysanthemum
きんfungus; germ, bacterium, bacillus
fruit; counter for fruit
かしpastry, confectionery
パンかしパンsweetened bun
かしやconfectionery shop
さいside dish
なのはなrape blossoms, Brassica rapa var. amplexicaulu
さいえんvegetable garden
いそぎんちゃく, イソギンチャクsea anemone
すみれ, スミレviolet (any flower of genus Viola, esp. the Fuji dawn, Viola mandshurica)
スミレか, すみれかViolaceae (the violet family of plants)
すみれぐさFuji dawn (species of violet, Viola mandshurica)
しいはなばなしいbrilliant, magnificent, spectacular
やかはなやかshowy, brilliant, gorgeous, florid, gay
やぐはなやぐto become brilliant
かきょうoverseas Chinese merchants
かれいsplendor, splendour, magnificence
もえsprouting; crush (anime, manga term), fascination, infatuation
えるもえるto burst into bud; to have a crush, to be infatuated
もえでるto sprout, to bud
きざしsigns, omen, symptoms
めぐむto bud, to sprout
やしもやしbean sprouts
ほうがgermination, germ, sprout, bud, sign
ほうれいthe masses, common people
はぎはら, はぎわらreedy field
はぎぞくLespedeza (genus), bush clover (family)
おとしだねnobleman's illegitimate child
おちslip; outcome; punch line (of a joke)
いたおちついたquiet, calm, composed
おちぼひろいact of picking up crop left after harvesting, name of painting by Millet
おちば, らくようfallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leaves
おちあゆsweetfish going downstream to spawn
としおとしあなpitfall, trap, pit
らくごdropping out of, straggling, falling out of the ranks
らくごしゃdropout, straggler, outcast, failure
らくさa head (of water), a difference
らくさつhaving one's bid accepted (e.g. for contract), bid award, winning a tender
らっかんsign and seal, signature
らくたんdiscouragement, despondency, dejection
らくいんnobleman's illegitimate child
らくようきょうぼくdeciduous tall tree
らくごrakugo story, (telling) a comic story
らくらいthunderbolt, bolt of lightning
はざくらcherry tree in leaf
ちょwork, book; (a book) by; obvious, striking
ちょさくwriting, book
ちょめいwell-known, noted, celebrated
ちょしょliterary work, book
ちょじゅつwriting, literary work
かっとうconflict, complication, troubles, discord
あしぶえreed pipe
鹿あしか, みち, アシカeared seal (esp. the California sea lion, Zalophus californianus), sea lion
ほうむるto bury, to inter, to entomb, to consign to oblivion, to shelve
そうぎfuneral service
そうさいfunerals and ceremonial occasions
そうそうattendance at a funeral
あおいまつりhollyhock festival
きつけるまきつけるto sow (seeds)
まきえgold or silver lacquer, lacquer decoration sprinkled with metal powder
ほりゅうpurple willow, infirmity, delicate constitution
かすふかすto steam
けるふけるto become ready to eat (as a result of steaming)
じょうききかんsteam engine
じょうきせんsteamship, steamboat, steamer
あおblue; green; green light; black (horse coat color); immature, unripe, young
あおいblue, green; pale; unripe, inexperienced
惶としてそうこうとしてin great haste
そうはくpale, pallid
あおじろいpale, pallid; bluish-white
そうぼうdusky, shadowy
たくわえstore, reserve, stock, savings
えるたくわえるto store, to lay in stock
ちくせきaccumulation, accumulate, store
ちくざいamassing of wealth
ちくでんちstorage battery
はす, はちすlotus (Nelumbo nucifera), sacred lotus
れんこんlotus root
れんげlotus flower; Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus); china spoon
れんげlotus flower; Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus); china spoon
つたivy (esp. Boston ivy, Parthenocissus tricuspidata)
つたうるし, ツタウルシpoison ivy, rhus ambigua
つたもみじmaple, scarlet-tinged ivy
つたかずらivy and vines, creepers
つたかずらivy and vines, creepers
つたかずらivy and vines, creepers
ぞうとくconcealment, shelter, harboring, harbouring
ぞうしょbook collection, library
ぞうしょうMinister of Finance
しょうふうcorrect style in a haiku (like Basho's)
ふきbutterbur (Petasites japonicus)
ろそうliquorice, licorice
すすきJapanese pampas grass (Miscanthus sinensis), silver grass, zebra grass
れるうすれるto fade, to become dim
はっこうunhappiness, sad fate, misfortune
はくりきこwheat flour of low viscosity, weak flour
うすぐらいdim, gloomy
うすぐもりslightly cloudy
うすごおり, はくひょうthin ice, danger
はくさdelicate gauze, gossamer
うすまく, はくまくthin film
すすめrecommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement
めるすすめるto recommend, to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine)
をかけるこもをかけるto spread a mat
まき, たきぎfirewood, kindling, fuel; piece(s) of firewood
まきわりhatchet, axe; wood-chopping, wood-splitting
まきわりhatchet, axe; wood-chopping, wood-splitting
たきぎひろいfirewood gathering
しんすいfuel and water, cooking, salary
しんたんwood and charcoal, fuel
たきぎのうNoh theater performed at night by a fire
かおりaroma, fragrance, scent, smell
たくto burn (usu. incense)
かおりaroma, fragrance, scent, smell
かおるto smell sweet, to be fragrant
くんじょうfumigation, smoking (out)
くんせいsmoking (of fish, meat, etc.)
くんとうeducation, training, discipline
くんぷうbalmy breeze, summer breeze
くんこうincense, fragrance
やくざいmedicine, drug
やくざいしchemist, pharmacist
やくしにょらいBhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills)
やくぶつmedicines, drugs
らんじゅほうしょうMedal with Blue Ribbon (philanthropy)
あいいろindigo blue
ふじwisteria, Wisteria floribunda
ふじわらしのしゅつof Fujiwara descent
とうほんclimbing trees, liana
ふじだなwisteria trellis (arbor, arbour)
とうしFujiwara family
ふじいろlight purple
ふじづるwisteria vine
ふじばかま, フジバカマthoroughwort, Eupatorium fortunei (species of boneset), Eupatorium japonicum
はんfiefdom, domain (precursor to current prefectures)
はんしゅfeudal lord, daimyo
はんこうfeudal lord, daimyo
はんしfeudal retainer or warrior
はんがくschool for samurai children
はんばつclanship, clannism, clan favoritism, clan favouritism
duckweed, seaweed, algae
掻くもがくto struggle; to be impatient
そうるいseaweed, algae
らんorchid; The Netherlands
らんがくDutch studies, studies of Western knowledge
とら, トラtiger (feline; drunk person; trouble
とらのまきcrib notes, key (to a diagram)
とらがりclose-cropped (head)
ここうtiger's den, jaws of death, dangerous place
とらかんcrib notes, key (to a diagram)
こえんけんTiger Swallow Fist
とらがりtiger hunt
こけつtiger's den, jaws of death, dangerous place
おこぜstingfish, scorpion fish, stonefish
げるしいたげるto oppress
いじめbullying, teasing
ぎゃくたいill-treatment, oppression
ぎゃくさつatrocity, massive killing
きょきょじつじつfull of wiles and tricks
きょぎuntrue, falsehood, fiction, deception, vanity
きょぞうvirtual image, pretense, pretence
きょもうfalsehood, untruth, delusion
きょじゃくfeebleness, weakness, imbecility
きょこうfiction; fictitious, fictional, imaginary
きょむnihility, nothingness
きょだつprostration, lethargy, collapse, despondency
きょしょくostentation, show, affectation
とりこcaptive; victim (of love, etc.), slave (to one's lust, etc.)
りょしゅうcaptive, prisoner
おそれfear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness
ぐびじんそうfield poppy, Papaver rhoeas
こうさいiris (of the eye)
こうさいいしょくしょうheterochromia iridis, eyes differing in colour (color)
にじいろrainbow-colored, rainbow-coloured
こうげいliterary rainbow
にじます, ニジマスrainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)
の囁くなかのささやくなこえfaint voice
かとりせんこうmosquito coil, anti-mosquito incense
かとりせんこうmosquito coil, anti-mosquito incense
かやmosquito net
かやmosquito net
かばしらmosquito swarm
かいこ, カイコsilkworm (Bombyx Mori)
さんぐsericultural equipment
さんざsilkworm basket
さんしsilk thread, silk yarn
さんしぎょうsericulture industry
さんししけんじょsilk experiment station
さんしsilkworm-egg paper
いちごへびいちご, ヘビイチゴ, くちなわいちごfalse strawberry (Duchesnea chrysantha), mock strawberry
じゃのめ(umbrella with) bull's-eye (pattern)
イチゴへびいちご, ヘビイチゴ, くちなわいちごfalse strawberry (Duchesnea chrysantha), mock strawberry
じゃぐちfaucet, tap
だこうmeandering, crawling
ほたる, ホタルfirefly, lightning bug
けいこうとりょうfluorescent paint
けいこうぶっしつfluorescent substance, phosphor
けいか, ほたるびlight of a firefly
ほたるいか, ホタルイカfirefly squid (Watasenia scintillans), sparkling enope squid
ほたるがりfirefly catching
けいせつのこうthe fruit of diligent study
ばんゆうfoolhardiness, recklessness, savage valour, savage valor, brute courage
ばんきょうland of the barbarians
ばんこうact of barbarity, brutality, barbarism
ばんごlanguage of the barbarians
ばんれいslaves of the barbarians
ちょうちょう, ちょうちょbutterfly
つがいちょうつがい, ちょうばんhinge; joint (esp. an anatomical joint)
ネクタイちょうネクタイbow tie
ちょうつがい, ちょうばんhinge; joint (esp. an anatomical joint)
ちょうつがい, ちょうばんhinge; joint (esp. an anatomical joint)
ちょうざめsturgeon (Acipenser mikadoi)
ゆうごうagglutination, adhesion, fusion, unite
ゆうわharmony, reconciliation
ゆうしfinancing, loan
ゆうずう, ゆうづうlending (money); adaptability, versatility, flexibility, accommodation
らせんspiral, helix; screw
ありづか, アリづかanthill
けっせんthrombus, blood clot
けつえきがたblood type
けつえきじゅんかんblood circulation
けっかんblood vessel
けっとうblood sugar
けっとうちblood sugar level
けつえんblood relative or relationship, consanguinity
しゅう, しゅmasses, great number, the people
しゅうぎいんlower house, House of Representatives
しゅういんlower house of the Diet
まりいきづまり, ゆきづまりdeadlock, stalemate, impasse, dead end
まるいきづまる, ゆきづまるto reach the limits, to come to the end of one's tether
使こうしuse, exercise
ぎょうじsumo referee
ぎょうせいしょぶんadministrative measures (disposition)
ぎょうせいそしょうadministrative litigation (action)
こうりportmanteau, wicker trunk, luggage, baggage
こういact, deed, conduct
あんぎゃpilgrimage, walking tour, tour
ぎょうかくadministrative reform
耀げんようfalse glitter
がいせんしゃ(right-wing) propaganda truck
がいとうstreet light
がいろroad, street, avenue
がいろじゅroadside trees
かいどうhighway (esp. one existing from the Edo period), main road
がいとうin the street
がいとうぼきんstreetside fundraising
えいせいhealth, hygiene, sanitation, medical
しょうどうimpulse, impetus, urge
しょうげきshock, crash, impact, ballistic
しょうげきはshock wave
ころもclothes; gown; coating (e.g. glaze, batter, icing)
いりょうfood and clothing
えもんdress, clothes, drapery
イラン, いらんIran
いしょうclothing, costume, outfit, garment, dress
いるいclothes, clothing, garments
ひょうしょうだいvictory stand, winners' podium
ひょうしょうしきcommendation or awards ceremony
ひょうしょうじょうtestimonial, certificate of commendation
ひょうちゅうひwar-memorial monument
ひょうさつnameplate, doorplate
おもてかんばんsign out in front, front (for someone)
ひょうじindication, expression, display, presentation
おとろえweakening, emaciation, decline
すいちょうsigns of decline
すいじゃくweakness, debility, breakdown, prostration
すいもうweaken and decline
退すいたいdecline, decay
ちゅうしんinnermost feelings
ちゅうじょうtrue heart, inner feelings
えりneck, collar, lapel, neckband
えりしたusu. the drop between collar and bottom hem on kimono, yukata, etc.
