隷 | meaning | 'slave, servant, prisoner, criminal, follower' |
onyomi | レイ | |
kunyomi |
term | pronunciation | English |
奴隷 | どれい | slave, servant |
奴隷制度 | どれいせいど | slavery |
奴隷解放 | どれいかいほう | emancipation of slaves |
欲の奴隷 | よくのどれい | slave to avarice |
篆隷 | てんれい | seal style and ancient square style |
蛮隷 | ばんれい | slaves of the barbarians |
隷下 | れいか | subordinates, followers |
隷属 | れいぞく | subordination |
隷従 | れいじゅう | slavery |
隷書 | れいしょ | clerical script (ancient, highly angular style of kanji) |
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