meaning'ought, by all means, necessarily'
 onyomiス, シュ
 kunyomiすべから.く, すべし, ひげ, まつ, もち.いる, もと.める
ひっすindispensable, required
ひっすかもくrequired subjects
きゅうすsmall teapot
須のきゅうすのくちspout of a teapot
えびす, ゑびす, えべす, ひるこEbisu (god of fishing and commerce)
しろながすくじら, シロナガスクジラblue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)
須くすべからくby all means, in all cases, ought to do
須らくすべからくby all means, in all cases, ought to do
しゅようabsolutely necessary
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