えりさきcollar points
えりしんcollar core (stiff fabric, etc. inside a collar)
えりうらlining of the collar
けさぎりslashing a sword diagonally from the shoulder
斬りけさぎりslashing a sword diagonally from the shoulder
ふくろこうじblind alley, cul-de-sac, impasse, dead-end (street)
ひほけんしゃinsured person
ひしゃたい(photographic) subject
ひこくdefendant, the accused
ひこくにんaccused, defendant, prisoner at the bar
ひがいもうそうpersecution complex
ひがいしゃvictim, injured party, sufferer
ひさいbeing a victim of (some disaster), suffering from
ひばくbombed, A-bombed, nuked
ひぎしゃa suspect
ひまくcoating, film, membrane; tunic (plants), capsule
ひふくcoating, covering
ふくさsmall silk wrapper, small cloth for wiping tea utensils, crepe wrapper
さいばんかんだんがいさいばんしょJudge Impeachment Court
さいばんしょcourt, courthouse
さいばんざたlaw suit, litigation
さいりょうadmeasure, discretion
けるさけるto split, to tear, to burst
さけめrent, tear, crack
そうていbinding (book), format
しょうぞく, そうぞく, そうずくcostume, personal appearance, interior decoration, landscaping, furniture
そうこうarmored, armoured
そうこうじんいんうんぱんしゃarmored personnel carrier, armoured personnel carrier
うらがわthe reverse, other side, lining
うらぎるto betray, to turn traitor to, to double-cross
うらとびらback leaf
うらめreverse side; purl stitch (knitting)
うらはらopposite, reverse, contrary
うらがねbribe; secret fund, slush fund, money for bribery
ゆうどelectrical tolerance
ゆうふくaffluence, prosperity
ほさaid, help, assistance, assistant, counselor, counsellor, adviser, advisor
ほしゅうmaintenance, mending, repair
ほしょうcompensation, reparation
ほじょassistance, support, aid, auxiliary
ほかんcomplementation, completion
ほきょうcompensation, reinforcement
ほけつfilling a vacancy; substitute, deputy, alternate, spare
ほせいよさんrevised or supplementary budget
ほきゅうsupply, supplying, replenishment
になるはだかになるto take off one's clothes, to undress
らたいnaked body, nudity
らふnude woman, naked woman
らがんnaked eye
せいとうsugar manufacture
せいしpaper making or manufacturing
せいやくmedicine manufacture, drug manufacture
せいてつじょ, せいてつしょironworks, steelworks
せいこうsteel manufacture
せいとうporcelain manufacturing
ふくdiplo-; doubles (tennis; place betting (in horse racing, etc.)
ふくしゃきphotocopying machine
ふくりcompound interest
ふくごうcomposite, combined, complex
ふくせいreproduction, duplication, reprinting
あかげわしゅtype of Japanese cow
かったんbrown coal, lignite
かっそうbrown algae, phaeophyceae
めそやすほめそやすto praise, to extol
めちぎるほめちぎるto praise (to the skies), to sing the praises (of), to extol
ほうしょうmedal of honour, medal of merit
ほうびreward, prize
ほうしょうmedal (of merit), prize, reward
えりneck, collar, lapel, neckband
ぐりえりぐりneckline (of dress, etc.)
えりもとfront of neck, collar
えりまきmuffler, scarf, comforter
えりまきmuffler, scarf, comforter
き蜥蜴えりまきとかげ, エリマキトカゲfrilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii), frill-necked lizard
蜥蜴えりまきとかげ, エリマキトカゲfrilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii), frill-necked lizard
しゅうめいsuccession to another's professional name
しゅうげきattack, charge, raid
しゅうらいinvasion, raid, attack, visitation (of a calamity)
西にしがわwest side, west bank
西にしにほん, にしにっぽんwestern Japan
西せいしんWestern Jin (dynasty of China, 265-317 CE)
西せいおうWestern Europe
西せいようひいらぎ, セイヨウヒイラギEnglish holly (Ilex aquifolium)
西せいようはしばみ, セイヨウハシバミhazel, corylus avellana
西サイゴン, さいごんSaigon
西せいこうwestern suburb
ようけんrequirement, important matter
よういんessential member, necessary person, personnel
よういんmain cause, primary factor
ようぼうdemand for, request
ようしょうimportant point, strategic position, key point
ようせいclaim, demand, request, application
ようこうimportant points
おおいmantle, cover, shroud, hood
いかくすおおいかくすto mask, to cover
いかぶさるおおいかぶさるto hang over, to cover
おおうto cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguise
くつがえすto overturn, to upset, to overthrow, to undermine
くつがえるto topple over, to be overturned, to capsize
われおおわれcover (e.g. of snow, trees, etc.)
らずふくすいぼんにかえらずwhat's done is done
らずふくすいぼんにかえらずwhat's done is done
ふくめんmask, veil, disguise
はぎょうdomination, supremacy
はきambition, aspiration
さぼてん, サボテン, シャボテン, はおうじゅcactus
はしゃsupreme ruler, champion, titleholder
はどうmilitary rule
みえがくれappearing and disappearing
みおとりunfavourable comparison, unfavorable comparison
けるみとどけるto make sure of, to assure oneself of, to see with one's own eyes, to ascertain
てるみすてるto abandon, to fail, to desert
えるみすえるto gaze at, to stare at, to focus on, to make sure of
ますみすますto observe carefully, to make sure
みなおしreview, reconsideration, revision
込みみこみforecast, prospects, expectation, hope
込むみこむto anticipate, to estimate
かすみすかすto see through
きせいregulation, (traffic) policing, control, restriction
きていregulation, provisions
きかくstandard, norm
きぼscale, scope, plan, structure
きくrule, standard, compass and ruler
きくじゅんじょうrules and standards, norms, criteria
きていofficial regulations, inner rules
きはんmodel, standard, pattern, norm, criterion, example
きやくagreement, rules, code, protocol, convention
しさつinspection, observation
してんopinion, point of view, visual point
しせんone's eyes, glance, look
しちょうattention, viewing
しちょうりつratings (of a television program) (programme)
しちょうしゃviewer, (television) audience
しかくsense of sight, vision
しやfield of vision, outlook
かくごresolution, resignation, readiness, preparedness
おぼえがきmemo, memorandum, note, memorial, protocol
しむしたしむto be intimate with, to befriend
おやこ, しんしparent and child
おやこうこうfilial piety
しんみつintimacy, friendship
おやかたmaster; coach in professional sumo
しんのうひImperial princess
しんぼくfriendship, reunion
しんぼくかいinformal social gathering
かんぷうかいmaple-leaf viewing
かんてんpoint of view
かんしゅうspectators, onlookers, members of the audience
かんえつinspection (of troops)
つのはしばみ, ツノハシバミJapanese hazel, corylus sieboldiana
つのぶえhorn, hunting horn
かくちくcompetition, vieing with
かいとうthaw; decompression (e.g. of a file), unpacking, extracting
かいぼうdissection, autopsy; analysis
かいめいclarification, elucidation, explication
かいせきanalysis, analytical study; parsing, parse
かいせきせいanalyticity (physics)
かいしょうcancellation, liquidation, resolution, reduction (e.g. of stress)
かいきんlifting a ban
かいやくcancellation of contract
かいじょcancellation, rescinding, release, calling off, lifting (sanctions), delisting
かいこdischarge, dismissal
かいこしゃperson who has been laid off
ふれあいcontact, connectedness
しょくはつtouching off something, provocation
いいわたすto announce, to tell, to sentence, to order
いいわけexcuse; explanation
わばいわばso to speak, so to call it, as it were
げんきゅうreference, allusion
するていするto correct
ていせいcorrection, revision, amendment
けいそくmeasurement, measure, instrumentation
けいさんじゃくslide rule
うつto shoot (at); to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge
とうばつsubjugation, suppression
とうろんdebate, discussion
とうぎdebate, discussion
えるおしえるto teach, to inform, to instruct
くんれいdirective, instructions
くんこくreprimand, admonition
くんじinstruction, direction
くんてきguide, master, teacher
たくすto entrust; to make an excuse of
しるす, きすto write down, to note; to remember
きじarticle, news story, report, account
きごうsymbol, code, sign
きちょうregistry, entry, book-keeping, signature
きねんcommemoration, memory
きねんびholiday, anniversary, memorial day
きおくばいたいstorage medium
きさいrecord, statement, description, mention, listing, registration, booking, entry
きじゅつてきだとうせいdescriptive adequacy
おとずれvisit, call, advent, arrival
ほうちゅうvisit to China
ほうにちvisit to Japan
ほうおうvisit to Europe
ほうべいvisit to America
せつりつestablishment, foundation, incorporation (of a business)
せっちestablishment, institution
ゆるしpardon, forgiveness, exemption, permission
きょようpermission, pardon
やくしtranslated text
うったえlawsuit, complaint
そじょうpetition, complaint, (legal) brief
そしょうlitigation, lawsuit
そしょうじけんlawsuit, (legal) case
そしょうひよう(lawsuit) costs
しんさつしつexamining room
しんりょうmedical examination and treatment, diagnosis
あかしproof; to testify (usu. Christian religious context)
しょうけんsecurities, bonds, certificates
しょうこevidence, proof
しょうめいproof, verification
しょうめいとうほんattested copy
しょうしょbond, deed, certificate
しょうげんevidence, testimony
さしゅexploitation, fraud, swindle
さぎfraud, swindle, graft
さぎしswindler, imposter, crook
さしょうmisrepresentation, false statement
ちょく, みことのりimperial decree, imperial edict
しょうれいimperial edict
しょうちょくimperial edict, decree
しょうしょimperial edict, decree
ひょうcriticism, commentary, a council
ひょうぎconference, discussion
うたうto sing; to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.)
じるえいじるto compose (e.g. poem), to recite, to sing
らずよみびとしらずauthor unknown, anonymous; unknown waka composer
よむto compose (e.g. a Japanese poem); to recite (e.g. a poem), to chant
えいぎんreciting poetry
えいかpoem, song, (Buddh.) pilgrim's song
しさくtrial manufacture, experiment, test piece, prototype
ししゃpreview, private showing
しくつprospecting, trial digging
しさんtrial calculation, preliminary calculation
しれんtest, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulation
しこうさくごtrial and error
しきんせきtouchstone, test case
しれんtest, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulation
しけんべんきょうcramming for exams
しけんじょうexamination hall (room), laboratory
しけいverse forms
しじょうpoetic sentiment, poetic interest
しいか, しかJapanese (and Chinese) poetry
しひpoem inscribed on monument
ししゅうpoetry anthology
まらせるつまらせるto make shorter
つめしょうぎchess problem, composed shogi problem
つめごcomposed go problem
がいsaid, matter in question
がいはくprofundity, extensive (knowledge)
がいはくなちしきprofound knowledge
がいもんだいthe matter in question, the said problem
がいとうcorresponding, answering to, coming under, applying to
がいとうしゃperson concerned, person qualified, person in question, party, litigant (legal)
がいあんthe said proposal
しくくわしくin detail, fully, minutely, at length
しょうほうfull report, particulars
しょうさいdetail, particulars
しょうかいdetailed explanation
しょうじゅつdetailed explanation
らしいほこらしいproud, haughty, arrogant, splendid, magnificent
らしげほこらしげproudly, triumphantly
ほこりたかいproud, lordly
ほこるto boast of, to be proud of
こだいexaggeration, hyperbole
こじostentation, display
めちぎるほめちぎるto praise (to the skies), to sing the praises (of), to extol
めるほめるto praise, to admire, to speak well
ほめことばwords of praise, eulogy, compliment
ほまれhonour, honor
しるす, きすto write down, to note; to remember
しじょうin a magazine
しめんpage of a magazine
みとめapproval, final seal (of approval)
にんかapproval, license, licence, permission
にんちacknowledgement, acknowledgment, recognition
にんしょうcertification; Imperial attestation
にんしきrecognition, cognizance, cognisance
ちかいoath, vow
ってちかってsurely; (with neg) by no means, never
せいやくwritten vow, pledge, covenant
せいやくしょwritten oath, covenant
さそい, いざないinvitation, introduction; temptation
ゆういんexciting cause, incitement, incentive
ゆうどうguidance, leading, induction, introduction, incitement, inducement
ゆうわくtemptation, allurement, lure, seduction
ゆうかいabduction, kidnapping, kidnaping
ゆうかいはんkidnap, abduction
ゆうかいはんにんa kidnapper, an abductor
ゆうかいざい(the crime of) kidnapping (kidnaping)
ゆうはつcause, induce, lead up to
ゆうちattraction, lure, invitation
らうかたらうto talk, to tell, to recite, to pledge, to conspire with
ごくwords, phrases
ごろsound (of a sentence), euphony
わせごろあわせrhyming game, play on words, pun
ごび(inflected) end of a word
ごへいfaulty expression
しやかにまことしやかにas if it were true, with seeming truth, plausibly
じつに, まことに, げに, しんにindeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quite
せいじつsincere, honest, faithful
せいしんせいいin all sincerity, with one's whole heart, whole-hearted devotion
せいいsincerity, good faith
ってあやまってin error, by mistake, by accident
あやまりerror, mistake, slip, bug
ごほうmisinformation, incorrect report
ごさmeasurement error, calculation error
ごにんmisrecognition, mistaking (x for y)
せつめいてきだとうせいexplanatory adequacy
せつゆpersuasion, convincing
よみかたway of reading, how to read
どくしんじゅつlip reading
よみうりYomiuri (newspaper)
どくしょ, とくしょreading
だれそれsomeone, "Mr So-and-so"
するかするto impose
かいんsection staff
かちょうきんcharges (i.e. fees)
かだいsubject, theme, task, challenge, issue
よしみ, ぎ, よしびfriendship, friendly relations, connection, relation, intimacy
よしみ, ぎ, よしびfriendship, friendly relations, connection, relation, intimacy
調しらべinvestigation; tune, note, melody
調ちょうていarbitration, conciliation, mediation
調ちょういんsignature, signing, sealing
調ちょうたつsupply, provision, raising
しいくどくどしいwordy, verbose, prolix
くどいverbose, importunate, heavy (taste)
しいくどくどしいwordy, verbose, prolix
だんごうconsultation; collusion, bid-rigging
だんしょうfriendly chat
だんわa talk, conversation
うけおうto contract, to undertake
せいきゅうけんclaim rights
せいえつbeseeching, requesting (an audience)
りょうとacknowledgement, acknowledgment, understanding, appreciating, excusing
りょうさつconsideration, taking into account, sympathy with
りょうかいcomprehension, consent, understanding, roger (on the radio)
りょうあんcourt (national) mourning
くすろんじつくすto deal exhaustively with
ろんこうこうしょうconferral of honors (honours), according to merits
ろんもうThe Confucian Analects and the Discourses of Mencius
ろんきょgrounds of an argument
ろんしpoint of an argument, drift of an argument
ろんりlogic; logical
ろんせつeditorial, dissertation
ろんぎdiscussion, argument, debate
さとしguidance, admonition
さとすto admonish, to persuade, to warn, to remonstrate
はかるto consult with, to discuss, to confer
しもんquestion, enquiry, inquiry
しもんじこうterms of reference
しもんいいんかいadvisory committee (council, panel)
しもんきかんconsultative body, advisory committee, advisory organ
しじゅんquestion, enquiry, inquiry
しぎconsultation, conference
しょvarious, many, several
もろもろall kinds of, various
もろにcompletely, all the way, altogether, bodily
しょこうprinces, lords
しょくんGentlemen!, Ladies!
