meaning'tall, high, expensive'
 kunyomiたか.い, たか, -だか, たか.まる, たか.める
たか・い、たか・まるhigh, expensive, increase
えんだかstrong yen
たかはしTakahashi: a Japanese surname
こうこうa high school
こうそくhigh speed
/高等学校こうこう/こうとうがっこうhigh school/senior high school
こうこうせいhigh school student
こうかhigh price
こうきゅうhigh class, high grade
こうどaltitude, height, advanced
こうとうhigh class, high grade
こうとうがっこうsenior high school
さいこうhighest, supreme, the most
高いたかいtall, high, expensive
高めるたかめるto raise, to lift, to boost
いっせいだかall-round (market) advance
よそうしゅうかくだかcrop estimate
わりだかcomparatively high, fairly expensive
しゅうかくだかcrop, income
こわだかwith a loud voice
うりあげだかsales, amount sold, proceeds
ここうisolation, aloofness, superiority
すうこうloftiness, sublimity, nobility
かさだかbulky, unwieldy, high-handed
いきけんこうin high spirits, elated
さいこうほうhighest peak, most prominent, highest authority
さいこうさいSupreme Court
ぼうたかとびpole vault (jump)
ひょうこうelevation, height above sea level
ざんだか(bank) balance, remainder
高いかんだかいhigh-pitched, shrill
ろくだか(amount of a samurai's) stipend
り高いほこりたかいproud, lordly
り高はしりたかとびrunning high jump
高まるたかまるto rise, to swell, to be promoted
たかねhigh price
こうそうhigh priest, virtuous priest
こうそつhigh school graduate
こうかんhigh official
こうしょうhigh, noble, refined, advanced
こうほうhigh mountain, lofty peak
たかね, こうれいhigh peak
こうまんhaughty, arrogant, proud
こうようenhancement, exaltation, promotion, uplift
こうかoverhead structure
たかようじleisurely, post-meal use of a toothpick
こうろうlofty (high) building, skyscraper
こうすいじゅんhigh level
こうおんhigh temperature
こうけつpurity, nobility
こうろblast furnace
こうろくhigh salary
こういどhigh latitudes
こうけつあつhigh blood pressure, hypertension
こうさいHigh Court
こうぎ(your) kindness or favour (favor)
こうきhigh class, noble
こうそくどうろhighway, freeway, expressway, motorway
こうやまきumbrella pine, Sciadopitys verticillata
こうひんどhigh frequency
こうがくlarge sum (money)
こうとうsudden price jump, steep price rise
こうれいadvanced (old) age
こうれいしゃold person or people
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