額 | meaning | 'forehead, tablet, plaque, framed picture, sum, amount, volume' |
onyomi | ガク | |
kunyomi | ひたい |
term | pronunciation | English |
金額 | きんがく | amount of money |
額 | ひたい | forehead, brow |
倍額 | ばいがく | double amount |
全額 | ぜんがく | total, full amount, sum |
勅額 | ちょくがく | imperial scroll |
増額 | ぞうがく | increased amount |
多額 | たがく | large amount of money |
巨額 | きょがく | great sum |
差額 | さがく | balance, difference, margin |
月額 | げつがく | monthly amount (sum) |
減額 | げんがく | reduction, diminution, abatement |
税額 | ぜいがく | amount of tax |
総額 | そうがく | sum total, total amount |
額面 | がくめん | face value, par |
高額 | こうがく | large sum (money) |
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