しょげんmany accomplished persons
しょあくevery (kind of) evil or crime
しょはんvarious, several
うべなうto agree, to assent, to consent, to obey, to conform
のるうぇー, ノルウェーNorway
はかりごとplan, strategy
むほん, ぼうはんrebellion, uprising, insurrection; treason
ぼうりゃくstrategy, stratagem, trick, scheme, plot
ぼうぎplot, conspiracy, conference
えっすto have an audience with
するえっするto have an audience with
わるえつをたまわるto be granted an audience
えっけんaudience (with someone)
とうしゃcopy, transcription, mimeograph, photocopy
とうしゃきcopier, copying machine
とうしゃばんmimeograph, stencil
そんけんそんhumble, humility, modesty
へりくだるto deprecate oneself and praise the listener, to abase oneself
けんしょうrefer to modestly
けんじょうmodesty, humility
けんじょうのびとくmodest virtue
けんじょうごhumble language (e.g. itadaku)
けんそんごhumble language
ずるこうずるto take measures; to lecture; to confer
こうわpeace, conclude peace
こうざlectureship, chair, course
こうしゅうshort course, training
こうしゃくlecture, exposition
あやまりexcuse, apology
あやまるto apologize, to apologise
しゃいgratitude, thanks
しゃれいreward, honorarium
うたいNoh chanting, recitation
うたいNoh chanting, recitation
うたうto sing; to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.)
ようきょくNoh song
んでつつしんでrespectfully, humbly, reverently
きんげんstern, grave, solemn, sobersided
きんていwith the author's compliments
きんけいDear Sirs (opening for a letter), Gentlemen
きんしんpenitence, discipline, house arrest
きんちょうlistening attentively
きんせいhumbly made
きんげんYours Sincerely ...
きんがしんねんHappy New Year!
(sheet) music, (musical) note, (musical) score
めくりふめくりpage-turner (music)
ふめん(written) music
けいほうalarm, warning
けいさつちょうNational Police Agency
けいさつてちょうpolice notebook
けいさつしょpolice station
けいてきhorn, alarm, whistle, foghorn
けいしちょうpolice headquarters
けいしょうalarm bell, fire bell
ぎじろくrecord of proceedings, minutes
ぎせきparliamentary seat
ぎいんうんえいいいんかいCommittee on Rules and Administration (Diet)
ぎだいtopic of discussion, agenda
けるゆずりうけるto inherit, to receive, to take over by transfer
ゆずりわたすto hand over, to turn over, to cede
じょうほconcession, conciliation, compromise
じょうとtransfer, assignment, conveyance
ごがんriver dike
ごけんprotecting the constitution
あいたにま, たにあいvalley, ravine, chasm, dell; cleavage
やちmarsh land, swamp
たにがわmountain stream
たにま, たにあいvalley, ravine, chasm, dell; cleavage
谿けいこくvalley, ravine, canyon
とうにゅうsoy milk
とうふtofu, bean-curd
まめるいpulse (edible seeds of various leguminous crops), plant yielding pulse
ほうさくabundant harvest, bumper crop
ほうねんfruitful year
ほうまんstout, corpulent, plump, voluptuous
ほうりょうgood catch, good haul
ほうじゅんrich and prosperous, luxurious, abundant
ほうじゅくabundant harvest
ほうねんbumper harvest
ほうじょうgood harvest, abundant crop
ほうじょうfertility, fruitfulness
まんぶたまんsteamed yeast bun with minced pork filling
めしぶためしpork with rice
しょうぎshogi, Japanese chess, xianqi
ごうけつhero, great man
ごうかいhearty, exciting, stirring, lively, heroic, largehearted, splendid
ごうそうfine disposition
ごうかけんらんluxurious and gorgeous
ごうごboasting, bombast
ごうていpalatial residence, stately mansion
ごううheavy rain, cloudburst, downpour
ボタンかいボタンmother-of-pearl button
かいずか, かいづかshell heap, shell mound, kitchen midden
ていfirm adherence to one's principles; chastity (of a woman)
はるさだはるto harp too long on a subject
ていじょvirtuous woman, faithful wife
ていそうchastity, virtue, fidelity
ていそうかんねんsense of virtue
蹂躪ていそうじゅうりんviolation of chastity, rape
ていしゅくchastity, virtue, fidelity, feminine modesty
ていけつchastity, purity
ていせつchastity, virtue, fidelity
negative, minus
おいめindebtedness, unfulfilled promise, drawback
ふさいdebt, liabilities
ふしょうinjury, wound
ふたんburden, charge, responsibility
ふかburden, load (e.g. cpu time, electricity, etc.)
ふたくcharging (someone) with responsibility
ざいfortune, riches; goods
ざいむfinancial affairs
ざいだんほうじんincorporated foundation, juridical foundation
ざいせいfinancial affairs, public finance
ざいせいきんこうけいかくbalanced budget plan
ざいせいとうゆうしFiscal Investment and Loan Program, FILP
ざいげんsource of funds, resources, finances
ざいかいfinancial world
ざいばつzaibatsu, plutocrats, financial clique, chaebol (Korean)
みつぐto support, to finance
ひん, びんpoverty, becoming poor, living in poverty
びんぼうpoverty, destitute, poor
びんぼうじょたいpoor household
びんぼうがみgod of poverty
ひんこんpoverty, lack
ひんぷwealth and poverty, rich and poor
ひんじゃくpoor, meagre, meager, insubstantial
ひんだ(baseball) poor hitting
ひんじゃpoor person
ひんけつanemia, anaemia
かへいmoney, currency, coinage
かへいかちcurrency value
かしゃfreight car, van
はんろmarket, outlet, opening
かんkan (approx. 3.75 kg); kan (obsolete unit of currency)
つらぬきとおすto enforce (one's) will
つらぬくto go through
かんてつaccomplishment, realization, realisation, penetration
かんろくpresence, dignity
かんつうpierce, penetrate, perforate
せきにんかんsense of responsibility
せきにんしゃresponsible party
せきむduty, obligation
めるためるto save (i.e. in a bank)
ちょすいstorage of water
ちょきんきょく(Japanese) Postal Savings Bureau
たっとい, とうといprecious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacred
たっとぶ, とうとぶto value, to prize, to esteem, to respect
きぞくnoble, aristocrat
きしんnoble, men of rank, notables
きひんnoble visitor
きしゅうreply (epistolary)
きちょうprecious, valuable
きちょうひんvaluables, treasures
ききんぞくprecious metal
かいbuying, buyer, purchase
かいあげbuying, purchasing
かいつけbuying, purchasing
かいしめbuying up of goods, cornering (market)
めるかいしめるto buy up
かいとりpurchase, sale (transaction)
かいもどしrepurchase, redemption
かいもどすto buy back, to redeem
かいびかえrestrained buying
かしloan, lending
かしだしlending, loaning
たいしゃくloan, debit and credit, lending and borrowing
かしだしようcirculation or lending (e.g. library books)
がすto congratulate
するがするto congratulate
がいcongratulatory feeling
がしょう, がせいA Happy New Year!
がじょうnew year's card
ちんあげwage increase
ちんさげpay cut
ちんしゃくhiring, renting, leasing
ちんたいlease, rent, hire
ちんぎんかくさwage differential
まかないboarding, board, meals, catering, cook
まかないつきwith meals, meals inclusive
まかないかたkitchen manager, chef, cook
まかなうto give board to, to provide meals, to pay, to cover (the cost)
わいろbribe, sweetener, douceur
しほんfunds, capital
しざい(raw) material
しかくqualifications, requirements, capabilities
エネルギーしげんエネルギーちょうAgency of Natural Resources and Energy
しさんproperty, fortune, means, assets
しきんfunds, capital
しきんぐりfundraising, financing
あだ, あた, あたんfoe; resentment; harm, injury
ひんきゃく, ひんかくguest of honour, guest of honor, privileged guest, visitor
さんpraise, tribute; inscription (on a painting)
さんじょsupport, patronage
さんどうapproval, endorsement
さんぴyes and no, for and against
さんいapproval, assent
さんかsong of praise, eulogy, paean, hymn
さんじeulogy, compliment
たまものgift, boon, result, fruit
たまわるto be given, to be granted, to be honored with, to be honoured with
わるたまわるto be given, to be granted, to be honored with, to be honoured with
しかfurlough, leave of absence
しはいEmperor's cup, trophy given by the Emperor
しょうprize, award
しょうよreward, prize, bonus
しょうじょうhonorable certificate, honourable certificate
ばいしょうreparations, indemnity, compensation
ばいしょうきんindemnities, reparations
ばいせきliability insurance
かしこ, かしくyours sincerely (used to sign off on letters), respectfully yours
かしこいwise, clever, smart
しいさかしいsagacious, intelligent
けんじんwise man
けんてつwise man
かしこどころ, けんしょa palace sanctuary
けんめいwisdom, intelligence, prudence
けんぼwise mother
poem; narrative (style of the Shi Jing); classical Chinese rhymed prose
するふするto allocate; to compose (poetry, etc.)
