term | pronunciation | English |
離す | はなす | to part, divide, separate |
離れる | はなれる | to be separated from, to leave, to go away |
離婚 | りこん | divorce |
中距離 | ちゅうきょり | middle-distance (races) |
中距離核戦力 | ちゅうきょりかくせんりょく | intermediate-range nuclear forces |
分離 | ぶんり | separation, partition, detachment, segregation, isolation, decollation |
懸け離れる | かけはなれる | to be very far apart from, to be remote, to be quite different from |
短距離 | たんきょり | short distance, short range, short-haul |
距離 | きょり | distance, range |
車間距離 | しゃかんきょり | distance between two trains or vehicles |
近距離 | きんきょり | short distance |
遠距離 | えんきょり | long distance, tele- |
長距離 | ちょうきょり | long distance, long haul |
隔離 | かくり | isolation, segregation, separation, quarantine |
離党 | りとう | secession from a political party |
離婚訴訟 | りこんそしょう | divorce suit, divorce proceedings |
離島 | りとう | isolated (outlying) island, departure from an island |
離散 | りさん | dispersal, scattering; discrete |
離礁 | りしょう | refloat |
離脱 | りだつ | withdrawal, secession, separation, breakaway |
離陸 | りりく | takeoff |