meaning'ward off, defend, protect, resist'
防ぐふせぐto defend (against), to protect, to prevent
ぼうしprevention, check
ぼうはんprevention of crime
よぼうprevention, precaution, protection against
よぼうせっしゅimmunization, immunisation, vaccination, inoculation
こくりつよぼうえいせいけんきゅうしょNational Institute of Health
こくぼうnational defence, national defense
ていぼうbank, weir
こうぼうoffense and defense, offence and defence
しょうぼうfire fighting, fire department
さぼうerosion control
ぼうぎょdefense, defence, safeguard, protection
ぼうすいひwatertight door
ぼうはていbreakwater, mole
ぼうちょうていtide embankment, seawall
ぼうかとびらfire door
ぼうさいdisaster prevention
ぼうふpreservation, embalmment
ぼうえいdefense, defence, protection, self-defense, self-defence
ぼうえいしせつちょう(Japanese) Defense Facilities Administration Agency (Defence)
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