ふかlevy, imposition
しつぎquestion; interpellation
あがなうto compensate, to make up for
こうにゅうpurchase, buy
こうにゅうちゅうもんpurchase order
こうどくsubscription (e.g. magazine)
こうどくりょうsubscription charge
こうばいpurchase, buy
こうばいりょくbuying power
おくりぬしsender (of a present)
おくりものpresent, gift
おくるto send, to give to, to award to, to confer on
ぞうよdonation, presentation
ぞうしゅうわいbribery, corruption
ぞうとうexchange of presents
ぞうわいbribery, corruption, graft
がんぞうしへいcounterfeit paper money
あかげらgreat spotted woodpecker
あかはたred flag; Red Flag (Communist Party newspaper)
あかまつJapanese red pine (Pinus densiflora), Japanese umbrella pine, tanyosho pine
あかさんご, アカサンゴred coral
せきりきんshigella (dysentery bacillus)
あかしょうびん, アカショウビンruddy kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda)
あかはだか, せきらstark naked, nakedness, nudity; frankness
せっかっしょくreddish brown, rufous
せきぐんRed Army
せきはんred rice (beans and mochi) for auspicious occasions
ゆるしpardon, forgiveness, exemption, permission
はしりthe first (harvest, catch) of the season or year
はしりはばとびrunning long jump
はしりたかとびrunning high jump
そうるいbase running
たるきゅうきゅうたるぶふsoldier of dauntless courage
おもむくto go, to proceed, to repair to, to become
ふにん(proceeding to) new appointment
ふにんちplace of (new) post, (new) place of appointment
きふくundulation; ups and downs, highs and lows
きしょうrising, getting out of bed
きようappointment (to a position, job, etc.), being used for a role, promotion
きそうdrafting, draughting, drawing up a bill
きそprosecution, indictment
きそゆうよsuspension of indictment, leaving charge on the file
ちょうのうりょくextra-sensory perception; psychokinesis, PK
ちょうおんぱultrasonic waves
ちょうおんそくsupersonic speed
えるこえるto cross over; to exceed
ごしacross, over, beyond
えっとうpassing the winter
えっきょうborder transgression
えつねんring out the old year, hibernation
のあるおもむきのあるzestful, tasteful, elegant
しゅこうplan, idea
しゅしobject; meaning, point (e.g. of a statement)
あしなみpace, step
あしもと, そっかat one's feet; gait; you, thou
あしばscaffold, footing, foothold
あしこしlegs and loins
あしぶみstepping, stamping, marking time
きょtubular nectary, spur (botanical term)
きょりdistance, range
あとtrace, tracks, mark, sign; remains, ruins; scar
ろじょう(on the) road, (on the) way
ろせんroute, line, alignment
ろかた, ろけんshoulder of a road, berm
がるとびあがるto spring, to jump up, to fly up, to skip
とぶto jump; to fly, to soar
ちょうやくjump, leap, skip, bound
ちょうばlong horse (for vaulting)
せんそaccession (to the throne)
せんげんkeeping one's word
せんとうtrampling down
らされるおどらされるto be manipulated (lit: to be made to dance)
らすおどらすto manipulate; to let one dance
がるおどりあがるto spring up, to leap to one's feet, to jump up and down
おどりくるうto dance in ecstasy
まえるふまえるto be based on, to have origin in
れるふみいれるto walk in on, to tread upon
み込みふみこみstepping into, breaking or rushing into
けまりkemari, type of football played by courtiers in ancient Japan
おどりleaping, jumping, spring, exciting
やくどうlively motion, throb
やくじょvivid, lifelike, graphic
やっきdesperation, eagerness
やくしんrush, dash, onslaught, dancing ahead
みのしろきんようきゅうransom demand
しんたいしょうがいしゃdisabled person, physically handicapped person
みもとperson's identity, ID, past, background
しんろうnave (of a church)
みがらone's person
みぎれいneat personal appearance
みづくろいdressing oneself, personal grooming
みまかるto pass away, to die
しんぺんone's person
みぜにone's own money
しんしょうしゃdisabled person, physically handicapped person
しゃりょうrolling stock, railroad cars, vehicles
しゃこgarage, car shed, carport
しゃしょう(train) conductor
しゃしゅcar make, car model
しゃそうcar window
しゃりん(car) wheel
しゃかんきょりdistance between two trains or vehicles
きせきlocus; wagon tracks
きどうorbit, trajectory; railroad track
ぐんじmilitary affairs
ぐんじてきしんりゃくmilitary aggression
ぐんじこもんmilitary adviser, military advisor
ぐんじんmilitary personnel, soldier
ぐんびarmaments, military preparations
ぐんびてっぱいcomplete disarmament
ぐんぴょう, ぐんぺい, ぐんびょうarmed forces, battle troops
ぐんぞくcivilian in military employ
ぐんせんancient commander's fan
ぐんかくmilitary expansion, expansion of armaments
ぐんようばとcarrier pigeon
ぐんしゅくdisarmament, limitation of arms
ぐんかんwarship, battleship
ぐんぶmilitary authorities, army circles
ぐんばつmilitary clique or party
ぐんじゅmunitions, military stores
ぐんじゅけいきwar prosperity
しゃもgame fowl, gamecock
ぐんこwar drum
のきしたunder the overhang of a Japanese roof
のきなみrow of houses; totally, altogether, across the board
のきさきedge of the eaves, house frontage
けんこうhigh-spirited, being in high spirits
なんかsoftening, mollification
なんしき(tennis) played with a soft ball
なんきんlenient confinement or house arrest
調なんちょうweakness, bearish tone
じるてんじるto turn, to shift, to alter, to distract
てんしゃなっせんtransfer print
てんきんjob transfer, job relocation, intra-company transfer
てんかsecond marriage, remarriage, imputation, blame
てんかんconvert, divert
てんぷくcapsizing; overthrow (e.g. a government)
じくaxis, stem, shaft, axle
じくあしpivot leg
やかかるやか, かろやかlight, easy, non-serious, minor
けいぶcontempt, scorn
けいしょうminor injury
けいみょうfacile, clever, witty
けいびslight, little, insignificant
けいきょもうどうrash and blind act
けいゆdiesel oil; light oil, gasoline, petrol
けいげんabatement, reduction
けいじどうしゃlight motor vehicle (lt 550cc)
けいりょうlight weight
けいしんweak earthquake
べるくらべるto compare; to compete, to vie
かくゆういろんtheory of comparative advantage
こうせいproofreading, correction of press; calibration
さいかとんすうdeadweight tonnage
たすくto help, to save, to rescue
ふすto appoint, to designate
ほさaid, help, assistance, assistant, counselor, counsellor, adviser, advisor
ほどうguidance, protective custody
ほひつgiving the Emperor advice on affairs of state, assistance, counsel
ほせいAlcor, the Little Horseman star
ほよくaid, assistance
かしいかがやかしいbrilliant, glorious, glittering
かすかがやかすto light up, to brighten
きどbrightness, clearness, luminance
きこうていpoetic word for the sun
きせきpyroxene, augite
きせんbright line
ともがらcomrade, fellow
はいしゅつturning out in great numbers
わなloop (of thread, string, etc.)
わげさloop-shaped monk's stole
りんかくcontours, outlines, features, border
ゆしゅつにゅうexport and import
ゆぎんimport-export bank
かのと, しん8th in rank, eighth sign of the Chinese calendar
うじてかろうじてbarely, narrowly, just manage to do something
からくちdry taste (e.g. sake; salty (taste); harsh, scathing
しんぼうpatience, endurance
しんぼうづよいpatient, persevering
しんくhardship, toil, trouble
しんさんhardships, privation
じれいnotice of personnel change (appointment, dismissal, etc.)
じにんto resign; resignation
じいintention to resign
じひょうletter of resignation
たつfifth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Dragon, 7am-9am, east-southeast, March)
たつのこく8 am, the fifth hour, the Hour of the Dragon
たつのとしthe year of the Dragon
たつどしyear of the dragon
はずかしめshame, disgrace, being raped
めるはずかしめるto put to shame; to rape
のうfarming, agriculture
のうきょうagricultural cooperative
のうちagricultural land
のうちかいかくagrarian reform
のうりんagriculture and forestry
のうはんきbusy farming season
のうこうfarming, agriculture
のうかんきslack season for farmers, leisure season for farmers
へんきょうremote region, frontier (district), border(land)
じんそくquick, fast, rapid, swift, prompt, streamlined, expedited, expeditious
じんそくかかんquick and decisive, fast and daring, swift and resolute
じんそくかだんquick and decisive, fast and daring
むかえmeeting, greeting, welcome
れるむかえいれるto show in, to usher in
むかえうつto ambush, to attack, to assault, to meet the enemy
げいげきintercept, interception, counter attack
げいひんかんreception hall
きんだいしmodern poetry, modern-style poetry
きんねんrecent years
きんきKinki (region around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara)
きんちょrecent work
きんきょりshort distance
きんこうsuburbs, outskirts
きんこうのうぎょうagriculture in urban areas
きんてつKinki Nippon Tetsudou (railway co.)
きんりんneighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity
きんりんしょこくneighboring countries, neighbouring countries, surrounding countries
かえりざきcomeback (e.g. in business), second bloom, reflowering, reflorescence
へんきゃくreturn of something, repayment
へんさいrepayment, reimbursement, refund, redemption
へんかんreturn, restoration
かるらGaruda or Garua (man-bird deity and 'vahana' of Hindu-Buddhist myth)
はくりょくforce, intensity, appeal, strength
はくげきclose attack
まよいhesitation, bewilderment, doubt, indecision, infatuation, Buddhism maya
わすまよわすto puzzle, perplex, bewilder, delude, mislead, fascinate
めいもうillusion, fallacy, delusion
めいきゅうmystery, maze, labyrinth
めいさいcamouflage, disguise
めいろmaze, labyrinth, blind alley
まんねんろう, マンネンロウrosemary
いつくおいつくto overtake, to catch up (with)
い込むおいこむto herd, to corner, to drive
おいかぜ, おいてtailwind, fair or favorable wind (favourable)
けるおっかけるto chase, to run after, to pursue
ついびfollowing, pursuing
ついちょうsupplementary charge
ついとうmourning, memorial
ついとうかいmemorial services
ついとうしきmemorial services
ついぼcherishing the memory of, yearning for
ついおくrecollection, reminiscence
ついほうexile, banishment
ついきゅうpursuing (goal); to pursue (e.g. goal), to seek
ついせきpursuit, tracking (e.g. in computer graphics), keeping records on, tracing
退たいにんretirement, resignation, stepping down
退たいきょdeparture; recession
退たいちょうebb tide, waning fortunes
退たいしょくretirement (from office)
退たいひtaking refuge, evacuation; saving (a file)
退たいじんretreat, withdrawal, retirement
おくりseeing off, sending off; funeral; escapement
けるおくりとどけるto send to, to deliver, to escort (a person) home
稿そうこうdocument transmission
そうげいseeing off and meeting on return
そうかんsending home, repatriation
がすにがすto let loose, to set free, to let escape
にげescape, getaway, evasion
げるにげるto escape, to run away
にげだすto run away, to escape from
にげきるto get away, to manage to hold on
のがすto let loose, to set free, to let escape
れるのがれるto escape
とうぼうescape, flight, running away, elopement, fleeing
とうそうflight, desertion, escape
とうひescape, evasion, flight
ぎゃくreverse; converse (of a hypothesis, etc.)
なでさかなで, ぎゃくなでrubbing the wrong way (e.g. a cat), irritating
さかなぎbacklash (after use of 'magic')
ぎゃくこうか, ぎゃっこうかbackfire, counterproductive, opposite effect
ぎゃくふんしゃreverse thrust, crazy
ぎゃくもどりretrogression, reversal, relapse
ぎゃくてん(sudden) change, reversal, turn-around, coming from behind (baseball)
ぎゃくてんがちwinning after defeat seems certain, coming from behind to win
ぎゃくふうhead wind, adverse wind
しょうようramble, saunter, walk
しょうようがくはPeripatetic school (of philosophy)
かしすかしwatermark (in a stamp; openwork (engraving, carving, etc.)
とうてつpenetration, absolutely clear, not dirty, clearness
とうかpenetration, permeation, transmission
ちくいち, ちくいつone by one, in detail, minutely
ちくじsuccessively, one after another, sequentially
ちくごやくliteral translation
ちくでんflight, absconding
ていしんcommunications (e.g. post, tele.)
ていばいmultiplication (e.g. of frequencies)
ていばいきmultiplier (e.g. frequency)
ていぞうgradual increase
ていじsuccessively, in order
ていげんsuccessive diminution
ていこうへんあつきstep-down transformer
とじょうen route, half-way; on the road, in the street
とじょうこくdeveloping country
とほうway, destination, reason
簿つうしんぼreport card
つうしんもうcommunications network
つうしんえいせいcommunication satellite, Broadcast Satellite, BS
つうしんはんばいmail order
つうしょうcommerce, trade
つうじょうcommon, general, normal, usual
つうぎょうwell versed, thorough knowledge
つうしょうpopular name, nickname, alias
つうわtelephone call; counter for telephone calls
つうはんmail order
つうたつnotification, directive (e.g. from higher to lower levels of the administration)
ゆく, いくto die, to pass away
けメンいけめん, いけメンexceptionally ugly man
いけめん, いけメンexceptionally ugly man
そくほうprompt report, quick announcement
ぞうへいcoinage, mintage
ぞうへいきょく(coin) mint
ぞうけいmolding, moulding, modelling (i.e. plastic arts), modeling
ぞうせいcreation, clearing, reclamation
つれさるto take away, to kidnap
つれそうto be man and wife, to be married to
れんこうextending in a row
れんきゅうconsecutive holidays
プレーれんけいプレーgood teamwork play (baseball)
れんしょうconsecutive victories, series of victories
れんぽうmountain range
れんたいsolidarity, collective; joint
れんざimplicated (involved) in (a crime)
れんけいcooperation, coordination, link
れんぱいconsecutive defeats, series of defeats
れんめいleague, union, alliance
れんりつalliance, coalition
れんぱsuccessive championships
れんさいserialization, serialisation, serial story
れんぽうcommonwealth, federation of states
れんさchain; (genetic) linkage
れんさはんのうchain reaction
たいやeve of the anniversary of a person's death
されるたいほされるto be arrested
たいほれきcriminal record
たいほじょうarrest warrant
たいほしゃarrestee, person arrested
たいほきろくarrest record
たいほきょだくstripping a Diet member of arrest immunity
しゅうきゅうweekly holiday
しゅうかんpublished weekly
しゅうあけbeginning of the week, new week opening, Monday
しんしゅつadvance, step forward
しんがくじゅくcramschool (for boys and girls who wish to go on to the next stage of education)
