term | pronunciation | English |
掃除機 | そうじき | vacuum cleaner |
掃除 | そうじ | cleaning, sweeping |
削除 | さくじょ | elimination, cancellation, deletion, erasure |
除く | のぞく | to remove, to exclude, to except |
除雪車 | じょせつしゃ | snowplow |
免除 | めんじょ | exemption, exoneration, discharge |
基礎控除 | きそこうじょ | basic or standard deduction |
大掃除 | おおそうじ | major cleanup, spring cleaning |
排除 | はいじょ | exclusion, removal, rejection, elimination, abatement, lifting (sanctions, etc.) |
控除 | こうじょ | subtraction, deduction (e.g. tax), subsidy |
真空掃除機 | しんくうそうじき | vacuum cleaner |
解除 | かいじょ | cancellation, rescinding, release, calling off, lifting (sanctions), delisting |
除いて | のぞいて | except, save |
除去 | じょきょ | removal, getting rid of |
除名 | じょめい | expulsion, excommunication |
除外 | じょがい | exception, exclusion |
除湿 | じょしつ | dehumidification |
除草 | じょそう | weeding |
駆除 | くじょ | extermination, expulsion, destruction |