meaning'wind, air, style, manner'
 onyomiフウ, フ
 kunyomiかぜ, かざ-, -かぜ
かぜa wind, a current of air, a breeze, a draft
きたかぜnorth wind
かみかぜdivine wind
わふうJapanese style
お風おふろa bath
たいふうa typhoon
かざかみ(the) windward (side)
かぜ(a) cold, the common cold
かぜをひくto catch a cold, to get a cold
せんぷうきelectric fan
ふろしきwrapping cloth, cloth wrapper
あきかぜautumn breeze
お風おふろにはいるto take a bath
トルコ風トルコぶろTurkish bath; soapland (brothel where one can bathe with the prostitutes)
ひとふろ(a) bath
がいふうsoutherly wind
たくえつふうprevailing wind
しおぶろ(hot) saltwater bath
かんぷうcold wind
きょうふうstrong wind
てふうきんaccordion, harmonica
せんぷう, つむじかぜ, つじかぜwhirlwind; commotion, sensation, hullabaloo
むかしふうold fashioned
ぼうふうstorm, windstorm, gale
さくふうnorth wind
しょうふう, まつかぜ(sound of) the wind through pine trees
きふうone's style of playing shogi or go
おうふうEuropean style, Occidental
はまかぜsea breeze, beach wind
うらかぜsea breeze
りょうふう, すずかぜcool breeze, refreshing breeze
しゅくじょふうladylike, in the manner of a lady
しおかぜsea breeze, salt air
しおぶろ(hot) saltwater bath
しっぷう, はやてsquall, gale, hurricane
しっぷうじんらいwith lightning speed
きょうふうreform of morals
りょくふうearly-summer breeze
しょうふうcorrect style in a haiku (like Basho's)
くんぷうbalmy breeze, summer breeze
い風おいかぜ, おいてtailwind, fair or favorable wind (favourable)
ぎゃくふうhead wind, adverse wind
じゅんぷうまんぱんsmooth sailing
ふうぞくmanners, customs
ふうぞくえいぎょうbusiness offering food and entertainment, cabaret, club and restaurant business
ふうしsatire, irony, sarcasm
ふうどnatural features, topography, climate, spiritual features
ぷうたろう, プーたろう, ふうたろう, プータローvagabond; day labourer, esp. on the docks
ふうどうwind tunnel
ふうちょうtide, current; tendency
ふうぶつしthings which remind one of a particular season
ふうきんorgan, harmonium
ふうけつcave from which cold wind blows
ふうそくwind speed
かざけ, かぜけslight cold
かぜぐすり, かざぐすりremedy for a cold, cold medicine
ふうさいappearance, air, mien, getup
があがらないふうさいがあがらないmaking a poor appearance
がらないふうさいがあがらないmaking a poor appearance
がらないふうさいがあがらないmaking a poor appearance
ふうりんwind chime, wind bell
ふううん, かざぐもwinds and clouds, elements, situation, state of affairs
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