しんてんprogress, development
退しんたいmovement, course of action, advance or retreat
退しんたいうかがいinformal (unofficial) resignation
しんちゅうoccupation, stationing
しんちゅうぐんoccupying forces
はぐるto stray from, to get lost
いっぴんarticle of rare beauty, gem
いつざいoutstanding talent
いっきmissing a chance
いつだつdeviation, omission, departure
げるとげるto accomplish, to achieve, to carry out
すいこうaccomplishment, execution
ちちslow, lagging, tardy
かりしおそかりしゆらのすけto let a chance to do something slip through one's fingers
らせるおくらせるto put something off
おくれdelay, lag, postponement, falling behind
おそざきlate flower, late blooming
ちえんdelay, latency
ちたいdelay, procrastination
おそまきsowing late, lateness
ばすあそばすto let one play, to leave idle; to do
ゆうぎgame, play, sports
ゆうげきraid, shortstop
ゆうえいswimming, bathing; conduct of life
ゆうぜいelection tour, election campaign, stumping
ゆうかくred light district
はこびprogress, pace, carriage, step, stage
うんどうぐつsports shoes, sneakers
うんえいmanagement, administration, operation
うんぱんtransport, carriage
うんぱんにんcarrier, conveyor
うんぱんひtransportation charge
うんがcanal, waterway
うんようmaking use of, application, investment, practical use
うんこうoperating (e.g. ships, aircraft)
うんちんfreight rates, shipping expenses, fare
うんてんoperation, motion, driving
うんゆしょうMinistry of Transport
うんそうtransport, freight, shipping
へんnumber of times
あまねくwidely, generally, universally, far and wide
へんれきtravels, pilgrimage, itinerancy
すぎpast, after; too (much), over (e.g. eating)
あやまちfault, error, indiscretion, faux pas
かじょうexcess, over-
かじょうりえきexcess profit
かしつerror, blunder, accident; fault, defect
かしつちしinvoluntary manslaughter, accidental homicide, negligent homicide
かびんnervousness, oversensitivity
かときtransition period
かげきextreme, radical
かねつsuperheating, overheating
かごmistake, fault
かこくrigour, rigor, severity, cruelty, harsh
どうとくてきethical, moral
みちすじpath, route, itinerary
どうぎてきせきにんmoral obligation
どうろroad, highway
するたっするto reach, to get to
だるまdaruma (tumbling doll), Bodhidharma; prostitute
ちがいdifference, discrepancy
いはんviolation (of law), transgression, infringement, breach
いほうillegal, illegality, invalid, unlawfulness
からずとおからずsoon, in the near future
えんざん, とおやまdistant mountain
えんせいexpedition; away series (baseball)
えんりょdiffidence, restraint, reserve, discretion, tact, thoughtfulness
なくえんりょなくwithout reservation
えんりょえしゃくreserve and consideration (to others)
えんえいlong-distance swimming
とおあさshoal, wide shallow beach
えんきょりlong distance, tele-
えんかくdistant, remote, isolated
えんらいdistant thunder
げるやりとげるto accomplish
使けんとうしenvoy (to T'ang China)
はるばるfrom afar, over a great distance, all the way
はるかfar, far away, distant, remote, far off
かにはるかにfar off, in the distance, long ago, far, by far, far and away
はるかかなたfaraway, far-off
はるかむかしlong ago
ようはいworshipping from afar
ようえんfar away, very far off, remote
はるばるfrom afar, over a great distance, all the way
てきぎsuitable, appropriate; appropriately
てきおうadaptation, accommodation, conformity
てきじtimely, opportune
てきかく, てっかくeligible, qualified, competent
てきせいreasonable, suitable
てきれいsuitable age
あうto meet; to have an accident, to have a bad experience
あわすto make (someone) to meet; to expose to, to subject to
わすあわすto make (someone) to meet; to expose to, to subject to
わせるあわせるto make (someone) to meet; to expose to, to subject to
そうなんdisaster, shipwreck, accident
そうなんしんごうdistress signal, SOS
そうなんしゃvictim, survivor, sufferer
へいしゃへいscreen, shielding, reverse clipping
さえぎるto interrupt, to intercept, to obstruct
しゃにむにdesperately, recklessly, rush headlong
しゃこうshade, darken
しゃこうきどぐう"spaceman" clay figurine from about 500 AD
しゃだんisolation, cut off, blockade, quarantine, interception, deprivation
しゃだんきcircuit breaker
しゃだんきrailway crossing gate
しゃへいscreen, shielding, reverse clipping
じゅんぽうobeying, observing, following
じゅんしゅcompliance, adherence (to a set of rules), (religious) observance
じゅんぽうしゃlaw-abiding citizen
せんぐうinstallation of a deity in a new shrine, transfer of a shrine
せんざrelocation of a shrine, transfer of an object of worship
せんとrelocation of the capital, transfer of the capital
せんselection, choice, election; compilation, editing
えらぶto choose, to select
せんしゅけんchampionship, title (of champion)
せんばつselection, choice, picking out
せんたくかもくelective subject or course
せんたくしchoices, alternatives, options
せんきょせんelection campaign
せんきょうんどうparticipation in election campaign
せんこうselection, screening
いでんheredity, inherent
いでんしgene, genetic
いたいcorpse, remains
いえいportrait of deceased person
いしdying wish
いこんgrudge, ill will, enmity
いかんregrettable, unsatisfactory
えないいかんにたえないreally regrettable
いかんせんばんhighly regrettable, utterly deplorable
いかんなくunobjectionally, fully
いぞくbereaved family
いきabandonment, desertion, relinquishment
いさんinheritance, bequest, legacy, heritage
稿いこうposthumous manuscripts
いしんsurviving retainer
いほうmemory or autograph of deceased
いくんdying instructions
いえいposthumous song or poem
いせきhistoric ruins (remains, relics)
いこつremains, ashes of deceased
りょうえんremote, far off
ひしょsummering, going to a summer resort
ひなんtaking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation, escape
ひなんみんrefugees, evacuees
かんぷreturn, restoration, refund, (duty) drawback
かんげんresolution, reduction, return to origins
かんれき60th birthday
かんりゅうreturn current, convection, reflux
おおざと, おおざるkanji "large village" radical
ほうじんfellow countryman; Japanese (nationals or residents)
ほうがく(traditional) Japanese music
ほうがJapanese film
ほうやくtranslation into Japanese
よこしまwicked, evil
よこしまwicked, evil
じゃあくwicked, evil
じゃどうevil course, heresy
じゃけんhard hearted, cruel, unkind
じゃまhindrance, intrusion
やしきresidence, estate, grounds, premises, mansion
ていないgrounds, premises
ていたくmansion, residence
いくいくflourishing, teeming with culture, aromatic, emitting an aroma
いくいくflourishing, teeming with culture, aromatic, emitting an aroma
こうの, こうやsuburban fields
ぐんせいcounty system
ぐんやくしょcounty offices
ぐんけんcounties and prefectures
ぐんけんせいどcounty and prefecture system
ぐんぶrural districts, counties
ぐんちょうdistrict headman, head county official
ぶぞくtribe, clan, house
ぶしょone's duty post, one's duty station
ぶたいforce, unit, corps, echelon, element
退ぶたいてったいtroop withdrawal
くるわ, かくdistrict; enclosure; red-light district
かっこう, カッコウ, カッコーcommon cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
便ゆうびんきってpostage stamp
便ゆうびんかわせpostal money order
ゆうせいpostal system
ゆうせいしょうMinistry of Posts and Telecommunications
ゆうせんmail boat
ゆうちょpostal (post-office) savings (deposit)
きょうhometown; rural township (of China)
きょうどnative place, birth-place, one's old home
きょうしゅうnostalgia, homesickness
きょうゆうhamlet, village
きょうりbirth-place, home town
とないmetropolitan area
とぎMetropolitan assemblyman
とゆうcity, town, village
とりtenth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Bird, 5pm-7pm, west, August)
とりのいちBird Day
とりへんkanji "bird of the zodiac" radical (radical 164)
とりどしyear of the cock
しゃくpouring alcohol, person pouring alcohol
わすくみかわすto drink together
しゃくりょうconsideration, pardon
はいぐうしゃspouse, wife, husband
はいぶんdistribution, allotment
はいれつarrangement; array (programming, programing)
はいとうdividend, share
はいりょconsideration, concern, forethought
はいきゅうdistribution (e.g. films, rice)
はいちarrangement (of resources), deployment, stationing, posting, disposition
しゅせんheavy drinker
しゅぜいliquor tax
しゅぞうsake brewing
しゅるいalcoholic drinks, liquor
よいdrunkenness, intoxication
よっぱらうto get drunk
すいふようcotton rosemallow (Hibiscus mutabilis cv. Versicolor), Confederate rose
すのものvinegared or pickled dish
すぶたsweet-and-sour pork
さくさんacetic acid
らくせいひんdairy product
らくのうdairy (farm)
らくのうじょうdairy farm
らくのうかdairy farmer
らくのうせいひんdairy produce
らくさんbutyric acid
むくいreward, recompense, return, punishment, retribution
いるむくいるto reward, to recompense, to repay
むくうto reward, to recompense, to repay
こうぼyeast, leaven
こうぼきんyeast fungus
ひどいcruel, awful, severe, very bad, serious, terrible, heavy, violent
こくじresemblance, resemble
こっかんsevere (intense) cold, depth of winter
こくしょintense heat
さんacid; sourness, sour taste
さんせいどじょうacid soil
すだちsudachi, Japanese citrus (Citrus sudachi)
じゅんこpure, sheer
じゅんぼくrustic simplicity, homeliness, unsophisticated, naive, honest, simple
じゅんせいgenuine, pure, perfect
すだちsudachi, Japanese citrus (Citrus sudachi)
はっこうfermentation, zymosis
しこなSumo wrestler's stage name
しゅうじょ, しこめ, ぶおんな, ぶす, ブスhomely woman, plain-looking woman; female demon
しゅうあくugliness, meanness, offensiveness
しゅうたいshameful sight, disgraceful behavior, disgraceful behaviour
ブおとこ, ぶおとこ, じこおugly man; strong, brawny man
しゅうこうdisgraceful (scandalous) conduct, shameful behavior, shameful behaviour
かもしだすto engender, to bring about
かもすto brew, to cause, to give rise to, to distill
じょうせいbrew, foment, breed
じょうぞうbrewing, distillation
じょうぞうしょ, じょうぞうじょbrewery, distillery
じょうぞうしゅbrewage, liquor
さい, さえdice, die; baton (of command)
さいはいbaton (of command)
さいはいをふるto lead, to direct, to take command
しゃくほうrelease, liberation, acquittal
しゃくめいexplanation, vindication
しゃかthe Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama, 563 BCE-483 BCE), Shakyamuni, Sakyamuni
さとごfoster child
さとがえりreturning home, visiting one's parents, new bride's first visit to parents
さとおやfoster parent(s)
おもみimportance, weight, dignity, emphasis
じゅうしょう, おもでserious wound or injury
じゅうこう, ちょうこうthickness, composure and dignity
じゅうだいserious, important, significant, grave, weighty
じゅうしょうserious illness
じゅうばこmulti-tiered food box, stacked boxes
じゅうとくserious (illness)
じゅうしんchief vassal, senior statesman
おもに, じゅうかload, heavy burden, encumbrance, heavy freight, heavy responsibility
じゅうふく, ちょうふくduplication, repetition, overlapping, redundancy, restoration
じゅうようimportant, momentous, essential, principal, major
じゅうしimportance, stress, serious consideration
じゅうきんしんclose confinement (in one's barracks)
じゅうきじょうheavy rail
じゅうりょうweight; heavyweight boxer
じゅうちんleader, authority, mainstay
やとうopposition party, political opposition, opposition
のぐちげら, ノグチゲラOkinawa woodpecker (Sapheopipo noguchii)
やけんstray dog, ownerless dog
やじゅうbeast, monster, wild animal
やせいwild, growing wild; I
やぎ, ヤギgoat
のらいぬstray dog
のらねこstray cat, alley cat
えごのき, エゴノキJapanese snowbell, styrax japonica
のぎくwild chrysanthemum, aster
やばんsavage, uncivilized, uncivilised
のごまa Siberian rubythroat
やちょうwild bird
りょうはんてんvolume seller
きんりinterest rates
こんごうしゅVajrapani, wielder of the vajra
こんごうさったVajrasattva, Supreme Being of tantric Buddhism
きんこうgold mine
きんじょうimpregnable castle
きんかいnugget, gold bullion, gold bar
きんいちまんえん10,000 Yen
きんすmoney, funds
きんじとうpyramid, monumental work
きんじゅうまんえん100,000 Yen
きんめだいsplendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
きんめだいsplendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
かなあみwire netting, wire mesh, wire screen
かなしばりbinding hand and foot, temporary feeling of paralysis
きんみゃく(questionable) financial connections, vein of gold
きんゆうしじょうmoney market, financial market
きんゆうきょうこうfinancial crisis or panic
きんゆうきかんfinancial institutions, banking facilities
きんかgold coin
きんこうgold mine
きんぱつblond hair
きんぽうげa buttercup
しんようじゅconifer, needle-leaved tree
つりfishing, angling; change (e.g. for a purchase)
つりfishing, angling; change (e.g. for a purchase)
つりぼりfish pond
つりばfishing place
つりいとfishing line
つりぶねfishing boat
つりばりfish hook
つりせんchange (e.g. for dollar)
つりがねtemple bell (for striking)
どんdull, slow, stupid, dull-brained
ちんにぶちん, にぶチンdullard (gen. from not picking up on other people's feelings)
らすにぶらすto blunt, to dull, to weaken
にぶる, なまるto become less capable, to grow dull, to become blunt, to weaken
どんかbecoming dull, slowing down
どんきblunt weapon
どんかんthickheadedness, stolidity, insensitivity
なりすずなりbunches (e.g. of fruit); crammed (e.g. with people), overflowing
なりになるすずなりになるto grow in clusters
てっそくironclad regulation, inviolable rule
てっとうpylon, steel tower
てっぴiron door
てつじょうもう(barbed) wire entanglements
てっぱんiron plate; sure thing
てつぼう, かなぼうiron rod, crowbar, horizontal bar (gymnastics)
てっぽうgun; wooden pole that sumo wrestlers strike in practice (practise); fugu
てっきんrebar, (concrete) iron reinforcing bar
てつわんstrong arm
てっこうiron ore
てっこうiron and steel
てっこつsteel frame
なまりlead (the metal)
ガラスなまりガラスlead glass
えんぴつびゃくしん, エンピツビャクシンeastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana)
えんすいplumb bob
わせはちあわせbumping of heads, encounter, running into someone
はちうえpotted plant
こうくmining area, mine lot
こうざんmine (ore)
こうしょうore deposit
