meaning'topic, subject'
もんだいしゅうa collection of problems, a workbook
もんだいa problem, a matter
宿しゅくだいhomework, an assignment
宿題をすしゅくだいをするto do (one's) homework
だいa subject, a theme, a title
題をもんだいをとくto solve a problem
だいめいa title, a caption, a heading
わだいtopic, subject
かだいa tentative title
ふくだいsubtitle, subheading
もんだいいしきawareness of the issues
もんだいてんthe point at issue
しゃかいもんだいsocial problem
がいもんだいthe matter in question, the said problem
かだいsubject, theme, task, challenge, issue
ぎだいtopic of discussion, agenda
だいざいsubject, theme
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