こうぎょうmining industry
こうせきore, mineral, crystal
こうみゃくreef, streak
ぎんれいsilvery, snow-capped mountain
ぎんがMilky Way; galaxy
ぎんかsilver coin
じゅうgun, rifle, small arms
じゅうきsmall arms
じゅうせいgunshot, (gun) report
じゅうだんbullet (from a rifle)
じゅうげきshooting, gunning (down)
じゅうさつdeath by shooting
どう, あかがねcopper
メダルどうメダルbronze medal
どうぞうbronze statue
どうざんcopper mine
どうばんsheet copper
どうはんがcopperplate engraving, etching
どうたくbronze bell
ずくpig iron
せんてつ, ずくてつpig iron
せんこうselection, screening
じるめいじるto stamp, to engrave, to inscribe
するめいするto stamp, to engrave, to inscribe
ずるめいずるto stamp, to engrave, to inscribe
めいうつto engrave an inscription, to call (designate) itself, to mark, to label
めいがらbrand; trading name of stocks and securities
めいきkeep in mind, take note of, remember
せんとうbath-house, public bath
いナイフするどいナイフsharp knife
えいいeagerly, earnestly, diligently
えいびんsharpness, keenness, sensitiveness, mental acumen
えいかくacute angle
いるto cast, to mint, to coin
いがたmold, mould, template
ちゅうこうmetal caster
いものcast metal, casting
ちゅうかcoinage, mintage
ちゅうぞうcasting, founding, minting
ちゅうてつcast iron
はがね, こうsteel
こうざいsteel material
こうはん, こうばんsteel sheet, steel plate(s)
こうかんsteel pipe
いわweight (of a fishing net)
つむがたspindle-shaped, fusiform
すいじょうspindle shaped
じょうlock, padlock; tablet, lozenge, pill
をかけるじょうをかけるto fasten a lock
じょうざいpill, lozenge, tablet
きんじょうcrowning beauty with even greater glory
きんきpennant, gold-brocade flag
にしきえcolour (woodblock) print, color print
にしきへび, ニシキヘビpython, harlequin snake
にしきごいcoloured carp, colored carp
れんせいtraining, drilling
れんきんじゅつalchemy; making big money (implied, by dubious means)
そうさくそうcomplication, intricacy
イオンさくイオンcomplex ion
さくらんconfusion, distraction, derangement
さくそうcomplication, intricacy
さっかくoptical illusion; misapprehension, delusion
ろくが(video) recording
テープろくおんテープaudio tape, magnetic tape
えるきたえるto forge, to drill, to temper, to train, to discipline
げるきたえあげるto temper thoroughly, to train well
かじ, たんや, かぬちsmithing, blacksmith
かじやsmith, blacksmith
たんこうmetal worker
かじ, たんや, かぬちsmithing, blacksmith
たんれんtempering, forging, hardening, disciplining, training
たんれんtempering, forging, hardening, disciplining, training
しょうにゅうどうlimestone cave (cavern, grotto)
かまくらじだいKamakura period (1185-1333 CE)
かまきり, とうろう, いもじり, いいぼむしり, カマキリpraying mantis (esp. the narrow-winged mantis, Tenodera angustipennis)
かまがたsickle-shaped, falciform
かまどめcutting grass and trees is prohibited
かまあしlegs bowed in, sitting with heels spread apart
かまいたちcut caused by whirlwind, folkloric monster
ようせんmolten iron
かたびらくさりかたびらchain mail (armor, armour)
さこくnational isolation, exclusion of foreigners
くさりがまsickle and chain (weapon)
さこつcollarbone, clavicle
ちん, しずa weight; temple supervisor; town (of China)
ちんあつsuppression, subjugation
ちんじゅlocal Shinto deity, tutelary god
ちんじゅのもりgrove of the village shrine
ちんつうざいanalgesic, painkiller, sedative, tranquilizer, tranquiliser
ちんせいcalm, quiet, tranquility, tranquillity, appeasement, pacification
ちんこん, ちんごんrepose of souls
きょうめんmirror surface
しょうにゅうどうlimestone cave (cavern, grotto)
しょうろうbelfry, bell tower
かがみmodel, pattern
かんべつdiscrimination, judgement, judgment, separation, sorting
かんていjudgement, judgment, expert opinion
かんしきjudgement, judgment, discernment, discrimination, having eye for
かんしょうappreciation (e.g. of art), aesthetic sense
ながちょうばlong (stretch of) distance
ちょうけいeldest brother
ながうた, ちょうかlong epic song with shamisen accompaniment, type of waka
ちょうかんsecretary (government), director, chief
ながさきけんNagasaki prefecture (Kyuushuu)
ちょうせいlengthy military expedition, the Long March
ちょうけいmajor axis
ちょうきしゃっかんlong-term loan
ちょうていきょくほlong stretch of winding beach
ちょうこうYangtze River, Changjiang River
ちょうへんlong (e.g. novel, film)
ちょうろうeldest, senior
ちょうだのれつlong line, long queue
ちょうきょりlong distance, long haul
ちょうせいdeath, passing
ながあめ, ながめlong spell of rain
ちょうか, ながぐつleather boots, long boots
ちょうはつlong hair
もんぜんばらいturning another away at the gate or front door, refusing to receive a caller
もんとfollower, believer
もんぴdoor(s) of a gate
もんちゅうgatepost, pier
もんばつlineage, pedigree, good family
ざすとざすto shut, to close, to lock, to fasten, to plunge (in grief)
じこもるとじこもるto seclude oneself, to shut oneself away
へいまくfalling of the curtain, coming to an end
へいてんclosing shop
へいていadjourning court
へいさclosing, closure, shutdown, lockout, unsociable
ひらきopening, gap; dried and opened fish
かいさいholding a meeting, open an exhibition
かいこんcultivating new land
かいこんちcultivated land
かいまくraising the curtain
かいていcourt session, trial
かいひopening a door
かいたくreclamation (of wasteland); pioneering, pathfinding, trail-blazing
かいたくしゃpioneer, settler, colonist
かいこうopen port, opening a port
かいじdisclosure (legal)
かいそ(sect) founder, apostle, originator, inventor
かいひょうcounting ballots
シャツかいきんシャツopen-collared shirt
かいせつestablishment, opening
かいへいopening and shutting
かんspare time, free time, leisure
しずかquiet, peaceful
かんさんleisure, quiet, inactivity
かんせいtranquil, quiet
かんせいquiet (e.g. neighbourhood, neighborhood)
かんばつperiodic thinning (e.g. forest)
いないまちがいないI have no doubt, You can depend on it, certain
せきbarrier, gate
かんよparticipation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned in
かんけいしゃauthorized people, authorised people, person(s) concerned
かんしんconcern, interest
かんぜいcustoms, duty, tariff
貿かんぜいぼうえきいっぱんきょうていGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995), GATT
かんせつjoints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.)
かくりょうcabinet ministers
かくない(inside the) Cabinet
かくぎcabinet meeting
ばつclique, clan, faction
ばつぞくclan, clique
けいしゅうaccomplished lady
えっす, けみすto inspect; to elapse, to pass (time)
するえっする, けみするto inspect; to elapse, to pass (time)
えっぺいparade, review (of troops)
えつらんinspection; browsing (the WWW, internet), web browsing
えつらんしつinspection room, reading room
えつどくreading, perusal
とうそうstrife, conflict
とうしfighting spirit, (will to) fight
とうぎゅうbullfighting, bullfight
とうびょうfighting against an illness
はんしんOsaka-Kobe; Hanshin (company name: railway, dept. store, baseball team, etc.)
ぼうぎょdefense, defence, safeguard, protection
ぼうすいひwatertight door
ぼうはていbreakwater, mole
ぼうちょうていtide embankment, seawall
ぼうかとびらfire door
ぼうさいdisaster prevention
ぼうふpreservation, embalmment
ぼうえいdefense, defence, protection, self-defense, self-defence
ぼうえいしせつちょう(Japanese) Defense Facilities Administration Agency (Defence)
そそうloss of spirit, dejection
そがいobstruction, inhibition
そしobstruction, check, hindrance, prevention, interdiction
そかくseparation, estrangement
くまcorner, nook, recess; a shadow, a shade
ねるおもねるto flatter
おもねるto flatter
吽のあうんのこきゅうthe harmonizing, mentally and physically, of two parties engaged in an activity
おたふくmoon-faced woman, homely woman
あへんくつopium den
おらんだ, オランダHolland, The Netherlands
あびきょうかんagonizing cries, pandemonium, two of Buddhism's hells
だらにdharani, spell, litany, Sanskrit multi-syllabic chant
ふずattached map, plan, diagram or chart
ふたいincidental, ancillary, accessory, secondary, collateral
ふきんneighbourhood; approaching
ふずいincident to, attaching to, annexed to, concomitant, attending
ふりrainfall, snowfall; alighting, descending
こうふくcapitulation, surrender, submission
こうばんleave the mound (baseball), knocked out
こうたんbirth (regal), nativity
こううrainfall, rain
こうそう(fall of) frost
かぎるto restrict, to limit, to confine
げんていlimit, restriction
へいかyour Majesty, his (or her) Majesty
へいえいImperial guard
じんbattle formation, camp, encampment
じんちゅうin camp, at the front
じんえいcamp (group of same ideological beliefs)
じんち(military) encampment, position
じんとうhead of an army
いてのぞいてexcept, save
じょきょremoval, getting rid of
じょめいexpulsion, excommunication
じょがいexception, exclusion
せいかんせいtrap, pitfall
おちいるto fall, to trap, to cave in, to collapse
かんにゅうsubsiding, falling (cave) in, collapse
かんぼつcave-in, subsidence
かんせいtrap, pitfall
かんらくfall, sinking, surrender, capitulation
ばいじretainer, attending on the nobility
ばいしんjury, juryman, juror
ばいしんいんjuror, juryman
ばいせきsitting with one's superior, in attendance
ばいじゅうwaiting upon, attending on, accompany
ばいしんrear vassal, daimyo's retainer
ばいかんview with a superior
ばいしょくdining with one's superior(s)
かげりshadow or cloud (e.g. on someone's happiness), shade, gloom
かげぐちmalicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill behind someone's back
いんしんthe labium, labia
かげべんけいlion at home but weakling elsewhere
いんえいshadow, gloom; shading, hatch, hatching
いんきgloom, melancholy
湿いんしつmalicious; devious; damp and shady
いんぼうplot intrigue, conspiracy
こびるひねこびるto look old, to appear mature (e.g. of children)
ねこびるひねこびるto look old, to appear mature (e.g. of children)
ねるひねるto age
べるのべるto state, to express, to mention
ちんれつexhibition, display, show
ちんじょうpetition, appeal
ちんぷstale, hackneyed, cliched
ちんじゅつstatement, declaration
みささぎimperial mausoleum, Emperor's tomb
りょうぼimperial tomb or mausoleum
りょうがexcelling, surpassing, outdoing, superior
とうやtraining, education, cultivation
とうきpottery, ceramics
とうじきceramics and porcelain
とうじきてんceramic stores
とうげいceramic art, ceramics
りくじょうきょうぎtrack-and-field events
りくじょうじえいたいGround Self-Defense Forces (Defence)
りくあげunloading (a ship), landing
けんしゅんsteep, precipitous
けんあくdangerous, serious, gloomy, perilous, threatening, stormy
けんそprecipice, steep (e.g. mountain pass)
ようyang (i.e. the positive); the open (i.e. a visible place)
ようこうsunshine, sunlight
すみずみevery nook and corner
けないすみにおけないwitty and knowing, not to be underestimated, smooth operator
すみずみevery nook and corner
りゅうりゅうprosperous, flourishing, thriving, muscular, brawny
りゅうたいrise and decline
りゅうきprotuberance, projection, rising
りゅううんprosperity, good fortune
りゅうりゅうprosperous, flourishing, thriving, muscular, brawny
りゅうびじゅつcosmetic (plastic) surgery of the nose, rhinoplasty, nose job
たいごranks of troops, (parading in) formation, line array
たいいんgroup members
たいちょうcommanding officer
かいstories; counter for storeys and floors of a building
かいそうclass, level, stratum, layer, hierarchy
かいきゅうclass, rank, grade
ずいいちbest, greatest, first
ずいはんattendance, accompanying, following; adjoint
ずいいんmember of an entourage or retinue or party, attendant
ずいそうoccasional thoughts
ずいいvoluntary, optional
ずいじat any time, as occasion calls
ずいこうattendant, follower
たりへだたりdistance, interval, gap, difference, estrangement
へだてpartition, distinction
かくへきbarrier wall
かくねんbiannually, every second year, every other year
かくげつevery second month, every other month
かくしゅうevery other week
かくりisolation, segregation, separation, quarantine
さいがいlimits, boundary, end
しょうへきenclosing wall, barrier
しょうがいしゃ(physically) handicapped person, disabled person
かくしひきだしsecret withdrawal
かくすto hide, to conceal
かくれがhiding place, refuge
いんとくぶっしconcealed materials
いんとくしゃhider, person in hiding
おんみつprivacy, secrecy, spy, detective
いんきょretirement; retired person
いんめつdestruction, suppression
かくれくまのみOcellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
いんごsecret language, jargon, cant; humbug
りんじんneighbour, neighbor, neighbourhood, neighborhood
りんごく, りんこくneighbouring country, neighboring country, neighbouring state, neighboring state
りんしつnext or adjoining room
りんかneighbouring house, neighboring house
りんせつadjoin, adjacent, related
となりきんじょneighbors, neighbours, neighborhood, neighbourhood
れいかsubordinates, followers
れいしょclerical script (ancient, highly angular style of kanji)
せきcounter for ships
せきえいa glimpse of an object's outlines
せきしゅone arm, one hand
せきがんeye (for pictures, etc.), one eye
せきごjust a few words
はやぶさ, ハヤブサfalcon (esp. the peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus)
はやぶさかFalconidae family (birds of prey)
おすmale (animal)
たけびおたけび, おさけびwar cry, roar
ゆうけいvigorous, powerful
ゆうだいgrandeur, magnificence, splendour, splendor
姿ゆうしgallant figure
ゆうべんoratory, eloquence
おばなmale flower
elegance; festal song (genre of the Shi Jing)
みやびrefinement, elegance
びたみやびたelegant, graceful
びやかみやびやかelegant, graceful
がぞくせっちゅうblending of the classical and colloquial styles
がごうalias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
がぶんelegant (literary) style
ががくold Japanese court music, gagaku
しゅうcollection, compilation
まりあつまりgathering, meeting, assembly, collection
しゅうちゅうconcentration, convergence, centralization, integration, gathering together
しゅうちゅうごううlocal downpour, severe rain fall
しゅうだんgroup, mass
しゅうかcollection of cargo, cargo booking
しゅうらく, じゅらくvillage, community, settlement, town, colony (animals, etc.)
しゅうけいtotalization, totalisation, aggregate
やといemployee, employment
やといemployee, employment
やといぬし, こしゅemployer
こいんassistant, employee
こようemployment (long term), hire
しべめしべ, しずいpistil
コネクタめすコネクタfemale connector
しふくremaining in obscurity
めうしcow, heifer
めすいぬ, めいぬbitch, female dog
めばなfemale flower
めねじfemale screw
しゆうmale and female (animal)
ざつrough, crude, sloppy, messy; miscellaneous
ぞうきばやし, ぞうぼくりんgrove of mixed trees, copse
ぞうにNew Year dish, rice cakes cooked w. vegetables
ざっこくassorted grains, cereals; millet
ざっきんmicroorganisms, saprophyte, saprophytic bacteria
ざつだんchatting, idle talk
ざっかmiscellaneous goods, general goods, sundries
ざっとうcongestion, traffic jam, throng, hustle and bustle
ひよこ, ひなyoung bird; doll; green, wet behind the ears, juvenile
ひながたmodel; sample; prescribed form
ひながたmodel; sample; prescribed form
ひなまつりGirls' (dolls') Festival (March 3rd)
ひなまつりGirls' (dolls') Festival (March 3rd)
罌粟ひなげしred poppy, Papaver rhoeas, common poppy
ひなかんべつしゃchicken sexer
りとうsecession from a political party
りこんそしょうdivorce suit, divorce proceedings
りとうisolated (outlying) island, departure from an island
りさんdispersal, scattering; discrete
りだつwithdrawal, secession, separation, breakaway
なんdifficulty, hardships, defect
なんもんperplexity, difficult question, difficult problem
なんいdifficulty, relative difficulty
なにわがたNaniwa Bay (old name for Osaka Bay)
なんびょうincurable disease
あまみず, うすいrain water; "rain water" solar term (approx. Feb 19)
あまもりroof leak
せっけいsnowy valley
ゆきどけsnow thaw, thawing
せつじょくvindication of honour, vindication of honor, making up for loss, revenge
ふんいきをこわすto spoil the mood
くものうえabove the clouds, the Imperial Court
うんぜんだけmountain in Nagasaki Prefecture
うんじょうclouds and earth, great difference
うんさんむしょうvanishing like mist
うんすいitinerant priest, clouds and water
うんでいのさwide difference, a world of difference
くもゆきweather, look of the sky, situation, turn of affairs, signs
うんか, くもかすみclouds and haze (fog), disappearing, fleeing
うんむclouds and fog
こぼしspilling; waste-water container (tea ceremony)
こぼすto spill; to grumble
れいかbelow zero, sub-zero
れいはいgoing undefeated, losing without scoring a point, whitewash, being shut out
れいじ12 o'clock (midnight)
れいさいinsignificant, trifling, paltry, paltry, cottage (industry), tiny (company)
こうらいこうmercury fulminate
らいうんthunder cloud
でんこうけいじばんelectric scoreboard
でんりょくelectric power
でんたくcalculator (electronic)
でんしelectron; (esp. as a prefix) electronic, electronics
でんしけんびきょうelectron microscope
でんちゅうtelephone pole, telegraph pole, lightpole
でんきelectrical machinery, appliances
でんきせんたくきelectric washing machine
でんきろelectric furnace
でんぱelectro-magnetic wave, radio wave; nonsense
でんぱぼうえんきょうradio telescope
でんげんsource of electricity; power (button on TV, etc.)
でんじelectromagnetic (physics)
でんじはelectromagnetic waves
でんかいそうelectrolytic cell, electrolytic bath
でんれいelectric bell
でんてつelectric railway
じゅきゅうsupply and demand
じゅようdemand, request
しょうじょうheaven and earth
しんどうshock, tremor, impact
しんおうepicentre, epicenter, earthquake centre, earthquake center
しんどJapanese earthquake scale (level 1: weak to level 7: devastation)
しんげんepicentre, epicenter, earthquake centre, earthquake center
しんさいearthquake disaster; Great Kanto Earthquake (1923)
れいsoul, spirit, departed soul, ghost
れいかんafflatus; ability to sense the supernatural (esp. ghosts, etc.)
れいせんmiraculous spring or fountain
れいちょうleader with miraculous powers, humanity
れいこんsoul, spirit
よけしもよけcovering which protects against frost
そうがいfrost damage
しもつきeleventh month of the lunar calendar
しもばしらfrost columns, ice needles
しもどけthaw, thawing
そうふんfrosty air
かすみmist, haze; dimness (of sight)
かすみがせきarea in Tokyo; Japanese government departments (euph)
かすむto grow hazy; to get blurry; to be overshadowed
かすみがせきarea in Tokyo; Japanese government departments (euph)
かすみがせきarea in Tokyo; Japanese government departments (euph)
きりふきspray, atomizer, atomiser
きりさめdrizzle, light rain
むふんmisty air
ろていexposure, disclosure
ろてんopen air
ろてんstreet stall, stand, booth
ろこつfrank; conspicuous; broad, suggestive, lewd
あおじゃしんblueprint, plan
せいざんblue or green mountain; grave, burial place
あおあらし, せいらんwind blowing through verdure, mountain air
あおいきといきdeep distress
あおき, アオキJapanese laurel; live tree
せいかfruit(s) and vegetables
あおうめunripe plum
あおだけgreen bamboo
あおぶくれdropsical (blue-green) swelling
あおばfresh leaves
せいどうきbronze ware
せいうんblue sky, high rank
せいこくpacifying the nation
やすくにじんじゃYasukuni Shrine
けさしずけさstillness, silence, hush, calm, serenity
まりしずまりかえるto fall silent, to become still as death
せいじゃく, しじまsilence, stillness, quietness
せいしstillness, repose, standing still
せいおんserene, tranquility, tranquillity
せいかんwatchful waiting, careful supervision
せいよう(convalescent) rest
ひぼんprodigy, rare, unique, extraordinary
ひごうほうillegal, unlawful
ひきょくしょぶんきnon-local jump
ひじょうきんpart-time work
ひじょうinanimate nature, callous, heartless
ひこうdelinquency, misconduct
ひてつきんぞくnonferrous metals
ひなんblame, attack, criticism
おもかげface, looks, vestiges, trace
おもしろamusing, interesting
かくしんreform, innovation
かわぐつleather shoes
くつshoes, footwear
ブラシくつブラシshoe brush
くつやshoemaker, shoe store
かんこく(South) Korea
おんせい, おんじょうvoice, (the concept of) sound
おんせんorgan stop
おとさたnews, letter
おんいんvocal sound, phoneme
おんきょうsound, noise, echo, acoustic(s)
おんどworkmen's songs, marching songs
いんじartistic pursuits
いんじrhyming words
いんりつrhythm, metre (poet)
いんぶんverse, poetry
いんきゃくmetrical foot (poet.)
いんごrhyme in a Chinese poem
ひびきecho, sound, reverberation, noise
ひびきわたるto resound
きょうてきvibrating pipe
うなじnape, nucha
じゅんorder, turn
じゅんにin order, in turn, one by one
じゅんいorder, rank, position (e.g. in a race), precedence
じゅんしゅcompliance, adherence (to a set of rules), (religious) observance
じゅんじょorder, sequence, procedure
じゅんとうproper, right, reasonable
じゅんじin order, sequential, seriatim
調じゅんちょうfavourable, favorable, doing well, OK, all right
じゅんぷうまんぱんsmooth sailing
すべからくby all means, in all cases, ought to do
らくすべからくby all means, in all cases, ought to do
しゅようabsolutely necessary
いわいうたfestive poem or song; congratulatory form (of waka)
するしょうするto celebrate someone's achievements
しょうしゅんHappy New Year
しょうかanthem, carol, hymn of praise
しょうし(words of) praise, eulogy
かりあずかりunder custody; undecided match, draw, tie
かりあずかりしょうclaim check, baggage check, luggage check, deposit receipt
れるあずけいれるto make a deposit
よちょきんdeposits and savings, bank account
よきんdeposit, bank account
としてがんとしてfirmly, stubbornly
がんじょうsolid, firm, stout, burly, strong, sturdy
がんけんrobust health, able-bodied
がんこstubbornness, obstinacy
ってがんばってHold on, Go for it, Keep at it
がんばりtenacity, endurance
がんきょうdogged, tenacious, stubborn
はんかdistribution price
はんぷけん(movie) distribution rights
はんぱくgrayish color, greyish colour; grizzled hair
はんこうcirculation, distribution, promulgation
りょうない(within a) territory, domains
りょうどdominion, territory, possession
りょういきarea, domain, territory, field, range, region, regime
あたまのさえbright intelligence
とうどり(bank) president
とうちょうtop of the head, vertex (anat.), parietal
とうはつhair (of head)
けいついcervical vertebrae
しくto occur repeatedly, to be repeated
しきりfrequent, continual, constant, repeated, eager
りにしきりにfrequently; strongly, eagerly
しきるto repeat over and over again
ひんぱつfrequency, frequent occurrence
ひんぱんfrequent, incessant
たのみrequest, favor, favour, reliance, dependence
み込むたのみこむto request earnestly
たよりreliance, dependence
たよるto rely on, to have recourse to, to depend on
だいざいsubject, theme
がくめんface value, par
ぶれかおぶれpersonnel; announcement of next day's match-ups (sumo)
わせかおあわせmeeting together, introduction
あらわexposed; public, open
けんざいactual (as opposed to hidden or obscured), actualized, actualised
けんしょうmanifesting, displaying, honouring, honoring
けんちょremarkable, striking, obvious
がんprayer, wish, vow
ったりったりねがったりかなったりeverything working out as desired
がんしょwritten application or petition, application form
がんぼう, がんもうdesire, wish, aspiration
たぐいまれunique, rare, exceptional, unparalleled, incomparable
るいじんえんanthropoid, troglodyte
たぐいまれunique, rare, exceptional, unparalleled, incomparable
こもんadviser, advisor, consultant
こきゃく, こかくcustomer, client, patron
ふうぞくmanners, customs
ふうぞくえいぎょうbusiness offering food and entertainment, cabaret, club and restaurant business
ふうしsatire, irony, sarcasm
ふうどnatural features, topography, climate, spiritual features
ぷうたろう, プーたろう, ふうたろう, プータローvagabond; day labourer, esp. on the docks
ふうどうwind tunnel
ふうちょうtide, current; tendency
ふうぶつしthings which remind one of a particular season
ふうきんorgan, harmonium
ふうけつcave from which cold wind blows
ふうそくwind speed
かざけ, かぜけslight cold
かぜぐすり, かざぐすりremedy for a cold, cold medicine
ふうさいappearance, air, mien, getup
があがらないふうさいがあがらないmaking a poor appearance
がらないふうさいがあがらないmaking a poor appearance
がらないふうさいがあがらないmaking a poor appearance
ふうりんwind chime, wind bell
ふううん, かざぐもwinds and clouds, elements, situation, state of affairs
さっとquickly (esp. actions); suddenly (esp. wind, rain, etc.)
さっそうgallant, dashing, jaunty
さっさつrustle of wind
rook (shogi)
ばしとばしselling or divesting in unwanted stocks, hiding bad loans
とびだしsomething that leaps or thrusts out
ペーロンdragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing), races with such boats
ひしょうflight, flying, soaring
ひきゃくexpress messenger, postman, mailman, courier
ひこうていflying boat
くいちがいdiscrepancy, different or conflicting opinions
しょくちゅうどくfood poisoning
しょくたくdining table
しょくひんてんかぶつfood additive
しょくえんtable salt
しょくもつせんいdietary fiber, dietary fibre
しょくせいかつeating habits
しょっかんほうlaw governing food quality
しょくりょうふそく, しょくりょうぶそくfood shortage
しょくりょうちょうfood agency
しょくりょうえんじょfood assistance
しょくりょうはいきゅうfood distribution
しょくにくmeat (for consumption)
ありくい, アリクイanteater
うえhunger, starvation
えるうえる, かつえるto starve, to thirst, to be hungry
うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし(death from) starvation, starving to death
うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし(death from) starvation, starving to death
きんききんfamine, drought, shortage, crop failure
うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし(death from) starvation, starving to death
うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし(death from) starvation, starving to death
きがhunger, starvation
ききんfamine, drought, shortage, crop failure
はんてん(Chinese) restaurant
いいぎりIdesia polycarpa, idesia
ませるのませるto make somebody drink, to give someone a drink
のみやbar, saloon
のみみずdrinking water
のみくいfood and drink, eating and drinking
いんりょう(a) drink
いんしょくfood and drink, eating and drinking
いならしかいならしtaming, the taming of
いならすかいならすto tame (e.g. animal), to domesticate
かいぬしshepherd, (pet) owner
かいいぬpet dog
かいねこpet cat
しりょうfodder, feed
しいくbreeding, raising, rearing
かすあかすto glut, to satiate, to weary, to tire, to bore
かずあかずwith untiring zeal
かぬあかぬunwearied, unwearying
あきweariness, tiresomeness
きっぽいあきっぽいfickle, capricious, soon wearied of
くまでもあくまでもto the last, persistency, thoroughness
ほうしょくgluttony, satiation, engorgement
かざりつけdecoration, arrangement
ようししadoptive heir
ようしadopted child (usu. male), son-in-law
ようしえんぐみadoption (of an heir)
ようせいtraining, development
ようしょくraising, culture, cultivation
ようさんsericulture, silkworm culture
ようごきょうゆteacher for the handicapped
ようとんpig-keeping, pig farming
ようりcarp breeding
ようけいpoultry raising
えるうえる, かつえるto starve, to thirst, to be hungry
うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし(death from) starvation, starving to death
うえじに, がし, かつえじに, きし(death from) starvation, starving to death
がろうhungry wolf
がき, ガキbrat, kids; preta (hungry ghost), ghoul
がきだいしょうboss of the children (in the neighbourhood) (neighborhood), bully
がきどうhungry ghost (preta) realm
かんちょうsuperintendent, director, curator, chief librarian
きがhunger, starvation
しゅいfirst place, head position, leading position
しゅびissue, course of events, beginning and end
しゅはんhead, leader, Prime Minister
しゅこうassent, consent
うなずくto nod, to bow one's head in assent
しゅのうhead, brains, leading spirit
しゅのうぶexecutives, top management, governing body
しゅぼうplanning, plotting, ringleader
しゅちょうhead (of organization, organisation), chief
しゅかいforerunner, ringleader
きょうlance (shogi)
かおるto smell sweet, to be fragrant
こうでんcondolence gift, gift brought to a funeral, incense money
こうりょうflavoring; fragrance; condolence gift
ほんこん, ホンコンHong Kong (China)
こうろcenser, incense burner
ふくいくfragrant, sweet-smelling
しいかぐわしいsweet-smelling, scentful, fragrant
かおりaroma, fragrance, scent, smell
けいこうfragrance, perfume, aroma; honor, honour, fame
マルク, まるくmark
ばけん(horse racing) betting ticket
ばばhorse-riding ground
じゃがいも, ジャガいも, ジャガイモ, ばれいしょpotato (Solanum tuberosum)
鹿ばかていねいoverly polite, excessively polite, polite to a fault
ダメおし, だめおしmaking doubly sure; insurance runs (baseball)
だがしcheap sweets
えきでんstagecoach, post horse
えきしゃstation building
えきていdelivery of packages, postal service
えきちょうstation master
けつけるかけつけるto run to, to come running, to rush (someplace), to hasten
かけつけさんばいthree cups of sake which latecomers to a party are made to drink
かけひきbargaining, haggling; tactics, strategy
け込みかけこみlast-minute rush, stampede
使くしorder around, use freely
くどうdriving force
くちくextermination, expulsion, destruction
くじょextermination, expulsion, destruction
ちゅうざいresidence, stay
ちゅうざいしょpolice substation, residential police box
ちゅうとんstationing (troops), occupancy
ちゅうとんじょmilitary station, post
ちゅうにちresident in Japan
ちゅうりゅうstationing (e.g. of troops), garrison
こまpiece (in shogi; horse; bridge (of a violin, etc.)
こまげたlow wooden clogs, komageta
こまおちhandicap (in shogi)
こまどり, コマドリJapanese robin (Erithacus akahige)
駿しゅんさいprodigy, talented person, person of exceptional talent, genius
駿しゅんそくswift horse; talented person, brilliant person
駿しゅんば, しゅんめswift horse
きじょうmount, on horseback
きしゅhorseman, rider
きこうhorseback riding
そうらんdisturbance, riot, mayhem
そうどうstrife, riot, rebellion
そうぜんnoisy, confused, uproarious
とうせいupward trend
かされるおどろかされるto be surprised
がくきょうがくsurprise, fright, shock
おどろきsurprise, astonishment, wonder
くべきおどろくべきastonishing, amazing, surprising, wonderful
きょうたんwonder, admiration
きょういwonder, miracle
こっしbones, marrow, essentials
こっかくphysique, build, frame, skeletal structure, framework
こつずいbone marrow, true spirit
まるたかまるto rise, to swell, to be promoted
たかねhigh price
こうそうhigh priest, virtuous priest
こうそつhigh school graduate
こうかんhigh official
こうしょうhigh, noble, refined, advanced
こうほうhigh mountain, lofty peak
たかね, こうれいhigh peak
こうまんhaughty, arrogant, proud
こうようenhancement, exaltation, promotion, uplift
こうかoverhead structure
たかようじleisurely, post-meal use of a toothpick
こうろうlofty (high) building, skyscraper
こうすいじゅんhigh level
こうおんhigh temperature
こうけつpurity, nobility
こうろblast furnace
こうろくhigh salary
こういどhigh latitudes
こうけつあつhigh blood pressure, hypertension
こうさいHigh Court
こうぎ(your) kindness or favour (favor)
こうきhigh class, noble
こうそくどうろhighway, freeway, expressway, motorway
こうやまきumbrella pine, Sciadopitys verticillata
こうひんどhigh frequency
こうがくlarge sum (money)
こうとうsudden price jump, steep price rise
こうれいadvanced (old) age
こうれいしゃold person or people
かみがたhair style, coiffure, hairdo
うっそうthick, dense, luxuriant
ごっこおにごっこgame of tag
きしもじん, きしぼじんHariti (goddess of childbirth and children)
きさいwizard, genius, great talent
ききghastly, dreadful
きもんthe northeastern (unlucky) direction, person or thing to be avoided
さきがけcharging ahead of others, the first to charge, pioneer, forerunner, harbinger
かいいbrawny, muscular, impressive, gigantic
こんYang energy, spirit
こんたんsoul; ulterior motive, secret design, plot, intrigue, scheme
かれるひかれるto be charmed by
ばかすto bewitch, to confuse, to enchant, to delude
せられるみせられるto be enchanted, to be charmed
みいるto be entranced or possessed
みりょくてきcharming, fascinating
みわくattraction, fascination, lure, captivation, charm
魍魎ちみもうりょうevil spirits of rivers and mountains
まりょくmagical power, charm
まじょがりwitch hunt
まほうmagic, witchcraft, sorcery
使まほうつかいmagician, wizard, sorcerer, witch
まほうびんthermos flask, vacuum flask
まものgoblin, apparition
まじゅつblack magic, sorcery
まみdeceiving spirit
ぎょかいるいmarine products, seafood, fish and shellfish
ぎょたくfish print
さかなつり, うおつりfishing
ぎょらいていtorpedo boat
ぎょるいthe fishes
あゆ, こうぎょ, ねんぎょ, あいsweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis); salmon
あいなめ, アイナメHexagrammos otakii (species of greenling)
あいなめ, アイナメHexagrammos otakii (species of greenling)
あいなめ, アイナメHexagrammos otakii (species of greenling)
やかあざやかvivid, clear, brilliant
せんど(degree of) freshness
せんめいvivid, clear, distinct
せんぎょfresh fish
こいcommon carp, koi carp (Cyprinus carpio)
のぼりこいのぼりcarp streamer, carp banner
ヘルペスウイルスこいヘルペスウイルスkoi herpes virus (KHV)
こいぐちmouth of a (sword) sheath
こいのぼりcarp streamer, carp banner
たいやきfish-shaped pancake filled with bean jam
たいやきfish-shaped pancake filled with bean jam
たいめしrice with minced sea bream (tai)
ろうげいろう, くじらろうspermaceti (waxy substance found in the head cavities of sperm whales)
げいゆwhale oil
げいにくwhale meat
げいいんdrinking hard, drinking like a fish
とりいtorii (Shinto shrine archway)
ちょうじゅうbirds and wild animals, wildlife
はと, ハトpigeon, dove
きゅうごうrally, muster
みずおち, みぞおちpit of the stomach, solar plexus
はとはsoft-liner, dove
はとむねpigeon chest
きゅうしゃpigeon house
きゅうしゅgoing into a huddle
おおとりfeng (male Chinese phoenix)
ほうせいverbal message
ほうしょうsho (Japanese free reed musical instrument)
ほうしとうwing-rings (weapon)
あげはちょう, アゲハチョウswallowtail butterfly (esp. the citrus swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus)
ほうれんimperial carriage
ほうがimperial carriage
なきごえcry (esp. animal), roar
らすならすto ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose)
なりringing, sound
なりものいりa flourish of trumpets
なると, なるとまきsteamed fish-paste cake, sliced to decorate soup (type of kamaboko)
かもりょうduck hunting
かもがやorchard grass
ひしくい, ヒシクイbean goose (Anser fabalis)
うだいかんば, ウダイカンバmonarch birch (Betula maximowicziana), Japanese birch
ほうていlong cruise, great distance
ほうよくphoenix wings, aeroplane wings, airplane wings
ガラとりガラchicken bones, chicken carcass
けいらんhens egg
けいしゃpoultry house
けいとうcockscomb, Celosia argentea var. cristata
けいめいcocks-crowing, dawn
かくしゅlooking forward to
たかfalcon (Falconidae family), hawk
たかじょうfalconer, hawker
おうよう, おおようlargehearted, generous
たかはhawk or hardline faction
ようしゅんhawk and falcon
鹿かのしし, しかにくdeer meat; deer
鹿かごしまけんKagoshima prefecture (Kyuushuu)
きりん, キリンgiraffe; qilin (Chinese unicorn); Kirin (brand of beer)
きりんじchild prodigy, wonder child
きりんけつdragon's blood
きりんそう, キリンソウKamchatka stonecrop (Sedum kamtschaticum)
きりんさい, キリンサイEucheuma muricatum (species of red algae)
きりんけつdragon's blood
しいうるわしいbeautiful, lovely
らかうららかbright, beautiful, fine, glorious
むぎまきwheat planting
あさflax, linen, hemp
あさぬの, まふhemp cloth, linen
まひparalysis, palsy, numbness, stupor
まやくnarcotic drugs, narcotic, opium, dope
まやくとりしまりはんa narc(otics) squad
ますいanaesthesia, anesthesia
まあじゃん, まぜじゃん, マージャンmah-jongg, mahjong
おうど, こうどearth, yellow soil, yellow ochre, loess, hades
たそがれ, こうこんdusk, twilight
おうとうyellow peach
こうしょうspring of yellow buds
つげ, ツゲJapanese box tree (Buxus microphylla var. japonica), Japanese boxwood
きずいしょうcitrine, yellow quartz
こうさloess, yellow sand, bai, dust from the Yellow River region (in China)
こうがYellow river (in China)
こうせん, よみunderground spring; Hades, hell, underworld
こうへきぎょくyellow jasper, beryl
こうかYellow Peril
きみどり, おうりょくpea green, yellow-green
きぎくyellow chrysanthemum
おうごんすうはいmammon worship
おうごんじだいGolden Age
きだい, キダイyellowback sea bream (Dentex tumifrons)
リーぞくLi (people)
れいめいdaybreak, dawn
くろいひとみ(beautiful) dark eyes
くろいきりthick fog
っぽいくろっぽいdark, blackish
くろぬりblackening, blackened thing
くろぼしblack spot; failure mark (sumo)
くろきunbarked lumber
くろわくmourning borders
こっかいBlack Sea
こくしつblack lacquer
くろしおJapan Current, Kuroshio Current
くろけむり, こくえんblack smoke
くろくま, くろぐまblack bear
くろざとうbrown sugar
くろほ, くろぼsmut
こくい, こくえblack clothes
こっかっしょくblackish brown
せいじゃく, しじまsilence, stillness, quietness
とうもくとうsilent prayer
もくしrevelation, apocalypse
もくひkeep silent, keep a secret
もくにんconnivance, tacit consent, toleration
まゆずみblackened eyebrows, eyebrow pencil
たいせいblackish blue
つづみhand drum
こどうbeat, palpitation, pulsation, throbbing
こふくげきじょう(people) sing the praises (enjoy the blessings) of peace
こまくeardrum, tympanic membrane
こぶinspiration, encouragement
はなさきtip of nose
はなうたhumming, crooning
はないき, びそくnasal breathing; person's pleasure, excitement
はなみずnasal mucus, dripping nose
びえんnasal inflammation
はなぢ, はなじnosebleed
よわい(one's) age
いっとうfirst-class, first-rank, A1, the most, the best
いっとうぐんそうsergeant first-class
げんたつ strict order​
ふくおかFukuoka (city, prefecture)​
なんどもmany times
いっぱいちからいっぱいwith all one's strength
いっせんone thousand